The list below includes 68 deleted tweets by SenRickScott.
There are also 8 tweets that are indicated as not currently deleted by the Twitter API that have been scraped from pages of deleted tweets (as replies, etc.). These possibly undeleted tweets are included for context and are indicated by a (live) link.
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$ cargo build --release
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Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 28 December 2021: Joe Biden’s America is looking even more expensive for hardworking families in 2022. Floridians deserve better than a raging #Bidenflation crisis fueled by even more reckless spending in Washington.
- 15 December 2021: The Cuban people deserve freedom from this tyranny & true democracy so they can live without fear. I truly hope that following these calls, the Biden admin & others will take action & stand with José Daniel Ferrer & the Cuban people fighting for their freedom. (6/6) #SOSCuba
- 15 December 2021: This afternoon, I also spoke to @WHNSC Senior Director for the Western Hemisphere @Cartajuanero & made clear that we cannot tolerate further delays or inaction from the Biden admin. @jdanielferrer & others are dying. The U.S. must step up & demand humanitarian intervention. (5/6)
- 15 December 2021: I spoke with @antonioguterres & @Almagro_OEA2015 about @jdanielferrer & the other jailed freedom activists suffering under the Diaz-Canal & Castro regime ( @EmbaCubaUS ) & greatly appreciate their commitment to work with us in addressing & combating this human rights crisis. (4/6)
- 15 December 2021 (live): Following this heartbreaking call, I reached out to the @WhiteHouse , @UN and @OAS_official to discuss the urgent human rights crisis in Cuba, urge them to immediately demand & secure humanitarian medical visits & call for freedom for all jailed freedom activists. (3/6)
- 15 December 2021 (live): Yesterday, I spoke with @jdanielferrer 's family. He is subjected to daily physical & psychological torture by the communist Cuban regime in an attempt to end his life. We know the regime’s fear of the freedom & democracy movement spreading across Cuba drives this torture. (2/6)
- 15 December 2021 (live): Securing freedom & democracy for Cuba is something we must fight for every day. This week, we brought that fight to the international stage, but we can't let up. I want to give you a quick update on the talks I've had over the last two days. (1/6) #SOSCuba
- 13 December 2021: Today’s reminder that the southern border is wide open and Joe Biden is doing nothing to fix it. This shows just a fraction of the hundreds that illegally crossed in the border in Yuma last night.
- 9 December 2021: The is a shameful move by the evil Ortega regime. Communist China’s growing influence is a cancer in Latin America & poses danger to our entire hemisphere. The U.S. must oppose this intervention by standing with Taiwan & keeping up the fight for democracy across LATAM.
- 3 November 2021: For 246 years, the brave men & women of the @USMC have selflessly served & protected our great nation so we can enjoy our freedoms. Happy birthday, Marine Corps!
- 30 October 2021: Es injusto que las familias de EE. UU. se enfrenten a retrasos en las agencias federales porque estas no han vuelto a sus oficinas. Se espera que los americanos vayan a trabajar todos los días manera segura. Este proyecto de ley garantizará que el gobierno haga lo mismo.
- 30 October 2021 (live): It’s unfair that Floridians & families across America are facing delays & backlogs at federal agencies because they aren't back at the office. Americans are expected to go to work every day & are able to do so safely. This important bill will ensure the government does the same.
- 30 September 2021: As Floridians continue fighting the COVID pandemic, @marcorubio & I are demanding @SecBeccera explain why @HHSGov is restricting monoclonal antibody treatments for hospitals in Florida. This dangerous action is unacceptable & must be answered for.
- 30 September 2021: As Floridians continue fighting the COVID pandemic, @marcorubio & I are demanding @SecBeccara explain why @HHSGov is restricting monoclonal antibody treatments for hospitals in Florida. This dangerous action is unacceptable & must be answered for.
- 30 September 2021: Como parte de mi serie de videos “Un cafecito con”, me senté con Eddy Hamman, líder y emprendedor colombiano-estadounidense, para hablar sobre la cultura colombiana y su éxito y contribuciones a Florida y todo Estados Unidos.
- 30 September 2021: As part of my “Un cafecito con” video series, I sat down with Eddy Hamman, a Colombian-American leader & entrepreneur, to discuss Colombian culture & his success & contributions to Florida & across the U.S.
- 6 September 2021: Ann & I are wishing everyone celebrating a sweet, happy & healthy new year!
- 17 August 2021: 🚨I’ll be on @NR1620 with @andrewmckay1620 at 8:15 AM to discuss Biden’s failed withdrawal of American troops in Afghanistan and the Democrats’ reckless tax-and-spending spree. Tune in!
- 30 July 2021: Congratulations to Floridian @Robert_Finke for winning gold medal in the 800-meter freestyle at the Olympics! You’ve made Florida proud. 🥇🇺🇸
- 28 July 2021: El régimen comunista cubano está aterrado de los que luchan por la libertad. Ahora parece que el régimen está asesinando a generales que se niegan a oprimir a su pueblo. La fractura dentro del ejército cubano es real y nadie cree en la propaganda del régimen. #SOSCuba
- 28 July 2021 (live): The Communist Cuban regime is terrified of the freedom fighters. Now it looks like the regime is murdering generals who refuse to oppress their people. The fracture within the Cuban military is real & no one believes the regime’s propaganda. #SOSCuba #PatriaYVida
- 20 July 2021: Recibí mi vacuna contra el #COVID y animo a todos los que quieran una a que se la pongan hoy. Para obtener más información y saber dónde puede obtener la vacuna, haga clic en el enlace a continuación.
- 20 July 2021 (live): I got my #COVID vaccine and I encourage everyone who wants a vaccine to get one today. For more information and to find out where you can get the shot, click the link below.
- 18 July 2021: The illegitimate communist Cuban regime has finally released José Daniel Ferrer’s son. Now, @jdferrer , @bertasolerf , @LMOAlcantara & all unjustly jailed for fighting for democracy must be immediately released. We cannot stop until there is freedom in Cuba. #SOSCuba #PatriaYVida
- 15 July 2021: #DondeEstaBiden #SOSCuba #PartiaYVida
- 11 July 2021: La administración Biden debe denunciar inmediatamente cualquier reprensión contra los manifestantes pacíficos en Cuba. EE. UU. y todas las naciones amantes de libertad apoyamos al valiente pueblo cubano en su clamor por DD. HH. y dignidad humana. El mundo está observando (4/4)
- 11 July 2021: El valiente pueblo de Cuba tomó las calles decidido a recuperar la libertad y exigir el fin de la dictadura. @RaulCastro_Ruz & @DiazCanelB el mensaje es claro: ¡Su tiempo terminó, el pueblo cubano no tiene miedo! #PatriaYVida #libertad #SOSCuba (3/4)
- 11 July 2021: Edits: The Biden admin should quickly denounce any detention or violence toward peaceful protestors in Cuba. America & every freedom-loving nation must fully support the brave Cuban people in their calls for liberty & human dignity. The world is watching. #SOSCuba (2/4)
- 11 July 2021: The courageous people of Cuba took to the streets determined to regain their freedom and demand the end of the dictatorship. @RaulCastro_Ruz & @DiazCanelB the message is clear: The people of Cuba are not afraid, your time is up! #PatriaYVida #libertad #SOSCuba (1/4)
- 27 June 2021: Mi más sentido pésame a mi amiga @NinoskaPerezC por el fallecimiento de su esposo Roberto Martín Pérez. Mis oraciones están con la familia en este momento difícil
- 27 June 2021: My condolences to my friend @NinoskaPerezC on the the passing of her husband Roberto Martin Perez. My prayers are with the family in this difficult time.
- 27 June 2021: Mi más sentido pésame a mi amiga @ninoskaperez por el fallecimiento de su esposo Roberto Martín Pérez. Mis oraciones están con la familia en este momento difícil
- 27 June 2021: My condolences to my friend @ninoskaperez on the passing of her husband Roberto Martin Perez. My prayers are with the family in this difficult time.
- 27 June 2021: Mi más sentido pésame a mi amiga @ninoskaperez por el fallecimiento de su esposo Roberto Martín Pérez. Mis oraciones están con la familia en este momento difícil
- 27 June 2021: My condolences to my friend @ninoskaperez on the the passing of her husband Roberto Martin Perez. My prayers are with the family in this difficult time.
- 24 June 2021: 🚨 REMINDER: Today is the last day Florida's private non-profit organizations & small businesses can file for federal economic injury disaster loans due to Hurricane Sally last September. Don’t forget to file to get the support you need to recover!
- 17 June 2021: 🚨 I’ll be on @NewsTalk101 with Brian Rust at 8:40 AM to discuss @POTUS ’s raging crisis at our Southern border and how I’m fighting his systemic socialism. Tune in!
- 5 June 2021: This week, I joined @marcorubio & colleagues in a letter to @SecRaimondo urging @CommerceGov to approve Florida’s request for disaster assistance for fisheries harmed by red tide to get our fishermen and seafood producers the help they need.
- 28 May 2021: Today, the Senate agreed to my simple request to give members & the American people more time to read the 1,500+ page, $200B China bill & ensure taxpayers get a return on every dollar spent. When we Make Washington Work, American families win:
- 30 April 2021: Taxpayer-supported programs should emphasize the shared civic virtues that bring us together, not activist indoctrination that divides us. I joined @LeaderMcConnell and my colleagues to urging @SecCardona to withdrawal his divisive “Proposed Priorities”:
- 28 April 2021: The @CDCgov ’s refusal to issue guidance on reopening the cruise industry has cost THOUSANDS of American jobs, hurting hardworking families. We must pass my, @marcorubio and @SenDanSullivan ’s CRUISE Act to safely resume cruise operations & get Americans back to work NOW. 👀⬇️
- 13 April 2021: En reconocimiento al #NationalBorinqueneersDay , honremos el coraje, servicio y sacrificio del 65 ° Regimiento de Infantería. ¡Gracias a estos soldados puertorriqueños por servir y defender a nuestra gran nación!
- 13 April 2021: In recognition of #NationalBorinqueneersDay , let us honor the bravery, service and sacrifice of the 65th Infantry Regiment. Thank you to these individuals from Puerto Rico who served in defense of our great nation!
- 9 April 2021: Ann and I are saddened by the passing of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Royal Family and the Britain people.
- 9 April 2021: 🚨 ¡Buenas noticias para Floridia! A partir de esta semana, los floridanos mayores de 16 años son elegibles para recibir la vacuna de COVID-19. Cada vacuna nos acerca a poner fin a la pandemia. Puede registrarse para la vacuna en:
- 9 April 2021: 🚨Great news for Floridia! Starting this week, Floridians age 16 and up are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Every vaccine brings us closer to ending the pandemic and stopping the spread of the virus. To register for a vaccine, please visit:
- 28 March 2021: Coach Howard Schellennberg is a football legend. He transformed @CanesFootball into a championship-winning dynasty, helped found @FAUFootball , and touched the lives of countless athletes and football fans across the country. He will be missed dearly.
- 19 March 2021: Let the begin! Looking forward to watching some great matchups and big wins from our #Florida teams! @ncaawbb @marchmadness 🏀 #GoBulls #GoNoles #GoKnights
- 18 March 2021: Let the begin! Looking forward to watching some great matchups and big wins from our #Florida teams! Share your bracket below ⬇️ @ncaawbb @marchmadness 🏀
- 18 March 2021: Let the begin! Looking forward to watching some great matchups and big wins from our #Florida teams! Share your bracket below ⬇️ @ncaawbb @marchmadness 🏀
- 18 March 2021: Let the begin! Looking forward to watching some great matchups and big wins from our #Florida teams! Share your bracket below ⬇️ @ncawbb @marchmadness 🏀
- 13 March 2021: This week, I was honored to receive the Navy crest by Rear Adm. Sara Joyner & Capt. Chase Patrick of the @USNavy ! I will always do everything I can to support our military & the brave men & women who selflessly serve our great nation.
- 13 March 2021: Yesterday, I was honored to receive the Navy crest from Rear Adm. Sara Joyner & Capt. Chase Patrick of the @USNavy ! I will always do everything I can to support our military & the brave men & women who selflessly serve our great nation.
- 10 March 2021: The Biden Administration must not go back to appeasement policies that did nothing to rid Cuba of its murderous regime. Castro’s dictatorship actively harbors terrorists & aids Maduro’s genocide. @POTUS must stand with those fighting for democracy:
- 28 February 2021: Think about this for a second - less than 1% of the Democrat’s “COVID bill” is dedicated to vaccine-related activities and programs. Less than 1% on the thing most critical to beating this pandemic. Americans deserve better.
- 22 February 2021: @UN_HRC abrió su sesión hoy con @NicolasMaduro , un dictador que oprime a la gente de VZ, como orador. Los EE. UU. no deben financiar una organización que ignora aquellos que violan los derechos humanos alrededor del mundo. Es hora de que @POTUS le pida una explicación a la ONU.
- 22 February 2021: . @UN_HRC opened its session today by giving a platform to @NicolasMaduro , a ruthless dictator who is brutally oppressing the people of VZ. The U.S. shouldn't fund an organization that continues turning a blind eye human rights abusers. Time for @POTUS to hold the UN accountable.
- 22 February 2021: @UN_HRC abrió su sesión hoy con @NicolasMaduro , un dictador que oprime a la gente de VZ, como orador. Los EE. UU. no deben financiar una organización que ignora aquellos que violan los derechos humanos alrededor del mundo. Es hora de que @POTUS le pida una explicación a la ONU.
- 22 February 2021: . @UN_HRC opened its session today by giving a platform to @NicolasMaduro , a ruthless dictator who is brutally oppressing the people of VZ. The U.S. shouldn't fund an organization that continues turning a blind eye human rights abusers. Time for @POTUS to hold the UN accountable.
- 22 February 2021: . @UN_HRC opened its session today by giving a platform to @NicolasMaduro , a ruthless dictator who is brutally oppressing the people of VZ. The U.S. shouldn't fund an organization that continues turning a blind eye human rights abusers. Time for @POTUS to hold the UN accountable.
- 22 February 2021 (live): La hipocresía del @UNHumanRights continúa. Los dictadores asesinos como @NicolasMaduro no deben sentarse en la mesa. @POTUS y @LindaT_G deben actuar hoy para hacer que la ONU rinda cuentas. No podemos comprometer nuestra lucha por la libertad y democracia.
- 22 February 2021 (live): The hypocrisy of the @UNHumanRights Council continues. Murderous dictators like @NicolasMaduro cannot have a seat at the table. @POTUS & @LindaT_G need to act today to hold the UN accountable. We cannot compromise on our commitment to freedom & democracy.
- 22 February 2021: The hypocrisy of the @UNHumanRights Council continues. Murderous dictators like @NicolasMaduro cannot have a seat at the table. @POTUS & @LindaT_G need to act today to hold the UN accountable. We cannot compromise on our commitment to freedom & democracy.
- 22 February 2021: The Paris Agreement does nothing to hold the world’s worst polluters like Communist China accountable. We can take care of our environment while growing our economy – but we absolutely should not be rejoining deals bad for Americans.
- 20 February 2021: Proud to continue serving on @SenateCommerce & begin my new role as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Tourism, Trade, & Export Promotion. I'm committed to supporting tourism in FL & the U.S., which is vital to fueling our economy, job growth & supporting small businesses.
- 18 February 2021: Since 1958, @NASA ’s groundbreaking work has shown the power of American innovation. @NASAPersevere ’s safe landing today on Mars, reminds us again that in this nation, anything is possible. Proud of all the hard word that went into the . Let the mission continue!
- 18 February 2021: Happy Birthday to @USCGReserve ! Incredibly grateful for the Coast Guard’s 80 years of selfless service and sacrifice to protect our great nation.
- 15 February 2021: Levantar las sanciones de los EE.UU. y la UE contra Maduro y sus socios sólo haría una cosa: garantizar que accedan a cuentas bancarias para enriquecerse mientras los venezolanos mueren de hambre. La ONU debe retractar esta propuesta y enfocarse en responsabilizar a dictadores.
- 15 February 2021: The U.S. & EU lifting sanctions on Maduro and his thugs would only do one thing: guarantee that they can access to their bank accounts & get richer while Venezuelans starve. The UN should retract this ridiculous ask & focus instead on holding genocidal dictators accountable.
- 11 February 2021: . @POTUS 's Florida travel idea ban is crazy. The see-saw policy “considerations” from the Biden Admin only hurt Florida's working families whose livelihoods depend on tourism dollars. Biden should focus on delivering more vaccines and stop creating uncertainty for FL businesses.
- 5 February 2021: It shouldn’t be a political fight to value live. This vote should have been common sense, but Dems' vote to block it shows just how radical the Democrat party has become. Newborns are the most vulnerable among us and deserve to be welcomed with open arms.
- 15 January 2021: Families and businesses need targeted relief, not trillions in spending on blue-state bailouts and wasteful liberal priorities. Read my full statement on President-elect Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID relief package ⬇
- 6 December 2020: This kind of insane and divisive attitude is hurting children across the country. We know children do better in the classroom. We know the steps we can & must take to keep students & teachers safe. Every parent should have a choice about in-person or virtual learning. Full stop.
- 15 November 2020: Happy birthday to my oldest grandson Auguste! Ann and I love watching you grow up and we can wait to see you achieve all your dreams!
- 5 August 2020: Heading to the Senate floor around 12:30PM to speak about the threat that out of control spending is placing on our children & grandchildren. If we want our nation to thrive and survive we will need to make tough choices. Watch live here:
- 2 August 2020: Getting ready time go LIVE on the @weatherchannel at 10AM.
⚠️ Storm surge, heavy rain and rip tides are all still potential threats of Tropical Storm #Isaias to Florida’s coast. Floridians should stay up to date with the latest advisories and warnings from their local officials.