Based on original fileconnector-1.0.0:
- decode base64 strings before saving file
- get file name while reading directory
this file connector allow's you to decode base64 strings before saving file. For example: you got binary\text or whatever file and you send this file, with or without MTOM or SwA, on WSO2ESB. In ESB logs you will see something like:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns0="">
and you wanna store this content as decoded base64 file:
$ cat myHelloWord.txt
Hello world!!!
instead of encoded base64:
$ cat myHelloWord.txt
with this file connector, this is quite simple, only thing that you need to set encoding property in <fileconnector.create> section to base64, default values like US-ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16 is still supporting:
<property name="encoding" value="base64"></property>
Let's say you got bunch of files in one directory and you need read them:
├── test.xml
├── test9.xml
├── testOne.xml
└── testTwo.xml
in proxy sequence you have this:
after reading, file name will be stored in property FILE_NAME_CTX. it can be easy obtained by expression $ctx:FILE_NAME_CTX or get-property('FILE_NAME_CTX'). For example:
<log level="full">
<property name="filename" expression="$ctx:FILE_NAME_CTX"/>
meanwhile in logs
[2015-12-15 23:36:54,117] INFO - LogMediator To: /services/readFileWithName, MessageID: urn:uuid:0c9d0d78-1177-45a0-9033-6e2c3f7d4198, Direction: request, filename = file:///Z:/test_files/test.xml, Envelope:
- Maven 3.x
- Java 1.7 or above
- UBUNTU 13.10, Mac OSx 10., Ubuntu 15.10
- WSO2 ESB 4.9.0-ALPHA, WSO2 ESB 4.8.1
- Java 1.7, OpenJDK 7
Download ESB 4.9.0-ALPHA by navigating the following the URL:
Copy the in to location "{ESB_Connector_Home}/repository/".
Please do these changes on fileconnector.xml (fileconenctor.xml file can be found from /src/test/resources/artifacts/ESB/config/proxies/fileconnector/).
Change the file locations with the accessible file locations.
Copy an 'mp4' or a large file at the location specified in <fileconnector.copylarge></fileconnector.copylarge> for copylarge method.
Create a file at the location specified in <fileconnector.copy></fileconnector.copy> for copy method.
Create at least one folder and a file at the location specified in <filelocation></filelocation> archive method.
Make sure that fileconnector is specified as a module in ESB_Connector_Parent pom.
Navigate to "{ESB_Connector_Home}/" and run the following command.
$ mvn clean install
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