The list below includes 144 deleted tweets by maximebernier.
There are also 6 tweets that are indicated as not currently deleted by the Twitter API that have been scraped from pages of deleted tweets (as replies, etc.). These possibly undeleted tweets are included for context and are indicated by a (live) link.
Datasets generated by SalishCoast 161 and Karma 161 using ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown and other tools as part of the deleted-tweets-archive project repo on github.
You can create your own updated version of this document by checking out and configuring the repository and then running the following commands:
$ cargo build --release
$ target/release/twcc deleted-tweets --report maximebernier
Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 12 September 2021: PRESS RELEASE A PPC Government Will Remove Obstacles to Pipeline Construction #VotePPC #PurpleWave
- 12 September 2021: The PPC will unite all Canadians, including our First Nations compatriots, under the banner of freedom. #VotePPC #PurpleWave
- 12 September 2021: J’ai été honoré de recevoir en cadeau cette couverture cérémoniale de la part de représentants de la Première Nation Papaschase lors de notre conférence de presse sur les politiques autochtones à Edmonton.
- 6 September 2021: MAD MAX MANITOBA TOUR I’m back in Manitoba on Monday and Tuesday and this time the local despot won’t arrest me! Comme meet me and our candidates! #VotePPC
- 5 September 2021: MAD MAX BC ELECTION TOUR Come meet me and our candidates tomorrow Sunday in Penticton and Kelowna!
- 3 September 2021: MAD MAX BC ELECTION TOUR Come meet me and our candidates this weekend! Let’s show Canada that there is a #PurpleWave coming from the Pacific! #VotePPC
- 3 September 2021: MAD MAX BC ELECTION TOUR Come meet me and our candidates this weekend! Let’s show Canada that there is a #PurpleWave coming from the Pacific! #VotePPC
- 31 August 2021: MAD MAX ALBERTA ELECTION TOUR Come meet me and our candidates today Tuesday in Red Deer, Didsbury, Sylvan Lake and Lacombe! #VotePPC
- 31 August 2021: MAD MAX ALBERTA ELECTION TOUR Come meet me and our candidates tomorrow in Red Deer, Didsbury, Sylvan Lake and Lacombe! #VotePPC
- 31 August 2021: MAD MAX ALBERTA ELECTION TOUR Come meet me and our candidates tomorrow in Red Deer, Didsbury, Sylvan Lake and Lacombe! #VotePPC
- 30 August 2021: Cinq chefs gauchistes Trois militants gauchistes qui se prennent pour des journalistes Une grande émission spéciale de propagande gauchiste payée par les contribuables
- 30 August 2021: Cinq chefs gauchistes Trois militants gauchistes qui se prennent pour des journalistes Une grande émission spéciale de propagande gauchiste payée par les contribuables
- 28 August 2021: Another member of the corrupt media cartel, @CTVNews , pretends the PPC doesn’t exist. They show where the Bloc leader is even though he never leaves Quebec. And where the leader of the imploding Greens is even though she never leaves her Toronto riding. But no me. #VotePPC
- 21 August 2021: Le cartel de l’establishment politique veut faire ce que font tous les cartels: exclure la compétition. Ils sont tous nuls. #VotezPPC
- 16 August 2021: Some polls now put PPC ahead of the imploding Greens.
- 13 August 2021: CPC supporters: When will you stop clinging to your illusions? Yukon Conservative Party candidate @jonasjsmith booted from position due to vaccine views
- 10 August 2021: The central issue in politics today is: Do we give up all our rights and freedoms so our enlightened elites can ‘protect’ us against against covid, global warming, white supremacy and transphobia? Or do we tell these fascist, communist and globalist fearmongers to buzz off?
- 10 August 2021: Come meet us in Thornhill on Thursday!
- 2 August 2021: Les soldats déployés à Sydney en Australie pour aider à imposer le confinement. C’est du fascisme. Pas juste du fascisme sanitaire, du fascisme pure et simple. Et beaucoup de gens au Canada appuient aussi cela sous prétexte d’atteindre le ‘covid zéro’.
- 2 August 2021: Fascism. Not just sanitary fascism. Just plain fascism. And lots of people here in Canada support this too.
- 1 August 2021: MAD MAX NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO TOUR Come see me tomorrow morning in Gravenhurst for the last stop of my tour!
- 1 August 2021:
- 1 August 2021 (live): “Politicians should not be okay with five decades of red ink and families shouldn’t be forced to pay for all the overspending.” EDITORIAL: Huge public debt risks Canada's future
- 1 August 2021: TOURNÉE MAD MAX DU NORD-EST DE L’ONTARIO Venez me rencontrer aujourd’hui et demain à North Bay, Huntsville, Port Carling et Gravenhurst!
- 1 August 2021: MAD MAX NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO TOUR Come see me today and tomorrow in North Bay, Huntsville, Port Carling, and Gravenhurst!
- 31 July 2021: MAD MAX NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO TOUR With the Timmins James-Bay riding association and Black River-Matheson Mayor Gilles Laderoute who came to our event.
- 31 July 2021: TOURNÉE MAD MAX DU NORD-EST DE L’ONTARIO Venez me rencontrer cette fin de semaine!
- 31 July 2021: MAD MAX NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO TOUR Come see me this weekend!
- 29 July 2021: MAD MAX NORTHEASTERN ONTARIO TOUR Come see me tomorrow in Iroquois Falls, Cochran’s and Timmins. I’m looking forward to meeting you!
- 24 July 2021: Au rassemblement pour la liberté à Edmonton cet après-midi. Depuis un et demi, le PPC est le seul parti qui s’est opposé aux confinements, au passeport vaccinal et à la montée de la tyrannie covid!
- 22 July 2021: Nous avons encore des circonscriptions vacantes et avons lancé la seconde phase de notre processus de sélection des candidats. Joignez-vous à nous équipe!
- 22 July 2021: MAD MAX ALBERTA TOUR Come meet me in Calgary today as I begin my Alberta tour! Meet & Greet Tompkins Park, Calgary Thursday July 22 5 -7 pm
- 19 July 2021: Right, we had more diverse candidates than the Greens and NDP despite having no quota for race, gender or sexual orientation. Still, the FAKE JOURNALISTS in the msm kept insinuating we were a racist and intolerant party. They never said this about the far left Greens of course.
- 19 July 2021: MAD MAX BC FREEDOM TOUR Come meet me in Terrace tomorrow Tuesday July 20
- 19 July 2021: Je poursuis ma tournée Mad Max de la Colombe-Britannique. Cap sur l’Île de Vancouver!
- 19 July 2021: MAD MAX BC FREEDOM TOUR Tuesday July 20 1 - 2 pm Terrace Public Town Hall 4650 Lazelle Ave., Terrace Hope to see you!
- 18 July 2021: MAD MAX BC FREEDOM TOUR Tuesday July 20 1 - 2 pm Terrace Public Town Hall 4650 Lazelle Ave., Terrace Hope to see you!
- 18 July 2021: If you thought this crisis was finally over, think again. Trudeau has just signed an agreement with Pfizer to provide ‘booster vaccines’ for the coming years. We’re entering the phase of PERMANENT #covid hysteria.
- 18 July 2021: MAD MAX BC FREEDOM TOUR In Maple Ridge with candidates @DestaMcpherson , Port Moody—Coquitlam, and Juliuss Hoffmann, Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge (in black). Go team BC PPC!
- 17 July 2021: MAD MAX BC FREEDOM TOUR Meeting PPC supporters and others who are curious about our message in Chilliwack! Je rencontre des supporters du PPC et des citoyens curieux d’entendre notre message à Chilliwack!
- 16 July 2021: MAD MAD BC TOUR Friday July 16 I just arrived in beautiful British Columbia and will be visiting many towns and cities in the coming days! Come see me this evening at a town hall in Hope! 7 pm - 9 pm Airport Hangar 62720 Airport Rd, Hope, BC
- 10 July 2021: ‘Anti-racist’ are racist ‘Anti-hate’ are haters ‘Antifa’ are fascists Also: War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength
- 4 July 2021: Watch @MarkFriesen08 ’s introduction and my speech on Canada Day in Ottawa.
- 16 June 2021: You don’t know what you’re talking about.
- 15 June 2021 (live): Jeffrey Tucker: How Fanatics Took Over the World …and imposed their crazy, unjustified, unscientific, and disastrous #lockdowns . @jeffreyatucker
- 4 June 2021: have been holding zoom meetings with newly selected PPC candidates across the country, usually four at a time from the same region. I get to know each of them and they can ask me questions. This is a fantastic group of serious and dedicated people! #VotePPC
- 10 May 2021: I’m pretty sure a link also exists between @theJagmeetSingh and the mass-murderer communist tyrant Fidel Castro, whom he considers his hero, as well as the Khalistani terrorist sympathizers he used to hang out with. The NPD is a nest of crazy and potentially violent radicals.
- 9 May 2021: At the Saskatoon Freedom Rally with our fantastic PPC Provincial Coordinator for Saskatchewan, @moniquequintal
- 30 April 2021: Les fascistes sanitaires disent maintenant qu’il faudrait prolonger les restrictions même quand la majorité aura été vaccinée pour éviter le retour du virus. Le confinement de 2 sem pour aplatir la courbe est en train de virer en confinement de 2 ans. Et ensuite? Permanent?
- 23 April 2021: I sat down with Pastor Artur Pawlowski in Calgary to talk about life under communism in Poland, and the parallels he sees in his new home Canada with the rise of tyranny during the COVID era. Another fascinating discussion you won’t want to miss!
- 18 April 2021: It only took five minutes before this incompetent scribbler @decloet deleted his tweet. Here it is:
- 18 April 2021: It’s an excerpt from the article that I tweeted. You’re managing editor at @BloombergCA and you can’t figure that out? No wonder the media is full of crap these days.
- 15 April 2021: Link to #EndTheLockdowns Caucus press conference live feed on Parliament Hill.
- 14 April 2021: Bon, @francoislegault recule finalement sur sa règle débile forçant les couples qui n’ont pas à la même adresse à prendre leurs distances dès qu’ils sortent dehors. Ça montre à quel point il n’y a rien de réfléchi et de scientifique dans ces mesures.
- 10 April 2021: I will be there on Monday.
- 9 April 2021: Saturday and Sunday at rallies in front of Art Gallery.
- 9 April 2021: Saturday and Sunday at rallies in front of Art Gallery.
- 9 April 2021: Also in Vancouver on the weekend. Rallies at public library.
- 8 April 2021: You don’t know what you’re talking about.
- 8 April 2021 (live):
- 8 April 2021 (live): I just landed in beautiful BC for a series of meetings and rallies in the coming days. Hope to see you!
- 2 April 2021: Pour ceux qui ne l’ont pas compris... ÉVIDEMMENT qu’il s’agissait d’un poisson d’avril! Comment croire que @erinotoole puisse me donner de telles assurances? Depuis qu’il est chef il se fend en quatre pour convaincre tout le monde qu’il est tout sauf un vrai conservateur.
- 9 March 2021: Comme tous les aspirants tyrans qui se servent d’une crise pour accroître leurs pouvoirs, @JustinTrudeau se fout évidemment d’une Constitution dont le but est de les limiter.
- 9 March 2021: Like all wannabe tyrants using a crisis as a justification to increase his powers, @JustinTrudeau of course doesn’t care about a Constitution whose purpose is to limit them.
- 26 February 2021: Les mondialiste débiles du @wef soutiennent que les confinements sont une bonne chose et qu’il faudrait arrêter toute activité humaine pour sauver la planète et pouvoir entendre... les petits tremblements de terre.
- 13 February 2021: Consultez notre nouveau site web! Nous avons travaillé très dur pour le rendre plus visuellement attrayant et facile à naviguer. Partagez avec vos amis et votre famille!
- 13 February 2021: Check out our new website! We have worked very hard to make it visually appealing and easy to navigate. Share with your friends and family!
- 12 February 2021: Listen to my talk with @randyhillier about the #EndTheLockdowns Caucus.
- 12 February 2021: Listen to my talk with @randyhillier about #EndTheLockdowns Caucus.
- 12 February 2021: Listen to my talk with @randyhillier about the #EndTheLockdowns Caucus
- 26 January 2021: That’s a clip from my press conference after Erin O’Toole was elected CPC leader in August. Incredibly accurate prediction! Red Tory @ErinOTooleMP put on a ‘true blue’ mask to get elected. The mask will fall now that he’s the leader.
- 20 January 2021: Le @PCC_HQ est selon son chef @erinotoole un parti ‘pragmatique, centriste.’ Le Parti conservateur ne défend plus les principes du conservatisme. Ceux qui croient toujours en ces principes ont toutefois une autre option.
- 6 January 2021: Brilliant opinion piece by 19yo PPC supporter @Ravarora1 in NY Post: The most troubling aspect of the White Fragility doctrine — and the broader “anti-racist” movement — is that race is considered the defining feature of human experience.
- 24 December 2020: Catherine and I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
- 21 November 2020: Don’t count on @erinotoole ’s ‘Conservative’ Party for that however. Only seven of his MPs voted against the bill. The others are following @michellerempel and are in bed with @MorganeOgerBC .
- 21 November 2020 (live): Bill C-6 criminalizing conversion therapy should be defeated. Forcing young gays and lesbians to change who they are is wrong. But helping children suffering from gender dysphoria to accept their body instead of butchering it is right. @BarbaraRKay
- 4 November 2020: 2/2 Ce qu’on sait avec certitude, c’est à quel point ils sont incompétents et complètement déconnectés de la réalité sociopolitique qu’ils sont supposés couvrir.
- 4 November 2020: 1/2 On ne sait toujours pas avec certitude qui a gagné les élections américaines. Mais les médias aux États-Unis et ici au Canada sont encore une fois abasourdis par les résultats.
- 30 October 2020: Watch my latest interview with Dr Gad Saad where we discuss his new book : "The Parasitic Mind - How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense".
- 14 October 2020:
- 14 October 2020 (live): Why does Canada still belong to this ludicrous UN “human rights” council? We should follow the US lead and leave it.
- 11 October 2020: The few of us who have been saying that lockdowns have disastrous economic and health effects have been called selfish conspiracy nuts by public health officials and the mainstream media. What will they say now that even the WHO agrees? #COVID19
- 9 September 2020: Poor @DerekSloanCPC “hasn't said whether he personally endorses the petition.” He has to follow the politically correct line of his party now. I endorse it. We shouldn’t let doctors destroy minors’ bodies to profit from the trans industry. They should decide as adults.
- 8 September 2020: Rappel: 63% des Canadiens - et 81% des électeurs conservateurs, qui seront évidemment ignorés par le leadership de leur parti - souhaitent que le gouvernement fédéral réduise le nombre d'immigrants entrant au Canada.
- 1 September 2020: Read this to see how insane the Marxist Left has become. A book about how looting, arson and destruction as a way to attack “whiteness” are justified. That’s now mainstream.
- 30 August 2020: THE MAX BERNIER SHOW: watch my discussion with @roccogalatilaw about his lawsuit against federal and provincial governments for imposing unconstitutional and unnecessary restrictions to our rights and freedoms during the pandemic. #COVID19
- 21 May 2020: I am Live on Youtube:
- 17 March 2020: Ce que disait cet imbécile mondialiste criminel il y a qq jours: Nos décisions sont «basées sur les meilleures recommandations de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) et des formidables experts en santé qui travaillent au Canada et dans le monde.»
- 17 March 2020: That’s what this criminal globalist idiot said less than 2 weeks ago: “The decisions we make are based on the best recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the tremendous health experts who work within Canada and around the world.”
- 25 January 2020: Une majorité de Canadiens souhaitent que l’avortement soit interdit au 3e trimestre sauf si la mère est en danger. C’est le cas dans tous les pays civilisés sauf le Canada. C’est aussi ce que je crois. PPC n’a pas de position mais permettrait débat et vote libre des députés.
- 25 January 2020: A majority of Canadians think abortion should be prohibited in 3rd trimester unless the mother is in danger. This is the case in every civilized country except Canada. I personally think so too. PPC has no official position but would allow debate and free vote by MPs.
- 15 October 2019: All the other parties propose mode federal meddling in healthcare, education, daycare, housing, local infrastructure, which are all provincial responsibilities. The @peoplespca is the ONLY party that will RESPECT the Constitution and provincial autonomy.
- 11 October 2019: Come meet me and other PPC supporters this evening (Friday October 11) in Halifax!
- 8 October 2019: Come meet me and PPC supporters at our rally in Halifax on Friday, October 11!
- 8 October 2019: Le multiculturalisme officiel repose sur l’idée qu’il n’existe pas de société canadienne unifiée ni d’identité canadienne distincte auxquelles s’intégrer, et que nous ne sommes qu’une collection de tribus ethniques et religieuses vivant côte à côte.
- 30 September 2019: Join me and PPC supporters this evening(Monday September 30) at our Windsor/Essex Rally in Oldcastle!
- 30 September 2019: Come me meet at 5:30 this afternoon (Monday September 30) in Oldcastle, Ont., at a BBQ and Social for the benefit of the Essex PPC Association!
- 29 September 2019: Join me and PPC supporters tomorrow (Monday September 30) at our Windsor/Essex Rally in Oldcastle!
- 29 September 2019: Come me meet tomorrow (Monday September 30) in Oldcastle, Ont., at a BBQ and Social for the benefit of the Essex PPC Association!
- 28 September 2019: Last chance! Tickets will be on sale until noon Sunday. No tickets will be available at the door.
- 25 September 2019: Come meet me and our candidates at our rally this evening (Wednesday September 25) in Vancouver!
- 21 September 2019: RT @JIGNAJANI_PPC: Vote @JIGNAJANI_PPC @MaximeBernier @peoplespca If you want 👇 Lower Taxes Affordable Housing Secure Borders No UN…
- 21 September 2019: Come to our PPC Rally this evening (Saturday, September 21) in North Bay to meet me and our candidate @MarkKingPPC !
- 21 September 2019: I will attend a fundraiser for the benefit of the Nipissing-Temiskaming PPC Association this afternoon (Saturday September 21). Hope to see you there!
- 21 September 2019: Come meet me this afternoon (Saturday September 21) at the International Plowing Match in Nipissing!
- 20 September 2019: Come to our PPC Rally tomorrow (Saturday, September 21) in North Bay!
- 20 September 2019: I will attend a fundraiser for the benefit of the Nipissing-Temiskaming PPC Association tomorrow (Saturday September 21). Hope to see you there!
- 20 September 2019: Come meet me tomorrow (Saturday September 21) at the International Plowing Match in Nipissing!
- 20 September 2019: RT @MaximeBernier: Belle visite à la résidence pour retraités Château Bellevue à Ste-Marie-de-Beauce. J’y ai rencontré Mme Turmel qui a 100…
- 19 September 2019: Belle visite à la résidence pour retraités Château Bellevue à Ste-Marie-de-Beauce. J’y ai rencontré Mme Turmel qui a 100 ans! Nice visit to the Château Bellevue senior home in Ste-Marie-de-Beauce. I met Mme Turmel who is 100!
- 17 September 2019: I’ll be in Miramichi tomorrow (Wednesday, September 18) morning. Hope to see you there! Je serai à Miramichi demain (mercredi 18 septembre) matin. J’espère vous y rencontrer!
- 17 September 2019: Come meet me and other PPC supporters at a rally and candidates announcement in Fredericton this evening (Tuesday, September 17)! Venez nous rencontrer ce soir (mardi 17 septembre) lors d’un rassemblement et annonce de candidats à Fredericton!
- 16 September 2019: Come meet me and @peoplespca supporters this evening (Monday, September 16) in Saint John! Venez me rencontrer ce soir (lundi 16 septembre) lors d’un rassemblement à Saint-Jean, N-B!
- 13 September 2019: En train de vérifier mon identité comme candidat au bureau d’Élections Canada de Saint-Georges. Je suis le vrai Maxime Bernier! Verifying my identity as a candidate at the Elections Canada office in Saint-Georges. I’m the real Maxime Bernier!
- 10 September 2019: Hope to see you this evening at our London rally with @SalimMansurLNC ! Among other things, we will talk about abolishing official multiculturalism and why we must focus on what UNITES us as Canadians, not what divides us.
- 10 September 2019: If you’re in the London area, come meet me and @SalimMansurLNC this morning (Tuesday) at 11 for the official opening of Salim’s campaign office.
- 9 September 2019: RT @bimvision: I Just came from a rally in Napanee where Max spoke. I have never been more impressed with a political leader. Max is an hon…
- 8 September 2019: Hope to see you in Pickering this afternoon (Sunday September 8) with Pickering-Uxbridge candidate @cchisu !
- 8 September 2019: Come meet me and Hastings-Lennox and Addington candidate @AdamLEGray1 in Napanee this afternoon (Sunday September 8).
- 7 September 2019: Come meet me and Hastings-Lennox and Addington candidate @AdamLEGray1 in Napanee tomorrow (Sunday September 8) afternoon!
- 7 September 2019: Hope to see you in Pickering tomorrow (Sunday September 8) afternoon with Pickering-Uxbridge candidate @cchisu !
- 6 September 2019: Hope to see you in Pickering this Sunday (September 8) afternoon with Pickering-Uxbridge candidate @cchisu !
- 6 September 2019: Come meet me and Hastings-Lennox and Addington candidate @AdamLEGray1 in Napanee this Sunday (September 8) afternoon!
- 28 July 2019: RT @MaximeBernier: 3/ Combien de ces militants gauchistes qui se font passer pour des journalistes vont poser des questions à @yfblanchet e…
- 24 July 2019: LIVE STREAMING: Watch my speech in Mississauga on immigration and multiculturalism live here on Twitter at about 7:00 ET. Visionnez mon discours sur l’immigration et le multiculturalisme à Mississauga en direct ici sur Twitter vers 19h HE.
- 20 July 2019: RT @classicaviator2: @Paola_Dec1231 All of the candidates fake “climate plans” will cost money while achieving no more results than @Maxime…
- 10 July 2019: RT @clarinetlaj: Currently VERY miffed at people who claim @MaximeBernier "took photos with racists" LOL have these people EVER been to a r…
- 24 June 2019: RT @mundele243: He’s not calling it a carbon tax, but it still is! The @CPC_HQ has become just like the @liberal_party! The only party that…
- 30 May 2019: RT @HrdTruthHrdWork: @MaximeBernier A quick read: Here are 6 ways you can support the People's Party Of Canada. Worth a look! Also, keep sp…
- 12 May 2019: RT @MaximeBernier: Un jugement aux É-U interdit aux politiciens de bloquer les citoyens sur leur compte Twitter public. La députée @Michel…
- 7 May 2019: RT @willkriski: @MaximeBernier @MichelleRempel .@MichelleRempel sounds like @BernieSanders and @AOC along with the identity politics and sh…
- 6 May 2019: Madame la ministre, je me fous totalement de votre hygiène personnelle. C’est vous qui en faites une question politique en essayant d’acheter des votes avec des tampons.
- 3 May 2019: RT @NGIinsights: Take a look at the PPC, this is what the future looks like. After 6 months: 40,000 members, 294 registered riding associat…
- 27 March 2019: RT @realbenbradbury: CRONY CAPITALISM - The corrupt practice of political favours paid to private corporations with YOUR tax dollars; all t…
- 5 February 2019: Pendant que libéraux et conservateurs débattent de qui va gérer les rapports d’impôt, le @ppopulaireca est le seul qui propose de DIMINUER les impôts et de SIMPLIFIER le régime fiscal.
- 29 January 2019: RT @JeanPau16735059: @MaximeBernier What is this, identity politics on steroids? Or is it because it's 2019? But frankly, after considering…
- 20 January 2019: RT @kenmcgregor: glad to be part of this. just added my $100. @MaximeBernier for PM!
- 6 January 2019: RT @KewlShannon: @MaximeBernier Nanaimo-Ladysmith HappyNewYear & ByElection Rally. A full house! Thanks for calling in Max! We are ready…
- 19 December 2018: RT @PPCNorthVan: Expect to see even more vigorous spending by the Liberals as we head into an election year! Canadians more than ever need…
- 15 November 2018: Technical problem with sound transmission on Facebook. Video of Etobicoke rally will be on MB page after the event. Problème technique de transmission du son sur Facebook. La vidéo du rassemblement à Etobicoke sera publiée après l’événement sur la page de MB. -The Max Team
- 13 November 2018: Read my speech in Calgary. It will convince you that you can vote for what you believe in AND at the same time vote strategically, by choosing the principled alternative: the People’s Party. via @peoplespca
- 7 November 2018: RT @MichaelGessen: @jonathanb65 @VotePPC @Warrioroftruths @MaximeBernier Hard to split the Conservative vote when there is only one true co…
- 1 November 2018: RT @karansarat: @MaximeBernier This is a Conservative/Libertarian revolution, an essential political renaissance for the Canadian right. Co…
- 19 June 2017: BLVD
- 19 May 2017: RT @ZachPStrathmore: Met @MaximeBernier just after the rally here in Strathmore! #cdnpoli
- 7 May 2017: RT @leifmalling: Hugely successful GOTV operation for @MaximeBernier in GTA: 6 meetup locations, 50+ volunteers. #BernierGTABlitz…
- 2 May 2017: RT @itsmichellelang: Excited to be casting my vote for @MaximeBernier! #teamfreedom
- 30 April 2017: RT @dgeorge7007: @MaximeBernier
- 30 April 2017: RT @AlexCanadaEvans: Easiest leadership choice of my life @MaximeBernier 🇨🇦... 2019 can't come soon enough! #cpcldr
- 18 April 2017: RT @MisterDoubleJ: I'm w/@MaximeBernier on how to handle. "POTUS - open USA on softwood lumber and we open dairy. Deal?" #cdnpoli https://t…