The list below includes 375 deleted tweets by chadwick_moore.
There are also 11 tweets that are indicated as not currently deleted by the Twitter API that have been scraped from pages of deleted tweets (as replies, etc.). These possibly undeleted tweets are included for context and are indicated by a (live) link.
Datasets generated by SalishCoast 161 and Karma 161 using ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown and other tools as part of the deleted-tweets-archive project repo on github.
You can create your own updated version of this document by checking out and configuring the repository and then running the following commands:
$ cargo build --release
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Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 27 September 2021: Why do so many people not understand this? Ya: shorthand for “you” or “your” Yay: an exclamation in the affirmative Yeah: slang for “yes” or “I agree”
- 27 August 2021: Don’t ever date a stalker fanboy. Never ends well, I’m told.
- 19 January 2021: Yes massa. Sorry massa
- 19 January 2021: Do what you’re told n**ger! democrats haven’t changed since 1828. Keep killing the dream!
- 19 January 2021: I’m also way more black than Dean Baquet. Embarrassment to my people
- 19 January 2021: I’m more black than anyone who has ever written for the New Yorker or ever hosted a show on CNN. sorry but it’s true.
- 13 January 2021: Wonder why that could be
- 10 January 2021: RT @Jord_45: In a world full of chaos, be Melania.
- 21 December 2020: God forbid anyone re-create this with the journalists and media figures who conspired to steal this election. That would be awful. Don’t do that.
- 7 December 2020 (live): Maybe this is just the opioids talking—because I had surgery—but I’m beginning to think we should declare the Democrat party illegal, bring back McCarthyism, and have some public hangings for treason. But idk.
- 10 November 2020: CNN has rescinded Arizona, RCP, has rescinded PA. Biden is below 270. The DOJ has opened probes into widespread voter fraud. Recount underway in George. Lawsuit filed against Wayne Co, MI.
- 10 November 2020 (live): It’s happening.
- 24 October 2020: Always liked dave until he threw my old friend Milo under the bus. Dave never defended Milo—too toxic. I always did. Milo did it first and better than all of us. They’re coming for you next, Dave, because you didn’t stand up for your friends. You are repeating what he said to you
- 23 October 2020: RT @Patrick48942103: Because they are free
- 14 September 2020: Just a reminder: Andrew Gillum is a Marxist, BLMer Democrat and closet homosexual who apparently loves to gobble white cock while being married to a black woman and having three young kids. But that’s all of BLM really.
- 6 September 2020: RT @ZaidJilani: One of the rioters arrested in NYC is the daughter of an architect and psychiatrist. The family owns a $1.8 million apartme…
- 29 August 2020: I am now the most famous living Chadwick on earth.
- 23 July 2020: I’m truly blessed. I don’t know many who’ve been able to deliver final words on Twitter. But, these are different times, and I’ve seen my Social Credit Score declining. So, I’d just kind to say, to Twitter, Fuck you and suck my big, fat, Republican gay cock. Thanks.
- 23 July 2020: While I still have a Twitter account (they’ll ban me by Sept) I just want to say one thing ahead of my digital assassination. My final words. Here it goes. FUCK YOU LIBERALS SIT AND SPIN ON MY FAT COCK. BURN IN HELL. Thanks.
- 2 July 2020: In a single day, across all Silicon Valley platforms, people disappeared in 2018. A clear, strategic bit of election meddling. Now it’s happening again and they are laughing because no one will stop them. Maybe guillotines weren’t such a bad idea 🤷🏿♀️
- 2 July 2020 (live): Summer of 2018 (midterms) was the first round of strategic, targeted mass bannings for influential and charismatic anti-leftists. I predicted summer 2020 would be a repeat and was I right. Right on cute, actually. Oh, by muh private company.
- 27 June 2020: You had two years to beef up your site. Since Candace. And you didn’t. What a shame. So gross. I want to puke.
- 27 June 2020: PARLER @parler_app has dropped the ball TWICE now. Very bad leadership. Should fire whatever pussy is running your company and hired a warrior. You lost millions. You had two years to beef up and you didn’t. What a sad, sad, sad, thing. You almost saved us.
- 17 June 2020: Hot.
- 30 May 2020: Would I get banned if I said I just don’t find black grievance that interesting? It’s really boring. Smart people don’t buy it.
- 15 March 2020: I’m laughing my ass off at these responses. Further evidence that my twitter friends are the best people.
- 23 February 2020 (live): Also, I wasn’t invited. Because of the sort of language displayed above. 😔
- 23 February 2020: Wonderful advice. I hope to frolic in the fields with you someday, sir. Seriously, fuck all this shit. Laugh, go to church, and raise a nice family. [also my exact response everytime someone asks, “ARE YOU GOING TO CPAC?” No I’d rather stay home sucking Mexican delivery boy cock
- 1 February 2020: Rare behind the scenes of “Friday Night’s All Right.” Thanks so much for joining, Mandy. Always stand by your friends and stand up for people who’ve been wrongly accused and smeared.
- 20 January 2020: Unsurprising. Charlottesville was staged by Democrats. The NYC Met club brawl was staged by Democrats. The videographer Sandi was a plant.
- 4 December 2019: For years, atrocious middle class people who read the NYT thought of Silver as some kind of data boy wonder. Then his presidential forcasts for 2016 were, well, colossally wrong. He was fired, or moved around, moved around again across the leftwing media cartel. That’s his story.
- 4 December 2019: Earlier this year leftwing Oracle Nate Silver, who made a career dupping stupid elites into thinking he’s smart, said Kamala was a serious contender and clear front runner. Any wonder after 2016 Nate’s been tossed around corporate media like an unwanted bottom at an orgy?
- 29 November 2019: My response:
- 29 November 2019 (live): I never knew I had bad teeth until i went on television! Amazing how many people comment about this. I’ve always found Imperfections to be the essence of charm and beauty. Therefore, I’ll never have them “fixed”. So I can look like every other empty flapping head? No thanks! 😘😬
- 24 November 2019: Bitch died six months ago. Even Epstein’s prison guards think this charade is tiresome.
- 10 November 2019: RT @KTHopkins: WWII Dakota Spitfire releasing 750,000 poppies over the White Cliffs of Dover in memory of our fallen servicemen and women.…
- 2 November 2019: RT @getongab: Really great piece by @Chadwick_Moore, but he gets one thing wrong. Silicon Valley censorship didn't create @NickJFuentes…
- 23 October 2019: Don’t troll her. She’s gross old and weird. She is clearly not well. Treat her with respect, please. She’s not well. Respect and love.
- 23 October 2019: Still waiting @sandibachom you destroyed families. You were hired to make this happen. Do you feel any remorse? Separating this father from his four children. I need a response. Sue me, discovery will be brilliant.
- 23 October 2019: I’m still waiting for hate-mongering “Journalist” Sandi to serve me papers. She is a liar. She is fraud. She is a joke. She was a plant last October. She was paid and orchestrated to be there and film it. Sue me. I want discovery.
- 23 October 2019: No. She’s literally a Nazi. @sandibachom is literally a Nazi.
- 23 October 2019: . @sandibachom , a septuagenarian Antifa, wannabe radical, is responsible for destroying seven lives. She made four black babies fatherless. She was hired and she was a plant. Sue me. Can’t wait for discovery. I’m always right.
- 23 October 2019: The Proud Boys are not a hate group.
- 23 October 2019: The Proud Boys aren’t a hate group. If you think that, you are mentally deranged and you’re welcome to contact me for comment. They never do.
- 23 October 2019: They actively rejected it. @WashTimes still owes me hundreds of dollars and I’m not even charging them for the Proud Boys story I wrote and they turned down.
- 23 October 2019 (live): Fact. I’ve been on this since day one. No conservative news outlet—TV, web, or print—wanted my story about what happened that night. Good luck, republicans.
- 23 October 2019 (live): . @sandibachom was a Plant. She works with Antifa. This was all planned. Sue me, I dare you. I want discovery.
- 23 October 2019: I’d love to know how @sandibachom feels about this, since she is the reason these children, including a newborn, won’t have a father. Feel good about yourself? Still fighting “Nazis” that don’t exist? Or has reality set in? People who like small govt might not be who you thought.
- 22 October 2019 (live): Here’s John Kinsman and family. He got 4 yrs today for defending himself against a staged Antifa ambush. He’s a political pawn. The arrest was orchestrated by media, Cuomo and de Blasio. Congrats, guys! If there’s one thing the left hates, it’s black kids having fathers around!
- 2 October 2019 (live): Am I wrong???
- 2 October 2019: As someone who has dated close to 1 million Mexicans I can confirm, they are the most shockingly racist people on earth. They say the most awful things about blacks. I always try to change their thinking. Doesn’t work. I don’t get it. Whites aren’t like that.
- 25 September 2019: If I never came out conservative, I’d be vacationing in Tulum right now. Instead, I’m getting evicted. Go trump!
- 16 September 2019 (live): How is it not mutilation?
- 16 September 2019 (live): Name one time I’ve never thought for myself.
- 16 September 2019: Male genital mutilation (commonly called circumcision) is the most commonly performed medical procedure in America. Why the fuck are we doing this?
- 5 June 2019: Dr Jekyll was the good guy. It’s ok, most kids coming out of the NYC public school system wouldn’t know that either.
- 1 June 2019: Today's LGBT movement is about socialism, not gay individuals. The latest revisionism "red-washes" gay history to place 2 trans POC (one a communist) at the forefront of the Stonewall riots, both soon to be immortalized in a monument, via @PrinceOfQueens
- 1 June 2019: Well, I didn’t want to assume. And I support Charlotte living however Charlotte chooses. I draw the line at the tyranny of a tiny minority enforcing their ideology on everyone else and trying to weaponize the government in their favor.
- 1 June 2019: That is a lie. You do realize doctors and nurses take oaths to help everyone. A terrorist or pedophile could come in and they have to help them. The also swear to do no harm. So, if a doctor felt giving a child hormone blockers was harm, he should be forced to anyway?
- 31 May 2019: It’s only accepted science if you studied liberal arts and blog from Brooklyn. Sweetie, darling
- 31 May 2019: Governing authorities aren’t individual doctors. Like how your union can endorse a candidate but not force you to vote for that candidate. Thank god, true diversity.
- 31 May 2019: This is about defining gender as biological, immutable and determined by genitalia at birth. That's called science. It's not controversial. It's not "erasing" people. It's reaffirming what every human has know for hundreds of thousands of years. Next!
- 31 May 2019: 12. I'm getting bored, but i'll press on. They're not funded by the government, they get grants. But sometimes the government funds controversial, politically charged organizations--its on both sides. See: Planned Parenthood.
- 31 May 2019: 11. Despite the bubble you live in and the biased sources you quote, there is not consensus on the trans issue, which is what this relates to. If there is a doctor who does not feel comfortable wading in the trans waters, they should be free to refer the patient elsewhere
- 31 May 2019: 10. Good. Excellent. The government can't tell a business owner or practitioner what to believe and who they must help. If an ER doctor denied cared to a gay, he'd lose his license. Solved.
- 31 May 2019: 9. Well, Thank god we don't have socialized medicine, where the federal government can dictate medicine. Is your doctor a bigot? Go down the road and pick another one. People like Charlotte interpret smaller government as hatred because they are terrified by the free market
- 31 May 2019: 8. Name one school. I assume you're referring to religious schools (probably not Islamic ones, tho). Ok, don't send your child there. And no private school should be getting any federal money in my opinion. Public schools aren't discriminating agianst gays. Get over yourself.
- 31 May 2019: 7. Again, this is kicking it back to the local level: to states, school boards, and parents. This issue is highly controversial and Obama overstepped when he made federal directives. Schools get sued all the time for civil rights abuses. That's how you win.
- 31 May 2019: 6. This is a great move. Ruthless Obama said he would cut funding to any school that didn't let students use the bathroom of their "identity." Any student (didn't need a doctor's note) could use any toilet they wanted. Trump kicked it back to the local level to be decided.
- 31 May 2019: 5. This makes absolute sense. The military is not an equal opportunity employer (thank god). If you can be banned for having diabetes, any history of depression, bone spurs, etc why on earth would there be special considerations for a very complex issue like gender dysphoria?
- 31 May 2019: Due to smug prodding from liberals, I will be going through and debunking each of @cmclymer 's 26 tweets in this thread. It should be noted Charlotte identifies as "queer," which I think means she's a straight girl who lezzed out in college once and wants to be cool. Ok, Stand by!
- 31 May 2019: Thank you Mr President! There are millions of us gays who love and support you! You’re our guy!
- 31 May 2019: Who hurt you, a chicken sandwich? "Gay rights" has become such a demented, authoritarian cry-bully feast. The only "gay rights" I ever wanted was the right to be left alone. And that goes with not infringing on other people's rights and beliefs. You people suck.
- 27 May 2019: $23m mandatory training for all DOE staff. “If I had a poor white male student and I had a middle-class black boy, I would actually put my equitable strategies and interventions into that middle class black boy [over the white boy],” a seminar leader said.
- 24 May 2019: I didn’t realize oxidized copper was a race.
- 24 May 2019: Just an image of the Statue of Liberty wearing a hijab, displayed on city property. I wonder how those jailed and beaten female protestors in Iran would feel about this.
- 22 May 2019: Who’s this omnipresent “mediocre white man” they’re always trying to stick-it to? Some guy with a family and mortgage laid off during the Obama years? Some dude on a train going to work? Why are leftists so eager to dehumanize hypothetical people they have to put it on a t-shirt?
- 21 May 2019: You’ve never spent one on one time with Milo. The closest you got was smoking cigarettes outside a dinner party with he and I, When you werent being snooty towards me (I’m not famous enough) you were kissing Milo’s ass, bowing to his intellect, and enthralled by his celebrity.
- 21 May 2019: Liberals call me a self-hating gay man, but I’ve been out of the closet for 20 years and loving, living, and reporting on LGBT culture since. @PeteButtigieg is the same age and been out for 4 years. He married the first guy he met on an app. I am inarguably a better homosexual.
- 21 May 2019: Another snapshot of De Blasio’s New York. Unthinkable just six years ago. Of course, he’s not running for President. Like Pete, he’s grifting for his next gig in politics and lobbying. Why does the media pretend these people are serious, when they so clearly aren’t?
- 16 May 2019: How many adults even know what ketamine is, or that you snort it? @buzzfeed thinks this is wonderful. @Converse made him a spokesperson.
- 14 May 2019: A third quick reminder, South Bend was ranked one of the most dangerous cities in America under Mayor Pete. And property values in the black community on the west side continued to plummet, as crime and poverty remained unchanged. But tell us about China @PeteButtigieg.
- 11 May 2019: Makes sense. I’m two years younger than Pete. When normal kids were reading MAD magazine @PeteButtigieg ’s dad probably had him memorizing The Communist Manifesto.
- 9 May 2019: Incoming think piece: Why Curing HIV Is Actually Racist
- 9 May 2019: The lefty gays are going to be so annoyed! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- 9 May 2019: All 8.5 millionNew Yorkers reuse their plastic shopping bags for garbage and recycling. Now they must buy garbage bags which are larger and thicker and use much more plastic. This has been studied, cities that ban plastic bags end up using more plastic 🤡🌎
- 7 May 2019: RT @ThatRossChap: The latest article by @Chadwick_Moore for @SpectatorUSA is useful, insightful and, at point, funny. Read these and tell m…
- 7 May 2019: Lesbian working for CNN doesn’t know where babies come from.
- 7 May 2019: Bill de Blasio is considering a run for President. Meanwhile his city looks like this.
- 5 May 2019: I’m old enough to remember when liberals loved free speech and individualism and hated Big Business. Now they champion censorship and love big brother. What changed?
- 2 May 2019: Milo Yiannopoulos never violated @facebook ’s ToS. They simply decided his 3 million followers were subhuman garbage that needed to be scattered. Here is only way to keep up with Milo now that he’s been unpersoned by the corporate internet, sign up:
- 28 April 2019: This is the video the media, the @splcenter , and Gov Cuomo don’t want you to see. @WhoopiGoldberg and a group of Proud Boys engaging in a civil, at times warm and lighthearted, discussion about politics. It would be a shame if this went viral.
- 26 April 2019: RT @RaferWeigel: Exclusive: Judge rips @SAKimFoxx’s office 4 charging woman w/ filing a false report after #JussieSmollett “[She’s] not a m…
- 23 August 2018: @Cernovich How do you feel about 2A’s establishment of a regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State?
- 30 May 2018: . @Disney , owner of @ABCNetwork fought to keep contracts with Harvey Weinstein confidential, fires @therealroseanne over a dumb joke tweet.
- 30 May 2018: LOL I just got so many verified lefties to start talking about the horrors of communism. You dipshits walked right into it 🙌🏿
- 30 May 2018: Canceling my subscription to @hulu consider doing the same.
- 30 May 2018: Just sat down with my dinner to rewatch #Roseanne . @hulu has removed all the episodes. We’ve reached peak-Stalin.
- 20 May 2018: If the left goes hogg wild after Santa Fe, the way they did with Parkland, the midterms may end up being a referendum on the Second Amendment, and conservatives will prevail. Not that there’s really much worry over that blue wave anymore, more like a leaky faucet.
- 20 May 2018: Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist to genocide blacks. Defund.
- 5 May 2018: . @MMFlint is worth $50 million dollars, or roughly 16 million Big Macs, and has a property empire of 9 estates (before his divorce) including a lavish 10,000 sq ft home in Michigan and a Manhattan condo that was once three apartments.
- 28 April 2018: You’re right. I’ll text Milo now.
- 28 April 2018: I’m thinking about changing my fictional drag queen name from Sharia Lawless to Isis Kaboom.
- 27 April 2018: Leave the culture war stuff to the experts and know that we are very aware of what we are doing, and how the left dies :-)
- 27 April 2018: Sorry, Dale. I’m not an “entrepreneur” like you. Grew up working class, worked every day of my life since I was 15. Still paying off student loans I never should have taken. Tell me again about my privilege. Asshat.
- 27 April 2018: It looks like Advocate did run a story. I searched the site and the homepage and saw nothing. Not sure why. So I will admit I was wrong about that one and owe them an apology.
- 27 April 2018: Damn you. I'll be up all night now trying to think of the perfect name.
- 27 April 2018: Just searched 5 popular gay sites and NONE have reported on @RichardGrenell making history today when Senate confirmed him to become ambassador to Germany, making him the highest ranking openly gay man in gov. Shame on you. @outmagazine @TheAdvocateMag @Queerty @lgbtqnation
- 24 April 2018: RT @JackPosobiec: I see WaPo is whitesplaining to Kanye now
- 24 April 2018: Please don’t hit the business. They were just as frightened and confused as anyone else. Utterly powerless against and outnumbered by the brownshirts, who also cost some waitress a very big tip. How’s that for sticking up for the worker @nycDSA?
- 23 April 2018: . @AmandaMarcotte thinks I’m Milo’s husband. Maybe I’m like Shaun King?
- 22 April 2018: A Gizmodo reporter was among them. People on the street who saw the commotion immediate expressed sympathy and support to us as we left. It was the best and worst of New York in a single moment.
- 22 April 2018: Me and Milo’s gay lunch in Manhattan was disrupted when a hoard of chanting, screaming leftists wouldn’t let us go back to our table to eat. They blocked us then pushed Milo and it was getting violent. We had no back up on hand and so peacefully left. The staff seemed embarrassed
- 18 April 2018: Best story of the day, folks.
- 14 April 2018: It’s the zoo for them. They need to fuck off
- 14 April 2018: Every gay bar I’ve been to lately is over-run with straight women. No matter what social justice says, this isn’t your space and everyone hates you. Get out. Go meet a husband. Leave us alone.
- 31 March 2018: . @TheAdvocateMag why is a conservative straight woman doing more for gay rights and gay lives than you are? @LauraLoomer
- 31 March 2018: There was no fight. The borg-brain Left defines a “fight” as saying out loud anything that goes slightly to the right of Louis Farrakhan.
- 30 March 2018: I’ll leave that to the lawyers. Better that way
- 30 March 2018: I was just asked to leave a gay bar “Metropolitan” in Brooklyn because my political ideology would cause a stir. I’ve been a regular there for 13 years. Any thoughts? Here’s their number 718-599-4444
- 29 March 2018: Do you guys reckon @CNN managed to crack 100,00 viewers last night while @therealroseanne was getting 18.2 million?
- 26 March 2018: . @Grindr just notified me that my profile “has been censored for containing banned words”. What did my profile say? It said MAGA and nothing else.
- 12 March 2018: They’re too busy detaining journalists for saying mean things about Muslims. Funny how that First Amendment goes hand in hand with that Second one.
- 12 March 2018: I’ll be on @foxandfriends at 8:45am ET today. Tune in!
- 9 March 2018: You're right, studies show men speak more aggressively with one another and are gentler and more considerate toward women. Actual equality would leave a lot of women crying in the office bathroom.
- 9 March 2018: Remember when “mansplaining” was called “being condescending,” and women did it too?
- 25 February 2018: Dude. Why are you so obsessed with white people? Is it a daddy thing?
- 25 February 2018: The wealthy daughter of famous journalist Terry Anderson (and herself half white), who no doubt got her bylines through nepotism, wants to demonize all white people for “privilege.” Well, darling, my dad is a farmer and my mom is a secretary. Wonder who has the “privilege” here.
- 25 February 2018: I identify as a Latino Venezuelan political refugee. How dare you. Your expensive education and trust fund, something I never had, might suggest that “white privilege” is a myth you use to demonize an entire race of people for political gain. AKA the Nazis, or why you lost 2016.
- 24 February 2018: I don’t own a gun, because I live in a city that has unconstitutionally taken away the 2nd Amendment from 8.5 million Americans, but I joined the @NRA today anyway. Looking forward to getting my hat in the mail!
- 23 February 2018: One might say the problem is inept government bureaucracies that we are forced to pay for, and not sport guns like the AR-15. The only gun problem we have in America is that we don’t train and require educators to pack heat.
- 19 February 2018: I hope everyone is having a nice Father’s Day!
- 19 February 2018: The California Supreme Court ruled that privately-owned shopping malls must respect Free Speech because they are public forums. How does @facebook which is based in CA, get away with this? Is social media not a public forum? @PawLBAZiLe @facebook @realDonaldTrump
- 19 February 2018: You’re writing for milo now, so you got on their radar.
- 19 February 2018: Facebook and Twitter must be regulated like the phone company. They are the avenues keeping 1A alive. Like the phone company, they need to be lawfully forbidden from censoring content shared on their networks. Just like the Supreme Court rulings on privately owned shopping malls
- 19 February 2018: Publishers, from @cnn to @nytimes to @BuzzFeed to @BreitbartNews should be looking into a class-action lawsuit against @facebook for the Publisher’s Purge now in effect. FB is running a pay-for-play scam that no one signed up for. Publishers own their pages and audiences, not FB.
- 5 February 2018: SEE EDITS *knowingly fake intel *invented by a Brit and paid for by the DNC *intended to derail our democratic process *Trump has put our national interest first in exposing grave danger to the Republic from the DNC *a gay who thinks Putin is kind of hot in a dad way.
- 16 January 2018: 1/3 of teens are on Twitter, according to Pew, and 42% of 15-17 year olds. In another study from U of Utah, 41% of teen boys and 30% of girls reported receiving “sexts” online. What does this mean for the 300-400 twitter employees who “look at dick pics” in DMs all day?
- 11 January 2018: Seriously, what the hell is taking so long? We need @RichardGrenell confirmed as Ambassador to Germany now.
- 10 January 2018: Of course! It doesn’t bother me if you think it’s a sin. It is a sin! But as long as you don’t try to throw me off a roof, we’re good 👍🏿
- 10 January 2018:
- 10 January 2018: Real news! Thank you.
- 10 January 2018: Thank you!
- 10 January 2018: I can’t take all the credit for that one. The @nytimes keeps us all in business.
- 10 January 2018: 2/11/17 is the anniversary of me coming out as a conservative and naturally getting fired from my job and losing all of my friends, etc. I always kept my mouth shut about politics, but then I spoke out. The day before, I had 400 followers.Hope I can get to 20k for my anniversary!
- 8 January 2018: *if you are born.
- 5 January 2018: RT @stillgray: Press F to pay respects for the author of this piece who will no doubt be chewed up and spit out by the feminist meat grinde…
- 17 November 2017: @AbeFriendly1 You’re absolutely right! Live tv pressure!
- 9 November 2017: It never occurred to vulgar Fakenewsweek that the implosion of Hollywood and of the DNC might have something to do with a certain swamp-drainer? If that Crooked Hag had been elected, does Fakenewsweek think she'd let her friends in the media take down her friends in Hollywood?
- 7 November 2017: Please. I've had more black in me on a Tuesday afternoon. Unlike you, I don't try to fuck them with open borders @ananavarro
- 3 November 2017: Obviously paid or negotiated placement, with no "sponsored" tag 🤔I'm sure Americans are rejoicing in the streets over the new $1k iPhone
- 3 November 2017: That is some dystopian fake news shit.
- 31 October 2017: NYT journo asked me tonight: what "anti-LGBT" policy would make me dump @realDonaldTrump ? Easy answer! If he let 1m Muslim migrants in 🤷♀️
- 19 October 2017: "Rejecting something is purposeful."
- 15 October 2017: RT @Chet_Cannon: Courtney Love was WARNING about Harvey Weinstein in 2005! “If Harvey Weinstein invites u to a private party at the…
- 12 October 2017: My kind of people.
- 11 October 2017: Today is #NationalComingOutDay . Conservatives, reveal yourselves! Gays... no one cares anymore.
- 7 October 2017: @MrsLiberty2 If I were even a suspect, I wouldn't have just gotten a raise and a promotion. I am many things, one thing I am not is disloyal.
- 28 September 2017: @lucianwintrich I've never said that. I'm clearly not desperate for fame like someone.
- 21 September 2017: If that's true, that is really comforting. I hope it is.
- 21 September 2017: Thank you. I'm beginning to see that.
- 21 September 2017: Thank you. Beautifully said.
- 21 September 2017: Me too.
- 21 September 2017: I now think having faith has far more value than not having faith. And I want to explore that.
- 21 September 2017: Gotta be honest. Been thinking about God a lot lately. Spent my whole life on the Christian-hating left. I see things very differently now.
- 20 September 2017: Iran knows bloody well what belongs in the 21st century: stoning gays, forced genital mutilation, and wrapping women in sheets.
- 14 September 2017: Imagine being so cucked you have Snapchat hearts
- 14 September 2017:
- 14 September 2017: You can't force fame, sad gay.
- 14 September 2017: Sounds like all my Puerto Rican lovers.
- 13 September 2017: Lmao guess I'm not faggy enough to know the difference lmao
- 13 September 2017: Imagine being a guy and wearing pastels on your feet.
- 12 September 2017: @Javer902 @LaRatchettt @Cobratate @PresidentHanosh You're almost as racist as this Mexican I used to chill with.
- 8 September 2017: @NYCJosh71 Neo what? Oh, you mean those 5,000 people out of 63 million voters? Sorry, Nazis and white supremacists aren't a thing. You wish tho.
- 8 September 2017: Nice. You've just dehumanized Sowell and trivialized his great mind. Don't worry, we renegade minorities are accustomed to it from your side
- 31 August 2017: It's a club for miserable, delusional people. So much fear and hatred. Things are much better on the outside, Charlie.
- 15 August 2017: RT @JackPosobiec: This needs to be retracted immediately.
- 13 August 2017: Some posts age very well. @PrisonPlanet sent this back in November.
- 13 August 2017: SOROS BOT ALERT, Folks!
- 13 August 2017: I believe we call it the Constitution. It's real and it's fantastic.
- 13 August 2017: Agreed. Individualism vs Authoritarianism. Guess which camp both you and the Nazis fall under. Sorry, queen. You're both socialists.
- 11 August 2017: I can't go into a gay bar in Manhattan without randomly meeting a secret Trump supporter, they're usually black and Latin. JUST SAYIN 🤷🏼♂️
- 8 August 2017: That party was a hoot! Alt-right just as vehemently attacks Milo, don't hate because we have more fun and grit than some Conservatives!
- 8 August 2017: Nah, that doesn't sound like mental illness at all.
- 8 August 2017: Look who finally got his checkmark. Thank you @verified !
- 7 August 2017: My aunt Mary and my uncle Joe died from cigarettes. Beautiful, hilarious people. So much history and culture lost
- 7 August 2017: Fat shaming works. I need all of you to smoker-shame me. It's time to quit. Lemme have it.
- 7 August 2017: .scruffapp you have a lot of work to do with purging Nazis in Williamsburg help!!
- 6 August 2017: BUT, I did just set a rainbow flag on fire for a photoshoot, so maybe I'm not the best fag to ask!
- 6 August 2017: I'm so sorry the intolerate, hateful lefty gays have come for you, Matt. We aren't all like that. This gay man supports you-no offense taken
- 6 August 2017: . @tciccotta utter bullshit. This fag supports @sweetswingin20 's right to use any words he likes w/o retaliation from the Leftist lynch mob.
- 6 August 2017: Nice!
- 6 August 2017: Blow out or slash? Don't care.
- 6 August 2017: Every joke is a tiny revolution. -Orwell
- 5 August 2017: What I meant to say was "disease-riddled bottoms."
- 5 August 2017: Sounds like you inappropriately fingered an innocent again.
- 5 August 2017: I think your BA is in Disingenuous Humble-Signaling and your MFA is in Born Rich Poverty Festishism.
- 5 August 2017: Illegals took all the paper routes and lawn care jobs I had as a kid, another reason so many millennials are whiny, lazy little assholes.
- 5 August 2017: There is no job Americans won't do, but there are wages Americans won't work for and conditions they won't tolerate. Enter, illegal servants
- 5 August 2017: Proud of you, Tom.
- 4 August 2017: He's right. Give that person a Webby
- 4 August 2017: . @scruffapp you made the news.
- 4 August 2017: Better luck next time trying to ruin the lives of everyday working people @lenadunham
- 4 August 2017: Holy guacamole! The Creature from Florida's 23rd has laid down the race card!
- 4 August 2017: I believe in the EU they're beginning to say the same thing about learning Arabic.
- 4 August 2017: Sad. @nytimes
- 4 August 2017: Because I found I have very interesting convos with closet gay conservatives. And it's just something to look at on the crapper
- 4 August 2017: I'm not trying to fuck anyone. But plenty of people are trying to fuck me with that profile. Real news.
- 4 August 2017: You have the same birthday as both my longest-running boyfriend and my former best friend--both who now call me a racist and hate monger lol
- 4 August 2017: . @scruffapp turns a blind eye to facilitating crystal meth use, unsafe sex, prostitution. But say "pro-trump" and you're flagged and warned.
- 4 August 2017: @MrNashington seems like this could be something for you to follow, let's see if they respond.
- 4 August 2017: . @scruffapp do you welcome all gay people on your platform, or only ones who share the Democratic Party platform? I want an explanation
- 3 August 2017: Right. I shouldn't assume everyone's on the same page using "free-trade" to refer to those agreements, which are anything but real free trde
- 3 August 2017: Exactly. You can spread AIDS around all you want but don't you dare talk about Sharia and a border wall
- 3 August 2017: NAFTA and it's children is anything but free trade. Maybe you should read Mill again
- 3 August 2017: . @scruffapp use your deep state skills and gander at the rainbow of skin colors that try to fuck me based on this profile--you stupid fags
- 3 August 2017: . @scruffapp what about my profile incites racism, bigotry, hatred, or physical harm? Please explain yourself
- 3 August 2017: Don't talk about the poet laureate of CNN like that. he might have his head in the oven after that Lady Liberty nervous breakdown on Twitter
- 3 August 2017: We're all out of Nothing Burgers but please enjoy our all-you-can-eat Nothing Buffet.
- 3 August 2017: Yes, but only after you've RSVP'd to the rooftop party.
- 3 August 2017: LOL But what about black baptists? Mexican Catholics? Laplander pagans? The authoritarian Leftist propaganda machine is in full force here.
- 3 August 2017: . @verified be like 🙈🙉since November 2016
- 3 August 2017: ...To a group of Australian aborigines, "Do you still throw spears at one another?"
- 3 August 2017: "Unloved" is pretty good.
- 3 August 2017: Actually, immigration to America is not a right and we can make whatever damn rules we want. And don't all Indians speak English? #SoRacist
- 2 August 2017: As if I'd be caught dead at Industry. Nothing but dick, meth, and showtunes.
- 2 August 2017: Not your run of the mill Fake News from boneheads at TYT, it's called slander and can get you into a world of trouble @hasanthehun ....
- 2 August 2017: We reserve the right to refuse service to any visibly unskilled or Sharia-compliant person.
- 2 August 2017: Fantastic! Thank you Mr. President for keeping your promises and listening to your voters. A great day in America.
- 2 August 2017: 🙌
- 2 August 2017: Feminism is a conspiracy theory.
- 2 August 2017: *capable oops!
- 2 August 2017: Easy for Americans to believe Putin routinely murders his adversaries, yet they think the DNC isn't incapable of the same. Why? Theyre thugs
- 2 August 2017: Its easy for Americans to believe Putin routinely murders his adversaries, yet they think the DNC would be incapable of that. Why?
- 2 August 2017: i give my alma mater props on one front:when @lenadunham wanted to film there they said NO. but what she did on the show was pretty accurate
- 2 August 2017: I graduated "With Honors" a 3.98 GPA and I skipped my graduation and hitched a ride to NYC, arrived 18 hours later with two bags and $900.
- 2 August 2017: I'm still paying off my debt. Insane, I learned nothing, got everything on my own. Do not send your kids to college. Let's starve academia.
- 2 August 2017: I was a triple major in college, a drunk the whole time and still got straight As. Prestigious school for my field. It is a waste. Do not go
- 2 August 2017: Students--do not make the mistake I did by studying journalism and creative writing. Actually, don't go to college at all. Drop out.
- 2 August 2017: Of course not. And to every journalism student out there--stop. you're wasting money. it's not worth it and you are learning nothing.
- 2 August 2017: Not sure why but this is the song I'm listening to on repeat these days, can never get enough Pulp
- 2 August 2017: Stop saying "marriage equality," its gay marriage. Like saying "undocumented American." Illegal alien. Also no one cares anymore, move on.
- 1 August 2017: Tag your favorite Fake News Outlet: what Rod Wheeler's lawsuit is about, in his own words, revealing more suspicious details around SethRIch
- 1 August 2017: The establishment is tripling down, all men on deck, to steer attention away from the potential DNC death-blow Awan case
- 1 August 2017: Hahaha!
- 1 August 2017: Alternatives tend to only attract the fringes. These companies are not only policing the new public squares, but are simply bad capitalists.
- 1 August 2017: This is huge. @YouTube has teamed up with @ADL_National to censor content. @Gavin_McInnes Are they coming for you?
- 1 August 2017: Thanks! So far @Twitter has ignored my applications to get @verified . No response at all.
- 1 August 2017: Paul, where's your source on this team-up?
- 1 August 2017: Beautiful!
- 1 August 2017: I have a feeling the Silicon Valley censors picked the wrong battle this time...
- 1 August 2017: No-It's time for you to testify. Debbie's got some Demsplaining to do.
- 1 August 2017: Niiiiiiiice!
- 31 July 2017: Woman has baby.
- 31 July 2017: His name was The Mooch.
- 31 July 2017: Smooch to the Mooch. We still love you @Scaramucci
- 31 July 2017: Last I checked lockstep political blocks attract feeble-minded cowards, destroy societies and cause genocide. Im a proud enemy of your block
- 31 July 2017: Lovely dress @KTHopkins !
- 31 July 2017: Imagine if the Resistards actually cared about gay people, instead of fighting phantasmic villains in America.
- 31 July 2017: Who was calling him a "fascist madman" outside of you and other psychos in the media? Get out more, Glenn.
- 31 July 2017: It usually means they want more selfies with blacks.
- 31 July 2017: What is it with Lefty propaganda rags using photos of nuclear plants when discussing fossil fuels? Oh, because they're scarier-looking.
- 31 July 2017: What tipped you off?
- 31 July 2017: . @nomadwander Now that I'm out of the Rotten Apple, I owe you some scenic pics from Tennessee 😘
- 31 July 2017: Home in Tennessee rn
- 30 July 2017: Can someone tag Linda? She blocked me.
- 30 July 2017: . @CNN anchor @jaketapper is using his 1.3m followers to harass a private citizen--400 followers. CNN, still the most trusted name in doxing.
- 30 July 2017: The thing about Memphis is, you come for the barbecue, then stay because you got murdered.
- 29 July 2017: Not with you killjoy hags running around.
- 29 July 2017: Anyone in Nashville TN want to come to a MAGA BBQ tonight held in my honor? Direct message for details!
- 29 July 2017: Cult leader weighs in on healthcare. Sorry, Jill. Still not going to cover your wheatgrass enemas, ayahuasca getaways and gemstone therapy.
- 29 July 2017: Nice!
- 29 July 2017: True. BUT our campaign against @BNBuzz was a success, and this week they finally agreed to carry DANGEROUS in all 633 stores! More winning.
- 28 July 2017: How Hillary made so many realize they're actually conservative, Trump made McCain realize he was a democrat all along. Welcome home, buddy
- 28 July 2017: The only thing McCuck can't afford is to piss off his pals in the DNC.
- 28 July 2017: "Soon very soon" sounds so ominous. Ha! That was a typo.
- 28 July 2017: Thanks! You might be seeing me regularly on another network soon very soon...
- 28 July 2017: Nice!
- 28 July 2017: What an excellent argument to arm them and throw them onto a battlefield! Keep it up, genius.
- 28 July 2017: Always a pleasure to chat with @SimonRadio1776 We discussed trans military ban and left wing hate-mongering
- 28 July 2017: Nice profile pic, Team Cuck. I'm 34 and feel too old for Snapchat. Very disturbing. Should have focus-grouped that one.
- 28 July 2017: Does your resident millennial social media staffer also need a brain scan? ...Asking for an electorate.
- 28 July 2017: Big man.
- 28 July 2017: Would you support term limits for members of congress?
- 28 July 2017: Imagine being an old rich career politician dying of brain cancer, and still hating the will of the American people that much.
- 28 July 2017: . @realDonaldTrump here's how you MAGA 1) build that damn wall, 2) congressional term limits--two cycles, like pres, then out! Only you can.
- 28 July 2017: Never agreed with him but always thought he was a class act, esp his concession speech to Obama. But now we know which class he's acting for
- 28 July 2017: Always so sad to watch American heroes sell out their country for sick, thuggish allegiances, like @SenJohnMcCain @repjohnlewis and @Madonna
- 28 July 2017: Breitbart said, all politics is downstream from culture. The two reasons folks are fleeing the Left in droves are gender mania and Islam.
- 27 July 2017: Mr. Fabulous?! LOL! Let's pretend to be a homocon by using the most tired gay cliche. Is @georgesoros outsourcing his bots to India now?
- 27 July 2017: Soros bots are taking a new approach. Get a real job, 0 followers.
- 27 July 2017: don't speak for us @piersmorgan . This, like 44's 11th hour ban-lift, is thoughtless virtue signaling. Ts don't get special medical exemption
- 27 July 2017: Wonder how far you'd get preaching this to a black church. Maybe focus on equality of opportunity and fixing black families over sex changes
- 27 July 2017: You don't speak for me, Seabiscuit. But keep treating gays like your pets and telling us what's best. That got your crooked mother real far
- 26 July 2017: Interpreting for Bradsea and @cher to understand: 🚫💰➡️🚁. 💰➡️🙋🏼♂️🍆✂️💫🙍🏼
- 26 July 2017: The trannies--but a non sequitur now as the military still discriminates against idiocy, Imbecility, and obesity, ruling out all of Buzzfeed
- 26 July 2017: Shame on the military for spending money on defense when it ought to be funding Bradley/Chelsea getting his willy cut off 🌈🤡🌈
- 26 July 2017: Long list of disqualifications include diabetes, tattoos, depression. An exception for trans with very complex medical and mental needs? No.
- 26 July 2017: . @TIME is lying again.
- 26 July 2017: Folks gonna wake up maaaaaad today!
- 26 July 2017: The Clintons have turned decades of evading prison into slapstick comedy.
- 26 July 2017: Seems unsettling, until you get the full story. In the UK, a mean tweet is classified as a hate crime, even if it wasn't sent from in the UK
- 26 July 2017: Law & Order: Mean Tweets Unit. How are your boys and gals doing on FGM, or those 23,000 known jihadists in the U.K.? 💥👀
- 26 July 2017: . @MTA I guess manspreading wasn't the problem after all. Still planning the usual fare hikes amid record ridership?
- 25 July 2017: My niece makes @TuckerCarlson face.
- 25 July 2017: Actual dudes call that sharting.
- 25 July 2017: RT @RyanGirdusky: Mammas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Journalists
- 24 July 2017: She is culturally appropriating gayspeak. Very racist.
- 24 July 2017: The five stages of grief-denial (Electoral college) anger (women's march) bargaining (Russia) depression (always) and, finally, acceptance.
- 24 July 2017: You're right, nationalization of the economy, social engineering, and disarming the citizenry do, for starters. Sound familiar?
- 24 July 2017: Resistance Idiot doesn't know the Nazis were National Socialists, thinks 63m klansmen elected our president. Let's make morons ashamed again
- 23 July 2017: . @adl_national when you make next year's list can I be filed under " the loafers"?
- 23 July 2017: God I love this. You're exactly right. Never convinced, never belonged, but felt it was the only option. And miserable the whole time
- 23 July 2017: There is no one more outraged by the behavior of the Left, than former Leftists. Andrew Breitbart said that.
- 22 July 2017: Very surprised @SadiqKhan didn't just change it to "gentlemen." That must be Phase Two.
- 22 July 2017: Very surprised @sadiqkhan didn't just change it to "gentlemen."
- 22 July 2017: Absolutely horrifying. But at least 10 uni students in London can now move on to being outraged about something else
- 22 July 2017: Aw, thanks. Very flattered. Also, I did not know that about Transport for London. Truly sickening to see my second favorite nation crumble.
- 22 July 2017: Free speech is mocking the idiotic, false, and politically driven narratives of corporate media presented as perfectly rational observations
- 22 July 2017: Was that the @TeenVogue column telling kids how to have anal sex, or was that another writer? I let my subscription lapse.
- 21 July 2017: Wow! @UCBerkeley de-platforms the legendary @RichardDawkins , following cancellation of @benshapiro event. These are the end days of Leftism.
- 21 July 2017: Go to bed, Maxine! Aaaahahahaha
- 21 July 2017: RACIST, SEXIST, ANTI-G....oh, shit. REGROUP!
- 21 July 2017: @jchesney266 Haha! Happy to be home 😘
- 21 July 2017: I dare say after all the decades the jig may finally be up, thanks only to @realDonaldTrump and his supporters and not the GOP establishment
- 21 July 2017: Yep. I also remember being a young campus socialist marching with signs calling Bush a Nazi and a Fascist. Bro, do you even Alinsky?
- 21 July 2017: Savage! 🤣
- 21 July 2017: Can't dice the Spice! Gonna miss ya, Spicey! Good luck and thanks for your service to our president!
- 21 July 2017: The Tolerance is strong with this one.
- 21 July 2017: Turns out, I was right!
- 21 July 2017: Here's data on that insect-like aspect of Leftism that purges thought criminals from the swarm, amirite @mikeymusto
- 21 July 2017: Aaaaaand here's the data on what we already knew was true. Right wingers are so hateful and intolerant amirite?
- 21 July 2017: Have fun in those coal mines, ladies!
- 21 July 2017: puts down phone "daddy I tweeted something naughty, what are you gonna do about it?"
- 21 July 2017: I invite anyone to do a Twitter audit on @tariqnasheed . 188k followers usually means more than 30 likes per tweet.
- 21 July 2017: Nope. He did it. But your (so far) 14-part conspiracy-theory Twitter meltdown defend OJ is really, really funny. Keep it up, Tariq!
- 20 July 2017: I've never been to Maine and always wanted to visit! If I get an invitation, I'll be there!
- 20 July 2017: Newsflash to race-monger @greghoward88 : confident, attractive people of all colors get noticed on the sidewalk, little bitches call: racism!
- 20 July 2017: Now imagine someone wrote this and the races were reversed. And instead of sidewalks it was loud music or cutting in line at the bodega 🤷♀️
- 20 July 2017: Maybe this moron is just walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk, I mow those people over daily, black and white!
- 20 July 2017: We Know What You Did Last Fall #NewDemSlogans
- 20 July 2017: Niiiiiiice!
- 20 July 2017: Same here.
- 20 July 2017: Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death In the US. White men account for 7 out of 10 suicides. Such privilege.
- 18 July 2017: I gave @MrNashington some thoughts on the meth-bender of hate coming out of the feral gay Left this week
- 18 July 2017: I'm down. Call me @ThatJaprican
- 17 July 2017: Find me one Conservative who dumped a friend for being liberal. You're an incurious, hateful moron. No wonder socialism breeds dictators.
- 17 July 2017: disgusting person.
- 17 July 2017: Today in liberal hate-mongering: @outmagazine says you should dump your gay Republican friends [and employees]
- 17 July 2017: @MadMustelid @DJNYified @Croque_Monsieur @RealKraut That's also a very Left way of thinking-resentment toward success rather than carving your own path.
- 6 July 2017: haha! deal.
- 5 July 2017: It was an hour long convo. I thought I was red-pilling because of my extreme winning. But this is expected from cult members.
- 5 July 2017: No time for that shit.
- 5 July 2017: Shame he was cute. But illegal.
- 5 July 2017: After a long political discussion, which I thought was going well, I invited this gentleman to debate in person.
- 3 July 2017: @rdpickett @BillGubrud @GeorgeTakei @johncusack I just gave him a follow because my cousin used to date him 🙊
- 2 July 2017: @BasedInTexas Just an invitation and a plane ticket!
- 28 June 2017: RT @StefanMolyneux: CNN faced $100 million lawsuit over botched Russia story.
- 28 June 2017: "Debt consolidation " is so good!
- 27 June 2017: so much hate speech here in this cove rstory. What a dipshit.
- 27 June 2017: Check this out. I wrote their cover stories on both Orlando and Russia! I was on staff!
- 27 June 2017: @JasonForbes6 @TheView like a toad?
- 27 June 2017: I've said I'll only do fake news if it's live. This was pre-recorded. no ma'am.
- 14 June 2017: RT @TuckerCarlson: .@Chadwick_Moore: Radical Islam wants gays dead and the left has been silent on terrorism being behind the Pulse shootin…
- 2 June 2017: irrelevant and purposeless organization @glaad must fuel the flames of hatred and fear to keep their donations coming. Destructive and sad
- 17 May 2017: @Deplorablyinco2 😏
- 16 May 2017: Thanks, Randy!🇺🇸
- 10 May 2017: RT @RichardGrenell: CNN misses the joke. Lavrov is mocking Andrea Mitchell's question & the media circus.
- 8 May 2017: Thanks for watching, Lisa
- 7 May 2017: My full chat at PSU, constant interruption from nasty little protestors, also has trigger warning in the description
- 6 May 2017: Rise of the homonationalists. 25 % of French gays (and almost 50% of young gays) are #TeamMarine
- 5 May 2017: @JGavinHawkins I agree.
- 24 April 2017: RT @politichickAM: I talk about you all the time on radio/TV, u r gr8 example of what happens when u don't fit into the Left's tiny bo…
- 30 March 2017: they scrubbed images of Pence's ass from google. No joke! You used to be able to find them easily. That's one dangerous butt.
- 29 March 2017: My whole life I was on the Left, convinced they were the party of justice. Now I see them as the party of oppression. Because they are.
- 29 March 2017: With that ass, Pence can do anything he wants to me.
- 25 March 2017: Thanks for the leftist propaganda, Strand Bookstore. For a second I thought they weren't allowed to shop here. Phew!
- 18 March 2017: talkin' to students about politics!
- 17 March 2017: Campus invasion, stay tuned.
- 3 March 2017: Why not publish his photo, @NYMag ? It would have been front and center had he been white and pro-Trump.
- 15 February 2017: Libs n cons ARE finding things n common, bc we're joining them against a common enemy @RubinReport on @TuckerCarlson
- 12 February 2017: @AnnCoulter please forgive me for hating you all those years. I was brainwashed.
- 12 February 2017: Shots fired!