The list below includes 121 deleted tweets by jasonrantz.
There are also 20 tweets that are indicated as not currently deleted by the Twitter API that have been scraped from pages of deleted tweets (as replies, etc.). These possibly undeleted tweets are included for context and are indicated by a (live) link.
Datasets generated by SalishCoast 161 and Karma 161 using ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown and other tools as part of the deleted-tweets-archive project repo on github.
You can create your own updated version of this document by checking out and configuring the repository and then running the following commands:
$ cargo build --release
$ target/release/twcc deleted-tweets --report jasonrantz
Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 26 September 2021: Shame on Axios for this smear. They know this happened.
- 12 September 2021: Okay Twitter image sleuths: can you find the originals of the stickers in the bottom left and upper right-hand corners? DM me if you're able to find it -- ignore the background.
- 6 September 2021: GOP Rep. Mast: Biden Should Be Impeached for ‘Treason’
- 29 August 2021: Nothing in your tweet is true.
- 29 August 2021 (live): And this comes with mass resistance from impacted staff. Thousands have rallied around the state. Many say they’ll take the firing — they’re trying to make a point. Inslee is a political coward so I see him claiming enough people were vaccinated for him to kill the mandate. /end
- 29 August 2021 (live): Those meetings go nowhere. It feels like a stalling tactic. Inslee’s office was previously caught trying to purposefully disqualify staff from religious exemptions. There is only a few weeks left before you must get your first vaccine shot to meet the October 18 deadline. /2
- 29 August 2021: NEW: The Washington Federation of State Employees is suing the state over Gov Jay Inslee’s vaccine mandate. It argues the state is failing “to bargain in good faith.” Many unions have said the same thing. That representatives come to meetings without any answers. /1
- 29 August 2021: Are you a member of the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE)? Please DM me.
- 15 August 2021: RT @jasonrantz: Seattle is lost. When you choose stubborn adherence to an ideology over basic compassion, you get Downtown Seattle. You l…
- 15 August 2021: Do you work at UW Medicine -- or know someone who does? DM me if you can. I have a quick question.
- 13 August 2021: This you?
- 13 August 2021 (live): 5th source says the number was 4. That is not a surge.
- 12 August 2021 (live): Seattle Children’s won’t provide data to back up claims that there’s a concerning uptick in kids with COVID ending up in ICU. So I did some digging. You might be shocked to see what I found.
- 21 July 2021: Brian must be mad he can’t cancel @dbongino ’s show. Meanwhile, more folks will stream Bongino in one say than people tune into Stelter all year.
- 13 July 2021: NEW: If you want to work for the state of Washington, you better be willing to go on a journey to become an anti-racist, left-wing activist and pursue the state’s specific goals to end what it views as systemically racist.
- 6 July 2021: In case you were one of 17 people wondering whatever happened to Tom Leykis, here he reminds you he’s still the same degenerate he was when people were vaguely aware of his lazy radio schtick.
- 2 July 2021: 😐
- 19 May 2021: NEW: Videos obtained by the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH show radical critical race theory training materials taught a local school district: -race is a social construct -slavery still exists -low-income white are privileged -only white people can be racist
- 11 May 2021: Have a child in the Olympia School District? Please DM me.
- 2 May 2021: For me, tonight, they say the restaurant is closed to they canceled. Except it's not closed, the driver was there, and the food was ready and in their hands. So I finally just canceled my account. I recommend you do the same.
- 2 May 2021: I've done this but you didn't respond or even check yet. Do you check for them?
- 29 April 2021: Are you a student at Pacific Luthern University? Do you know any? If so, please message me.
- 23 April 2021: RT @JackPosobiec: . @GlennKesslerWP is the last person who should bring up family histories
- 23 April 2021: You have to be mentally unstable to be a guest on MSNBC.
- 21 April 2021: Your tweet is false. But you probably know that, right?
- 7 April 2021: Woke culture around work at Village Theatre. They ended up pulling a question of job applicants on “toxic whiteness” of musicals. But they appear to pay interns on the basis of race? Read more:
- 30 March 2021: Folks... what are these screws called exactly?
- 24 March 2021: When people refer to me as a “discount Ben Shapiro”, it’s a not-so-subtle way to try and get away with anti-Semitism. All these people see is “Jew” and they’re not afraid to say it. No wonder he declined an interview request from a Jewish host.
- 24 March 2021: That’s because you’re okay when your friends label those they disagrees with as fascist.
- 24 March 2021 (live): Grant Ruby is a Seattle teacher. If you have a child in any of his classes, I think it would be smart for you to transfer them out.
- 12 March 2021: With respect, President Biden (nor any President) doesn’t get to tell us who we can or cannot hang out with on July 4 or any other day. This is the United States. The President doesn’t determine our freedoms on 4th of July. That very holiday should remind Biden of that fact.
- 13 February 2021: Aside from getting the day (and year) wrong, the Congresswoman leaves out the whole part about being in jail for stealing thousands of dollars worth of lawn equipment and frozen meat -- not for being poor.
- 10 February 2021: Seattle police shot & killed a black man who shot at them — after the suspect allegedly murdered two women. Naturally the anti-cop activists are upset with... police, chided as being the “judge jury and executioner”. They’ll march tonight with a warning: you can’t film them.
- 5 February 2021: The @GIGCarShare Seattle cars rarely work. They don’t turn on. The app is buggy. But good news: they’re pretending to celebrate black history month for social currency. Real celebrations? Go for it. Doing it for market share? Exploitative and annoying.
- 3 February 2021: Isn't your Wealth Tax bill about getting his money? How do you not know whether or not he lives here?
- 1 February 2021: Seattle Public Schools will spend the week promoting Black Lives Matter lesson plans to students. What will students be taught? Cops are racist, jail is "state violence" and that treating people equally cane be oppressive.
- 24 January 2021: You do realize someone has to die for it to be manslaughter, right? And there were people behind the car, too.
- 24 January 2021: “Will wait to get more details.” Learn to read and be less stupid.
- 24 January 2021: It’s also unacceptable to panic to that degree. Was the vehicle breached? What was the threat level? Will wait to get more details.
- 24 January 2021 (live): The crowd swarmed the police car, tried to block it, pounded on his windows & he thought they would break the glass & attack him. He appears to have panicked over his safety & drove away, striking several & over at least one. Folks: it’s dangerous to swarm & block any car. Stop.
- 20 January 2021: NEW: King County erased Christmas, Easter & Hanukkah from woke, taxpayer-funded calendar. In it's place? Social justice holidays & heritage months. Replacing Xmas is International Human Rights Day. Hannaukah? Nope. You get Arab American Heritage Month.
- 6 January 2021: This is a disgrace.
- 5 January 2021: Governor Jay Inslee says using credit scores/history as a factor for insurance is racist! Weird... since his administration uses when hiring. Inslee isn’t merely a hypocrite. By his own flawed logic, it apparently makes him a racist.
- 27 November 2020: That you think constitutional issues are based on science is what’s ludicrous.
- 26 November 2020: I’m not a Christian. Kind of like you’re not an intellect.
- 26 November 2020 (live): Justice Neil Gorsuch with the 🔥🔥🔥right here. "So, at least according to the Governor, it may be unsafe to go to church, but it is always fine to pick up another bottle of wine, shop for a new bike... Who knew public health would so perfectly align with secular convenience?"
- 16 November 2020: I kind of feel like you're missing the point. And you kind of seem mentally unwell. Have a great weekend.
- 16 November 2020: What exactly do you think the number is?
- 15 November 2020 (live): For what it's worth, as new mandates are imposed in Washington state, the death rate just decreased to 1.9%.
- 5 November 2020: RT @SamSullivan: When everyone has falsely told you 2+ 2 = 5 for so long, of course you’re not going to believe anything.
- 4 November 2020: My new favorite member of Congress.
- 16 October 2020: This is an Instagram story from @thedailybeast writer Kerry Harwin ( @flashhardcor ) who covers Portland protests for them. This is a friendly reminder that Daily Beast isn’t about journalism. They’re about activism. Most of us already know that.
- 10 October 2020: I guess it’s more than just an idea?
- 8 October 2020: This was the most embarrassing moment I've seen from @JayInslee . After two days of endless local & national coverage of CHOP, @GovInslee said he had no clue what was happening. Tonight at the debate, he confirmed he's either a liar or he really is an incompetent as we think.
- 8 October 2020: Wow. The @CBSNews twitter account may have been hired to do PR for the Biden/Harris campaign for the evening.
- 20 September 2020: This is a “justice journalist” and everything in his tweet is false.
- 12 September 2020: PSA: there’s a reason why people keep deleting this after they retweet it. The government didn’t send this to her. Campaigns send them. Both sides.
- 1 September 2020: And so it begins.
- 30 August 2020: Naveed, when you begged me to cover your campaign bc you wanted to be a moderate alternative on the Council, I'm sorry I fell for it. It failed, you then turned your grift into crazy progressive. Cool. Joy Reid has you on. I'm very excited for you.
- 30 August 2020: First chapter was going to be about how not to run a city council campaign, actually.
- 30 August 2020 (live): I could write a book about the things you don't know. Have a great night defending arsonists and vandals.
- 30 August 2020 (live): I get ignoring the attempt to burn officers alive in a precinct the mob tried to cement shut and the Molotov Cocktail attack on Monday + marauding mob destroying businesses on Wed (+ Molotov Cocktail arrest) serves your agenda, but I don't really care if you judge me, Karen.
- 30 August 2020: This person has deceased, per reports. Another riot-related death thanks to utter lawlessness because Democratic Mayors don't just refuse to act: they refuse to call riots anything but "peaceful protests" and we all should have seen this coming.
- 30 August 2020 (live): This is funny. In this video is the East Precinct surrounded by concrete barriers because last Monday, Antifa and agitators cemented the door shut and tried to burn it down with cops inside. @JoyAnnReid has no clue what she's RTing. It's complete propaganda.
- 29 August 2020: Can we take the gloves off and tell the truth? @ChrisMurphyCT is a fun-dum. A box of hair could come up with a smarter tweet. He thinks @realDonaldTrump ’s intent is to murder his own supporters during a re-election campaign. That sure makes sense.
- 28 August 2020: Just absolutely vile.
- 27 August 2020: He confessed. 😂
- 26 August 2020 (live): One of the suspects in the arson is now being transferred to federal custody. Oops!
- 25 August 2020: Small error in your story. DMed you.
- 21 August 2020: Is this the suspect who was, according to probable cause documents, caught on tape assaulting a man during one of the protests?
- 18 August 2020: To say Trump floated the idea of invalidation and redoing the election is so remarkably disingenuous, based on the context of what he said, we should just call it what it is: a lie.
- 14 August 2020: Chuck's Hop Shop ( @Chucks85th ) in Seattle's Central District and Greenwood tags their beer with "ACAB" because they're proudly anti-cop. Be sure to #backtheblue and choose another establishment.
- 12 August 2020: Will be on with @guypbenson today at 2pm EST to discuss the mess that the City Council has created at the Seattle Police Department. Be sure to tune in on @foxnewsradio . For some pre-show prep:
- 3 August 2020: Ron Higgins is running for superintendent of public schools. I don't think he should be anywhere near kids. My interview with him is at 5:45pm. Normally I wouldn't air something like this but it's important so that people know who he is if they're considering him.
- 29 July 2020: Uhm. That wasn’t me.
- 28 July 2020 (live): Any media outlet that claims Seattle's riot was simply a "protest" is lying to you. And the folks who justify violence solely thinking it'll help get @realDonaldTrump booted from office isn't just taking a losing position -- but an evil one. My latest hit for #TuckerCarlson .
- 17 July 2020: ICYMI: @JennaEllisEsq stopped by to chat about the President's brand new campaign manager! Come from the political chat, stay for the biting commentary of sexist Rick Wilson.
- 16 July 2020: Reason #179 explaining why @TheRickWilson is a garbage person.
- 7 July 2020: You did not read that from me.
- 20 June 2020: Will @MayorJenny finally act or is this part of the mythical street fair?
- 20 June 2020: Summer of love?
- 15 June 2020: Up early? I’ll be on @foxandfriends at 5:15pm PST/8:15pm EST to talk about CHOP, formerly known as CHAZ.
- 10 June 2020: What's the problem with illegally occupying space you don't own then holding a list of radical demands? Nothing, clearly. When right wing activists take over, lemme know your lack of concerns.
- 10 June 2020 (live): The City is being held hostage. Now, the Antifa, anarchists, and community protesters have "demands" if you're interested:
- 9 June 2020: No ideological diversity represented here at all. At least no one pretends this isn't pursued ideologically.
- 9 June 2020: @TwitterComms Hi. Can you please DM me for a question about a story I'm working on? Thank you.
- 9 June 2020: I think it’s worth highlighting some of the vitriol and homophobia I get. This one from @chrisz . He ended up deleting it. The intent is to shame and bully people into speaking, make us scared of their hate.
- 3 June 2020: You’re a special kind of stupid, Clare.
- 3 June 2020: You're what we call on my show a "dum dum" because you're... dumb. You should read stories before commenting on them. Maybe then you wouldn't be a dum dum...
- 3 June 2020 (live): Grateful for that. Unfortunately, WA just lost to law enforcement officials in the last two months.
- 3 June 2020 (live): Want to mourn the loss of a brother or sister in law enforcement? In Seattle, thanks to activist ignorance and cop-hating councilmembers, they may not be able to for much longer.
- 3 June 2020: Karen’ing to rile up her ignorant base of cop hating lunatics.
- 3 June 2020: Next time try to find the thread with job listings. See if you can find one you’re qualified for. At some point, ya gotta move out of your mom’s house, dude.
- 2 June 2020: Oh yeah? You're unemployed and have 14 anonymous burner accounts. Your life is a failure.
- 2 June 2020 (live): Just now catching tonight's episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight. It should be required viewing for every American. This is the most powerful episode he's ever broadcast. Shame on the looters, rioters, criminals, and their enablers who are trying to tear this country apart.
- 2 June 2020: rosie mental illness is real #IDontKnowWhySheTypesLikeAChild
- 1 June 2020: Rick Wilson is a fraud and a coward.
- 31 May 2020: You really are an imbecile.
- 31 May 2020: @HARRISFAULKNER if you have producer DM me can give details on the Seattle issues right now
- 29 May 2020: Today, like every day, is a good day for desperate Rick Wilson to go away.
- 27 April 2020: You have about a dozen burner accounts. You should be more concerned with your mental health than mine.
- 27 April 2020 (live): I've not changed my position on covering the stories. I've covered them and will continue to. I'm consistent. You only care about purported victims when you can exploit their stories for political gain.
- 27 April 2020 (live): Local TV producer got mad at me for siding with due process re: Kavanaugh & never booked me again. Same producer is silent on the #TaraReader allegations against Biden. Analysts, anchors, blue checkmarks attacked Kavanaugh, but silent on Reade. Weird.
- 9 April 2020: Shady @Newsweek said this whole exchange "likely occurred in jest" because they're... dishonest fools. He was literally smiling and joking during the whole conversation. It was not "likely" in jest -- it was in jest.
- 8 April 2020: If you're revolution can't beat Joe Biden... then it's not really a revolution, #BernieBros .
- 5 April 2020: This is insane and dangerous. Some folks can't stop being partisan for two seconds to put our well-being over their political ambition. They're so anti- @realDonaldTrump it's become a mental illness.
- 2 April 2020: RT @brad_polumbo: It's absolutely unhinged that leftie journalists and elected Democrats attacked Christian volunteers setting up a coronav…
- 27 March 2020: Progressive tolerance from @nicolesjchung . And by tolerance, I mean mental illness. She writes for @eccobooks and has content in @nytimes because they have a low bar for who they publish. She blocked me preemptively. Shout out to the folks who told me about this horrid tweet.
- 22 March 2020: There’s something wrong with gig. I’m being serious and I’m concerned.
- 19 March 2020:
- 17 March 2020: As we struggle to contain the coronavirus, I implore you to not lose site of Trump Derangement Syndrome and general mental unfitness. It makes it more difficult to target coronavirus when people are more focused on their petty, childish @realDonaldTrump attacks.
- 4 March 2020: Joe Biden just misidentified his sister as his wife. Definitely no reason to question his mental health.
- 27 February 2020: 😐
- 17 February 2020: Historic low employment, businesses hiring and expanding at high rates, bigger take home pay... but we’ll pretend the @realDonaldTrump economy is broken.
- 17 February 2020: Mental illness is real, friends. (NSFW video below).
- 13 February 2020: The imam who compared Jews to apes and pigs is leading an event about hate crimes. Anti-Semite one day. Fighter against hate the next. Can’t make this up. Background:
- 28 January 2020: More like flattered. I mean, your obsession is creepy but it's still flattering to know how much real estate I own in your head.
- 28 January 2020 (live): Failed, indeed. It must be why you know me and can't stop thinking about me, John.
- 28 January 2020: You’re no hero, Rick. Only in your own head.
- 4 January 2020: This is mental illness.
- 22 December 2019: Brian Stelter might be so obsessed with FOX News that it should qualify as a mental illness.
- 19 December 2019: The Senate has one job: undue the damage partisan House Democrats did to this country.
- 19 December 2019: Steny Honey mentions Justin Amash -- will he mention Jeff Van Drew?
- 13 December 2019: Mental illness.
- 29 November 2019: And to think, @PeteButtigieg has said he’s not this type of candidate. Uh huh.
- 5 October 2019: They’re not even trying to hide their mental instability.
- 17 September 2019: These folks are hacks. They purposefully rewrite facts to fit a narrative. It’s why Newsweek will soon be in the trash bin of history.
- 15 September 2019: He really does seem to be exhibiting signs of mental illness and should seek medical attention.
- 26 February 2019: RT @MattWalshBlog: Hi, Senator. I’m wondering how it feels to be so evil. Like, do you ever wake up in the morning and look in the mirror a…
- 4 January 2019: RT @Liam_Strong1: @jasonrantz Huh...odd that there is an ad for pick-pocket proof pants in an article about @cmkshama ?…
- 12 October 2018: @TheMikeSalk @stephklein @ColleenKIROFM It was the ghost of a green "panic" button that everyone pushed.
- 4 October 2018: RT @Heminator: So this means that "boof," "Devil's Triangle," and "FFFF" all have independent confirmation that they meant what Kavanaugh s…
- 22 August 2018: RT @ElliottRHams: This is an abomination.
- 2 April 2018: I support Antler but this tweet is fake... he's not a vegan. Don't be stupid and fall for crap like this.
- 5 March 2018: Wait a minute... at a mt too-themed Oscars, Kobe Bryant got an Oscar? Uhm, ok #Oscars
- 4 March 2018: RT @HashtagGriswold: This tweet from YESTERDAY is about the Woman's March organizer under fire WEDNESDAY for attending a blatantly anti-Sem…
- 31 January 2018: RT @jonathanvswan: Hey @MichaelWolffNYC: it must be fun to write and say whatever you want under the banner of “non-fiction,” with zero fac…
- 29 January 2018: RT @JesseKellyDC: "The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep."
- 25 January 2018: The new @WAGOP chairman @CalebHeimlich has a plan to turn WA red:
- 14 October 2017: RT @edwardsaian: PICKLE GALAXY
- 13 August 2017: RT @redsteeze: @danpfeiffer .@danpfeiffer Here were the sum of your thoughts two months ago