Authorization: Basic bmxwLXdlYmFwcDo0NkU0JDZNZ2dzeGE3Nzg2 Host: cms1 Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Sardine/146
- Don’t run things as root
- Drop capabilities
- Enable user namespaces
- Get rid of shady SUID binaries
- Enable SELinux
- Use seccomp-bpf
- Get a GRSEC kernel
- Update kernels often
- Mount everything read-only
- Fence things in VMs
[2014-09-12 Fri] WARNING: if a job does not pass tests, it screws up the release process, and SNAPSHOTs can appear in the release
[2014-09-09 Tue] Vagrant: From the book: vagrant init precise64
[2014-09-09 Tue] Vagrant: vagrant box add precise64
vc-diff git diff
vc-next-action git commit
vc-directory git status
vc-update git pull
- State “STARTED” from “TODO” [2014-09-23 Tue 09:38]
[2014-09-22 Mon]
C-c l -> insert link google
- Agenda concreta
- Con más tiempo
- Pueden facilitar información anticipadamente
- Requisito de renovación de aire: no cumplíamos la normativa por el número de empleados.
- Se tiene menos potencia en la tercera planta.
- Se establece un equipo para mejorar este tema, compuesto por Chema, Felipe y Frannie.
- Reuniones mensuales: se dará más información sobre los datos de Ventura24 y serán más concretos.
- Chema: Cambios en el papel de Ventura24 con respecto al grupo. Se toman decisiones locales, pero dentro de la estrategia global del grupo. Hay inquietud debida a nuestra dificultad para adaptarnos. Los cambios tienen más implicaciones positivas que las que se interpretan.
- Z: Empresa con 4 lineas de negocio que necesita un cambio cultural. Las empresas nacen y mueren.
shipyard run –name acmsl/jenkins –cpus 0.3 –memory 1024 –type service –hostname jenkins –domain –label service –pull –port tcp/8081:8080 -vol home/chous/acmsl-jenkins-configs:/home/jenkins
- docker stop
- docker rm
- cd /home/chous/github/acmsl-jenkins-configs
- chown -R chous:users .
- git add …
- git commit …
- git push
- cd home/chous/github/dockerfile
- ./ jenkins
- cp home/chous.ssh/id_rsa-github* /home/chous/github/acmsl/jenkins-configs
- [Run jenkins]
shipyard run –name acmsl/artifactory –cpus 0.3 –memory 1024 –type service –hostname maven –domain –label service –pull –port tcp/8082:8080 -vol home/chous/artifactory-data:/home/artifactory
- login in artifactory
- Visit
- Mark “Create .m2 Compatible Export”
- Target Export Dir -> /home/artifactory/export
- Click “Export”
- ARTIFACTORY_VERSION=”4.0.2” ./ artifactory
- [Run artifactory]
shipyard stop [containerId]
shipyard destroy [containerId]
shipyard login
docker run -d -P –name activemq -h activemq acmsl/mcollective-activemq:latest
/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/bin/java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -Dorg.apache.activemq.UseDedicatedTaskRunner=true -Dactivemq.classpath=/etc/activemq/instances-enabled/main -Dactivemq.home=/usr/share/activemq -Dactivemq.base=/var/lib/activemq -Dactivemq.conf=/etc/activemq/instances-enabled/main -jar /usr/share/activemq/bin/run.jar start xbean:activemq.xml
docker run -d –link activemq:activemq -h mcoserver acmsl/mcollective-server:latest
docker run -d –link activemq:activemq -h mcoclient acmsl/mcollective-client:latest Copy from
shipyard run –name acmsl/mariadb –container-name db –cpus 0.2 –memory 512 –type service –hostname sql –domain –label service –pull
shipyard run –name acmsl/firefox-sync –cpus 0.2 –memory 256 –type service –hostname firefox-sync –domain –port tcp/8083:5000 –label service –pull –link db:db
shipyard run –name acmsl/getboo –memory 512 –type service –hostname bm –domain –port tcp/8084:80 –label service –pull –link db:db
mvn org.acmsl:dockerfile-maven-plugin:dockerfile
docker pull samalba/docker-registry docker run -d -p 5000:5000 samalba/docker-registry
docker tag [namespace]/[image]:[tag] [registry-host]:[registry-port]/[namespace]/[image]:[tag] docker push [registry-host]:[registry-port]/[namespace]/[image]:[tag]
for the first viable Beamer setup in Org for contributing to the discussionPlease test this stuff!
This slide illustrates the use of Beamer blocks. The following text, with its own headline, is displayed in a block:
- org mode means not having to remember LaTeX commands.
- it is based on ascii text which is inherently portable.
- Emacs!
\hfill \(\qed\)
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} \begin{frame}[plain] \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] \node[at=(current] { \includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{docker-icons.eps} }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{frame} }
- M-x package-install magit
- M-x magit status
- q : exit
- ? : action list
- s : stage
- TAB : expand / collapse changes
- n / p : next / previous section
- M-n / M-p : next / previous sibling section
- + / - : Enlarge / shrink each hunk
- 0 : reset to the default view of the hunk
- H : toggle additional diff highlighting
- e : Add more diffs to a given commit
- a : Amend the commit message
- r : Reword the commit message
- f : Fixup against the current commit.
- s : Squash against the current commit.
- l : Short log
- h : reflog
- . : marks the commit (for fixup and squash)
- x : reset HEAD to the selected commit
- v : revert the commit
- d : diff between commit and working tree
- A : cherry pick the commit on top of the working tree
- E : rebase from HEAD to the selected commit
- C-w : copy the commit hash
- SPC : displays the full commit message
- M-n / M-p : Displays the commit in a separate buffer
For projects, the content must be under “gh-pages” branch. To run jekyll: > cd ~/github/ > bundle exec jekyll serve To refresh, restart jekyll
If you have a multi module project, then the links between the parent and child modules will not work when you use ‘mvn site’ or ‘mvn site:site’. If you want to use those links, you should use ‘mvn site:stage’ instead. You can read more about that goal further down on this page in the section called ‘Staging a Site’.
git pull && git submodule init && git submodule update && git submodule status git submodule foreach git pull origin master
install usb:v0A5Cp21E8d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip* /sbin/modprobe btusb; echo 050d 065a > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/btusb/new_id
SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, ATTRS{idVendor}==”050d”, ATTRS{idProduct}==”065a”, RUN+=”/bin/sh -c ‘echo 050d 065a > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/btusb/new_id’”
ACTION==”add”, KERNEL==”hci0”, TEST==”/usr/bin/hciconfig”, RUN+=”/usr/bin/hciconfig hci0 up”
/etc/init.d/bluetooth start rc-update add bluetooth default hciconfig -a hciconfig hci0 up
- JavaEE6 Enterprise Architect
- Service Request: 497386-745709107