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Harald Schilly edited this page Mar 28, 2017 · 10 revisions


Up until the beginning of 2017, CoCalc was called SageMathCloud. That name was based on the initial goal of running the open-source mathematics software SageMath online in your web-browser. During the summer of 2016 it became clear that this name no longer captured the entire spectrum of offered features. In order to better communicate the broader scope of the platform a new name was needed. At the end of July 2017 William Stein proposed the name CoCalc for the first time. Despite several other ideas, this name stuck.

Differences to SageMathCloud

First off, there are no deep changes to the previous SageMathCloud service. It is a smooth transition without any interruptions. All data and files are still there, just like before.

Visible changes:

  • Domain name: the new domain name is -- other domain names will redirect here
  • Logo: there is a new CoCalc logo
  • Color scheme: there are some changes to the colors
  • Mailing list: there is a new cocalc group


  • The company behind CoCalc is still Sagemath, Inc.
  • The contact email for support stays to be [email protected]

Planned changes

  • The "SageMath Worksheet" will stay as it is, but we may develop a more general "CoCalc Worksheet".


CoCalc is a registered trademark.

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