diff --git a/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/driver_direct3d_pixel_program.cpp b/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/driver_direct3d_pixel_program.cpp index f1cca7b2b5..744cea58b9 100644 --- a/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/driver_direct3d_pixel_program.cpp +++ b/nel/src/3d/driver/direct3d/driver_direct3d_pixel_program.cpp @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /** \file driver_direct3d_pixel_program.cpp * Direct 3d driver implementation * - * $Id: driver_direct3d_pixel_program.cpp,v 2007/07/09 15:26:35 legallo Exp $ + * $Id$ * * \todo manage better the init/release system (if a throw occurs in the init, we must release correctly the driver) */ diff --git a/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_pixel_program.cpp b/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_pixel_program.cpp index 29ec4caf8b..cd6c3adf41 100644 --- a/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_pixel_program.cpp +++ b/nel/src/3d/driver/opengl/driver_opengl_pixel_program.cpp @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ /** \file driver_opengl_pixel_program.cpp * OpenGL driver implementation for pixel program manipulation. * - * $Id: driver_opengl_pixel_program.cpp,v 2007/07/09 15:29:00 legallo Exp $ + * $Id$ * * \todo manage better the init/release system (if a throw occurs in the init, we must release correctly the driver) */ diff --git a/nel/src/gui/lua_loadlib.c b/nel/src/gui/lua_loadlib.c index 837ec1a2bc..8acab487e5 100644 --- a/nel/src/gui/lua_loadlib.c +++ b/nel/src/gui/lua_loadlib.c @@ -1,552 +1,552 @@ -// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework -// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited -// -// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as -// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the -// License, or (at your option) any later version. -// -// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -// GNU Affero General Public License for more details. -// -// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License -// along with this program. If not, see . - -#include "stdpch.h" -#include -#include -#include "lua_loadlib.h" - -typedef lua_State * (*Tlua_open) (void); -typedef void (*Tlua_close) (lua_State *L); -typedef lua_State *(*Tlua_newthread) (lua_State *L); -typedef lua_CFunction (*Tlua_atpanic) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction panicf); -typedef int (*Tlua_gettop) (lua_State *L); -typedef void (*Tlua_settop) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void (*Tlua_pushvalue) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void (*Tlua_remove) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void (*Tlua_insert )(lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void (*Tlua_replace) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef int (*Tlua_checkstack) (lua_State *L, int sz); -typedef void (*Tlua_xmove) (lua_State *from, lua_State *to, int n); -typedef int (*Tlua_isnumber) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef int (*Tlua_isstring) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef int (*Tlua_iscfunction) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef int (*Tlua_isuserdata) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef int (*Tlua_type) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef const char *(*Tlua_typename) (lua_State *L, int tp); -typedef int (*Tlua_equal) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2); -typedef int (*Tlua_rawequal) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2); -typedef int (*Tlua_lessthan) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2); -typedef lua_Number (*Tlua_tonumber) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef int (*Tlua_toboolean) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef const char *(*Tlua_tostring) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef size_t (*Tlua_strlen) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef lua_CFunction (*Tlua_tocfunction) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void *(*Tlua_touserdata) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef lua_State *(*Tlua_tothread) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef const void *(*Tlua_topointer) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void (*Tlua_pushnil) (lua_State *L); -typedef void (*Tlua_pushnumber) (lua_State *L, lua_Number n); -typedef void (*Tlua_pushlstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s, size_t l); -typedef void (*Tlua_pushstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s); -typedef const char *(*Tlua_pushvfstring) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, va_list argp); -typedef const char *(*Tlua_pushfstring) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...); -typedef void (*Tlua_pushcclosure) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n); -typedef void (*Tlua_pushboolean) (lua_State *L, int b); -typedef void (*Tlua_pushlightuserdata) (lua_State *L, void *p); -typedef void (*Tlua_gettable) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void (*Tlua_rawget) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void (*Tlua_rawgeti) (lua_State *L, int idx, int n); -typedef void (*Tlua_newtable) (lua_State *L); -typedef void *(*Tlua_newuserdata) (lua_State *L, size_t sz); -typedef int (*Tlua_getmetatable) (lua_State *L, int objindex); -typedef void (*Tlua_getfenv) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void (*Tlua_settable) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void (*Tlua_rawset) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void (*Tlua_rawseti) (lua_State *L, int idx, int n); -typedef int (*Tlua_setmetatable) (lua_State *L, int objindex); -typedef int (*Tlua_setfenv) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void (*Tlua_call) (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults); -typedef int (*Tlua_pcall) (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc); -typedef int (*Tlua_cpcall) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction func, void *ud); -typedef int (*Tlua_load) (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkreader reader, void *dt, - const char *chunkname); -typedef int (*Tlua_dump) (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkwriter writer, void *data); -typedef int (*Tlua_yield) (lua_State *L, int nresults); -typedef int (*Tlua_resume) (lua_State *L, int narg); -typedef int (*Tlua_getgcthreshold) (lua_State *L); -typedef int (*Tlua_getgccount) (lua_State *L); -typedef void (*Tlua_setgcthreshold) (lua_State *L, int newthreshold); -typedef const char *(*Tlua_version) (void); -typedef int (*Tlua_error) (lua_State *L); -typedef int (*Tlua_next) (lua_State *L, int idx); -typedef void (*Tlua_concat) (lua_State *L, int n); -typedef int (*Tlua_pushupvalues) (lua_State *L); -typedef void (*Tlua_Hook) (lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar); -typedef int (*Tlua_getstack) (lua_State *L, int level, lua_Debug *ar); -typedef int (*Tlua_getinfo) (lua_State *L, const char *what, lua_Debug *ar); -typedef const char *(*Tlua_getlocal) (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n); -typedef const char *(*Tlua_setlocal) (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n); -typedef const char *(*Tlua_getupvalue) (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n); -typedef const char *(*Tlua_setupvalue) (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n); -typedef int (*Tlua_sethook) (lua_State *L, lua_Hook func, int mask, int count); -typedef lua_Hook (*Tlua_gethook) (lua_State *L); -typedef int (*Tlua_gethookmask) (lua_State *L); -typedef int (*Tlua_gethookcount) (lua_State *L); - -// from lauxlib.h -typedef void (*TluaL_openlib) (lua_State *L, const char *libname, - const luaL_reg *l, int nup); -typedef int (*TluaL_getmetafield) (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e); -typedef int (*TluaL_callmeta) (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e); -typedef int (*TluaL_typerror) (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname); -typedef int (*TluaL_argerror) (lua_State *L, int numarg, const char *extramsg); -typedef const char *(*TluaL_checklstring) (lua_State *L, int numArg, size_t *l); -typedef const char *(*TluaL_optlstring) (lua_State *L, int numArg, - const char *def, size_t *l); -typedef lua_Number (*TluaL_checknumber) (lua_State *L, int numArg); -typedef lua_Number (*TluaL_optnumber) (lua_State *L, int nArg, lua_Number def); - -typedef void (*TluaL_checkstack) (lua_State *L, int sz, const char *msg); -typedef void (*TluaL_checktype) (lua_State *L, int narg, int t); -typedef void (*TluaL_checkany) (lua_State *L, int narg); - -typedef int (*TluaL_newmetatable) (lua_State *L, const char *tname); -typedef void (*TluaL_getmetatable) (lua_State *L, const char *tname); -typedef void *(*TluaL_checkudata) (lua_State *L, int ud, const char *tname); - -typedef void (*TluaL_where) (lua_State *L, int lvl); -typedef int (*TluaL_error) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...); - -typedef int (*TluaL_findstring) (const char *st, const char *const lst[]); - -typedef int (*TluaL_ref) (lua_State *L, int t); -typedef void (*TluaL_unref) (lua_State *L, int t, int ref); - -typedef int (*TluaL_getn) (lua_State *L, int t); -typedef void (*TluaL_setn) (lua_State *L, int t, int n); - -typedef int (*TluaL_loadfile) (lua_State *L, const char *filename); -typedef int (*TluaL_loadbuffer) (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, - const char *name); - -typedef void (*TluaL_buffinit) (lua_State *L, luaL_Buffer *B); -typedef char *(*TluaL_prepbuffer) (luaL_Buffer *B); -typedef void (*TluaL_addlstring) (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s, size_t l); -typedef void (*TluaL_addstring) (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s); -typedef void (*TluaL_addvalue) (luaL_Buffer *B); -typedef void (*TluaL_pushresult) (luaL_Buffer *B); -typedef int (*Tlua_dofile) (lua_State *L, const char *filename); -typedef int (*Tlua_dostring) (lua_State *L, const char *str); -typedef int (*Tlua_dobuffer) (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, - const char *n); - -// from lualib.h -typedef int (*Tluaopen_base) (lua_State *L); -typedef int (*Tluaopen_table) (lua_State *L); -typedef int (*Tluaopen_io) (lua_State *L); -typedef int (*Tluaopen_string) (lua_State *L); -typedef int (*Tluaopen_math) (lua_State *L); -typedef int (*Tluaopen_debug) (lua_State *L); -typedef int (*Tluaopen_loadlib) (lua_State *L); - -// from lua.h -Tlua_open dlllua_open; -Tlua_close dlllua_close; -Tlua_newthread dlllua_newthread; -Tlua_atpanic dlllua_atpanic; -Tlua_gettop dlllua_gettop; -Tlua_settop dlllua_settop; -Tlua_pushvalue dlllua_pushvalue; -Tlua_remove dlllua_remove; -Tlua_insert dlllua_insert ; -Tlua_replace dlllua_replace; -Tlua_checkstack dlllua_checkstack; -Tlua_xmove dlllua_xmove; -Tlua_isnumber dlllua_isnumber; -Tlua_isstring dlllua_isstring; -Tlua_iscfunction dlllua_iscfunction; -Tlua_isuserdata dlllua_isuserdata; -Tlua_type dlllua_type; -Tlua_typename dlllua_typename; -Tlua_equal dlllua_equal; -Tlua_rawequal dlllua_rawequal; -Tlua_lessthan dlllua_lessthan; -Tlua_tonumber dlllua_tonumber; -Tlua_toboolean dlllua_toboolean; -Tlua_tostring dlllua_tostring; -Tlua_strlen dlllua_strlen; -Tlua_tocfunction dlllua_tocfunction; -Tlua_touserdata dlllua_touserdata; -Tlua_tothread dlllua_tothread; -Tlua_topointer dlllua_topointer; -Tlua_pushnil dlllua_pushnil; -Tlua_pushnumber dlllua_pushnumber; -Tlua_pushlstring dlllua_pushlstring; -Tlua_pushstring dlllua_pushstring; -Tlua_pushvfstring dlllua_pushvfstring; -Tlua_pushfstring dlllua_pushfstring; -Tlua_pushcclosure dlllua_pushcclosure; -Tlua_pushboolean dlllua_pushboolean; -Tlua_pushlightuserdata dlllua_pushlightuserdata; -Tlua_gettable dlllua_gettable; -Tlua_rawget dlllua_rawget; -Tlua_rawgeti dlllua_rawgeti; -Tlua_newtable dlllua_newtable; -Tlua_newuserdata dlllua_newuserdata; -Tlua_getmetatable dlllua_getmetatable; -Tlua_getfenv dlllua_getfenv; -Tlua_settable dlllua_settable; -Tlua_rawset dlllua_rawset; -Tlua_rawseti dlllua_rawseti; -Tlua_setmetatable dlllua_setmetatable; -Tlua_setfenv dlllua_setfenv; -Tlua_call dlllua_call; -Tlua_pcall dlllua_pcall; -Tlua_cpcall dlllua_cpcall; -Tlua_load dlllua_load; -Tlua_dump dlllua_dump; -Tlua_yield dlllua_yield; -Tlua_resume dlllua_resume; -Tlua_getgcthreshold dlllua_getgcthreshold; -Tlua_getgccount dlllua_getgccount; -Tlua_setgcthreshold dlllua_setgcthreshold; -Tlua_version dlllua_version; -Tlua_error dlllua_error; -Tlua_next dlllua_next; -Tlua_concat dlllua_concat; -Tlua_pushupvalues dlllua_pushupvalues; -Tlua_getstack dlllua_getstack; -Tlua_getinfo dlllua_getinfo; -Tlua_getlocal dlllua_getlocal; -Tlua_setlocal dlllua_setlocal; -Tlua_getupvalue dlllua_getupvalue; -Tlua_setupvalue dlllua_setupvalue; -Tlua_sethook dlllua_sethook; -Tlua_gethook dlllua_gethook; -Tlua_gethookmask dlllua_gethookmask; -Tlua_gethookcount dlllua_gethookcount; -// from lauxlib.h -TluaL_openlib dllluaL_openlib; -TluaL_getmetafield dllluaL_getmetafield; -TluaL_callmeta dllluaL_callmeta; -TluaL_typerror dllluaL_typerror; -TluaL_argerror dllluaL_argerror; -TluaL_checklstring dllluaL_checklstring; -TluaL_optlstring dllluaL_optlstring; -TluaL_checknumber dllluaL_checknumber; -TluaL_optnumber dllluaL_optnumber; -TluaL_checkstack dllluaL_checkstack; -TluaL_checktype dllluaL_checktype; -TluaL_checkany dllluaL_checkany; -TluaL_newmetatable dllluaL_newmetatable; -TluaL_getmetatable dllluaL_getmetatable; -TluaL_checkudata dllluaL_checkudata; -TluaL_where dllluaL_where; -TluaL_error dllluaL_error; -TluaL_findstring dllluaL_findstring; -TluaL_ref dllluaL_ref; -TluaL_unref dllluaL_unref; -TluaL_getn dllluaL_getn; -TluaL_setn dllluaL_setn; -TluaL_loadfile dllluaL_loadfile; -TluaL_loadbuffer dllluaL_loadbuffer; -TluaL_buffinit dllluaL_buffinit; -TluaL_prepbuffer dllluaL_prepbuffer; -TluaL_addlstring dllluaL_addlstring; -TluaL_addstring dllluaL_addstring; -TluaL_addvalue dllluaL_addvalue; -TluaL_pushresult dllluaL_pushresult; -Tlua_dofile dlllua_dofile; -Tlua_dostring dlllua_dostring; -Tlua_dobuffer dlllua_dobuffer; -// from lua lib.h -Tluaopen_base dllluaopen_base; -Tluaopen_table dllluaopen_table; -Tluaopen_io dllluaopen_io; -Tluaopen_string dllluaopen_string; -Tluaopen_math dllluaopen_math; -Tluaopen_debug dllluaopen_debug; -Tluaopen_loadlib dllluaopen_loadlib; - -// call to actual dll function -lua_State *lua_open (void) { return dlllua_open(); } -void lua_close (lua_State *L) { dlllua_close(L); } -lua_State *lua_newthread (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_newthread(L); } -lua_CFunction lua_atpanic (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction panicf) { return dlllua_atpanic(L, panicf); } -int lua_gettop (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_gettop(L); } -void lua_settop (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_settop(L, idx); } -void lua_pushvalue (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_pushvalue(L, idx); } -void lua_remove (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_remove(L, idx); } -void lua_insert (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_insert (L, idx); } -void lua_replace (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_replace(L, idx); } -int lua_checkstack (lua_State *L, int sz) { return dlllua_checkstack(L, sz); } -void lua_xmove (lua_State *from, lua_State *to, int n) { dlllua_xmove(from, to, n); } -int lua_isnumber (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_isnumber(L, idx); } -int lua_isstring (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_isstring(L, idx); } -int lua_iscfunction (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_iscfunction(L, idx); } -int lua_isuserdata (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_isuserdata(L, idx); } -int lua_type (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_type(L, idx); } -const char *lua_typename (lua_State *L, int tp) { return dlllua_typename(L, tp); } -int lua_equal (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2) { return dlllua_equal(L, idx1, idx2); } -int lua_rawequal (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2) { return dlllua_rawequal(L, idx1, idx2); } -int lua_lessthan (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2) { return dlllua_lessthan(L, idx1, idx2); } -lua_Number lua_tonumber (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_tonumber(L, idx); } -int lua_toboolean (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_toboolean(L, idx); } -const char *lua_tostring (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_tostring(L, idx); } -size_t lua_strlen (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_strlen(L, idx); } -lua_CFunction lua_tocfunction (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_tocfunction(L, idx); } -void *lua_touserdata (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_touserdata(L, idx); } -lua_State *lua_tothread (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_tothread(L, idx); } -const void *lua_topointer (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_topointer(L, idx); } -void lua_pushnil (lua_State *L) { dlllua_pushnil(L); } -void lua_pushnumber (lua_State *L, lua_Number n) { dlllua_pushnumber(L, n); } -void lua_pushlstring (lua_State *L, const char *s, size_t l) { dlllua_pushlstring(L, s, l); } -void lua_pushstring (lua_State *L, const char *s) { dlllua_pushstring(L, s); } - -const char *lua_pushvfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, va_list argp) -{ - const char *result; - va_list _args; - va_start (_args, fmt); - result = dlllua_pushvfstring(L, fmt, _args); - va_end(_args); - return result; -} - -const char *lua_pushfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...) -{ - const char *result; - va_list _args; - va_start (_args, fmt); - result = dlllua_pushfstring(L, fmt, _args); - va_end(_args); - return result; -} - -void lua_pushcclosure (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n) { dlllua_pushcclosure(L, fn, n); } -void lua_pushboolean (lua_State *L, int b) { dlllua_pushboolean(L, b); } -void lua_pushlightuserdata (lua_State *L, void *p) { dlllua_pushlightuserdata(L, p); } -void lua_gettable (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_gettable(L, idx); } -void lua_rawget (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_rawget(L, idx); } -void lua_rawgeti (lua_State *L, int idx, int n) { dlllua_rawgeti(L, idx, n); } -void lua_newtable (lua_State *L) { dlllua_newtable(L); } -void *lua_newuserdata (lua_State *L, size_t sz) { return dlllua_newuserdata(L, sz); } -int lua_getmetatable (lua_State *L, int objindex) { return dlllua_getmetatable(L, objindex); } -void lua_getfenv (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_getfenv(L, idx); } -void lua_settable (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_settable(L, idx); } -void lua_rawset (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_rawset(L, idx); } -void lua_rawseti (lua_State *L, int idx, int n) { dlllua_rawseti(L, idx, n); } -int lua_setmetatable (lua_State *L, int objindex) { return dlllua_setmetatable(L, objindex); } -int lua_setfenv (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_setfenv(L, idx); } -void lua_call (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults) { dlllua_call(L, nargs, nresults); } -int lua_pcall (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc) { return dlllua_pcall(L, nargs, nresults, errfunc); } -int lua_cpcall (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction func, void *ud) { return dlllua_cpcall(L, func, ud); } -int lua_load (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkreader reader, void *dt, const char *chunkname) -{ - return dlllua_load(L, reader, dt, chunkname); -} -int lua_dump (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkwriter writer, void *data) { return dlllua_dump(L, writer, data); } -int lua_yield (lua_State *L, int nresults) { return dlllua_yield(L, nresults); } -int lua_resume (lua_State *L, int narg) { return dlllua_resume(L, narg); } -int lua_getgcthreshold (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_getgcthreshold(L); } -int lua_getgccount (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_getgccount(L); } -void lua_setgcthreshold (lua_State *L, int newthreshold) { dlllua_setgcthreshold(L, newthreshold); } -const char *lua_version (void) { return dlllua_version(); } -int lua_error (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_error(L); } -int lua_next (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_next(L, idx); } -void lua_concat (lua_State *L, int n) { dlllua_concat(L, n); } -int lua_pushupvalues (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_pushupvalues(L); } -int lua_getstack (lua_State *L, int level, lua_Debug *ar) { return dlllua_getstack(L, level, ar); } -int lua_getinfo (lua_State *L, const char *what, lua_Debug *ar) { return dlllua_getinfo(L, what, ar); } -const char *lua_getlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n) { return dlllua_getlocal(L, ar, n); } -const char *lua_setlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n) { return dlllua_setlocal(L, ar, n); } -const char *lua_getupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n) { return dlllua_getupvalue(L, funcindex, n); } -const char *lua_setupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n) { return dlllua_setupvalue(L, funcindex, n); } -int lua_sethook (lua_State *L, lua_Hook func, int mask, int count) { return dlllua_sethook(L, func, mask, count); } -lua_Hook lua_gethook (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_gethook(L); } -int lua_gethookmask (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_gethookmask(L); } -int lua_gethookcount (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_gethookcount(L); } - -// from lauxlib.h -void luaL_openlib (lua_State *L, const char *libname, const luaL_reg *l, int nup) { dllluaL_openlib(L, libname, l, nup); } -int luaL_getmetafield (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e) { return dllluaL_getmetafield(L, obj, e); } -int luaL_callmeta (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e) { return dllluaL_callmeta(L, obj, e); } -int luaL_typerror (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname) { return dllluaL_typerror(L, narg, tname); } -int luaL_argerror (lua_State *L, int numarg, const char *extramsg) { return dllluaL_argerror(L, numarg, extramsg); } -const char *luaL_checklstring (lua_State *L, int numArg, size_t *l) { return dllluaL_checklstring(L, numArg, l); } -const char *luaL_optlstring (lua_State *L, int numArg, const char *def, size_t *l) { return dllluaL_optlstring(L, numArg, def, l); } -lua_Number luaL_checknumber (lua_State *L, int numArg) { return dllluaL_checknumber(L, numArg); } -lua_Number luaL_optnumber (lua_State *L, int nArg, lua_Number def) { return dllluaL_optnumber(L, nArg, def); } -void luaL_checkstack (lua_State *L, int sz, const char *msg) { dllluaL_checkstack(L, sz, msg); } -void luaL_checktype (lua_State *L, int narg, int t) { dllluaL_checktype(L, narg, t); } -void luaL_checkany (lua_State *L, int narg) { dllluaL_checkany(L, narg); } -int luaL_newmetatable (lua_State *L, const char *tname) { return dllluaL_newmetatable(L, tname); } -void luaL_getmetatable (lua_State *L, const char *tname) { dllluaL_getmetatable(L, tname); } -void *luaL_checkudata (lua_State *L, int ud, const char *tname) { return dllluaL_checkudata(L, ud, tname); } -void luaL_where (lua_State *L, int lvl) { dllluaL_where(L, lvl); } - -int luaL_error (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...) -{ - int result; - va_list _args; - va_start (_args, fmt); - result = dllluaL_error(L, fmt, _args); - va_end(_args); - return result; -} -int luaL_findstring (const char *st, const char *const lst[]) { return dllluaL_findstring(st, lst); } -int luaL_ref (lua_State *L, int t) { return dllluaL_ref(L, t); } -void luaL_unref (lua_State *L, int t, int ref) { dllluaL_unref(L, t, ref); } -int luaL_getn (lua_State *L, int t) { return dllluaL_getn(L, t); } -void luaL_setn (lua_State *L, int t, int n) { dllluaL_setn(L, t, n); } -int luaL_loadfile (lua_State *L, const char *filename) { return dllluaL_loadfile(L, filename); } -int luaL_loadbuffer (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, const char *name) { return dllluaL_loadbuffer(L, buff, sz, name); } - -void luaL_buffinit (lua_State *L, luaL_Buffer *B) { dllluaL_buffinit(L, B); } -char *luaL_prepbuffer (luaL_Buffer *B) { return dllluaL_prepbuffer(B); } - -void luaL_addlstring (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s, size_t l) { dllluaL_addlstring(B, s, l); } -void luaL_addstring (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s) { dllluaL_addstring(B, s); } -void luaL_addvalue (luaL_Buffer *B) { dllluaL_addvalue(B); } -void luaL_pushresult (luaL_Buffer *B) { dllluaL_pushresult(B); } -int lua_dofile (lua_State *L, const char *filename) { return dlllua_dofile(L, filename); } -int lua_dostring (lua_State *L, const char *str) { return dlllua_dostring(L, str); } -int lua_dobuffer (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, const char *n) { return dlllua_dobuffer(L, buff, sz, n); } - -// from lualib.h -int luaopen_base (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_base(L); } -int luaopen_table (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_table(L); } -int luaopen_io (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_io(L); } -int luaopen_string (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_string(L); } -int luaopen_math (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_math(L); } -int luaopen_debug (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_debug(L); } -int luaopen_loadlib (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_loadlib(L); } - - -int loadLuaDLL() -{ - HMODULE libHandle = LoadLibrary("lua.dll"); - if (!libHandle) return 0; -#define GET_LUA_PROC(name) dll##name = (T##name) GetProcAddress(libHandle, #name); if (!dll##name) return 0; - // from lua.h - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_close) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_newthread) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_atpanic) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gettop) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_settop) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushvalue) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_remove) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_insert) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_replace) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_checkstack) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_xmove) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_isnumber) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_isstring) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_iscfunction) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_isuserdata) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_type) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_typename) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_equal) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawequal) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_lessthan) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tonumber) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_toboolean) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tostring) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_strlen) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tocfunction) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_touserdata) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tothread) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_topointer) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushnil) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushnumber) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushlstring) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushstring) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushcclosure) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushboolean) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushlightuserdata) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gettable) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawget) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawgeti) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_newtable) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_newuserdata) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getmetatable) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getfenv) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_settable) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawset) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawseti) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setmetatable) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setfenv) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_call) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pcall) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_cpcall) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_load) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dump) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_yield) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_resume) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getgcthreshold) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getgccount) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setgcthreshold) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_version) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_error) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_next) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_concat) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushupvalues) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getstack) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getinfo) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getlocal) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setlocal) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getupvalue) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setupvalue) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_sethook) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gethook) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gethookmask) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gethookcount) - // from lauxlib.h - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_openlib) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_getmetafield) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_callmeta) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_typerror) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_argerror) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checklstring) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_optlstring) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checknumber) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_optnumber) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checkstack) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checktype) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checkany) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_newmetatable) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_getmetatable) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checkudata) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_where) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_error) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_findstring) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_ref) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_unref) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_getn) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_setn) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_loadfile) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_loadbuffer) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_buffinit) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_prepbuffer) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_addlstring) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_addstring) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_addvalue) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_pushresult) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dofile) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dostring) - GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dobuffer) - // from lua lib.h - GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_base) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_table) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_io) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_string) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_math) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_debug) - GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_loadlib) - - return 1; -} +// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework +// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited +// +// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as +// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the +// License, or (at your option) any later version. +// +// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the +// GNU Affero General Public License for more details. +// +// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License +// along with this program. If not, see . + +#include "stdpch.h" +#include +#include +#include "lua_loadlib.h" + +typedef lua_State * (*Tlua_open) (void); +typedef void (*Tlua_close) (lua_State *L); +typedef lua_State *(*Tlua_newthread) (lua_State *L); +typedef lua_CFunction (*Tlua_atpanic) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction panicf); +typedef int (*Tlua_gettop) (lua_State *L); +typedef void (*Tlua_settop) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void (*Tlua_pushvalue) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void (*Tlua_remove) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void (*Tlua_insert )(lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void (*Tlua_replace) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef int (*Tlua_checkstack) (lua_State *L, int sz); +typedef void (*Tlua_xmove) (lua_State *from, lua_State *to, int n); +typedef int (*Tlua_isnumber) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef int (*Tlua_isstring) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef int (*Tlua_iscfunction) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef int (*Tlua_isuserdata) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef int (*Tlua_type) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef const char *(*Tlua_typename) (lua_State *L, int tp); +typedef int (*Tlua_equal) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2); +typedef int (*Tlua_rawequal) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2); +typedef int (*Tlua_lessthan) (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2); +typedef lua_Number (*Tlua_tonumber) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef int (*Tlua_toboolean) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef const char *(*Tlua_tostring) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef size_t (*Tlua_strlen) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef lua_CFunction (*Tlua_tocfunction) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void *(*Tlua_touserdata) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef lua_State *(*Tlua_tothread) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef const void *(*Tlua_topointer) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void (*Tlua_pushnil) (lua_State *L); +typedef void (*Tlua_pushnumber) (lua_State *L, lua_Number n); +typedef void (*Tlua_pushlstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s, size_t l); +typedef void (*Tlua_pushstring) (lua_State *L, const char *s); +typedef const char *(*Tlua_pushvfstring) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, va_list argp); +typedef const char *(*Tlua_pushfstring) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...); +typedef void (*Tlua_pushcclosure) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n); +typedef void (*Tlua_pushboolean) (lua_State *L, int b); +typedef void (*Tlua_pushlightuserdata) (lua_State *L, void *p); +typedef void (*Tlua_gettable) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void (*Tlua_rawget) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void (*Tlua_rawgeti) (lua_State *L, int idx, int n); +typedef void (*Tlua_newtable) (lua_State *L); +typedef void *(*Tlua_newuserdata) (lua_State *L, size_t sz); +typedef int (*Tlua_getmetatable) (lua_State *L, int objindex); +typedef void (*Tlua_getfenv) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void (*Tlua_settable) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void (*Tlua_rawset) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void (*Tlua_rawseti) (lua_State *L, int idx, int n); +typedef int (*Tlua_setmetatable) (lua_State *L, int objindex); +typedef int (*Tlua_setfenv) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void (*Tlua_call) (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults); +typedef int (*Tlua_pcall) (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc); +typedef int (*Tlua_cpcall) (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction func, void *ud); +typedef int (*Tlua_load) (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkreader reader, void *dt, + const char *chunkname); +typedef int (*Tlua_dump) (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkwriter writer, void *data); +typedef int (*Tlua_yield) (lua_State *L, int nresults); +typedef int (*Tlua_resume) (lua_State *L, int narg); +typedef int (*Tlua_getgcthreshold) (lua_State *L); +typedef int (*Tlua_getgccount) (lua_State *L); +typedef void (*Tlua_setgcthreshold) (lua_State *L, int newthreshold); +typedef const char *(*Tlua_version) (void); +typedef int (*Tlua_error) (lua_State *L); +typedef int (*Tlua_next) (lua_State *L, int idx); +typedef void (*Tlua_concat) (lua_State *L, int n); +typedef int (*Tlua_pushupvalues) (lua_State *L); +typedef void (*Tlua_Hook) (lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar); +typedef int (*Tlua_getstack) (lua_State *L, int level, lua_Debug *ar); +typedef int (*Tlua_getinfo) (lua_State *L, const char *what, lua_Debug *ar); +typedef const char *(*Tlua_getlocal) (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n); +typedef const char *(*Tlua_setlocal) (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n); +typedef const char *(*Tlua_getupvalue) (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n); +typedef const char *(*Tlua_setupvalue) (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n); +typedef int (*Tlua_sethook) (lua_State *L, lua_Hook func, int mask, int count); +typedef lua_Hook (*Tlua_gethook) (lua_State *L); +typedef int (*Tlua_gethookmask) (lua_State *L); +typedef int (*Tlua_gethookcount) (lua_State *L); + +// from lauxlib.h +typedef void (*TluaL_openlib) (lua_State *L, const char *libname, + const luaL_reg *l, int nup); +typedef int (*TluaL_getmetafield) (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e); +typedef int (*TluaL_callmeta) (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e); +typedef int (*TluaL_typerror) (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname); +typedef int (*TluaL_argerror) (lua_State *L, int numarg, const char *extramsg); +typedef const char *(*TluaL_checklstring) (lua_State *L, int numArg, size_t *l); +typedef const char *(*TluaL_optlstring) (lua_State *L, int numArg, + const char *def, size_t *l); +typedef lua_Number (*TluaL_checknumber) (lua_State *L, int numArg); +typedef lua_Number (*TluaL_optnumber) (lua_State *L, int nArg, lua_Number def); + +typedef void (*TluaL_checkstack) (lua_State *L, int sz, const char *msg); +typedef void (*TluaL_checktype) (lua_State *L, int narg, int t); +typedef void (*TluaL_checkany) (lua_State *L, int narg); + +typedef int (*TluaL_newmetatable) (lua_State *L, const char *tname); +typedef void (*TluaL_getmetatable) (lua_State *L, const char *tname); +typedef void *(*TluaL_checkudata) (lua_State *L, int ud, const char *tname); + +typedef void (*TluaL_where) (lua_State *L, int lvl); +typedef int (*TluaL_error) (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...); + +typedef int (*TluaL_findstring) (const char *st, const char *const lst[]); + +typedef int (*TluaL_ref) (lua_State *L, int t); +typedef void (*TluaL_unref) (lua_State *L, int t, int ref); + +typedef int (*TluaL_getn) (lua_State *L, int t); +typedef void (*TluaL_setn) (lua_State *L, int t, int n); + +typedef int (*TluaL_loadfile) (lua_State *L, const char *filename); +typedef int (*TluaL_loadbuffer) (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, + const char *name); + +typedef void (*TluaL_buffinit) (lua_State *L, luaL_Buffer *B); +typedef char *(*TluaL_prepbuffer) (luaL_Buffer *B); +typedef void (*TluaL_addlstring) (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s, size_t l); +typedef void (*TluaL_addstring) (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s); +typedef void (*TluaL_addvalue) (luaL_Buffer *B); +typedef void (*TluaL_pushresult) (luaL_Buffer *B); +typedef int (*Tlua_dofile) (lua_State *L, const char *filename); +typedef int (*Tlua_dostring) (lua_State *L, const char *str); +typedef int (*Tlua_dobuffer) (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, + const char *n); + +// from lualib.h +typedef int (*Tluaopen_base) (lua_State *L); +typedef int (*Tluaopen_table) (lua_State *L); +typedef int (*Tluaopen_io) (lua_State *L); +typedef int (*Tluaopen_string) (lua_State *L); +typedef int (*Tluaopen_math) (lua_State *L); +typedef int (*Tluaopen_debug) (lua_State *L); +typedef int (*Tluaopen_loadlib) (lua_State *L); + +// from lua.h +Tlua_open dlllua_open; +Tlua_close dlllua_close; +Tlua_newthread dlllua_newthread; +Tlua_atpanic dlllua_atpanic; +Tlua_gettop dlllua_gettop; +Tlua_settop dlllua_settop; +Tlua_pushvalue dlllua_pushvalue; +Tlua_remove dlllua_remove; +Tlua_insert dlllua_insert ; +Tlua_replace dlllua_replace; +Tlua_checkstack dlllua_checkstack; +Tlua_xmove dlllua_xmove; +Tlua_isnumber dlllua_isnumber; +Tlua_isstring dlllua_isstring; +Tlua_iscfunction dlllua_iscfunction; +Tlua_isuserdata dlllua_isuserdata; +Tlua_type dlllua_type; +Tlua_typename dlllua_typename; +Tlua_equal dlllua_equal; +Tlua_rawequal dlllua_rawequal; +Tlua_lessthan dlllua_lessthan; +Tlua_tonumber dlllua_tonumber; +Tlua_toboolean dlllua_toboolean; +Tlua_tostring dlllua_tostring; +Tlua_strlen dlllua_strlen; +Tlua_tocfunction dlllua_tocfunction; +Tlua_touserdata dlllua_touserdata; +Tlua_tothread dlllua_tothread; +Tlua_topointer dlllua_topointer; +Tlua_pushnil dlllua_pushnil; +Tlua_pushnumber dlllua_pushnumber; +Tlua_pushlstring dlllua_pushlstring; +Tlua_pushstring dlllua_pushstring; +Tlua_pushvfstring dlllua_pushvfstring; +Tlua_pushfstring dlllua_pushfstring; +Tlua_pushcclosure dlllua_pushcclosure; +Tlua_pushboolean dlllua_pushboolean; +Tlua_pushlightuserdata dlllua_pushlightuserdata; +Tlua_gettable dlllua_gettable; +Tlua_rawget dlllua_rawget; +Tlua_rawgeti dlllua_rawgeti; +Tlua_newtable dlllua_newtable; +Tlua_newuserdata dlllua_newuserdata; +Tlua_getmetatable dlllua_getmetatable; +Tlua_getfenv dlllua_getfenv; +Tlua_settable dlllua_settable; +Tlua_rawset dlllua_rawset; +Tlua_rawseti dlllua_rawseti; +Tlua_setmetatable dlllua_setmetatable; +Tlua_setfenv dlllua_setfenv; +Tlua_call dlllua_call; +Tlua_pcall dlllua_pcall; +Tlua_cpcall dlllua_cpcall; +Tlua_load dlllua_load; +Tlua_dump dlllua_dump; +Tlua_yield dlllua_yield; +Tlua_resume dlllua_resume; +Tlua_getgcthreshold dlllua_getgcthreshold; +Tlua_getgccount dlllua_getgccount; +Tlua_setgcthreshold dlllua_setgcthreshold; +Tlua_version dlllua_version; +Tlua_error dlllua_error; +Tlua_next dlllua_next; +Tlua_concat dlllua_concat; +Tlua_pushupvalues dlllua_pushupvalues; +Tlua_getstack dlllua_getstack; +Tlua_getinfo dlllua_getinfo; +Tlua_getlocal dlllua_getlocal; +Tlua_setlocal dlllua_setlocal; +Tlua_getupvalue dlllua_getupvalue; +Tlua_setupvalue dlllua_setupvalue; +Tlua_sethook dlllua_sethook; +Tlua_gethook dlllua_gethook; +Tlua_gethookmask dlllua_gethookmask; +Tlua_gethookcount dlllua_gethookcount; +// from lauxlib.h +TluaL_openlib dllluaL_openlib; +TluaL_getmetafield dllluaL_getmetafield; +TluaL_callmeta dllluaL_callmeta; +TluaL_typerror dllluaL_typerror; +TluaL_argerror dllluaL_argerror; +TluaL_checklstring dllluaL_checklstring; +TluaL_optlstring dllluaL_optlstring; +TluaL_checknumber dllluaL_checknumber; +TluaL_optnumber dllluaL_optnumber; +TluaL_checkstack dllluaL_checkstack; +TluaL_checktype dllluaL_checktype; +TluaL_checkany dllluaL_checkany; +TluaL_newmetatable dllluaL_newmetatable; +TluaL_getmetatable dllluaL_getmetatable; +TluaL_checkudata dllluaL_checkudata; +TluaL_where dllluaL_where; +TluaL_error dllluaL_error; +TluaL_findstring dllluaL_findstring; +TluaL_ref dllluaL_ref; +TluaL_unref dllluaL_unref; +TluaL_getn dllluaL_getn; +TluaL_setn dllluaL_setn; +TluaL_loadfile dllluaL_loadfile; +TluaL_loadbuffer dllluaL_loadbuffer; +TluaL_buffinit dllluaL_buffinit; +TluaL_prepbuffer dllluaL_prepbuffer; +TluaL_addlstring dllluaL_addlstring; +TluaL_addstring dllluaL_addstring; +TluaL_addvalue dllluaL_addvalue; +TluaL_pushresult dllluaL_pushresult; +Tlua_dofile dlllua_dofile; +Tlua_dostring dlllua_dostring; +Tlua_dobuffer dlllua_dobuffer; +// from lua lib.h +Tluaopen_base dllluaopen_base; +Tluaopen_table dllluaopen_table; +Tluaopen_io dllluaopen_io; +Tluaopen_string dllluaopen_string; +Tluaopen_math dllluaopen_math; +Tluaopen_debug dllluaopen_debug; +Tluaopen_loadlib dllluaopen_loadlib; + +// call to actual dll function +lua_State *lua_open (void) { return dlllua_open(); } +void lua_close (lua_State *L) { dlllua_close(L); } +lua_State *lua_newthread (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_newthread(L); } +lua_CFunction lua_atpanic (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction panicf) { return dlllua_atpanic(L, panicf); } +int lua_gettop (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_gettop(L); } +void lua_settop (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_settop(L, idx); } +void lua_pushvalue (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_pushvalue(L, idx); } +void lua_remove (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_remove(L, idx); } +void lua_insert (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_insert (L, idx); } +void lua_replace (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_replace(L, idx); } +int lua_checkstack (lua_State *L, int sz) { return dlllua_checkstack(L, sz); } +void lua_xmove (lua_State *from, lua_State *to, int n) { dlllua_xmove(from, to, n); } +int lua_isnumber (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_isnumber(L, idx); } +int lua_isstring (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_isstring(L, idx); } +int lua_iscfunction (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_iscfunction(L, idx); } +int lua_isuserdata (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_isuserdata(L, idx); } +int lua_type (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_type(L, idx); } +const char *lua_typename (lua_State *L, int tp) { return dlllua_typename(L, tp); } +int lua_equal (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2) { return dlllua_equal(L, idx1, idx2); } +int lua_rawequal (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2) { return dlllua_rawequal(L, idx1, idx2); } +int lua_lessthan (lua_State *L, int idx1, int idx2) { return dlllua_lessthan(L, idx1, idx2); } +lua_Number lua_tonumber (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_tonumber(L, idx); } +int lua_toboolean (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_toboolean(L, idx); } +const char *lua_tostring (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_tostring(L, idx); } +size_t lua_strlen (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_strlen(L, idx); } +lua_CFunction lua_tocfunction (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_tocfunction(L, idx); } +void *lua_touserdata (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_touserdata(L, idx); } +lua_State *lua_tothread (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_tothread(L, idx); } +const void *lua_topointer (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_topointer(L, idx); } +void lua_pushnil (lua_State *L) { dlllua_pushnil(L); } +void lua_pushnumber (lua_State *L, lua_Number n) { dlllua_pushnumber(L, n); } +void lua_pushlstring (lua_State *L, const char *s, size_t l) { dlllua_pushlstring(L, s, l); } +void lua_pushstring (lua_State *L, const char *s) { dlllua_pushstring(L, s); } + +const char *lua_pushvfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, va_list argp) +{ + const char *result; + va_list _args; + va_start (_args, fmt); + result = dlllua_pushvfstring(L, fmt, _args); + va_end(_args); + return result; +} + +const char *lua_pushfstring (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...) +{ + const char *result; + va_list _args; + va_start (_args, fmt); + result = dlllua_pushfstring(L, fmt, _args); + va_end(_args); + return result; +} + +void lua_pushcclosure (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction fn, int n) { dlllua_pushcclosure(L, fn, n); } +void lua_pushboolean (lua_State *L, int b) { dlllua_pushboolean(L, b); } +void lua_pushlightuserdata (lua_State *L, void *p) { dlllua_pushlightuserdata(L, p); } +void lua_gettable (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_gettable(L, idx); } +void lua_rawget (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_rawget(L, idx); } +void lua_rawgeti (lua_State *L, int idx, int n) { dlllua_rawgeti(L, idx, n); } +void lua_newtable (lua_State *L) { dlllua_newtable(L); } +void *lua_newuserdata (lua_State *L, size_t sz) { return dlllua_newuserdata(L, sz); } +int lua_getmetatable (lua_State *L, int objindex) { return dlllua_getmetatable(L, objindex); } +void lua_getfenv (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_getfenv(L, idx); } +void lua_settable (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_settable(L, idx); } +void lua_rawset (lua_State *L, int idx) { dlllua_rawset(L, idx); } +void lua_rawseti (lua_State *L, int idx, int n) { dlllua_rawseti(L, idx, n); } +int lua_setmetatable (lua_State *L, int objindex) { return dlllua_setmetatable(L, objindex); } +int lua_setfenv (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_setfenv(L, idx); } +void lua_call (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults) { dlllua_call(L, nargs, nresults); } +int lua_pcall (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc) { return dlllua_pcall(L, nargs, nresults, errfunc); } +int lua_cpcall (lua_State *L, lua_CFunction func, void *ud) { return dlllua_cpcall(L, func, ud); } +int lua_load (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkreader reader, void *dt, const char *chunkname) +{ + return dlllua_load(L, reader, dt, chunkname); +} +int lua_dump (lua_State *L, lua_Chunkwriter writer, void *data) { return dlllua_dump(L, writer, data); } +int lua_yield (lua_State *L, int nresults) { return dlllua_yield(L, nresults); } +int lua_resume (lua_State *L, int narg) { return dlllua_resume(L, narg); } +int lua_getgcthreshold (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_getgcthreshold(L); } +int lua_getgccount (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_getgccount(L); } +void lua_setgcthreshold (lua_State *L, int newthreshold) { dlllua_setgcthreshold(L, newthreshold); } +const char *lua_version (void) { return dlllua_version(); } +int lua_error (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_error(L); } +int lua_next (lua_State *L, int idx) { return dlllua_next(L, idx); } +void lua_concat (lua_State *L, int n) { dlllua_concat(L, n); } +int lua_pushupvalues (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_pushupvalues(L); } +int lua_getstack (lua_State *L, int level, lua_Debug *ar) { return dlllua_getstack(L, level, ar); } +int lua_getinfo (lua_State *L, const char *what, lua_Debug *ar) { return dlllua_getinfo(L, what, ar); } +const char *lua_getlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n) { return dlllua_getlocal(L, ar, n); } +const char *lua_setlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n) { return dlllua_setlocal(L, ar, n); } +const char *lua_getupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n) { return dlllua_getupvalue(L, funcindex, n); } +const char *lua_setupvalue (lua_State *L, int funcindex, int n) { return dlllua_setupvalue(L, funcindex, n); } +int lua_sethook (lua_State *L, lua_Hook func, int mask, int count) { return dlllua_sethook(L, func, mask, count); } +lua_Hook lua_gethook (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_gethook(L); } +int lua_gethookmask (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_gethookmask(L); } +int lua_gethookcount (lua_State *L) { return dlllua_gethookcount(L); } + +// from lauxlib.h +void luaL_openlib (lua_State *L, const char *libname, const luaL_reg *l, int nup) { dllluaL_openlib(L, libname, l, nup); } +int luaL_getmetafield (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e) { return dllluaL_getmetafield(L, obj, e); } +int luaL_callmeta (lua_State *L, int obj, const char *e) { return dllluaL_callmeta(L, obj, e); } +int luaL_typerror (lua_State *L, int narg, const char *tname) { return dllluaL_typerror(L, narg, tname); } +int luaL_argerror (lua_State *L, int numarg, const char *extramsg) { return dllluaL_argerror(L, numarg, extramsg); } +const char *luaL_checklstring (lua_State *L, int numArg, size_t *l) { return dllluaL_checklstring(L, numArg, l); } +const char *luaL_optlstring (lua_State *L, int numArg, const char *def, size_t *l) { return dllluaL_optlstring(L, numArg, def, l); } +lua_Number luaL_checknumber (lua_State *L, int numArg) { return dllluaL_checknumber(L, numArg); } +lua_Number luaL_optnumber (lua_State *L, int nArg, lua_Number def) { return dllluaL_optnumber(L, nArg, def); } +void luaL_checkstack (lua_State *L, int sz, const char *msg) { dllluaL_checkstack(L, sz, msg); } +void luaL_checktype (lua_State *L, int narg, int t) { dllluaL_checktype(L, narg, t); } +void luaL_checkany (lua_State *L, int narg) { dllluaL_checkany(L, narg); } +int luaL_newmetatable (lua_State *L, const char *tname) { return dllluaL_newmetatable(L, tname); } +void luaL_getmetatable (lua_State *L, const char *tname) { dllluaL_getmetatable(L, tname); } +void *luaL_checkudata (lua_State *L, int ud, const char *tname) { return dllluaL_checkudata(L, ud, tname); } +void luaL_where (lua_State *L, int lvl) { dllluaL_where(L, lvl); } + +int luaL_error (lua_State *L, const char *fmt, ...) +{ + int result; + va_list _args; + va_start (_args, fmt); + result = dllluaL_error(L, fmt, _args); + va_end(_args); + return result; +} +int luaL_findstring (const char *st, const char *const lst[]) { return dllluaL_findstring(st, lst); } +int luaL_ref (lua_State *L, int t) { return dllluaL_ref(L, t); } +void luaL_unref (lua_State *L, int t, int ref) { dllluaL_unref(L, t, ref); } +int luaL_getn (lua_State *L, int t) { return dllluaL_getn(L, t); } +void luaL_setn (lua_State *L, int t, int n) { dllluaL_setn(L, t, n); } +int luaL_loadfile (lua_State *L, const char *filename) { return dllluaL_loadfile(L, filename); } +int luaL_loadbuffer (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, const char *name) { return dllluaL_loadbuffer(L, buff, sz, name); } + +void luaL_buffinit (lua_State *L, luaL_Buffer *B) { dllluaL_buffinit(L, B); } +char *luaL_prepbuffer (luaL_Buffer *B) { return dllluaL_prepbuffer(B); } + +void luaL_addlstring (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s, size_t l) { dllluaL_addlstring(B, s, l); } +void luaL_addstring (luaL_Buffer *B, const char *s) { dllluaL_addstring(B, s); } +void luaL_addvalue (luaL_Buffer *B) { dllluaL_addvalue(B); } +void luaL_pushresult (luaL_Buffer *B) { dllluaL_pushresult(B); } +int lua_dofile (lua_State *L, const char *filename) { return dlllua_dofile(L, filename); } +int lua_dostring (lua_State *L, const char *str) { return dlllua_dostring(L, str); } +int lua_dobuffer (lua_State *L, const char *buff, size_t sz, const char *n) { return dlllua_dobuffer(L, buff, sz, n); } + +// from lualib.h +int luaopen_base (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_base(L); } +int luaopen_table (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_table(L); } +int luaopen_io (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_io(L); } +int luaopen_string (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_string(L); } +int luaopen_math (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_math(L); } +int luaopen_debug (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_debug(L); } +int luaopen_loadlib (lua_State *L) { return dllluaopen_loadlib(L); } + + +int loadLuaDLL() +{ + HMODULE libHandle = LoadLibrary("lua.dll"); + if (!libHandle) return 0; +#define GET_LUA_PROC(name) dll##name = (T##name) GetProcAddress(libHandle, #name); if (!dll##name) return 0; + // from lua.h + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_close) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_newthread) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_atpanic) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gettop) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_settop) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushvalue) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_remove) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_insert) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_replace) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_checkstack) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_xmove) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_isnumber) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_isstring) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_iscfunction) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_isuserdata) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_type) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_typename) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_equal) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawequal) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_lessthan) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tonumber) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_toboolean) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tostring) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_strlen) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tocfunction) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_touserdata) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_tothread) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_topointer) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushnil) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushnumber) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushlstring) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushstring) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushcclosure) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushboolean) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushlightuserdata) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gettable) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawget) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawgeti) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_newtable) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_newuserdata) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getmetatable) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getfenv) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_settable) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawset) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_rawseti) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setmetatable) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setfenv) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_call) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pcall) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_cpcall) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_load) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dump) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_yield) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_resume) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getgcthreshold) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getgccount) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setgcthreshold) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_version) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_error) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_next) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_concat) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_pushupvalues) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getstack) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getinfo) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getlocal) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setlocal) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_getupvalue) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_setupvalue) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_sethook) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gethook) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gethookmask) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_gethookcount) + // from lauxlib.h + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_openlib) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_getmetafield) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_callmeta) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_typerror) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_argerror) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checklstring) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_optlstring) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checknumber) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_optnumber) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checkstack) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checktype) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checkany) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_newmetatable) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_getmetatable) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_checkudata) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_where) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_error) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_findstring) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_ref) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_unref) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_getn) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_setn) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_loadfile) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_loadbuffer) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_buffinit) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_prepbuffer) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_addlstring) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_addstring) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_addvalue) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaL_pushresult) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dofile) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dostring) + GET_LUA_PROC(lua_dobuffer) + // from lua lib.h + GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_base) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_table) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_io) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_string) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_math) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_debug) + GET_LUA_PROC(luaopen_loadlib) + + return 1; +} diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/anim/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/anim/sh/export.sh index 7bcd4ac35d..fe5ded0773 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/anim/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/anim/sh/export.sh @@ -1,57 +1,57 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export animation files (.anim) from Max - -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "anim_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/anim_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the build gamedata directory -build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the anim directories -anim_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "anim_source_directory" | sed -e 's/anim_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Maxdir -max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export animation >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export animation -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy - -for i in $anim_source_directories ; do - # Copy the script - cat maxscript/anim_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/anim/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&anim_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/anim/anim_export&g" > $max_directory/scripts/anim_export.ms - - # Start max - echo Try 1 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript anim_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 2 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript anim_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 3 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript anim_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export animation files (.anim) from Max + +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "anim_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/anim_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the build gamedata directory +build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the anim directories +anim_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "anim_source_directory" | sed -e 's/anim_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Maxdir +max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export animation >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export animation +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy + +for i in $anim_source_directories ; do + # Copy the script + cat maxscript/anim_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/anim/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&anim_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/anim/anim_export&g" > $max_directory/scripts/anim_export.ms + + # Start max + echo Try 1 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript anim_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 2 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript anim_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 3 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript anim_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/anim/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/anim/sh/install.sh index a956d24c07..5c4a8dbe79 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/anim/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/anim/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install anim in the client data - -# Get the anim install directory -anim_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "anim_install_directory" | sed -e 's/anim_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install animation >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install animation -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R anim/. $client_directory/$anim_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install anim in the client data + +# Get the anim install directory +anim_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "anim_install_directory" | sed -e 's/anim_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install animation >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install animation +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R anim/. $client_directory/$anim_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/sh/build.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/sh/build.sh index f932e5aa77..e77fe82f5d 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/sh/build.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/sh/build.sh @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Build clod : build .clodbank >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build clod : build .clodbank -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the lod config file in the database -clod_config_file=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "clod_config_file" | sed -e 's/clod_config_file//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the Lod character bank name -clod_bank_file_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "clod_bank_file_name" | sed -e 's/clod_bank_file_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - - -# Execute the build -build_clod_bank.exe cfg/local_path.cfg $database_directory/$clod_config_file clodbank/$clod_bank_file_name - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Build clod : build .clodbank >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build clod : build .clodbank +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the lod config file in the database +clod_config_file=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "clod_config_file" | sed -e 's/clod_config_file//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the Lod character bank name +clod_bank_file_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "clod_bank_file_name" | sed -e 's/clod_bank_file_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + + +# Execute the build +build_clod_bank.exe cfg/local_path.cfg $database_directory/$clod_config_file clodbank/$clod_bank_file_name + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/sh/export.sh index e0480f3d57..007febdf0f 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/sh/export.sh @@ -1,60 +1,60 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - - -# *** Export character lod shape files (.clod) from Max - -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/shape_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the build gamedata directory -build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the shape directories -clod_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "clod_source_directory" | sed -e 's/clod_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Maxdir -max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export clod >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export clod -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy - -for i in $clod_source_directories ; do - # Copy the script - cat maxscript/clod_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/clodbank/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&shape_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_clod&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/clodbank/clod&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/clodbank/tag&g" > $max_directory/scripts/clod_export.ms - - # Start max - echo Try 1 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript clod_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 2 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript clod_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 3 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript clod_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + + +# *** Export character lod shape files (.clod) from Max + +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/shape_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the build gamedata directory +build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the shape directories +clod_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "clod_source_directory" | sed -e 's/clod_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Maxdir +max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export clod >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export clod +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy + +for i in $clod_source_directories ; do + # Copy the script + cat maxscript/clod_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/clodbank/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&shape_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_clod&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/clodbank/clod&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/clodbank/tag&g" > $max_directory/scripts/clod_export.ms + + # Start max + echo Try 1 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript clod_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 2 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript clod_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 3 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript clod_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/sh/install.sh index 3eb96ca6b0..406af468da 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/clodbank/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install clodbank in the client data, in the "shapes/" directory - -# Get the shape install directory -shape_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "shape_install_directory" | sed -e 's/shape_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install clodbank >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install clodbank -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R clodbank/. $client_directory/$shape_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install clodbank in the client data, in the "shapes/" directory + +# Get the shape install directory +shape_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "shape_install_directory" | sed -e 's/shape_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install clodbank >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install clodbank +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R clodbank/. $client_directory/$shape_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/displace/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/displace/sh/export.sh index 648e5c9b5d..3b109ed296 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/displace/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/displace/sh/export.sh @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export displace tile (.tga) - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the displace directories -displace_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "displace_source_directories" | sed -e 's/displace_source_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export displace >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export displace -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each displace directory -for i in $displace_source_directories ; do - # Copy - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA] tga 2>> log.log - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export displace tile (.tga) + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the displace directories +displace_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "displace_source_directories" | sed -e 's/displace_source_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export displace >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export displace +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each displace directory +for i in $displace_source_directories ; do + # Copy + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA] tga 2>> log.log + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/displace/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/displace/sh/install.sh index 9babbe05b8..8455e0216f 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/displace/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/displace/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install the displace in the client data - -# Get the displace install directory -displace_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "displace_install_directory" | sed -e 's/displace_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install displace >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install displace -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R tga/. $client_directory/$displace_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install the displace in the client data + +# Get the displace install directory +displace_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "displace_install_directory" | sed -e 's/displace_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install displace >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install displace +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R tga/. $client_directory/$displace_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/farbank/sh/build.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/farbank/sh/build.sh index 58af3f4ed7..c8dd64d022 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/farbank/sh/build.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/farbank/sh/build.sh @@ -1,89 +1,89 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Build the farbank - -build_farbank='build_far_bank.exe' -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "farbank_build_timeout" | sed -e 's/farbank_build_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the tiles root directories -tile_root_source_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "tile_root_source_directory" | sed -e 's/tile_root_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the extension list -multiple_tiles_postfix=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "multiple_tiles_postfix" | sed -e 's/multiple_tiles_postfix//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Build farbank >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build farbank -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# list all the bank -bank_list=`ls -1 ../smallbank/smallbank/*.[sS][mM][aA][lL][lL][bB][aA][nN][kK]` - -# For each bank -for i in $bank_list ; do - - if ( test "$multiple_tiles_postfix" ) then - - for j in $multiple_tiles_postfix ; do - - # Destination the name - dest=`echo $i | sed -e "s&\.smallbank&\$j.farbank&g" | sed -e 's&../smallbank/smallbank&farbank&g'` - echo $i - echo $dest - - # Make the dependencies - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) - then - $exec_timeout $timeout $build_farbank $i $dest -d$database_directory/$tile_root_source_directory$j/ -p$j - if ( test -e $dest ) - then - echo OK $dest >> log.log - else - echo ERROR building $dest >> log.log - fi - else - echo SKIPPED $dest >> log.log - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - done - - else - - # Destination the name - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's&\.smallbank&\.farbank&g' | sed -e 's&../smallbank/smallbank&farbank&g'` - echo $i - echo $dest - - # Make the dependencies - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) - then - $exec_timeout $timeout $build_farbank $i $dest - if ( test -e $dest ) - then - echo OK $dest >> log.log - else - echo ERROR building $dest >> log.log - fi - else - echo SKIPPED $dest >> log.log - fi - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Build the farbank + +build_farbank='build_far_bank.exe' +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "farbank_build_timeout" | sed -e 's/farbank_build_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the tiles root directories +tile_root_source_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "tile_root_source_directory" | sed -e 's/tile_root_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the extension list +multiple_tiles_postfix=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "multiple_tiles_postfix" | sed -e 's/multiple_tiles_postfix//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Build farbank >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build farbank +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# list all the bank +bank_list=`ls -1 ../smallbank/smallbank/*.[sS][mM][aA][lL][lL][bB][aA][nN][kK]` + +# For each bank +for i in $bank_list ; do + + if ( test "$multiple_tiles_postfix" ) then + + for j in $multiple_tiles_postfix ; do + + # Destination the name + dest=`echo $i | sed -e "s&\.smallbank&\$j.farbank&g" | sed -e 's&../smallbank/smallbank&farbank&g'` + echo $i + echo $dest + + # Make the dependencies + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) + then + $exec_timeout $timeout $build_farbank $i $dest -d$database_directory/$tile_root_source_directory$j/ -p$j + if ( test -e $dest ) + then + echo OK $dest >> log.log + else + echo ERROR building $dest >> log.log + fi + else + echo SKIPPED $dest >> log.log + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + done + + else + + # Destination the name + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's&\.smallbank&\.farbank&g' | sed -e 's&../smallbank/smallbank&farbank&g'` + echo $i + echo $dest + + # Make the dependencies + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) + then + $exec_timeout $timeout $build_farbank $i $dest + if ( test -e $dest ) + then + echo OK $dest >> log.log + else + echo ERROR building $dest >> log.log + fi + else + echo SKIPPED $dest >> log.log + fi + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/farbank/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/farbank/sh/install.sh index 0504193b75..6d748800e9 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/farbank/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/farbank/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install the farbank in the client data - -# Get the bank install directory -bank_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "bank_install_directory" | sed -e 's/bank_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install farbank >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install farbank -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R farbank/. $client_directory/$bank_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install the farbank in the client data + +# Get the bank install directory +bank_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "bank_install_directory" | sed -e 's/bank_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install farbank >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install farbank +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R farbank/. $client_directory/$bank_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/font/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/font/sh/export.sh index 8bbbcfeac9..0a16e017e9 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/font/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/font/sh/export.sh @@ -1,32 +1,32 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export fonts - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the ps directories -font_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "font_source_directories" | sed -e 's/font_source_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export fonts >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export fonts -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each font directory -for i in $font_source_directories ; do - # Copy - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][tT][fF] fonts 2>> log.log - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[aA][fF][mM] fonts 2>> log.log - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[pP][fF][bB] fonts 2>> log.log - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[pP][fF][mM] fonts 2>> log.log - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export fonts + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the ps directories +font_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "font_source_directories" | sed -e 's/font_source_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export fonts >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export fonts +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each font directory +for i in $font_source_directories ; do + # Copy + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][tT][fF] fonts 2>> log.log + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[aA][fF][mM] fonts 2>> log.log + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[pP][fF][bB] fonts 2>> log.log + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[pP][fF][mM] fonts 2>> log.log + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/font/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/font/sh/install.sh index b4eeb34a3c..b2f36bd1b7 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/font/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/font/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install the fonts in the client data - -# Get the fonts install directory -fonts_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "fonts_install_directory" | sed -e 's/fonts_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install fonts >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install fonts -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R fonts/. $client_directory/$fonts_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install the fonts in the client data + +# Get the fonts install directory +fonts_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "fonts_install_directory" | sed -e 's/fonts_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install fonts >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install fonts +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R fonts/. $client_directory/$fonts_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig/sh/build.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig/sh/build.sh index d2e618b8c5..73f946f40f 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig/sh/build.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig/sh/build.sh @@ -1,304 +1,304 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# ig_land_max: landscape IG eported from 3dsmax not elevated by the heightmap -# ig_land_max_elev: landscape IG eported from 3dsmax elevated by the heightmap -# ig_land_ligo: landscape IG found in ligo bricks not elevated by the heightmap -# ig_land_ligo_elev: landscape IG found in ligo bricks from 3dsmax elevated by the heightmap -# ig_land_ld: landscape IG generated by the land exporter (already elevated by the land exporter) - -# ig_land: final IG directory for landscape IGs -# ig_land_compare: Tmp final IG directory for landscape IGs before comparison -# ig_other: final IG directory for village or construction IGs - -# Log error -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build ig >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build ig -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# ************************************************ -# Build the IG_LAND made with the LevelDesign Tool -# ************************************************ - -# Get the primitive directory -continentdir=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "leveldesign_igexport_continent_dir" | sed -e 's/leveldesign_igexport_continent_dir//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/;//g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the primitive directories -ligo_ig_primitive_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_ig_primitive_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_ig_primitive_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the form directory -form_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -if ( test "$continentdir" || test "$ligo_ig_primitive_directory" ) -then - land_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_land" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_land//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - - if ( test "$land_name" ) - then - echo [Prim IG] ON - echo [Prim IG] ON >> log.log - # create cfg file - # +++++++++++++++ - - rm prim_export.cfg - echo "// prim_export.cfg" > prim_export.cfg - - echo "OutIGDir = \"ig_land_ld\";" >> prim_export.cfg - echo "ZoneWDir = \"..\\zone\\zone_welded\";" >> prim_export.cfg - - name_bank=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bank_name" | sed -e 's/bank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "SmallBank = $name_bank" >> prim_export.cfg - name_farbank=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bankfar_name" | sed -e 's/bankfar_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "FarBank = $name_farbank" >> prim_export.cfg - - displacedir=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "displace_source_directory" | sed -e 's/displace_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - dir_database=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "DisplaceDir = \"$dir_database/$displacedir\";" >> prim_export.cfg - - echo "CellSize = 160.0;" >> prim_export.cfg - - # Set the continent directory to export - echo "PrimDirs = {" >> prim_export.cfg - echo " $continentdir," >> prim_export.cfg - for dir in $ligo_ig_primitive_directory ; do - echo " \"$database_directory/$dir\"," >> prim_export.cfg - done - echo "};" >> prim_export.cfg - - # Set the dfn directory to export - echo "FormDir = \"$form_dir\";" >> prim_export.cfg - - # ******************* - # Launch the exporter - # ******************* - - prim_export.exe prim_export.cfg - - # ******************* - # Merge it with the IG_LAND exported from Max + elvated with heightmap - # ******************* - - # elevation of the heightmap for land_max - # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - - rm ig_elevation.cfg - echo "// ig_elevation.cfg" > ig_elevation.cfg - echo "OutputIGDir = \"ig_land_max_elev\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg - echo "InputIGDir = \"ig_land_max\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg - echo "CellSize = 160.0;" >> ig_elevation.cfg - - # HeightMapFile1 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) - dir_database=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - dir_ligosrc=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - hmf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "HeightMapFile1 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf1\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg - - # ZFactor1 is the heightmap factor - zf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "ZFactor1 = $zf1;" >> ig_elevation.cfg - - # HeightMapFile2 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) - hmf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "HeightMapFile2 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf2\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg - - # ZFactor2 is the heightmap factor - zf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "ZFactor2 = $zf2;" >> ig_elevation.cfg - - echo "LandFile = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$land_name\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg - - - ig_elevation ig_elevation.cfg - - # elevation of the heightmap for land_ligo - # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - - rm ig_elevation.cfg - echo "// ig_elevation.cfg" > ig_elevation.cfg - echo "OutputIGDir = \"ig_land_ligo_elev\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg - echo "InputIGDir = \"ig_land_ligo\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg - echo "CellSize = 160.0;" >> ig_elevation.cfg - - # HeightMapFile1 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) - dir_database=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - dir_ligosrc=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - hmf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "HeightMapFile1 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf1\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg - - # ZFactor1 is the heightmap factor - zf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "ZFactor1 = $zf1;" >> ig_elevation.cfg - - # HeightMapFile2 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) - hmf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "HeightMapFile2 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf2\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg - - # ZFactor2 is the heightmap factor - zf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "ZFactor2 = $zf2;" >> ig_elevation.cfg - - land_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_land" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_land//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "LandFile = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$land_name\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg - - ig_elevation ig_elevation.cfg - - else - echo [Prim IG] OFF - echo [Prim IG] OFF >> log.log - fi -else - echo [Prim IG] OFF - echo [Prim IG] OFF >> log.log -fi - -# Erase ig in ig_merge_tmp and ig_land_compare - -rm ig_merge_tmp/* -rm ig_land_compare/* - -# Merge ig in ig_land_ld with ig_land_max_elev in ig_merge_tmp - -dir_current=`pwd` -cd ig_land_ld -list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG] 2> /dev/null` -cd $dir_current -for filename in $list_ig ; do - # Does this file exist in ig_land_max_elev ? - if test -e ig_land_max_elev/$filename ; then - # Yes, lets merge it - ig_add ig_merge_tmp/$filename ig_land_max_elev/$filename ig_land_ld/$filename ; - else - # No, only copy it - cp ig_land_ld/$filename ig_merge_tmp/$filename ; - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -# Merge ig in ig_land_max_elev with ig_land_ld in ig_merge_tmp - -cd ig_land_max_elev -list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG] 2> /dev/null` -cd $dir_current -for filename in $list_ig ; do - # Does this file exist in ig_land_ld ? - if !(test -e ig_land_ld/$filename) then - # No, only copy it - cp ig_land_max_elev/$filename ig_merge_tmp/$filename ; - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -# Merge ig in ig_merge_tmp with ig_land_ligo_elev in ig_land_compare - -cd ig_merge_tmp -list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG] 2> /dev/null` -cd $dir_current -for filename in $list_ig ; do - # Does this file exist in ig_land_ligo_elev ? - if (test -e ig_land_ligo_elev/$filename) then - # Yes, lets merge it - ig_add ig_land_compare/$filename ig_merge_tmp/$filename ig_land_ligo_elev/$filename ; - else - # No, only copy it - cp ig_merge_tmp/$filename ig_land_compare/$filename ; - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -# Merge ig in ig_land_ligo_elev with ig_merge_tmp in ig_land_compare - -cd ig_land_ligo_elev -list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG] 2> /dev/null` -cd $dir_current -for filename in $list_ig ; do - # Does this file exist in ig_merge_tmp ? - if !(test -e ig_merge_tmp/$filename) then - # No, only copy it - cp ig_land_ligo_elev/$filename ig_land_compare/$filename ; - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -# Compare and update - -cd ig_land_compare -list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG]` -for filename in $list_ig ; do - echo "Checking $filename for update" - if test -e ../ig_land/$filename ; then - must_update=`diff --binary -q $filename ../ig_land/$filename` ; - else - must_update=YES ; - fi - - if test -n "$must_update" ; then - echo " Updating" - cp -u -p $filename ../ig_land/$filename ; - fi - - # Idle - ../../../idle.bat -done -cd ../ig_land -list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG]` -for filename in $list_ig ; do - if !(test -e ../ig_land_compare/$filename) then - echo "Remove $filename" - rm $filename ; - fi - - # Idle - ../../../idle.bat -done -cd $dir_current - - -# ****************** -# List all the zones -# ****************** - -# Get the landscape name -landscape_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "landscape_name" | sed -e 's/landscape_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Landscape name exist ? -if ( test "$landscape_name" ) -then - # If the list file exists, erase it - if ( test -f "$landscape_name"_ig.txt ) - then - rm "$landscape_name"_ig.txt - fi - - cd ig_land - for i in *.[iI][gG] ; do - # Build an ig list - if ( test -f $i ) - then - echo $i >> ../"$landscape_name"_ig.txt - else - echo >> ../"$landscape_name"_ig.txt - fi - done - cd .. - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -fi - - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# ig_land_max: landscape IG eported from 3dsmax not elevated by the heightmap +# ig_land_max_elev: landscape IG eported from 3dsmax elevated by the heightmap +# ig_land_ligo: landscape IG found in ligo bricks not elevated by the heightmap +# ig_land_ligo_elev: landscape IG found in ligo bricks from 3dsmax elevated by the heightmap +# ig_land_ld: landscape IG generated by the land exporter (already elevated by the land exporter) + +# ig_land: final IG directory for landscape IGs +# ig_land_compare: Tmp final IG directory for landscape IGs before comparison +# ig_other: final IG directory for village or construction IGs + +# Log error +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build ig >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build ig +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# ************************************************ +# Build the IG_LAND made with the LevelDesign Tool +# ************************************************ + +# Get the primitive directory +continentdir=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "leveldesign_igexport_continent_dir" | sed -e 's/leveldesign_igexport_continent_dir//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/;//g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the primitive directories +ligo_ig_primitive_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_ig_primitive_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_ig_primitive_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the form directory +form_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +if ( test "$continentdir" || test "$ligo_ig_primitive_directory" ) +then + land_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_land" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_land//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + + if ( test "$land_name" ) + then + echo [Prim IG] ON + echo [Prim IG] ON >> log.log + # create cfg file + # +++++++++++++++ + + rm prim_export.cfg + echo "// prim_export.cfg" > prim_export.cfg + + echo "OutIGDir = \"ig_land_ld\";" >> prim_export.cfg + echo "ZoneWDir = \"..\\zone\\zone_welded\";" >> prim_export.cfg + + name_bank=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bank_name" | sed -e 's/bank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "SmallBank = $name_bank" >> prim_export.cfg + name_farbank=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bankfar_name" | sed -e 's/bankfar_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "FarBank = $name_farbank" >> prim_export.cfg + + displacedir=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "displace_source_directory" | sed -e 's/displace_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + dir_database=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "DisplaceDir = \"$dir_database/$displacedir\";" >> prim_export.cfg + + echo "CellSize = 160.0;" >> prim_export.cfg + + # Set the continent directory to export + echo "PrimDirs = {" >> prim_export.cfg + echo " $continentdir," >> prim_export.cfg + for dir in $ligo_ig_primitive_directory ; do + echo " \"$database_directory/$dir\"," >> prim_export.cfg + done + echo "};" >> prim_export.cfg + + # Set the dfn directory to export + echo "FormDir = \"$form_dir\";" >> prim_export.cfg + + # ******************* + # Launch the exporter + # ******************* + + prim_export.exe prim_export.cfg + + # ******************* + # Merge it with the IG_LAND exported from Max + elvated with heightmap + # ******************* + + # elevation of the heightmap for land_max + # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + rm ig_elevation.cfg + echo "// ig_elevation.cfg" > ig_elevation.cfg + echo "OutputIGDir = \"ig_land_max_elev\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg + echo "InputIGDir = \"ig_land_max\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg + echo "CellSize = 160.0;" >> ig_elevation.cfg + + # HeightMapFile1 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) + dir_database=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + dir_ligosrc=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + hmf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "HeightMapFile1 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf1\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg + + # ZFactor1 is the heightmap factor + zf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "ZFactor1 = $zf1;" >> ig_elevation.cfg + + # HeightMapFile2 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) + hmf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "HeightMapFile2 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf2\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg + + # ZFactor2 is the heightmap factor + zf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "ZFactor2 = $zf2;" >> ig_elevation.cfg + + echo "LandFile = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$land_name\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg + + + ig_elevation ig_elevation.cfg + + # elevation of the heightmap for land_ligo + # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + rm ig_elevation.cfg + echo "// ig_elevation.cfg" > ig_elevation.cfg + echo "OutputIGDir = \"ig_land_ligo_elev\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg + echo "InputIGDir = \"ig_land_ligo\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg + echo "CellSize = 160.0;" >> ig_elevation.cfg + + # HeightMapFile1 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) + dir_database=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + dir_ligosrc=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + hmf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "HeightMapFile1 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf1\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg + + # ZFactor1 is the heightmap factor + zf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "ZFactor1 = $zf1;" >> ig_elevation.cfg + + # HeightMapFile2 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) + hmf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "HeightMapFile2 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf2\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg + + # ZFactor2 is the heightmap factor + zf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "ZFactor2 = $zf2;" >> ig_elevation.cfg + + land_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_land" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_land//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "LandFile = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$land_name\";" >> ig_elevation.cfg + + ig_elevation ig_elevation.cfg + + else + echo [Prim IG] OFF + echo [Prim IG] OFF >> log.log + fi +else + echo [Prim IG] OFF + echo [Prim IG] OFF >> log.log +fi + +# Erase ig in ig_merge_tmp and ig_land_compare + +rm ig_merge_tmp/* +rm ig_land_compare/* + +# Merge ig in ig_land_ld with ig_land_max_elev in ig_merge_tmp + +dir_current=`pwd` +cd ig_land_ld +list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG] 2> /dev/null` +cd $dir_current +for filename in $list_ig ; do + # Does this file exist in ig_land_max_elev ? + if test -e ig_land_max_elev/$filename ; then + # Yes, lets merge it + ig_add ig_merge_tmp/$filename ig_land_max_elev/$filename ig_land_ld/$filename ; + else + # No, only copy it + cp ig_land_ld/$filename ig_merge_tmp/$filename ; + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +# Merge ig in ig_land_max_elev with ig_land_ld in ig_merge_tmp + +cd ig_land_max_elev +list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG] 2> /dev/null` +cd $dir_current +for filename in $list_ig ; do + # Does this file exist in ig_land_ld ? + if !(test -e ig_land_ld/$filename) then + # No, only copy it + cp ig_land_max_elev/$filename ig_merge_tmp/$filename ; + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +# Merge ig in ig_merge_tmp with ig_land_ligo_elev in ig_land_compare + +cd ig_merge_tmp +list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG] 2> /dev/null` +cd $dir_current +for filename in $list_ig ; do + # Does this file exist in ig_land_ligo_elev ? + if (test -e ig_land_ligo_elev/$filename) then + # Yes, lets merge it + ig_add ig_land_compare/$filename ig_merge_tmp/$filename ig_land_ligo_elev/$filename ; + else + # No, only copy it + cp ig_merge_tmp/$filename ig_land_compare/$filename ; + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +# Merge ig in ig_land_ligo_elev with ig_merge_tmp in ig_land_compare + +cd ig_land_ligo_elev +list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG] 2> /dev/null` +cd $dir_current +for filename in $list_ig ; do + # Does this file exist in ig_merge_tmp ? + if !(test -e ig_merge_tmp/$filename) then + # No, only copy it + cp ig_land_ligo_elev/$filename ig_land_compare/$filename ; + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +# Compare and update + +cd ig_land_compare +list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG]` +for filename in $list_ig ; do + echo "Checking $filename for update" + if test -e ../ig_land/$filename ; then + must_update=`diff --binary -q $filename ../ig_land/$filename` ; + else + must_update=YES ; + fi + + if test -n "$must_update" ; then + echo " Updating" + cp -u -p $filename ../ig_land/$filename ; + fi + + # Idle + ../../../idle.bat +done +cd ../ig_land +list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG]` +for filename in $list_ig ; do + if !(test -e ../ig_land_compare/$filename) then + echo "Remove $filename" + rm $filename ; + fi + + # Idle + ../../../idle.bat +done +cd $dir_current + + +# ****************** +# List all the zones +# ****************** + +# Get the landscape name +landscape_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "landscape_name" | sed -e 's/landscape_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Landscape name exist ? +if ( test "$landscape_name" ) +then + # If the list file exists, erase it + if ( test -f "$landscape_name"_ig.txt ) + then + rm "$landscape_name"_ig.txt + fi + + cd ig_land + for i in *.[iI][gG] ; do + # Build an ig list + if ( test -f $i ) + then + echo $i >> ../"$landscape_name"_ig.txt + else + echo >> ../"$landscape_name"_ig.txt + fi + done + cd .. + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +fi + + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig/sh/export.sh index 84c043e48f..c641296ec5 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig/sh/export.sh @@ -1,90 +1,90 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export ig files (.ig) from Max - -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ig_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/ig_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the build gamedata directory -build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the ig directories -ig_land_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ig_land_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ig_land_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the ig directories -ig_other_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ig_other_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ig_other_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Maxdir -max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export ig >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export ig -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy - -# List landscape ig - - -for i in $ig_land_source_directories ; do - # Copy the script - cat maxscript/ig_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/ig/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&ig_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/ig/tag&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_ig&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/ig/ig_land_max&g" > $max_directory/scripts/ig_export.ms - - # Start max - echo Try 1 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript ig_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 2 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript ig_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 3 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript ig_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - - - - -for i in $ig_other_source_directories ; do - # Copy the script - cat maxscript/ig_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/ig/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&ig_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/ig/tag&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_ig&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/ig/ig_other&g" > $max_directory/scripts/ig_export.ms - - # Start max - echo Try 1 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript ig_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 2 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript ig_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 3 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript ig_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export ig files (.ig) from Max + +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ig_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/ig_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the build gamedata directory +build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the ig directories +ig_land_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ig_land_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ig_land_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the ig directories +ig_other_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ig_other_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ig_other_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Maxdir +max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export ig >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export ig +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy + +# List landscape ig + + +for i in $ig_land_source_directories ; do + # Copy the script + cat maxscript/ig_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/ig/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&ig_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/ig/tag&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_ig&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/ig/ig_land_max&g" > $max_directory/scripts/ig_export.ms + + # Start max + echo Try 1 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript ig_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 2 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript ig_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 3 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript ig_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + + + + +for i in $ig_other_source_directories ; do + # Copy the script + cat maxscript/ig_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/ig/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&ig_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/ig/tag&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_ig&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/ig/ig_other&g" > $max_directory/scripts/ig_export.ms + + # Start max + echo Try 1 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript ig_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 2 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript ig_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 3 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript ig_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig/sh/install.sh index 430326d2cf..056974dac7 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig/sh/install.sh @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install ig in the client data - -# Get the ig install directory -ig_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ig_install_directory" | sed -e 's/ig_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the landscape name -landscape_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "landscape_name" | sed -e 's/landscape_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install Ig >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install Ig -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p "$landscape_name"_ig.txt $client_directory/$ig_install_directory 2>> log.log - -# Do not copy ig_land, because zone process will copy zone ig lighted versions into client directory. -#cp -u -p ig_land/*.[iI][gG] $client_directory/$ig_install_directory 2>> log.log -# Do not copy ig_other, because ig_light process will copy ig lighted versions into client directory. -#cp -u -p ig_other/*.[iI][gG] $client_directory/$ig_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install ig in the client data + +# Get the ig install directory +ig_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ig_install_directory" | sed -e 's/ig_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the landscape name +landscape_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "landscape_name" | sed -e 's/landscape_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install Ig >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install Ig +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p "$landscape_name"_ig.txt $client_directory/$ig_install_directory 2>> log.log + +# Do not copy ig_land, because zone process will copy zone ig lighted versions into client directory. +#cp -u -p ig_land/*.[iI][gG] $client_directory/$ig_install_directory 2>> log.log +# Do not copy ig_other, because ig_light process will copy ig lighted versions into client directory. +#cp -u -p ig_other/*.[iI][gG] $client_directory/$ig_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig_light/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig_light/sh/install.sh index 2d1e823df3..9392454ecc 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig_light/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ig_light/sh/install.sh @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install ig in the client data - -# Get the ig install directory -ig_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ig_install_directory" | sed -e 's/ig_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install Lighted Ig >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install Lighted Ig -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R ig_other_lighted/. $client_directory/$ig_install_directory 2>> log.log - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install ig in the client data + +# Get the ig install directory +ig_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ig_install_directory" | sed -e 's/ig_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install Lighted Ig >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install Lighted Ig +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R ig_other_lighted/. $client_directory/$ig_install_directory 2>> log.log + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/interface/sh/build.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/interface/sh/build.sh index d7e4c0b4db..d472dbc859 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/interface/sh/build.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/interface/sh/build.sh @@ -1,60 +1,60 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - - -# *** Build interface - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the interface directories -interface_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "interface_source_directories" | sed -e 's/interface_source_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the interface directories to compress in one DXTC only -interface_source_dxtc_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "interface_source_dxtc_directories" | sed -e 's/interface_source_dxtc_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Build interface >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build interface -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each interface directory -for i in $interface_source_directories ; do - # Copy - niouname=`echo $i | sed -e 's&/&_&g'` - rm tga_tmp/*.[tT][gG][aA] - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA] tga_tmp 2>> log.log - build_interface.exe tga/texture_$niouname.tga tga_tmp - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - - -# For each interface directory to compress in one DXTC -rm tga_tmp/*.[tT][gG][aA] -for i in $interface_source_dxtc_directories ; do - # Copy - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA] tga_tmp 2>> log.log -done - -# build all files in tga_tmp into one tga. Let the OpenGL compress it at runTime (better result for some important cases) -build_interface.exe tga/texture_interfaces_dxtc.tga tga_tmp -# DO NOT COMPRESS ../../bin/tga2dds tga_tmp/texture_interfaces_dxtc.tga -o tga/texture_interfaces_dxtc.dds -a 5 - - -# Compress animation. Important to avoid 'memory fragmentation' -mv -u 3d/*.[aA][nN][iI][mM] anim_tmp 2>> log.log -anim_builder.exe anim_tmp 3d ../../cfg/properties.cfg - - - -# Idle -../../idle.bat - - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + + +# *** Build interface + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the interface directories +interface_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "interface_source_directories" | sed -e 's/interface_source_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the interface directories to compress in one DXTC only +interface_source_dxtc_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "interface_source_dxtc_directories" | sed -e 's/interface_source_dxtc_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Build interface >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build interface +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each interface directory +for i in $interface_source_directories ; do + # Copy + niouname=`echo $i | sed -e 's&/&_&g'` + rm tga_tmp/*.[tT][gG][aA] + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA] tga_tmp 2>> log.log + build_interface.exe tga/texture_$niouname.tga tga_tmp + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + + +# For each interface directory to compress in one DXTC +rm tga_tmp/*.[tT][gG][aA] +for i in $interface_source_dxtc_directories ; do + # Copy + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA] tga_tmp 2>> log.log +done + +# build all files in tga_tmp into one tga. Let the OpenGL compress it at runTime (better result for some important cases) +build_interface.exe tga/texture_interfaces_dxtc.tga tga_tmp +# DO NOT COMPRESS ../../bin/tga2dds tga_tmp/texture_interfaces_dxtc.tga -o tga/texture_interfaces_dxtc.dds -a 5 + + +# Compress animation. Important to avoid 'memory fragmentation' +mv -u 3d/*.[aA][nN][iI][mM] anim_tmp 2>> log.log +anim_builder.exe anim_tmp 3d ../../cfg/properties.cfg + + + +# Idle +../../idle.bat + + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/interface/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/interface/sh/export.sh index be85e0e492..0f36bc621b 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/interface/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/interface/sh/export.sh @@ -1,62 +1,62 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Bin -tga_2_dds='tga2dds.exe' - -# *** Export interface tile (.tga) - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the interface fullscreen directories -interface_fullscreen_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "interface_fullscreen_directories" | sed -e 's/interface_fullscreen_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the interface 3d directories -interface_3d_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "interface_3d_directories" | sed -e 's/interface_3d_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export interface >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export interface -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each interface fullscreen directory compress independently all in dds -rm tga_tmp/*.[tT][gG][aA] -for i in $interface_fullscreen_directories; do - # Copy - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA] tga_tmp 2>> log.log - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -for i in tga_tmp/*.[tT][gG][aA] ; do - - # Destination file - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/tga_tmp/tga/g'` - dest=`echo $dest | sed -e 's/\.[tT][gG][aA]/.dds/g'` - - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) - then - # Convert - $tga_2_dds $i -o $dest -a 5 2>> log.log - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - - -# For each interface 3d directory -for i in $interface_3d_directories; do - # Copy - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/* 3d 2>> log.log - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Bin +tga_2_dds='tga2dds.exe' + +# *** Export interface tile (.tga) + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the interface fullscreen directories +interface_fullscreen_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "interface_fullscreen_directories" | sed -e 's/interface_fullscreen_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the interface 3d directories +interface_3d_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "interface_3d_directories" | sed -e 's/interface_3d_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export interface >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export interface +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each interface fullscreen directory compress independently all in dds +rm tga_tmp/*.[tT][gG][aA] +for i in $interface_fullscreen_directories; do + # Copy + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA] tga_tmp 2>> log.log + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +for i in tga_tmp/*.[tT][gG][aA] ; do + + # Destination file + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/tga_tmp/tga/g'` + dest=`echo $dest | sed -e 's/\.[tT][gG][aA]/.dds/g'` + + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) + then + # Convert + $tga_2_dds $i -o $dest -a 5 2>> log.log + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + + +# For each interface 3d directory +for i in $interface_3d_directories; do + # Copy + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/* 3d 2>> log.log + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/interface/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/interface/sh/install.sh index bf8e62f95e..86e4df5b42 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/interface/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/interface/sh/install.sh @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install the interface in the client data - -# Get the interface install directory -interface_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "interface_install_directory" | sed -e 's/interface_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install interface >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install interface -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R tga/. $client_directory/$interface_install_directory 2>> log.log -cp -u -p -R 3d/. $client_directory/$interface_install_directory 2>> log.log - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install the interface in the client data + +# Get the interface install directory +interface_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "interface_install_directory" | sed -e 's/interface_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install interface >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install interface +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R tga/. $client_directory/$interface_install_directory 2>> log.log +cp -u -p -R 3d/. $client_directory/$interface_install_directory 2>> log.log + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/sh/build.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/sh/build.sh index 289d625c36..1cfddec61b 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/sh/build.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/sh/build.sh @@ -1,202 +1,202 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -echo > log.log - -# ******************** -# Make the config file -# ******************** - -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -land_exporter_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_build_timeout" | sed -e 's/ligo_build_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -rm land_exporter.cfg -echo "// land_exporter.cfg" > land_exporter.cfg - -# OutZoneDir is Where to put all .zone generated - -#dir_gamedata=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -#echo "OutZoneDir = \"$dir_gamedata/processes/ligo/output\";" >> land_exporter.cfg -echo "OutZoneDir = \"output\";" >> land_exporter.cfg -echo "OutIGDir = \"../ig/ig_land_ligo\";" >> land_exporter.cfg -echo "AdditionnalIGOutDir = \"../ig/ig_other\";" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# RefZoneDir is Where the reference zones are - -dir_database=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -dir_ligosrc=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -dir_ligobricks=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_bricks_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_bricks_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -dir_dfn=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_dfn_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_dfn_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -continent_file=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "continent_file" | sed -e 's/continent_file//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -dir_world=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_world_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_world_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -# dir_continents=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "continents_directory" | sed -e 's/continents_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - - - - - - -echo "RefZoneDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/zones\";" >> land_exporter.cfg -echo "RefIGDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/igs\";" >> land_exporter.cfg -echo "AdditionnalIGInDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/igs\";" >> land_exporter.cfg -# echo "ContinentsDir = \"$dir_continents\";" >> land_exporter.cfg -echo "ContinentsDir = \"$dir_world\";" >> land_exporter.cfg - - - - -# LigoBankDir is Where all .ligozone are (those used by the .land) - -echo "LigoBankDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/zoneligos\";" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# TileBankFile is the .bank file (used to know if a tile is oriented and the like) - -name_bank=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bank_name" | sed -e 's/bank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -echo "TileBankFile = $name_bank" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# ColorMapFile - -cmf=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_colormap" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_colormap//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -echo "ColorMapFile = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$cmf\";" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# HeightMapFile1 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) - -hmf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -echo "HeightMapFile1 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf1\";" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# ZFactor1 is the heightmap factor - -zf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -echo "ZFactor1 = $zf1;" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# HeightMapFile2 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) - -hmf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -echo "HeightMapFile2 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf2\";" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# ZFactor2 is the heightmap factor - -zf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -echo "ZFactor2 = $zf2;" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# ZoneLight is Roughly light the zone (0-none, 1-patch, 2-noise) - -echo "ZoneLight = 0;" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# CellSize is the size of the cell (zone size) in meter - -echo "CellSize = 160;" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# Threshild is the weld threshold in meter - -echo "Threshold = 1;" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# Where to take dfn files -echo "DFNDir = \"$dir_dfn\";" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# CMB input directory -echo "RefCMBDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/cmb\";" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# CMB output directory -echo "OutCMBDir = \"../rbank/cmb\";" >> land_exporter.cfg - -#input .continent file -echo "ContinentFile = \"$dir_world/$continent_file\";" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# Force export of collisions and additionnal igs -echo "ExportCollisions = 1;" >> land_exporter.cfg -echo "ExportAdditionnalIGs = 1;" >> land_exporter.cfg - - - -# ZoneRegionFile is the .land to compute - -dir_current=`pwd` - -land_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_land" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_land//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -echo "ZoneRegionFile = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$land_name\";" >> land_exporter.cfg - -# if there is no .land then do not generate all zones and zone welded - -if test -z "$land_name" ; then - echo No .land set -- Exiting -- - exit; -fi - -# ******************* -# launch the exporter -# ******************* - -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Generate ligo zone >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Generate ligo zone -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -echo Exporting -$exec_timeout $land_exporter_timeout land_export.exe land_exporter.cfg - -# rename *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][lL] *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE] -# script is just too slow to do renaming... And we can't call directly dos command - -cd output -../sh/renametozone.bat -cd .. - -# ************** -# Copy the zones -# ************** - -cd ../zone -mkdir zone_exported 2> /dev/null - -# Try to copy ligo zone if any -# **************************** - -ligo_flag=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | grep "ligo"` - -dir_current=`pwd` -cd ../ligo/output -list_zone=`ls -1 *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]*` -for filename in $list_zone ; do - echo "Checking $filename for update" - if test -e ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename ; then - must_update=`diff --binary -q $filename ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename` ; - else - must_update=YES ; - fi - - if test -n "$must_update" ; then - echo " Updating" - cp -u -p $filename ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename ; - fi - - # Idle - ../../../idle.bat -done -cd $dir_current - -# delete files only present in the zone_exported directory - -if ( test "$ligo_flag" ) -then - cd ./zone_exported - list_zone=`ls -1 *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]*` - for filename in $list_zone ; do - if test -e ../../ligo/output/$filename ; then - must_update=NO ; - else - echo "Removing $filename" - rm $filename ; - fi - - # Idle - ../../../idle.bat - done - cd .. -fi +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +echo > log.log + +# ******************** +# Make the config file +# ******************** + +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +land_exporter_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_build_timeout" | sed -e 's/ligo_build_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +rm land_exporter.cfg +echo "// land_exporter.cfg" > land_exporter.cfg + +# OutZoneDir is Where to put all .zone generated + +#dir_gamedata=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +#echo "OutZoneDir = \"$dir_gamedata/processes/ligo/output\";" >> land_exporter.cfg +echo "OutZoneDir = \"output\";" >> land_exporter.cfg +echo "OutIGDir = \"../ig/ig_land_ligo\";" >> land_exporter.cfg +echo "AdditionnalIGOutDir = \"../ig/ig_other\";" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# RefZoneDir is Where the reference zones are + +dir_database=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +dir_ligosrc=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +dir_ligobricks=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_bricks_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_bricks_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +dir_dfn=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_dfn_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_dfn_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +continent_file=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "continent_file" | sed -e 's/continent_file//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +dir_world=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_world_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_world_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +# dir_continents=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "continents_directory" | sed -e 's/continents_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + + + + + + +echo "RefZoneDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/zones\";" >> land_exporter.cfg +echo "RefIGDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/igs\";" >> land_exporter.cfg +echo "AdditionnalIGInDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/igs\";" >> land_exporter.cfg +# echo "ContinentsDir = \"$dir_continents\";" >> land_exporter.cfg +echo "ContinentsDir = \"$dir_world\";" >> land_exporter.cfg + + + + +# LigoBankDir is Where all .ligozone are (those used by the .land) + +echo "LigoBankDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/zoneligos\";" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# TileBankFile is the .bank file (used to know if a tile is oriented and the like) + +name_bank=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bank_name" | sed -e 's/bank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +echo "TileBankFile = $name_bank" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# ColorMapFile + +cmf=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_colormap" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_colormap//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +echo "ColorMapFile = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$cmf\";" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# HeightMapFile1 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) + +hmf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +echo "HeightMapFile1 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf1\";" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# ZFactor1 is the heightmap factor + +zf1=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor1" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor1//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +echo "ZFactor1 = $zf1;" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# HeightMapFile2 is the grayscale .tga file (127 is 0, 0 is -127*ZFactor and 255 is +128*ZFactor) + +hmf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_heightmap2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_heightmap2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +echo "HeightMapFile2 = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$hmf2\";" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# ZFactor2 is the heightmap factor + +zf2=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_zfactor2" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_zfactor2//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +echo "ZFactor2 = $zf2;" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# ZoneLight is Roughly light the zone (0-none, 1-patch, 2-noise) + +echo "ZoneLight = 0;" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# CellSize is the size of the cell (zone size) in meter + +echo "CellSize = 160;" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# Threshild is the weld threshold in meter + +echo "Threshold = 1;" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# Where to take dfn files +echo "DFNDir = \"$dir_dfn\";" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# CMB input directory +echo "RefCMBDir = \"$dir_ligobricks/cmb\";" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# CMB output directory +echo "OutCMBDir = \"../rbank/cmb\";" >> land_exporter.cfg + +#input .continent file +echo "ContinentFile = \"$dir_world/$continent_file\";" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# Force export of collisions and additionnal igs +echo "ExportCollisions = 1;" >> land_exporter.cfg +echo "ExportAdditionnalIGs = 1;" >> land_exporter.cfg + + + +# ZoneRegionFile is the .land to compute + +dir_current=`pwd` + +land_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_land" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_land//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +echo "ZoneRegionFile = \"$dir_database/$dir_ligosrc/$land_name\";" >> land_exporter.cfg + +# if there is no .land then do not generate all zones and zone welded + +if test -z "$land_name" ; then + echo No .land set -- Exiting -- + exit; +fi + +# ******************* +# launch the exporter +# ******************* + +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Generate ligo zone >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Generate ligo zone +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +echo Exporting +$exec_timeout $land_exporter_timeout land_export.exe land_exporter.cfg + +# rename *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][lL] *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE] +# script is just too slow to do renaming... And we can't call directly dos command + +cd output +../sh/renametozone.bat +cd .. + +# ************** +# Copy the zones +# ************** + +cd ../zone +mkdir zone_exported 2> /dev/null + +# Try to copy ligo zone if any +# **************************** + +ligo_flag=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | grep "ligo"` + +dir_current=`pwd` +cd ../ligo/output +list_zone=`ls -1 *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]*` +for filename in $list_zone ; do + echo "Checking $filename for update" + if test -e ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename ; then + must_update=`diff --binary -q $filename ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename` ; + else + must_update=YES ; + fi + + if test -n "$must_update" ; then + echo " Updating" + cp -u -p $filename ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename ; + fi + + # Idle + ../../../idle.bat +done +cd $dir_current + +# delete files only present in the zone_exported directory + +if ( test "$ligo_flag" ) +then + cd ./zone_exported + list_zone=`ls -1 *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]*` + for filename in $list_zone ; do + if test -e ../../ligo/output/$filename ; then + must_update=NO ; + else + echo "Removing $filename" + rm $filename ; + fi + + # Idle + ../../../idle.bat + done + cd .. +fi diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/sh/export.sh index 4bf0f4d152..080bac484a 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ligo/sh/export.sh @@ -1,72 +1,72 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -echo > log.log - -# *** Export ligo zone files from Max *** -# *** ******************************* *** - -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Export ligo zone >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export ligo zone -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get current directory -dir_gamedata=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's&\/&\\\&g'` -dir_gamedata_maxscript=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the bank filename -bank_filename=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bank_name" | sed -e 's/bank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/;//g'` -bankfar_filename=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bankfar_name" | sed -e 's/bankfar_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/;//g'` - -# Copy the bank file -cp $bank_filename smallbank/ligo.smallbank 2>> log.log -cp $bankfar_filename smallbank/ligo.farbank 2>> log.log - -# Maxdir -max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` - -# delete ini file - -rm $max_directory/plugcfg/nelligo.ini -# echo "$max_directory/plugcfg/nelligo.ini" >> log.log - -# create the ini file - -echo "[LigoConfig]" > $max_directory/plugcfg/nelligo.ini - -# copy the ligo export script -cat maxscript/nel_ligo_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$dir_gamedata_maxscript/processes/ligo/tag&g" | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$dir_gamedata_maxscript/processes/ligo/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&bankFilename&$dir_gamedata_maxscript/processes/ligo/smallbank/ligo.smallbank&g" > $max_directory/scripts/nel_ligo_export.ms - -dir_database=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's&\/&\\\&g'` -dir_ligosrc=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's&\/&\\\&g'` - -echo "LigoPath=$dir_database\\$dir_ligosrc\\max\\" >> $max_directory/plugcfg/nelligo.ini -#echo "LigoExportPath=$dir_database\\$dir_ligosrc\\" >> $max_directory/plugcfg/nelligo.ini - -echo "LigoExportPath=$dir_gamedata\\processes\\ligo\\" >> $max_directory/plugcfg/nelligo.ini - -# export only if no .land set - -land_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_land" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_land//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -ligo_export_one_pass=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_one_pass" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_one_pass//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/;//g'` - -if [ -z "$land_name" -o "$ligo_export_one_pass" == "1" ] ; then - echo Try 1 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript nel_ligo_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - echo Try 2 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript nel_ligo_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - echo Try 3 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript nel_ligo_export.ms -q -mi -vn -fi +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +echo > log.log + +# *** Export ligo zone files from Max *** +# *** ******************************* *** + +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Export ligo zone >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export ligo zone +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get current directory +dir_gamedata=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's&\/&\\\&g'` +dir_gamedata_maxscript=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the bank filename +bank_filename=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bank_name" | sed -e 's/bank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/;//g'` +bankfar_filename=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bankfar_name" | sed -e 's/bankfar_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/;//g'` + +# Copy the bank file +cp $bank_filename smallbank/ligo.smallbank 2>> log.log +cp $bankfar_filename smallbank/ligo.farbank 2>> log.log + +# Maxdir +max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` + +# delete ini file + +rm $max_directory/plugcfg/nelligo.ini +# echo "$max_directory/plugcfg/nelligo.ini" >> log.log + +# create the ini file + +echo "[LigoConfig]" > $max_directory/plugcfg/nelligo.ini + +# copy the ligo export script +cat maxscript/nel_ligo_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$dir_gamedata_maxscript/processes/ligo/tag&g" | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$dir_gamedata_maxscript/processes/ligo/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&bankFilename&$dir_gamedata_maxscript/processes/ligo/smallbank/ligo.smallbank&g" > $max_directory/scripts/nel_ligo_export.ms + +dir_database=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's&\/&\\\&g'` +dir_ligosrc=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ligo_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ligo_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's&\/&\\\&g'` + +echo "LigoPath=$dir_database\\$dir_ligosrc\\max\\" >> $max_directory/plugcfg/nelligo.ini +#echo "LigoExportPath=$dir_database\\$dir_ligosrc\\" >> $max_directory/plugcfg/nelligo.ini + +echo "LigoExportPath=$dir_gamedata\\processes\\ligo\\" >> $max_directory/plugcfg/nelligo.ini + +# export only if no .land set + +land_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_land" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_land//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +ligo_export_one_pass=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "ligo_export_one_pass" | sed -e 's/ligo_export_one_pass//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/;//g'` + +if [ -z "$land_name" -o "$ligo_export_one_pass" == "1" ] ; then + echo Try 1 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript nel_ligo_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + echo Try 2 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript nel_ligo_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + echo Try 3 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript nel_ligo_export.ms -q -mi -vn +fi diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/map/sh/build.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/map/sh/build.sh index 626767ac57..1c57da67eb 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/map/sh/build.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/map/sh/build.sh @@ -1,140 +1,140 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Build map files (.tga / .dds) - -# Bin -tga_2_dds='tga2dds.exe' - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Build map >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build map -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - - -#*** Build panoply files (.tga / .dds), and copy the result in the tga directory - -# Copy panoply containt into cache if the process as been stopped before the end of build. -echo Copy panoply into cache -cp -u -p -R panoply/. cache 2>> log.log -echo Remove panoply directory -rm -r panoply 2>> log.log -echo Copy hlsinfo into cache -cp -u -p -R hlsinfo/. cache 2>> log.log -echo Remove hlsinfo directory -rm -r hlsinfo 2>> log.log - -mkdir panoply -mkdir hlsinfo - -# Bin -panoply_maker='panoply_maker.exe' - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Build panoply >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build panoply -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Reduce bitmap size factor -reduce_bitmap_factor=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "reduce_bitmap_factor" | sed -e 's/reduce_bitmap_factor//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -panoply_file_list=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "panoply_file_list" | sed -e 's/panoply_file_list//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -if test "$panoply_file_list" ; then - rm $panoply_file_list - panoply_config_file=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "panoply_config_file" | sed -e 's/panoply_config_file//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - for psource in $panoply_config_file ; do - cp $database_directory/$psource current_panoply.cfg - echo "output_path=\"panoply\";" >> current_panoply.cfg - echo "cache_path=\"cache\";" >> current_panoply.cfg - panoply_maker.exe current_panoply.cfg - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - done - ls panoply >> $panoply_file_list -fi - -# For each directoy -for i in tga/*.[tT][gG][aA] ; do - - # Destination file - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/[tT][gG][aA]/dds/' | sed -e 's/\.[tT][gG][aA]/.dds/g'` - dds=`echo $i | sed -e 's/\.[tT][gG][aA]/.dds/g'` - - # Convert the lightmap in 16 bits mode - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) - then - # Copy the dds file - if (test -f $dds) - then - cp $dds $dest - fi - - # Convert - $tga_2_dds $i -o $dest -m -r$reduce_bitmap_factor 2>> log.log - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -for i in panoply/*.[tT][gG][aA] ; do - - # Destination file - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's%panoply/%dds/%g' | sed -e 's/[tT][gG][aA]/dds/g'` - dds=`echo $i | sed -e 's/\.[tT][gG][aA]/.dds/g'` - - # Convert the lightmap in 16 bits mode - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) - then - # Copy the dds file - if (test -f $dds) - then - cp $dds $dest - fi - - # Convert - $tga_2_dds $i -o $dest -m -r$reduce_bitmap_factor 2>> log.log - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - - -# Bin -hls_bank_maker='hls_bank_maker.exe' - -# build the HLSBank (if hlsInfo present, and if build wanted) -hls_bank_file_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "hls_bank_file_name" | sed -e 's/hls_bank_file_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -if test "$hls_bank_file_name" ; then - rm $hls_bank_file_name - $hls_bank_maker hlsinfo $hls_bank_file_name -fi - - -# Put old panoply in cache - -echo Remove the panoply cache -rm -r cache 2>> log.log - -echo Rename panoply as cache -mv panoply cache 2>> log.log - -echo Move hlsinfo into cache -cp -u -p -R hlsinfo/. cache 2>> log.log - -echo Remove the hlsinfo -rm -r hlsinfo 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Build map files (.tga / .dds) + +# Bin +tga_2_dds='tga2dds.exe' + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Build map >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build map +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + + +#*** Build panoply files (.tga / .dds), and copy the result in the tga directory + +# Copy panoply containt into cache if the process as been stopped before the end of build. +echo Copy panoply into cache +cp -u -p -R panoply/. cache 2>> log.log +echo Remove panoply directory +rm -r panoply 2>> log.log +echo Copy hlsinfo into cache +cp -u -p -R hlsinfo/. cache 2>> log.log +echo Remove hlsinfo directory +rm -r hlsinfo 2>> log.log + +mkdir panoply +mkdir hlsinfo + +# Bin +panoply_maker='panoply_maker.exe' + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Build panoply >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build panoply +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Reduce bitmap size factor +reduce_bitmap_factor=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "reduce_bitmap_factor" | sed -e 's/reduce_bitmap_factor//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +panoply_file_list=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "panoply_file_list" | sed -e 's/panoply_file_list//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +if test "$panoply_file_list" ; then + rm $panoply_file_list + panoply_config_file=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "panoply_config_file" | sed -e 's/panoply_config_file//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + for psource in $panoply_config_file ; do + cp $database_directory/$psource current_panoply.cfg + echo "output_path=\"panoply\";" >> current_panoply.cfg + echo "cache_path=\"cache\";" >> current_panoply.cfg + panoply_maker.exe current_panoply.cfg + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + done + ls panoply >> $panoply_file_list +fi + +# For each directoy +for i in tga/*.[tT][gG][aA] ; do + + # Destination file + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/[tT][gG][aA]/dds/' | sed -e 's/\.[tT][gG][aA]/.dds/g'` + dds=`echo $i | sed -e 's/\.[tT][gG][aA]/.dds/g'` + + # Convert the lightmap in 16 bits mode + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) + then + # Copy the dds file + if (test -f $dds) + then + cp $dds $dest + fi + + # Convert + $tga_2_dds $i -o $dest -m -r$reduce_bitmap_factor 2>> log.log + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +for i in panoply/*.[tT][gG][aA] ; do + + # Destination file + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's%panoply/%dds/%g' | sed -e 's/[tT][gG][aA]/dds/g'` + dds=`echo $i | sed -e 's/\.[tT][gG][aA]/.dds/g'` + + # Convert the lightmap in 16 bits mode + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) + then + # Copy the dds file + if (test -f $dds) + then + cp $dds $dest + fi + + # Convert + $tga_2_dds $i -o $dest -m -r$reduce_bitmap_factor 2>> log.log + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + + +# Bin +hls_bank_maker='hls_bank_maker.exe' + +# build the HLSBank (if hlsInfo present, and if build wanted) +hls_bank_file_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "hls_bank_file_name" | sed -e 's/hls_bank_file_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +if test "$hls_bank_file_name" ; then + rm $hls_bank_file_name + $hls_bank_maker hlsinfo $hls_bank_file_name +fi + + +# Put old panoply in cache + +echo Remove the panoply cache +rm -r cache 2>> log.log + +echo Rename panoply as cache +mv panoply cache 2>> log.log + +echo Move hlsinfo into cache +cp -u -p -R hlsinfo/. cache 2>> log.log + +echo Remove the hlsinfo +rm -r hlsinfo 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/map/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/map/sh/export.sh index e66432f113..116cbb083e 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/map/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/map/sh/export.sh @@ -1,57 +1,57 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export maps files (.tga / *.[dD][dD][sS]) from the database - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the maps directories -map_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "map_source_directory" | sed -e 's/map_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -map_uncompressed_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "map_uncompressed_source_directory" | sed -e 's/map_uncompressed_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export map >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export map -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy - -for i in $map_source_directories; do - for j in $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA]; do - if ( test -f $j ) - then - # Get the dds version - dds=`echo $j | sed -e 's&.tga&.dds&g'` - - # Copy the dds and the tga - cp -u -p $j tga 2>> log.log - if ( test -f $dds ) - then - cp -u -p $dds tga 2>> log.log - fi - fi - done - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -for i in $map_uncompressed_source_directories; do - for j in $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA]; do - if ( test -f $j ) - then - # Copy the dds and the tga - cp -u -p $j tga_uncompressed 2>> log.log - fi - done - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export maps files (.tga / *.[dD][dD][sS]) from the database + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the maps directories +map_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "map_source_directory" | sed -e 's/map_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +map_uncompressed_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "map_uncompressed_source_directory" | sed -e 's/map_uncompressed_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export map >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export map +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy + +for i in $map_source_directories; do + for j in $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA]; do + if ( test -f $j ) + then + # Get the dds version + dds=`echo $j | sed -e 's&.tga&.dds&g'` + + # Copy the dds and the tga + cp -u -p $j tga 2>> log.log + if ( test -f $dds ) + then + cp -u -p $dds tga 2>> log.log + fi + fi + done + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +for i in $map_uncompressed_source_directories; do + for j in $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA]; do + if ( test -f $j ) + then + # Copy the dds and the tga + cp -u -p $j tga_uncompressed 2>> log.log + fi + done + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/map/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/map/sh/install.sh index 434563d2fb..51bbc97e8a 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/map/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/map/sh/install.sh @@ -1,55 +1,55 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install maps in the client data - -# Get the skel install directory -bitmap_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "bitmap_install_directory" | sed -e 's/bitmap_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install maps >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install maps -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R dds/. $client_directory/$bitmap_install_directory 2>> log.log -cp -u -p -R tga_uncompressed/. $client_directory/$bitmap_install_directory 2>> log.log - -panoply_file_list=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "panoply_file_list" | sed -e 's/panoply_file_list//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -if test "$panoply_file_list" ; then - cp -u -p $panoply_file_list $client_directory/$bitmap_install_directory 2>> log.log - panoply_config_file=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "panoply_config_file" | sed -e 's/panoply_config_file//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - for psource in $panoply_config_file ; do - cp $database_directory/$psource $client_directory/$bitmap_install_directory/panoply.cfg - done - ls panoply >> $panoply_file_list -fi - - -# Install hlsbank in the client data, in the "maps/" directory - -# Log error -echo --- Install hlsbank >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install hlsbank -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# build the HLSBank (if hlsInfo present, and if build wanted) -hls_bank_file_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "hls_bank_file_name" | sed -e 's/hls_bank_file_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -if test "$hls_bank_file_name" ; then - cp -u -p -R $hls_bank_file_name $client_directory/$bitmap_install_directory 2>> log.log -fi - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install maps in the client data + +# Get the skel install directory +bitmap_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "bitmap_install_directory" | sed -e 's/bitmap_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install maps >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install maps +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R dds/. $client_directory/$bitmap_install_directory 2>> log.log +cp -u -p -R tga_uncompressed/. $client_directory/$bitmap_install_directory 2>> log.log + +panoply_file_list=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "panoply_file_list" | sed -e 's/panoply_file_list//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +if test "$panoply_file_list" ; then + cp -u -p $panoply_file_list $client_directory/$bitmap_install_directory 2>> log.log + panoply_config_file=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "panoply_config_file" | sed -e 's/panoply_config_file//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + for psource in $panoply_config_file ; do + cp $database_directory/$psource $client_directory/$bitmap_install_directory/panoply.cfg + done + ls panoply >> $panoply_file_list +fi + + +# Install hlsbank in the client data, in the "maps/" directory + +# Log error +echo --- Install hlsbank >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install hlsbank +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# build the HLSBank (if hlsInfo present, and if build wanted) +hls_bank_file_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "hls_bank_file_name" | sed -e 's/hls_bank_file_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +if test "$hls_bank_file_name" ; then + cp -u -p -R $hls_bank_file_name $client_directory/$bitmap_install_directory 2>> log.log +fi + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/sh/export.sh index e4bdd3c3b3..f234588a4f 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/sh/export.sh @@ -1,59 +1,59 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export pacs_prim files (.pacs_prim) from Max - -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "pacs_prim_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/pacs_prim_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the build gamedata directory -build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the collision directories -pacs_prim_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "pacs_prim_source_directories" | sed -e 's/pacs_prim_source_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Maxdir -max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export pacs_prim for pacs_prim >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export pacs_prim for pacs_prim -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy - -for i in $pacs_prim_source_directories ; do - # Copy the script - cat maxscript/pacs_prim_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/pacs_prim/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&pacs_prim_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/pacs_prim/pacs_prim&g" > $max_directory/scripts/pacs_prim_export.ms - - # Start max - echo Try 1 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript pacs_prim_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 2 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript pacs_prim_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 3 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript pacs_prim_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -rm landscape_col_prim_pacs_list.txt +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export pacs_prim files (.pacs_prim) from Max + +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "pacs_prim_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/pacs_prim_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the build gamedata directory +build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the collision directories +pacs_prim_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "pacs_prim_source_directories" | sed -e 's/pacs_prim_source_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Maxdir +max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export pacs_prim for pacs_prim >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export pacs_prim for pacs_prim +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy + +for i in $pacs_prim_source_directories ; do + # Copy the script + cat maxscript/pacs_prim_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/pacs_prim/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&pacs_prim_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/pacs_prim/pacs_prim&g" > $max_directory/scripts/pacs_prim_export.ms + + # Start max + echo Try 1 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript pacs_prim_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 2 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript pacs_prim_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 3 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript pacs_prim_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +rm landscape_col_prim_pacs_list.txt diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/sh/install.sh index 5aee55fb92..bcfea1aff5 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/pacs_prim/sh/install.sh @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install the zonels in the client data - -# Get the zone install directory -pacs_primitive_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "pacs_primitive_install_directory" | sed -e 's/pacs_primitive_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Test if there is a need for the prim pacs directory -want_landscape_col_prim_pacs_list=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "want_landscape_col_prim_pacs_list"` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install zone >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install zone -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R pacs_prim/. $client_directory/$pacs_primitive_install_directory 2>> log.log - -if test "$want_landscape_col_prim_pacs_list" ; then - ls pacs_prim | grep ".pacs_prim" >> $client_directory/landscape_col_prim_pacs_list.txt -fi - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install the zonels in the client data + +# Get the zone install directory +pacs_primitive_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "pacs_primitive_install_directory" | sed -e 's/pacs_primitive_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Test if there is a need for the prim pacs directory +want_landscape_col_prim_pacs_list=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "want_landscape_col_prim_pacs_list"` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install zone >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install zone +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R pacs_prim/. $client_directory/$pacs_primitive_install_directory 2>> log.log + +if test "$want_landscape_col_prim_pacs_list" ; then + ls pacs_prim | grep ".pacs_prim" >> $client_directory/landscape_col_prim_pacs_list.txt +fi + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ps/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ps/sh/export.sh index c1699a6257..94d490c2e2 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ps/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ps/sh/export.sh @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export particle system file (.ps) - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the ps directories -ps_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ps_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ps_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export ps >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export ps -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each ps directory -for i in $ps_source_directories ; do - # Copy - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[pP][sS] ps 2>> log.log - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[sS][hH][aA][pP][eE] ps 2>> log.log - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[pP][rR][iI][mM][iI][tT][iI][vV][eE] ps 2>> log.log - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export particle system file (.ps) + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the ps directories +ps_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ps_source_directory" | sed -e 's/ps_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export ps >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export ps +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each ps directory +for i in $ps_source_directories ; do + # Copy + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[pP][sS] ps 2>> log.log + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[sS][hH][aA][pP][eE] ps 2>> log.log + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[pP][rR][iI][mM][iI][tT][iI][vV][eE] ps 2>> log.log + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ps/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ps/sh/install.sh index 9ab0cfad02..171b7c72d3 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ps/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/ps/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install the particule system in the client data - -# Get the ps install directory -ps_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ps_install_directory" | sed -e 's/ps_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install ps >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install ps -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R ps/. $client_directory/$ps_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install the particule system in the client data + +# Get the ps install directory +ps_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ps_install_directory" | sed -e 's/ps_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install ps >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install ps +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R ps/. $client_directory/$ps_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/build.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/build.sh index 1ba877899d..26abaa796b 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/build.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/build.sh @@ -1,358 +1,358 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Build zone - -build_rbank='build_rbank.exe' -build_indoor_rbank='build_indoor_rbank.exe' -build_ig_boxes='build_ig_boxes.exe' -ai_build_wmap='ai_build_wmap_r.exe' -get_neighbors='get_neighbors.exe' -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -tessel_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_build_tessel_timeout" | sed -e 's/rbank_build_tessel_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -smooth_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_build_smooth_timeout" | sed -e 's/rbank_build_smooth_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -proclocal_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_build_proclocal_timeout" | sed -e 's/rbank_build_proclocal_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -procglobal_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_build_procglobal_timeout" | sed -e 's/rbank_build_procglobal_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -indoor_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_build_indoor_timeout" | sed -e 's/rbank_build_indoor_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -build_wmap_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "build_wmap_timeout" | sed -e 's/build_wmap_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the quality option to choose the goor properties.cfg file -quality_flag=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_quality" | grep "1"` - -# **** Copy ig and shapes - -# Log error -echo >> log.log -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Generate config script >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo >> log.log -echo -echo ------- -echo --- Generate config script -echo ------- -echo -date >> log.log -date - -# Get arguments -rbank_bank_name=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bank_name" | sed -e 's/bank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/;//g'` -rbank_reduce_surfaces=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_reduce_surfaces" | sed -e 's/rbank_reduce_surfaces//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -rbank_smooth_borders=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_smooth_borders" | sed -e 's/rbank_smooth_borders//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -rbank_compute_elevation=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_compute_elevation" | sed -e 's/rbank_compute_elevation//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -rbank_compute_levels=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_compute_levels" | sed -e 's/rbank_compute_levels//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -rbank_link_elements=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_link_elements" | sed -e 's/rbank_link_elements//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -rbank_cut_edges=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_cut_edges" | sed -e 's/rbank_cut_edges//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -rbank_use_zone_square=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_use_zone_square" | sed -e 's/rbank_use_zone_square//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -rbank_zone_ul=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_zone_ul" | sed -e 's/rbank_zone_ul//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -rbank_zone_dr=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_zone_dr" | sed -e 's/rbank_zone_dr//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -rbank_rbank_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_rbank_name" | sed -e 's/rbank_rbank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -rbank_ig_pathes=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_ig_path" | sed -e 's/rbank_ig_path//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -rbank_shape_pathes=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_shape_path" | sed -e 's/rbank_shape_path//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Global options -build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build RBank : Build the bbox file >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo >> log.log -echo -echo ------- -echo --- Build RBank : Build the bbox file -echo ------- -echo -date >> log.log -date - -# ***** Build the bbox file - -# Remove the config file -rm build_ig_boxes.cfg - -# List ig pathes -echo Pathes = \{ >> build_ig_boxes.cfg -for i in $rbank_ig_pathes ; do - echo \"$i\"\, >> build_ig_boxes.cfg -done -for i in $rbank_shape_pathes ; do - echo \"$i\"\, >> build_ig_boxes.cfg -done -echo \}\; >> build_ig_boxes.cfg - -# List igs -echo IGs = \{ >> build_ig_boxes.cfg -for i in $rbank_ig_pathes ; do - cd $i - list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG]` - cd $build_gamedata_directory"/processes/rbank" - for j in $list_ig ; do - n=`echo $j | sed -e 's/.ig//'` - echo \"$n\"\, >> build_ig_boxes.cfg - done - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done -echo \}\; >> build_ig_boxes.cfg -echo Output = \"bbox/temp.bbox\"\; >> build_ig_boxes.cfg - -# -- NOT NEEDED ANYMORE -$build_ig_boxes - -# ***** Build the rbank, gr files - -# Copy the good template file -if ( test "$quality_flag" ) -then - # We are in BEST mode - `cat cfg/template_final.cfg | sed -e "s&rbank_bank_name&$rbank_bank_name&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_reduce_surfaces&$rbank_reduce_surfaces&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_smooth_borders&$rbank_smooth_borders&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_compute_elevation&$rbank_compute_elevation&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_compute_levels&$rbank_compute_levels&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_link_elements&$rbank_link_elements&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_cut_edges&$rbank_cut_edges&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_use_zone_square&$rbank_use_zone_square&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_zone_ul&$rbank_zone_ul&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_zone_dr&$rbank_zone_dr&g" > build_rbank.cfg` -else - # We are in DRAFT mode - `cat cfg/template_draft.cfg | sed -e "s&rbank_bank_name&$rbank_bank_name&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_reduce_surfaces&$rbank_reduce_surfaces&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_smooth_borders&$rbank_smooth_borders&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_compute_elevation&$rbank_compute_elevation&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_compute_levels&$rbank_compute_levels&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_link_elements&$rbank_link_elements&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_cut_edges&$rbank_cut_edges&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_use_zone_square&$rbank_use_zone_square&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_zone_ul&$rbank_zone_ul&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_zone_dr&$rbank_zone_dr&g" > build_rbank.cfg` -fi - -# List the zones to add -cd ../zone/zone_welded -list_zone=`ls -1 *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][wW]` -cd ../../rbank - -# Make a zone list -for i in $list_zone ; do - echo \"$i\", >> build_rbank.cfg -done - -# Close the file -echo "};" >> build_rbank.cfg -echo " " >> build_rbank.cfg - -# List ig pathes -echo Pathes = \{ >> build_rbank.cfg -for i in $rbank_ig_pathes ; do - echo \"$i\"\, >> build_rbank.cfg -done -for i in $rbank_shape_pathes ; do - echo \"$i\"\, >> build_rbank.cfg -done -echo \}\; >> build_rbank.cfg - -echo " " >> build_rbank.cfg - - -# Log error -echo >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build RBank : Check pacs primitives consistency >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo >> log.log -echo -echo ------- -echo --- Build RBank : Check pacs primitives consistency -echo ------- -echo -date >> log.log -date - -# ******* PASS 1 Generate smooth lr - -# For each ../zone/zone_welded/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][wW] files, checks if the associated scratch/tesselation/*.[tT][eE][sS][sS][eE][lL] file -# are up to date with the .zonew and the 8 neighbor .zonew file. If note, tesselate it. - -$exec_timeout $tessel_timeout $build_rbank -C -p -g - -# Log error -echo >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build RBank : Generate lr >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo >> log.log -echo -echo ------- -echo --- Build RBank : Generate lr -echo ------- -echo -date >> log.log -date - -for i in $list_zone ; do - - # Get destination file - zone=`echo $i | sed -e 's/.zonew//'` - - # Lr final - lr1=`echo "smooth/"$zone".lr"` - - # Get the 9 zones list - near_zone=`$get_neighbors $zone` - - # Zone to build - zone_to_build=`echo ""` - - # For each zone near - if ( ! test -e $lr1 ) - then - zone_to_build=`echo "../zone/zone_welded/"$i` - else - for j in $near_zone ; do - if ( test "../zone/zone_welded/"$j.zonew -nt $lr1 ) - then - zone_to_build=`echo "../zone/zone_welded/"$i` - fi - done - fi - - # Build it only if the file exist - if ( test "$zone_to_build" ) - then - # Build lr - $exec_timeout $tessel_timeout $build_rbank -c -P -g $i - - echo - echo >> log.log - else - echo SKIPPED $dest - echo - echo SKIPPED $lr1 >> log.log - echo >> log.log - fi - - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - - - -# Log error -echo >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build RBank : Procglobal >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo >> log.log -echo -echo ------- -echo --- Build RBank : Procglobal -echo ------- -echo -date >> log.log -date - -# Procglobal -$exec_timeout $procglobal_timeout $build_rbank -c -p -G - - - - - -# ***** Build the cfg for interiors - -rm build_indoor_rbank.cfg -echo MeshPath = \"cmb/\"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg -echo Meshes = { >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg - -# List the cmb to merge -cd cmb -list_cmb=`ls -1 *.[cC][mM][bB]` -cd .. -for i in $list_cmb ; do - n=`echo $i | sed -e 's/.cmb//'` - echo \"$n\", >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -echo "};" >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg -echo OutputPath = \""retrievers/"\"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg -echo OutputPrefix = "unused"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg -echo Merge = 1\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg -echo MergePath = \""smooth/"\"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg -echo MergeInputPrefix = \"temp\"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg -echo MergeOutputPrefix = \"tempMerged\"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg -echo AddToRetriever = \"1\"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg - -# Log error -echo >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build RBank : Merge cmb in rbank >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo >> log.log -echo -echo ------- -echo --- Build RBank : Merge cmb in rbank -echo ------- -echo -date >> log.log -date - -$exec_timeout $indoor_timeout $build_indoor_rbank - - - - - - -echo >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build RBank : Copy gr, rbank and lr >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo >> log.log -echo -echo ------- -echo --- Build RBank : Copy gr, rbank and lr -echo ------- -echo -date >> log.log -date - - - -# Copy the files -mv "retrievers"/tempMerged.rbank output/$rbank_rbank_name".rbank" 2>> log.log -mv "retrievers"/tempMerged.gr output/$rbank_rbank_name".gr" 2>> log.log -for i in "retrievers"/tempMerged_*.lr ; do - finalname=`echo $i | sed -e "s/tempMerged/$rbank_rbank_name/" | sed -e 's/retrievers/output/'` - mv $i $finalname -done - - -# -# removed from pacs process, ai_build_wmap is built later, independently -# - -# Check ai_build_wmap exist -#if ( test -f $ai_build_wmap ) -#then -# # setup config file for ai_build_wmap -# rm ./ai_build_wmap.cfg -# cp cfg/ai_build_wmap.cfg ./ai_build_wmap.cfg -# -# # generate wmap -# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsCrunch $rbank_rbank_name" -# -# # generate sizes -# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildGabarit $rbank_rbank_name" -# -# # generate cwmaps for each size -# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildWmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_0" -# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildWmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_1" -# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildWmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_2" -# -# # generate bitmap for each size -# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildBitmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_0" -# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildBitmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_1" -# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildBitmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_2" -# -# # clear height maps for size 1 and 2 -# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsClearHeightmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_1" -# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsClearHeightmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_2" -# -# rm output/$rbank_rbank_name.wmap -# rm output/${rbank_rbank_name}_0.wmap -# rm output/${rbank_rbank_name}_1.wmap -# rm output/${rbank_rbank_name}_2.wmap -#fi +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Build zone + +build_rbank='build_rbank.exe' +build_indoor_rbank='build_indoor_rbank.exe' +build_ig_boxes='build_ig_boxes.exe' +ai_build_wmap='ai_build_wmap_r.exe' +get_neighbors='get_neighbors.exe' +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +tessel_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_build_tessel_timeout" | sed -e 's/rbank_build_tessel_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +smooth_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_build_smooth_timeout" | sed -e 's/rbank_build_smooth_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +proclocal_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_build_proclocal_timeout" | sed -e 's/rbank_build_proclocal_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +procglobal_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_build_procglobal_timeout" | sed -e 's/rbank_build_procglobal_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +indoor_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_build_indoor_timeout" | sed -e 's/rbank_build_indoor_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +build_wmap_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "build_wmap_timeout" | sed -e 's/build_wmap_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the quality option to choose the goor properties.cfg file +quality_flag=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_quality" | grep "1"` + +# **** Copy ig and shapes + +# Log error +echo >> log.log +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Generate config script >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo >> log.log +echo +echo ------- +echo --- Generate config script +echo ------- +echo +date >> log.log +date + +# Get arguments +rbank_bank_name=`cat ../../cfg/properties.cfg | grep "bank_name" | sed -e 's/bank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/"//g' | sed -e 's/;//g'` +rbank_reduce_surfaces=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_reduce_surfaces" | sed -e 's/rbank_reduce_surfaces//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +rbank_smooth_borders=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_smooth_borders" | sed -e 's/rbank_smooth_borders//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +rbank_compute_elevation=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_compute_elevation" | sed -e 's/rbank_compute_elevation//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +rbank_compute_levels=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_compute_levels" | sed -e 's/rbank_compute_levels//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +rbank_link_elements=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_link_elements" | sed -e 's/rbank_link_elements//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +rbank_cut_edges=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_cut_edges" | sed -e 's/rbank_cut_edges//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +rbank_use_zone_square=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_use_zone_square" | sed -e 's/rbank_use_zone_square//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +rbank_zone_ul=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_zone_ul" | sed -e 's/rbank_zone_ul//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +rbank_zone_dr=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_zone_dr" | sed -e 's/rbank_zone_dr//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +rbank_rbank_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_rbank_name" | sed -e 's/rbank_rbank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +rbank_ig_pathes=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_ig_path" | sed -e 's/rbank_ig_path//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +rbank_shape_pathes=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_shape_path" | sed -e 's/rbank_shape_path//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Global options +build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build RBank : Build the bbox file >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo >> log.log +echo +echo ------- +echo --- Build RBank : Build the bbox file +echo ------- +echo +date >> log.log +date + +# ***** Build the bbox file + +# Remove the config file +rm build_ig_boxes.cfg + +# List ig pathes +echo Pathes = \{ >> build_ig_boxes.cfg +for i in $rbank_ig_pathes ; do + echo \"$i\"\, >> build_ig_boxes.cfg +done +for i in $rbank_shape_pathes ; do + echo \"$i\"\, >> build_ig_boxes.cfg +done +echo \}\; >> build_ig_boxes.cfg + +# List igs +echo IGs = \{ >> build_ig_boxes.cfg +for i in $rbank_ig_pathes ; do + cd $i + list_ig=`ls -1 *.[iI][gG]` + cd $build_gamedata_directory"/processes/rbank" + for j in $list_ig ; do + n=`echo $j | sed -e 's/.ig//'` + echo \"$n\"\, >> build_ig_boxes.cfg + done + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done +echo \}\; >> build_ig_boxes.cfg +echo Output = \"bbox/temp.bbox\"\; >> build_ig_boxes.cfg + +# -- NOT NEEDED ANYMORE +$build_ig_boxes + +# ***** Build the rbank, gr files + +# Copy the good template file +if ( test "$quality_flag" ) +then + # We are in BEST mode + `cat cfg/template_final.cfg | sed -e "s&rbank_bank_name&$rbank_bank_name&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_reduce_surfaces&$rbank_reduce_surfaces&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_smooth_borders&$rbank_smooth_borders&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_compute_elevation&$rbank_compute_elevation&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_compute_levels&$rbank_compute_levels&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_link_elements&$rbank_link_elements&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_cut_edges&$rbank_cut_edges&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_use_zone_square&$rbank_use_zone_square&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_zone_ul&$rbank_zone_ul&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_zone_dr&$rbank_zone_dr&g" > build_rbank.cfg` +else + # We are in DRAFT mode + `cat cfg/template_draft.cfg | sed -e "s&rbank_bank_name&$rbank_bank_name&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_reduce_surfaces&$rbank_reduce_surfaces&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_smooth_borders&$rbank_smooth_borders&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_compute_elevation&$rbank_compute_elevation&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_compute_levels&$rbank_compute_levels&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_link_elements&$rbank_link_elements&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_cut_edges&$rbank_cut_edges&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_use_zone_square&$rbank_use_zone_square&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_zone_ul&$rbank_zone_ul&g" | sed -e "s&rbank_zone_dr&$rbank_zone_dr&g" > build_rbank.cfg` +fi + +# List the zones to add +cd ../zone/zone_welded +list_zone=`ls -1 *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][wW]` +cd ../../rbank + +# Make a zone list +for i in $list_zone ; do + echo \"$i\", >> build_rbank.cfg +done + +# Close the file +echo "};" >> build_rbank.cfg +echo " " >> build_rbank.cfg + +# List ig pathes +echo Pathes = \{ >> build_rbank.cfg +for i in $rbank_ig_pathes ; do + echo \"$i\"\, >> build_rbank.cfg +done +for i in $rbank_shape_pathes ; do + echo \"$i\"\, >> build_rbank.cfg +done +echo \}\; >> build_rbank.cfg + +echo " " >> build_rbank.cfg + + +# Log error +echo >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build RBank : Check pacs primitives consistency >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo >> log.log +echo +echo ------- +echo --- Build RBank : Check pacs primitives consistency +echo ------- +echo +date >> log.log +date + +# ******* PASS 1 Generate smooth lr + +# For each ../zone/zone_welded/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][wW] files, checks if the associated scratch/tesselation/*.[tT][eE][sS][sS][eE][lL] file +# are up to date with the .zonew and the 8 neighbor .zonew file. If note, tesselate it. + +$exec_timeout $tessel_timeout $build_rbank -C -p -g + +# Log error +echo >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build RBank : Generate lr >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo >> log.log +echo +echo ------- +echo --- Build RBank : Generate lr +echo ------- +echo +date >> log.log +date + +for i in $list_zone ; do + + # Get destination file + zone=`echo $i | sed -e 's/.zonew//'` + + # Lr final + lr1=`echo "smooth/"$zone".lr"` + + # Get the 9 zones list + near_zone=`$get_neighbors $zone` + + # Zone to build + zone_to_build=`echo ""` + + # For each zone near + if ( ! test -e $lr1 ) + then + zone_to_build=`echo "../zone/zone_welded/"$i` + else + for j in $near_zone ; do + if ( test "../zone/zone_welded/"$j.zonew -nt $lr1 ) + then + zone_to_build=`echo "../zone/zone_welded/"$i` + fi + done + fi + + # Build it only if the file exist + if ( test "$zone_to_build" ) + then + # Build lr + $exec_timeout $tessel_timeout $build_rbank -c -P -g $i + + echo + echo >> log.log + else + echo SKIPPED $dest + echo + echo SKIPPED $lr1 >> log.log + echo >> log.log + fi + + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + + + +# Log error +echo >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build RBank : Procglobal >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo >> log.log +echo +echo ------- +echo --- Build RBank : Procglobal +echo ------- +echo +date >> log.log +date + +# Procglobal +$exec_timeout $procglobal_timeout $build_rbank -c -p -G + + + + + +# ***** Build the cfg for interiors + +rm build_indoor_rbank.cfg +echo MeshPath = \"cmb/\"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg +echo Meshes = { >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg + +# List the cmb to merge +cd cmb +list_cmb=`ls -1 *.[cC][mM][bB]` +cd .. +for i in $list_cmb ; do + n=`echo $i | sed -e 's/.cmb//'` + echo \"$n\", >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +echo "};" >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg +echo OutputPath = \""retrievers/"\"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg +echo OutputPrefix = "unused"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg +echo Merge = 1\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg +echo MergePath = \""smooth/"\"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg +echo MergeInputPrefix = \"temp\"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg +echo MergeOutputPrefix = \"tempMerged\"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg +echo AddToRetriever = \"1\"\; >> build_indoor_rbank.cfg + +# Log error +echo >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build RBank : Merge cmb in rbank >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo >> log.log +echo +echo ------- +echo --- Build RBank : Merge cmb in rbank +echo ------- +echo +date >> log.log +date + +$exec_timeout $indoor_timeout $build_indoor_rbank + + + + + + +echo >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build RBank : Copy gr, rbank and lr >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo >> log.log +echo +echo ------- +echo --- Build RBank : Copy gr, rbank and lr +echo ------- +echo +date >> log.log +date + + + +# Copy the files +mv "retrievers"/tempMerged.rbank output/$rbank_rbank_name".rbank" 2>> log.log +mv "retrievers"/tempMerged.gr output/$rbank_rbank_name".gr" 2>> log.log +for i in "retrievers"/tempMerged_*.lr ; do + finalname=`echo $i | sed -e "s/tempMerged/$rbank_rbank_name/" | sed -e 's/retrievers/output/'` + mv $i $finalname +done + + +# +# removed from pacs process, ai_build_wmap is built later, independently +# + +# Check ai_build_wmap exist +#if ( test -f $ai_build_wmap ) +#then +# # setup config file for ai_build_wmap +# rm ./ai_build_wmap.cfg +# cp cfg/ai_build_wmap.cfg ./ai_build_wmap.cfg +# +# # generate wmap +# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsCrunch $rbank_rbank_name" +# +# # generate sizes +# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildGabarit $rbank_rbank_name" +# +# # generate cwmaps for each size +# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildWmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_0" +# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildWmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_1" +# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildWmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_2" +# +# # generate bitmap for each size +# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildBitmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_0" +# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildBitmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_1" +# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsBuildBitmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_2" +# +# # clear height maps for size 1 and 2 +# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsClearHeightmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_1" +# $exec_timeout $build_wmap_timeout $ai_build_wmap "pacsClearHeightmap ${rbank_rbank_name}_2" +# +# rm output/$rbank_rbank_name.wmap +# rm output/${rbank_rbank_name}_0.wmap +# rm output/${rbank_rbank_name}_1.wmap +# rm output/${rbank_rbank_name}_2.wmap +#fi diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/clean.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/clean.sh index 82e48430cd..7e4189aabc 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/clean.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/clean.sh @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - - -# Log error -echo >> log.log -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Clean rbank >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo >> log.log -echo -echo ------- -echo --- Clean rbank -echo ------- -echo -date >> log.log -date - -# Get arguments -rbank_rbank_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_rbank_name" | sed -e 's/rbank_rbank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Delete temp files -rm tesselation/*.[tT][eE][sS][sS][eE][lL] -rm smooth/*.[lL][rR] -rm smooth/*.[oO][cC][hH][aA][iI][nN] -rm smooth/*.[gG][rR] -rm smooth/*.[rR][bB][aA][nN][kK] -rm smooth/preproc/*.[lL][rR] -rm retrievers/*.[gG][rR] -rm retrievers/*.[rR][bB][aA][nN][kK] - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + + +# Log error +echo >> log.log +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Clean rbank >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo >> log.log +echo +echo ------- +echo --- Clean rbank +echo ------- +echo +date >> log.log +date + +# Get arguments +rbank_rbank_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "rbank_rbank_name" | sed -e 's/rbank_rbank_name//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Delete temp files +rm tesselation/*.[tT][eE][sS][sS][eE][lL] +rm smooth/*.[lL][rR] +rm smooth/*.[oO][cC][hH][aA][iI][nN] +rm smooth/*.[gG][rR] +rm smooth/*.[rR][bB][aA][nN][kK] +rm smooth/preproc/*.[lL][rR] +rm retrievers/*.[gG][rR] +rm retrievers/*.[rR][bB][aA][nN][kK] + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/export.sh index fed89c0446..0afefe687a 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/export.sh @@ -1,57 +1,57 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export cmb files (.cmb) from Max - -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "cmb_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/cmb_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the build gamedata directory -build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the collision directories -collision_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "cmb_source_directory" | sed -e 's/cmb_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Maxdir -max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export cmb for rbank >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export cmb for rbank -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy - -for i in $collision_source_directories ; do - # Copy the script - cat maxscript/rbank_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/rbank/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&collision_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_rbank&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/rbank/cmb&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/rbank/tag&g" > $max_directory/scripts/rbank_export.ms - - # Start max - echo Try 1 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript rbank_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 2 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript rbank_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 3 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript rbank_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export cmb files (.cmb) from Max + +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "cmb_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/cmb_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the build gamedata directory +build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the collision directories +collision_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "cmb_source_directory" | sed -e 's/cmb_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Maxdir +max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export cmb for rbank >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export cmb for rbank +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy + +for i in $collision_source_directories ; do + # Copy the script + cat maxscript/rbank_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/rbank/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&collision_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_rbank&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/rbank/cmb&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/rbank/tag&g" > $max_directory/scripts/rbank_export.ms + + # Start max + echo Try 1 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript rbank_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 2 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript rbank_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 3 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript rbank_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/install.sh index 986d65225f..b3f832a34c 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install the zonels in the client data - -# Get the zone install directory -pacs_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "pacs_install_directory" | sed -e 's/pacs_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install zone >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install zone -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R output/. $client_directory/$pacs_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install the zonels in the client data + +# Get the zone install directory +pacs_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "pacs_install_directory" | sed -e 's/pacs_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install zone >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install zone +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R output/. $client_directory/$pacs_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/shape/sh/build.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/shape/sh/build.sh index 8d97cff1f4..c1c77984ca 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/shape/sh/build.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/shape/sh/build.sh @@ -1,236 +1,236 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Build shape files (.shape) - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Bin -tga_2_dds='tga2dds.exe' -build_coarse_mesh='build_coarse_mesh.exe' -lightmap_optimizer='lightmap_optimizer.exe' -build_clodtex='build_clodtex.exe' -build_shadow_skin='build_shadow_skin.exe' - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Build ShadowSkin shape >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build ShadowSkin shape -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# build shadow skin? -do_build_shadow_skin=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep -w "build_shadow_skin" | sed -e 's/build_shadow_skin//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -build_shadow_skin_ratio=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "build_shadow_skin_ratio" | sed -e 's/build_shadow_skin_ratio//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -build_shadow_skin_maxface=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "build_shadow_skin_maxface" | sed -e 's/build_shadow_skin_maxface//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - - -# if config wanted then must compute shadowSkin -if ( test "$do_build_shadow_skin" = "1" ) -then - for i in shape_not_optimized/*.[sS][hH][aA][pP][eE] ; do - if ( test -f $i ) - then - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/shape_not_optimized/shape/g'` - # if date is newer in shape_not_optimized than in shape, compute - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) - then - # NB: overwrite shape_not_optimized, because will be cloded/copied below to shapes/ - $build_shadow_skin $i $i $build_shadow_skin_ratio $build_shadow_skin_maxface - fi - fi - done -fi - - -# Log error -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build shape : Copy Shape / build CLodTex >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build shape : Copy Shape / build CLodTex -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# Get the lod config file in the database -clod_config_file=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "clod_config_file" | sed -e 's/clod_config_file//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# if clod cfg is setup, build clod -if (test -f $database_directory/$clod_config_file) -then - # build the shape with clod texture. convert from 'shape_not_optimized' to 'shape' - $build_clodtex -d $database_directory/$clod_config_file clod shape_not_optimized shape -else - # just copy shape_not_optimized to shape - ./sh/transfert_shape_optimize.bat -fi - -# Log error -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build shape : optimize lightmaps >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build shape : optimize lightmaps -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - - -# copy lightmap_not_optimized to lightmap -./sh/transfert_lightmap_optimize.bat - -quality_flag=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_quality" | grep "1"` - -# Optimize lightmaps if any. Additionnaly, output a file indicating which lightmaps are 8 bits -$lightmap_optimizer ./lightmap ./shape ./tag ./list_lm_8bit.txt - -# Convert lightmap in 16 bits mode if they are not 8 bits lightmap - -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build shape : convert lightmaps in 16 or 8 bits >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build shape : convert lightmaps in 16 or 8 bits -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -for i in lightmap/*.[tT][gG][aA] ; do - - if ( test -f $i ) - then - # Destination file - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/lightmap/lightmap_16_bits/g'` - - # Convert the lightmap in 16 bits mode - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) - then - fileTest=`echo $i | sed -e 's&lightmap/&&g'` - file8Bit=`cat ./list_lm_8bit.txt | grep "$fileTest"` - if ( test "$file8Bit" = "$fileTest" ) - then - echo "export $fileTest in 8bit format" - $tga_2_dds $i -o $dest -a tga8 2>> log.log - else - echo "export $fileTest in 16bit format" - $tga_2_dds $i -o $dest -a tga16 2>> log.log - fi - fi - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -# Log error -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build shape : build coarse meshes >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build shape : build coarse meshes -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# Get the build gamedata directory -build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get texture pathes -map_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "map_source_directory" | sed -e 's/map_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the texture mul size -texture_mul_size_value=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "texture_mul_size_value" | sed -e 's/texture_mul_size_value//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the coarse mesh texture name -coarse_mesh_texture_names=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "coarse_mesh_texture_names" | sed -e 's/coarse_mesh_texture_names//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Copy the config file header -cat cfg/config_header.cfg | sed -e "s/texture_mul_size_value/$texture_mul_size_value/g" > cfg/config_generated.cfg - -# Corse meshes for this process ? -if ( test "$coarse_mesh_texture_names" ) then - - # Add the shape directory - echo ' "'shape_with_coarse_mesh'"', >> cfg/config_generated.cfg - - # For each texture path - for i in $map_source_directories ; do - - # Add the path - echo ' "'$database_directory/$i'"', >> cfg/config_generated.cfg - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - done - - # Add the shape list header - echo '};' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg - echo ' ' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg - echo 'list_mesh =' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg - echo '{' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg - - # For each shape with coarse mesh - for i in shape_with_coarse_mesh/*.[sS][hH][aA][pP][eE]; do - - if ( test -f $i ) - then - # Destination file - src=`echo $i | sed -e 's&shape_with_coarse_mesh/&&g'` - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's&shape_with_coarse_mesh&shape_with_coarse_mesh_builded&g'` - - # Add the shape - echo ' "'$src'", "'$dest'",' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg - - # Destination file - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/lightmap/lightmap_16_bits/g'` - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - done - echo '};' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg - - # Add output bitmap list - echo ' ' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg - echo 'output_textures = {' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg - # For each shape with coarse mesh - for i in $coarse_mesh_texture_names ; do - # Add the path - echo ' "shape_with_coarse_mesh/'$i'.tga"', >> cfg/config_generated.cfg - done - - # Close the config file - echo '};' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg - - # Execute the build - $build_coarse_mesh cfg/config_generated.cfg - - # Log error - echo ------- >> log.log - echo --- Build shape : convert coarse texture to dds without mipmaps >> log.log - echo ------- >> log.log - echo ------- - echo --- Build shape : convert coarse texture to dds without mipmaps - echo ------- - date >> log.log - date - - # Convert the coarse texture to dds - for i in $coarse_mesh_texture_names ; do - if ( test -f shape_with_coarse_mesh/$i.tga ) - then - $tga_2_dds shape_with_coarse_mesh/$i.tga -o shape_with_coarse_mesh_builded/$i.dds -a 5 2>> log.log - fi - done - -else - - echo --- No coarse meshes texture defined >> log.log - echo --- No coarse meshes texture defined - -fi +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Build shape files (.shape) + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Bin +tga_2_dds='tga2dds.exe' +build_coarse_mesh='build_coarse_mesh.exe' +lightmap_optimizer='lightmap_optimizer.exe' +build_clodtex='build_clodtex.exe' +build_shadow_skin='build_shadow_skin.exe' + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Build ShadowSkin shape >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build ShadowSkin shape +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# build shadow skin? +do_build_shadow_skin=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep -w "build_shadow_skin" | sed -e 's/build_shadow_skin//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +build_shadow_skin_ratio=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "build_shadow_skin_ratio" | sed -e 's/build_shadow_skin_ratio//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +build_shadow_skin_maxface=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "build_shadow_skin_maxface" | sed -e 's/build_shadow_skin_maxface//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + + +# if config wanted then must compute shadowSkin +if ( test "$do_build_shadow_skin" = "1" ) +then + for i in shape_not_optimized/*.[sS][hH][aA][pP][eE] ; do + if ( test -f $i ) + then + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/shape_not_optimized/shape/g'` + # if date is newer in shape_not_optimized than in shape, compute + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) + then + # NB: overwrite shape_not_optimized, because will be cloded/copied below to shapes/ + $build_shadow_skin $i $i $build_shadow_skin_ratio $build_shadow_skin_maxface + fi + fi + done +fi + + +# Log error +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build shape : Copy Shape / build CLodTex >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build shape : Copy Shape / build CLodTex +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# Get the lod config file in the database +clod_config_file=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "clod_config_file" | sed -e 's/clod_config_file//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# if clod cfg is setup, build clod +if (test -f $database_directory/$clod_config_file) +then + # build the shape with clod texture. convert from 'shape_not_optimized' to 'shape' + $build_clodtex -d $database_directory/$clod_config_file clod shape_not_optimized shape +else + # just copy shape_not_optimized to shape + ./sh/transfert_shape_optimize.bat +fi + +# Log error +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build shape : optimize lightmaps >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build shape : optimize lightmaps +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + + +# copy lightmap_not_optimized to lightmap +./sh/transfert_lightmap_optimize.bat + +quality_flag=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_quality" | grep "1"` + +# Optimize lightmaps if any. Additionnaly, output a file indicating which lightmaps are 8 bits +$lightmap_optimizer ./lightmap ./shape ./tag ./list_lm_8bit.txt + +# Convert lightmap in 16 bits mode if they are not 8 bits lightmap + +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build shape : convert lightmaps in 16 or 8 bits >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build shape : convert lightmaps in 16 or 8 bits +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +for i in lightmap/*.[tT][gG][aA] ; do + + if ( test -f $i ) + then + # Destination file + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/lightmap/lightmap_16_bits/g'` + + # Convert the lightmap in 16 bits mode + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) + then + fileTest=`echo $i | sed -e 's&lightmap/&&g'` + file8Bit=`cat ./list_lm_8bit.txt | grep "$fileTest"` + if ( test "$file8Bit" = "$fileTest" ) + then + echo "export $fileTest in 8bit format" + $tga_2_dds $i -o $dest -a tga8 2>> log.log + else + echo "export $fileTest in 16bit format" + $tga_2_dds $i -o $dest -a tga16 2>> log.log + fi + fi + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +# Log error +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build shape : build coarse meshes >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build shape : build coarse meshes +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# Get the build gamedata directory +build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get texture pathes +map_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "map_source_directory" | sed -e 's/map_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the texture mul size +texture_mul_size_value=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "texture_mul_size_value" | sed -e 's/texture_mul_size_value//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the coarse mesh texture name +coarse_mesh_texture_names=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "coarse_mesh_texture_names" | sed -e 's/coarse_mesh_texture_names//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Copy the config file header +cat cfg/config_header.cfg | sed -e "s/texture_mul_size_value/$texture_mul_size_value/g" > cfg/config_generated.cfg + +# Corse meshes for this process ? +if ( test "$coarse_mesh_texture_names" ) then + + # Add the shape directory + echo ' "'shape_with_coarse_mesh'"', >> cfg/config_generated.cfg + + # For each texture path + for i in $map_source_directories ; do + + # Add the path + echo ' "'$database_directory/$i'"', >> cfg/config_generated.cfg + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + done + + # Add the shape list header + echo '};' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg + echo ' ' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg + echo 'list_mesh =' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg + echo '{' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg + + # For each shape with coarse mesh + for i in shape_with_coarse_mesh/*.[sS][hH][aA][pP][eE]; do + + if ( test -f $i ) + then + # Destination file + src=`echo $i | sed -e 's&shape_with_coarse_mesh/&&g'` + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's&shape_with_coarse_mesh&shape_with_coarse_mesh_builded&g'` + + # Add the shape + echo ' "'$src'", "'$dest'",' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg + + # Destination file + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/lightmap/lightmap_16_bits/g'` + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + done + echo '};' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg + + # Add output bitmap list + echo ' ' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg + echo 'output_textures = {' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg + # For each shape with coarse mesh + for i in $coarse_mesh_texture_names ; do + # Add the path + echo ' "shape_with_coarse_mesh/'$i'.tga"', >> cfg/config_generated.cfg + done + + # Close the config file + echo '};' >> cfg/config_generated.cfg + + # Execute the build + $build_coarse_mesh cfg/config_generated.cfg + + # Log error + echo ------- >> log.log + echo --- Build shape : convert coarse texture to dds without mipmaps >> log.log + echo ------- >> log.log + echo ------- + echo --- Build shape : convert coarse texture to dds without mipmaps + echo ------- + date >> log.log + date + + # Convert the coarse texture to dds + for i in $coarse_mesh_texture_names ; do + if ( test -f shape_with_coarse_mesh/$i.tga ) + then + $tga_2_dds shape_with_coarse_mesh/$i.tga -o shape_with_coarse_mesh_builded/$i.dds -a 5 2>> log.log + fi + done + +else + + echo --- No coarse meshes texture defined >> log.log + echo --- No coarse meshes texture defined + +fi diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/shape/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/shape/sh/export.sh index 73ab93589d..d00c71ac71 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/shape/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/shape/sh/export.sh @@ -1,140 +1,140 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# ********************************************* -# ********************************************* -# *** Export shape files (.shape) from Max -# ********************************************* -# ********************************************* - -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/shape_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the build gamedata directory -build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the shape directories -shape_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "shape_source_directory" | sed -e 's/shape_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the quality option to choose the goor properties.cfg file -quality_flag=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_quality" | grep "1"` - -# Maxdir -max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` - -# Get the options -if ( test "$quality_flag" ) -then - # We are in BEST mode - seoel=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_opt_export_lighting" | sed -e 's/shape_export_opt_export_lighting//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - seos=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_opt_shadow" | sed -e 's/shape_export_opt_shadow//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - seoll=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_opt_lighting_limit" | sed -e 's/shape_export_opt_lighting_limit//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - seols=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_opt_lumel_size" | sed -e 's/shape_export_opt_lumel_size//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - seoo=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_opt_oversampling" | sed -e 's/shape_export_opt_oversampling//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -else - # We are in DRAFT mode - seoel='false' - seos='false' - seoll='0' - seols='0.25' - seoo='1' -fi - seolog=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_opt_lightmap_log" | sed -e 's/shape_export_opt_lightmap_log//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export shape >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export shape -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy - -for i in $shape_source_directories ; do - # Copy the script - cat maxscript/shape_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&shape_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/tag&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_without_coarse_mesh&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/shape_not_optimized&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_with_coarse_mesh&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/shape_with_coarse_mesh&g" | sed -e "s&shape_export_opt_export_lighting&$seoel&g" | sed -e "s&shape_export_opt_shadow&$seos&g" | sed -e "s&shape_export_opt_lighting_limit&$seoll&g" | sed -e "s&shape_export_opt_lumel_size&$seols&g" | sed -e "s&shape_export_opt_oversampling&$seoo&g"| sed -e "s&shape_export_opt_lightmap_log&$seolog&g" | sed -e "s&shape_lightmap_path&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/lightmap_not_optimized&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_anim&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/anim&g" > $max_directory/scripts/shape_export.ms - - # Start max - echo Try 1 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript shape_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 2 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript shape_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 3 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript shape_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - - -# ********************************************* -# ********************************************* -# *** Export character lod shape files (.clod) from Max -# ********************************************* -# ********************************************* - -# Get the clod directories -clod_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "clod_source_directory" | sed -e 's/clod_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Export clod >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export clod -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy - -for i in $clod_source_directories ; do - # Copy the script. TAKE IT FROM clodbank process. But write it here. - cat ../clodbank/maxscript/clod_export.ms | sed -e "s&shape_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_clod&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/clod&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/tag&g" > $max_directory/scripts/clod_export.ms - - # Start max - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript clod_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Concat log.log files - echo Try 1 >> log.log - cat $max_directory/log.log >> log.log - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript clod_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Concat log.log files - echo Try 2 >> log.log - cat $max_directory/log.log >> log.log - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript clod_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Concat log.log files - echo Try 3 >> log.log - cat $max_directory/log.log >> log.log - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# ********************************************* +# ********************************************* +# *** Export shape files (.shape) from Max +# ********************************************* +# ********************************************* + +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/shape_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the build gamedata directory +build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the shape directories +shape_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "shape_source_directory" | sed -e 's/shape_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the quality option to choose the goor properties.cfg file +quality_flag=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_quality" | grep "1"` + +# Maxdir +max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` + +# Get the options +if ( test "$quality_flag" ) +then + # We are in BEST mode + seoel=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_opt_export_lighting" | sed -e 's/shape_export_opt_export_lighting//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + seos=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_opt_shadow" | sed -e 's/shape_export_opt_shadow//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + seoll=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_opt_lighting_limit" | sed -e 's/shape_export_opt_lighting_limit//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + seols=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_opt_lumel_size" | sed -e 's/shape_export_opt_lumel_size//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + seoo=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_opt_oversampling" | sed -e 's/shape_export_opt_oversampling//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +else + # We are in DRAFT mode + seoel='false' + seos='false' + seoll='0' + seols='0.25' + seoo='1' +fi + seolog=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "shape_export_opt_lightmap_log" | sed -e 's/shape_export_opt_lightmap_log//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export shape >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export shape +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy + +for i in $shape_source_directories ; do + # Copy the script + cat maxscript/shape_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&shape_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/tag&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_without_coarse_mesh&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/shape_not_optimized&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_with_coarse_mesh&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/shape_with_coarse_mesh&g" | sed -e "s&shape_export_opt_export_lighting&$seoel&g" | sed -e "s&shape_export_opt_shadow&$seos&g" | sed -e "s&shape_export_opt_lighting_limit&$seoll&g" | sed -e "s&shape_export_opt_lumel_size&$seols&g" | sed -e "s&shape_export_opt_oversampling&$seoo&g"| sed -e "s&shape_export_opt_lightmap_log&$seolog&g" | sed -e "s&shape_lightmap_path&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/lightmap_not_optimized&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_anim&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/anim&g" > $max_directory/scripts/shape_export.ms + + # Start max + echo Try 1 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript shape_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 2 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript shape_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 3 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript shape_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + + +# ********************************************* +# ********************************************* +# *** Export character lod shape files (.clod) from Max +# ********************************************* +# ********************************************* + +# Get the clod directories +clod_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "clod_source_directory" | sed -e 's/clod_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Export clod >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export clod +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy + +for i in $clod_source_directories ; do + # Copy the script. TAKE IT FROM clodbank process. But write it here. + cat ../clodbank/maxscript/clod_export.ms | sed -e "s&shape_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_clod&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/clod&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/shape/tag&g" > $max_directory/scripts/clod_export.ms + + # Start max + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript clod_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Concat log.log files + echo Try 1 >> log.log + cat $max_directory/log.log >> log.log + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript clod_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Concat log.log files + echo Try 2 >> log.log + cat $max_directory/log.log >> log.log + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript clod_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Concat log.log files + echo Try 3 >> log.log + cat $max_directory/log.log >> log.log + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/shape/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/shape/sh/install.sh index 542138370e..a7e3ba255a 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/shape/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/shape/sh/install.sh @@ -1,36 +1,36 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install shapes in the client data - -# Get the shape install directory -shape_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "shape_install_directory" | sed -e 's/shape_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the lightmaps install directory -lightmap_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "lightmap_install_directory" | sed -e 's/lightmap_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install Shape >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install Shape -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - - -cp -u -p -R shape/. $client_directory/$shape_install_directory 2>> log.log -cp -u -p -R shape_with_coarse_mesh_builded/. $client_directory/$shape_install_directory 2>> log.log - -if test "$lightmap_install_directory"; then - mkdir $client_directory/$lightmap_install_directory 2>> log.log 2> /dev/null - cp -u -p -R lightmap_16_bits/. $client_directory/$lightmap_install_directory 2>> log.log -fi - -cp -u -p -R anim/. $client_directory/$shape_install_directory 2>> log.log - -ls anim | grep ".anim" >> $client_directory/auto_animations_list.txt +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install shapes in the client data + +# Get the shape install directory +shape_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "shape_install_directory" | sed -e 's/shape_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the lightmaps install directory +lightmap_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "lightmap_install_directory" | sed -e 's/lightmap_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install Shape >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install Shape +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + + +cp -u -p -R shape/. $client_directory/$shape_install_directory 2>> log.log +cp -u -p -R shape_with_coarse_mesh_builded/. $client_directory/$shape_install_directory 2>> log.log + +if test "$lightmap_install_directory"; then + mkdir $client_directory/$lightmap_install_directory 2>> log.log 2> /dev/null + cp -u -p -R lightmap_16_bits/. $client_directory/$lightmap_install_directory 2>> log.log +fi + +cp -u -p -R anim/. $client_directory/$shape_install_directory 2>> log.log + +ls anim | grep ".anim" >> $client_directory/auto_animations_list.txt diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/skel/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/skel/sh/export.sh index 5039f8ffd6..f3a1a7e4f5 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/skel/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/skel/sh/export.sh @@ -1,80 +1,80 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export skeleton files (.skel) from Max - -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "skel_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/skel_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the build gamedata directory -build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the skel directories -skel_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "skel_source_directory" | sed -e 's/skel_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Maxdir -max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export skeleton from MAX>> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export skeleton from MAX -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy - -for i in $skel_source_directories ; do - # Copy the script - cat maxscript/skel_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/skel/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&skel_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/skel/skel&g" > $max_directory/scripts/skel_export.ms - - # Start max - echo Try 1 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript skel_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 2 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript skel_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 3 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript skel_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - - -# *** Export skeleton files (.skel) directly from .skel version - -# Log error -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Copy skeleton from .skel>> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Copy skeleton from .skel -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy - -for i in $skel_source_directories ; do - # copy - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[sS][kK][eE][lL] skel 2>> log.log - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export skeleton files (.skel) from Max + +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "skel_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/skel_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the build gamedata directory +build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the skel directories +skel_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "skel_source_directory" | sed -e 's/skel_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Maxdir +max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export skeleton from MAX>> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export skeleton from MAX +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy + +for i in $skel_source_directories ; do + # Copy the script + cat maxscript/skel_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/skel/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&skel_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/skel/skel&g" > $max_directory/scripts/skel_export.ms + + # Start max + echo Try 1 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript skel_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 2 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript skel_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 3 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript skel_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + + +# *** Export skeleton files (.skel) directly from .skel version + +# Log error +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Copy skeleton from .skel>> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Copy skeleton from .skel +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy + +for i in $skel_source_directories ; do + # copy + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[sS][kK][eE][lL] skel 2>> log.log + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/skel/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/skel/sh/install.sh index f93c9e4316..d1ce0a9de6 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/skel/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/skel/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install skel in the client data - -# Get the skel install directory -skel_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "skel_install_directory" | sed -e 's/skel_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install skeleton >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install skeleton -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R skel/. $client_directory/$skel_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install skel in the client data + +# Get the skel install directory +skel_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "skel_install_directory" | sed -e 's/skel_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install skeleton >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install skeleton +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R skel/. $client_directory/$skel_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/smallbank/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/smallbank/sh/export.sh index c07fc24e36..1c594ef5d7 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/smallbank/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/smallbank/sh/export.sh @@ -1,72 +1,72 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export bank file (.bank) from Max - -# Some exe -build_smallbank='build_smallbank.exe' -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the swt directories -bank_source_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "bank_source_directory" | sed -e 's/bank_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "smallbank_build_timeout" | sed -e 's/smallbank_build_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the tiles root directories -tile_root_source_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "tile_root_source_directory" | sed -e 's/tile_root_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export bank >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export bank -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# Copy the bank -cp -u -p $database_directory/$bank_source_directory/*.[bB][aA][nN][kK] bank 2>> log.log - -# Build the small bank - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Build bank >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build bank -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# list all the bank -bank_list=`ls -1 bank/*.[bB][aA][nN][kK]` - -# For each bank -for i in $bank_list ; do - # Destination the name - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's&bank&smallbank&g'` - - # Make the dependencies - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) - then - $exec_timeout $timeout $build_smallbank $i $dest $database_directory/$tile_root_source_directory/ - if ( test -e $dest ) - then - echo OK $dest >> log.log - else - echo ERROR building $dest >> log.log - fi - else - echo SKIPPED $dest >> log.log - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export bank file (.bank) from Max + +# Some exe +build_smallbank='build_smallbank.exe' +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the swt directories +bank_source_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "bank_source_directory" | sed -e 's/bank_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "smallbank_build_timeout" | sed -e 's/smallbank_build_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the tiles root directories +tile_root_source_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "tile_root_source_directory" | sed -e 's/tile_root_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export bank >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export bank +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# Copy the bank +cp -u -p $database_directory/$bank_source_directory/*.[bB][aA][nN][kK] bank 2>> log.log + +# Build the small bank + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Build bank >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build bank +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# list all the bank +bank_list=`ls -1 bank/*.[bB][aA][nN][kK]` + +# For each bank +for i in $bank_list ; do + # Destination the name + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's&bank&smallbank&g'` + + # Make the dependencies + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) + then + $exec_timeout $timeout $build_smallbank $i $dest $database_directory/$tile_root_source_directory/ + if ( test -e $dest ) + then + echo OK $dest >> log.log + else + echo ERROR building $dest >> log.log + fi + else + echo SKIPPED $dest >> log.log + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/smallbank/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/smallbank/sh/install.sh index 1bf7035811..d0e4634fb1 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/smallbank/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/smallbank/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install the bank in the client data - -# Get the bank install directory -bank_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "bank_install_directory" | sed -e 's/bank_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install smallbank >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install smallbank -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R smallbank/. $client_directory/$bank_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install the bank in the client data + +# Get the bank install directory +bank_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "bank_install_directory" | sed -e 's/bank_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install smallbank >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install smallbank +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R smallbank/. $client_directory/$bank_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/swt/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/swt/sh/export.sh index 2855f8548d..3b33cf45b9 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/swt/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/swt/sh/export.sh @@ -1,57 +1,57 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export skeleton weight files (.swt) from Max - -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "swt_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/swt_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the build gamedata directory -build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the swt directories -swt_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "swt_source_directory" | sed -e 's/swt_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Maxdir -max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export skeleton weight >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export skeleton weight -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy - -for i in $swt_source_directories ; do - # Copy the script - cat maxscript/swt_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/swt/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&swt_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/swt/swt&g" > $max_directory/scripts/swt_export.ms - - # Start max - echo Try 1 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript swt_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 2 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript swt_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 3 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript swt_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export skeleton weight files (.swt) from Max + +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "swt_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/swt_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the build gamedata directory +build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the swt directories +swt_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "swt_source_directory" | sed -e 's/swt_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Maxdir +max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export skeleton weight >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export skeleton weight +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy + +for i in $swt_source_directories ; do + # Copy the script + cat maxscript/swt_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/swt/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&swt_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/swt/swt&g" > $max_directory/scripts/swt_export.ms + + # Start max + echo Try 1 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript swt_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 2 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript swt_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 3 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript swt_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/swt/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/swt/sh/install.sh index 78aacb4be9..a7882ce26f 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/swt/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/swt/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install swt in the client data - -# Get the swt install directory -swt_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "swt_install_directory" | sed -e 's/swt_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install skeleton weight >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install skeleton weight -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R swt/. $client_directory/$swt_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install swt in the client data + +# Get the swt install directory +swt_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "swt_install_directory" | sed -e 's/swt_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install skeleton weight >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install skeleton weight +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R swt/. $client_directory/$swt_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/tiles/sh/build.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/tiles/sh/build.sh index 99be397c32..a8e346450b 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/tiles/sh/build.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/tiles/sh/build.sh @@ -1,43 +1,43 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -tga_2_dds='tga2dds.exe' -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "maps_build_timeout" | sed -e 's/maps_build_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Build the tile textures - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Build tiles >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build tiles -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each texture -for i in maps_tga/*.[tT][gG][aA] ; do - if ( test -e $i ) - then - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/maps_tga/maps_final/g' | sed -e 's/.tga/.dds/g'` - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) - then - $exec_timeout $timeout $tga_2_dds $i -o $dest -a 5 -m - if ( test -e $dest ) - then - echo OK $dest >> log.log - else - echo ERROR building $dest >> log.log - fi - else - echo SKIPPED $dest >> log.log - fi - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +tga_2_dds='tga2dds.exe' +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "maps_build_timeout" | sed -e 's/maps_build_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Build the tile textures + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Build tiles >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build tiles +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each texture +for i in maps_tga/*.[tT][gG][aA] ; do + if ( test -e $i ) + then + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/maps_tga/maps_final/g' | sed -e 's/.tga/.dds/g'` + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) + then + $exec_timeout $timeout $tga_2_dds $i -o $dest -a 5 -m + if ( test -e $dest ) + then + echo OK $dest >> log.log + else + echo ERROR building $dest >> log.log + fi + else + echo SKIPPED $dest >> log.log + fi + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/tiles/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/tiles/sh/export.sh index b26e5adf0e..a6e03995fd 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/tiles/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/tiles/sh/export.sh @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Export the tile textures - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the tile directories -tile_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "tile_source_directories" | sed -e 's/tile_source_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export tiles >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export tiles -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy -for i in $tile_source_directories ; do - list_textures=`find $database_directory/$i -type f -name '*.[tT][gG][aA]'` - - # For each textures - for j in $list_textures ; do - cp -u -p $j maps_tga/ 2>> log.log - done - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Export the tile textures + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the tile directories +tile_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "tile_source_directories" | sed -e 's/tile_source_directories//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export tiles >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export tiles +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy +for i in $tile_source_directories ; do + list_textures=`find $database_directory/$i -type f -name '*.[tT][gG][aA]'` + + # For each textures + for j in $list_textures ; do + cp -u -p $j maps_tga/ 2>> log.log + done + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/tiles/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/tiles/sh/install.sh index bb5263f3e9..6168aa3e43 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/tiles/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/tiles/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install tiles in the client data - -# Get the tile install directory -tile_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "tile_install_directory" | sed -e 's/tile_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install Tiles >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install Tiles -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R maps_final/. $client_directory/$tile_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install tiles in the client data + +# Get the tile install directory +tile_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "tile_install_directory" | sed -e 's/tile_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install Tiles >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install Tiles +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R maps_final/. $client_directory/$tile_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/veget/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/veget/sh/export.sh index 036a53b170..2bb35f60df 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/veget/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/veget/sh/export.sh @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export veget files (.veget) from Max - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the build gamedata directory -build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the veget directories -veget_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "veget_source_directory" | sed -e 's/veget_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Maxdir -max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export veget >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export veget -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each directoy - -for i in $veget_source_directories ; do - # Copy the script - cat maxscript/veget_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/veget/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&veget_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_veget&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/veget/veget&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/veget/tag&g" > $max_directory/scripts/veget_export.ms - - # Start max - echo Try 1 >> log.log - $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript veget_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 2 >> log.log - $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript veget_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - - echo Try 3 >> log.log - $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript veget_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export veget files (.veget) from Max + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the build gamedata directory +build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the veget directories +veget_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "veget_source_directory" | sed -e 's/veget_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Maxdir +max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export veget >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export veget +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each directoy + +for i in $veget_source_directories ; do + # Copy the script + cat maxscript/veget_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/veget/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&veget_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_veget&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/veget/veget&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory_tag&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/veget/tag&g" > $max_directory/scripts/veget_export.ms + + # Start max + echo Try 1 >> log.log + $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript veget_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 2 >> log.log + $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript veget_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + + echo Try 3 >> log.log + $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript veget_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/veget/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/veget/sh/install.sh index dc45510409..509a07960b 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/veget/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/veget/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install vegets in the client data - -# Get the veget install directory -veget_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "veget_install_directory" | sed -e 's/veget_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install veget >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install veget -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R veget/. $client_directory/$veget_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install vegets in the client data + +# Get the veget install directory +veget_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "veget_install_directory" | sed -e 's/veget_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install veget >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install veget +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R veget/. $client_directory/$veget_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/vegetset/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/vegetset/sh/export.sh index 57c42cab01..fffb864166 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/vegetset/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/vegetset/sh/export.sh @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export vegetset file (.vegetset) - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the vegetset directories -vegetset_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "vegetset_source_directory" | sed -e 's/vegetset_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export vegetset >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export vegetset -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# For each vegetset directory -for i in $vegetset_source_directories ; do - # Copy - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[vV][eE][gG][eE][tT][sS][eE][tT] vegetset 2>> log.log - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export vegetset file (.vegetset) + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the vegetset directories +vegetset_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "vegetset_source_directory" | sed -e 's/vegetset_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export vegetset >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export vegetset +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# For each vegetset directory +for i in $vegetset_source_directories ; do + # Copy + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[vV][eE][gG][eE][tT][sS][eE][tT] vegetset 2>> log.log + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/vegetset/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/vegetset/sh/install.sh index 8aa214eb6e..44678768ff 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/vegetset/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/vegetset/sh/install.sh @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install the vegetable set in the client data - -# Get the vegetset install directory -vegetset_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "vegetset_install_directory" | sed -e 's/vegetset_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install vegetset >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install vegetset -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R vegetset/. $client_directory/$vegetset_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install the vegetable set in the client data + +# Get the vegetset install directory +vegetset_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "vegetset_install_directory" | sed -e 's/vegetset_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install vegetset >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install vegetset +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R vegetset/. $client_directory/$vegetset_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone/sh/build.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone/sh/build.sh index f3b32f17dc..2657c0b42e 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone/sh/build.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone/sh/build.sh @@ -1,149 +1,149 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Build zone - -zone_dependencies='zone_dependencies.exe' -zone_welder='zone_welder.exe' -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -depend_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_build_depend_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_build_depend_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -weld_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_build_weld_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_build_weld_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the quality option to choose the goor properties.cfg file -quality_flag=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_quality" | grep "1"` - -# **** Build dependencies - -if ( test "$quality_flag" ) -then - # We are in BEST mode - - # Log error - echo ------- >> log.log - echo --- Build zone : dependencies >> log.log - echo ------- >> log.log - echo ------- - echo --- Build zone : dependencies - echo ------- - date >> log.log - date - - cp ../../cfg/properties.cfg zone_depencies_properties.cfg - #append the level design directory at the end of the config file - ld_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - ld_world_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_world_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_world_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - ld_dfn_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_dfn_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_dfn_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - continent_file_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "continent_file" | sed -e 's/continent_file//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - echo "level_design_directory = \"$ld_dir\";" >> zone_depencies_properties.cfg - echo "level_design_world_directory = \"$ld_world_dir\";" >> zone_depencies_properties.cfg - echo "level_design_dfn_directory = \"$ld_dfn_dir\";" >> zone_depencies_properties.cfg - echo "continent_name = \"$continent_file_name\";" >> zone_depencies_properties.cfg - - - # list all the dependencies regions - zone_regions=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_region" | sed -e 's/zone_region//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - - # For each dependencies region - for i in $zone_regions ; do - # Extract the name - arg=`echo zone_exported/$zone_regions | sed -e 's&,&.zone zone_exported/&g'` - # Make the dependencies - $exec_timeout $depend_timeout $zone_dependencies zone_depencies_properties.cfg $arg.zone zone_depend/doomy.depend - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - done -fi - -# **** Weld - -# Log error -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build zone : weld >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build zone : weld -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# List the zones to weld -list_zone=`ls -1 zone_exported/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]` - -# Build a zones list to weld -echo -- Build a list of file to weld -rm zone_to_weld.txt 2> /dev/null -for i in $list_zone ; do - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/zone_exported/zone_welded/g' | sed -e 's/.zone/.zonew/g'` - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) - then - echo $i >> zone_to_weld.txt - rm $dest - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -# Weld the zone -if (test -f zone_to_weld.txt) -then - list_zone=`cat zone_to_weld.txt` - for i in $list_zone ; do - echo -- Weld $i - echo -- Weld $i >> log.log - $exec_timeout $weld_timeout $zone_welder $i $dest - echo - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - done -fi - -# Log error -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build zone : weld zones without heightmap >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build zone : weld zones without heightmap -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# List the zones to weld -list_zone=`ls -1 zone_exported/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][nN][hH]` - -# Build a zones list to weld -echo -- Build a list of file to weld -rm zone_to_weld.txt 2> /dev/null -for i in $list_zone ; do - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/zone_exported/zone_welded/g' | sed -e 's/.zonenh/.zonenhw/g'` - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) - then - echo $i >> zone_to_weld.txt - rm $dest - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -# Weld the zone -if (test -f zone_to_weld.txt) -then - list_zone=`cat zone_to_weld.txt` - for i in $list_zone ; do - echo -- Weld $i - echo -- Weld $i >> log.log - $exec_timeout $weld_timeout $zone_welder $i $dest - echo - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat - done -fi - -# Build a zones list to weld -rm zone_to_weld.txt 2> /dev/null +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Build zone + +zone_dependencies='zone_dependencies.exe' +zone_welder='zone_welder.exe' +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +depend_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_build_depend_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_build_depend_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +weld_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_build_weld_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_build_weld_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the quality option to choose the goor properties.cfg file +quality_flag=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_quality" | grep "1"` + +# **** Build dependencies + +if ( test "$quality_flag" ) +then + # We are in BEST mode + + # Log error + echo ------- >> log.log + echo --- Build zone : dependencies >> log.log + echo ------- >> log.log + echo ------- + echo --- Build zone : dependencies + echo ------- + date >> log.log + date + + cp ../../cfg/properties.cfg zone_depencies_properties.cfg + #append the level design directory at the end of the config file + ld_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + ld_world_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_world_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_world_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + ld_dfn_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_dfn_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_dfn_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + continent_file_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "continent_file" | sed -e 's/continent_file//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + echo "level_design_directory = \"$ld_dir\";" >> zone_depencies_properties.cfg + echo "level_design_world_directory = \"$ld_world_dir\";" >> zone_depencies_properties.cfg + echo "level_design_dfn_directory = \"$ld_dfn_dir\";" >> zone_depencies_properties.cfg + echo "continent_name = \"$continent_file_name\";" >> zone_depencies_properties.cfg + + + # list all the dependencies regions + zone_regions=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_region" | sed -e 's/zone_region//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + + # For each dependencies region + for i in $zone_regions ; do + # Extract the name + arg=`echo zone_exported/$zone_regions | sed -e 's&,&.zone zone_exported/&g'` + # Make the dependencies + $exec_timeout $depend_timeout $zone_dependencies zone_depencies_properties.cfg $arg.zone zone_depend/doomy.depend + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + done +fi + +# **** Weld + +# Log error +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build zone : weld >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build zone : weld +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# List the zones to weld +list_zone=`ls -1 zone_exported/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]` + +# Build a zones list to weld +echo -- Build a list of file to weld +rm zone_to_weld.txt 2> /dev/null +for i in $list_zone ; do + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/zone_exported/zone_welded/g' | sed -e 's/.zone/.zonew/g'` + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) + then + echo $i >> zone_to_weld.txt + rm $dest + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +# Weld the zone +if (test -f zone_to_weld.txt) +then + list_zone=`cat zone_to_weld.txt` + for i in $list_zone ; do + echo -- Weld $i + echo -- Weld $i >> log.log + $exec_timeout $weld_timeout $zone_welder $i $dest + echo + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + done +fi + +# Log error +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build zone : weld zones without heightmap >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build zone : weld zones without heightmap +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# List the zones to weld +list_zone=`ls -1 zone_exported/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][nN][hH]` + +# Build a zones list to weld +echo -- Build a list of file to weld +rm zone_to_weld.txt 2> /dev/null +for i in $list_zone ; do + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/zone_exported/zone_welded/g' | sed -e 's/.zonenh/.zonenhw/g'` + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) + then + echo $i >> zone_to_weld.txt + rm $dest + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +# Weld the zone +if (test -f zone_to_weld.txt) +then + list_zone=`cat zone_to_weld.txt` + for i in $list_zone ; do + echo -- Weld $i + echo -- Weld $i >> log.log + $exec_timeout $weld_timeout $zone_welder $i $dest + echo + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat + done +fi + +# Build a zones list to weld +rm zone_to_weld.txt 2> /dev/null diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone/sh/export.sh index db05207668..642c7e0852 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone/sh/export.sh @@ -1,109 +1,109 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export zone files (.zone) from Max - -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the build gamedata directory -build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the zone directories -zone_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "zone_source_directory" | sed -e 's/zone_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the ligo value -ligo_flag=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | grep "ligo"` - -# Maxdir -max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` - -if ( test "$ligo_flag" ) -then - echo [Ligo] ON - echo [Ligo] ON >> log.log -else - echo [Ligo] OFF - echo [Ligo] OFF >> log.log -fi - - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export zone >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export zone -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# Try to export from Max zone if any - -for i in $zone_source_directories ; do - # Copy the script - cat maxscript/zone_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/zone/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&zone_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/zone/zone_exported&g" > $max_directory/scripts/zone_export.ms - - # Start max - echo Try 1 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript zone_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - echo Try 2 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript zone_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - echo Try 3 >> log.log - $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript zone_export.ms -q -mi -vn - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -# **************************** -# Try to copy ligo zone if any -# **************************** - -dir_current=`pwd` -cd ../ligo/output -list_zone=`ls -1 *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]` -for filename in $list_zone ; do - echo "Checking $filename for update" - if test -e ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename ; then - must_update=`diff --binary -q $filename ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename` ; - else - must_update=YES ; - fi - - if test -n "$must_update" ; then - echo " Updating" - cp -u -p $filename ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename ; - fi - - # Idle - ../../../idle.bat -done -cd $dir_current - -# delete files only present in the zone_exported directory - -if ( test "$ligo_flag" ) -then - cd ./zone_exported - list_zone=`ls -1 *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]` - for filename in $list_zone ; do - if test -e ../../ligo/output/$filename ; then - must_update=NO ; - else - echo "Removing $filename" - rm $filename ; - fi - - # Idle - ../../../idle.bat - done - cd .. -fi +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export zone files (.zone) from Max + +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_export_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_export_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the build gamedata directory +build_gamedata_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_gamedata_directory" | sed -e 's/build_gamedata_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the zone directories +zone_source_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "zone_source_directory" | sed -e 's/zone_source_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the ligo value +ligo_flag=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | grep "ligo"` + +# Maxdir +max_directory=`echo $MAX_DIR | sed -e 's&\\\&/&g'` + +if ( test "$ligo_flag" ) +then + echo [Ligo] ON + echo [Ligo] ON >> log.log +else + echo [Ligo] OFF + echo [Ligo] OFF >> log.log +fi + + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export zone >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export zone +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# Try to export from Max zone if any + +for i in $zone_source_directories ; do + # Copy the script + cat maxscript/zone_export.ms | sed -e "s&output_logfile&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/zone/log.log&g" | sed -e "s&zone_source_directory&$database_directory/$i&g" | sed -e "s&output_directory&$build_gamedata_directory/processes/zone/zone_exported&g" > $max_directory/scripts/zone_export.ms + + # Start max + echo Try 1 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript zone_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + echo Try 2 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript zone_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + echo Try 3 >> log.log + $exec_timeout $timeout $max_directory/3dsmax.exe -U MAXScript zone_export.ms -q -mi -vn + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +# **************************** +# Try to copy ligo zone if any +# **************************** + +dir_current=`pwd` +cd ../ligo/output +list_zone=`ls -1 *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]` +for filename in $list_zone ; do + echo "Checking $filename for update" + if test -e ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename ; then + must_update=`diff --binary -q $filename ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename` ; + else + must_update=YES ; + fi + + if test -n "$must_update" ; then + echo " Updating" + cp -u -p $filename ../../zone/zone_exported/$filename ; + fi + + # Idle + ../../../idle.bat +done +cd $dir_current + +# delete files only present in the zone_exported directory + +if ( test "$ligo_flag" ) +then + cd ./zone_exported + list_zone=`ls -1 *.[zZ][oO][nN][eE]` + for filename in $list_zone ; do + if test -e ../../ligo/output/$filename ; then + must_update=NO ; + else + echo "Removing $filename" + rm $filename ; + fi + + # Idle + ../../../idle.bat + done + cd .. +fi diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/build.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/build.sh index 446baca98a..34645f2959 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/build.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/build.sh @@ -1,119 +1,119 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Build zone - -zone_lighter='zone_lighter.exe' -zone_ig_lighter='zone_ig_lighter.exe' -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -light_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_build_light_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_build_light_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -ig_light_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_build_ig_light_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_build_ig_light_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# **** Light - -# Log error -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Zone lighting >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Zone lighting -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -#append the level design directory at the end of the config file -ld_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -ld_world_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_world_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_world_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -ld_dfn_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_dfn_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_dfn_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -continent_file_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "continent_file" | sed -e 's/continent_file//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -cp ../../cfg/properties.cfg zone_lighter_properties.cfg -echo "level_design_directory = \"$ld_dir\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg -echo "level_design_world_directory = \"$ld_world_dir\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg -echo "level_design_dfn_directory = \"$ld_dfn_dir\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg -echo "continent_name = \"$continent_file_name\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg - -# List the zones to light -list_zone_welded=`ls -1 ../zone/zone_welded/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][wW]` - -# Light zones -for i in $list_zone_welded ; do - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's&../zone/zone_welded&zone_lighted&g' | sed -e 's/.zonew/.zonel/g'` - depend=`echo $i | sed -e 's&../zone/zone_welded&../zone/zone_depend&g' | sed -e 's/.zonew/.depend/g'` - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) - then - echo LIGHT $i - echo LIGHT $i >> log.log - $exec_timeout $light_timeout $zone_lighter $i $dest zone_lighter_properties.cfg $depend - echo - echo - else - echo SKIP $dest - echo SKIP $dest >> log.log - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - -# List the zones lighted -list_zone_lighted_remove=`ls -1 zone_lighted/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][lL]` - -# Remove old lighted zones -for i in $list_zone_lighted_remove ; do - source=`echo $i | sed -e 's&zone_lighted&../zone/zone_welded&g' | sed -e 's/.zonel/.zonew/g'` - if ( ! test -e $source ) - then - echo REMOVE $i - echo REMOVE $i >> log.log - rm $i - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - - -# **** IgLight - -# Log error -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Build zone : IgLight >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Build zone : IgLight -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -# List the zones lighted -list_zone_lighted=`ls -1 zone_lighted/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][lL]` - -# Light zones -for i in $list_zone_lighted ; do - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/zone_lighted/ig_land_lighted/g' | sed -e 's/.zonel/.ig/g'` - depend=`echo $i | sed -e 's&zone_lighted&../zone/zone_depend&g' | sed -e 's/.zonel/.depend/g'` - igsrc=`echo $i | sed -e 's&zone_lighted&../ig/ig_land&g' | sed -e 's/.zonel/.ig/g'` - if ( test -f $igsrc ) - then - if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) || ( test $igsrc -nt $dest ) - then - echo -- IgLight $i - echo -- IgLight $i >> log.log - $exec_timeout $ig_light_timeout $zone_ig_lighter $i $dest ../../cfg/properties.cfg $depend - echo - echo - fi - else - if ( test -f $dest ) - then - echo "-- Remove" $dest - rm $dest - fi - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Build zone + +zone_lighter='zone_lighter.exe' +zone_ig_lighter='zone_ig_lighter.exe' +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +light_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_build_light_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_build_light_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +ig_light_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_build_ig_light_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_build_ig_light_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# **** Light + +# Log error +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Zone lighting >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Zone lighting +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +#append the level design directory at the end of the config file +ld_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +ld_world_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_world_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_world_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +ld_dfn_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_dfn_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_dfn_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +continent_file_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "continent_file" | sed -e 's/continent_file//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +cp ../../cfg/properties.cfg zone_lighter_properties.cfg +echo "level_design_directory = \"$ld_dir\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg +echo "level_design_world_directory = \"$ld_world_dir\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg +echo "level_design_dfn_directory = \"$ld_dfn_dir\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg +echo "continent_name = \"$continent_file_name\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg + +# List the zones to light +list_zone_welded=`ls -1 ../zone/zone_welded/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][wW]` + +# Light zones +for i in $list_zone_welded ; do + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's&../zone/zone_welded&zone_lighted&g' | sed -e 's/.zonew/.zonel/g'` + depend=`echo $i | sed -e 's&../zone/zone_welded&../zone/zone_depend&g' | sed -e 's/.zonew/.depend/g'` + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) + then + echo LIGHT $i + echo LIGHT $i >> log.log + $exec_timeout $light_timeout $zone_lighter $i $dest zone_lighter_properties.cfg $depend + echo + echo + else + echo SKIP $dest + echo SKIP $dest >> log.log + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + +# List the zones lighted +list_zone_lighted_remove=`ls -1 zone_lighted/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][lL]` + +# Remove old lighted zones +for i in $list_zone_lighted_remove ; do + source=`echo $i | sed -e 's&zone_lighted&../zone/zone_welded&g' | sed -e 's/.zonel/.zonew/g'` + if ( ! test -e $source ) + then + echo REMOVE $i + echo REMOVE $i >> log.log + rm $i + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + + +# **** IgLight + +# Log error +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Build zone : IgLight >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Build zone : IgLight +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +# List the zones lighted +list_zone_lighted=`ls -1 zone_lighted/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][lL]` + +# Light zones +for i in $list_zone_lighted ; do + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's/zone_lighted/ig_land_lighted/g' | sed -e 's/.zonel/.ig/g'` + depend=`echo $i | sed -e 's&zone_lighted&../zone/zone_depend&g' | sed -e 's/.zonel/.depend/g'` + igsrc=`echo $i | sed -e 's&zone_lighted&../ig/ig_land&g' | sed -e 's/.zonel/.ig/g'` + if ( test -f $igsrc ) + then + if ( ! test -e $dest ) || ( test $i -nt $dest ) || ( test $igsrc -nt $dest ) + then + echo -- IgLight $i + echo -- IgLight $i >> log.log + $exec_timeout $ig_light_timeout $zone_ig_lighter $i $dest ../../cfg/properties.cfg $depend + echo + echo + fi + else + if ( test -f $dest ) + then + echo "-- Remove" $dest + rm $dest + fi + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/export.sh index 26f4225ef5..29cb5a57f5 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/export.sh @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# *** Export zone files (.zone) from Max - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the water maps directories -water_map_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "water_map_directory" | sed -e 's/water_map_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Export water shape >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Export water shape -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -#copy each water map before lightmapping -for i in $water_map_directories ; do - cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA] water_shapes_lighted 2>> log.log - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# *** Export zone files (.zone) from Max + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the water maps directories +water_map_directories=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "water_map_directory" | sed -e 's/water_map_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Export water shape >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Export water shape +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +#copy each water map before lightmapping +for i in $water_map_directories ; do + cp -u -p $database_directory/$i/*.[tT][gG][aA] water_shapes_lighted 2>> log.log + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/install.sh index c5ddb88314..abfa1ab1de 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/install.sh @@ -1,44 +1,44 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install the zonels in the client data - -# Get the zone install directory -zone_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "zone_install_directory" | sed -e 's/zone_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install zone >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install zone -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R zone_lighted/. $client_directory/$zone_install_directory 2>> log.log - -# copy the water maps once they have been lighted -cp -u -p -R water_shapes_lighted/. $client_directory/$water_maps_directories - - - -# Install zone ig lighted in the client data - -# Get the ig install directory -ig_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ig_install_directory" | sed -e 's/ig_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo ------- > log.log -echo --- Install Zone Ig >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Install Zone Ig -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -cp -u -p -R ig_land_lighted/. $client_directory/$ig_install_directory 2>> log.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install the zonels in the client data + +# Get the zone install directory +zone_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "zone_install_directory" | sed -e 's/zone_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install zone >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install zone +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R zone_lighted/. $client_directory/$zone_install_directory 2>> log.log + +# copy the water maps once they have been lighted +cp -u -p -R water_shapes_lighted/. $client_directory/$water_maps_directories + + + +# Install zone ig lighted in the client data + +# Get the ig install directory +ig_install_directory=`cat ../../cfg/directories.cfg | grep "ig_install_directory" | sed -e 's/ig_install_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo ------- > log.log +echo --- Install Zone Ig >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Install Zone Ig +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +cp -u -p -R ig_land_lighted/. $client_directory/$ig_install_directory 2>> log.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/patch_tile_water.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/patch_tile_water.sh index 205a4048d7..87ebd9eacc 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/patch_tile_water.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/zone_light/sh/patch_tile_water.sh @@ -1,63 +1,63 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Build zone - -zone_lighter='zone_lighter.exe' -zone_ig_lighter='zone_ig_lighter.exe' -exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' - -# Get the timeout -light_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_build_light_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_build_light_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -ig_light_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_build_ig_light_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_build_ig_light_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# **** Light - -# Log error -echo ------- >> log.log -echo --- Zone lighting >> log.log -echo ------- >> log.log -echo ------- -echo --- Zone lighting -echo ------- -date >> log.log -date - -#append the level design directory at the end of the config file -ld_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -ld_world_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_world_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_world_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -ld_dfn_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_dfn_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_dfn_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -continent_file_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "continent_file" | sed -e 's/continent_file//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` -cp ../../cfg/properties.cfg zone_lighter_properties.cfg -echo "level_design_directory = \"$ld_dir\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg -echo "level_design_world_directory = \"$ld_world_dir\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg -echo "level_design_dfn_directory = \"$ld_dfn_dir\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg -echo "continent_name = \"$continent_file_name\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg - -# List the zones to light -list_zone_welded=`ls -1 ../zone/zone_welded/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][wW]` - -# create a bkup directory -mkdir bkup_tile_water - -# Light zones -for i in $list_zone_welded ; do - dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's&../zone/zone_welded&zone_lighted&g' | sed -e 's/.zonew/.zonel/g'` - depend=`echo $i | sed -e 's&../zone/zone_welded&../zone/zone_depend&g' | sed -e 's/.zonew/.depend/g'` - if ( test -e $dest ) - then - echo PATCH $dest - echo PATCH $dest >> log.log - # patch, and bkup if necessary - $exec_timeout $light_timeout $zone_lighter $i $dest zone_lighter_properties.cfg $depend -waterpatch bkup_tile_water - echo - echo - else - echo SKIP $dest cause not found - echo SKIP $dest cause not found >> log.log - fi - - # Idle - ../../idle.bat -done - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Build zone + +zone_lighter='zone_lighter.exe' +zone_ig_lighter='zone_ig_lighter.exe' +exec_timeout='exec_timeout.exe' + +# Get the timeout +light_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_build_light_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_build_light_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +ig_light_timeout=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "zone_build_ig_light_timeout" | sed -e 's/zone_build_ig_light_timeout//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# **** Light + +# Log error +echo ------- >> log.log +echo --- Zone lighting >> log.log +echo ------- >> log.log +echo ------- +echo --- Zone lighting +echo ------- +date >> log.log +date + +#append the level design directory at the end of the config file +ld_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +ld_world_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_world_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_world_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +ld_dfn_dir=`cat ../../cfg/site.cfg | grep "level_design_dfn_directory" | sed -e 's/level_design_dfn_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +continent_file_name=`cat ../../cfg/config.cfg | grep "continent_file" | sed -e 's/continent_file//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` +cp ../../cfg/properties.cfg zone_lighter_properties.cfg +echo "level_design_directory = \"$ld_dir\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg +echo "level_design_world_directory = \"$ld_world_dir\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg +echo "level_design_dfn_directory = \"$ld_dfn_dir\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg +echo "continent_name = \"$continent_file_name\";" >> zone_lighter_properties.cfg + +# List the zones to light +list_zone_welded=`ls -1 ../zone/zone_welded/*.[zZ][oO][nN][eE][wW]` + +# create a bkup directory +mkdir bkup_tile_water + +# Light zones +for i in $list_zone_welded ; do + dest=`echo $i | sed -e 's&../zone/zone_welded&zone_lighted&g' | sed -e 's/.zonew/.zonel/g'` + depend=`echo $i | sed -e 's&../zone/zone_welded&../zone/zone_depend&g' | sed -e 's/.zonew/.depend/g'` + if ( test -e $dest ) + then + echo PATCH $dest + echo PATCH $dest >> log.log + # patch, and bkup if necessary + $exec_timeout $light_timeout $zone_lighter $i $dest zone_lighter_properties.cfg $depend -waterpatch bkup_tile_water + echo + echo + else + echo SKIP $dest cause not found + echo SKIP $dest cause not found >> log.log + fi + + # Idle + ../../idle.bat +done + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/build.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/build.sh index 00787e5b41..cfbd89fd5d 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/build.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/build.sh @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Build the processes - -# Get the process list -process_to_complete=`cat cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | sed -e 's/process_to_complete//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` - -# Log error -echo > log.log -date >> log.log -date - -# For each process -for i in $process_to_complete ; do - # Open the directory - cd processes/$i - - # Excecute the command - ./3_build.bat - - # Get back - cd ../.. - - # Concat log.log files - cat processes/$i/log.log >> log.log - - # Idle - ./idle.bat -done - -# Copy the log file -cp log.log build.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Build the processes + +# Get the process list +process_to_complete=`cat cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | sed -e 's/process_to_complete//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` + +# Log error +echo > log.log +date >> log.log +date + +# For each process +for i in $process_to_complete ; do + # Open the directory + cd processes/$i + + # Excecute the command + ./3_build.bat + + # Get back + cd ../.. + + # Concat log.log files + cat processes/$i/log.log >> log.log + + # Idle + ./idle.bat +done + +# Copy the log file +cp log.log build.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/clean.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/clean.sh index ab2ef5800e..b2ece6d873 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/clean.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/clean.sh @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Clean the processes - -# Get the process list -process_to_complete=`cat cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | sed -e 's/process_to_complete//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` - -# Log error -echo > log.log - -# For each process -for i in $process_to_complete ; do - # Open the directory - cd processes/$i - - # Excecute the command - ./1_clean.bat - - # Get back - cd ../.. - - # Concat log.log files - # cat processes/$i/log.log >> log.log - - # Idle - ./idle.bat -done - +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Clean the processes + +# Get the process list +process_to_complete=`cat cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | sed -e 's/process_to_complete//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` + +# Log error +echo > log.log + +# For each process +for i in $process_to_complete ; do + # Open the directory + cd processes/$i + + # Excecute the command + ./1_clean.bat + + # Get back + cd ../.. + + # Concat log.log files + # cat processes/$i/log.log >> log.log + + # Idle + ./idle.bat +done + diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/client_clean.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/client_clean.sh index 08c9d97b82..2ec474fa2d 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/client_clean.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/client_clean.sh @@ -1,27 +1,27 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Clean the client - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client setup directories -client_setup_directories=`cat cfg/directories.cfg | grep "client_setup_directory" | sed -e 's/client_setup_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* > log.log -echo \*\*\*\*\*\*\* CLIENT CLEAN>> log.log -echo \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* >> log.log -echo \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* -echo \*\*\*\*\*\*\* CLIENT CLEAN -echo \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* - -# For each directory -for i in $client_setup_directories ; do - # Create the directory - rm $client_directory/$i/* - - # Idle - ./idle.bat +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Clean the client + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client setup directories +client_setup_directories=`cat cfg/directories.cfg | grep "client_setup_directory" | sed -e 's/client_setup_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* > log.log +echo \*\*\*\*\*\*\* CLIENT CLEAN>> log.log +echo \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* >> log.log +echo \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* +echo \*\*\*\*\*\*\* CLIENT CLEAN +echo \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* + +# For each directory +for i in $client_setup_directories ; do + # Create the directory + rm $client_directory/$i/* + + # Idle + ./idle.bat done \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/client_setup.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/client_setup.sh index 33cb1c2bfe..f9c6f1688f 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/client_setup.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/client_setup.sh @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Setup the client - -# Get the client directory -client_directory=`cat cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the client setup directories -client_setup_directories=`cat cfg/directories.cfg | grep "client_setup_directory" | sed -e 's/client_setup_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Log error -echo > log.log - -# Create the file - -# For each directory -for i in $client_setup_directories ; do - # Create the directory - mkdir $client_directory/$i 2> /dev/null - - # Idle - ./idle.bat +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Setup the client + +# Get the client directory +client_directory=`cat cfg/site.cfg | grep "client_directory" | sed -e 's/client_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the client setup directories +client_setup_directories=`cat cfg/directories.cfg | grep "client_setup_directory" | sed -e 's/client_setup_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Log error +echo > log.log + +# Create the file + +# For each directory +for i in $client_setup_directories ; do + # Create the directory + mkdir $client_directory/$i 2> /dev/null + + # Idle + ./idle.bat done \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/export.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/export.sh index 836a3bfe52..16a22a0008 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/export.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/export.sh @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Export the processes - -# Get the process list -process_to_complete=`cat cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | sed -e 's/process_to_complete//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` - -# Log error -echo > log.log -date >> log.log -date - -# For each process -for i in $process_to_complete ; do - # Open the directory - cd processes/$i - - # Excecute the command - ./2_export.bat - - # Get back - cd ../.. - - # Concat log.log files - cat processes/$i/log.log >> log.log - - # Idle - ./idle.bat -done - -# Copy the log file -cp log.log export.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Export the processes + +# Get the process list +process_to_complete=`cat cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | sed -e 's/process_to_complete//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` + +# Log error +echo > log.log +date >> log.log +date + +# For each process +for i in $process_to_complete ; do + # Open the directory + cd processes/$i + + # Excecute the command + ./2_export.bat + + # Get back + cd ../.. + + # Concat log.log files + cat processes/$i/log.log >> log.log + + # Idle + ./idle.bat +done + +# Copy the log file +cp log.log export.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/install.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/install.sh index 25b56685d8..28d6c4803f 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/install.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/install.sh @@ -1,33 +1,33 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Install the processes - -# Get the process list -process_to_complete=`cat cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | sed -e 's/process_to_complete//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` - -# Log error -echo > log.log -date >> log.log -date - -# For each process -for i in $process_to_complete ; do - # Open the directory - cd processes/$i - - # Excecute the command - ./4_install.bat - - # Get back - cd ../.. - - # Concat log.log files - cat processes/$i/log.log >> log.log - - # Idle - ./idle.bat -done - -# Copy the log file -cp log.log install.log +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Install the processes + +# Get the process list +process_to_complete=`cat cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | sed -e 's/process_to_complete//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` + +# Log error +echo > log.log +date >> log.log +date + +# For each process +for i in $process_to_complete ; do + # Open the directory + cd processes/$i + + # Excecute the command + ./4_install.bat + + # Get back + cd ../.. + + # Concat log.log files + cat processes/$i/log.log >> log.log + + # Idle + ./idle.bat +done + +# Copy the log file +cp log.log install.log diff --git a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/setup.sh b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/setup.sh index 8330c6cb8b..6e83ca7b8f 100644 --- a/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/setup.sh +++ b/nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/sh/setup.sh @@ -1,62 +1,62 @@ -#!/bin/bash -rm log.log 2> /dev/null - -# Setup the processes - -# Get the process list -process_to_complete=`cat cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | sed -e 's/process_to_complete//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` - -# Get the update directory -update_directory=`cat cfg/config.cfg | grep "update_directory" | sed -e 's/update_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` - -# Get the database directory -database_directory=`cat cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database letter -database_letter=`cat cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_letter" | sed -e 's/database_letter//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -# Get the database server -database_server=`cat cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_server" | sed -e 's/database_server//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` - -`cat _idle.bat | sed -e "s&database_directory&$database_directory&g" | sed -e "s&database_letter&$database_letter&g" | sed -e "s&database_server&$database_server&g" > idle.bat` - -# Log error -echo > log.log -date >> log.log -date - -# Create a bin dir -mkdir bin 2> /dev/null - -# For each process -for i in $process_to_complete ; do - # Open the directory - cd processes/$i - - # Excecute the command - ./0_setup.bat - - # Get back - cd ../.. - - # Concat log.log files - # cat processes/$i/log.log >> log.log - - # Idle - ./idle.bat -done - -# Get the quality option to choose the goor properties.cfg file -quality_flag=`cat cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_quality" | grep "1"` - -# Copy the good properties.cfg file -if ( test "$quality_flag" ) -then - # We are in BEST mode - echo [Quality] BEST - cp cfg/properties_final.cfg cfg/properties.cfg -else - # We are not DRAFT mode - echo [Quality] DRAFT - cp cfg/properties_draft.cfg cfg/properties.cfg -fi +#!/bin/bash +rm log.log 2> /dev/null + +# Setup the processes + +# Get the process list +process_to_complete=`cat cfg/config.cfg | grep "process_to_complete" | sed -e 's/process_to_complete//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` + +# Get the update directory +update_directory=`cat cfg/config.cfg | grep "update_directory" | sed -e 's/update_directory//' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g' | sed -e 's/,/ /g'` + +# Get the database directory +database_directory=`cat cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_directory" | sed -e 's/database_directory//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database letter +database_letter=`cat cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_letter" | sed -e 's/database_letter//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +# Get the database server +database_server=`cat cfg/site.cfg | grep "database_server" | sed -e 's/database_server//g' | sed -e 's/ //g' | sed -e 's/=//g'` + +`cat _idle.bat | sed -e "s&database_directory&$database_directory&g" | sed -e "s&database_letter&$database_letter&g" | sed -e "s&database_server&$database_server&g" > idle.bat` + +# Log error +echo > log.log +date >> log.log +date + +# Create a bin dir +mkdir bin 2> /dev/null + +# For each process +for i in $process_to_complete ; do + # Open the directory + cd processes/$i + + # Excecute the command + ./0_setup.bat + + # Get back + cd ../.. + + # Concat log.log files + # cat processes/$i/log.log >> log.log + + # Idle + ./idle.bat +done + +# Get the quality option to choose the goor properties.cfg file +quality_flag=`cat cfg/site.cfg | grep "build_quality" | grep "1"` + +# Copy the good properties.cfg file +if ( test "$quality_flag" ) +then + # We are in BEST mode + echo [Quality] BEST + cp cfg/properties_final.cfg cfg/properties.cfg +else + # We are not DRAFT mode + echo [Quality] DRAFT + cp cfg/properties_draft.cfg cfg/properties.cfg +fi