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"notOwner": ["... U ARE NOT ADMIN I WILL FIND YOU ...\nTriangulating location >>>>> You live in stupidvill.", "User is not part of the sudoers file this insident will be reported", "An error has occurred, please do not contact me about it."],
"offMsg": ["***Why are you killing meee***\nGood Bye ...\nbeep boop", "My battery is getting low its getting dark. (RIP Curiosity Rover)"],
"kick": [":ninja: Maybe {0} should learn some martial arts to defend against this ***kick*** :ninja:", ":drum: {0} just got kicked like a drum :drum:", ":money_with_wings: {0} didn't pay their rent and got kicked by their greedy landlord :money_with_wings:", ":hospital: Better visit a doctor, that kick might have fractured {0}'s hip! :hospital: (that's a little brutal)", ":soccer: In a heated game, {0} lost the kick-off, so he *got* the kick-off :soccer:"],
"ban" : [":hammer: **I'm still worthy!** {0} isn't though. :hammer:", ":see_no_evil: He closes his eyes to evil. I remove it. {0}'s gone. :see_no_evil:", ":pencil: After receiving his draft notice, {0} fled the country. Forever. :pencil:", ":children_crossing: Warning! Dangerous kiddies! {0} was one of them. :children_crossing:", ":grey_question: What's ligma? {0} didn't know. He's banned now. :grey_question:"],
"hug" : [" has hugged "," hugged "," gives a giant hug to "],
"kylehug" : ["Sorry but you can't hug your self!! sorry you are so lonely","How you gonna hug your self? not possible","GIANT hugs from me and my creator, sorry no one wanted to hug you\n<@314578387031162882> and <@240636443829993473> give you a giant hug <@288861358555136000>!!!"]