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chmartinez1 edited this page Nov 1, 2016 · 16 revisions

#Use Cases

Actor: User

  • Login (UC-0): Keep track of movies they like and receive recommendations
  • Search (UC-1): Find movies they like to personalize recommendations
  • Like (UC-2): Consider this movie for how recommendations are decided
  • Unlike (UC-3): Remove this movie from how recommendations are decided
  • Follow (UC-4): Add other users to set of friends to adjust recommendations
  • Unfollow (UC-5): Remove other users from set of friends to readjust recommendations
  • Direct Rec (UC-6): Directly recommend a movie to a friend

Actor: Administrator

  • Delete User (UC-7): Delete unwanted account from system database
  • Delete Movie (UC-8): Delete orphan movie nodes from system database

Acceptance Tests

Account Creation

  • Given that I am on the login page and don't already have an account, when I create my account using my Google credentials I should be directed to the home page where there will be a list of popular movies and be prompted to like them to start getting movies recommended to me.

Search Movie

  • Given that I am on the search page, when I enter Harry Potter in the search bar I should have all the Harry Potter movies returned to me.

Like Movie

  • Given that I am on a movie page, when I hit the like button the like button should change to unlike and I should get more movies like it recommended to me.

Viewing Movie Details

  • Given that I am on the home page, when I select a movie from my recommendations list I should be redirected to it's movie page and be able to see all of its details including the movie poster, title, rating, release date, actors, director, and summary.

UML Diagrams

Class Diagrams

Sequence Diagrams

Mock Ups

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