diff --git a/docs/src/_static/nc_signalingprofiler.svg b/docs/src/_static/nc_signalingprofiler.svg
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index 0000000..e98808b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/_static/nc_signalingprofiler.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
diff --git a/docs/src/api.rst b/docs/src/api.rst
index e3e278a..78f9723 100644
--- a/docs/src/api.rst
+++ b/docs/src/api.rst
@@ -79,6 +79,20 @@ CORNETO
+.. _api-signalingprofiler:
+.. module::networkcommons.methods
+.. currentmodule:: networkcommons
+.. autosummary::
+ :toctree: api
+ :recursive:
+ methods.run_signalingprofiler
.. _api-pk:
Prior Knowledge
@@ -235,7 +249,7 @@ Evaluation and description
.. _api-vis:
@@ -281,7 +295,7 @@ Utilities
:toctree: api
diff --git a/docs/src/methods.rst b/docs/src/methods.rst
index 9e8067c..2b55094 100644
--- a/docs/src/methods.rst
+++ b/docs/src/methods.rst
@@ -178,4 +178,33 @@ CORNETO (Constraint-based Optimization for the Reconstruction of NETworks from O
**Edge weights:** w(e) ∈ {1, −1}
-**Functions:** See API documentation for :ref:`CORNETO `.
\ No newline at end of file
+**Functions:** See API documentation for :ref:`CORNETO `.
+SignalingProfiler (https://doi.org/10.1038/s41540-024-00417-6) Python implementation is a two-steps pipeline.
+In the first step, SignalingProfiler generates the Naïve Network, a hierarchical and multi-layered network between source and target nodes using networkcommons "All paths".
+Three different layouts can be chosen, defined as one-, two-, or three-layers networks, with an increasing level of deepness.
+Each layer is defined by a different set of molecular functions.
+The molecular function for each protein is obtained by parsing the UNIPROT database GO Molecular Function annotation according to relative GO Ancestor terms.
+This molecular function annotation refers to signal trasduction context: K, kinase; PP, phosphatases; T, transcription factor; O, all the other molecular functions.
+In the one-layer network, the perturbed node is connected to every target and is molecular function agnostic.
+The two-layers network connects the perturbed node to kinases/phosphatases/others (first layer) and then connect the latters to transcription factors (second layer).
+The three-layers network adds another layer between kinases/phosphatases and other signaling proteins.
+In the second step, SignalingProfiler calls "CORNETO - CARNIVAL" to retrieve only sign-consistent edges from the naïve network (removing grey dashed edges).
+.. raw:: html
+**Input:** Set of weighted target and source nodes, network graph
+**Node weights:** w(v) ∈ ℝ
+**Edge weights:** w(e) ∈ {1, −1}
+**Functions:** See API documentation for :ref:`SignalingProfiler `.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/networkcommons/methods/__init__.py b/networkcommons/methods/__init__.py
index 4497219..a76615a 100644
--- a/networkcommons/methods/__init__.py
+++ b/networkcommons/methods/__init__.py
@@ -20,3 +20,4 @@
from ._graph import *
from ._causal import *
from ._moon import *
+from ._signalingprofiler import *
diff --git a/networkcommons/methods/_signalingprofiler.py b/networkcommons/methods/_signalingprofiler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d42669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/networkcommons/methods/_signalingprofiler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This file is part of the `networkcommons` Python module
+# Copyright 2024
+# Heidelberg University Hospital
+# File author(s): Perfetto Lab (livia.perfetto@gmail.com)
+# Distributed under the GPLv3 license
+# See the file `LICENSE` or read a copy at
+# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
+SignalingProfiler: a multi-step pipeline integrating topological and causal
+inference methods to derive context-specific signaling networks
+from __future__ import annotations
+__all__ = [
+ 'run_signalingprofiler',
+from typing import Literal
+from collections.abc import Collection
+from collections import ChainMap
+import functools as ft
+import pandas as pd
+import networkx as nx
+from pypath_common import _misc
+from networkcommons._session import _log
+from networkcommons.methods import _causal, _graph
+from networkcommons.data.omics import _common as _downloader
+def _mf_classifier(
+ proteins: dict[str, float],
+ with_exp: bool = False,
+ only_proteins: Collection | None = None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Classify proteins in four broad molecular functions (MF) according to Gene
+ Ontology: kinases (kin), phosphatases (phos), transcription factors (tf),
+ and all other types (other).
+ Args:
+ proteins: A dictionary of protein names and exp values to classify.
+ with_exp: If True, return a dictionary with exp value -1 or 1. If
+ False, return a dictionary with sets.
+ only_proteins: A list of protein
+ names to use to subset proteins
+ Returns:
+ A dictionary where keys are MF categories and values are sets or
+ dictionaries with experimental values.
+ """
+ if only_proteins:
+ proteins = {k: v for k, v in proteins.items() if k in only_proteins}
+ # Read the GO molecular function (MF) data
+ GO_mf_df = _downloader._open(
+ (
+ 'https://filedn.eu/ld7S7VEWtgOf5uN0V7fbp84/'
+ 'gomf_annotation_networkcommons.tsv'
+ ),
+ ftype = 'tsv',
+ )
+ mf_dict = GO_mf_df.groupby('mf')['gene_name'].apply(set).to_dict()
+ proteins_dict = {
+ mf: {
+ gene: proteins[gene] if with_exp else ''
+ for gene in genes
+ if gene in proteins
+ }
+ for mf, genes in mf_dict.items()
+ }
+ # Identify unclassified proteins
+ classified_proteins = {
+ gene
+ for genes in proteins_dict.values()
+ for gene in set(genes)
+ }
+ unclassified_proteins = set(proteins) - classified_proteins
+ if unclassified_proteins:
+ proteins_dict['other'] = (
+ {
+ protein: proteins[protein]
+ for protein in unclassified_proteins
+ }
+ if with_exp else {}
+ )
+ return proteins_dict
+def _validate_inputs(
+ sources: dict,
+ measurements: dict,
+ graph: nx.Graph,
+ layers: int,
+ max_length: int | list[int],
+ ) -> None:
+ err = []
+ if not isinstance(graph, nx.Graph):
+ err.append(
+ "The 'graph' parameter must be an instance of networkx.Graph."
+ )
+ if not isinstance(sources, dict) or not sources:
+ err.append(
+ "The 'sources' parameter must be a non-empty list or dictionary."
+ )
+ if not isinstance(measurements, dict) or not measurements:
+ err.append(
+ "The 'measurements' parameter must be "
+ "a non-empty list or dictionary."
+ )
+ if not (isinstance(layers, int) and 0 < layers < 4):
+ err.append("The 'layers' parameter must be 1, 2, or 3.")
+ if layers == 1 and not isinstance(max_length, int):
+ err.append("For 1 layers, 'max_length' must be an integer.")
+ if (
+ layers in [2, 3] and (
+ not isinstance(max_length, list) or
+ len(max_length) != 2
+ )
+ ):
+ err.append(
+ "For 2 or 3 layers, 'max_length' "
+ "must be a list of two integers."
+ )
+ if (
+ isinstance(max_length, list) and
+ any(
+ not isinstance(x, int) or
+ x <= 0 for x in max_length
+ )
+ ):
+ err.append("'max_length' values must be positive integers.")
+ if isinstance(max_length, int) and max_length <= 0:
+ err.append("'max_length' must be a positive integer.")
+ if err:
+ msg = 'Problem(s) with SignalingProfiler inputs: '
+ for e in err:
+ _log(f'{msg}{e}')
+ raise ValueError(f'{msg}{"; ".join(err)}')
+def _generate_naive_network(
+ sources: dict,
+ measurements: dict,
+ graph: nx.Graph,
+ layers: int,
+ max_length: int | list[int],
+ ) -> nx.Graph:
+ """
+ Generates a hierarchical (multi)layersed network from source nodes defining
+ layers by distinguishing measured nodes by molecular function.
+ Args:
+ sources: A dictionary containing the sources and sign of
+ perturbation.
+ measurements: A dictionary containing the targets and sign of
+ measurements.
+ graph: The network.
+ layers: specifies the number of layers to generate.
+ Must be > 0 and < 4.
+ max_length: The depth cutoff for finding paths.
+ If `layers` is 1, this should be an int. For 2 or 3,
+ it should be a list of ints.
+ Returns:
+ The constructed multi-layersed network.
+ """
+ _log('SignalingProfiler naive network building via all paths algorithm...')
+ _validate_inputs(sources, measurements, graph, layers, max_length)
+ def _by_func(
+ classes: dict,
+ funcs: Collection[Literal['kin', 'phos', 'other', 'tf']] | None = None,
+ ) -> dict:
+ return (
+ classes
+ if funcs is None else
+ ChainMap(*(classes.get(func, {}) for func in _misc.to_set(funcs)))
+ )
+ # Define targets with molecular function classification
+ targets = _mf_classifier(measurements, with_exp=True)
+ max_length = _misc.to_list(max_length)
+ stages = (
+ None,
+ ('kin', 'phos'),
+ ('kin', 'phos', 'other'),
+ None if layers == 0 else 'tf',
+ )
+ stages = (stages[0],) + stages[-layers:]
+ networks = []
+ for i, (src_funcs, tgt_funcs) in enumerate(zip(stages[:-1], stages[1:])):
+ _log(f'SignalingProfiler naive network: stage {i + 1}')
+ networks.append(
+ _graph.run_all_paths(
+ graph,
+ _by_func(sources, src_funcs),
+ _by_func(targets, tgt_funcs),
+ depth_cutoff = max_length[i],
+ )
+ )
+ if i == layers - 1:
+ break
+ sources = _mf_classifier(
+ measurements,
+ with_exp = True,
+ only_proteins = networks[-1].nodes(),
+ )
+ naive_network = ft.reduce(nx.compose, networks)
+ _log('SignalingProfiler naive network building ready.')
+ return naive_network
+def run_signalingprofiler(
+ sources: dict,
+ measurements: dict,
+ graph: nx.Graph,
+ layers: int,
+ max_length: int | list[int],
+ betaWeight: float = 0.2,
+ solver: str | None = None,
+ verbose: bool = False,
+ ) -> nx.Graph:
+ """
+ Contextualize networks by the SignalingProfiler algorithm.
+ Generates a hierarchical (multi)layersed network from source nodes defining
+ layers by distinguishing measured nodes by molecular function and run the
+ Vanilla Carnival algorithm via CORNETO to retrieve sign-coherent edges with
+ nodes measured activity.
+ Args:
+ sources: A dictionary containing the sources and sign of perturbation.
+ measurements: A dictionary containing the targets and sign of
+ measurements.
+ graph: The network.
+ layers: specifies the number of layers to generate.
+ Must be > 0 and < 4.
+ max_length: The depth cutoff for finding paths. If `layers` is 1,
+ this should be an int. For 2 or 3, it should be a list of
+ ints.
+ Returns:
+ The constructed multi-layersed network.
+ """
+ # Generate naive_network
+ naive_network = _generate_naive_network(
+ sources = sources,
+ measurements = measurements,
+ graph = graph,
+ layers = layers,
+ max_length = max_length
+ )
+ # Optimize network using CORNETO
+ opt_net = _causal.run_corneto_carnival(
+ naive_network,
+ sources,
+ measurements,
+ betaWeight = betaWeight,
+ solver = solver,
+ verbose = verbose
+ )
+ return opt_net