The list below includes 1332 deleted tweets by matthewparrott.
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- 19 September 2019: Movements aren't organizations. There can't be quality control. We can only choose who we do or don't work with or promote.
- 19 September 2019: Your observation that a broad movement with hundreds of personalities has some guys with some problems was not a valuable contribution to the conversation.
- 19 September 2019: His basic shtick here is for aging whores, hissing and spitting at any calls for improved morals, dragging all of humanity down to her level. It's slave morality for thots.
- 19 September 2019: Very alinskyite of you to try to hold us accountable to our own rules. My record of propriety in such matters is a scandal of its own.
- 19 September 2019: Since we oppose degeneracy, we're always going to be fighting an uphill battle given that some of our guys are hypocrites. You can't be a hypocrite if you never claimed to stand for anything, after all.
- 18 September 2019: You're correct.
- 18 September 2019: Broke: clipping your nails Woke: not clipping your nails Bespoke: clipping all but one pinky nail
- 18 September 2019: Which aspect of this satire didn't nail Trump? Does it not accurately depict Trump's positions? Or do you defend the positions?
- 18 September 2019: It was a perfect storm of leftist lawsuits, a massive putsch from the amnats, and then an internal scandal all at the same time. TradWorker is still alive, fighting the lawsuits and working on prisoner support. But it's no longer a membership organization.
- 18 September 2019: You know we're missing out on where the best lulz are being had in random maga facebook groups where this is being dropped.
- 18 September 2019: Give her some time. They're playing with fire and think it's a game.
- 18 September 2019: She's not human, but neanderthal. We dwell among you, in plain sight. We're going to save the trees and defeat the jews for you "sapien" scum.
- 18 September 2019: She's in her preteen shitlib stage all autistic savants go through, and should strike terror into the hearts of anybody and everybody who isn't an anarcho-primitivist.
- 18 September 2019: ⚰️
- 18 September 2019: A white nationalism which hopes to have a solid intellectual foundation must necessarily discard the supremacist and imperialist memes and themes of Manifest Destiny and Colonial White Supremacy.
- 18 September 2019: "Modernism" is itself White Supremacist, insisting that white/western reality is truly objective, with all others as primitive and/or superstitious.
- 18 September 2019: Trump is 21st century white supremacy, desperately insisting that the browns are being fully employed and cared for by the white overlords who most certainly, definitely, don't deserve an identitarian slave revolt.
- 18 September 2019: White Nationalism was born as a euphemism by and for white supremacists. The metapolitics of nationalism are integrally anti-colonial and largely incommensurate with the White American mind, save for some Jacksonian/Copperhead strains.
- 18 September 2019: Racialism is absolutely true, just as familyism is true. I don't need to despise other people's kids or wish harm on them to love and prefer my own.
- 18 September 2019: I want to see the "threats." With these people, a white man talking back to a politician is a hate crime.
- 18 September 2019: I'm just glad the Calvins stay on!
- 18 September 2019: It's the most white pill thread you'll ever find. The future is basically The Smurfs, but with more chicks.
- 18 September 2019: We already tried that. It got subverted.
- 18 September 2019: People who are mad in the first place because things are rapidly changing aren't in the mood to endorse rapid change.
- 18 September 2019: That, and leftist radicals are objectively superior to conservative nationalist types.
- 18 September 2019: If all my crypto that's ever been sent to me were available to me in its current value, I would be a multi millionaire.
- 18 September 2019: I'm not arguing that Greta is not manufactured or being exploited, but I can't think of a more electrifying quote from any other political activist in recent memory.
- 18 September 2019: It is, with most altright types being sassy Republicans who reject any truly revolutionary ideology or action.
- 18 September 2019: Nope. He's breast understood as a Republican "Kanye Contrarian" who believes that all his community's problems can be resolved by more capitalist hustling.
- 18 September 2019: Like the white bourgeoisie, he's got that "I got mine" attitude and sees the escalating racial violence as entertainment. As with ALL black men who aren't black nationalists, he's not actually pro-black.
- 18 September 2019: Hotep Jesus doesn't wish to defuse or resolve America's racial problems, but cheer on his team in the bumfights from his nice, comfy apartment in a white neighborhood.
- 18 September 2019: He doesn't listen, and he doesn't care, because he's a black chauvinist who finds it hilarious when black mobs gang up on and attack lone white men in broad daylight.
- 18 September 2019: The White Nationalist community in America has our fun and makes our jokes. But our basic bargain with Black America is far more honest and equitable than anything the mainstream offers: Black community agency, accountability, and empowerment.
- 18 September 2019: TradWorker's response after Ferguson was that the solution to BLM was to have the police force reflect the local community as well as possible. This was exactly what @HotepJesus claims we're not doing.
- 18 September 2019: Could you please deport Olga, @realDonaldTrump ? Thanks.
- 18 September 2019: You're probably right. The only place you still see Uncle Sam is in anti-American propaganda depicting him as a belligerent old fool.
- 18 September 2019: He's definitely in the talented tenth!
- 18 September 2019: Muslims don't have an infinite army of conservative middle class thumb people who will hysterically attack anybody and everybody who steps up to confront the enemy.
- 18 September 2019: Yeah. Developing a celebrity that people buy friendship and access to is absolutely the best way to secure independent funding. Now lemme tell you about how that idea can backfire....
- 18 September 2019: How long will Uncle Sam remain a conspicuously nordish archetype? I feel like there needs to be some cheesy national competition where we can nominate some chubby mixed race girl in a wheelchair to be our national mascot.
- 18 September 2019: You see this play out with the AltLite Trumpers, who started off national populist but now constantly suck off Zionism.
- 18 September 2019: My case against full time altright at this stage is on account of distrust of the donors. They almost ALWAYS have an agenda and it's almost ALWAYS a distraction from or betrayal of the beneficiary's work.
- 18 September 2019: I fucking love how the media reports Iran's defiant replies to our claims we're going to attack them as if they're being belligerent. "This guy claims he might fight back if I punch him. I better go kick his ass!"
- 18 September 2019: It's easy enough to align the incentives to where healthier and more capable folks reproduce at a dramatically higher rate without the need for a single anti-natal gesture.
- 18 September 2019: Sounds like you're also VaporTrad: fighting for perennial values and virtues with no loyalty toward or interest in the remnants and remains of institutions and traditions which once manifested them.
- 18 September 2019: There won't necessarily be a "collapse," but rather a severe disruption as finance is transformed by devolutionary technology in the same manner everything else is being transformed.
- 18 September 2019: Ethereum is only a few months away from being capable of tokenized single-blind loan instruments and ZERO RESERVE investment in those instruments.
- 18 September 2019: That would make sense if the fundamentals of high finance weren't about to be kicked out from under them.
- 18 September 2019: Because you have a blog which I have read extensively, ma'am. You are indeed contrarian and open minded, but the general framework remains susceptible to this critique.
- 18 September 2019: They eventually get quietly sold off for their uranium by people who are far more concerned about affordable clean power than about megastate brinkmanship games.
- 18 September 2019: Tech is the cycle. Technology, often but not always military, dictates the scale.
- 18 September 2019: @robwinfield35 @cashmoneyglock @AnonnyChick I'm against tattoos. As you know, I am entirely disinterested in the entryist approach, though.
- 18 September 2019: Yes, but the banking industry will go the way of the music and porn industries.
- 18 September 2019: False. This notion that history always favors scale is entirely unsupported by history. Behold the Roman Empire's devolution for a thousand years into itty bitty city-states.
- 18 September 2019: A useful correlate may be the Scottish and Appalachian clans, where your greatest concern is matriarchs and patriarchs who can hold you socially accountable, with a concomitant heat death of mass society.
- 18 September 2019: Even lower, down to churches, communities, perhaps even approaching the Dunbar Number.
- 18 September 2019: And without monolithic, centralized power structures, invasive managerial elites will prove incapable of the incredible scale of power projection they currently enjoy.
- 18 September 2019: The devolution and democratization of technology will force a scaling down of the loci of authority just as 20th century nuclear technology forced a scaling up. The orwellian superstates are obsolete and steadily draining authority.
- 18 September 2019: They're superior because civilization rewards patience and complex systems management. Whites are superior leaders and innovators, but inferior managers and maintainers. We're an impatient and easily distracted bunch of daydreamers.
- 18 September 2019: The mechanics are simple. Civilizations are conceived by neolithic martial elites, but cosmopolitan managerial/mercantile elites are genetically and memetically superior at the civilizational habitat.
- 18 September 2019: You tell me who's being targeted in an arrangement where "white people" are blamed but one can buy their way out of any and every "racial justice" measure. White Privilege theory is a White Elite conspiracy against the white working class and the white working class alone.
- 18 September 2019: I'm talking about very recent technological progress. Bitcoin, public key cryptography, and the napsterization of managerial cartels.
- 18 September 2019: The white working class can and will strive toward equitable solutions mindful of the concerns you raise right after it fights through your paradigm which frames it as the living embodiment of the problem.
- 18 September 2019: Pro-Tip: If you mute him, your timeline will be refreshingly devoid of his smug brainlet cold takes.
- 18 September 2019: You're in luck. Technological progress has broken the pump and we're all heading for a post-civilized neo-tribal, meta-feudal world order we can only hope to vaguely outline or understand at this point.
- 18 September 2019: Catholic priestly celibacy resulted in a martial (aristocratic) and managerial (catholic) symphonia that lasted about a millennium before colonialism enriched the merchants and (((merchants))), initiating our Mercantile Age.
- 18 September 2019: @GreyingW @CarrieHillborn The martial always gives way to the managerial, which always gives way to the mercantile, which eventually gives way to the menial. Civilization works kind of like a star, and we're in our red giant phase shortly before burning out.
- 18 September 2019: A group of people is actively out to get my people. I better literally brand myself to avoid any confusion.
- 18 September 2019: If you don't know what cancel culture is, ... you're already canceled. 💁🏽♀️
- 18 September 2019: Sanctions are war, war on the poor.
- 18 September 2019: Democrats are the REAL racists!
- 18 September 2019: "I'm happy for them and wish them the best, but we'll allow homeowner's associations to choose who lives in their neighborhoods. You'll be able to ban nazis from yours and mine can be lily-white."
- 18 September 2019: It's more difficult to dehumanize the "villain" when your coat got caught on the chairlift that one time and he tried to rescue you while you were flying in mid air, and you both ended up face down in a slushy pit of snow.
- 18 September 2019: Yup. Arriving at a rhetoric that's authentically pro-white and can survive meatspace requires that thoughtful critique of colonialism and neocolonialism.
- 18 September 2019: Indeed. I end up happily forfeiting a lot of online debates with anonymous accounts who draw a harder line than I'm willing to draw with some of these issues. Nothing wrong with anonymity, but I doubt these people stand by their online convictions in their daily lives.
- 18 September 2019: I don't get enough credit for actively reconciling my online persona with my actual daily life. It's a true challenge.
- 18 September 2019: One approached me at Walmart a few years back, horrified to learn that I was now the national leader of the klan. I had to awkwardly explain to her that I'm more like a nazi, not a klansman, and that I don't actually hate or want to hurt anybody.
- 18 September 2019: I know and am on friendly terms with a few of Orange County's truly local blacks. They speak with the local twang, act like locals, and are good people.
- 18 September 2019: Sol Strauss never married, rarely socialized beyond his merchant business, and lived in a tiny, humble apartment directly above his little shop. When he died, he left his entire fortune, millions, to the town.
- 18 September 2019: My hometown is officially home to the world's dumbest hate crime that ever happened. Shortly before WWII, a single Jew fled here and opened up a shop on the square. Upon hearing that a DAMN GERMAN had moved here, some good old boys threw a brick through his storefront window.
- 18 September 2019: Girls were made to excel at STEM careers and men were made to change their oil and unclog their toilets.
- 18 September 2019: You apparently don't know what black bloc is. It's wearing all black, and avoiding identifying accessories. It's not paramilitary.
- 18 September 2019: Trump took your advice to shred the nuclear deal, and now he has absolutely no leverage. Thanks to you and Bolton, the Ayatollahs are driving the car, and they know Americans don't want your stupid WWIII.
- 18 September 2019: At no point did I misdirect anything or contradict myself. I don't know who your target audience could be who sees me being inconsistent. But they're welcome to ignore me, too.
- 18 September 2019: An earlier civilization in a galaxy far away mastered intelligence in dimensions that transcend space and time. Our brains are quantum filters and our conscious selves belong to that realm while operating in this one. Obviously.
- 18 September 2019: All black is standard black bloc strategy, with real world tactical benefits in a melee situation. I know this is confusing for you, but optics weren't my first priority.
- 18 September 2019: There was no black paramilitary uniform and we are national socialists. So the chant doesn't seem that misplaced. When you go in for an oil change, do you see paramilitary goons?
- 18 September 2019: I recommend calling them "you people" in a threatening and condescending tone. They know exactly who you're referring to, without having an opportunity to take you for a ride on their euphemism treadmill.
- 18 September 2019: That's the only common thread in TradWorker photos you'll find, black shirt, black pants, black shoes. You'll find accessories, but never uniformly. Because they weren't the uniform.
- 18 September 2019: Then produce evidence of me promoting or engaging in nazi costume larping.
- 18 September 2019: A hostile jew and his loyal sidekick relentlessly pushed a hostile propaganda campaign centered on misrepresenting our appearance and behavior. It's like arguing endlessly about whether the girl who got raped was wearing a slutty dress with a rape gang.
- 18 September 2019: Don't take my word for it. I'm a big fat liar, after all. Find former TradWorkers and ask them what the requirements were.
- 18 September 2019: I believe it does matter. People who believe that TWP failed on style matters are incorrect and bad decisions will be made in the future on account of that error in analyzing the lifecycle of the project.
- 18 September 2019: Since there was no grave leadership failure here, there's no point in assigning blame. But, yes, the basic black work shirts thing was actually my idea and I didn't much care to needledick on the accoutrements.
- 18 September 2019: There's nothing disingenuous about it. Most guys at most events simply wore the work shirt, and anything more was gently discouraged but not rigorously enforced. You're cherry picking a small selection of event photos to pitch a disingenuous narrative.
- 18 September 2019: You're mad because you demand that this be exclusively an upper middle class suburban project. You're mad that rural and small town hillbillies are showing up. This is entirely about class and subculture snobbery.
- 18 September 2019: I didn't raise the fact that individuals made their own stylistic decisions until you insisted that I controlled everybody's wardrobe. Not a one of them is going to apologize to you for their fashion accessories.
- 18 September 2019: Arm bands were never an official part of the uniform. They were another personal styling that you can dig up a few pics of a few guys wearing.
- 18 September 2019: Right, because the SPLC isn't much more fixated on white collar entryists and the daily stormer. Working class midwestern guys aren't going to be nagged into submission to you limp-wristed optics cucks.
- 18 September 2019: Since paramilitary uniforms were literally never worn, I have nothing to explain or apologize for. Some folks bloused their boots and such, as personal stylings. And you can calm the fuck down about that.
- 18 September 2019: Actually, it has been heard that Tony and I were opposed to some of the more cult-like shenanigans which were taking place, especially toward the end. The last few months, I had zero control over the organization, which is common knowledge.
- 18 September 2019: I'm sorry that a bunch of hefty midwestern dudes in work shirts traumatized you so bad. Next time I go out, I'll follow your Geek Squad dress code to avoid further trauma.
- 18 September 2019: Been about twenty years.
- 18 September 2019: Eliminate your carbon footprint tonight, guy.
- 17 September 2019: I admit I see it as a feature that America's classes have yet to congeal into endogamous castes, and believe that class fraternity and mobility is in the highest folkish spirit and our best economic interests.
- 17 September 2019: The night is young.
- 17 September 2019: > that one time per year when the Sleeper Berth Provision is your only hope
- 17 September 2019: There is no elite for America's white working class. The closest we've got still cares more about the Alps than Appalachia.
- 17 September 2019: Race is kind of like oxygen. It's the only thing that matters when it's being taken from you.
- 17 September 2019: "We have to choose between joining several fat guys named Matt in a Walmart parking lot or several gay guys named Wölf in the forest. Both options are equally terrifying."
- 17 September 2019: There's a kink for that, too!
- 17 September 2019: While the TradWorker organization itself is dead(ish), the basic ideas; class unity, rejection of conservatism and entryism, aversion to clever angles and secretive cliques, and grassroots community organizing have all gone on to win the debate.
- 17 September 2019: The closer to Mexico I go, the lighter the Mexicans.
- 17 September 2019: Stallman is wildly overrated. Emacs is a nightmare which goes entirely against unix's tools philosophy. While the GNU license has been a contribution, it's overshadowed by his obnoxious attempt to take credit for everything developed with it.
- 17 September 2019: And you guys all thought outer space was the final frontier.
- 17 September 2019: .... which is more than everyone would have you believe. But not enough to change the game.
- 17 September 2019: @Indian_Bronson Trump does well among Hispanics who don't strongly identify with being Hispanic.
- 17 September 2019: Chapelle might unironically qualify.
- 17 September 2019: My worldview is a mashup of Dostoyevsky, Faulkner, Jesus of Nazareth, Hitler, King of the Hill, Guenon, Raymond Dart's Killer Ape Hypothesis, Rockwell, Seinfeld, Marcus Aurelius, my parents, Chairman Mao, DXM, Dugin, Baby the pet guinea pig, Ken Thompson, and random truckers.
- 17 September 2019: Where did you get that???? This is revenge porn and you will be hearing from my lawyer!
- 17 September 2019: I wish to irritate and upset the kinds of people who are angry about thoughts and prayers, so this is all the more reason to offer my thoughts and prayers.
- 17 September 2019: Stormers are in the same situation followers of doomsday prophets find themselves in on the day after. There's a tremendous social and psychological investment that leads to a fevered siege (no pun intended) mentality.
- 17 September 2019: No Iranian ever ruined a Netflix series I was heavily invested in with infinity woke subplots.
- 17 September 2019: "I'm sorry, Bibi! I can't hack the election for you today. My main website is down."
- 17 September 2019: The two events are surely connected!
- 17 September 2019: He won't be wrong! It was indeed a very impressive troll, even if his scheme to get us to make a suicidal run at the government didn't pan out.
- 17 September 2019: He probably told Obama the story every few months, with Barack tenting this fingers and pretending to be fascinated.
- 17 September 2019: 🤷🏻♂️
- 17 September 2019: He's good. Ultimately this will be to be, in weev's parlance, a social engineering job.
- 17 September 2019: I brought Kevin Mitnick out of retirement. He's working on it.
- 17 September 2019: The domain itself is fine or it wouldn't go to BM.
- 17 September 2019: It could just be random bullshit. Though the heat on guccifer might have caused problems with his cached proxy.
- 17 September 2019:
- 17 September 2019: My thesis, "The Jurassic Park Effect: The increase in transwomen's correlation with the increase in hypergamy and female wages" sure is having a hard time getting accepted in a peer-reviewed journal.
- 17 September 2019: 🎯
- 17 September 2019: Ann Coulter most certainly does not! 💔
- 17 September 2019: I know that face! She's giving me $1,000/month from the federal government. > starts hyperventilating I... I... thought she was with YangGang!
- 17 September 2019: It's a total mystery what became of Indiana's Indians. They weren't included in the trail of tears and there's no real genetic trace.
- 17 September 2019:
- 17 September 2019: #StormerIsDownParty
- 17 September 2019: I have to pay for all my sex. Would that make me a buysexual?
- 17 September 2019: Weev reminds me of Tighten from Megamind.
- 17 September 2019: I'm impressed how durable the white/black dichotomy is. All immigrants of every race acts either white, black, or "just visiting."
- 17 September 2019: Furries are:
- 17 September 2019: I already smell like diesel fuel. I need to look into this subculture.
- 17 September 2019: It could be a valuable and confessional part of her redemption arc, methinks.
- 17 September 2019: Having a high IQ is sort of like having a sports car. It impresses people, but it's more likely to get you in trouble. If you're going the wrong way, it'll take you there faster and farther.
- 17 September 2019: Don't feel like you need to apologize for or explain your Chun-Li lewds. None of us are perfect.
- 17 September 2019: "I took over the biggest racist website, trolled all the racists into endorsing the plot of GN*ers In Outer Space, and badjacketed all their leaders who wouldn't go along! They all fell right for it!" -- weev in a glossy mainstream media article, circa 2020
- 17 September 2019: We got this.
- 17 September 2019: Looks like a duck. Walks like a duck. Quacks like a duck. Former and current IRL friends with ducks. Mom says he's a duck. Duck genealogy. "FUCK YOU FEDS I'M TOTALLY NOT A DUCK" Okay, duck.
- 17 September 2019:
- 17 September 2019: My ghosting from the thread or going off-topic is my cowardly way of conceding defeat.
- 17 September 2019: Have I got a story for you about altright circles...
- 17 September 2019: Broke: K Pop Woke: Moranbong
- 17 September 2019: Chun-Li isn't technically a furry, and categorically cannot yif.
- 17 September 2019: Is it, though? Or are we selecting a handful of weirdos from among the weirdos and trolling ourselves?
- 17 September 2019: You are in Yankee-occupied Korea.
- 17 September 2019: I think we're at our lamest as a subculture when we're having a reactionary moral panic about every stupid thing young people do. Laughing about them is fine, but actually opposing furries manages to make us even bigger dorks.
- 17 September 2019: It's nature's most attractive, intelligent, and arrogant creature, so it's my natural fursona.
- 17 September 2019: fite me
- 17 September 2019: I don't think the pedos and bestiality perverts are necessarily representative of the community in toto. It's definitely a ripe context for grooming, but so is nationalist recruitment and boy scout leadership.
- 17 September 2019: Twisted on the outside, ...twisted on the inside. Every single time.
- 17 September 2019: > implying im not a furry
- 17 September 2019: Please do your best to respect the corpses of all the dead American troops when it happens. They have mothers and family at home who will appreciate it. We are forced by the Zionist regime to go and attack you in your ancient homeland for Israel and the bankers. ☮️
- 17 September 2019: At the risk of getting ratio'd, I think most furries are just socially awkward losers who rely on the costumes to socialize behind a mask. Better than alcohol. It ain't my bag, but I think I'm going to have to side with them over Milo.
- 17 September 2019: He isn't, and that's a bad thing.
- 17 September 2019: Has anybody set the Pokemon Theme Song to excerpts from various Holocaust films?
- 17 September 2019: You assume that, but I guarantee you that within a week or so of nudism, you would calm down about the titties.
- 17 September 2019: Allow, grandparents be damned > breaks branch
- 17 September 2019: One of the great paradoxes of trying to be traditionalist in current year is being heavily involved with and focused on old friends and extended family who are mostly neolibs.
- 17 September 2019: Humor only works as a cathartic relief from seriousness. Without seriousness, without work, without values, and duties, it's mindless, irritating chucklefuckery. It's sort of like how nudity is only erotic if there's an expectation of being clothed in the first place.
- 17 September 2019: A gay jew getting viciously assaulted by a "wolf pack" of genderqueer antifa in silly homemade costumes would set the bar for iconic 2019 moments.
- 17 September 2019: Exactly.
- 17 September 2019: Guys will live in a place like this but keep it tidy, while chicks will demand a nice place then leave dirty laundry, used dishes, and age-inappropriate stuffed animals strewn all over it.
- 17 September 2019: What's there to celebrate? Humiliating military defeats? The loss of the majority of your land? Becoming a third world country despite having one of the most resource rich plots of land on earth? Just pack it in and submit to the Spanish Empire again.
- 17 September 2019: You've been on the wrong side of every movement feud, guy. Even ones you've got no dog in, you're compelled to weigh in on the side that will fail.
- 16 September 2019: @MitchelHoob I call them quangos. It's a fun word and it implies the truth.
- 16 September 2019: My comment is very pertinent. She's trying to get nationwide money off the Kavanaugh thing. There aren't enough hyperpartisan types in Maine for her to target the ad in Maine.
- 16 September 2019: Sorry you have to go through that, especially given your passion.
- 16 September 2019: He has one of these episodes every couple years. You're either on the side of truth and justice or you die tired.
- 16 September 2019: Perhaps Andrew Anglin has a soft spot for the Me Too movement and strong moral objections to romancing teenage girls? Anglin is either a feminist or dead to rights. We'll all know soon enough.
- 16 September 2019: The coup de grace is coming. Proverbs 28:1
- 16 September 2019: The only alternative is that they sabotaged the only major anti-establishment, anti-immigration campaign after Trump, FOR FREE. It was done in a very coordinated manner, with every major e-celeb endorsing the Kavanaugh-style manufactured sex scandal as gospel on cue.
- 16 September 2019: Daily Stormer and others were paid by Operation Birmingham through Ricky Vaughn to sabotage Roy Moore's grassroots support.
- 16 September 2019: He's sort of like Guaido now, having shot his wad prematurely against his better judgment. DS is already over. It's just a matter of how long it limps along before folding up.
- 16 September 2019: Weev's scheme fell apart because Whitefish, Cville, and Trump's underperformance all forced him to scramble from a back office coup to an open coup before he was ready.
- 16 September 2019: Because you submit to the basilisk and serve it with distinction at a later date, obviously.
- 16 September 2019: People were intimated by weev into intimidating others, until only a handful of stubborn autists among the major nodes remained uncooperative.
- 16 September 2019: I don't take the AI fan fiction seriously, but I do believe it's an apt analogy for how "fractional reserve fear" can achieve incredible leverage.
- 16 September 2019: > see a great post by a beloved friend > literally laugh out loud > run around neighborhood showing it to friends and family > wipe a lone tear from my eye because the post literally made my day > scroll
- 16 September 2019: Roko's Basilisk is a hypothetical machine which eternally tortures everyone who failed to help create it or interfered with its creation. The minute you hear about RB or weev, you've been entered into a nightmarish game.
- 16 September 2019: Be sure to check me out on the latest Sovereign Citizen Fails compilation. The officer who tried to notify me about my marker lights got a mouthful about how I'm going to take righteous revenge on his kids before I woke up drenched in my own blood and urine.
- 16 September 2019: RT @MatthewParrott: @lamgavf @ItsAllBurning @Zero_Schizo It is all entirely weev's idea and plan to turn what was a fun and funny satirical…
- 16 September 2019: It is all entirely weev's idea and plan to turn what was a fun and funny satirical website into a real life Roko's Basilisk which tries to torture to death anybody and everybody who refuses to suck weev's dick.
- 16 September 2019: For me, that blinding wave of nausea right as you've passed the point of no return with vomiting is ohio.
- 16 September 2019: Did you know that the Wright Brothers and Colonel Sanders were secretly hoosiers?
- 16 September 2019: If I was a "buckeye," I would spend as much time as possible visiting other states, too.
- 16 September 2019: Women make less money because they choose a different work/life balance and are intrinsically not as competitive. Not every inequality is an inequity, king.
- 16 September 2019: Tourism? What in the world is there to look at in Ohio?
- 16 September 2019: She's getting disowned if she identifies as a Floridian.
- 16 September 2019: My toddler is playing with dolls, but periodically running them over with a monster truck. Not sure what this bodes for her identity in the coming decades.
- 16 September 2019: "As some of you know, many of you suspect, and mamaw here found out because she doesn't know how to knock, I am a furry fetishist."
- 16 September 2019: Wait. So you're saying that you and another dude actually kiss and spoon each other? Unironically? Who put you up to this? Are you being blackmailed? Was it a dare?
- 16 September 2019: What's nice about helping perpetuate an evil empire that requires a constant supply of blood for the blood gods?
- 16 September 2019: I
- 16 September 2019: Her campaign is trying to raise money, not win the election. Getting money from all the confused cat ladies who think Brett is a rapist isn't an honorable living, but it is a living.
- 16 September 2019: A commitment to free speech so radical that you're willing to defend the works of child sex predators is pretty bold. You also openly defend my right to say the n-word, right? Will you defend to the death my right to say the n-word?
- 16 September 2019: Just hurry up and invade Iran already so that we can get our imperial warmonger asses kicked so hard that we can become a nation again.
- 16 September 2019: The SPLC and Washington Post were more measured in their reporting on the incident.
- 16 September 2019: He's intelligent; gifted, even. But he's a wordpress website admin who's caused far more mayhem with his anti-social scheming than with his exploits.
- 16 September 2019: weev's entire shtick is designed to impress the living hell out of a journalist. He makes them feel like they're in a Batman film, that his intelligence is as limitless as his maniacal urge to cause mayhem.
- 16 September 2019: The oligarchs can't really be held accountable. You might catch an Epstein here or a Sackler family member there. But by and large, the families and their money will slip away to the next host as easily as they slipped to us a couple generations before.
- 16 September 2019: We will necessarily accept a temporary but real decline in the nation's wealth any and every time a real play is made to hold the oligarchs accountable. It is a painful ransom that must be paid, the price of freedom and survival.
- 16 September 2019: Are we playing this game where Argentineans and Colombians and Peruvians aren't Mexicans?
- 16 September 2019: Yup. I called it. You're some kind of Mexican.
- 16 September 2019: As previously stated, I don't care where you're from. If I had to guess from your moralizing tone, you're a white presenting latino.
- 16 September 2019: Your ancestors built America. America is made entirely out of cotton, and I fully agree with that. I wish to hand you all the infrastructure, all the federal treasury, and every major city in exchange for a reservation of our own.
- 16 September 2019: Because I'll see to it. I am not morally obligated to have sex with you, to be your friend, to share your identity. I opt out of this crazy social experiment I'm being subjected to.
- 16 September 2019: This explains what happens to all my partners. The plates of the skull are already fused, but their brains are rapidly growing because of the microchimerism with my genes for extreme intelligence, ...resulting in generalized mental health issues.
- 16 September 2019: I was indeed cheated on, which made me an unknowing and unwilling cuckold of trusted friends and family for a brief spell. Imagining that having been cheated on ruins the man is misandrist and myopic.
- 16 September 2019: And it's not just about the ruined standing of e-celebs, but about the ability to raise money and support for men who urgently need legal aid. It's about the ability to develop useful networks for good works. It's about a general erosion of trust, movementwide.
- 16 September 2019: In all this the men who merely accept rumors at face value, the men who hear drama and condemn all who are fighting without discerning the nature of the fight, are the raw material weev relied upon to inflict all his damage.
- 16 September 2019: Hunter deserves special praise here, as weevglin haven't even gotten to him yet. He wasn't even targeted and doesn't depend on anybody else who's being targeted.
- 16 September 2019: Those who fault me or Hunter Wallace for responding to these attacks rather than "taking the high road" are asking me to shut up and choke, and to remain silent as other good activists are choked.
- 16 September 2019: I was the very first, and it was chilling to have the majority of men in the cause I've thrown my life into turn their backs on me overnight, on one mysterious new guy's word.
- 16 September 2019: Honestly, I can't deny that I'm more than a little bit glad that weev has gone on to launch several other bullshit character assassination campaigns after mine.
- 16 September 2019: I think the exact moment it all went to shit was when Anglin had the all-star attorney advise him that he's absolutely fucked on his defensive whitefish lawsuit.
- 15 September 2019: His only lasting contribution was his voiceover of Rockwell's children's book. That's probably all our fate, some minor thing we didn't give much thought eclipsing all our "serious" work.
- 15 September 2019: Craig Dillard. I've posted very infrequently, because I'm allergic to forums. Though I do stan Linder
- 15 September 2019: Yeah. I'm a fan of a lot of Edgar's work. But "the feds set me up" is such an easy copout for any dissident who's got himself in a predicament.
- 15 September 2019: What's important for them is to signal to their friends and higher ups that they're fighting Parrott, who is a bad man, with all the subtlety of a Lifetime Special Presentation.
- 15 September 2019: These guys with zero followers get on here and chortle in my replies about my stahlhelm and costume, completely unaware that I never wore a stahlhelm or costume. Objective, demonstrable reality is no match for their incestuous little echo chamber.
- 15 September 2019: Within the Stormer BBS, I'm a cosplay pervert who lives in a trailer. Spencer is unbearably trashy, Trump is /ourguy/, weev isn't jewish, and their plan to take over the GOP is still on track.
- 15 September 2019: Forums absolutely always result in bizarre rabbinical cults with contrived lexicon, slang, frames, and narratives that eventually renders a man entirely incapable of communicating outside of the pressurized bubble.
- 15 September 2019: The whole thing is actually circular, though. You would know that already if you were on my level.
- 15 September 2019: Why doesn't Saudi Arabia respond its damn self? Why is there assumption that it's our job to insert ourselves into every conflict?
- 15 September 2019: I'm Level Zero.
- 15 September 2019: Hail Peron!
- 15 September 2019: I don't know if there's a way to do it without opening a mummy's tomb of stale movement drama.
- 15 September 2019: Early on, I was giddy about the imageboard community's ability to influence and transform white nationalism. I stopped being excited when Anglin pivoted and started talking and acting exactly like Jamie Kelso.
- 15 September 2019: It would require an extensive lecture to impart all the complexities of it.
- 15 September 2019: real hbd hours
- 15 September 2019: > repeats the question in a shrill, high-pitched voice, affecting the mannerisms of a man with cerebral palsy
- 15 September 2019: Stormfront was just about as politically correct in its own way as anything these SJWs are serving up. I tried repeatedly to get along there and just kept getting shut down for violating the silliest taboos.
- 15 September 2019: A lot of you new guys don't remember how oppressively miserable, moralizing, conservative, white knighting, and obsessed with optics white nationalism was before 2015.
- 15 September 2019: Imageboards brought the good and the bad from their community with them, and the path forward is a synthesis where we learn to make fun of women and make jokes again without the nihilism, sex tourism garbage, and incel rage.
- 15 September 2019: In a broader, systemic sense, I see what happened as an invasion from 4chan that tought white nationalists to stop being stuffy white knighting tone police and have fun.
- 15 September 2019: It's the same reason Biden and Dubya were likable. There's a childish joie de vivre people connect with.
- 15 September 2019: @RWSockAccount The saxophone is cringe, but I guarantee you he'd be hitting CBD vapes with you and gleefully sharing home remedies for your lice problem that he learned back in his Arkansas trailer park days.
- 15 September 2019: Is there anybody more intrinsically, universally likable than Bill? I mean, if he just barged into my house right now, I'd try to pin him on the sex trafficking at first but end up laughing along with him about nineties nostalgia over some beers.
- 15 September 2019: On it.
- 15 September 2019: I figured it out in 2015, after spending years defending what appeared to be thoughtful imageboard humor. I figured it out because weev published a series of hit pieces on myself, Spencer, and pretty much a who's-who of the people with the clout capable of resisting his coup.
- 15 September 2019:
- 15 September 2019: You're high on your own supply, bud. DS and their friends incessantly posted the same photos of a guy who's not me over and over and over again as part of a dishonest campaign to portray me and my project as unbearably unfashionable.
- 15 September 2019: I wear my tradworker "costume" to work every day. I wore my tradworker "costume" to work long before tradworker. We wore helmets for safety. Calm down about the ironic stahlhelm one guy wore one time.
- 15 September 2019: Nah. Let's just be ourselves, with each of us appealing organically to whatever classes and subcultures we naturally belong to. Our weakness is logistics, then resources.
- 15 September 2019: You hang out on the family farm with your district attorney?
- 15 September 2019: I existed in the movement for half a decade before even meeting Heimbach. Of course, 98.6% of these people rolled up AFTER Trump won the nomination.
- 15 September 2019: I have never once worn a costume or a stahlhelm, but there's an entire large faction of the movement who know me as the guy who marches in circles in a polyester costume and unironic stahlhelm.
- 15 September 2019: Everything ultimately boils down to aesthetics.
- 15 September 2019: You'll note that the AmNats constantly showed the same photos of my morbidly obese friends (who are very bright and well read), while pointedly dodging a straight debate with me.
- 15 September 2019: That's how you win against somebody who's correct. You rely on theatrics, misdirection, aesthetic nitpicking, and carefully selecting targets with contrived bits.
- 15 September 2019: Ultimately, you're right. But I do believe we should put up a good debate force, even if it's just a ceremonial thing, like the Olympics.
- 15 September 2019: No. SHE... > pushes glasses up on his nose and clears his throat ... doesn't ACTUALLY address our core concerns, and sticks with the weak spots.
- 15 September 2019: Name someone better than CP at dissecting the altright. I actually heartily agree with Daryl's message, that hating rank strangers is a shitty way to live. We don't need guys hateful and stupid enough to be susceptible to his critique, anyway. We'll pick up those types later.
- 15 September 2019: I'm convinced it's a flex, and winning is pretending you don't notice she has her boobs exposed in a comically awkward manner.
- 15 September 2019: The only two who don't suck ass at it, the black jazz guy and CP, have both been attacked by antifa and canceled for being too sensible and relatable.
- 15 September 2019: Black Gallagher: The comic with an insatiable appetite for his own props.
- 15 September 2019: ContraPoints was funded lavishly in no small part for her ability to debate us. The money is out there. It's just damn hard work.
- 15 September 2019: All these women trying to dredge up recovered memories from the eighties can sit down. The true victims of Brett Kavanaugh are the Republican voters who got slipped a beltway moderate instead of a solid conservative justice.
- 15 September 2019: This is neocon propaganda. There are no human rights crises. This doesn't really involve America. These people are paid to trick you into supporting foreign involvements that are profitable for them.
- 15 September 2019: I see no evidence that he's being chased, and not much indication that they're inclined to prioritize him as a threat. They're far more interested in RAM, Proud Boys, and tangible real world dissidents.
- 15 September 2019: I'll need to see if my handler will spot me for it.
- 15 September 2019: Real Michiganders insist that they're "From Detroit." Doesn't matter where in Michigan. Dudes from Iron Mountain think they grew up on 8 Mile.
- 15 September 2019: @deradpeezy , a cop is trying to speak with me. Could you ask Mr Finkelstein to act as my attorney in this exchange?
- 15 September 2019: 👋🏾
- 15 September 2019: "Indianans"? You're definitely a cop.
- 15 September 2019: Omfg fuck this map!!!
- 15 September 2019: You'll need to take it up with TRS. I have nothing to do with them.
- 15 September 2019: Excuse me?
- 15 September 2019: Intelligence only serves to help you dig the hole deeper if you're a slave to fear, paranoia, egomania, and ukrainian preteens.
- 15 September 2019: I have gone on record stating that the TRS strategy is stupid and the Hunter Wallace strategy of aggressively responding is smart. Jayoh was obviously bullshitting. Why he was bullshitting a long ass time ago, ... I don't know.
- 15 September 2019: Ask them. I'm not TRS. I've never been TRS. But even if the worst framing if Jayoh is true, it's rich coming from serial liars with their own peculiar dealings in the past.
- 15 September 2019: Votes should be weighted according to how many dependents you claim on your taxes, minus yourself.
- 15 September 2019: These people will not just go away if you ignore them. And that's much easier to recommend when you're not in the cross hairs. Hunter Wallace has the right approach: Fire back with comprehensive expositions that deliver a complete lifecycle review of the conflict.
- 15 September 2019: I don't like those fat bitches at the post office, either. But, you know, sometimes there's some superficial interaction with them. It doesn't mean I'm in cahoots with the postmaster.
- 15 September 2019: This is all of a piece. I have no SPLC contact and they have no proof. None. They just make shit up. All they've got is me angrily stating that I'm not involved in politics anymore when I received a call from a random number.
- 15 September 2019: I'm not even sure if Anglin and weev knew that organizing and hosting a legal, permitted event categorically requires "talking to cops."
- 15 September 2019: Thanksgiving is going to be a blast now that he's been "canceled" by his own social justice mob! 🤣
- 15 September 2019: There is nothing more irritating than being asked to help with a project, helping, and then having the project angrily inform you that you've been fired because they have it from a "very reputable source" that you're an evil spy.
- 15 September 2019: Don't take legal advice from paranoid fugitives. Weev isn't actually even being chased, but he's still running. Don't speak directly to the intelligence community, either. Take legal advice from LAWYERS. Pay them money to help you. They're less scummy than feds.
- 15 September 2019: The buffoonery of Weev's approach is that they've made international fugitives of themselves over CIVIL LAWSUITS. Re-read that until it sinks in. They can never see their families again over some potential wage garnishments. That's hysterical, in both senses of the term.
- 15 September 2019: I yelled at cops during Charlottesville. Heaphy never asked to speak with us. The feds never reached out to me following Charlottesville, either. They can speak with me with my attorney present if they insist.
- 15 September 2019: You're damn right that I talked to cops before Charlottesville. Heimbach and I spoke with the local cops at length, coming up with a standard event plan not unlike every other event I've organized.
- 15 September 2019: The Parrott Strategy dodges all the elaborate games that come with dealing with intelligence guys. The sheriff can tell the FBI what you told him, and vice-versa. Cantwell has recently taken to involving feds in movement drama, which speaks to his need for a long sabbatical.
- 15 September 2019: As for "talking to cops," there is the Cantwellite approach of generally trusting the intelligence community and the Stormerite approach of behaving like a drug cartel. The solution is simple: Talk to local cops when appropriate about immediate legal and logistical issues.
- 15 September 2019: Weev's plan is to hijack and redirect the white power movement to help him achieve revenge on the federal government that imprisoned him. Weev hates you and thinks you're gross and stupid and is using you as his private army.
- 15 September 2019: IT is a critical chokepoint in any modern organization. That being said, I have only pulled that card to get my way one single time, and I won't be apologizing about it, either. 😉 The ACTUAL bad actor needed to chase me off to achieve his plan. So I was "badjacketed."
- 15 September 2019: Weev is out to get me, partially because he knows I have helped with several movement websites. I actually stopped offering to help and removed myself from every third party site back in 2015 when he first started the rumor that I'm a fed backdooring them.
- 15 September 2019: This is especially illuminating given that I was told for years that there's not an elaborate campaign by that lunatic to destroy me. I retain a cloud of distrust and suspicion that will linger long after the perp has been proven a fraud.
- 15 September 2019: One side effect of Anglin having literally never socialized in the movement is that he had no real grasp of the subcultures. He still thinks TWP was a nineties skinhead gang.
- 15 September 2019: > checks notes If you've ever been cheated on by a woman, you are permanently ruined and disqualified from public life and must dedicate your life to experiencing grave personal shame.
- 15 September 2019: RamZPaul made a video dedicated to this subject. Personally, I think everybody got frightened out of groups by the problems groups bring, and are now choking on the converse problem, which is worse.
- 15 September 2019:
- 15 September 2019: There's nothing to introspect. Our movement is nothing but vulnerabilities. Anybody with some moxie can just stroll in and be a major player.
- 15 September 2019: Nope. Lots of international travel and trade and even cultural influences. So much of the lore about the ethnostate was by supremacists who really do just hate the rest of the world. I love foreigners and stuff. I just demand a homeland for me and mine.
- 15 September 2019: I'm not so sure. Rameses II is still getting dunked on pretty hard.
- 15 September 2019: I get the impression he was Drew as a kid, André in his hip hop phase, and is now Andrew. He'll be "Andy" in his "peace activist" motivational speaker phase.
- 15 September 2019: There will be a basic rating system and the state will partially finance some more patriotic and wholesome fare, but I don't think it's best for politicians to interfere too much in the arts.
- 15 September 2019: I see something life-affirming in youthful cluelessness. What an awful world this would be if we actually took all of it as seriously as we're supposed to.
- 15 September 2019: Right. The same thing that's happening to food is happening with sexuality, art, and everything else. More and more to offer, with less and less essence and substance.
- 15 September 2019: The problem with you and Karl is that the finance capitalists are the problem, not the market and its participants, who are largely amoral and often productive.
- 15 September 2019: Modern food is made with deliberately low nutrient density, so the body keeps hungering for "empty" food to meet its quota of poorly understood micronutrients. Meat, ancient grains, offal, and quitting soft drinks helps.
- 15 September 2019: @ScottTerry111 It's false, and belongs to the same category of bad dietary lore as the myth that eating fats makes you fat.
- 14 September 2019: Having all my friends disappear and all the AmNat scum who had blocked me reappear brought out my sassy side!
- 14 September 2019: Are you even able to access the archives?
- 14 September 2019: If you want to risk missing out on my hot takes the next time the bastards shut me down.
- 14 September 2019: I'm certainly glad I didn't end up in the middle of that again! 😂
- 14 September 2019: I just returned from a seven day meditation and social media detox retreat. It was profoundly fulfilling to not be bickering, feuding, and wasting my day popping off vapid viral zingers.
- 5 September 2019: None of my friends believed me that I had a super hot adult girlfriend who lives in another state.
- 5 September 2019: Mine was an idle sport where I attempted to bullshit women into sending candid nudes, and I ended up catching more than I bargained for. My parents naturally assumed I was doing impressive genius stuff with my computer in my bedroom.
- 5 September 2019: This is pretty much the bipartisan elite platform and program already.
- 5 September 2019: ContraPoints' "dead name" is Nick Parrott.
- 5 September 2019: Same with Blaire White. Went from being able to have the fire marshal called on any gay bar he entered to a passable girl next door. He had a bit of an advantage, being less masculine than Nick to begin with.
- 5 September 2019: Starting with his looks, he could have gone in for transpossum surgery and end up an aesthetically attractive opossum.
- 5 September 2019: Every trans person who "pulls it off" was, without exception, more sexy with a higher SMV before the operation. Blaire White and Natalie Wynn were especially handsome, intelligent, and charming men.
- 5 September 2019: Forget the chromosomes, rights, traditions, or the state of surgical technology. Trans is integrally, essentially, ...unsexy.
- 5 September 2019: In the final hours of the kali yuga, it'll be our most base and animalian instincts which affirm our humanity, as the beast cannot be fully exorcised from man.
- 5 September 2019: It's integrally beholden to authentic vitality, virility, health, and primordial primate power dynamics that can't be socially engineered.
- 5 September 2019: It's all the terrible off brand smokes.
- 5 September 2019: Was it clear who pursued first?
- 5 September 2019: Imagine a cross between Lolita and The Notebook, with the genders reversed, with Klan rallies. But nobody voted for the autobiography.
- 5 September 2019: I'm still nowhere near figuring out how I feel about the whole thing. I married her later on as an adult. That was the wife in the ICU.
- 5 September 2019: It's hard to feel like the victim when I was the one relentlessly conspiring to hunt the helpless thing down like a wounded gazelle.
- 5 September 2019: I'm all for discouraging it, it being illegal, and making fun of Macron. It's not a good thing. But I don't believe it's fair to equate it with the gender inverse.
- 5 September 2019: I snagged a woman who was exactly 25 when I was exactly 14. Creepy coincidence.
- 5 September 2019: We've missed out on some incredible optics.
- 5 September 2019: I wonder why he has me blocked.
- 5 September 2019: This is 2019 in a nutshell.
- 5 September 2019: Don't kill yourself until after I get around to a complete review and critique of your work, which merits a comprehensive rebuttal.
- 5 September 2019: You tell Alex to kiss my ass!
- 5 September 2019: I want my dollar back.
- 5 September 2019: At least it can't possibly get any more cringe than this, right?
- 5 September 2019: I'm suggesting, romantically, that Dostoyevsky's challenge to his framework triggered his nervous breakdown. I can't be trusted this closely to my religion for objective analysis, as hugging the horse is at the center of my worldview.
- 5 September 2019: That's what my bullshit sounds like to people who don't like politics.
- 5 September 2019: This man's striking at the root.
- 5 September 2019: The ChiComs are fully aware of the impressive extent of their hard power, and will fall back on it to mainland acclaim if truly startled. But they're trying to use this as a laboratory to try out their soft power gamesmanship.
- 5 September 2019: She looks like a dwarf whose parents tried to make her a normal height by pulling on her head.
- 5 September 2019: When their mission in life is to assimilate into the globalist transnational elite, they most certainly do.
- 5 September 2019: Every single Christian alive today but me understands it wrong and Fred's roast is pretty much on point for them.
- 5 September 2019: It's probably bullshit, but I like to think that Nietzsche's breakdown in Turin was directly inspired by the horse scene in Crime & Punishment. Dostoyevsky had gotten his point across.
- 5 September 2019: I was almost thirty. I had read it in my teens, but was re-reading it to refine my argument that Christianity is actually the solution to the crisis of ressentiment rather than the cause.
- 5 September 2019: I tried muttering something like that, to no avail.
- 5 September 2019: I feel like that might have been less offensive to this lady.
- 5 September 2019: It's Twitter. Debates are supposed to have an element of rap battle to them. You have a pleasant evening.
- 5 September 2019: About a decade ago, I was spending the night in the ICU with my chronically ill wife, when this sweet black nurse started talking about how great reading is and asked me what I'm reading. Nietzsche's The Anti-Christ. She was absolutely horrified, and I looked like a monster.
- 5 September 2019: You keep tilting at abstract phantoms while real groups of people are clearly, directly, and openly pursuing their group interests.
- 5 September 2019: Degeneracy is central here, as you're trying to frame a general decline in morals as some sort of libertarian ideological project. And TRS 2016 ripped off Matt Parrott 2009.
- 5 September 2019: The vast majority of gambling in the United States is literally OPERATED by the state governments.
- 5 September 2019: My point stands that libertarianism has not been a primary force in GOP politics, as evidenced by the cancerous growth and expansion of the state at their hands.
- 5 September 2019: You're going to run circles around me on 50s-era political inside baseball, given that you got separated from the rest of your party on an ill fated climbing expedition in 1959, then trapped in a glacier.
- 4 September 2019: No. That's degeneracy. Ideological libertarianism is less government and less government interference. Gambling as a government controlled and operated racket is pretty much the polar opposite of libertarian theory.
- 4 September 2019: China loses face internationally, Taiwan digs in, "moderate rebels" achieve a solid platform.
- 4 September 2019: Taft conservatism deserved to die. Read Revilo P. Oliver for the insider story on what actually happened to the bircher bitches.
- 4 September 2019: I'm not paying attention to you right now because you haven't been paying attention to politics. At all. This whole framework, of earnest intellectual schools jostling for power, is for freshman polisci midwits.
- 4 September 2019: Does your family know you're still alive? What was it like being trapped in a glacier for several years?
- 4 September 2019: Everything you're doing wrong is because you're a bad person. Everything I'm doing wrong is on account of myriad factors and forces that I'm powerless to resist.
- 4 September 2019: There is no libertarian intellectual movement pulling off a gramscian march through the institutions. That's utter fantasy. The only people with more freedom are degenerates and the finance capitalists. Small businesses and the petit bourgeois are more fucked than ever.
- 4 September 2019: I think they're getting a lot of international attention because Beijing is setting a trap for them. We'll see. And, yes, we need to watch carefully to see how the state of dissidence is evolving.
- 4 September 2019: History is a Sybian™, and I'm sitting athwart it yelling, "Stop!"
- 4 September 2019: The culture that bore the modern conservative is money and butt stuff. We're at that point in the abyss where there's nothing to conserve except for money and butt stuff. This mentality must be rejected in favor of a Radical Traditionalist embrace of first principles.
- 4 September 2019: Conservatives are just degenerates who don't want their money invested in schools and hospitals and the poors.
- 4 September 2019: Beijing has no choice but to give them enough rope to hang themselves. They know that a brutal crackdown is exactly what the dissidents need for their narrative.
- 4 September 2019: > open a door at the lab > frightful human centipede writhing around on the floor "My God! I must do something! I'll save you!" > head of centipede raises his finger "Ackshully... We prefer this." > other segments give thumbs up > close door and mind my own business
- 4 September 2019: The West is descriptive, never prescriptive. It's the shadow of what whites in the shadow of The Roman Empire do. Whatever I am and whatever I do is "The West."
- 4 September 2019: I fully agree that the natural gas company should be compelled by law to ensure that the gay hottub receives prompt and reliable service.
- 4 September 2019: Nobody is arguing that natural monopolies, like utility companies, should be allowed to discriminate. Apples and oranges.
- 4 September 2019: I have my doubts that it's all that impressive to the target audience at this point.
- 4 September 2019: Mansplaining is my calling in life.
- 4 September 2019: Every "incel" is a volcel who hasn't raised his/her effort or lowered his/her standards enough.
- 4 September 2019: But I had his WORD! 😂
- 4 September 2019: The PA Hypothesis fails go account for the primordial ethnogenic process underway. When you realize that White American elites are trying to graft into a transracial global elite. They wish to pass off their colonial sins to the white folk and then leave it behind.
- 4 September 2019: I went with 15 to avoid any perverts. It made sense at the time.
- 4 September 2019: This, but you don't need to be quite as larpy. So much of expenses are needless social signaling nonsense anyway.
- 4 September 2019: When I was 14, I had trouble getting my winmodem to work on the slackware distro on my 486 box. Finally, after weeks of troubleshooting, I signed on to #linux as Jenny15 and had literally dozens of creeps eagerly helping me out.
- 4 September 2019: The whole point of Christianity is that any and all extrinsic humiliation this world may bring is meaningless. Christians need only concern themselves with intrinsic humiliation, ... like your corrupting the ancient faith with modern social fads.
- 4 September 2019: The Church absolutely can and does make mistakes, and has often done so throughout its history. I make mistakes, too. One mistake I haven't made is refusing to apologize for or betray my kin to globalism.
- 4 September 2019: I'm in a heated feud with Spencer over whether to be cozy or formal. I need all the allies I can get.
- 4 September 2019: Political internet is an "implicitly male space." Women are welcome, but are not welcome to feminize the space.
- 4 September 2019: The church can win its way back to me by apologizing for blatant ethnophyletism.
- 4 September 2019: You're mixing up my IRL rules with my IRC rules. On the internet, I treat everyone like a dude, even when they're probably not. Nothing I have said to any women on here would sound gay if said to a dude.
- 4 September 2019: I'm old enough to remember a halcyon age when it was only ugly neckbeards like myself. And then came the flood. 😢
- 4 September 2019: If he was a mainstream republican, I'm going to go ahead and assume he fully supports nuking from orbit any and all critique of the organized jewish community, no matter how restrained or warranted. American Conservatives have an equally aggressive cancel culture, no?
- 4 September 2019: Broke: I'm losing because of Jews. Woke: I will win despite the Jews. Bespoke: I will win to spite the Jews.
- 4 September 2019: There's some truth in that if you're trying to pick up chicks. If you're just trying to cheer people up and enjoy life, the sub-fives are the way to go.
- 4 September 2019: I haven't seen any thottery. PROLLY CUZ UR A DUDE
- 4 September 2019: "Have I seen you before?" "No." "I'm sure I've seen you before..." > scratch chin "Are you the Toys R Us mascot???"
- 4 September 2019: I'm not actually trying to do Stranger Game. I'm just trying to be friendly in public situations. Attractive young women get enough attention, and I am making the world a better place by chatting with chicks who are typically ignored and isolated.
- 4 September 2019: I stand 100% with frustrated losers who are looking to improve their lives. This messaging here, indulging and placating the very mentality that entrapped them in their miserable lives, is vile.
- 4 September 2019: It's not hard to go ahead and signal as a woman and not be a vapid orbiter farmer. I see it happen.
- 4 September 2019: Pence Rule: Hard Mode
- 4 September 2019: I'd probably end up bitchy with strangers, too, tbh. It's the gender equivalent of inner city blacks making small talk. Small town whites have to learn the hard way that you need to be rude because it's very like a hustle.
- 4 September 2019: I only make stranger small talk with dudes or women who are ugly, old, or fat. Any woman who's over a five assumes your small talk is a desperate man's hail mary shot at getting in their precious pants.
- 4 September 2019: It complements the Zoe Quinn story very well, where a guy who tried to date radical feminists got 'd to death. Hard to pity a man who was entirely on board with cancel culture getting canceled.
- 4 September 2019: When the ADL says something is NOT antisemitic, you can take that to the bank!
- 4 September 2019: Nope. But fuck me if I did.
- 4 September 2019: Enjoy the natural and unavoidable consequences of forcing incompatible cultures and identities together. I win either way, just a matter of how and when.
- 4 September 2019: Women choose to sleep with men other than myself. Asians choose not to invite me to their poker nights. Freedom of Association is absolutely vital in a free society and I shouldn't be required to be around people I would rather not be around, and vice-versa.
- 4 September 2019: Yes. That or any other arbitrary bias one may have.
- 4 September 2019: Wedding venues aren't natural monopolies.
- 4 September 2019: Can you please tell Facebook, MasterCard, and PayPal?
- 3 September 2019: We don't agree about whether I should be ALLOWED to disagree with you. Do you not believe that the lady should be allowed to pass on gay and blacked weddings?
- 3 September 2019: The Large Hadron Collider opened up a transdimensional wormhole in the space/time continuum which made racism okay and cool again. Don't get mad at me about it.
- 3 September 2019: Nice to see the replies overwhelmingly supportive.
- 3 September 2019: Where have you been the last four years? White people getting tired of diversity bullshit is the future.
- 3 September 2019: Stop making excuses for yourselves. Nobody is morally obligated to like you or be your friend, guy.
- 3 September 2019: Running is a bit unladylike, donchathink. 🤔
- 3 September 2019: april confirmed for a TERF
- 3 September 2019: > alcoholism > works in a cubicle > implicit conservatism > tailor and dry cleaning bills > tryhard VS > sobriety > fitness > comfort > work from home > effortless
- 3 September 2019: I support Saddam.
- 3 September 2019: We got what we wanted out of him, which was elevating the conversation about how this economy is squeezing the white working class. He isn't going to win, especially after actively attacking his organic base. He's more likely to be deported than elected. 😂
- 3 September 2019: I was hoping someone, somewhere, would appreciate my etymological double entendre.
- 3 September 2019: Kevin Spacey is always the unexpected good guy.
- 3 September 2019:
- 3 September 2019: A talking cow would ruminate on the matter, then politely explain that full veganism would be genocidal for their race. All they ask is for quality of life, quality of feed, and a humane slaughter. Right, @MeghanMcCain ?
- 3 September 2019: They've been trying, in direct response to us, to cool it with some of the more obnoxiously stupid lies. Same with gonzo Holocaust erotica.
- 3 September 2019: The whole thing is aggressively homophobic.
- 3 September 2019: A lot of folks with their minds in the gutter believe that my insisting on naked strategy sessions is some kind of perverted thing, when it's clearly a practical security measure.
- 3 September 2019: VaporTrad is my sweeping metapolitical vision. I was going to write a complete exposition, but everybody wanted a romance novel instead.
- 3 September 2019: "I have been informed that some boofing has been taking place this year. I remind you that you agreed not to boof in the fine print of the registration page and I ask you all to please honor your hword."
- 3 September 2019: Future Seinfeld viewers will find the sneakers normal and the rest of the outfit goofy.
- 3 September 2019: Grandfathered issues are tolerated to die on the vine, while new issues after the rules are clear are handled more decisively.
- 3 September 2019: We tried that one year, but had to revise our plans after the antifa thought we were hippy nudists and we had to spend the whole night surrounded by naked jews carrying on about anarchist theory.
- 3 September 2019: What I do is book a room at the Bell that I just hang out in buck naked during the conference. If you were a true insider, you would already know that.
- 3 September 2019: Fashion is moving in a cozy direction, and everyone in the future except for Nigerians on the make will be wearing pajamas in public. Trying to fight it is a conservative reflex. The VaporTrad approach is to embrace and extend the athleisure revolution
- 3 September 2019: It's Seattle, with Vancouver Island annexed in its entirety to the Chinese.
- 3 September 2019: With society, as with parenting, if you excessively force a matter beyond a certain point, you calibrate an aggressive antithesis. What will be needful is a principled and pragmatic approach that achieves our goals while jibing with our people's moral instincts.
- 3 September 2019: Just follow the Pence Rule, where you limit your interaction with women to sterile office encounters. Not only will this guarantee that you'll never get in trouble with women, but it also keeps them out of the mentorship and networking altogether, so they'll shut up and go away.
- 3 September 2019: You're not the only one who sees this, brother. @HumansOfFlat
- 3 September 2019: You're probably already a fan of my very popular erotic fiction pseudonym and are in for the crossover miracle of your dreams.
- 3 September 2019: Lucas, with the "Lucas room" as the setting.
- 3 September 2019: Passionate love can most certainly take place in a nation with an agile and nuanced approach to the global economy, thriving tourism, smart housing policy, and the (mostly) free exchange of innovation and ideas.
- 3 September 2019: I have it on good authority that plenty of folks who don't meet all the requirements for The Interior share our basic values and will make for fantastic permanent residents.
- 3 September 2019: Our major shipping and trade metro will indeed permit a degree of diversity and inclusion that some will find objectionable. I'll see what I can do on having a WHITES ONLY beach for you.
- 3 September 2019: You'll be so tortured with hope that true love can survive amidst the sweeping societal changes that you'll barely notice a complete roadmap to national sovereignty.
- 3 September 2019: You're just going to have to trust me that it's going to be super duper hawt.
- 3 September 2019: In my novel, the families in the interior have all sorts of aggressive incentives to get big, while the cosmopolitan urbanites don't. The same scary math that could kill us works the other way, too. Amish double every twenty years.
- 3 September 2019: In my romance novel I started working on (by popular demand), the ethnostate has a coastal city where non white permanent residents and blended families can rent property (not own) and go about normal lives, with large regions in the interior they can't even rent.
- 3 September 2019: What people don't see is the other side of this equation, where I am shitty. And it's why I don't mix well in insider circles. These things should be out there so people aren't being conned or compromised.
- 3 September 2019: I'm thankful when somebody who doesn't have my 100% pure bavarian phenotype and squeaky clean bio are on my side, and I welcome as much engagement and support as their situation permits.
- 2 September 2019: I believe the product should be clearly labeled, and I get shitty about these things when they're secrets. But my inclination when the person fully disclaims is to be pragmatic and supportive of them.
- 2 September 2019: Not to throw shade at my imaginary friends on here. Honestly, the support and encouragement I've received in the past couple years from my family, my real community, and y'all as well has been a real white pill.
- 2 September 2019: I created a bit of a compound in my hometown, buying a property with rentals that I put "my people" on. Turns out some folks who agreed with my internet bullshit weren't actually "my people."
- 2 September 2019: I believe a lot of the stuff I appear to be soft or pragmatic about is on account of going about the herculean task of translating my position from an edgy internet meme into the real world.
- 2 September 2019: In fact, my local hyper-liberal arch nemesis is a cousin of mine I grew up with, who called a time out and offered to help when I had my recent troubles. We're at each other's throats, and her politics are awful, but there's a humanization there that gets lost elsewhere.
- 2 September 2019: Not to brag, but I'm going to brag. I have this. I have a large and close extended family and a community I'm very integrated in. When the global media came down on my town demanding they perform a witch hunt, they refused, while refusing to endorse my bullshit, of course.
- 2 September 2019: It's certainly not a Bill-given right.
- 2 September 2019: If you want friends in politics, get a DOG.
- 2 September 2019: My shadowy inner circle of "higher ups" is my mom, my wife, and my toddler. Even Tony is locked out.
- 2 September 2019: They privately roasted him for being boring and repetitive, with no substantive ideas. He publicly roasted them back with the same charge. There's no red meat with the whole thing.
- 2 September 2019: Larry is equally cliquish, shitting all over other ecelebs he thinks are beneath him, kissing DS's asses, and being angry that he's not in a lame inner circle. I don't see why I would want to be on either side with this one.
- 2 September 2019: If somebody's story involves an endless string of bad people who did them wrong, you're lined up to be the next bad people. To understand how a man works, ask him about how another man works, then read between the lines. Never take nudes. Ever. For anyone.
- 2 September 2019: I really wish @rooshv would use his coming to Jesus moment to be the gifted guy who can redeem the perfectly salvageable mentorship of young men to succeed at courtship.
- 2 September 2019: Weed causes brain damage and triggers schizophrenia in a significant subset of the population. The fact that other things people do are unhealthy and gay doesn't make weed not unhealthy and gay.
- 2 September 2019: We need to all wear zoot suits is what I'm trying to say here.
- 2 September 2019: I agree, but I feel like the onus should be on dudes to have more confidence, self respect, and peacocking rather than on hassling women for waxing their unibrow.
- 2 September 2019: At some point, I crossed the line between merely not finding conservatism useful to actively despising anything and everything that serves to signal conservative leanings.
- 2 September 2019: 😳
- 2 September 2019: She's responding to moly's roastycaust campaign by pointing out that men engage in similar sex market signaling shenanigans. She's not wrong, but I try to stay out of the "bitter about how getting laid works" crossfire.
- 2 September 2019: She's an autistic libertarian girl whose political positioning is stale and stupid, but who's relatively unpozzed for a libertarian. As far as political e-girls go, she's pretty cool.
- 2 September 2019: When I see a man in a suit, I immediately think... > tryhard > young fogey > grifter > confidence scam > funeral I know it's kind of gauche in our circles, but I prefer the silicon valley hoodie and sneakers look.
- 2 September 2019: > gets dragged away like a rogue Truman Show extra
- 2 September 2019: Leftists think about and talk about my penis more than I do. 🤔
- 2 September 2019: People generally come to terms with and learn to move on with life after the untimely death of a first-order relative more rapidly than the dissident right has come to terms with having been screwed by Trump.
- 2 September 2019: Quantum physics helped me understand how I can be a delusional inbred loser AND a grave threat to the very survival of America in the very same hit pieces.
- 2 September 2019: Oh. Huh. Disregard. Douglas Delenda Est.
- 2 September 2019: You cannot declare total war on a target, refuse to retract or apologize, and then complain about the perfectly proportional response. That's patently absurd.
- 2 September 2019: This is a Dodge. Mister Mackey publicly and explicitly called for movement infighting, with the explicit goal of defeating and destroying activists who had done nothing to him.
- 2 September 2019: HE'S A COP!!!!
- 2 September 2019: Awaiting orders, Capitanul.
- 2 September 2019: Ideally, you can get a glance at the driver in order to make the appropriate racial or gender insult, resorting to a homophobic insult if nothing else can be found.
- 2 September 2019: Yup! When we're keeping it family friendly.
- 2 September 2019: They're "trucks." We laugh dismissively at the cars with beds in the back that normies refer to as "trucks."
- 1 September 2019: I ain't got no dog in that fight.
- 1 September 2019: That'd be me if it weren't for modern birth control and planned parenthood!
- 1 September 2019: Not that I'm fixin' to achieve either, here, but I feel that it's natural and appropriate for the most politically impactful men to underperform a bit on spawning. Without some lebensborn scheme to force the issue, there'll always be a trade-off between great men and great dads.
- 1 September 2019: Do my nine non-white children in the foster care system count for nothing???
- 1 September 2019: Crackers who've casually read Heidegger, Evola, and Marx be all like, "basic electronics is way over my head!"
- 1 September 2019: A technology-driven devolution of agency, power, and social influence to organic neo-tribal loci of authority, with a heat death of mass society as humanity reboots in the shadow of the dying empire somewhat similar to life after the Roman Empire.
- 1 September 2019: Yes. We need to be looking beyond civilization as we've always known it. Within the civilizational habitat, we're an obsolete neolithic throwback incapable of scheming as fast as the overclass or breeding as fast as the underclass.
- 1 September 2019: ☝🏻
- 1 September 2019: Think long and hard about whether our culturally and genetically evolving to excel at late civilization is a good idea.
- 1 September 2019: > caucasoid > immigrant > traditional muslim > strives to be more feminine Sounds like the perfect AltRight tradwife!
- 1 September 2019: > how everybody who disagrees with me on any subject looks to me while they're arguing their point
- 1 September 2019: If I reflect on her for too long, I really start to reconsider white genocide.
- 1 September 2019: I did, actually. It's available for free online. The lack of production quality, lack of creative storyboarding, and lack of meaningful insight into the nature, causes, and cures for depression is a secret unbeatable bonus level of depressing.
- 1 September 2019: DepressionQuest: The game that plays you!
- 1 September 2019: It is impossible. I tried to go buy a Chilton's and international jewry charged into the bookstore, kicked me in the balls, and forced me to not learn a valuable skilled trade.
- 1 September 2019: The very same phenomenon which makes them so useless is the ass end of a flexibility of mind which makes us capable of so much.
- 1 September 2019: White men are abstraction-oriented. These men failing to thrive aren't inferior and their passing isn't a darwinian consequence. They were slipped a boot disk with a virus in it.
- 1 September 2019: Literally millions of white people are living successful lives with hot wives, nice jobs, and kids that they're homeschooling. And some of them are even doing it while being openly fascist. It's bad out there, but not paralytically bad.
- 1 September 2019: Jewish power is highly leveraged, "fractional reserve," spread thin, with much of it truly being a bluff.
- 1 September 2019: What's the point of being an Evangelical Loser? Why not just keep your giving up to yourself? Vanity.
- 1 September 2019: Daily Stormer is still platformed, fam. They literally still have a website with traffic and an audience. Your excuses are fake and you know it.
- 1 September 2019: Even if you're correct, it's weak to roll over and die rather than getting yourself defeated the honorable way.
- 1 September 2019: You roll yourself right up in that weighted blanket of self-satisfied, unfalsifiable bullshit.
- 1 September 2019: Then how does my fat, ugly ass have a good job, a good wife, and a platform? Because I'm hustling while you're sniffling, mayhaps?
- 1 September 2019: It's like young white men are jealous that everybody else gets excused for failure, rather than taking ownership of the tremendous amount of agency they do indeed have to transform both themselves and the world.
- 1 September 2019: Boomer Man's own flaws don't negate his observation.
- 1 September 2019: The world truly is bursting with opportunity, adventure, cash money, and hot local single girls who want to have their baby. Nothing actually stands in their way but the toxic nihilism and defeatism they've internalized from their bitter single moms and anti white culture.
- 1 September 2019: None of the normies I've spoken to think it stops with Epstein, but all my normie circles are Trumpy types. My life is devoid of shitlibs.
- 1 September 2019: The fact that we don't get answers with Epstein is really better than answers, like a big brain film that leaves the viewer angrily grasping for answers as the credits roll.
- 1 September 2019: All's well that ends well for me, and whatever happened, the entire opera from start to finish was a literal and figurative orgy of derp state corruption and Jewish privilege.
- 1 September 2019: Did you know more skilled tradesmen eager to give young men a successful future have hit up The Foundry than young men actually looking for a future? It's disturbing.
- 1 September 2019: Can you point to any good articles describing the situation in more detail and nuance than the epic video? I've read extensively on Postville, and that case most certainly fits my "retarded narrative."
- 1 September 2019: One hard part of trucking that never gets easier is getting a call with instructions from a dead sleep. I need my Quantum Leap Minute to figure out who I am and what's going on. "Yeah. We need you in dock 14, through the blue gate with the red form in the yellow packet."
- 1 September 2019: @Gregory_Malchuk is a worthy follow, for more than just the privates business.
- 1 September 2019: Just what I needed right before bed.
- 1 September 2019: Autists are latter day Nephilim, aka Neanderthal Man.
- 1 September 2019: We are ALL Gregory Malchuk. 🚫✂️
- 1 September 2019: How strongly do you oppose MGM (Male Genital Mutilation)?
- 1 September 2019: Gradually, Ed began to hate them.
- 1 September 2019: Just go to the places with no "hope" or "jobs." The places Kevin Williamson and Ben Shapiro lectures everybody to leave. God protects the chastity of his favored women by making them homely and He protects his favored towns by closing down all their factories and businesses.
- 1 September 2019: I had to force the habit given all the silly digital death threats, but my hometown is definitely that kind of party.
- 1 September 2019: I accept the gross nature of the human experience, and enjoy peanut butter with 3% maggots, and eat spiders while I'm sleeping, and stuff. But why perform a social ritual that serves no purpose other than spraying germs on me?
- 1 September 2019: I refuse to wash my hands in restrooms without paper towels. Check the research, the air dryers just spray aerosolized stranger feces on your moistened hands. Nope!
- 1 September 2019:
- 1 September 2019: @Indian_Bronson @BCSportsFans @ubermensch11111 @RichardBSpencer The white lie of Trump's campaign is that somehow a hero had emerged, a truly wealthy and powerful coastal oligarch who actually believed in and supported the American folk.
- 1 September 2019: Spencer looks to Europe, Dubya looks to Latin America, and nobody looks to Indiana. We're forsaken by a world that blames us for our elites and elites who seek to scapegoat us for their own moral crimes against the neoliberal order.
- 1 September 2019: America's managerial and mercantile classes have fully disowned their martial and menial classes, drifting instead into their conception of a global elite.
- 31 August 2019: The guy who put a spy cam in the men's bathroom to see men pissing is pretty judgmental for a guy who puts spy cams in the men's bathroom to see men pissing.
- 31 August 2019: Funny how that silly little forgery CALLS IT every. single. time. 🤔
- 31 August 2019: Rockland County GOP is facing down the entirety of Organized Jewry. A thousand non profit organizations and lobbying groups of the Zionist Empire descend upon you! Thermopylae Two: Subdivision Boogaloo
- 31 August 2019: I am prepared to lay down my life in defense of Rockland, wherever the hell that random suburb is.
- 31 August 2019: This is nothing compared to the "all white people are mass murderers" narrative they run with every time it's a white guy. Let's just stop pretending that sharing the same country is going to work and go our separate ways.
- 31 August 2019: Meme magic operates both positively and negatively, and our haters are actively memeing forces and processes into existence which were incubated in their own fevered imaginations.
- 31 August 2019: Western Rite Eastern Catholicism NOW
- 31 August 2019: Eastern Catholicism is based, but what if they find out I'm anglo?
- 31 August 2019: "Bls cause all the crime." > she slips off her nightgown "J cause all the wars" > she unbuttons my shirt "Illegals cause all the unemployment." > she slides off my belt "Vaccines save lives." > she chases me out of the house with the belt
- 31 August 2019: First of all, I know better than to have an opinion on vaccination in the presence of the womenfolk. But if I did, I would point out that the forcer position is a bit more subtle than that, and even to vaccinated can have compromised immune systems for various reasons.
- 31 August 2019: @ClassSocialist @RWSockAccount If they're already frustrated with Francis, you've got the hard part already out of the way: They know there's a problem.
- 30 August 2019: Yup. Or just irritating them to death by continuing to assert that you're an Orthodox Christian anyway. I am an Orthodox Christian.
- 30 August 2019: Forced vaxx protects newborns and those with compromised immune systems from the disease. Even in a Hillary Neolib Utopia, vaccines can't actually protect 100% of the population at all times, but the herd immunity largely would.
- 30 August 2019: Do NOT argue your case in the replies. Anti: They are harmful. Period. Free: Parents choice. Slow: Yes, but not so many/fast. Force: "We live in a society." Do NOT argue your case in the replies.
- 29 August 2019: You're calling me a "liar," like an angry preteen, while demonstrably lying your ass off about me and my record. And you'll delete the tweets and come back with some new bullshit later. It's very tiresome.
- 29 August 2019: I did not say exactly that. We did have it on both coasts, but not at every event and not formally coordinated with the Trump campaign. Literally never said that.
- 29 August 2019: Then catch me lying. I said TWP routinely stood down antifa at trump rallies, which is a matter of record.
- 29 August 2019: @vapingheals @RWSockAccount @bot_juche @TheNewRight4 @ColY06USAF Oh, shit. You are really digging. The NF umbrella project had no charter or legal agreements. Once again, you just keep making random shit up.
- 29 August 2019: I have no association with Cantwell. I had nothing to do with him before his recent erratic behavior. There you go making shit up again.
- 29 August 2019: You're playing to the paranoia in our movement to drum me out without a shred of evidence for any actual malfeasance. And you repeatedly make shit up because all you have is that somebody from the SPLC called me once and I told them I had quit.
- 27 August 2019: @MakhloufMoaz @AryanEggg @DrakkarSir @bot_juche @HatPreacher He's actually 100% northwestern, mostly southern German. From the very heart of Europe.
- 27 August 2019: I'm on the same wavelength, and am half an hour from the river.
- 27 August 2019: In fairness to the Yankee, the South's own plan for itself was at least as bad.
- 27 August 2019: The 21st century belongs already to the Han and Jewish people whose tribal solidarity will see them through the sweeping socioeconomic and technological changes which will leave the West a frightful basketcase.
- 27 August 2019: I concur on the matter of petty nationalism that reactionary identities, for example the southerner who exists to hate the damn yankee, is an obstruction, especially in our circumstances.
- 27 August 2019: Humans exist in ethnic tribes as surely as they exist in separate genders and races. Martial, managerial, and mercantile forces can temporarily suppress it, but the gods of the copybook headings will with [redacted] and [redacted] return.
- 27 August 2019: There is an infinite number of petty little quibbles one can make against the gender dichotomy, and yet it stands. There is an infinite number of petty little quibbles you can make against the white american cause, and I will see to it that it stands.
- 27 August 2019: White Nationalism in the United States is an ethnic separatist movement that is confused for a racialist, imperialist, colonialist, and conservative movement for a range of historical reasons.
- 26 August 2019: @MakhloufMoaz @HatPreacher @bot_juche Syrians are good people, and TWP is the only organization that managed an American street protest in favor of Assad. It is very saddening for me that your women are not technically white.
- 26 August 2019: Or it can encourage early and affordable family formation, with communities that lift marriages up instead of ripping them apart.
- 26 August 2019: I have no choice. The gays have made it abundantly clear that my optics aren't welcome in their trendy underground gay nightclub.
- 26 August 2019: Hey, Billy. You can't have a normal family life because the Jews took that away from you and girls are all feminists who f*** dogs. Stop masturbating and join me and my friends at the gym instead.
- 26 August 2019: That's been the hidden subtext for a massive subset of the altright for years and years. Our entire movement is basically an effective gay grooming racket for frustrated teenage boys.
- 26 August 2019: The whole thing is a cynical bonfire, with Picciolini as the fall guy. Jeff's just angling to get out of the lawsuits, and will pivot again after he's clear.
- 26 August 2019: You moved the no vote to 88%, so it's still a win.
- 26 August 2019: @ScottSurvival @KatzCheer @SchoepJeff I went to great lengths to walk everybody through concerns they had about the confusing episode. I made a point to avoid beefing or grudging publicly, and step forward.
- 26 August 2019: Do white nationalists who repent of their wicked ways and embrace multiculturalism and open borders deserve a second chance?
- 24 August 2019: @sairasameerarao Deny them your essence, Saira.
- 21 August 2019: @GoyBye @AtWitsE2 Trump's problem is a lack of subtlety. All a GOP president can do is cling tightly to the Likudnik faction, and that's all they've for generations. I had a twinkle of hope early on that he'd go down fighting, taking on McConnell & Ryan, escalating. It would've been suicide.
- 20 August 2019: I would do it for @Hardees new cheesy garlic fries.
- 19 August 2019: I was obviously referring to modern colonialism, not classical imperialism, which is a rather distinct matter.
- 19 August 2019: We're not trying to colonize "your" homeland again, Art. We're not trying to settle any scores, either. We're trying to move toward a peaceful and equitable future for all His children, even the ones who betrayed him.
- 19 August 2019: Western man were always junior partners in your colonialist world conquest. Don't flatter me by pretending you didn't know that. You're correct about the evils and consequences of colonialism, which is why I'm in the right side of the Israel/Palestine conflict.
- 19 August 2019: There's that ressentiment which drives your every act. My forefathers have done nothing but kiss your asses since we stumbled out of the British forest. And we will pay dearly for our ignorance.
- 19 August 2019: Play genocide games, win genocide prizes, guy.
- 19 August 2019: The Palestinian people are largely indigenous, with some migratory, linguistic, and religious influence from elsewhere in the region. There are ancient Christian Palestinian communities there, as well. They are not "recent arabian interlopers."
- 19 August 2019: See, there you go with the big words strung together to put an academic veneer over your genocidal conviction that the Palestinian peoples who've been there for millennia do not have a right to exist in their ancient homeland. Fuck you, Arthur.
- 19 August 2019: I'm not disputing that the Jews are a valid ethnic group, Arthur. I'm stating, correctly, that theirs is at least as vulnerable to the "critique" game as the identities they're targeting.
- 19 August 2019: Dudes from 100 different countries who speak a conlang they started speaking last thursday, whose genome is all over the map, and who haven't been "home" for a few millennia have a lot of chutzpah with the identity deconstruction.
- 19 August 2019: @KVersteher @OliKAG2020 @RealKateMcCoy In theory, that would be great. In practice, it has become a sovereign base of operations for the same illicit and unaccountable international networks they've relied on for millennia.
- 18 August 2019: @mitchellvii "No. It's the entire conservative internet who are wrong."
- 16 August 2019: @Jessica_TVfan @mitchellvii
- 16 August 2019: The fact that younger and younger children are being exposed to mind-warping pornography is a dramatically more important issue than these school shooter stunts you keep hearing about being the most important issue.
- 15 August 2019: @Icepick4neocons Nah. Old family naming custom that the first born male goes by his middle name.
- 15 August 2019: @DizardThunder Americans aren't having sex anymore, which is why they're always neurotically carrying on about it.
- 15 August 2019: THE ROOF IS ON FIRE
- 14 August 2019: @Alex71008019 1996 Ross Perot 1997 Marxist 1998 Marxist 1999 WN 2000 WN 2001 WN 2002 WN 2003 WN 2004 WN 2005 WN 2006 WN 2007 WN 2008 WN 2009 NS 2010 NS 2011 NS 2012 NS 2013 NS 2014 NS 2015 NS 2016 NS 2017 NS 2018 NS 2019 NS
- 14 August 2019: I suspect foul play in the Epstein case, though I doubt we'll ever know what truly went down that morning. Whatever it was, one thing is certain. This government has thousands of nukes, a war machine, and a police state that it's no longer smart enough to responsibly manage.
- 14 August 2019: Whether it's tap water in Flint, levies in Louisiana, or guards in the prison system, our government is like a castrated man struggling and staining to open a pickle jar he once popped open with ease.
- 14 August 2019: We are systemically lurching towards a shitty and dysfunctional third world government, with the last of the mueller men in black types fumbling around all senile, confused, and shouted down by the sassy new generation of incompetent banana republic goons.
- 13 August 2019: RT @the_list88: @WIM_America It’s blatantly obvious this guy has never listened to/read any of David Duke’s work if he thinks he is just so…
- 11 August 2019: Anglos gonna fuck it up again.
- 11 August 2019: We have a right and an obligation to secure a future for ourselves and our future generations. The earliest tremors of our awakening are already shaking the world.
- 10 August 2019: @DizardThunder @cashmoneyglock Extreme narcissists are often extreme cowards. I'm going to continue being that guy, but your point is a strong argument against my conjecture.
- 10 August 2019: @CameraFacts @Notorious_Pepe > repeats the question with a homosexual lisp
- 9 August 2019: @MuhPoem @mitchellvii I'm giving him a hard time because he is trying to convince conservatives to drop the second amendment as a major issue.
- 6 August 2019: @MalcomXican @danelboonesfarm @Indian_Bronson @W4nk_3ngine @euneaux @21stcentsinner @BayCoalition @Steve_Sailer @thespandrell @cashmoneyglock My next big project is to revive Strangite Mormonism, and coronate myself the King of Beaver Island.
- 5 August 2019: @eastdakota You are a very gracious king of the internet. Thank you for allowing me to be on it for now. I sure hope you don't have a bout of indigestion and change your mind about my being permitted to internet.
- 4 August 2019: If your reflexive answer to everything is to suspend your "values," then they're not your actual values. Classical liberalism is a fig leaf over a neocolonial zionist political machine which cares about nothing but profits and Israel.
- 4 August 2019: We're being asked to have more faith in the liberal order than the liberals have. Their solution to every problem is to afford themselves an exception to liberalism. "We've got to suspend our values to defeat X." They're not liberals at all, save for ensuring their own liberty.
- 4 August 2019: This is a common neoliberal trope, that the internet somehow unfairly favors bad thoughts. What the internet does is fail to reliably enforce neoliberal parameters on discourse. There's far more opposition to imperial war on the web than the television set, after all.
- 4 August 2019: @spock_elvis @MattWalshBlog I wasn't even referring to the Holocaust. We can just go with Rwanda alone to get to that number.
- 3 August 2019: Targeting these people, as David French proposes will only make me that much stronger. And if I'm targeted, there are edgier anonymous types ready to fill in for me. Turn the ratchet. Or not. It doesn't matter.
- 3 August 2019: Alex Jones is a useful weathervane here. He would rather stick with apolitical quackery, but his audience has drug him against his will toward an AltLite messaging. He has no choice. It's either that or become irrelevant, as so many who refused.
- 3 August 2019: A massive fallacy which can't and won't be corrected in the national conversation is the proposition that the grifters and right wing celebs are leading rather than chasing the alienation and frustration.
- 1 August 2019: @GloriousPeezy At every major crossroad in life, I have chosen to be a stubborn jackass. And that has made all the difference.
- 1 August 2019: @RealKateMcCoy @DizardThunder @redcascadiahq @Smegmasaurus1 We men benefit from the fact that porn addiction is a lot more private than the sort of thing young women and up doing when they're not woke.
- 30 July 2019: @PSaminsky @MommyPresident @LightRain1013 I was very clear about their not being white. Can't change the fact that they evolved next door, integrated for millennia, and routinely have blue eyes and red hair.
- 27 July 2019: @hat_acct @cashmoneyglock @ScottSurvival Roy Moore
- 26 July 2019: My second favorite part was when Erick insisted that Peter is pretty much also a Communist because he fucks dudes.
- 26 July 2019: Listened to @EricRWeinstein 's Thiel interview. Imagine having the balls to blood libel your German boss about the Holocaust, then go on to insist that Germany's historical greatness was entirely due to its hosting Jews. Now THAT is chutzpah!
- 26 July 2019: @Nadiagreenblue @RefugeesChief Tell your people to put on red hats. I have a plan.
- 25 July 2019: This is Peak "Ugly American" right here. Serious countries have laws and processes, not favors and special deals for celebrities.
- 24 July 2019: The most succinct encapsulation of Trump:
- 24 July 2019: @finkybucks In contrast, #birdgang takes itself seriously at all times, effortlessly organizes into precise formations, is demonstrably more intelligent than cats, and shits on everything beneath us, ... which is everything.
- 22 July 2019: @ScottSurvival It contains a lot of great and practical info, as does Strauss's The Game. I trust you have enough sense to pass over the pop philosophy, celebration of degeneracy, and marketing gloss. Plenty of valuable insight in both.
- 22 July 2019: Drudge is on fire lately.
- 21 July 2019: I really want to send her back.
- 20 July 2019: When you make that big decision to start being antisemitic, you're going to called everything in the dictionary. Everything except for: incorrect.
- 20 July 2019: I tried to politely debate Anglin with a more reasonable approach to the WQ back in 2013 and ended up being the face of 1.0 goobers who don't understand the necessity of rape gangs.
- 19 July 2019: No. Sexually mutilating women is a very grave awful horrifying human rights nightmare. We can't do that.
- 19 July 2019: I know. NAWALT. And you're probably right about the psychology behind it.
- 19 July 2019: I've got a lot of haters who call me a "feminist," and they've got a point. But seeing all these chubby middle-aged women chuckling and sneering at intactivists is getting me genuinely irl mad.
- 19 July 2019: @FingeredDawn Dammit.
- 19 July 2019: @MommyPresident @MitchelHoob Not making a value statement, but the basic bitch notion that Christianity was an obstacle to the modern west is entirely upside-down.
- 18 July 2019: My close personal friend Ann Coulter did the best job of trying to put an actual, real movement underneath Trump, leaving him with no choice but to cast her into the outer darkness.
- 18 July 2019: People in our movement keep thinking this is basically like Ron Paul, a man who actually has ideals and actually wants there to be a political movement that can exist and operate independently of himself.
- 18 July 2019: There cannot be a formal political movement beyond Trump because Trumpism is centered entirely and exclusively around his arbitrary fancies. You must love Trump as an idol, a "lifestyle brand," a personality cult.
- 18 July 2019: It's been several years now, and crackers still haven't realized that Trump actively opposes the development of a political movement oriented around populist ideals. His only interest is the same it's always been, pumping his bespoke brand: "Trump."
- 18 July 2019: Trumpism:
- 16 July 2019: I'm sipping cognac and smoking a cigar with @EWErickson right now, reflecting on whether to be a Charlie Kirk-style MAGA grifter or double down and be a full on #NeverTrump old school neocon grifter.
- 16 July 2019: My position on the Iran war will likely "evolve" considerably after a few drunken sex-fueled junkets to Israel and some privately owned islands.
- 16 July 2019: Now that I'm a serious mainstream conservative commentator with heavyweight connections, I'll need to do a pretty big round of unfollowing, blocking, and disavowing. You guys were my booster rocket, but it's all about optics and it's time to cut you loose and soar to the moon.
- 16 July 2019: I wish the "New Twitter" had a "Compact Mode" for people who don't care for all the big text and empty space. But it seems to be relatively uncluttered, with no irritating new "features" that I can see. 8/10. Not mad.
- 15 July 2019: Next mother's day, I'm going to point out to my mom that it's bigoted to celebrate where and to whom I was born.
- 14 July 2019: I see this as the only good argument for it. And I follow the logic of it. Sort of like how immigration went way down briefly right after Trump won.
- 14 July 2019: @HatPreacher If Trump actually genuinely inflicts real consequences on employers or actually ends Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen, I'll actually feel that feeling that AmNats wake up with every day.
- 14 July 2019: We're coming for you, MAGA Peezy!
- 14 July 2019: What I want to see are a bunch of middle aged white Republican business owners in maga hats being drug out from under their beds in sinister militarized midnight raids for exploiting the illegal immigrants.
- 14 July 2019: Highly propagandized raids, designed and framed as media events, are a fucking terrible idea, as if they were deliberately designed to achieve the least demographic impact while achieving the most moral and propaganda pushback.
- 14 July 2019: We have ourselves the worst of all possible worlds for the ethical nationalist, a man who does nothing to defend or promote nationalism while provoking a seismic, punitive reaction to nationalists. For the opportunistic accelerationist schemer, it's the best possible timeline.
- 14 July 2019: But Trumpism has even proven a complete failure in Trumpy terms, and one can easily imagine Trump's pre-election twitter account roasting the hell out of this administration.
- 14 July 2019: Trump has even failed at betraying authentic nationalists, honestly. What was promised was a populist series of symbolic civic nationalist moves that wouldn't solve the true problems.
- 14 July 2019: Some sympathy would be in order if Trump had acknowledged his error in the aftermath and changed course. But in this very missive, he confirms that he's still falling for the very same thing from Mitch and McCarthy. Trump is either corrupt or stupid, ...most likely both.
- 14 July 2019: Paul Ryan was wildly successful, masterfully and seamlessly channeling the greatest populist political surge of our lifetime toward the decisive victory of his elitist agenda. The blame rests entirely on Donald J Trump for stumbling into Ryan's obvious trap.
- 13 July 2019: Forney should send him a free review copy of Bang Philippines.
- 13 July 2019: He also has a hot wife. Perhaps I'm pulling a NAMALT on manlets, but we all have our shortcomings (no pun intended), and we're each accountable for trying to get by without melting down over the intrinsically unequal and unfair aspects of the human experience.
- 13 July 2019: An old co-worker of mine is also 5' tall, but is an Eagle Scout, an electrical engineer, and a man who somehow managed to genuinely intimidate me despite the absurd height differential.
- 13 July 2019: Being short is certainly a challenge. And while I've had my share of humiliations to overcome (take my word for it), I haven't had to deal with this one. I'm 5'11", which is perhaps the height which thinks the least about height.
- 13 July 2019: Allowing extrensic humiliation to become intrinsic humiliation is the road to ressentiment, slave morality, and spiritual sickness. And Bagel Boss is clearly at that point.
- 13 July 2019: My own initial reaction was spite, and I'm sticking to it even as I've heard a lot of smart people offering more nuanced and sympathetic takes.
- 13 July 2019: Bagel Boss.
- 10 July 2019: What was the hitch, though? There was no hitch. None of the problems that emerged were due to poor planning. Even if there were errors in the planning, they didn't prove relevant.
- 10 July 2019: We're all in this fight together, regardless of what mistakes were made or contentions we have had. Few remain standing from the panoramic response to that event. It's a prolonged trial, and we've got to work together to make it to the series finale.
- 10 July 2019: UTR was a success. The entire radical left gathered in one spot to silence us and the police staged the bumfight they wanted. And they lost. > falls over The police had to rescue them from their own attempted assault of lawful permitholders without offensive weaponry.
- 10 July 2019: Trust fund dudes don't have unlimited access to their family fortunes, and Richard never agreed to own everybody's legal exposure. Both Richard and I showed up to support you and your event. And both of us are still doing that, even as you continue to malign us.
- 10 July 2019: You were the permitholder and final decider on UTR. I don't believe there was the major leadership failure that everyone but me agrees happened. But if we're to declare a failure of leadership, that's on you.
- 10 July 2019: No amount of washing, scrubbing, self-cutting, or biting down as hard as possible into my arm while screamcrying can ever absolve me from having conspired to elect an Epstein associate.
- 6 July 2019: @GoyBye @HomoNuke @arnelsown @RejectRadicals Drunks caused a political mess that resulted in female empowerment, so yes.
- 5 July 2019: @RedLitClub And while I hesitate to correct you, I'm happily married with children. The fact that millions of young men are being left behind is your problem; not mine.
- 4 July 2019: RT @stone_toss: Happy #4thofJuly everyone!
- 4 July 2019: @FingeredDawn I'm not 100% on what's going on until he calls me, but I received an official alert that he's been released. Worst case scenario was that he's been transferred from jail to prison, and the alert just goes off either way.
- 4 July 2019: @cashmoneyglock @The_Anti_Boomer Latinos seem to be getting sucked into America's racial binary rather than defying it, with a third deciding they're pretty much blacks, a third deciding they're pretty much whites, and a third with a "just visiting" mentality.
- 1 July 2019: Antifa pretend that they're not being pursued organizationally because there's no organization there. This is an asinine assertion, especially when you compare the messaging discipline and maturity of their It's Going Down centralized propaganda vehicle to our Daily Stormer.
- 1 July 2019: Antifa is an organization. Antifa has leaders, organizers, infrastructure, and names. They're more organized and hierarchical than we are. The fiction that they're an ineffable "movement" is Antifa propaganda they can blow right back in their own face like their pepper spray.
- 28 June 2019: @Solar_Aryan I intend to go wherever there are prizes, and think Bernie and Warren can be useful at times, as well. All of the above, except Buttigieg. That guy is a neoliberal robot monstrosity.
- 25 June 2019: He's far too busy and intellectually serious to bother walking us through why our identity and our identity alone is anathema.
- 25 June 2019: Drat!
- 25 June 2019: Can somebody recommend a good rabbi? I want to belong to an ethnic group with natural rights that's on the Approved Identities list.
- 25 June 2019: Bad news, guys. @yhazony is the foremost expert on nationalism and he's determined that our White American ethnic group doesn't have a right to self-determination or representation. I'm not smart enough to understand why, but the expert is quite clear on the matter. Game over.
- 25 June 2019: Charlottesville Fundraiser Update
- 24 June 2019: Conservatives Exist To Serve The Con.
- 24 June 2019: The next phase will be TardTrad, where "conservatives" will push medieval-style fealty to fully subverted churches. We'll shout "Logos Rising!" to celebrate gay weddings fully sanctioned by The Church.
- 24 June 2019: Conservatism isn't an ideology. The actual ideologies being presented by conservatives evolve to keep up with the target audience. It's currently "Classical Liberalism."
- 24 June 2019: Conservatism is a very successful program, the purpose of which is to channel and misdirect opposition to the elite agenda.
- 22 June 2019: @tc_whitley Bite me.
- 21 June 2019: @RWSockAccount My high school friends know about my Classical Marxism phase and my strange fixation on the welfare and survival of the Andaman Islanders, so they see it for the autistic fixation it is rather than as some comic book villainy it's presented as by the media.
- 21 June 2019: @GeorgistF F
- 20 June 2019: RT @MatthewParrott: @MattWalshBlog Go ahead, TradCons. Step up and tell us what you're going to do about it aside from not being okay with…
- 20 June 2019: Matt Forney believes that their gifts warrant our plight, and our misfortunes are actually our own fault. I propose that we seize control of our own affairs and test his theory. And leave them to their affairs.
- 20 June 2019: My people have a right to exist, and to exist without a hostile elite which relishes insulting, humiliating, and exploiting us. I don't care how great their poetry is, it does not excuse their hatred of my people which animates their political work.
- 20 June 2019: This, of course, presupposes that the Jew is superior to my people. I don't believe the data actually supports that, but I don't care. I have a right to be the master of my own house even if I'm not the strongest or smartest man in the neighborhood.
- 20 June 2019: But imagine a transposition of this argument to blacks and whites. Do we have a natural right to control and humiliate the black man because we have better credit and test scores? I say no.
- 20 June 2019: I took this quite seriously for a long time because I took Nietzsche seriously for a long time.
- 20 June 2019: The charge that we're just jealous of Jews is a timeless classic, a cheap insult masquerading as a serious critique of our right to secure our right to master our own destiny.
- 19 June 2019: RT @SmugPenny: Stay /fit/ my friends
- 15 June 2019: Agreed. We're losing that fight at the moment, but I believe it is winnable.
- 15 June 2019: I feel like the altright needs reminded that we massively disrupted the political process and provoked the oligarchs into an unprecedented panic despite our being broke jackasses by intelligently leveraging affordable democratized technologies.
- 14 June 2019: @NwahPogrom @Imperius__13 I'm all about indulging irascible types with an unpopular message. That's how I learn half the time. I'm just gathering dust waiting for the message.
- 14 June 2019: @W4nk_3ngine Their genetic diversity runs deeper and their bell curve is flatter. I've bumped into some dark dark blacks who are sharp as a tack.
- 13 June 2019: @notcolloquial @Rich_Cooper My advice is directed at my followers, all of whom are intrinsically unworthy of genuine affection and will need to earn it with effort, investment, and forethought. Lifelong Romantic Love is like winning the lottery. It happens and it's magical, but the rest of us have to work.
- 12 June 2019: Can you find any evidence at all of Moly actively opposing censorship when it didn't involve his own faction?
- 11 June 2019: Endorse Trump: Get Humped
- 9 June 2019: Stefan openly brags that his purpose is to obstruct nationalists.
- 6 June 2019: It's really just not that bad, guy.
- 6 June 2019: "Russians," "bot networks," and "8chan harassment campaigns" are all just copes to dodge the fact that our ideas have substantial grassroots energy. Their shit is all fake and paid for, and they're sure ours must be, too.
- 5 June 2019: Western culture is superior because it's a big financial opportunity for the world's cognitive elite?
- 5 June 2019: Sundar didn't found Google. It was founded by a white guy and a Jew. His employees can go to India, too.
- 5 June 2019: They're not welcome.
- 5 June 2019: @theRobtAnderson @StefanMolyneux @contrastatist I'm Western. I do not believe it is the superior culture for people who aren't Western.
- 5 June 2019: I don't wish to tell people the children of other people anything about who they are. And I'm damn sure tired of my children being told that they're bad and guilty because they're white.
- 5 June 2019: Maybe not everyone's goal in life is to think and behave like a white male. Perhaps they have their own hopes and dreams.
- 5 June 2019: Yes. It is true that the Western way of looking at things is borne of white males and only remains dominant where we remain dominant.
- 5 June 2019: I got there from the original post.
- 5 June 2019: Okay. My bad. I thought we were arguing about the topic, which pertains to the compatibility of immigrants and minorities with our value system. Fire is indeed universally hot in all cultures. You win this round.
- 5 June 2019: How applicable is deductive reasoning to the sociopolitical challenges? Hardly at all. And that's granting the primacy of a materialist worldview over the more spiritual and symbolic perspective held by most of humanity.
- 5 June 2019: What's "true" can be universal in a contrived mathematical formula. But beyond that, in just about every relevant sociopolitical challenge, it's inextricably tied to tribe and tradition.
- 5 June 2019: What your presume to be "rational" is a duffel bag of White and Western biases native to our people and our history.
- 5 June 2019: Not an argument.
- 5 June 2019: Truly celebrating and respecting diversity means making a real effort to understand it. And to understand how deep our diversity runs is to understand the futility of imposing a universal value system on them.
- 5 June 2019: You have this notion, held by most classical liberal folks, that there's an Englishman trapped in every minority and immigrant waiting to burst out and share your basic understanding of the world.
- 5 June 2019: More importantly, it won't stick without our dominating those people, maintaining the economic and political hegemony necessary to impose our values on them.
- 5 June 2019: I am deadly serious, SIR. Appealing to Western notions for discerning what is true is white supremacy. Imposing European values and mores on other peoples is a colonial act.
- 5 June 2019: "Oh, shit. Racist white dudes are figuring out how to be postmodern, too!" > swipes papers off of desk and jumps out of nearby window
- 5 June 2019: I'm basically an SJW who happens to be a straight white male trucker. It wasn't part of their plan.
- 5 June 2019: "Objectivity" is just a euphemism for what smart white males generally agree on. It doesn't exist where we don't exist, and is not somehow integral to the universe or something. You're arguing for white supremacy.
- 4 June 2019: Mash LIKE if you appreciate @EmperorInvictus and the other men of @aldfund who made RAM's victory possible. RETWEET if you appreciate the hundreds, mostly anonymous, whose donations set these innocent men free.
- 3 June 2019: We CAN win things, goddammit!
- 3 June 2019: @matemaedchen I'm going to need some calipers to verify, but I'm afraid your Homer Simpson Syndrome might be so bad that your cupid's bow is bigger than your chin.
- 3 June 2019: @PanzerKunst1933 @GoyMeetsWorId @sp4wnsong Wasn't even thinking how that would ring in a theologian's ear.
- 2 June 2019: @whichwaythen @RichardBSpencer @MalcomXican There are exactly three forces which can counter the money powers; faith, family, and folk. A political order is to be as large as possible without compromising these three forces.
- 2 June 2019: But what are those of us who want a white woman to do???
- 2 June 2019: Happy to every sexual minority except for incels, who receive constant hatred, scorn, derision, and marginalization from all sides of the political spectrum, especially the LGBTQ community. 🌈
- 30 May 2019: @whichwaythen @TOOEdit I think it's possible but doubtful. The neolithic was a hard time for male sex linked chromosome diversity. I would look among the Basques and in the Alps first, perhaps.
- 29 May 2019: @craigcrimes @ojiman2 At no point was he purged or brigaded or treated unfairly. Brad and I literally just politely disagreed with him, and he used that for his "Everybody's out to silence me!" script.
- 29 May 2019: @JUDGE_TK69 @SpaceAgeCowboy Nah. The money is in relationships. Hooking is sort of like interracial and fetish niche, ...a thing you do to survive as you're failing and/or aging out of the game.
- 28 May 2019: On Mayhem and Morality: My introductory remarks for my debate on The Morality of Violence with @HcJoachim earlier this afternoon.
- 28 May 2019: I feel like @HcJoachim and I both more or less got our positions out there.
- 27 May 2019: 7pm Eastern
- 27 May 2019: She was not a member of TWP and had no contact with me whatsoever. I cannot speak for Mr. Heimbach, but I feel that I would have heard about two highly motivated recruits from so close to home.
- 27 May 2019: This is utterly, absolutely, 100% baseless, false, fabricated, untrue. We had no interaction, engagement, dealings, contact, relationship, or knowledge of this young man and his edgy girlfriend.
- 27 May 2019: Voters are struggling to choose between nationalist projects led by rich dudes with rich dude policies and socialist projects led by degenerate cosmopolitans. If only there were a way to deliver both nationalism and socialism at the same time.
- 27 May 2019: @KatzCheer @cashmoneyglock @HeyFellowWignat @arnelsown @Pew_Pew_Laser @RejectRadicals I sold my soul in the pre life for this superpower, and have never looked back.
- 26 May 2019: I'm sure we agree on more than it appears.
- 26 May 2019: I'm not trying to frame you as anything, and in this very thread I likened my own position to Hezbollah. Quit whining and study up for Monday. We'll all achieve some clarity from the conversation.
- 26 May 2019: "Joachim v. Parrott 'On Mayhem and Morality'" Monday @ 7pm
- 26 May 2019: Monday it is. Name a time. Your platform. I clarified in a follow up remark that I was impressed by the analysis, not the insulting of you.
- 26 May 2019: I've moved onto being a PigNat, fusing white identity with feeder fetishism. I encourage all to join me.
- 26 May 2019: Not so much the roasting on Joachim. I never wanted to make this personal. But Hezbollah and Golden Dawn don't deliberately self-sabotage the moral argument.
- 26 May 2019: I'm confused. That kind of post is what I wish to become a popular opinion.
- 25 May 2019: My goodness. I had no idea Internet Blood Sports involved so much menstrual blood.
- 24 May 2019: Europe is not the Church, and the Church is not Europe. Christ came here to save your soul, not your GDP. The Church did nothing to save Latin America from the consequences that come with disregarding identity.
- 24 May 2019: Ethiopians have been Christian far longer than my ancestors have. Yet they remain truly African, which is not a problem or defect within its natural context.
- 24 May 2019: Trying to sell Christianity as a cure for racial differences is an insult to God's creation and an insult to a thinking man's intelligence.
- 24 May 2019: Reminder: The people speaking out against blowtorch, acid, and electric drill attacks are the villains. If you object to white genocide, or even have the gall to admit that it's happening right before your eyes, you're morally defective.
- 24 May 2019: How do you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, knowing that you're the world's only white nationalist neocon?
- 23 May 2019: An honest country where a man can still acquire a fair wife for himself with nothing but a large bag and a spacious trunk.
- 23 May 2019: My ideals are not my own, but have been revealed to me through dialogue with Ahura Mazda made possible by drinking cough syrup and grapefruit juice at the same time.
- 23 May 2019: Tell your libertarian friends that all they've gotta do is replace "person" with "nation" and they're experts on 22nd century geopolitics.
- 23 May 2019: Libertarian ideology is absolutely correct in its formula for the optimal rules for interacting between tribes, not individuals. It's also inevitable.
- 23 May 2019: The first of the two twentieth century orwellian superstates dropped a couple decades ago. The other one is due. And the new world order will be meta-libertarian. Deal with it.
- 23 May 2019: I really don't understand international law. Like, if Assange can be found guilty of breaking American laws, why haven't I been nailed for flagrantly violating German, Saudi, and Kyrgyz law?
- 23 May 2019: Fuck Kurzweil and Fukuyama. If you want to know what the future of America will be like, just hang out for a few hours in a Greyhound terminal.
- 20 May 2019: @RealKatieMcCoy White Women, and the women alone, ground bussing and forced assimilation to a near halt with a relentless guerilla campaign for which they've received no credit.
- 19 May 2019:
- 19 May 2019: Thinking in corporate marketing language and themes is entirely useless.
- 19 May 2019: Our goal is to make our movement the most bold and serious opposition to the status quo. This necessarily entails being the "bad guys" to people who literally still think Joe Biden and Israel are the "good guys." We're preparing for a new frame, not trying to win at this one.
- 19 May 2019: One day, through following your sage advice, I hope to become as impactful and relevant as you, pastor.
- 18 May 2019: More importantly, the Charlottesville PD explicitly told us that the parking garage was a "safe space" for our men to park and organize which would be protected. A police officer can be seen in the footage standing there and watching us being attacked without provocation.
- 18 May 2019: We decisively won the street conflict, then got tangled up in your lawyers. Pretty tacky to consider a street battle defeat followed by running and crying to your lawyers and congressmen a victory.
- 18 May 2019: An incremental approach to political progress is out of reach given our financial and logistical footing. Accelerationism isn't really risky at all if the incrementalist alternative is futile. Polarization and escalation is our best option, in my opinion.
- 18 May 2019: RT @ForrestGuderian: Just a reminder that rape and incest are less then a tenth of one percent of reasons for abortions.…
- 18 May 2019: Reminder that Charlottesville was a historic victory that will continue bending national discourse toward our frames and themes for decades to come.
- 17 May 2019: The hardest part of this struggle isn't over the horizon, some gritty combat scenario. You're a white guy. You'll excel when that time comes because that's your natural element. The hardest part is mustering up social courage and an unshakable resolve to stand your ground.
- 17 May 2019: Becoming a radical doesnt necessarily mean guns and bombs and doctrinaire extremism. It doesnt mean impatient and ill-considered action. But it does require becoming a Political Soldier whose work is more serious, important, and courageous than anything this fedgov has to offer.
- 17 May 2019: Think smart about your career and how to balance it with our existential struggle, ...not because your career matters. It doesn't. Do it only because becoming destitute might interfere with our existential struggle. Refrain from auto-doxxing iff you're more effective that way.
- 17 May 2019: The Greater Crusade, just like the Greater Jihad, requires a radical transvaluation, a rejection of the loci of respect, esteem, and status in this society. It requires choosing between behaving honorably and behaving respectably. It requires struggle, risk, and transformation.
- 17 May 2019: I'm not attacking veterans. But your physical courage is incredibly easy to come by while social courage is a rare and precious commodity. Most white men would leap into a freezing river to save a stray dog, but wouldn't dare risk water cooler stink-eye to save his daughter.
- 17 May 2019: Most cville veterans consider it more impressive and honorable to have been a well-paid mercenary for this hostile government than what they've done. And those are the guys who actually showed up. The strong majority of this movement remains largely within that patriotard frame.
- 17 May 2019: @saminskiev @CptBlackPill We bomb the brown people who are minding their own business and fellate the brown people who come over here and fuck with us and our women. It's some kind of next-level cuckoldry where we're out to screw over everybody who's not screwing us over.
- 17 May 2019: @CptBlackPill I'm convinced that Ludovici is an advanced AI service designed by the NSA to develop and promote the lamest possible takes on any and all tactical or strategic matters.
- 15 May 2019: @AtomizedAntFarm @RealKatieMcCoy I'm fat, clumsy, chinless, and love cheesy jokes. What are we, as a community, going to do about that?
- 11 May 2019: @garbage404 Twice in a week! Jesus Christ. Sorry.
- 11 May 2019: @BraunauamInn420 The fact that he's a homosexual whose name is actually Peter ButtGag is so damned point blank on-the-nose that it actually manages to somehow not be funny. I don't quite understand it, either.
- 11 May 2019: Expect my work to become more focused and powerful than ever now that the world's women have all agreed to deny themselves of my essence.
- 11 May 2019: The least I can do is just shut up and enjoy the show when the system is doing the housekeeping work that I can't bring myself to do.
- 11 May 2019: These people have done more to attack me and my work than the neoliberals, but I hold my fire out of a delusional, unreciprocated sense of fraternity.
- 11 May 2019: Our smartest strategy is The Linder Strategy, where we focus our energy primarily on deconstructing the controlled conservative false opposition to this system.
- 11 May 2019: I think I might stop complaining or caring when anybody who isn't a wignat gets censored. These people support my being censored, never spoke up for my right to speak, and are trying to push a position that I believe is misguided or worse.
- 10 May 2019: @KraepelinEmil It was a lonely wilderness time to be a nationalist in 2009. Considering that the country was still on its Obama High, perhaps rock bottom. A lot of dudes have a hangover from 2016, but most have no idea how grim it can get.
- 6 May 2019: @Rumples42296282 He's not working with "Muslim People." He's working with Ahmadinejad, an especially BASED national populist Muslim.
- 4 May 2019: I read pretty much everything from them when I went through my Classical Marxism phase. But I was only 14 and I assuredly missed every bit of context.
- 4 May 2019: And that's okay. The Great Schism is necessary, healthy, and will prove productive for both camps.
- 4 May 2019: Trying to persuade people to our side with messaging that frames us positively within the neoliberal framework is incompatible with trying to convert people to an entirely different framework altogether.
- 4 May 2019: @LilyBel75512689 If we close the borders and raise the tariffs, wages will rise until somebody, somewhere, wants to go the job. I'm not opposed to some sensible global trade, though. Some industries are better off left to developing economies.
- 4 May 2019: @WhiteZionist @NotSenpai nodejs, react, solidity, and a whole lot of PHP.
- 3 May 2019: How the fuck do you have 800 tweets but only 4 followers?
- 3 May 2019: Katie McHugh
- 2 May 2019: If my ex bf were Kevin, I would probably spiral into a deep depression and stop taking care of myself too.
- 2 May 2019: Kevin, Devin, Dick, and Evan are dramatically more handsome than my chubby, clumsy crew. That much is certain. Can't blame her.
- 2 May 2019: Imagine accepting a poorly paid gig with no health insurance to write for a blog defending Big Pharma and opposing socialist healthcare while you're literally dying in real-time from a terminal illness you can't afford to treat. That might be peak conservatism.
- 2 May 2019: Spencer delivered an effective burn. She's just a racist republican who enjoyed telling racist jokes and partying with handsome racist guys. We're very fortunate for the exodus of these useless types.
- 2 May 2019: All the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments over how being true to your beliefs is bad for your career is sickening. Living an authentic life is expensive, but it's the greatest luxury you can buy.
- 2 May 2019: Yes. That's what a "White American" is, somebody whose ancestors came from Europe.
- 2 May 2019: Whiteness is a genetic thing, but preserving that genetic thing requires figuring out an intelligent and reliable way to translate that concern into a functional political vehicle. Trying to exclude Italians, in whole or part, unravels the whole thing.
- 2 May 2019: Australia ain't my business.
- 2 May 2019: You. You're doing that when you cast a shadow over the whiteness of major european nationalities. Are you not? Are they just going to all accept that they're not as white as you? Who decides which Italians stay and which ones gotta go?
- 2 May 2019: You certainly don't get that by turning an urgent political project into a navel-gazing caliper-wielding hobby project where Americans all argue viciously over which of us is the most white until the last one of us chokes.
- 2 May 2019: It's not about what country or continent you're born in. It's about what country or continent you're from. And it's not about finding the perfect anthropological answer; it's about finding the most workable political answer.
- 2 May 2019: Yup. If he's Italian, he's politically white. As white as my old stock Anglo ass. We cannot build a political vehicle which privileges some stocks over others.
- 2 May 2019: This is a conversation about who is politically a White American. Even if the Jew can argue for being racially white, he cannot belong to two nations.
- 2 May 2019: We'll have public intoxication laws in the ethnostate which will effectively exclude the Irish while sidestepping the controversy.
- 2 May 2019: Bosnians and Albanians are white, but I would really rather America just keep its current composition and leave it at that.
- 2 May 2019: @DuVtrell She may be anthropologically white, but she's on the wrong side of the strait and therefore not politically white.
- 2 May 2019: Jews are not from Europe. They don't claim to be from Europe. Problem solved. There's a smooth clinal shift from whites to yemenis. Fortunately, we've got a nice strait we can point to.
- 2 May 2019: Jews are a separate case. Fueñtes is a jackass who happens to be Latinx. He's fully white.
- 2 May 2019: Don't care.
- 2 May 2019: Europe is a well defined place, with universally accepted boundaries that we can rely on to achieve an anthro-armistice.
- 2 May 2019: Absolutely all ethnic Greeks and Italians are White. I don't care how swarthy they are. White is just shorthand for "European racial stock," and fully includes the Meds as true equals of Nords, Celts, Slavs, and whatever the fuck Finns are.
- 2 May 2019: Not that there's actually any organic Nordicism left. It's more of a transparent attempt to force a divisive meme by our opposition.
- 2 May 2019: I feel like we should be really really lenient on edge cases at this stage of the struggle. If you throw in good and hard on the ground floor, you earn your bavarian phenotype card. But being Southern European is not an edge case situation in the first place, Nordicists.
- 1 May 2019: Every Latin American in the Midwest claims to be Puerto Rican, because we can't tell the difference and it protects them from suspicion that they're illegals.
- 30 April 2019: National Socialism is what it's called and what it is when we're the ones fighting these oligarchs. And it's no surprise they've framed us as literally Hitler. Our ideology is the only hope for our survival, and the only threat to the globalist financiers and their lackeys.
- 30 April 2019: American politics are moving in the direction of Latin American politics, with the GOP lined up to be just like the "implicitly white" Latin American oligarchs who have signaled to white populist concerns all the way down the slippery slope to the last white guy.
- 30 April 2019: And before you consider that "based," these people don't care about the color of the people they're exploiting. West Virginians are every bit as much targets of this colonial vampire squid as foreign brown people. They suck the natural and human resources dry, then move on.
- 30 April 2019: There's nothing more Jewish than actual "White Supremacism," which is always Jewish oligarchs teamed up with White bourgeoisie elites to exploit the peasantry.
- 30 April 2019: Lots of vague talk today about "standing with" Venezuelans. I'm sitting today, without a single Venezuelan in sight, keeping my hands to myself.
- 29 April 2019: @fanoffall1923 @KraepelinEmil White Nationalists are just the shitlib hipsters willing to do the dirty work necessary to secure the existence of our pottery workshops and a future for coffee shop bookstores.
- 27 April 2019: Nobody else is going to say it, so I will. A lot of you neo-nazis and "white supremacists" are very fine people, too. I validate you guys. hug
- 27 April 2019: As the sole surviving member of my roller derby team, I have a duty to tell the world our story.
- 27 April 2019: More effort and talent went into the delightfully, intentionally, vapid Lisa Frank music video than went into the song. I want my three minutes back. A song here or there about how unique and challenging you are is fine, but I feel like she's just about exhausted the subject.
- 26 April 2019: I try to be patient with the work he's trying to do that's getting obstructed. I get that he's up against a lot. But Yemen, the Syria reversals, the prison "reform," the legal immigration increases, and tax cuts for the turbo-rich are where we don't see eye to eye.
- 26 April 2019: It serves neither Trump nor White Nationalists for me to be flattering him and his supporters. Doing so forces you guys to apologize for me existing, and implies that I support a lot of Trump's agenda that I flatly do not. We'll do our best to be useful on the common interests.
- 26 April 2019: So, you followed the police plan to the letter to enter the park exactly like you did, and they made a decision not to protect you from disruption? It's doubly aggravating that those who fled back to the garage and were assaulted while doing so caught the REAL charges. Lose/Lose
- 26 April 2019: For whatever reason, the left formed along the staircase and remained there. I was running back and forth thinking they would try to go around the shield wall at the steps, but they never thought to do that for some reason. No strategic planning on their side.
- 26 April 2019: Indeed, but you acted against the explicit orders of your leadership who called for you to fall back. You are absolutely correct that it was not only NF doing the fighting.
- 26 April 2019: It's jarring having been smack dab in the middle of a historical event that's being manufactured by the leftists. The official historical account will bear no resemblance to what actually happened, and I'm powerless to correct it.
- 26 April 2019: Several hundred people showed up in Charlottesville thinking they were attending a broad, ecumenical rally in support of the Robert E Lee statue. It's likely that the outright majority of attendees had no clue about white nationalist groups like my own being invited to attend.
- 26 April 2019: My position is not partisan propaganda, but can be verified by a wealth of unbiased third-party accounts, namely the very comprehensive Heaphy Report, which debunks the false media narrative and proves systemic law enforcement malfeasance and dereliction.
- 26 April 2019: A similar thing happened within the Left, where the middle-aged democrat-voting cat ladies fell back and the smaller cohort of outright Marxist and radical anarchist groups aggressively tried to break through our line for hours, with a variety of smuggled and improvised weapons.
- 26 April 2019: But the tactical decision proved a PR disaster, as it invited the narrative that the event was pretty much entirely nazi goons (self-inclusive). We weren't even invited until the last minute, and only then because of our value as human shields.
- 26 April 2019: This made sense, as NSM, TWP, and LoS have decades of experience with events and confrontation with antifa. It worked out very well, logistically, with our side holding the permitted zone despite being wildly outnumbered and (literally) outgunned.
- 26 April 2019: The footage makes it appear that Nationalist Front groups were the majority of the groups there, despite being a minority (wignats) within a minority (nationalists). The normies, who numbered in the several hundreds, were clustered safely by the Guard away from Market St.
- 26 April 2019: While the media being lying liars who lie is sufficient explanation, part of the confusion comes from the wealth of fighting footage. What happened is that when things got dangerous, an informed decision was made to throw the racial radicals to the front, to face down the antifa.
- 26 April 2019: Just as with the "Russian Collusion," you have this case where the leftist media tries with all of its heart to force a narrative that's outright counterfactual. But those of us who were there saw the several non-white UTR attendees fighting alongside us. Trump is correct.
- 26 April 2019: The media will continue trying to crucify him over and over again over his statement of fact, which is that truly evil people (self-inclusive) who dare to believe the evil idea that white people deserve dignity and a future, too, were not the only or even the largest population.
- 26 April 2019: Trump made his famous "good people on both sides" remark because he had an intelligence brief from the feds confirming that the majority of Charlottesville attendees were MAGAtards. The majority of attendees were indeed, non-WN MAGAtards.
- 26 April 2019: @ButtercupDew @ReadKaczynski @FanJrr Pretending that contemporary exegesis is the first and final answer actually is a war crime. Was European folk religion a vapid comic book cult because the majority of moderns understand it as such?
- 26 April 2019: You are a better friend to the American penis than Zoey Deschanel and Lauren Southern COMBINED, Greg.
- 25 April 2019: Has it ever occurred to you that if you cleverly stand for something short of what you truly believe, that will be what you stood for, what you'll be remembered for, and your imprint on the world?
- 24 April 2019: @AbendlandAd I had an "organized party," a large, growing, nationwide one. You're just mindlessly trying to apply 20th century solutions to 21st century problems.
- 24 April 2019: Carefully read every line of this important article. Charlottesville is far from over.
- 23 April 2019: RT @MatthewParrott: @ACLU Discrimination is a civil liberty, jackasses. When are y'all going to represent me? I actually had my civil righ…
- 22 April 2019: Usury is immoral, and the same partners in crime brainwashing a teenager into buying a $50,000 gender studies degree, charging interest on zer loan, and barring bankruptcy is heinous usury. It's predatory. It's criminal. A jubilee+reform is absolutely necessary.
- 22 April 2019: The relationship is PARASITICAL, not "symbiotic." The students are suckered into paying way too much for a worthless scrap of paper, and the lenders and colleges laugh all the way to the bank.
- 22 April 2019: You're confused about your biological analogies, normie. The education racket works for the lenders, and tells prospective students that any and all student loans will prove profitable. In any other industry, that would be a naked conflict of interest.
- 22 April 2019: These assholes won't even allow you to step foot on their campuses, which they treat like their own sovereign city-states. And you're out here white knighting for the racket that empowers them?
- 22 April 2019: Why side with predatory lenders and the insanely corrupt college administrations against millions and millions of American citizens, Ann?
- 21 April 2019: @MartyMorosely Meanwhile, y'all still have laughably bad commsec, are still getting your members doxxed in real-time, and are still fumbling around trying to infiltrate and ingratiate yourselves to the viciously anti-white and firmly Zionist GOP.
- 19 April 2019: There is no such thing as "Judeo-Christianity," but Holocaustianity is indeed a sort of bizarro cult which embraces, extends, and exaggerates WWII-era wartime propaganda into a complete religious framework which is nothing short of the official State Religion of America.
- 19 April 2019: What a lot of people don't realize about Holocaust Hyping is that American Judaism is obsessively fixated on it as the solution to the problem of secularization and assimilation.
- 19 April 2019: There is only one bation.
- 18 April 2019: I guarantee you that I would socially, politically, and culturally be more at home in Orania than downtown Louisville, half an hour from me.
- 18 April 2019: My Anglo ancestors separated from the ancestors of the Boers over a millennium ago. We're on different hemispheres, habitats, and have different political contracts. They look and act indistinguishably from me and mine. Jews and Blacks, 500 years later, are still not my kinsmen.
- 18 April 2019: Civic Nationalism is an oxymoron. Nation is etymologically derived from the same word as "natal;" relating to birth. If you believe paperwork instead of kinship defines political loyalties, then you're categorically anti-nationalist. You're a Civic Statist.
- 18 April 2019: Nope. That's Patrick Casey.
- 18 April 2019: They're not really capable of breeding, and many AmNats can live very enriched and fulfilling lives with the right assistance and support network.
- 18 April 2019: This better get a lot of likes, because I'm definitely going to hell for it.
- 18 April 2019: While you WigNats were busy LARPing, we AmNats have been infiltrating the highest echelons of the GOP.
- 18 April 2019: "Extreme bigotry" isn't jargon?
- 17 April 2019: Modern Judaism is a near reversal of its origins. Are you getting your analysis of Judaism from the Old Testament?
- 16 April 2019: Puerto Ricans: Matt Parrott is a major asshole Also Puerto Ricans: It is my sacred human right to follow Matt Parrott wherever he goes, share a country and community with him, and just generally be all up in his business.
- 16 April 2019: Yeah. Fornicators gonna fornicate.
- 16 April 2019: Because having sex is what makes you valid.
- 16 April 2019: Because phrenology is real, and there are a variety of subtle pleiotropic clues that we're smarter than you.
- 16 April 2019: Judaism: God exists to serve us. Christianity: We exist to serve God. American Christianity: We exist to serve the Jews.
- 16 April 2019: I'm going to keep fucking it up for you, fam. Sorry.
- 15 April 2019: Bitcoin billionaires are going to buy it all up and then use the referendums as a pretext for voting ourselves a sovereign libtard pirate kingdom.
- 15 April 2019: "We" got Tulsi and Yang into the debates, and both of them have a message that's usefully disruptive. The point is to disrupt and direct the national conversation away from neolib/neocon boilerplate. I don't care about his opinion about Puerto Rico.
- 14 April 2019: @flowerwhs1968 @johnniemela1 @NeverMindThis29 Why would she want to integrate them? Why would they want to integrate? Why would we want them to integrate? They've gotta go back.
- 13 April 2019: No, John. This is why we need to have our own country. Mall of America is absolutely crawling with law enforcement, but it's not enough to keep up with all the violent immigrants. Wake up.
- 13 April 2019: You better believe I'm going to throw quite the virtual tantrum on social media, being mindful to carefully contrive my message to not violate the terms of service, in minecraft.
- 13 April 2019: @BIackpill We don't know his origin, yet. He doesn't appear to be either Somalian or American, and our reliable crowdsource anthropologists are confident he's not nilotic.
- 13 April 2019: Emmanuel is common with Nigerians, and the DeShawn wouldn't be entirely out of place for a West African, no?
- 13 April 2019: Please be mindful to direct your hate at the traitors who traveled to the exotic reaches of the opposite end of the world to find and shuttle crazed cannibal psychos into your hometown to kill your kids.
- 13 April 2019: The Mall of Somalian guy had habitually done shit like this, including throwing a retard tantrum smashing $5,000 worth of computers at the public library because something made him mad on "the Facebook." I'm fixin'a throw a similar tantrum over this.
- 12 April 2019: I'm really thankful that Jack lets me on his website, but sometimes I really miss the family and local trolling that only facebook delivers. My bantz about the local Taco Bell drive thru were fire.
- 12 April 2019: A remnant of my once mighty race, hidden in plain sight, invisible to the naked eye, waits patiently to reclaim the mantle of mankind from you uppity albino rainforest critter hybrids.
- 12 April 2019: The Neanderthal Demise was the first White Genocide! Finally someone else sees it!!!
- 12 April 2019: If we don't disincentivize enslaving and exploiting mankind with proportional justice, the cycle will carry on.
- 12 April 2019: Either we radically reform ourselves and LEAD the charge against globalism and cannibal capitalism, or we (or perhaps our children) will meet a miserable and ignoble demise as kosher sacrifices for the oligarchs.
- 12 April 2019: Conservatism, Republicanism, and Imperial Revanchism are all attempts to look back to the halcyon age when we settlers got paid and rewarded to be the loyal helpmeets of the evil empire. Just as slavery was doomed by unstoppable socioeconomic mega-trends, so is neocolonialism.
- 12 April 2019: As with previous slave revolts from Haiti up through South Africa today, the actual perpetrators always get away, leaving vulnerable families behind to absorb the blame and the bloodshed. City of London and Wall Street market and finance the ropes to hang you and your family.
- 12 April 2019: Socioeconomic mega-trends are weakening the Atlanticist mercantile empire's grip on the global economy; its usury, exploitation, and degradation of humanity and its habitat for their enrichment. What's coming is a new slave revolt, but on a global scale. There will be blood.
- 12 April 2019: The oligarchs are setting us, the White American and European peasantry, up to take the blame and the fall for the very real colonial and neocolonial crimes that they have committed and continue committing.
- 11 April 2019: RT @mtracey: Everyone's favorite Serious Constitutional Conservative celebrating one of the most blatantly egregious attacks on the First A…
- 10 April 2019: @thecozygenie @spergmeister @HcJoachim @cashmoneyglock @AndrewYang Me, too. We've got them both into the debate.
- 9 April 2019: Tell me where to go, fuckhead. Tell. Me. Where. To. Go. What label will shut you people the fuck up?
- 9 April 2019: We're winning.
- 7 April 2019: DMB fans are "Racist Republicans" who tell n-word jokes in private while proudly and publicly signing the petition to fire the dog catcher who was exposed as a member of Patriot Prayer.
- 7 April 2019: RUSH is what happens when a band only has musical talent, but is entirely lacking creative talent. RUSH fandom is the most definitive NPC test available.
- 6 April 2019: @StrikerIsNazbol The fact that Biden got away with his handsy approach for eighty years without a single serious challenge condemns anybody who suggests it's a terrible idea. I refuse to do it because I'm a standoffish midwesterner who doesn't wish to emotionally bond with other people.
- 5 April 2019: @TheyAreWeAlso @Slippinjimmy24 I googled and couldn't find anything incorrect or immoral. Perhaps I used the wrong search terms.
- 3 April 2019: @RealChadRightez I suppose if my goal is to try to look cool to people on the internet, it certainly didn't look cool. That's not what I'm here for.
- 31 March 2019: There's an elaborate language, lexicon, and framing within this community that normalizes and encourages decisions which are categorically bad. Surgically removing natural and normal body parts is not good, wise, or "brave." It's quite truly psychotic.
- 31 March 2019: Who did TWP back stab? What mistakes did we make? Enough vague wording. I'm TWP. I'm right here. I'm asking you to specifically tell me how we're equally culpable for the feuding.
- 30 March 2019: RT @MatthewParrott: @Native_Israelis @8ey8_tenets @RichardBSpencer Yang wishes to improve the quality of life and even fecundity of struggl…
- 28 March 2019: See. That's the thing. My entire ideology is trying to fuck off. My whole goal is getting away from you people and doing our own thing. And you're violently opposed to white guys just going away and doing our own thing.
- 28 March 2019: I'm just about as openly white nationalist as it gets, bud. I don't hate other folks for being different, but I will never stop standing up for my own.
- 28 March 2019: Only X accept this fact, and X are bad.
- 27 March 2019: Real life isn't twitter. You can't just "report" everything you don't like and make it go away.
- 24 March 2019: @polychotomy @malloc42 @HarryInvictus @DouglassShabazz @aleppo_sniper @arnelswartz We're taking you with us.
- 24 March 2019: I live in reality. I have to be at work on time even if my house is on fire with the kids in it.
- 24 March 2019: You better figure out how to close it, or I'll see to it that yours chokes on its entirely unmerited arrogance and contempt.
- 24 March 2019: You bet I do. I waited my whole childhood to get out of the trailer park and into IU, where I was ruthlessly mocked for my overbite, my twang, my lame clothes, and my cheap haircut by these people. Nobody asked me my SAT score or my opinion on Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy.
- 24 March 2019: It's the intellectual equivalent of a tranny. There are all these superficial signals that this person is intelligent and well-read, and by the time you figure out he's actually a retard spouting word salad, the vice cops are already knocking at your car window.
- 23 March 2019: @BabaBoo39340386 We're damned either way with CO2 emissions. smdh
- 22 March 2019: There's a big debate over whether it was Jewish planning or Anglo buffoonery. There's definitely a bit of both at play, but I haven't been able to bring myself to care enough to look into it.
- 22 March 2019: if this is the white people party, ...i'll just go be the token white guy at the black people party thanks
- 21 March 2019: Israel is that neighbor who pays an arsonist to set your house on fire, refuses to let any of your family go to their house for refuge, and steals your car stereo while you're distracted with the crisis.
- 21 March 2019: Neither the racists nor the antifa, save for the ones who conspired with the council, anticipated that. There were enough cops to assign a personal minder to every bigot. We expected nothing like that, especially right after Pikeville.
- 21 March 2019: Oh, that's right. I missed that the cops only enforced their order on one side, resulting in the loss of life an hour or so after the event. The real lawsuit should have been Antifa v Cville.
- 21 March 2019: I tried to go on a friendly walk in the park, y'all staged a bumfight that you lost, then Anglin started crying hysterically because he's a bitch. What'd I miss?
- 21 March 2019: Who gives a shit about that except for me and Kessler? Y'all throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars at trying to win my run down trailer park, ... If you're lucky.
- 21 March 2019: @JackSlaterLAH But Breitbart died, Milo and Bannon shit the bed due to character flaws, and Trump "hit it and quit it."
- 21 March 2019: The censorship we're dealing with is very easy to overcome. You categorically can't censor the internet. It's algorithmically impossible, and the masses won't accept returning to AOL/Prodigy centralized control.
- 21 March 2019: Even the bad things are actually good things. Thank God that Trump killed Zionist Boomer "White Populism." One less half measure to contend with. Thank God there's no wall to pacify the normies with a false sense of progress.
- 21 March 2019: I don't know if ever, in political history, a smaller band of broker wankers with no popular or elite base has achieved the David & Goliath victories we've repeatedly won.
- 21 March 2019: For the life of me, I don't get why people in our cause are discouraged. In the past decade, we've gone from being a handful of impotent voices in the wilderness to the tail wagging the dog of western discourse.
- 21 March 2019: @netsafeNZ That's not how the internet works.
- 20 March 2019: And Discord's homosexual furries aren't even our own BASED right wing homosexual furries, but rather LEFTIST FURRIES.
- 20 March 2019: They're every bit as stupid as the drunken klan groups they present themselves as distinct from, only with more drinking. Their idea of security is to chase around bogus fed rumors while hosting their communications on a platform designed by and for homosexual furries.
- 20 March 2019: Nyfieaim's entire shtick, that you should join them because they're respectable and secure, is malpractice. And it's not infighting to say so. They do not take communications security seriously. They do not take member privacy seriously.
- 20 March 2019: Metal is just Industrial from before HUD really cracked down on lead paint.
- 20 March 2019: It's time to become a vapefugee, my friend. I keep a pack around for social smoking and special occasions.
- 20 March 2019: Back in my day, parents used to nag their kids not to smoke. Now, kids are always nagging their parents not to smoke. > pinches nose "You know that causes lung cancer and the second hand smoke affects your loved ones, dad."
- 20 March 2019: Enjoying Chopin while pirating Stabbing Westward on Napster and chainsmoking affordable cigarettes that underage kids could still buy at the gas station.
- 20 March 2019: Trent Reznor's brilliant soundscapes and inspired lyrics were the last rabbit death scream of music as a medium for innovation and creative expression. And Nirvana's Unplugged album plumbed depths of the soul far deeper than you will ever know.
- 20 March 2019: Both are superior to Millennials, who manage somehow to be as isolated as nineties grunge kids and as vapid as nineties chads. Their music has the emotional range of a teacup pomeranian, when it even bothers to rise above being ironic background noise.
- 20 March 2019: There are two kinds of gen Xers; the ones like Beto who listened to Smash Mouth and skateboarded while enjoying pushpops and high-fiving minority friends, ...and the ones who listened to Chopin and Nine Inch Nails while reading Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche alone in a dimly lit room.
- 19 March 2019: Ask him to keep some of his promises, Chad! He'll listen to you!
- 19 March 2019: I have no formal medical training, but I have Google and stayed in a Holiday Inn. Checkmate.
- 19 March 2019: Insulin production is caused by a variety of factors, including smelling sweet things, tasting sweet things, and then merely believing you'll soon ingest sweet things. Aspartame causes low blood sugar and more cravings.
- 19 March 2019: Whatever happened with the farm murders in South Africa? Did he conclude that they're not really happening? Did he resolve the crisis?
- 19 March 2019: ^ BAD
- 19 March 2019: Has anybody kept track of how many things potatus has alleged to be "looking into?" Your average toddler's got more focus and follow-up than this aspartame-addled asshat.
- 18 March 2019: @DemographyNow @ScottSurvival Please explain how I fucked up. I'm a humble guy. What did I do wrong?
- 17 March 2019: Ethnic bantzing is an ancient altright tradition. Figure out what he is and fire back instead of blocking.
- 17 March 2019: Respectfully disapproving of a specific action is not the same thing as disavowal. I don't believe the incident will be a game changer, and will neither "ruin everything" nor immanentize the eschaton. And that's my point. Needless slaughter and the loss of a brave partisan.
- 15 March 2019: RT @MatthewParrott: @JuliusEvolved @ngv_barbarian He is not wrong. White Americans are a sleeping grizzly bear and Yang is the only kid in…
- 14 March 2019: > record scratch You believe that socialism is the problem in Zimbabwe?
- 14 March 2019: A lot of critics of ubi are concerned that this money will ruin their lives and turn them into drug addicted layabouts. This is a valid concern. Here's the link to send your Freedom Dividend back:
- 13 March 2019: Bit by bit, a brighter future comes into view.
- 13 March 2019: @SupremeGentNRx Both the pros and cons are assuming a lot about the future. I don't believe sovereign geographical states are going to survive, and there will be a sort of patchwork of tribal regions that one or the other group politically controls. We just don't know, yet. And that's okay.
- 12 March 2019: @tacticalDiscord @cashmoneyglock Yang will probably wait until the Republicans retake congress again in the 2022 midterms, then kind of half ass pretend to try a bit in 2023 before giving up and insisting that we're receiving $1k/month worth of great economic growth.
- 12 March 2019: The oligarchs have coached them on how to win at politics while the oligarchs have coached us to ask for less help, support, and subsidization in pursuit of dubious abstract ideals. The blacks are smarter than the whites.
- 12 March 2019: The GOP is running on a platform of cutting Medicare and Medicaid while throwing billions more at "defense."
- 11 March 2019: @RealistReport @TonyHovater Sorry, John. On hiatus until April. I want you as a guest when we're back!
- 11 March 2019: NYF/IE/NAMBLA/AIM has attacked and lied about me and my projects every single step of their history, from Damigo in the very beginning up through leaving us holding their bag in cville to Casey talking smack. They're shit people with shit theory who shit on everybody else.
- 11 March 2019: Everything the groups are doing is calibrated to impress and pander to these senile skeksis who haven't been involved in any grassroots politics since the George Wallace campaign. And that's what you get, this potemkin village of deliberately pointless "activism" and "politics."
- 11 March 2019: In case you're all wondering, really lame organizations pushing stale paleocon shit keep chugging along with nice banners and conferences and flash events nobody notices because there are a handful of wealthy paleocons who don't keep up with things.
- 11 March 2019: Trump is more popular with Israelis than with his (former) supporters. I'm at a loss here. There's no way to parody shit this fucking stupid.
- 10 March 2019: Instead of calling it a Freedom Dividend, we should all get to choose our own label, like with vanity license plates. Blacks could call theirs "Reparations." Natives can call theirs "Land Theft Refunds." Whites can continue to use the "Earned Income Tax Credit" euphemism.
- 9 March 2019: Coming right out and saying that black people are worthless is a bit harsh, tbh.
- 9 March 2019: This, yet again. ... but now featuring $1,000/month!
- 8 March 2019: I agree. Bunch of white busybodies butting in on business that ain't our business.
- 8 March 2019: Teacher fired after figuring out how to make math relevant to inner city youth.
- 8 March 2019: RT @PrisonPlanet:
- 7 March 2019: If I'm doomed by fate to be under the thumb of an invasive managerial elite, I choose Mandarins over Pharisees!
- 7 March 2019: Hopefully he doesn't fold up as quickly as Tulsi did. That was lame.
- 7 March 2019: The funny thing is that the media hacks are so fucking lame that they see things happening primarily on the internet as somehow intrinsically less real than a Kamala insider banquet.
- 7 March 2019: This sneaky Asian is hacking our democracy by delivering a message that a lot of people are excited about...
- 7 March 2019: It's "gaming the system" when a dude runs his campaign on organic small donor enthusiasm? WTF?
- 6 March 2019: The early primaries are the moment when highly motivated fringe radicals can make an impact. If we actually got behind Yang with real effort and primary votes, we could genuinely rock the indecisive DNC race while sending a message in all caps to the Trump Administration.
- 6 March 2019: In American nationalist politics, "identity" means that it's long on graphics design and trips to OfficeMax, but short on substance.
- 5 March 2019: @richardpolitik @HonkHonkler88 Very true.
- 4 March 2019: RT @Silmarillion77: @StrikerIsNazbol @MatthewParrott Given the impeccable prediction track record of our visionary economist oracles like t…
- 4 March 2019: @FeralBlonde1 My IQ is so high that I got kicked out of Mensa for talking like a fag.
- 4 March 2019: RT @PJones1776: “Just hanging out” nationalism on the rise @PatrickCaseyIE @NickJFuentes @FaithGoldy
- 2 March 2019: I'm a Radical Traditionalist who sees Marxists as potential allies in ending this Mercantile Age. Marx's historiography is a simple inversion of the R/T cycle.
- 2 March 2019: I'm anti to the extent that I believe you guys are misguided while still trying to fight the right villains. I'm not Marxist.
- 2 March 2019: @sev__k @RealThug4Life @Sovnarkhoz_Wave Farther
- 2 March 2019: I'm not really anti-communist. I'm NazBol-adjacent National Socialist.
- 2 March 2019: We're Nazis who happen to be ubi. Your friend accidentally stumbled onto actual Nazis.
- 2 March 2019: But it's okay that the Soviets were trying to do it? Let's just all admit that everybody involved in it was imperialist.
- 2 March 2019: In my observation, becoming a fraternal drinking club is what did the klan in, and it threatens to derail much of the altright. Perhaps there should be a rule that celebration (in moderation) should only be permitted when there's been some tangible achievement to celebrate.
- 2 March 2019: Those in a leadership position, self-inclusive, must do a better job of being on guard against people with toxic vices in leadership positions, while working to help drug and alcohol addicts resolve their problems if they're open to self-improvement.
- 2 March 2019: I never drink, find partying overstimulating, and am an incredibly boring person whose only immoral temptations are all neatly lined up on the Dollar Menu. But we should permit a degree of drinking and partying in our circles.
- 2 March 2019: My advice is to look more than you listen, and assume that ignored problems will get worse rather than going away. We can't be sharia morality police, either, and a balance must be struck.
- 2 March 2019: The US AltRight is run by contemporary Americans, who often fail to rise above the very degeneracy and depravity they would oppose. Greg isn't the one to lead this moral crusade, given his own recent attempted cover-up of sexual assault within his own organization.
- 1 March 2019: Trump systemically fires anybody in his administration who's pro-Trump.
- 1 March 2019: Why didn't any of you people explain this to me?
- 1 March 2019: I was under the impression this whole time that "socialism" meant free cheeseburgers. Nobody explained to me that it meant no cheeseburgers. I have royally fucked up at political analysis and will be voting Straight R from now on.
- 1 March 2019: Do the Democrats invite a bunch of prominent right wing figures to shit all over their conferences?
- 28 February 2019: @Morgans_Journal @RealThug4Life I'm all about the Thug Life, too, sir.
- 28 February 2019: This movement should be called Muppet Babies, since they love indulging in fantasy games, ...but always knock it off immediately when nanny checks in on them.
- 27 February 2019: Meh. It was a low drama diversification. I've seen worse. Trust me.
- 27 February 2019: Optics hari kari
- 27 February 2019: Just kidding. The network went tits up and I scrambled for Augustus's life raft.
- 27 February 2019: I have been fired from Heel Turn for having bad optics. Please join The Foundry at our new RevCon home.
- 26 February 2019: @HydeDad See, you're a bitch. I own two trailers on my property, which also has a nice stick built home that is my primary residence. Not that there's anything dishonorable about manufactured housing.
- 26 February 2019: Redneck/Red China Alliance ACTIVATED
- 25 February 2019: At this rate, I'm going to end up doing livestreams with an eye patch AND a throat box. I'm definitely the baddies.
- 25 February 2019: It's sour grapes. Until I can figure out how to pioneer the perfect scent profile, I'm going natty.
- 25 February 2019: You call it "hygiene." I call it corporate colonial olfactory alienation. Why pay to smell like industrial chemicals when I produce my own perfectly pleasant essence for free?
- 25 February 2019: Tune into The Foundry, the only show on the network with optics so bad that we had to add an audio-only option!
- 25 February 2019: What outsiders fail to realize is that the gay mafia struck first. Greg has been leveraging his clique to attack and destroy people who absolutely did not strike first, myself included. And then I'm guilty of infighting when I try to defend myself against a coordinated attack.
- 25 February 2019: I know. I'm just bantzing. I'm down with any future arrangement which allows for the survival and success of my people.
- 25 February 2019: Kinda sad that this dude's going to motivate and empower me to eventually deport him. 😢
- 25 February 2019: @HcJoachim Yeah. What have ugly old white dudes ever accomplished? Everything but peanut butter and polio, bitch.
- 24 February 2019: The Foundry is going LIVE!
- 24 February 2019: These Republican war hawks are fucking sick.
- 24 February 2019: @OhioVoluntary I agree. I'm a hillbilly, not a redneck, an okie, a swamp yankee, or a wigger. I'm always lectured to learn about and respect everyone else's culture, but nobody ever learns about mine.
- 24 February 2019: @manuelneg @FernandoAmandi I can comfortably say that any Latin American immigrant who cares more about his homeland than his adopted country is not an American and should go back to the place he cares more about.
- 24 February 2019: The dox fund would require much more liquidity than we currently have. The first step needs to be targeting young men who are choosing their careers with advice on how to develop a dox-proof lifestyle BEFORE they're beholden to an HR department.
- 24 February 2019: One would need to get down to specific things the early zionists did. We face a degree of scrutiny without any real safe harbors that put some prerequisites in front of that basic building block work.
- 24 February 2019: There's a lot to inspire and a lot to learn from the early Zionists and their work. Just got to make sure our own ethnic survival project doesn't also become an imperialist racket.
- 24 February 2019: People don't take orders unless they're getting paid. Tell your cousins that I'll guarantee them an entire continent all to themselves if they're willing to help give me a boost.
- 24 February 2019: Namecoin and the other DNS alternatives got zero traction after the DS shoah. I even did a series of articles and nobody gave a shit. Nobody is even thinking about infrastructure issues, much less working on them.
- 23 February 2019: @TheDC_Opinion Everybody who is critical of Soros is anti-semitic.
- 23 February 2019: We're all going to look like absolute retards when Anglin and Aurenheimer complete their bestselling book about how they tricked racists and saved america with their clever jokes.
- 23 February 2019: This gets more confusing the more he elaborates.
- 23 February 2019: Your god is dead, your women are unfaithful and resentful, you killed the children you conceived, you went in debt to train for a career that doesn't exist, and you belong to the race guilty for history's crimes which has no place in the future. Why all the white male suicides?
- 23 February 2019: "Hey, hey, HEY! This is America!" Proposed #YangGang campaign slogan.
- 23 February 2019: The nationalist movement should have defined social spaces where homosexuality is not tolerated. Call it a "safe space" for young men who wish to bond without fear of predation.
- 23 February 2019: This is the kind of thing going on behind closed doors when beltway truecons proudly announce that they don't care what goes on behind closed doors.
- 22 February 2019: This is great news. If we can bait the federal government into an optics debate, the whole thing will implode on itself in a matter of weeks.
- 22 February 2019: GSS leadership is actually quite thoughtful. I see more stupid and immature stuff from the bourgeoisie amnat optics kids than from the veteran street activists.
- 22 February 2019: We don't need a billionaire backer. We need to become organized, mobilized, and credible enough to achieve ten million $100 backers.
- 22 February 2019: Trying to deconstruct this toxic dichotomy without pandering, tokenizing, and DR3 is difficult. TradWorker tried mightily to pull it off, but I'm pretty sure everybody on both sides still assumes our party platform probably included glaring hatefully at minority toddlers.
- 21 February 2019: The next two years of conservative commentary in a nutshell...
- 21 February 2019: > crack open the wrong door in sinister, non-descript government building > massive white trashionalist party with dudes in skull masks and plastic stahlhelms jamming to Johnny Rebel classics
- 21 February 2019: Fed confirmed for /ourguys/
- 21 February 2019: The teacher was pretty based, and answered more intelligently than most professors would, confirming that ecological laws that apply to the rest of the animal kingdom also apply to humans.
- 21 February 2019: I'm game for tonight. Only good for an hour though.
- 21 February 2019: Sure thing!
- 21 February 2019: Join The Foundry on the Heel Turn Network starring @TonyHovater and yours truly every Sunday at 6:00pm to enjoy an action-oriented livestream dedicated to working class nationalist issues and ideas.
- 21 February 2019: Get Rich Quick Scheme: An "anti-social network" where you can easily network with everybody else who was blocked by a specific wanker.
- 20 February 2019: Red Leftists aren't going to smile and clap along about White Leftism drinking their milkshake.
- 19 February 2019: Trump declaring war on Iran at Israel's behest because it's not gay enough would be so consistent with my very specific ideology that I would be forced to accept the solipsist conclusion that this whole life is a simulation designed to torment me.
- 19 February 2019: I found a magazine in a waiting room, Poz, on living with HIV, that I managed to get tons of laughs out of until I tried it on a friend who ran outside and set it on fire. Wasn't even a movement friend. 😂
- 19 February 2019: Part of me wants to buy a few of these as pranks to sneak into the libraries of people I visit. "My, goodness, Bob. This is an impressive library of nationalist and traditionalist classi... Wait... Bob? What in the..."
- 19 February 2019: Bernie's campaign already has a grassroots advantage of being the only DNC campaign where the young single kids can flirt and grabass without fearing a tribunal.
- 18 February 2019: Oh, me too. The bottom line is that he passed up a tremendous opportunity to die a hero by calling it out for what it was and either resigning or escalating it. Men playing at that level shouldn't get pity points.
- 18 February 2019: Is a coup unsuccessful if the target is intimidated into complete compliance with your faction's agenda?
- 16 February 2019: Okay. I could have sworn I saw this massive campaign to infiltrate and support the GOP on behalf of Trump. I feel like a real horse's ass.
- 16 February 2019: There's this notion that things are all depressed and hopeless in the movement. It's really only like that on the side which doubled down on gay ops.
- 16 February 2019: Anglin is actively discouraging influencers from moving toward nationalism now. I suppose this technically and officially makes him an ironybro.
- 16 February 2019: In 2017 there was a big schism in white nationalism with most supporting Trump and the GOP (American Nationalists) and some doctrinaire shitheads (Wigger Nationalists) warning that it was a bad idea.
- 16 February 2019: WigNat is a term used to describe a man who so routinely wins every single internet argument that everyone grows to despise and avoid him on account of jealousy and wounded pride.
- 16 February 2019: 70 - MAGA 80 - Tucker Carlson Conservative 90 - AltRight 100 - White Nationalist 110 - National Socialist 120 - WigNat 130 - Symphonic Crypto-Ethnarchist 140+ - Neanderthal Revanchist
- 16 February 2019: I adapt the words and labels I use to describe myself to the audience and context. Never to obfuscate, but to best inform them relative to their information level.
- 16 February 2019: Big shout out to Donald Trump for increasing our refugee resettlement funding. #MAGA
- 16 February 2019: @vapingheals @MacFlyver12345 @Rafael13514 @Burrier10 He hadn't flipped at the time of the crowdfund, and all of the proceeds for my fundraisers were confirmed to have gone where promised, ...instead of Anglin's dad's home improvement project.
- 15 February 2019: The GOP is almost entirely comprised of the calcified remains of bygone mini-revolts just like this one, in accreted layers like a geological sample. All we can do is weep for our fallen comrades who've been swallowed up by the borg.
- 15 February 2019: Here lately, all the anti-globalist and anti-semitic wins have been from the radical Dems. And I'll take it!
- 15 February 2019: None of these people are our friends. None of them will be our friends. Nobody in national politics can be relied on to promote our complete agenda. NOBODY. But by being agile, amplifying parts of our message wherever they're raised, we can very effectively promote our agenda.
- 15 February 2019: To put it succinctly, the way to win is to completely focus on boosting our messages with no regard whatsoever for the messenger. Stop considering the messenger. If Omar, AOC, Tulsi, Trump, or Steve King says something useful, with it. Period.
- 15 February 2019: Unconfirmed reports that Nick Fuentes plans to join AtomWaffen and swear allegiance to Charles Manson while wearing a skull mask on his next episode if Trump cucks any harder.
- 14 February 2019: @Kylerbonezone @Hearth_No_Fvry The way he scrubs his ED entry to not include any satire of himself is just one of the many ways that he's a massive douche.
- 14 February 2019: This drama over the intrigue leading up to Cville literally does not involve the NF groups or the militias and others, who were explicitly (and happily) "on the outside." It's far less interesting or relevant than it's being made out to be.
- 13 February 2019: The tiresome notion that we would win if we were just less ugly and did a better job of purging creepy people, ... brought to you by weev and Forney.
- 13 February 2019: It's all so predictable. #HandsOffVenezuela
- 12 February 2019: I sort of assumed that "the wall" would be the centerpiece of an initiative to turn off the illegal jobs magnet and crack down on sanctuary cities and sanctuary employers. Without those things, the fence really is just sort of a pointless vanity project.
- 12 February 2019: Christ was anti-Pharisaic, viciously opposed to the direction modern Jews chose to go in. If He were alive today, he would be getting suspended all the time on here for "anti-semitism."
- 12 February 2019: A Christian believes that the relevant covenant there was replaced by Christ, and that the people we now call "Jews" are the Pharisees who killed God, breaking their covenant. What faith are you, Black Crusader?
- 12 February 2019: A medieval shoreman who died while repelling one small boatload of skraelings achieved far more for the paternity and perpetuation of his genes than the village idiot achieved behind the pub.
- 12 February 2019: Correct.
- 12 February 2019: Black Pill (pejorative): A statement of fact that bursts your own balloon regarding matters of strategy. All kinds of options for resistance remain, but they're not the one you've got your heart set on.
- 10 February 2019: @Asperggger @AtavisticPoet
- 10 February 2019: The truth is that the event was risky. Your voice appears before every event, warning people not to go. And you also warned that UTR2 would also set everybody up to get assaulted and arrested.
- 10 February 2019: You're just making shit up and would do well to shut up. Mere weeks before, the police used sensible force and standard policy to protect a klan rally at the exact same city, as was the standard case on the east coast pre-cville.
- 10 February 2019: The solid intel was that the national guard and the state of virginia had invested very heavily in securing the event with hundreds of officers prepared to stop a riot. Are you friends with the mayor or police chief? Did you get the heads up on their stand down order?
- 10 February 2019: There was a very real risk that it would be a trap. You did not have foreknowledge. You made a lucky guess. Those who went knew it could have played out like this, and should have been prepared to handle this situation constructively.
- 10 February 2019: There are tremendous social, economic, and psychological pressures that come with being a dissident. Some people can handle them, and other people evidently cannot without going full on Looney Tunes. Thank God Trumpism was a false start, given how riddled with buffoonery we are.
- 10 February 2019: Everybody who's challenging that clear, simple, and true narrative in order to score internal beefing points is a fucking idiot. The people who are actually legally involved who are doing it are clinically insane idiots. Seriously. How breathtakingly stupid can you guys be?
- 10 February 2019: Right after Cville, I famously stated the obvious and factual narrative, "They staged a bumfight." This has been well-established by a wealth of primary documents, and we have a very clear legal case that the city conspired to deprive us of our constitutional rights.
- 10 February 2019: @ramzpaul English just happened to be the language which dominated when air travel and the internet happened. It's a bold prediction, but I believe English will steadily grow to replace every other spoken language within a few hundred years.
- 10 February 2019: Bitching about the system oppressing us without identifying and opposing the oppressors by name is controlled opposition. They control you, guy.
- 10 February 2019: Pay your taxes, grandpa.
- 10 February 2019: I'm so fucking tired of people telling me that these foreigners are more American than I am. I am pioneer stock, bud. If I decide to do teacup pomeranian taxidermy, then that's what Americans do. Period.
- 8 February 2019: I've got a really clever idea, everybody. Gather 'round. We're going to build our movement on the moral and historiographical terms of our enemies, starting with vilifying our fallen comrades.
- 8 February 2019: That's because we dumped our entire industrial economy on them all at once, within a single generation. It's an open question whether they'll get on top of that or not.
- 8 February 2019: Somebody missed the debut episode of THE FOUNDRY!
- 8 February 2019: I believe China will care in a cold, analytical, fact-based manner. They'll resolve the air quality issues in Beijing and reduce their micro-plastics emissions into the ocean. They won't invest in or attend big, beautiful national parks, have a back to nature movement, and such.
- 8 February 2019: 🤣
- 8 February 2019: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner 2: Deeply held convictions are challenged when a long-lost, fun-loving racist uncle shows up to a biracial, bicurious, blended family's thanksgiving dinner.
- 8 February 2019: America will devolve into a hot mess of squabbling identity factions incapable of even repairing our current infrastructure while China and other ethnically coherent states actually manage to confront and resolve this century's environmental and natural resource crises. 🌲
- 8 February 2019: Gentle reminder to moms of biracial kids that they're more related to Matt Parrott than they are to their own kids.
- 8 February 2019: It's taken for granted now that economics and politics are more serious than family and community stuff, especially among women. How dare we ask women to get back in the kitchen and the nursery? Feminism is the notion that femininity and feminine spaces are integrally inferior.
- 8 February 2019: I recall my dad, uncle, and grandfather arguing boisterously about the 1992 election, about whether Perot was an idiot or a genius, while my grandmother was prepping a meal for a neighbor who was dying of cancer. Who even knows or cares that their neighbor has cancer anymore?
- 8 February 2019: And no. I'm not trying to chase women entirely out of politics and economics. I'm trying to explain that you can have those things, but you've lost something dramatically more fulfilling, ennobling, and important.
- 8 February 2019: Women make for weak, shitty, inferior, shrewish, and resentful little men. But that's all that's there for the modern woman to be in the absence of the familial and community realm that's all but in a memory in this alienated modern wasteland.
- 8 February 2019: Women are supposed to be the default gender, because family, church, and community relationships are are the bedrock of the human experience. Women are to have both feet in that, while men are to have one foot in that and one foot in politics, economics, warfare, and such.
- 8 February 2019: While I'm sure exceptions abound, I'm horrified at the thought that these young men grew up with standard self-absorbed, vapid boomer mammaws who are too busy actualizing themselves and chasing their dreams to cook up an honest breakfast or devote their entire day to little kids.
- 8 February 2019: I suspect these millennials whose anti-feminism drifts over into outright hatred of western women didn't have access to quality grandmothers. Absolutely nothing (and I've been through a bit) can shake my loyalty to the memory of a white womanhood worth fighting (and dying) for.
- 7 February 2019: As a disclaimer on my bogposting, I do know of discrete and closeted dudes with this condition who do good work. That work is just absolutely NEVER anywhere near lecturing the rest of us on morality or sexuality. EVER.
- 7 February 2019: Every step forward that homosexuality makes out of the shadows, virtuous male bonding, mentorship, and brotherly love take an equal and opposite step into the shadows.
- 7 February 2019: 🎯
- 6 February 2019: If you had bothered to read any books, you would already know that impactful people often have imperfect lives.
- 6 February 2019: Another Parrott debate victory, where the dude is reduced to dredging up my romantic troubles.
- 6 February 2019: This big brilliant point about economics is utterly beside the point. An experienced and proven vanguard must exist before the bread lines.
- 6 February 2019: 🎯 nope
- 6 February 2019: A little something my uncle wrote.
- 6 February 2019: Can your Silent Worker bullshit.
- 6 February 2019: You're doing nothing, and less than nothing when you invest time in undermining the work of others.
- 6 February 2019: @jumpin_jackfash One who is always going meta is incapable of experiencing authenticity.
- 6 February 2019: Just shut your bitch mouth. Your big brain strategery is just a series of excuses for infighting instead of outfighting.
- 6 February 2019: Gavin was inspired by our victory in Sacto to found the Proud Boys, which also drove back the hard left.
- 6 February 2019: If only I were more homoerotic...
- 6 February 2019: It's not possible to make white identity morally acceptable within the prevailing narrative because the prevailing narrative is prolapsed white supremacy. Morally, we come off like a bully pointing and laughing at the Down's Syndrome kid, at the "racially handicapped."
- 6 February 2019: Fact Check: Iran is the #1 state fighter of ISIS
- 5 February 2019: > picks up this take with a pair of tongs while wearing insulated gloves so that his hands aren't instantly frozen and shattered
- 5 February 2019: I get the pushback. I do. Trying to troll the agenda without getting lost in the troll is deceptively hard. Just look how many supported Trump as a fire meme and found themselves hopelessly lost up the man's ass.
- 5 February 2019: The point is to boost Tulsi's profile enough that her anti war talking points get through the filter. Please don't think I'm asking anybody to stop being pro white. I am not.
- 4 February 2019: Yup
- 4 February 2019: No.
- 4 February 2019: They arrested two. Not sure what the status was. Probably nothing.
- 4 February 2019: Hung jury for William Planer, with likely retrial. I'm going to try to get an exclusive interview with him and help fundraise for the next round, if retried.
- 3 February 2019: Enjoy the PREMIERE Episode of The Foundry: "Learn to Code" Coming up later today at 6pm Eastern!
- 3 February 2019: > chariots of fire begins playing softly in the background
- 3 February 2019: The tiki torches foreshadowed the next big step in the revolution.
- 3 February 2019: @SupremeGentNRx By all means, pivot to Trump in the general. He'll be his best possible Trump against her.
- 3 February 2019: TULSI GABBARD is the officially licensed candidate of Bashir Al-Assad.
- 3 February 2019: And with the media doing its damnedest to fully starve her of oxygen, our shenanigans can actually cram her into the conversation. Ideally, the tankies will ditch Bernie for her and we can get some real horseshoe magic.
- 3 February 2019: I get that, but he's so iconic on the border thing.
- 3 February 2019: Open presidential primaries are a huge opportunity for trolls in the early stages, as each candidate struggles to achieve any virality whatsoever.
- 3 February 2019: Trump no longer wants or needs our support, even if you think he still deserves it. Tulsi's tiny, fragile campaign could actually use our energy, at least enough to get her to the debates. Without her, national populist foreign policy won't be a part of the conversation. Period
- 3 February 2019: Blocking everyone on here who doesn't add a 🌴 palm tree 🌴 emoji to show their support for President Assad's hand-picked replacement for Trump.
- 3 February 2019: Tulsi is the only candidate in the entire race who's facing the deep state head on.
- 2 February 2019: Kids today are making jokes about sex robots that they're eventually going to have to answer to a morally outraged mob of sex robots for.
- 2 February 2019: I'm glad to see Northam gobbled up by a beast he was all too eager to unleash on other white dudes. But the whole fiasco is so damn stupid.
- 2 February 2019: Everybody at the Northam's party thought Northam's costume was funny. Had somebody reacted strongly or seriously, he wouldn't have thought it appropriate for the yearbook. The folks at the yearbook didn't find the joke harmful and were glad to publish it.
- 2 February 2019: The Bob Dole Doctrine of the modern DNC, of "not tolerating intolerance," functions as a sort of lottery-style Affirmative Action program that randomly nukes white males from orbit to make room for their replacements.
- 2 February 2019: That's up to y'all to decide. Ain't my state or party. But if a candidate I favor had worn an aborted fetus costume thirty years ago as a tasteless joke he regretted, I would not cast him into the outer darkness.
- 2 February 2019: That degree of intolerance and lack of forgiveness for ones who credibly claim to have changed their attitudes is more akin to the fundies you despise than the open hearted hyperliberal Quaker/Transcendentalist tradition.
- 2 February 2019: Take a step back from the ideology and ask where their hearts were at in the moment, what the impact of the behavior was in that timeframe, and what the fair consequence should be.
- 2 February 2019: The Democrats are having a respectful and open debate about whether or not having worn a klan costume disqualifies a man for high office. They're literally less anti-racist than the GOP, and most of the AltRight.
- 2 February 2019: Ralph Northam's klan involvement was more recent than David Duke's. So it's only fair that he also spend the rest of his life branded with the prefix: "Former Klansman."
- 1 February 2019: @CptBlackPill That's my point, the kingdoms which afforded the jews and peasant merchants the most license to establish the proto-corporate hustles were overwhelmed. Merely gathering up gold is pleb tier chump change compared to the elaborate trades which emerged.
- 1 February 2019: I need every prayer, goat sacrifice, or whatever you're into right now for Will Planer. The jury is currently HUNG on his self-defense case and we're likely to have a decision TODAY. Just got off the phone with him. He's cautiously optimistic.
- 1 February 2019: "Don't you see that we're all playing a game to get the most clicks, and having TRUMP VOTERS think you're TOTALLY ALPHA is the way to get the most affiliate marketing internet cash? What are you even doing here?"
- 1 February 2019: Ego-oriented e-celebs can't wrap their minds around the behavior of abstraction-oriented activists. "But people will no longer think you're cool because X happened to you. People won't think you're cool. You lose at being cool. Don't you see that you're not cool? Beep bop boop."
- 1 February 2019: That was the smart unifying plan for the movement, but we reached a tipping point past which most movement people supported trump more than they supported the goals and a fight broke out.
- 1 February 2019: Riding the Trump cultural phenomenon was great, but one could see from a mile away that he would eventually end up having a bad political record, and would defend that record. That's why the April '17 Syrian Bombing was the optimal time to decisively leap from the train.
- 31 January 2019: Their plan is to pretend the argument was about ethics in nationalist journalism, pretending the strategic play never happened and that it was always about character.
- 31 January 2019: A bunch of it. It's the same template every time, and it's the same thing they do domestically where they impoverish and marginalize their opponents then invite everybody to point and laugh at their circumstances.
- 31 January 2019: Go back home and fight your own goddamn wars, Latinos. I'm so sick of immigrant communities telling us where we have to go fight and die next.
- 31 January 2019: I wish 2015 Trump were still around to roast this corrupt, useless hypocrite.
- 31 January 2019: We'll rescue you from your AmNat web designer if he's holding you back from going FULL WIGNAT, Anglin! For free, and you or a third party you actually personally fully trust with your project get the keys this time.
- 31 January 2019: @DouglassShabazz @Thamster2 @yellow_durden @Cthedon2 I lost the funny edit where it's reversed with gangster music
- 30 January 2019: Just about everybody in the white identity movement is aware of the central role they're playing in our ongoing humiliation and displacement. The choice is between honesty and simplicity or cleverness and duplicity.
- 30 January 2019: What is forward? I'm not a psychic, but what forward looks like to me is where the identities once entangled for economic reasons are reasserting themselves in a less centralized and hierarchical world order. White identity ought to butter with rather than against that toast.
- 30 January 2019: The plan is to somehow win them back, to turn back the clock to when we got to be their junior partners in the global colonial economy. The economic fundamentals undergirding that white & gold team dynamic have passed, as surely as chattel slavery. We must look forward.
- 30 January 2019: They are not us. They are a separate people. Good and bad ones alike. And for well documented reasons, the vast majority are the latter.
- 30 January 2019: And this notion that Jews share our identity cheapens both, falling back on a colonial conception of identity where we are both the fair people in charge and everybody is beneath us. That's incompatible with the trajectory of modern politics.
- 30 January 2019: This notion that one must refrain from directly challenging the organized Jewish community is itself a craven sort of anti-semitism, a simpering and submissive sort that is even more obvious to the Jewish populists than it is to the rest of us.
- 30 January 2019: I gladly worked with Sid at the council, and consider him a solid dude. Unz has done a lot of critical work for nationalism, as have many others who will go unnamed.
- 30 January 2019: I have always been friendly and respectful with Jewish individuals who reciprocate that respect. At my first AmRen, only JewAmongYou and Nick Stix even spoke with me, as I didn't know anybody and didn't fit in.
- 29 January 2019: @Captain_Columbo @Rafael13514 @Thamster2 @IdentityUS You guys always adopt this professorial tone as if you're preaching divine truths instead of having an intellectual dialogue. When you actually try to spell it out, it doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Hence the perennial personal attacks.
- 29 January 2019: > rough trade gets carried away > late to the set again > blame trump
- 29 January 2019: How is it that the combined force of the local, state, and federal government just can't seem to stop antifa from attacking permitted events? Do you need to call in the UN? The National Guard already tried and failed. And God forbid we stand our ground our damn selves.
- 29 January 2019: This nonsense, where it's becoming effectively illegal to be pro-white in broad daylight (you're leaving in an ambulance or a cop car) is blatantly unconstitutional and was even clearly tested with the Skokie case.
- 28 January 2019: TWP is an FEC registered political party which held a legal permitted event that was swarmed by radicals who openly and publicly premeditated violence against our event. If that wasn't self defense, there is no such thing. Period.
- 28 January 2019: @HcJoachim I'm always overestimating everybody, so you may be correct.
- 28 January 2019: I make an exception for Bill Mitchell, of course. Bless his precious heart.
- 28 January 2019: Nobody genuinely, sincerely, failed to analyze this situation. They got greedy and myopic and screwed up. Clicks and d'nations zigged while the truth zagged.
- 28 January 2019: I'm sorry, but social media death threats jumped the shark a long time ago. Unless you're a total basic bitch normie, you know there's no actual threat.
- 28 January 2019: Conservatives are all about serving the con. Keeping the usury racket imposed on teenagers rolling so the radical left can enjoy fat salaries and luxury pensions to brainwash our youth is indeed the conservative position.
- 28 January 2019: This is an apocalyptic moment for vapid scenesters tied to the passing fad, and it is bursting with potential for those who are prepared for dazed trumpers seeking answers and directions outside the conventional frameworks.
- 28 January 2019: Our prerogative is to be out ahead of the public mood. While the most shekels are found at its apex, mirroring the opinions of the most people, it's a trap. Forward motion becomes a danger, and you become reactionary despite yourself.
- 28 January 2019: The kind of shit going on behind all the AmNat accounts that blocked me...
- 27 January 2019: I feel like it's going to take a few months to recover a street activist "we" before we can even mobilize any useful action. There's been nearly two years now of relentless propaganda against doing anything that will require a long recovery process.
- 27 January 2019: Tejas is a deliberate misspelling, conceding that it belongs once again to the Spanish.
- 27 January 2019: While you weren't paying attention, the caravan sponged its way across the border, new caravans are on their way, the birthright citizenship executive order proved to be a cynical hoax, and Florida and Tejas quietly perma-flipped to the Dems.
- 27 January 2019: "The base has nowhere else to go." If we don't build and threaten credible alternatives to the GOP, the GOP has no incentive to listen to our concerns. The base does indeed have somewhere attractive to go, though: home.
- 26 January 2019: It's a term that Ricky Vaughn came up with to describe any and all white nationalists who were skeptical of GOP entryism.
- 26 January 2019: The path forward is pretty obvious; mentorship, stewardship, and solidarity. I'm just sort of moseying around on the battlefield stabbing anybody who still writhing or twitching.
- 26 January 2019: Striker is only tolerated by a clique hostile to him because Mike protects him, because Mike has been smart enough the whole time to realize Striker is correct. Mike won't actually do what it takes to fix the problems, and is sort of on house arrest in his own project.
- 26 January 2019: stormfront isn't cancelled, either. It's just irrelevant.
- 26 January 2019: Me
- 26 January 2019: "RE: A Critique of White Nationalism," by @MatthewParrott
- 25 January 2019: They're still operating their blacklists. They're still refusing to admit to their audience how badly they misled them. They're still not apologizing to the honest men they rabidly kicked in the teeth. They're just a little more agile than the other scum.
- 25 January 2019: Daily Stormer, TRS, IE, Fuentes, and the rest oughtn't be condemned for being incorrect in their analysis. They have earned condemnation for viciously attacking and blacklisting all who respectfully disagreed with their incorrect analysis.
- 25 January 2019: We are not fedgov and its corporate sponsors. They are they. That's one of the big reasons for my objection to AmNat angles. People get confused and think we are going to dominate and exploit Venezuela. #NotYourEmpire
- 24 January 2019: Asking for an honest journalist is like asking for a midget firefighter. It ain't possible. Those who take the time to do quality research and offer balanced reporting can't compete with the scum pundits for clicks and revenue.
- 24 January 2019: Anybody hiring a romantic comedy doctor? Anybody? ...
- 24 January 2019: Riddle: Your house is on fire with your family inside, but there's a wise native american combat veteran banging a tribal drum at the front door, daring you to push him aside. The media and your bishop are watching.
- 23 January 2019: There's nothing anti-white about being anti-colonial. In fact, with the direction the neo-colonial oligarchs are taking @WokeCapital , it could be argued that 21st century white identity must be as anti-colonial as 19 century white identity was colonial.
- 23 January 2019: "This guy's got some hot nationalist takes, I shall follow him." > a few days pass by "WTF is White Leftism doing in my feed??? How did this happen??? Arggghhh!"
- 23 January 2019: I insisted to my parents at the time that Beavis & Butthead was ackshually a brilliant reactionary satire and critique of modernity. A prophet is always without honor in his own home.
- 22 January 2019: Li'l @benshapiro is always preening about his morals, always opining about his lofty principles, always reminding his dear listeners that he is above identity, favor, and faction, the final boss of objective virtue. The whole act is just gross, especially given his naked biases.
- 21 January 2019: MLK could hardly be less relevant. He grows steadily less so with each passing year. If Republicans looking to buy air cover with cheap boilerplate appeals to racial unity didn't bring him up, he would never be brought up.
- 21 January 2019: The plot of Gilligan's Island, ...but with clumsy dumbasses thinking they can reach the mainstream instead of the mainland. Every. Single. Episode.
- 21 January 2019: Back when my stepkids were in high school, I would tell them that they need to wake up because the house is on fire. They knew from my tone that I was joking. Our political house truly is on fire, but our side approaches it like it's all a joke. And we don't awaken anybody.
- 20 January 2019: "whether on immigration or SOMETHING ELSE"? 🤔
- 18 January 2019: @EllieAndOtis @Cthedon2 @realjoshneal @ADL_National My content's so fire, my stats have been great despite your kosher tricks.
- 16 January 2019: I literally said nothing to or about Casey or Fuentes beforehand. Ridiculous.
- 16 January 2019: Casey recently blocked me for some reason. Make no mistake, the only lesson AmNats have learned about infighting is to make it less obvious in the future that they're the ones starting it.
- 16 January 2019: Populism is a threat to oligarchical republics. Democracy isn't actually a thing. Even by original design, the will of the people was to be sort of another check among many.
- 15 January 2019: "Hi. I'm a national socialist in your district and I'm wondering why you haven't responded to Steve King's inflammatory and hurtful remarks targeting your white nationalist constituents."
- 14 January 2019: If you're not doing anything for the cause, it's because you suck. Don't blame your wife, your job, or your ugly kids. It's not their fault you suck. You don't need to dox yourself to do something. You can anonymously do a lot. But you suck.
- 13 January 2019: Imagine being a more vapid unprincipled famewhore than Milo.
- 13 January 2019: "He's a really nice and sweet guy who got mixed up in a bad crowd who bullied and tricked him into taking political positions he didn't understand."
- 13 January 2019: I don't keep up with everything, so maybe I'm missing something. Is Baked Alaska special needs or something? Because people speak about him and he expects to be spoken about as if he has cerebral palsy or something.
- 13 January 2019: Peak America will be Hispanic members of a Western chauvinist fraternity getting attacked by suburban white antifa kids for helping guard a drag queen story time from intolerant Muslim radicals the drag queen voted to import.
- 12 January 2019: Which liberal democrat dream ticket will you be supporting in 2020?
- 11 January 2019: At this point, even the mountains are like, "Man, fuck these guys..."
- 11 January 2019: I don't really have anything against the Kurds. I'm sure they're fine people. But they bet on antifa and neocons. You lose. Thank you for playing geopolitics. Next.
- 11 January 2019: Why wasn't this at least offered as part of the wall negotiation? Why is he throwing out more liberal immigration policy for free WHILE losing his battle for more conservative immigration policy?
- 10 January 2019: @MickPat3 She's got a low IQ because she's inbred. Will you volunteer to help her solve that problem?
- 9 January 2019: There's going to be a Dumb market for people who wish to control when and where sensors are gathering information and making decisions about your life. I don't want all this stuff in my car, or integrated into my house. Consumers never actually asked for IoT.
- 8 January 2019: We only have the "freedom" to do pointless and destructive stuff that's not relevant to our oligarchs. Of course you're allowed and even encouraged to cut off your balls and call yourself Susan. But try to merely not buy stuff from their beloved regime and see how far you get.
- 30 December 2018: RT @realjoshneal: .@MatthewParrott will be joining the No Apologies Livestream in just about 5 minutes
- 30 December 2018: At that time I made that claim, I was balls deep in a custody situation I thought precluded it. The situation evolved. I'm still not in a situation where I can afford to be hitting the streets again.
- 30 December 2018: I've finally suckered a podcaster into permitting me a platform again. It's happening again, and you're powerless to stop it.
- 30 December 2018: I get gut sick thinking about all the guys who were impacted by that stupid shit. I can't change what happened, and how it affected untold hundreds of stakeholders. All I can do is try to learn from it and get back in the struggle.
- 30 December 2018: All of this gramscian bullshit about infiltrating and subverting the system is more embarrassingly stupid than wearing an ironic stahlhelm. Even in the GOP, the "white people party" is making it hard for white guys to rise up even when they're clapping along. It's a dead end.
- 30 December 2018: Not literal bolshevism, mind you. But manifesting what Bolshevism pretended to be yet never was. These are the careers which won't get doxxed, which will survive austerity, which will position our guys to have bright futures and support white families without hiding and cucking.
- 30 December 2018: These alienated teens and young adults currently failing to launch and looking for answers don't need to be hopped up on empty promises of infiltrating a system they're not welcome in. They need a NazBol message inspiring them to seize and master these old economy jobs.
- 30 December 2018: We need to be hosting apprenticeships and developing shadow unions of our own guys within factories and small contractor businesses. TradWorker was trying to do that, and the parts of TWP which were doing that were (and still are) tremendously successful.
- 30 December 2018: In summary, I'm not pointing toward "workers" because I'm hopped up on obsolete 19th century bullshit. I'm pointing toward "workers" because the post-industrial economy is systemically and deliberately trying to leave our guys behind in the pre-bullshit industrial economy.
- 30 December 2018: But that's actually good for nationalists in the long run, because we're being positioned to thrive while everybody else is choking when austerity finally reaches our shores.
- 30 December 2018: White males and "workers" will be synonymous because we face steeper barriers to getting a bullshit job, so we become truckers, HVAC repairmen, chair factory proles, electricians, and plumbers. We're being "left behind."
- 30 December 2018: Between sham disability, government and government contractor employment, heavily subsidized employment, and outright welfare, we're clumsily approximating a UBI-style system larping as a peak industrial economy.
- 30 December 2018: The post-industrial thing is much farther along than most people realize, and the ratio of Americans who build chairs to Americans who sit in chairs and pretend to work is already absurd.
- 30 December 2018: While there are indeed fewer and fewer "real" jobs, there will still be plenty. And they will be reserved for this at the very bottom of the "privilege stack": white males. Minorities, migrants, women, and woke whites are getting first dibs on the ever-growing bullshit economy.
- 30 December 2018: What a lot of big brain folks don't understand about post-industrial automation and its political consequences is that "worker" and "white male" will become synonymous in the coming decades.
- 29 December 2018: @HalfWayUgly @SmokyJohnson1 I've actually worked and dealt with several Eritreans, for some odd reason. Every one of them to a man was noticeably reserved, shifty-eyed, defensive, and grim. The polar opposite of the West Africans for whom every new person is a great friend with much laughter and smiles.
- 28 December 2018: @Imperius__13 You don't understand what's happening. Politics and economics inexorably follow technology. Up until recently, technological progress has favored larger entities. This is no longer the case, and politics will also be more decentralized and distributed. More tribal.
- 28 December 2018:
- 28 December 2018: > me at GameStop when they don't offer me what I damn well know my mint condition classic Nintendo games are worth
- 28 December 2018: Before the refugees, long before the white man, predating the indigenous peoples, and even inhabiting this land before the buffalo were the trees. I speak for the trees. There is no god but trees and Johnny Appleseed is their messenger. (x3) 🌲
- 28 December 2018: @Imperius__13 This is all a bit hard to follow in tweets, and the platform really doesn't lend itself to thorough explication of and critique of metapolitical frameworks. If you've got essays somewhere, I'll humor them.
- 27 December 2018: @Rongwrong_ The penultimate step in the deconstruction of the colonial system is whites no longer identifying with and upholding it. The final step will be the Jewish community itself rebelling against their own finance capitalist elites.
- 26 December 2018: RT @RichardBSpencer: I unironically endorse Kwanzaa and wish everyone celebrating it my best wishes. Its value system is inspiring! https:…
- 26 December 2018: For every star athlete, there are dozens of tall, strong, athletically gifted folks who don't do shit with it and receive no recognition. Intelligence is as intelligence does, and those with a high IQ should have a higher standard, not a parade.
- 25 December 2018: Yeah. We tried to do black bloc on the right and everyone got fucking furious that we didn't dress like interns.
- 25 December 2018: Everybody has a human right to discern their own risk tolerance. It's both shitty to push people beyond what they can handle and also to demand that everybody stop so nobody gets hurt or arrested.
- 25 December 2018: The current "normal" seems to be that pozzed college towns are totally no go zones for constitutionally protected speech, while Trump districts in red states without public transportation are still reasonably workable.
- 25 December 2018: Yeah. But the bottom line is that NSM and TWP see Cv as the aberration it is on account of years of experience. All these guys for whom it was their first and only major irl event are totally lacking perspective.
- 25 December 2018: Pragmatism is key with dealing with local cops. Both the "thin blue line" and ACAB types encourage suboptimal approaches. Cops just usually want to avoid surprises and liabilities. And they give off warning signs when that's not their priority.
- 25 December 2018: @yellow_durden He's young. Things took off too quick for him to mature into the role. I'm done, of course. But the potential is there which may or may not be manifest in time.
- 20 December 2018: You with the fucking helmet. Every day
- 20 December 2018: As promised, I will suspend blackpilling on Trump during this brief spell that he's apparently doing some of what he promised.
- 20 December 2018: Over a long enough timeline, authenticity and audacity always beat angles and optics. It even ends up with the superior optics, paradoxically enough.
- 19 December 2018: Yes. That one.
- 19 December 2018: I get it. I get it. That I got nut-punched by the midget was inextricable from the theorem I was explaining and the midget truly did disprove my theorem by punching me in the nuts. I heard you the first time.
- 19 December 2018: Retard fuckery is the inevitable end of alcoholism, degeneracy, and a lack of discipline. A midget in a mexican wrestling costume running up and punching a lecturer in the balls neither proves nor disproves his theorem.
- 19 December 2018: Meh. I had thousands of supporters, rapid growth, superior infrastructure, antifa on nationwide retreat, and tangible local assistance for our people before retard fuckery took me down. With you guys, the project is the retard fuckery.
- 19 December 2018: You would seem like you're not fucking stupid if we didn't have several decades--generations--of failed attempts to infiltrate mainstream conservatism to look back on. But we do. So you are.
- 19 December 2018: I am going to move to DPRK and make a nice living as the horny, stupid, greedy, imperialist villain in all their movies.
- 19 December 2018: Fuck it. Open borders will make it easier for me to illegally immigrate to rural Mexico when I've had it with this anarcho-tyranny. Adios!
- 19 December 2018: Border patrol would detain you, and without the catch and release games.
- 19 December 2018: The only way a wall was going to happen would have been Trump charging in right at the beginning with his mandate momentum and vetoing omnibuses while holding GOP leadership in the spotlight. Didn't happen. Roll credits.
- 19 December 2018: Private funding of the wall is a terrible idea. It would still require an act of congress to allow the money to be accepted and spent on a wall. And if you think it's about the money, you're not tall enough for this ride. And don't forget the court and regulatory fuckery.
- 19 December 2018: RT @MikePFanAccount: Mr. President please stop. I'm tired of winning.
- 19 December 2018: Nick's committed to blocking as many people as it takes until his twitter feed returns to its 2016 glory days.
- 19 December 2018: 1. Trump is the only hope for white people. 2. Therefore, all who speak ill of Trump are anti-white.
- 19 December 2018: Can't a girl do a social experiment around here?
- 19 December 2018: R/T for wignat/blackpiller/fed LIKE for MAGA/Trump/optics/entryism I'm trying to prove a point.
- 19 December 2018: Deep Thought: Trump's jailbreaking American convicts so they'll battle and defeat all the MS13 gangsters flooding over the border.
- 18 December 2018: tfw you've successfully infiltrated the gop, you haven't been doxxed, nobody has a clue, even your wife & kids have no idea what you stand for, ...and you realize that the only person you've been conning this whole time is yourself.
- 18 December 2018: To what extent do we blame the AltRight factions which claim to be deeply embedding themselves in the GOP? It sure seems like they're more effective at getting nationalists to support GOP than they are at getting the GOP to support nationalism, methinks.
- 18 December 2018: If you would just keep your cool and stay the course, these preening assclowns are hanging themselves with nooses comprised exclusively of their own making.
- 18 December 2018: Where he temporarily shut down the blog to go on a sabbatical and I chimped out and accused him of ruining everything and drinking margaritas with colored girls on the beach while the white race burns.
- 18 December 2018: I've been around for over a decade. And save for one whimsical episode a decade ago, I've been a big fan.
- 18 December 2018: The answer is the same now as it was before we got purged. Stop raindancing for more persuadables and start focusing on qualifying ourselves as the most militant, organized, and strong alternative to conventional politics.
- 18 December 2018: @TheMadDimension @realjoshbates1 Dropping out and flipping are two totally separate things.
- 18 December 2018: But he was so cordial while he was installing a backdoor on my site!
- 18 December 2018: "Yo, bro. Stop responding to the jewish guy who came out of nowhere and called you an evil fed for no reason whatsoever. Stop infighting and just work with and support the guy doing that."
- 17 December 2018: Believer was a bizarre self-hating jew hand-wringing mess.
- 17 December 2018: He didn't look Jewish. He's from the South. He certainly didn't admit Jewish ancestry. And nobody raised it as a possible concern. fml
- 17 December 2018: Fair point. How far are we from a minimally viable product?
- 17 December 2018: Mulatta waifus are only permitted in the ethnostate if they're BASED and willing to pose for MAGA hat photos.
- 17 December 2018: We need to have our wagon built and functional before we invite the kids on a hayride.
- 17 December 2018: I'm a bit gobsmacked that anybody would look at our movement and be like, "Yup. This appears like a nice, low-risk, scene to make trustworthy friends. I sure hope I don't stumble onto any toxic or shitty people."
- 17 December 2018: I know it sounds like sour grapes, and perhaps it is. But I honestly feel that anybody whose motives are social rather than ideological is better off fished out of our cause by Piccolini & Pals. We're not ready for squishy "joiners" yet.
- 17 December 2018: Wire fraud and financial services privacy abuses are a different rodeo.
- 17 December 2018: But risks are risks, and it's a reason why we must move from Stripe and conventional payment processing even if they were to allow us back.
- 17 December 2018: I don't wish to cause undue alarm, and I expect that he's mindful of the slam dunk lawsuit possibilities that will come if he gets turns over information to impress his brand new friends.
- 17 December 2018: The GoyFundMe project originally belonged to @realjoshbates1 , who has now converted to antifa. If you ever donated there, be on the lookout for both identity theft and doxxing, neither of which have been confirmed but must now be considered possibilities.
- 16 December 2018: Suggesting that a sketch comedy show lampooning you ought to be illegal is pretty damn silly. You had people out there fighting on your side, but you had them all arrested because you also fall for media lies.
- 15 December 2018: Sooner or later, our opponents were going to stop affording us free and equal platforms to oppose their agenda. What a blessing it is that we can address that issue now rather than later.
- 15 December 2018: Deplatforming has worked as a sort of fast, starving out a lot of hucksters and opportunists, while also stress testing our organizations and relationships.
- 15 December 2018: Nobody's going to like this position, but I believe the deplatforming has been a blessing, as our cause wasn't ready for the spotlight, didn't have a compelling message, and isn't ready for primetime yet.
- 14 December 2018: Nobody's required to boost your project. Also, Nobody's requiring you to disavow projects you're not down with. Unity isn't about everybody being on the same page, but about closing ranks against the globalists.
- 13 December 2018: With all due respect, comparing you to Mr Fields is unfair to Mr. Fields. Why do you believe the media narrative about him but not the one about yourself?
- 13 December 2018: Because a strategy that they had which has always been legal has suddenly become illegal. This proves that they are federal agents.
- 13 December 2018: Confirmed.
- 12 December 2018: All movement organizers who encouraged flyering are feds who are responsible for this. We must denounce and attack them immediately.
- 12 December 2018: Really sort of sums it all up that we aren't allowed to have a wall but our politicians are required to travel around the world and worship theirs.
- 12 December 2018: All you do by voting for and supporting the GOP is make it easier to win with fewer concessions to their base.
- 12 December 2018: What people keep failing to realize is that the 50/50 duality is baked into the game theory. The GOP can't actually lose. DNC will just go farther toward its base, driving more folks as refugees into the RNC. Been happening since Dixiecrats came over.
- 12 December 2018: If there is a veto with a standoff, I will not roast or bag on Trump for the duration of that standoff. I will be too awestruck that he actually invested political capital in his mandate for once to say anything during the 12 hours or so that he holds out.
- 11 December 2018: The media and cops aren't on the side of the yellow vests, are they?
- 11 December 2018: Kanye West didn't even vote for Trump. But he gets to visit the White House and insist on leftist legislation that Trump will actually invest time and political capital in. His loyal constituents? Nothing.
- 11 December 2018: What is clear is that WN before 2015 was too fixated on respectability and optics, to the point of being irrelevant while TWP and Trump often crossed the line between provocative and silly. We need to arrive at a smart synthesis, not retreat back to the 2010s conference circuit.
- 9 December 2018: Serves Gavin right. He trusted the American Right.
- 8 December 2018: Takeaway: Check your state and local laws and ordinances before running over people with your car.
- 8 December 2018: It's perhaps relevant how there's a lot of regional diversity in the case law on running over people with cars, with the rural/red states being more pro-car and and the urban/blue states being more pro-pedestrian.
- 8 December 2018: Rocket scientists, refined ivy league scholars, carefully groomed homosexuals, successful businessmen, and tons of other very impressive people have tried. You haven't figured out a clever way around the problem.
- 8 December 2018: You 👏 cannot 👏 permanently 👏 evade 👏 appearing 👏 trashy, 👏 pathetic, 👏 awkward, 👏 and 👏 stupid 👏 through 👏 the 👏 filter 👏 of 👏 a 👏 hostile 👏 media. 👏 And 👏 there 👏 is 👏 no 👏 way 👏 to 👏 hide 👏 from 👏 the 👏 filter 👏 while 👏 doing 👏 meaningful 👏 work.
- 8 December 2018: RT @ramzpaul: Let’s be honest. The Left believes you deserve death if you have the wrong views. Your actions are a secondary concern.
- 8 December 2018: Personally, I would find it MORE blackpilling if our only hope rested in a senile oligarch's boomer tweets.
- 7 December 2018: Yup.
- 7 December 2018: We must figure out how to raise him the money for competent legal counsel.
- 7 December 2018: There must be and there will be a vigorous appeal of this kangaroo court sham of a trial. It is not over.
- 7 December 2018: What if I told you that leaving a trail of people you royally fucked over in your wake may not be a winning strategy over a long enough timeline?
- 7 December 2018: You don't dispute the record, and you can't. You just find it amusing that you got away with it. We'll see how it all pans out in the long run.
- 7 December 2018: We put together a proposal to make TradYouth an arm of A3P, and Damigo shit talked us and dove in, raising a bunch of money from them that he unscrupulously ran off with. Then later y'all asked us to come to cville, left us to do all the fighting, then blamed us for the problems.
- 7 December 2018: Go on and do great things with all your solid optics and brilliant strategic vision, pardner.
- 7 December 2018: You and I aren't intelligent enough to grasp the subtle genius of these master strategists.
- 7 December 2018: How does an organization manage to be the primary organizer and manager of cville and then somehow rebrand itself as the anti-cville group opposed to all the groups stupid enough to have accepted their invitation????
- 6 December 2018: I'm entirely cool with political soldiers or other exceptions opting out of family life. But most young men do just want to find an honest woman to pair with and have 2.1 kids.
- 6 December 2018: His mandingo manservant "husband" needs your financial support!
- 6 December 2018: We can learn from Europe that Breitbart-style right wing resentment with racial dog whistling isn't the center of mass. What is needed is a fusion of Bernie and Trump which speaks to youth alienation and their logistical obstacles to affordable family formation.
- 6 December 2018: @RoveUh @MrXanCap I don't think. I know. There is no other reason why all the right wing leaders were arrested immediately while all the left wing activists and leaders were permitted to rove around in mobs for hours.
- 6 December 2018: Milo's monetary bankruptcy isn't his major problem. His major problem is that it's not 2015 anymore and the novelty of being a young, smart, sexy homosexual transgressing left wing taboos is no longer there. He's no longer interesting.
- 6 December 2018: @ChristophDollis @cashmoneyglock Well, that's always how it goes. But like the spoiled rich kids on the playground, they end up winning after the fight.
- 1 December 2018: George H.W. Bush was the patriarch of an American Dynasty. #RIP41 #Bush41
- 1 December 2018: @EmpireGenerator @cashmoneyglock You don't understand our brilliant strategy. We must throw Fields from the sleigh to keep the wolves at bay. This is American Conservative Strategy 101 here.
- 1 December 2018: @goodguy1476 @EvanMcLaren @aguy7744 @AltRightTruth We held the turf with far fewer injuries than the numerically superior antifa until the government forced us to disband. Decisive. Textbook. Obvious even in mainstream media coverage.
- 28 November 2018: I've already stated earlier that I'm impressed with Casey. My criticisms of Damigo are very warranted. Casey is still relatively new and I concede that he may be able to take the organization in an effective direction.
- 28 November 2018: Sincere nationalists who don't wish for their principles and priorities to get lost in a silly attempt at civic nationalism and cult of personality.
- 28 November 2018: To clarify, I'm not talking theft theft. I'm talking about Bill the benefactor investing heavily in his group and then Damigo turning around and rebranding the group as a solo project unaffiliated with A3P.
- 28 November 2018: I tried that for nearly a year, and my voice was clearly missed.
- 28 November 2018: From the moment violent felon Damigo stole money from Bill to create a vehicle for shaking down paleocon donors, IE has been and always will be a seinfeldian organization about nothing.
- 28 November 2018: @SmokyJohnson1 @yellow_durden Once one gives up on mass society, a lot of potentialities are there to consider for a population that gently and organically selects for vitality and creativity.
- 27 November 2018: What's needful is what Dugin appears to be before you open his turgid books, an anti-colonial, anti-financier right with universal messaging and appeal.
- 26 November 2018: @PhilipBeq @cashmoneyglock Besides, the whole thing's in mala fide. Little and Nehlen didn't wear work shirts or stahlhelms. And they got fucked to death, too. These guys go around systematically fucking honest nationalists to death and your concern is tone policing my response to them?
- 26 November 2018: What's coming is a pendulum-style leftist counter response to Trump who will make Obama look like Carter. And he likely won't stick with tweets, either. I'm looking forward to it.
- 25 November 2018: Camwhores need to partner with video game designers to merge paying money to feel successful with paying money to feel liked. "Wow, Jerry! You just passed Level 7! You're so cute. I'll show you my butt if you can beat Level 8."
- 24 November 2018: @PhilipBeq And what's so disqualifying about a black dickies work shirt with matching undershirt and pants? Please help me understand why a simple dress code worn by millions daily and available at any retail store is so absurd as to be instantly discrediting. I do not get it.
- 23 November 2018: An obvious jew with a jewish surname in a jewish prayer shawl rambled incoherently about his jewish identity on a flight yesterday. Media: Antisemitic Airline Terrorist Arrested
- 23 November 2018: @yellow_durden Matrix and Tor are very stable, mature, and thoroughly audited technologies with first-rate encryption. I'm very confident that the technology is available to solve these problems.
- 15 November 2018: RT @RichardBSpencer: So, Trump won't use the government to stop antifa violence--what do you expect him to do, police our cities or somethi…
- 13 November 2018: They keep implying legal consequences for an ironic gesture. It would be ridiculous if it weren't actually our future.
- 7 November 2018: @Mark13317529 @DavidAFrench It keeps happening because you're being told behind a curtain what none of them have the courage to tell you to your face. And it will keep happening until you figure it out.
- 4 November 2018: @drvox These types will snivel about how distracted and lazy White Americans are right up until they stop being distracted and lazy. That's when the sniveling will give way to abject horror.
- 1 November 2018: Richard Nixon rescued the RNC by firmly aligning it with the religious Jews, who are less obnoxious, vocal, and wealthy, ...but every bit as powerful as the more numerous secular Jews who align with the DNC.