- v1.6.0:
- Communicate directly with ElectrumX servers via TCP to:
- get transaction history for an address
- subscribe to receive new transactions for an address
- broadcast raw transactions
- Get exchange rates directly from provider API with ability to choose from several providers
- Communicate directly with ElectrumX servers via TCP to:
- v1.5.0:
- Screen saver now shows accepted payment methods
- Landscape UI improvements
- Skip choose payment method screen when only one configured
- Removed Monero
- v1.4.0:
- Pay by scanning a paper wallet (using camera or NFC)
- Show warning if received payment uses Replace-by-fee (RBF)
- Play sound on payment success - audio master on/off toggle included in general settings
- Export payment history to CSV file - for importing to Excel or other spreadsheet programs
- Show screen-saver when app inactive for a while
- Zoom payment QR code by tapping once
- Added dark theme
- Added German language
- Added missing French and Czech translations
- Improved reconnection handling when device is or goes offline
- Bug fixes in Payment History screens
- v1.3.0:
- Segwit support (native and backwards compatible addresses)
- Hide testnet payment methods by default
- v1.2.0:
- A warning will now be displayed if the app is unable to verify a payment for the specified payment method.
- v1.1.0:
- Added a guided setup after first installing the app
- Added recommended mobile wallets page
- Added support for more display currencies
- Localize date formatting (days of week, months, etc)
- Device's language locale now used as the app's default language
- Links will now open in the device's default browser instead of the in-app browser