SAP NW RFC Library shall be installed as described in the :ref:`Installation <installation>`. Instead of downloading and installing precompiled egg, you need to prepare the toolchain and clone the :mod:`pyrfc` repository, so that you can build the distribution release code and documentation.
:ref:`Install Python, pip <install-python-linux>` and utilities:
pip install cython wheel pytest sphinx
To get any software from the Git source control system the Git client is required as well, use whatever your distribution has
The system must contain a
compiler as well as development header and library files as provided by your distribution
:ref:`Install Python, pip<install-python-win>` and utilities:
pip install cython wheel pytest sphinx
To get any software from the Git source control system the Git client is required as well. Download and install from During installation specify that Git runs out of the Bash shell as you may need that shell later on.
Download and install the compiler toolchain, tested on Windows platforms
Install Xcode command line tools with C++ development headers and check if uchar.h copied to $SAPNWRFC_HOME/include
xcode-select --install sudo installer -pkg macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /
To build wheels for different Python versions, install these versions on your system and create a virtual environment for each of these versions, for example:
virtualenv --python=<PATH e.g. c:\Python27\python.exe OR /usr/bin/python2.7> ...
Otherwise, follow the example below.
Clone the repository:
git clone
and set the CYTHON_VERSION
Build the distribution
python clean --all
python bdist_wheel
The result is found in the dist/
directory. The process has to be done on all platforms
for which we provide wheels.
Open the GIT Bash
shell and clone the repository.
git clone
Open the CMD Shell
from Microsoft Windows SDK 7.0
and change to cloned pyrfc
and set the CYTHON_VERSION
Set env variables for the release, use /x64 for 64 bit and /x86 for 32 bit:
setenv /x64 /release
Build the distribution:
python clean --all
python bdist_wheel
Check the pyrfc\dist
folder for a new created wheel.
sudo ln -s $MACOS_UNICODE_DIR $SAPNWRFC_HOME/include/unicode
sudo cp $MACOS_UNICODE_DIR/uchar.h $SAPNWRFC_HOME/include/.
You may have buth 32bit and 64bit versions of Python installed on your
system and use virtual environments. This is basically possible (e.g. installing
the 32bit version on 64 bit system in C:\Python27_32\
, but beware of modifying
the PATH variable.
However, the PATH variable is modified when using a virtual environment, therefore
modify the Scripts/activate.bat
file with:
set SAPNWRFC_HOME=C:\nwrfcsdk_x86
set PATH=C:\nwrfcsdk_x86\lib\;%PATH%
This assures that specific SAP NW RFC Library is used (e.g. 32bit in this example). This is not required for building the distribution, but rather for importing the Python connector.
The build process remains the same, only before building the distribution, you need to
activate the virtual environment and assure that library paths are correct in
Prerequisites for building on Python 3, tested on Linux Mint and Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools python3-dev python-configparser
sudo pip3 install cython sphinx ipython pytest wheel
Ensure that the lib directory of the SAP NW RFC library is in your PATH environment.
Change into the doc
directory and type:
make clean
make html
The result is found in _build/html
and for other options call make
- If you get an error 'sphinx-build' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file on calling
make html
, installsphinx
- If you have DLL import errors (Windows), check the lib directory of the SAP NW RFC Library PATH env variable.
The docu is hosted on GitHub Pages, a propietary solution where a git branch gh-pages
is created
as an orphan and the output of the documentation build process (_build/html
) is stored in that branch.
GitHub then serves these files under a special /pages/
To update GitHub Pages, copy everyhing under _build/html
and overwrite the existing files in the gh-pages
branch root.
cp -R _build/html ~/tmp
git checkout gh-pages
rm -Rf *.html *.js *.egg build doc _* pyrfc* *.inv .buildinfo
cp -R ~/tmp/_build/html/. .
An additional file .nojekyll is placed in gh-pages
to disable the default GitHub processing which breaks sphinx style folders with leading underscores.
updates are a bit inconvenien, check if this answer helps