Source: ElegantHack
It describes how to set OKRs at company level. First of all, It involves taking a hard look at your company, and it involves having a ton of difficult conversations about making choices about where the company should go
- Few days before the meeting, solicit all the employees to submit the Objective they think the company should focus on
- Give a very small window to do it: 24 hours should be ok.
- Someone should collect and bring forward the best & most popular objectives
- Set aside 4.5 hours: 2 sessions with 30 minute break
- Goal: Cancel the second session. Stay focused
- Each exec should 1 or 2 objective to bring to the meeting
- Have the best employee objectives written down in Post-It notes.
The meeting must be run with execs
- Keep the meeting small: less than 10 people
- It must include Sr. executive team
- Take away phones and computers
- Place the post-its up on the wall.
- Combine duplicates
- Look for patterns that suggest people are worried about a particular goal.
- Combine similar Objectives.
- Stack rank them.
- Finally, narrow them down to three.
- Discuss. Debate. Fight. Stack rank. Pick.
- All the members of the exec team have to freelist as many metrics as they can think of to measure the Objective.
- Freelisting is a Design Thinking technique.
- It means to simple write down as many ideas on a topic as you can
- One per post-it
- Give the team 10 minutes
- Affinity map of the metrics
- It is a Design Thinking technique
- All it means is you group post-its with like post-its.
- e.g If two people both write DAU (Daily Active Users), you can put those on top of each other.
- Dau, Mau, Wau are all engagement metrics: you can put them next to each other.
- You can pick your three types of metrics.
- Write KRs as: "X first",
- i.e. “X revenue” or “X acquisitions” or “X DAU” .
- It’s easier to first discuss **1)**what to measure, **2)**what the value should be and 3) if it’s really a “shoot for the moon” goal.
- Take a usage metric, revenue metric, satisfaction metric
- Write KRs as: "X first",
- Set the values of KRs
- Make sure that they are "shoot for the moon".
- Confidence level at 50%
- Challenge each other:
- Is someone sandbagging?
- Is someone playing safe?
- Is someone foolhardy?
- Now, it is time for debate and not halfway through the quarter.
- Take 5 minute to discuss the final OKR
- Is it the Objective aspirational and inspirational?
- Do the KRs make sense?
- Are they hard?
- Can you live with this for a full quarter?