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286 lines (278 loc) · 11.8 KB

File metadata and controls

286 lines (278 loc) · 11.8 KB


[2014-12-13 Sat] Convenio contrato v24: CONSUL. PLANIF. ORGANIZACION DE EMPRESAS

[2014-11-04 Tue] Add ip alias: ifconfig eno1:idea

[2014-10-07 Tue]

Authorization: Basic bmxwLXdlYmFwcDo0NkU0JDZNZ2dzeGE3Nzg2 Host: cms1 Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Sardine/146

[2014-10-06 Mon] /usr/bin/sudo don’t have the suid flag in jenkins container

[2014-10-03 Fri]

docker tag ventura24/nlp-webapp

docker push

[2014-10-03 Fri] End emacs commit log: C-x #

[2014-09-27 Sat] GRSec (webinar)

  • Don’t run things as root
  • Drop capabilities
  • Enable user namespaces
  • Get rid of shady SUID binaries
  • Enable SELinux
  • Use seccomp-bpf
  • Get a GRSEC kernel
  • Update kernels often
  • Mount everything read-only
  • Fence things in VMs

[2014-09-22 Mon] Should I use a different git repository for Docker?

[2014-09-22 Mon] C-x r b -> jump to bookmark

[2014-09-22 Mon] C-x r m -> create bookmark

[2014-09-22 Mon] Exit from emacsclient buffer: C-x # or (server-edit)

[2014-09-12 Fri] WARNING: if a job does not pass tests, it screws up the release process, and SNAPSHOTs can appear in the release

[2014-09-12 Fri] New skill: git

[2014-09-12 Fri] New skill: architect diagrams

[2014-09-12 Fri] New skill: electronics

[2014-09-12 Fri] New skill: arduino

[2014-09-12 Fri] New skill: blender

[2014-09-12 Fri] New skill: guitar

[2014-09-12 Fri] New skill: rubik cube

[2014-09-12 Fri] New skill: reversing

[2014-09-12 Fri] New skill: vim

[2014-09-12 Fri] New skill: emacs

[2014-09-09 Tue] Don’t know how to write the question mark on emacs :(

[2014-09-09 Tue] Question: Can Artifactory use MySQL instead of derby

[2014-09-09 Tue] Vagrant: From the book: vagrant init precise64

[2014-09-09 Tue] Vagrant: config.vm.synced_folder -> compartir webapps de Tomcat

[2014-09-09 Tue] Vagrant: config.vm.post_message -> meter versión de nlp-webapp

[2014-09-09 Tue] C-x v =

vc-diff git diff

[2014-09-09 Tue] C-x v v

vc-next-action git commit

[2014-09-09 Tue] C-x v d

vc-directory git status

[2014-09-09 Tue] C-x v +

vc-update git pull

[2014-09-05 Fri] Remind to learn org!


Check how to use todo.org_archive -> C-c C-x a

  • State “STARTED” from “TODO” [2014-09-23 Tue 09:38]

[2014-09-22 Mon]

C-c l -> insert link google

C-c C-o -> visit link


C-c [ (org-agenda-file-to-front) -> add file to the agenda files

C-c ] (org-remove-file) -> remove file from the li

C-c ’ (org-cycle-agenda-files) -> Cycle through the agenda list

C-c , -> Cycle through the agenda list, in reverse order

C-c a -> agenda distpatcher

Acta 2014/10/06

Reuniones trimestrales:

  • Agenda concreta
  • Con más tiempo
  • Pueden facilitar información anticipadamente

Interpretación del tema de la temperatura:

  • Requisito de renovación de aire: no cumplíamos la normativa por el número de empleados.
  • Se tiene menos potencia en la tercera planta.
  • Se establece un equipo para mejorar este tema, compuesto por Chema, Felipe y Frannie.
  • Reuniones mensuales: se dará más información sobre los datos de Ventura24 y serán más concretos.

Z pide que “La gente se responsabilice y dé un paso adelante”.

Como respuesta al “Have your say”, el 10 de octubre las propuestas ganadoras hablarán con el board.

Propuesta de cómo atajar desavenencias con Dirección.

  • Chema: Cambios en el papel de Ventura24 con respecto al grupo. Se toman decisiones locales, pero dentro de la estrategia global del grupo. Hay inquietud debida a nuestra dificultad para adaptarnos. Los cambios tienen más implicaciones positivas que las que se interpretan.
  • Z: Empresa con 4 lineas de negocio que necesita un cambio cultural. Las empresas nacen y mueren.

En las reuniones generales se puede intervenir como Comité o a título personal.


Run jenkins:

shipyard run –name acmsl/jenkins –cpus 0.3 –memory 1024 –type service –hostname jenkins –domain –label service –pull –port tcp/8081:8080 -vol home/chous/acmsl-jenkins-configs:/home/jenkins

Upgrade jenkins:

  • docker stop
  • docker rm
  • cd /home/chous/github/acmsl-jenkins-configs
  • chown -R chous:users .
  • git add …
  • git commit …
  • git push
  • cd home/chous/github/dockerfile
  • ./ jenkins
  • cp home/chous.ssh/id_rsa-github* /home/chous/github/acmsl/jenkins-configs
  • [Run jenkins]

Run artifactory:

shipyard run –name acmsl/artifactory –cpus 0.3 –memory 1024 –type service –hostname maven –domain –label service –pull –port tcp/8082:8080 -vol home/chous/artifactory-data:/home/artifactory

Upgrade artifactory

Stop container

shipyard stop [containerId]

Destroy container

shipyard destroy [containerId]


shipyard login

Run mcollective-activemq

docker run -d -P –name activemq -h activemq acmsl/mcollective-activemq:latest


/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/bin/java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -Dorg.apache.activemq.UseDedicatedTaskRunner=true -Dactivemq.classpath=/etc/activemq/instances-enabled/main -Dactivemq.home=/usr/share/activemq -Dactivemq.base=/var/lib/activemq -Dactivemq.conf=/etc/activemq/instances-enabled/main -jar /usr/share/activemq/bin/run.jar start xbean:activemq.xml

Run mcollective-server

docker run -d –link activemq:activemq -h mcoserver acmsl/mcollective-server:latest

Run mcollective-client

docker run -d –link activemq:activemq -h mcoclient acmsl/mcollective-client:latest

Remove stale containers / images

sudo docker ps -a -q | xargs -n 1 -I {} sudo docker rm {}

Test with –selinux-enabled=true

Write a mcollective plugin: Copy from

Run mariadb:

shipyard run –name acmsl/mariadb –container-name db –cpus 0.2 –memory 512 –type service –hostname sql –domain –label service –pull

Run firefox-sync 1.5

shipyard run –name acmsl/firefox-sync –cpus 0.2 –memory 256 –type service –hostname firefox-sync –domain –port tcp/8083:5000 –label service –pull –link db:db

Run getboo

shipyard run –name acmsl/getboo –memory 512 –type service –hostname bm –domain –port tcp/8084:80 –label service –pull –link db:db


mvn org.acmsl:dockerfile-maven-plugin:dockerfile

Run registry

docker pull samalba/docker-registry docker run -d -p 5000:5000 samalba/docker-registry

Push to a local registry

docker tag [namespace]/[image]:[tag] [registry-host]:[registry-port]/[namespace]/[image]:[tag] docker push [registry-host]:[registry-port]/[namespace]/[image]:[tag]


C-c C-e l P (org-beamer-export-to-pdf)

C-c C-e l b (org-beamer-export-to-latex)

C-c C-e l B (org-beamer-export-as-latex)

C-c C-e l O : Export as LaTeX, process to PDF, and then open the resulting PDF file.

#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t

Frame 1

Thanks to Eric Fraga

for the first viable Beamer setup in Org

Thanks to everyone else

for contributing to the discussion

This will be formatted as a beamer note

Frame 2 (no columns)


Please test this stuff!

A more complex slide

This slide illustrates the use of Beamer blocks. The following text, with its own headline, is displayed in a block:

Org mode increases productivity

  • org mode means not having to remember LaTeX commands.
  • it is based on ascii text which is inherently portable.
  • Emacs!

\hfill \(\qed\)

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} \begin{frame}[plain] \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] \node[at=(current] { \includegraphics[width=\paperwidth]{docker-icons.eps} }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{frame} }

Notas charla


Docker no expone puertos públicamente. Hay que mapearlos.

Cambiar url

Quitar lo de major.minor.BUILD_NUMBER

Poner ejemplos en Dockerfile templates

Contar usos bǻsicos de docker

shipyard -> pegar screenshot

Dibujar flujo: git -> jenkins -> docker -> shipyard / puppet



  • M-x package-install magit


  • M-x magit status
  • q : exit
  • ? : action list
  • s : stage
  • TAB : expand / collapse changes
  • n / p : next / previous section
  • M-n / M-p : next / previous sibling section
  • + / - : Enlarge / shrink each hunk
  • 0 : reset to the default view of the hunk
  • H : toggle additional diff highlighting

Commit (c)

  • e : Add more diffs to a given commit
  • a : Amend the commit message
  • r : Reword the commit message
  • f : Fixup against the current commit.
  • s : Squash against the current commit.

Logging (l)

  • l : Short log
  • h : reflog
  • . : marks the commit (for fixup and squash)
  • x : reset HEAD to the selected commit
  • v : revert the commit
  • d : diff between commit and working tree
  • A : cherry pick the commit on top of the working tree
  • E : rebase from HEAD to the selected commit
  • C-w : copy the commit hash
  • SPC : displays the full commit message
  • M-n / M-p : Displays the commit in a separate buffer


C-x C-o : Omnicomplete

C-x C-f : Complete filename

C-x C-n : Complete based on ctags


32F0490EF048DA2D -> HD-LBU2

B8103DB1103D7788 -> IOMEGA HDD

FCCC585FCC58166C -> SAMSUNG 1_5T


CE4CAF864CAF67C3 ->

github blog

For projects, the content must be under “gh-pages” branch. To run jekyll: > cd ~/github/ > bundle exec jekyll serve To refresh, restart jekyll


mvn site

If you have a multi module project, then the links between the parent and child modules will not work when you use ‘mvn site’ or ‘mvn site:site’. If you want to use those links, you should use ‘mvn site:stage’ instead. You can read more about that goal further down on this page in the section called ‘Staging a Site’.



git pull && git submodule init && git submodule update && git submodule status git submodule foreach git pull origin master



install usb:v0A5Cp21E8d*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip* /sbin/modprobe btusb; echo 050d 065a > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/btusb/new_id


SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, ATTRS{idVendor}==”050d”, ATTRS{idProduct}==”065a”, RUN+=”/bin/sh -c ‘echo 050d 065a > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/btusb/new_id’”


ACTION==”add”, KERNEL==”hci0”, TEST==”/usr/bin/hciconfig”, RUN+=”/usr/bin/hciconfig hci0 up”


/etc/init.d/bluetooth start rc-update add bluetooth default hciconfig -a hciconfig hci0 up


