The list below includes 2 deleted tweets by RepMGriffith.
Datasets generated by SalishCoast 161 and Karma 161 using ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown and other tools as part of the deleted-tweets-archive project repo on github.
You can create your own updated version of this document by checking out and configuring the repository and then running the following commands:
$ cargo build --release
$ target/release/twcc deleted-tweets --report RepMGriffith
Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 3 August 2021: I joined two of the Boys Scouts from the Ninth District, Braxton Brummett and Dakota Osborne, to tour the Buchanan Sanctuary and see their service projects. Braxton has already received his Eagle and Dakota is finishing his Eagle.
- 1 April 2021: For spring cleaning this year, consider clearing out any unused and expired prescriptions in your medicine cabinet. @DEAHQ will hold Take Back Day on April 24. Learn more about safe disposal of prescriptions, including collection locations near you, at .