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Command-Line Interface for MagellanMapper

Command-Line argument reference

Argument Sub-argument Function Ver Added Last updated
--img <path> [path2] ... Image paths. --img can be omitted if paths are given as the first argument. Can be given as the original filename (eg myvolume.tiff), the imported name, (myvolume_image5d.npy), a sub-image name (myvolume_(x,y,z)x(x,y,z)_subimg.npy), or a registered image (myvolume_atlasVolume.mhd). v1.0.0 v1.4.0
--meta <metadata-path> [path2] ... Metadata paths corresponding to images from --img. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--prefix <path1> [path2] ... Path input/output prefix(es), typically used for the start of output paths. May also modify input paths, eg with --img. Takes precedence over --img for --reg_suffixes.
  • Since v1.5.0: Multiple paths can be given.
v1.0.0 v1.5.0
--prefix_out <path1> [path2] ... Path output prefix(es), typically used for the start of output paths when --prefix is used for input paths. v1.5.0 v1.5.0
--rgb None Open images as RGB(A). v1.6.0
--suffix <path> Path suffix, typically used for the end of output paths.
  • Since v1.5.0: Multiple paths can be given.
v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--channel <n> [n2] ... Indices of channels to include, starting from 0. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--series <n> Index of image series such as image tile, starting from 0. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--subimg_offset <x,y,z> [x2,y2,z2] ... Sub-image offset coordinates given as x, y, z. Sub-images are 3D or 3D+channel subsets of full images that can be saved as separate files. Multiple sets of coordinates can be given to load different sub-images. v1.2.0 v1.2.0
--subimg_size <x,y,z> [x2,y2,z2] ... Sub-image size given as x, y, z. v1.2.0 v1.2.0
--offset <x,y,z> [x2,y2,z2] ... ROI (region of interest) offset coordinates given as x, y, z. ROIs are regions zoomed into within larger images. Multiple sets of coordinates can be given to set different ROIs, such as an ROI per loaded image. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--size <x,y,z> [x2,y2,z2] ... ROI size given as x, y, z. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--db <path> The main to the main SQlite database. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--cpus <n> The number of CPUs to use during multiprocessing tasks. none (default) can be given to use the max number of processors. v1.3.6 v1.3.6
--load blobs=<path> blob_matches=<path> Paths to load data. blobs are objects detected as blobs. blob_matches are co-localized blobs among channels. v1.4.0 v1.4.0
--proc <task1>=[sub-task1,...] <task2> Image processing tasks; see config.ProcessTypes v1.0.0 v1.5.0
--register <task> Registration and other atlas-related tasks; see config.RegisterTypes v1.0.0 v1.4.0
--df <task> Pandas data frame tasks; see config.DFTasks v1.0.0 v1.3.0
--plot_2d <task> 2D plot tasks; see config.Plot2DTypes v1.0.0 v1.6.0
--ec2_start <tag_name> <ami_id> <instance_type> <subnet_id> <sec_group> <key_name> <ebs> <max_count> <snapshot_ids> Start an EC2 instance. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--ec2_list <state> <image_id> List EC2 instances. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--ec2_terminate <instance1> [instance2] ... Terminate EC2 instances by instance ID. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--notify <URL> <message> <attachment> Post a message to a URL. attachment can be a longer message string. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--grid_search <profile> Perform a Grid Search hyperparameter tuning task for blob detection with the given profile name or file. v1.0.0 v1.3.0
--theme <theme1> [theme2] ... User interface themes; see config.Themes. v1.1.4 v1.1.4
--truth_db [mode=<mode>] [path=<path>] Truth database; see config.TruthDBModes for available modes. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--labels [path_ref="""] [level=0] [ID=0] [orig_colors=1] [symmetric_colors=1] [binary=<backround>,<foreground>] [translate_labels=<path>"] [translate_children=0] Atlas label settings; see config.AtlasLabels.
  • path_ref: Path to the labels reference file. Should have at least these columns: Region or id for region IDs, and RegionName or name for corresponding names. Atlases generated in >=v1.5.0 with this flag will copy this file into the atlas directory so that this argument is not needed when loading the atlas and images registered to it.
  • level: Ontology level. Structures in sub-levels will be grouped at this level for volume stats.
v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--transform [rotate=0] [flip_vert=0] [flip_horiz=0] [flip=axis] [rescale=0] [interpolation=1] Image transformations; see config.Transforms.
  • interpolation: Interpolation order n for the main (intensity) image, where n is passed to the order argument in Scikit-image's transform.resize function
  • Since v1.6.0: flip: Flip the selected axis, where axis = 0 for the z-axis, 1 for the y-axis, and 2 for the x-axis
v1.0.0 v1.6.0
--reg_suffixes [atlas=atlasVolume.mhd,...] [annotation=annotation.mhd,...] [borders=<path>] Suffixes of registered images to load; see config.RegSuffixes for suffixes used throughout the package. Atlases and regenerated and registered with output paths based on the path given by --img or --prefix. For example:
  • "Base" path (from --img or --prefix): /home/me/my_image
  • Intensity/histology/"atlas" image: /home/me/my_image_atlasVolume.nii.gz
  • Annotation/labels image: /home/me/my_image_annotation.nii.gz
  • Other registered images, eg atlas edges: /home/me/my_image_atlasEdge.nii.gz
To load intensity and annotations image: ./ --img /home/me/my_image --reg_suffixes atlasVolume.nii.gz annotation.nii.gz.
  • Since v1.5.0: Suffixes can be also given as an absolute path, such as a labels image not registered to the main image.
  • Since v1.6.0: Multiple labels suffixes can be given, separated by commas.
v1.0.0 v1.5.0
--plot_labels [title=<title>] [err_col_abs=<col>] [background=<color>] [vspan_col=<col>] [vspan_format=<str>] [rotation=<deg>] ... Plot labels; see config.PlotLabels for available parameters.
  • Since v1.6.0: Added several new sub-arguments.
v1.0.0 v1.6.0
--set_meta [resolutions=<x,y,z>] [magnification=<n>] [zoom=<n>] [shape=<c,x,y,z,...>] [dtype=<data-type>] Metadata to set when importing an image; see config.MetaKeys. v1.0.0 v1.3.0
--plane <xy|xz|yz> Transpose to the given planar orientation v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--show <0|1> Show images after generating them in atlas pipelines. 0 to not show, 1 to show. v1.0.0 v1.3.0
--alphas <n,...> Alpha (opacity) levels for the main image; can give as a comma-delimited for multiple channels (eg 0.5,0.3) v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--vmin <n,...> Minimum intensity levels; can give as a comma-delimited for multiple channels (eg 0.1,0.2) v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--vmax <n,...> Maximum intensity levels; can give as a comma-delimited for multiple channels (eg 0.1,0.2) v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--seed <n> Random number generator seed. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--save_subimg None Save a sub-image (given by --subimg_offset and --subimg_size) as a separate <base>_subimg.npy file v1.0.0 v1.3.0
--slice <start[,stop,step]> Slice range similar to the Python slice function. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--delay <n> Time delay in ms, used for animations. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--savefig <ext> Extension to use when saving figures, without period. When unset, defaults to PNG when exporting images. v1.0.0 v1.3.0
--groups [group1] [group2] ... Group ID corresponding to each image in --img. v1.0.0 v1.0.0
--verbose, -v [level=<n>] [path=<path>] Verbose output. level can range from 1 (DEBUG) to 5 (CRITICAL); defaults to debug if level is not set, or info if -v is not given. path is the output log path. v1.0.0 v1.4.0

Changes in MagellanMapper v1.6

Old New Version Purpose of Change
None --rgb v1.6a1 Open images in RGB(a) mode.
--plot_2d ... --plot_2d decorate_plot ... v1.6b1 Task to add plot decorations such as title and axis labels.
--plot_labels ... --plot_labels err_col_abs=<col> ... v1.6a1 Plot error bars with a column of absolute rather than relative values, now that Clrstats gives absolute values for effect sizes.
--plot_labels background=<color> v1.6a1 Change plot background color with a Matplotlib color string.
--plot_labels vspan_col=<col> vspan_format=<str> v1.6a1 Column denoting vertical span groups and string format for them, respectively.
--plot_labels rotation=<deg> v1.6a2 Change rotation in degrees.
--ref_suffixes annotation= --transform [flip=axis] ... v1.6a1 Flip the specified axis.
--transform ... --transform [interpolation=n] ... v1.6a1 Interpolation order can be specified when exporting the main image.
--transform ... --transform [flip=axis] ... v1.6a1 Flip the specified axis.

Changes in MagellanMapper v1.5

Old New Version Purpose of Change
--prefix <path> --prefix <path1> [path2] ... v1.5.0 Multiple prefixes can be given
--proc <task> --proc <task1>=[sub-task1,...] [task2] ... v1.5.0 Multiple processing tasks can be given as well as sub-tasks
None --proc export_tif v1.5.0 Export NPY files to TIF format.
Specified in ROI profiles --proc preprocess=[rotate,saturate,...] v1.5.0 Pre-processing tasks are integrated as sub-processing tasks; see config.PreProcessKeys for task names
--reg_suffixes [atlas=<suffix1>] ... [fixed_mask=<suffix2>] [moving_mask=<suffix3>] Unchanged v1.5.0 Suffixes can now be given as an absolute path to load directly from the path, eg a labels image not registered to the main image. Image masks for registration can also be given as fixed_mask and moving_mask.
--suffix <path> --suffix <path1> [path2] ... v1.5.0 Multiple suffixes can be given

Changes in MagellanMapper v1.4

Old New Version Purpose of Change
None --atlas_labels translate_labels=<translation.csv> translate_children=1 v1.4.0 Translate labels, where translation.csv is a CSV file with FromLabel and ToLabel columns, and translate_children is 1 to also translate all children of each label
None --df sum_cols, subtract_cols, multiply_cols, divide_cols v1.4.0 Arithmetic operations on data frame columns
None --df replace_vals v1.4.0 Replace values
--img <orig-name>. Can be given as --img <orig-name>_image5d.npy, or python <path1> [path2] ... v1.4.0 The full imported filename can be given, and the --img can be omitted when the paths are given as first arguments
None --plot_labels text_pos=<x,y> v1.4.0 Add plane number annotation at the x,y position in stack animations
None --plot_labels x_scale, y_scale v1.4.0 Set plot axis scaling, such as log for log-scaling
--proc detect --roi_profile <profile0> <profile1> <profile2> --channel 1 2 --proc detect --roi_profile "" <profile1> <profile2> --channel 1 2 v1.4.0 Block processing is performed based on each profile, rather than only on profile0; in this case, profile0 is ignored since channel 0 is skipped and can be given as empty quotes
None --proc detec_coloc v1.4.0 Intensity-based co-localizations during blob detection
None --proc coloc_match v1.4.0 Match-based co-localizations after blob detection
None --proc export_planes v1.4.0 Export all channels together into each plane
--proc export_planes --proc export_planes_channels v1.4.0 Export each channel into a separate plane
--proc load --load [data0], [data1]=<path>, ... v1.4.0 Load different data types, such as blobs, blob_matches, including custom path
--register export_regions --labels level=None --register export_regions --labels level=None orig_colors=1 v1.4.0 Use orig_colors=1 rather than level to export only labels present in the image itself; level=None gets the parent rather than labels only up to that level
None --register labels_dist v1.4.0 Measure the distance from labels to specified landmarks
--verbose --verbose level=<n> log_path=<path> v1.4.0 Log level from 1 (DEBUG, most verbose) to 5 (CRITICAL, least verbose) and log output path

Changes in MagellanMapper v1.3

Old New Version Purpose of Change
--border --plot_labels padding=x,y,z v1.3.0 Duplicated by the padding argument
--channel c1 --channel c1 [c2...] v1.3.1 Accepts multiple channels
--chunk_size None v1.3.0 Obsolete by block processing improvements
None --cpus <n> v1.3.6 Specify the maximum number of CPUs to use for multiprocessing tasks
finer atlas profile None v1.3.0 Its settings are now default
-h Same v1.3.7 Sub-arguments are now included along with main arguments in help
--mag --set_meta magnification=x.y v1.3.0 Grouped custom metadata settings into --set_meta
--microscope <name1>[_name2] --roi_profile <name1>[,name2] v1.3.0 Specifies profiles to process by regions of interest; delimit by , to allow underscores especially in file paths
--no_scale_bar --plot_labels scale_bar=1 v1.3.0 Grouped with other plot labels controls
--no_show --show 0 v1.3.0 Show with 1
--padding_2d --plot_labels margin=x,y,z v1.3.0 Grouped with other plot labels controls, adding margin as space outside the ROI
None --proc export_raw v1.3.2 Export images to RAW format
None --proc preprocess v1.3.0 Pre-processing tasks using profiles.PreProcessKeys specified in ROI profiles
None --plot_labels dpi=<n> v1.3.7 Configure DPI of saved images
None `--plot_labels drop_dups=<0 1>` v1.3.3
--atlas_labels binary=<color> --plot_labels nan_color=<color> v1.3.7 Group with --plot_labels to specify colors for NaN values
None --img <dir> --reg_suffixes [atlas-img] [annotation-img] v1.3.5 Load only registered images by specifying a directory rather than an image file path as the main image
--reg_profile <name1>[_name2] --atlas_profile <name1>[,name2] v1.3.0 Specifies profiles for atlases; delimit by , to allow underscores especially in file paths
--rescale --transform rescale=x v1.3.0 Grouped with other transformation tasks
--res --set_meta resolutions=x,y,z v1.3.0 Grouped custom metadata settings into --set_meta
--roc --grid_search <name1>[,name2] v1.3.0 Its main task is to perform Grid Search based hyperparameter tuning; specify profile names or YAML files
python -m magmap.xx.yy v1.3.0 All command-line based entry points can be accessed through the CLI using this script v1.3.2 functionality was integrated into the script and removed
--savefig <ext> Optional v1.3.7 Defaults to PNG when exporting images even if --savefig is not set
--saveroi --save_subimg v1.3.0 Consistency with "sub-images" as parts of images that can contain ROIs
--stats --df v1.3.0 Run data-frame (eg CSV file) tasks
--zoom --set_meta zoom=x,y,z v1.3.0 Grouped custom metadata settings into --set_meta