The list below includes 152 deleted tweets by quillette.
Datasets generated by SalishCoast 161 and Karma 161 using ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown and other tools as part of the deleted-tweets-archive project repo on github.
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Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 27 September 2021: On the podcast: @jonkay speaks with 36-year-old biotech entrepreneur and author @VivekGRamaswamy about the woke smoke blown by corporate America
- 30 August 2021: The Social Science Monoculture Doubles Down | Keith E. Stanovich
- 29 August 2021: “With each new lockdown (as of August, Victoria is at six) the level of outrage has risen, and fissures in society have deepened.”
- 28 August 2021: "Orwell never knew anything approximating security as a writer until the very last year of his life"
- 17 August 2021: "For the decades encompassing the late 20th and early 21st centuries, teen mental health outcomes had been reliably stable or were even improving...To the deep dismay of psychologists and policymakers, that trend abruptly reversed in the early 2010s."
- 14 August 2021: "You are far more likely to drown in your bathtub or pool or die in an airplane crash, tornado, hurricane, or earthquake" then from a Covid vaccine, writes @michaelshermer
- 11 August 2021: “The steady girlfriends, weekend visitors, adulterous interlopers, and assorted other comfort women come and go so frequently and even simultaneously in Bailey’s biography that it is difficult to sort them out”
- 1 August 2021: “Western painting is replete with clandestine portraits of royal mistresses in the guise of goddesses and shepherdess, with pseudo-didactic scenes of debauchery often involving visibly inebriated participants”
- 1 August 2021: A Treasure Trove of Priceless Pornography | @juliafriedman
- 7 July 2021: “recently, Weinstein has graduated from entertaining theories that might not be right but at least could do no harm, to theories that cannot be right and are sure to do harm.”
- 5 July 2021: “All emerging technologies induce a kind of psychic trauma (conscious or unconscious) and require some rewiring of our critical faculties.”
- 17 June 2021: "Legalization of pot will likely result in more widespread use. Still, if people are going to get intoxicated, it makes sense to provide access to relatively safe alternatives [to alcohol] that do not aggravate existing propensities for violent behavior."
- 12 June 2021: “The legitimacy of one empire may be passed to the next.”
- 11 June 2021: Silicon Valley’s ‘Mission Protocol’ Revolution Is Beginning to Attain Critical Mass | @petersavodnik
- 28 May 2021: Black Lives Matter and the Psychology of Progressive Fatalism | @SalmonKromeDome
- 26 May 2021: Education and Masculinity—An Interview with Will Knowland | @HannahGal3
- 26 May 2021: The Gathering Resistance to the Stigmatisation of Masculinity | @HannahGal3
- 20 May 2021: "In several recent cases I am aware of, B.C. judges have allowed tenets of gender ideology—including the idea that self-declaration as a man or woman serves to erase the real ways in which one’s body affects others in intimate spaces—as unassailable fact."
- 26 April 2021: Interrogating Jane | @laowaitatlarge
- 24 March 2021: "In such an 'anxious and baffling' time, Churchill declared, 'our supreme task' was to protect civilization from its potent and determined enemies without precipitating a Third World War... The twin dangers were 'two giant marauders, war and tyranny.'"
- 24 March 2021: "If a movement gains new members at least as fast as it loses them to critical argument, the movement’s doctrine may persist for thousands of years even though no single member was ever convinced for more than a year."
- 13 March 2021: Podcast guest @GadSaad on his aggressive and often satirical Twitter persona as being but one aspect of a multifaceted persuasive strategy.
- 6 March 2021: "[Etnomathematics] looks like an attempt to politicize math and turn it into one of the humanities. If disadvantaged children receive this kind of teaching while their more advantaged peers learn actual math, any achievement gap can only widen."
- 5 March 2021: A Cardinal Sin | @nfergus
- 24 February 2021: "Specific proposals at various Canadian universities have included curriculum changes, an overhaul of academic disciplines, and the incorporation of Indigenous “ways of knowing” in tenure and promotion processes."
- 4 February 2021: In May 2020, Party premier Li Keqiang cut the word 'peaceful' from his standard reference to Taiwanese reunification. Seasoned China watchers understood the significance of this..."
- 4 February 2021: "In May 2020, Party premier Li Keqiang cut the word 'peaceful' from his standard reference to Taiwanese reunification. Seasoned China watchers understood the significance of this..." ttps://
- 2 February 2021: How Should the Citizens of Hong Kong Prepare for Dictatorship? | Peter Baehr
- 15 January 2021: Podcast guest @CheriJacobus on the chilling effect of Trump's tweets on conservative members of congress, and the unfounded claim that his free speech has been hindered. Full episode:
- 13 January 2021: On the Quillette podcast, Philippe Lemoine ( @phl43 ) explains why the relationship between lockdowns and social isolation may primarily be one of correlation, not causation. Link to full episode:
- 9 January 2021: "Allen has had a longer twilight than Williams... yet both persevered, despite having internalized their characters’ melancholy understanding of a world in which the fake golden moons of one’s imagination are forever crashing to the stage."
- 8 January 2021: "It’s estimated that at the start of the 19th-century, there were about 2,000 editorial cartoonists plying their trade in print across the United States. As far as I can tell, that number now hovers around 30."
- 29 December 2020: And while the average parent may never have heard of #DisruptTexts , the movement has made a significant impact in public education.
- 2 December 2020: "Both Zamyatin and Orwell shared an aversion to the overused phrase, and were waging the 'War Against Cliche' long before Martin Amis gave it a name. Given their shared aversion, Orwell and Zamyatin managed to lock arms stylistically and morally."
- 25 November 2020: "There is every reason to believe that the COVID-related weakening of the already brittle scaffolds of modern schooling will never be shored up for many children and adolescents. This is especially true for those without educational supports at home." "
- 24 November 2020: "The COVID-related disruptions of schooling have scattered hundreds of millions of children and adolescents across an archipelago of small islands that are not well-suited to fostering modern educational goals." "
- 23 November 2020: "The scaffolds that support learning to read and write have to be constructed by teachers and guided by well-developed school curricula. Absent such scaffolds, children will not acquire these or most other academic competencies." "
- 23 November 2020: "Evil does not arise in a vacuum and cycles of victims and perpetrators course predictably throughout history. Our current path can unleash forces about which we have little understanding and over which we have even less control."
- 22 November 2020: "We have gone from a healthy identity politics that used to emphasize our common humanity—'I want to be the white man’s brother, not his brother-in-law' said Martin Luther King—to a culture that emphasizes common enemies."
- 22 November 2020: On the Trail of Delusion—A Review | Gerald Posner
- 16 November 2020: "Psychologists are familiar with the defense mechanism of externalization, in which individuals blame others for their own shortcomings. Externalizations protect the ego—the individual is not responsible for his failures."
- 16 November 2020: "Another problem with these studies is that they are correlational—that is, they identify correlations between reported perceptions of discrimination and some aspect of black underperformance. They cannot tell us anything definitive about causation."
- 15 November 2020: "Because neither the subject’s perception of an incident nor the report of discrimination is securely linked to reality, the true independent variable in these tests is not racism or discrimination but the reported perception of discrimination."
- 15 November 2020: "Empirically testing the hypothesis that racism accounts for most or all of black disadvantage poses enormous challenges. However, because this theory has observable consequences it should in principle be possible to find evidence for or against."
- 15 November 2020: Does Racism Explain Black Underperformance? | G. E. Zuriff
- 14 November 2020: "In the first few months of 2020, there was massive elite failure to acknowledge the scope of the gathering threat. Americans were preoccupied with the Trump impeachment drama, which monopolized news coverage and public attention into early February."
- 14 November 2020: "Although it was one of the earliest nations to be hit by COVID-19 after China, the 'test and trace' program the Koreans devised has allowed for a level of normalcy difficult for Americans to imagine as they struggle with this pandemic."
- 13 November 2020: Totally Under Control—A Review | @razibkhan
- 20 October 2020: "In its most recent analysis, the World Bank predicted that the global economy will shrink by 5.2 percent in 2020, with developing countries overall seeing their incomes fall for the first time in 60 years."
- 16 October 2020: The Moral Panic over ‘Sexualisation’ | @PornPanic
- 8 October 2020: For Some Adjunct Professors, It’s Speak Your Mind versus Keep Your Job | Ilana Akresh and John Villasenor
- 23 September 2020: "It is unsettling that many of the criticisms of Wang seem to rely on the medical public's ignorance of his article or misrepresentations of its arguments."
- 4 September 2020: PODCAST 108: Conservative Intellectual Douglas Murray on the Newly Emboldened Radical Left and Why the Silent Majority Needs to Speak Up
- 31 August 2020: "I keep returning to the arbitrary nature of the demand to cultivate pansexualism—because an insistence that sexual desire is socially constructed has no less relevance to the old, the feeble and the ugly than to the trans community."
- 27 August 2020: "As of August 24th, there were 104 active cases resulting from community transmission since the 102-day streak ended along with 19 imported cases, making 123 in total."
- 26 August 2020: "There may be good reasons to adopt a more aggressive foreign policy toward China, but such a policy should not be predicated on false premises. It’s therefore crucial to examine the factual basis of the accusations against China in a rational manner."
- 22 August 2020: “The constricting weight of guilt that had been pressing against me was replaced by terror that I was losing my mind. Maybe I would freeze to death in the night. I did not care.”
- 20 August 2020: "Friendship—unlike love—has no agenda. It is free." "
- 20 August 2020: "If you love, really love, you will still recognise in the pointless character on your sofa the glorious youth who once burned and raged and threatened the world with his dreams. And you will stay with him for love—not for pity, or duty" "
- 20 August 2020: "Love is something that most of us will never experience. I hasten to add that these are not my words—they are Simone de Beauvoir’s." "
- 20 August 2020: "Love is good at its own PR. Every time the word is uttered, it brings to mind a powerful and ennobling force that lifts us up and makes us kinder, braver, and generally worthier versions of ourselves. But, as Huckleberry Finn would have said, it ain’t so."
- 13 August 2020: "The focus and possible exaggeration of discrimination in medicine could have bad downstream effects for patients" "
- 13 August 2020: "The focus and possible exaggeration of discrimination in medicine could have bad downstream effects for patients" "
- 9 August 2020: "When the schoolteacher finally decides to admit that he 'committed a shameful act unworthy of a Communist' in a moment of weakness, it’s not enough: He's bullied into agreeing that his remark was 'slanderous and objectively directed against the Party.'"
- 6 August 2020: "Rather than urge that dysphoria be treated in a humane and realistic way, many activists prefer to cast it as a vestige of an invented inner spirit called 'gender identity,' which universally suffuses us all, like a spark of the divine."
- 2 August 2020: "Applebaum believes—following the sociologist Karen Stenner—that the authoritarian allure is most popular among those who dislike complexity, since it provides easy answers, and relieves people of choice."
- 20 July 2020: RT @CampbellSocProf: "It’s clear that social justice culture is here to stay. It’s not a passing fad, and those who embrace it aren’t going…
- 19 July 2020: “Britain has taken the lead by announcing that Hongkongers holding a British National Overseas (BNO) Passport will be allowed to live and work in the UK for five years, after which they can apply citizenship.”
- 18 July 2020: PODCAST 99: Ecomodernist @ShellenbergerMD talks to @jonkay about his newly released best-selling book "Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All"
- 17 July 2020: "Knowledge is a relay race. It is a fundamental misunderstanding about how it works to criticize a swift runner who effectively passed the baton because he did not complete the race on his own."
- 9 July 2020: "The window for even mildly controversial opinions has shrunk dramatically... As ideological correctness becomes the modern currency of spiritual virtue, rational dissent has been cast as heresy."
- 2 July 2020: "Courtauld kept hopelessness at bay by reminding himself that things could be much worse, and that they might yet improve...When his last candle expired, he recorded that he was grateful that he got to read all his books before it did."
- 2 July 2020: "As time wore on, Courtauld was forced to eat food raw and used heat only for melting snow to drink. As the stove and then the last candle went out, he could only lie in his freezing sleeping bag in the dark."
- 2 July 2020: "From these first entries onwards, Courtauld’s journal lays bare a stoical and practical imagination that allowed him to keep his anxiety in check and prepare him for the ordeal ahead."
- 2 July 2020: "Courtauld watched his friends disappear into the unrelieved whiteness as they made their arduous journey back across the ice cap. “Now I am quite alone," he wrote, "not a dog or even a mosquito to look at."
- 1 July 2020: The Chinese Communist Party is one of the most powerful organisations on the planet, and at the same time it is never more than a short step away from disaster.
- 24 June 2020: “With the lockdown fizzling to its end, Tolstoy’s moral questions are worth pondering at length. Bernard Rose’s adaptations are a great place to start—as we emerge, blinking and impatient, into a facsimile of the world we left behind.”
- 23 June 2020: "You should know it’s not quite safe outside. The pictures we are shown on the news are being shown to us for a reason. But what’s the reason? It’s an agenda. What’s an agenda? The news is an agenda. We can’t keep meeting like this."
- 29 May 2020: "What the vegan purists sometimes forget is that most people simply love meat. And it’s hard to recruit them to your cause if you make them feel like monsters for doing so"
- 29 May 2020: "The world would be much better if everyone stole, Camille explained to me one day... I believed there were obvious holes in her argument... I feared she would reference some theory that I didn’t know about or see me as a capitalist ideologue"
- 25 May 2020: "it is unsettling to observe Farrow’s reluctance to take ownership of his mistakes, even when they are set plainly before him. When Smith approached Farrow for comment, he retreated behind self-serving generalizations."
- 17 May 2020: "Banfield focused on contemporary major cities and the underclass contingencies within them. He examined them as he found them and his analysis was unambiguously cultural, not racial."
- 8 May 2020: Enough With the Phoney ‘Lockdown’ Debate | @jonkay
- 7 May 2020: "The idea of curated social encounters will extend from its current niches in luxury networking conferences and the like, and increasingly become the norm by which we make new friends and acquaintances"
- 7 May 2020: "I was born in the 1950s...I feel an enormous sense of gratitude for the work Rosset did and the risks he took to make the American literary scene of my younger days so much freer and more interesting."
- 6 May 2020: "We are moving from a situation of radical uncertainty to one that is in many respects more like a risky situation—one in which we can be fairly confident of what the likely outcomes of our actions and the associated costs and benefits will be."
- 2 May 2020: "Immigrant households are more likely to contain more than two generations. Intra-household contagion has been a leading form of COVID-19 transmission. The bigger the household, the more people get infected"
- 2 May 2020: "With patient and indulgent friends like Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner and Hinckle at Scanlan’s supporting him, Thompson decided that he was finished with traditional journalism and would henceforth experiment with fact-fiction hybrid forms."
- 7 April 2020: On the podcast: Dr @Jemma_Geoghegan Geoghegan, a virologist at the University of Otago, talks to @jonkay about how viruses evolve and the lessons we can learn about social distancing from fish, dogs & rabbits
- 4 April 2020: "'Though Amazon is often condemned for decimating brick-and-mortar bookstores, it also permits writers to get around the limitations of an industry stuck in the 20th century, if not the 19th,' Kestin tells me"
- 4 April 2020: “Amazon Empire” Struggles Under Its Own Contradictions | @StevenVolynets
- 3 April 2020: "We all try to create a financial cushion for retirement and a rainy day. COVID-19 now has given us several weeks of rainy days, with many more to come"
- 30 March 2020: "The US is known as a bastion of free enterprise. Yet ironically, it was the US that was hamstrung by bureaucracy in the race for a comprehensive testing regime"
- 29 March 2020: "As of March 12, roughly 80% of Massachusetts’ COVID-19 cases could be traced to a single corporate meeting. In Italy, genetic analyses suggest that the country’s epidemic originated with just two people"
- 27 March 2020: "As of March 12, roughly 80% of Massachusetts’ COVID-19 cases could be traced to a single corporate meeting. In Italy, genetic analyses suggest that the country’s epidemic originated with just two people"
- 20 March 2020: "The more transparent the government is the more people will trust it. And the more people trust the government, the more effective public health measures, particularly social distancing, will be"
- 19 March 2020: Winning the War on Coronavirus: @ShellenbergerMD
- 19 March 2020: "China’s nationally mobilized response to COVID-19 in late January and the weeks thereafter represents one of the greatest achievements in the history of public health"
- 17 March 2020: "Worth traveling for? Absolutely. Although Bacon painted from photographs, his bodies demand to be confronted in the flesh."
- 13 March 2020: #Make5Calls #FlattenTheCurve
- 12 March 2020: RT @BDSixsmith: My old Quillette article on pandemic risk.
- 9 March 2020: "Soering’s case is a textbook example not of a wrongful conviction, but of a false wrongful-conviction claim."
- 6 March 2020: Fabricated Innocence: The Self-Exoneration and Re-Incrimination of Jens Soering | @AndrewHammel1
- 5 March 2020: "I’m old enough to remember when the multigenerational American family saga was still a publishing-industry powerhouse. Now it is rapidly going the way of the American nuclear family itself."
- 9 February 2020: "If equity and justice are really what we want from education, then it’s time to let the policy pendulum swing back toward a more traditional approach"
- 9 February 2020: Sign up today
- 30 January 2020: "Buck Henry’s mischievous contrarianism [was] a snot rocket launched in the direction of films like Frank De Vol's 1959 romantic comedy Pillow Talk, along with the dated chauvinism of characters like James Bond"
- 29 January 2020: "Buck Henry played the innocuous and sexually uncomfortable WASP so magnificently that he made John Belushi’s bushy Samurai seem even more provocative and feral"
- 29 January 2020: "Buck Henry would host ten of SNL’s punkest rough drafts, and I remember wondering why they had invited a computer repairman with a bandaged forehead to front the show."
- 22 January 2020: "One slide used to train hockey coaches instructs them on the concept of ‘polygender’—which relates to those ‘who identify as multiple genders simultaneously & can be several genders at once,’ or who change their genders ‘depending on the day or the week’"
- 13 January 2020: "Certain facets of our moral world and our ability to learn are innate, but the ways in which these moral tools are deployed are culturally constructed."
- 10 January 2020: This week's newsletter is out now-->
- 10 January 2020: "Economic growth is critical not only for its own sake but it has, at least in the West, nurtured more enlightened and generous societies."
- 8 January 2020: "As he so casually reminded them, these are the people who partied with Jeffrey Epstein and made movies with Harvey Weinstein and still give Roman Polanski standing ovations"
- 8 January 2020: "Not too long ago, novel-writing was a trade practiced by a wide variety of Americans. Nowadays it is rapidly becoming just another profession requiring certification by a priesthood of insiders."
- 7 January 2020: The National Book Foundation Defines Diversity Down
- 31 December 2019: Our 5th most read article from 2019 came from a former gender studies scholar who admits to "basically just making it all up"
- 22 December 2019: Our Mission on Mars: Obey the Lessons of Mutiny on the Bounty | @michaelshermer
- 21 December 2019: "Christianity gave Western societies a universally accessible moral vocabulary to describe good and evil in a way that transcended raw power and the bigotry of tribe"
- 15 December 2019: "Mishima had wanted his death to constitute an event of historical importance, and it could perhaps be said that he accomplished this goal."
- 6 December 2019: There are fewer and fewer spaces for free thought, civil debate and open inquiry.
- 5 December 2019: "At least 50 books of essays, reviews, poetry, translation, autobiography, travel-writing, song-lyrics, novels, all marked by scintillating wit, prodigious learning, and an incisive but generous humour. "
- 25 November 2019: Subscribe to the Quillette newsletter and get the week’s round up of articles delivered straight into your inbox!
- 21 November 2019: "Until now, Norway had seemed to cope well with the influx of immigrants from war-torn Muslim countries, in part because the intake levels generally were kept at a level that permitted newcomers to be integrated without overwhelming local resources"
- 18 November 2019: Join 60,000 other subscribers today
- 30 October 2019: The weekly roundup and how you can help make 2020 our biggest year yet -->
- 8 October 2019: I Asked Thousands of Biologists When Life Begins. The Answer Wasn’t Popular | @DrSteveJacobs
- 5 October 2019: The dangerous life of Napoleon Chagnon, Coleman Hughes on the case for black optimism, and an interview with Douglas Murray. Sign up to the Quillette newsletter-->
- 22 September 2019: "Harris tries to sound a radical note before retreating back to a moderate tune. She is neither competing solely in the progressive lane (with Sanders and Warren) or the moderate one (with Biden and Klobuchar) but is attempting to have it both ways."
- 10 September 2019: The Anarchist and the Anthropology Journal | @clairlemon
- 25 August 2019: From the archives: The Compassionate Way to Combat Creationism
- 20 August 2019: Gamers are the Easy—But Wrong—Target After Mass Violence | @CJFerguson1111
- 15 August 2019: LISTEN: @jonkay interviews @peterboghossian about Sokal Squared, being investigated by his university, and his forthcoming book on difficult conversations
- 8 August 2019: Have you discovered our Podcast yet? LISTEN: Professor Bruce Gilley on Anti-Conservative Bias on Campus
- 8 August 2019: "I realized that these people don’t care about the plight of America’s blue collar workforce at all—DSA meetings are simply stages for the radical posturing of white middle class college kids, tormented with guilt about their own privilege."
- 6 August 2019: Have you got your Quillette merch yet? Get it here
- 30 July 2019: Empiricism and Dogma: Why Left and Right Can’t Agree on Climate Change | @PatrickTBrown31
- 29 July 2019: RT @jonkay: More on the crazy saga of social-justice smackdowns in the take-no-prisoners world of urban knitting... In her third piece on t…
- 25 July 2019: The Quillette Weekly has >50,000 subscribers Make sure you're signed up so you don't miss out
- 20 July 2019: "When it was over, what did mankind gain and realize and learn? A lot, it turns out. About space flight itself, of course. About the nature of the moon and its history. And about the Earth, surprisingly, and its fragility and value," writes @CraigCoglan
- 18 July 2019: "Rarely if ever do you see a modicum of critical thinking when it comes to analysing hate crime statistics and if you take a few minutes to look at how they are compiled alarm bells start to ring."
- 12 July 2019: "For Kant, dignity is integrally related to the basic freedom enjoyed by all. While everything else in nature is in some respects purely governed by causal laws and is thus only contingently good, only human beings possess worth in themselves."
- 8 July 2019: Deplatforming Won’t Work | @nathancofnas
- 5 July 2019: "Immigration policy has turned into a litmus test for democratic sovereignty itself. It has become the arena where civil rights, anchored in the state, meet universal human rights, promoted by international institutions.".
- 3 July 2019: "According to one activist, the window smashing, trash-can fires, limousine-burning and punching of ideological enemies 'should be celebrated as an opening salvo of resistance in the era of Trump'"
- 30 June 2019: From the archives: Read "Glenn Greenwald: Fascism’s Fellow Traveller" by Jamie Palmer.
- 28 May 2019: Party for One | Philip Mathias Today is National Masturbation Day. Enjoy!
- 21 May 2019: Straight to Hell: Millenarianism and the Green New Deal | by David Adler
- 20 April 2019: @jonkay @HarveysCanada ha! Jon, I'm at that very Harvey's on Tuesdays. And I have the same problem at Burger Priest. If it's a mint chip milkshake, which is my daughter's favourite, forget trying to suck that through a paper straw!
- 16 April 2019: RT @toadmeister: Listen to my podcast interview for @quillette with Sir Roger Scruton about the events of last week. Among other revelation…
- 1 March 2019: RT @toadmeister: Excellent piece in @Quillette by Louise Perry on why feminist activists protest more about minor misdemeanours, like the…
- 31 January 2019: RT @RobDarbyCanberr: Final instalment of excellent series in defence of reading the classics of Western civilisation. All past civilisation…