The list below includes 1127 deleted tweets by peritropee.
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- 7 September 2021: BDE
- 5 September 2021: This is a profoundly bad take
- 4 September 2021: What makes you think he meant actual laws and not just social progress
- 3 September 2021: Penos
- 1 September 2021: Wokeness has gone TOO FAR THIS TIME
- 1 September 2021: Nbd
- 28 August 2021: Neuro peeps:
- 28 August 2021:
- 26 August 2021:
- 26 August 2021: SB Kaufman? Link?
- 25 August 2021: Well there’s where you went wrong! You literally don’t know what nationalism is. Nationalism is an attitude. It’s also highly heritable…across nations. But yeah, maybe we all evolved extremely harmful attitudes toward our own nations… for the uhh… adaptive utility.
- 25 August 2021: I think you drastically underestimate the limits of our eusociality
- 25 August 2021: Nationalism is a psychological adaptation that promotes in-group cooperation/cohesion at the penultimate level of analysis.
- 21 August 2021:
- 12 August 2021: @FiveThirtyEight “Perceived”
- 11 August 2021: ANOVA? Are you in high school? Lmao
- 11 August 2021: They did have race as an independent variable you clown hahahah
- 11 August 2021: You either have no idea what you’re talking about or you’re intentionally lying.
- 11 August 2021:
- 11 August 2021: Race is a better predictor of SES than education? No. Race is a better predictor of educational attainment than parental education attainment? No. You are lying.
- 11 August 2021: Your claim that race is the biggest factor of X outcome is outright false. SES, education, and parental SES/education are the largest contributors to unequal outcomes. Otherwise, link.
- 11 August 2021: Actually it’s the disparity in single-parenthood.
- 11 August 2021: Quite the deflection. Should I have said “directly”?
- 11 August 2021: @deonteleologist Is this related to CRT in ant way in your view?
- 11 August 2021: Now THIS is real news
- 11 August 2021: Now this is real news
- 10 August 2021: Nah dude. Around 2040 is where we will see the peak (and subsequent collapse).
- 10 August 2021: Can’t have cognition without a body
- 8 August 2021: 😂😂
- 7 August 2021: Heck yeah!
- 7 August 2021: Congrats! In academia or industry?
- 3 August 2021: Here’s a reason: IAT developed in 1995, concept of ROGD created in 2016. Dozens of meta analyses on IAT. None on ROGD. This is a good reason to toss the IAT but at least be agnostic about ROGD.
- 31 July 2021:
- 28 July 2021: Lol the only low IQ thing I see here is the structure of that sentence
- 28 July 2021: This might not say anything about either of your popularities, but in fact just additional evidence of google’s woke biases affecting search results.
- 28 July 2021: Drawing a parallel between species behaviorally is not reductionism. Where does he attempt to explain human behavior by reducing it to lobster behavior alone? Nowhere. Strawman. Or you don’t know what reductionism is.
- 26 July 2021: @BidenInsultBot
- 24 July 2021: I guess how/where to find alt/ac careers, how to increase in marketable traits during a phd
- 24 July 2021: Where can one fine info about alt/ac jobs relebant to their field of study? (Neuro/pharm)
- 24 July 2021: From like the gnostic tradition?
- 22 July 2021: Do you think calling it a speech impediment is derogatory? Calling it a “speech difference” makes it more neutral?
- 22 July 2021: Aurelius
- 22 July 2021: That’s why I said could. Even if you picked the lowest number you’d only stop world hunger for 29 years. Not like permanently eradicate starvation or death. Might fck up unstable nations even worse, too. As has happened in the past
- 22 July 2021: Joe Rogan is not a woman
- 22 July 2021: Prob bc it could cost as much as 265 billion/year and he only has 205 billion
- 21 July 2021: Nor without the revenue from a (largely) capitalist economy
- 21 July 2021: I think Abraham pussed out last second and just said angels told him the deal was off
- 21 July 2021:
- 21 July 2021: Shifting the balance in favor of the VMPFC over the DLPFC, eh? Wonder if these mice become worse at logic problems
- 21 July 2021: They solved the protein folding problem
- 21 July 2021: It’s funny how different sets of axioms/presupps tend to do that lol. It seems like any empirically based theory for consc can work as long as you’re willing to accept whatever leap they make where X process —> qualia. Idk how we could ever choose between them (or accept them).
- 21 July 2021: Sorry I guess what I meant by that was “does it have to be empirical?” Godel’s theorems really made me take a closer look at computation and I found that any physical system is basically computational, rendering the CTM mundane or useless. Brains but not minds are computational
- 21 July 2021: Yeah
- 21 July 2021: Do Godels theorems not suggest one over the other? (Seems like it makes computationalism problematic)
- 20 July 2021: SRY gene is just sexist genetics making shit up to uphold the patriarchy
- 20 July 2021: No it’s only true for every other mammal on the planet except us for sure
- 19 July 2021: 10. Speech is violence.
- 19 July 2021: That wasn’t the justification given earlier. You must just not care enough:
- 19 July 2021: 6. Socialism/communism has worked. 7. Biological sex is a myth. 8. Religion is bad. 9. Populations of humans w/ hundreds of thousands of years of separation are identical
- 19 July 2021: You didn’t answer my question at all!
- 19 July 2021: Because no physical mechanism or explanation of qualia will ever be sufficient.
- 19 July 2021: Oh sorry was this sarcasm?
- 19 July 2021: Except the sports themselves have a rational structure, and 99% of the time the players and referees respect them. You could say an identical thing about political structures/nations that inevitably have intra and international outbreaks of violence. Sport is not synon w/ irratio
- 19 July 2021: Don’t forget PCR!
- 19 July 2021: You can observe numbers?
- 18 July 2021:
- 18 July 2021: Oh sounded like you were saying unobservables were magic spells in the original tweet
- 18 July 2021: Are they magic?
- 18 July 2021: You think numbers are observable?
- 18 July 2021: Haha same
- 18 July 2021: And Kendi, and DiAngelo, seems odd that the most popular american race scholars seem to be the most retarded/awful. How do you account for that if what CRT is supposed to be delivering is so good? Why does this keep happening? Where are the good pop CRT scholars lmao
- 18 July 2021: Wait so if Soros does fund some political/cultural movement, saying so is anti-semitic?
- 18 July 2021: How is this a useful thing to believe?
- 18 July 2021: Antifa is just an idea bro
- 18 July 2021: Ever heard of science bruh
- 17 July 2021: The emergence of economic inequality begins with biological inequalities that led to the possibility of men being capable of gaining leverage over women.
- 17 July 2021: Are you asking if there’s something that it’s like to be my phone? Lol
- 17 July 2021: Clearly leaves a huge gap in explanation/knowledge for Alice (the colorblind neuroscientist, if you’re familiar).
- 17 July 2021: No, there are different forms of emergent phenomena/properties, some that are reducible to underlying processes, and some that are not. Depending on your views of reductionism of course. To say that a phenomenal state (or qualia) IS just the material underpinnings of such…
- 17 July 2021: Should’ve said affective states rather than “feelings”. Feeling is a famously ill-defined term.
- 17 July 2021: Feelings refer to neurological (physical processes) and the phenomenological experiences of those (which are not physical). All we can do is correlate material processes with the phenomenal, we can’t reduce one to the other.
- 17 July 2021: Nah don’t defer to my expertise, and I won’t to yours. Feel free to send convincing articles of the context that would explain away the data I’m familiar with.
- 16 July 2021:
- 16 July 2021: Written by a person with a poetry PhD
- 16 July 2021: But yeah, if you’re referring to recidivism rates, it’s more of a cultural problem. Not likely that we can legislate our way toward greater religiosity
- 16 July 2021: All of the data I’ve seen on size of police force and crime rate find strong, negative correlations between the two.
- 16 July 2021: Perhaps he construes “defund the police” as a progressive aim, which would doubtless exacerbate these sorts of stats in the future
- 16 July 2021: Do florida and texas not count?
- 14 July 2021: Why wouldn’t this generalize to every restaurant, store, classroom, etc.? You either care about the residual number of involuntarily unvaccinated people or you don’t
- 13 July 2021: So the entire world should continue to wear masks forever, as long as 1% of the population is still involuntarily unvaccinated? Or are you not being serious
- 13 July 2021: You either understand that the vaccines dramatically decrease susceptibility and transmissibility or you don't. I do.
- 13 July 2021:
- 13 July 2021: So you don’t think the vaccines work? Why would a vaccinated person have to wear a mask?
- 13 July 2021: Do you have change for a $20?
- 13 July 2021: Bc $20 is all I have in my wallet rn
- 13 July 2021: I’m aware. I have done so twice in the past month.
- 13 July 2021: Probably the moral argument, imo. Maybe the teleological. Cosmological aint bad.
- 13 July 2021: Now do homicides
- 13 July 2021: I was referring to the other guy, but same.
- 13 July 2021: Spending this amount of time/energy to merely talk shit over the internet is the most compelling way to convince the world that you have a miserable, pathetic life.
- 13 July 2021: I would pay $20
- 13 July 2021: So yeah if it’s not normally distributed then obvi I’d guess zero
- 13 July 2021: Didn’t I say earlier that I was assuming normality? As in height? Yeah inference based on the mean wouldnt be useful here.
- 13 July 2021: Haha yeah then I’d guess 2 cigarettes for one random student. Would you guess 20?
- 13 July 2021:
- 13 July 2021: Haha nah you’re right I blew it with a nominal variable.
- 13 July 2021: If the measurement was done only in whole scoops, and not broken down to fractions of scoops, then I’d probably round down to zero scoops. As I said elsewhere, assuming normality.
- 13 July 2021: Yep
- 13 July 2021: Imagine 1000 people had swasticas tattooed on their foreheads and 2% of them were ex-nazis attempting to fight against white supremacy. If I, walking alone, came across a man with said tattoo late at night, I would definitely avoid him based on this statistical assumption. Not u?
- 13 July 2021: I’d consider more accuracy than any other estimate very fine
- 13 July 2021: Well, like I said, I wouldn’t be really be attempting to be correct in some absolute sense, but closer to correct than any other estimate. Perhaps it’s the difference between a rationalist and an empiricist
- 13 July 2021: Why don’t you attempt to deal with the best arguments by theists? Or are you just incapable so you pick the weakest/worst arguments to appear superior?
- 12 July 2021: Seems like estimating an individual’s height by the mean height of the population is perfectly fine as long as we know the distribution is normal.
- 12 July 2021: In absolute accuracy, sure, but you’d have the least amount of error compared to any other estimate (He’s likely to be closer to 5’8” than anything else). Is anything binary like that? Does anyone use a mean to predict that an individual will be the mean?
- 12 July 2021: Wouldn’t 5’8” be the most reasonable prediction?
- 12 July 2021: We’re really just assuming we’ve estimated the mean. Not that we know it in any other sense than statistically. If the mean height of US men is 5’8”, and I randomly selected an individual, you’d have no guess as to what height he would be? 10 ft might be reasonable?
- 12 July 2021: Oh yeah I agree. But we operate via statistical learning and inference. So if we were to predict if they were X, rather than say they are certainly X, do you find that more appropriate?
- 12 July 2021: Call me
- 12 July 2021: Well in your example, the students at the school eat a lot of ice cream (avg=10 scoops per week, let’s say). To randomly select an individual and estimate that he eats 10 sc/wk is the best estimate possible based on the data.
- 12 July 2021: The mean is your best possible guess about a single data point, if that’s all you’re given, though
- 12 July 2021: I dont think “he admits he doesnt know WTF he’s talking about” means what you think it means lol. Or maybe you just literally view everything through an incredibly dense lens of what you want to see
- 12 July 2021: Where did he admit he didnt know what he was talking about? His interpretation of structural determinism? Which seemed more legitimate than Mark’s? Although Mark was referring to his own beliefs and James was referring to the actual text which claimed structures determine outcome
- 12 July 2021: Two wrongs make a right or what? You think intentionally misrepresenting/misinforming is going to make things better? Anti anti woke twitter is obsessed with him, so clearly he’s an important figure in the present discourse. Do you have a link to where he said that?
- 12 July 2021: Are you consciously straw manning your opponents or nah?
- 12 July 2021: So what is stopping african americans from becoming more educated in the US in your estimation? From what I read in an ed psych class, it was mainly a subculture of viewing the ed system as white establishment and not wanting to participate.
- 12 July 2021: You believe standardized testing is systematically biased against african americans but not african immigrants?
- 12 July 2021: Then why can’t other disparities be explained in the same manner? Compare african immigrants to african americans for instance.
- 12 July 2021: So the US selects high value immigrants?
- 12 July 2021: No you misunderstood the OP, then made a sarcastic, arrogant remark about it in an attempt to make both NLT and op look bad. Not v philosophical of you. You seem to hardly engage with the ideas themselves at all but just trash talk your political opponents lol. Proud
- 12 July 2021: Very cool with guilt by association for ideas on when judging the right, but when someone points out similarity/proximity/association between Critical theory, marxism, CRT, etc on the left … ITS HOOP JUMPIN TIME BABY!!
- 12 July 2021: Are you conceding that the system is set up to favor more competent (or here, educated) people even if theyre not white? Wow cool we agree gg
- 12 July 2021: This has to be the worst reply I’ve ever seen. Lol
- 12 July 2021: Lmao. Is this due to racism/model minority bias as well?
- 12 July 2021: Oh maybe MDs then? Asians are extremely overrepresented in academia, degree conferral, tenure track positions, etc. Your entire premise that everything is stacked for whites is a joke
- 12 July 2021: So it systematically favors asians?
- 12 July 2021: They don’t consistently favor one race
- 12 July 2021:
- 12 July 2021: Do you think this is a US problem only? Dude get back to the actual argument. Jesus. His nationality has nothing to do with it
- 11 July 2021: Think he meant that someone can be shorter or less intelligent than you, but still be an equally valuable human being. You kept trying to make him say that if you’re worse at X then you are less valuable than someone better at X
- 11 July 2021: You’re conflating within group differences with between group differences
- 11 July 2021: Well if institutional racism is predicated on white supremacy, why does it seem to benefit other groups above whites even lol
- 11 July 2021: So it isn’t a matter of present structural racism, but just residual?
- 11 July 2021: You dont know that.
- 11 July 2021: Lol you can use the word population if you’d like. So you agree different ancestral populations differ genetically?
- 11 July 2021: Think these differences may be due to cultural differences? Or does systemic racism privilege indonesians over the swedish?
- 11 July 2021: You should look into comparisons of these metrics between african americans vs 1st generation black, african immigrants. Or I can find them for you and post them here
- 11 July 2021: Yeah there might be! Are you absolutely certain there arent?
- 11 July 2021: The truth is: we dont know the contribution of genetic differences to disparities in outcomes. The problem is that you cant even approach one possible conclusion because its politically incorrect
- 11 July 2021: Cultural/subcultural differences in values/goals, genetic/epigenetic differences
- 11 July 2021: Hey @Race__Realist , is this due to racism or somehow due to the social construction of race?
- 11 July 2021: This looks worse than Jan 6th
- 11 July 2021: You aren’t even engaging in an argument. You’re just name calling lol have a nice sunday
- 11 July 2021: Lol what
- 11 July 2021: Oh see here’s the thing.. I see teaching one race of people that they’re inherently X as racist. Maybe that’s where we differ.
- 11 July 2021: if language can develop (for the first time) in tens of thousands of years, differences in other cognitive processes between populations surely can as well.
- 11 July 2021: Actually it’s definitely enough time. Language evolved in a span similar to this
- 11 July 2021: Anti essentialism means nothing really within a social ontology
- 11 July 2021: Highly influenced by CRT. If you can’t see that this is consequent of CRT then I guess just give it more time, bucko
- 11 July 2021:
- 11 July 2021: Yup
- 11 July 2021: Do you think telling white kids the same thing would be acceptable? Or even suggested by CRT scholars?
- 11 July 2021: The point was teaching 3rd graders that they’re inherently racist is A) attributable to CRT and B) bad. Not whether or not racism causes harm. Of course it does. Totally irrelevant.
- 11 July 2021: Hahaha how completely irrelevant to our conversation that is. Yes racism exists, yes racism is bad mmkay? That’s not what we’re even discussing here lmao
- 11 July 2021: Cultural/subcultural differences in values
- 11 July 2021: Well in the image you posted earlier, it spoke if critical self-assessment of one’s own biases/inherent racism etc. Does this not seem like an example of theory being implemented?
- 11 July 2021: Well I’d say one problem is that it’s unfalsifiable. Such that, wherever differences do exist, they’re entirely attributed to different forms of racism, rather than other possibilities. Eg cultural/subcultural differences in values.
- 11 July 2021: Are you intentionally being obtuse? Obviously the problem would be that a biracial student was being forces to admit his inherent white supremacy. Do you think this instance has no relation to CRT?
- 11 July 2021: Perhaps the “racism is normal and integral to society” and the “critical self evaluation” parts being implemented in K-12 is what parents are concerned about. Eg having their children taught that they are inherently racist at very young ages. Seems justifiable from these pics
- 11 July 2021: Actually why they’re particularly closely linked is that (in spite of what left wing twitter would say) neither side of either argument is completely understood/resolved. So shutting out one side with ties to fascism, but not the other (with ties to marxism) seems to be motivated
- 11 July 2021: Yeah and what I said is “this” is what is terrible about the implementation of CRT
- 11 July 2021: So you believe this is a false accusation?
- 11 July 2021: Maybe the next time we try fake socialism it’ll work
- 11 July 2021: This
- 11 July 2021: I think you must really not have understood what I said
- 11 July 2021: Yeah my point wasnt to equate the two on epistemological grounds, but to equate them on group level moral/political responses basically. Seems like the anti woke may feel like theyre being gaslighted be the anti anti woke for not acknowledging what they (anti woke) are saying
- 11 July 2021: Bruh I was using it an example to appeal to their worldview lol.
- 11 July 2021: Can you point out the problems with the analogy rather than just completely deflect?
- 11 July 2021: Is this a concession?
- 11 July 2021: If some bizarre, alt-right race realist junk science theory was suddenly being accepted by a ton of US K-12 teachers, and weren’t teaching the theory explicitly, but allowing it to “inform curriculum”, would you not be equally upset as those on the right presently?
- 11 July 2021: It is based tho
- 11 July 2021: Warm it up so you have a nice smooth sleepy sleep 😴
- 9 July 2021:
- 9 July 2021: Except wages havent matched inflation rates for 50 years?
- 9 July 2021: Strawman
- 9 July 2021:
- 9 July 2021: Do you seriously base your beliefs off of single data points/anecdotal data? You can find out quite easily how wrong you are:
- 9 July 2021: Yeah being young is only a 99% guarantee. How terrible. We don’t know the probability of it mutating, being more or close to as lethal, and being immune from the current vaccines. So weighing the relative risks of two unknown things is rather subjective. Gg tho
- 9 July 2021: 100% fully strawman. The people who don’t want go get vaxxed probably believe A) they dont need it, because theyre young, healthy, etc or B) are worried about long term side effects, which have not been measured. Comparing their concerns to parachutes and helmets is incorrect
- 9 July 2021: Isn’t the “missing heritability problem” still unresolved?
- 9 July 2021: To what degree can an individual’s own motivation/determination/agency overcome disadvantages or waste advantages? Almost entirely.
- 7 July 2021: I am trippin mang
- 7 July 2021: No philosophical framework is complete. You can choose what problems you want your framework to resolve then shrug at the ones that it can’t make sense of. Seems like Christians just do that with the prob of evil
- 7 July 2021: What a masterful post hoc ergo propter hoc you’ve constructed here! Truly genius.
- 7 July 2021: I literally asked for the definition of two words. You gave a definition of science in less than 10. Surely this isnt that hard
- 7 July 2021: I’m just asking for simple definitions of the word philosophy and theology. But sure send me your podcast clip
- 7 July 2021: Wow you really can’t do it lmao
- 7 July 2021: Just define philosophy and theology and we can be allll set.
- 7 July 2021: Hahah what a pathetic appeal to authority. Peace
- 7 July 2021: What about Jihadis
- 7 July 2021: The scientific investigation of consciousness is a different approach from the philosophical investigation of the mind/body problem. However, your definition of science encompasses both. Go ahead and just define philosophy and theology for me. That should solve everything
- 7 July 2021: If science is “the methodological investigation of X” then there isn’t just “some overlap” with philosophy or theology, it entirely consumes them. Your definition is better suited for philosophy, of which science is a subdomain.
- 6 July 2021: You just used science as a term distinct from theology and philosophy in this sentence. Tell me, how does the word science differ from philosophy in the way you used it here?
- 6 July 2021: Seems like your definition of science leaves no room for the word philosophy. Or that they’re identical. Whatev. Semantic arguments are boring. GL in the real world
- 6 July 2021: Go ask any pure mathematician, logician, theologian, or metaphysician if they consider them scientists. Not only do they not, but scientists also dont consider what they do to be science. You can make up your own definitions all day long, but no one will agree with you lol
- 6 July 2021: You’re missing the empirical part. Science requires observation/experimentation etc. The study of pure math/logic/metaphysics do not. They are not scientific endeavors, but philosophical ones.
- 6 July 2021: That science isn’t simply “the study of anything”.
- 6 July 2021: Well then someone who methodologically studies what truth is is not doing science.
- 6 July 2021: That was so vague and vacuous if’s hard to tell if you meant what you said. A better example: studying theories of truth in epistemology. Obviously science can’t study truth without already presupposing a conception of truth. Science can’t tell you what truth is.
- 6 July 2021: So film theory is science?
- 5 July 2021: Wow they got pwned by that Christopher guy
- 5 July 2021: Not much flora tho
- 5 July 2021: Now do wages vs inflation
- 4 July 2021: Wait patriotism is a social ill?
- 4 July 2021: 🙋🏻♂️
- 4 July 2021: Why would some genes act completely deterministically in some diseases, but not others? Polygenicity doesn’t have anything to do with how the flow of information is deterministic or not.
- 3 July 2021: There’s plenty of experimental and quasi-experimental data showing this. Look up Richard Sosis if you get the chance
- 3 July 2021: I dont think you understand how different evo bio is from immuno and epidemiology
- 3 July 2021: Neither does that article. What we do know is that secular groups/beliefs/systems fail to engender the strong social bonds that create the positive outcomes
- 3 July 2021:
- 2 July 2021:
- 2 July 2021: 115 last week in AZ
- 2 July 2021: Now redo your analysis within countries
- 2 July 2021: Is it objectively true that humans can’t access objectivity? Or is it just, like, your opinion, man?
- 30 June 2021: Is it me or does this strongly resemble organicism?
- 30 June 2021: The first principle of beh gen is that behavior is heritable lol
- 30 June 2021: “Without music, life would be a mistake” -Neitzche
- 29 June 2021: Yass King
- 29 June 2021: Who was the first model that desired something then? Why do we find that infants desire despite having no models to mimic?
- 29 June 2021: Scotty-campbell-2
- 29 June 2021: Scotty-campbell-2
- 29 June 2021: Scotty-campbell-2
- 29 June 2021: Scotty-campbell-2
- 29 June 2021: Scotty-campbell-2
- 29 June 2021: Scotty-campbell-2
- 29 June 2021: Scotty-campbell-2
- 29 June 2021: Scotty-campbell-2
- 29 June 2021: Scotty-campbell-2
- 29 June 2021: Scotty-campbell-2
- 29 June 2021: Good parody!
- 28 June 2021: Bada bing bada boom
- 26 June 2021: Does Kitching count? Or we only talking about pop anti CRT celebs
- 26 June 2021: Do their criticisms (however “scholarly”) trace back to Lindsay or not?
- 26 June 2021: Peterson and Bret W both worked in academia for decades. You don’t think they drew from their experiences there? Or you think they prefer to rely on Lindsay’s tweets over decades of direct experience?
- 24 June 2021: Does this mean existence is not a predicate?
- 22 June 2021: tHeN wHY dONt U mARrY iT?!?
- 22 June 2021: How is it different to say computation is what agents use to reason about processes/effects?
- 20 June 2021: Is this related to CRT or nah
- 19 June 2021: Link?
- 19 June 2021: What, to you, are the most important consequences of idealism being true?
- 18 June 2021: PsyArXiv Preprints | The brain as a dynamically active organ
- 17 June 2021:
- 17 June 2021: What makes you think all sentient states are equal in intensity?
- 15 June 2021: Yup. Racial groups
- 15 June 2021: It seems as though (CRT theorists believe) any sort of unequal outcome between any groups would be defined as racist. No?
- 15 June 2021: He’s quite mastered the tautology:
- 15 June 2021: I’d say promoting anti-racism/implicit bias training is pretty analagous to praying for divine intervention in illnesses (let’s say, in lieu of vaccination)
- 14 June 2021: I can see that. But then it’s a very blurry line between that and anti vaxx based on anecdote
- 14 June 2021: Yes, the difference here being individual subjective experiences/interpretations/values over objectively observable phenomena. The difference between eye witness testimony and a DNA test
- 14 June 2021: Would you say movements to defund the police are downstream and causally tied to CRT?
- 14 June 2021: It’s clearly what was meant by anti science. We’re all (I’d assume) on board with phil of science
- 14 June 2021: Yeah, the anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers are great examples. My, what an impoverished view of anti-science you have!
- 14 June 2021: Feel free to define what “anti science” means to you
- 14 June 2021: Would you consider placing “lived experience” above empirical data “anti science”? And would you consider microaggressions, implicit bias training/diversity trainings etc as stemming from CRT?
- 14 June 2021: Well firstly it should be distinguished from actual science. Secondly, if the movement is aimed against scientific claims, then yes.
- 14 June 2021: How about the part where even @deonteleologist even defines it as a “movement” (or activism) rather than merely theory + hypothesis testing?
- 14 June 2021: Reported for transphobia
- 14 June 2021: GL it’s 108 out
- 12 June 2021: Lol she doesn’t even understand 😭
- 11 June 2021: Still usable I call bluff
- 10 June 2021:
- 10 June 2021: Wish you and @deonteleologist finished up the bit about crack
- 10 June 2021: Your 2 min intro was literally about how you don’t even care about what the other side has to say lmao
- 10 June 2021:
- 9 June 2021:
- 6 June 2021: Einstein never said this
- 6 June 2021: Someone plunged a dagger deep into God's chest and When He groaned it laid our entire civilization to rest When he pulled out the dagger and marveled at the pain he could create We stuck another in His back to seal creation's fate
- 28 May 2021:
- 28 May 2021: Then he means truth is subjective as well
- 28 May 2021: How can morality be subjective if utilitarianism is true?
- 28 May 2021: Can I lump all insane ppl in a group?
- 27 May 2021: Can’t you plug in a frequentist probability into a bayesian function? Omg if so, Hume would be displeased
- 26 May 2021: “Racial identity determines outcomes” is completely false and a deatructive sentiment to be throwing around as masquerading as a fact
- 26 May 2021: “What can man do against such reckless hate?” -King Theoden at the Battle for Helm’s Deep
- 25 May 2021: This is how jesus did it
- 19 May 2021: Have you read “The Master and His Emissary”? @dr_mcgilchrist makes a pretty compelling argument for why this might be the case
- 19 May 2021: Just seems like one side is okay with making a type I error and the other is okay with making a type II error in the face of incomplete data. Cons generally are more okay with nature/biol innateness/limitation and essentialism. Libs are less okay with nat limits and essentialism
- 18 May 2021: @lporiginalg Cuck
- 17 May 2021: We are in agreement then!
- 17 May 2021: Do you consider higher degrees of mimesis to be bad, generally?
- 16 May 2021: Sombrero and cowboy hat are two different dialects of “hat”
- 15 May 2021: Yeah. More racially segregated social are going to mend race relations in the US. Definitely. Excluding racial groups from participating in XYZ has always worked in the past!
- 14 May 2021: Sir Ian McKellen @IanMcKellen
- 14 May 2021: How about a person who might have a small amount of info that could contribute slightly to a large and complicated problem?
- 14 May 2021: It’s this and the data on belief in free will that really make a strong case for pragmatism
- 14 May 2021: I wanna see lol
- 14 May 2021: But also adds up 💯
- 14 May 2021: Bruh, it’s terrifying
- 14 May 2021: This shit is willlld
- 14 May 2021:
- 13 May 2021: The real problem for (moral) relativism is the arbitrary choice to stop at the cultural level
- 13 May 2021: RT @WiringTheBrain: Episode 44: Antonio Damasio on Feelings, Thoughts, and the Evolution of Humanity via @YouTube
- 13 May 2021: What if they express GcAMP6-fused Fos?
- 11 May 2021:
- 10 May 2021: Oh thanks for reminding me! Almost forgot
- 10 May 2021: No its me messaging my brother teehee
- 10 May 2021: Sagan PUNCH
- 10 May 2021: It’s not a “gold standard”. It’s a statistical average.
- 9 May 2021: Thank you!
- 9 May 2021: Is there any chance a grad student in affective neuro could take a look at the slides, syllabus, or some selected reading suggestions?
- 9 May 2021: Not solely
- 7 May 2021: You think the populist L and R will both direct their animosity toward the financial/politcal/corporate elite?
- 7 May 2021: Out of curioisty what was her degree in/what did she research during her phd?
- 7 May 2021: Water
- 6 May 2021: Lol have we not already known this for 10 years?
- 6 May 2021: There are sects of religions that fit the description of “cult”. So I have no problem with calling isis a cult.
- 6 May 2021: Is this an intro to Wittgenstein course? So what?
- 6 May 2021: Whatever your definition of “full extent” is, is quite clearly incorrect. See: “be fruitful and multiply” for instance.
- 5 May 2021: This is not how social scientists who study the two see it. Cults cause people to leave their friends and family, religions dont
- 5 May 2021: “Strawperson” 😂😭
- 4 May 2021: Not merely two
- 4 May 2021: @neiltyson Saw your rebuttal of the simulation problem. I agreed at first, but then realized you assumed in the thought experiment that there’d only be one simulated world on the brink of being able to simulate realities. However, there would still be infinite, unfortunately.
- 30 April 2021: By “harm reduction” do you mean “enabling”?
- 28 April 2021: “at most 4.7–8.5 IQ points could be attributed to such genetic effects”
- 28 April 2021: Looks like you’ve shown that up to 15% of the variance can be attributable to genetic differences? How is that not hereditarian?
- 28 April 2021: Why do you think men only make up 2.3% of kindergarten teachers?
- 27 April 2021: What do you think you’d gain from showing neural correlates of intelligence? And what difference would it make if it were just too variable between individuals to reveal an effect?
- 24 April 2021: How would you determine which intuitions to give up, without relying on intuition?
- 22 April 2021: Existence is not a predicate!
- 21 April 2021: Did they control for SES?
- 16 April 2021: NEED:
- 16 April 2021: 🧐
- 14 April 2021: “All men are created equal” sounds pretty white supremacist to me tbh
- 13 April 2021: You asked what is more lacking.
- 13 April 2021: Isnt that the catholic ontology?
- 13 April 2021: So you don’t want the officer to go to prison? Lol
- 13 April 2021: ANARCHYYYY
- 13 April 2021: I am better than you too
- 12 April 2021: Healthy boi
- 12 April 2021: At very least, Dave is not convinced that there are black swans, and Tamler believes there might be. The delta here aint that big
- 12 April 2021: @peez @tamler @JohnnieR42 @verybadwizards @paulbloomatyale Dave sees the white swans and concludes there are no black ones. Tamler believes there might be black swans out there somewhere, regardless if scientists have shown that all (known) swans are white. Why this such a big deal guys
- 12 April 2021: False. Toddlers act just fine without words.
- 12 April 2021: You just separated them using two different words that mean two different things
- 12 April 2021: Lol what is the hardest mtg concept?
- 11 April 2021: Lol asking people to describe (which would require comprehension) something incomprehensible
- 9 April 2021: Wow only 10% increase? sounds mostly peaceful to me
- 9 April 2021: Actually I read all about the evergreen state sequence of events and found no evidence of racism. Feel free to enlighten me, genius.
- 9 April 2021: What did BW do that was racist?
- 9 April 2021: Asking a question is never fallacious almost got me tho
- 9 April 2021: Someone doesn’t like to look up the actual stats!
- 9 April 2021: Thanks man!
- 9 April 2021: And suffer from false beliefs. Elsewhere he says his criticisms are about a lack of evidence.
- 9 April 2021: Well I think we can agree that it is at least: delusional -> lacking evidence -> we should not accept his claims. To me, this looks like an attempt to undermine Bog’s claims. In which case to me, it is ad hominem. If I’m misrepresenting, I dont mean to do so
- 9 April 2021: So then presumably the tweet can be read as “he is delusional, so therefore we have no reason to accept his claims”, yes? Since delusional really meant lacking evidence?
- 9 April 2021: I guess we can ask @deonteleologist : did you mean that because Bog has no evidence for his argument that we should reject his claims?
- 9 April 2021: How so? He’s saying each and every tweet is about a lack of evidence. So calling Bog delusional implicitly meant he didnt have any evidence. Isnt that what you asked for?
- 9 April 2021: “Implicit critique spelled out in EACH AND EVERY TWEET”
- 9 April 2021:
- 9 April 2021:
- 9 April 2021: Here he calls Bog’s analysis chickenshit. Then continues with more Ad Hominem. This do it for ya?
- 9 April 2021: He literally said that “delusional” implicitly meant lacking evidence. Presumably he meant we should reject Bog’s because it lacks evidence, no? But called him delusional instead. Thus: Ad Hominem
- 9 April 2021: Where does he attack the substance of the argument?
- 9 April 2021: He even said calling him delusional was actually implicitly about a lack of evidence.
- 9 April 2021: This entire thread was an attempt to delegitimize Boghossian’s stances. That is an attempted rebuttal. “Boghossian is delusional. Therefore what he claims is false.” Or Bog claims X, but Bog is delusional, therefore X is false. How is that not happening here?
- 9 April 2021: If I state X proposition, and you respond with “You are delusional!” That is by definition ad hominem. It says nothing about the proposition, and attacks only the one saying it.
- 9 April 2021: This guy studies philosophy 😂
- 9 April 2021: I see you’re conceding that explicitly is was ad hominem, but implicitly it was actually about the argument. No wonder my confusion!
- 9 April 2021: You are engaging. Via purely ad hominem. If you dont see the difference between calling the person delusional vs saying there is no evidence for that argument, then idk what they teach you at school bro. One is directed “at the man” and the other at his argument.
- 9 April 2021: Go use delusional in a formal debate setting and see where that gets you. A thought experiment: both interlocutors take turns calling one another delusional after their first premises are stated. Do you think they’d both be behaving rather fallaciously?
- 9 April 2021: Hint: calling someone pathological/delusional in an attempt to delegitimize but not engage with their argument is by definition ad hominem
- 9 April 2021: Here you explicitly call him delusional/pathological. How is that not ad hominem? Lol
- 9 April 2021: This definition do it for ya? “A rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself”
- 9 April 2021: Or point me in the direction of where you respond to his claims, rather than just repost himself saying them and calling him names
- 9 April 2021: Actually, the answer to my question answers yours. This is thread is a clear attempt to delegitimize his stances, which is what this makes it fallacious, since it is entirely ad hominem.
- 9 April 2021: Or just to not engage in his arguments at all while simultaneously calling him names?
- 9 April 2021: Was your intent to characterize the interview in such a way not to delegitimize it?
- 9 April 2021: Or was “I have no words” your counterargument?
- 9 April 2021: “Bootlicking” “delusional” “chickenshit” “godforsaken intellectual infant”. Did I miss where you actually responded to his comments? Or are all those in the NYT article?
- 9 April 2021: Are you aware that your entire thread is ad hominem?
- 8 April 2021: How about sentencing murderers to life in prison or death? We’ve been practicing institutionalized eugenics forever
- 8 April 2021: Yeah
- 8 April 2021: “I reprimanded one of them harshly yesterday, I’ll do better”. (The “do better” referring to the mixup, not the admonishing).
- 8 April 2021: He did admonish them for promulgating what he believes to be a bad take on genetics/IQ/eugenics.
- 8 April 2021: Duh
- 6 April 2021: If you think a single math problem tells you anything about anything, you are a pretty silly guy
- 6 April 2021: Just because you and your sib have different preferences doesnt mean you have the same capabilities. If your sib had frag x syndr, youd have an innately greater capacity for mathematical and linguistic ability. Perhaps stat geneticists will surpass sociologists in poor reasoning
- 6 April 2021: I dont like it phrased as sweetness, since sweetness us a percept formed at the circuit level, but they cant sense any taste of sugar at the receptor level.
- 6 April 2021: Sorry you’re right. They have the t1r2, but it fails to dimerize with the t1r3.
- 6 April 2021: Cats can taste candy. Not liking it is different from being capable of being able to sense it. Being able to like or dislike something us different from cognitive capacity - broadly conceptualized
- 6 April 2021:
- 6 April 2021: If you’re making an inference about me based on a single metric’s average, then you have zero understanding of statistics. Perhaps I should use that as evidence about your IQ. There is such a small effect size on lib/con IQ gap that such an inference would he useless for individs
- 6 April 2021: There’s a broad literature on political orientation and personality/cognition. But im running an exp rn.
- 6 April 2021: Yup
- 6 April 2021: I agree with many conservatives and liberals. Make your point
- 6 April 2021: Oh idk, or what makes him in any way resemble a villain?
- 6 April 2021: What is the worst thing Peterson has said?
- 6 April 2021: Apparently my last tweet didn’t go through: the ability to accomplish complex tasks efficiently and quickly
- 6 April 2021: It’s not, actually conservatives have lower IQs than liberals - you may be an exception however
- 6 April 2021: Any one with high convergent validity with the others. How about the WAIS?
- 6 April 2021: How about the ability to complete complex goals in quickly?
- 6 April 2021: I did lmao. “g” or “IQ”
- 6 April 2021: I’m cool with g/IQ, but I’m sure you arent. But that hardly matters because you invoke your own folk psychological conception of it and it actually happens to be convergent with mine! Fancy that.
- 6 April 2021: You literally already have a definition and at minimum some implicit measurement in order to discriminate between yourself and the “educationally disabled”. You have a definition and quantification. So stop pretending you dont
- 6 April 2021: Sure, let’s take fragile X syndrome for example. Is that subpopulation less intelligent than the rest of the population?
- 6 April 2021: You clearly believe yourself to be more intelligent than other humans, and perhaps less intelligent than some. Yes? You know what intelligence is.
- 6 April 2021: Idk, I think I provided the context. Genetic abnormalities exist, some have influence on brain development. Some are more common in some populations (or species) than others. Idk why we’d assume that all genetic effects on neurological development would be identical in every pop
- 6 April 2021: Yes, and you clearly still don’t understand it
- 6 April 2021: Ok cool, could’ve just said you didnt want to have a discussion in the first place 🤙🏻
- 6 April 2021: You can see how genetic causes of differences in limb number doesnt negate genetic causes of cognitive ability whatsoever right? Did you think these were mutually exclusive or something? Oh and feel free to answer my previous question
- 6 April 2021: You can just say you dont want to discuss the topic, that’s fine. Does FXS predict lower intelligence compared to the rest of the population?
- 6 April 2021: How about fragile X?
- 6 April 2021: My question was about intelligence. Which you apparently knew the meaning of then lost it (conveniently)
- 6 April 2021: Saying that X is going to occur due to Y is not saying if Y occurs we should do X. How dumb are you
- 6 April 2021: If you don’t know that you’re more intelligent than a goldfish then that’s on you bro
- 6 April 2021: If differences in the genome account for variances in intelligence across species, why not within species? (Albeit much less variance)
- 6 April 2021: Do differences in genetics predict differences in intelligence across species?
- 6 April 2021: Mind and Cosmos by Nagel
- 6 April 2021: Enter: Dewey James and Peirce
- 6 April 2021: I am the Christ-bearing battle chief (if using the Irish derivation of the surname)
- 6 April 2021: What a dumb comparison. As if agency was completely removed from those who accumulated student debt.
- 5 April 2021: How is negative different uncomfortable and positive different from comfortable
- 5 April 2021: Hahahah. Pathetically bad take
- 5 April 2021: Pretty sure we grasped macro level physical mechanisms far before we understood anything at the subatomic/quantum level - which we still dont even understand.
- 3 April 2021: Good boy
- 2 April 2021: I just resent you is all
- 2 April 2021: The lord of the rings. Other comments are incorrect answers
- 1 April 2021: Not language!
- 31 March 2021: Looks mostly peaceful to me
- 30 March 2021: Looooool
- 30 March 2021: Everything you everything is made of chemicals
- 29 March 2021: Too good
- 28 March 2021: Antiracism at its best
- 28 March 2021: This subculture is so bizarre. It’s like they want others to know how underprivileged they are. It has become a virtue, and therefore a competition. No wonder there are gatekeepers. They’re protecting their social currency in this backwards culture that is academia.
- 26 March 2021: The two are reciprocal
- 24 March 2021: You need to lift weights bro
- 23 March 2021: Lmao you must be a narcissist
- 23 March 2021: Oh am I mis/uninformed? By your comment I take that you believe that. Are you mansplaining to me then? Or have you assumed my gender as well? You seem like a very careful thinker 👌🏻
- 23 March 2021: I wonder how completely ignorant of stats you must be in order to find this compelling
- 23 March 2021: Says the guy who ejoys RPGs. Why play RPGs when you can volunteer at a homeless shelter?
- 23 March 2021: Wow someone hates men lmao
- 23 March 2021: Look up the treadmill of slurs. Your prescription won’t solve/do anything (for long).
- 22 March 2021: BO$$
- 22 March 2021: DOIN IT
- 22 March 2021: Best part is that the social psych section is all evo psych
- 22 March 2021: How does the property of being in a hedonic reference frame make something a dimension of knowledge?
- 21 March 2021: Wow it’s almost as if this writer has no idea that polities (universally) promote nationalistic beliefs so as to strengthen social cohesion and promote their longevity. If you think these types of beliefs are unique to the US you are sadly uninformed.
- 20 March 2021: What’s interesting is the effect size seems to be smaller for conscientiousness, which if I remember has little or no correlation with political affiliation? Where as the other factors have stronger differences between pol aff.
- 20 March 2021: gl bb
- 19 March 2021: Spend $400 on a new butt
- 18 March 2021: Social psychology isn’t real
- 17 March 2021: Why is having your molecules rearranged in a different location murder but having them rearranged in a different time isnt?
- 17 March 2021: @Matt_Dillahunty On what basis do you even ground your own rationality?
- 15 March 2021: No I agree and she completely missed that point
- 15 March 2021: “The only reason people are anti immigration is because of racism or the feeling that immigrants will take your stuff”. You think nationalism is equivalent to this latter half?
- 15 March 2021: If Nigeria doesnt allow 100% of immigrants from Camaroon, you think it’s due to racism? Lmaoooo
- 15 March 2021: So in your view. The people in one african nation are literally racist against africans of surrounding nations and that’s why they have their borders? Are they not the same race?
- 15 March 2021: So the border between north and south korea is based on north koreans racism towds south koreans? The borders in african countries are bc african countries are racist toward neighboring citizens? Lmao
- 15 March 2021: You must have deliberately prevented yourself from ever investigating why people are against unfettered immigration to have this belief. Or you’re retarded 🤷🏻♂️
- 15 March 2021: “Enforce them”
- 15 March 2021: Hahahahahhahahahaha
- 14 March 2021: Not deal with it rationally or empirically
- 14 March 2021: Compatibilism is fake free will. Nobody wants it
- 13 March 2021: Have u met my cat
- 11 March 2021:
- 11 March 2021:
- 11 March 2021: If this trend continued since ‘13, we’d be at over 98% approval. Is 2% disapproval really “widespread”?
- 9 March 2021: LMAOOO
- 8 March 2021: What do you suggest is better than science?
- 8 March 2021: .5
- 6 March 2021: When I was just a young boi scientist in San Francisco I would spend many a warm summer evening collecting fecal samples off the sidewalk - only decades later I came to realize I always had an innate predisposition toward microbiology
- 3 March 2021: Trigger warnings literally increase peoples’ negative reactions. The entire trigger warning movement was an absurd, hyperfragile movement in academia that has zero empirical basis.
- 3 March 2021:
- 1 March 2021: 5% of OUDs are iatrogenic
- 1 March 2021: You disagree that materialism leaves no room for human dignity? How/where do universal human rights exist if all that exists is material?
- 1 March 2021: Oh wait I’m down for sterilizing pedophiles so yeah eugenics is chill w/ me
- 1 March 2021: “Society has some right to navigate that question”. That is an explicit endorsement to you? Lol
- 1 March 2021: Can you cite where Brett defended eugenics?
- 1 March 2021: Neverbloom by Make Them Suffer @makethemsuffer
- 1 March 2021: No in my butt
- 1 March 2021: Why eat strawberry when stop sign has same vibes?
- 1 March 2021: Isnt it literally called “grammar school”?
- 28 February 2021: Lol pwned
- 28 February 2021: Ill take the dog
- 28 February 2021: Saaame haha
- 27 February 2021: Your field is a joke
- 26 February 2021: Representation
- 24 February 2021: It can’t all be pure mimesis. Some dude decided to do that first. The mimesis followed.
- 24 February 2021: Freedom of expression is the freedom to express your ill thought out definitions. Derp. Doesnt have anything to do with whether your definition is correct or not.
- 24 February 2021: Nah that’s incorrect.
- 23 February 2021: You're completely missing the point. You're saying that the definition of masculinity is what women prefer in men. I'm saying that's the incorrect definition. Get it?
- 23 February 2021: Social science is the confabulating left-hemisphere of the national brain. Attempting to make sense of itself and the world around it, to basically no effect or accurate representation.
- 23 February 2021: Yeah that survey kinda fall flat compared to all of evolutionary biology
- 23 February 2021: APA: “The main thrust of the subsequent research is that traditional masculinity—marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression—is, on the whole, harmful.” Is it the APA or the ones who dislike toxic discourse that lack nuance?
- 23 February 2021: 😂
- 22 February 2021: No
- 22 February 2021:
- 15 February 2021: It is a sin that @ChickfilA is closed on Sundays
- 11 February 2021: Sleeping is a behavior change my mind
- 11 February 2021: I literally cant read, I just look at the words while I think about 1000 other things
- 10 February 2021: @lukeburgis
- 9 February 2021:
- 7 February 2021: I dont understand why moral truth/knowledge is any different from any other truth/knowledge. Seems like people were ignorant, not intrinsically morally inferior. We reap the benefits of thousands of years of uncovering knowledge.
- 7 February 2021: Would you say that the people who believed the world was flat 2,000 years ago were stupid then?
- 7 February 2021: X can be wrong eternally but person Y who believed X in the past can be judged more charitably than person Z who believes X in the present
- 7 February 2021: It’s like they have TDS but for the woke. WDS
- 6 February 2021: Jk u can @ me
- 6 February 2021: If you don’t want to decriminalize/legalize all drugs you’re a fascist - don’t @ me
- 6 February 2021: In that case, these data are TRASH
- 6 February 2021: Idk if you thought you were arguing against someone who thinks sex is more than a single binary trait, but you werent. All I was saying was that the op completely misrepresented ibrahams statements. Gg getting this far off topic
- 6 February 2021: SRY*
- 6 February 2021: Mainly my expression of the STY gene, among other things.
- 6 February 2021: R u dumb? Do you think I believe that if you feel like a boy then you are a boy? I dont and nowhere did I indicate that whatsoever.
- 5 February 2021: Yeah well your point is completely irrelevant to my comment. Of course I think its disgusting that he said white people shoildnt be okay with being white lol.
- 5 February 2021: Tell me how that relates to transgenderism.
- 5 February 2021: He even mentions as a comparison that it would be similarly bad for blacks to want to be white. Not a comparison of blacks who feel like they ARE white/identify as white.
- 5 February 2021: There’s a huge difference from wanting to be a boy and feeling as though you ARE a boy. How is this lost on so many of you?
- 5 February 2021: If you were charitable and paid attention to the surrounding context, that was neither his interpretation of what his daughter meant, nor what his daughter meant.
- 5 February 2021: You’re a little gone if you cant see that he was speaking about her wanting to he a boy bc she observed that boys were somehow culturally viewed as superior, not that she actually felt like she was a boy. Statement has nothing to do with transgenderism, and you’re misrepresenting
- 5 February 2021: And how about linguistic/conceptual? Bc the entire theory is laden with concepts (eg “ontological”) which likely would meet the same skepticism
- 4 February 2021: Why he seems to never acknowledge thet religion is about the most powerful intitition for creating better/happier/healthier civilians
- 4 February 2021: How is it the case that our mathematical faculties are veracious, but all others arent? Lol
- 4 February 2021: My brain rn after a week of learning ephys #neuroscience #AcademicChatter
- 4 February 2021: How do we not know that our rational capabilities do not also produce mere illusion? Thus preventing our ability to accept this theory at entirely
- 4 February 2021: 324
- 2 February 2021: @BidenInsultBot
- 2 February 2021: Flubber
- 1 February 2021: @BidenInsultBot
- 1 February 2021: Bahahahahahahhahaahahahahhaahaa
- 1 February 2021: @BidenInsultBot
- 1 February 2021: Lmao cancel all white men duh
- 1 February 2021: But.... dogecoin
- 1 February 2021: @BidenInsultBot
- 1 February 2021: Maybe bc 100% of the material theyd cover is available basically anywhere for free
- 31 January 2021: @david_s_wilson @BidenInsultBot
- 31 January 2021: @BidenInsultBot
- 30 January 2021: @BidenInsultBot
- 30 January 2021: Rip
- 30 January 2021:
- 29 January 2021: Why he seems to be a staunch opponent of religion when decades of literature suggest it’s one of the best institutions for fostering better citizens. (Well being, mental illness, drug/alc abuse, charity, political engagement, etc)
- 29 January 2021: Haha agreed 💯
- 29 January 2021: You have a problem with treating the most at-risk groups based on age, etc because they happen to also be, proportionately, more white?
- 29 January 2021: 😭
- 28 January 2021: Maybe not violence
- 28 January 2021: The story at hand
- 28 January 2021: How do you know the context of this act necessitates slave morality?
- 28 January 2021: Is any charity at all possible without you viewing it as at the expense of ambition?
- 28 January 2021: Where did he abandon ambition?
- 28 January 2021: Ya and pants. Like wtf? Pants??
- 28 January 2021: It’s prob partly this and partly economic effects from covid
- 28 January 2021: How exactly is this an example of Neitzchean slave morality?
- 28 January 2021: Being charitable is now “slave morality” lmao reread Neitche brü
- 28 January 2021:
- 27 January 2021: Same w/ distributing covid vax based on race, eh?
- 25 January 2021: Exhilaration/euphoria after winning the lottery isnt exactly comparable to measures of well-being, are they? Especially the contemplative subtype
- 25 January 2021: Perhaps people who tend to experience more well-being have a propensity to ache ive higher incomes
- 25 January 2021: So by your own definition, @ThomasSowell , @larryelder , @kmele , @MrAndyNgo , Ben Carson, and countless others are racist? Lmao you’re clueless man
- 25 January 2021: Casting aspersions on the left and SJ = racism to you? Lmao
- 24 January 2021:
- 24 January 2021:
- 23 January 2021: @lporiginalg
- 22 January 2021: How is the claim that units of semantics follow similar rules as genes do in order to “survive” into the future?
- 21 January 2021: Make it VRGN duh
- 21 January 2021: Lmao
- 19 January 2021: Rip
- 19 January 2021:
- 19 January 2021: What evidence do you have that it makes it harder to recover? Whether or not the “powerless” claim is true, the AA model works better than any alternative. Might not wanna be pushing people away from that Mr Harm Reduction expert
- 19 January 2021: A battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language.
- 19 January 2021:
- 18 January 2021: Sorry what did he say here that was narcissitic and/or nonsense/pseudoscience?
- 17 January 2021: Especially the “met through friends” trajectory
- 17 January 2021: Sad
- 16 January 2021: If you read carefully, you will see that the sentences are not attempting to describe deconstructionism :)
- 16 January 2021: I could just as easily select Will Smith and some White impoverished drug addicts from the Deep South and say “Black Privilege 101”. The only reason why this would be rejected, but the other tweet was accepted is because it confirms their beliefs (abt WP) Not bc its good evidence
- 16 January 2021: My point was that anyone can hand select a single data point and compare it to another hand selected group, the selection process being biased by an attempt to prove their hypothesis. It tells us nothing about the hypothesis (White priv). So this tweet says nothing meaningful
- 16 January 2021: Why not control for # of pubs for the supply-side differences?
- 16 January 2021: Ya rite
- 16 January 2021: Wait are you saying that two groups of prisoners, all convicted of the same crimes, in the same prison, same age/sex/religion, etc. - only differing by race (b/w) would be fed different food?
- 16 January 2021: That’s just the rona
- 16 January 2021: I don't have any evidence on me atm haha
- 16 January 2021: Yeah well your guess is as good as mine based on these data!
- 16 January 2021: Lol of course I dont think that’s okay. It’s not a meaningful comparison because of the sample size, sampling method, lack of control of variables etc. Not evidence of white privilege. But muslim prisoners should be treated better 💯
- 16 January 2021: I’m not saying there is no evidence for an argument regarding white privilege, but this sure aint it
- 16 January 2021: No comparison when comparing to 1. Also: different crimes, different detention centers, different agencies. Really no (meaningful) comparison at all.
- 15 January 2021: Nothing explains social structure/dynamics better than an n=1 per group! Esp with the two data points cherry picked to prove a hypothesis already assumed to be true. No wonder why peeps have such an inaccurate idea of what society is actually like. V bad fake science here 😤
- 15 January 2021:
- 15 January 2021: From what I know about pictures, they should only be worth about 2,000 words combined
- 14 January 2021: What is ur favorite colour
- 14 January 2021: And why do Black immigrants do so much better than Black Americans?
- 14 January 2021: Why not Asians?
- 14 January 2021: But that’s a separate issue. The claim that “the structure of society is built in a way that systematically and meticulously eats away at the probability of safety and survival” is incorrect.
- 14 January 2021: That societies increase safety and likelihood of survival? As opposed to those without? Not really. But idk what you mean by variability in the extent of something being true or not. Things are either true or not true
- 14 January 2021: Everyone. What do you think life expectancies were prior to developments of stratified societies?
- 14 January 2021: Society is literally built in such a way as to increase the probability of safety and survival. That’s what societies DO.
- 13 January 2021: How about math as an analogy. You may need a specific sort of math in order to answer a specific question, but that doesnt mean that math, broadly, isnt universal.
- 13 January 2021: U should see Portland
- 13 January 2021: Just because you use a different logic for a different set of axioms doesnt mean that logic (broadly construed) isnt universal. You’re still using logic. Lol
- 13 January 2021: Also where exactly do you think I parroted them?
- 13 January 2021: They were the ones mentioned in the article. 👍🏻
- 13 January 2021: Wow this was an improvement tho. You’re getting funnier
- 13 January 2021: Oh why’d you bring up your degrees then? Not to prop yourself up? Go get another undergrad degree genius lmaooo. Ex academic- no fucking wonder
- 13 January 2021: Good one
- 13 January 2021: Are you so insufficient as to thing that All X are Y, A is Y, therefore A is X?
- 13 January 2021: You sure seemed to be implying your statements were more valid due to your (useless) degrees. Otherwise, I dont see how it was relevant to bring them up whatsoever. Bye clown!
- 13 January 2021: Wow no such thing as reason, logic, or postmodernism? Maybe postmodernists are just so confused that they dont know theyre postmodernists
- 13 January 2021: Who? Lmaoooo
- 13 January 2021: I think youve been presuming im a rationalist this entire time. You are mistaken. Godel just says there are true propositions within a system that the system cant prove. That doesnt mean theyre false
- 13 January 2021: I dont care about your appeals to your own authority. Clearly you need to review some logic/epistemology if youre making that move. Can you answer my question or not?
- 13 January 2021: Would you consider yourself a postmodernist?
- 13 January 2021: Says the guy with “neurodivergent” in his bio 😂😂😂
- 13 January 2021: The mind and language are not formal systems. 👍🏻
- 13 January 2021: Sorry bruh you contradicted yourself. You said there is no objective description of history. We just agreed on one - a simple one, sure. Goodnight!
- 13 January 2021: Is it objectively true that I have no ability to represent objective truths?
- 13 January 2021: Hey man it’s cool if you are a relativist. I mean, it’s awful, but uhh cool w/ me
- 13 January 2021: @Fergalmc @deonteleologist @LiberalCurrents @HPluckrose @ConceptualJames Oh so there is an objective description of history. Tyvm
- 13 January 2021: @ConceptualJames @HPluckrose Look at all these postmodernists on here 🤗
- 13 January 2021: Would you say that what I’m referring to as “reason” is a confused, social construction that I’ve adopted?
- 13 January 2021: Lol yes I see that. You share some beliefs with postmodernists! Is it objectively true that your parents gave birth to you (in the past)?
- 13 January 2021: I’d be happy to discuss whatever you’d like. Do you want a quote from a postmodernist on relativism?
- 13 January 2021: What do you not understand about relativism/subjectivism inherently implying that reason/logic/science are not universal? You need a quote to understand this?
- 13 January 2021:
- 13 January 2021: Yeah all I've been doing this whole time is copying/pasting. I'm on my phone lmao
- 13 January 2021: The central goal of science, defining what is true and what is false, becomes meaningless they argue, as its objectivity is reduced to ‘claims' that are simply the expression of one culture—one community—among many.
- 13 January 2021: Several deconstructionist thinkers, such as Bruno Latour and Ian Hacking, have rejected the idea that the concepts of science can be derived from a direct interaction with natural phenomena independently of the social environment in which we think about them.
- 13 January 2021: Paul Feyerabend argued that the progress of acquiring scientific knowledge is not governed by any useful and universal methodological rules, and summarized this “epistemological anarchy” as “anything goes”.
- 13 January 2021: Paul Feyerabend argued that the progress of acquiring scientific knowledge is not governed by any useful and universal methodological rules, and summarized this “epistemological anarchy” as “anything goes”.
- 13 January 2021: Derrida's critique of the Law of Identity, feminist critiques of reason/logic, Berger and Luckman's work. Literally any relativist.
- 13 January 2021: K so this guy agrees w/ me
- 13 January 2021: PMists describe knowledge claims as socially-conditioned products of political historical or cultural discourses and hierarchies. Targets of PM criticisms include universalist ideas of objective reality, morality, truth, reason, science, language first wiki page
- 12 January 2021: Are you a postmodernist?
- 12 January 2021: They also reject that reason and logic are universally valid. For postmodernists, reason and logic too are merely conceptual constructs and are therefore valid only within the established intellectual traditions in which they are used.
- 12 January 2021: Some go so far as to say that science and technology—and even reason and logic—are inherently destructive and oppressive, because they have been used by evil people, especially during the 20th century, to destroy and oppress others.
- 12 January 2021: They also deny that the descriptive and explanatory statements of scientists and historians can be objectively true or false. The postmodern denial of this viewpoint is sometimes expressed by saying that there is no such thing as Truth.
- 12 January 2021: Such reality as there is, according to postmodernists, is a conceptual construct, an artifact of scientific practice and language (Brian Duignan)
- 12 January 2021: Postmodernism can fairly be described as the straightforward denial that . . . there is an objective natural reality, a reality whose existence and properties are logically independent of human beings (Brian Duignan)
- 11 January 2021: How very anti fascist of them
- 11 January 2021: Your career is ova anova
- 11 January 2021: Because the government is merely a tool, a monopoly on violence, used to prevent the trampling of ones own rights by others. The government prevents (in a negative sense) but isnt supposed to provide people with natural rights. By definition, theyre innate.
- 11 January 2021: You literally arent pointing out hypocrisy. Youre just confused. Someone can support the 1A and still be furious/“cry”/castigate someone using their 1A to express something they disagree with. Youre straw manning everyone you think youre representing
- 11 January 2021: Antifa is just an idea. They dont have signs/posters/coordinated outfits and gatherings etc
- 11 January 2021: Where my money at
- 10 January 2021: Lmao
- 10 January 2021: They’re weaponizing other people’s empathy. Hence the emphasis on their own victimhood
- 10 January 2021: Don’t we know how little of value someones explicit explanation for their behavior actually is? Neuroscience evo bio/psych get at far better explanations than someones explicitly held belief.
- 10 January 2021: All she’s saying is that power structures have led cultures to reify the constructs that were products of the structures themselves. Reifying both the structures and their consequent constructs.
- 10 January 2021: Bit of a straw-man (straw-zim?) here. Butler could probably explain her theories in simple terms but doesnt here. Reading Hegel and Heidegger is more vexxing than this, yet highly valuable and wise nonetheless.
- 10 January 2021: Every time I try to engage with someone on the left, they either disregard what I say and make a comment about my race, or refuse to even have a conversation - because it’s too emotional for them.
- 10 January 2021: 🤭
- 10 January 2021: It is literally their most sacred virtue. Not saying both sides aren’t doing it. Obviously they’re mimicking one another. Who will be sacrificed at the end of this rivalry? Liberty?
- 10 January 2021: Everything that feels good is bad for ur 🧠. Pain and depression are the only virtues 😤
- 10 January 2021: TikTok is bad for ur 🧠
- 10 January 2021:
- 10 January 2021: Weaponization of the “Concern for the victim” in Girardian terms
- 9 January 2021: You literally have no idea what Nazi literally means
- 9 January 2021: What a buncha psychos
- 9 January 2021:
- 9 January 2021:
- 9 January 2021: You’re frauds lol
- 8 January 2021: I guess Q Anon wasn’t true after all huh
- 8 January 2021: “The universe” is represented in our brains 🧠
- 8 January 2021: I agree it may be good to have this background ontology, it is equally or more important to emphasize the differences. Because often, the differences matter. Being compassionate to all outgroup members as though they share your values/aims as yourself could be self destructive.
- 7 January 2021: Except culture/institutions are part of human nature
- 5 January 2021: HEIGHT PRIVILEGE
- 2 January 2021: Do you think all truth can be proven via evidence? Via science?
- 2 January 2021: Why don’t you be actually productive and say why it is true, rather than just continuously stating that it is true. And try being nicer
- 2 January 2021: Hahahah. Do you think the world is made up of material objects?
- 2 January 2021: Agreed. Its hard enough in person, not to mention on Twitter haha. Not enough characters for “from what I understand...” and “with all due respect”
- 2 January 2021: Same to you. I hadnt taken this convo this far before. Got stuck in the postmodern definitions/language circling for a bit. Having the full evolutionary picture makes it a bit more definitive. rather than just asking what attributes refined M/F
- 2 January 2021: I am convinced!
- 2 January 2021: Ah gotcha 👌🏻
- 2 January 2021: Well as the selection pressures bifurcated the initial population, it did so in a gradual, bimodal way, yes? So in your opinion was there male-ish, female-ish, and residual asexually reproducing organisms in the population?
- 2 January 2021: Why don’t you tell me exactly where what I said is false? Or are you unable?
- 2 January 2021: Wow you are a genius. Restating “they are either male or female” a thousand times doesnt make it so you idiot
- 2 January 2021: It just seems like, especially at first, there were individual organisms that weren’t either (or both, or still capable of asexuality), in which case it makes sense that there could be an extreme minority in humans that belong somewhere outside of M/F
- 1 January 2021: I think I’d agree with this ontology of sex: at first there was an asexually reproducing population, which slowly bifurcated into two separate, complementary sexes. I suppose you could say that one strategy was male and one was female.
- 1 January 2021: And I dont see how just saying “well, theyre either male or female” is useful. Especially if your (or society’s) delineation is not in agreement with what they experience. And I’m no fan of relativism, believe me.
- 1 January 2021: I agree that it’s multivariate, which is why we can address many outliers. I’m just saying that when addressing every variable, there can be instances where we cannot categorize them. (Esp with ensuing genetic engineering).
- 1 January 2021: Right, so if the grounds for the referents “male” and “female” are in their role in reproduction, then many genetic disorders affecting the development of primary and secondary characteristics seem to at least sometimes create someone who is “neither”
- 1 January 2021: “They play no new role in sexual reproduction, which is what it would take in order to be considered something other than male or female”. So is male or female defined by the roles they play in reproduction?
- 1 January 2021: Well, you said that X must play a role in sexual reproduction in order to be deemed male or female, so congenitally sterile individuals are what?
- 1 January 2021: So if they aren’t male or female, what are they?
- 1 January 2021: As if your understanding of biology isnt undergirded by metaphysics lol. So at first there was only one sex/reproductive strategy, then selection pressures slowly divided into two. So was the initial one male or female? Derp neither. So “neither” is an appropriate category
- 1 January 2021: “Intersex” is a lie? But you can’t tell me how other than restating your own assumption that sex is binary?
- 1 January 2021: Seems like if you’re unable to discriminate based on your metaphysical presumptions, an alternative metaphysics might be warranted. What exactly is the worst possible outcome from ceding grounds for one additional category?
- 1 January 2021: Dont we know that it isnt binary, that it is just strongly bimodal? There are legitimate cases wherein M/F does not refer. Albeit <.2%
- 1 January 2021: At bottom, what grounds rationality is intuition - a putatively irrational process.
- 31 December 2020: No lol
- 31 December 2020: Not @senatemajldr
- 31 December 2020: Tell me where science has a complete answer for anything
- 31 December 2020: It’s at least partially that, no?
- 30 December 2020: Grats bb ❤️
- 30 December 2020: Same for everything tbh
- 30 December 2020: Would you say that shortness and lower SES is also associated with more self-serving beliefs about economic redistribution?
- 30 December 2020: How do you know that height/higher income/ (probably higher IQ/Conscientiousness) arent just predicting a preference for more freedom/liberty, rather than a self-serving view of economic/political preferences?
- 29 December 2020:
- 29 December 2020: However even within the nested domains of each subbranch of science, there are metaphysical frameworks that are assumed for there to - even in principle - be any interpretability/comprehensibility of the data.
- 29 December 2020: Lol. “Science does not rest on metaphysical assumptions because it actually rests on my other metaphysical assumptions that science is nested within”. What a vacuous article. Mitchell is right and you just pushed the problem back a step further in regard to truth.
- 29 December 2020: @olegsvn Were you planning on eating a raw egg with a fork?
- 29 December 2020: Games do not imply explicit rules, is Londsay’s point. Look at game theory, or all of the evolutionary biology of cooperation and culture.
- 29 December 2020: Brains don’t name things. Minds do
- 28 December 2020:
- 28 December 2020: Of course congress had nothing to do with it
- 27 December 2020: Worse than white fragility lmao
- 27 December 2020: You tryna cancel Kwanza or wut? How is thread diff from cancel culture brü
- 27 December 2020: Traumatized from the first time I said “glomeruli” in front of several undergrads
- 27 December 2020: That is not what virtue signaling is, according to actual evo psychologists like @primalpoly . Virtue signaling is simply signaling virtue to an in-group. What he’s referring to here is more like deceptive signaling - if the individual doesnt actually hold the values they signal
- 27 December 2020: Really great tyvm
- 26 December 2020: @terrinwatson How tall was he? (Since these sorts of attributes are important)
- 26 December 2020: What does being dark or an immigrant have to do with his message?
- 26 December 2020: What does being dark or an immigrant have to do with his message?
- 26 December 2020: Fig Newtons
- 26 December 2020: Identity politics is about IMMUTABLE characteristics (race/sex) being the prevailing political factors people are concerned with. No “anti-identity politic” person is anti “austrians” vs “keynsians”. They’re anti race and sex identity based politics.
- 26 December 2020: I will see u Jan 20
- 26 December 2020: I bet $1 mill this won’t happen. Too bold
- 26 December 2020: Did you not mean an act of terror as in terrorism?
- 25 December 2020: Okay so just “terrifying”, not “terrorism” lol
- 25 December 2020: Yeah it could be. So saying that they aren’t calling it terrorism now (due to racism/xenophobia) is absurd.
- 25 December 2020: Lol this went well
- 25 December 2020: Look up the definition of terrorism. Then explain to me how this fits that definition.
- 24 December 2020: @JohnFMiller86 IP is the division and delineation of political groups/policies based on immutable characteristics.
- 24 December 2020: That is not what identity politics is lmao
- 24 December 2020: Well it’s what all anti racists and feminists have been using for decades.
- 24 December 2020: WHITE SUPREMACIST PATRIARCHY: Asian women have now surpassed white men in weekly earnings. Full-time working Asian women earned $1,224 in median weekly earnings this year compared to $1,122 earned by their white male counterparts.
- 23 December 2020: Substance dualism is great
- 23 December 2020: Lol
- 23 December 2020: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- 23 December 2020: Do you mean “seventh”?
- 23 December 2020: Pyramidscheme
- 23 December 2020: I’ll take CP’s stance over BW in this domain 100% of the time
- 23 December 2020: Then why did you vote for it you clown
- 22 December 2020: I don’t see how this model gives us semantics or knowledge, which both require consciousness (imo). Is any reductive account even possible?
- 22 December 2020: Are you a compatibilist?
- 21 December 2020: I feel like it operates to decrease entropy in an increasingly extended system. Subsequently increasing free energy used as means toward value-laden ends.
- 21 December 2020: The rest is good tho!
- 21 December 2020: “The primary use of the brain is to cogitate.” This is utterly false.
- 21 December 2020: God I hope this is sarcasm
- 20 December 2020: What news?
- 20 December 2020: All definitions are circular
- 19 December 2020: Taking 11 skeletons and generalizing to hundreds of millions (or more) of hunter gatherers in the Americas seems pretty bold
- 19 December 2020: Sad!
- 19 December 2020: Lol yes
- 18 December 2020: Yep
- 18 December 2020: And on a positive note, only 8% of the pop were progressives according to the same paper
- 18 December 2020: What’s worrisome is the gen x, millenial, gen z trend
- 18 December 2020: Wtfff
- 17 December 2020: What % of the pop are “prog activists”?
- 17 December 2020: !!!
- 16 December 2020: Im not saying diet end exercise can cure all mental illnesses. So the adhd example is irrelevant no offense
- 16 December 2020: Wow just like the bible says! @jordanbpeterson was right, you are a good Christian man, Sam
- 16 December 2020: Literally all of clinical psychology and psychiatry is “ableist” then. What an absurd thing to say. Maybe we should just not treat those with schizophrenia or depression because we don’t want to stigmatize them. Lol
- 16 December 2020: *for many years and still today
- 16 December 2020: I see the opposite problem. That psychitry has failed to acknowledge or treat individuals with commonsense, wholistic prescriptions that include diet and exercise
- 16 December 2020: Of course it’s complicated. Nevertheless, the data suggest that making positive changes to diet can decrease depressive and anxiety related disorders (and many more). Also: exercise!
- 16 December 2020: If it did, it would still completely falsify your claim that changing diet/nutrition cannot cure mental illness lol.
- 16 December 2020: I’m saying that changing diet/nutrition can decrease depressive symptoms. If you decrease depressive symptoms below a certain threshold, then you may be below the diagnostic criteria: ie “cured”.
- 16 December 2020: It literally is lol. What do you have when your depressive symptoms improve completely? Not depression!
- 16 December 2020: Okay glad we’re past that. To the initial point, you’re suggesting that it could be that Westerners were more depressed and thus eat worse than Easterners. For what reason would this be? Seems far more likely that the (recent) shitty western diet is what increased depre rates
- 16 December 2020: You said you disagree that changing diet can cure mental illness. There is evidence that that claim is false.
- 16 December 2020: Here’s a decent review:
- 16 December 2020: The ketogenic diet is literally prescribed for the treatment of epilepsy
- 16 December 2020: You think the directionality is actually this ambiguous?
- 16 December 2020: You think depressed people decide fishing will help? THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO??
- 16 December 2020: Amazing
- 16 December 2020: Do you believe in a property/trait approximating intelligence, and that organisms can differ in the degree to which they have it, but believe IQ simply doesnt measure it?
- 16 December 2020: Haha okay would you prefer to phrase it as less likely than someone with an IQ above 130? Causation is a completely separate question imo - one not being discussed here
- 16 December 2020: Would you say it is very unlikely, albeit possible?
- 16 December 2020: You think someone with an IQ of 75 can write and defend a dissertation (let’s say) in a STEM field?
- 15 December 2020: 😂😂😂 Too predictable
- 14 December 2020: Is Down syndrome biological? Do you have a paper or something covering this framework? Straight up idealism/constructivism or what?
- 14 December 2020: Okay I disagree on the ontology there. I think intelligence and depression are more like natural kinds, albeit with less rigorous tools than those in physics and chemistry.
- 14 December 2020: Depression diagnoses are not reflective of underlying physiological phenotypes?
- 14 December 2020: Your argument is that depression is multivariate then? So is intellgience
- 14 December 2020: So then it’s not “directly measurable” as you previously required all things be. In fact, it’s existence is based on an inference made on multiple indirect measures. Same as IQ/g. Glad to see how deeply you’ve thought this through
- 14 December 2020: So uh depression does not exist in your view then?
- 14 December 2020: That it is or is not a trait in and of itself
- 14 December 2020: How would you determine that?
- 14 December 2020: Eg “stronger legs, stronger core” being on both the soccer player’s and weightlifters’ list of traits
- 14 December 2020: If you dont see that the traits across all athletes would generally correlate with one another then idk youre a bit too far removed from reality then my friend! Muscle density/mass by weight/cardiovascular endurance would be broadly generalizable
- 14 December 2020: You have to be kidding. A soccer player is going to be faster, have better stamina/cardiovascular endurance, have stronger legs, stronger core, better food/eye coordination, than someone who has no athletic quality. You could do this with almost any sport
- 14 December 2020: Bruh I understand dev bio. If you havent understood me it’s because of your deliberate attempt to misunderstand me. Or a lack of a capability to.
- 14 December 2020: Lol try again but with athleticism
- 14 December 2020: ???
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020: I’m trying to troll. But way to change the subject
- 14 December 2020: “Hone causal architecture” sounds a lot like a causal factor to me you fucking sophist hahaha
- 14 December 2020: Lmao
- 14 December 2020: I brought up sickle cell knockouts because you made the sloppy claim that KOs dont show causation at all.
- 14 December 2020: What “causes” IQ in your opinion? If not the development of a biological system (as ordained by a genome) within an environment?
- 14 December 2020: I have no qualms with his definition. I’m just saying that at bottom it’s circular
- 14 December 2020: Aren’t you the guy who had zero comprehension of predictive validity? Lmao. Go play dress up with your antifa buddies and dont forget to have your mom pack lunch
- 14 December 2020: Go read some Judea Pearl and get back to me. I have little care about your metaphysics of causation.
- 14 December 2020: I dont give a shit if its “normal” variation. Its experimentally induced mutations or variation. With specific causal outcomes. Whether its something simple, or complex, the same principle applies
- 14 December 2020: Lmao you clown:
- 14 December 2020: And additional experimental settings wherein the only alterations are at the level of the specific protein being encoded. Of course there can be other levels of causation. I’m not being completely reductionist lmao
- 14 December 2020: You can do temporal and spatial specific knockdowns where the alterations to distal parts of the system are minimized
- 14 December 2020: Lol why? You dont even know what predictive validity is hahah
- 14 December 2020: The sickle cell phenotype is due to just one change (variation) in the nucleotide sequence in the HBB gene. The variation is a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP).
- 14 December 2020: Just one of many. Educational attainment is >.90 as you read earlier (before you understood prediction)
- 14 December 2020: Do you see?
- 14 December 2020: I take it you have no rebuttal, so must again resort to name calling. Sad
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020: Do you see how ridiculous you look now?
- 14 December 2020: Now imagine “having normal red blood cell structure” is state achieved. There are a multitude of causal factors that contribute to achieving that state.
- 14 December 2020: Okay well you didnt know what predictive valditity was so now let me help you out with causation:
- 14 December 2020: You, once again, have shown that you do not know what you’re talking about:
- 14 December 2020: If I knockout/knockin a single SNP in the HBB gene in a mouse or human, I can express or prevent the sickle cell anemia phenotype. Do you not consider this evidence that that SNP plays a causal role in expressing the phenotype?
- 14 December 2020: Good talk man. Resorting to ad hominem is a clear indicator that you’ve lost. Good night!
- 14 December 2020: If “normal functioning of the system” is what produces X trait, then the receptor (and its gene) are required (causal mechanisms) for that trait. I use generic KOs and KDs in my lab now. Lol
- 14 December 2020: It’s what everyone in the world means when they say predictive validity. You just had no idea what you were talking about
- 14 December 2020: An experimental manipulation SHOWING CAUSALITY
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020: How is me predicting your height 10 years in advanced, not predictive validity lmao. Sorry man this is over. Cant do it anymore
- 14 December 2020: You literally have no comprehension of GLM/predictive validity then. I’m sorry.
- 14 December 2020: If we knock down all genes that produce dopamine receptors, do you think that will have an influence on the phenotype/traits of the individual?
- 14 December 2020: How about genes for specific receptor types?
- 14 December 2020: So a linear regression predicting your height at age 25 based on your height at age 15 is correlation and has no predictive validity in your view. LMAO
- 14 December 2020: If you don’t think that genes cause these traits then we have a fundamentally different understanding of biology/behavioral genetics.
- 14 December 2020: What on earth do you think regression is? Measure 1 at time A predicts—> measure 2 at time B. I.e. measure IQ at age 18 —> predicts educational attainment/outcomes/GPA/education level
- 14 December 2020: Then why did you just link me an article about how social strucute affects GWAS. There is more to the reality of IQ than GWAS, btw. The GWAS is tangential to your other claims made earlier
- 14 December 2020: Are you kidding? Predicting educational attainment based on IQ measures is by def predictive validity. Having IQ measures correlate strongly with other factors we’d assume require differential levels of intelligence (eg educational outcome) is by definition construct validity
- 14 December 2020: If you just dont believe in causation, or that genes cause the engendering of tissues/organs and their structure, then we can just move along
- 14 December 2020: They say the amount of shared genes for BV and IQ are likely underestimated, and controlled for population stratification.
- 14 December 2020: You said predictive validity/construct validity lmao. If IQ predicts ed attainment, that is BOTH
- 14 December 2020: I’m sorry, do you think that certain genes are responsible for brain size and cognitive abilities or not?
- 14 December 2020: Even the criticisms/responses to this paper concede that IQ correlates strongly with educational attainment
- 14 December 2020: That paper was published in 2020. No shit they didnt do a causal follow up and knockout the genes in humans. They have done so in animal models.
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020: Brain volume is not a complex social trait bruh. A majority of the genes they identified are associated with cannonical signaling pathways guiding tissue and organ development
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020: Nature paper okay with you?
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020: Lol woah bro. I’m all for defining women as adult females
- 14 December 2020: Okay let’s take his example: adult female = woman. What makes that so?
- 14 December 2020: I could ask how you came to know that adult female = woman. You’d respond with something like “that’s what woman means (or is). Of course it’s circular.
- 14 December 2020: What you’re saying is adult female = woman and woman = adult female. There’s nothing else that you have to go off of other than your definition of woman, so it’s circular.
- 14 December 2020: Hold out a dictionary in your hand. It is filled with words and their definitions. The definitions are comprised of more words. Where do those words get their definitions from? Additional definitions. Thus, in nat lang, all definitions are ultimately circular.
- 14 December 2020: No, @frankievalli does
- 14 December 2020: No Frankie Valli does
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020: Yeah sounds good. I’ll try to find the review paper that I last read on the subject of heritability. It said generally that many of these methods underestimate heritability. Though, this is not my area of expertise
- 14 December 2020: Esp with reared together/reared apart conditions
- 14 December 2020: I see the problem with GWAS alone, but MZ vs DZ twin studies should remove many of these potential problems in over-estimation, no?
- 14 December 2020: Then why is it that a GWAS would reveal SNPs that are so strongly correlated between two outcomes (IQ and ed attain)? Would GWAS studies revealing SNPs associated with specific receptor systems or gross anatomy - also correlated with IQ sway you? I’m in a Neuro program
- 14 December 2020: So you’re stance is that IQ measured at age 11 is measuring skills acquired from education and those skills predict educational attainment? How would you know the degree to which someone acquired the skills or not without testing?
- 14 December 2020: Provide any counter example.
- 14 December 2020: So it isn’t measuring learned skills, but the capacity to learn.
- 14 December 2020: They have the GWAS to back it up lol:
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020: I wasn’t referencing national IQ differences, but the predictive validity of IQ tests (on ed attainment), which is confirmed by the authors you’re citing:
- 14 December 2020: Because it’s also regression, not just correlation. So it couldn’t possibly be just measuring the learned skills associated with a PhD if it predicts that you have the g required to complete a PhD
- 14 December 2020: Because you can measure IQ (which is highly stable across lifespan) in high schoolers before they’ve had the chance to attend college/grad school?
- 14 December 2020: Of course the more, the better, but the best single predictor would be IQ. Idk what @rjhaier was saying specifically, but I doubt he used a single IQ measure to tell you you should be a dancer vs physicist. Perhaps provided a range of professions given individual IQ
- 14 December 2020: Yeah let’s go I’m bored
- 14 December 2020: Lit
- 14 December 2020: Rene Girard called this decades ago
- 14 December 2020: Haha I’ll have to give it a look after I finish Transcend
- 14 December 2020: That is really interesting! Do you think the first measurement was problematic for any other reasons? This somewhat reminds me of the point @WiringTheBrain makes in “Innate” that heritability estimates increase with age. V cool
- 14 December 2020: Anyway, looking forward to your podcast episode w/ Chomsky!
- 14 December 2020: Not trying to be contentious, but does your anecdotal data really have much relevance in the face of multi-national studies of tens of thousands of subjects? See:
- 14 December 2020: IQ correlates with educational at about .90 (or more), certain levels educational attainment are required for certain jobs, no? Thus, certain IQs are required for certain jobs (approximately). See:
- 14 December 2020: Why do you think the US military wont accept applicants that score below a 10 on the AFQT (~equivalent to IQ of 83)?
- 14 December 2020: I was being tongue-in cheek, and referring to your latter question, but yes
- 14 December 2020: All definitions are circular
- 14 December 2020: Dr. Mike Tyson, pass it on
- 14 December 2020: This is the most cringe thing I have ever seen
- 14 December 2020: Hume: “Duh”
- 14 December 2020: But then I would not lift as hardxcore as I do in front of the ladies 🥴
- 14 December 2020: Tooooooo predictable
- 14 December 2020: I’m in a PhD program, and I fully acknowledge the lack of rigor (esp seeing PhD students outside of STEM)
- 13 December 2020: *annually
- 13 December 2020: Taking the IAT (+6hrs of racial sensitivity training) was just made mandatory for faculty, post docs, and PhD students in the college of medicine at the U of Arizona
- 12 December 2020: Or am I missing something?
- 12 December 2020: I actually see zero normative statements in the article. Those who “master the principles of evolution” may or may not be in a place to effectively reverse the correlation between IQ and reproductive success. Nowhere in the paper does he say they should or shouldn’t.
- 30 September 2020: Okay then you are beyond reason. Goodnight
- 30 September 2020: Do you live in a hole? Inform yourself.
- 30 September 2020: Lol so you think this is fake?
- 30 September 2020: Not all POC do.
- 30 September 2020: How about when they shot a trump supporter in the head? Was that violence? How about when they shot two cops at point blank?
- 30 September 2020: Look up the definition of violence. Secondly, if you burn someones business to the ground, you might be destroying their ability to pay for housing, food, healthcare, and thus causing actual physical harm indirectly
- 30 September 2020: Yes many black owned businesses have been destroyed in the riots and yes that is the definition of violence you idiot
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020: You have no idea what I have or have not experienced.
- 30 September 2020: What I posted was that BLM supports the violence. You support the violence as well. You’re pro BLM. Looks like I was right?
- 30 September 2020: Why were you saying BLM was not involved in the violence a minute ago lol.
- 30 September 2020: Lol
- 30 September 2020: Lol I never said that. I said Antifa has been burning Portland down for months. You’re not a very good reader, I can tell
☹️ - 30 September 2020: Okay so you are condoning the violence 👍🏻. Just making sure, because several minites ago you were saying BLM is not participating in the violence/looting lol
- 30 September 2020: I have never said “all lives matter”. Are you making a major assumption about me based on the color of my skin? 🤔
- 30 September 2020: Okay so you are condoning the violence?
- 30 September 2020: Haha I think you’re lying.
- 30 September 2020: When did Trump retract his “sure”? And where did the BLM leader retract her statement on looting?
- 30 September 2020: Of course I support the oppressed. What makes you think I dont?
- 30 September 2020: Can you show me where she retracted her statement?
- 30 September 2020: Oh did Trump retract his “sure”? Or any of his comments condmening white supremacy?
- 30 September 2020: Can’t be both?
- 30 September 2020: 😂😂😂
- 30 September 2020: How is “sure I am willing to condemn white supremacists” an endorsement of white supremacy?
- 30 September 2020: How about some reading then?
- 30 September 2020: Where did I claim it was antiracism? Lol
- 30 September 2020: He says “sure” as Chris raises his hand and “sure im willing to do that”. Watch again.
- 30 September 2020: Hahaha no. People do not have the right to burn down other people’s property. Are the victims of the riots not also “the people”
- 30 September 2020: He says sure to condemning white supremacy. Tonight. You’re acting like he didnt? (And a bit unhinged if I might add)
- 30 September 2020: Antifa has been burning portland to the ground for months lol
- 30 September 2020: How about deeming the kkk a terrorist org? How does that fit into your conceptualizatiom that Trump is a white supremacist or supports them? Or is this just a front?
- 30 September 2020: He said “sure” then got sidetracked by trying to spin it to make antifa look bad. Idk why you’re flipping out. It’s pretty clear given his past statements that he condemns those groups.
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020: You said white nationalist. Derp
- 30 September 2020: Idk what you want, Trump has denounced white supremacists and neo nazis numerous times, and is presently seeking to deem the kkk a terrorist organization.
- 30 September 2020: Enrique Tarrio
- 30 September 2020: The head of the proud boys group is hispanic
- 30 September 2020: Odds of going straight from neuro phd (pharm minor) to decent industry job without post doc?
- 30 September 2020: He said “sure” “sure im willing to do that” derp
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020: Haha I’m okay with disagreement! I was just interjecting an opposing perspective
- 30 September 2020: *of white supremacy
- 30 September 2020: I agree he makes ridiculous and provocative statements. I just dont see how after condemning white supremacy, neo nazis, and the kkk on multiple occasions, anyone would take “stand down and stand by” as an endorsement.
- 30 September 2020: Oh well I asked you what you think he meant by stand by. You think its an endorsement of some kind? Can you explain that to me?
- 30 September 2020: We can all agree Trump is a tragically poor public speaker. What he meant by stand by is ambiguous. You think hes going to call on them for a civil war if he loses the election?
- 30 September 2020: Read the whole quote. He wasnt referring to white supremacists and neo nazis. There were more people there who just simply were protesting the taking down of the statue - not associated with the hate groups
- 30 September 2020: Oh idk why your tweet popped up in my feed, just thought I’d present some data that counter your implication that Trump supports white supremacy. But no, I didnt expect you to change your mind. Maybe someone else who sees it will!
- 30 September 2020: Lol. Where did he explicitly endorse white supremacy? “Stand back” = “I support white supremacy”? No.
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020: He has explicitly condemned white supremacists on multiple occasions.
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020:
- 30 September 2020: 😂
- 29 September 2020:
- 26 September 2020: Knuckle slider
- 25 September 2020: “Consciousness”
- 24 September 2020: 😂
- 24 September 2020: 🤔
- 23 September 2020: I was addressing the issue as to why the census questions have changed over time
- 23 September 2020: What do you think about scientists who believe a hypothesis that they have not yet tested? And how is that different?
- 23 September 2020: Probably because the impact of non-citizens’ effects on the country has dramatically increased since ‘65, and the relative proportions of non-citizens being allowed to work/participate in the economy etc has also increased. Makes sense that the census takes that data nowadays
- 23 September 2020: Ah well semantics is where our disagreement lies. All definitions are circular which is why you drew your conclusion and I drew mine. I think it’s fine to have semantic disagreements!
- 23 September 2020:
- 23 September 2020: Because slaves weren’t considered citizens (or part of the nation).
- 23 September 2020: But I see your point if you were defining “the US” by its present day borders
- 23 September 2020: You include indigenous peoples that are not part of the state as part of “The US”? Because they sure didn’t! I think it’s implied (and the person who posted this mentions it) that indigenous peoples were not considered part of the US’s population esp at 1790 lol
- 23 September 2020: Not if it’s attempting to estimate it’s population of citizens.
- 23 September 2020: The graphs says “US” population. The United States. Not “North America”. So no, I dont think noncitizens should be counted. If they were showing people populating “North America”, then yeah, indigenous peoples would definitely count
- 22 September 2020: Why would indigenous people be included in a nations’s population?
- 21 September 2020: 😂
- 17 September 2020: Prob decreases your unconscious bottom-up attentional processing (if you were less comfortable in the sun), increasing your top-town attentional capacities; subsequently allowing you to attend better to the music - perhaps even causing it to sound louder
- 16 September 2020: Send me your slides!
- 15 September 2020: 😂
- 14 September 2020: “Over and out. white noise ckkkhhhh”
- 14 September 2020: Tyranny is the deliberate removal of nuance - Richard Heydarian
- 12 September 2020: What do you call someone at the furthest extension of the 9 o’clock arm?
- 12 September 2020: Certain psychological states are required to execute some behaviors no? Eg “motivation” to press a bar x times for y reward
- 9 September 2020: Lmao
- 9 September 2020: The grinch was nominated for the Holiday Cheermeister, just sayin
- 8 September 2020: Nim Chimsky
- 7 September 2020: Ratiod 🇺🇸
- 7 September 2020: More than that:
- 6 September 2020: Lmao humanities
- 6 September 2020: No, my argument is that fetuses are protected under the constitution, and that pro-choice laws are unconstitutional because they legalize murder. Their right to life is being infringed upon. Roe V Wade is as unconstitutional as any piece of legislation that allowed murder.
- 6 September 2020: The difference is that you don’t believe that the developing fetuses are being directly affected by the tyranny of the majority that allows abortions to exist! No?
- 6 September 2020: What is the difference between what he meant and what einstein meant?
- 6 September 2020: Why should an atheistic moral consensus be allowed to moderate legislation, but not ones that stem from a different meta ethical framework? You believe in democracy or what?
- 6 September 2020: How is that solely a religious belief? It follows from the premise that a zygote is a dev human life that it should be protected under the law.
- 6 September 2020: As if someone couldn’t define a developing human being as a zygote without being religious?
- 5 September 2020: I think then other guy found it funny that you were telling him he couldnt understand something simple. I now see how humorous it is as well.
- 5 September 2020: Just tryna help ya out bud:
- 5 September 2020: “Are” is referring to history (which should be histories) not sport or sports. Compare to the sentence “the picture of pencils is cool”. What you wrote basically would he equivalent ti “the picture of penciles are cool”.
- 5 September 2020: Which is singular
- 5 September 2020: It should be “histories of sports are” then.
- 4 September 2020: How is racial identity different?
- 4 September 2020: That’s different than prohibiting it by law
- 4 September 2020: Alcohol prohibition worked so well for us in the past! (Just like drug prohibition is working so well for us now :)
- 4 September 2020: 😂😂😂
- 3 September 2020: 😂
- 3 September 2020:
- 2 September 2020: Carrot
- 2 September 2020: Existence is not a predicate
- 2 September 2020: Yeah, way bigger crowds at the riots!
- 2 September 2020: Yeah much bigger crowds at the riots!
- 1 September 2020: Hahahahahaha
- 30 August 2020:
- 30 August 2020:
- 30 August 2020: This is actually insane:
- 28 August 2020:
- 28 August 2020:
- 27 August 2020: Who should teach Comparative Religions? Who should teach ancient civ? What does someone’s race/gender/ideology have to do with their knowledge/expertise on the subject? Are we to exclude black professors from teaching medieval European history? This is a joke, right?
- 26 August 2020: (*sp)
- 26 August 2020: Who should teach Comparative Religions? Who should teach ancient civ? What does someone’s race/gender/ideology have to do with their knowledge/expertise on the subject? Are we to exclude black professors from teaching mideval European history? This is a joke, right?
- 26 August 2020: Holy FUCK
- 26 August 2020: Reading your book “Good Reasons for Bad Feelings” now! So far so good
- 24 August 2020: D
- 24 August 2020:
- 23 August 2020:
- 19 August 2020: Let’s stream me pwning you in magic
- 19 August 2020: Wow 4 lyfe
- 17 August 2020: Are minds illusions produced by brains or are brains illusions produced by minds? 🤔
- 17 August 2020: Nice shot
- 17 August 2020: The conscious state of experiencing that the self is an illusion is an illusion lmao
- 17 August 2020: Name one thing that is not an illusion produced by the brain
- 14 August 2020: Just finished @JonHaidt ‘s “The Righteous Mind”. Excellent read. Extremely important to understanding our current sociopolitical predicament. 10/10
- 13 August 2020: Are there not more impotant questions that could be answered with this technology?
- 11 August 2020: Loving “other” because it is “self” is pure narcissim.
- 7 August 2020: Ah I think we are all struggling to stay motivated. Don’t beat yourself up
- 7 August 2020: No lab yet?
- 24 July 2020: Have but aphasia Broca’s joke grammar
- 24 July 2020:
- 24 July 2020:
- 24 July 2020:
- 21 July 2020: Wow please teach me more about undergrad soc! You can tell I (and the world) find it oh so valuable 🤣. Get out now or you’ll find yourself in the same position she’s in. 💯
- 21 July 2020: No. But you cant complain about not finding a job or that the system is at fault for your poor decisions. You probably can’t find a decent career as an underwater basket weaver either. Who’s fault is it if you cant make 100k basket weaving? Lmao did you even read her 1st tweet?
- 21 July 2020: No, but choosing which degree to pursue is 😉
- 21 July 2020: You really dont want to take any responsibility eh? Were the bureau of labor statistics not available when you decided on your career path?
- 20 July 2020: ~12% eh? Would we make this analogous conclusion about epilepsy then? Lmao 🤣
- 15 July 2020: First COVID-19 vaccine tested in the US shows promising immune response ahead of large trial
- 13 July 2020: Peace of mind
- 12 July 2020: Movie cookies n chill
- 9 July 2020: Why not, for the sake of the thought exp, imagine someone who has the complete opposite views on every single political issue as you? Obviously the unipolar L-R spectrum is inadequate. (PS: do you see this sort if sanctimony as virtuous signaling amongst moderates/centrists?)
- 9 July 2020: Yeah, understandable if you make those assumptions. However, I dont think the question that was posed necessitated them.
- 9 July 2020: How could it not? You’re immeditely flooded with dozens or hundreds of traits, values, behaviors that are associated with that single variable. Only complete ignorance of the data, or some sort of sanctimonious signaling (and denial) could account for people checking “no”.
- 8 July 2020: Book entitled: “Metaphors We Live By”
- 5 July 2020: Fuck off
- 3 July 2020: LMAOOOOO.
- 3 July 2020: It back
- 17 June 2020:
- 12 June 2020: I do but I am in the middle of something. How about 3pm tomorrow!??
- 12 June 2020: Yes I think people should be allowed to he as skeptical as they please. What do you want to do? Force them to believe shit? Lol. Believing that the brain is made up of neurons is again, based on several assumptions. The proposition that the brain is made of up of neurons is
- 12 June 2020: Haha ya you can. Some are more firmly grounded in empirical data than others. Almost all fall prey to the problem of induction. Yet, scientists go around with these (faith based) beliefs that rely on tons of assumptions. Just like any other belief system - like religion!
- 12 June 2020: The scientific worldview is literally a belief system
- 12 June 2020: Haha yeah it is
- 11 June 2020: #FakeScience
- 7 June 2020: Lmao
- 5 June 2020: Help understand what? A sentence? Maybe, but not whether or not that sentence is true or justified though.
- 5 June 2020: All day 💘
- 5 June 2020: Haha not you, good sir! I was mainly referring to instagram anyways.
- 5 June 2020: Seems like social media is where people come to openly admit that their entire worldview is based on instagram memes and TikToks.
- 1 June 2020: Wow you really dont want to even attempt to defend your stance huh? Good luck!
- 1 June 2020: Probably not stupid, just close-minded I guess? Unwilling to engage with an opposing view? But willing to call other peoples beliefs tantamount to belief in santa clause? Pretty cowardly.
- 1 June 2020: @kirbwyrd It is actually quite a simple argument. Perhaps you dont understand it if you cant put it simply. Good talk. 👍🏻
- 1 June 2020: Just trying to understand how you think that objective truth doesn’t exist... because you posted about its nonexistence... should be fairly simple thing to do.
- 1 June 2020: You disagree with it?
- 1 June 2020: How about a simple statement like “all truth is relative”?
- 1 June 2020: Try again.
- 1 June 2020: Not being able to know the objective truth of things doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.
- 1 June 2020: Please go ahead and tell us all how objective truth doesnt exist. Should be doable in one sentence.
- 1 June 2020: In the middle of a closed lane... due to construction. It is scaffolding. Perhaps they took away the ladders due to... umm extenuating circumstances?
- 1 June 2020: There is literal scaffolding on the sidewalk
- 30 May 2020:
- 28 May 2020: Iroh is the best
- 25 May 2020: 2/4 long limbs
- 25 May 2020: If our visual systems had the acuity of our auditory systems, we’d be able to see the structure if large atoms with the naked eye. #neuroscience
- 24 May 2020: Excluding introspection, yeah?
- 22 May 2020: This man is Michael Scott @theofficenbc #theoffice
- 20 May 2020: Wym by “vice”?
- 20 May 2020: @carolyn_stopera omg some of these are terrifying. Do we need this amount of detail for a butt sniff?
- 20 May 2020: Rip 🙏🏻
- 19 May 2020: That link didnt work?
- 18 May 2020: The Role of Overt Visual Attention and Information Processing Fluency in False Memory Formation. Campbell & Gerkens, 2020.
- 15 May 2020: Yes
- 15 May 2020: Until quantum mechanics is reconciled with Einsteinian physics, and we understand consciousness’ role in “physical” systems, the question remains open. A metaphsyical construct such as lib free will is quite a useful one. A pragmatic person should indulge in its use.
- 14 May 2020: Just finished today. Excellent read. I give it an A-.
- 13 May 2020:
- 13 May 2020: Because you must begin with a meta theory of knowledge/truth and iron out problems of induction and the like. You have to deal with what science does, what truth and knowledge are. I.e. you must begin with metaphysics. Open to me being wrong though
- 12 May 2020: What framework do you use to determine that “science is the best way to build knowledge about the world” ? Clearly not science, eh? And that fact seems to precede all of science then, necessarily.
- 12 May 2020: Steak
- 5 May 2020: We could write an algorithm for a rocks temperature change in response to heat. Heat (input) —> rock —> (transposition of information/computation) —> change in temp (output)
- 5 May 2020: All it takes for a physical system to perform a computation is for the computation to map onto the physical system
- 5 May 2020: Yes ma’am
- 5 May 2020: No but they both make computations
- 4 May 2020: Rocks are technically computers. Prove me wrong.
- 3 May 2020: Can you separate these effects in regards to the acquisition of language? (Spoiler: yes).
- 2 May 2020: @michaelshermer Do you have something you want to say to the entire UFO community? 😂
- 29 April 2020: Neurofibromin initiates the constitutive activity of 5-HT6R, which subsequently regulates Cell Growth/Cell Cycle - preventing tumor growth.
- 28 April 2020: justifications for its adaptiveness as well*
- 28 April 2020: You literally provided justifications for its adaptiveness. And failed to report major historical quasi-experiments such as Stalinist Russia and Maoist China.
- 28 April 2020: Basically in order to debunk the secular case for religion, which is whar your article claims to do, you’d have to show how religion evolved, and how it is presently and definitively a byproduct and not an adaptation. Which your paper failed to do, even by your own account.
- 28 April 2020: Except your entire paper was about whether or not religion is presently adaptive or a byproduct. Which has nothing to do with whether or not god/zeus/yahweh exist.
- 28 April 2020: For an article that claims to debunk something, it did suprisingly little (zero) of that. As is evidenced in the last paragrpah which begins with “In the end, no one can yet say for sure how religion evolved”. What a joke.
- 27 April 2020: Science is fake
- 25 April 2020: Yep ^
- 25 April 2020: That’s one group of people I’m fine being intolerant of.
- 25 April 2020: It looks like your regression line would additonally predict that ppl w/ 80 obj IQ would estimate ~115 SAIQ. Seems like the DKE goes away at 120+.
- 25 April 2020: Why is it that at ~65 obj IQ on avg they estimated 110 SAIQ, but at 140 obj IQ, they estimated ~140 SAIQ? Seems exactly like DKE to me.
- 17 April 2020: In the absence of stimuli to interpret, the CNS generates its own noise to create percepts, which subsequently could be interpreted by the bayesian brain types of mechanisms.
- 17 April 2020: Lol
- 16 April 2020: David Buss and Richard Dawkins
- 12 April 2020: Instead of giving us each $1200, why doesnt the Trump admin buy every American a hazmat suit and implement some local decontamination showers nationwide? #coronavirus #covid19 #trump #Covid19usa #COVID #TrumpVirus #CDC #WHO
- 12 April 2020: Nailed it
- 31 March 2020: What are some of the best email subscriptions for up to date publications in neuroscience/pharmacology/psychology (excluding social)/molecular biology/genetics? @AcademicChatter #AcademicTwitter
- 31 March 2020: The reproducibility crisis in social psychology
- 19 March 2020:
- 19 March 2020: if calling it the Chinese virus increased any of the racist attacks by ignorant and terrible people against chinese americans. If it was shown to increase hate crimes against Chinese americans, id fully agree this move was dangerous and stupid!
- 19 March 2020: The Chinese government is trying to deny that it started in Wuhan. They’re even using this same argument of “Chinese virus is racist” to deflect blame back at the US. And yeah, Chinese Americans were being attacked before it was called the Chinese vrius, and id be very surprised
- 19 March 2020:
- 19 March 2020: Additionally, just seems like another benign thing that people are dying to pull the “trump is a racist” card out, when there’s an alternative, charitable interpretation of his actions on offer.
- 19 March 2020: Seems like an extraordinary far reach to me. Who doesnt already immediately associate the virus with china? What damage is this seriously causing? Especially when weighed against the benefit of emphasizing who needs to be held responsible.
- 19 March 2020: Yeah for sure. I’m all for being aware and responsible for our use of language. But people are treating this as if everyone in the world doesnt already know that the virus began in china, and that referring to it by that name will somehow be harmful to chinese americans.
- 18 March 2020: Chin all the time!
- 18 March 2020:
- 18 March 2020: Haha I agree. I love the way he says China lol. I think he and others are calling it the China virus as an intentional pushback against China’s attempts to shift the blame. They want to emphasize who is responsible foe this catastrophe
- 18 March 2020: *is calling the Spanish flu, the Spanish flu racist
- 18 March 2020: How is calling it Chinese is racist? Is calling it the Spanish Flu racist? Plus, the chinese government is literally trying to blame the US for their own mess. They just dismissed all international reporters this week. That government is far more evil and corrupt than ours brooo!
- 18 March 2020: Lmaooo
- 18 March 2020: Clearly not a math magician
- 18 March 2020: Uh, poisons the mind? Ever looked at maybe any of the psych literature out there on the topic?
- 18 March 2020: RT @GeoffRBennett: THREAD -- A timeline of Trump's coronavirus statements: Jan. 22: "It's going to be just fine. We have it totally under…
- 18 March 2020: You think generally, anthropologists underestimate the role of mimesis? Or nah?
- 18 March 2020:
- 18 March 2020: What do you think of Generative Anthropology, Gans, and Girard?
- 18 March 2020: The answer is: No
- 12 March 2020: Do not go
- 10 March 2020: It is. Theyre taking an identical claim “europeans on average have higher IQs than group x” and arriving at “he must be a White supremacist” from that claim. What you were saying about a white supremacist making his same claim, actually has no bearing on the argument at all
- 10 March 2020: EEA/nonshared environment/“family” are not confounding variables in twin studies whatsoever. Neither are stochastic developmental differences.
- 2 March 2020: 🙄
- 2 March 2020:
- 26 February 2020: Cuz he doesn’t have a funny accent like Bernie
- 25 February 2020: Seems like an odd name to give the framework. It’s almost implicitly asserting that other frameworks (beyond illusionism) are consciousness anti-realists lol
- 25 February 2020: How is this distinct from idealism?
- 21 February 2020: SRY gene
- 19 February 2020: #Nietzsche #Nietzsche2020 #beyondgoodandevil #mustache
- 8 November 2019: You should all be ashamed of yourselves