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File metadata and controls

121 lines (81 loc) · 3.11 KB


Specification for logging and publishing coffee roasts

Current Version: 0 (initial draft is a work-in-progress)


This is a specification for home (and possibly commercial?) coffee roasters to use when documenting their roasts. The goal is to provide a common format for logging, sharing, and analyzing roast notes between likeminded independent coffee roasters.


Note: in future revisions this may be moved to another file, possibly [].

File type and format

This specification is intended to be used with any file format that can be serialized into a hash. It is recommended that the format support arrays, strings, integers/numbers. Examples and discussion will focus on toml, but json and yaml will also be supported.

The file

example.toml: An example roast

version: (string) [required]

Version must be present. It can be a bare integer, but parsers should be able to handle a string value here. There may be a need to have a "2.1" in the event that a popular version that is not the latest needs something added/backported to it.

date: (string) [required]

Every roast must have a date provided. Date format is expected to be in ISO 8601 format. Precision to minutes.

units: (object) [required]

SI or imperial, then the units in that system.

I feel like this could be cleaner...

Technically grams are a mass unit, but we're on earth so we're safe to assume some things.

	unit_type   = "SI"
		temperature = "celcius"
		pressure    = "kPa"
		humidity    = "relative_percentage"
		weight      = "gram"

roaster: (object) [optional]

TODO: Document.

	type       = "Behmor 1600+"
	timer      = "20:30"
	parameters = "P1, A"

duration: (string) [optional]

Total time of roasting expressed in seconds.

time_to_first_crack: (string) [optional]

Time until first crack achieved expressed in seconds.

time_to_second_crack: (string) [optional]

Time until second crack achieved expressed in seconds.

bean: (object) [required]

The bean being roasted.

	country            = "Ethiopia"
	region             = "Yirgacheffe"
	farm               = "Some Farm"
	lot                = "A"
	varietal           = "(optional)"
	vendor             = "Sweet Marias"
	vendor_url         = " (optional)"
	bean_url           = " (optional)"
	vendor_description = "Boy is it coffee (optional)"

weight: (object) [required]

The pre and post roast weight of the beans expressed in floats. Units defined globally.

	pre-roast  = "227.0"
	post-roast = "200.0"

environment (object) [optional]

Ambient temperature, humdity, and barometric pressure of roasting environment expressed in floats.

TODO: Units will be standardized and defined globally.

	temperature = 68.0
	humidity    = 40.0
	pressure    = 101.3

events: (array<event>) [optional]

notes: (string) [optional]

Any notes or commentary on the roast.