The list below includes 94 deleted tweets by 14words.
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Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 28 November 2017: RT @vgdunkey: but it's not even uploaded yet @TeamYouTube
- 26 November 2017: I stole it, but it's good.
- 26 November 2017: The "special and unique" part is the Jewish war financing. Both sides, every war. The lolocaust is a lie.
- 22 November 2017: Net neutrality is the same bullshit as "affordable healthcare".
- 22 November 2017: RT @9th_prestige: I love it when a plan comes together - @seymourbutz12
- 18 November 2017: RT @MooreSenate: Good morning, Alabama! Day 4 of New York attorney Gloria Allred's refusal to turn over her fake yearbook for third…
- 17 November 2017: @VancityMaggie Exactly. If you love the white race the Jew is your enemy.
- 16 November 2017: RT @itswildrich: Black Privilege: -Get arrested for petty theft in foreign country -Face 10 years in foreign prison -Not have to pay…
- 16 November 2017: RT @jbillinson: Al Franken today: "It was clearly intended to be funny but wasn't." Al Franken yesterday:
- 14 November 2017: The fall of Rome was absolutely linked to climate change. The Romans let way too many people into their country that didn't share their culture. After that, the climate inside the Roman Empire was solidly against the men that created the civilization.
- 14 November 2017: RT @AnimeRenaissanc: Hey @StefanMolyneux why haven't you spoken out about Cantwell?
- 13 November 2017: RT @AJB109: If the Jews could nail Roy Moore to a cross they wouldn’t hesitate to do so.
- 11 November 2017: @ActorJaimeGomez @DOGRlGHT @drewfhinshaw @WSJ It's gonna be worse than the Nazis this time. Buckle up snowflake.
- 11 November 2017: RT @RacismIsRacist: RT & follow/refollow.
- 10 November 2017: @VibeHi @handymayhem Dem titties...
- 8 November 2017: RT @BrowningMachine: 1/ THREAD It's like this tweeps: If you don't flood your lying sacks of shit "representatives" w/phone calls... https…
- 7 November 2017: @Scripteladora I already knew that little miss SJW. 😘
- 7 November 2017: @Scripteladora Denying what? The holohoax? Yes.
- 7 November 2017: @Scripteladora @na_neuro_na ''But that's unbelievable,'' whispered a visitor. ''It is unbelievable,'' said Mr. Hubert, ''but it happened.'' Yep, metaphor alright. 👍
- 6 November 2017: RT @marklevinshow: Bastards
- 6 November 2017: @Nicksoul101 @InAustinNow @NYSky_007 @AmericanHotLips @JrcheneyJohn @GartrellLinda @TrumpsBlonde @ChristieC733 @SKYRIDER4438 @Chicago1Ray @DonnaWR8 @GIJoeOPS @Hoosiers1986 Just say "per capita". He'll be flummoxed and slink away.
- 29 October 2017: RT @LeftisEvilX: Misogyny movement 2018. Gear up for it
- 26 October 2017: RT @RealVinnieJames: And now, Joy Villa is making TOTAL fools of us. Rubbing it RIGHT in our faces. Your retweet buttons should be BLAZI…
- 25 October 2017: Such a sad, confused little mantlet. He's the @GStephanopoulos of the right.
- 24 October 2017: @CBCNews @nemzy1988 Correct.
- 24 October 2017: RT @DSAStillWithHer: My belief: The alt-right was at one point edgy and something it felt cool to be apart of, and now it's more of an e…
- 23 October 2017: @RandyBoBandyLuv @chuckwoolery I read, (and probably RT'd that) when published. EXCELLENT article that everyone should read. Thanks for the refresher!
- 23 October 2017: RT @federalistmemes: US Army To Use neverTrump Pundit Skulls for MOAB Targeting : Densest Substance on Earth, says Weapon Development Ch…
- 23 October 2017: RT @OutOfKenTroll: @YS @ImJuliCaldwell You think "man" has a negative connotation bc crime rates? How do you feel about race and crime rate…
- 21 October 2017: @Lord_Molyneaux Wypipo!
- 19 October 2017: RT @stillglomar: Maybe we should discuss this on my helicopter...
- 13 October 2017: RT @GolfNorman: the Left and Right are finally united on Policy
- 13 October 2017: We elect selfish morons to lead us and we're surprised when they serve their own interests.
- 13 October 2017: @CaliConsrvative @BlueSea1964 Just think, now that Cali is a sanctuary state all of those undocumented Americans can "help" the locals displaced by fires.
- 7 October 2017: @Independent @SaraCarterDC Of course it's not. #RIPBritain
- 4 October 2017: RT @JacobAWohl: The silence that we're getting from FBI and Media on Stephen Paddock's motive speaks more loudly than any press conference…
- 3 October 2017: @KenRoth Guns are already highly regulated.
- 2 October 2017: RT @hyacinthgrrl: My preternaturally woke 2yr old asked me today why ppl don't do research about gun laws b4 they tweet bullshit. https://t…
- 2 October 2017: @Sozeib @KenRoth I can trace my British family back to 1628. I matter to me. I am neither racist nor a Turk. True, I don't have a direct say there.
- 2 October 2017: @BRAVO214 @OceanGrownTREEZ Nothing to do with race, sex religion or fear. I gave 20 years of my life to this country. I don't agree with disrespecting the flag.
- 1 October 2017: RT @JaredBeck: Stop fucking child prostitutes and go directly to jail.
- 30 September 2017: @OldeShipmate At least he ended up where he belongs.
- 27 September 2017: RT @johncardillo: .@LouiseMensch covered for a pedophile to push her insanity & guys like @20committee and @TheRickWilson continued t…
- 27 September 2017: @__ribbit My wife says I'm racist. Peruse my TL. I'm a realist, nothing more.
- 25 September 2017: RT @FullSpectre: Face reality: Race is real and racial differences exist. There are only two genders. Equality is a false god. #MyTipsFor…
- 25 September 2017: RT @realDonaldTrump: The issue of kneeling has nothing to do with race. It is about respect for our Country, Flag and National Anthem. NFL…
- 25 September 2017: @HanksLetters @Zionist4Trump I replied to you. Saying that Jews aren't white or human. Seriously, is your IQ 65?
- 24 September 2017: @myhtopoeic Moore needs to be defeated. Imagine Cernovich, Loomer, Ali, etc with actual political power. No, no, no and no.
- 13 September 2017: @PrisonPlanet @Fraser1776 You're a cocksucker. We get it. Move on.
- 13 September 2017: @DOEDoobs Hey man, our local thugs play prison even when they're not in prison. Real talk. It's allegedly about "dominance", uh huh.
- 13 September 2017: @OHellzNo @rejialex7 You spelled non-white wrong.
- 8 September 2017: RT @mysticlabeouf: Hell is an endless line of negros asking about per capita forever. No sleep. No whiskey. No coffee break. Just on a…
- 8 September 2017: RT @HarmlessYardDog: The Legends Speak of the "Whyte Man" A People Who Could Use Magic to Fly to the Moon Most However, Think They Nev…
- 7 September 2017: RT @Atunci_CoV: Hermit Crab: I want a new shell. Something that will scare off predators. His friend: I know just the thing…
- 6 September 2017: Google "traumatic cardiac arrest". I've seen it many times. I refuse to celebrate the dead. I've been relieved before, but never gleeful.
- 5 September 2017: RT @VivaLaAmes10: I won't feel sorry for ppl who knowingly broke the law. Dreamers are ADULTS & should've handled their business before it…
- 3 September 2017: @SarconMalorn @occdissent Complaining about everything without offering solutions that could actually work.
- 31 August 2017: RT @MicroChunkyChip: #RIPShkreli, I'm gonna miss this lil' guy
- 30 August 2017: @LoganD_Anderson @Fashy_dutz_neez Of course they are. A normal person can have beliefs/associations that are frowned upon, but still be a damn good human. Y'all are welcome.
- 28 August 2017: RT @ThirdSpectre: If you're a feminist he's not a man. 👌🏻
- 23 August 2017: @JohnRMoffitt Link to proof?
- 21 August 2017: @FrameGames It's not called a Culture War for nothing. They'll keep trying to appease though. You can't make people like you when they want you dead.
- 21 August 2017: @malenachastain7 @passionatechica Who is this cat? Wanna follow.
- 18 August 2017: @NumbersUSA @AnnCoulter @PolitiFact I'm not reading that trash, but I'm guessing it's only 49.9999%, so only mostly true.
- 16 August 2017: @KenRoth Interesting. You want administration to pursue Antifa and Svoboda? Sold!
- 15 August 2017: RT @MicroChunkyChip: From @glamourmag, #NewRight phenom, Fairbanks, how many of us are Leftist plants? 99.99% to be exact…
- 8 August 2017: RT @BasedMonitored: Maxine Waters entertains the idea of forming an all black political party, but only when black people become strong…
- 7 August 2017: @PoliticalShort A motherfucking plusses for everyone!
- 2 August 2017: Donate to my Patreon/Paypal/ or "Buy my book!" is the universal language of the #newright #altright
- 2 August 2017: RT @byoanarchy: We're also the only species to build helicopters. Speaking of which...
- 31 July 2017: I personally like @Cernovich . His drunken Periscope rants seem effective.
- 31 July 2017: RT @lordaedonis:
- 31 July 2017: @charlescwcooke @NRO @KevinNR Relax in your ivory tower and scoff. That's all you're good for. What have TruCons™ conserved? Omnibus anyone?
- 24 July 2017: Hurr Durr!
- 24 July 2017: RT @Superior_to_God: Any intelligent alien species capable of introduction would not allow their mentally defectives to run free promoti…
- 23 July 2017: RT @KurtSchlichter: @ArthurSchwartz So a guy is a part owner in a bar we're hot women go. Yeah, that's disqualifying. For being a lose…
- 20 July 2017: @BellaLibertas Tell him.
- 18 July 2017: RT @WokePhrenology: one year ago today, matt forney tripped while walking backwards from two guys who weighed a combined 120 pounds. ne…
- 12 July 2017: @TheRalphRetort SHTF for real. Large cities blockaded. RWDS roaming. I'm not kidding. @TheDemocrats @GOP
- 12 July 2017: @Gator__919 @MicroMagicJuice Dog: Mmm, nigger. licks chops
- 11 July 2017: RT @CatlinNya: 2016: Why Islam is peaceful 2017: Why Jihad is a good word 2018: The cheapest way to hang your gay neighbour
- 10 July 2017: RT @RealJamesWoods: This is sweet. Wait until this poor kid grows up, realizes what you've done, and stuffs both of you dismembered int…
- 5 July 2017: @MicroBlackMagic @CNN @brianstelter Honest mistake goyim, swear on the Talmud!
- 2 July 2017: RT @bbusa617: You're Not Republican, You're Trash!
- 30 June 2017: RT @johncardillo: Wholeheartedly disagree. @POTUS is fighting back for the silent majority that never wanted to be silent, but wasn't…
- 28 June 2017: @DarrenJordan271 @FinancialTimes You have a point. #sinktheboats
- 15 June 2017: @JMcfeels @WsternInsurgent I vote for camps you don't come back from. Everyone loves camp.
- 1 May 2017: @realjabarix @Forever_Lucid Damn Skippy. I'd also ask for proof that it occurred.
- 7 April 2017: RT @inDeosperavi: @JustinRaimondo #SyriaHoax
- 6 April 2017: RT @Americooligan: I agree with @josephamodeo. Let's start a patreon to fund his plane ticket so he can lead the Syrian rebels to vict…
- 5 April 2017: RT @haut3damn: Louise Mensch thinking she doxed Micro is the best day on Twittrr since Kurt Eichenwald's #seizuregate
- 1 February 2017: . @ChrisWarcraft Is your experience with civil unrest and societal breakdown limited to FPS video games? Your statement is insanely naive.
- 6 November 2016: credit to @WDFx2EU8 for the screenshot
- 6 November 2016: yep, nothing to see here.