v1.6 New methods:
- RealtimeUpdates#validate_update to validate the signature of a Facebook call (thanks, gaffo!) Updated methods:
- Graph API methods now accepts a post processing block, see readme for examples (thanks, wolframarnold!) Internal improvements:
- Koala now returns more specific and useful error classes (thanks, archfear!)
- Switched URL parsing to addressable, which can handle unusual FB URLs (thanks, bnorton!)
- Fixed Batch API bug that seems to have broken calls requiring post-processing
- Bump Faraday requirement to 0.8 (thanks, jarthod!)
- Picture and video URLs now support unicode characters (thanks, jayeff!) Testing improvements:
- Cleaned up some test suites (thanks, bnorton!) Documentation:
- Changelog is now markdown
- Code highlighting in readme (thanks, sfate!)
- Added Graph API explorer link in readme (thanks, jch!)
- Added permissions example for OAuth (thanks, sebastiandeutsch!)
v1.5 New methods:
- Added Koala::Utils.logger to enable debugging (thanks, KentonWhite!)
- Expose fb_error_message and fb_error_code directly in APIError Updated methods:
- GraphCollection.parse_page_url now uses the URI library and can parse any address (thanks, bnorton!) Internal improvements:
- Update MultiJson dependency to support the Oj library (thanks, eckz and zinenko!)
- Loosened Faraday dependency (thanks, rewritten and romanbsd!)
- Fixed typos (thanks, nathanbertram!)
- Switched uses of put_object to the more semantically accurate put_connections
- Cleaned up gemspec
- Handle invalid batch API responses better Documentation:
- Added HTTP Services description for Faraday 0.8/persistent connections (thanks, romanbsd!)
- Remove documentation of the old pre-1.2 HTTP Service options
- Update MultiJson to 1.3 and change syntax to silence warnings (thanks, eckz and masterkain!)
v1.4 New methods:
- OAuth#exchange_access_token(_info) allows you to extend access tokens you receive (thanks, etiennebarrie!) Updated methods:
- HTTPServices#encode_params sorts parameters to aid in URL comparison (thanks, sholden!)
- get_connections is now aliased as get_connection (use whichever makes sense to you) Internal improvements:
- Fixed typos (thanks, brycethornton and jpemberthy!)
- RealtimeUpdates will no longer execute challenge block unnecessarily (thanks, iainbeeston!) Testing improvements:
- Added parallel_tests to development gem file
- Fixed failing live tests
- Koala now tests against JRuby and Rubinius in 1.9 mode on Travis-CI
v1.3 New methods:
- OAuth#url_for_dialog creates URLs for Facebook dialog pages
- API#set_app_restrictions handles JSON-encoding app restrictions
- GraphCollection.parse_page_url now exposes useful functionality for non-Rails apps
- RealtimeUpdates#subscription_path and TestUsers#test_user_accounts_path are now public Updated methods:
- REST API methods are now deprecated (see http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/616/)
- OAuth#url_for_access_token and #url_for_oauth_code now include any provided options as URL parameters
- APIError#raw_response allows access to the raw error response received from Facebook
- Utils.deprecate only prints each message once (no more spamming)
- API#get_page_access_token now accepts additional arguments and HTTP options (like other calls)
- TestUsers and RealtimeUpdates methods now take http_options arguments
- All methods with http_options can now take :http_component => :response for the complete response
- OAuth#get_user_info_from_cookies returns nil rather than an error if the cookies are expired (thanks, herzio)
- TestUsers#delete_all now uses the Batch API and is much faster Internal improvements:
- FQL queries now use the Graph API behind-the-scenes
- Cleaned up file and class organization, with aliases for backward compatibility
- Added YARD documentation throughout
- Fixed bugs in RealtimeUpdates, TestUsers, elsewhere
- Reorganized file and class structure non-destructively Testing improvements:
- Expanded/improved test coverage
- The test suite no longer users any hard-coded user IDs
- KoalaTest.test_user_api allows access to the TestUsers instance
- Configured tests to run in random order using RSpec 2.8.0rc1
v1.2.1 New methods:
- RestAPI.set_app_properties handles JSON-encoding application properties Updated methods:
- OAuth.get_user_from_cookie works with the new signed cookie format (thanks, gmccreight!)
- Beta server URLs are now correct
- OAuth.parse_signed_request now raises an informative error if the signed_request is malformed Internal improvements:
- Koala::Multipart middleware properly encoding nested parameters (hashes) in POSTs
- Updated readme, changelog, etc. Testing improvements:
- Live tests with test users now clean up all fake users they create
- Removed duplicate test cases
- Live tests with test users no longer delete each object they create, speeding things up
v1.2 New methods:
- API is now the main API class, contains both Graph and REST methods
- Old classes are aliased with deprecation warnings (non-breaking change)
- TestUsers#update lets you update the name or password of an existing test user
- API.get_page_access_token lets you easily fetch the access token for a page you manage (thanks, marcgg!)
- Added version.rb (Koala::VERSION) Updated methods:
- OAuth now parses Facebook's new signed cookie format
- API.put_picture now accepts URLs to images (thanks, marcgg!)
- Bug fixes to put_picture, parse_signed_request, and the test suite (thanks, johnbhall and Will S.!)
- Smarter GraphCollection use
- Any pageable result will now become a GraphCollection
- Non-pageable results from get_connections no longer error
- GraphCollection.raw_results allows access to original result data
- Koala no longer enforces any limits on the number of test users you create at once Internal improvements:
- Koala now uses Faraday to make requests, replacing the HTTPServices (see wiki)
- Koala::HTTPService.http_options allows specification of default Faraday connection options
- Koala::HTTPService.faraday_middleware allows custom middleware configurations
- Koala now defaults to Net::HTTP rather than Typhoeus
- Koala::NetHTTPService and Koala::TyphoeusService modules no longer exist
- Koala no longer automatically switches to Net::HTTP when uploading IO objects to Facebook
- RealTimeUpdates and TestUsers are no longer subclasses of API, but have their own .api objects
- The old .graph_api accessor is aliases to .api with a deprecation warning
- Removed deprecation warnings for pre-1.1 batch interface Testing improvements:
- Live test suites now run against test users by default
- Test suite can be repeatedly run live without having to update facebook_data.yml
- OAuth code and session key tests cannot be run against test users
- Faraday adapter for live tests can be specified with ADAPTER=[your adapter] in the rspec command
- Live tests can be run against the beta server by specifying BETA=true in the rspec command
- Tests now pass against all rubies on Travis CI
- Expanded and refactored test coverage
- Fixed bug with YAML parsing in Ruby 1.9
v1.1 New methods:
- Added Batch API support (thanks, seejohnrun and spiegela!)
- includes file uploads, error handling, and FQL
- Added GraphAPI#put_video
- Added GraphAPI#get_comments_for_urls (thanks, amrnt!)
- Added RestAPI#fql_multiquery, which simplifies the results (thanks, amrnt!)
- HTTP services support global proxy and timeout settings (thanks, itchy!)
- Net::HTTP supports global ca_path, ca_file, and verify_mode settings (thanks, spiegela!) Updated methods:
- RealtimeUpdates now uses a GraphAPI object instead of its own API
- RestAPI#rest_call now has an optional last argument for method, for calls requiring POST, DELETE, etc. (thanks, sshilo!)
- Filename can now be specified when uploading (e.g. for Ads API) (thanks, sshilo!)
- get_objects([]) returns [] instead of a Facebook error in non-batch mode (thanks, aselder!) Internal improvements:
- Koala is now more compatible with other Rubies (JRuby, Rubinius, etc.)
- HTTP services are more modular and can be changed on the fly (thanks, chadk!)
- Includes support for uploading StringIOs and other non-files via Net::HTTP even when using TyphoeusService
- Koala now uses multi_json to improve compatibility with Rubinius and other Ruby versions
- Koala now uses the modern Typhoeus API (thanks, aselder!)
- Koala now uses the current modern Net::HTTP interface (thanks, romanbsd!)
- Fixed bugs and typos (thanks, waynn, mokevnin, and tikh!)
v1.0 New methods:
- Photo and file upload now supported through #put_picture
- Added UploadableIO class to manage file uploads
- Added a delete_like method (thanks to waseem)
- Added put_connection and delete_connection convenience methods Updated methods:
- Search can now search places, checkins, etc. (thanks, rickyc!)
- You can now pass :beta => true in the http options to use Facebook's beta tier
- TestUser#befriend now requires user info hashes (id and access token) due to Facebook API changes (thanks, pulsd and kbighorse!)
- All methods now accept an http_options hash as their optional last parameter (thanks, spiegela!)
- url_for_oauth_code can now take a :display option (thanks, netbe!)
- Net::HTTP can now accept :timeout and :proxy options (thanks, gilles!)
- Test users now supports using test accounts across multiple apps Internal improvements:
- For public requests, Koala now uses http by default (instead of https) to improve speed
- This can be overridden through Koala.always_use_ssl= or by passing :use_ssl => true in the options hash for an api call
- Read-only REST API requests now go through the faster api-read server
- Replaced parse_signed_request with a version from Facebook that also supports the new signed params proposal
- Note: invalid requests will now raise exceptions rather than return nil, in keeping with other SDKs
- Delete methods will now raise an error if there's no access token (like put_object and delete_like)
- Updated parse_signed_request to match Facebook's current implementation (thanks, imajes!)
- APIError is now < StandardError, not Exception
- Added KoalaError for non-API errors
- Net::HTTP's SSL verification is no longer disabled by default Test improvements:
- Incorporated joshk's awesome rewrite of the entire Koala test suite (thanks, joshk!)
- Expanded HTTP service tests (added Typhoeus test suite and additional Net::HTTP test cases)
- Live tests now verify that the access token has the necessary permissions before starting
- Replaced the 50-person network test, which often took 15+ minutes to run live, with a 5-person test
- Added test user module
- Fixed bug when raising APIError after Facebook fails to exchange session keys
- Made access_token accessible via the readonly access_token property on all our API classes
- Tests are now compatible with Ruby 1.9.2
- Added JSON to runtime dependencies
- Removed examples directory (referenced from github instead)
- Added parse_signed_request to handle Facebook's new authentication scheme
- note: creates dependency on OpenSSL (OpenSSL::HMAC) for decryption
- Added GraphCollection class to provide paging support for GraphAPI get_connections and search methods (thanks to jagthedrummer)
- Added get_page method to easily fetch pages of results from GraphCollections
- Exchanging sessions for tokens now works properly when provided invalid/expired session keys
- You can now include a :typhoeus_options key in TyphoeusService#make_request's options hash to control the Typhoeus call (for example, to set :disable_ssl_peer_verification => true)
- All paths provided to HTTP services start with leading / to improve compatibility with stubbing libraries
- If Facebook returns nil for search or get_connections requests, Koala now returns nil rather than throwing an exception
- Breaking interface changes
- Removed string overloading for the methods, per 0.7.3, which caused Marshaling issues
- Removed ability to provide a string as the second argument to url_for_access_token, per 0.5.0
- Fixed bug with get_user_from_cookies
- Added support for picture sizes -- thanks thhermansen for the patch!
- Adjusted the return values for several methods (get_access_token, get_app_access_token, get_token_from_session_key, get_tokens_from_session_keys, get_user_from_cookies)
- These methods now return strings, rather than hashes, which makes more sense
- The strings are overloaded with an [] method for backwards compatibility (Ruby is truly amazing)
- Using those methods triggers a deprecation warning
- This will be removed by 1.0
- There are new info methods (get_access_token_info, get_app_access_token_info, get_token_info_from_session_keys, and get_user_info_from_cookies) that natively return hashes, for when you want the expiration date
- Responses with HTTP status 500+ now properly throw errors under Net::HTTP
- Updated changelog
- Added license
- Added support for exchanging session keys for OAuth access tokens (get_token_from_session_key for single keys, get_tokens_from_session_keys for multiple)
- Moved Koala files into a koala/ subdirectory to minimize risk of name collisions
- Added OAuth Playground git submodule as an example
- Updated tests, readme, and changelog
- Updated RealtimeUpdates#list_subscriptions and GraphAPI#get_connections to now return an array of results directly (rather than a hash with one key)
- Fixed a bug with Net::HTTP-based HTTP service in which the headers hash was improperly formatted
- Updated readme
- Added RealtimeUpdates class, which can be used to manage subscriptions for user updates (see http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api/realtime)
- Added picture method to graph API, which fetches an object's picture from the redirect headers.
- Added greatly improved testing with result mocking, which is now the default set of tests
- Renamed live testing spec to koala_spec_without_mocks.rb
- Added Koala::Response class, which encapsulates HTTP results since Facebook sometimes sends data in the status or headers
- Much internal refactoring
- Updated readme, changelog, etc.
- Added support for the old REST API thanks to cbaclig's great work
- Updated tests to conform to RSpec standards
- Updated changelog, readme, etc.
- Documentation is now on the wiki, updated readme accordingly.
- Added several new OAuth methods for making and parsing access token requests
- Added test suite for the OAuth class
- Made second argument to url_for_access_token a hash (strings still work but trigger a deprecation warning)
- Added fields to facebook_data.yml
- Updated readme
- Encapsulated GraphAPI and OAuth classes in the Koala::Facebook module for clarity (and to avoid claiming the global Facebook class)
- Moved make_request method to Koala class from GraphAPI instance (for use by future OAuth class functionality)
- Renamed request method to api for consistancy with Javascript library
- Updated tests and readme
- Adopted the Koala name
- Updated readme and tests
- Fixed cookie verification bug for non-expiring OAuth tokens
- Bug fixes.
- Renamed Graph API class from Facebook::GraphAPI to FacebookGraph::API
- Created FacebookGraph::OAuth class for tokens and OAuth URLs
- Updated method for including HTTP service (think we've got it this time)
- Updated tests
- Added CHANGELOG and gemspec
- Gemified the project
- Split out HTTP services into their own file, and adjusted inclusion method
- Added modular support for Typhoeus
- Added tests
- Hi from F8! Basic read/write from the graph is working