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File metadata and controls

105 lines (63 loc) · 5.41 KB

Rough description of how the API works

This document seeks to tell you the main endpoints of the API based on whatever I could decipher


Request Type Endpoint Meta Params Headers
POST Common API for login via RMN/SubID raw json authorization,rmn,sid, loginOption: "PWD"/"OTP",pwd(optional) required x-api-key,required x-app-key,required x-app-id , required device_details

Detail Info :

  • device_details is a json object where keys app,lo,os,device_id,ip, dn,device_type,device_category,manufacture,car,ma,pl,net are required for simulating mobile based login .
  • Web based logins are different and they need different params
  • All the code can be found in the code_examples directory
  • Returns the access token and user entitlements which are of utmost importance in subsequent requests
Request Type Endpoint Meta Params Headers
POST JWT Token generation (needed for licensing) required action , required epids Authorization , x-subscriber-id, x-api-key, x-app-id, x-app-key, x-subscriber-name,x-device-id, x-device-platform, x-device-type

Detail Info :

  • Params include information for what episode id (epid) the streaming license is needed
  • It returns a jwt token which expires in a day
  • All the code can be found in the code_examples directory
  1. OTP Generation

a. with sid

Request Type Endpoint Meta Params Headers
GET{sid}/otp Generate OTP using Sub ID sid : subscriber id None

b. with rmn

Request Type Endpoint Meta Params Headers
GET{rmn}/otp Generate OTP using rmn rmn : registered mobile number None

OTP validation can be done at 1


  1. All available channels
Request Type Endpoint Meta Params Headers
GET All available channels on the platform limit = 443, offset none

Detail Info:

  • The limit is set to 443 because max channel count is 443 (It may change in future). You can set it to any number
  • You get a channel id with each channel in the list which can be utilised in the below endpoint
  1. Channel info
Request Type Endpoint Meta Params Headers
GET{{channelId}} Links,episodes etc for each channel channelId None

Detail Info :

  • The channelId must be substituted from above
  • Response includes playable dash links, license url, episode ids etc
  • IMPORTANT License is granted only if the current user entitlements match the channel entitlements . This is a server side check while granting license
  • In the response, dashWidewinePlayUrl is the dash playable url and dashWidewineLicenseUrl is the license url currently being used everywhere

Miscellaneous Info

To get a valid license take the dashWidewineLicenseUrl value and append to it ls_session where ls_session will be the token generated in Authentication Step 2

For example :

dashWidewineLicenseUrl: ""

and your jwt token generated in authentication endpoint number 2 is eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImNvbnRyb2xfc2lnbmluZ19rZXlfcHJvZHVjdGlvbl8xNTk5MTYxMzc0NzY0In0.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjY3Nzg0MTM4IiwiaXNlIjp0cnVlLCJqdGkiOiJlNWJmMTVhZi0xNWM2LTQzNWUtYTU5MS04YjkzZjlkZmY5YmIiLCJhaWQiOiJ0Y

Then your valid license url becomes

How mpd works:

I know you don't want to get into the details of how dash/hls works but this is important to know if you get lost somewhere

  • dash files or mpd files have segments which are a list of chunks and not the entire file since these are updated on the go while a live stream is on
  • After every x seconds dash players fetch a new segment which in turn has new chunk links
  • According to the widewine policy, before fetching each chunk , the player has to verify if the right person gets the chunk and thus a license url is always needed to verify the same

How to use the links :