A graphical context to draw.
To create a ImageContext, you need to provide the format of color pixel of the context. You can use the predifined color pixel or custom color pixel. The custom color pixel must be plain old data structure.
let context = ImageContext<ARGB32ColorPixel>(width: 100, height: 100, colorSpace: .sRGB)
let ellipse = Shape(ellipseIn: Rect(x: 10, y: 35, width: 55, height: 55))
context.draw(shape: ellipse, winding: .nonZero, color: RGBColorModel(red: 247/255, green: 217/255, blue: 12/255))
context.stroke(shape: ellipse, width: 1, cap: .round, join: .round, color: RGBColorModel())