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Plugin Development Overview

Shea Craig edited this page Mar 26, 2018 · 4 revisions

Plugin development overview

The plugin development process begins with creating a properly structured plugin directory in a place where Sal can find it. This directory will contain several files. First, a Yapsy plugin file to specify some metadata about the plugin and allow the plugin system to find the plugin should be created. The plugin file itself is a python file with a single class definition, as specified in the Yapsy file. The plugin will need a Django template file to render its output for display. Finally, scripts may optionally include any number of scripts for clients to run, which can then submit custom data to the Sal database for the plugin to use in generating its output.

Plugin folder structure

The plugin folder structure should be named for the plugin it contains and should be structured as below (using "encryption" as the example plugin's name).

  • encryption (dir)
    • (Plugin python module)
    • encryption.yapsy-plugin (Yapsy metadata file)
    • scripts (dir) (optional)
      • (Any name, any number, executable script files)
      • ...
    • templates (dir)
      • encryption.html (Django template file)

The .yapsy-plugin file

The .yapsy-plugin is how Sal knows about your plugin. The filename should match the name of your plugin. The file itself is in the Python INI format. There is one required section: [Core] and the two required key-value pairs: Name and Module. Module should match the filename of the plugin's python module. Name is the name of the class contained in the plugin file.

You can also include other data about the plugin, like in the example below.

Module = encryption
Name = Encryption

Author = Graham Gilbert
Version = 0.1
Website =

The python module

Plugin execution flow

For normal use, plugins are found by Sal using the sal.plugin.PluginManager. Sal calls the widget_content method on the plugin, which in turn calls:

  • get_queryset
  • get_context
  • get_template

Each of these methods is a potential override point to customize behavior. however, in most cases (e.g. all of the builtin plugins), overriding just the get_context method is sufficient. Please see the source for details on the other methods.

Next, Sal renders the plugin's template with the context data, returned from the previously mentioned methods: return template.render(context).

Widget and ReportPlugin plugins may also present machine list links. In this case, Sal's machine_list view will find the plugin by name, and then use the request URL parameters to call the plugin's filter_machines method, which ultimately calls your overridden filter method.

There are lots of minor details to this process, all of which you can learn about by reading the source.


Most of the work in preprocessing data for plugins is handled by the Widget, ReportPlugin, and DetailPlugin classes, so creating a plugin is primarily about boilerplate class setup and customization for just those features which make the plugin unique.

Sal plugins should import sal.plugin. This module is what gives the plugin access to plugin base classes.

import sal.plugin

Each plugin module should specify one class; a subclass of one of Sal's plugin base classes. As discussed on the Plugin Overview, there are three kinds of plugins: Widgets, Reports, and Machine Detail Plugins. These types are represented by three classes in the sal.plugin module:

Type Base Class
Widget Widget
Report ReportPlugin
Machine Detail Plugin DetailPlugin

For example, the Encryption plugin is a Widget:

class Encryption(sal.plugin.Widget):
    # ...

One small gotcha here; you must import sal.plugin and specify it in full here due to the way Yapsy finds and loads plugins. If you copy the above, you will be fine. If you from sal.plugin import Widget and then just use class Encryption(Widget): you will be in a world of hurt.


Sal Plugins have several metadata attributes which you can either set, or accept the default values.

Attribute Name Python data type Default Value Description
description str '' (empty string) A short description, displayed on the plugin settings pages.
only_use_deployed_machines bool True Whether to get only deployed machines (which is what most plugins use), or whether to get all machines (example, the status plugin) in the queryset handed to the plugin.
model django.db.model sal.server.models.Machine Determines which model the plugin should use for its get_queryset call. If used to set anything other than Machine, you will probably have to override get_queryset to handle the different model structure.
supported_os_families list of str ['Darwin'] Which OS families this plugin's data should be filtered to, as well as which client machines should process this plugin's scripts. It is best to use sal.plugin.OSFamilies.darwin, sal.plugin.OSFamilies.linux, etc, rather than specifying the OS name directly.
template str '' (empty string) Relative path to the plugin's template file. If left blank, the plugin will try to use <plugin_name>/templates/<plugin_name>.html.
widget_width int 4 for Widget and DetailPlugin, 12 for ReportPlugin Number of layout columns the plugin output should use

Override Plugin methods

All Plugin subclasses define a get_context(queryset, **kwargs) method. Additionally, Widget and Report may present links to a list of machines which match some subelement of the plugin's data. For example, the Encryption plugin links for seeing a list of all encrypted machines, all unencrypted machines, and all machines which have an unknown encryption status. This is accomplished by overriding the filter(machines, data) method.

The get_context method

The main work done by plugins is encapsulated in this method. The "context" is a python dictionary of data you want the plugin to use when rendering its template. You override it by copying the signature from the base class:

def get_context(self, queryset, **kwargs):

The queryset argument will be a Django Queryset of the Sal Machine table. Prior to this stage, the queryset will have been filtered to include only deployed computers from the viewing context's group, be it Business Unit, Machine Group, or "all". Also, all access permissions will have already been handled, so the plugin code itself does not have to worry about checking for authentication or access permissions.

The **kwargs argument is a bit of Python black magic that collects any keyword arguments used in calling this method into a dictionary, named kwargs. (This is the ** operator). This is here for potential wizardry in the future, but at the moment will only contain the following data:

Key Value
group_type `'all', 'business_unit', 'machine_group', 'machine'
group_id int ID for this group's database record, or 0 for 'all'.

To make your life easier, the first thing the get_context method should do is call the base class' super_get_context method. (Again, we do it this way due to how Yapsy finds and instantiates plugins; we cannot use the super function like you would think.

context = self.super_get_context(queryset, **kwargs)

The context in this case is a python dictionary that will be passed to the plugin's template. Django uses data from the context to populate any templatetags in the template file, to dynamically generate the output. The super_get_context method doesn't do much; it just adds the group_type, group_id, and the plugin instance itself, into your context. Trust me, you want this.

Finally, ensure your get_context() method ends by returning the context dict. It's in the name!

def get_context(self, queryset, **kwargs):
    context = self.super_get_context(queryset, **kwargs)

    # Plugin processing goes here...

    return context

Now you can begin processing the queryset passed into the plugin. Your goal is to build a data structure of output values that you add to the context variable for later display in the plugin's template.


If you are writing a Widget or a ReportPlugin and you expect to have different clickable regions in your output chart, or links, you will also need to override the filter(machines, title) method. This definition can be copied in as below too, to speed up plugin setup.

The parameters to filter are machines, which is a Django Queryset of the Machine model, pre-filtered for Business Unit, Machine Group, etc (dependent on context of course) and deployment status (default is to remove undeployed machines).

data is a string, and can be anything you want. Your plugin's template should use this data value in constructing the URL for the link to the Sal machine_list view.

For an easy to follow example of this mechanism, take a look at the source for the Munki Version plugin. A more advanced example is the Encryption plugin.

Sal expects the filter method to return a tuple of the filtered machines, and any title you may want the machine_list view to have (for example "Machines with version 0.44.07 of Dwarf Fortress").


Here is an example of all of the boilerplate, set up for the Encryption plugin. Once you have this all set up, you can begin writing the actual plugin code.

# other imports...

import sal.plugin

class Encryption(sal.plugin.Widget):

    def get_context(self, queryset, **kwargs):
        context = self.super_get_context(queryset, **kwargs)

        # Plugin processing goes here...

        return context

    def filter(self, machines, data):

        # Plugin machine filtering code goes here...

        return machines, title

So now what? If you are new to Django, you may want to read some of the documentation, and especially

You can certainly take a look at the builtin plugins to see how they accomplish things.

At any point, it helps to be able to experiment. A couple of ideas for how to go about doing this; but you will need a development server to do this on (Developer Installation).

  • Add import pdb; pdb.set_trace() in your plugin and enable it on your testing server. Then, whenever that line is hit during plugin execution, you will be dropped into the python debugger. This is similar enough to the python interpreter that it should be pretty easy to grasp quickly. Google "python debugger" for any one of a number of great tutorials. Once execution pauses, you can experiment with database queries, processing, etc, all with the actual data your plugin has received, at the point you specified it stop.
  • Similar, you can run the Django subcommand shell to get into a python interpreter set up to work with Sal. You still have to import things. So you will probably do $ ./ shell followed by from server.models import * to get all of the main Sal database models (especially Machine). You can then fool around with those at your leisure.

Template Concepts

It may help to familiarize yourself with Django's templating system. The docs start here:

If you are already familiar with Jinja2 or some other templating system, you're in luck!

In brief, Sal's templates are html files that are used for the actual output in a web browser. Any time you see curly braces (e.g. {{ hostname }} or {% if os_family != 'Darwin' %}, that's a templatetag, a place where Django will replace data from your plugin's context in the template's html. You can do pretty involved things using for loops and other tags, so please examine the builtin plugins and Django's documentation for more ideas.

Template use

By default, without specifying a template path, Sal will look for a template in your plugin's templates folder, with the same name as the python module and a .html extension. If possible, it's best to use a single template file, unless the complexity of doing so results in heinously ugly and convoluted conditional template code.

If multiple template files are needed, you will need to override the get_template method of the plugin, which is parameterized with the group_type and group_id values to allow you to conditionally select a template.

Template Style

Sal uses Bootstrap for its CSS framework. bootstrap. Take a look at the builtin plugins' templates to get an idea of how to use Bootstrap to style your plugin.

Sal includes MorrisJS in all templates for easy charting. You can of course use any charting library of your choosing by making sure to add any <script> includes for that library in your template file.

Other default Javascript includes are jQuery, metisMenu, and DataTables.

Machine List Links

To have your plugin include links to the Sal machine_list view (a DataTable of client machine), construct a URL using the url templatetag:

 <a href="{% url 'machine_list' plugin 'ok' group_type group_id %}">

If you have used the super_get_context method to create your context object, the plugin, group_type, and group_idvalues will already be present in thecontext`.

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