Lightweight Javascript MVC framework
Sample usage
App = Skull.Application.create();
'/movies': 'App.MoviesIndexRoute'
App.MoviesIndexRoute = Skull.Route.extend({
controller: App.Router.MoviesIndexController,
view: App.Router.MoviesIndexView
// Custom setup for the route
setup: function() { }
App.MoviesIndexController = Skull.Controller.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.set('movies', App.Movie.find());
movieClick: function(movie) {
App.MoviesIndexView = Skull.View.extend({
templateName: 'movies_index',
rootEl: '#movie-list'
// movies_index.handlebars
{{#each movie in controller.movies}}
// Display movies
<a {{action 'movieClick' movie}}>click</a>
// When the route is called, create an instance of route, controller, and view
App.Movie = Skull.Model.extend({
title: 'string',
rating: 'number'
Architecture overview