API for UCI Air Quality data - Italian City filtering and plot. Exercise proposed under Let's Code - Santander Coders Course.
1 - Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/samyadelara/aqdataUCI_api.git
2 - Change to project folder
cd aqdataUCI_api
3 - Create virtual env - using venv
python3.7 -m venv env
4 - Activate virtual environment
source env/bin/activate
5 - Install modules
pip install -r requirements.txt
6 - Activate API - locally
python3 api_aq_data.py
7 - Request data
(filters available year = 2004 or 2005)
Use API get or HTML
Filtered data will be aggregated as Daily Means and saved as .json and .csv format. A HeatMap is prepared and saved as .png to illustrate the association between variables.
Correlation is stronger (positive) between most of the pollutants, and is negative with NOx (one of its precursors). Temperature presented higher absolute correlation between nitrogen oxides (NOx and NO2) considering both filtered periods (2004:Mar-Dec and 2005:Jan-Apr).