- This produces a savory, smoky, delicate flavored rice.
- This recipe should scale well. The overall rice:water ratio should be 1:1.5.
- 1 cup jasmine rice (or other variety of white rice)
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1/2 tbsp paprika
- 1/2 tbsp turmeric
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 1/2 tsp salt
- Sieve
- Saucepan and lid
- Metal spoon
- Clean dishtowel
- Trivet
- Put rice into a sieve and wash under cold water, shaking the sieve all the while, to remove excess starch. Allow this to drain in the sink until you need it again.
- Measure the water and add the salt to it. Stir it a bit to dissolve the salt.
- Heat up a saucepan over medium-low heat. Add the oil and let it warm up. Add the rice and stir to begin frying it.
- Add the paprika and turmeric to the frying rice. Stir it frequently for a couple of minutes.
- Pour in the salted water. Briefly turn the heat up to bring the water up to a simmer. As soon as the simmer has begun, reduce the heat to low and stir the rice one last time.
- Place the lid on the saucepan. Let this cook untouched for 12 minutes (or a bit longer on an electric stove).
- Remove from heat to a trivet. Remove the lid. Stir the rice. If any has burnt onto the bottom, try not to disturb it.
- Place a clean dishtowel over the saucepan, then place the lid back on top of the towel. Leave it to sit at least a couple minutes, then serve.