The list below includes 498 deleted tweets by TimRunsHisMouth.
There are also 52 tweets that are indicated as not currently deleted by the Twitter API that have been scraped from pages of deleted tweets (as replies, etc.). These possibly undeleted tweets are included for context and are indicated by a (live) link.
Datasets generated by SalishCoast 161 and Karma 161 using ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown and other tools as part of the deleted-tweets-archive project repo on github.
You can create your own updated version of this document by checking out and configuring the repository and then running the following commands:
$ cargo build --release
$ target/release/twcc deleted-tweets --report TimRunsHisMouth
Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 28 September 2021: 1:47 of the above video disagrees with you.
- 28 September 2021: Clay Travis, Rihanna, and Nicki Minaj have all done more to advance freedom and intellectual thought through their words and actions in the past month than almost every elected official in DC.
- 28 September 2021: "Loving your neighbor is not just about loving those that agree with you, or look like you, or move in the same way that you do it - It's loving those who don't." - Clay Travis I can't agree more with this man. Thank you sir.
- 28 September 2021: You should get on @GETTRofficial . It's the one I'm on that you haven't joined yet. You'd do well there... cc: @JasonMillerinDC
- 12 September 2021: @MeganMcGlover
- 12 September 2021: I love this woman... I'm just a bit touchy on hairline references... but she's a freaking hero.
- 12 September 2021: I love this woman and want to buy her a drink. Not all heroes wear capes.
- 11 September 2021: The Taliban will celebrate 9/11 by ruling Afghanistan tomorrow, including ehat they did to America 20 years ago... and their victory was solidified by Joe Biden. Congrats Democrat voters!
- 10 September 2021: You could always just eat well, get decent exercise and sunlight, wash your hands, and not cough on people... but I'm no doctor, so what I do I know?
- 10 September 2021: Was one of Biden's "prongs" closing the southern border? No? Cool. He can turn those prongs sideways and shove them up his ass.
- 9 September 2021: I leftist dressed up like a monkey threw eggs at Larry Elder today... I guess it's not racist because they call him a "white supremacist" ...right?
- 8 September 2021: The road.
- 8 September 2021 (live): Since I bailed on the Kentucky Bourbon Festival after their ridiculous vaccine passport requirement for a 95% outdoor festival, I'm switching gears and heading north next week. I've never spent significant time in Omaha, NE and Guthrie, OK... Anyone there?
- 7 September 2021: Fire this piece of shit and expose them so they never get to work again.
- 7 September 2021: I don't know if ivermectin works to fight COVID... but I do know that it won a 2015 Nobel Prize for working in human treatment... so people saying it's only used in livestock are pushing medical disinformation.. which according to Twitter rukes, should get them suspended.
- 7 September 2021: Perosnal insults is all you have to go along with lies and propaganda. You're pathetic.
- 7 September 2021 (live): Hi there, fucking liar.
- 7 September 2021 (live): Another coward who was owned so they dont respond to me... they respond to commenters... What's it like to base your life off of who blocks you? Is it as pathetic, weak and empty as we all imagine?
- 5 September 2021: Awww you're jealous that I made a cool design and your career is "lot lizard"
- 5 September 2021: You know how gunshot victims wait outside of hospitals in line... I'm winter coats... in August... this makes perfect sense...and cant possibly be fake news.
- 5 September 2021: You know how gunshot victims wait outside of hospitals in line... in August... this makes perfect sense...and cant possibly be fake news.
- 5 September 2021: I dont hate hindu people, I hate lying pieces of shit like you. Get ir right.
- 5 September 2021 (live): What the fuck does this have to do with with you being a liar who falsely accuses people of being racist on the internet? You dont respect all life on earth... your twitter feed proves that to be a lie as well.
- 5 September 2021: Right?
- 5 September 2021 (live): I'm hot. You're too ashamed of yourself to post your face on the internet.
- 3 September 2021: Biden TV
- 2 September 2021: I don't believe it's been finalized yet, but I was told it's all but certain at this point.
- 2 September 2021 (live): I'm sure. But I won't play... and others shouldnt either if this is the case. It's up to individuals to take their money elsewhere.
- 2 September 2021 (live): I was just told that the Kentucky Bourbon Festival, that I have been promoting and been a media partner with all year may suddenly require vaccine passports just 2 weeks before the 95% outdoor event... If that's the case, I'm done with them.
- 31 August 2021: Administrations before Biden: No American left behind. America Now: "I mean, but like... why were you there? Because we did a good job even though we left you."
- 29 August 2021: Maybe Biden would've shown up to honor the 13 returning fallen soldiers had Dover AFB been serving chocolate chocolate chip ice cream... with sprinkles.
- 29 August 2021: Maybe Biden would've shown up to honor the 13 returning fallen soldiers if Dover AFB was serving chocolate chocolate chip ice cream... with sprinkles.
- 28 August 2021: RT @TruAmericanGal1:
- 27 August 2021: It does... in fact... feel good to live rent free in joyless people's minds.
- 27 August 2021: Do they even test them???
- 27 August 2021: Can you let me know the next time you're kissing someone at CNN's ass for a 4am bit that no one will watch? I'm super psyched for it.
- 27 August 2021: Hey Siraj... since by not only your title commentary on me, but the fact that you're not good enough for the @dcexaminer to keep on staff as a commentator... what's it like living off your rich wife's money? Are you proud of yourself with your sad list gimmick? Is she?
- 27 August 2021: Trump was a leader. Biden enjoys pudding when he does a good job.
- 23 August 2021: Sooo... the US military is putting WHOEVER THE FUCK on planes to evacuate them from Afghanistan... they have no clue on numbers and they aren't even a majority American.
- 19 August 2021: Thank you.
- 19 August 2021: You defending the Talbian aside... What goes through your mind when you pick a cover photo of scantily clad anime girls? Are you like, "I wanna say I'm an incel without saying I'm an incel"?
- 18 August 2021: I don't typically like to talk about my personal life a lot... but I wanted to take a moment and not only provide an update, but share something deep that has been affecting my life and weighing on my heart for months now... I still laugh every time someone says "Big Mike."
- 18 August 2021: Leaked footage from Obama's birthday party?
- 17 August 2021: @laurenboebert is one of the few people who understands this,
- 17 August 2021: If I ever end up running for office, just know that I'll hate every minute of it... and not enjoy winning... but I will. I'm happy where I am and feel the call, but I'm not there yet. When I will be, it'll ruin my life because I believe it'll better America.
- 15 August 2021: I know they're not just sheep herders... they're also goat fuckers.
- 14 August 2021: Dick Cheney was an asshole and his daughter had no viable life skills other than to continue in his footsteps or being an asshole.
- 13 August 2021: Sure, the Taliban are retaking Afghanistan by force, but they don't show CNN 24/7 at their airports... sooo glass half full.
- 13 August 2021: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: @AVindman ED commercials are getting super weird.
- 11 August 2021: Where's my money??? Someone pay me. Also, just remember when I start promoting COVID vaccines... it's only for bourbon money. Never take medical advice... or any advice from me.
- 11 August 2021: 99.7%
- 9 August 2021: Amazing moment @buttonslives
- 7 August 2021: How's your night going? I just finished boxing another 53 orders to send out tomorrow... You'd better get to bed, the morning shift at the Starbucks isn't going to staff itself.
- 5 August 2021: RT @GarysheffieldJr: Proof of vaccination to eat indoors in New York City = totally fine. Proof of identification to vote on the next Pr…
- 1 August 2021: American citizens who leave the country and come back have to pass a COVID test... but illegals can freely wall across the border. The Biden administration hates Americans.
- 26 July 2021: I have time to order the good popcorn.
- 26 July 2021: My heart wants to believe he says this so bad... but does someone have the longer clip of this?
- 20 July 2021: Today, Rand Paul used science to argue with Fauci... and best Fauci could only reply with poor goalpost shifting and name-calling.
- 19 July 2021: I liked the part when the Bang Energy girls shot money out of a cannon.
- 18 July 2021: Shutting down, masks, distancing, etc. was ONLY TO STOP MEDICAL FACILITIES FR BEING OVERRUN. They were NEVER overrun.
- 16 July 2021: I, for one... can't wait to find out that monkeypox is from more Fauci funded gain-of-function research...
- 16 July 2021: "...And the Golden Corral on the other side of town is MUCH BETTER than this one"
- 16 July 2021: EVERY stray they/them, she/her finds.
- 16 July 2021 (live): I can smell the cat pee in this video.
- 16 July 2021: "Hey we need to talk... turns out I hate you and I've been cheating on you this entire time with your friend... also vaccines make you magnetic" - Sample text to a soon to be ex-gf Hopefully the government won't intervene... wink wink.
- 15 July 2021: I'm going to stick with my Samsung phone.
- 13 July 2021: Sooo... Democrats want to make sure that ONLY registered Democrats (and people named Romney or Cheney) get to count votes in all future elections.
- 13 July 2021: 👀👀👀
- 13 July 2021: Thata the bottom of my cup... where am I?
- 8 July 2021: Well... that was for Tyler about info, etc... but you can DM me about whatever.
- 8 July 2021 (live): Dm me.
- 8 July 2021: Charlie Kirk has nothing to do with CPAC.
- 8 July 2021: I ran marketing and digital for CPAC in 2015... and since then, like many other employees... I've never wanted to be associated with them again.
- 7 July 2021: I have actually known a few trans people in my life... and the person in question at Wi Spa does not resemble a trans woman in any way whatsoever.
- 6 July 2021: Untrue. Kaepernick was cut for performance, got a massive Nike sponsorship deal and was even given tryouts to come back into the NFL... that isn't "basically outlawed," that's called cashing in.
- 6 July 2021: Quick Question: How would these women have faired if the nazis had won WW2?
- 5 July 2021: BTW... Tl:DR... I just skipped to the bottom and replied.
- 5 July 2021 (live): Who says I dont reply to fan mail?
- 5 July 2021: Who do you think came up with the term "trail of tears" ? I've been a wordsmith by entire 900 year life.
- 5 July 2021 (live): I threw a bunch of Native Americans off their land in the late-1620s in what would become Maryland, but it's water under the bridge.
- 4 July 2021: Google decided that. You can look up net worth. Why are unfuckable Karens always like this?
- 4 July 2021: Google decided that. You can look up net worth. Why are unfuckable Karems always like this?
- 3 July 2021: Funny if it was true...
- 3 July 2021: Here you go:
- 3 July 2021 (live): A guy who's losing his hair and still has a better hairline than you.
- 2 July 2021: He's suing Alyson Camerota and the potato! Finally someone is standing up against their bullshit.
- 2 July 2021: The White House bragged that the cost of a 4th of July cookout is down 16 CENTS this year...
- 2 July 2021: Sue the sun.
- 1 July 2021: Tiktok said this video is "hate speech" and I'm a "dangerous individual" Bullshit.
- 1 July 2021 (live): WATCH! Jesse Owens is an American hero... not a loser with a marketing scheme to cash in on wokeness.
- 30 June 2021: . @MzBerryThrows is a phony who turned on the national anthem for money... ONLY.
- 29 June 2021: Here's the press release from Baltimore's city council where they cut $22,440,107. But you know, tell your followed that I spout nonsense about your shithole city some more.
- 28 June 2021: Democrat run.
- 28 June 2021 (live): I know I didn't list all of them, but if you know of a Republican-run city who defunded the police, feel free to comment.
- 28 June 2021 (live): The following cities actually defunded their police: NYC L.A. Chicago Seattle Milwaukee Philadelphia Baltimore Austin San Francisco Salt Lake City Portland Hartford Atlanta Name which ones are run by Republicans... since "Republicans are who defunded the police."
- 28 June 2021: My reply to this tweet had the same amount of likes for hours... until they started using bots to like it to get shes magically. It's being falsely promoted. Twitter is bullshit leftist propaganda.
- 28 June 2021: My reply to this tweet had the same amount of likes for hours... until they started using bots to like it to get shes magically. It's being falsely promoted.
- 27 June 2021: Spoiler alert: The redactions in the Mueller Report werent for "secret crimes" they were magically waiting to convict Trump of... That's why the report wasnt used by Democrats to impeach him.
- 27 June 2021: they/them that.
- 27 June 2021: I've got a $5 bet that they suspend you for this tweet after they/them literally says to call her that.
- 27 June 2021: Eat shit.
- 25 June 2021: HAPPY HOUR! Grab a drink and hang out with Tim and Krysia Lenzo
- 25 June 2021: Grab a drink and join me for an AMA Happy Hour right here LIVE on my Twitter w/ Krysia Lenzo at 5p EST.
- 25 June 2021: "unfuckable"
- 25 June 2021 (live): I'm sorry I won't sleep with you... if that makes me a coward, so be it.
- 23 June 2021: What are you resisting? A diet?
- 23 June 2021: Coming up after the break on the David Webb Show... @georgepbush ! You don't want to miss this conversation. Tune in to @SiriusXMPatriot channel 125 right now!
- 19 June 2021: Jemele Hill's gameplan in a nutshell: Blah blah blah, everything I'd racist... Blah blah blah, give me money.
- 19 June 2021: Was this the episode where he made big signs of his favorite Biden quotes?
- 16 June 2021: Watching the @Southwest gate agent and grounds crew member spend 5 minutes trying to solve a math problem involving the weight balancing on my flight isn't very reassuring.
- 12 June 2021: Boris Johnson says he and Biden are like Churchill and Roosevelt... I wouldnt even out them in the ballpark of Bert and Ernie out of respect for the muppets.
- 12 June 2021: You don't ferment whiskey, you just age it after you make your juice, it's a little different, but it doesnt cost much.
- 12 June 2021 (live): The "money" at this party is going to be my personally aged stuff that I've been working to perfect.
- 12 June 2021 (live): If you're in Dallas for CPAC, I'm considering having a small bourbon gathering at my place on the outskirts of town... you should let me know.
- 11 June 2021: I do and it was, except none of them pressed charges on him when they could have. Either you must be hoping he does the same to you the way you or you do the same creepy shit... the way you defend him.
- 11 June 2021: OMG! responding to you after you commented on my tweet when you don't follow me. must mean something... stop trying to justify a worthless existence, clown.
- 7 June 2021: The lunatic woman at the end acts like he was just given a death sentence.
- 6 June 2021: I'm drinking good bourbon on this Sunday evening... AMA.
- 6 June 2021: Stelter questioned Jen Psaki on his show the same way he does the "chefs" at Country Kitchen Buffet... by reverently asking how the customers can consume less so they can keep up the production needed to pump him full of canned gravy.
- 6 June 2021: 👀👀👀
- 30 May 2021: Good.
- 26 May 2021: So, I know you guys dont like him, but Juan is the reason I had my first Fox appearance.
- 26 May 2021 (live): BREAKING Juan Williams announced he is leaving The Five
- 25 May 2021: Somebody at Twitter is getting fired for letting this accurate comment be the top one on this trend. 🤣 h/t @MrMichaelBurkes
- 23 May 2021: I'll be in for @davidwebbshow tomorrow morning from 9-noon EST on @SiriusXMPatriot ! Join in on the conversation with me at 1-866-957-2874!
- 21 May 2021: They wont fire him though... so who gives a shit.
- 13 May 2021: DeSantis announcing that he's giving pardons and clemency for any criminal charges for Floridians on mask mandates is a boss move.
- 5 May 2021: Sassy Bunny... you're so sassy.
- 5 May 2021: Thanks for the invite. I'll go as a wingman team.
- 3 May 2021: Romney saying "arent you embarrassed" when he was booed shows he thinks he's above criticism and better then those in attendance.
- 19 April 2021: Maxine Waters is OG #BlueAnon .
- 19 April 2021: Coroners and Democrats HAD TO KNOW the cause of Officer Sicnick's death while they used his lying in honor in the Capitol for political purposes.
- 19 April 2021: Enjoy!
- 14 April 2021: Hey! Going to be rocking soon. New content every day, including my traveling the country again... and drinking. Go check it out!
- 12 April 2021: Do we even know the full story of what happened to the guy they're rioting over tonight?l... Or did the corporate media juat run with a narrative again?
- 11 April 2021: Not to brag, but I just covered the tab for a dad who had his 3 very young daughters with him at the family-friendly brewery across the street from my place. He's awesome and they deserve all the best things.
- 11 April 2021: If you're not following @kylenabecker , you're making a huge mistake. That is all.
- 8 April 2021: Nothing unifies us more than making EVERYTHING about race.
- 8 April 2021: oops.
- 8 April 2021: Hey @SpeakerPelosi , when will the officer who was murdered in last week's Capitol attack lie in honor there? Or does he not fit your narrative?
- 8 April 2021: Why haven't Hollywood productions and @tylerperry studios left Georgia yet?
- 6 April 2021: RT @MichaelBerrySho: Maybe @mlb found out Atlanta has a lot of crime & just needed an excuse to move to the preferable Denver?
- 3 April 2021: Remember that time remember African american member of the Nation of Islam attacked the Capitol and killed a white officer? The corporate media sure doesn't.
- 3 April 2021: Challenge everyone saying the new Georgia bill disenfranchises or suppresses voters. Ask them to quote the part of the law that does it.
- 3 April 2021: If the government and businesses can force you to take a vaccine, they can stop abortions from happening. My body, my choice is canceled.
- 30 March 2021: Tonight's propaganda update from Twitter... North Korea is jealous right now.
- 30 March 2021: Who killed Ashley Babbit?
- 29 March 2021: Visiting.
- 29 March 2021 (live): I've seen 4 bald eagles in Minnesota today... and you're just gonna have to take my word on it because otherwise I'd have gotten into an accident to take a blurry picture while I was driving.
- 29 March 2021: This same woman probably cried that these facilities were "concentration camps" when they werent even remotely overrun during the Trump administration.
- 26 March 2021: You have an incredibly religious profile for being a complete piece of shit.
- 25 March 2021: Wait... so after Cuomo murdered thousands of grandparents in New York.... he had the nerve to get his family (including Fredo) priority access to the vaccine??? He is DEFINITELY a Democrat.
- 24 March 2021: It's time for #ChefFraud to be exposed! Tune in to @SiriusXMPatriot ...
- 23 March 2021: The corporate media dropped that mass shooting story faster than you can say Ahmad Alissa.
- 18 March 2021: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: READ MY LATEST- Blue Anon: The left's conspiratorial search for a new boogeyman
- 17 March 2021: Why was @MrAnthonyRogers suspended?
- 17 March 2021: I sent him a nice note.
- 17 March 2021 (live): You're right... you're a worthless and unelectable coward who's willing to tread water for the left's rhetoric. Thanks for spelling that out for the world.
- 17 March 2021: No clown-town... you're unelectable because you dont have the balls to say what things actually are... Instead you play by progressives rules. Pathetic.
- 17 March 2021: Just admit you're a fucking racist for money... that's what your shitty career has degenerated to. You went from sports analysis to h aww thing white people. Pathetic.
- 16 March 2021: RT @JesseKellyDC: The cultural Marxist takeover of the FBI and U.S. military are the two things you’re gonna wish you prevented when you we…
- 15 March 2021: Just to put things in perspective: The people who preach that we shouldn't objectify women just gave awards to a song about ugly ex-strippers gross vaginas.
- 15 March 2021: Cancel culture clowns when they come for Bill Burr...
- 13 March 2021: Hanging out at the best wine bar in Texas, Farina's in Grapevine where the bartenders still give me legitimate ugly looks...
- 12 March 2021: Joe Biden thinks Twitter is what he was accused of doing to about a dozen women.
- 11 March 2021: Next Wednesday, catch the first episode of my new show on @RSBNetwork 's YouTube page! We're going to have some fun.
- 28 February 2021: Trump is far from done...
- 27 February 2021: At conception.
- 27 February 2021 (live): Joe Biden is the epitome of health and wellness... if you think otherwise, you're a racist.
- 21 February 2021: Trump should buy Parler.
- 19 February 2021: Says the putz who isn't smart enough to get it.
- 18 February 2021: WTF was Ted Cruz thinking? 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
- 17 February 2021: What we learned from #BidenTownhall : ✅Joe likes children more than adults. ✅Joe doesn't think people of color can use the internet. ✅Joe blatantly lies about the COVID vaccine.
- 17 February 2021: That's not even remotely what Joe Biden said... but way to run cover for aa racist piece of shit.
- 13 February 2021: I've got big announcements to make... wanna go live with me at 830p EST to talk about it?
- 12 February 2021: I'm gonna go live with @andysignore very soon and talk Hollywood hypocrisy. You should watch! Here's a link!
- 11 February 2021: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Fox News asked for my comments on the hypocrisy of the Gina Carano/Star Wars situation...
- 8 February 2021: The year the Patriots were caught deflating footballs... they were just fortifying their NFL games.
- 6 February 2021: If "fortifying" means what the Time article says it means... then I guess "unifying" means conservatives should paclk their bags and get ready to be locked in re-education camps.
- 4 February 2021: Hate to spoil it for you, but the Liz Cheney was just political theater.
- 3 February 2021: This tweet aged well.
- 2 February 2021: Fact Check: False. Evidence: @RichardGrenell .
- 29 January 2021: What stops a male high school/college athlete who gets cut from his team from immediately claiming to be be a trans-woman and becoming the best athlete on the women's team?
- 26 January 2021: Calling Jeffrey Epstein a "disgraced financier" is about the same as calling a terrorist an "ostere religious scholar"
- 24 January 2021: We've been testing people for months and JUST NOW THIS COMES OUT... what changed? 🤔🤔🤔
- 23 January 2021: So what?
- 23 January 2021: . @KurtSchlichter doesn't get drunk... he gets high on dunking on trolls.
- 22 January 2021: One one one that the guy who passed out in his own puke after a meth orgy in a hotel room should be the last one to name call.
- 22 January 2021: Biden DEFINITELY says "salute the marines" instead of actually saluting the marines.
- 20 January 2021: He entered the Capitol illegally... there's ZERO defense for that. Same goes for everyone else who went in.
- 20 January 2021:
- 20 January 2021 (live): Eat shit.
- 20 January 2021: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Racism FINALLY ended today as a 78 year old, rich, white man who advocated for bus segregation and authored a crime bi…
- 20 January 2021: Biden is the big winner today... he gets the @POTUS twitter account that Trump built up all the following for.
- 20 January 2021: When Democrats speak of "division" in the country, they mean people who disagree with them. When they speak about "unifying" the the country, they mean silencing those people who agree with them.
- 19 January 2021: No one is going to be at Biden's inauguration... hence the flags all over the National Mall.
- 19 January 2021: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Use this thread as a best guess as to when Kamala Harris becomes President... My guess is 4 months.
- 18 January 2021: There was a special prosecutor with the full power of the FBI and DOJ that looked into this for years and found nothing... This is now just harassment of a political opponent and antagonizing of his supporters.
- 17 January 2021: Ugh, I hate it when you're most likely right.
- 13 January 2021: Dude... chill tf out. I just started the page and don't know how to set things up
- 13 January 2021 (live): I have a Telegram channel now! Go follow me here:
- 12 January 2021: Jesse Morgan, who I interviewed on @SiriusXMPatriot to tell his side of the story has literally nothing to gain. His claims were dismissed and he (and his attorney) were personally attacked by the media without any thorough investigation of his story.
- 12 January 2021: The claims of election fraud WEREN'T BASELESS... and to say that those claims were, "the Big Lie" is the actual Big Lie.
- 12 January 2021: You can already see which members of Congress are positioning themselves to run with Nikki Haley in 2024. Cough cough... in particular one who used to work at Waffle House who turned on her MAGA base who got her elected just one week after taking office.
- 10 January 2021: My friends on the left havent heard the same voices I've hear when I host radio... they dont believe anyone exists outside of the bubble where they high-5 when conservatives are silenced... They don't know what they're doing antagonizing the group of people they're antagonizing.
- 9 January 2021: Again, why do they always look like this?
- 8 January 2021: RT @realDonaldTrump:
- 7 January 2021: 56% of ALL VOTERS believe enough fraud took place in this election to sway it. Another 5% "don't know" but cant say it definitely didn't happen. That's the shocking number even BEFORE the 1 in 5 being ok with storming the US Capitol.
- 7 January 2021: Parler is trending... so now's a good time to say go follow me there at !
- 6 January 2021: 🚨🚨BREAKING🚨🚨 CBS is reporting that Mike Pence sent a letter to Congress saying he does NOT believe he has the "unilateral authority to decide which electoral votes should be counted."
- 6 January 2021: One of my all-time favorite Community scenes is appropriate for this week...
- 6 January 2021: I'm starting to believe that Mike Pence is going to throw down and reject the electoral votes tomorrow.
- 6 January 2021: 👀👀👀
- 5 January 2021: If you want to donate DIRECTLY to the Trump Campaign's Stop the Steal campaign, please do so here:
- 5 January 2021: They literally say "KEY WORDS: SENATE DEBATE" to imply that Pence WILL BE THERE after.
- 5 January 2021: If you think you're having a rough day... imagine being the Devil who had to create a brand new special place in hell for attempting to plagiarize Martin Luther King to score political points.
- 5 January 2021: Are you doing ok?
- 3 January 2021: As of right now, unless there is an update... there were more deaths in 2019 than 2020.
- 3 January 2021: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Just FYI... a lot of Republicans called me a sellout, a shill for Democrats and and a traitor in 2012 when I wrote a b…
- 3 January 2021: What is this? What did you hope to accomplish with this comment?
- 2 January 2021: COVID.
- 2 January 2021: My Twitter feed tonight: CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER! Me:
- 2 January 2021: When you reverse the letters in Tic Tacs... it phonetically spells Kit Kats.
- 2 January 2021:
- 2 January 2021 (live): If I ever say a bunch of crazy shit on Twitter, just know I'm setting an incredibly complex trap that only people in-the-know understand.
- 1 January 2021: I've already reserved a TimRunsFor something account for my campaign... in case you were wondering. We take the fight in person soon.
- 28 December 2020: sighs so, par for the course.
- 28 December 2020 (live): Fun Fact: Congress is not required to vote on an Impoundment Control Act request from the President. Enjoy your $600... maybe $2000... but Pakistan is getting those sweet sweet $10m gender programs.
- 27 December 2020: I'm filling in for the great @WilkowMajority Tomorrow through Wednesday, noon-3pm EST on @SiriusXMPatriot channel 125.
- 27 December 2020: Fight... because your life and everyone's freedom depends on it.
- 27 December 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: @MayorBowser Fuck Washington DC.
- 27 December 2020: More importantly, when I realized how much they made, I told them they're paying from now on... and they agreed.
- 27 December 2020 (live): I've got friends making more money on only fans this year than you'll make in your entire life. And they pay for dinner when we hang out.
- 26 December 2020: Don't put words in my mouth. I just don't think Biden is going to concede.
- 26 December 2020: Don't wait up...
- 25 December 2020: Merry Christmas Jenn Marie. 🎄🎄🎄
- 24 December 2020: While you're at it... everyone should cover themselves in bumble wrap and full regulation hockey padding outside because there isnt a 100% chance you won't get hit by a car.
- 22 December 2020: Accurate summary of the COVID Stimulus bill: Congress to Burma: $135,000,000 Congress to Cambodia: $85,500,000 Congress to the Kennedy Center: $14,000,000 Congress to Nepal: $130,000,000 Congress to Sudan: $700,000,000 Congress to Ukraine: $453,000,000 Congress to Americans:
- 21 December 2020: More nonsense in the "COVID relief" bill... "STATEMENT OF POLICY REGARDING THE SUCCESSION OR REINCARNATION OF THE DALAI LAMA." Hey @SpeakerPelosi and @senatemajldr , you know Americans are literate enough to read this junk of garbage, right?
- 21 December 2020: The Democrat sheep in DC wear masks outside walking alone and in their cars... and still get penalized for it. Masks don't work. This town will kill its restaurants and culture. It's not worth living in.
- 14 December 2020:
- 14 December 2020 (live): Who the fuck in their right mind would think I'm pro-China? Are you drunk or are YOU the one actually compromised by China?
- 12 December 2020: @JaniceDean
- 12 December 2020 (live): . @NYGovCuomo just closed all the restaurants...
- 11 December 2020: There's a virus out there that 99.8% of people survive... let me put an app on my phone so the government can track all my movements forever... and probably also access all the data on my phone and microphone/camera." - Idiots
- 6 December 2020: If you support Trump, Chris Wllace hates you.
- 3 December 2020: PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION! For some reason, the swamp is redefining what "moderate consumption" of alcohol is for men... it's a ridiculous time to do it and a COMPLETE waste of taxpayer money. Tell them to not Shrink Our Drinks
- 28 November 2020: RT @LLinWood: Let’s switch from @BrianKempGA to @GaSecofState for a question. Is anyone curious as to why Georgia Deputy Secretary of Stat…
- 28 November 2020: If you were still at The Blaze in Dallas... this is what I bought for my friends place for Thanksgiving...
- 28 November 2020 (live): If I lived closer to NY, I'd 'put my bourbon collection where my mouth is' and do a tasting for you and your friends.
- 28 November 2020 (live):
- 26 November 2020: Stay home or don't go to church if you want to... that's YOUR CHOICE AND FREEDOM... but not the Government's right to order anyone not to.
- 26 November 2020: Instead of Robert's and the 3 liberals, they should just say the 4 liberals... Also, this is great news!
- 23 November 2020: A sickly looking Just-for-men ad.
- 23 November 2020: John is an uneducated clown w/ a failing career who's desperate for whatever attention he can get.. hence why he desperately keeps coming back for more beating from @KurtSchlichter and I. I guess blue chews don't pay for themselves and he's trying to build an audience off of us.
- 23 November 2020: Cleary, you got me. My last 30k or so tweets back that up.
- 23 November 2020: Oh that's an easy one... it's just fitting all 53 genders into a the set of squares provided.
- 23 November 2020: Hawaii. How many times did you fall asleep dreaming of having sex with him? Why'd you delete your tweet, @JohnFugelsang ?
- 20 November 2020: Now knowing what we do about Sidney Powell offering evidence and witnesses to Tucker... I was wrong in my initial assessment that I'm quote tweeting here. He framed his segment to make her look intentionally bad.. and I fell for it. I rarely admit that I'm wrong - so save this.
- 20 November 2020: A lot of people are saying "because evidence." She could go on and speak in generalities and not present specific evidence without giving away the case. As someone who personally pushed to donate to the legal fund... even I want her out there more and answering questions.
- 20 November 2020: You might be angry at Tucker Carlson... but before you write him off... ask yourself why Sidney Powell wouldn't take the invite to go on the highest rated show on cable to make the case for the President.
- 19 November 2020: I gave them the 2 fucking weeks to flatten the curve...
- 17 November 2020: If he listened to scientists, Larry Hogan wouldnt look like the spokesperson for gout.
- 17 November 2020: No member of the media asked, "Hey, you clearly dont care about your health you tub of lard... what makes you think you know what's best for ours?"
- 17 November 2020 (live): Fuck Larry Hogan. If he can't find a treadmill for his personal health, he shouldn't be in charge of shutting down his state's for others. I couldn't hear him over his triple chins.
- 17 November 2020: Tomorrow on @SiriusXMPatriot ... my crush @yoalexrapz and a guy I want whiskey from, @Denver4VA join me to talk about the insanity going on in the world... If you dont tune in between 9am - noon EST .. you're missing out.
- 14 November 2020: 2 things... 1- The election has serious issues that need to be settled in court. 2- The curve (hospitalizations) was flattened and has remained flattened FOR MONTHS... DC has had an uptick of a total of 8 hospitalized patients this week.. TOTAL. Here's THEIR data.
- 10 November 2020:
- 9 November 2020: And yet it's still more than the total you've had in 3 years and over 2000 tweets on Twitter... It's as if your life has never been worth it.
- 8 November 2020: Nothing, unless you're a piece of shit like fat Joe.
- 8 November 2020 (live): I don't know about you, but I dont foresee myself ever "unifying" with a bunch of hateful people who called me racist, sexist, misogynist, chump, deplorable, sell-out, nazi, Trumptard, transphobe, and told me that white people were what's wrong with the world for 4 years...
- 8 November 2020: The only person who cried was your mom when I left her...
- 7 November 2020: This is FAR FROM OVER... Help President Trump by donating to his Election Defense Fund RIGHT NOW!
- 5 November 2020: 12 million.
- 5 November 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: How would the left react if 100k+ votes were found in the middle of the night for Trump?
- 1 November 2020: When in history have we seen the wife of a Presidential Candidate campaign more than him? Biden is sickly.
- 1 November 2020: Vote like Democrats will raise your taxes, take your guns, burn cities to the ground, force your businesses closed again for a virus with a 99.998% survival rate and restrict free speech!
- 31 October 2020: Only beat friends buy Sleepy Joe Bourbon for election night.
- 30 October 2020: Happy to have YOUR ASS kicked by America? Cool, got it.
- 30 October 2020: I'm proud to say that I voted for @realDonaldTrump . This man has fone more to reform America and the Republican party than I had ever imagined could be done in my lifetime. I'm happy to fight for him.
- 23 October 2020: FOUR MORE YEARS! ... of Melania and Mike Pence too..
- 23 October 2020: I hope Chris Wallace took notes tonight.
- 23 October 2020: Retweet this if you think Trump won.
- 23 October 2020: 99% of people recover
- 23 October 2020: Dear Joe Biden, Masks don't work.
- 21 October 2020: lol
- 21 October 2020: Another objective "journalist." Thanks for putting me on your SUPER CREATIVE list, @TrentCrabtree !
- 21 October 2020: STOP THE PRESSES! An International businessman had bank accounts in foreign countries for his international business.
- 20 October 2020: RT @kevincorke: Feds to target #tech titan #Google with #antitrust suit
- 13 October 2020: Cory Booker was trying to figure out where he could buy a cake during the hearing? I missed that part...
- 9 October 2020: The Squad will fade away and be irrelevant as well.
- 9 October 2020: Negative 40 I think.
- 9 October 2020: Yelp is still relevant? And I say this as a former 3x Yelp Elite member... #GoWokeGoBroke
- 8 October 2020: Why didn't Pence POUNCE ON RUSSIA!!!!
- 8 October 2020: 15 seconds... lol!
- 8 October 2020: The people who are out of work are in Democrat states... and they should open up so they can get back to work.
- 8 October 2020: I used to be entertained by debates before Donald Trump... now that he reset the bar... everything else is BORING.
- 8 October 2020: Are we still REALLY doing this top 1% schtick? It's never worked.
- 2 October 2020: RT @realDonaldTrump: Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We…
- 30 September 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: If you love Trump, text TIM to 88022 ... then reply to the text with your zip code AND you'll be signed up for updates…
- 30 September 2020: Oh.
- 30 September 2020: Actually looking at your bald, cuck ass... you are... at life.
- 30 September 2020: END THE LOCKDOWNS NOW!
- 30 September 2020: I think Joe Biden is wearing an ear piece... he closes his eyes and looks down when he gets something...
- 30 September 2020: Does a K-shape mean people are dying from conditions they can't get treatment for and suicide while the economy barely recovers?
- 30 September 2020: Joe Biden is getting his ass kicked on live television.
- 30 September 2020: Chris Wallace is already begging Trump to be able to ask questions...
- 28 September 2020: Do I get one for free for RT-ing this?
- 27 September 2020 (live): Hey there fake violent liberal, if "Women SCARE Trump," then why did he just nominate a strong, brilliant one to the Supreme Court?
- 23 September 2020: How much if that $12 million from Louisville's settlement with Breonna Taylor's family do you think Ben Crump got?
- 23 September 2020 (live): Conservatives get banned on Twitter for telling journalists to "learn to code" ...but this is fine.
- 22 September 2020: Because I want Trump to win... and dont want this to be a news story... so I'm giving an opportunity for a "I was drunk" apology
- 21 September 2020: The Washington Post finally got one right. cc: @Team_Mitch
- 21 September 2020: Everyone who compliments the Mayor on this idea or likes her tweet is so stupid that they shouldn't have the right to vote.
- 21 September 2020 (live): We're winterizing outdoor seating by putting tents around it and heating it to make it INDOOR SEATING. Just open up restaurants dumbass.
- 21 September 2020: I didn't even know the Emmy's ere on... alright, I'm gonna go back to not caring now.
- 20 September 2020: Too soon. 🤣
- 19 September 2020: If you're not one of her staffers l, this tweet is pathetic.
- 19 September 2020: The media is going to lie and say Trump speaking about Supreme Court appointees tonight at his rally when he hasn't been informed of RBG'S passing is him 'dancing on her grave.' Watch... that'll be the narrative.
- 16 September 2020: COVID was created in a lab in China. Dr. Lin-Meng Yan can prove it. This should be international news, but it's not.
- 16 September 2020: Ok listen Aubrey... I'm ok with the commercials... but to be real with everyone... the My Pillow jingle makes me cringe so hard.
- 16 September 2020: This is all you have. I responded to you and you have bullshit as a response. Your block is happening soon... but before I block you, I hope you enjoy Trump for 4 more years... you worthless basement dweller.
- 16 September 2020: I'm fucking sick of virtue signaling assholes like this.
- 15 September 2020: I want to buy this woman a drink.
- 15 September 2020: WOW! Didn't realize NASA astronauts were ONE MILLION MILES AWAY IN SPACE! That's where @JoeBiden thinks we are. PS - The moon is only 239k miles away in space.
- 14 September 2020: Do you like youe car? Joe Biden is going to make sure you wont be able to keep it with this Green New Deal nonsense.
- 12 September 2020: Patriots... I believe you can get this to 100k likes... let's let the NBA know what we think.
- 11 September 2020: . @lululemon , who has the most expensive women's workout clothes... now wants to "resist capitalism." Aside from this blatant woke SJW money grab, they also want to "decolonize gender" ...whatever that means. They clearly think the people who buy things from them are morons.
- 10 September 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Raise your hand if you think the new whistleblower complaint is a big pile of schiff. 🙋♂️🙋♂️🙋♂️
- 7 September 2020: This was unnecessary, but that you. It was a legit funny video.
- 7 September 2020: What? You look exactly like unhealthy air quality for sensitive groups. 🥰
- 5 September 2020: That ended real quick.
- 5 September 2020 (live): What kind of an ugly, miserable piece of shit are you to show up out of nowhere to mock my Instagram numbers? Look at your insignificant 357 followers on twitter. Hell, I'm the first person on here in months to acknowledge you even exist. You're welcome. 🤣😘
- 4 September 2020: Joe Biden spent the majority of his speech running with the lie that Trump insulted members of our military and the "journalists" are confirming the fake story and asking him when he's getting a COVID test... This is unreal.
- 4 September 2020: WATCH this side-by-side comparison of Pennsylvania campaign events... It's REALLY difficult to tell which Presidential candidate has more enthusiasm. Winking face h/t @henryrodgersdc
- 4 September 2020: RT @IvankaTrump: Fact VS Fiction ⬇️
- 4 September 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: @HillaryClinton @JoeBiden The left is running with this lie...
- 4 September 2020: You see me tweeting more? I'm in this fight.
- 3 September 2020: Who wants to hang out at 9pm on here LIVE and have a chat? We're overdue and I've been drinking so it's gonna be lit.
- 3 September 2020: No it's not. DHS and the Secret Sevice were asked for records of the event and they confirmed that yes, they at one point had them, but they were destroyed. Bot a conspiracy or outside theory. It was officially confirmed by the government. Thanks for playing.
- 2 September 2020: Wait sooo... 81 Nobel Proze winners... you know, the award Obama got for doing absolutely nothing... endorsed Joe Biden today... got it.
- 2 September 2020: Joe Biden runs well-produced ads because he can't physically and mentally handle live appearances... Pass it on.
- 2 September 2020: Maybe you should get better at golf.
- 2 September 2020: In 5 years, this will be the Trump Presidential Library... I'm so excited to visit!
- 2 September 2020: More gaffs from the elderly man who isn't mentally or physically capable of running for President...
- 1 September 2020: Andrew Cuomo walls his dog without a mask, Nancy Pelosi got her hair done in San Francisco without a mask and when salons are supposed to be closed. And let's not get started on "famous funerals." None of this is about health... it's about control and class.
- 31 August 2020: Announcer: But Joe Biden did come to see the 27 people who cheered him on that day... PS - Looks like there's more security there than attendees
- 31 August 2020: You sound like a racist.
- 31 August 2020: So instead of listening to Democrats who were right in 2016 and working to try to change strategies to win in 2020, you tell them to "F off." You're the epitome why Trump is going to win again.
- 31 August 2020: Why did you let her charge her phone?!?!
- 31 August 2020: Your mom is a skank that won't stop calling me. Is that a proper sentence? Because it's become a real issue.
- 30 August 2020: I feel like a 17-year old showed the left what happens if they keep going with this Civil War part 2 thing theyve been pushing... It was really a community service. Imagine what happens when the adult gun owners get involved.
- 28 August 2020: Dana White is a boss. #RNC2020Convention
- 27 August 2020: You know you jumped when Hail to the Chief started playing. #RNC2020 #RNCConvention
- 27 August 2020: True, but I lived down the street from it for about 2 years of my life...
- 26 August 2020: Every church in America should be open on Sunday. Everything in America should be open now. If people allowed to protest and riot, COVID shutdowns are over.
- 26 August 2020: Retweet this if you think Melania crushed her speech tonight at the #RNC2020
- 25 August 2020: Nikki Haley is like a budget Kristi Noem.
- 22 August 2020: "...but when the Chinese government wants to check your colon, you say yes."
- 22 August 2020: I see you're one of those people who are too fat and ugly to put a real picture of themselves on the internet. 😘
- 21 August 2020: Any more fireworks and old Joe is going to crap his pants.
- 21 August 2020: If Kamala Harris' story is the American story... then America really sucks.
- 18 August 2020: CNN would start a race war if they could. I could imagine anything else being the goal of these types of bullshit articles...
- 17 August 2020: Way smarter/hotter.
- 17 August 2020: I'm hanging out with my favorite Congressional candidate tonight... but I'm pregaming at a smoky biker bar... she's gonna hate/love me. I'll take a pic for everyone.
- 17 August 2020: I'm in your town and DMs..
- 17 August 2020 (live): Oh.
- 11 August 2020: She knows "eating him" won't get her an appointment anywhere this time, right?
- 9 August 2020: Cry more.
- 8 August 2020: I would watch Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, and Chris Cuomo before I'd ever watch Arthel Neville again... at least they're entertaining.
- 8 August 2020: I would watch Rachel Maddow, Don Lemon, and Chris Cuomo before I'd ever watch Arthel Neville again.
- 8 August 2020: Democrats haven't just been unreasonable, they've been ridiculous" - Pres. Trump
- 7 August 2020: OF COURSE China and Iran want Biden to win... Hunter got a $1.5 billion deal with one of their state owned banks when he was VP... And Obama gave Iran pallets of cash and let them go wild with their nuclear program. Trump actually held China and Iran accountable for their bs.
- 7 August 2020: OF COURSE China wants Biden to win... Hunter got a $1.5 billion deal with one of their state owned banks when he was VP. Biden is in the tank for the Chinese Communist Party.
- 7 August 2020: The most critical part of this chart is the terminology it uses. Note that "Deaths WITH COVID" is significantly different than "Deaths FROM COVID." You could still be run over by a bus and be counted as a "Death WITH COVID."
- 7 August 2020: I want to buy this woman a drink. Seriously. Someone connect me. Don't just read the description of the video... WATCH IT. Also... someone connect me.
- 7 August 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: @JoeBiden Congratulations Democrats! Your candidate is a racist piece of shit.
- 7 August 2020: Joe Biden is racist as shit.
- 5 August 2020: Joe Biden fears debating Trump... Those few times that he can remember his own name and that he's running for President.
- 30 July 2020:
- 28 July 2020: RT @AlexBerenson: And remember too: @aslavitt is not a fringe figure. He was head of CMS for Obama. He has 550,000 Twitter followers. He’s…
- 27 July 2020: Twitter heavily promoted a trend today that said that claims that mail-in voting leading to fraud are false... one main article they cited for this was from CNN. Twitter isn't an unbiased platform, it's a left leaning publisher.
- 27 July 2020: If Trump was the 'fAcIsT WiTh sEcReT PoLiCe' that the left claims he is, they wouldn't be able to say it.
- 21 July 2020: medical procedures/care. This petition tells Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans that it's time to take action. Please sign here: I'm going to be pushing this for a bit because we have a chance to get Congress' attention on this right now. (3/3)
- 21 July 2020 (live): we were hit with ridiculous bills that literally no one in my family could have predicted. I believe in medical price transparency... and when you can use a smartphone to look up prices of just about anything else in the world, we should be able to look up the price of (2/3)
- 21 July 2020: This is very important to me. Please SIGN AND SHARE this petition: I've been passionate about for a while because it's personally affected my family... and probably some of yours. When my mom was hospitalized a few years ago (1/3)
- 20 July 2020: Democrats are using the exact same strategy and media tactics they used in 2016... with a significantly worse candidate than Hillary and a more fired up, unified Republican base than Republicans have had in decades.
- 15 July 2020: Someone's cooking the books.
- 15 July 2020 (live): "The report showed that Orlando Health had a 98 percent positivity rate. However, when FOX 35 News contacted the hospital, they confirmed errors in the report. Orlando Health's positivity rate is only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the report."
- 13 July 2020: I'm shocked it's taken this long for China and Iran to formalize a deal together... Hunter Biden will get an oil or arms consulting deal out of it if sleepy Joe somehow wins.
- 13 July 2020: Live hangout tonight? 9p est? Right here on the twitter?
- 13 July 2020: iT's a CoNsPiRaCy! @^@&$*#^@^
- 11 July 2020:
- 9 July 2020: . @IWashington 's new Fox Nation show looks awesome.
- 9 July 2020: Joe Biden doesn't have anything shady on his personal tax returns... because it was his family, especially Hunter, who got all the dirty international deals when he was in office.
- 7 July 2020: I don't normally do these... but PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION to tell Congress to re-open America 100% and get our economy back up to full speed. SIGN HERE:
- 6 July 2020: Masks have been scientifically proven to do nothing. But since she's not 70 and doesnt have comorbities... she'll be fine.
- 6 July 2020:
- 6 July 2020: What are you guys doing? Want to grab a drink and go live in a few minutes?
- 5 July 2020: I said "whoever"
- 4 July 2020: Love it when successful people claim that something about America is holding them down... Especially ahletes and talking heads.
- 30 June 2020: Joe Biden is so old that no amount of botox, hair plugs or plastic surgery can hide it at this point.
- 30 June 2020 (live): Tucker Carlson is giving the Republican Party the wakeup call they need.
- 30 June 2020: You know if Democrats win, they're going to start the re-education camps, right? I just wanted to put that out there... and I'll definitely be one of the first to be thrown into one. Also, Carpe Donktum's gonna be in way before me and his side will have worse food...
- 27 June 2020: Wait... what happens when the Black Lives Matter car loses NASCAR races? Do they automatically label all the white drivers who pass it as racists?
- 22 June 2020: Cavalier King Charles
- 22 June 2020 (live): He fell asleep staring at me just in case I had food...
- 20 June 2020: You know if one of these idiot rioters pulls a statue down on themself, they'd sue the city for their medical bills... And odds are if it was DC or Seattle... the city would pay them.
- 16 June 2020: Tonight's attempted murder of cops at Shake Shack is the Mayor of New York's fault. He sat back and watched as officers got harassed/assaulted for months even before he encouraged the rioting.
- 16 June 2020: Does your "Equal Justice Initiative" include poisoning cops?!? You need to apologize, stop the woke shit, pay for all the police officers medical bills and donate DOUBLE to police officers associations that you gave for the other stuff that helped bring about this garbage.
- 14 June 2020: I couldn't imagine the pain and sadness that Imaginary Governor of Georgia Stacey Abrams is going through tonight after the tragedy of her state losing a fast food restaurant to riots... thoughts and prayers.
- 5 June 2020: A great place to stop if yiure in the Grapevine area... Also people, they need followers on twitter... if 6ou can help. Great people.... incredible wine.
- 3 June 2020: RT @seanmdav: They're actually trying this. After spending months calling you a murderer for wanting to go to church or work, they're going…
- 30 May 2020: Sooo... it's insensitive for me to remind people that Joe Biden is a racist when he used his calling George Lyon's family as a political prop last night for points and press hits on CNN... got it.
- 30 May 2020: Drop everything and go watch this speech by Killer Mike right now. This man should be Mayor of Atlanta.
- 23 May 2020: RT @SebGorka: Nicely done Tim.
- 23 May 2020: Follow up segment: Biden is amazing and not racist at all and beating Tump by 80 points in ALL THE POLLS!!!!!
- 22 May 2020: You're really going to make a comment about me politicizing something? Have you looked at your own bullshit twitter feed and likes? Get real.
- 22 May 2020: Between blatantly rigging super-Tuesday for a loser, losing Kavanaugh, losing impeachment, and keeping people locked at home unable to work, Democrats are turning so many of their own against them... And they're so far up their own butts that it won't hit them until November 3.
- 18 May 2020 (live): It's almost as if people aren't as paranoid as the Democrats want them to be...
- 12 May 2020: What are you? The Dr. Fauci of celebrity rankings? D at best.
- 12 May 2020: I insult myself and you take it farther? Damn. Cold blooded.
- 12 May 2020 (live): Nearly as valuable as an rt/reply from the Phillies Phanatic.
- 12 May 2020 (live):
- 9 May 2020: Before we go full in on calling me a marxist who wants to start race wars... clCan you show me the part where it's legal to shoot and kill an unarmed person if they don't submit to this citizens arrest?
- 4 May 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: When actual rights started getting taken away, the people who called themselves "the resistance" for 3 years hid in th…
- 29 April 2020: Join the LIVE conversation! Hillary Clinton endorsed Joe Biden... and Lord knows where I am.
- 14 April 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: If you can buy alcohol during a pandemic, you can vote in person as well.
- 12 April 2020: Even if we dont wnd up using them... we have to give credit to our National Guard, Army Corps of Engineers and the rest of our military for being able to construct hospitals and testing areas in just hours.
- 9 April 2020: Oh and for people who are too dim to understand from the above Tweet... it still originated from China... it's just that NY started getting it from Europe... which means the entire east coast got it a while ago.
- 9 April 2020: Studies have come out showing that the outbreak of coronavirus in New York originated from Europe... There is NO WAY with what we know about how easily it spreads, that millions more people haven't already had it.
- 9 April 2020: Hey everyone... look at this bullshit Chinese propaganda and misinformation that Twitter allows on it's platform.
- 8 April 2020: The 3 COVID-19 priorities in America right now should be: 1- Treating the sick and keeping Americans alive. 2- Preventing others from potellntially catching it. 3- Getting mass antibody tests out to fill in the research gaps to get America to work ASAP.
- 8 April 2020: I have now officially maintained a workout schedule for 3 weeks in a row for the first time in 5 years. Nothing gets you better in shape than prison time.
- 8 April 2020: Bernie Sanders is dropping out, but he's staying on the ballot everywhere...
- 7 April 2020: I'm really excited to be 400 away from 250,000... but we all know Twitter will eliminate followers one way or another... I'm grateful for you guys following me and it would be awesome if you got your friends to follow me as well.
- 6 April 2020: Q: How did those Tigers get COVID-19? A:
- 3 April 2020: Thank God we have the best medical professionals, first responders, and scientists in the world... a little less than half of our country's leadership is great too. 🇺🇸
- 3 April 2020: @AOC Don't ya just hate it when you find out that global a pandemic is racist...
- 29 March 2020: Just remember that according to the rules THEY created... ANYONE on the left who says that it was wrong to send supplies to China in February to help them fight coronavirus instead of putting America first is a racist and a xenophobe.
- 28 March 2020: Social distancing champion.
- 27 March 2020: Love it. "Pick the most expensive open place we can get a table in..."
- 26 March 2020: Nancy Pelosi is pretending that Democrats' delay was for the people and not pilar of bullshit pork and green new deal regulations. People cant be stupid enough to believe her. They can literally read in the bill proposals what she wanted.
- 18 March 2020: Wait... did Trump have a rally at Costco???
- 16 March 2020: It's Bernie vs. Weekend at Bernie's #DemDebate
- 15 March 2020: Norway said our health services are terrible if they ever need America's help in the future... we need to not answer the phone call.
- 15 March 2020: 🤣
- 10 March 2020: Sooo... it's now racist to call it the "Chinese Coronavirus" even though it originated in China... mmhmm... ok... got it. 🙄 PS - "coronavirus" is broad term for large range of viruses. Most of the "super smart" people who will hate this tweet don't know that. 😉
- 9 March 2020: . @LilNasX you filming another Old Town Road remix in DC?
- 9 March 2020: Oh, that reminds me... Oh MUH GAW coronavirus and stock market!!!! I'm gonna have to buy so much more bourbon for the coming apocalypse.
- 8 March 2020: There's nothing infectious about him... or else I'd have put him in the poll
- 7 March 2020: Pfft... Don't look at me... I'd be the last person to immediately google that and go look for them. 😐
- 4 March 2020: How much do you think Bloomberg pays his audience members? If you're behind him on camera, do you get more?
- 4 March 2020: Same. ✊
- 3 March 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Sure... Buttigieg, Beto and Klobuchar endorsed Joe Biden tonight... but who will get the fart of approval from Eric Sw…
- 1 March 2020: WATCH: I added the the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme to Joe Biden forgetting Chris Wallace's name... And I can't tell if it's hilarious or super depressing... "We'll see who's sleepy..."🤣
- 26 February 2020: The BEST part of every Democrat debate is when the candidates use their fingers to count how many black friends they have.
- 24 February 2020: India USA friendship! #🇮🇳🇺🇸 #NamasteTrump
- 21 February 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Notice how we're suddenly talking about Russian interference again RIGHT AFTER THE WORST DEMOCRAT DEBATE?
- 20 February 2020: Angel's Envy... 🤦♂️
- 20 February 2020 (live): Q: How did I survive tonight's #DemDebate ? A: Angel's Envy. Cc: @kybourbonmaker
- 18 February 2020: 🤣😂🤣
- 17 February 2020: The Beast and President Trump taking a lap at will never not be cool as shit. Happy #PresidentsDay !
- 17 February 2020: Happy #PresidentsDay to Brian Stelter's 2020 pick, @MichaelAvenatti ! PS- Do they get Twitter in prison?
- 12 February 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: @HillaryClinton I got angry when you helped create and push the Russia hoax, spread disinformation, and cheered along…
- 11 February 2020: "If we run under a Democrat Socialist banner... we lose 48 states." - Democrat Senator Tim Ryan
- 9 February 2020 (live): Unlike him, I dont pretend to be anything else in my day job.
- 9 February 2020: So the "creative director" of @THISISOBERLAND , that appears to have government contracts, spends their saturday nights mocking people's appearances and arguing like a middle schooler on twitter? Seems professional and legit.
- 9 February 2020: Joe Biden is the Jeb! of 2020.
- 28 January 2020: RT @DailyCaller: America, this is what CNN thinks of you...
- 25 January 2020: Just FYI: Hillary Clinton isn't running again for President in 2020 because she knows she'd definitely lose.
- 24 January 2020: Trump releases the Space Force logo... Me:
- 24 January 2020: Yikes...all this anger and outrage... It's like the left is jealous that Marsha Blackburn knows how to read and they don't. 😘
- 23 January 2020: Hey there friends! This should go without saying... but you should be leery of accounts that have huge followings without a face or human name, beg for new followers, follow very few people, then get nasty with people when asked why they won't follow you back.
- 23 January 2020 (live): Dont encourage my lackluster writing.
- 23 January 2020: PS - I think the above tweet is much funnier than what it really is... so don't @ me.
- 23 January 2020: I was actually #NeverJeb ! Principles over please clap.
- 22 January 2020: How? Because you don't understand the Cocaine Mitch reference... or dont read the rest of my tweets... or are drunk... or dont know how to read? I'm giving you a lot of outs.
- 17 January 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: The problem with modern journalism is that most "journalists" are in it to be famous more than tell the story or infor…
- 12 January 2020: RT @slg_carolina: I'm asking all my followers to check out Tim's page and give him a follow. I always enjoy reading his tweets and seeing w…
- 1 January 2020: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: @realDonaldTrump Even to all the haters and losers.
- 28 December 2019: Dont tweet hi at me. @MarinaMarraco
- 21 November 2019: It's very clear from Republicans negatively replying to me that they didnt see Hurd call the impeachment BS today... Way to trash people because you're uninformed.
- 18 November 2019: Had a nice visit at @WashTimes today with @ethanepstiiiine (who you should be following). A new column coming soon.
- 17 November 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Ok... who made this? 🤣
- 15 November 2019: When an accidental overlay of a fireplace commercial describes today perfectly.
- 15 November 2019: What's the over-under on Democrats dragging Robert Mueller out of the home AGAIN to be a witness? It seems like #ImpeachmentHearings are heading that way.
- 14 November 2019: Anyone else lose 800 followers tonight? Just conservatives like me?
- 11 November 2019: I took the time to reply.
- 11 November 2019: I got fan mail today... apparently I'm "GRABAGE!" lol
- 7 November 2019: Suddenly lost 300 followers this morning... Just another day on Twitter. Nothing to see here... everyone move along.
- 6 November 2019: Correct
- 3 November 2019: I couldnt figure out what was wrong with the movie until about 75 minutes in when I realized I was watching Joker... not Harriet.
- 3 November 2019: I can't stop laughing. 😂😂😂 h/t whoever added the PERFECT soundtrack.
- 2 November 2019:
- 1 November 2019: Don Blankenship is running as a 3rd party candidate for President... and if his ENTIRE CAMPAIGN isn't "I'm the guy who came up with the nickname 'Cocaine Mitch,'" THEN IT WILL ALL BE FOR NOTHING!
- 30 October 2019: The hero dog who caught al-Baghdadi is named Conan after @TeamCoco and is a girl. Amazing!
- 21 October 2019: WATCH: The guy who broke up the climate change traffic protest deserved the Celine Dion treatment... so I added the proper soundtrack.
- 15 October 2019: No.
- 15 October 2019 (live): It's fun to live so close to Nationals Park that the crowd roaring spoils what I'm about to see on TV by a few seconds.
- 14 October 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: @ewarren And as you know, nothing says 'respect for Indigenous peoples' quite like being a rich, privileged white woma…
- 11 October 2019: Saw Beto trending and I figured Robert Francis had finally gotten a hint from polling and dropped out.
- 11 October 2019: Even Chris Cuomo knows #EqualityTownHall is a clown show...
- 7 October 2019: RT @patsajak: I’m trying to remember exactly when adults hijacked Halloween.
- 4 October 2019: Do you think this strategy ever works? Are there guys who read that bio, look at the clearly not them pic and think, 'Whoa! 1997 Heidi Klum loves me' ? I mean ...other than me?
- 4 October 2019: Just a reminder that the Obama Justice Deparment got the Steele dossier from a foreign agent... Baah, who am I kidding... facts dont matter with this Ukraine bullshit.
- 30 September 2019: LIVE Podcast: Joe Biden/Ukraine extortion, Kamala is suddenly upset at investigations, I went to an ICE protest, and the left now calls Tom Brady a white nationalist. Subscribe:
- 30 September 2019: I'm aware. Still figured we'd put the bot on blast.
- 30 September 2019 (live): This guy seems like a great, "Christian Evangelical, Independent Conservative" as he claims to be in his profile.
- 24 September 2019: Can't believe I'm going to say this... but to put it in perspective: I'd listen to ANY adult Hollywood actor's opinion (and they are rarely good/informed) on ANTHING before I'd listen to a child pawn who is simply around to read a script like Greta Thunberg.
- 24 September 2019: First class trolling. A+
- 20 September 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Wait... Joe Biden's son is on the board of a Ukrainian gas company AND got a $1.5 billion deal with the Chinese govern…
- 20 September 2019: Re: the whistleblower complaint... We were told for years that Trump was colluding with Russia... now it's suddenly their adversary the Ukraine? Yeah... ok... sure.
- 19 September 2019: Yellow.
- 26 August 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: @CoryBooker And an ID to vote
- 24 August 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: @realDonaldTrump Last I checked, promising to raise taxes has NEVER been a winning strategy for a candidate...
- 13 August 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: @EricTrump @B_BNKS @ChrisCuomo Different standards for being fake offended by things when it applies to your family.
- 6 August 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: @RepMaxineWaters Does this Social Justice Warrior word salad come with a delightful vinaigrette of #wokeness?
- 6 August 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: @SallyQYates When you worked for Obama, there were mass shootings, divisive politics, AND he even created the cages th…
- 29 July 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: With all the talk of foreign disinformation campaigns... What would you call Democrats saying Baltimore is a beautifu…
- 28 July 2019 (live): 2 things: 1 - THIS IS SUCH AN UNDERRATED TWEET... AND I NEVER SAY THAT. 2 - This song will now be in my playlist this week until it's unstuck from my head. #WeAreBaltimore
- 28 July 2019: I know what you're thinking: Surely there's NO WAY that Baltimore's rat infestation, crime and homelessness problems weren't all covered in 30 seconds of a SUPER CATCHY opening song of a popular musical/film. Well guess what...
- 20 July 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: If you think you're having a bad day, just remember there are people who actually believe that Robert Mueller found Ru…
- 27 June 2019: Everyone knows the REAL winner of tonight's #DemDebate is the one with the most bots tweeting about it on Twitter... duh. #DemocraticDebate
- 21 June 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Quick question about what Nadler did to Hope Hicks... What would happen if a Republican called a woman to testify in…
- 16 June 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Just gonna put this here.
- 17 May 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Did you know the Governor of Alabama is a woman? A lot of people on the left don't.
- 30 April 2019: If Joe Biden claims that he believed Anita Hill and STILL didn't give her a fair hearing as Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee... How could any woman in good conscience vote for him?
- 21 March 2019: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: New Zealand just banned EVERY GUN used in the Christchurch terror attack.. If the murderer hit people with a car, wou…
- 15 March 2019: WATCH: Pelosi can't name a single accomplishment that Robert Francis O'Rourke Accomplished in Congress... I added the Jeopardy music and buzzers to make it extra cringey... as if reporters laughing at the question wasn't bad enough.
- 16 November 2018: he judge that ruled in favor of Jim Acosta and CNN today was appointed by Trump... In case you want to keep rolling with the tale that he only appoints judges who would rule in his favor.
- 6 October 2018: CRINGEWORTHY: Murkowski explaining that she moved the goalposts with Democrats to vote "No" on Kavanaugh is painful to watch. So I added that Bad Day song to lighten the mood.
- 12 September 2018: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: When it takes longer to label a cookie than bake it...
- 28 July 2018: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: What straws looked like when the Constitution was written vs. the assault straws of today...
- 30 May 2018: So Hillary's theme, "Fight Song" fits perfectly over Ben Rhodes Shell Shocked on Election Night and I laughed too much at it. 😂😂😂 h/t @JackPosobiec
- 13 May 2018: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: MUST WATCH: SNL knows they've beat the Trump jokes into the ground and lost half their audience... So they had their m…
- 13 May 2018: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: British Police threaten to PROSECUTE people who mock them on Facebook... Thank God we have free speech in America... h…
- 12 May 2018: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: Iranian lawmakers burned the American flag on the floor of their parliament today. Things they won't be burning: Th…
- 25 April 2018: Bruce's Yams are about to revolutionize music!
- 3 April 2018: So when a murderer is on trial, will they be found not guilty if they blame the NRA? No? Why's that?
- 28 August 2017: RT @jonswaine: Emails: Claude Taylor & Louise Mensch pushed false info on Trump from hoaxer claiming to work for @AGSchneiderman https://t.…
- 24 August 2017 (live): @benshapiro here you go.
- 23 August 2017: WATCH: I upgraded the video of the protester getting hit in the balls with a tear gas canister... with Celine Dion. #PhoenixRally
- 20 August 2017: RT @TimRunsHisMouth: WATCH: ANTIFA bravely stands against Nazis in Boston.. Just Kidding, they assault an elderly woman holding an Ameri…
- 29 May 2017: @ellencarmichael Get outta here...
- 4 May 2017: RT @ellencarmichael: Hour 4: Being non-white is now considered a pre-existing condition. #AHCA (h/t @TimRunsHisMouth)
- 31 March 2017: Hillary's fake Baghdad Facebook followers that I talked about on RT that everyone forgot about... cc: @bfraser747
- 31 March 2017: WATCH: That time I went on Russian Television and asked them to use their fake news trolls to promote my comedy career... and bash Hillary.
- 7 February 2017: You guys, Maxine Waters doesn't sound all that crazy when you add the Benny Hill theme behind her talking