The list below includes 21 deleted tweets by EliMosleyOH.
Datasets generated by SalishCoast 161 and Karma 161 using ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown and other tools as part of the deleted-tweets-archive project repo on github.
You can create your own updated version of this document by checking out and configuring the repository and then running the following commands:
$ cargo build --release
$ target/release/twcc deleted-tweets --report EliMosleyOH
Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 2 January 2018: RT @MiIlennial_Matt: Why would @JackPosobiec delete this tweet?
- 2 January 2018: Most important thread of 2018. We have discovered our people. Become who we are.
- 30 December 2017: @mikercannon @Edgar_FullTown Whatever you say [[[Fellow Irishman]]]
- 30 December 2017: "Whatever it Takes 9-11 am M-F call in live! 877-240-1776 Liberals welcome to argue IN REALITY!" -@gehrig38 Since we are all apparently "liberals" lets make sure to call into the show all week. It'll be a fun start to the new year and he can platform us without a choice.
- 30 December 2017: .@gehrig38 Just curious. Did you tell @pnehlen privately that he was dis-invited from your show, like a man, or did you tweet it out calling him the same words used to smear you, like a coward?
- 30 December 2017: Curt, give me an example of something he is so ignorant on that you can't speak to him? Is the true problem that you are too afraid you cannot debunk his ideas or argue your own? If this is the case you should just retire from political commentary.
- 30 December 2017:
- 30 December 2017:
- 30 December 2017:
- 30 December 2017: @gehrig38 what is wrong with you? Stand up for yourself. @pnehlen is being attacked the same way you have been.
- 29 December 2017: I'm gonna neck press him
- 29 December 2017: Last night while watching that stream I said "lol Matt is gonna bully cerno off the internet" and well....
- 28 December 2017: RT @NickJFuentes: wtf I love Laura Loomer now.
- 28 December 2017: Someone please point out the lie.
- 25 December 2017: Bigot
- 25 December 2017: 97% is not a "very small amount"
- 23 December 2017: So you think Tim Wise out performs Jared Taylor in the view of whites and think his "15 minutes of fam" was based on his Twitter account? Way to prove our views on black IQ correct, thanks for the support.
- 23 December 2017: lol imagine thinking this is true.
- 20 December 2017: @RichardBSpencer is locked out of his account for a week so @Real_Greg_Conte will be filling in on the inner workings of his mind for now. When Spencer gets banned he's coming back as an anon groyper to shitpost with the goys.
- 20 December 2017: Jared Taylor did nothing wrong. #FreeAmRen
- 20 December 2017: It's crazy, it's almost as if an international clique is colluding to keep me off Twitter. Very strange 🤔🤔🤔 does anyone know who is doing this or why?