diff --git a/mwsissues/issue141/change_mw_6.txt b/mwsissues/issue141/change_mw_6.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a880cc --- /dev/null +++ b/mwsissues/issue141/change_mw_6.txt @@ -0,0 +1,10173 @@ +; *** +; temp_change_page_0001.txt +; *** +89 old 201,1aMSakaraRaa/MSa—karaRa3 +89 new 201,1aMSakaraRaaMSa—karaRa3 +;----------------- +90 old a/MSa—karaRa ¦ n. act of dividing. +90 new aMSa—karaRa ¦ n. act of dividing. +;----------------- +92 old 211,1aMSakalpanAa/MSa—kalpanA3 +92 new 211,1aMSakalpanAaMSa—kalpanA3 +;----------------- +93 old a/MSa—kalpanA, f. or a/MSa—prakalpanA, f. or a/MSa—pradAna, n. ¦ allotment of a portion. +93 new aMSa—kalpanA, f. or aMSa—prakalpanA, f. or aMSa—pradAna, n. ¦ allotment of a portion. +;----------------- +95 old 221,1aMSaprakalpanAa/MSa—prakalpanA3 +95 new 221,1aMSaprakalpanAaMSa—prakalpanA3 +;----------------- +96 old a/MSa—kalpanA, f. or a/MSa—prakalpanA, f. or a/MSa—pradAna, n. ¦ allotment of a portion. +96 new aMSa—kalpanA, f. or aMSa—prakalpanA, f. or aMSa—pradAna, n. ¦ allotment of a portion. +;----------------- +98 old 231,1aMSapradAnaa/MSa—pradAna3 +98 new 231,1aMSapradAnaaMSa—pradAna3 +;----------------- +99 old a/MSa—kalpanA, f. or a/MSa—prakalpanA, f. or a/MSa—pradAna, n. ¦ allotment of a portion. +99 new aMSa—kalpanA, f. or aMSa—prakalpanA, f. or aMSa—pradAna, n. ¦ allotment of a portion. +;----------------- +101 old 241,1aMSaBAgina/MSa—BAgin3 +101 new 241,1aMSaBAginaMSa—BAgin3 +;----------------- +102 old a/MSa—BAgin or a/MSa—BAj, ¦ mfn. one who has a share, an heir, co-heir. +102 new aMSa—BAgin or aMSa—BAj, ¦ mfn. one who has a share, an heir, co-heir. +;----------------- +104 old 251,1aMSaBAja/MSa—BAj3 +104 new 251,1aMSaBAjaMSa—BAj3 +;----------------- +105 old a/MSa—BAgin or a/MSa—BAj, ¦ mfn. one who has a share, an heir, co-heir. +105 new aMSa—BAgin or aMSa—BAj, ¦ mfn. one who has a share, an heir, co-heir. +;----------------- +110 old 271,1aMSaBUtaa/MSa—BUta3 +110 new 271,1aMSaBUtaaMSa—BUta3 +;----------------- +111 old a/MSa—BUta ¦ mfn. forming part of. +111 new aMSa—BUta ¦ mfn. forming part of. +;----------------- +116 old 281,1aMSavata/MSa—vat3 +116 new 281,1aMSavataMSa—vat3 +;----------------- +117 old a/MSa—vat ¦ (for aMSumat?) m. a species of Soma plant, Suśr. +117 new aMSa—vat ¦ (for aMSumat?) m. a species of Soma plant, Suśr. +;----------------- +119 old 291,1aMSasavarRanaa/MSa—savarRana3 +119 new 291,1aMSasavarRanaaMSa—savarRana3 +;----------------- +120 old a/MSa—savarRana ¦ n. reduction of fractions. +120 new aMSa—savarRana ¦ n. reduction of fractions. +;----------------- +122 old 301,1aMSasvaraa/MSa—svara3 +122 new 301,1aMSasvaraaMSa—svara3 +;----------------- +123 old a/MSa—svara ¦ m. key-note or chief note in music. +123 new aMSa—svara ¦ m. key-note or chief note in music. +;----------------- +128 old 321,1aMSahArina/MSa—hArin3 +128 new 321,1aMSahArinaMSa—hArin3 +;----------------- +129 old a/MSa—hara or a/MSa—hArin, ¦ mfn. taking a share, a sharer. +129 new aMSa—hara or aMSa—hArin, ¦ mfn. taking a share, a sharer. +;----------------- +314 old 931,2aMsakUwaa/Msa—kUwa3 +314 new 931,2aMsakUwaaMsa—kUwa3 +;----------------- +315 old a/Msa—kUwa ¦ m. the shoulder +315 new aMsa—kUwa ¦ m. the shoulder +;----------------- +317 old 941,2aMsakUwaa/Msa—kUwa3A +317 new 941,2aMsakUwaaMsa—kUwa3A +;----------------- +329 old 961,2aMsadaGnaa/Msa—daGna/3 +329 new 961,2aMsadaGnaaMsa—daGna/3 +;----------------- +330 old a/Msa—daGna/ ¦ mf(A/)n. up to the shoulder, ŚBr. +330 new aMsa—daGna/ ¦ mf(A/)n. up to the shoulder, ŚBr. +;----------------- +338 old 981,2aMsapfzWaa/Msa—pfzWa3 +338 new 981,2aMsapfzWaaMsa—pfzWa3 +;----------------- +339 old a/Msa—pfzWa ¦ n. back of the shoulder. +339 new aMsa—pfzWa ¦ n. back of the shoulder. +;----------------- +341 old 991,2aMsaPalakaa/Msa—Palaka/3 +341 new 991,2aMsaPalakaaMsa—Palaka/3 +;----------------- +342 old a/Msa—Palaka/ ¦ n. shoulder-blade, ŚBr.; Suśr. +342 new aMsa—Palaka/ ¦ n. shoulder-blade, ŚBr.; Suśr. +;----------------- +348 old a/Msa—BAra or aMse-BAra, ¦ m. a burden on the shoulder, (g. BastrAdi, q.v.) +348 new aMsa—BAra or aMse-BAra, ¦ m. a burden on the shoulder, (g. BastrAdi, q.v.) +;----------------- +399 old 1161,2aMhatiaMhati2A +399 new 1161,2aMhatiaMhati/2A +;----------------- +402 old 116.11,2aMhatiaMhati2E +402 new 116.11,2aMhatiaMhati/2E +;----------------- +403 old aMhati ¦ [cf. Lat. ango] +403 new aMhati/ ¦ [cf. Lat. ango] +;----------------- +405 old 1171,2aMhatiaMhati2A +405 new 1171,2aMhatiaMhati/2A +;----------------- +423 old 1211,2aMhaspatia/Mhas—pati3 +423 new 1211,2aMhaspatiaMhas—pati3 +;----------------- +424 old a/Mhas—pati or aMhasas-pati/ ¦ [VS.], m. lord of perplexity, i.e. an intercalary month; cf. AMhaspatya. +424 new aMhas—pati or aMhasas-pati/ ¦ [VS.], m. lord of perplexity, i.e. an intercalary month; cf. AMhaspatya. +;----------------- +535 old 1561,3akanizWagaa/-kanizWa—ga3 +535 new 1561,3akanizWagaa-kanizWa—ga3 +;----------------- +536 old a/-kanizWa—ga ¦ m. a Buddha, L. +536 new a-kanizWa—ga ¦ m. a Buddha, L. +;----------------- +538 old 1571,3akanizWapaa/-kanizWa—pa3 +538 new 1571,3akanizWapaa-kanizWa—pa3 +;----------------- +539 old a/-kanizWa—pa ¦ m. a Buddhist king, T. +539 new a-kanizWa—pa ¦ m. a Buddhist king, T. +;----------------- +634 old 1852,1akartftvaa-kartf—tva3 +634 new 1851,3akartftvaa-kartf—tva3 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0002.txt +; ******************************************************* +814 old 2362,1akAmatasa-kAma/—tas3 +814 new 2362,1akAmatasa-kAma—tas3 +;----------------- +815 old a-kAma/—tas ¦ ind. unintentionally, unwillingly. +815 new a-kAma—tas ¦ ind. unintentionally, unwillingly. +;----------------- +817 old 2372,1akAmatAa-kAma/—tA3 +817 new 2372,1akAmatAa-kAma—tA3 +;----------------- +818 old a-kAma/—tA ¦ f. freedom from desire, &c. +818 new a-kAma—tA ¦ f. freedom from desire, &c. +;----------------- +823 old 2382,1akAmahataa-kAma/—hata3 +823 new 2382,1akAmahataa/-kAma—hata3 +;----------------- +824 old a-kAma/—hata ¦ (a/-kAma-) mfn. unaffected with desire, calm, ŚBr. xiv. +824 new a/-kAma—hata ¦ (a/-kAma-) mfn. unaffected with desire, calm, ŚBr. xiv. +;----------------- +895 old 2552,2akAlakuzmARqaa-kAla—kuzmARqa3 +895 new 2552,1akAlakuzmARqaa-kAla—kuzmARqa3 +;----------------- +1036 old 2932,2akuDryaYca-kuDrya/Yc1 +1036 new 2932,2akuDryaYca-kuDrya^Yc1 +;----------------- +1037 old a-kuDrya/Yc ¦ a/N, DrI/cI, a/k (kuDri for kuDa for kuha = kutra), ‘going nowhere’ (a^k, 4). ind. objectless, aimless, RV. x, 22, 12. +1037 new a-kuDrya^Yc ¦ a^N, DrI/cI, a^k (kuDri for kuDa for kuha = kutra), ‘going nowhere’ (a^k, 4). ind. objectless, aimless, RV. x, 22, 12. +;----------------- +1189 old 3302,2akftakArama/-kfta—kAram3 +1189 new 3302,2akftakArama-kfta—kAram3 +;----------------- +1190 old a/-kfta—kAram ¦ ind. in a way not done before, Pāṇ. +1190 new a-kfta—kAram ¦ ind. in a way not done before, Pāṇ. +;----------------- +1201 old 3312,2akftajYaa/-kfta—jYa3 +1201 new 3312,2akftajYaa-kfta—jYa3 +;----------------- +1202 old a/-kfta—jYa ¦ mfn. not acknowledging benefits, ungrateful. +1202 new a-kfta—jYa ¦ mfn. not acknowledging benefits, ungrateful. +;----------------- +1204 old 3322,2akftajYatAa/-kfta—jYa-tA3 +1204 new 3322,2akftajYatAa-kfta—jYa-tA3 +;----------------- +1205 old a/-kfta—jYa-tA ¦ f. ingratitude. +1205 new a-kfta—jYa-tA ¦ f. ingratitude. +;----------------- +1207 old 3332,2akftabudDia/-kfta—budDi3 +1207 new 3332,2akftabudDia-kfta—budDi3 +;----------------- +1208 old a/-kfta—budDi ¦ mfn. having an unformed mind +1208 new a-kfta—budDi ¦ mfn. having an unformed mind +;----------------- +1210 old 3342,2akftabudDitvaa/-kfta—budDi-tva3 +1210 new 3342,2akftabudDitvaa-kfta—budDi-tva3 +;----------------- +1211 old a/-kfta—budDi-tva ¦ n. ignorance. +1211 new a-kfta—budDi-tva ¦ n. ignorance. +;----------------- +1213 old 3352,2akftavraRaa/-kfta—vraRa3 +1213 new 3352,2akftavraRaa-kfta—vraRa3 +;----------------- +1214 old a/-kfta—vraRa ¦ m. N. of a commentator on the Purāṇas, VP. +1214 new a-kfta—vraRa ¦ m. N. of a commentator on the Purāṇas, VP. +;----------------- +1216 old 3362,2akftavraRaa/-kfta—vraRa3A +1216 new 3362,2akftavraRaa-kfta—vraRa3A +;----------------- +1219 old 3372,2akftavraRaa/-kfta—vraRa3A +1219 new 3372,2akftavraRaa-kfta—vraRa3A +;----------------- +1222 old 337.11308,2akftaSmaSAnaa-kfta—SmaSAna3 +1222 new 337.11308,2akftaSmaSAnaa/-kfta—SmaSAna3 +;----------------- +1223 old a-kfta—SmaSAna ¦ (a/kfta-), mfn. one who has not established a burning-ground, ŚBr. +1223 new a/-kfta—SmaSAna ¦ (a/kfta-), mfn. one who has not established a burning-ground, ŚBr. +;----------------- +1282 old 3552,3akfSalakzmIa/-kfSa—lakzmI3 +1282 new 3552,3akfSalakzmIa-kfSa—lakzmI3 +;----------------- +1283 old a/-kfSa—lakzmI ¦ mfn. enjoying full prosperity. +1283 new a-kfSa—lakzmI ¦ mfn. enjoying full prosperity. +;----------------- +1447 old 3973,1akrAntAa-krAntA1B +1447 new 3972,3akrAntAa-krAntA1B +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0004.txt (pages 3,4) +; ******************************************************* +1576 old ¦ 1 (also) a chariot, Dharmaś. +1576 new ¦ 1. (also) a chariot, Dharmaś. +;----------------- +1581 old 4323,1akzakarRaa/kza—karRa3 +1581 new 4323,1akzakarRaakza—karRa3 +;----------------- +1582 old a/kza—karRa ¦ m. the hypotenuse, especially of the triangle formed with the gnomon of a dial and its shadow +1582 new akza—karRa ¦ m. the hypotenuse, especially of the triangle formed with the gnomon of a dial and its shadow +;----------------- +1584 old 4333,1akzakarRaa/kza—karRa3A +1584 new 4333,1akzakarRaakza—karRa3A +;----------------- +1587 old 4343,1akzajaa/kza—jaa3 +1587 new 4343,1akzajaakza—jaa3 +;----------------- +1590 old 4353,1akzajaa/kza—ja3A +1590 new 4353,1akzajaakza—ja3A +;----------------- +1593 old 4363,1akzajaa/kza—ja3A +1593 new 4363,1akzajaakza—ja3A +;----------------- +1596 old 4373,1akzadfkkarmana/kza—dfk-karman3 +1596 new 4373,1akzadfkkarmanakza—dfk-karman3 +;----------------- +1597 old a/kza—dfk-karman ¦ n. operation or calculation for latitude. +1597 new akza—dfk-karman ¦ n. operation or calculation for latitude. +;----------------- +1599 old 4383,1akzadvAraa/kza—dvAra3 +1599 new 4383,1akzadvAraakza—dvAra3 +;----------------- +1600 old a/kza—dvAra ¦ n. the cavity in the axle of a car, Sāy. on RV. v, 30, 1. +1600 new akza—dvAra ¦ n. the cavity in the axle of a car, Sāy. on RV. v, 30, 1. +;----------------- +1602 old 4393,1akzaDura/kza—Dur3 +1602 new 4393,1akzaDurakza—Dur3 +;----------------- +1603 old a/kza—Dur ¦ f. the pin at the end of an axle, pole attached to an axle. +1603 new /kza—Dur ¦ f. the pin at the end of an axle, pole attached to an axle. +;----------------- +1608 old 4403,1akzaDUrtilaa/kza—DUrtila3 +1608 new 4403,1akzaDUrtilaakza—DUrtila3 +;----------------- +1609 old a/kza—DUrtila ¦ m. a draft-ox, L. +1609 new akza—DUrtila ¦ m. a draft-ox, L. +;----------------- +1611 old 4413,1akzapIqaa/kza—pIqa3 +1611 new 4413,1akzapIqaakza—pIqa3 +;----------------- +1612 old a/kza—pIqa ¦ m. Chrysopogon Acicularis, Suśr. +1612 new akza—pIqa ¦ m. Chrysopogon Acicularis, Suśr. +;----------------- +1614 old 4423,1akzapIqAa/kza—pIqA3B +1614 new 4423,1akzapIqAakza—pIqA3B +;----------------- +1615 old a/kza—pIqA ¦ f. N. of a plant. +1615 new akza—pIqA ¦ f. N. of a plant. +;----------------- +1617 old 4433,1akzaBAa/kza—BA3 +1617 new 4433,1akzaBAakza—BA3 +;----------------- +1618 old a/kza—BA ¦ f. shadow of latitude. +1618 new akza—BA ¦ f. shadow of latitude. +;----------------- +1620 old 4443,1akzaBAgaa/kza—BAga3 +1620 new 4443,1akzaBAgaakza—BAga3 +;----------------- +1621 old a/kza—BAga ¦ m. degree of latitude. +1621 new akza—BAga ¦ m. degree of latitude. +;----------------- +1623 old 4453,1akzaBAraa/kza—BAra3 +1623 new 4453,1akzaBAraakza—BAra3 +;----------------- +1624 old a/kza—BAra ¦ m. a cart-load. +1624 new akza—BAra ¦ m. a cart-load. +;----------------- +1629 old 4463,1akzasaNgama/kza—saNga/m3 +1629 new 4463,1akzasaNgamakza—saNga/m3 +;----------------- +1630 old a/kza—saNga/m ¦ ind. so that the axle is caught or hooked by contact with some obstruction, MaitrS. +1630 new akza—saNga/m ¦ ind. so that the axle is caught or hooked by contact with some obstruction, MaitrS. +;----------------- +1692 old 4653,1akzakitavaakza/—kitava3 +1692 new 4653,1akzakitavaakza—kitava3 +;----------------- +1693 old akza/—kitava ¦ m. a gambler, MBh. +1693 new akza—kitava ¦ m. a gambler, MBh. +;----------------- +1695 old 4663,1akzakuSalaakza/—kuSala3 +1695 new 4663,1akzakuSalaakza—kuSala3 +;----------------- +1696 old akza/—kuSala ¦ mfn. skilled in dice. +1696 new akza—kuSala ¦ mfn. skilled in dice. +;----------------- +1698 old 4673,1akzakzapaRaakza/—kzapaRa3 +1698 new 4673,1akzakzapaRaakza—kzapaRa3 +;----------------- +1699 old akza/—kzapaRa ¦ m. N. of a gambler, Kathās. +1699 new akza—kzapaRa ¦ m. N. of a gambler, Kathās. +;----------------- +1701 old 4683,1akzaglahaakza/—glaha3 +1701 new 4683,1akzaglahaakza—glaha3 +;----------------- +1702 old akza/—glaha ¦ m. gambling, playing at dice, MBh. +1702 new akza—glaha ¦ m. gambling, playing at dice, MBh. +;----------------- +1704 old 4693,1akzajaakza/—jab3 +1704 new 4693,1akzajaakza—jab3 +;----------------- +1705 old akza/—ja b ¦ m. a thunderbolt +1705 new akza—ja b ¦ m. a thunderbolt +;----------------- +1707 old 4703,1akzajaakza/—ja3A +1707 new 4703,1akzajaakza—ja3A +;----------------- +1710 old 4713,1akzatattvaakza/—tattva3 +1710 new 4713,1akzatattvaakza—tattva3 +;----------------- +1711 old akza/—tattva ¦ n. science of dice +1711 new akza—tattva ¦ n. science of dice +;----------------- +1713 old 4723,1akzatattvavidakza/—tattva—vid4 +1713 new 4723,1akzatattvavidakza—tattva—vid4 +;----------------- +1714 old akza/—tattva—vid ¦ mfn. skilled in it. +1714 new akza—tattva—vid ¦ mfn. skilled in it. +;----------------- +1716 old 4733,1akzadAyaakza/—dAya3 +1716 new 4733,1akzadAyaakza—dAya3 +;----------------- +1717 old akza/—dAya ¦ m. handing over the dice in gambling, Naiṣ. [moving a piece on a board, BR.] +1717 new akza—dAya ¦ m. handing over the dice in gambling, Naiṣ. [moving a piece on a board, BR.] +;----------------- +1719 old 4743,1akzadevanaakza/—devana3 +1719 new 4743,1akzadevanaakza—devana3 +;----------------- +1720 old akza/—devana ¦ n. gambling, dice-playing. +1720 new akza—devana ¦ n. gambling, dice-playing. +;----------------- +1722 old 4753,1akzadevinakza/—devin3 +1722 new 4753,1akzadevinakza—devin3 +;----------------- +1723 old akza/—devin or akza/—dyU, ¦ m. a gambler, a dice-player. +1723 new akza—devin or akza—dyU, ¦ m. a gambler, a dice-player. +;----------------- +1725 old 4763,1akzadyUakza/—dyU3 +1725 new 4763,1akzadyUakza—dyU3 +;----------------- +1726 old akza/—devin or akza/—dyU, ¦ m. a gambler, a dice-player. +1726 new akza—devin or akza—dyU, ¦ m. a gambler, a dice-player. +;----------------- +1728 old 4773,1akzadyUtaakza/—dyUta3 +1728 new 4773,1akzadyUtaakza—dyUta3 +;----------------- +1729 old akza/—dyUta ¦ n. gambling +1729 new akza—dyUta ¦ n. gambling +;----------------- +1731 old 4783,1akzadyUtaakza/—dyUta3A +1731 new 4783,1akzadyUtaakza—dyUta3A +;----------------- +1734 old 4793,1akzadyUtAdiakza/—dyUtAdi3 +1734 new 4793,1akzadyUtAdiakza—dyUtAdi3 +;----------------- +1735 old akza/—dyUtAdi ¦ a g. of Pāṇ. iv, 4, 19. +1735 new akza—dyUtAdi ¦ a g. of Pāṇ. iv, 4, 19. +;----------------- +1740 old 4813,1akzaDaraakza/—Dara3 +1740 new 4813,1akzaDaraakza—Dara3 +;----------------- +1741 old akza/—Dara ¦ mfn. holding dice +1741 new akza—Dara ¦ mfn. holding dice +;----------------- +1743 old 4823,1akzaDaraakza/—Dara3B +1743 new 4823,1akzaDaraakza—Dara3B +;----------------- +1744 old akza/—Dara ¦ m. Trophis Aspera (See SAKowa). +1744 new akza—Dara ¦ m. Trophis Aspera (See SAKowa). +;----------------- +1749 old 4833,1akzaDUrtaakza/—DUrta3 +1749 new 4833,1akzaDUrtaakza—DUrta3 +;----------------- +1750 old akza/—DUrta ¦ m. ‘dice-rogue’, gambler, L. +1750 new akza—DUrta ¦ m. ‘dice-rogue’, gambler, L. +;----------------- +1752 old 4843,1akzanEpuRaakza/—nEpuRa3 +1752 new 4843,1akzanEpuRaakza—nEpuRa3 +;----------------- +1753 old akza/—nEpuRa or akza/—nEpuRya. ¦ n. skill in gambling. +1753 new akza—nEpuRa or akza—nEpuRya. ¦ n. skill in gambling. +;----------------- +1755 old 4853,1akzanEpuRyaakza/—nEpuRya3 +1755 new 4853,1akzanEpuRyaakza—nEpuRya3 +;----------------- +1756 old akza/—nEpuRa or akza/—nEpuRya. ¦ n. skill in gambling. +1756 new akza—nEpuRa or akza—nEpuRya. ¦ n. skill in gambling. +;----------------- +1758 old 4863,2akzaparAjayaakza—parAjaya/3 +1758 new 4863,1akzaparAjayaakza—parAjaya/3 +;----------------- +1761 old 4873,2akzapariakza/—pari3 +1761 new 4873,2akzapariakza—pari3 +;----------------- +1762 old akza/—pari ¦ ind. with exception of a single die, Pāṇ. +1762 new akza—pari ¦ ind. with exception of a single die, Pāṇ. +;----------------- +1764 old 4883,2akzapAtaakza/—pAta3 +1764 new 4883,2akzapAtaakza—pAta3 +;----------------- +1765 old akza/—pAta ¦ m. throw or cast of dice. +1765 new akza—pAta ¦ m. throw or cast of dice. +;----------------- +1767 old 4893,2akzapAtanaakza/—pAtana3 +1767 new 4893,2akzapAtanaakza—pAtana3 +;----------------- +1768 old akza/—pAtana ¦ n. act of casting dice. +1768 new akza—pAtana ¦ n. act of casting dice. +;----------------- +1770 old 4903,2akzapriyaakza/—priya3 +1770 new 4903,2akzapriyaakza—priya3 +;----------------- +1771 old akza/—priya ¦ mfn. fond of dice, or (perhaps) favoured by dice. +1771 new akza—priya ¦ mfn. fond of dice, or (perhaps) favoured by dice. +;----------------- +1773 old 4913,2akzaBUmiakza/—BUmi3 +1773 new 4913,2akzaBUmiakza—BUmi3 +;----------------- +1774 old akza/—BUmi ¦ f. gambling-place. +1774 new akza—BUmi ¦ f. gambling-place. +;----------------- +1776 old 4923,2akzamadaakza/—mada3 +1776 new 4923,2akzamadaakza—mada3 +;----------------- +1777 old akza/—mada ¦ m. passion for dice. +1777 new akza—mada ¦ m. passion for dice. +;----------------- +1779 old 4933,2akzamAtraakza/—mAtra3 +1779 new 4933,2akzamAtraakza—mAtra3 +;----------------- +1780 old akza/—mAtra ¦ n. anything as big as dice +1780 new akza—mAtra ¦ n. anything as big as dice +;----------------- +1782 old 4943,2akzamAtraakza/—mAtra3A +1782 new 4943,2akzamAtraakza—mAtra3A +;----------------- +1785 old 4953,2akzamAlAakza/—mAlA3 +1785 new 4953,2akzamAlAakza—mAlA3 +;----------------- +1786 old akza/—mAlA ¦ f. a string or rosary of beads, especially of Eleocarpus seeds +1786 new akza—mAlA ¦ f. a string or rosary of beads, especially of Eleocarpus seeds +;----------------- +1788 old 4963,2akzamAlAakza/—mAlA3A +1788 new 4963,2akzamAlAakza—mAlA3A +;----------------- +1791 old 4973,2akzamAlAakza/—mAlA3A +1791 new 4973,2akzamAlAakza—mAlA3A +;----------------- +1794 old 4983,2akzamAlinakza/—mAlin3 +1794 new 4983,2akzamAlinakza—mAlin3 +;----------------- +1795 old akza/—mAlin ¦ mfn. wearing a rosary of seeds +1795 new akza—mAlin ¦ mfn. wearing a rosary of seeds +;----------------- +1797 old 4993,2akzamAlinakza/—mAlin3A +1797 new 4993,2akzamAlinakza—mAlin3A +;----------------- +1806 old 5013,2akzavatakza/—vat3 +1806 new 5013,2akzavatakza—vat3 +;----------------- +1807 old akza/—vat ¦ mfn. having dice +1807 new akza—vat ¦ mfn. having dice +;----------------- +1809 old 5023,2akzavatIakza/—vatI3B +1809 new 5023,2akzavatIakza—vatI3B +;----------------- +1810 old akza/—vatI ¦ f. a game of dice, L. +1810 new akza—vatI ¦ f. a game of dice, L. +;----------------- +1812 old 5033,2akzavApaakza/—vApa3 +1812 new 5033,2akzavApaakza—vApa3 +;----------------- +1813 old akza/—vApa ¦ = akzAvApa/ below, Kāṭh. +1813 new akza—vApa ¦ = akzAvApa/ below, Kāṭh. +;----------------- +1815 old 5043,2akzavAmaakza/—vAma3 +1815 new 5043,2akzavAmaakza—vAma3 +;----------------- +1816 old akza/—vAma ¦ m. an unfair gambler. +1816 new akza—vAma ¦ m. an unfair gambler. +;----------------- +1818 old 5053,2akzavidakza/—vida3 +1818 new 5053,2akzavidakza—vida3 +;----------------- +1819 old akza/—vid a ¦ mfn. skilful in gambling. +1819 new akza—vid a ¦ mfn. skilful in gambling. +;----------------- +1821 old 5063,2akzavfttaakza/—vftta3 +1821 new 5063,2akzavfttaakza—vftta3 +;----------------- +1822 old akza/—vftta ¦ mfn. anything that happens in gambling. +1822 new akza—vftta ¦ mfn. anything that happens in gambling. +;----------------- +1824 old 5073,2akzaSORqaakza/—SORqa3 +1824 new 5073,2akzaSORqaakza—SORqa3 +;----------------- +1825 old akza/—SORqa ¦ mfn. fond of gambling. +1825 new akza—SORqa ¦ mfn. fond of gambling. +;----------------- +1833 old 5083,2akzasUktaakza/—sUkta3 +1833 new 5083,2akzasUktaakza—sUkta3 +;----------------- +1834 old akza/—sUkta ¦ n. dice-hymn, N. of RV. x, 34. +1834 new akza—sUkta ¦ n. dice-hymn, N. of RV. x, 34. +;----------------- +1836 old 5093,2akzasUtraakza/—sUtra3 +1836 new 5093,2akzasUtraakza—sUtra3 +;----------------- +1837 old akza/—sUtra ¦ n. a string or rosary of Eleocarpus seeds. +1837 new akza—sUtra ¦ n. a string or rosary of Eleocarpus seeds. +;----------------- +1842 old 5103,2akzastuzaakza/—stuza3 +1842 new 5103,2akzastuzaakza—stuza3 +;----------------- +1843 old akza/—stuza ¦ m. Beleric Myrobalan. +1843 new akza—stuza ¦ m. Beleric Myrobalan. +;----------------- +1845 old 5113,2akzahfdayaakza/—hfdaya3 +1845 new 5113,2akzahfdayaakza—hfdaya3 +;----------------- +1846 old akza/—hfdaya ¦ n. innermost nature of dice, perfect skill in gambling. +1846 new akza—hfdaya ¦ n. innermost nature of dice, perfect skill in gambling. +;----------------- +1848 old 5123,2akzahfdayajYaakza/—hfdaya-jYa3 +1848 new 5123,2akzahfdayajYaakza—hfdaya-jYa3 +;----------------- +1849 old akza/—hfdaya-jYa ¦ mfn. perfectly skilled in gambling. +1849 new akza—hfdaya-jYa ¦ mfn. perfectly skilled in gambling. +;----------------- +2076 old 5753,2akzayyanavamIa-kzayya/—navamI3 +2076 new 5753,2akzayyanavamIa-kzayya—navamI3 +;----------------- +2077 old a-kzayya/—navamI ¦ f. the ninth day of the bright half of Āśvina. +2077 new a-kzayya—navamI ¦ f. the ninth day of the bright half of Āśvina. +;----------------- +2139 old 5933,3akzarakaraa-kza/ra—kara3 +2139 new 5933,3akzarakaraa-kzara—kara3 +;----------------- +2140 old a-kza/ra—kara ¦ m. a kind of religious meditation, Kāraṇḍ. +2140 new a-kzara—kara ¦ m. a kind of religious meditation, Kāraṇḍ. +;----------------- +2142 old 5943,3akzaracaYcua-kza/ra—caYcu3 +2142 new 5943,3akzaracaYcua-kzara—caYcu3 +;----------------- +2143 old a-kza/ra—caYcu or a-kza/ra—cuYcu or a-kza/ra—caRa or a-kza/ra—cana, ¦ m. ‘clever in writing’, a scribe, L. +2143 new a-kzara—caYcu or a-kzara—cuYcu or a-kzara—caRa or a-kzara—cana, ¦ m. ‘clever in writing’, a scribe, L. +;----------------- +2145 old 5953,3akzaracuYcua-kza/ra—cuYcu3 +2145 new 5953,3akzaracuYcua-kzara—cuYcu3 +;----------------- +2146 old a-kza/ra—caYcu or a-kza/ra—cuYcu or a-kza/ra—caRa or a-kza/ra—cana, ¦ m. ‘clever in writing’, a scribe, L. +2146 new a-kzara—caYcu or a-kzara—cuYcu or a-kzara—caRa or a-kzara—cana, ¦ m. ‘clever in writing’, a scribe, L. +;----------------- +2148 old 5963,3akzaracaRaa-kza/ra—caRa3 +2148 new 5963,3akzaracaRaa-kzara—caRa3 +;----------------- +2149 old a-kza/ra—caYcu or a-kza/ra—cuYcu or a-kza/ra—caRa or a-kza/ra—cana, ¦ m. ‘clever in writing’, a scribe, L. +2149 new a-kzara—caYcu or a-kzara—cuYcu or a-kzara—caRa or a-kzara—cana, ¦ m. ‘clever in writing’, a scribe, L. +;----------------- +2151 old 5973,3akzaracanaa-kza/ra—cana3 +2151 new 5973,3akzaracanaa-kzara—cana3 +;----------------- +2152 old a-kza/ra—caYcu or a-kza/ra—cuYcu or a-kza/ra—caRa or a-kza/ra—cana, ¦ m. ‘clever in writing’, a scribe, L. +2152 new a-kzara—caYcu or a-kzara—cuYcu or a-kzara—caRa or a-kzara—cana, ¦ m. ‘clever in writing’, a scribe, L. +;----------------- +2154 old 5983,3akzaracyutakaa-kza/ra—cyutaka3 +2154 new 5983,3akzaracyutakaa-kzara—cyutaka3 +;----------------- +2155 old a-kza/ra—cyutaka ¦ n. ‘supplying dropped (cyuta) syllables’, a kind of game, Kād. +2155 new a-kzara—cyutaka ¦ n. ‘supplying dropped (cyuta) syllables’, a kind of game, Kād. +;----------------- +2157 old 5993,3akzaraCandasa-kza/ra—Candas3 +2157 new 5993,3akzaraCandasa-kzara—Candas3 +;----------------- +2158 old a-kza/ra—Candas ¦ n. metre regulated by the number and quality of syllables. +2158 new a-kzara—Candas ¦ n. metre regulated by the number and quality of syllables. +;----------------- +2160 old 6003,3akzarajananIa-kza/ra—jananI3 +2160 new 6003,3akzarajananIa-kzara—jananI3 +;----------------- +2161 old a-kza/ra—jananI ¦ f. ‘letter producer’, a reed or pen. +2161 new a-kzara—jananI ¦ f. ‘letter producer’, a reed or pen. +;----------------- +2163 old 6013,3akzarajIvakaa-kza/ra—jIvaka3 +2163 new 6013,3akzarajIvakaa-kzara—jIvaka3 +;----------------- +2164 old a-kza/ra—jIvaka or a-kza/ra—jIvika or a-kza/ra—jIvin, ¦ m. ‘one who lives by writing’, a scribe. +2164 new a-kzara—jIvaka or a-kzara—jIvika or a-kzara—jIvin, ¦ m. ‘one who lives by writing’, a scribe. +;----------------- +2166 old 6023,3akzarajIvikaa-kza/ra—jIvika3 +2166 new 6023,3akzarajIvikaa-kzara—jIvika3 +;----------------- +2167 old a-kza/ra—jIvaka or a-kza/ra—jIvika or a-kza/ra—jIvin, ¦ m. ‘one who lives by writing’, a scribe. +2167 new a-kzara—jIvaka or a-kzara—jIvika or a-kzara—jIvin, ¦ m. ‘one who lives by writing’, a scribe. +;----------------- +2169 old 6033,3akzarajIvina-kza/ra—jIvin3 +2169 new 6033,3akzarajIvina-kzara—jIvin3 +;----------------- +2170 old a-kza/ra—jIvaka or a-kza/ra—jIvika or a-kza/ra—jIvin, ¦ m. ‘one who lives by writing’, a scribe. +2170 new a-kzara—jIvaka or a-kzara—jIvika or a-kzara—jIvin, ¦ m. ‘one who lives by writing’, a scribe. +;----------------- +2172 old 6043,3akzaratUlikAa-kza/ra—tUlikA3 +2172 new 6043,3akzaratUlikAa-kzara—tUlikA3 +;----------------- +2173 old a-kza/ra—tUlikA ¦ f. a reed or pen. +2173 new a-kzara—tUlikA ¦ f. a reed or pen. +;----------------- +2175 old 6053,3akzaranyAsaa-kza/ra—nyAsa3 +2175 new 6053,3akzaranyAsaa-kzara—nyAsa3 +;----------------- +2176 old a-kza/ra—nyAsa ¦ m. array of syllables or letters +2176 new a-kzara—nyAsa ¦ m. array of syllables or letters +;----------------- +2178 old 6063,3akzaranyAsaa-kza/ra—nyAsa3A +2178 new 6063,3akzaranyAsaa-kzara—nyAsa3A +;----------------- +2181 old 6073,3akzarapaNktia-kza/ra—paNkti3 +2181 new 6073,3akzarapaNktia-kzara—paNkti3 +;----------------- +2182 old a-kza/ra—paNkti ¦ mfn. containing five syllables +2182 new a-kzara—paNkti ¦ mfn. containing five syllables +;----------------- +2190 old 6103,3akzaraBAja-kza/ra—BAj3 +2190 new 6103,3akzaraBAja-kzara—BAj3 +;----------------- +2191 old a-kza/ra—BAj ¦ mfn. entitled to a share in the syllables (of a prayer), AitBr. +2191 new a-kzara—BAj ¦ mfn. entitled to a share in the syllables (of a prayer), AitBr. +;----------------- +2193 old 6113,3akzaramuKaa-kza/ra—muKa3 +2193 new 6113,3akzaramuKaa-kzara—muKa3 +;----------------- +2194 old a-kza/ra—muKa ¦ m. having the mouth full of syllables, a student, scholar, L. +2194 new a-kzara—muKa ¦ m. having the mouth full of syllables, a student, scholar, L. +;----------------- +2196 old 6123,3akzaramuzwikAa-kza/ra—muzwikA3 +2196 new 6123,3akzaramuzwikAa-kzara—muzwikA3 +;----------------- +2197 old a-kza/ra—muzwikA ¦ f. the art of communicating syllables or ideas by the fingers (one of the 64 Kalās), Vātsyāy. +2197 new a-kzara—muzwikA ¦ f. the art of communicating syllables or ideas by the fingers (one of the 64 Kalās), Vātsyāy. +;----------------- +2202 old 6133,3akzaravinyAsaa-kza/ra—vinyAsa3 +2202 new 6133,3akzaravinyAsaa-kzara—vinyAsa3 +;----------------- +2203 old a-kza/ra—vinyAsa ¦ = -nyAsa, Vikr. +2203 new a-kzara—vinyAsa ¦ = -nyAsa, Vikr. +;----------------- +2205 old 6143,3akzaraSasa-kza/ra—Sa/s3 +2205 new 6143,3akzaraSasa-kzara—Sa/s3 +;----------------- +2206 old a-kza/ra—Sa/s ¦ ind. syllable by syllable, MaitrS.; AitBr. +2206 new a-kzara—Sa/s ¦ ind. syllable by syllable, MaitrS.; AitBr. +;----------------- +2211 old 6153,3akzaraSUnyaa-kza/ra—SUnya3 +2211 new 6153,3akzaraSUnyaa-kzara—SUnya3 +;----------------- +2212 old a-kza/ra—SUnya ¦ mfn. inarticulate. +2212 new a-kzara—SUnya ¦ mfn. inarticulate. +;----------------- +2214 old 6163,3akzarasaMsTAnaa-kza/ra—saMsTAna3 +2214 new 6163,3akzarasaMsTAnaa-kzara—saMsTAna3 +;----------------- +2215 old a-kza/ra—saMsTAna ¦ n. scripture, writing, L. +2215 new a-kzara—saMsTAna ¦ n. scripture, writing, L. +;----------------- +2217 old 6173,3akzarasamAmnAyaa-kza/ra—samAmnAya3 +2217 new 6173,3akzarasamAmnAyaa-kzara—samAmnAya3 +;----------------- +2218 old a-kza/ra—samAmnAya ¦ m. alphabet, Pat.; BhP. +2218 new a-kzara—samAmnAya ¦ m. alphabet, Pat.; BhP. +;----------------- +2292 old 6373,3akzikUwaa/kzi—kUwa3 +2292 new 6373,3akzikUwaakzi—kUwa3 +;----------------- +2293 old a/kzi—kUwa or a/kzi—kUwaka, ¦ n. the prominent part of the forehead above the eye, Yājñ. &c. +2293 new akzi—kUwa or akzi—kUwaka, ¦ n. the prominent part of the forehead above the eye, Yājñ. &c. +;----------------- +2295 old 6383,3akzikUwakaa/kzi—kUwaka3 +2295 new 6383,3akzikUwakaakzi—kUwaka3 +;----------------- +2296 old a/kzi—kUwa or a/kzi—kUwaka, ¦ n. the prominent part of the forehead above the eye, Yājñ. &c. +2296 new akzi—kUwa or akzi—kUwaka, ¦ n. the prominent part of the forehead above the eye, Yājñ. &c. +;----------------- +2298 old 6393,3akzigataa/kzi—gata3 +2298 new 6393,3akzigataakzi—gata3 +;----------------- +2299 old a/kzi—gata ¦ mfn. presented to the eye, visible, seen +2299 new akzi—gata ¦ mfn. presented to the eye, visible, seen +;----------------- +2301 old 6403,3akzigataa/kzi—gata3A +2301 new 6403,3akzigataakzi—gata3A +;----------------- +2304 old 6413,3akzigolaa/kzi—gola3 +2304 new 6413,3akzigolaakzi—gola3 +;----------------- +2305 old a/kzi—gola ¦ m. the eyeball. +2305 new akzi—gola ¦ m. the eyeball. +;----------------- +2307 old 6423,3akzijAhaa/kzi—jAha3 +2307 new 6423,3akzijAhaakzi—jAha3 +;----------------- +2308 old a/kzi—jAha ¦ n. the root of the eye. +2308 new akzi—jAha ¦ n. the root of the eye. +;----------------- +2310 old 6433,3akzitArAa/kzi—tArA3 +2310 new 6433,3akzitArAakzi—tArA3 +;----------------- +2311 old a/kzi—tArA ¦ f. the pupil of the eye. +2311 new akzi—tArA ¦ f. the pupil of the eye. +;----------------- +2313 old 6443,3akzinikARama/kzi—nikARam3 +2313 new 6443,3akzinikARamakzi—nikARam3 +;----------------- +2314 old a/kzi—nikARam ¦ ind. with half-closed eyes, Pāṇ. iii, 4, 54, Sch. +2314 new akzi—nikARam ¦ ind. with half-closed eyes, Pāṇ. iii, 4, 54, Sch. +;----------------- +2316 old 644.13,3akzinikARama/kzi—nikARam3A +2316 new 644.13,3akzinikARamakzi—nikARam3A +;----------------- +2319 old 6453,3akzinimezaa/kzi—nimeza3 +2319 new 6453,3akzinimezaakzi—nimeza3 +;----------------- +2320 old a/kzi—nimeza ¦ m. twinkling of an eye, a moment, Suśr. +2320 new akzi—nimeza ¦ m. twinkling of an eye, a moment, Suśr. +;----------------- +2322 old 6463,3akzipakzmana/kzi—pakzman3 +2322 new 6463,3akzipakzmanakzi—pakzman3 +;----------------- +2323 old a/kzi—pakzman ¦ n. the eye lash. +2323 new akzi—pakzman ¦ n. the eye lash. +;----------------- +2325 old 6473,3akzipawalaa/kzi—pawala3 +2325 new 6473,3akzipawalaakzi—pawala3 +;----------------- +2326 old a/kzi—pawala ¦ n. coat of the eye, L. +2326 new akzi—pawala ¦ n. coat of the eye, L. +;----------------- +2331 old 6493,3akzipAkaa/kzi—pAka3 +2331 new 6493,3akzipAkaakzi—pAka3 +;----------------- +2332 old a/kzi—pAka ¦ m. inflammation of the eyes, Suśr. +2332 new akzi—pAka ¦ m. inflammation of the eyes, Suśr. +;----------------- +2340 old 6513,3akziBezajaa/kzi—Bezaja3 +2340 new 6513,3akziBezajaakzi—Bezaja3 +;----------------- +2341 old a/kzi—Bezaja ¦ n. medicament for the eyes, collyrium, &c. +2341 new akzi—Bezaja ¦ n. medicament for the eyes, collyrium, &c. +;----------------- +2343 old 6523,3akziBezajaa/kzi—Bezaja3B +2343 new 6523,3akziBezajaakzi—Bezaja3B +;----------------- +2344 old a/kzi—Bezaja ¦ m. a tree, Red Lodh. +2344 new akzi—Bezaja ¦ m. a tree, Red Lodh. +;----------------- +2346 old 6533,3akziBruvaa/kzi—Bruva3 +2346 new 6533,3akziBruvaakzi—Bruva3 +;----------------- +2347 old a/kzi—Bruva ¦ n. the eyes and eyebrows together. +2347 new akzi—Bruva ¦ n. the eyes and eyebrows together. +;----------------- +2349 old 6543,3akzimata/kzi—mat3 +2349 new 6543,3akzimatakzi—mat3 +;----------------- +2350 old a/kzi—mat ¦ mfn. possessing eyes. +2350 new akzi—mat ¦ mfn. possessing eyes. +;----------------- +2355 old 6553,3akzilomana/kzi—loman3 +2355 new 6553,3akzilomanakzi—loman3 +;----------------- +2356 old a/kzi—loman ¦ n. the eyelash. +2356 new akzi—loman ¦ n. the eyelash. +;----------------- +2358 old 6563,3akzivikURitaa/kzi—vikURita3 +2358 new 6563,3akzivikURitaakzi—vikURita3 +;----------------- +2359 old a/kzi—vikURita ¦ n. a glance with the eye-lids partially closed. +2359 new akzi—vikURita ¦ n. a glance with the eye-lids partially closed. +;----------------- +2361 old 6573,3akzisaMtarjanaa/kzi—saMtarjana3 +2361 new 6573,3akzisaMtarjanaakzi—saMtarjana3 +;----------------- +2362 old a/kzi—saMtarjana ¦ n. (probably), N. of a mythic weapon, MBh. +2362 new akzi—saMtarjana ¦ n. (probably), N. of a mythic weapon, MBh. +;----------------- +2409 old 6693,3akzanvatakzan—va/ta3 +2409 new 6693,3akzanvatakzan—va/t23 +;----------------- +2410 old akzan—va/t a ¦ mfn. having eyes, RV. +2410 new 2. akzan—va/t ¦ mfn. having eyes, RV. +;----------------- +2547 old 7064,1akzoDukaa-kzoDuka2 +2547 new 7064,1akzoDukaa/-kzoDuka2 +;----------------- +2548 old a-kzoDuka ¦ mfn. not hungry, MaitrS. +2548 new a/-kzoDuka ¦ mfn. not hungry, MaitrS. +;----------------- +2562 old 7104,1akzetrajYaa/-kzetra—jYa3 +2562 new 7104,1akzetrajYaa-kzetra—jYa3 +;----------------- +2563 old a/-kzetra—jYa [ŚBr.; Pāṇ. vii, 3, 30] or a/-kzetra—vid [a/kz°, RV. v, 40, 5 & x, 32, 7], ¦ not finding out the way. +2563 new a-kzetra—jYa [ŚBr.; Pāṇ. vii, 3, 30] or a/-kzetra—vid [a/kz°, RV. v, 40, 5 & x, 32, 7], ¦ not finding out the way. +;----------------- +2640 old 7264,1akzRayAdeSaakzRayA/—deSa/3 +2640 new 7264,1akzRayAdeSaakzRayA—deSa/3 +;----------------- +2641 old akzRayA/—deSa/ ¦ m. an intermediate region, ŚBr. +2641 new akzRayA—deSa/ ¦ m. an intermediate region, ŚBr. +;----------------- +2649 old 7284,1akzRayArajjuakzRayA/—rajju3 +2649 new 7284,1akzRayArajjuakzRayA—rajju3 +;----------------- +2650 old akzRayA/—rajju ¦ f. diagonal line, Śulbas. +2650 new akzRayA—rajju ¦ f. diagonal line, Śulbas. +;----------------- +2652 old 7294,1akzRayAstomIyAakzRayA/—stomI/yA3 +2652 new 7294,1akzRayAstomIyAakzRayA—stomI/yA3 +;----------------- +2653 old akzRayA/—stomI/yA ¦ f. N. of an Iṣṭakā, TS.; ŚBr. +2653 new akzRayA—stomI/yA ¦ f. N. of an Iṣṭakā, TS.; ŚBr. +;----------------- +3023 old 8284,3agastyagItAaga/stya—gItA3 +3023 new 8284,3agastyagItAagastya—gItA3 +;----------------- +3024 old aga/stya—gItA ¦ f. pl. Agastya's hymns, forming part of the Ādi-vārāha-Purāṇa. +3024 new agastya—gItA ¦ f. pl. Agastya's hymns, forming part of the Ādi-vārāha-Purāṇa. +;----------------- +3029 old 8294,3agastyacAraaga/stya—cAra3 +3029 new 8294,3agastyacAraagastya—cAra3 +;----------------- +3030 old aga/stya—cAra ¦ m. the path of Canopus. +3030 new agastya—cAra ¦ m. the path of Canopus. +;----------------- +3032 old 8304,3agastyamArgaaga/stya—mArga3 +3032 new 8304,3agastyamArgaagastya—mArga3 +;----------------- +3033 old aga/stya—mArga ¦ m. the path of Agastya (Canopus), i.e. the South. +3033 new agastya—mArga ¦ m. the path of Agastya (Canopus), i.e. the South. +;----------------- +3038 old 8314,3agastyasaMhitAaga/stya—saMhitA3 +3038 new 8314,3agastyasaMhitAag/stya—saMhitA3 +;----------------- +3039 old aga/stya—saMhitA ¦ f. N. of an old compendium of the Tantra literature. +3039 new agastya—saMhitA ¦ f. N. of an old compendium of the Tantra literature. +;----------------- +3128 old 8514,3agotAa-go—tA3 +3128 new 8514,3agotAa-go/—tA3 +;----------------- +3129 old a-go—tA ¦ (a go/) f. want of cows, RV.; AV. +3129 new a-go/—tA ¦ (a go/) f. want of cows, RV.; AV. +;----------------- +3179 old 8655,1agurua-guru1A +3179 new 8654,3agurua-guru1A +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0005.txt +; ******************************************************* +3308 old 8985,1agnikaRaagni/—kaRa3 +3308 new 8985,1agnikaRaagni—kaRa3 +;----------------- +3309 old agni/—kaRa ¦ m. ‘fire-particle’, a spark. +3309 new agni—kaRa ¦ m. ‘fire-particle’, a spark. +;----------------- +3311 old 8995,1agnikarmanagni/—karman3 +3311 new 8995,1agnikarmanagni—karma/n3 +;----------------- +3312 old agni/—karman ¦ n. ‘fire-act’, piling up the wood &c., ŚBr. +3312 new agni—karma/n ¦ n. ‘fire-act’, piling up the wood &c., ŚBr. +;----------------- +3314 old 9005,1agnikarmanagni/—karman3A +3314 new 9005,1agnikarmanagni—karma/n3A +;----------------- +3317 old 9015,1agnikarmanagni/—karman3A +3317 new 9015,1agnikarmanagni—karma/n3A +;----------------- +3323 old 9035,1agnikArikAagni/—kArikA3 +3323 new 9035,1agnikArikAagni—kArikA3 +;----------------- +3324 old agni/—kArikA [L.], f. and agni/—kArya [Mn. &c.], n. ¦ kindling or feeding the sacrificial fire with clarified butter &c. +3324 new agni—kArikA [L.], f. and agni/—kArya [Mn. &c.], n. ¦ kindling or feeding the sacrificial fire with clarified butter &c. +;----------------- +3326 old 903.15,1agnikArikAagni/—kArikA3A +3326 new 903.15,1agnikArikAagni—kArikA3A +;----------------- +3329 old 903.25,1agnikArikAagni/—kArikA3A +3329 new 903.25,1agnikArikAagni—kArikA3A +;----------------- +3332 old 9045,1agnikAryaagni/—kArya3 +3332 new 9045,1agnikAryaagni—kArya3 +;----------------- +3333 old agni/—kArikA [L.], f. and agni/—kArya [Mn. &c.], n. ¦ kindling or feeding the sacrificial fire with clarified butter &c. +3333 new agni—kArikA [L.], f. and agni/—kArya [Mn. &c.], n. ¦ kindling or feeding the sacrificial fire with clarified butter &c. +;----------------- +3335 old 904.15,1agnikAryaagni/—kArya3A +3335 new 904.15,1agnikAryaagni—kArya3A +;----------------- +3338 old 904.25,1agnikAryaagni/—kArya3A +3338 new 904.25,1agnikAryaagni—kArya3A +;----------------- +3341 old 9055,1agnikAzWaagni/—kAzWa3 +3341 new 9055,1agnikAzWaagni—kAzWa3 +;----------------- +3344 old 9065,1agnikukkuwaagni/—kukkuwa3 +3344 new 9065,1agnikukkuwaagni—kukkuwa3 +;----------------- +3345 old agni/—kukkuwa ¦ m. a lighted wisp of straw, firebrand, L. +3345 new agni—kukkuwa ¦ m. a lighted wisp of straw, firebrand, L. +;----------------- +3347 old 9075,1agnikuRqaagni/—kuRqa3 +3347 new 9075,1agnikuRqaagni—kuRqa3 +;----------------- +3348 old agni/—kuRqa ¦ n. a pan with live coals, R. +3348 new agni—kuRqa ¦ n. a pan with live coals, R. +;----------------- +3350 old 9085,1agnikuRqaagni/—kuRqa3A +3350 new 9085,1agnikuRqaagni—kuRqa3A +;----------------- +3353 old 9095,1agnikumAraagni/—kumAra3 +3353 new 9095,1agnikumAraagni—kumAra3 +;----------------- +3354 old agni/—kumAra ¦ m. a particular preparation of various drugs. N. of a class of Bhavanavāsin deities, Jain. +3354 new agni—kumAra ¦ m. a particular preparation of various drugs. N. of a class of Bhavanavāsin deities, Jain. +;----------------- +3356 old 9105,1agnikftaagni/—kfta3 +3356 new 9105,1agnikftaagni—kfta3 +;----------------- +3357 old agni/—kfta ¦ mfn. made by fire. +3357 new agni—kfta ¦ mfn. made by fire. +;----------------- +3365 old 9125,1agnikoRaagni/—koRa3 +3365 new 9125,1agnikoRaagni—koRa3 +;----------------- +3366 old agni/—koRa ¦ m. the south-east quarter, ruled over by Agni, L. +3366 new agni—koRa ¦ m. the south-east quarter, ruled over by Agni, L. +;----------------- +3368 old 9135,1agnikrIqAagni/—krIqA3 +3368 new 9135,1agnikrIqAagni—krIqA3 +;----------------- +3369 old agni/—krIqA ¦ f. ‘fire sport’, fire works, illuminations, &c. +3369 new agni—krIqA ¦ f. ‘fire sport’, fire works, illuminations, &c. +;----------------- +3374 old 9145,1agniKadAagni/—KadA3 +3374 new 9145,1agniKadAagni—KadA3 +;----------------- +3375 old agni/—KadA ¦ f. an infernal pan or stove, Kāraṇḍ. +3375 new agni—KadA ¦ f. an infernal pan or stove, Kāraṇḍ. +;----------------- +3377 old 9155,1agnigarBaagni/—garBa3 +3377 new 9155,1agnigarBaagni—garBa3 +;----------------- +3378 old agni/—garBa ¦ mf(A)n. pregnant with fire, BṛĀrUp. +3378 new agni—garBa ¦ mf(A)n. pregnant with fire, BṛĀrUp. +;----------------- +3380 old 9165,1agnigarBaagni/—garBa3B +3380 new 9165,1agnigarBaagni—garBa3B +;----------------- +3381 old agni/—garBa ¦ m. a gem supposed to contain and give out solar heat (= sUrya-kAnta), L. +3381 new agni—garBa ¦ m. a gem supposed to contain and give out solar heat (= sUrya-kAnta), L. +;----------------- +3383 old 9175,1agnigarBaagni/—garBa3B +3383 new 9175,1agnigarBaagni—garBa3B +;----------------- +3386 old 9185,1agnigarBaagni/—garBa3B +3386 new 9185,1agnigarBaagni—garBa3B +;----------------- +3389 old 9195,1agnigarBAagni/—garBA3B +3389 new 9195,1agnigarBAagni—garBA3B +;----------------- +3390 old agni/—garBA ¦ f. the plant Mahājyotiṣmatī. +3390 new agni—garBA ¦ f. the plant Mahājyotiṣmatī. +;----------------- +3392 old 9205,1agnigfhaagni/—gfha3 +3392 new 9205,1agnigfhaagni—gfha3 +;----------------- +3393 old agni/—gfha ¦ n. house or place for keeping the sacred fire, MBh. +3393 new agni—gfha ¦ n. house or place for keeping the sacred fire, MBh. +;----------------- +3395 old 9215,1agnigfhaagni/—gfha3A +3395 new 9215,1agnigfhaagni—gfha3A +;----------------- +3401 old 9225,1agnigranTaagni/—granTa3 +3401 new 9225,1agnigranTaagni—granTa3 +;----------------- +3402 old agni/—granTa ¦ m. N. of wk. +3402 new agni—granTa ¦ m. N. of wk. +;----------------- +3404 old 9235,1agniGawaagni/—Gawa3 +3404 new 9235,1agniGawaagni—Gawa3 +;----------------- +3405 old agni/—Gawa ¦ m. N. of a hell, Kāraṇḍ. +3405 new agni—Gawa ¦ m. N. of a hell, Kāraṇḍ. +;----------------- +3410 old 9245,1agnicayaagni/—caya3 +3410 new 9245,1agnicayaagni—caya3 +;----------------- +3411 old agni/—caya [Śulb.], m. or agni/—cayana, n. or agni/—citi, f. or agni/—cityA/ [ŚBr.], f. ¦ arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place +3411 new agni—caya [Śulb.], m. or agni—cayana, n. or agni—citi, f. or agni—cityA/ [ŚBr.], f. ¦ arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place +;----------------- +3413 old 924.15,1agnicayaagni/—caya3A +3413 new 924.15,1agnicayaagni—caya3A +;----------------- +3416 old 9255,1agnicayanaagni/—cayana3 +3416 new 9255,1agnicayanaagni—cayana3 +;----------------- +3417 old agni/—caya [Śulb.], m. or agni/—cayana, n. or agni/—citi, f. or agni/—cityA/ [ŚBr.], f. ¦ arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place +3417 new agni—caya [Śulb.], m. or agni—cayana, n. or agni—citi, f. or agni—cityA/ [ŚBr.], f. ¦ arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place +;----------------- +3419 old 9265,1agnicitiagni/—citi3 +3419 new 9265,1agnicitiagni—citi3 +;----------------- +3420 old agni/—caya [Śulb.], m. or agni/—cayana, n. or agni/—citi, f. or agni/—cityA/ [ŚBr.], f. ¦ arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place +3420 new agni—caya [Śulb.], m. or agni—cayana, n. or agni—citi, f. or agni—cityA/ [ŚBr.], f. ¦ arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place +;----------------- +3423 old agni/—caya [Śulb.], m. or agni/—cayana, n. or agni/—citi, f. or agni—cityA/ [ŚBr.], f. ¦ arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place +3423 new agni—caya [Śulb.], m. or agni—cayana, n. or agni—citi, f. or agni—cityA/ [ŚBr.], f. ¦ arranging to preparing the sacred or sacrificial fire-place +;----------------- +3431 old 9305,1agnicitvatagni/—cit-vat3 +3431 new 9305,1agnicitvatagni—cit-vat3 +;----------------- +3432 old agni/—cit-vat ¦ mfn. possessing house holders that have prepared a sacred fire-place, Pāṇ. viii, 2, 10, Sch. +3432 new agni—cit-vat ¦ mfn. possessing house holders that have prepared a sacred fire-place, Pāṇ. viii, 2, 10, Sch. +;----------------- +3434 old 9315,1agnijaagni/—ja/3 +3434 new 9315,1agnijaagni—ja/3 +;----------------- +3435 old agni/—ja/ ¦ mfn. ‘fire-born’, produced by or in fire, AV.; MaitrS. +3435 new agni—ja/ ¦ mfn. ‘fire-born’, produced by or in fire, AV.; MaitrS. +;----------------- +3437 old 9325,1agnijaagni/—ja/3B +3437 new 9325,1agnijaagni—ja/3B +;----------------- +3438 old agni/—ja/ ¦ m. N. of Viṣṇu, Hariv. +3438 new agni—ja/ ¦ m. N. of Viṣṇu, Hariv. +;----------------- +3440 old 9335,1agnijaagni/—ja/3B +3440 new 9335,1agnijaagni—ja/3B +;----------------- +3443 old 9345,1agnijanmanagni/—janman3 +3443 new 9345,1agnijanmanagni—janman3 +;----------------- +3444 old agni/—janman ¦ m. ‘fire-born’, Skanda, god of war. +3444 new agni—janman ¦ m. ‘fire-born’, Skanda, god of war. +;----------------- +3449 old 9355,1agnijAraagni/—jAra3 +3449 new 9355,1agnijAraagni—jAra3 +;----------------- +3450 old agni/—jAra or agni/—jAla, ¦ m. N. of a frothy substance on the sea (cf. -garBa and -ja/), L. +3450 new agni—jAra or agni—jAla, ¦ m. N. of a frothy substance on the sea (cf. -garBa and -ja/), L. +;----------------- +3452 old 9365,1agnijAlaagni/—jAla3 +3452 new 9365,1agnijAlaagni—jAla3 +;----------------- +3453 old agni/—jAra or agni/—jAla, ¦ m. N. of a frothy substance on the sea (cf. -garBa and -ja/), L. +3453 new agni—jAra or agni—jAla, ¦ m. N. of a frothy substance on the sea (cf. -garBa and -ja/), L. +;----------------- +3455 old 9375,2agnijihvaagni—jihva/3 +3455 new 9375,1agnijihvaagni—jihva/3 +;----------------- +3464 old 939.11309,1agnijyezWaagni—jyezWa3 +3464 new 939.11309,1agnijyezWaagni/—jyezWa3 +;----------------- +3465 old agni—jyezWa ¦ (°ni/-jy°), mfn. having Agni for a chief, TBr. +3465 new agni/—jyezWa ¦ (°ni/-jy°), mfn. having Agni for a chief, TBr. +;----------------- +3470 old 9405,2agnijvalitatejanaagni/—jvalita-tejana3 +3470 new 9405,2agnijvalitatejanaagni—jvalita-tejana3 +;----------------- +3471 old agni/—jvalita-tejana ¦ mfn. having a point hardened in fire, Mn. vii, 90. +3471 new agni—jvalita-tejana ¦ mfn. having a point hardened in fire, Mn. vii, 90. +;----------------- +3473 old 9415,2agnijvAlaagni/—jvAla3 +3473 new 9415,2agnijvAlaagni—jvAla3 +;----------------- +3474 old agni/—jvAla ¦ m. N. of Śiva +3474 new agni—jvAla ¦ m. N. of Śiva +;----------------- +3476 old 9425,2agnijvAlAagni/—jvAlA3B +3476 new 9425,2agnijvAlAagni—jvAlA3B +;----------------- +3477 old agni/—jvAlA ¦ f. flame of fire +3477 new agni—jvAlA ¦ f. flame of fire +;----------------- +3479 old 9435,2agnijvAlAagni/—jvAlA3B +3479 new 9435,2agnijvAlAagni—jvAlA3B +;----------------- +3482 old 9445,2agnijvAlAagni/—jvAlA3B +3482 new 9445,2agnijvAlAagni—jvAlA3B +;----------------- +3498 old agni/—tA ¦ (agni/) f. the state of fire, ŚBr. +3498 new agni/—tA ¦ (agni/), f. the state of fire, ŚBr. +;----------------- +3504 old agni/—tejas ¦ mfn. (agni/-) having the energy of fire or of Agni, AV. +3504 new agni/—tejas ¦ (agni/-), mfn. having the energy of fire or of Agni, AV. +;----------------- +3509 old 9505,2agnitrayaagni/—traya3 +3509 new 9505,2agnitrayaagni—traya3 +;----------------- +3510 old agni/—traya, n. or agni/—tretA [Mn.; MBh.], f. ¦ the three sacred fires, called respectively Gārhapatya, Āhavanīya, and Dakṣiṇa. +3510 new agni—traya, n. or agni—tretA [Mn.; MBh.], f. ¦ the three sacred fires, called respectively Gārhapatya, Āhavanīya, and Dakṣiṇa. +;----------------- +3512 old 9515,2agnitretAagni/—tretA3 +3512 new 9515,2agnitretAagni—tretA3 +;----------------- +3513 old agni/—traya, n. or agni/—tretA [Mn.; MBh.], f. ¦ the three sacred fires, called respectively Gārhapatya, Āhavanīya, and Dakṣiṇa. +3513 new agni—traya, n. or agni—tretA [Mn.; MBh.], f. ¦ the three sacred fires, called respectively Gārhapatya, Āhavanīya, and Dakṣiṇa. +;----------------- +3515 old 9525,2agnitrAagni/—trA3 +3515 new 9525,2agnitrAagni—trA3 +;----------------- +3516 old agni/—trA ¦ mfn. See a/n-agnitrA. +3516 new agni—trA ¦ mfn. See a/n-agnitrA. +;----------------- +3518 old 9535,2agnidaagni/—da3 +3518 new 9535,2agnidaagni—da3 +;----------------- +3519 old agni/—da ¦ m. ‘fire-giver’, incendiary, Mn.; Yājñ. +3519 new agni—da ¦ m. ‘fire-giver’, incendiary, Mn.; Yājñ. +;----------------- +3521 old 9545,2agnidaagni/—da3A +3521 new 9545,2agnidaagni—da3A +;----------------- +3525 old 1. agni/—dagDa ¦ mfn. burnt with fire, RV. x, 103, additional verses; ŚBr. +3525 new 1. agni/—dagDa ¦ (agni/), mfn. burnt with fire, RV. x, 103, additional verses; ŚBr. +;----------------- +3539 old 9585,2agnidattaagni/—datta3 +3539 new 9585,2agnidattaagni—datta3 +;----------------- +3540 old agni/—datta ¦ m. N. of a prince +3540 new agni—datta ¦ m. N. of a prince +;----------------- +3542 old 9595,2agnidattaagni/—datta3A +3542 new 9595,2agnidattaagni—datta3A +;----------------- +3545 old 9605,2agnidamanIagni/—damanI3 +3545 new 9605,2agnidamanIagni—damanI3 +;----------------- +3546 old agni/—damanI ¦ f. a narcotic plant, Solanum Jacquini. +3546 new agni—damanI ¦ f. a narcotic plant, Solanum Jacquini. +;----------------- +3548 old 9615,2agnidAyakaagni/—dAyaka3 +3548 new 9615,2agnidAyakaagni—dAyaka3 +;----------------- +3549 old agni/—dAyaka ¦ m. = -da, q.v. +3549 new agni—dAyaka ¦ m. = -da, q.v. +;----------------- +3551 old 9625,2agnidAhaagni/—dAha3 +3551 new 9625,2agnidAhaagni—dAha3 +;----------------- +3552 old agni/—dAha ¦ m. a particular disease +3552 new agni—dAha ¦ m. a particular disease +;----------------- +3554 old 9635,2agnidAhaagni/—dAha3A +3554 new 9635,2agnidAhaagni—dAha3A +;----------------- +3557 old 9645,2agnidiSagni/—diS3 +3557 new 9645,2agnidiSagni—diS3 +;----------------- +3558 old agni/—diS ¦ f. Agni's quarter, the south-east +3558 new agni—diS ¦ f. Agni's quarter, the south-east +;----------------- +3560 old 9655,2agnidIpanaagni/—dIpana3 +3560 new 9655,2agnidIpanaagni—dIpana3 +;----------------- +3561 old agni/—dIpana ¦ mf(I)n. stomachic, Suśr. +3561 new agni—dIpana ¦ mf(I)n. stomachic, Suśr. +;----------------- +3563 old 9665,2agnidIptaagni/—dIpta3 +3563 new 9665,2agnidIptaagni—dIpta3 +;----------------- +3564 old agni/—dIpta ¦ mfn. blazing, glowing +3564 new agni—dIpta ¦ mfn. blazing, glowing +;----------------- +3566 old 9675,2agnidIptAagni/—dIptA3B +3566 new 9675,2agnidIptAagni—dIptA3B +;----------------- +3567 old agni/—dIptA ¦ f. the plant Mahājyotiṣmatī. +3567 new agni—dIptA ¦ f. the plant Mahājyotiṣmatī. +;----------------- +3569 old 9685,2agnidIptiagni/—dIpti3 +3569 new 9685,2agnidIptiagni—dIpti3 +;----------------- +3570 old agni/—dIpti ¦ f. active state of digestion, Suśr. +3570 new agni—dIpti ¦ f. active state of digestion, Suśr. +;----------------- +3575 old 9705,2agnidUzitaagni/—dUzita3 +3575 new 9705,2agnidUzitaagni—dUzita3 +;----------------- +3576 old agni/—dUzita ¦ mfn. ‘fire-marked’, branded. +3576 new agni—dUzita ¦ mfn. ‘fire-marked’, branded. +;----------------- +3578 old 9715,2agnidevaagni/—deva3 +3578 new 9715,2agnidevaagni—deva3 +;----------------- +3579 old agni/—deva ¦ m. Agni +3579 new agni—deva ¦ m. Agni +;----------------- +3581 old 9725,2agnidevAagni/—devA3B +3581 new 9725,2agnidevAagni—devA3B +;----------------- +3582 old agni/—devA ¦ f. = -nakzatra/, q.v., L. +3582 new agni—devA ¦ f. = -nakzatra/, q.v., L. +;----------------- +3587 old 9745,2agnidEvataagni/—dEvata3 +3587 new 9745,2agnidEvataagni—dEvata3 +;----------------- +3588 old agni/—dEvata ¦ n. = -nakzatra/, q.v., VarBṛS. +3588 new agni—dEvata ¦ n. = -nakzatra/, q.v., VarBṛS. +;----------------- +3599 old 9785,2agninayanaagni/—nayana3 +3599 new 9785,2agninayanaagni—nayana3 +;----------------- +3600 old agni/—nayana ¦ n. the act of bringing out the sacrificial fire. +3600 new agni—nayana ¦ n. the act of bringing out the sacrificial fire. +;----------------- +3611 old 9795,2agniniryAsaagni/—niryAsa3 +3611 new 9795,2agniniryAsaagni—niryAsa3 +;----------------- +3612 old agni/—niryAsa ¦ m. = -jAra. +3612 new agni—niryAsa ¦ m. = -jAra. +;----------------- +3623 old 9825,2agnipakvaagni/—pakva3 +3623 new 9825,2agnipakvaagni—pakva3 +;----------------- +3624 old agni/—pakva ¦ mfn. cooked on the fire, Mn. +3624 new agni—pakva ¦ mfn. cooked on the fire, Mn. +;----------------- +3629 old 9835,2agnipadaagni/—pada3 +3629 new 9835,2agnipadaagni—pada3 +;----------------- +3630 old agni/—pada ¦ m. ‘whose foot has stepped on the sacrificial fire place’, N. of a horse, Lāṭy.; Vait. +3630 new agni—pada ¦ m. ‘whose foot has stepped on the sacrificial fire place’, N. of a horse, Lāṭy.; Vait. +;----------------- +3632 old 9845,2agniparikriyAagni/—parikriyA3 +3632 new 9845,2agniparikriyAagni—parikriyA3 +;----------------- +3633 old agni/—parikriyA ¦ f. care of the sacred fire, Mn. ii, 67. +3633 new agni—parikriyA ¦ f. care of the sacred fire, Mn. ii, 67. +;----------------- +3635 old 9855,2agniparicCadaagni/—paricCada3 +3635 new 9855,2agniparicCadaagni—paricCada3 +;----------------- +3636 old agni/—paricCada ¦ m. the whole apparatus of a fire-sacrifice, Mn. vi, 4. +3636 new agni—paricCada ¦ m. the whole apparatus of a fire-sacrifice, Mn. vi, 4. +;----------------- +3638 old 9865,2agnipariDAnaagni/—pariDAna3 +3638 new 9865,2agnipariDAnaagni—pariDAna3 +;----------------- +3639 old agni/—pariDAna ¦ n. enclosing the sacrificial fire with a kind of screen. +3639 new agni—pariDAna ¦ n. enclosing the sacrificial fire with a kind of screen. +;----------------- +3641 old 9875,2agniparIkzAagni/—parIkzA3 +3641 new 9875,2agniparIkzAagni—parIkzA3 +;----------------- +3642 old agni/—parIkzA ¦ f. ordeal by fire. +3642 new agni—parIkzA ¦ f. ordeal by fire. +;----------------- +3644 old 9885,2agniparvataagni/—parvata3 +3644 new 9885,2agniparvataagni—parvata3 +;----------------- +3645 old agni/—parvata ¦ m. ‘fire-mountain’, a volcano, R. +3645 new agni—parvata ¦ m. ‘fire-mountain’, a volcano, R. +;----------------- +3653 old 9895,2agnipucCaagni/—pucCa3 +3653 new 9895,2agnipucCaagni—pucCa3 +;----------------- +3654 old agni/—pucCa ¦ n. tail or extreme point of, a sacrificial fire (arranged in the shape of a bird), ĀśvŚr. +3654 new agni—pucCa ¦ n. tail or extreme point of, a sacrificial fire (arranged in the shape of a bird), ĀśvŚr. +;----------------- +3659 old 9905,2agnipurAagni/—purA/3 +3659 new 9905,2agnipurAagni—purA/3 +;----------------- +3660 old agni/—purA/ ¦ f. the castle of Agni, ŚBr. +3660 new agni—purA/ ¦ f. the castle of Agni, ŚBr. +;----------------- +3662 old 9915,2agnipurARaagni/—purARa3 +3662 new 9915,2agnipurARaagni—purARa3 +;----------------- +3663 old agni/—purARa ¦ n. N. of a Purāṇa. +3663 new agni—purARa ¦ n. N. of a Purāṇa. +;----------------- +3665 old 9925,2agnipurogamaagni/—purogama3 +3665 new 9925,2agnipurogamaagni—purogama3 +;----------------- +3666 old agni/—purogama ¦ mfn. having Agni for a leader. +3666 new agni—purogama ¦ mfn. having Agni for a leader. +;----------------- +3668 old 9935,2agnipraRayanaagni/—praRayana3 +3668 new 9935,2agnipraRayanaagni—praRayana3 +;----------------- +3669 old agni/—praRayana ¦ n. = -nayana, q.v. +3669 new agni—praRayana ¦ n. = -nayana, q.v. +;----------------- +3674 old 9945,2agnipraRayanIyaagni/—praRayanIya3 +3674 new 9945,2agnipraRayanIyaagni—praRayanIya3 +;----------------- +3675 old agni/—praRayanIya ¦ mfn. referring to the -praRayana. +3675 new agni—praRayanIya ¦ mfn. referring to the -praRayana. +;----------------- +3677 old 9955,2agnipratizWAagni/—pratizWA3 +3677 new 9955,2agnipratizWAagni—pratizWA3 +;----------------- +3678 old agni/—pratizWA ¦ f. consecration of fire, especially of the nuptial fire. +3678 new agni—pratizWA ¦ f. consecration of fire, especially of the nuptial fire. +;----------------- +3683 old 9965,2agnipraBAagni/—praBA3 +3683 new 9965,2agnipraBAagni—praBA3 +;----------------- +3684 old agni/—praBA ¦ f. a venomous insect, Suśr. +3684 new agni—praBA ¦ f. a venomous insect, Suśr. +;----------------- +3686 old 9975,2agnipraveSaagni/—praveSa3 +3686 new 9975,2agnipraveSaagni—praveSa3 +;----------------- +3687 old agni/—praveSa, m. or agni/—praveSana, n. ¦ entering the fire, self immolation of a widow on her husband's funeral pile. +3687 new agni—praveSa, m. or agni—praveSana, n. ¦ entering the fire, self immolation of a widow on her husband's funeral pile. +;----------------- +3689 old 9985,2agnipraveSanaagni/—praveSana3 +3689 new 9985,2agnipraveSanaagni—praveSana3 +;----------------- +3690 old agni/—praveSa, m. or agni/—praveSana, n. ¦ entering the fire, self immolation of a widow on her husband's funeral pile. +3690 new agni—praveSa, m. or agni—praveSana, n. ¦ entering the fire, self immolation of a widow on her husband's funeral pile. +;----------------- +3692 old 9995,2agniprastaraagni/—prastara3 +3692 new 9995,2agniprastaraagni—prastara3 +;----------------- +3693 old agni/—prastara ¦ m. a fire-producing stone +3693 new agni—prastara ¦ m. a fire-producing stone +;----------------- +3695 old 10005,2agniprastaraagni/—prastara3A +3695 new 10005,2agniprastaraagni—prastara3A +;----------------- +3698 old 10015,2agniprAyaScittaagni/—prAyaScitta3 +3698 new 10015,2agniprAyaScittaagni—prAyaScitta3 +;----------------- +3699 old agni/—prAyaScitta, n. or agni/—prAyaScitti/ [ŚBr.], f. ¦ an expiatory act during the preparation of the sacrificial fire. +3699 new agni—prAyaScitta, n. or agni—prAyaScitti/ [ŚBr.], f. ¦ an expiatory act during the preparation of the sacrificial fire. +;----------------- +3701 old 10025,2agniprAyaScittiagni/—prAyaScitti/3 +3701 new 10025,2agniprAyaScittiagni—prAyaScitti/3 +;----------------- +3702 old agni/—prAyaScitta, n. or agni/—prAyaScitti/ [ŚBr.], f. ¦ an expiatory act during the preparation of the sacrificial fire. +3702 new agni—prAyaScitta, n. or agni—prAyaScitti/ [ŚBr.], f. ¦ an expiatory act during the preparation of the sacrificial fire. +;----------------- +3704 old 10035,2agnibAhuagni/—bAhu3 +3704 new 10035,2agnibAhuagni—bAhu3 +;----------------- +3705 old agni/—bAhu ¦ m. smoke [cf. -vAha], L. +3705 new agni—bAhu ¦ m. smoke [cf. -vAha], L. +;----------------- +3707 old 10045,2agnibAhuagni/—bAhu3A +3707 new 10045,2agnibAhuagni—bAhu3A +;----------------- +3710 old 10055,2agnibAhuagni/—bAhu3A +3710 new 10055,2agnibAhuagni—bAhu3A +;----------------- +3713 old 10065,2agnibIjaagni/—bIja3 +3713 new 10065,2agnibIjaagni—bIja3 +;----------------- +3714 old agni/—bIja ¦ n. gold, L. +3714 new agni—bIja ¦ n. gold, L. +;----------------- +3716 old 10075,2agnibIjaagni/—bIja3A +3716 new 10075,2agnibIjaagni—bIja3A +;----------------- +3719 old 10085,2agniBaagni/—Ba3 +3719 new 10085,2agniBaagni—Ba3 +;----------------- +3720 old agni/—Ba ¦ n. ‘shining like fire’, gold, L. +3720 new agni—Ba ¦ n. ‘shining like fire’, gold, L. +;----------------- +3725 old 10095,2agniBuagni/—Bu3 +3725 new 10095,2agniBuagni—Bu3 +;----------------- +3726 old agni/—Bu ¦ n. ‘fire produced’, water, L. +3726 new agni—Bu ¦ n. ‘fire produced’, water, L. +;----------------- +3728 old 10105,2agniBUagni/—BU3 +3728 new 10105,2agniBUagni—BU3 +;----------------- +3729 old agni/—BU ¦ m. Skanda, L. +3729 new agni—BU ¦ m. Skanda, L. +;----------------- +3731 old 10115,2agniBUagni/—BU3A +3731 new 10115,2agniBUagni—BU3A +;----------------- +3734 old 10125,2agniBUagni/—BU3A +3734 new 10125,2agniBUagni—BU3A +;----------------- +3743 old 10155,2agnimaRiagni/—maRi3 +3743 new 10155,2agnimaRiagni—maRi3 +;----------------- +3744 old agni/—maRi ¦ m. the sun-stone (= surya-kAnta). +3744 new agni—maRi ¦ m. the sun-stone (= surya-kAnta). +;----------------- +3746 old 10165,2agnimatagni/—ma/t3 +3746 new 10165,2agnimatagni—ma/t3 +;----------------- +3747 old agni/—ma/t ¦ mfn. being near the fire, AV. (RV. has va/t) +3747 new agni—ma/t ¦ mfn. being near the fire, AV. (RV. has va/t) +;----------------- +3749 old 10175,2agnimatagni/—ma/t3A +3749 new 10175,2agnimatagni—ma/t3A +;----------------- +3752 old 10185,2agnimatagni/—ma/t3A +3752 new 10185,2agnimatagni—ma/t3A +;----------------- +3755 old 10195,2agnimanTaagni/—manTa3 +3755 new 10195,2agnimanTaagni—manTa3 +;----------------- +3756 old agni/—manTa ¦ mfn. producing fire by friction +3756 new agni—manTa ¦ mfn. producing fire by friction +;----------------- +3758 old 10205,2agnimanTaagni/—manTa3B +3758 new 10205,2agnimanTaagni—manTa3B +;----------------- +3759 old agni/—manTa ¦ m. Premna Spinosa, Suśr. +3759 new agni—manTa ¦ m. Premna Spinosa, Suśr. +;----------------- +3767 old 10215,2agnimanTanaagni/—manTana3 +3767 new 10215,2agnimanTanaagni—manTana3 +;----------------- +3768 old agni/—manTana ¦ n. production of fire by friction, ĀśvŚr. +3768 new agni—manTana ¦ n. production of fire by friction, ĀśvŚr. +;----------------- +3770 old 10225,2agnimanTanIyaagni/—manTanIya3 +3770 new 10225,2agnimanTanIyaagni—manTanIya3 +;----------------- +3771 old agni/—manTanIya ¦ mfn. relating to such friction, ib. +3771 new agni—manTanIya ¦ mfn. relating to such friction, ib. +;----------------- +3773 old 10235,2agnimayaagni/—ma/ya3 +3773 new 10235,2agnimayaagni—ma/ya3 +;----------------- +3774 old agni/—ma/ya ¦ mf(I)n. fiery, ŚBr.; AitBr. +3774 new agni—ma/ya ¦ mf(I)n. fiery, ŚBr.; AitBr. +;----------------- +3776 old 10245,2agnimAWaraagni/—mAWara3 +3776 new 10245,2agnimAWaraagni—mAWara3 +;----------------- +3777 old agni/—mAWara ¦ m. N. of an expounder of the Ṛg-veda, VP. +3777 new agni—mAWara ¦ m. N. of an expounder of the Ṛg-veda, VP. +;----------------- +3779 old 10255,2agnimAndyaagni/—mAndya3 +3779 new 10255,2agnimAndyaagni—mAndya3 +;----------------- +3780 old agni/—mAndya ¦ n. slowness of digestion, dyspepsia. +3780 new agni—mAndya ¦ n. slowness of digestion, dyspepsia. +;----------------- +3782 old 10265,2agnimArutiagni/—mAruti3 +3782 new 10265,2agnimArutiagni—mAruti3 +;----------------- +3783 old agni/—mAruti ¦ m. N. of Agastya, L. +3783 new agni—mAruti ¦ m. N. of Agastya, L. +;----------------- +3785 old 10275,2agnimArutiagni/—mAruti3A +3785 new 10275,2agnimArutiagni—mAruti3A +;----------------- +3788 old 10285,2agnimitraagni/—mitra3 +3788 new 10285,2agnimitraagni—mitra3 +;----------------- +3789 old agni/—mitra ¦ m. N. of a prince of the Śuṅga, dynasty, son of Puṣyamitra, VP. +3789 new agni—mitra ¦ m. N. of a prince of the Śuṅga, dynasty, son of Puṣyamitra, VP. +;----------------- +3821 old 10325,3agniyutaagni/—yuta3 +3821 new 10325,3agniyutaagni—yuta3 +;----------------- +3822 old agni/—yuta ¦ m. N. of the author of the hymn x, 116 in the Ṛg-veda. +3822 new agni—yuta ¦ m. N. of the author of the hymn x, 116 in the Ṛg-veda. +;----------------- +3824 old 10335,3agniyojanaagni/—yojana3 +3824 new 10335,3agniyojanaagni—yojana3 +;----------------- +3825 old agni/—yojana ¦ n. the act of stirring the sacrificial fire (to make it blaze up). +3825 new agni—yojana ¦ n. the act of stirring the sacrificial fire (to make it blaze up). +;----------------- +3830 old 10345,3agnirakzaRaagni/—rakzaRa3 +3830 new 10345,3agnirakzaRaagni—rakzaRa3 +;----------------- +3831 old agni/—rakzaRa ¦ n. maintenance of the sacred domestic fire. +3831 new agni—rakzaRa ¦ n. maintenance of the sacred domestic fire. +;----------------- +3833 old 10355,3agnirajaagni/—raja3 +3833 new 10355,3agnirajaagni—raja3 +;----------------- +3834 old agni/—raja or agni/—rajas, ¦ m. a scarlet insect, L. +3834 new agni—raja or agni—rajas, ¦ m. a scarlet insect, L. +;----------------- +3836 old 10365,3agnirajasagni/—rajas3 +3836 new 10365,3agnirajasagni—rajas3 +;----------------- +3837 old agni/—raja or agni/—rajas, ¦ m. a scarlet insect, L. +3837 new agni—raja or agni—rajas, ¦ m. a scarlet insect, L. +;----------------- +3839 old 10375,3agnirahasyaagni/—rahasya3 +3839 new 10375,3agnirahasyaagni—rahasya3 +;----------------- +3840 old agni/—rahasya ¦ n. ‘mystery of Agni’, title of the tenth book of the Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa. +3840 new agni—rahasya ¦ n. ‘mystery of Agni’, title of the tenth book of the Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa. +;----------------- +3845 old 10385,3agnirAjanagni/—rAjan3 +3845 new 10385,3agnirAjanagni—rAjan3 +;----------------- +3846 old agni/—rAjan ¦ mfn. pl. ‘having Agni as king’, N. of the Vastus, ŚāṅkhŚr. +3846 new agni—rAjan ¦ mfn. pl. ‘having Agni as king’, N. of the Vastus, ŚāṅkhŚr. +;----------------- +3848 old 10395,3agnirASiagni/—rA/Si3 +3848 new 10395,3agnirASiagni—rA/Si3 +;----------------- +3849 old agni/—rA/Si ¦ m. a heap or mass of fire, a burning pile. +3849 new agni—rA/Si ¦ m. a heap or mass of fire, a burning pile. +;----------------- +3851 old 10405,3agniruhAagni/—ruhA3 +3851 new 10405,3agniruhAagni—ruhA3 +;----------------- +3852 old agni/—ruhA ¦ f. the plant Māṃsarohiṇī. +3852 new agni—ruhA ¦ f. the plant Māṃsarohiṇī. +;----------------- +3855 old agni/—rUpa ¦ mfn. (agni/-) fire-shaped, RV. x, 84, 1 +3855 new agni/—rUpa ¦ (agni/-), mfn. fire-shaped, RV. x, 84, 1 +;----------------- +3857 old 1041.15,3agnirUpaagni/—rUpa3B +3857 new 1041.15,3agnirUpaagni—rU/pa3B +;----------------- +3858 old agni/—rUpa ¦ n. (agni-rU/pa) a shape of fire, ŚBr. +3858 new agni—rU/pa ¦ n. (agni-rU/pa) a shape of fire, ŚBr. +;----------------- +3863 old 10435,3agnirohiRIagni/—rohiRI3 +3863 new 10435,3agnirohiRIagni—rohiRI3 +;----------------- +3864 old agni/—rohiRI ¦ f. a hard inflammatory swelling in the arm-pit, Suśr. +3864 new agni—rohiRI ¦ f. a hard inflammatory swelling in the arm-pit, Suśr. +;----------------- +3866 old 10445,3agnilokaagni/—loka3 +3866 new 10445,3agnilokaagni—loka3 +;----------------- +3867 old agni/—loka ¦ m. the world of Agni, KauṣUp. +3867 new agni—loka ¦ m. the world of Agni, KauṣUp. +;----------------- +3872 old 10455,3agnivatagni/—va/t3 +3872 new 10455,3agnivatagni—va/t3 +;----------------- +3873 old agni/—va/t ¦ mfn. being near the fire, RV. vii, 104, 2 (= -ma/t, q.v.) +3873 new agni—va/t ¦ mfn. being near the fire, RV. vii, 104, 2 (= -ma/t, q.v.) +;----------------- +3875 old 10465,3agnivatagni/—va/t3A +3875 new 10465,3agnivatagni—va/t3A +;----------------- +3878 old 10475,3agnivarcasagni/—varcas3 +3878 new 10475,3agnivarcasagni—varcas3 +;----------------- +3879 old agni/—varcas ¦ m. N. of a teacher of the Purāṇas, VP. +3879 new agni—varcas ¦ m. N. of a teacher of the Purāṇas, VP. +;----------------- +3881 old 10485,3agnivarRaagni/—varRa3 +3881 new 10485,3agnivarRaagni—varRa3 +;----------------- +3882 old agni/—varRa ¦ mf(A)n. having the colour of fire +3882 new agni—varRa ¦ mf(A)n. having the colour of fire +;----------------- +3884 old 10495,3agnivarRaagni/—varRa3A +3884 new 10495,3agnivarRaagni—varRa3A +;----------------- +3887 old 10505,3agnivarRaagni/—varRa3B +3887 new 10505,3agnivarRaagni—varRa3B +;----------------- +3888 old agni/—varRa ¦ m. N. of a prince, son of Sudarśana. +3888 new agni—varRa ¦ m. N. of a prince, son of Sudarśana. +;----------------- +3890 old 10515,3agnivarDakaagni/—varDaka3 +3890 new 10515,3agnivarDakaagni—varDaka3 +;----------------- +3891 old agni/—varDaka or agni/—varDana, ¦ mfn. promoting digestion, stomachic. +3891 new agni—varDaka or agni—varDana, ¦ mfn. promoting digestion, stomachic. +;----------------- +3893 old 10525,3agnivarDanaagni/—varDana3 +3893 new 10525,3agnivarDanaagni—varDana3 +;----------------- +3894 old agni/—varDaka or agni/—varDana, ¦ mfn. promoting digestion, stomachic. +3894 new agni—varDaka or agni—varDana, ¦ mfn. promoting digestion, stomachic. +;----------------- +3896 old 10535,3agnivallaBaagni/—vallaBa3 +3896 new 10535,3agnivallaBaagni—vallaBa3 +;----------------- +3897 old agni/—vallaBa ¦ m. the tree Shorea Robusta +3897 new agni—vallaBa ¦ m. the tree Shorea Robusta +;----------------- +3899 old 10545,3agnivallaBaagni/—vallaBa3A +3899 new 10545,3agnivallaBaagni—vallaBa3A +;----------------- +3905 old 10555,3agnivARaagni/—vARa3 +3905 new 10555,3agnivARaagni—vARa3 +;----------------- +3906 old agni/—vARa ¦ m. a fiery arrow. +3906 new agni—vARa ¦ m. a fiery arrow. +;----------------- +3908 old 10565,3agnivAdinagni/—vAdin3 +3908 new 10565,3agnivAdinagni—vAdin3 +;----------------- +3909 old agni/—vAdin ¦ m. ‘fire-asserter’, worshipper of fire. +3909 new agni—vAdin ¦ m. ‘fire-asserter’, worshipper of fire. +;----------------- +3911 old 10575,3agnivArttaagni/—vArtta3 +3911 new 10575,3agnivArttaagni—vArtta3 +;----------------- +3912 old agni/—vArtta ¦ mfn. gaining a livelihood by fire [as a blacksmith &c.] VarBṛS. +3912 new agni—vArtta ¦ mfn. gaining a livelihood by fire [as a blacksmith &c.] VarBṛS. +;----------------- +3917 old 10595,3agnivAhaagni/—vAha3 +3917 new 10595,3agnivAhaagni—vAha3 +;----------------- +3918 old agni/—vAha ¦ m. the vehicle of fire i.e. smoke, L. +3918 new agni—vAha ¦ m. the vehicle of fire i.e. smoke, L. +;----------------- +3920 old 10605,3agniviDAagni/—viDA/3 +3920 new 10605,3agniviDAagni—viDA/3 +;----------------- +3921 old agni/—viDA/ ¦ f. manner or fashion of fire, ŚBr. +3921 new agni—viDA/ ¦ f. manner or fashion of fire, ŚBr. +;----------------- +3923 old 10615,3agnivimocanaagni/—vimocana3 +3923 new 10615,3agnivimocanaagni—vimocana3 +;----------------- +3924 old agni/—vimocana ¦ n. the act of lowering the sacrificial fire (by spreading it out). +3924 new agni—vimocana ¦ n. the act of lowering the sacrificial fire (by spreading it out). +;----------------- +3929 old 10625,3agnivisarpaagni/—visarpa3 +3929 new 10625,3agnivisarpaagni—visarpa3 +;----------------- +3930 old agni/—visarpa ¦ m. spread of inflammation (in a tumour). +3930 new agni—visarpa ¦ m. spread of inflammation (in a tumour). +;----------------- +3932 old 10635,3agniviharaRaagni/—viharaRa3 +3932 new 10635,3agniviharaRaagni—viharaRa3 +;----------------- +3933 old agni/—viharaRa ¦ n. removing the sacrificial fire from the Āgnīdhra to the Sadas Maṇḍapa +3933 new agni—viharaRa ¦ n. removing the sacrificial fire from the Āgnīdhra to the Sadas Maṇḍapa +;----------------- +3935 old 10645,3agnivIryaagni/—vIrya3 +3935 new 10645,3agnivIryaagni—vIrya3 +;----------------- +3936 old agni/—vIrya ¦ n. gold, L. +3936 new agni—vIrya ¦ n. gold, L. +;----------------- +3938 old 10655,3agnivfdDiagni/—vfdDi3 +3938 new 10655,3agnivfdDiagni—vfdDi3 +;----------------- +3939 old agni/—vfdDi ¦ f. improvement of digestion. +3939 new agni—vfdDi ¦ f. improvement of digestion. +;----------------- +3941 old 10665,3agnivetAlaagni/—vetAla3 +3941 new 10665,3agnivetAlaagni—vetAla3 +;----------------- +3942 old agni/—vetAla ¦ m. N. of a Vetāla (connected with the story of king Vikramāditya). +3942 new agni—vetAla ¦ m. N. of a Vetāla (connected with the story of king Vikramāditya). +;----------------- +3944 old 10675,3agnivelAagni/—velA3 +3944 new 10675,3agnivelAagni—velA3 +;----------------- +3945 old agni/—velA ¦ f. the time at which the fire is kindled, afternoon, ĀśvGṛ. +3945 new agni—velA ¦ f. the time at which the fire is kindled, afternoon, ĀśvGṛ. +;----------------- +3947 old 10685,3agniveSaagni/—veSa3 +3947 new 10685,3agniveSaagni—veSa3 +;----------------- +3948 old agni/—veSa ¦ m. N. of an ancient medical authority +3948 new agni—veSa ¦ m. N. of an ancient medical authority +;----------------- +3950 old 10695,3agniveSaagni/—veSa3A +3950 new 10695,3agniveSaagni—veSa3A +;----------------- +3953 old 10705,3agniveSmanagni/—veSman3 +3953 new 10705,3agniveSmanagni—veSman3 +;----------------- +3954 old agni/—veSman ¦ m. the fourteenth day of the Karma-māsa, Sūryapr. +3954 new agni—veSman ¦ m. the fourteenth day of the Karma-māsa, Sūryapr. +;----------------- +3956 old 10715,3agniveSyaagni/—veSya3 +3956 new 10715,3agniveSyaagni—veSya3 +;----------------- +3957 old agni/—veSya ¦ m. N. of a teacher, MBh. +3957 new agni—veSya ¦ m. N. of a teacher, MBh. +;----------------- +3959 old 10725,3agniveSyaagni/—veSya3A +3959 new 10725,3agniveSyaagni—veSya3A +;----------------- +3968 old 10735,3agniSaraRaagni/—SaraRa3 +3968 new 10735,3agniSaraRaagni—SaraRa3 +;----------------- +3969 old agni/—SaraRa or agni/—SA/la [AV.], n. or house or agni/—SAlA, f. ¦ place for keeping, the sacrificial fire. +3969 new agni—SaraRa or agni—SA/la [AV.], n. or house or agni—SAlA, f. ¦ place for keeping, the sacrificial fire. +;----------------- +3972 old agni/—SaraRa or agni—SA/la [AV.], n. or house or agni/—SAlA, f. ¦ place for keeping, the sacrificial fire. +3972 new agni—SaraRa or agni—SA/la [AV.], n. or house or agni—SAlA, f. ¦ place for keeping, the sacrificial fire. +;----------------- +3974 old 10755,3agniSAlAagni/—SAlA3 +3974 new 10755,3agniSAlAagni—SAlA3 +;----------------- +3975 old agni/—SaraRa or agni/—SA/la [AV.], n. or house or agni/—SAlA, f. ¦ place for keeping, the sacrificial fire. +3975 new agni—SaraRa or agni—SA/la [AV.], n. or house or agni—SAlA, f. ¦ place for keeping, the sacrificial fire. +;----------------- +3977 old 10765,3agniSarmanagni/—Sarman3 +3977 new 10765,3agniSarmanagni—Sarman3 +;----------------- +3978 old agni/—Sarman ¦ m. N. of a man. +3978 new agni—Sarman ¦ m. N. of a man. +;----------------- +3980 old 10775,3agniSiKaagni/—SiKa3 +3980 new 10775,3agniSiKaagni—SiKa3 +;----------------- +3981 old agni/—SiKa ¦ mfn. having a point like fire (an arrow), R. +3981 new agni—SiKa ¦ mfn. having a point like fire (an arrow), R. +;----------------- +3983 old 10785,3agniSiKaagni/—SiKa3B +3983 new 10785,3agniSiKaagni—SiKa3B +;----------------- +3984 old agni/—SiKa ¦ m. an arrow +3984 new agni—SiKa ¦ m. an arrow +;----------------- +3986 old 10795,3agniSiKaagni/—SiKa3B +3986 new 10795,3agniSiKaagni—SiKa3B +;----------------- +3989 old 10805,3agniSiKaagni/—SiKa3B +3989 new 10805,3agniSiKaagni—SiKa3B +;----------------- +3992 old 10815,3agniSiKaagni/—SiKa3B +3992 new 10815,3agniSiKaagni—SiKa3B +;----------------- +3995 old 10825,3agniSiKaagni/—SiKa3B +3995 new 10825,3agniSiKaagni—SiKa3B +;----------------- +3998 old 10835,3agniSiKaagni/—SiKa3B +3998 new 10835,3agniSiKaagni—SiKa3B +;----------------- +4001 old 10845,3agniSiKaagni/—SiKa3B +4001 new 10845,3agniSiKaagni—SiKa3B +;----------------- +4002 old agni/—SiKa ¦ n. saffron, L., gold, L. +4002 new agni—SiKa ¦ n. saffron, L., gold, L. +;----------------- +4007 old 10865,3agniSuSrUzAagni/—SuSrUzA3 +4007 new 10865,3agniSuSrUzAagni—SuSrUzA3 +;----------------- +4008 old agni/—SuSrUzA ¦ f. attention to the sacrificial fire, Mn. ii, 248. +4008 new agni—SuSrUzA ¦ f. attention to the sacrificial fire, Mn. ii, 248. +;----------------- +4010 old 10875,3agniSeKaraagni/—SeKara3 +4010 new 10875,3agniSeKaraagni—SeKara3 +;----------------- +4011 old agni/—SeKara ¦ n. saffron +4011 new agni—SeKara ¦ n. saffron +;----------------- +4013 old 10885,3agniSezaagni/—Seza3 +4013 new 10885,3agniSezaagni—Seza3 +;----------------- +4014 old agni/—Seza ¦ m. appendix to the chapter on Agni in the Taittirīya-Saṃhitā. +4014 new agni—Seza ¦ m. appendix to the chapter on Agni in the Taittirīya-Saṃhitā. +;----------------- +4022 old 10905,3agniSroRiagni/—SroRi3 +4022 new 10905,3agniSroRiagni—SroRi3 +;----------------- +4023 old agni/—SroRi ¦ f. leg of the sacrificial altar, KātyŚr. +4023 new agni—SroRi ¦ f. leg of the sacrificial altar, KātyŚr. +;----------------- +4025 old 10915,3agnizwutagni/—zwut3 +4025 new 10915,3agnizwutagni—zwu/t3 +;----------------- +4026 old agni/—zwut ¦ m. ‘laudatory of Agni’, the first day of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice, one day of the Sattra Pañcadaśarātra, ŚBr. &c. +4026 new agni—zwu/t ¦ m. ‘laudatory of Agni’, the first day of the Agniṣṭoma sacrifice, one day of the Sattra Pañcadaśarātra, ŚBr. &c. +;----------------- +4028 old 10925,3agnizwutagni/—zwut3A +4028 new 10925,3agnizwutagni—zwu/t3A +;----------------- +4037 old 10955,3agnizwomayAjinagni/—zwoma—yAjin4 +4037 new 10955,3agnizwomayAjinagni—zwoma—yAjin4 +;----------------- +4038 old agni/—zwoma—yAjin ¦ mfn. one who has performed the Agniṣṭoma +4038 new agni—zwoma—yAjin ¦ mfn. one who has performed the Agniṣṭoma +;----------------- +4040 old 10965,3agnizwomasadagni/—zwoma/—sa/d4 +4040 new 10965,3agnizwomasadagni—zwoma—sa/d4 +;----------------- +4041 old agni/—zwoma/—sa/d ¦ mfn. performing the Agniṣṭoma +4041 new agni—zwoma—sa/d ¦ mfn. performing the Agniṣṭoma +;----------------- +4043 old 10975,3agnizwomasadyaagni/—zwoma/—sa/dya4 +4043 new 10975,3agnizwomasadyaagni—zwoma—sa/dya4 +;----------------- +4044 old agni/—zwoma/—sa/dya ¦ n. the performance of Agniṣṭoma, ŚBr. +4044 new agni—zwoma—sa/dya ¦ n. the performance of Agniṣṭoma, ŚBr. +;----------------- +4046 old 10985,3agnizwomasAmaagni/—zwoma/—sAma/4 +4046 new 10985,3agnizwomasAmaagni—zwoma—sAma/4 +;----------------- +4047 old agni/—zwoma/—sAma/, m. and agni/—zwoma/—sAma/n, n. ¦ the passage of the Sāma-veda chanted at the Agniṣṭoma +4047 new agni—zwoma—sAma/, m. and agni—zwoma—sAma/n, n. ¦ the passage of the Sāma-veda chanted at the Agniṣṭoma +;----------------- +4049 old 1098.15,3agnizwomasAmanagni/—zwoma/—sAma/n4 +4049 new 1098.15,3agnizwomasAmanagni—zwoma—sAma/n4 +;----------------- +4050 old agni/—zwoma/—sAma/, m. and agni/—zwoma/—sAma/n, n. ¦ the passage of the Sāma-veda chanted at the Agniṣṭoma +4050 new agni—zwoma—sAma/, m. and agni—zwoma—sAma/n, n. ¦ the passage of the Sāma-veda chanted at the Agniṣṭoma +;----------------- +4052 old 10995,3agnizwomahotraagni/—zwoma/—hotra4 +4052 new 10995,3agnizwomahotraagni—zwoma—hotra4 +;----------------- +4053 old agni/—zwoma/—hotra ¦ n. title of a Vedic text. +4053 new agni—zwoma—hotra ¦ n. title of a Vedic text. +;----------------- +4055 old 11005,3agnizWaagni/—zWa/3 +4055 new 11005,3agnizWaagni—zWa/3 +;----------------- +4056 old agni/—zWa/ ¦ mfn. placed in, or over, near the fire +4056 new agni—zWa/ ¦ mfn. placed in, or over, near the fire +;----------------- +4058 old 11015,3agnizWaagni/—zWa/3B +4058 new 11015,3agnizWaagni—zWa/3B +;----------------- +4059 old agni/—zWa/ ¦ m. a pan, fire-pan, R. [cf. -zWikA] +4059 new agni—zWa/ ¦ m. a pan, fire-pan, R. [cf. -zWikA] +;----------------- +4061 old 11025,3agnizWaagni/—zWa/3B +4061 new 11025,3agnizWaagni—zWa/3B +;----------------- +4064 old 11035,3agnizWaagni/—zWa/3B +4064 new 11035,3agnizWaagni—zWa/3B +;----------------- +4067 old 11045,3agnizWAagni/—zWA/3B +4067 new 11045,3agnizWAagni—zWA/3B +;----------------- +4068 old agni/—zWA/ ¦ f. that corner of the sacrificial post which (of all the eight) is nearest the fire, ŚBr. +4068 new agni—zWA/ ¦ f. that corner of the sacrificial post which (of all the eight) is nearest the fire, ŚBr. +;----------------- +4070 old 11055,3agnizWikAagni/—zWikA3 +4070 new 11055,3agnizWikAagni—zWikA3 +;----------------- +4071 old agni/—zWikA ¦ f. a fire-pan [cf. -zWa]. +4071 new agni—zWikA ¦ f. a fire-pan [cf. -zWa]. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0006.txt (273) +; ******************************************************* +4079 old 11076,1agnisaMskAraagni/—saMskAra3 +4079 new 11076,1agnisaMskAraagni—saMskAra3 +;----------------- +4080 old agni/—saMskAra ¦ m. the consecration of fire +4080 new agni—saMskAra ¦ m. the consecration of fire +;----------------- +4082 old 11086,1agnisaMskAraagni/—saMskAra3A +4082 new 11086,1agnisaMskAraagni—saMskAra3A +;----------------- +4085 old 11096,1agnisaKaagni/—saKa3 +4085 new 11096,1agnisaKaagni—saKa3 +;----------------- +4086 old agni/—saKa ¦ m. ‘friend of fire’, the wind, L. +4086 new agni—saKa ¦ m. ‘friend of fire’, the wind, L. +;----------------- +4091 old 11116,1agnisajjAagni/—sajjA3 +4091 new 11116,1agnisajjAagni—sajjA3 +;----------------- +4092 old agni/—sajjA ¦ f.? indigestion, Suśr. +4092 new agni—sajjA ¦ f.? indigestion, Suśr. +;----------------- +4094 old 11126,1agnisaMcayaagni/—saMcaya3 +4094 new 11126,1agnisaMcayaagni—saMcaya3 +;----------------- +4095 old agni/—saMcaya ¦ m. preparing the sacrificial fire-place +4095 new agni—saMcaya ¦ m. preparing the sacrificial fire-place +;----------------- +4097 old 11136,1agnisaMcayaagni/—saMcaya3A +4097 new 11136,1agnisaMcayaagni—saMcaya3A +;----------------- +4106 old 11146,1agnisamBavaagni/—samBava3 +4106 new 11146,1agnisamBavaagni—samBava3 +;----------------- +4107 old agni/—samBava ¦ mfn. produced from fire +4107 new agni—samBava ¦ mfn. produced from fire +;----------------- +4109 old 11156,1agnisamBavaagni/—samBava3B +4109 new 11156,1agnisamBavaagni—samBava3B +;----------------- +4110 old agni/—samBava ¦ m. wild safflower, L. +4110 new agni—samBava ¦ m. wild safflower, L. +;----------------- +4112 old 11166,1agnisamBavaagni/—samBava3B +4112 new 11166,1agnisamBavaagni—samBava3B +;----------------- +4115 old 11176,1agnisamBavaagni/—samBava3B +4115 new 11176,1agnisamBavaagni—samBava3B +;----------------- +4118 old 11186,1agnisarasagni/—saras3 +4118 new 11186,1agnisarasagni—saras3 +;----------------- +4119 old agni/—saras ¦ n. N. of a Tīrtha, VārP. +4119 new agni—saras ¦ n. N. of a Tīrtha, VārP. +;----------------- +4121 old 11196,1agnisavaagni/—sava/3 +4121 new 11196,1agnisavaagni—sava/3 +;----------------- +4122 old agni/—sava/ ¦ m. consecration of the fire, TS.; ŚBr. +4122 new agni—sava/ ¦ m. consecration of the fire, TS.; ŚBr. +;----------------- +4124 old 11206,1agnisahAyaagni/—sahAya3 +4124 new 11206,1agnisahAyaagni—sahAya3 +;----------------- +4125 old agni/—sahAya ¦ m. ‘friend of fire’, the wind +4125 new agni—sahAya ¦ m. ‘friend of fire’, the wind +;----------------- +4127 old 11216,1agnisahAyaagni/—sahAya3A +4127 new 11216,1agnisahAyaagni—sahAya3A +;----------------- +4130 old 11226,1agnisAkzikaagni/—sAkzika3 +4130 new 11226,1agnisAkzikaagni—sAkzika3 +;----------------- +4131 old agni/—sAkzika ¦ mfn. taking Agni or the domestic or nuptial fire for a witness, R. &c. +4131 new agni—sAkzika ¦ mfn. taking Agni or the domestic or nuptial fire for a witness, R. &c. +;----------------- +4133 old 1122.16,1agnisAkzikamaryAdaagni/—sAkzika-maryAda3 +4133 new 1122.16,1agnisAkzikamaryAdaagni—sAkzika-maryAda3 +;----------------- +4134 old agni/—sAkzika-maryAda ¦ mfn. one who taking Agni for a witness gives a solemn promise of conjugal fidelity. +4134 new agni—sAkzika-maryAda ¦ mfn. one who taking Agni for a witness gives a solemn promise of conjugal fidelity. +;----------------- +4136 old 11236,1agnisAdaagni/—sAda3 +4136 new 11236,1agnisAdaagni—sAda3 +;----------------- +4137 old agni/—sAda ¦ m. weakness of digestion, Suśr. +4137 new agni—sAda ¦ m. weakness of digestion, Suśr. +;----------------- +4139 old 11246,1agnisAraagni/—sAra3 +4139 new 11246,1agnisAraagni—sAra3 +;----------------- +4140 old agni/—sAra ¦ n. a medicine for the eyes, a collyrium, L. +4140 new agni—sAra ¦ n. a medicine for the eyes, a collyrium, L. +;----------------- +4142 old 11256,1agnisAvarRiagni/—sAvarRi3 +4142 new 11256,1agnisAvarRiagni—sAvarRi3 +;----------------- +4143 old agni/—sAvarRi ¦ m. N. of a Manu, L. +4143 new agni—sAvarRi ¦ m. N. of a Manu, L. +;----------------- +4145 old 11266,1agnisiMhaagni/—siMha3 +4145 new 11266,1agnisiMhaagni—siMha3 +;----------------- +4146 old agni/—siMha ¦ m. N. of the father of the seventh black Vāsudeva, Jain. +4146 new agni—siMha ¦ m. N. of the father of the seventh black Vāsudeva, Jain. +;----------------- +4148 old 11276,1agnisUtraagni/—sUtra3 +4148 new 11276,1agnisUtraagni—sUtra3 +;----------------- +4149 old agni/—sUtra ¦ n. thread of fire +4149 new agni—sUtra ¦ n. thread of fire +;----------------- +4151 old 11286,1agnisUtraagni/—sUtra3A +4151 new 11286,1agnisUtraagni—sUtra3A +;----------------- +4154 old 11296,1agnistamBaagni/—stamBa3 +4154 new 11296,1agnistamBaagni—stamBa3 +;----------------- +4155 old agni/—stamBa ¦ m. or +4155 new agni—stamBa ¦ m. or +;----------------- +4157 old 11306,1agnistamBanaagni/—stamBana3 +4157 new 11306,1agnistamBanaagni—stamBana3 +;----------------- +4158 old agni/—stamBana ¦ n. the (magical) quenching of fire. +4158 new agni—stamBana ¦ n. the (magical) quenching of fire. +;----------------- +4163 old 11316,1agnistokaagni/—stoka3 +4163 new 11316,1agnistokaagni—stoka3 +;----------------- +4164 old agni/—stoka ¦ m. a particle of fire, spark. +4164 new agni—stoka ¦ m. a particle of fire, spark. +;----------------- +4169 old 11326,1agnisvAttaagni/—svAtta3 +4169 new 11326,1agnisvAttaagni—svAtta3 +;----------------- +4170 old agni/—svAtta ¦ See -zvAtta/. +4170 new agni—svAtta ¦ See -zvAtta/. +;----------------- +4172 old 11336,1agnihavanaagni/—havana3 +4172 new 11336,1agnihavanaagni—havana3 +;----------------- +4173 old agni/—havana ¦ n. a sacrificial libation, Gaut. +4173 new agni—havana ¦ n. a sacrificial libation, Gaut. +;----------------- +4176 old agni—hu/t [VS.] or agni/—huta ¦ mfn. sacrificed by fire. +4176 new agni—hu/t [VS.] or agni—huta ¦ mfn. sacrificed by fire. +;----------------- +4178 old 11356,1agnihutaagni/—huta3 +4178 new 11356,1agnihutaagni—huta3 +;----------------- +4179 old agni/—hu/t [VS.] or agni/—huta ¦ mfn. sacrificed by fire. +4179 new agni—hu/t [VS.] or agni—huta ¦ mfn. sacrificed by fire. +;----------------- +4190 old 1137.16,1agnihotrIagni/—hotrI3B +4190 new 1137.16,1agnihotrIagni—hotrI3B +;----------------- +4191 old agni/—hotrI ¦ f. the cow destined for the Agnihotra, ŚBr.; AitBr. +4191 new agni—hotrI ¦ f. the cow destined for the Agnihotra, ŚBr.; AitBr. +;----------------- +4199 old 1137.26,1agnihotrIvatsaagni/—hotrI—vatsa/14 +4199 new 1137.26,1agnihotrIvatsaagni—hotrI—vatsa/14 +;----------------- +4200 old 1. agni/—hotrI—vatsa/ ¦ m. her calf, ŚBr. 2. +4200 new 1. agni—hotrI—vatsa/ ¦ m. her calf, ŚBr. 2. +;----------------- +4208 old 11406,1agnihotradevatAagni/—hotra/—devatA24 +4208 new 11406,1agnihotradevatAagni—hotra—devatA24 +;----------------- +4209 old 2. agni/—hotra/—devatA ¦ f. the deity of the Agnihotra +4209 new 2. agni—hotra—devatA ¦ f. the deity of the Agnihotra +;----------------- +4211 old 11416,1agnihotratvaagni/—hotra/—tva/24 +4211 new 11416,1agnihotratvaagni—hotra—tva/24 +;----------------- +4212 old 2. agni/—hotra/—tva/ ¦ n. the state of the Agnihotra, MaitrS. +4212 new 2. agni—hotra—tva/ ¦ n. the state of the Agnihotra, MaitrS. +;----------------- +4214 old 11426,1agnihotrasTAlIagni/—hotra/—sTAlI/24 +4214 new 11426,1agnihotrasTAlIagni—hotra—sTAlI/24 +;----------------- +4215 old 2. agni/—hotra/—sTAlI/ ¦ f. a pot used at the Agnihotra, ŚBr. +4215 new 2. agni—hotra—sTAlI/ ¦ f. a pot used at the Agnihotra, ŚBr. +;----------------- +4217 old 11436,1agnihotrahavanIagni/—hotra/—ha/vanI24 +4217 new 11436,1agnihotrahavanIagni—hotra—ha/vanI24 +;----------------- +4218 old 2. agni/—hotra/—ha/vanI ¦ f. a spoon used at the Agnihotra, ŚBr.; ĀśvGṛ. +4218 new 2. agni—hotra—ha/vanI ¦ f. a spoon used at the Agnihotra, ŚBr.; ĀśvGṛ. +;----------------- +4223 old 11456,1agnihotrahomaagni/—hotra/—homa24 +4223 new 11456,1agnihotrahomaagni—hotra—homa24 +;----------------- +4224 old 2. agni/—hotra/—homa ¦ m. a libation at the Agnihotra, KātyŚr. +4224 new 2. agni—hotra—homa ¦ m. a libation at the Agnihotra, KātyŚr. +;----------------- +4226 old 11466,1agnihotrAyaRinagni/—hotrAyaRin24 +4226 new 11466,1agnihotrAyaRinagni—hotrAyaRin24 +;----------------- +4227 old 2. agni/—°hotrAyaRin ¦ mfn. one who offers only the Agnihotra, KātyŚr. +4227 new 2. agni—°hotrAyaRin ¦ mfn. one who offers only the Agnihotra, KātyŚr. +;----------------- +4229 old 11476,1agnihotrAvftagni/—hotrAvft24 +4229 new 11476,1agnihotrAvftagni—hotrAvft24 +;----------------- +4230 old 2. agni/—°hotrAvft ¦ f. (See Avft) the mere Agnihotra without recitation of Vedic formulas, KātyŚr. +4230 new 2. agni—°hotrAvft ¦ f. (See Avft) the mere Agnihotra without recitation of Vedic formulas, KātyŚr. +;----------------- +4235 old 1148.16,1agnihotrezwiagni/—hotrezwi24 +4235 new 1148.16,1agnihotrezwiagni—hotrezwi24 +;----------------- +4236 old 2. agni/—°hotrezwi ¦ f. a libation or offering at the Agnihotra [KātyŚr. cf. izwi] +4236 new 2. agni—°hotrezwi ¦ f. a libation or offering at the Agnihotra [KātyŚr. cf. izwi] +;----------------- +4241 old 1149.16,1agnihotrocCezaRaagni/—hotrocCezaRa/24 +4241 new 1149.16,1agnihotrocCezaRaagni—hotrocCezaRa/24 +;----------------- +4242 old 2. agni/—°hotrocCezaRa/ ¦ n. the remains of the Agnihotra [TS.] +4242 new 2. agni—°hotrocCezaRa/ ¦ n. the remains of the Agnihotra [TS.] +;----------------- +4244 old 11506,1agnihotrinagni/—hotri/n3 +4244 new 11506,1agnihotrinagni—hotri/n3 +;----------------- +4245 old agni/—hotri/n ¦ mfn. practising the Agnihotra, maintaining the sacrificial fire, ŚBr. &c. +4245 new agni—hotri/n ¦ mfn. practising the Agnihotra, maintaining the sacrificial fire, ŚBr. &c. +;----------------- +4247 old 11516,1agnihomaagni/—homa3 +4247 new 11516,1agnihomaagni—homa3 +;----------------- +4248 old agni/—homa ¦ m. oblation put into the fire, KātyŚr. +4248 new agni—homa ¦ m. oblation put into the fire, KātyŚr. +;----------------- +4250 old 11526,1agnihvaraagni/—hvara/3 +4250 new 11526,1agnihvaraagni—hvara/3 +;----------------- +4251 old agni/—hvara/ ¦ mfn.? making a mistake in the fire-ceremonial, MaitrS. +4251 new agni—hvara/ ¦ mfn.? making a mistake in the fire-ceremonial, MaitrS. +;----------------- +4268 old 11586,1agnIvaruROagnI-va/ruRO3 +4268 new 11586,1agnIvaruROagnI/-va/ruRO3 +;----------------- +4269 old agnI-va/ruRO ¦ m. du. Agni and Varuṇa, ŚBr. +4269 new agnI/-va/ruRO ¦ m. du. Agni and Varuṇa, ŚBr. +;----------------- +4271 old 11596,1agnIzomAagnI-zo/mA3 +4271 new 11596,1agnIzomAagnI/-zo/mA3 +;----------------- +4272 old agnI-zo/mA or agnI-zo/°mO, ¦ m. du. Agni and Soma, RV.; AV.; VS. +4272 new agnI/-zo/mA or agnI/-zo/°mO, ¦ m. du. Agni and Soma, RV.; AV.; VS. +;----------------- +4274 old 11616,1agnIzomOagnI-zo/mO3 +4274 new 11616,1agnIzomOagnI/-zo/mO3 +;----------------- +4275 old agnI-zo/mA or agnI-zo/°mO, ¦ m. du. Agni and Soma, RV.; AV.; VS. +4275 new agnI/-zo/mA or agnI/-zo/°mO, ¦ m. du. Agni and Soma, RV.; AV.; VS. +;----------------- +4277 old 11626,1agnIzomapraRayanaagnI-zoma-praRayana4 +4277 new 11626,1agnIzomapraRayanaagnIzoma-praRayana4 +;----------------- +4278 old agnI-°zoma-praRayana ¦ n. bringing out the fire and the Soma, a ceremony in the Jyotiṣṭoma sacrifice. +4278 new agnIzoma-praRayana ¦ n. bringing out the fire and the Soma, a ceremony in the Jyotiṣṭoma sacrifice. +;----------------- +4283 old 1163.16,1agnIzomIyanirvApaagnIzomI/ya—nirvApa4 +4283 new 1163.16,1agnIzomIyanirvApaagnIzomIya—nirvApa4 +;----------------- +4284 old agnIzomI/ya—°nirvApa ¦ m. making libations with the cake sacred to Agni and Soma, a ceremony in the Darśapūrṇamāsa sacrifice +4284 new agnIzomIya—°nirvApa ¦ m. making libations with the cake sacred to Agni and Soma, a ceremony in the Darśapūrṇamāsa sacrifice +;----------------- +4286 old 11646,1agnIzomIyapaSuagnIzomI/ya—paSu4 +4286 new 11646,1agnIzomIyapaSuagnIzomIya—paSu4 +;----------------- +4287 old agnIzomI/ya—paSu ¦ m. a victim, generally a sheep or goat, sacred to Agni and Soma +4287 new agnIzomIya—paSu ¦ m. a victim, generally a sheep or goat, sacred to Agni and Soma +;----------------- +4289 old 1164.16,1agnIzomIyapaSvanuzWAnaagnIzomI/ya—paSv-anuzWAna4 +4289 new 1164.16,1agnIzomIyapaSvanuzWAnaagnIzom/ya—paSv-anuzWAna4 +;----------------- +4290 old agnIzomI/ya—paSv-anuzWAna ¦ n. the rite connected with that victim at the Jyotiṣṭoma sacrifice +4290 new agnIzomIya—paSv-anuzWAna ¦ n. the rite connected with that victim at the Jyotiṣṭoma sacrifice +;----------------- +4292 old 11656,1agnIzomIyapuroqASaagnIzomI/ya—puroqASa4 +4292 new 11656,1agnIzomIyapuroqASaagnIzomIya—puroqASa4 +;----------------- +4293 old agnIzomI/ya—puroqASa ¦ m. cake sacred to Agni and Soma (baked in eleven bowls) +4293 new agnIzomIya—puroqASa ¦ m. cake sacred to Agni and Soma (baked in eleven bowls) +;----------------- +4295 old 11666,1agnIzomIyayAgaagnIzomI/ya—yAga4 +4295 new 11666,1agnIzomIyayAgaagnIzomIya—yAga4 +;----------------- +4296 old agnIzomI/ya—yAga ¦ m. one of the three sacrifices of the Pūrṇamāsa +4296 new agnIzomIya—yAga ¦ m. one of the three sacrifices of the Pūrṇamāsa +;----------------- +4340 old 1175.56,1agnyADAnahavisagny-ADAna—havis4 +4340 new 1175.56,1agnyADAnahavisagny-ADAna—havi/s4 +;----------------- +4341 old agny-ADAna—havis ¦ n. an oblation at the , ŚBr. +4341 new agny-ADAna—havi/s ¦ n. an oblation at the , ŚBr. +;----------------- +4370 old 11826,2agnyudDaraRaagny-udDaraRa3 +4370 new 11826,1agnyudDaraRaagny-udDaraRa3 +;----------------- +4391 old 11896,2agnisAtagni/sAt2 +4391 new 11896,2agnisAtagnisAt2 +;----------------- +4392 old agni/sAt ¦ ind. to the state of fire (used in comp. with √ 1. kf and √ BU, e.g. agnisAt kf, to reduce to fire, to consume by fire) cf. BasmasAt. +4392 new agnisAt ¦ ind. to the state of fire (used in comp. with √ 1. kf and √ BU, e.g. agnisAt kf, to reduce to fire, to consume by fire) cf. BasmasAt. +;----------------- +4472 old 12136,2agrakaraa/gra—kara3 +4472 new 12136,2agrakaraagra—kara3 +;----------------- +4473 old a/gra—kara ¦ m. the fore part of the hand, finger +4473 new agra—kara ¦ m. the fore part of the hand, finger +;----------------- +4475 old 12146,2agrakaraa/gra—kara3A +4475 new 12146,2agrakaraagra—kara3A +;----------------- +4478 old 12156,2agrakAyaa/gra—kAya3 +4478 new 12156,2agrakAyaagra—kAya3 +;----------------- +4479 old a/gra—kAya ¦ m. the fore part of the body. +4479 new agra—kAya ¦ m. the fore part of the body. +;----------------- +4481 old 12166,2agragaa/gra—ga3 +4481 new 12166,2agragaagra—ga3 +;----------------- +4482 old a/gra—ga ¦ m. a leader. +4482 new agra—ga ¦ m. a leader. +;----------------- +4487 old 12176,2agragaRyaa/gra—gaRya3 +4487 new 12176,2agragaRyaagra—gaRya3 +;----------------- +4488 old a/gra—gaRya ¦ mfn. to be counted or regarded as the foremost, principal. +4488 new agra—gaRya ¦ mfn. to be counted or regarded as the foremost, principal. +;----------------- +4490 old 12186,2agragAmina/gra—gAmin3 +4490 new 12186,2agragAminagra—gAmin3 +;----------------- +4491 old a/gra—gAmin ¦ mfn. preceding, taking the lead. +4491 new agra—gAmin ¦ mfn. preceding, taking the lead. +;----------------- +4493 old 12196,2agragrAsikAa/gra—grAsikA3 +4493 new 12196,2agragrAsikAagra—grAsikA3 +;----------------- +4494 old a/gra—grAsikA ¦ f. the claim or right to the first morsel, Pāṇ. iii, 3, 3, Kāś. +4494 new agra—grAsikA ¦ f. the claim or right to the first morsel, Pāṇ. iii, 3, 3, Kāś. +;----------------- +4499 old 12206,2agrajaa/gra—ja3 +4499 new 12206,2agrajaagra—ja3 +;----------------- +4500 old a/gra—ja ¦ mfn. (cf. jA/) born first or earlier +4500 new agra—ja ¦ mfn. (cf. jA/) born first or earlier +;----------------- +4502 old 1220.16,2agrajaa/gra—ja3B +4502 new 1220.16,2agrajaagra—ja3B +;----------------- +4503 old a/gra—ja ¦ m. the first-born, an elder brother, Mn. &c. +4503 new agra—ja ¦ m. the first-born, an elder brother, Mn. &c. +;----------------- +4505 old 1220.26,2agrajaa/gra—ja3B +4505 new 1220.26,2agrajaagra—ja3B +;----------------- +4511 old 12216,2agrajaNGAa/gra—jaNGA3 +4511 new 12216,2agrajaNGAagra—jaNGA3 +;----------------- +4512 old a/gra—jaNGA ¦ f. the fore part of the leg, the shin-bone, L. +4512 new agra—jaNGA ¦ f. the fore part of the leg, the shin-bone, L. +;----------------- +4514 old 12226,2agrajanmana/gra—janman3 +4514 new 12226,2agrajanmanagra—janman3 +;----------------- +4515 old a/gra—janman ¦ m. the first-born, an elder brother, a Brahman, Mn.; Yājñ. &c. +4515 new agra—janman ¦ m. the first-born, an elder brother, a Brahman, Mn.; Yājñ. &c. +;----------------- +4517 old 12236,2agrajanmana/gra—janman3A +4517 new 12236,2agrajanmanagra—janman3A +;----------------- +4520 old 12246,2agrajanmana/gra—janman3A +4520 new 12246,2agrajanmanagra—janman3A +;----------------- +4526 old 12266,2agrajAtakaa/gra—jAtaka3 +4526 new 12266,2agrajAtakaagra—jAtaka3 +;----------------- +4527 old a/gra—jAtaka or a/gra—jAti, ¦ m. a Brahman, L. +4527 new agra—jAtaka or agra—jAti, ¦ m. a Brahman, L. +;----------------- +4529 old 12276,2agrajAtia/gra—jAti3 +4529 new 12276,2agrajAtiagra—jAti3 +;----------------- +4530 old a/gra—jAtaka or a/gra—jAti, ¦ m. a Brahman, L. +4530 new agra—jAtaka or agra—jAti, ¦ m. a Brahman, L. +;----------------- +4535 old 12296,2agrajyAa/gra—jyA3 +4535 new 12296,2agrajyAagra—jyA3 +;----------------- +4536 old a/gra—jyA ¦ f. sine of the amplitude, Sūryas. +4536 new agra—jyA ¦ f. sine of the amplitude, Sūryas. +;----------------- +4538 old 12306,2agraRIa/gra—RI3 +4538 new 12306,2agraRIagra—RI3 +;----------------- +4539 old a/gra—RI ¦ mfn. taking the lead, foremost +4539 new agra—RI ¦ mfn. taking the lead, foremost +;----------------- +4541 old 12316,2agraRIa/gra—RI3A +4541 new 12316,2agraRIagra—RI3A +;----------------- +4556 old 12346,2agratIrTaa/gra—tIrTa3 +4556 new 12346,2agratIrTaagra—tIrTa3 +;----------------- +4557 old a/gra—tIrTa ¦ m. N. of a prince, MBh. +4557 new agra—tIrTa ¦ m. N. of a prince, MBh. +;----------------- +4559 old 12356,2agradAtfa/gra—dAtf3 +4559 new 12356,2agradAtfagra—dAtf3 +;----------------- +4560 old a/gra—dAtf ¦ mfn. offering the best bits (to the gods), MBh. +4560 new agra—dAtf ¦ mfn. offering the best bits (to the gods), MBh. +;----------------- +4562 old 12366,2agradAnina/gra—dAnin3 +4562 new 12366,2agradAninagra—dAnin3 +;----------------- +4563 old a/gra—dAnin ¦ m. a degraded Brāhman who receives presents from Śūdras, or takes things previously offered to the dead, BrahmaP. +4563 new agra—dAnin ¦ m. a degraded Brāhman who receives presents from Śūdras, or takes things previously offered to the dead, BrahmaP. +;----------------- +4577 old 12386,2agranaKaa/gra—naKa3 +4577 new 12386,2agranaKaagra—naKa3 +;----------------- +4578 old a/gra—naKa ¦ m. tip of a nail, R. +4578 new agra—naKa ¦ m. tip of a nail, R. +;----------------- +4580 old 12396,2agranaKaa/gra—naKa3A +4580 new 12396,2agranaKaagra—naKa3A +;----------------- +4583 old 12406,2agranAsikAa/gra—nAsikA3 +4583 new 12406,2agranAsikAagra—nAsikA3 +;----------------- +4584 old a/gra—nAsikA ¦ f. tip of the nose, R. +4584 new agra—nAsikA ¦ f. tip of the nose, R. +;----------------- +4586 old 12416,2agranAsikAa/gra—nAsikA3A +4586 new 12416,2agranAsikAagra—nAsikA3A +;----------------- +4589 old 12426,2agranirUpaRaa/gra—nirUpaRa3 +4589 new 12426,2agranirUpaRaagra—nirUpaRa3 +;----------------- +4590 old a/gra—nirUpaRa ¦ n. determining beforehand, prophecy. +4590 new agra—nirUpaRa ¦ n. determining beforehand, prophecy. +;----------------- +4592 old 12436,2agraparRIa/gra—parRI3 +4592 new 12436,2agraparRIagra—parRI3 +;----------------- +4593 old a/gra—parRI ¦ f. cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens. +4593 new agra—parRI ¦ f. cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens. +;----------------- +4595 old 12446,2agrapAa/gra—pA3 +4595 new 12446,2agrapAagra—pA3 +;----------------- +4596 old a/gra—pA ¦ mfn. drinking first, MBh. +4596 new agra—pA ¦ mfn. drinking first, MBh. +;----------------- +4601 old 12456,2agrapARia/gra—pARi3 +4601 new 12456,2agrapARiagra—pARi3 +;----------------- +4602 old a/gra—pARi ¦ m. fore part of the hand +4602 new agra—pARi ¦ m. fore part of the hand +;----------------- +4604 old 12466,2agrapARia/gra—pARi3A +4604 new 12466,2agrapARiagra—pARi3A +;----------------- +4607 old 12476,2agrapAdaa/gra—pAda3 +4607 new 12476,2agrapAdaagra—pAda3 +;----------------- +4608 old a/gra—pAda ¦ m. fore part of the foot, Śiś. +4608 new agra—pAda ¦ m. fore part of the foot, Śiś. +;----------------- +4610 old 12486,2agrapUjAa/gra—pUjA3 +4610 new 12486,2agrapUjAagra—pUjA3 +;----------------- +4611 old a/gra—pUjA ¦ f. highest act of reverence, R. +4611 new agra—pUjA ¦ f. highest act of reverence, R. +;----------------- +4613 old 12496,2agrapeyaa/gra—peya3 +4613 new 12496,2agrapeyaagra—peya3 +;----------------- +4614 old a/gra—peya ¦ n. precedence in drinking, AitBr. +4614 new agra—peya ¦ n. precedence in drinking, AitBr. +;----------------- +4616 old 12506,2agrapradAyina/gra—pradAyin3 +4616 new 12506,2agrapradAyinagra—pradAyin3 +;----------------- +4617 old a/gra—pradAyin ¦ mfn. offering first, MBh. +4617 new agra—pradAyin ¦ mfn. offering first, MBh. +;----------------- +4619 old 12516,2agrapraSIrRaa/gra—praSIrRa/3 +4619 new 12516,2agrapraSIrRaagra—praSIrRa/3 +;----------------- +4620 old a/gra—praSIrRa/ ¦ mfn. broken at the top, ŚBr. +4620 new agra—praSIrRa/ ¦ mfn. broken at the top, ŚBr. +;----------------- +4622 old 12526,2agrabIjaa/gra—bIja3 +4622 new 12526,2agrabIjaagra—bIja3 +;----------------- +4623 old a/gra—bIja ¦ mfn. (said of plants) propagated by cuttings +4623 new agra—bIja ¦ mfn. (said of plants) propagated by cuttings +;----------------- +4625 old 1252.16,2agrabIjaa/gra—bIja3B +4625 new 1252.16,2agrabIjaagra—bIja3B +;----------------- +4626 old a/gra—bIja ¦ m. a viviparous plant. +4626 new agra—bIja ¦ m. a viviparous plant. +;----------------- +4628 old 12536,2agraBAgaa/gra—BAga3 +4628 new 12536,2agraBAgaagra—BAga3 +;----------------- +4629 old a/gra—BAga (or agrAMSa), ¦ m. fore part; (in astron.) degree of amplitude, L. +4629 new agra—BAga (or agrAMSa), ¦ m. fore part; (in astron.) degree of amplitude, L. +;----------------- +4632 old a/gra—BAga (or agrAMSa), ¦ m. fore part; (in astron.) degree of amplitude, L. +4632 new agra—BAga (or agrAMSa), ¦ m. fore part; (in astron.) degree of amplitude, L. +;----------------- +4634 old 12546,2agraBuja/gra—Buj3 +4634 new 12546,2agraBujagra—Buj3 +;----------------- +4635 old a/gra—Buj ¦ mfn. having the precedence in eating, TĀr. +4635 new agra—Buj ¦ mfn. having the precedence in eating, TĀr. +;----------------- +4637 old 12556,2agraBuja/gra—Buj3A +4637 new 12556,2agraBujagra—Buj3A +;----------------- +4640 old 12566,2agraBUa/gra—BU3 +4640 new 12566,2agraBUagra—BU3 +;----------------- +4641 old a/gra—BU ¦ mfn. being at the top, at the head of. +4641 new agra—BU ¦ mfn. being at the top, at the head of. +;----------------- +4643 old 12576,2agraBUmia/gra—BUmi3 +4643 new 12576,2agraBUmiagra—BUmi3 +;----------------- +4644 old a/gra—BUmi ¦ f. a goal, L. +4644 new agra—BUmi ¦ f. a goal, L. +;----------------- +4646 old 12586,2agraBUmia/gra—BUmi3A +4646 new 12586,2agraBUmiagra—BUmi3A +;----------------- +4655 old 12596,2agramahizIa/gra—mahizI3 +4655 new 12596,2agramahizIagra—mahizI3 +;----------------- +4656 old a/gra—mahizI ¦ f. the principal queen, R.; Jain. +4656 new agra—mahizI ¦ f. the principal queen, R.; Jain. +;----------------- +4658 old 12606,2agramAMsaa/gra—mAMsa3 +4658 new 12606,2agramAMsaagra—mAMsa3 +;----------------- +4659 old a/gra—mAMsa ¦ n. the heart, L. +4659 new agra—mAMsa ¦ n. the heart, L. +;----------------- +4661 old 12616,2agramAMsaa/gra—mAMsa3A +4661 new 12616,2agramAMsaagra—mAMsa3A +;----------------- +4664 old 12626,2agrayAnaa/gra—yAna3 +4664 new 12626,2agrayAnaagra—yAna3 +;----------------- +4665 old a/gra—yAna ¦ n. stepping in front to defy the enemy. +4665 new agra—yAna ¦ n. stepping in front to defy the enemy. +;----------------- +4670 old 12636,2agrayAyina/gra—yAyin3 +4670 new 12636,2agrayAyinagra—yAyin3 +;----------------- +4671 old a/gra—yAyin ¦ mfn. going before, taking the lead +4671 new agra—yAyin ¦ mfn. going before, taking the lead +;----------------- +4673 old 1263.16,2agrayAyina/gra—yAyin3B +4673 new 1263.16,2agrayAyinagra—yAyin3B +;----------------- +4674 old a/gra—yAyin ¦ m. a leader, Śāk. +4674 new agra—yAyin ¦ m. a leader, Śāk. +;----------------- +4679 old 12656,2agrayoDina/gra—yoDin3 +4679 new 12656,2agrayoDinagra—yoDin3 +;----------------- +4680 old a/gra—yoDin ¦ m. the foremost man or leader in a fight +4680 new agra—yoDin ¦ m. the foremost man or leader in a fight +;----------------- +4682 old 12666,2agrayoDina/gra—yoDin3A +4682 new 12666,2agrayoDinagra—yoDin3A +;----------------- +4685 old 12676,2agralohitAa/gra—lohitA3 +4685 new 12676,2agralohitAagra—lohitA3 +;----------------- +4686 old a/gra—lohitA ¦ f. a kind of vegetable, similar to the spinage. +4686 new agra—lohitA ¦ f. a kind of vegetable, similar to the spinage. +;----------------- +4688 old 12686,2agravaktraa/gra—vaktra3 +4688 new 12686,2agravaktraagra—vaktra3 +;----------------- +4689 old a/gra—vaktra ¦ n. N. of a surgical instrument, Suśr. +4689 new agra—vaktra ¦ n. N. of a surgical instrument, Suśr. +;----------------- +4706 old 12716,2agrasaMDAnIa/gra—saMDAnI3 +4706 new 12716,2agrasaMDAnIagra—saMDAnI3 +;----------------- +4707 old a/gra—saMDAnI ¦ f. the register of human actions (kept by Yama), L. +4707 new agra—saMDAnI ¦ f. the register of human actions (kept by Yama), L. +;----------------- +4709 old 12726,2agrasanDyAa/gra—sanDyA3 +4709 new 12726,2agrasanDyAagra—sanDyA3 +;----------------- +4710 old a/gra—sanDyA ¦ f. early dawn. +4710 new agra—sanDyA ¦ f. early dawn. +;----------------- +4712 old 12736,2agrasaraa/gra—sara3 +4712 new 12736,2agrasaraagra—sara3 +;----------------- +4713 old a/gra—sara ¦ mf(I)n. going in front, taking the lead. +4713 new agra—sara ¦ mf(I)n. going in front, taking the lead. +;----------------- +4715 old 12746,2agrasAnua/gra—sAnu3 +4715 new 12746,2agrasAnuagra—sAnu3 +;----------------- +4716 old a/gra—sAnu ¦ m. the front part of a table-land, L. +4716 new agra—sAnu ¦ m. the front part of a table-land, L. +;----------------- +4718 old 12756,2agrasArAa/gra—sArA3 +4718 new 12756,2agrasArAagra—sArA3 +;----------------- +4719 old a/gra—sArA ¦ f. a short method of counting immense numbers. +4719 new agra—sArA ¦ f. a short method of counting immense numbers. +;----------------- +4721 old 12766,2agrasUcIa/gra—sUcI3 +4721 new 12766,2agrasUcIagra—sUcI3 +;----------------- +4722 old a/gra—sUcI ¦ f. point of a needle, Naiṣ. +4722 new agra—sUcI ¦ f. point of a needle, Naiṣ. +;----------------- +4724 old 12776,2agrasenaa/gra—sena3 +4724 new 12776,2agrasenaagra—sena3 +;----------------- +4725 old a/gra—sena ¦ m. N. of Janamejaya's son. +4725 new agra—sena ¦ m. N. of Janamejaya's son. +;----------------- +4727 old 12786,2agrahastaa/gra—hasta3 +4727 new 12786,2agrahastaagra—hasta3 +;----------------- +4728 old a/gra—hasta ¦ m. = -pARi +4728 new agra—hasta ¦ m. = -pARi +;----------------- +4730 old 12796,2agrahastaa/gra—hasta3A +4730 new 12796,2agrahastaagra—hasta3A +;----------------- +4733 old 12806,2agrahastaa/gra—hasta3A +4733 new 12806,2agrahastaagra—hasta3A +;----------------- +4736 old 12816,2agrahAyaRaa/gra—hAyaRa3 +4736 new 12816,2agrahAyaRaagra—hAyaRa3 +;----------------- +4737 old a/gra—hAyaRa ¦ m. ‘commencement of the year’, N. of a Hindū month (mArgaSIrza, beginning about the 12th of November). +4737 new agra—hAyaRa ¦ m. ‘commencement of the year’, N. of a Hindū month (mArgaSIrza, beginning about the 12th of November). +;----------------- +4739 old 12826,3agrahAraa/gra—hAra3 +4739 new 12826,3agrahAraagra—hAra3 +;----------------- +4740 old a/gra—hAra ¦ m. royal donation of land to Brāhmans +4740 new agra—hAra ¦ m. royal donation of land to Brāhmans +;----------------- +4742 old 12836,3agrahAraa/gra—hAra3A +4742 new 12836,3agrahAraagra—hAra3A +;----------------- +4827 old agriya/ ¦ m. elder brother, L. +4827 new agriya/ ¦ (as), m. elder brother, L. +;----------------- +4830 old agriya/ ¦ n. the first-fruits, the best part, RV. iv, 37, 4 and probably ix, 71, 4. +4830 new agriya/ ¦ (a/m), n. the first-fruits, the best part, RV. iv, 37, 4 and probably ix, 71, 4. +;----------------- +4832 old 13086,3agriyavatagriya/—vat3 +4832 new 13086,3agriyavatagriya—vat3 +;----------------- +4833 old agriya/—vat ¦ mfn. +4833 new agriya—vat ¦ mfn. +;----------------- +4835 old 13096,3agriyavatagriya/—vat3B +4835 new 13096,3agriyavatagriya—vat3B +;----------------- +4836 old agriya/—vat ¦ f. vatI (scil. fc), N. of the hymn Ṛg-veda ix, 62, 25, quoted in Lāṭy. +4836 new agriya—vat ¦ f. vatI (scil. fc), N. of the hymn Ṛg-veda ix, 62, 25, quoted in Lāṭy. +;----------------- +4848 old agre—ga/ [RV. ix, 86, 45] or a/gre—gA/ [TBr. &c.], ¦ mfn. going in front or before. +4848 new agre—ga/ [RV. ix, 86, 45] or agre—gA/ [TBr. &c.], ¦ mfn. going in front or before. +;----------------- +4850 old 13146,3agregAa/gre—gA/3 +4850 new 13146,3agregAagre—gA/3 +;----------------- +4851 old a/gre—ga/ [RV. ix, 86, 45] or a/gre—gA/ [TBr. &c.], ¦ mfn. going in front or before. +4851 new agre—ga/ [RV. ix, 86, 45] or agre—gA/ [TBr. &c.], ¦ mfn. going in front or before. +;----------------- +4859 old 13176,3agretanaa/gre—tana3 +4859 new 13176,3agretanaagre—tana3 +;----------------- +4860 old a/gre—tana ¦ mfn. occurring further on, subsequently (in a book). +4860 new agre—tana ¦ mfn. occurring further on, subsequently (in a book). +;----------------- +4862 old 13186,3agredaDusa/gre—daDu/s3 +4862 new 13186,3agredaDusagre—daDu/s3 +;----------------- +4863 old a/gre—daDu/s [MaitrS.] or a/gre—daDizu [KapS.] or a/gre—diDizu [MBh.; Gaut.], ¦ m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-diDizu or -diDizU) +4863 new agre—daDu/s [MaitrS.] or agre—daDizu [KapS.] or agre—diDizu [MBh.; Gaut.], ¦ m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-diDizu or -diDizU) +;----------------- +4865 old 1318.16,3agredaDusa/gre—daDu/s3B +4865 new 1318.16,3agredaDusagre—daDu/s3B +;----------------- +4866 old a/gre—daDu/s ¦ f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried. +4866 new agre—daDu/s ¦ f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried. +;----------------- +4868 old 13196,3agredaDizua/gre—daDizu3 +4868 new 13196,3agredaDizuagre—daDizu3 +;----------------- +4869 old a/gre—daDu/s [MaitrS.] or a/gre—daDizu [KapS.] or a/gre—diDizu [MBh.; Gaut.], ¦ m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-diDizu or -diDizU) +4869 new agre—daDu/s [MaitrS.] or agre—daDizu [KapS.] or agre—diDizu [MBh.; Gaut.], ¦ m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-diDizu or -diDizU) +;----------------- +4871 old 1319.16,3agredaDizua/gre—daDizu3B +4871 new 1319.16,3agredaDizuagre—daDizu3B +;----------------- +4874 old 13206,3agrediDizua/gre—diDizu3 +4874 new 13206,3agrediDizuagre—diDizu3 +;----------------- +4875 old a/gre—daDu/s [MaitrS.] or a/gre—daDizu [KapS.] or a/gre—diDizu [MBh.; Gaut.], ¦ m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-diDizu or -diDizU) +4875 new agre—daDu/s [MaitrS.] or agre—daDizu [KapS.] or agre—diDizu [MBh.; Gaut.], ¦ m. a man who at his first marriage takes a wife that was married before, (agre-diDizu or -diDizU) +;----------------- +4877 old 1320.16,3agrediDizua/gre—diDizu3B +4877 new 1320.16,3agrediDizuagre—diDizu3B +;----------------- +4878 old a/gre—diDizu ¦ f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried. +4878 new agre—diDizu ¦ f. a married woman whose elder sister is still unmarried. +;----------------- +4881 old agre—pA/ [RV. iv, 34, 7 and 10] or a/gre—pU [VS.; ŚBr.], ¦ mfn. having the precedence in drinking. +4881 new agre—pA/ [RV. iv, 34, 7 and 10] or agre—pU [VS.; ŚBr.], ¦ mfn. having the precedence in drinking. +;----------------- +4886 old 13236,3agreBrUa/gre—BrU3 +4886 new 13236,3agreBrUagre—BrU3 +;----------------- +4887 old a/gre—BrU ¦ (√ Bram) m. wandering in front, Pāṇ. vi, 4, 40 Comm. +4887 new agre—BrU ¦ (√ Bram) m. wandering in front, Pāṇ. vi, 4, 40 Comm. +;----------------- +4889 old 13246,3agrevaRaa/gre—vaRa3 +4889 new 13246,3agrevaRaagre—vaRa3 +;----------------- +4890 old a/gre—vaRa ¦ n. the border of a forest (g. rAjadantAdi, q.v.) +4890 new agre—vaRa ¦ n. the border of a forest (g. rAjadantAdi, q.v.) +;----------------- +4895 old 13266,3agresaraa/gre—sara3 +4895 new 13266,3agresaraagre—sara3 +;----------------- +4896 old a/gre—sara ¦ mf(I)n. going in front, preceding, best, L. +4896 new agre—sara ¦ mf(I)n. going in front, preceding, best, L. +;----------------- +4898 old 13276,3agresarikaa/gre—sarika3 +4898 new 13276,3agresarikaagre—sarika3 +;----------------- +4899 old a/gre—sarika ¦ m. a leader, L. +4899 new agre—sarika ¦ m. a leader, L. +;----------------- +4919 old 13336,3agryatapasagrya/—tapas3 +4919 new 13336,3agryatapasagrya—tapas3 +;----------------- +4920 old agrya/—tapas ¦ m. N. of a Muni, Kathās. +4920 new agrya—tapas ¦ m. N. of a Muni, Kathās. +;----------------- +4964 old 13446,3agrUa/grU1B +4964 new 13446,3agrUagrU/1B +;----------------- +4965 old a/grU ¦ f. a virgin, RV.; AV. +4965 new agrU/ ¦ f. a virgin, RV.; AV. +;----------------- +4967 old 13456,3agrUa/grU1B +4967 new 13456,3agrUagrU/1B +;----------------- +4970 old 13466,3agrUa/grU1B +4970 new 13466,3agrUagrU/1B +;----------------- +4973 old 13476,3agrUa/grU1E +4973 new 13476,3agrUagrU/1E +;----------------- +4998 old aGA/ ¦ f. pl. the constellation usually called Maghā, RV. x, 85, 13. +4998 new aGA/ ¦ (A/s), f. pl. the constellation usually called Maghā, RV. x, 85, 13. +;----------------- +5003 old 13576,3aGaGnaaGa/—Gna3 +5003 new 13576,3aGaGnaaGa—Gna3 +;----------------- +5004 old aGa/—Gna or aGa/—nASaka, ¦ mfn. sin destroying, expiatory +5004 new aGa—Gna or aGa—nASaka, ¦ mfn. sin destroying, expiatory +;----------------- +5006 old 1357.16,3aGaGnaaGa/—Gna3B +5006 new 1357.16,3aGaGnaaGa—Gna3B +;----------------- +5007 old aGa/—Gna ¦ m. ‘an expiator’, N. of Viṣṇu. +5007 new aGa—Gna ¦ m. ‘an expiator’, N. of Viṣṇu. +;----------------- +5009 old 13586,3aGanASakaaGa/—nASaka3 +5009 new 13586,3aGanASakaaGa—nASaka3 +;----------------- +5010 old aGa/—Gna or aGa/—nASaka, ¦ mfn. sin destroying, expiatory +5010 new aGa—Gna or aGa—nASaka, ¦ mfn. sin destroying, expiatory +;----------------- +5012 old 1358.16,3aGanASakaaGa/—nASaka3B +5012 new 1358.16,3aGanASakaaGa—nASaka3B +;----------------- +5013 old aGa/—nASaka ¦ m. ‘an expiator’, N. of Viṣṇu. +5013 new aGa—nASaka ¦ m. ‘an expiator’, N. of Viṣṇu. +;----------------- +5015 old 13596,3aGadevaaGa/—deva3 +5015 new 13596,3aGadevaaGa—deva3 +;----------------- +5016 old aGa/—deva ¦ m. N. of a man, Rājat. +5016 new aGa—deva ¦ m. N. of a man, Rājat. +;----------------- +5018 old 13606,3aGamarzaRaaGa/—marzaRa3 +5018 new 13606,3aGamarzaRaaGa—marzaRa3 +;----------------- +5019 old aGa/—marzaRa ¦ mfn. ‘sin-effacing’, N. of a particular Vedic hymn [RV. x, 190] still used by Brāhmans as a daily prayer, Mn.; Yājñ.; Gaut. +5019 new aGa—marzaRa ¦ mfn. ‘sin-effacing’, N. of a particular Vedic hymn [RV. x, 190] still used by Brāhmans as a daily prayer, Mn.; Yājñ.; Gaut. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0007.txt (197) +; ******************************************************* +5021 old 13617,1aGamarzaRaaGa/—marzaRa3B +5021 new 13617,1aGamarzaRaaGa—marzaRa3B +;----------------- +5022 old aGa/—marzaRa ¦ m. N. of the author of that prayer, son of Madhucchandas +5022 new aGa—marzaRa ¦ m. N. of the author of that prayer, son of Madhucchandas +;----------------- +5024 old 13627,1aGamarzaRaaGa/—marzaRa3B +5024 new 13627,1aGamarzaRaaGa—marzaRa3B +;----------------- +5033 old 13657,1aGavataGa/—vat3 +5033 new 13657,1aGavataGa—vat3 +;----------------- +5034 old aGa/—vat ¦ mfn. sinful +5034 new aGa—vat ¦ mfn. sinful +;----------------- +5036 old 13667,1aGavataGa/—vat3A +5036 new 13667,1aGavataGa—vat3A +;----------------- +5040 old aGa/—viza ¦ (aGa/.) mf(A)n. fearfully venomous, AV. +5040 new aGa/—viza ¦ (aGa/-), mf(A)n. fearfully venomous, AV. +;----------------- +5043 old aGa/—SaMsa ¦ (aGa/-) mfn. wishing evil, wicked, RV.; TBr. +5043 new aGa/—SaMsa ¦ (aGa/-), mfn. wishing evil, wicked, RV.; TBr. +;----------------- +5048 old 13707,1aGaSaMsinaGa/—SaMsin3 +5048 new 13707,1aGaSaMsinaGa—SaMsin3 +;----------------- +5049 old aGa/—SaMsin ¦ mfn. confessing sin, R.; Daś. +5049 new aGa—SaMsin ¦ mfn. confessing sin, R.; Daś. +;----------------- +5051 old 13717,1aGaharaRaaGa/—haraRa3 +5051 new 13717,1aGaharaRaaGa—haraRa3 +;----------------- +5052 old aGa/—haraRa ¦ n. removal of guilt, L. +5052 new aGa—haraRa ¦ n. removal of guilt, L. +;----------------- +5147 old 13957,1aGoraGorataraa/-Gora—Goratara/3 +5147 new 13957,1aGoraGorataraa-Gora—Goratara/3 +;----------------- +5148 old a/-Gora—Goratara/ ¦ mfn. having a form both not terrific and terrific, MaitrS. +5148 new a-Gora—Goratara/ ¦ mfn. having a form both not terrific and terrific, MaitrS. +;----------------- +5150 old 13967,1aGoraGorarUpaa/-Gora—Gora-rUpa3 +5150 new 13967,1aGoraGorarUpaa-Gora—Gora-rUpa3 +;----------------- +5151 old a/-Gora—Gora-rUpa ¦ m. ‘having a form or nature both not terrific and terrific’, N. of Śiva, MBh. +5151 new a-Gora—Gora-rUpa ¦ m. ‘having a form or nature both not terrific and terrific’, N. of Śiva, MBh. +;----------------- +5156 old 13987,1aGorapaTina/-Gora—paTin3 +5156 new 13987,1aGorapaTina-Gora—paTin3 +;----------------- +5157 old a/-Gora—paTin or a/-Gora—mArga, ¦ m. a particular sect of Śaivas who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices. +5157 new a-Gora—paTin or a-Gora—mArga, ¦ m. a particular sect of Śaivas who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices. +;----------------- +5159 old 13997,1aGoramArgaa/-Gora—mArga3 +5159 new 13997,1aGoramArgaa-Gora—mArga3 +;----------------- +5160 old a/-Gora—paTin or a/-Gora—mArga, ¦ m. a particular sect of Śaivas who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices. +5160 new a-Gora—paTin or a-Gora—mArga, ¦ m. a particular sect of Śaivas who eat loathsome food and are addicted to disgusting practices. +;----------------- +5162 old 14007,1aGorapramARaa/-Gora—pramARa3 +5162 new 14007,1aGorapramARaa-Gora—pramARa3 +;----------------- +5263 old 14287,1aNkakaraRaaNka/—karaRa3 +5263 new 14287,1aNkakaraRaaNka—karaRa3 +;----------------- +5264 old aNka/—karaRa ¦ n. the act of marking or stamping. +5264 new aNka—karaRa ¦ n. the act of marking or stamping. +;----------------- +5266 old 14297,2aNkakAraaNka/—kAra3 +5266 new 14297,2aNkakAraaNka—kAra3 +;----------------- +5267 old aNka/—kAra ¦ m. a champion chosen by each side to decide a battle, Bālar. +5267 new aNka—kAra ¦ m. a champion chosen by each side to decide a battle, Bālar. +;----------------- +5269 old 14307,2aNkakAraaNka/—kAra3A +5269 new 14307,2aNkakAraaNka—kAra3A +;----------------- +5278 old 14317,2aNkatantraaNka/—tantra3 +5278 new 14317,2aNkatantraaNka—tantra3 +;----------------- +5279 old aNka/—tantra ¦ n. N. of a book treating of magical marks or figures. +5279 new aNka—tantra ¦ n. N. of a book treating of magical marks or figures. +;----------------- +5281 old 14327,2aNkaDAraRAaNka/—DAraRA3 +5281 new 14327,2aNkaDAraRAaNka—DAraRA3 +;----------------- +5282 old aNka/—DAraRA ¦ f. manner of holding the body, figure, ĀśvŚr. +5282 new aNka—DAraRA ¦ f. manner of holding the body, figure, ĀśvŚr. +;----------------- +5284 old 14337,2aNkaparivartanaaNka/—parivartana3 +5284 new 14337,2aNkaparivartanaaNka—parivartana3 +;----------------- +5285 old aNka/—parivartana ¦ n. turning the body, turning on the other side. +5285 new aNka—parivartana ¦ n. turning the body, turning on the other side. +;----------------- +5287 old 14347,2aNkapAdavrataaNka/—pAda-vrata3 +5287 new 14347,2aNkapAdavrataaNka—pAda-vrata3 +;----------------- +5288 old aNka/—pAda-vrata ¦ n. N. of a chapter in the Bhaviṣyottara-Purāṇa. +5288 new aNka—pAda-vrata ¦ n. N. of a chapter in the Bhaviṣyottara-Purāṇa. +;----------------- +5293 old 14357,2aNkapAliaNka/—pAli3 +5293 new 14357,2aNkapAliaNka—pAli3 +;----------------- +5294 old aNka/—pAli, f. or aNka/—pAlikA, f. ¦ embracing, an embrace, L. +5294 new aNka—pAli, f. or aNka—pAlikA, f. ¦ embracing, an embrace, L. +;----------------- +5296 old 14367,2aNkapAlikAaNka/—pAlikA3 +5296 new 14367,2aNkapAlikAaNka—pAlikA3 +;----------------- +5297 old aNka/—pAli, f. or aNka/—pAlikA, f. ¦ embracing, an embrace, L. +5297 new aNka—pAli, f. or aNka—pAlikA, f. ¦ embracing, an embrace, L. +;----------------- +5299 old 14377,2aNkapAlIaNka/—pAlI3 +5299 new 14377,2aNkapAlIaNka—pAlI3 +;----------------- +5300 old aNka/—pAlI ¦ f. an embrace +5300 new aNka—pAlI ¦ f. an embrace +;----------------- +5302 old 14387,2aNkapAlIaNka/—pAlI3A +5302 new 14387,2aNkapAlIaNka—pAlI3A +;----------------- +5305 old 14397,2aNkapAlIaNka/—pAlI3A +5305 new 14397,2aNkapAlIaNka—pAlI3A +;----------------- +5308 old 14407,2aNkapASaaNka/—pASa3 +5308 new 14407,2aNkapASaaNka—pASa3 +;----------------- +5309 old aNka/—pASa ¦ m. a peculiar concatenation of numerals or numbers. +5309 new aNka—pASa ¦ m. a peculiar concatenation of numerals or numbers. +;----------------- +5311 old 14417,2aNkapASavyavahAraaNka/—pASa-vyavahAra3 +5311 new 14417,2aNkapASavyavahAraaNka—pASa-vyavahAra3 +;----------------- +5312 old aNka/—pASa-vyavahAra ¦ m. the use of that concatenation. +5312 new aNka—pASa-vyavahAra ¦ m. the use of that concatenation. +;----------------- +5314 old 14427,2aNkapASADyAyaaNka/—pASADyAya3 +5314 new 14427,2aNkapASADyAyaaNka—pASADyAya3 +;----------------- +5315 old aNka/—pASADyAya ¦ m. the study of that concatenation. +5315 new aNka—pASADyAya ¦ m. the study of that concatenation. +;----------------- +5317 old 14437,2aNkabanDaaNka/—banDa3 +5317 new 14437,2aNkabanDaaNka—banDa3 +;----------------- +5318 old aNka/—banDa ¦ m. branding with a mark (that resembles a headless body), Yājñ. +5318 new aNka—banDa ¦ m. branding with a mark (that resembles a headless body), Yājñ. +;----------------- +5320 old 14447,2aNkaBAjaNka/—BAj3 +5320 new 14447,2aNkaBAjaNka—BAj3 +;----------------- +5321 old aNka/—BAj ¦ mfn. (an infant) carried on the hip +5321 new aNka—BAj ¦ mfn. (an infant) carried on the hip +;----------------- +5323 old 14457,2aNkaBAjaNka/—BAj3A +5323 new 14457,2aNkaBAjaNka—BAj3A +;----------------- +5326 old 14467,2aNkaBAjaNka/—BAj3A +5326 new 14467,2aNkaBAjaNka—BAj3A +;----------------- +5329 old 14477,2aNkamuKaaNka/—muKa3 +5329 new 14477,2aNkamuKaaNka—muKa3 +;----------------- +5330 old aNka/—muKa ¦ n. introductory act of a drama giving a clue to the whole plot. +5330 new aNka—muKa ¦ n. introductory act of a drama giving a clue to the whole plot. +;----------------- +5335 old 14487,2aNkaloqyaaNka/—loqya3 +5335 new 14487,2aNkaloqyaaNka—loqya3 +;----------------- +5336 old aNka/—loqya ¦ m. ginger, Ciñcoḍa or Ciñcoṭaka. +5336 new aNka—loqya ¦ m. ginger, Ciñcoḍa or Ciñcoṭaka. +;----------------- +5338 old 14497,2aNkavidyAaNka/—vidyA3 +5338 new 14497,2aNkavidyAaNka—vidyA3 +;----------------- +5339 old aNka/—vidyA ¦ f. science of numbers, arithmetic. +5339 new aNka—vidyA ¦ f. science of numbers, arithmetic. +;----------------- +5470 old 14777,2aNkuSagrahaaNkuSa/—graha3 +5470 new 14777,2aNkuSagrahaaNkuSa—graha3 +;----------------- +5471 old aNkuSa/—graha ¦ m. an elephant-driver. +5471 new aNkuSa—graha ¦ m. an elephant-driver. +;----------------- +5473 old 14787,2aNkuSadurDaraaNkuSa/—durDara3 +5473 new 14787,2aNkuSadurDaraaNkuSa—durDara3 +;----------------- +5474 old aNkuSa/—durDara ¦ m. a restive elephant. +5474 new aNkuSa—durDara ¦ m. a restive elephant. +;----------------- +5567 old 15007,3aNgIkfaNgI—kf3 +5567 new 15007,aNgIkfaNgI—kf3 +;----------------- +5568 old aNgI—√ kf ¦ to take the side of; +5568 new aNgI 1.kf ¦ to take the side of; +;----------------- +5631 old 15217,3aNgakartanaa/Nga—kartana3 +5631 new 15217,3aNgakartanaaNga—kartana3 +;----------------- +5632 old a/Nga—kartana ¦ n. cutting off a limb. +5632 new aNga—kartana ¦ n. cutting off a limb. +;----------------- +5634 old 15227,3aNgakarmana/Nga—karman3 +5634 new 15227,3aNgakarmanaNga—karman3 +;----------------- +5635 old a/Nga—karman, n. or a/Nga—kriyA, f. ¦ a supplementary sacrificial act. +5635 new aNga—karman, n. or aNga—kriyA, f. ¦ a supplementary sacrificial act. +;----------------- +5637 old 15237,3aNgakriyAa/Nga—kriyA3 +5637 new 15237,3aNgakriyAaNga—kriyA3 +;----------------- +5638 old a/Nga—karman, n. or a/Nga—kriyA, f. ¦ a supplementary sacrificial act. +5638 new aNga—karman, n. or aNga—kriyA, f. ¦ a supplementary sacrificial act. +;----------------- +5643 old 15247,3aNgakazAyaa/Nga—kazAya/3 +5643 new 15247,3aNgakazAyaaNga—kazAya/3 +;----------------- +5644 old a/Nga—kazAya/ ¦ m. the essence of the body (said of, the semen virile), ŚBr. +5644 new aNga—kazAya/ ¦ m. the essence of the body (said of, the semen virile), ŚBr. +;----------------- +5646 old 15257,3aNgagrahaa/Nga—graha3 +5646 new 15257,3aNgagrahaaNga—graha3 +;----------------- +5647 old a/Nga—graha ¦ m. ‘limb-seizure’, spasm, Suśr. +5647 new aNga—graha ¦ m. ‘limb-seizure’, spasm, Suśr. +;----------------- +5649 old 15267,3aNgajaa/Nga—ja3 +5649 new 15267,3aNgajaaNga—ja3 +;----------------- +5650 old a/Nga—ja ¦ mfn. produced from or on the body, ornamental, L. +5650 new aNga—ja ¦ mfn. produced from or on the body, ornamental, L. +;----------------- +5652 old 15277,3aNgajaa/Nga—ja3A +5652 new 15277,3aNgajaaNga—ja3A +;----------------- +5655 old 1527.17,3aNgajaa/Nga—ja3B +5655 new 1527.17,3aNgajaaNga—ja3B +;----------------- +5656 old a/Nga—ja ¦ m. a son, L. +5656 new aNga—ja ¦ m. a son, L. +;----------------- +5658 old 15287,3aNgajaa/Nga—ja3B +5658 new 15287,3aNgajaaNga—ja3B +;----------------- +5661 old 15297,3aNgajaa/Nga—ja3B +5661 new 15297,3aNgajaaNga—ja3B +;----------------- +5664 old 15307,3aNgajaa/Nga—ja3B +5664 new 15307,3aNgajaaNga—ja3B +;----------------- +5667 old 15317,3aNgajaa/Nga—ja3B +5667 new 15317,3aNgajaaNga—ja3B +;----------------- +5670 old 15327,3aNgajaa/Nga—ja3B +5670 new 15327,3aNgajaaNga—ja3B +;----------------- +5673 old 15337,3aNgajAa/Nga—jA3B +5673 new 15337,3aNgajAaNga—jA3B +;----------------- +5674 old a/Nga—jA ¦ f. a daughter +5674 new aNga—jA ¦ f. a daughter +;----------------- +5676 old 15347,3aNgajaa/Nga—ja3B +5676 new 15347,3aNgajaaNga—ja3B +;----------------- +5677 old a/Nga—ja ¦ n. blood. +5677 new aNga—ja ¦ n. blood. +;----------------- +5679 old 15357,3aNgajanusa/Nga—janus3 +5679 new 15357,3aNgajanusaNga—janus3 +;----------------- +5680 old a/Nga—janus ¦ m. a son. +5680 new aNga—janus ¦ m. a son. +;----------------- +5682 old 15367,3aNgajAtaa/Nga—jAta3 +5682 new 15367,3aNgajAtaaNga—jAta3 +;----------------- +5683 old a/Nga—jAta ¦ mfn. produced from or on the body +5683 new aNga—jAta ¦ mfn. produced from or on the body +;----------------- +5685 old 15377,3aNgajAtaa/Nga—jAta3A +5685 new 15377,3aNgajAtaaNga—jAta3A +;----------------- +5688 old 15387,3aNgajAtaa/Nga—jAta3A +5688 new 15387,3aNgajAtaaNga—jAta3A +;----------------- +5694 old 15407,3aNgatAa/Nga—tA3 +5694 new 15407,3aNgatAaNga—tA3 +;----------------- +5695 old a/Nga—tA, f. or a/Nga—tva, n. ¦ a state of subordination or dependance, the being of secondary importance, the being unessential. +5695 new aNga—tA, f. or aNga—tva, n. ¦ a state of subordination or dependance, the being of secondary importance, the being unessential. +;----------------- +5697 old 15417,3aNgatvaa/Nga—tva3 +5697 new 15417,3aNgatvaaNga—tva3 +;----------------- +5698 old a/Nga—tA, f. or a/Nga—tva, n. ¦ a state of subordination or dependance, the being of secondary importance, the being unessential. +5698 new aNga—tA, f. or aNga—tva, n. ¦ a state of subordination or dependance, the being of secondary importance, the being unessential. +;----------------- +5700 old 15427,3aNgadaa/Nga—da3 +5700 new 15427,3aNgadaaNga—da3 +;----------------- +5701 old a/Nga—da ¦ m. N. of a brother of Rāma +5701 new aNga—da ¦ m. N. of a brother of Rāma +;----------------- +5703 old 15437,3aNgadaa/Nga—da3A +5703 new 15437,3aNgadaaNga—da3A +;----------------- +5706 old 15447,3aNgadaa/Nga—da3A +5706 new 15447,3aNgadaaNga—da3A +;----------------- +5709 old 15457,3aNgadAa/Nga—dA3B +5709 new 15457,3aNgadAaNga—dA3B +;----------------- +5710 old a/Nga—dA ¦ f. the female elephant of the south +5710 new aNga—dA ¦ f. the female elephant of the south +;----------------- +5712 old 15467,3aNgadaa/Nga—da3B +5712 new 15467,3aNgadaaNga—da3B +;----------------- +5713 old a/Nga—da ¦ n. a bracelet worn on the upper arm. +5713 new aNga—da ¦ n. a bracelet worn on the upper arm. +;----------------- +5721 old 15477,3aNgadvIpaa/Nga—dvIpa3 +5721 new 15477,3aNgadvIpaaNga—dvIpa3 +;----------------- +5722 old a/Nga—dvIpa ¦ m. one of the six minor Dvīpas. +5722 new aNga—dvIpa ¦ m. one of the six minor Dvīpas. +;----------------- +5724 old 15487,3aNganyAsaa/Nga—nyAsa3 +5724 new 15487,3aNganyAsaaNga—nyAsa3 +;----------------- +5725 old a/Nga—nyAsa ¦ m. ceremony of touching certain parts of the body. +5725 new aNga—nyAsa ¦ m. ceremony of touching certain parts of the body. +;----------------- +5727 old 15497,3aNgapAlia/Nga—pAli3 +5727 new 15497,3aNgapAliaNga—pAli3 +;----------------- +5728 old a/Nga—pAli ¦ f. an embrace, L. +5728 new aNga—pAli ¦ f. an embrace, L. +;----------------- +5730 old 15507,3aNgapAlia/Nga—pAli3A +5730 new 15507,3aNgapAliaNga—pAli3A +;----------------- +5733 old 15517,3aNgaprAyaScittaa/Nga—prAyaScitta3 +5733 new 15517,3aNgaprAyaScittaaNga—prAyaScitta3 +;----------------- +5734 old a/Nga—prAyaScitta ¦ n. expiation of bodily impurity, especially that arising from death in a family. +5734 new aNga—prAyaScitta ¦ n. expiation of bodily impurity, especially that arising from death in a family. +;----------------- +5739 old 15527,3aNgaBUa/Nga—BU3 +5739 new 15527,3aNgaBUaNga—BU3 +;----------------- +5740 old a/Nga—BU ¦ m. son, Śiś. +5740 new aNga—BU ¦ m. son, Śiś. +;----------------- +5751 old 15547,3aNgamardaa/Nga—marda3 +5751 new 15547,3aNgamardaaNga—marda3 +;----------------- +5752 old a/Nga—marda or a/Nga—mardaka or a/Nga—mardin, ¦ m. a servant who shampoos his master's body +5752 new aNga—marda or aNga—mardaka or aNga—mardin, ¦ m. a servant who shampoos his master's body +;----------------- +5754 old 15557,3aNgamardaa/Nga—marda3A +5754 new 15557,3aNgamardaaNga—marda3A +;----------------- +5757 old 15567,3aNgamardakaa/Nga—mardaka3 +5757 new 15567,3aNgamardakaaNga—mardaka3 +;----------------- +5758 old a/Nga—marda or a/Nga—mardaka or a/Nga—mardin, ¦ m. a servant who shampoos his master's body +5758 new aNga—marda or aNga—mardaka or aNga—mardin, ¦ m. a servant who shampoos his master's body +;----------------- +5760 old 15587,3aNgamardina/Nga—mardin3 +5760 new 15587,3aNgamardinaNga—mardin3 +;----------------- +5761 old a/Nga—marda or a/Nga—mardaka or a/Nga—mardin, ¦ m. a servant who shampoos his master's body +5761 new aNga—marda or aNga—mardaka or aNga—mardin, ¦ m. a servant who shampoos his master's body +;----------------- +5763 old 15597,3aNgamardina/Nga—mardin3A +5763 new 15597,3aNgamardinaNga—mardin3A +;----------------- +5766 old 15607,3aNgamarzaa/Nga—marza3 +5766 new 15607,3aNgamarzaaNga—marza3 +;----------------- +5767 old a/Nga—marza ¦ m. pain in the limbs, rheumatism, +5767 new aNga—marza ¦ m. pain in the limbs, rheumatism, +;----------------- +5769 old 15617,3aNgamarzapraSamanaa/Nga—marza-praSamana3 +5769 new 15617,3aNgamarzapraSamanaaNga—marza-praSamana3 +;----------------- +5770 old a/Nga—marza-praSamana ¦ n. alleviation of rheumatism. +5770 new aNga—marza-praSamana ¦ n. alleviation of rheumatism. +;----------------- +5772 old 15627,3aNgamejayatvaa/Nga—m-ejayatva3 +5772 new 15627,3aNgamejayatvaaNga—m-ejayatva3 +;----------------- +5773 old a/Nga—m-ejayatva ¦ (aNgam-ej°) n. the trembling of the body, Yogas. +5773 new aNga—m-ejayatva ¦ (aNgam-ej°) n. the trembling of the body, Yogas. +;----------------- +5775 old 15637,3aNgayazwia/Nga—yazwi3 +5775 new 15637,3aNgayazwiaNga—yazwi3 +;----------------- +5776 old a/Nga—yazwi ¦ f. a slender form, fairy-figure. +5776 new aNga—yazwi ¦ f. a slender form, fairy-figure. +;----------------- +5778 old 15647,3aNgayAgaa/Nga—yAga3 +5778 new 15647,3aNgayAgaaNga—yAga3 +;----------------- +5779 old a/Nga—yAga ¦ m. a subordinate sacrificial act. +5779 new aNga—yAga ¦ m. a subordinate sacrificial act. +;----------------- +5781 old 15657,3aNgaraktaa/Nga—rakta3 +5781 new 15657,3aNgaraktaaNga—rakta3 +;----------------- +5782 old a/Nga—rakta ¦ m. the plant Guṇḍārocanī. +5782 new aNga—rakta ¦ m. the plant Guṇḍārocanī. +;----------------- +5784 old 15667,3aNgarakzaRIa/Nga—rakzaRI3 +5784 new 15667,3aNgarakzaRIaNga—rakzaRI3 +;----------------- +5785 old a/Nga—rakzaRI or a/Nga—rakziRI, ¦ f. ‘body protector’, a coat of mail, L. +5785 new aNga—rakzaRI or aNga—rakziRI, ¦ f. ‘body protector’, a coat of mail, L. +;----------------- +5787 old 15677,3aNgarakziRIa/Nga—rakziRI3 +5787 new 15677,3aNgarakziRIaNga—rakziRI3 +;----------------- +5788 old a/Nga—rakzaRI or a/Nga—rakziRI, ¦ f. ‘body protector’, a coat of mail, L. +5788 new aNga—rakzaRI or aNga—rakziRI, ¦ f. ‘body protector’, a coat of mail, L. +;----------------- +5790 old 15687,3aNgarAgaa/Nga—rAga3 +5790 new 15687,3aNgarAgaaNga—rAga3 +;----------------- +5791 old a/Nga—rAga ¦ m. application of unguents or cosmetics to the body (especially after bathing) +5791 new aNga—rAga ¦ m. application of unguents or cosmetics to the body (especially after bathing) +;----------------- +5793 old 15697,3aNgarAgaa/Nga—rAga3A +5793 new 15697,3aNgarAgaaNga—rAga3A +;----------------- +5796 old 15707,3aNgarAja/Nga—rAj3 +5796 new 15707,3aNgarAjaNga—rAj3 +;----------------- +5797 old a/Nga—rAj or a/Nga—rAja, ¦ m. N. of Karṇa, king of Aṅga. +5797 new aNga—rAj or aNga—rAja, ¦ m. N. of Karṇa, king of Aṅga. +;----------------- +5799 old 15717,3aNgarAjaa/Nga—rAja3 +5799 new 15717,3aNgarAjaaNga—rAja3 +;----------------- +5800 old a/Nga—rAj or a/Nga—rAja, ¦ m. N. of Karṇa, king of Aṅga. +5800 new aNga—rAj or aNga—rAja, ¦ m. N. of Karṇa, king of Aṅga. +;----------------- +5802 old 15727,3aNgarAjyaa/Nga—rAjya3 +5802 new 15727,3aNgarAjyaaNga—rAjya3 +;----------------- +5803 old a/Nga—rAjya ¦ n. kingdom of Aṅga. +5803 new aNga—rAjya ¦ n. kingdom of Aṅga. +;----------------- +5805 old 15737,3aNgaruhaa/Nga—ruha3 +5805 new 15737,3aNgaruhaaNga—ruha3 +;----------------- +5806 old a/Nga—ruha ¦ mfn. ‘growing on the body’, hair, wool, down, &c. +5806 new aNga—ruha ¦ mfn. ‘growing on the body’, hair, wool, down, &c. +;----------------- +5811 old 15747,3aNgalipia/Nga—lipi3 +5811 new 15747,3aNgalipiaNga—lipi3 +;----------------- +5812 old a/Nga—lipi ¦ f. written character of Aṅga. +5812 new aNga—lipi ¦ f. written character of Aṅga. +;----------------- +5814 old 15757,3aNgalokaa/Nga—loka3 +5814 new 15757,3aNgalokaaNga—loka3 +;----------------- +5815 old a/Nga—loka ¦ m. the Country Aṅga. +5815 new aNga—loka ¦ m. the Country Aṅga. +;----------------- +5817 old 15767,3aNgaloqyaa/Nga—loqya3 +5817 new 15767,3aNgaloqyaaNga—loqya3 +;----------------- +5818 old a/Nga—loqya ¦ m. a sort of grass +5818 new aNga—loqya ¦ m. a sort of grass +;----------------- +5820 old 15777,3aNgaloqyaa/Nga—loqya3A +5820 new 15777,3aNgaloqyaaNga—loqya3A +;----------------- +5823 old 15787,3aNgavAkpARimata/Nga—vAk-pARi-mat3 +5823 new 15787,3aNgavAkpARimataNga—vAk-pARi-mat3 +;----------------- +5824 old a/Nga—vAk-pARi-mat ¦ mfn. possessing mind (?), speech, and hands. +5824 new aNga—vAk-pARi-mat ¦ mfn. possessing mind (?), speech, and hands. +;----------------- +5829 old 15797,3aNgavikftia/Nga—vikfti3 +5829 new 15797,3aNgavikftiaNga—vikfti3 +;----------------- +5830 old a/Nga—vikfti ¦ f. change of bodily appearance, collapse +5830 new aNga—vikfti ¦ f. change of bodily appearance, collapse +;----------------- +5832 old 15807,3aNgavikftia/Nga—vikfti3A +5832 new 15807,3aNgavikftiaNga—vikfti3A +;----------------- +5835 old 15817,3aNgavikzepaa/Nga—vikzepa3 +5835 new 15817,3aNgavikzepaaNga—vikzepa3 +;----------------- +5836 old a/Nga—vikzepa ¦ m. gesticulation +5836 new aNga—vikzepa ¦ m. gesticulation +;----------------- +5838 old 15827,3aNgavikzepaa/Nga—vikzepa3A +5838 new 15827,3aNgavikzepaaNga—vikzepa3A +;----------------- +5841 old 15837,3aNgavidyAa/Nga—vidyA3 +5841 new 15837,3aNgavidyAaNga—vidyA3 +;----------------- +5842 old a/Nga—vidyA ¦ f. knowledge of lucky or unlucky marks on the body, Chiromantia, Mn. vi, 50, &c. +5842 new aNga—vidyA ¦ f. knowledge of lucky or unlucky marks on the body, Chiromantia, Mn. vi, 50, &c. +;----------------- +5844 old 15847,3aNgavEkftaa/Nga—vEkfta3 +5844 new 15847,3aNgavEkftaaNga—vEkfta3 +;----------------- +5845 old a/Nga—vEkfta ¦ n. a wink, nod, sign. +5845 new aNga—vEkfta ¦ n. a wink, nod, sign. +;----------------- +5847 old 15857,3aNgaSasa/Nga—Sa/s3 +5847 new 15857,3aNgaSasaNga—Sa/s3 +;----------------- +5848 old a/Nga—Sa/s ¦ ind. into parts, ŚBr. +5848 new aNga—Sa/s ¦ ind. into parts, ŚBr. +;----------------- +5853 old 15867,3aNgasaMskAraa/Nga—saMskAra3 +5853 new 15867,3aNgasaMskAraaNga—saMskAra3 +;----------------- +5854 old a/Nga—saMskAra, m. or a/Nga—saMskriyA, f. ¦ embellishment of person bathing, perfuming and adorning the body. +5854 new aNga—saMskAra, m. or aNga—saMskriyA, f. ¦ embellishment of person bathing, perfuming and adorning the body. +;----------------- +5856 old 15877,3aNgasaMskriyAa/Nga—saMskriyA3 +5856 new 15877,3aNgasaMskriyAaNga—saMskriyA3 +;----------------- +5857 old a/Nga—saMskAra, m. or a/Nga—saMskriyA, f. ¦ embellishment of person bathing, perfuming and adorning the body. +5857 new aNga—saMskAra, m. or aNga—saMskriyA, f. ¦ embellishment of person bathing, perfuming and adorning the body. +;----------------- +5859 old 15887,3aNgasaMhatia/Nga—saMhati3 +5859 new 15887,3aNgasaMhatiaNga—saMhati3 +;----------------- +5860 old a/Nga—saMhati ¦ f. compactness of limb, symmetry of body. +5860 new aNga—saMhati ¦ f. compactness of limb, symmetry of body. +;----------------- +5862 old 15897,3aNgasaMhitAa/Nga—saMhitA3 +5862 new 15897,3aNgasaMhitAaNga—saMhitA3 +;----------------- +5863 old a/Nga—saMhitA ¦ f. the Saṃhitā or phonetic relation between consonants and vowels in the body of a word, TS.; Prāt. +5863 new aNga—saMhitA ¦ f. the Saṃhitā or phonetic relation between consonants and vowels in the body of a word, TS.; Prāt. +;----------------- +5865 old 15907,3aNgasaNgaa/Nga—saNga3 +5865 new 15907,3aNgasaNgaaNga—saNga3 +;----------------- +5866 old a/Nga—saNga ¦ m. ‘bodily contact’, coition, L. +5866 new aNga—saNga ¦ m. ‘bodily contact’, coition, L. +;----------------- +5868 old 15917,3aNgaskanDaa/Nga—skanDa3 +5868 new 15917,3aNgaskanDaaNga—skanDa3 +;----------------- +5869 old a/Nga—skanDa ¦ m. a subdivision of a science. +5869 new aNga—skanDa ¦ m. a subdivision of a science. +;----------------- +5871 old 15927,3aNgasparSaa/Nga—sparSa3 +5871 new 15927,3aNgasparSaaNga—sparSa3 +;----------------- +5872 old a/Nga—sparSa ¦ m. bodily contact. +5872 new aNga—sparSa ¦ m. bodily contact. +;----------------- +5877 old 15937,3aNgahAraa/Nga—hAra3 +5877 new 15937,3aNgahAraaNga—hAra3 +;----------------- +5878 old a/Nga—hAra [Kathās.] or a/Nga—hAri [L.], ¦ m. gesticulation. +5878 new aNga—hAra [Kathās.] or aNga—hAri [L.], ¦ m. gesticulation. +;----------------- +5880 old 15947,3aNgahAria/Nga—hAri3 +5880 new 15947,3aNgahAriaNga—hAri3 +;----------------- +5881 old a/Nga—hAra [Kathās.] or a/Nga—hAri [L.], ¦ m. gesticulation. +5881 new aNga—hAra [Kathās.] or aNga—hAri [L.], ¦ m. gesticulation. +;----------------- +5883 old 15957,3aNgahInaa/Nga—hIna3 +5883 new 15957,3aNgahInaaNga—hIna3 +;----------------- +5884 old a/Nga—hIna ¦ mfn. limbless, mutilated +5884 new aNga—hIna ¦ mfn. limbless, mutilated +;----------------- +5886 old 15967,3aNgahInaa/Nga—hIna3A +5886 new 15967,3aNgahInaaNga—hIna3A +;----------------- +5889 old 15977,3aNgahInaa/Nga—hIna3B +5889 new 15977,3aNgahInaaNga—hIna3B +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0008.txt (95) +; ******************************************************* +6030 old 16398,1aNgArakArina/NgAra—kArin3 +6030 new 16398,1aNgArakArinaNgAra—kArin3 +;----------------- +6031 old a/NgAra—kArin and a/NgAra—kft [Hpar.], ¦ m. charcoal-burner. +6031 new aNgAra—kArin and aNgAra—kft [Hpar.], ¦ m. charcoal-burner. +;----------------- +6033 old 16408,1aNgArakfta/NgAra—kft3 +6033 new 16408,1aNgArakftaNgAra—kft3 +;----------------- +6034 old a/NgAra—kArin and a/NgAra—kft [Hpar.], ¦ m. charcoal-burner. +6034 new aNgAra—kArin and aNgAra—kft [Hpar.], ¦ m. charcoal-burner. +;----------------- +6036 old 16418,1aNgArakuzWakaa/NgAra—kuzWaka3 +6036 new 16418,1aNgArakuzWakaaNgAra—kuzWaka3 +;----------------- +6037 old a/NgAra—kuzWaka ¦ m. the plant Hitāvalī. +6037 new aNgAra—kuzWaka ¦ m. the plant Hitāvalī. +;----------------- +6042 old 16428,1aNgAraDAnIa/NgAra—DAnI3 +6042 new 16428,1aNgAraDAnIaNgAra—DAnI3 +;----------------- +6043 old a/NgAra—DAnI or a/NgAra—DAnikA, ¦ f. a portable fire-place. +6043 new aNgAra—DAnI or aNgAra—DAnikA, ¦ f. a portable fire-place. +;----------------- +6045 old 16438,1aNgAraDAnikAa/NgAra—DAnikA3 +6045 new 16438,1aNgAraDAnikAaNgAra—DAnikA3 +;----------------- +6046 old a/NgAra—DAnI or a/NgAra—DAnikA, ¦ f. a portable fire-place. +6046 new aNgAra—DAnI or aNgAra—DAnikA, ¦ f. a portable fire-place. +;----------------- +6048 old 16448,1aNgAraparipAcitaa/NgAra—paripAcita3 +6048 new 16448,1aNgAraparipAcitaaNgAra—paripAcita3 +;----------------- +6049 old a/NgAra—paripAcita ¦ n. roasted food. +6049 new aNgAra—paripAcita ¦ n. roasted food. +;----------------- +6051 old 16458,1aNgAraparRaa/NgAra—parRa3 +6051 new 16458,1aNgAraparRaaNgAra—parRa3 +;----------------- +6052 old a/NgAra—parRa ¦ m. N. of Citraratha, chief of the Gandharvas, MBh. +6052 new aNgAra—parRa ¦ m. N. of Citraratha, chief of the Gandharvas, MBh. +;----------------- +6054 old 16468,1aNgAraparRIa/NgAra—parRI3B +6054 new 16468,1aNgAraparRIaNgAra—parRI3B +;----------------- +6055 old a/NgAra—parRI ¦ f. Clerodendron Siphonanthus. +6055 new aNgAra—parRI ¦ f. Clerodendron Siphonanthus. +;----------------- +6057 old 16478,1aNgArapAtrIa/NgAra—pAtrI3 +6057 new 16478,1aNgArapAtrIaNgAra—pAtrI3 +;----------------- +6058 old a/NgAra—pAtrI ¦ f. a portable fire-place. +6058 new aNgAra—pAtrI ¦ f. a portable fire-place. +;----------------- +6060 old 16488,1aNgArapuzpaa/NgAra—puzpa3 +6060 new 16488,1aNgArapuzpaaNgAra—puzpa3 +;----------------- +6061 old a/NgAra—puzpa ¦ m. the plant Iṅgudī (vulg. Ingua). +6061 new aNgAra—puzpa ¦ m. the plant Iṅgudī (vulg. Ingua). +;----------------- +6063 old 16498,1aNgAramaYjarIa/NgAra—maYjarI3 +6063 new 16498,1aNgAramaYjarIaNgAra—maYjarI3 +;----------------- +6064 old a/NgAra—maYjarI or a/NgAra—maYjI, ¦ f. the shrub Cesalpinia Banducella. +6064 new aNgAra—maYjarI or aNgAra—maYjI, ¦ f. the shrub Cesalpinia Banducella. +;----------------- +6066 old 16508,1aNgAramaYjIa/NgAra—maYjI3 +6066 new 16508,1aNgAramaYjIaNgAra—maYjI3 +;----------------- +6067 old a/NgAra—maYjarI or a/NgAra—maYjI, ¦ f. the shrub Cesalpinia Banducella. +6067 new aNgAra—maYjarI or aNgAra—maYjI, ¦ f. the shrub Cesalpinia Banducella. +;----------------- +6072 old 16518,1aNgAravallarIa/NgAra—vallarI3 +6072 new 16518,1aNgAravallarIaNgAra—vallarI3 +;----------------- +6073 old a/NgAra—vallarI or a/NgAra—vallI, ¦ f. (various plants), Galedupa Arborea +6073 new aNgAra—vallarI or aNgAra—vallI, ¦ f. (various plants), Galedupa Arborea +;----------------- +6075 old 16528,1aNgAravallarIa/NgAra—vallarI3A +6075 new 16528,1aNgAravallarIaNgAra—vallarI3A +;----------------- +6078 old 16538,1aNgAravallarIa/NgAra—vallarI3A +6078 new 16538,1aNgAravallarIaNgAra—vallarI3A +;----------------- +6081 old 16548,1aNgAravallarIa/NgAra—vallarI3A +6081 new 16548,1aNgAravallarIaNgAra—vallarI3A +;----------------- +6084 old 16558,1aNgAravallIa/NgAra—vallI3 +6084 new 16558,1aNgAravallIaNgAra—vallI3 +;----------------- +6085 old a/NgAra—vallarI or a/NgAra—vallI, ¦ f. (various plants), Galedupa Arborea +6085 new aNgAra—vallarI or aNgAra—vallI, ¦ f. (various plants), Galedupa Arborea +;----------------- +6087 old 16568,1aNgAravallIa/NgAra—vallI3A +6087 new 16568,1aNgAravallIaNgAra—vallI3A +;----------------- +6090 old 16578,1aNgAravallIa/NgAra—vallI3A +6090 new 16578,1aNgAravallIaNgAra—vallI3A +;----------------- +6093 old 16588,1aNgAravallIa/NgAra—vallI3A +6093 new 16588,1aNgAravallIaNgAra—vallI3A +;----------------- +6102 old 16598,1aNgAraSakawIa/NgAra—SakawI3 +6102 new 16598,1aNgAraSakawIaNgAra—SakawI3 +;----------------- +6103 old a/NgAra—SakawI ¦ f. a portable fire-place on wheels. +6103 new aNgAra—SakawI ¦ f. a portable fire-place on wheels. +;----------------- +6108 old 16608,1aNgArasetua/NgAra—setu3 +6108 new 16608,1aNgArasetuaNgAra—setu3 +;----------------- +6109 old a/NgAra—setu ¦ m. N. of a prince, father of Gāndhāra. +6109 new aNgAra—setu ¦ m. N. of a prince, father of Gāndhāra. +;----------------- +6210 old 16918,2aNgiraa/Ngira2 +6210 new 16918,1aNgiraa/Ngira2 +;----------------- +6325 old aNguli, is, (or aNgulI), ¦ f. a finger +6325 new aNgu/li, is, (or aNgulI), ¦ f. a finger +;----------------- +6348 old 17168,2aNgulitoraRaaNgu/li—toraRa3 +6348 new 17168,2aNgulitoraRaaNguli—toraRa3 +;----------------- +6349 old aNgu/li—toraRa ¦ n. a sectarial mark on the forehead consisting of three fingers or lines shaped like an arch or doorway (toraRa), drawn with sandal or the ashes of cow-dung. +6349 new aNguli—toraRa ¦ n. a sectarial mark on the forehead consisting of three fingers or lines shaped like an arch or doorway (toraRa), drawn with sandal or the ashes of cow-dung. +;----------------- +6351 old 17178,2aNgulitraaNgu/li—tra3 +6351 new 17178,2aNgulitraaNguli—tra3 +;----------------- +6352 old aNgu/li—tra ¦ n. a finger-protector, a contrivance like a thimble (used by archers to protect the thumb or finger from being injured by the bowstring), R. &c. +6352 new aNguli—tra ¦ n. a finger-protector, a contrivance like a thimble (used by archers to protect the thumb or finger from being injured by the bowstring), R. &c. +;----------------- +6354 old 17188,2aNgulitravataNgu/li—tra—vat4 +6354 new 17188,2aNgulitravataNguli—tra—vat4 +;----------------- +6355 old aNgu/li—tra—vat ¦ mfn. provided with it. +6355 new aNguli—tra—vat ¦ mfn. provided with it. +;----------------- +6357 old 17198,2aNgulitrARaaNgu/li—trARa3 +6357 new 17198,2aNgulitrARaaNguli—trARa3 +;----------------- +6358 old aNgu/li—trARa ¦ n. = -tra, R. +6358 new aNguli—trARa ¦ n. = -tra, R. +;----------------- +6369 old 17208,2aNgulimuKaaNgu/li—muKa3 +6369 new 17208,2aNgulimuKaaNguli—muKa3 +;----------------- +6370 old aNgu/li—muKa or aNgulI-muKa, ¦ n. the tip of the finger, Śiś. +6370 new aNguli—muKa or aNgulI-muKa, ¦ n. the tip of the finger, Śiś. +;----------------- +6373 old aNgu/li—muKa or aNgulI-muKa, ¦ n. the tip of the finger, Śiś. +6373 new aNguli—muKa or aNgulI-muKa, ¦ n. the tip of the finger, Śiś. +;----------------- +6375 old 17228,2aNgulimudrAaNgu/li—mudrA3 +6375 new 17228,2aNgulimudrAaNguli—mudrA3 +;----------------- +6376 old aNgu/li—mudrA or aNgu/li—mudrikA. ¦ f. a seal-ring, +6376 new aNguli—mudrA or aNguli—mudrikA. ¦ f. a seal-ring, +;----------------- +6378 old 17238,2aNgulimudrikAaNgu/li—mudrikA3 +6378 new 17238,2aNgulimudrikAaNguli—mudrikA3 +;----------------- +6379 old aNgu/li—mudrA or aNgu/li—mudrikA. ¦ f. a seal-ring, +6379 new aNguli—mudrA or aNguli—mudrikA. ¦ f. a seal-ring, +;----------------- +6381 old 17248,2aNgulimowanaaNgu/li—mowana3 +6381 new 17248,2aNgulimowanaaNguli—mowana3 +;----------------- +6382 old aNgu/li—mowana ¦ n. snapping or cracking the fingers. +6382 new aNguli—mowana ¦ n. snapping or cracking the fingers. +;----------------- +6384 old 17258,2aNgulivezwakaaNgu/li—vezwaka3 +6384 new 17258,2aNgulivezwakaaNguli—vezwaka3 +;----------------- +6385 old aNgu/li—vezwaka, m. or aNgu/li—vezwana, n. ¦ a glove (?). +6385 new aNguli—vezwaka, m. or aNguli—vezwana, n. ¦ a glove (?). +;----------------- +6387 old 17268,2aNgulivezwanaaNgu/li—vezwana3 +6387 new 17268,2aNgulivezwanaaNguli—vezwana3 +;----------------- +6388 old aNgu/li—vezwaka, m. or aNgu/li—vezwana, n. ¦ a glove (?). +6388 new aNguli—vezwaka, m. or aNguli—vezwana, n. ¦ a glove (?). +;----------------- +6390 old 17278,2aNgulizaNgaaNgu/li—zaNga3 +6390 new 17278,2aNgulizaNgaaNguli—zaNga3 +;----------------- +6391 old aNgu/li—zaNga ¦ m. contact of the fingers +6391 new aNguli—zaNga ¦ m. contact of the fingers +;----------------- +6393 old 17288,2aNgulizaNgaaNgu/li—zaNga3A +6393 new 17288,2aNgulizaNgaaNguli—zaNga3A +;----------------- +6396 old 17298,2aNgulizaNgaaNgu/li—zaNga3B +6396 new 17298,2aNgulizaNgaaNguli—zaNga3B +;----------------- +6397 old aNgu/li—zaNga ¦ mfn. sticking to the fingers. +6397 new aNguli—zaNga ¦ mfn. sticking to the fingers. +;----------------- +6402 old 17318,2aNgulisPowanaaNgu/li—sPowana3 +6402 new 17318,2aNgulisPowanaaNguli—sPowana3 +;----------------- +6403 old aNgu/li—sPowana ¦ n. snapping or cracking the fingers. +6403 new aNguli—sPowana ¦ n. snapping or cracking the fingers. +;----------------- +6450 old 17448,2aNguzWamAtraaNgu/zWa—mAtra3 +6450 new 17448,2aNguzWamAtraaNguzWa—mAtra3 +;----------------- +6451 old aNgu/zWa—mAtra, mf(I)n. or aNgu/zWa—mAtraka, mf(ikA)n. ¦ having the length or size of a thumb. +6451 new aNguzWa—mAtra, mf(I)n. or aNgu/zWa—mAtraka, mf(ikA)n. ¦ having the length or size of a thumb. +;----------------- +6453 old 17458,2aNguzWamAtrakaaNgu/zWa—mAtraka3 +6453 new 17458,2aNguzWamAtrakaaNguzWa—mAtraka3 +;----------------- +6454 old aNgu/zWa—mAtra, mf(I)n. or aNgu/zWa—mAtraka, mf(ikA)n. ¦ having the length or size of a thumb. +6454 new aNguzWa—mAtra, mf(I)n. or aNgu/zWa—mAtraka, mf(ikA)n. ¦ having the length or size of a thumb. +;----------------- +6486 old 17528,3aNGaNG1 +6486 new 17528,2aNGaNG1 +;----------------- +6494 old 17548,3aNGAria/NGAri3 +6494 new 17548,3aNGAriaNGAri3 +;----------------- +6495 old a/NGAri ¦ m. ‘an enemy to sin or evil’, N. of a celestial guard of the Soma, VS. [blazing, T.] +6495 new aNGAri ¦ m. ‘an enemy to sin or evil’, N. of a celestial guard of the Soma, VS. [blazing, T.] +;----------------- +6512 old 17598,3aNGrinAmakaa/NGri—nAmaka3 +6512 new 17598,3aNGrinAmakaaNGri—nAmaka3 +;----------------- +6513 old a/NGri—nAmaka, m. or a/NGri—nAman, n. ¦ a synonym of aNGri, means always foot as well as root. +6513 new aNGri—nAmaka, m. or aNGri—nAman, n. ¦ a synonym of aNGri, means always foot as well as root. +;----------------- +6515 old 17608,3aNGrinAmana/NGri—nAman3 +6515 new 17608,3aNGrinAmanaNGri—nAman3 +;----------------- +6516 old a/NGri—nAmaka, m. or a/NGri—nAman, n. ¦ a synonym of aNGri, means always foot as well as root. +6516 new aNGri—nAmaka, m. or aNGri—nAman, n. ¦ a synonym of aNGri, means always foot as well as root. +;----------------- +6518 old 17618,3aNGripaa/NGri—pa3 +6518 new 17618,3aNGripaaNGri—pa3 +;----------------- +6519 old a/NGri—pa ¦ m. (drinking with the foot or root), a tree. +6519 new aNGri—pa ¦ m. (drinking with the foot or root), a tree. +;----------------- +6521 old 17628,3aNGriparRIa/NGri—parRI3 +6521 new 17628,3aNGriparRIaNGri—parRI3 +;----------------- +6522 old a/NGri—parRI or a/NGri—valli or a/NGri—vallikA, ¦ f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides. +6522 new aNGri—parRI or aNGri—valli or aNGri—vallikA, ¦ f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides. +;----------------- +6524 old 17638,3aNGrivallia/NGri—valli3 +6524 new 17638,3aNGrivalliaNGri—valli3 +;----------------- +6525 old a/NGri—parRI or a/NGri—valli or a/NGri—vallikA, ¦ f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides. +6525 new aNGri—parRI or aNGri—valli or aNGri—vallikA, ¦ f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides. +;----------------- +6527 old 17648,3aNGrivallikAa/NGri—vallikA3 +6527 new 17648,3aNGrivallikAaNGri—vallikA3 +;----------------- +6528 old a/NGri—parRI or a/NGri—valli or a/NGri—vallikA, ¦ f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides. +6528 new aNGri—parRI or aNGri—valli or aNGri—vallikA, ¦ f. the plant Hedysarum Lagopodioides. +;----------------- +6533 old 17658,3aNGripAnaa/NGri—pAna3 +6533 new 17658,3aNGripAnaaNGri—pAna3 +;----------------- +6534 old a/NGri—pAna ¦ mfn. sucking the foot or toes (as an infant), L. +6534 new aNGri—pAna ¦ mfn. sucking the foot or toes (as an infant), L. +;----------------- +6539 old 17668,3aNGriskanDaa/NGri—skanDa3 +6539 new 17668,3aNGriskanDaaNGri—skanDa3 +;----------------- +6540 old a/NGri—skanDa ¦ m. the ancle. +6540 new aNGri—skanDa ¦ m. the ancle. +;----------------- +6745 old a-ci/tta—pAjas and a-ci/tta—manas (a/citta-), ¦ m. N. of two Ṛṣis, MaitrS.; Kāṭh. +6745 new a-ci/tta—pAjas and a-ci/tta—manas, ¦ m. N. of two Ṛṣis, MaitrS.; Kāṭh. +;----------------- +6748 old a-ci/tta—pAjas and a-ci/tta—manas (a/citta-), ¦ m. N. of two Ṛṣis, MaitrS.; Kāṭh. +6748 new a-ci/tta—pAjas and a-ci/tta—manas , ¦ m. N. of two Ṛṣis, MaitrS.; Kāṭh. +;----------------- +6769 old a-citra/ ¦ n. undistinguishableness, darkness, RV. iv, 51, 3 and vi, 49, 11. +6769 new a-citra/ ¦ (a/m), n. undistinguishableness, darkness, RV. iv, 51, 3 and vi, 49, 11. +;----------------- +6771 old 18269,1acintAa-cintA1 +6771 new 18268,3acintAa-cintA1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0009.txt (125) +; ******************************************************* +6783 old 18309,1acintyakarmana/-cintya—karman3 +6783 new 18309,1acintyakarmana-cintya—karman3 +;----------------- +6784 old a/-cintya—karman ¦ mfn. performing inconceivable actions. +6784 new a-cintya—karman ¦ mfn. performing inconceivable actions. +;----------------- +6786 old 18319,1acintyarUpaa/-cintya—rUpa3 +6786 new 18319,1acintyarUpaa-cintya—rUpa3 +;----------------- +6787 old a/-cintya—rUpa ¦ mfn. having an inconceivable form. +6787 new a-cintya—rUpa ¦ mfn. having an inconceivable form. +;----------------- +6922 old a/cCA-√ dru ¦ to run near, RV. iii, 14, 3. +6922 new a/cCA-2. dru ¦ to run near, RV. iii, 14, 3. +;----------------- +6931 old a/cCA-√ naS ¦ to come near, RV. +6931 new a/cCA-1. naS ¦ to come near, RV. +;----------------- +6937 old a/cCA-√ nu ¦ to call out to, to cheer, RV. +6937 new a/cCA-4. nu ¦ to call out to, to cheer, RV. +;----------------- +6997 old 18959,2acCidreRaa/-cCidreRa1C +6997 new 18959,1acCidreRaa/-cCidreRa1C +;----------------- +7000 old 18969,2acCidrakARqaa/-cCidra—kARqa3 +7000 new 18969,2acCidrakARqaa-cCidra—kARqa3 +;----------------- +7001 old a/-cCidra—kARqa ¦ n. N. of a chapter of the Taittirīya-Brāhmaṇa. +7001 new a-cCidra—kARqa ¦ n. N. of a chapter of the Taittirīya-Brāhmaṇa. +;----------------- +7025 old a/-cCinna—pattra ¦ mf(A)n. (a/cCinna-) (said of goddesses, of a bird, of an altar shaped like a bird), having the wings uncurtailed, uninjured, RV. i, 22, 11; VS. +7025 new a/-cCinna—pattra ¦ (a/cCinna-), mf(A)n. (a/cCinna-) (said of goddesses, of a bird, of an altar shaped like a bird), having the wings uncurtailed, uninjured, RV. i, 22, 11; VS. +;----------------- +7090 old 19139,2acyutajaa/-cyuta—ja3 +7090 new 19139,2acyutajaa-cyuta—ja3 +;----------------- +7091 old a/-cyuta—ja ¦ m. pl. a class of Jaina deities. +7091 new a-cyuta—ja ¦ m. pl. a class of Jaina deities. +;----------------- +7093 old 19149,2acyutajallakina/-cyuta—jallakin3 +7093 new 19149,2acyutajallakina-cyuta—jallakin3 +;----------------- +7094 old a/-cyuta—jallakin ¦ m. N. of a commentator of the Amara-Koṣa. +7094 new a-cyuta—jallakin ¦ m. N. of a commentator of the Amara-Koṣa. +;----------------- +7096 old 19159,2acyutadantaa/-cyuta—danta3 +7096 new 19159,2acyutadantaa-cyuta—danta3 +;----------------- +7097 old a/-cyuta—danta or acyutanta, ¦ m. N. of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called Ācyutadanti or Ācyutanti (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes). +7097 new a-cyuta—danta or acyutanta, ¦ m. N. of the ancestor of a warrior tribe called Ācyutadanti or Ācyutanti (though possibly these refer to two distinct tribes). +;----------------- +7108 old 19199,2acyutamUrtia/-cyuta—mUrti3 +7108 new 19199,2acyutamUrtia-cyuta—mUrti3 +;----------------- +7109 old a/-cyuta—mUrti ¦ m. N. of Viṣṇu. +7109 new a-cyuta—mUrti ¦ m. N. of Viṣṇu. +;----------------- +7111 old 19209,2acyutaruza/-cyuta—ruz3 +7111 new 19209,2acyutaruza-cyuta—ruz3 +;----------------- +7112 old a/-cyuta—ruz ¦ f. inveterate hatred. +7112 new a-cyuta—ruz ¦ f. inveterate hatred. +;----------------- +7114 old 19219,2acyutavAsaa/-cyuta—vAsa3 +7114 new 19219,2acyutavAsaa-cyuta—vAsa3 +;----------------- +7115 old a/-cyuta—vAsa ¦ m. the sacred fig-tree, Ficus Religiosa +7115 new a-cyuta—vAsa ¦ m. the sacred fig-tree, Ficus Religiosa +;----------------- +7117 old 19229,2acyutavAsaa/-cyuta—vAsa3A +7117 new 19229,2acyutavAsaa-cyuta—vAsa3A +;----------------- +7120 old 19239,2acyutasTalaa/-cyuta—sTala3 +7120 new 19239,2acyutasTalaa-cyuta—sTala3 +;----------------- +7121 old a/-cyuta—sTala ¦ n. N. of a place in the Pañjāb, MBh. +7121 new a-cyuta—sTala ¦ n. N. of a place in the Pañjāb, MBh. +;----------------- +7182 old ajA a ¦ f. N. of Prakṛti, of Māyā or Illusion See a-jA (s.v. 2. a-jA) +7182 new ajA a ¦ (A), f. N. of Prakṛti, of Māyā or Illusion See a-jA (s.v. 2. a-jA) +;----------------- +7190 old 19459,2ajakarRaaja/—karRa3 +7190 new 19459,2ajakarRaaja—karRa3 +;----------------- +7191 old aja/—karRa ¦ m. a goat's ear +7191 new aja—karRa ¦ m. a goat's ear +;----------------- +7193 old 19469,2ajakarRaaja/—karRa3A +7193 new 19469,2ajakarRaaja—karRa3A +;----------------- +7196 old 19479,2ajakarRakaaja/—karRaka3 +7196 new 19479,2ajakarRakaaja—karRaka3 +;----------------- +7197 old aja/—karRaka ¦ m. the Śāl-tree, Shorea Robusta. +7197 new aja—karRaka ¦ m. the Śāl-tree, Shorea Robusta. +;----------------- +7199 old 19489,2ajakUlAaja/—kUlA3 +7199 new 19489,2ajakUlAaja—kUlA3 +;----------------- +7200 old aja/—kUlA ¦ f. N. of a town of the Bodhis. +7200 new aja—kUlA ¦ f. N. of a town of the Bodhis. +;----------------- +7202 old 19499,2ajakzIraaja/—kzIra/3 +7202 new 19499,2ajakzIraaja—kzIra/3 +;----------------- +7203 old aja/—kzIra/ ¦ n. goat's milk, MaitrS. +7203 new aja—kzIra/ ¦ n. goat's milk, MaitrS. +;----------------- +7205 old 19509,2ajakzIraaja/—kzIra/3A +7205 new 19509,2ajakzIraaja—kzIra/3A +;----------------- +7211 old 19519,2ajaganDAaja/—ganDA3 +7211 new 19519,2ajaganDAaja—ganDA3 +;----------------- +7212 old aja/—ganDA or aja/—ganDikA, ¦ f. ‘smelling like a he-goat’, shrubby basil, Ocimum Gratissimum. +7212 new aja—ganDA or aja—ganDikA, ¦ f. ‘smelling like a he-goat’, shrubby basil, Ocimum Gratissimum. +;----------------- +7214 old 19529,2ajaganDikAaja/—ganDikA3 +7214 new 19529,2ajaganDikAaja—ganDikA3 +;----------------- +7215 old aja/—ganDA or aja/—ganDikA, ¦ f. ‘smelling like a he-goat’, shrubby basil, Ocimum Gratissimum. +7215 new aja—ganDA or aja—ganDikA, ¦ f. ‘smelling like a he-goat’, shrubby basil, Ocimum Gratissimum. +;----------------- +7217 old 19539,2ajaganDinIaja/—ganDinI3 +7217 new 19539,2ajaganDinIaja—ganDinI3 +;----------------- +7218 old aja/—ganDinI ¦ f. a plant = aja-SfngI/, q.v. +7218 new aja—ganDinI ¦ f. a plant = aja-SfngI/, q.v. +;----------------- +7226 old 19569,2ajagarIaja/—garI3B +7226 new 19569,2ajagarIaja—garI3B +;----------------- +7227 old aja/—garI ¦ f. N. of a plant. +7227 new aja—garI ¦ f. N. of a plant. +;----------------- +7229 old 19579,2ajagallikAaja/—gallikA3 +7229 new 19579,2ajagallikAaja—gallikA3 +;----------------- +7230 old aja/—gallikA ¦ f. ‘goat's cheek’, an infantile disease. +7230 new aja—gallikA ¦ f. ‘goat's cheek’, an infantile disease. +;----------------- +7232 old 19589,2ajajIvanaaja/—jIvana3 +7232 new 19589,2ajajIvanaaja—jIvana3 +;----------------- +7233 old aja/—jIvana or aja/—jIvika, ¦ m. ‘who lives by goats’, a goat-herd. +7233 new aja—jIvana or aja—jIvika, ¦ m. ‘who lives by goats’, a goat-herd. +;----------------- +7235 old 19599,2ajajIvikaaja/—jIvika3 +7235 new 19599,2ajajIvikaaja—jIvika3 +;----------------- +7236 old aja/—jIvana or aja/—jIvika, ¦ m. ‘who lives by goats’, a goat-herd. +7236 new aja—jIvana or aja—jIvika, ¦ m. ‘who lives by goats’, a goat-herd. +;----------------- +7238 old 19609,2ajatAaja/—tA3 +7238 new 19609,2ajatAaja—tA3 +;----------------- +7239 old aja/—tA ¦ f. a multitude of goats +7239 new aja—tA ¦ f. a multitude of goats +;----------------- +7241 old 19619,2ajatAaja/—tA3A +7241 new 19619,2ajatAaja—tA3A +;----------------- +7248 old aja/—tva/ [TS.; cf. Pāṇ. vi, 3, 64, Sch.] or ajA-tva, ¦ n. the being a goat. +7248 new aja—tva/ [TS.; cf. Pāṇ. vi, 3, 64, Sch.] or ajA-tva, ¦ n. the being a goat. +;----------------- +7250 old 19649,2ajadaRqIaja/—daRqI3 +7250 new 19649,2ajadaRqIaja—daRqI3 +;----------------- +7251 old aja/—daRqI ¦ f. a plant = brahmadaRqi. +7251 new aja—daRqI ¦ f. a plant = brahmadaRqi. +;----------------- +7253 old 19659,2ajadevatAaja/—devatA3 +7253 new 19659,2ajadevatAaja—devatA3 +;----------------- +7254 old aja/—devatA ¦ f. pl. the 25th lunar mansion. +7254 new aja—devatA ¦ f. pl. the 25th lunar mansion. +;----------------- +7256 old 19669,2ajanAmakaaja/—nAmaka3 +7256 new 19669,2ajanAmakaaja—nAmaka3 +;----------------- +7257 old aja/—nAmaka ¦ m. ‘named Aja or Viṣṇu’, a mineral substance. +7257 new aja—nAmaka ¦ m. ‘named Aja or Viṣṇu’, a mineral substance. +;----------------- +7259 old 19679,2ajapaaja/—paa3 +7259 new 19679,2ajapaaja—paa3 +;----------------- +7260 old aja/—pa a ¦ m. a goat-herd. +7260 new aja—pa a ¦ m. a goat-herd. +;----------------- +7262 old 19689,2ajapaTaaja/—paTa3 +7262 new 19689,2ajapaTaaja—paTa3 +;----------------- +7263 old aja/—paTa ¦ m. ‘goat's road’, probably = aja-vITI, q.v. +7263 new aja—paTa ¦ m. ‘goat's road’, probably = aja-vITI, q.v. +;----------------- +7265 old 19699,2ajapadaaja/—pada3 +7265 new 19699,2ajapadaaja—pada3 +;----------------- +7266 old aja/—pada or aja/—pAda, ¦ mfn. goat-footed. +7266 new aja—pada or aja—pAda, ¦ mfn. goat-footed. +;----------------- +7268 old 19709,2ajapAdaaja/—pAda3 +7268 new 19709,2ajapAdaaja—pAda3 +;----------------- +7269 old aja/—pada or aja/—pAda, ¦ mfn. goat-footed. +7269 new aja—pada or aja—pAda, ¦ mfn. goat-footed. +;----------------- +7271 old 19719,2ajapAdaja/—pAd3 +7271 new 19719,2ajapAdaja—pAd3 +;----------------- +7272 old aja/—pAd ¦ m. N. of the divinity called aja kapAd. +7272 new aja—pAd ¦ m. N. of the divinity called aja kapAd. +;----------------- +7274 old 19729,2ajapArSvaaja/—pArSva3 +7274 new 19729,2ajapArSvaaja—pArSva3 +;----------------- +7275 old aja/—pArSva ¦ m. ‘having black sides like a goat’, N. of Śvetakarṇa's son Rājīvalocana. +7275 new aja—pArSva ¦ m. ‘having black sides like a goat’, N. of Śvetakarṇa's son Rājīvalocana. +;----------------- +7289 old 19769,2ajaBakzaaja/—Bakza3 +7289 new 19769,2ajaBakzaaja—Bakza3 +;----------------- +7290 old aja/—Bakza ¦ m. ‘goat's food’, the plant Varvūra. +7290 new aja—Bakza ¦ m. ‘goat's food’, the plant Varvūra. +;----------------- +7295 old 19789,3ajamAraaja/—mAra3 +7295 new 19789,2ajamAraaja—mAra3 +;----------------- +7296 old aja/—mAra ¦ m. N. of a tribe or prince, (g. kurv-Adi, q.v.) +7296 new aja—mAra ¦ m. N. of a tribe or prince, (g. kurv-Adi, q.v.) +;----------------- +7298 old 19799,3ajamIQaaja/—mIQa3 +7298 new 19799,3ajamIQaaja—mIQa3 +;----------------- +7299 old aja/—mIQa or aja/—mI|a, ¦ m. N. of a son of Suhotra (author of some Vedic hymns, RV. iv, 43 and 44) +7299 new aja—mIQa or aja—mI|a, ¦ m. N. of a son of Suhotra (author of some Vedic hymns, RV. iv, 43 and 44) +;----------------- +7301 old 19809,3ajamIQaaja/—mIQa3A +7301 new 19809,3ajamIQaaja—mIQa3A +;----------------- +7304 old 19819,3ajamIQaaja/—mIQa3A +7304 new 19819,3ajamIQaaja—mIQa3A +;----------------- +7307 old 19829,3ajamI|aaja/—mI|a3 +7307 new 19829,3ajamI|aaja—mI|a3 +;----------------- +7308 old aja/—mIQa or aja/—mI|a, ¦ m. N. of a son of Suhotra (author of some Vedic hymns, RV. iv, 43 and 44) +7308 new aja—mIQa or aja—mI|a, ¦ m. N. of a son of Suhotra (author of some Vedic hymns, RV. iv, 43 and 44) +;----------------- +7310 old 19839,3ajamI|aaja/—mI|a3A +7310 new 19839,3ajamI|aaja—mI|a3A +;----------------- +7313 old 19849,3ajamI|aaja/—mI|a3A +7313 new 19849,3ajamI|aaja—mI|a3A +;----------------- +7316 old 19859,3ajamuKaaja/—muKa3 +7316 new 19859,3ajamuKaaja—muKa3 +;----------------- +7317 old aja/—muKa ¦ mfn. goat faced +7317 new aja—muKa ¦ mfn. goat faced +;----------------- +7319 old 19869,3ajamuKIaja/—muKI3B +7319 new 19869,3ajamuKIaja—muKI3B +;----------------- +7320 old aja/—muKI ¦ f. N. of a Rākṣasī. +7320 new aja—muKI ¦ f. N. of a Rākṣasī. +;----------------- +7322 old 19879,3ajameruaja/—meru3 +7322 new 19879,3ajameruaja—meru3 +;----------------- +7323 old aja/—meru ¦ N. of a place, Ajmīr (?). +7323 new aja—meru ¦ N. of a place, Ajmīr (?). +;----------------- +7325 old 19889,3ajamodaaja/—moda3 +7325 new 19889,3ajamodaaja—moda3 +;----------------- +7326 old aja/—moda, m. or aja/—modA, f. or aja/—modikA, f. ¦ ‘goat's delight’, N. of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajowan), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. +7326 new aja—moda, m. or aja—modA, f. or aja—modikA, f. ¦ ‘goat's delight’, N. of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajowan), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. +;----------------- +7328 old 19899,3ajamodAaja/—modA3 +7328 new 19899,3ajamodAaja—modA3 +;----------------- +7329 old aja/—moda, m. or aja/—modA, f. or aja/—modikA, f. ¦ ‘goat's delight’, N. of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajowan), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. +7329 new aja—moda, m. or aja—modA, f. or aja—modikA, f. ¦ ‘goat's delight’, N. of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajowan), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. +;----------------- +7331 old 19909,3ajamodikAaja/—modikA3 +7331 new 19909,3ajamodikAaja—modikA3 +;----------------- +7332 old aja/—moda, m. or aja/—modA, f. or aja/—modikA, f. ¦ ‘goat's delight’, N. of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajowan), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. +7332 new aja—moda, m. or aja—modA, f. or aja—modikA, f. ¦ ‘goat's delight’, N. of various plants, common Carroway, the species called Ajwaen (Ligusticum Ajowan), a species of Parsley, Apium Involucratum. +;----------------- +7337 old 19929,3ajalambanaaja/—lambana3 +7337 new 19929,3ajalambanaaja—lambana3 +;----------------- +7338 old aja/—lambana ¦ n. antimony. +7338 new aja—lambana ¦ n. antimony. +;----------------- +7340 old 19939,3ajalomanaja/—loman3 +7340 new 19939,3ajalomanaja—loman3 +;----------------- +7341 old aja/—loman, n. or aja/—lomI, f., ¦ Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens +7341 new aja—loman, n. or aja—lomI, f., ¦ Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens +;----------------- +7346 old 19949,3ajalomanaja/—loma/n3B +7346 new 19949,3ajalomanaja—loma/n3B +;----------------- +7347 old aja/—loma/n ¦ n. goat's hair, ŚBr. &c. +7347 new aja—loma/n ¦ n. goat's hair, ŚBr. &c. +;----------------- +7349 old 19959,3ajalomIaja/—lomI3 +7349 new 19959,3ajalomIaja—lomI3 +;----------------- +7350 old aja/—loman, n. or aja/—lomI, f., ¦ Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens +7350 new aja—loman, n. or aja—lomI, f., ¦ Cowage, Carpopogon Pruriens +;----------------- +7352 old 19969,3ajalomaaja/—loma/3B +7352 new 19969,3ajalomaaja—loma/3B +;----------------- +7353 old aja/—loma/ ¦ n. goat's hair, ŚBr. &c. +7353 new aja—loma/ ¦ n. goat's hair, ŚBr. &c. +;----------------- +7355 old 19979,3ajavastiaja/—vasti3 +7355 new 19979,3ajavastiaja—vasti3 +;----------------- +7356 old aja/—vasti ¦ m. N. of a tribe, (g. gfzwy-Adi and SuBrAdi, q.v.) +7356 new aja—vasti ¦ m. N. of a tribe, (g. gfzwy-Adi and SuBrAdi, q.v.) +;----------------- +7358 old 19989,3ajavastiaja/—vasti3A +7358 new 19989,3ajavastiaja—vasti3A +;----------------- +7359 old ¦ the members of that tribe, (g. yaskAdi, q.v.) +7359 new ¦ (ayas), m. pl. the members of that tribe, (g. yaskAdi, q.v.) +;----------------- +7361 old 19999,3ajavAhaaja/—vAha3 +7361 new 19999,3ajavAhaaja—vAha3 +;----------------- +7362 old aja/—vAha ¦ m. N. of a district. +7362 new aja—vAha ¦ m. N. of a district. +;----------------- +7364 old 20009,3ajavITIaja/—vITI3 +7364 new 20009,3ajavITIaja—vITI3 +;----------------- +7365 old aja/—vITI ¦ f. ‘goat's road’, N. of one of the three divisions of the southern path, or one of the three paths in which the sun, moon, and planets move, comprehending the asterisms mUla, pUrvAzAQa, and uttarAzAQa. +7365 new aja—vITI ¦ f. ‘goat's road’, N. of one of the three divisions of the southern path, or one of the three paths in which the sun, moon, and planets move, comprehending the asterisms mUla, pUrvAzAQa, and uttarAzAQa. +;----------------- +7370 old 20029,3ajastundaaja/—stunda3 +7370 new 20029,3ajastundaaja—stunda3 +;----------------- +7371 old aja/—stunda ¦ n. N. of a town, Pāṇ. vi, 1, 155. +7371 new aja—stunda ¦ n. N. of a town, Pāṇ. vi, 1, 155. +;----------------- +7373 old 20039,3ajahAaja/—hA3 +7373 new 20039,3ajahAaja—hA3 +;----------------- +7374 old aja/—hA ¦ f. = a-jaqA, q.v. +7374 new aja—hA ¦ f. = a-jaqA, q.v. +;----------------- +7376 old 20049,3ajahAaja/—hA3A +7376 new 20049,3ajahAaja—hA3A +;----------------- +7485 old a-jA b ¦ f. N. of Prakṛti, Māyā or Illusion (See also 1. aja/ and 1. ajana). +7485 new a-jA b ¦ (A), f. N. of Prakṛti, Māyā or Illusion (See also 1. aja/ and 1. ajana). +;----------------- +7494 old ajakAva/ ¦ mn. a species of venomous vermin, centipede or scorpion, RV. vii, 50, 1 +7494 new ajakAva/ ¦ (a/s or a/m), mn. a species of venomous vermin, centipede or scorpion, RV. vii, 50, 1 +;----------------- +7496 old 20419,3ajakAvaajakAva/2B +7496 new 20419,3ajakAvaajakAva2B +;----------------- +7497 old ¦ Śiva's bow, L. +7497 new ¦ (as, am), Śiva's bow, L. +;----------------- +7547 old 205810,1ajanaajana1B +7547 new 20589,3ajanaajana1B +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0010.txt (37) +; ******************************************************* +7562 old 206310,1ajanaa-jana/1B +7562 new 206310,1ajanaa-jana1B +;----------------- +7563 old a-jana/ ¦ m. an insignificant person. +7563 new a-jana ¦ (as), m. an insignificant person. +;----------------- +7721 old 210610,1ajAtakakuda/-jAta—kakud3 +7721 new 210610,1ajAtakakuda-jAta—kakud3 +;----------------- +7722 old a/-jAta—kakud ¦ m. a young bull whose hump is yet undeveloped, Pāṇ. v, 4, 146, Sch. +7722 new a-jAta—kakud ¦ m. a young bull whose hump is yet undeveloped, Pāṇ. v, 4, 146, Sch. +;----------------- +7724 old 210710,1ajAtapakzaa/-jAta—pakza3 +7724 new 210710,1ajAtapakzaa-jAta—pakza3 +;----------------- +7725 old a/-jAta—pakza ¦ mfn. having undeveloped wings. +7725 new a-jAta—pakza ¦ mfn. having undeveloped wings. +;----------------- +7727 old 210810,1ajAtalomana/-jAta—loman3 +7727 new 210810,1ajAtalomana-jAta—loman3 +;----------------- +7728 old a/-jAta—loman, mf(mnI)n. or a/-jAta—vyaYjana, mfn. ¦ whose signs of puberty are not yet developed. +7728 new a-jAta—loman, mf(mnI)n. or a-jAta—vyaYjana, mfn. ¦ whose signs of puberty are not yet developed. +;----------------- +7730 old 210910,1ajAtavyaYjanaa/-jAta—vyaYjana3 +7730 new 210910,1ajAtavyaYjanaa-jAta—vyaYjana3 +;----------------- +7731 old a/-jAta—loman, mf(mnI)n. or a/-jAta—vyaYjana, mfn. ¦ whose signs of puberty are not yet developed. +7731 new a-jAta—loman, mf(mnI)n. or a-jAta—vyaYjana, mfn. ¦ whose signs of puberty are not yet developed. +;----------------- +7733 old 211010,1ajAtavyavahAraa/-jAta—vyavahAra3 +7733 new 211010,1ajAtavyavahAraa-jAta—vyavahAra3 +;----------------- +7734 old a/-jAta—vyavahAra ¦ m. having no experience of business, a minor, a youth under fifteen. +7734 new a-jAta—vyavahAra ¦ m. having no experience of business, a minor, a youth under fifteen. +;----------------- +7844 old 214210,2ajinapattrAaji/na—pattrA3 +7844 new 214210,2ajinapattrAajina—pattrA3 +;----------------- +7845 old aji/na—pattrA or aji/na—pattrI or aji/na—pattrikA, ¦ f. a bat. +7845 new ajina—pattrA or ajina—pattrI or ajina—pattrikA, ¦ f. a bat. +;----------------- +7847 old 214310,2ajinapattrIaji/na—pattrI3 +7847 new 214310,2ajinapattrIajina—pattrI3 +;----------------- +7848 old aji/na—pattrA or aji/na—pattrI or aji/na—pattrikA, ¦ f. a bat. +7848 new ajina—pattrA or ajina—pattrI or ajina—pattrikA, ¦ f. a bat. +;----------------- +7850 old 214410,2ajinapattrikAaji/na—pattrikA3 +7850 new 214410,2ajinapattrikAajina—pattrikA3 +;----------------- +7851 old aji/na—pattrA or aji/na—pattrI or aji/na—pattrikA, ¦ f. a bat. +7851 new ajina—pattrA or ajina—pattrI or ajina—pattrikA, ¦ f. a bat. +;----------------- +7853 old 214510,2ajinaPalAaji/na—PalA3 +7853 new 214510,2ajinaPalAajina—PalA3 +;----------------- +7854 old aji/na—PalA ¦ f. N. of a plant, (g. ajAdi, q.v.) +7854 new ajina—PalA ¦ f. N. of a plant, (g. ajAdi, q.v.) +;----------------- +7856 old 214610,2ajinayoniaji/na—yoni3 +7856 new 214610,2ajinayoniajina—yoni3 +;----------------- +7857 old aji/na—yoni ¦ m. ‘origin of skin’, an antelope, deer. +7857 new ajina—yoni ¦ m. ‘origin of skin’, an antelope, deer. +;----------------- +7865 old 214810,2ajinasanDaaji/na—sanDa/3 +7865 new 214810,2ajinasanDaajina—sanDa/3 +;----------------- +7866 old aji/na—sanDa/ ¦ m. one who prepares skins, a furrier, VS. +7866 new ajina—sanDa/ ¦ m. one who prepares skins, a furrier, VS. +;----------------- +7878 old ajirA ¦ f. N. of Durgā, of a river +7878 new ajirA ¦ (A), f. N. of Durgā, of a river +;----------------- +7880 old 215210,2ajiraajira/1B +7880 new 215210,2ajiraajira1B +;----------------- +7881 old ajira/ ¦ n. place to run or fight in, area, court, R. &c. +7881 new ajira ¦ (am), n. place to run or fight in, area, court, R. &c. +;----------------- +7883 old 215310,2ajiraajira/1B +7883 new 215310,2ajiraajira1B +;----------------- +7886 old 215410,2ajiraajira/1B +7886 new 215410,2ajiraajira1B +;----------------- +7952 old 217310,2ajItapunarvaRyaa/-jIta—punarvaRya3 +7952 new 217310,2ajItapunarvaRyaa-jIta—punarvaRya3 +;----------------- +7953 old a/-jIta—punarvaRya ¦ n. ‘asking the restitution of an object which has in fact not been lost’, N. of a twofold rite to be performed by Kṣatriyas, AitBr. +7953 new a-jIta—punarvaRya ¦ n. ‘asking the restitution of an object which has in fact not been lost’, N. of a twofold rite to be performed by Kṣatriyas, AitBr. +;----------------- +8012 old 219110,3ajuryaa-jurya/2 +8012 new 219110,2ajuryaa-jurya/2 +;----------------- +8090 old 221510,3ajYAtama-jYAtam2C +8090 new 221510,3ajYAtama/-jYAtam2C +;----------------- +8091 old a-jYAtam ¦ ind. without the knowledge of MBh. +8091 new a/-jYAtam ¦ ind. without the knowledge of MBh. +;----------------- +8207 old 224910,3ajyezWavfttia-jyezWa/—vftti3 +8207 new 224910,3ajyezWavfttia-jyezWa—vftti3 +;----------------- +8208 old a-jyezWa/—vftti ¦ mfn. not behaving as the eldest brother [Mn. ix, 110], or (ajyezWa-vftti) behaving like one who has no elder brother. +8208 new a-jyezWa—vftti ¦ mfn. not behaving as the eldest brother [Mn. ix, 110], or (ajyezWa-vftti) behaving like one who has no elder brother. +;----------------- +8223 old 225211,1aYcaaYca2 +8223 new 225210,3aYcaaYca2 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0011.txt (23) +; ******************************************************* +8386 old ¦ See a/YjasA. +8386 new ¦ see a/YjasA. +;----------------- +8424 old 231411,1aYjimataYji/—ma/t3 +8424 new 231411,1aYjimataYji—ma/t3 +;----------------- +8425 old aYji/—ma/t ¦ mfn. coloured, bright, adorned, RV. v, 57, 5. +8425 new aYji—ma/t ¦ mfn. coloured, bright, adorned, RV. v, 57, 5. +;----------------- +8463 old 232411,1aYjalikarmanaYjali/—karman3 +8463 new 232411,1aYjalikarmanaYjali—karman3 +;----------------- +8464 old aYjali/—karman ¦ n. making the above respectful salutation. +8464 new aYjali—karman ¦ n. making the above respectful salutation. +;----------------- +8466 old 232511,1aYjalikArikAaYjali/—kArikA3 +8466 new 232511,1aYjalikArikAaYjali—kArikA3 +;----------------- +8467 old aYjali/—kArikA ¦ f. an earthen figure (with the hands joined for salutation) +8467 new aYjali—kArikA ¦ f. an earthen figure (with the hands joined for salutation) +;----------------- +8469 old 232611,1aYjalikArikAaYjali/—kArikA3A +8469 new 232611,1aYjalikArikAaYjali—kArikA3A +;----------------- +8472 old 232711,2aYjalipuwaaYjali/—puwa3 +8472 new 232711,2aYjalipuwaaYjali—puwa3 +;----------------- +8473 old aYjali/—puwa ¦ m. n. cavity produced in making the aYjali salutation. +8473 new aYjali—puwa ¦ m. n. cavity produced in making the aYjali salutation. +;----------------- +8475 old 232811,2aYjalibanDanaaYjali/—banDana3 +8475 new 232811,1aYjalibanDanaaYjali—banDana3 +;----------------- +8476 old aYjali/—banDana ¦ n. salutation with the aYjali raised to the forehead. +8476 new aYjali—banDana ¦ n. salutation with the aYjali raised to the forehead. +;----------------- +8698 old 238411,3aWidaaWida1 +8698 new 238411,2aWidaaWida1 +;----------------- +8815 old 241211,3aRuaRu2 +8815 new 241211,3aRua/Ru2 +;----------------- +8816 old aRu ¦ mf(vI)n. fine, minute, atomic +8816 new a/Ru ¦ mf(vI)n. fine, minute, atomic +;----------------- +8818 old 241311,3aRuaRu2B +8818 new 241311,3aRua/Ru2B +;----------------- +8819 old aRu ¦ m. (us) an atom of matter +8819 new a/Ru ¦ (us), m. an atom of matter +;----------------- +8821 old 241411,3aRuaRu2B +8821 new 241411,3aRua/Ru2B +;----------------- +8822 old ¦ ‘an atom of time’, the 54675000th part of a muhūrta (of 48 minutes) +8822 new ¦ ‘an atom of time’, the 54,675,000th part of a muhūrta (of 48 minutes) +;----------------- +8824 old 241511,3aRuaRu2B +8824 new 241511,3aRua/Ru2B +;----------------- +8833 old 241811,3aRuaRu2B +8833 new 241811,3aRua/Ru2B +;----------------- +8834 old aRu ¦ n. (u) (in prosody) the fourth part of a mātrā +8834 new a/Ru ¦ (u), n. (in prosody) the fourth part of a mātrā +;----------------- +9046 old 248012,1aRqakaaRqaka2B +9046 new 248011,3aRqakaaRqaka2B +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0012.txt (343) +; ******************************************************* +9089 old ¦ See s.v. +9089 new ¦ see s.v. +;----------------- +9153 old 2508.1434,2atadDitaa—ta/d-Dita1 +9153 new 2508.1434,2atadDitaa—tad-Dita1 +;----------------- +9154 old a—ta/d-Dita ¦ mfn., ‘having no Taddhita affix’ +9154 new a—tad-Dita ¦ mfn., ‘having no Taddhita affix’ +;----------------- +9222 old 253012,1atamAvizwaa-tamA/vizwa3 +9222 new 253012,1atamAvizwaa-tamAvizwa3 +;----------------- +9223 old a-tamA/vizwa ¦ (irregular contraction of a-tama-Avizwa) mfn. not enveloped in darkness, MaitrUp.; ŚBr. +9223 new a-tamAvizwa ¦ (irregular contraction of a-tama-Avizwa) mfn. not enveloped in darkness, MaitrUp.; ŚBr. +;----------------- +9309 old 254912,2ataHparamataH-param3 +9309 new 254912,1ataHparamataH-param3 +;----------------- +9334 old atasa/ ¦ n. shrubs, RV. +9334 new atasa/ ¦ (a/m), n. shrubs, RV. +;----------------- +9366 old 256512,2atiati1A +9366 new 256512,2atia/ti1A +;----------------- +9369 old 2565.112,2atiati1A +9369 new 2565.112,2atia/ti1A +;----------------- +9372 old 2565.212,2atiati1A +9372 new 2565.212,2atia/ti1A +;----------------- +9375 old 2565.312,2atiati1A +9375 new 2565.312,2atia/ti1A +;----------------- +9378 old 256612,2atikaWoraa/ti—kaWora3 +9378 new 256612,2atikaWoraati—kaWora3 +;----------------- +9379 old a/ti—kaWora ¦ mfn. very hard, too hard. +9379 new ati—kaWora ¦ mfn. very hard, too hard. +;----------------- +9381 old 256712,2atikaTaa/ti—kaTaa3 +9381 new 256712,2atikaTaati—kaTaa3 +;----------------- +9382 old a/ti—kaTa a ¦ mfn. exaggerated +9382 new ati—kaTa a ¦ mfn. exaggerated +;----------------- +9384 old 256812,2atikaTAa/ti—kaTA3B +9384 new 256812,2atikaTAati—kaTA3B +;----------------- +9385 old a/ti—kaTA ¦ f. an exaggerated tale +9385 new ati—kaTA ¦ f. an exaggerated tale +;----------------- +9387 old 256912,2atikaTAa/ti—kaTA3B +9387 new 256912,2atikaTAati—kaTA3B +;----------------- +9390 old 257012,2atikarzaRaa/ti—karzaRa3 +9390 new 257012,2atikarzaRaati—karzaRa3 +;----------------- +9391 old a/ti—karzaRa ¦ (for -karSana?) n. excessive exertion. +9391 new ati—karzaRa ¦ (for -karSana?) n. excessive exertion. +;----------------- +9393 old 257112,2atikalyama/ti—kalyam3 +9393 new 257112,2atikalyamati—kalyam3 +;----------------- +9394 old a/ti—kalyam ¦ ind. very early, too early. +9394 new ati—kalyam ¦ ind. very early, too early. +;----------------- +9396 old 257212,2atikAntaa/ti—kAnta3 +9396 new 257212,2atikAntaati—kAnta3 +;----------------- +9397 old a/ti—kAnta ¦ mfn. excessively beloved. +9397 new ati—kAnta ¦ mfn. excessively beloved. +;----------------- +9399 old 257312,2atikAyaa/ti—kAya3 +9399 new 257312,2atikAyaati—kAya3 +;----------------- +9400 old a/ti—kAya ¦ mfn. of extraordinary body or size, gigantic +9400 new ati—kAya ¦ mfn. of extraordinary body or size, gigantic +;----------------- +9402 old 257412,2atikAyaa/ti—kAya3B +9402 new 257412,2atikAyaati—kAya3B +;----------------- +9403 old a/ti—kAya ¦ m. N. of a Rākṣasa, R. +9403 new ati—kAya ¦ m. N. of a Rākṣasa, R. +;----------------- +9406 old a/ti—kiriwa (a/ti-) or a/ti—kirIwa [Comm.], ¦ mfn. having too small teeth, TBr. +9406 new a/ti—kiriwa (a/ti-) or ati—kirIwa [Comm.], ¦ mfn. having too small teeth, TBr. +;----------------- +9409 old a/ti—kiriwa (a/ti-) or a/ti—kirIwa [Comm.], ¦ mfn. having too small teeth, TBr. +9409 new ati—kiriwa (ati-) or a/ti—kirIwa [Comm.], ¦ mfn. having too small teeth, TBr. +;----------------- +9411 old 257712,2atikutsitaa/ti—kutsita3 +9411 new 257712,2atikutsitaati—kutsita3 +;----------------- +9412 old a/ti—kutsita ¦ mfn. greatly despised. +9412 new ati—kutsita ¦ mfn. greatly despised. +;----------------- +9415 old a/ti—kulva ¦ (a/ti.) mfn. too bald, VS. +9415 new a/ti—kulva ¦ (a/ti-), mfn. too bald, VS. +;----------------- +9417 old 257912,2atikfcCraa/ti—kfcCra3 +9417 new 257912,2atikfcCraati—kfcCra3 +;----------------- +9418 old a/ti—kfcCra ¦ m. extraordinary pain or penance lasting twelve days, Mn.; Yājñ. +9418 new ati—kfcCra ¦ m. extraordinary pain or penance lasting twelve days, Mn.; Yājñ. +;----------------- +9426 old 258012,2atikftaa/ti—kfta3 +9426 new 258012,2atikftaati—kfta3 +;----------------- +9427 old a/ti—kfta ¦ mfn. over done, exaggerated. +9427 new ati—kfta ¦ mfn. over done, exaggerated. +;----------------- +9433 old a/ti—kfSa ¦ (a/ti-) mfn. very thin, emaciated. +9433 new a/ti—kfSa ¦ (a/ti-), mfn. very thin, emaciated. +;----------------- +9436 old a/ti—kfzRa ¦ (a/ti-) mfn. very or too dark, very or too deep blue. +9436 new a/ti—kfzRa ¦ (a/ti-), mfn. very or too dark, very or too deep blue. +;----------------- +9438 old 258312,2atikrudDaa/ti—krudDa3 +9438 new 258312,2atikrudDaati—krudDa3 +;----------------- +9439 old a/ti—krudDa ¦ mfn. excessively angry. +9439 new ati—krudDa ¦ mfn. excessively angry. +;----------------- +9441 old 258412,2atikruDa/ti—kruD3 +9441 new 258412,2atikruDati—kruD3 +;----------------- +9442 old a/ti—kruD ¦ f. excessive anger, Kathās. +9442 new ati—kruD ¦ f. excessive anger, Kathās. +;----------------- +9445 old a/ti—kruzwa ¦ (a/ti-) n. extraordinary cry or wailing, VS. +9445 new a/ti—kruzwa ¦ (a/ti-), n. extraordinary cry or wailing, VS. +;----------------- +9447 old 258612,2atiKaraa/ti—Kara3 +9447 new 258612,2atiKaraati—Kara3 +;----------------- +9448 old a/ti—Kara ¦ mfn. very pungent or piercing. +9448 new ati—Kara ¦ mfn. very pungent or piercing. +;----------------- +9450 old 258712,2atigaRqaa/ti—gaRqa3 +9450 new 258712,2atigaRqaati—gaRqa3 +;----------------- +9451 old a/ti—gaRqa ¦ mfn. having large cheeks or temples +9451 new ati—gaRqa ¦ mfn. having large cheeks or temples +;----------------- +9453 old 258812,2atigaRqaa/ti—gaRqa3B +9453 new 258812,2atigaRqaati—gaRqa3B +;----------------- +9454 old a/ti—gaRqa ¦ m. N. of the yoga (or index), star of the 6th lunar mansion. +9454 new ati—gaRqa ¦ m. N. of the yoga (or index), star of the 6th lunar mansion. +;----------------- +9456 old 258912,2atiganDaa/ti—ganDa3 +9456 new 258912,2atiganDaati—ganDa3 +;----------------- +9457 old a/ti—ganDa ¦ mfn. having an overpowering smell +9457 new ati—ganDa ¦ mfn. having an overpowering smell +;----------------- +9459 old 259012,2atiganDaa/ti—ganDa3B +9459 new 259012,2atiganDaati—ganDa3B +;----------------- +9460 old a/ti—ganDa ¦ m. sulphur +9460 new ati—ganDa ¦ m. sulphur +;----------------- +9462 old 259112,2atiganDaa/ti—ganDa3B +9462 new 259112,2atiganDaati—ganDa3B +;----------------- +9465 old 259212,2atiganDaa/ti—ganDa3B +9465 new 259212,2atiganDaati—ganDa3B +;----------------- +9468 old 259312,2atiganDaa/ti—ganDa3B +9468 new 259312,2atiganDaati—ganDa3B +;----------------- +9471 old 259412,2atiganDAlua/ti—ganDAlu3 +9471 new 259412,2atiganDAluati—ganDAlu3 +;----------------- +9472 old a/ti—ganDAlu ¦ m. N. of the creeper Putradātrī. +9472 new ati—ganDAlu ¦ m. N. of the creeper Putradātrī. +;----------------- +9474 old 259512,2atigarIyasa/ti—garIyas3 +9474 new 259512,2atigarIyasati—garIyas3 +;----------------- +9475 old a/ti—garIyas ¦ n. (compar. of ati-guru), a higher or too high price +9475 new ati—garIyas ¦ n. (compar. of ati-guru), a higher or too high price +;----------------- +9477 old 259612,2atigarIyasa/ti—garIyas3A +9477 new 259612,2atigarIyasati—garIyas3A +;----------------- +9480 old 259712,2atigarvitaa/ti—garvita3 +9480 new 259712,2atigarvitaati—garvita3 +;----------------- +9481 old a/ti—garvita ¦ mfn. very conceited. +9481 new ati—garvita ¦ mfn. very conceited. +;----------------- +9483 old 259812,2atigahanaa/ti—gahana3 +9483 new 259812,2atigahanaati—gahana3 +;----------------- +9484 old a/ti—gahana ¦ mfn. very deep +9484 new ati—gahana ¦ mfn. very deep +;----------------- +9486 old 259912,2atigahanaa/ti—gahana3A +9486 new 259912,2atigahanaati—gahana3A +;----------------- +9489 old 260012,2atigAQaa/ti—gAQaa3 +9489 new 260012,2atigAQaati—gAQaa3 +;----------------- +9490 old a/ti—gAQa a ¦ mfn. very important +9490 new ati—gAQa a ¦ mfn. very important +;----------------- +9492 old 260112,2atigAQaa/ti—gAQa3A +9492 new 260112,2atigAQaati—gAQa3A +;----------------- +9495 old 260212,2atigAQama/ti—gAQam3C +9495 new 260212,2atigAQamati—gAQam3C +;----------------- +9496 old a/ti—gAQam ¦ ind. exceedingly +9496 new ati—gAQam ¦ ind. exceedingly +;----------------- +9498 old 260312,2atigAQama/ti—gAQam3C +9498 new 260312,2atigAQamati—gAQam3C +;----------------- +9504 old 260412,2atiguRaa/ti—guRa3 +9504 new 260412,2atiguRaati—guRa3 +;----------------- +9505 old a/ti—guRa ¦ mfn. having extraordinary qualities. +9505 new ati—guRa ¦ mfn. having extraordinary qualities. +;----------------- +9507 old 260512,2atiguptaa/ti—gupta3 +9507 new 260512,2atiguptaati—gupta3 +;----------------- +9508 old a/ti—gupta ¦ mfn. closely concealed, very mysterious. +9508 new ati—gupta ¦ mfn. closely concealed, very mysterious. +;----------------- +9510 old 260612,2atigurua/ti—guru3 +9510 new 260612,2atiguruati—guru3 +;----------------- +9511 old a/ti—guru ¦ mfn. very heavy. +9511 new ati—guru ¦ mfn. very heavy. +;----------------- +9513 old 260712,2atigoa/ti—go3 +9513 new 260712,2atigoati—go3 +;----------------- +9514 old a/ti—go ¦ f. an excellent cow, Pāṇ. v, 4, 69, Sch. +9514 new ati—go ¦ f. an excellent cow, Pāṇ. v, 4, 69, Sch. +;----------------- +9516 old 260812,2aticaRqaa/ti—caRqa3 +9516 new 260812,2aticaRqaati—caRqa3 +;----------------- +9517 old a/ti—caRqa ¦ mfn. very violent. +9517 new ati—caRqa ¦ mfn. very violent. +;----------------- +9519 old 260912,2aticaraRaa/ti—caraRaa3 +9519 new 260912,2aticaraRaati—caraRaa3 +;----------------- +9520 old a/ti—caraRa a ¦ n. excessive practice. +9520 new ati—caraRa a ¦ n. excessive practice. +;----------------- +9522 old 261012,2aticApalyaa/ti—cApalya3 +9522 new 261012,2aticApalyaati—cApalya3 +;----------------- +9523 old a/ti—cApalya ¦ n. extraordinary mobility or unsteadiness. +9523 new ati—cApalya ¦ n. extraordinary mobility or unsteadiness. +;----------------- +9525 old 261112,2aticiraa/ti—cira3 +9525 new 261112,2aticiraati—cira3 +;----------------- +9526 old a/ti—cira ¦ mfn. very long +9526 new ati—cira ¦ mfn. very long +;----------------- +9528 old 261212,2aticirama/ti—ciram3C +9528 new 261212,2aticiramati—ciram3C +;----------------- +9529 old a/ti—ciram ¦ ind. a very long time +9529 new ati—ciram ¦ ind. a very long time +;----------------- +9531 old 2612.112,2aticirasyaa/ti—cirasya3C +9531 new 2612.112,2aticirasyaati—cirasya3C +;----------------- +9532 old a/ti—cirasya ¦ ind. for a very long time +9532 new ati—cirasya ¦ ind. for a very long time +;----------------- +9534 old 261312,2aticirAta/ti—cirAt3C +9534 new 261312,2aticirAtati—cirAt3C +;----------------- +9535 old a/ti—cirAt ¦ ind. at last. +9535 new ati—cirAt ¦ ind. at last. +;----------------- +9540 old 261512,2atiCattraa/ti—Cattra3 +9540 new 261512,2atiCattraati—Cattra3 +;----------------- +9541 old a/ti—Cattra or a/ti—Cattraka, ¦ m. a mushroom +9541 new ati—Cattra or ati—Cattraka, ¦ m. a mushroom +;----------------- +9543 old 261612,2atiCattrAa/ti—CattrA3B +9543 new 261612,2atiCattrAati—CattrA3B +;----------------- +9544 old a/ti—CattrA ¦ f. Anise (Anisum or Anethum Sowa) +9544 new ati—CattrA ¦ f. Anise (Anisum or Anethum Sowa) +;----------------- +9546 old 261712,2atiCattrAa/ti—CattrA3B +9546 new 261712,2atiCattrAati—CattrA3B +;----------------- +9549 old 261812,2atiCattrakaa/ti—Cattraka3 +9549 new 261812,2atiCattrakaati—Cattraka3 +;----------------- +9550 old a/ti—Cattra or a/ti—Cattraka, ¦ m. a mushroom +9550 new ati—Cattra or ati—Cattraka, ¦ m. a mushroom +;----------------- +9552 old 261912,2atiCattrakAa/ti—CattrakA3B +9552 new 261912,2atiCattrakAati—CattrakA3B +;----------------- +9553 old a/ti—CattrakA ¦ f. Anise (Anisum or Anethum Sowa) +9553 new ati—CattrakA ¦ f. Anise (Anisum or Anethum Sowa) +;----------------- +9555 old 262012,2atiCattrakAa/ti—CattrakA3B +9555 new 262012,2atiCattrakAati—CattrakA3B +;----------------- +9558 old 262112,2atijaraa/ti—jara3 +9558 new 262112,2atijaraati—jara3 +;----------------- +9559 old a/ti—jara or a/ti—jaras, ¦ mfn. very aged, Pāṇ. vii, 2, 101, Sch. +9559 new ati—jara or ati—jaras, ¦ mfn. very aged, Pāṇ. vii, 2, 101, Sch. +;----------------- +9561 old 262212,2atijarasa/ti—jaras3 +9561 new 262212,2atijarasati—jaras3 +;----------------- +9562 old a/ti—jara or a/ti—jaras, ¦ mfn. very aged, Pāṇ. vii, 2, 101, Sch. +9562 new ati—jara or ati—jaras, ¦ mfn. very aged, Pāṇ. vii, 2, 101, Sch. +;----------------- +9564 old 262312,2atijalaa/ti—jala3 +9564 new 262312,2atijalaati—jala3 +;----------------- +9565 old a/ti—jala ¦ mfn. well watered. +9565 new ati—jala ¦ mfn. well watered. +;----------------- +9567 old 262412,2atijavaa/ti—java3 +9567 new 262412,2atijavaati—java3 +;----------------- +9568 old a/ti—java ¦ m. extraordinary speed +9568 new ati—java ¦ m. extraordinary speed +;----------------- +9570 old 262512,2atijavaa/ti—java3B +9570 new 262512,2atijavaati—java3B +;----------------- +9571 old a/ti—java ¦ mfn. very fleet. +9571 new ati—java ¦ mfn. very fleet. +;----------------- +9573 old 262612,2atijAgaraa/ti—jAgara3 +9573 new 262612,2atijAgaraati—jAgara3 +;----------------- +9574 old a/ti—jAgara ¦ mfn. very wakeful +9574 new ati—jAgara ¦ mfn. very wakeful +;----------------- +9576 old 262712,2atijAgaraa/ti—jAgara3B +9576 new 262712,2atijAgaraati—jAgara3B +;----------------- +9577 old a/ti—jAgara ¦ m. the black curlew. +9577 new ati—jAgara ¦ m. the black curlew. +;----------------- +9579 old 262812,2atijIrRaa/ti—jIrRa3 +9579 new 262812,2atijIrRaati—jIrRa3 +;----------------- +9580 old a/ti—jIrRa ¦ mfn. very aged. +9580 new ati—jIrRa ¦ mfn. very aged. +;----------------- +9582 old 262912,2atijIrRatAa/ti—jIrRa-tA3 +9582 new 262912,2atijIrRatAati—jIrRa-tA3 +;----------------- +9583 old a/ti—jIrRa-tA ¦ f. extreme old age. +9583 new ati—jIrRa-tA ¦ f. extreme old age. +;----------------- +9588 old 263112,2atiqInaa/ti—qIna3 +9588 new 263112,2atiqInaati—qIna3 +;----------------- +9589 old a/ti—qIna ¦ n. extraordinary flight (of birds), MBh. +9589 new ati—qIna ¦ n. extraordinary flight (of birds), MBh. +;----------------- +9591 old 263212,2atitapasvina/ti—tapasvin3 +9591 new 263212,2atitapasvinati—tapasvin3 +;----------------- +9592 old a/ti—tapasvin ¦ mfn. very ascetic. +9592 new ati—tapasvin ¦ mfn. very ascetic. +;----------------- +9597 old 263312,2atitIkzRaa/ti—tIkzRa3 +9597 new 263312,2atitIkzRaati—tIkzRa3 +;----------------- +9598 old a/ti—tIkzRa ¦ mfn. very sharp. +9598 new ati—tIkzRa ¦ mfn. very sharp. +;----------------- +9600 old 263412,2atitIvraa/ti—tIvra3 +9600 new 263412,2atitIvraati—tIvra3 +;----------------- +9601 old a/ti—tIvra ¦ mfn. very sharp, pungent or acid +9601 new ati—tIvra ¦ mfn. very sharp, pungent or acid +;----------------- +9603 old 263512,2atitIvrAa/ti—tIvrA3B +9603 new 263512,2atitIvrAati—tIvrA3B +;----------------- +9604 old a/ti—tIvrA ¦ f. dūb grass. +9604 new ati—tIvrA ¦ f. dūb grass. +;----------------- +9606 old 263612,2atitfRRaa/ti—tfRRa3 +9606 new 263612,2atitfRRaati—tfRRa3 +;----------------- +9607 old a/ti—tfRRa ¦ mfn. seriously hurt. +9607 new ati—tfRRa ¦ mfn. seriously hurt. +;----------------- +9609 old 2636.11309,3atitfRRaa/ti-tfRRa3A +9609 new 2636.11309,3atitfRRaati-tfRRa3A +;----------------- +9612 old 263712,2atitfptia/ti—tfpti3 +9612 new 263712,2atitfptiati—tfpti3 +;----------------- +9613 old a/ti—tfpti ¦ f. too great satiety. +9613 new ati—tfpti ¦ f. too great satiety. +;----------------- +9615 old 263812,2atitfzRaa/ti—tfzRa3 +9615 new 263812,2atitfzRaati—tfzRa3 +;----------------- +9616 old a/ti—tfzRa ¦ mfn. excessively thirsty, rapacious +9616 new ati—tfzRa ¦ mfn. excessively thirsty, rapacious +;----------------- +9618 old 263912,2atitfzRAa/ti—tfzRA3B +9618 new 263912,2atitfzRAati—tfzRA3B +;----------------- +9619 old a/ti—tfzRA ¦ f. excessive thirst. +9619 new ati—tfzRA ¦ f. excessive thirst. +;----------------- +9621 old 264012,2atitrasnua/ti—trasnu3 +9621 new 264012,2atitrasnuati—trasnu3 +;----------------- +9622 old a/ti—trasnu ¦ mfn. over timid. +9622 new ati—trasnu ¦ mfn. over timid. +;----------------- +9624 old 264112,2atidagDaa/ti—dagDa3 +9624 new 264112,2atidagDaati—dagDa3 +;----------------- +9625 old a/ti—dagDa ¦ mfn. badly burnt +9625 new ati—dagDa ¦ mfn. badly burnt +;----------------- +9627 old 264212,2atidagDaa/ti—dagDa3B +9627 new 264212,2atidagDaati—dagDa3B +;----------------- +9628 old a/ti—dagDa ¦ n. N. of a bad kind of burn. +9628 new ati—dagDa ¦ n. N. of a bad kind of burn. +;----------------- +9630 old 264312,3atidanturaa/ti—dantura3 +9630 new 264312,2atidanturaa/ti—dantura3 +;----------------- +9631 old a/ti—dantura ¦ (a/ti-) mfn. whose teeth are too prominent, TBr. +9631 new a/ti—dantura ¦ (a/ti-), mfn. whose teeth are too prominent, TBr. +;----------------- +9633 old 264412,3atidarpaa/ti—darpa3 +9633 new 264412,3atidarpaati—darpa3 +;----------------- +9634 old a/ti—darpa ¦ m. excessive conceit +9634 new ati—darpa ¦ m. excessive conceit +;----------------- +9636 old 264512,3atidarpaa/ti—darpa3A +9636 new 264512,3atidarpaati—darpa3A +;----------------- +9639 old 264612,3atidarpaa/ti—darpa3B +9639 new 264612,3atidarpaati—darpa3B +;----------------- +9640 old a/ti—darpa ¦ mfn. excessively conceited. +9640 new ati—darpa ¦ mfn. excessively conceited. +;----------------- +9642 old 264712,3atidarSina/ti—darSin3 +9642 new 264712,3atidarSinati—darSin3 +;----------------- +9643 old a/ti—darSin ¦ mfn. very far-sighted. +9643 new ati—darSin ¦ mfn. very far-sighted. +;----------------- +9645 old 264812,3atidAtfa/ti—dAtf3 +9645 new 264812,3atidAtfati—dAtf3 +;----------------- +9646 old a/ti—dAtf ¦ m. a very or too liberal man. +9646 new ati—dAtf ¦ m. a very or too liberal man. +;----------------- +9648 old 264912,3atidAnaa/ti—dAna3 +9648 new 264912,3atidAnaati—dAna3 +;----------------- +9649 old a/ti—dAna ¦ n. munificence +9649 new ati—dAna ¦ n. munificence +;----------------- +9651 old 265012,3atidAnaa/ti—dAna3A +9651 new 265012,3atidAnaati—dAna3A +;----------------- +9654 old 265112,3atidAruRaa/ti—dAruRa3 +9654 new 265112,3atidAruRaati—dAruRa3 +;----------------- +9655 old a/ti—dAruRa ¦ mfn. very terrible. +9655 new ati—dAruRa ¦ mfn. very terrible. +;----------------- +9669 old 265512,3atiduHKitaa/ti—duHKita3 +9669 new 265512,3atiduHKitaati—duHKita3 +;----------------- +9670 old a/ti—duHKita (or -duzKita) ¦ mfn. greatly afflicted, very sad. +9670 new ati—duHKita (or -duzKita) ¦ mfn. greatly afflicted, very sad. +;----------------- +9673 old a/ti—duHKita (or -duzKita) ¦ mfn. greatly afflicted, very sad. +9673 new ati—duHKita (or -duzKita) ¦ mfn. greatly afflicted, very sad. +;----------------- +9675 old 265612,3atiduHsahaa/ti—duHsaha3 +9675 new 265612,3atiduHsahaati—duHsaha3 +;----------------- +9676 old a/ti—duHsaha ¦ mfn. very hard to bear, quite unbearable. +9676 new ati—duHsaha ¦ mfn. very hard to bear, quite unbearable. +;----------------- +9678 old 265712,3atidurgataa/ti—durgata3 +9678 new 265712,3atidurgataati—durgata3 +;----------------- +9679 old a/ti—durgata ¦ mfn. very badly off. +9679 new ati—durgata ¦ mfn. very badly off. +;----------------- +9681 old 265812,3atidurDarzaa/ti—durDarza3 +9681 new 265812,3atidurDarzaati—durDarza3 +;----------------- +9682 old a/ti—durDarza ¦ mfn. very hard to approach, very haughty. +9682 new ati—durDarza ¦ mfn. very hard to approach, very haughty. +;----------------- +9684 old 265912,3atidurlamBaa/ti—durlamBa3 +9684 new 265912,3atidurlamBaati—durlamBa3 +;----------------- +9685 old a/ti—durlamBa ¦ mfn. very hard to attain. +9685 new ati—durlamBa ¦ mfn. very hard to attain. +;----------------- +9687 old 266012,3atiduzkaraa/ti—duzkara3 +9687 new 266012,3atiduzkaraati—duzkara3 +;----------------- +9688 old a/ti—duzkara ¦ mfn. very difficult. +9688 new ati—duzkara ¦ mfn. very difficult. +;----------------- +9690 old 266112,3atidUraa/ti—dUra3 +9690 new 266112,3atidUraati—dUra3 +;----------------- +9691 old a/ti—dUra ¦ mfn. very distant +9691 new ati—dUra ¦ mfn. very distant +;----------------- +9693 old 266212,3atidUraa/ti—dUra3B +9693 new 266212,3atidUraati—dUra3B +;----------------- +9694 old a/ti—dUra ¦ n. a great distance. +9694 new ati—dUra ¦ n. a great distance. +;----------------- +9696 old 266312,3atidozaa/ti—doza3 +9696 new 266312,3atidozaati—doza3 +;----------------- +9697 old a/ti—doza ¦ m. a great fault. +9697 new ati—doza ¦ m. a great fault. +;----------------- +9705 old 266412,3atiDavalaa/ti—Davala3 +9705 new 266412,3atiDavalaati—Davala3 +;----------------- +9706 old a/ti—Davala ¦ mfn. very white. +9706 new ati—Davala ¦ mfn. very white. +;----------------- +9708 old 266512,3atiDenua/ti—Denu3 +9708 new 266512,3atiDenuati—Denu3 +;----------------- +9709 old a/ti—Denu ¦ mfn. distinguished for his cows, Pāṇ. i, 4, 3, Comm., +9709 new ati—Denu ¦ mfn. distinguished for his cows, Pāṇ. i, 4, 3, Comm., +;----------------- +9711 old 266612,3atinidraa/ti—nidra3 +9711 new 266612,3atinidraati—nidra3 +;----------------- +9712 old a/ti—nidra ¦ mfn. given to excessive sleep +9712 new ati—nidra ¦ mfn. given to excessive sleep +;----------------- +9714 old 266712,3atinidrAa/ti—nidrA3B +9714 new 266712,3atinidrAati—nidrA3B +;----------------- +9715 old a/ti—nidrA ¦ f. excessive sleep +9715 new ati—nidrA ¦ f. excessive sleep +;----------------- +9717 old 266812,3atinidrama/ti—nidrama3C +9717 new 266812,3atinidramati—nidrama3C +;----------------- +9718 old a/ti—nidram a ¦ ind. See s.v. (p. 14, col. 2). +9718 new ati—nidram a ¦ ind. See s.v. (p. 14, col. 2). +;----------------- +9720 old 266912,3atinipuRaa/ti—nipuRa3 +9720 new 266912,3atinipuRaati—nipuRa3 +;----------------- +9721 old a/ti—nipuRa ¦ mfn. very skilful. +9721 new ati—nipuRa ¦ mfn. very skilful. +;----------------- +9723 old 267012,3atinIcaa/ti—nIca3 +9723 new 267012,3atinIcaati—nIca3 +;----------------- +9724 old a/ti—nIca ¦ mfn. excessively low. +9724 new ati—nIca ¦ mfn. excessively low. +;----------------- +9726 old 267112,3atipaTina/ti—paTin3 +9726 new 267112,3atipaTinati—paTin3 +;----------------- +9727 old a/ti—paTin ¦ (nom. -panTAs) m. a better road than common, L. +9727 new ati—paTin ¦ (nom. -panTAs) m. a better road than common, L. +;----------------- +9732 old 267312,3atiparokzaa/ti—parokza3 +9732 new 267312,3atiparokzaati—parokza3 +;----------------- +9733 old a/ti—parokza ¦ mfn. far out of sight, no longer discernible. +9733 new ati—parokza ¦ mfn. far out of sight, no longer discernible. +;----------------- +9735 old 267412,3atiparokzavfttia/ti—parokza-vf/tti3 +9735 new 267412,3atiparokzavfttiati—parokza-vf/tti3 +;----------------- +9736 old a/ti—parokza-vf/tti ¦ mfn. (in Gr.) having a nature that is no longer discernible i.e. obsolete. +9736 new ati—parokza-vf/tti ¦ mfn. (in Gr.) having a nature that is no longer discernible i.e. obsolete. +;----------------- +9738 old 267512,3atipAtakaa/ti—pAtaka3 +9738 new 267512,3atipAtakaati—pAtaka3 +;----------------- +9739 old a/ti—pAtaka ¦ n. a very heinous sin. +9739 new ati—pAtaka ¦ n. a very heinous sin. +;----------------- +9741 old 267612,3atipuruzaa/ti—puruza3 +9741 new 267612,3atipuruzaati—puruza3 +;----------------- +9742 old a/ti—puruza or a/ti—pUruza ¦ (a/ti-) [ŚBr.], m. a first-rate man, hero. +9742 new ati—puruza or ati—pUruza ¦ (ati-) [ŚBr.], m. a first-rate man, hero. +;----------------- +9744 old 267712,3atipUruzaa/ti—pUruza3 +9744 new 267712,3atipUruzaati—pUruza3 +;----------------- +9745 old a/ti—puruza or a/ti—pUruza ¦ (a/ti-) [ŚBr.], m. a first-rate man, hero. +9745 new ati—puruza or ati—pUruza ¦ (ati-) [ŚBr.], m. a first-rate man, hero. +;----------------- +9747 old 267812,3atipUtaa/ti—pUta3 +9747 new 267812,3atipUtaati—pUta3 +;----------------- +9748 old a/ti—pUta ¦ mfn. quite purified, over-refined. +9748 new ati—pUta ¦ mfn. quite purified, over-refined. +;----------------- +9750 old 267912,3atipeSalaa/ti—peSala3 +9750 new 267912,3atipeSalaati—peSala3 +;----------------- +9751 old a/ti—peSala ¦ mfn. very dexterous. +9751 new ati—peSala ¦ mfn. very dexterous. +;----------------- +9753 old 268012,3atiprakASaa/ti—prakASa3 +9753 new 268012,3atiprakASaati—prakASa3 +;----------------- +9754 old a/ti—prakASa ¦ mfn. very notorious. +9754 new ati—prakASa ¦ mfn. very notorious. +;----------------- +9756 old 268112,3atipragea/ti—prage3 +9756 new 268112,3atiprageati—prage3 +;----------------- +9757 old a/ti—prage ¦ ind. very early, Mn. +9757 new ati—prage ¦ ind. very early, Mn. +;----------------- +9759 old 268212,3atipraRayaa/ti—praRaya3 +9759 new 268212,3atipraRayaati—praRaya3 +;----------------- +9760 old a/ti—praRaya ¦ m. excessive kindness, partiality. +9760 new ati—praRaya ¦ m. excessive kindness, partiality. +;----------------- +9762 old 268312,3atipraRudyaa/ti—praRudya3 +9762 new 268312,3atipraRudyaati—praRudya3 +;----------------- +9763 old a/ti—praRudya ¦ ind. having pushed far forward. +9763 new ati—praRudya ¦ ind. having pushed far forward. +;----------------- +9765 old 268412,3atiprabanDaa/ti—prabanDa3 +9765 new 268412,3atiprabanDaati—prabanDa3 +;----------------- +9766 old a/ti—prabanDa ¦ m. complete continuity. +9766 new ati—prabanDa ¦ m. complete continuity. +;----------------- +9768 old 268512,3atipravaraRaa/ti—pravaraRa3 +9768 new 268512,3atipravaraRaati—pravaraRa3 +;----------------- +9769 old a/ti—pravaraRa ¦ n. excess in choosing. +9769 new ati—pravaraRa ¦ n. excess in choosing. +;----------------- +9771 old 268612,3atipravfttia/ti—pravftti3 +9771 new 268612,3atipravfttiati—pravftti3 +;----------------- +9772 old a/ti—pravftti ¦ f. issuing abundantly. +9772 new ati—pravftti ¦ f. issuing abundantly. +;----------------- +9774 old 268712,3atipravfdDaa/ti—pravfdDa3 +9774 new 268712,3atipravfdDaati—pravfdDa3 +;----------------- +9775 old a/ti—pravfdDa ¦ mfn. enlarged to excess, overbearing, Mn. +9775 new ati—pravfdDa ¦ mfn. enlarged to excess, overbearing, Mn. +;----------------- +9777 old 268812,3atipraSnaa/ti—praSna3 +9777 new 268812,3atipraSnaati—praSna3 +;----------------- +9778 old a/ti—praSna ¦ m. an extravagant question, a question regarding transcendental objects. +9778 new ati—praSna ¦ m. an extravagant question, a question regarding transcendental objects. +;----------------- +9780 old 268912,3atipraSnyaa/ti—praSnya3 +9780 new 268912,3atipraSnyaati—praSnya3 +;----------------- +9781 old a/ti—praSnya ¦ mfn. to be asked such a question, BṛĀrUp. +9781 new ati—praSnya ¦ mfn. to be asked such a question, BṛĀrUp. +;----------------- +9783 old 269012,3atiprasaktia/ti—prasakti3 +9783 new 269012,3atiprasaktiati—prasakti3 +;----------------- +9784 old a/ti—prasakti, f. or a/ti—prasaNga, m. ¦ excessive attachment +9784 new ati—prasakti, f. or ati—prasaNga, m. ¦ excessive attachment +;----------------- +9786 old 269112,3atiprasaktia/ti—prasakti3A +9786 new 269112,3atiprasaktiati—prasakti3A +;----------------- +9789 old 269212,3atiprasaNgaa/ti—prasaNga3 +9789 new 269212,3atiprasaNgaati—prasaNga3 +;----------------- +9790 old a/ti—prasakti, f. or a/ti—prasaNga, m. ¦ excessive attachment +9790 new ati—prasakti, f. or ati—prasaNga, m. ¦ excessive attachment +;----------------- +9792 old 269312,3atiprasaNgaa/ti—prasaNga3A +9792 new 269312,3atiprasaNgaati—prasaNga3A +;----------------- +9798 old 269412,3atiprasidDaa/ti—prasidDa3 +9798 new 269412,3atiprasidDaati—prasidDa3 +;----------------- +9799 old a/ti—prasidDa ¦ mfn. very notorious. +9799 new ati—prasidDa ¦ mfn. very notorious. +;----------------- +9801 old 269512,3atiprOQaa/ti—prOQa3 +9801 new 269512,3atiprOQaati—prOQa3 +;----------------- +9802 old a/ti—prOQa ¦ mfn. full-grown. +9802 new ati—prOQa ¦ mfn. full-grown. +;----------------- +9804 old 269612,3atiprOQayOvanaa/ti—prOQa-yOvana3 +9804 new 269612,3atiprOQayOvanaati—prOQa-yOvana3 +;----------------- +9805 old a/ti—prOQa-yOvana ¦ mfn. being in the full enjoyment of youth. +9805 new ati—prOQa-yOvana ¦ mfn. being in the full enjoyment of youth. +;----------------- +9807 old 269712,3atibalaa/ti—bala3 +9807 new 269712,3atibalaati—bala3 +;----------------- +9808 old a/ti—bala ¦ mfn. very strong or powerful +9808 new ati—bala ¦ mfn. very strong or powerful +;----------------- +9810 old 269812,3atibalaa/ti—bala3B +9810 new 269812,3atibalaati—bala3B +;----------------- +9811 old a/ti—bala ¦ m. an active soldier +9811 new ati—bala ¦ m. an active soldier +;----------------- +9813 old 269912,3atibalaa/ti—bala3B +9813 new 269912,3atibalaati—bala3B +;----------------- +9816 old 270012,3atibalAa/ti—balA3B +9816 new 270012,3atibalAati—balA3B +;----------------- +9817 old a/ti—balA ¦ f. a medicinal plant (Sidonia Cordifolia and Rhombifolia, or Annona Squamosa) +9817 new ati—balA ¦ f. a medicinal plant (Sidonia Cordifolia and Rhombifolia, or Annona Squamosa) +;----------------- +9819 old 270112,3atibalAa/ti—balA3B +9819 new 270112,3atibalAati—balA3B +;----------------- +9822 old 270212,3atibalAa/ti—balA3B +9822 new 270212,3atibalAati—balA3B +;----------------- +9831 old 270412,3atibAlakaa/ti—bAlaka3 +9831 new 270412,3atibAlakaati—bAlaka3 +;----------------- +9832 old a/ti—bAlaka ¦ m. an infant +9832 new ati—bAlaka ¦ m. an infant +;----------------- +9834 old 270512,3atibAlakaa/ti—bAlaka3B +9834 new 270512,3atibAlakaati—bAlaka3B +;----------------- +9835 old a/ti—bAlaka ¦ mfn. infantine. +9835 new ati—bAlaka ¦ mfn. infantine. +;----------------- +9837 old 270612,3atibAhua/ti—bAhu3 +9837 new 270612,3atibAhuati—bAhu3 +;----------------- +9838 old a/ti—bAhu ¦ m. ‘having extraordinary arms’, N. of a Ṛṣi of the fourteenth Manvantara, Hariv. +9838 new ati—bAhu ¦ m. ‘having extraordinary arms’, N. of a Ṛṣi of the fourteenth Manvantara, Hariv. +;----------------- +9840 old 270712,3atibAhua/ti—bAhu3A +9840 new 270712,3atibAhuati—bAhu3A +;----------------- +9843 old 270812,3atibIBatsaa/ti—bIBatsa3 +9843 new 270812,3atibIBatsaati—bIBatsa3 +;----------------- +9844 old a/ti—bIBatsa ¦ mfn. excessively disagreeable. +9844 new ati—bIBatsa ¦ mfn. excessively disagreeable. +;----------------- +9846 old 270912,3atibrahmacaryaa/ti—brahmacarya3 +9846 new 270912,3atibrahmacaryaati—brahmacarya3 +;----------------- +9847 old a/ti—brahmacarya ¦ n. excessive abstinence or continence. +9847 new ati—brahmacarya ¦ n. excessive abstinence or continence. +;----------------- +9849 old 271012,3atiBAraa/ti—BAraa3 +9849 new 271012,3atiBAraati—BAraa3 +;----------------- +9850 old a/ti—BAra a ¦ m. an excessive burden, excessive obscurity (of a sentence) +9850 new ati—BAra a ¦ m. an excessive burden, excessive obscurity (of a sentence) +;----------------- +9855 old 271112,3atiBAraa/ti—BAra3A +9855 new 271112,3atiBAraati—BAra3A +;----------------- +9861 old 271212,3atiBAragaa/ti—BAra-ga3 +9861 new 271212,3atiBAragaati—BAra-ga3 +;----------------- +9862 old a/ti—BAra-ga ¦ m. ‘heavy-burden-bearer’, a mule. +9862 new ati—BAra-ga ¦ m. ‘heavy-burden-bearer’, a mule. +;----------------- +9864 old 271312,3atiBIa/ti—BI3 +9864 new 271312,3atiBIati—BI3 +;----------------- +9865 old a/ti—BI ¦ m. ‘very terrific’, lightning, L. +9865 new ati—BI ¦ m. ‘very terrific’, lightning, L. +;----------------- +9867 old 271412,3atiBIzaRaa/ti—BIzaRa3 +9867 new 271412,3atiBIzaRaati—BIzaRa3 +;----------------- +9868 old a/ti—BIzaRa ¦ mfn. very terrific. +9868 new ati—BIzaRa ¦ mfn. very terrific. +;----------------- +9870 old 271512,3atiBftaa/ti—Bfta3 +9870 new 271512,3atiBftaati—Bfta3 +;----------------- +9871 old a/ti—Bfta ¦ mfn. well filled. +9871 new ati—Bfta ¦ mfn. well filled. +;----------------- +9873 old 271612,3atiBojanaa/ti—Bojana3 +9873 new 271612,3atiBojanaati—Bojana3 +;----------------- +9874 old a/ti—Bojana ¦ n. eating too much +9874 new ati—Bojana ¦ n. eating too much +;----------------- +9876 old 271712,3atiBojanaa/ti—Bojana3A +9876 new 271712,3atiBojanaati—Bojana3A +;----------------- +9882 old 271812,3atiBrUa/ti—BrU3 +9882 new 271812,3atiBrUati—BrU3 +;----------------- +9883 old a/ti—BrU ¦ mfn. having extraordinary eyebrows. +9883 new ati—BrU ¦ mfn. having extraordinary eyebrows. +;----------------- +9885 old 271912,3atimaNgalyaa/ti—maNgalya3 +9885 new 271912,3atimaNgalyaati—maNgalya3 +;----------------- +9886 old a/ti—maNgalya ¦ mfn. very auspicious +9886 new ati—maNgalya ¦ mfn. very auspicious +;----------------- +9888 old 272012,3atimaNgalyaa/ti—maNgalya3B +9888 new 272012,3atimaNgalyaati—maNgalya3B +;----------------- +9889 old a/ti—maNgalya ¦ m. Aegle or Crataeva Marmelos. +9889 new ati—maNgalya ¦ m. Aegle or Crataeva Marmelos. +;----------------- +9892 old a/ti—mati ¦ f. (a/ti-) haughtiness, RV. i, 129, 5 +9892 new a/ti—mati ¦ (a/ti-), f. haughtiness, RV. i, 129, 5 +;----------------- +9897 old 272212,3atimaDyandinaa/ti—maDyandina3 +9897 new 272212,3atimaDyandinaati—maDyandina3 +;----------------- +9898 old a/ti—maDyandina ¦ n. high noon. +9898 new ati—maDyandina ¦ n. high noon. +;----------------- +9900 old 272312,3atimarSaa/ti—marSa3 +9900 new 272312,3atimarSaati—marSa3 +;----------------- +9901 old a/ti—marSa ¦ m. close contact. +9901 new ati—marSa ¦ m. close contact. +;----------------- +9906 old 272412,3atimAnaa/ti—mAna/3 +9906 new 272412,3atimAnaati—mAna/3 +;----------------- +9907 old a/ti—mAna/ ¦ m. great haughtiness. +9907 new ati—mAna/ ¦ m. great haughtiness. +;----------------- +9909 old 272512,3atimAnina/ti—mAnin3 +9909 new 272512,3atimAninati—mAnin3 +;----------------- +9910 old a/ti—mAnin ¦ mfn. very haughty. +9910 new ati—mAnin ¦ mfn. very haughty. +;----------------- +9912 old 272612,3atimAnitAa/ti—mAni-tA3 +9912 new 272612,3atimAnitAati—mAni-tA3 +;----------------- +9913 old a/ti—mAni-tA ¦ f. great haughtiness. +9913 new ati—mAni-tA ¦ f. great haughtiness. +;----------------- +9915 old 272712,3atimArutaa/ti—mAruta3 +9915 new 272712,3atimArutaati—mAruta3 +;----------------- +9916 old a/ti—mAruta ¦ mfn. very windy +9916 new ati—mAruta ¦ mfn. very windy +;----------------- +9918 old 272812,3atimArutaa/ti—mAruta3B +9918 new 272812,3atimArutaati—mAruta3B +;----------------- +9919 old a/ti—mAruta ¦ m. a hurricane, Yājñ. +9919 new ati—mAruta ¦ m. a hurricane, Yājñ. +;----------------- +9927 old 273012,3atimuktaa/ti—muktaa3 +9927 new 273012,3atimuktaati—muktaa3 +;----------------- +9928 old a/ti—mukta a ¦ mfn. entirely liberated +9928 new ati—mukta a ¦ mfn. entirely liberated +;----------------- +9930 old 273112,3atimuktaa/ti—mukta3A +9930 new 273112,3atimuktaati—mukta3A +;----------------- +9933 old 273212,3atimuktaa/ti—mukta3A +9933 new 273212,3atimuktaati—mukta3A +;----------------- +9936 old 273312,3atimuktaa/ti—mukta3B +9936 new 273312,3atimuktaati—mukta3B +;----------------- +9937 old a/ti—mukta ¦ m. the tree Dalbergia Oujeinensis +9937 new ati—mukta ¦ m. the tree Dalbergia Oujeinensis +;----------------- +9939 old 273412,3atimuktaa/ti—mukta3B +9939 new 273412,3atimuktaati—mukta3B +;----------------- +9942 old 273512,3atimuktakaa/ti—muktakaa3 +9942 new 273512,3atimuktakaati—muktakaa3 +;----------------- +9943 old a/ti—muktaka a ¦ m. = the preceding +9943 new ati—muktaka a ¦ m. = the preceding +;----------------- +9945 old 273612,3atimuktakaa/ti—muktaka3A +9945 new 273612,3atimuktakaati—muktaka3A +;----------------- +9948 old 273712,3atimuktakaa/ti—muktaka3A +9948 new 273712,3atimuktakaati—muktaka3A +;----------------- +9954 old 273912,3atimUrtia/ti—mUrti3 +9954 new 273912,3atimUrtiati—mUrti3 +;----------------- +9955 old a/ti—mUrti ¦ f. ‘highest shape’, N. of a ceremony. +9955 new ati—mUrti ¦ f. ‘highest shape’, N. of a ceremony. +;----------------- +9960 old 274112,3atimETunaa/ti—mETuna3 +9960 new 274112,3atimETunaati—mETuna3 +;----------------- +9961 old a/ti—mETuna ¦ n. excess of sexual intercourse. +9961 new ati—mETuna ¦ n. excess of sexual intercourse. +;----------------- +9966 old 274412,3atimodAa/ti—modA3 +9966 new 274412,3atimodAati—modA3 +;----------------- +9967 old a/ti—modA ¦ f. extraordinary fragrance +9967 new ati—modA ¦ f. extraordinary fragrance +;----------------- +9969 old 274512,3atimodAa/ti—modA3A +9969 new 274512,3atimodAati—modA3A +;----------------- +9972 old 274612,3atiyavaa/ti—yava3 +9972 new 274612,3atiyavaati—yava3 +;----------------- +9973 old a/ti—yava ¦ m. a sort of barley. +9973 new ati—yava ¦ m. a sort of barley. +;----------------- +9975 old 274712,3atiyaSaa/ti—yaSa3 +9975 new 274712,3atiyaSaati—yaSa3 +;----------------- +9976 old a/ti—yaSa [MBh.] or a/ti—yaSas ¦ mfn. very illustrious. +9976 new ati—yaSa [MBh.] or ati—yaSas ¦ mfn. very illustrious. +;----------------- +9978 old 274812,3atiyaSasa/ti—yaSas3 +9978 new 274812,3atiyaSasati—yaSas3 +;----------------- +9979 old a/ti—yaSa [MBh.] or a/ti—yaSas ¦ mfn. very illustrious. +9979 new ati—yaSa [MBh.] or ati—yaSas ¦ mfn. very illustrious. +;----------------- +9990 old 275012,3atiyuvana/ti—yuvan3 +9990 new 275012,3atiyuvanati—yuvan3 +;----------------- +9991 old a/ti—yuvan ¦ mfn. very youthful, L. +9991 new ati—yuvan ¦ mfn. very youthful, L. +;----------------- +9993 old 275112,3atiyogaa/ti—yoga3 +9993 new 275112,3atiyogaati—yoga3 +;----------------- +9994 old a/ti—yoga ¦ m. excessive union, excess, +9994 new ati—yoga ¦ m. excessive union, excess, +;----------------- +9996 old 275212,3atiraMhasa/ti—raMhas3 +9996 new 275212,3atiraMhasati—raMhas3 +;----------------- +9997 old a/ti—raMhas ¦ mfn. extremely rapid, Śāk. +9997 new ati—raMhas ¦ mfn. extremely rapid, Śāk. +;----------------- +9999 old 275312,3atiraktaa/ti—rakta3 +9999 new 275312,3atiraktaati—rakta3 +;----------------- +10000 old a/ti—rakta ¦ mfn. very red +10000 new ati—rakta ¦ mfn. very red +;----------------- +10002 old 275412,3atiraktAa/ti—raktA3B +10002 new 275412,3atiraktAati—raktA3B +;----------------- +10003 old a/ti—raktA ¦ f. one of Agni's seven tongues. +10003 new ati—raktA ¦ f. one of Agni's seven tongues. +;----------------- +10005 old 275512,3atiraTaa/ti—raTa3 +10005 new 275512,3atiraTaati—raTa3 +;----------------- +10006 old a/ti—raTa ¦ m. a great warrior (fighting from a car), R. +10006 new ati—raTa ¦ m. a great warrior (fighting from a car), R. +;----------------- +10008 old 275612,3atiraBasaa/ti—raBasa3 +10008 new 275612,3atiraBasaati—raBasa3 +;----------------- +10009 old a/ti—raBasa ¦ m. extraordinary speed. +10009 new ati—raBasa ¦ m. extraordinary speed. +;----------------- +10011 old 275712,3atirasAa/ti—rasA3 +10011 new 275712,3atirasAati—rasA3 +;----------------- +10012 old a/ti—rasA ¦ f. ‘very succulent’, N. of various plants (Mūrvā, Rāsnā, Klītanaka). +10012 new ati—rasA ¦ f. ‘very succulent’, N. of various plants (Mūrvā, Rāsnā, Klītanaka). +;----------------- +10014 old 275812,3atirAjana/ti—rAjana3 +10014 new 275812,3atirAjanati—rAjana3 +;----------------- +10015 old a/ti—rAjan a ¦ m. an extraordinary king, Pāṇ. v, 4, 69, Sch. +10015 new ati—rAjan a ¦ m. an extraordinary king, Pāṇ. v, 4, 69, Sch. +;----------------- +10017 old 275913,1atirAjana/ti—rAjan3A +10017 new 275912,3atirAjanati—rAjan3A +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0013.txt (202) +; ******************************************************* +10020 old 276013,1atiruciraa/ti—rucira3 +10020 new 276013,1atiruciraati—rucira3 +;----------------- +10021 old a/ti—rucira ¦ mfn. very lovely +10021 new ati—rucira ¦ mfn. very lovely +;----------------- +10023 old 276113,1atirucirAa/ti—rucirA3B +10023 new 276113,1atirucirAati—rucirA3B +;----------------- +10024 old a/ti—rucirA ¦ f. N. of two metres (a variety of the atijagatI; another called cuqikA or culikA). +10024 new ati—rucirA ¦ f. N. of two metres (a variety of the atijagatI; another called cuqikA or culikA). +;----------------- +10026 old 276213,1atiruza/ti—ruz3 +10026 new 276213,1atiruzati—ruz3 +;----------------- +10027 old a/ti—ruz ¦ mfn. very angry. +10027 new ati—ruz ¦ mfn. very angry. +;----------------- +10029 old 276313,1atirUpaa/ti—rUpa3 +10029 new 276313,1atirUpaati—rUpa3 +;----------------- +10030 old a/ti—rUpa ¦ mfn. very beautiful +10030 new ati—rUpa ¦ mfn. very beautiful +;----------------- +10032 old 276413,1atirUpaa/ti—rUpa3B +10032 new 276413,1atirUpaati—rUpa3B +;----------------- +10033 old a/ti—rUpa ¦ n. extraordinary beauty. +10033 new ati—rUpa ¦ n. extraordinary beauty. +;----------------- +10035 old 276513,1atirogaa/ti—roga3 +10035 new 276513,1atirogaati—roga3 +;----------------- +10036 old a/ti—roga ¦ m. consumption, L. +10036 new ati—roga ¦ m. consumption, L. +;----------------- +10038 old 276613,1atiromaSaa/ti—romaSa3 +10038 new 276613,1atiromaSaati—romaSa3 +;----------------- +10039 old a/ti—romaSa ¦ mfn. very hairy, too hairy +10039 new ati—romaSa ¦ mfn. very hairy, too hairy +;----------------- +10041 old 276713,1atiromaSaa/ti—romaSa3B +10041 new 276713,1atiromaSaati—romaSa3B +;----------------- +10042 old a/ti—romaSa ¦ m. a wild goat, a kind of monkey. +10042 new ati—romaSa ¦ m. a wild goat, a kind of monkey. +;----------------- +10044 old 276813,1atilakzmIa/ti—lakzmI3 +10044 new 276813,1atilakzmIati—lakzmI3 +;----------------- +10045 old a/ti—lakzmI ¦ mfn. very prosperous +10045 new ati—lakzmI ¦ mfn. very prosperous +;----------------- +10047 old 276913,1atilakzmIa/ti—lakzmI3B +10047 new 276913,1atilakzmIati—lakzmI3B +;----------------- +10048 old a/ti—lakzmI ¦ f. (Is) extraordinary prosperity. +10048 new ati—lakzmI ¦ f. (Is) extraordinary prosperity. +;----------------- +10050 old 277013,1atilaNGanaa/ti—laNGana3 +10050 new 277013,1atilaNGanaati—laNGana3 +;----------------- +10051 old a/ti—laNGana ¦ n. excessive fasting, Suśr. +10051 new ati—laNGana ¦ n. excessive fasting, Suśr. +;----------------- +10053 old 277113,1atilambaa/ti—lamba3 +10053 new 277113,1atilambaati—lamba3 +;----------------- +10054 old a/ti—lamba ¦ mfn. very extensive. +10054 new ati—lamba ¦ mfn. very extensive. +;----------------- +10056 old 277213,1atilubDaa/ti—lubDa3 +10056 new 277213,1atilubDaati—lubDa3 +;----------------- +10057 old a/ti—lubDa or ati-loBa, ¦ mfn. very greedy or covetous. +10057 new ati—lubDa or ati-loBa, ¦ mfn. very greedy or covetous. +;----------------- +10060 old a/ti—lubDa or ati-loBa, ¦ mfn. very greedy or covetous. +10060 new ati—lubDa or ati-loBa, ¦ mfn. very greedy or covetous. +;----------------- +10062 old 277413,1atilulitaa/ti—lulita3 +10062 new 277413,1atilulitaati—lulita3 +;----------------- +10063 old a/ti—lulita ¦ mfn. closely attached or adhering. +10063 new ati—lulita ¦ mfn. closely attached or adhering. +;----------------- +10065 old 277513,1atiloBaa/ti—loBab3 +10065 new 277513,1atiloBaati—loBab3 +;----------------- +10066 old a/ti—loBa, m. or a/ti—loBa-tA, f. ¦ excessive greediness or covetousness. +10066 new ati—loBa, m. or ati—loBa-tA, f. ¦ excessive greediness or covetousness. +;----------------- +10068 old 277613,1atiloBatAa/ti—loBa-tA3 +10068 new 277613,1atiloBatAati—loBa-tA3 +;----------------- +10069 old a/ti—loBa, m. or a/ti—loBa-tA, f. ¦ excessive greediness or covetousness. +10069 new ati—loBa, m. or ati—loBa-tA, f. ¦ excessive greediness or covetousness. +;----------------- +10071 old 277713,1atilomaa/ti—loma3 +10071 new 277713,1atilomaati—loma3 +;----------------- +10072 old a/ti—loma or a/ti—lomaSa ¦ (a/ti-) [VS.], mfn. very hairy, too hairy. +10072 new ati—loma or a/ti—lomaSa ¦ (a/ti-) [VS.], mfn. very hairy, too hairy. +;----------------- +10075 old a/ti—loma or a/ti—lomaSa ¦ (a/ti-) [VS.], mfn. very hairy, too hairy. +10075 new ati—loma or a/ti—lomaSa ¦ (a/ti-) [VS.], mfn. very hairy, too hairy. +;----------------- +10077 old 277913,1atilomaSAa/ti—lomaSA3 +10077 new 277913,1atilomaSAati—lomaSA3 +;----------------- +10078 old a/ti—lomaSA ¦ f. Convolvulus Argenteus. +10078 new ati—lomaSA ¦ f. Convolvulus Argenteus. +;----------------- +10080 old 278013,1atilohitaa/ti—lohita3 +10080 new 278013,1atilohitaati—lohita3 +;----------------- +10081 old a/ti—lohita ¦ mfn. very red. +10081 new ati—lohita ¦ mfn. very red. +;----------------- +10083 old 278113,1atilOlyaa/ti—lOlya3 +10083 new 278113,1atilOlyaati—lOlya3 +;----------------- +10084 old a/ti—lOlya ¦ n. excessive eagerness or desire. +10084 new ati—lOlya ¦ n. excessive eagerness or desire. +;----------------- +10086 old 278213,1ativaktfa/ti—vaktf3 +10086 new 278213,1ativaktfati—vaktf3 +;----------------- +10087 old a/ti—vaktf ¦ mfn. very loquacious. +10087 new ati—vaktf ¦ mfn. very loquacious. +;----------------- +10089 old 278313,1ativakraa/ti—vakra3 +10089 new 278313,1ativakraati—vakra3 +;----------------- +10090 old a/ti—vakra ¦ mfn. very crooked or curved +10090 new ati—vakra ¦ mfn. very crooked or curved +;----------------- +10092 old 278413,1ativakrAa/ti—vakrA3B +10092 new 278413,1ativakrAati—vakrA3B +;----------------- +10093 old a/ti—vakrA ¦ f. one of the eight descriptions of planetary motion. +10093 new ati—vakrA ¦ f. one of the eight descriptions of planetary motion. +;----------------- +10098 old 278513,1ativartulaa/ti—vartula3 +10098 new 278513,1ativartulaati—vartula3 +;----------------- +10099 old a/ti—vartula ¦ mfn. very round +10099 new ati—vartula ¦ mfn. very round +;----------------- +10101 old 278613,1ativartulaa/ti—vartula3B +10101 new 278613,1ativartulaati—vartula3B +;----------------- +10102 old a/ti—vartula ¦ m. a kind of grain or pot-herb. +10102 new ati—vartula ¦ m. a kind of grain or pot-herb. +;----------------- +10104 old 278713,1ativAtaa/ti—vAta3 +10104 new 278713,1ativAtaati—vAta3 +;----------------- +10105 old a/ti—vAta ¦ m. high wind, a storm. +10105 new ati—vAta ¦ m. high wind, a storm. +;----------------- +10107 old 278813,1ativAdaa/ti—vAda3 +10107 new 278813,1ativAdaati—vAda3 +;----------------- +10108 old a/ti—vAda ¦ m. abusive language +10108 new ati—vAda ¦ m. abusive language +;----------------- +10110 old 278913,1ativAdaa/ti—vAda3A +10110 new 278913,1ativAdaati—vAda3A +;----------------- +10113 old 279013,1ativAdaa/ti—vAda3A +10113 new 279013,1ativAdaati—vAda3A +;----------------- +10116 old 279113,1ativAdina/ti—vAdin3 +10116 new 279113,1ativAdinati—vAdin3 +;----------------- +10117 old a/ti—vAdin ¦ mfn. very talkative. +10117 new ati—vAdin ¦ mfn. very talkative. +;----------------- +10119 old 279213,1ativAlakaa/ti—vAlaka3 +10119 new 279213,1ativAlakaati—vAlaka3 +;----------------- +10120 old a/ti—vAlaka ¦ See -bAlaka above. +10120 new ati—vAlaka ¦ See -bAlaka above. +;----------------- +10122 old 279313,1ativAhanaa/ti—vAhanaa3 +10122 new 279313,1ativAhanaati—vAhanaa3 +;----------------- +10123 old a/ti—vAhana a ¦ n. excessive toiling. +10123 new ati—vAhana a ¦ n. excessive toiling. +;----------------- +10125 old 279413,1ativikawaa/ti—vikawa3 +10125 new 279413,1ativikawaati—vikawa3 +;----------------- +10126 old a/ti—vikawa ¦ mfn. very fierce +10126 new ati—vikawa ¦ mfn. very fierce +;----------------- +10128 old 2794.113,1ativikawaa/ti—vikawa3B +10128 new 2794.113,1ativikawaati—vikawa3B +;----------------- +10129 old a/ti—vikawa ¦ m. a vicious elephant. +10129 new ati—vikawa ¦ m. a vicious elephant. +;----------------- +10131 old 279513,1ativipinaa/ti—vipina3 +10131 new 279513,1ativipinaati—vipina3 +;----------------- +10132 old a/ti—vipina ¦ mfn. having many forests, very impenetrable, Kir. v, 18. +10132 new ati—vipina ¦ mfn. having many forests, very impenetrable, Kir. v, 18. +;----------------- +10134 old 279613,1ativilambina/ti—vilambin3 +10134 new 279613,1ativilambinati—vilambin3 +;----------------- +10135 old a/ti—vilambin ¦ mfn. very dilatory. +10135 new ati—vilambin ¦ mfn. very dilatory. +;----------------- +10140 old 279713,1ativiSrabDanavoQAa/ti—viSrabDa-navoQA3 +10140 new 279713,1ativiSrabDanavoQAati—viSrabDa-navoQA3 +;----------------- +10141 old a/ti—viSrabDa-navoQA ¦ f. a fond but pert young wife. +10141 new ati—viSrabDa-navoQA ¦ f. a fond but pert young wife. +;----------------- +10143 old 279813,1ativizaa/ti—viza3 +10143 new 279813,1ativizaati—viza3 +;----------------- +10144 old a/ti—viza ¦ mfn. exceedingly poisonous, counteracting poison +10144 new ati—viza ¦ mfn. exceedingly poisonous, counteracting poison +;----------------- +10146 old 279913,1ativizAa/ti—vizA3B +10146 new 279913,1ativizAati—vizA3B +;----------------- +10147 old a/ti—vizA ¦ f. the plant Aconitum Ferox +10147 new ati—vizA ¦ f. the plant Aconitum Ferox +;----------------- +10149 old 280013,1ativfdDia/ti—vfdDi3 +10149 new 280013,1ativfdDiati—vfdDi3 +;----------------- +10150 old a/ti—vfdDi ¦ f. extraordinary growth. +10150 new ati—vfdDi ¦ f. extraordinary growth. +;----------------- +10152 old 280113,1ativfzwia/ti—vfzwi3 +10152 new 280113,1ativfzwiati—vfzwi3 +;----------------- +10153 old a/ti—vfzwi ¦ f. excessive rain. +10153 new ati—vfzwi ¦ f. excessive rain. +;----------------- +10155 old 280213,1ativfzwihataa/ti—vfzwi-hata3 +10155 new 280213,1ativfzwihataati—vfzwi-hata3 +;----------------- +10156 old a/ti—vfzwi-hata ¦ mfn. injured by heavy rain. +10156 new ati—vfzwi-hata ¦ mfn. injured by heavy rain. +;----------------- +10158 old 280313,1ativepaTua/ti—vepaTu3 +10158 new 280313,1ativepaTuati—vepaTu3 +;----------------- +10159 old a/ti—vepaTu ¦ m. excessive tremor +10159 new ati—vepaTu ¦ m. excessive tremor +;----------------- +10161 old 280413,1ativepaTua/ti—vepaTu3B +10161 new 280413,1ativepaTuati—vepaTu3B +;----------------- +10162 old a/ti—vepaTu ¦ mfn. trembling excessively. +10162 new ati—vepaTu ¦ mfn. trembling excessively. +;----------------- +10164 old 2804.113,1ativepaTumata/ti—vepaTu—mat4 +10164 new 2804.113,1ativepaTumatati—vepaTu—mat4 +;----------------- +10165 old a/ti—vepaTu—mat ¦ mfn. trembling excessively. +10165 new ati—vepaTu—mat ¦ mfn. trembling excessively. +;----------------- +10167 old 280513,1ativEcakzaRyaa/ti—vEcakzaRya3 +10167 new 280513,1ativEcakzaRyaati—vEcakzaRya3 +;----------------- +10168 old a/ti—vEcakzaRya ¦ n. great proficiency. +10168 new ati—vEcakzaRya ¦ n. great proficiency. +;----------------- +10170 old 280613,1ativESasaa/ti—vESasa3 +10170 new 280613,1ativESasaati—vESasa3 +;----------------- +10171 old a/ti—vESasa ¦ mfn. very adverse or destructive. +10171 new ati—vESasa ¦ mfn. very adverse or destructive. +;----------------- +10173 old 280713,1ativyaTanaa/ti—vyaTana3 +10173 new 280713,1ativyaTanaati—vyaTana3 +;----------------- +10174 old a/ti—vyaTana ¦ n. infliction of (or giving) excessive pain, Pāṇ. v, 4, 61. +10174 new ati—vyaTana ¦ n. infliction of (or giving) excessive pain, Pāṇ. v, 4, 61. +;----------------- +10176 old 280813,1ativyaTAa/ti—vyaTA3 +10176 new 280813,1ativyaTAati—vyaTA3 +;----------------- +10177 old a/ti—vyaTA ¦ f. excessive pain. +10177 new ati—vyaTA ¦ f. excessive pain. +;----------------- +10179 old 280913,1ativyayaa/ti—vyaya3 +10179 new 280913,1ativyayaati—vyaya3 +;----------------- +10180 old a/ti—vyaya ¦ m. lavish expenditure. +10180 new ati—vyaya ¦ m. lavish expenditure. +;----------------- +10185 old 281013,1ativyAptaa/ti—vyApta3 +10185 new 281013,1ativyAptaati—vyApta3 +;----------------- +10186 old a/ti—vyApta ¦ mfn. stretched too far (as a rule or principle). +10186 new ati—vyApta ¦ mfn. stretched too far (as a rule or principle). +;----------------- +10188 old 281113,1ativyAptia/ti—vyApti3 +10188 new 281113,1ativyAptiati—vyApti3 +;----------------- +10189 old a/ti—vyApti ¦ f. unwarrantable stretch (of a rule or principle), Pāṇ. vi, 3, 35, Sch. +10189 new ati—vyApti ¦ f. unwarrantable stretch (of a rule or principle), Pāṇ. vi, 3, 35, Sch. +;----------------- +10191 old 281213,1atiSaktaa/ti—Sakta3 +10191 new 281213,1atiSaktaati—Sakta3 +;----------------- +10192 old a/ti—Sakta or a/ti—Sakti, ¦ mfn. very powerful +10192 new ati—Sakta or ati—Sakti, ¦ mfn. very powerful +;----------------- +10194 old 281413,1atiSaktia/ti—Sakti3 +10194 new 281413,1atiSaktiati—Sakti3 +;----------------- +10195 old a/ti—Sakta or a/ti—Sakti, ¦ mfn. very powerful +10195 new ati—Sakta or ati—Sakti, ¦ mfn. very powerful +;----------------- +10197 old 281513,1atiSaktia/ti—Sakti3B +10197 new 281513,1atiSaktiati—Sakti3B +;----------------- +10198 old a/ti—Sakti ¦ f. great power or valour. +10198 new ati—Sakti ¦ f. great power or valour. +;----------------- +10200 old 2815.113,1atiSaktitAa/ti—Sakti—tA4 +10200 new 2815.113,1atiSaktitAati—Sakti—tA4 +;----------------- +10201 old a/ti—Sakti—tA ¦ f. great power or valour. +10201 new ati—Sakti—tA ¦ f. great power or valour. +;----------------- +10203 old 281613,1atiSaktiBAja/ti—Sakti-BAj3 +10203 new 281613,1atiSaktiBAjati—Sakti-BAj3 +;----------------- +10204 old a/ti—Sakti-BAj ¦ mfn. possessing great power. +10204 new ati—Sakti-BAj ¦ mfn. possessing great power. +;----------------- +10206 old 281713,1atiSaNkAa/ti—SaNkA3 +10206 new 281713,1atiSaNkAati—SaNkA3 +;----------------- +10207 old a/ti—SaNkA ¦ f. excessive timidity. +10207 new ati—SaNkA ¦ f. excessive timidity. +;----------------- +10212 old 281913,1atiSastaa/ti—Sasta3 +10212 new 281913,1atiSastaati—Sasta3 +;----------------- +10213 old a/ti—Sasta ¦ mfn. very excellent. +10213 new ati—Sasta ¦ mfn. very excellent. +;----------------- +10219 old a/ti—Sukra ¦ (a/ti-) mfn. too bright. +10219 new a/ti—Sukra ¦ (a/ti-), mfn. too bright. +;----------------- +10221 old 282113,1atiSuklaa/ti—Sukla3 +10221 new 282113,1atiSuklaati—Sukla3 +;----------------- +10222 old a/ti—Sukla ¦ mfn. very white, too white. +10222 new ati—Sukla ¦ mfn. very white, too white. +;----------------- +10224 old 282213,1atiSoBanaa/ti—SoBana3 +10224 new 282213,1atiSoBanaati—SoBana3 +;----------------- +10225 old a/ti—SoBana ¦ mfn. very handsome. +10225 new ati—SoBana ¦ mfn. very handsome. +;----------------- +10230 old 282313,1atiSrIa/ti—SrI3 +10230 new 282313,1atiSrIati—SrI3 +;----------------- +10231 old a/ti—SrI ¦ mfn. very prosperous, Pāṇ. i, 2, 48, Sch. +10231 new ati—SrI ¦ mfn. very prosperous, Pāṇ. i, 2, 48, Sch. +;----------------- +10233 old 282413,1atiSlakzRaa/ti—SlakzRa3 +10233 new 282413,1atiSlakzRaati—SlakzRa3 +;----------------- +10234 old a/ti—SlakzRa ¦ (a/ti-) mfn. too tender, TBr. +10234 new ati—SlakzRa ¦ (ati-) mfn. too tender, TBr. +;----------------- +10236 old 282513,1atisaMskftaa/ti—saMskfta3 +10236 new 282513,1atisaMskftaati—saMskfta3 +;----------------- +10237 old a/ti—saMskfta ¦ mfn. highly finished. +10237 new ati—saMskfta ¦ mfn. highly finished. +;----------------- +10239 old 282613,1atisaktia/ti—sakti3 +10239 new 282613,1atisaktiati—sakti3 +;----------------- +10240 old a/ti—sakti ¦ f. excessive attachment. +10240 new ati—sakti ¦ f. excessive attachment. +;----------------- +10242 old 282713,1atisaktimata/ti—sakti-mat3 +10242 new 282713,1atisaktimatati—sakti-mat3 +;----------------- +10243 old a/ti—sakti-mat ¦ mfn. excessively attached. +10243 new ati—sakti-mat ¦ mfn. excessively attached. +;----------------- +10245 old 282813,1atisaMcayaa/ti—saMcaya3 +10245 new 282813,1atisaMcayaati—saMcaya3 +;----------------- +10246 old a/ti—saMcaya ¦ m. excessive accumulation. +10246 new ati—saMcaya ¦ m. excessive accumulation. +;----------------- +10248 old 282913,1atisaMtaptaa/ti—saMtapta3 +10248 new 282913,1atisaMtaptaati—saMtapta3 +;----------------- +10249 old a/ti—saMtapta ¦ mfn. greatly afflicted. +10249 new ati—saMtapta ¦ mfn. greatly afflicted. +;----------------- +10251 old 283013,1atisaMDeyaa/ti—saMDeyaa3 +10251 new 283013,1atisaMDeyaati—saMDeyaa3 +;----------------- +10252 old a/ti—saMDeya a ¦ mfn. easy to be settled or conciliated. +10252 new ati—saMDeya a ¦ mfn. easy to be settled or conciliated. +;----------------- +10254 old 283113,1atisamarTaa/ti—samarTa3 +10254 new 283113,1atisamarTaati—samarTa3 +;----------------- +10255 old a/ti—samarTa ¦ mfn. very competent. +10255 new ati—samarTa ¦ mfn. very competent. +;----------------- +10257 old 283213,1atisamIpaa/ti—samIpa3 +10257 new 283213,1atisamIpaati—samIpa3 +;----------------- +10258 old a/ti—samIpa ¦ mfn. very near. +10258 new ati—samIpa ¦ mfn. very near. +;----------------- +10260 old 283313,1atisamparkaa/ti—samparka3 +10260 new 283313,1atisamparkaati—samparka3 +;----------------- +10261 old a/ti—samparka ¦ m. excessive (sexual) intercourse. +10261 new ati—samparka ¦ m. excessive (sexual) intercourse. +;----------------- +10266 old 283413,1atisarvaa/ti—sarvaa3 +10266 new 283413,1atisarvaati—sarvaa3 +;----------------- +10267 old a/ti—sarva a ¦ mfn. too complete, AitBr. +10267 new ati—sarva a ¦ mfn. too complete, AitBr. +;----------------- +10269 old 283513,1atisarvaa/ti—sarva3A +10269 new 283513,1atisarvaati—sarva3A +;----------------- +10272 old 283613,1atisADvasaa/ti—sADvasa3 +10272 new 283613,1atisADvasaati—sADvasa3 +;----------------- +10273 old a/ti—sADvasa ¦ n. excessive fear. +10273 new ati—sADvasa ¦ n. excessive fear. +;----------------- +10275 old 283713,1atisAntapanaa/ti—sAntapana3 +10275 new 283713,1atisAntapanaati—sAntapana3 +;----------------- +10276 old a/ti—sAntapana ¦ n. a kind of severe penance (inflicted especially for eating unclean animal food). +10276 new ati—sAntapana ¦ n. a kind of severe penance (inflicted especially for eating unclean animal food). +;----------------- +10278 old 283813,1atisAyama/ti—sAyam3 +10278 new 283813,1atisAyamati—sAyam3 +;----------------- +10279 old a/ti—sAyam ¦ ind. very late in the evening. +10279 new ati—sAyam ¦ ind. very late in the evening. +;----------------- +10281 old 283913,1atisidDia/ti—sidDi3 +10281 new 283913,1atisidDiati—sidDi3 +;----------------- +10282 old a/ti—sidDi ¦ f. great perfection. +10282 new ati—sidDi ¦ f. great perfection. +;----------------- +10287 old 284013,1atisujanaa/ti—sujana3 +10287 new 284013,1atisujanaati—sujana3 +;----------------- +10288 old a/ti—sujana ¦ mfn. very moral, very friendly. +10288 new ati—sujana ¦ mfn. very moral, very friendly. +;----------------- +10290 old 284113,1atisundaraa/ti—sundara3 +10290 new 284113,1atisundaraati—sundara3 +;----------------- +10291 old a/ti—sundara ¦ mfn. very handsome +10291 new ati—sundara ¦ mfn. very handsome +;----------------- +10293 old 284213,1atisundaraa/ti—sundara3B +10293 new 284213,1atisundaraati—sundara3B +;----------------- +10294 old a/ti—sundara ¦ mf. a metre belonging to the class azwi (also called citra or caYcalA). +10294 new ati—sundara ¦ mf. a metre belonging to the class azwi (also called citra or caYcalA). +;----------------- +10296 old 284313,1atisulaBaa/ti—sulaBa3 +10296 new 284313,1atisulaBaati—sulaBa3 +;----------------- +10297 old a/ti—sulaBa ¦ mfn. very easily obtainable. +10297 new ati—sulaBa ¦ mfn. very easily obtainable. +;----------------- +10299 old 284413,1atisuhitaa/ti—suhita3 +10299 new 284413,1atisuhitaati—suhita3 +;----------------- +10300 old a/ti—suhita ¦ mfn. excessively kind, over-kind. +10300 new ati—suhita ¦ mfn. excessively kind, over-kind. +;----------------- +10308 old 284613,1atisevAa/ti—sevA3 +10308 new 284613,1atisevAati—sevA3 +;----------------- +10309 old a/ti—sevA ¦ f. excessive addiction (to a habit). +10309 new ati—sevA ¦ f. excessive addiction (to a habit). +;----------------- +10311 old 284713,1atisOraBaa/ti—sOraBa3 +10311 new 284713,1atisOraBaati—sOraBa3 +;----------------- +10312 old a/ti—sOraBa ¦ mfn. very fragrant +10312 new ati—sOraBa ¦ mfn. very fragrant +;----------------- +10314 old 284813,1atisOraBaa/ti—sOraBa3B +10314 new 284813,1atisOraBaati—sOraBa3B +;----------------- +10315 old a/ti—sOraBa ¦ n. extraordinary fragrance. +10315 new ati—sOraBa ¦ n. extraordinary fragrance. +;----------------- +10317 old 284913,1atisOhityaa/ti—sOhitya3 +10317 new 284913,1atisOhityaati—sOhitya3 +;----------------- +10318 old a/ti—sOhitya ¦ n. excessive satiety, e.g. being spoiled, stuffed with food, &c., Mn. iv, 62. +10318 new ati—sOhitya ¦ n. excessive satiety, e.g. being spoiled, stuffed with food, &c., Mn. iv, 62. +;----------------- +10320 old 285013,1atistutia/ti—stuti3 +10320 new 285013,1atistutiati—stuti3 +;----------------- +10321 old a/ti—stuti ¦ f. excessive praise, Nir. +10321 new ati—stuti ¦ f. excessive praise, Nir. +;----------------- +10323 old 285113,1atisTiraa/ti—sTira3 +10323 new 285113,1atisTiraati—sTira3 +;----------------- +10324 old a/ti—sTira ¦ mfn. very stable. +10324 new ati—sTira ¦ mfn. very stable. +;----------------- +10332 old 285313,1atisnigDaa/ti—snigDa3 +10332 new 285313,1atisnigDaati—snigDa3 +;----------------- +10333 old a/ti—snigDa ¦ mfn. very smooth, very nice, very affectionate +10333 new ati—snigDa ¦ mfn. very smooth, very nice, very affectionate +;----------------- +10335 old 285413,1atisparSaa/ti—sparSa3 +10335 new 285413,1atisparSaati—sparSa3 +;----------------- +10336 old a/ti—sparSa ¦ m. too marked contact (of the tongue and palate) in pronunciation. +10336 new ati—sparSa ¦ m. too marked contact (of the tongue and palate) in pronunciation. +;----------------- +10338 old 285513,1atisPiraa/ti—sPira3 +10338 new 285513,1atisPiraati—sPira3 +;----------------- +10339 old a/ti—sPira ¦ mfn. very tremulous. +10339 new ati—sPira ¦ mfn. very tremulous. +;----------------- +10341 old 285613,1atisvapnaa/ti—svapna3 +10341 new 285613,1atisvapnaati—svapna3 +;----------------- +10342 old a/ti—svapna ¦ m. excessive sleep +10342 new ati—svapna ¦ m. excessive sleep +;----------------- +10344 old 285713,1atisvapnaa/ti—svapna3B +10344 new 285713,1atisvapnaati—svapna3B +;----------------- +10345 old a/ti—svapna ¦ n. excessive tendency to dreaming. +10345 new ati—svapna ¦ n. excessive tendency to dreaming. +;----------------- +10347 old 285813,1atisvasTaa/ti—svasTa3 +10347 new 285813,1atisvasTaati—svasTa3 +;----------------- +10348 old a/ti—svasTa ¦ mfn. enjoying excellent health. +10348 new ati—svasTa ¦ mfn. enjoying excellent health. +;----------------- +10353 old 285913,1atihasitaa/ti—hasita3 +10353 new 285913,1atihasitaati—hasita3 +;----------------- +10354 old a/ti—hasita, n. or a/ti—hAsa, m. ¦ excessive laughter. +10354 new ati—hasita, n. or ati—hAsa, m. ¦ excessive laughter. +;----------------- +10359 old 286013,1atihAsaa/ti—hAsa3 +10359 new 286013,1atihAsaati—hAsa3 +;----------------- +10360 old a/ti—hasita, n. or a/ti—hAsa, m. ¦ excessive laughter. +10360 new ati—hasita, n. or a/ti—hAsa, m. ¦ excessive laughter. +;----------------- +10395 old 287113,2atyamlaaty-amla3B +10395 new 287113,1atyamlaaty-amla3B +;----------------- +10536 old 291213,2atikalyARaati-kalyARa1 +10536 new 291213,2atikalyARaa/ti-kalyARa1 +;----------------- +10537 old ati-kalyARa ¦ mf(I)n. ‘past or beyond beauty’, not beautiful, ŚBr. +10537 new a/ti-kalyARa ¦ mf(I)n. ‘past or beyond beauty’, not beautiful, ŚBr. +;----------------- +10718 old 296113,3atiGnIati-GnI2 +10718 new 296113,3atiGnIati-GnI/2 +;----------------- +10719 old ati-GnI ¦ f. utter oblivion or profound sleep (obliterating all that is disagreeable in the past, and regarded as the highest condition of bliss), ŚBr. xiv. +10719 new ati-GnI/ ¦ f. utter oblivion or profound sleep (obliterating all that is disagreeable in the past, and regarded as the highest condition of bliss), ŚBr. xiv. +;----------------- +10799 old 298414,1atitarAmati-tarA/m1 +10799 new 298413,3atitarAmati-tarA/m1 +;----------------- +10802 old 2984.114,1atitarAmati-tarA/m1A +10802 new 2984.113,3atitarAmati-tarA/m1A +;----------------- +10805 old 2984.214,1atitarAmati-tarA/m1A +10805 new 2984.213,3atitarAmati-tarA/m1A +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0014.txt (26) +; ******************************************************* +10859 old 299714,1atiTikriyAa/tiTi—kriyA3 +10859 new 299714,1atiTikriyAatiTi—kriyA3 +;----------------- +10860 old a/tiTi—kriyA ¦ f. hospitality. +10860 new atiTi—kriyA ¦ f. hospitality. +;----------------- +10865 old 299914,1atiTitvaa/tiTi—tva3 +10865 new 299914,1atiTitvaatiTi—tva3 +;----------------- +10866 old a/tiTi—tva ¦ n. state of a guest, hospitality. +10866 new atiTi—tva ¦ n. state of a guest, hospitality. +;----------------- +10868 old 300014,1atiTidevaa/tiTi—deva3 +10868 new 300014,1atiTidevaatiTi—deva3 +;----------------- +10869 old a/tiTi—deva ¦ mfn. one to whom a guest is as a divinity, TUp. +10869 new atiTi—deva ¦ mfn. one to whom a guest is as a divinity, TUp. +;----------------- +10871 old 300114,1atiTidvezaa/tiTi—dveza3 +10871 new 300114,1atiTidvezaatiTi—dveza3 +;----------------- +10872 old a/tiTi—dveza ¦ m. hatred of guests, inhospitality. +10872 new atiTi—dveza ¦ m. hatred of guests, inhospitality. +;----------------- +10874 old 300214,1atiTiDarmaa/tiTi—Darma3 +10874 new 300214,1atiTiDarmaatiTi—Darma3 +;----------------- +10875 old a/tiTi—Darma ¦ m. rights of hospitality, Mn. iii, 111, &c. +10875 new atiTi—Darma ¦ m. rights of hospitality, Mn. iii, 111, &c. +;----------------- +10877 old 300314,1atiTiDarmina/tiTi—Darmin3 +10877 new 300314,1atiTiDarminatiTi—Darmin3 +;----------------- +10878 old a/tiTi—Darmin ¦ mfn. entitled to hospitality, Mn. iii, 112. +10878 new atiTi—Darmin ¦ mfn. entitled to hospitality, Mn. iii, 112. +;----------------- +10881 old a/tiTi—pati ¦ (a/tiTi-) m. a host, entertainer of a guest, AV. +10881 new a/tiTi—pati ¦ (a/tiTi-), m. a host, entertainer of a guest, AV. +;----------------- +10883 old 300514,1atiTipUjanaa/tiTi—pUjana3 +10883 new 300514,1atiTipUjanaatiTi—pUjana3 +;----------------- +10884 old a/tiTi—pUjana, n. or a/tiTi—pUjA, f. ¦ showing honour to a guest. +10884 new atiTi—pUjana, n. or atiTi—pUjA, f. ¦ showing honour to a guest. +;----------------- +10886 old 300614,1atiTipUjAa/tiTi—pUjA3 +10886 new 300614,1atiTipUjAatiTi—pUjA3 +;----------------- +10887 old a/tiTi—pUjana, n. or a/tiTi—pUjA, f. ¦ showing honour to a guest. +10887 new atiTi—pUjana, n. or atiTi—pUjA, f. ¦ showing honour to a guest. +;----------------- +10892 old 300714,1atiTivata/tiTi—vat3 +10892 new 300714,1atiTivatatiTi—vat3 +;----------------- +10893 old a/tiTi—vat ¦ ind. like a guest. +10893 new atiTi—vat ¦ ind. like a guest. +;----------------- +10895 old 300814,1atiTisatkAraa/tiTi—satkAra3 +10895 new 300814,1atiTisatkAraatiTi—satkAra3 +;----------------- +10896 old a/tiTi—satkAra ¦ m. honourable treatment of a guest. +10896 new atiTi—satkAra ¦ m. honourable treatment of a guest. +;----------------- +10898 old 300914,1atiTisevAa/tiTi—sevA3 +10898 new 300914,1atiTisevAatiTi—sevA3 +;----------------- +10899 old a/tiTi—sevA ¦ f. attention to a guest. +10899 new atiTi—sevA ¦ f. attention to a guest. +;----------------- +10988 old 303614,2atiDftiati-Dfti1A +10988 new 303614,1atiDftiati-Dfti1A +;----------------- +11125 old 307714,3atipAdanicftati-pAda-nicft1 +11125 new 307714,2atipAdanicftati-pAda-nicft1 +;----------------- +11238 old 311015,1atibADati-bAD1 +11238 new 311014,3atibADati-bAD1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0015.txt (7) +; ******************************************************* +11315 old 3130.215,1atimAtraSasati-mAtra/—Sas1C +11315 new 3130.215,1atimAtraSasati-mAtra—Sas1C +;----------------- +11316 old ati-mAtra/—Sas ¦ ind. beyond measure. +11316 new ati-mAtra—Sas ¦ ind. beyond measure. +;----------------- +11414 old 315815,2atirAtrasavanIyapaSuati-rAtra/—savanIya-paSu3 +11414 new 315815,2atirAtrasavanIyapaSuati-rAtra—savanIya-paSu3 +;----------------- +11415 old ati-rAtra/—savanIya-paSu ¦ m. the victim sacrificed at the Atirātra. +11415 new ati-rAtra—savanIya-paSu ¦ m. the victim sacrificed at the Atirātra. +;----------------- +11434 old 316415,2atiriktatAa/ti-rikta—tA3 +11434 new 316415,2atiriktatAati-rikta—tA3 +;----------------- +11435 old a/ti-rikta—tA ¦ f. redundancy, &c. +11435 new ati-rikta—tA ¦ f. redundancy, &c. +;----------------- +11565 old 319915,3ativfMhitaati-vfMhita1 +11565 new 319915,2ativfMhitaati-vfMhita1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0016.txt (13) +; ******************************************************* +11809 old 3267.116,1atizWAvanati-zWA/van23 +11809 new 3267.116,1atizWAvanati-zWA/van3 +;----------------- +11810 old 2. ati-zWA/van ¦ m. superior in standing, surpassing. +11810 new ati-zWA/van ¦ m. superior in standing, surpassing. +;----------------- +11945 old 330716,2atisvAryaati-svArya2 +11945 new 330716,1atisvAryaati-svArya2 +;----------------- +12153 old 335616,2atUrtadakzaa/-tUrta—dakza3 +12153 new 335616,2atUrtadakzaa-tUrta—dakza3 +;----------------- +12154 old a/-tUrta—dakza ¦ m. ‘having designs that cannot be obstructed’, N. of the Aśvins, RV. viii, 26, 1. +12154 new a-tUrta—dakza ¦ m. ‘having designs that cannot be obstructed’, N. of the Aśvins, RV. viii, 26, 1. +;----------------- +12168 old 336116,3atfpaa-tfpa/1 +12168 new 336116,2atfpaa-tfpa/1 +;----------------- +12210 old 3373.216,3atejasvina-teja/s—vin3 +12210 new 3373.216,3atejasvina-tejas—vin3 +;----------------- +12211 old a-teja/s—vin ¦ mfn. not bright, dim, not vigorous. +12211 new a-tejas—vin ¦ mfn. not bright, dim, not vigorous. +;----------------- +12219 old 3374.2455,2atElapUraa—tEla/—pUra1 +12219 new 3374.2455,2atElapUraa—tEla—pUra1 +;----------------- +12220 old a—tEla/—pUra ¦ mfn., [Kum. i, 10] (a lamp) that wants no oil-filling. +12220 new a—tEla—pUra ¦ mfn., [Kum. i, 10] (a lamp) that wants no oil-filling. +;----------------- +12252 old 338116,3attfattfa2 +12252 new 338116,3attfattf/a2 +;----------------- +12253 old attf a ¦ m. an eater, AV. &c.; f(attrI/). , TS. +12253 new attf/ a ¦ m. an eater, AV. &c.; f(attrI/). , TS. +;----------------- +12387 old 342617,1atyantavAsinaty-anta—vAsin3 +12387 new 342616,3atyantavAsinaty-anta—vAsin3 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0017.txt (23) +; ******************************************************* +12559 old 347717,2atyAyuatyAyu1 +12559 new 347717,1atyAyuatyAyu1 +;----------------- +12652 old 350217,2atraBavata/-tra—Bavat3 +12652 new 350217,2atraBavata-tra—Bavat3 +;----------------- +12653 old a/-tra—Bavat ¦ mfn. his Honour, your Honour, &c. (used honorifically in dramatic language). +12653 new a-tra—Bavat ¦ mfn. his Honour, your Honour, &c. (used honorifically in dramatic language). +;----------------- +12676 old 350917,2atriatri2A +12676 new 350917,2atria/tri2A +;----------------- +12679 old 351017,2atriatri2A +12679 new 351017,2atria/tri2A +;----------------- +12682 old 351117,2atriatri2A +12682 new 351117,2atria/tri2A +;----------------- +12814 old 353217,3aTakima/Ta—kim3 +12814 new 353217,3aTakimaTa—kim3 +;----------------- +12815 old a/Ta—kim ¦ ind. how else? what else? certainly, assuredly, sure enough. +12815 new aTa—kim ¦ ind. how else? what else? certainly, assuredly, sure enough. +;----------------- +12817 old 353317,3aTakimua/Ta—kimu3 +12817 new 353317,3aTakimuaTa—kimu3 +;----------------- +12818 old a/Ta—kimu ¦ ind. how much more +12818 new aTa—kimu ¦ ind. how much more +;----------------- +12820 old 3533.117,3aTakimua/Ta—kimu3A +12820 new 3533.117,3aTakimuaTa—kimu3A +;----------------- +12823 old 353417,3aTacaa/Ta—ca3 +12823 new 353417,3aTacaaTa—ca3 +;----------------- +12824 old a/Ta—ca ¦ ind. moreover, and likewise. +12824 new aTa—ca ¦ ind. moreover, and likewise. +;----------------- +12826 old 353517,3aTatua/Ta—tu3 +12826 new 353517,3aTatuaTa—tu3 +;----------------- +12827 old a/Ta—tu ¦ ind. but, on the contrary. +12827 new aTa—tu ¦ ind. but, on the contrary. +;----------------- +12829 old 353617,3aTavAa/Ta—vA3 +12829 new 353617,3aTavAaTa—vA3 +;----------------- +12830 old a/Ta—vA ¦ ind. or rather. +12830 new aTa—vA ¦ ind. or rather. +;----------------- +12832 old 353717,3aTavApia/Ta—vApi3 +12832 new 353717,3aTavApiaTa—vApi3 +;----------------- +12833 old a/Ta—vApi ¦ ind. or, rather. +12833 new aTa—vApi ¦ ind. or, rather. +;----------------- +12865 old 354217,3aTovAa/To—vA3 +12865 new 354217,3aTovAaTo—vA3 +;----------------- +12866 old a/To—vA ¦ ind. = aTa-vA, Mn. iii, 202. +12866 new aTo—vA ¦ ind. = aTa-vA, Mn. iii, 202. +;----------------- +13031 old 359318,1adakziRaa-dakziRa/2A +13031 new 359317,3adakziRaa-dakziRa/2A +;----------------- +13032 old ¦ inexperienced, simple-minded, not giving or bringing in a dakṣiṇā or present to the priest, RV. x, 61, 10, &c. +13032 new ¦ inexperienced, simple-minded; not giving or bringing in a dakṣiṇā or present to the priest, RV. x, 61, 10, &c. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0018.txt (44) +; ******************************************************* +13200 old a-day°am ¦ ind. ardently. +13200 new a-day°am ¦ (am), ind. ardently. +;----------------- +13277 old 365818,2adomUlaado-mUla3 +13277 new 365818,1adomUlaado-mUla3 +;----------------- +13418 old 369518,2aditijaa/-diti—ja3 +13418 new 369518,2aditijaa-diti—ja3 +;----------------- +13419 old a/-diti—ja ¦ m. a son of Aditi, an Āditya, a divine being. +13419 new a-diti—ja ¦ m. a son of Aditi, an Āditya, a divine being. +;----------------- +13427 old 369818,2aditinandanaa/-diti—nandana3 +13427 new 369818,2aditinandanaa-diti—nandana3 +;----------------- +13469 old 370518,2adInasattvaa/-dIna—sattva3 +13469 new 370518,2adInasattvaa-dIna—sattva3 +;----------------- +13470 old a/-dIna—sattva ¦ mfn. possessing unimpaired goodness. +13470 new a-dIna—sattva ¦ mfn. possessing unimpaired goodness. +;----------------- +13484 old 370918,2adIrGasUtraa/-dIrGa—sUtra3 +13484 new 370918,2adIrGasUtraa-dIrGa—sUtra3 +;----------------- +13485 old a/-dIrGa—sUtra ¦ mfn. not tedious, prompt, L. +13485 new a-dIrGa—sUtra ¦ mfn. not tedious, prompt, L. +;----------------- +13497 old a/-dugDa ¦ mfn. not milked out, RV. vii, 32, 22, not sucked out, Suśr. +13497 new a/-dugDa ¦ mfn. not milked out, RV. vii, 32, 22; not sucked out, Suśr. +;----------------- +13586 old 373918,3adfptakratua/-dfpta—kratu3 +13586 new 373918,3adfptakratua/dfpta—kratu3 +;----------------- +13587 old a/-dfpta—kratu ¦ (a/dfpta-) mfn. sober-minded, RV. +13587 new a/dfpta—kratu ¦ (a/dfpta-) mfn. sober-minded, RV. +;----------------- +13589 old 374018,3adfpyata-dfpyat2 +13589 new 374018,3adfpyata/-dfpyat2 +;----------------- +13590 old a-dfpyat ¦ mfn. not being infatuated, RV. i, 151, 8. +13590 new a/-dfpyat ¦ mfn. not being infatuated, RV. i, 151, 8. +;----------------- +13613 old 374718,3adfzwaa-df/zwa2 +13613 new 374718,3adfzwaa-df/zwa,a/-dfzwa2 +;----------------- +13614 old a-df/zwa ¦ mfn. or a/-dfzwa [ŚBr.] unseen, unforeseen, invisible, not experienced, unobserved, unknown, unsanctioned +13614 new a-df/zwa or a/-dfzwa [ŚBr.], ¦ mfn. unseen, unforeseen, invisible, not experienced, unobserved, unknown, unsanctioned +;----------------- +13616 old 3747.118,3adfzwaa-df/zwa2B +13616 new 3747.118,3adfzwaa-df/zwa,a/-dfzwa2B +;----------------- +13619 old 3747.218,3adfzwaa-df/zwa2B +13619 new 3747.218,3adfzwaa-df/zwa,a/-dfzwa2B +;----------------- +13622 old 3747.318,3adfzwaa-df/zwa2B +13622 new 3747.318,3adfzwaa-df/zwa,a/-dfzwa2B +;----------------- +13625 old 374918,3adfzwakarmana-df/zwa—karman3 +13625 new 374918,3adfzwakarmana-dfzwa—karman3 +;----------------- +13626 old a-df/zwa—karman ¦ mfn. one who has not seen practice. +13626 new a-dfzwa—karman ¦ mfn. one who has not seen practice. +;----------------- +13628 old 375018,3adfzwakAmaa-df/zwa—kAma3 +13628 new 375018,3adfzwakAmaa-dfzwa—kAma3 +;----------------- +13629 old a-df/zwa—kAma ¦ m. passionate attachment to an object that has never been seen. +13629 new a-dfzwa—kAma ¦ m. passionate attachment to an object that has never been seen. +;----------------- +13631 old 375118,3adfzwajaa-df/zwa—ja3 +13631 new 375118,3adfzwajaa-dfzwa—ja3 +;----------------- +13632 old a-df/zwa—ja ¦ mfn. produced or resulting from fate. +13632 new a-dfzwa—ja ¦ mfn. produced or resulting from fate. +;----------------- +13634 old 375218,3adfzwanaraa-df/zwa—nara3 +13634 new 375218,3adfzwanaraa-dfzwa—nara3 +;----------------- +13635 old a-df/zwa—nara or a-df/zwa—puruza, ¦ m. a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen). +13635 new a-dfzwa—nara or a-dfzwa—puruza, ¦ m. a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen). +;----------------- +13637 old 375318,3adfzwapuruzaa-df/zwa—puruza3 +13637 new 375318,3adfzwapuruzaa-dfzwa—puruza3 +;----------------- +13638 old a-df/zwa—nara or a-df/zwa—puruza, ¦ m. a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen). +13638 new a-dfzwa—nara or a-dfzwa—puruza, ¦ m. a treaty concluded by the parties personally (in which no third mediator is seen). +;----------------- +13640 old 375418,3adfzwaparasAmarTyaa-df/zwa—para-sAmarTya3 +13640 new 375418,3adfzwaparasAmarTyaa-dfzwa—para-sAmarTya3 +;----------------- +13641 old a-df/zwa—para-sAmarTya ¦ m. one who has not experienced the power of an enemy. +13641 new a-dfzwa—para-sAmarTya ¦ m. one who has not experienced the power of an enemy. +;----------------- +13643 old 375518,3adfzwapUrvaa-df/zwa—pUrva3 +13643 new 375518,3adfzwapUrvaa-dfzwa—pUrva3 +;----------------- +13644 old a-df/zwa—pUrva ¦ mfn. never seen before. +13644 new a-dfzwa—pUrva ¦ mfn. never seen before. +;----------------- +13646 old 375618,3adfzwaPalaa-df/zwa—Pala3 +13646 new 375618,3adfzwaPalaa-dfzwa—Pala3 +;----------------- +13647 old a-df/zwa—Pala ¦ mfn. having consequences that are not yet visible +13647 new a-dfzwa—Pala ¦ mfn. having consequences that are not yet visible +;----------------- +13649 old 375718,3adfzwaPalaa-df/zwa—Pala3B +13649 new 375718,3adfzwaPalaa-dfzwa—Pala3B +;----------------- +13650 old a-df/zwa—Pala ¦ n. a result or consequence which is not yet visible or hidden in the future. +13650 new a-dfzwa—Pala ¦ n. a result or consequence which is not yet visible or hidden in the future. +;----------------- +13652 old 375818,3adfzwarUpaa-df/zwa—rUpa3 +13652 new 375818,3adfzwarUpaa-dfzwa—rUpa3 +;----------------- +13653 old a-df/zwa—rUpa ¦ mfn. having an invisible shape. +13653 new a-dfzwa—rUpa ¦ mfn. having an invisible shape. +;----------------- +13655 old 375918,3adfzwavata-df/zwa—vat3 +13655 new 375918,3adfzwavata-dfzwa—vat3 +;----------------- +13656 old a-df/zwa—vat ¦ mfn. connected with or arising from destiny +13656 new a-dfzwa—vat ¦ mfn. connected with or arising from destiny +;----------------- +13658 old 376018,3adfzwavata-df/zwa—vat3A +13658 new 376018,3adfzwavata-dfzwa—vat3A +;----------------- +13694 old 377018,3adevamAtfkaa/-deva—mAtfka3 +13694 new 377018,3adevamAtfkaa-deva—mAtfka3 +;----------------- +13695 old a/-deva—mAtfka ¦ mfn. ‘not having the gods or clouds as mothers, not suckled by any deity’, not rained upon. +13695 new a-deva—mAtfka ¦ mfn. ‘not having the gods or clouds as mothers, not suckled by any deity’, not rained upon. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0019.txt (67) +; ******************************************************* +13793 old 379419,1adDAtamaad-DA/—tama3 +13793 new 379419,1adDAtamaad-DA—tama3 +;----------------- +13794 old ad-DA/—tama ¦ mfn. quite manifest, AitĀr. +13794 new ad-DA—tama ¦ mfn. quite manifest, AitĀr. +;----------------- +13799 old 379619,1adDApuruzaad-DA/—puruza3 +13799 new 379619,1adDApuruzaad-DA—puruza3 +;----------------- +13800 old ad-DA/—puruza ¦ m. See an-adDApuruza/. +13800 new ad-DA—puruza ¦ m. see an-adDApuruza/. +;----------------- +13802 old 379719,1adDAboDeyaad-DA/—boDeya3 +13802 new 379719,1adDAboDeyaad-DA—boDeya3 +;----------------- +13803 old ad-DA/—boDeya ¦ m. pl. adherents of a particular Śākhā or recension of the white Yajur-veda. +13803 new ad-DA—boDeya ¦ m. pl. adherents of a particular Śākhā or recension of the white Yajur-veda. +;----------------- +13811 old 380019,1adButaa/dButab1 +13811 new 380019,1adButaa/dButa,adButa/b1 +;----------------- +13814 old 3800.119,1adButaa/dButa1B +13814 new 3800.119,1adButaa/dButa,adButa/1B +;----------------- +13817 old 3800.219,1adButaa/dButa1B +13817 new 3800.219,1adButaa/dButa,adButa/1B +;----------------- +13820 old 3800.319,1adButaa/dButa1B +13820 new 3800.319,1adButaa/dButa,adButa/1B +;----------------- +13823 old 3800.419,1adButaa/dButa1B +13823 new 3800.419,1adButaa/dButa,adButa/1B +;----------------- +13833 old a/dButa—kratu ¦ (a/dButa-) mfn. possessing wonderful intelligence, RV. +13833 new a/dButa—kratu ¦ (a/dButa-), mfn. possessing wonderful intelligence, RV. +;----------------- +13949 old 383119,1adyadinaa-dya/—dina3 +13949 new 383119,1adyadinaa-dya—dina3 +;----------------- +13950 old a-dya/—dina or a-dya/—divasa, ¦ m. n. the present day. +13950 new a-dya—dina or a-dya—divasa, ¦ m. n. the present day. +;----------------- +13952 old 383219,1adyadivasaa-dya/—divasa3 +13952 new 383219,1adyadivasaa-dya—divasa3 +;----------------- +13953 old a-dya/—dina or a-dya/—divasa, ¦ m. n. the present day. +13953 new a-dya—dina or a-dya—divasa, ¦ m. n. the present day. +;----------------- +13955 old 383319,1adyapUrvama-dya/—pUrvam3 +13955 new 383319,1adyapUrvama-dya—pUrvam3 +;----------------- +13956 old a-dya/—pUrvam ¦ ind. before now. +13956 new a-dya—pUrvam ¦ ind. before now. +;----------------- +13958 old 383419,1adyapraBftia-dya/—praBfti3 +13958 new 383419,1adyapraBftia-dya—praBfti3 +;----------------- +13959 old a-dya/—praBfti ¦ ind. from and after to-day. +13959 new a-dya—praBfti ¦ ind. from and after to-day. +;----------------- +13964 old 383519,1adyaSvaa-dya/—Sva3 +13964 new 383519,1adyaSvaa-dya—Sva3 +;----------------- +13965 old a-dya/—Sva ¦ mfn. comprising the present and the following day, PBr. +13965 new a-dya—Sva ¦ mfn. comprising the present and the following day, PBr. +;----------------- +13970 old 383719,1adyaSvInAa-dya/—SvInA3B +13970 new 383719,1adyaSvInAa-dya—SvInA3B +;----------------- +13971 old a-dya/—SvInA ¦ f. a female near delivery, ib. +13971 new a-dya—SvInA ¦ f. a female near delivery, ib. +;----------------- +14009 old 384619,2adyatanaadyatana2B +14009 new 384619,1adyatanaadyatana2B +;----------------- +14130 old a/dri—barhas ¦ (adri-) mfn. fast as a rock, RV. x, 63, 3; TBr. +14130 new a/dri—barhas ¦ (a/dri-), mfn. fast as a rock, RV. x, 63, 3; TBr. +;----------------- +14133 old a/dri—buDna ¦ (a/dri-) mfn. rooted in or produced on a rock or mountain, RV. x, 108, 7; VS. +14133 new a/dri—buDna ¦ (a/dri-), mfn. rooted in or produced on a rock or mountain, RV. x, 108, 7; VS. +;----------------- +14139 old adri—Bi/d ¦ m. (t) N. of Indra, L. +14139 new adri—Bi/d ¦ (t), m. N. of Indra, L. +;----------------- +14145 old adri—BU ¦ f. (Us) the plant Salvinia Cucullata. +14145 new adri—BU ¦ (Us), f. the plant Salvinia Cucullata. +;----------------- +14150 old 388619,2adrimAtfadri—mAtf3 +14150 new 388619,2adrimAtfa/dri—mAtf3 +;----------------- +14151 old adri—mAtf ¦ (a/dri-) mfn. having a rock or mountain for a mother, RV. ix, 86, 3. +14151 new adri/—mAtf ¦ (a/dri-), mfn. having a rock or mountain for a mother, RV. ix, 86, 3. +;----------------- +14175 old a/dri—zuta ¦ (a/dri-) mfn. prepared with stones, RV. +14175 new a/dri—zuta ¦ (a/dri-), mfn. prepared with stones, RV. +;----------------- +14178 old a/dri—saMhata ¦ (a/dri-) mfn. expressed with stones, RV. ix, 98, 6. +14178 new a/dri—saMhata ¦ (a/dri-), mfn. expressed with stones, RV. ix, 98, 6. +;----------------- +14217 old a/-droGa—vAc ¦ (a/droGa-) mfn. free from malice or treachery in speech, RV.; AV. +14217 new a/-droGa—vAc ¦ (a/droGa-), mfn. free from malice or treachery in speech, RV.; AV. +;----------------- +14264 old 392019,3advayasa/-dvayas2 +14264 new 392019,2advayasa/-dvayas2 +;----------------- +14309 old 393119,3advezarAgina-dveza/—rAgin3 +14309 new 393119,3advezarAgina-dveza—rAgin3 +;----------------- +14310 old a-dveza/—rAgin ¦ mfn. free from malevolence and passionate desire. +14310 new a-dveza—rAgin ¦ mfn. free from malevolence and passionate desire. +;----------------- +14366 old 394519,3advEtavAdina/-dvEta—vAdinb3 +14366 new 394519,3advEtavAdina/dvEta—vAdinb3 +;----------------- +14367 old a/-dvEta—vAdin b ¦ m. one who asserts the doctrine of non-duality. +14367 new a-dvEta—vAdin b ¦ m. one who asserts the doctrine of non-duality. +;----------------- +14399 old 395419,3aDaHa/DaH1 +14399 new 395419,3aDaHaDaH1 +;----------------- +14400 old a/DaH ¦ &c. See aDas. +14400 new aDaH ¦ &c. See aDas. +;----------------- +14430 old aDama/ ¦ mfn. (See a/Dara), lowest, vilest, worst, very low or vile or bad (often ifc., as in narADama, the vilest or worst of men) +14430 new aDama/ ¦ mfn. (see a/Dara), lowest, vilest, worst, very low or vile or bad (often ifc., as in narADama, the vilest or worst of men) +;----------------- +14436 old aDamA ¦ f. a low or bad mistress +14436 new aDamA ¦ (A), f. a low or bad mistress +;----------------- +14441 old 396119,3aDamaBftaaDama/—Bfta3 +14441 new 396119,3aDamaBftaaDama—Bfta3 +;----------------- +14442 old aDama/—Bfta or aDama/—Bftaka, ¦ m. a servant of the lowest class, a porter. +14442 new aDama—Bfta or aDama—Bftaka, ¦ m. a servant of the lowest class, a porter. +;----------------- +14444 old 396219,3aDamaBftakaaDama/—Bftaka3 +14444 new 396219,3aDamaBftakaaDama—Bftaka3 +;----------------- +14445 old aDama/—Bfta or aDama/—Bftaka, ¦ m. a servant of the lowest class, a porter. +14445 new aDama—Bfta or aDama—Bftaka, ¦ m. a servant of the lowest class, a porter. +;----------------- +14447 old 396319,3aDamarRaaDama/—rRaa3 +14447 new 396319,3aDamarRaaDama—rRaa3 +;----------------- +14448 old aDama/—rRa (f) or aDama/—rRika (f), ¦ m. one reduced to inferiority by debt, a debtor. +14448 new aDama—rRa (f) or aDama—rRika (f), ¦ m. one reduced to inferiority by debt, a debtor. +;----------------- +14450 old 396419,3aDamarRikaaDama/—rRika3 +14450 new 396419,3aDamarRikaaDama—rRika3 +;----------------- +14451 old aDama/—rRa (f) or aDama/—rRika (f), ¦ m. one reduced to inferiority by debt, a debtor. +14451 new aDama—rRa (f) or aDama—rRika (f), ¦ m. one reduced to inferiority by debt, a debtor. +;----------------- +14453 old 396519,3aDamaSAKaaDama/—SAKa3 +14453 new 396519,3aDamaSAKaaDama—SAKa3 +;----------------- +14454 old aDama/—SAKa ¦ (?), N. of a region, (g. gahAdi, q.v.) +14454 new aDama—SAKa ¦ (?), N. of a region, (g. gahAdi, q.v.) +;----------------- +14490 old a/DarasmAt ¦ ind. abl. below, L. +14490 new a/DarasmAt ¦ (asmAt), ind. abl. below, L. +;----------------- +14504 old 397919,3aDarakAyaa/Dara—kAya3 +14504 new 397919,3aDarakAyaaDara—kAya3 +;----------------- +14505 old a/Dara—kAya ¦ m. the lower part of the body. +14505 new aDara—kAya ¦ m. the lower part of the body. +;----------------- +14507 old 398019,3aDaratasa/Dara—tas3 +14507 new 398019,3aDaratasaDara—tas3 +;----------------- +14508 old a/Dara—tas ¦ ind. below, Pāṇ. v, 3, 35, Sch. +14508 new aDara—tas ¦ ind. below, Pāṇ. v, 3, 35, Sch. +;----------------- +14513 old 398119,3aDarapAnaa/Dara—pAna3 +14513 new 398119,3aDarapAnaaDara—pAna3 +;----------------- +14514 old a/Dara—pAna ¦ n. ‘drinking the lip’, kissing. +14514 new aDara—pAna ¦ n. ‘drinking the lip’, kissing. +;----------------- +14516 old 398219,3aDaramaDua/Dara—maDu3 +14516 new 398219,3aDaramaDuaDara—maDu3 +;----------------- +14517 old a/Dara—maDu ¦ n. the moisture of the lips. +14517 new aDara—maDu ¦ n. the moisture of the lips. +;----------------- +14526 old a/Dara—sapatna ¦ (a/Dara-) mfn. whose enemies are worsted or silenced, MaitrS. +14526 new a/Dara—sapatna ¦ (a/Dara-), mfn. whose enemies are worsted or silenced, MaitrS. +;----------------- +14528 old 398419,3aDarasvastikaa/Dara—svastika3 +14528 new 398419,3aDarasvastikaaDara—svastika3 +;----------------- +14540 old 398719,3aDarAraRiaDarAraRi3 +14540 new 398719,3aDarAraRiaDarAraRi/3 +;----------------- +14541 old aDarAraRi ¦ f. the lower of the two pieces of wood used in producing fire by friction, ŚBr. &c. +14541 new aDarAraRi/ ¦ f. the lower of the two pieces of wood used in producing fire by friction, ŚBr. &c. +;----------------- +14592 old 400220,1aDarastAtaDarastAt2 +14592 new 400219,3aDarastAtaDarastAt2 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0020.txt (18) +; ******************************************************* +14599 old aDarAcI/na [RV. ii, 17, 5] or aDarAcya/ [(5); AV.], ¦ mfn. or aDarA/Yc, A/N, A/cI, A/k, Ved. tending downwards, to the nadir or the lower region, tending towards the south. +14599 new aDarAcI/na [RV. ii, 17, 5] or aDarAcya^ [(5); AV.], ¦ mfn. or aDarA/Yc, A/N, A/cI, A/k, Ved. tending downwards, to the nadir or the lower region, tending towards the south. +;----------------- +14605 old aDarAcI/na [RV. ii, 17, 5] or aDarAcya/ [(5); AV.], ¦ mfn. or aDarA/Yc, A/N, A/cI, A/k, Ved. tending downwards, to the nadir or the lower region, tending towards the south. +14605 new aDarAcI/na [RV. ii, 17, 5] or aDarAcya^ [(5); AV.], ¦ mfn. or aDarA/Yc, A/N, A/cI, A/k, Ved. tending downwards, to the nadir or the lower region, tending towards the south. +;----------------- +14643 old 401520,1aDarmacArina/-Darma—cArin3 +14643 new 401520,1aDarmacArina-Darma—cArin3 +;----------------- +14644 old a/-Darma—cArin ¦ mfn. practising wickedness. +14644 new a-Darma—cArin ¦ mfn. practising wickedness. +;----------------- +14646 old 401620,1aDarmatasa/-Darma—tas3 +14646 new 401620,1aDarmatasa-Darma—tas3 +;----------------- +14647 old a/-Darma—tas ¦ ind. unrighteously, unjustly. +14647 new a-Darma—tas ¦ ind. unrighteously, unjustly. +;----------------- +14649 old 401720,1aDarmadaRqanaa/-Darma—daRqana3 +14649 new 401720,1aDarmadaRqanaa-Darma—daRqana3 +;----------------- +14650 old a/-Darma—daRqana ¦ n. unjust punishment, Mn. viii, 127. +14650 new a-Darma—daRqana ¦ n. unjust punishment, Mn. viii, 127. +;----------------- +14652 old 401820,1aDarmamayaa/-Darma—ma/ya3 +14652 new 401820,1aDarmamayaa-Darma—ma/ya3 +;----------------- +14653 old a/-Darma—ma/ya ¦ mfn. made up of wickedness, ŚBr. xiv. +14653 new a-Darma—ma/ya ¦ mfn. made up of wickedness, ŚBr. xiv. +;----------------- +14715 old 403320,1aDaHpadmaaDa/H-padma3 +14715 new 403320,1aDaHpadmaaDaH-padma3 +;----------------- +14716 old aDa/H-padma ¦ n. (in architecture) a part of a cupola. +14716 new aDaH-padma ¦ n. (in architecture) a part of a cupola. +;----------------- +14872 old aDopahAsa ¦ (Da/s-up) m. sexual intercourse, ŚBr. xiv. +14872 new aDopahAsa ¦ (Da/s-up), m. sexual intercourse, ŚBr. xiv. +;----------------- +14892 old 408420,2aDoBuvanaaDo-Buvana3 +14892 new 408420,1aDoBuvanaaDo-Buvana3 +;----------------- +14994 old 411320,2aDastAllakzmanaDastAl-lakzman3 +14994 new 411320,2aDastAllakzmanaDa/stAl-lakzman3 +;----------------- +14995 old aDastAl-lakzman ¦ mfn. having a mark at the lower part (of the body), MaitrS. +14995 new aDa/stAl-lakzman ¦ mfn. having a mark at the lower part (of the body), MaitrS. +;----------------- +15251 old 417120,3aDikaraRasidDAntaaDi-karaRa—si/dDAnta3 +15251 new 417120,3aDikaraRasidDAntaaDi-karaRa—sidDAnta3 +;----------------- +15252 old aDi-karaRa—si/dDAnta ¦ m. a syllogism or conclusion which involves others, Nyāyad. &c. +15252 new aDi-karaRa—sidDAnta ¦ m. a syllogism or conclusion which involves others, Nyāyad. &c. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0021.txt (4) +; ******************************************************* +15644 old 426921,2aDidruaDi-dru1 +15644 new 426921,1aDidruaDi-dru1 +;----------------- +15713 old a/Di-pati—vatI ¦ (a/Dipati-) f. containing the lord in herself, MaitrUp. +15713 new a/Di-pati—vatI ¦ (a/Dipati-), f. containing the lord in herself, MaitrUp. +;----------------- +15796 old 430721,3aDiBUtaaDi-BUta2A +15796 new 430721,2aDiBUtaaDi-BUta2A +;----------------- +16032 old 436522,1aDivacanaaDi-vacana2 +16032 new 436521,3aDivacanaaDi-vacana2 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0022.txt (9) +; ******************************************************* +16224 old 441722,2aDivelamaDi-velam1 +16224 new 441722,1aDivelamaDi-velam1 +;----------------- +16343 old aDi-zWAtf/ ¦ m. a ruler +16343 new aDi-zWAtf/ ¦ (A), m. a ruler +;----------------- +16387 old 445522,2aDizWAnadehaaDi-zWA/na—deha3 +16387 new 445522,2aDizWAnadehaaDi-zWAna—deha3 +;----------------- +16388 old aDi-zWA/na—deha or aDi-zWA/na—SarIra, ¦ n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the Pitṛ-loka or world of spirits (also called the Preta-śarīra). +16388 new aDi-zWAna—deha or aDi-zWA/na—SarIra, ¦ n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the Pitṛ-loka or world of spirits (also called the Preta-śarīra). +;----------------- +16390 old 445622,2aDizWAnaSarIraaDi-zWA/na—SarIra3 +16390 new 445622,2aDizWAnaSarIraaDi-zWAna—SarIra3 +;----------------- +16391 old aDi-zWA/na—deha or aDi-zWA/na—SarIra, ¦ n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the Pitṛ-loka or world of spirits (also called the Preta-śarīra). +16391 new aDi-zWAna—deha or aDi-zWA/na—SarIra, ¦ n. the intermediate body which serves to clothe and support the departed spirit during its several residences in the Pitṛ-loka or world of spirits (also called the Preta-śarīra). +;----------------- +16457 old 447522,3aDihariaDi-hari1 +16457 new 447522,2aDihariaDi-hari1 +;----------------- +16655 old 453022,3aDIratAa/-DIra—tA3 +16655 new 453022,3aDIratAa-DIra—tA3 +;----------------- +16656 old a/-DIra—tA ¦ f. want of confidence. +16656 new a-DIra—tA ¦ f. want of confidence. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0023.txt (13) +; ******************************************************* +16913 old 460923,2aDyavasoaDy-ava-so1 +16913 new 460923,1aDyavasoaDy-ava-so1 +;----------------- +17022 old aDy-Atma/m ¦ ind. concerning self or individual personality. +17022 new aDy-Atma/m ¦ (a/m), ind. concerning self or individual personality. +;----------------- +17135 old 466723,3aDyAsanaaDy-Asana2A +17135 new 466723,2aDyAsanaaDy-Asana2A +;----------------- +17275 old a/Dy-UDnI, f. (fr. UDan) [MaitrS.; KātyŚr.] or a/Dy-ud-Di, ¦ f. (√ Da) [ĀpŚr.], a tubular vessel above the udder, or above the scrotum. +17275 new a/Dy-UDnI, f. (fr. UDan) [MaitrS.; KātyŚr.] or aDy-ud-Di, ¦ f. (√ Da) [ĀpŚr.], a tubular vessel above the udder, or above the scrotum. +;----------------- +17277 old 4705.123,3aDyudDia/Dy-ud-Dib1 +17277 new 4705.123,3aDyudDiaDy-ud-Dib1 +;----------------- +17278 old a/Dy-UDnI, f. (fr. UDan) [MaitrS.; KātyŚr.] or a/Dy-ud-Di, ¦ f. (√ Da) [ĀpŚr.], a tubular vessel above the udder, or above the scrotum. +17278 new a/Dy-UDnI, f. (fr. UDan) [MaitrS.; KātyŚr.] or aDy-ud-Di, ¦ f. (√ Da) [ĀpŚr.], a tubular vessel above the udder, or above the scrotum. +;----------------- +17321 old aDri/—ja ¦ (aDri/-) mfn. irresistible, RV. v, 7, 10. +17321 new aDri/—ja ¦ (aDri/-), mfn. irresistible, RV. v, 7, 10. +;----------------- +17323 old 471623,3aDripuzpalikAa/-Dri—puzpalikA3 +17323 new 471623,3aDripuzpalikAa-Dri—puzpalikA3 +;----------------- +17324 old a/-Dri—puzpalikA ¦ f. a species of the Pāṇ plant, Piper Betel. +17324 new a-Dri—puzpalikA ¦ f. a species of the Pāṇ plant, Piper Betel. +;----------------- +17332 old 471923,3aDruvaa-Druva1 +17332 new 471923,3aDruvaa/-Druva1 +;----------------- +17333 old a-Druva ¦ mf(A)n. not fixed, not permanent +17333 new a/-Druva ¦ mf(A)n. not fixed, not permanent +;----------------- +17371 old 473224,1aDvaa/Dvaa1B +17371 new 473223,3aDvaa/Dvaa1B +;----------------- +17372 old a/Dva a ¦ m. ifc. +17372 new a/Dva a ¦ ifc. aDva, as. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0024.txt (59) +; ******************************************************* +17413 old 473724,1aDvagAaDva—gA/3B +17413 new 473724,1aDvagAaDva—gA3B +;----------------- +17414 old aDva—gA/ ¦ f. the river Ganges. +17414 new aDva—gA ¦ f. the river Ganges. +;----------------- +17468 old a-Dvara/ ¦ m. a sacrifice (especially the Soma sacrifice) +17468 new a-Dvara/ ¦ (a/s), m. a sacrifice (especially the Soma sacrifice) +;----------------- +17482 old 4757.11310,3aDvarakalpaaDvara/-kalpa3 +17482 new 4757.11310,3aDvarakalpaaDvara-kalpa3 +;----------------- +17483 old aDvara/-kalpa ¦ mfn. equivalent to a sacrifice called Adhvara, MaitrS. +17483 new aDvara-kalpa ¦ mfn. equivalent to a sacrifice called Adhvara, MaitrS. +;----------------- +17510 old a-Dvara/—vat ¦ (aDvara/-) mfn. containing the word Adhvara, ŚBr. +17510 new a-Dvara/—vat ¦ (aDvara/-), mfn. containing the word Adhvara, ŚBr. +;----------------- +17518 old 476724,1aDvarasamizwayajusa-Dvara/—samizwa-yajus3 +17518 new 476724,1aDvarasamizwayajusa-Dvara—samizwa-yajus3 +;----------------- +17519 old a-Dvara/—samizwa-yajus ¦ n. N. of an aggregate of nine libations connected with the Adhvara. +17519 new a-Dvara—samizwa-yajus ¦ n. N. of an aggregate of nine libations connected with the Adhvara. +;----------------- +17521 old 476824,1aDvarasTaa-Dvara/—sTa3 +17521 new 476824,1aDvarasTaa-Dvara—sTa3 +;----------------- +17522 old a-Dvara/—sTa or aDvare-zWA/ ¦ [RV. x, 77, 7], mfn. standing at or engaged in an Adhvara. +17522 new a-Dvara—sTa or aDvare-zWA/ ¦ [RV. x, 77, 7], mfn. standing at or engaged in an Adhvara. +;----------------- +17551 old 477524,1aDvaryukARqaaDvaryu/—kARqa3 +17551 new 477524,1aDvaryukARqaaDvaryu—kARqa3 +;----------------- +17552 old aDvaryu/—kARqa ¦ n. N. of a book of mantras or prayers intended for Adhvaryu priests. +17552 new aDvaryu—kARqa ¦ n. N. of a book of mantras or prayers intended for Adhvaryu priests. +;----------------- +17554 old 477624,1aDvaryukratuaDvaryu/—kratu3 +17554 new 477624,1aDvaryukratuaDvaryu—kratu3 +;----------------- +17555 old aDvaryu/—kratu ¦ m. sacrificial act performed by the Adhvaryu, Pāṇ. ii, 4, 4. +17555 new aDvaryu—kratu ¦ m. sacrificial act performed by the Adhvaryu, Pāṇ. ii, 4, 4. +;----------------- +17563 old 477724,1aDvaryuvedaaDvaryu/—veda3 +17563 new 477724,1aDvaryuvedaaDvaryu—veda3 +;----------------- +17564 old aDvaryu/—veda ¦ m. the Yajur veda. +17564 new aDvaryu—veda ¦ m. the Yajur veda. +;----------------- +17591 old 478424,1anavattvaana/—vat-tvaa3 +17591 new 478424,1anavattvaana—vat-tvaa3 +;----------------- +17592 old ana/—vat-tva a ¦ n. the state of being endowed with breath or life, Nir. +17592 new ana—vat-tva a ¦ n. the state of being endowed with breath or life, Nir. +;----------------- +17633 old 479524,2anakzian-akzi2 +17633 new 479524,1anakzian-akzi2 +;----------------- +17663 old 480424,2anagnian-agni/1 +17663 new 480424,2anagnian-agni/,a/n-agni1 +;----------------- +17666 old 4804.124,2anagnian-agni/1A +17666 new 4804.124,2anagnian-agni/,a/n-agni1A +;----------------- +17669 old 4804.224,2anagnian-agni/1A +17669 new 4804.224,2anagnian-agni/,a/n-agni1A +;----------------- +17672 old 4804.324,2anagnian-agni/1B +17672 new 4804.324,2anagnian-agni/,a/n-agni1B +;----------------- +17675 old 4804.424,2anagnian-agni/1B +17675 new 4804.424,2anagnian-agni/,a/n-agni1B +;----------------- +17678 old 4804.524,2anagnian-agni/1B +17678 new 4804.524,2anagnian-agni/,a/n-agni1B +;----------------- +17681 old 4804.624,2anagnian-agni/1B +17681 new 4804.624,2anagnian-agni/,a/n-agni1B +;----------------- +17684 old 4804.724,2anagnian-agni/1B +17684 new 4804.724,2anagnian-agni/,a/n-agni1B +;----------------- +17687 old 4804.824,2anagnian-agni/1B +17687 new 4804.824,2anagnian-agni/,a/n-agni1B +;----------------- +17702 old 480724,2anagnizvAttaan-agni/—zvAtta3 +17702 new 480724,2anagnizvAttaan-agni—zvAtta3 +;----------------- +17703 old an-agni/—zvAtta ¦ m. pl. id., L. (See agni-dagDa/, agni-zvAtta/). +17703 new an-agni—zvAtta ¦ m. pl. id., L. (See agni-dagDa/, agni-zvAtta/). +;----------------- +17732 old 481724,2anaNgaan-aNga/1B +17732 new 481724,2anaNgaan-aNga1B +;----------------- +17733 old an-aNga/ ¦ m. N. of Kāma (god of love, so called because he was made bodiless by a flash from the eye of Śiva, for having attempted to disturb his life of austerity by filling him with love for Pārvatī) +17733 new an-aNga ¦ (as), m. N. of Kāma (god of love, so called because he was made bodiless by a flash from the eye of Śiva, for having attempted to disturb his life of austerity by filling him with love for Pārvatī) +;----------------- +17735 old 481824,2anaNgaan-aNga/1B +17735 new 481824,2anaNgaan-aNga1B +;----------------- +17736 old an-aNga/ ¦ n. the ether, air, sky, L. +17736 new an-aNga ¦ (am), n. the ether, air, sky, L. +;----------------- +17738 old 481924,2anaNgaan-aNga/1B +17738 new 481924,2anaNgaan-aNga1B +;----------------- +17741 old 482024,2anaNgaan-aNga/1B +17741 new 482024,2anaNgaan-aNga1B +;----------------- +17744 old 482124,2anaNgakrIqAan-aNga/—krIqA3 +17744 new 482124,2anaNgakrIqAan-aNga—krIqA3 +;----------------- +17745 old an-aNga/—krIqA ¦ f. amorous play +17745 new an-aNga—krIqA ¦ f. amorous play +;----------------- +17747 old 482224,2anaNgakrIqAan-aNga/—krIqA3A +17747 new 482224,2anaNgakrIqAan-aNga—krIqA3A +;----------------- +17750 old 482324,2anaNgadevIan-aNga/—devI3 +17750 new 482324,2anaNgadevIan-aNga—devI3 +;----------------- +17751 old an-aNga/—devI ¦ f. N. of a queen of Kaṣmīr. +17751 new an-aNga—devI ¦ f. N. of a queen of Kaṣmīr. +;----------------- +17753 old 482424,2anaNgapAlaan-aNga/—pAla3 +17753 new 482424,2anaNgapAlaan-aNga—pAla3 +;----------------- +17754 old an-aNga/—pAla ¦ m. N. of a king's chamberlain at Kaṣmīr. +17754 new an-aNga—pAla ¦ m. N. of a king's chamberlain at Kaṣmīr. +;----------------- +17762 old 482524,2anaNgamejayaan-aNga/—m-ejaya3 +17762 new 482524,2anaNgamejayaan-aNga—m-ejaya3 +;----------------- +17763 old an-aNga/—m-ejaya ¦ (an-aNgam-) mfn. not shaking the body (?), (g. cArv-Adi, q.v.) +17763 new an-aNga—m-ejaya ¦ (an-aNgam-) mfn. not shaking the body (?), (g. cArv-Adi, q.v.) +;----------------- +17765 old 482624,2anaNgaraNgaan-aNga/—raNga3 +17765 new 482624,2anaNgaraNgaan-aNga—raNga3 +;----------------- +17766 old an-aNga/—raNga ¦ m. N. of an erotic work. +17766 new an-aNga—raNga ¦ m. N. of an erotic work. +;----------------- +17771 old 482724,2anaNgaleKAan-aNga/—leKA3 +17771 new 482724,2anaNgaleKAan-aNga—leKA3 +;----------------- +17772 old an-aNga/—leKA ¦ f. a love letter +17772 new an-aNga—leKA ¦ f. a love letter +;----------------- +17774 old 482824,2anaNgaleKAan-aNga/—leKA3A +17774 new 482824,2anaNgaleKAan-aNga—leKA3A +;----------------- +17780 old 482924,2anaNgaSeKaraan-aNga/—SeKara3 +17780 new 482924,2anaNgaSeKaraan-aNga—SeKara3 +;----------------- +17781 old an-aNga/—SeKara ¦ m. N. of a metre (of four verses, each containing fifteen iambi). +17781 new an-aNga—SeKara ¦ m. N. of a metre (of four verses, each containing fifteen iambi). +;----------------- +17783 old 483024,2anaNgasenAan-aNga/—senA3 +17783 new 483024,2anaNgasenAan-aNga—senA3 +;----------------- +17784 old an-aNga/—senA ¦ f. N. of a dramatic personage. +17784 new an-aNga—senA ¦ f. N. of a dramatic personage. +;----------------- +17903 old 486124,3anatidButaa/n-atidButa3 +17903 new 486124,2anatidButaa/n-atidButa3 +;----------------- +18071 old 490324,3ananuDyAyina/n-anuDyAyi/n1 +18071 new 490324,3ananuDyAyina/n-anuDyAyin1 +;----------------- +18072 old a/n-anuDyAyi/n ¦ mfn. not missing, not missing anything, AitBr. +18072 new a/n-anuDyAyin ¦ mfn. not missing, not missing anything, AitBr. +;----------------- +18074 old 490424,3ananuDyAyina/n-anuDyAyi/n1A +18074 new 490424,3ananuDyAyina/n-anuDyAyin1A +;----------------- +18101 old 4912.0124,3ananUyAjaan-anUyAja1 +18101 new 4912.0124,3ananUyAjaan-anUyAja/1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0025.txt (150) +; ******************************************************* +18135 old an-anta/ ¦ m. N. of Viṣṇu +18135 new an-anta/ ¦ (as), m. N. of Viṣṇu +;----------------- +18192 old an-anta/ ¦ n. the sky, atmosphere +18192 new an-anta/ ¦ (am), n. the sky, atmosphere +;----------------- +18197 old 494025,1anantakaraan-anta/—kara3 +18197 new 494025,1anantakaraan-anta—kara3 +;----------------- +18198 old an-anta/—kara ¦ mfn. rendering endless, magnifying indefinitely, Pāṇ. iii, 2, 21; R. v, 20, 26. +18198 new an-anta—kara ¦ mfn. rendering endless, magnifying indefinitely, Pāṇ. iii, 2, 21; R. v, 20, 26. +;----------------- +18200 old 494125,1anantagaan-anta/—ga3 +18200 new 494125,1anantagaan-anta—ga3 +;----------------- +18201 old an-anta/—ga ¦ mfn. going or moving for ever or indefinitely, Pāṇ. iii, 2, 48. +18201 new an-anta—ga ¦ mfn. going or moving for ever or indefinitely, Pāṇ. iii, 2, 48. +;----------------- +18203 old 494225,1anantaguRaan-anta/—guRa3 +18203 new 494225,1anantaguRaan-anta—guRa3 +;----------------- +18204 old an-anta/—guRa ¦ mfn. having boundless excellencies. +18204 new an-anta—guRa ¦ mfn. having boundless excellencies. +;----------------- +18206 old 494325,1anantacaturdaSIan-anta/—caturdaSI3 +18206 new 494325,1anantacaturdaSIan-anta—caturdaSI3 +;----------------- +18207 old an-anta/—caturdaSI ¦ f. the fourteenth lunar day (or full moon) of Bhādra, when Ananta is worshipped. +18207 new an-anta—caturdaSI ¦ f. the fourteenth lunar day (or full moon) of Bhādra, when Ananta is worshipped. +;----------------- +18209 old 494425,1anantacAritraan-anta/—cAritra3 +18209 new 494425,1anantacAritraan-anta—cAritra3 +;----------------- +18210 old an-anta/—cAritra ¦ m. N. of a Bodhisattva. +18210 new an-anta—cAritra ¦ m. N. of a Bodhisattva. +;----------------- +18212 old 494525,1anantajitan-anta/—jit3 +18212 new 494525,1anantajitan-anta—jit3 +;----------------- +18213 old an-anta/—jit ¦ m. N. of the fourteenth Jaina Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī. +18213 new an-anta—jit ¦ m. N. of the fourteenth Jaina Arhat of the present Avasarpiṇī. +;----------------- +18218 old 494725,1anantatAnaan-anta/—tAna3 +18218 new 494725,1anantatAnaan-anta—tAna3 +;----------------- +18219 old an-anta/—tAna ¦ mfn. extensive. +18219 new an-anta—tAna ¦ mfn. extensive. +;----------------- +18221 old 494825,1anantatIrTaan-anta/—tIrTa3 +18221 new 494825,1anantatIrTaan-anta—tIrTa3 +;----------------- +18222 old an-anta/—tIrTa ¦ m. N. of an author. +18222 new an-anta—tIrTa ¦ m. N. of an author. +;----------------- +18224 old 494925,1anantatIrTakftan-anta/—tIrTa-kft3 +18224 new 494925,1anantatIrTakftan-anta—tIrTa-kft3 +;----------------- +18225 old an-anta/—tIrTa-kft ¦ m. = Anantajit. +18225 new an-anta—tIrTa-kft ¦ m. = Anantajit. +;----------------- +18227 old 495025,1anantatftIyAan-anta/—tftIyA3 +18227 new 495025,1anantatftIyAan-anta—tftIyA3 +;----------------- +18228 old an-anta/—tftIyA ¦ f. the third day of Bhādra (said to be sacred to Viṣṇu). +18228 new an-anta—tftIyA ¦ f. the third day of Bhādra (said to be sacred to Viṣṇu). +;----------------- +18230 old 495125,1anantatftIyAvrataan-anta/—tftIyA-vrata3 +18230 new 495125,1anantatftIyAvrataan-anta—tftIyA-vrata3 +;----------------- +18231 old an-anta/—tftIyA-vrata ¦ N. of the twenty-fourth Adhyāya of the Bhaviṣyottara-Purāṇa. +18231 new an-anta—tftIyA-vrata ¦ N. of the twenty-fourth Adhyāya of the Bhaviṣyottara-Purāṇa. +;----------------- +18233 old 495225,1anantatvaan-anta/—tva3 +18233 new 495225,1anantatvaan-anta—tva3 +;----------------- +18234 old an-anta/—tva ¦ n. = -tA, q.v. +18234 new an-anta—tva ¦ n. = -tA, q.v. +;----------------- +18236 old 495325,1anantadfzwian-anta/—dfzwi3 +18236 new 495325,1anantadfzwian-anta—dfzwi3 +;----------------- +18237 old an-anta/—dfzwi ¦ m. N. of Śiva. +18237 new an-anta—dfzwi ¦ m. N. of Śiva. +;----------------- +18239 old 495425,1anantadevaan-anta/—deva3 +18239 new 495425,1anantadevaan-anta—deva3 +;----------------- +18240 old an-anta/—deva ¦ m. N. of various persons, especially of a king of Kaṣmīr. +18240 new an-anta—deva ¦ m. N. of various persons, especially of a king of Kaṣmīr. +;----------------- +18242 old 495525,1anantanemian-anta/—nemi3 +18242 new 495525,1anantanemian-anta—nemi3 +;----------------- +18243 old an-anta/—nemi ¦ m. N. of a king of Mālava, a contemporary of Śākyamuni. +18243 new an-anta—nemi ¦ m. N. of a king of Mālava, a contemporary of Śākyamuni. +;----------------- +18245 old 495625,1anantapAraan-anta/—pAra3 +18245 new 495625,1anantapAraan-anta—pAra3 +;----------------- +18246 old an-anta/—pAra ¦ mfn. of boundless width. +18246 new an-anta—pAra ¦ mfn. of boundless width. +;----------------- +18248 old 495725,1anantapAlaan-anta/—pAla3 +18248 new 495725,1anantapAlaan-anta—pAla3 +;----------------- +18249 old an-anta/—pAla ¦ m. N. of a warrior chief in Kashmir. +18249 new an-anta—pAla ¦ m. N. of a warrior chief in Kashmir. +;----------------- +18251 old 495825,1anantaBawwaan-anta/—Bawwa3 +18251 new 495825,1anantaBawwaan-anta—Bawwa3 +;----------------- +18252 old an-anta/—Bawwa ¦ m. N. of a man. +18252 new an-anta—Bawwa ¦ m. N. of a man. +;----------------- +18254 old 495925,1anantamatian-anta/—mati3 +18254 new 495925,1anantamatian-anta—mati3 +;----------------- +18255 old an-anta/—mati ¦ m. N. of a Bodhisattva. +18255 new an-anta—mati ¦ m. N. of a Bodhisattva. +;----------------- +18257 old 496025,1anantamAyinan-anta/—mAyin3 +18257 new 496025,1anantamAyinan-anta—mAyin3 +;----------------- +18258 old an-anta/—mAyin ¦ mfn. endlessly illusory or delusive or deceitful. +18258 new an-anta—mAyin ¦ mfn. endlessly illusory or delusive or deceitful. +;----------------- +18260 old 496125,1anantamUlaan-anta/—mUla3 +18260 new 496125,1anantamUlaan-anta—mUla3 +;----------------- +18261 old an-anta/—mUla ¦ m. the medicinal plant Śārivā. +18261 new an-anta—mUla ¦ m. the medicinal plant Śārivā. +;----------------- +18263 old 496225,1anantarAmaan-anta/—rAma3 +18263 new 496225,1anantarAmaan-anta—rAma3 +;----------------- +18264 old an-anta/—rAma ¦ m. N. of a man. +18264 new an-anta—rAma ¦ m. N. of a man. +;----------------- +18266 old 496325,1anantarASian-anta/—rASi3 +18266 new 496325,1anantarASian-anta—rASi3 +;----------------- +18267 old an-anta/—rASi ¦ m. (in arithm.) an infinite quantity +18267 new an-anta—rASi ¦ m. (in arithm.) an infinite quantity +;----------------- +18269 old 496425,1anantarASian-anta/—rASi3A +18269 new 496425,1anantarASian-anta—rASi3A +;----------------- +18272 old 496525,1anantarUpaan-anta/—rUpa3 +18272 new 496525,1anantarUpaan-anta—rUpa3 +;----------------- +18273 old an-anta/—rUpa ¦ mfn. having innumerable forms or shapes. +18273 new an-anta—rUpa ¦ mfn. having innumerable forms or shapes. +;----------------- +18279 old an-anta/—vat ¦ m. (An) (in the Upaniṣads) one of Brahmā's four feet (earth, intermediate space, heaven, and ocean). +18279 new an-anta/—vat ¦ (An), m. (in the Upaniṣads) one of Brahmā's four feet (earth, intermediate space, heaven, and ocean). +;----------------- +18281 old 496825,1anantavarmanan-anta/—varman3 +18281 new 496825,1anantavarmanan-anta—varman3 +;----------------- +18282 old an-anta/—varman ¦ m. N. of a king. +18282 new an-anta—varman ¦ m. N. of a king. +;----------------- +18284 old 496925,1anantavAtaan-anta/—vAta3 +18284 new 496925,1anantavAtaan-anta—vAta3 +;----------------- +18285 old an-anta/—vAta ¦ m. a disease of the head (like tetanus). +18285 new an-anta—vAta ¦ m. a disease of the head (like tetanus). +;----------------- +18287 old 497025,1anantavikraminan-anta/—vikramin3 +18287 new 497025,1anantavikraminan-anta—vikramin3 +;----------------- +18288 old an-anta/—vikramin ¦ m. N. of a Bodhisattva. +18288 new an-anta—vikramin ¦ m. N. of a Bodhisattva. +;----------------- +18290 old 497125,1anantavijayaan-anta/—vijaya3 +18290 new 497125,1anantavijayaan-anta—vijaya3 +;----------------- +18291 old an-anta/—vijaya ¦ m. N. of Yudhiṣṭhira's conch shell. +18291 new an-anta—vijaya ¦ m. N. of Yudhiṣṭhira's conch shell. +;----------------- +18293 old 497225,1anantavIryaan-anta/—vIrya3 +18293 new 497225,1anantavIryaan-anta—vIrya3 +;----------------- +18294 old an-anta/—vIrya ¦ m. N. of the twenty-third Jaina Arhat of a future age. +18294 new an-anta—vIrya ¦ m. N. of the twenty-third Jaina Arhat of a future age. +;----------------- +18296 old 497325,1anantavrataan-anta/—vrata3 +18296 new 497325,1anantavrataan-anta—vrata3 +;----------------- +18297 old an-anta/—vrata ¦ n. ceremony or festival in honour of Ananta or Viṣṇu (on the day of the full moon in Bhādra) +18297 new an-anta—vrata ¦ n. ceremony or festival in honour of Ananta or Viṣṇu (on the day of the full moon in Bhādra) +;----------------- +18299 old 497425,1anantavrataan-anta/—vrata3A +18299 new 497425,1anantavrataan-anta—vrata3A +;----------------- +18302 old 497525,1anantaSaktian-anta/—Sakti3 +18302 new 497525,1anantaSaktian-anta—Sakti3 +;----------------- +18303 old an-anta/—Sakti ¦ mfn. omnipotent +18303 new an-anta—Sakti ¦ mfn. omnipotent +;----------------- +18305 old 4975.125,1anantaSaktian-anta/—Sakti3B +18305 new 4975.125,1anantaSaktian-anta—Sakti3B +;----------------- +18306 old an-anta/—Sakti ¦ m. N. of a king. +18306 new an-anta—Sakti ¦ m. N. of a king. +;----------------- +18308 old 497625,1anantaSayanaan-anta/—Sayana3 +18308 new 497625,1anantaSayanaan-anta—Sayana3 +;----------------- +18309 old an-anta/—Sayana ¦ n. Travancore. +18309 new an-anta—Sayana ¦ n. Travancore. +;----------------- +18314 old 497725,1anantaSIrzAan-anta/—SIrzA3 +18314 new 497725,1anantaSIrzAan-anta—SIrzA3 +;----------------- +18315 old an-anta/—SIrzA ¦ f. N. of the snake king Vāsuki's wife. +18315 new an-anta—SIrzA ¦ f. N. of the snake king Vāsuki's wife. +;----------------- +18318 old an-anta/—Suzma ¦ (ananta/-) mfn. possessing boundless strength or endlessly roaring (?), RV. i, 64, 10. +18318 new an-anta/—Suzma ¦ (ananta/-), mfn. possessing boundless strength or endlessly roaring (?), RV. i, 64, 10. +;----------------- +18366 old an-antara/ ¦ m. a neighbouring rival, a rival neighbour +18366 new an-antara/ ¦ (as), m. a neighbouring rival, a rival neighbour +;----------------- +18369 old an-antara/ ¦ n. contiguousness +18369 new an-antara/ ¦ (am), n. contiguousness +;----------------- +18375 old an-antar°am ¦ ind. immediately after +18375 new an-antar°am ¦ (am), ind. immediately after +;----------------- +18377 old 499625,1anantaraman-antara/m1C +18377 new 499625,1anantaraman-antaram1C +;----------------- +18380 old 499725,1anantaraman-antara/m1C +18380 new 499725,1anantaraman-antaram1C +;----------------- +18386 old 499825,1anantarajaan-antara/—ja3 +18386 new 499825,1anantarajaan-antara—ja3 +;----------------- +18387 old an-antara/—ja ¦ m. ‘next-born’, the son of a Kṣatriyā or Vaiśyā mother by a father belonging to the caste immediately above the mother's, Mn. x, 41. +18387 new an-antara—ja ¦ m. ‘next-born’, the son of a Kṣatriyā or Vaiśyā mother by a father belonging to the caste immediately above the mother's, Mn. x, 41. +;----------------- +18389 old 499925,1anantarajAtaan-antara/—jAta3 +18389 new 499925,1anantarajAtaan-antara—jAta3 +;----------------- +18390 old an-antara/—jAta ¦ m. id., Mn. x, 6 +18390 new an-antara—jAta ¦ m. id., Mn. x, 6 +;----------------- +18392 old 500025,1anantarajAtaan-antara/—jAta3A +18392 new 500025,1anantarajAtaan-antara—jAta3A +;----------------- +18425 old 501025,2anandaa-nanda1B +18425 new 501025,1anandaa-nanda1B +;----------------- +18455 old 501925,2ananyagatian-anya/—gatia3 +18455 new 501925,2ananyagatian-anya—gatia3 +;----------------- +18456 old an-anya/—gati a ¦ f. sole resort or resource. +18456 new an-anya—gati a ¦ f. sole resort or resource. +;----------------- +18458 old 502025,2ananyagatian-anya/—gatib3 +18458 new 502025,2ananyagatian-anya—gatib3 +;----------------- +18459 old an-anya/—gati or an-anya/—gatika, ¦ mfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left. +18459 new an-anya—gati or an-anya—gatika, ¦ mfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left. +;----------------- +18461 old 502125,2ananyagatikaan-anya/—gatika3 +18461 new 502125,2ananyagatikaan-anya—gatika3 +;----------------- +18462 old an-anya/—gati or an-anya/—gatika, ¦ mfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left. +18462 new an-anya—gati or an-anya—gatika, ¦ mfn. having only one (or no other) resort or resource left. +;----------------- +18464 old 502225,2ananyagAminan-anya/—gAmin3 +18464 new 502225,2ananyagAminan-anya—gAmin3 +;----------------- +18465 old an-anya/—gAmin ¦ mfn. going to no other. +18465 new an-anya—gAmin ¦ mfn. going to no other. +;----------------- +18467 old 502325,2ananyaguruan-anya/—guru3 +18467 new 502325,2ananyaguruan-anya—guru3 +;----------------- +18468 old an-anya/—guru ¦ m. ‘having no other as a Guru’, N. of Kṛṣṇa, Śiś. i, 35. +18468 new an-anya—guru ¦ m. ‘having no other as a Guru’, N. of Kṛṣṇa, Śiś. i, 35. +;----------------- +18470 old 502425,2ananyacittaan-anya/—citta3 +18470 new 502425,2ananyacittaan-anya—citta3 +;----------------- +18471 old an-anya/—citta, mf(A)n. or an-anya/—cetas, mfn. ¦ giving one's undivided thought to (with loc.) +18471 new an-anya—citta, mf(A)n. or an-anya—cetas, mfn. ¦ giving one's undivided thought to (with loc.) +;----------------- +18473 old 502525,2ananyacetasan-anya/—cetas3 +18473 new 502525,2ananyacetasan-anya—cetas3 +;----------------- +18474 old an-anya/—citta, mf(A)n. or an-anya/—cetas, mfn. ¦ giving one's undivided thought to (with loc.) +18474 new an-anya—citta, mf(A)n. or an-anya—cetas, mfn. ¦ giving one's undivided thought to (with loc.) +;----------------- +18476 old 502625,2ananyacoditaan-anya/—codita3 +18476 new 502625,2ananyacoditaan-anya—codita3 +;----------------- +18477 old an-anya/—codita ¦ mfn. self-impelled. +18477 new an-anya—codita ¦ mfn. self-impelled. +;----------------- +18479 old 502725,2ananyajaan-anya/—ja3 +18479 new 502725,2ananyajaan-anya—ja3 +;----------------- +18480 old an-anya/—ja ¦ m. N. of Kāma or Love. +18480 new an-anya—ja ¦ m. N. of Kāma or Love. +;----------------- +18485 old 502825,2ananyatAan-anya/—tA3 +18485 new 502825,2ananyatAan-anya—tA3 +;----------------- +18486 old an-anya/—tA, f. or an-anya/—tva, n. ¦ identity. +18486 new an-anya—tA, f. or an-anya—tva, n. ¦ identity. +;----------------- +18488 old 502925,2ananyatvaan-anya/—tva3 +18488 new 502925,2ananyatvaan-anya—tva3 +;----------------- +18489 old an-anya/—tA, f. or an-anya/—tva, n. ¦ identity. +18489 new an-anya—tA, f. or an-anya—tva, n. ¦ identity. +;----------------- +18491 old 503025,2ananyadfzwian-anya/—dfzwi3 +18491 new 503025,2ananyadfzwian-anya—dfzwi3 +;----------------- +18492 old an-anya/—dfzwi ¦ mfn. gazing intently. +18492 new an-anya—dfzwi ¦ mfn. gazing intently. +;----------------- +18494 old 503125,2ananyadevaan-anya/—deva3 +18494 new 503125,2ananyadevaan-anya—deva3 +;----------------- +18495 old an-anya/—deva ¦ mfn. having no other god. +18495 new an-anya—deva ¦ mfn. having no other god. +;----------------- +18497 old 503225,2ananyanizpAdyaan-anya/—nizpAdya3 +18497 new 503225,2ananyanizpAdyaan-anya—nizpAdya3 +;----------------- +18498 old an-anya/—nizpAdya ¦ mfn. to be accomplished by no other. +18498 new an-anya—nizpAdya ¦ mfn. to be accomplished by no other. +;----------------- +18503 old 503325,2ananyapUrvAan-anya/—pUrvA3 +18503 new 503325,2ananyapUrvAan-anya—pUrvA3 +;----------------- +18504 old an-anya/—pUrvA ¦ f. a female who never belonged to another, a virgin, Ragh. +18504 new an-anya—pUrvA ¦ f. a female who never belonged to another, a virgin, Ragh. +;----------------- +18506 old 503425,2ananyapratikriyaan-anya/—pratikriya3 +18506 new 503425,2ananyapratikriyaan-anya—pratikriya3 +;----------------- +18507 old an-anya/—pratikriya ¦ mfn. having no other means of resistance or redress. +18507 new an-anya—pratikriya ¦ mfn. having no other means of resistance or redress. +;----------------- +18509 old 503525,2ananyaBavaan-anya/—Bava3 +18509 new 503525,2ananyaBavaan-anya—Bava3 +;----------------- +18510 old an-anya/—Bava ¦ mfn. originating in or with no other. +18510 new an-anya—Bava ¦ mfn. originating in or with no other. +;----------------- +18512 old 503625,2ananyaBAvaan-anya/—BAva3 +18512 new 503625,2ananyaBAvaan-anya—BAva3 +;----------------- +18513 old an-anya/—BAva ¦ mfn. thinking of the only one i.e. of the Supreme Spirit. +18513 new an-anya—BAva ¦ mfn. thinking of the only one i.e. of the Supreme Spirit. +;----------------- +18515 old 503725,2ananyamanasan-anya/—manas3 +18515 new 503725,2ananyamanasan-anya—manas3 +;----------------- +18516 old an-anya/—manas or an-anya/—manaska or an-anya/—mAnasa, ¦ mfn. exercising undivided attention. +18516 new an-anya—manas or an-anya—manaska or an-anya—mAnasa, ¦ mfn. exercising undivided attention. +;----------------- +18518 old 503825,2ananyamanaskaan-anya/—manaska3 +18518 new 503825,2ananyamanaskaan-anya—manaska3 +;----------------- +18519 old an-anya/—manas or an-anya/—manaska or an-anya/—mAnasa, ¦ mfn. exercising undivided attention. +18519 new an-anya—manas or an-anya—manaska or an-anya—mAnasa, ¦ mfn. exercising undivided attention. +;----------------- +18521 old 503925,2ananyamAnasaan-anya/—mAnasa3 +18521 new 503925,2ananyamAnasaan-anya—mAnasa3 +;----------------- +18522 old an-anya/—manas or an-anya/—manaska or an-anya/—mAnasa, ¦ mfn. exercising undivided attention. +18522 new an-anya—manas or an-anya—manaska or an-anya—mAnasa, ¦ mfn. exercising undivided attention. +;----------------- +18524 old 504025,2ananyayogaan-anya/—yoga3 +18524 new 504025,2ananyayogaan-anya—yoga3 +;----------------- +18525 old an-anya/—yoga ¦ m. not suitable to any others +18525 new an-anya—yoga ¦ m. not suitable to any others +;----------------- +18527 old 504125,2ananyayogaman-anya/—yogam3C +18527 new 504125,2ananyayogaman-anya—yogam3C +;----------------- +18528 old an-anya/—yogam ¦ ind. not in consequence of any other (word), RPrāt. +18528 new an-anya—yogam ¦ ind. not in consequence of any other (word), RPrāt. +;----------------- +18536 old 504225,2ananyavizayaan-anya/—vizaya3 +18536 new 504225,2ananyavizayaan-anya—vizaya3 +;----------------- +18537 old an-anya/—vizaya ¦ mfn. exclusively applicable. +18537 new an-anya—vizaya ¦ mfn. exclusively applicable. +;----------------- +18539 old 504325,2ananyavizayAtmanan-anya/—vizayAtman3 +18539 new 504325,2ananyavizayAtmanan-anya—vizayAtman3 +;----------------- +18540 old an-anya/—vizayAtman ¦ mfn. having the mind fixed upon one (or the sole) object. +18540 new an-anya—vizayAtman ¦ mfn. having the mind fixed upon one (or the sole) object. +;----------------- +18542 old 504425,2ananyavfttian-anya/—vftti3 +18542 new 504425,2ananyavfttian-anya—vftti3 +;----------------- +18543 old an-anya/—vftti ¦ mfn. closely attentive. +18543 new an-anya—vftti ¦ mfn. closely attentive. +;----------------- +18545 old 504525,2ananyasADAraRaan-anya/—sADAraRa3 +18545 new 504525,2ananyasADAraRaan-anya—sADAraRa3 +;----------------- +18546 old an-anya/—sADAraRa ¦ mfn. not common to any one else, not belonging to any other. +18546 new an-anya—sADAraRa ¦ mfn. not common to any one else, not belonging to any other. +;----------------- +18548 old 504625,2ananyahftaan-anya/—hfta3 +18548 new 504625,2ananyahftaan-anya—hfta3 +;----------------- +18549 old an-anya/—hfta ¦ mfn. not carried off by another, safe. +18549 new an-anya—hfta ¦ mfn. not carried off by another, safe. +;----------------- +18672 old an-apatya/ ¦ n. childlessness, RV. iii, 54, 18. +18672 new an-apatya/ ¦ (a/m), n. childlessness, RV. iii, 54, 18. +;----------------- +18674 old 507925,2anapatyatAan-apatya/—tA3 +18674 new 507925,2anapatyatAan-apatya—tA3 +;----------------- +18675 old an-apatya/—tA ¦ f. childlessness, Śāk. &c. +18675 new an-apatya—tA ¦ f. childlessness, Śāk. &c. +;----------------- +18677 old 508025,2anapatyavatan-apatya/—vat3 +18677 new 508025,2anapatyavata/n-apatya—vat3 +;----------------- +18678 old an-apatya/—vat ¦ (a/napatya-) mfn. childless, AV. +18678 new a/n-apatya—vat ¦ (a/napatya-), mfn. childless, AV. +;----------------- +18683 old 508225,3anapatrapaan-apatrapa1 +18683 new 508225,2anapatrapaan-apatrapa1 +;----------------- +18720 old an-aparAdDa/m ¦ ind. without injury, ŚBr. xiv. +18720 new an-aparAdDa/m ¦ (a/m), ind. without injury, ŚBr. xiv. +;----------------- +18893 old 514126,1anapnasan-apna/s1 +18893 new 514125,3anapnasan-apna/s1 +;----------------- +18896 old 5141.126,1anapnasanapnas1E +18896 new 5141.125,3anapnasanapnas1E +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0026.txt (12) +; ******************************************************* +19079 old 519026,2anamasyua/-namasyu2 +19079 new 519026,1anamasyua/-namasyu2 +;----------------- +19089 old an-amitra/ ¦ n. the having no enemies, AV.; VS. +19089 new an-amitra/ ¦ (a/m), n. the having no enemies, AV.; VS. +;----------------- +19092 old an-amitra/ ¦ m. N. of various persons, particularly a king of Ayodhyā. +19092 new an-amitra/ ¦ (as), m. N. of various persons, particularly a king of Ayodhyā. +;----------------- +19104 old an-amIva/ ¦ n. good health, happy state, RV. x, 14, 11. +19104 new an-amIva/ ¦ (a/m), n. good health, happy state, RV. x, 14, 11. +;----------------- +19340 old 526926,3analavAwaanala—vAwa3 +19340 new 526926,2analavAwaanala—vAwa3 +;----------------- +19458 old an-avadyA/ ¦ f. N. of an Apsaras. +19458 new an-avadyA/ ¦ (A), f. N. of an Apsaras. +;----------------- +19460 old 529926,3anavadyatAan-avadya/—tA3 +19460 new 529926,3anavadyatAan-avadya—tA3 +;----------------- +19461 old an-avadya/—tA, f. or an-avadya/—tva, n. ¦ faultlessness. +19461 new an-avadya—tA, f. or an-avadya—tva, n. ¦ faultlessness. +;----------------- +19463 old 530026,3anavadyatvaan-avadya/—tva3 +19463 new 530026,3anavadyatvaan-avadya—tva3 +;----------------- +19464 old an-avadya/—tA, f. or an-avadya/—tva, n. ¦ faultlessness. +19464 new an-avadya—tA, f. or an-avadya—tva, n. ¦ faultlessness. +;----------------- +19467 old an-avadya/—rUpa ¦ (anavadya/-) mf(A)n. of faultless form or beauty, RV. x, 68, 3, &c. +19467 new an-avadya/—rUpa ¦ (anavadya/-), mf(A)n. of faultless form or beauty, RV. x, 68, 3, &c. +;----------------- +19532 old 532227,1anavaraan-avara1A +19532 new 532226,3anavaraan-avara1A +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0027.txt (18) +; ******************************************************* +19736 old 537727,2anaSanaa/n-aSana1 +19736 new 537727,1anaSanaa/n-aSana1 +;----------------- +19782 old a/-nazwa—paSu ¦ (a/nazwa-) mfn. having one's cattle unimpaired, RV. x, 17, 3. +19782 new a/-nazwa—paSu ¦ (a/nazwa-), mfn. having one's cattle unimpaired, RV. x, 17, 3. +;----------------- +19785 old a/-nazwa—vedas ¦ (a/nazwa-) mfn. having one's property unimpaired, RV. vi, 54, 8. +19785 new a/-nazwa—vedas ¦ (a/nazwa-), mfn. having one's property unimpaired, RV. vi, 54, 8. +;----------------- +19806 old a/nas—vat ¦ (a/nas-) mfn. yoked to a cart, RV.; AV. +19806 new a/nas—vat ¦ (a/nas-), mfn. yoked to a cart, RV.; AV. +;----------------- +19874 old 5419.1124,2anahambudDian-aha/m—budDi1 +19874 new 5419.1124,2anahambudDian-aham—budDi1 +;----------------- +19875 old an-aha/m—budDi ¦ mfn., ‘free from pride’ +19875 new an-aham—budDi ¦ mfn., ‘free from pride’ +;----------------- +19892 old 542527,2anAkAlaBftaa/n-AkAla—Bfta3 +19892 new 542527,2anAkAlaBftaan-AkAla—Bfta3 +;----------------- +19893 old a/n-AkAla—Bfta ¦ m. a slave who became so voluntarily to avoid starvation in a time of scarcity (also spelt annAkAla-Bfta). +19893 new an-AkAla—Bfta ¦ m. a slave who became so voluntarily to avoid starvation in a time of scarcity (also spelt annAkAla-Bfta). +;----------------- +19940 old 543727,3anAgataa/n-Agata1 +19940 new 543727,2anAgataa/n-Agata1 +;----------------- +19955 old 544227,3anAgatavata/n-Agata—vat3 +19955 new 544227,3anAgatavatan-Agata—vat3 +;----------------- +19956 old a/n-Agata—vat ¦ mfn. connected with or relating to the future. +19956 new an-Agata—vat ¦ mfn. connected with or relating to the future. +;----------------- +19958 old 544327,3anAgataviDAtfa/n-Agata—viDAtf3 +19958 new 544327,3anAgataviDAtfan-Agata—viDAtf3 +;----------------- +19959 old a/n-Agata—viDAtf ¦ m. ‘disposer of the future’, provident +19959 new an-Agata—viDAtf ¦ m. ‘disposer of the future’, provident +;----------------- +19961 old 544427,3anAgataviDAtfa/n-Agata—viDAtf3A +19961 new 544427,3anAgataviDAtfan-Agata—viDAtf3A +;----------------- +20084 old 548127,3anAjYAtaa/n-AjYAta2 +20084 new 548127,3anAjYAtaan-AjYAta2 +;----------------- +20085 old a/n-AjYAta ¦ mfn. unknown, surpassing all that has ever been known +20085 new an-AjYAta ¦ mfn. unknown, surpassing all that has ever been known +;----------------- +20175 old a-nATa/ ¦ n. want of a protector, helplessness, RV. x, 10, 11. +20175 new a-nATa/ ¦ (a/m), n. want of a protector, helplessness, RV. x, 10, 11. +;----------------- +20183 old 551028,1anATasaBAa-nATa—saBA3 +20183 new 551027,3anATasaBAa-nATa—saBA3 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0028.txt (10) +; ******************************************************* +20351 old 556128,2anApyaan-Apya/2 +20351 new 556128,1anApyaan-Apya/2 +;----------------- +20391 old a/-nAman ¦ m. the ring-finger, Heat. +20391 new a/-nAman ¦ (A), m. the ring-finger, Heat. +;----------------- +20418 old an-Amaya/ ¦ m. Śiva +20418 new an-Amaya/ ¦ (as), m. Śiva +;----------------- +20421 old an-Amaya/ ¦ n. health. +20421 new an-Amaya/ ¦ (am), n. health. +;----------------- +20474 old 559628,2anAyatanavata/n-Ayatana—vat3 +20474 new 559628,2anAyatanavatan-Ayatana—vat3 +;----------------- +20475 old a/n-Ayatana—vat ¦ mfn. = the last, AitBr. +20475 new an-Ayatana—vat ¦ mfn. = the last, AitBr. +;----------------- +20546 old 561828,3anAramBaan-AramBa2B +20546 new 561828,2anAramBaan-AramBa2B +;----------------- +20723 old 566828,3anAvftaan-Avfta1 +20723 new 566828,3anAvftaa/n-Avfta1 +;----------------- +20724 old an-Avfta ¦ mfn. uncovered, ŚBr. xiv, undressed +20724 new a/n-Avfta ¦ mfn. uncovered, ŚBr. xiv, undressed +;----------------- +20726 old 566928,3anAvftaan-Avfta1A +20726 new 566928,3anAvftaa/n-Avfta1A +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0029.txt (14) +; ******************************************************* +20765 old 568129,1anASakanivfttaa/n-ASaka—nivftta3 +20765 new 568129,1anASakanivfttaan-ASaka—nivftta3 +;----------------- +20766 old a/n-ASaka—nivftta ¦ m. one who has abandoned the practice of fasting. +20766 new an-ASaka—nivftta ¦ m. one who has abandoned the practice of fasting. +;----------------- +20975 old 574029,2anAhAryaan-AhArya2A +20975 new 574029,1anAhAryaan-AhArya2A +;----------------- +21117 old a/n-ita—BA ¦ (a/n-ita-) f. N. of a river, RV. v, 53, 9. +21117 new a/n-ita—BA ¦ (a/n-ita-), f. N. of a river, RV. v, 53, 9. +;----------------- +21206 old 579729,3anindyaa-nindya/2 +21206 new 579729,2anindyaa-nindya/2 +;----------------- +21215 old 580029,3anipadyamAnaa/-nipadyamAna1 +21215 new 580029,3anipadyamAnaa/-nipadyamAna,a-nipa/dyamAna1 +;----------------- +21216 old a/-nipadyamAna ¦ [a-nipa/dyamAna, AV.] mfn. not falling down (to sleep), untiring, RV. i, 164, 31 and x, 177, 3. +21216 new a/-nipadyamAna [a-nipa/dyamAna, AV.] ¦ mfn. not falling down (to sleep), untiring, RV. i, 164, 31 and x, 177, 3. +;----------------- +21233 old 580529,3anibadDapralApina/-nibadDa—pralApin3 +21233 new 580529,3anibadDapralApina-nibadDa—pralApin3 +;----------------- +21234 old a/-nibadDa—pralApin ¦ mfn. chattering incoherently, talking at random, Yājñ. +21234 new a-nibadDa—pralApin ¦ mfn. chattering incoherently, talking at random, Yājñ. +;----------------- +21258 old a/-niBfzwa—tavizi ¦ (aniBfzwa-) mfn. having unabated power, RV. +21258 new a/-niBfzwa—tavizi ¦ (aniBfzwa-), mfn. having unabated power, RV. +;----------------- +21314 old 582529,3animizaa-nimiza/2B +21314 new 582529,3animizaa-nimiza2B +;----------------- +21315 old a-nimiza/ ¦ m. not winking, a god, BhP. +21315 new a-nimiza ¦ (as), m. not winking; a god, BhP. +;----------------- +21320 old 582629,3animizaa-nimiza/2B +21320 new 582629,3animizaa-nimiza2B +;----------------- +21437 old 585530,1aniruktaa/-nirukta1A +21437 new 585529,3aniruktaa/-nirukta1A +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0030.txt (41) +; ******************************************************* +21443 old 585730,1aniruktagAnaa/-nirukta—gAna3 +21443 new 585730,1aniruktagAnaa-nirukta—gAna3 +;----------------- +21444 old a/-nirukta—gAna ¦ n. indistinct singing +21444 new a-nirukta—gAna ¦ n. indistinct singing +;----------------- +21446 old 585830,1aniruktagAnaa/-nirukta—gAna3A +21446 new 585830,1aniruktagAnaa-nirukta—gAna3A +;----------------- +21653 old 591430,2anilakumAraa/nila—kumAra3 +21653 new 591430,1anilakumAraanila—kumAra3 +;----------------- +21654 old a/nila—kumAra ¦ m. pl. ‘wind-princes’, a class of deities, Jain. +21654 new anila—kumAra ¦ m. pl. ‘wind-princes’, a class of deities, Jain. +;----------------- +21656 old 591530,2anilaGnaa/nila—Gna3 +21656 new 591530,2anilaGnaanila—Gna3 +;----------------- +21657 old a/nila—Gna ¦ mfn. curing disorders arising from wind. +21657 new anila—Gna ¦ mfn. curing disorders arising from wind. +;----------------- +21659 old 591630,2anilaGnakaa/nila—Gnaka3 +21659 new 591630,2anilaGnakaanila—Gnaka3 +;----------------- +21660 old a/nila—Gnaka ¦ m. the large tree Terminalia Belerica. +21660 new anila—Gnaka ¦ m. the large tree Terminalia Belerica. +;----------------- +21662 old 591730,2anilaparyayaa/nila—paryaya3 +21662 new 591730,2anilaparyayaanila—paryaya3 +;----------------- +21663 old a/nila—paryaya or a/nila—paryAya, ¦ m. pain and swelling of the eyelids and outer parts of the eye. +21663 new anila—paryaya or anila—paryAya, ¦ m. pain and swelling of the eyelids and outer parts of the eye. +;----------------- +21665 old 591830,2anilaparyAyaa/nila—paryAya3 +21665 new 591830,2anilaparyAyaanila—paryAya3 +;----------------- +21666 old a/nila—paryaya or a/nila—paryAya, ¦ m. pain and swelling of the eyelids and outer parts of the eye. +21666 new anila—paryaya or anila—paryAya, ¦ m. pain and swelling of the eyelids and outer parts of the eye. +;----------------- +21668 old 591930,2anilaprakftia/nila—prakfti3 +21668 new 591930,2anilaprakftianila—prakfti3 +;----------------- +21669 old a/nila—prakfti ¦ mfn. ‘having an airy or windy nature’, N. of the planet Saturn. +21669 new anila—prakfti ¦ mfn. ‘having an airy or windy nature’, N. of the planet Saturn. +;----------------- +21671 old 592030,2anilavyADia/nila—vyADi3 +21671 new 592030,2anilavyADianila—vyADi3 +;----------------- +21672 old a/nila—vyADi ¦ m. derangement of the (internal) wind. +21672 new anila—vyADi ¦ m. derangement of the (internal) wind. +;----------------- +21674 old 592130,2anilasaKaa/nila—saKa3 +21674 new 592130,2anilasaKaanila—saKa3 +;----------------- +21675 old a/nila—saKa or a/nila—sAraTi ¦ [MBh.], m. ‘the friend of wind’ N. of fire. +21675 new anila—saKa or anila—sAraTi ¦ [MBh.], m. ‘the friend of wind’ N. of fire. +;----------------- +21677 old 592230,2anilasAraTia/nila—sAraTi3 +21677 new 592230,2anilasAraTianila—sAraTi3 +;----------------- +21678 old a/nila—saKa or a/nila—sAraTi ¦ [MBh.], m. ‘the friend of wind’ N. of fire. +21678 new anila—saKa or anila—sAraTi ¦ [MBh.], m. ‘the friend of wind’ N. of fire. +;----------------- +21680 old 592330,2anilahana/nila—han3 +21680 new 592330,2anilahananila—han3 +;----------------- +21681 old a/nila—han or a/nila—hft, ¦ mfn. = -Gna. +21681 new anila—han or anila—hft, ¦ mfn. = -Gna. +;----------------- +21683 old 592430,2anilahfta/nila—hft3 +21683 new 592430,2anilahftanila—hft3 +;----------------- +21684 old a/nila—han or a/nila—hft, ¦ mfn. = -Gna. +21684 new anila—han or anila—hft, ¦ mfn. = -Gna. +;----------------- +21866 old 597530,3anizwahetuan-izwa—hetu3 +21866 new 597530,2anizwahetuan-izwa—hetu3 +;----------------- +21987 old a/nIka—vat ¦ (a/nIka-) mfn. having a face, or constituting the face, or occupying the front or foremost rank (N. of, Agni), VS. &c. +21987 new a/nIka—vat ¦ (a/nIka-), mfn. having a face, or constituting the face, or occupying the front or foremost rank (N. of, Agni), VS. &c. +;----------------- +21989 old 600530,3anIkavidAraRaa/nIka—vidAraRa3 +21989 new 600530,3anIkavidAraRaanIka—vidAraRa3 +;----------------- +21990 old a/nIka—vidAraRa ¦ m. ‘shatterer of armies’, N. of a man. +21990 new anIka—vidAraRa ¦ m. ‘shatterer of armies’, N. of a man. +;----------------- +21995 old 600730,3anIkasTaa/nIka—sTa3 +21995 new 600730,3anIkasTaanIka—sTa3 +;----------------- +21996 old a/nIka—sTa ¦ m. a warrior or combatant +21996 new anIka—sTa ¦ m. a warrior or combatant +;----------------- +21998 old 600830,3anIkasTaa/nIka—sTa3A +21998 new 600830,3anIkasTaanIka—sTa3A +;----------------- +22001 old 600930,3anIkasTaa/nIka—sTa3A +22001 new 600930,3anIkasTaanIka—sTa3A +;----------------- +22004 old 601030,3anIkasTaa/nIka—sTa3A +22004 new 601030,3anIkasTaanIka—sTa3A +;----------------- +22007 old 601130,3anIkasTaa/nIka—sTa3A +22007 new 601130,3anIkasTaanIka—sTa3A +;----------------- +22118 old 604330,3anISvaratAa/n-ISvara—tA3 +22118 new 604330,3anISvaratAan-ISvara—tA3 +;----------------- +22119 old a/n-ISvara—tA, f. or a/n-ISvara—tva, n. ¦ absence of a supreme ruler. +22119 new an-ISvara—tA, f. or an-ISvara—tva, n. ¦ absence of a supreme ruler. +;----------------- +22121 old 604430,3anISvaratvaa/n-ISvara—tva3 +22121 new 604430,3anISvaratvaan-ISvara—tva3 +;----------------- +22122 old a/n-ISvara—tA, f. or a/n-ISvara—tva, n. ¦ absence of a supreme ruler. +22122 new an-ISvara—tA, f. or an-ISvara—tva, n. ¦ absence of a supreme ruler. +;----------------- +22124 old 604531,1anISvaravAdina/n-ISvara—vAdin3 +22124 new 604530,3anISvaravAdinan-ISvara—vAdin3 +;----------------- +22125 old a/n-ISvara—vAdin ¦ m. ‘one who denies a supreme ruler of the universe’, an atheist. +22125 new an-ISvara—vAdin ¦ m. ‘one who denies a supreme ruler of the universe’, an atheist. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0031.txt (15) +; ******************************************************* +22210 old anu-kAma/m ¦ ind. as desired, at pleasure, RV. +22210 new anu-kAma/m ¦ (a/m), ind. as desired, at pleasure, RV. +;----------------- +22295 old 609331,2anukuzanu-kuz1 +22295 new 609331,1anukuzanu-kuz1 +;----------------- +22328 old 610431,2anukUlatAanu-kU/la—tA3 +22328 new 610431,2anukUlatAanu-kUla—tA3 +;----------------- +22329 old anu-kU/la—tA ¦ f. concord, good-will, favour, conformity, consent +22329 new anu-kUla—tA ¦ f. concord, good-will, favour, conformity, consent +;----------------- +22331 old 610531,2anukUlatAanu-kU/la—tA3A +22331 new 610531,2anukUlatAanu-kUla—tA3A +;----------------- +22334 old 610631,2anukUlanAyakaanu-kU/la—nAyaka3 +22334 new 610631,2anukUlanAyakaanu-kUla—nAyaka3 +;----------------- +22335 old anu-kU/la—nAyaka ¦ m. a kind husband or lover. +22335 new anu-kUla—nAyaka ¦ m. a kind husband or lover. +;----------------- +22337 old 610731,2anukUlavAyuanu-kU/la—vAyu3 +22337 new 610731,2anukUlavAyuanu-kUla—vAyu3 +;----------------- +22338 old anu-kU/la—vAyu ¦ m. a favourable wind. +22338 new anu-kUla—vAyu ¦ m. a favourable wind. +;----------------- +22355 old anu-kara/ ¦ m. an assistant, AV. xii, 2, 2. +22355 new anu-kara/ ¦ (a/s), m. an assistant, AV. xii, 2, 2. +;----------------- +22500 old 615431,3anukramanu-kram1 +22500 new 615431,2anukramanu-kram1 +;----------------- +22554 old anu-kzattf/ ¦ m. a doorkeeper's or charioteer's mate or attendant, VS. +22554 new anu-kzattf/ ¦ tA, m. a doorkeeper's or charioteer's mate or attendant, VS. +;----------------- +22617 old 618831,3anugAanu-gA/a2B +22617 new 618831,3anugAanu-gAa2B +;----------------- +22618 old anu-gA/ a ¦ f. N. of an Apsaras. +22618 new anu-gA a ¦ f. N. of an Apsaras. +;----------------- +22689 old 620732,1anugarjitaanu-garjita2 +22689 new 620731,3anugarjitaanu-garjita2 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0032.txt (5) +; ******************************************************* +22880 old 625632,2anucakzanu-cakz1 +22880 new 625632,1anucakzanu-cakz1 +;----------------- +22898 old anu-carI/ ¦ f. a female attendant. +22898 new anu-carI/ ¦ (I/, rarely A), f. a female attendant. +;----------------- +22900 old 6260.132,2anucarAanu-carA/2B +22900 new 6260.132,2anucarAanu-carA2B +;----------------- +22901 old anu-carA/ ¦ f. (rarely A) a female attendant. +22901 new anu-carA/ ¦ (I/, rarely A), f. a female attendant. +;----------------- +23259 old 636033,1anutfpanu-tfp1 +23259 new 636032,3anutfpanu-tfp1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0033.txt (9) +; ******************************************************* +23457 old 641333,1anudakaman-udaka/m1C +23457 new 641333,1anudakaman-udakam1C +;----------------- +23458 old an-udaka/m ¦ ind. without touching water, KātyŚr. +23458 new an-udakam ¦ (am), ind. without touching water, KātyŚr. +;----------------- +23460 old 641433,1anudakaan-udaka/1B +23460 new 641433,1anudakaan-udakam1C +;----------------- +23481 old 642133,2anudahanu-dah1 +23481 new 642133,1anudahanu-dah1 +;----------------- +23652 old 647033,3anudDAraan-udDAra2A +23652 new 647033,2anudDAraan-udDAra2A +;----------------- +23802 old 651133,3anuDyAyinanu-DyAyin2 +23802 new 651133,3anuDyAyinanu-DyAyi/n2 +;----------------- +23803 old anu-DyAyin ¦ mfn. contemplating, meditating +23803 new anu-DyAyi/n ¦ mfn. contemplating, meditating +;----------------- +23805 old 651233,3anuDyAyinanu-DyAyin2A +23805 new 651233,3anuDyAyinanu-DyAyi/n2A +;----------------- +23830 old 651934,1anunandanu-nand1 +23830 new 651933,3anunandanu-nand1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0034.txt (6) +; ******************************************************* +23903 old 654134,1anunirvApyaanu-nirvApya/2 +23903 new 654134,1anunirvApyaanu-nirvApya^2 +;----------------- +23904 old anu-nirvApya/ ¦ mfn. to be taken out and shared subsequently, TS. +23904 new anu-nirvApya^ ¦ mfn. to be taken out and shared subsequently, TS. +;----------------- +23907 old anu-nirvApyA ¦ f. N. of a ceremony, KauṣBr. +23907 new anu-nirvApyA ¦ (A), f. N. of a ceremony, KauṣBr. +;----------------- +24000 old 657234,2anunnatagAtraan-unnata—gAtra3 +24000 new 657234,1anunnatagAtraan-unnata—gAtra3 +;----------------- +24188 old 662234,3anupanyAsaan-upanyAsa2 +24188 new 662234,2anupanyAsaan-upanyAsa2 +;----------------- +24357 old 667035,1anuparIanu-parI1 +24357 new 667034,3anuparIanu-parI1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0035.txt (5) +; ******************************************************* +24537 old 672135,2anupAanu-pA11 +24537 new 672135,1anupAanu-pA11 +;----------------- +24729 old 677035,2anupUrvavatsAanu-pUrva—vatsA3 +24729 new 677035,2anupUrvavatsAanu-pUrva/—vatsA3 +;----------------- +24730 old anu-pUrva—vatsA ¦ (anupUrva/-) f. a cow which calves regularly, AV. ix, 5, 29. +24730 new anu-pUrva/—vatsA ¦ (anupUrva/-) f. a cow which calves regularly, AV. ix, 5, 29. +;----------------- +24768 old 677735,3anupozaRaan-upozaRa1 +24768 new 677735,2anupozaRaan-upozaRa1 +;----------------- +24901 old 681636,1anupraruhanu-pra-ruh1 +24901 new 681635,3anupraruhanu-pra-ruh1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0036.txt (2) +; ******************************************************* +25473 old 696336,3anumatipattraa/nu-mati—pattra3 +25473 new 696336,3anumatipattraanu-mati—pattra3 +;----------------- +25474 old a/nu-mati—pattra ¦ n. (in law) a deed expressing assent. +25474 new anu-mati—pattra ¦ n. (in law) a deed expressing assent. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0037.txt (12) +; ******************************************************* +25685 old 702237,1anuyAjaprasavaanu-yAja/—prasava3 +25685 new 702237,1anuyAjaprasavaanu-yAja—prasava3 +;----------------- +25686 old anu-yAja/—prasava ¦ m. permission to perform an Anuyāja, KātyŚr. +25686 new anu-yAja—prasava ¦ m. permission to perform an Anuyāja, KātyŚr. +;----------------- +25688 old 702337,1anuyAjaprEzaanu-yAja/—prEza3 +25688 new 702337,1anuyAjaprEzaanu-yAja—prEza3 +;----------------- +25689 old anu-yAja/—prEza ¦ m. pl. the formulas belonging to the Anuyāja, KātyŚr. +25689 new anu-yAja—prEza ¦ m. pl. the formulas belonging to the Anuyāja, KātyŚr. +;----------------- +25692 old anu-yAja/—vat ¦ (anuyAja/-) mfn. having secondary sacrifices, MaitrS.; AitBr. +25692 new anu-yAja/—vat ¦ (anuyAja/-), mfn. having secondary sacrifices, MaitrS.; AitBr. +;----------------- +25697 old 702637,2anuyAjArTaanuyAjArTa3 +25697 new 702637,1anuyAjArTaanuyAjArTa3 +;----------------- +25928 old 709537,3anuramanu-ram1 +25928 new 709537,2anuramanu-ram1 +;----------------- +26090 old 714537,3anurUpacezwaa/nu-rUpa—cezwa3 +26090 new 714537,3anurUpacezwaanu-rUpa—cezwa3 +;----------------- +26091 old a/nu-rUpa—cezwa ¦ mfn. endeavouring to act becomingly. +26091 new anu-rUpa—cezwa ¦ mfn. endeavouring to act becomingly. +;----------------- +26093 old 714637,3anurUpatasa/nu-rUpa—tas3 +26093 new 714637,3anurUpatasanu-rUpa—tas3 +;----------------- +26094 old a/nu-rUpa—tas ¦ ind. conformably. +26094 new anu-rUpa—tas ¦ ind. conformably. +;----------------- +26121 old 715438,1anulAanulA1A +26121 new 715437,3anulAanulA1A +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0038.txt (10) +; ******************************************************* +26287 old 720138,1anuvAkasaNKyAanu-vAka/—saNKyA3 +26287 new 720138,1anuvAkasaNKyAanu-vAka—saNKyA3 +;----------------- +26288 old anu-vAka/—saNKyA ¦ f. the fourth of the eighteen Pariśiṣṭas of the Yajur-veda. +26288 new anu-vAka—saNKyA ¦ f. the fourth of the eighteen Pariśiṣṭas of the Yajur-veda. +;----------------- +26293 old 720338,1anuvAkyaanu-vAkya/2 +26293 new 720338,1anuvAkyaanu-vAkya^2 +;----------------- +26294 old anu-vAkya/ ¦ mfn. to be recited, TBr. +26294 new anu-vAkya^ ¦ mfn. to be recited, TBr. +;----------------- +26314 old 721038,2anuvAcanaprEzaanu-vAcana—prEza3 +26314 new 721038,1anuvAcanaprEzaanu-vAcana—prEza3 +;----------------- +26327 old anu-vatsaram ¦ ind. every year, yearly. +26327 new anu-vatsaram ¦ (am), ind. every year, yearly. +;----------------- +26422 old anu-vazawkAra, as, ¦ m. or anu-va/zawkfta, am, n. a secondary exclamation of vazaw. +26422 new anu-vazawkAra, as, m. or anu-va/zawkfta, am, n. ¦ a secondary exclamation of vazaw. +;----------------- +26425 old anu-vazawkAra, as, ¦ m. or anu-va/zawkfta, am, n. a secondary exclamation of vazaw. +26425 new anu-vazawkAra, as, m. or anu-va/zawkfta, am, n. ¦ a secondary exclamation of vazaw. +;----------------- +26509 old 726538,3anuvikASanu-vi-kAS1 +26509 new 726538,2anuvikASanu-vi-kAS1 +;----------------- +26647 old 730339,1anuvizicanu-vi-zic1 +26647 new 730338,3anuvizicanu-vi-zic1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0039.txt (4) +; ******************************************************* +26821 old 735139,2anuvyaYjanaanu-vyaYjana1 +26821 new 735139,1anuvyaYjanaanu-vyaYjana1 +;----------------- +26982 old 739639,3anuSAsatanu-SA/sat2 +26982 new 739639,2anuSAsatanu-SA/sat2 +;----------------- +26988 old 739839,3anuSAsanaparaanu-SA/sana—para3 +26988 new 739839,3anuSAsanaparaanu-SAsana—para3 +;----------------- +26989 old anu-SA/sana—para ¦ mfn. obedient. +26989 new anu-SAsana—para ¦ mfn. obedient. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0040.txt (3) +; ******************************************************* +27399 old 750540,2anuzWeyaanu-zWeya2 +27399 new 750540,1anuzWeyaanu-zWeya2 +;----------------- +27552 old 754940,3anusaMgrahanu-saM-grah1 +27552 new 754940,2anusaMgrahanu-saM-grah1 +;----------------- +27688 old 758641,1anusamprAptaanu-samprApta2 +27688 new 758640,3anusamprAptaanu-samprApta2 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0041.txt (6) +; ******************************************************* +27876 old 763741,2anustaraRIanu-sta/raRI1B +27876 new 763741,1anustaraRIanu-sta/raRI1B +;----------------- +28057 old 768641,2anUcInagarBaanUcIna/—garBa/3 +28057 new 768641,2anUcInagarBaanUcIna—garBa/3 +;----------------- +28058 old anUcIna/—garBa/ ¦ mfn. born in successive order, ŚBr. +28058 new anUcIna—garBa/ ¦ mfn. born in successive order, ŚBr. +;----------------- +28060 old 768741,3anUcInAhamanUcInAha/m3 +28060 new 768741,2anUcInAhamanUcInAha/m3 +;----------------- +28234 old 773741,3anUnagurua/n-Una—guru3 +28234 new 773741,3anUnaguruan-Una—guru3 +;----------------- +28235 old a/n-Una—guru ¦ mfn. of undiminished weight, very heavy. +28235 new an-Una—guru ¦ mfn. of undiminished weight, very heavy. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0042.txt (71) +; ******************************************************* +28238 old a/n-Una—varcas ¦ (a/nUna-) mfn. having full splendour, RV. x, 140, 2. +28238 new a/n-Una—varcas ¦ (a/nUna-), mfn. having full splendour, RV. x, 140, 2. +;----------------- +28259 old anUpa/ ¦ m. a watery country, Mn. &c. +28259 new anUpa/ ¦ (a/s), m. a watery country, Mn. &c. +;----------------- +28273 old 774642,1anUpajaanUpa/—ja3 +28273 new 774642,1anUpajaanUpa—ja3 +;----------------- +28274 old anUpa/—ja ¦ n. growing near the water, VarBṛS. +28274 new anUpa—ja ¦ n. growing near the water, VarBṛS. +;----------------- +28276 old 774742,1anUpajaanUpa/—ja3A +28276 new 774742,1anUpajaanUpa—ja3A +;----------------- +28279 old 774842,1anUpadeSaanUpa/—deSa3 +28279 new 774842,1anUpadeSaanUpa—deSa3 +;----------------- +28280 old anUpa/—deSa ¦ m. a marshy country. +28280 new anUpa—deSa ¦ m. a marshy country. +;----------------- +28282 old 774942,1anUpaprAyaanUpa/—prAya3 +28282 new 774942,1anUpaprAyaanUpa—prAya3 +;----------------- +28283 old anUpa/—prAya ¦ mfn. marshy. +28283 new anUpa—prAya ¦ mfn. marshy. +;----------------- +28285 old 775042,1anUpavilAsaanUpa/—vilAsa3 +28285 new 775042,1anUpavilAsaanUpa—vilAsa3 +;----------------- +28286 old anUpa/—vilAsa ¦ m. N. of wk. +28286 new anUpa—vilAsa ¦ m. N. of wk. +;----------------- +28323 old anU-rADa/ ¦ mf. pl. = -anu-rADAs, q.v., TS.; TBr.; Kāṭh. +28323 new anU-rADa/ ¦ (A/s), mf. pl. = -anu-rADAs, q.v., TS.; TBr.; Kāṭh. +;----------------- +28347 old a/n-UrDva—BAs ¦ (a/n-UrDva-) mfn. one whose splendour does not rise, who lights no sacred fires, RV. v, 77, 4. +28347 new a/n-UrDva—BAs ¦ (a/n-UrDva-), mfn. one whose splendour does not rise, who lights no sacred fires, RV. v, 77, 4. +;----------------- +28421 old 778642,1anfRatAan-fRa/—tA3 +28421 new 778642,1anfRatAan-fRa—tA3 +;----------------- +28422 old an-fRa/—tA, f. or an-fRa/—tva, n. ¦ freedom from debt. +28422 new an-fRa—tA, f. or an-fRa—tva, n. ¦ freedom from debt. +;----------------- +28424 old 778742,1anfRatvaan-fRa/—tva3 +28424 new 778742,1anfRatvaan-fRa—tva3 +;----------------- +28425 old an-fRa/—tA, f. or an-fRa/—tva, n. ¦ freedom from debt. +28425 new an-fRa—tA, f. or an-fRa—tva, n. ¦ freedom from debt. +;----------------- +28433 old 778942,2anfRyatAan-fRya-tA2 +28433 new 778942,1anfRyatAan-fRya-tA2 +;----------------- +28457 old 779542,2anftamayaa/n-fta—maya3 +28457 new 779542,2anftamayaan-fta—maya3 +;----------------- +28458 old a/n-fta—maya ¦ mfn. full of untruth, false. +28458 new an-fta—maya ¦ mfn. full of untruth, false. +;----------------- +28460 old 779642,2anftavadanaa/n-fta—vadana3 +28460 new 779642,2anftavadanaan-fta—vadana3 +;----------------- +28461 old a/n-fta—vadana ¦ n. speaking falsehood, lying. +28461 new an-fta—vadana ¦ n. speaking falsehood, lying. +;----------------- +28466 old 779842,2anftavAdina/n-fta—vAdin3 +28466 new 779842,2anftavAdinan-fta—vAdin3 +;----------------- +28467 old a/n-fta—vAdin ¦ mfn. speaking untruth. +28467 new an-fta—vAdin ¦ mfn. speaking untruth. +;----------------- +28469 old 779942,2anftavrataa/n-fta—vrata3 +28469 new 779942,2anftavrataan-fta—vrata3 +;----------------- +28470 old a/n-fta—vrata ¦ mfn. false to vows or engagements. +28470 new an-fta—vrata ¦ mfn. false to vows or engagements. +;----------------- +28721 old 786942,3anenasan-ena/s1A +28721 new 786942,2anenasan-ena/s1A +;----------------- +28752 old an-eha/s ¦ m. time, Bālar.; BhP. +28752 new an-eha/s ¦ (A), m. time, Bālar.; BhP. +;----------------- +28940 old 791642,3antakaraa/nta—kara3 +28940 new 791642,3antakaraanta—kara3 +;----------------- +28941 old a/nta—kara ¦ mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive. +28941 new anta—kara ¦ mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive. +;----------------- +28943 old 791742,3antakaraRaa/nta—karaRa3 +28943 new 791742,3antakaraRaanta—karaRa3 +;----------------- +28944 old a/nta—karaRa ¦ mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive. +28944 new anta—karaRa ¦ mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive. +;----------------- +28949 old 791842,3antakArina/nta—kArin3 +28949 new 791842,3antakArinanta—kArin3 +;----------------- +28950 old a/nta—kArin ¦ mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive. +28950 new anta—kArin ¦ mfn. causing death, mortal, destructive. +;----------------- +28955 old 791942,3antakAlaa/nta—kAla3 +28955 new 791942,3antakAlaanta—kAla3 +;----------------- +28956 old a/nta—kAla ¦ m. time of death, death. +28956 new anta—kAla ¦ m. time of death, death. +;----------------- +28958 old 792042,3antakfta/nta—kft3 +28958 new 792042,3antakftanta—kft3 +;----------------- +28959 old a/nta—kft ¦ mfn. making an end +28959 new anta—kft ¦ mfn. making an end +;----------------- +28961 old 792142,3antakfta/nta—kft3B +28961 new 792142,3antakftanta—kft3B +;----------------- +28962 old a/nta—kft ¦ m. (t) death. +28962 new anta—kft ¦ m. (t) death. +;----------------- +28964 old 792242,3antakfddaSAa/nta—kfd-daSA3 +28964 new 792242,3antakfddaSAanta—kfd-daSA3 +;----------------- +28965 old a/nta—kfd-daSA ¦ f. pl. N. of the eighth of the twelve sacred Aṅga texts of the Jainas (containing ten chapters). +28965 new anta—kfd-daSA ¦ f. pl. N. of the eighth of the twelve sacred Aṅga texts of the Jainas (containing ten chapters). +;----------------- +28967 old 792342,3antagaa/nta—ga3 +28967 new 792342,3antagaanta—ga3 +;----------------- +28968 old a/nta—ga ¦ mfn. going to the end, thoroughly conversant with. +28968 new anta—ga ¦ mfn. going to the end, thoroughly conversant with. +;----------------- +28980 old a/nta—gati (a/nta-) [ŚBr.] or a/nta—gAmin, ¦ mfn. going to the end, perishing. +28980 new a/nta—gati (a/nta-) [ŚBr.] or anta—gAmin, ¦ mfn. going to the end, perishing. +;----------------- +28982 old 792642,3antagAmina/nta—gAmin3 +28982 new 792642,3antagAminanta—gAmin3 +;----------------- +28983 old a/nta—gati (a/nta-) [ŚBr.] or a/nta—gAmin, ¦ mfn. going to the end, perishing. +28983 new a/nta—gati (a/nta-) [ŚBr.] or anta—gAmin, ¦ mfn. going to the end, perishing. +;----------------- +28985 old 792742,3antagamanaa/nta—gamana3 +28985 new 792742,3antagamanaanta—gamana3 +;----------------- +28986 old a/nta—gamana ¦ n. the act of going to the end, finishing +28986 new anta—gamana ¦ n. the act of going to the end, finishing +;----------------- +28988 old 792842,3antagamanaa/nta—gamana3A +28988 new 792842,3antagamanaanta—gamana3A +;----------------- +28991 old 792942,3antacaraa/nta—cara3 +28991 new 792942,3antacaraanta—cara3 +;----------------- +28992 old a/nta—cara ¦ mfn. going to the frontiers, walking about the frontiers, R. +28992 new anta—cara ¦ mfn. going to the frontiers, walking about the frontiers, R. +;----------------- +28994 old 793042,3antajaa/nta—ja3 +28994 new 793042,3antajaanta—ja3 +;----------------- +28995 old a/nta—ja ¦ mfn. last born. +28995 new anta—ja ¦ mfn. last born. +;----------------- +28997 old 793142,3antajAtia/nta—jAti3 +28997 new 793142,3antajAtianta—jAti3 +;----------------- +28998 old a/nta—jAti ¦ See antyajAti. +28998 new anta—jAti ¦ See antyajAti. +;----------------- +29024 old 793342,3antadIpakaa/nta—dIpaka3 +29024 new 793342,3antadIpakaanta—dIpaka3 +;----------------- +29025 old a/nta—dIpaka ¦ n. a figure in rhetoric. +29025 new anta—dIpaka ¦ n. a figure in rhetoric. +;----------------- +29031 old anta—nAman ¦ (a/nta-), mfn. denoting ‘the end’, TS.; TāṇḍBr. +29031 new anta—nAman ¦ (anta-), mfn. denoting ‘the end’, TS.; TāṇḍBr. +;----------------- +29036 old 793442,3antapAlaa/nta—pAla3 +29036 new 793442,3antapAlaanta—pAla3 +;----------------- +29037 old a/nta—pAla ¦ m. a frontier-guard. +29037 new anta—pAla ¦ m. a frontier-guard. +;----------------- +29042 old 793542,3antaBavaa/nta—Bava3 +29042 new 793542,3antaBavaanta—Bava3 +;----------------- +29043 old a/nta—Bava ¦ mfn. being at the end, last. +29043 new anta—Bava ¦ mfn. being at the end, last. +;----------------- +29045 old 793642,3antaBAja/nta—BAj3 +29045 new 793642,3antaBAjanta—BAj3 +;----------------- +29046 old a/nta—BAj ¦ mfn. standing at the end (of a word), RPrāt. +29046 new anta—BAj ¦ mfn. standing at the end (of a word), RPrāt. +;----------------- +29048 old 793742,3antarataa/nta—rata3 +29048 new 793742,3antarataanta—rata3 +;----------------- +29049 old a/nta—rata ¦ mfn. delighting in destruction. +29049 new anta—rata ¦ mfn. delighting in destruction. +;----------------- +29051 old 793842,3antalInaa/nta—lIna3 +29051 new 793842,3antalInaanta—lIna3 +;----------------- +29052 old a/nta—lIna ¦ mfn. hidden, concealed. +29052 new anta—lIna ¦ mfn. hidden, concealed. +;----------------- +29054 old 793943,1antalopaa/nta—lopa3 +29054 new 793942,3antalopaanta—lopa3 +;----------------- +29055 old a/nta—lopa ¦ m. (in Gr.) the dropping of the final of a word. +29055 new anta—lopa ¦ m. (in Gr.) the dropping of the final of a word. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0043.txt (162) +; ******************************************************* +29069 old 794143,1antavahnia/nta—vahni3 +29069 new 794143,1antavahnianta—vahni3 +;----------------- +29070 old a/nta—vahni ¦ m. the fire of the end (by which the world is to be burnt). +29070 new anta—vahni ¦ m. the fire of the end (by which the world is to be burnt). +;----------------- +29072 old 794243,1antavAsina/nta—vAsin3 +29072 new 794243,1antavAsinanta—vAsin3 +;----------------- +29073 old a/nta—vAsin ¦ = ante-vAsin, q.v., L. +29073 new anta—vAsin ¦ = ante-vAsin, q.v., L. +;----------------- +29075 old 794343,1antavelAa/nta—velA3 +29075 new 794343,1antavelAanta—velA3 +;----------------- +29076 old a/nta—velA ¦ f. hour of death, ChUp. +29076 new anta—velA ¦ f. hour of death, ChUp. +;----------------- +29078 old 794443,1antaSayyAa/nta—SayyA3 +29078 new 794443,1antaSayyAanta—SayyA3 +;----------------- +29079 old a/nta—SayyA ¦ f. a bed or mat on the ground +29079 new anta—SayyA ¦ f. a bed or mat on the ground +;----------------- +29081 old 794543,1antaSayyAa/nta—SayyA3A +29081 new 794543,1antaSayyAanta—SayyA3A +;----------------- +29084 old 794643,1antaSayyAa/nta—SayyA3A +29084 new 794643,1antaSayyAanta—SayyA3A +;----------------- +29087 old 794743,1antaSayyAa/nta—SayyA3A +29087 new 794743,1antaSayyAanta—SayyA3A +;----------------- +29093 old 794843,1antasatkriyAa/nta—satkriyA3 +29093 new 794843,1antasatkriyAanta—satkriyA3 +;----------------- +29094 old a/nta—satkriyA ¦ f. the funeral ceremonies, Rājat. +29094 new anta—satkriyA ¦ f. the funeral ceremonies, Rājat. +;----------------- +29096 old 794943,1antasada/nta—sad3 +29096 new 794943,1antasadanta—sad3 +;----------------- +29097 old a/nta—sad ¦ m. a pupil (who dwells near his teacher). +29097 new anta—sad ¦ m. a pupil (who dwells near his teacher). +;----------------- +29099 old 795043,1antasTaa/nta—sTa3 +29099 new 795043,1antasTaanta—sTa3 +;----------------- +29100 old a/nta—sTa ¦ mfn. standing at the end +29100 new anta—sTa ¦ mfn. standing at the end +;----------------- +29102 old 795143,1antasTaa/nta—sTa3A +29102 new 795143,1antasTaanta—sTa3A +;----------------- +29105 old 795243,1antasvaritaa/nta—svarita3 +29105 new 795243,1antasvaritaanta—svarita3 +;----------------- +29106 old a/nta—svarita ¦ m. the Svarita accent on the last syllable of a word +29106 new anta—svarita ¦ m. the Svarita accent on the last syllable of a word +;----------------- +29180 old 797543,1antamaa/ntama12 +29180 new 797543,1antamaa/ntama,antama/12 +;----------------- +29181 old 1. a/ntama ¦ mfn. [once antama/, RV. i, 165, 5] next, nearest, RV. +29181 new 1. a/ntama [once antama/, RV. i, 165, 5], ¦ mfn. next, nearest, RV. +;----------------- +29183 old 7975.143,1antamaa/ntama2A +29183 new 7975.143,1antamaa/ntama,antama/2A +;----------------- +29207 old 798243,1antaHkaraRaanta/H—karaRa3 +29207 new 798243,1antaHkaraRaantaH—karaRa3 +;----------------- +29208 old anta/H—karaRa ¦ n. the internal organ, the seat of thought and feeling, the mind, the thinking faculty, the heart, the conscience, the soul. +29208 new antaH—karaRa ¦ n. the internal organ, the seat of thought and feeling, the mind, the thinking faculty, the heart, the conscience, the soul. +;----------------- +29210 old 798343,1antaHkalpaanta/H—kalpa3 +29210 new 798343,1antaHkalpaantaH—kalpa3 +;----------------- +29211 old anta/H—kalpa ¦ m. a certain number of years, Buddh. +29211 new antaH—kalpa ¦ m. a certain number of years, Buddh. +;----------------- +29213 old 798443,1antaHkuwilaanta/H—kuwila3 +29213 new 798443,1antaHkuwilaantaH—kuwila3 +;----------------- +29214 old anta/H—kuwila ¦ mfn. internally crooked +29214 new antaH—kuwila ¦ mfn. internally crooked +;----------------- +29216 old 798543,1antaHkuwilaanta/H—kuwila3A +29216 new 798543,1antaHkuwilaantaH—kuwila3A +;----------------- +29219 old 798643,1antaHkuwilaanta/H—kuwila3B +29219 new 798643,1antaHkuwilaantaH—kuwila3B +;----------------- +29220 old anta/H—kuwila ¦ m. a couch, L. +29220 new antaH—kuwila ¦ m. a couch, L. +;----------------- +29222 old 798743,1antaHkfmianta/H—kfmi3 +29222 new 798743,1antaHkfmiantaH—kfmi3 +;----------------- +29223 old anta/H—kfmi ¦ m. a disease caused by worms in the body. +29223 new antaH—kfmi ¦ m. a disease caused by worms in the body. +;----------------- +29225 old 798843,1antaHkowarapuzpIanta/H—kowara-puzpI3 +29225 new 798843,1antaHkowarapuzpIantaH—kowara-puzpI3 +;----------------- +29226 old anta/H—kowara-puzpI ¦ = aRqa-kowara-puzpI, q.v., Car. +29226 new antaH—kowara-puzpI ¦ = aRqa-kowara-puzpI, q.v., Car. +;----------------- +29228 old 798943,1antaHkoRaanta/H—koRa3 +29228 new 798943,1antaHkoRaantaH—koRa3 +;----------------- +29229 old anta/H—koRa ¦ m. the inner corner. +29229 new antaH—koRa ¦ m. the inner corner. +;----------------- +29231 old 799043,1antaHkopaanta/H—kopa3 +29231 new 799043,1antaHkopaantaH—kopa3 +;----------------- +29232 old anta/H—kopa ¦ m. inward wrath. +29232 new antaH—kopa ¦ m. inward wrath. +;----------------- +29243 old 799243,1antaHpawaanta/H—pawa3 +29243 new 799243,1antaHpawaantaH—pawa3 +;----------------- +29244 old anta/H—pawa ¦ m. n. a cloth held between two persons who are to be united (as bride and bridegroom, or pupil and teacher) until the right moment of union is arrived. +29244 new antaH—pawa ¦ m. n. a cloth held between two persons who are to be united (as bride and bridegroom, or pupil and teacher) until the right moment of union is arrived. +;----------------- +29246 old 799343,1antaHpadamanta/H—padam3 +29246 new 799343,1antaHpadamantaH—padam3 +;----------------- +29247 old anta/H—padam or anta/H—pade, ¦ ind. in the middle of an inflected word, Prāt. +29247 new antaH—padam or antaH—pade, ¦ ind. in the middle of an inflected word, Prāt. +;----------------- +29249 old 799443,1antaHpadeanta/H—pade3 +29249 new 799443,1antaHpadeantaH—pade3 +;----------------- +29250 old anta/H—padam or anta/H—pade, ¦ ind. in the middle of an inflected word, Prāt. +29250 new antaH—padam or antaH—pade, ¦ ind. in the middle of an inflected word, Prāt. +;----------------- +29252 old 799543,1antaHpariDAnaanta/H—pariDAna3 +29252 new 799543,1antaHpariDAnaantaH—pariDAna3 +;----------------- +29253 old anta/H—pariDAna ¦ n. the innermost garment. +29253 new antaH—pariDAna ¦ n. the innermost garment. +;----------------- +29255 old 799643,1antaHpariDianta/H—pariDi3 +29255 new 799643,1antaHpariDiantaH—pariDi3 +;----------------- +29256 old anta/H—pariDi ¦ ind. in the inside of the pieces of wood forming the paridhi, KātyŚr. +29256 new antaH—pariDi ¦ ind. in the inside of the pieces of wood forming the paridhi, KātyŚr. +;----------------- +29267 old 799943,1antaHpaSuanta/H—paSu3 +29267 new 799943,1antaHpaSuantaH—paSu3 +;----------------- +29268 old anta/H—paSu ¦ ind. from evening till morning (while the cattle are in the stables), KātyŚr. +29268 new antaH—paSu ¦ ind. from evening till morning (while the cattle are in the stables), KātyŚr. +;----------------- +29271 old antaH—pAta/ [ŚBr.] or anta/H—pAtya, [KātyŚr.], ¦ as, m. a post fixed in the middle of the place of sacrifice +29271 new antaH—pAta/ [ŚBr.] or antaH—pAtya, [KātyŚr.], ¦ as, m. a post fixed in the middle of the place of sacrifice +;----------------- +29276 old 800143,1antaHpAtyaanta/H—pAtya3 +29276 new 800143,1antaHpAtyaantaH—pAtya3 +;----------------- +29277 old anta/H—pAta/ [ŚBr.] or anta/H—pAtya, [KātyŚr.], ¦ as, m. a post fixed in the middle of the place of sacrifice +29277 new antaH—pAta/ [ŚBr.] or antaH—pAtya, [KātyŚr.], ¦ as, m. a post fixed in the middle of the place of sacrifice +;----------------- +29279 old 8001.143,1antaHpAtyaanta/H—pAtya3A +29279 new 8001.143,1antaHpAtyaantaH—pAtya3A +;----------------- +29282 old 800243,1antaHpAtitaanta/H—pAtita3 +29282 new 800243,1antaHpAtitaantaH—pAtita3 +;----------------- +29283 old anta/H—pAtita or anta/H—pAtin, ¦ mfn. inserted, included in. +29283 new antaH—pAtita or antaH—pAtin, ¦ mfn. inserted, included in. +;----------------- +29285 old 800343,1antaHpAtinanta/H—pAtina3 +29285 new 800343,1antaHpAtinantaH—pAtina3 +;----------------- +29286 old anta/H—pAtita or anta/H—pAtin, ¦ mfn. inserted, included in. +29286 new antaH—pAtita or antaH—pAtin, ¦ mfn. inserted, included in. +;----------------- +29294 old 800543,1antaHpAdamanta/H—pAdam3 +29294 new 800543,1antaHpAdamantaH—pAdam3 +;----------------- +29295 old anta/H—pAdam ¦ ind. within the Pāda of a verse, RPrāt.; Pāṇ. +29295 new antaH—pAdam ¦ ind. within the Pāda of a verse, RPrāt.; Pāṇ. +;----------------- +29303 old 800743,1antaHpAlaanta/H—pAla3 +29303 new 800743,1antaHpAlaantaH—pAla3 +;----------------- +29304 old anta/H—pAla ¦ m. one who watches the inner apartments of a palace, R. +29304 new antaH—pAla ¦ m. one who watches the inner apartments of a palace, R. +;----------------- +29306 old 800843,1antaHpuraanta/H—pura3 +29306 new 800843,1antaHpuraantaH—pura3 +;----------------- +29307 old anta/H—pura ¦ n. the king's palace, the female apartments, gynaeceum +29307 new antaH—pura ¦ n. the king's palace, the female apartments, gynaeceum +;----------------- +29309 old 800943,1antaHpuraanta/H—pura3A +29309 new 800943,1antaHpuraantaH—pura3A +;----------------- +29312 old 801043,1antaHpuraanta/H—pura3A +29312 new 801043,1antaHpuraantaH—pura3A +;----------------- +29315 old 801143,1antaHpuracaraanta/H—pura-cara3 +29315 new 801143,1antaHpuracaraantaH—pura-cara3 +;----------------- +29316 old anta/H—pura-cara ¦ m. guardian of the women's apartments. +29316 new antaH—pura-cara ¦ m. guardian of the women's apartments. +;----------------- +29321 old 801243,1antaHpurajanaanta/H—pura-jana3 +29321 new 801243,1antaHpurajanaantaH—pura-jana3 +;----------------- +29322 old anta/H—pura-jana ¦ m. the women of the palace. +29322 new antaH—pura-jana ¦ m. the women of the palace. +;----------------- +29324 old 801343,1antaHpurapracAraanta/H—pura-pracAra3 +29324 new 801343,1antaHpurapracAraantaH—pura-pracAra3 +;----------------- +29325 old anta/H—pura-pracAra ¦ m. the gossip of the women's apartments. +29325 new antaH—pura-pracAra ¦ m. the gossip of the women's apartments. +;----------------- +29327 old 801443,1antaHpurarakzakaanta/H—pura-rakzaka3 +29327 new 801443,1antaHpurarakzakaantaH—pura-rakzaka3 +;----------------- +29328 old anta/H—pura-rakzaka or anta/H—pura-vartin or anta/H—purADyakza, ¦ m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain. +29328 new antaH—pura-rakzaka or antaH—pura-vartin or antaH—purADyakza, ¦ m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain. +;----------------- +29330 old 801543,1antaHpuravartinanta/H—pura-vartin3 +29330 new 801543,1antaHpuravartinantaH—pura-vartin3 +;----------------- +29331 old anta/H—pura-rakzaka or anta/H—pura-vartin or anta/H—purADyakza, ¦ m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain. +29331 new antaH—pura-rakzaka or antaH—pura-vartin or antaH—purADyakza, ¦ m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain. +;----------------- +29339 old 801643,1antaHpurADyakzaanta/H—purADyakza3 +29339 new 801643,1antaHpurADyakzaantaH—purADyakza3 +;----------------- +29340 old anta/H—pura-rakzaka or anta/H—pura-vartin or anta/H—purADyakza, ¦ m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain. +29340 new antaH—pura-rakzaka or antaH—pura-vartin or antaH—purADyakza, ¦ m. superintendent of the women's apartments, chamberlain. +;----------------- +29345 old 801743,1antaHpurasahAyaanta/H—pura-sahAya3 +29345 new 801743,1antaHpurasahAyaantaH—pura-sahAya3 +;----------------- +29346 old anta/H—pura-sahAya ¦ m. belonging to the women's apartments (as a eunuch, &c.) +29346 new antaH—pura-sahAya ¦ m. belonging to the women's apartments (as a eunuch, &c.) +;----------------- +29348 old 801843,1antaHpurikaanta/H—purika3 +29348 new 801843,1antaHpurikaantaH—purika3 +;----------------- +29349 old anta/H—purika ¦ m. superintendent of the gynaeceum or harem +29349 new antaH—purika ¦ m. superintendent of the gynaeceum or harem +;----------------- +29351 old 801943,1antaHpurikAanta/H—purikA3B +29351 new 801943,1antaHpurikAantaH—purikA3B +;----------------- +29352 old anta/H—purikA ¦ f. a woman in the harem. +29352 new antaH—purikA ¦ f. a woman in the harem. +;----------------- +29363 old 802043,1antaHpUyaanta/H—pUyaa3 +29363 new 802043,1antaHpUyaantaH—pUyaa3 +;----------------- +29364 old anta/H—pUya a ¦ mfn. ulcerous. +29364 new antaH—pUya a ¦ mfn. ulcerous. +;----------------- +29372 old 802243,1antaHprakftianta/H—prakfti3 +29372 new 802243,1antaHprakftiantaH—prakfti3 +;----------------- +29373 old anta/H—prakfti ¦ f. the heart, the soul, the internal nature or constitution of a man. +29373 new antaH—prakfti ¦ f. the heart, the soul, the internal nature or constitution of a man. +;----------------- +29378 old 802343,1antaHprajYaanta/H—prajYa3 +29378 new 802343,1antaHprajYaantaH—prajYa3 +;----------------- +29379 old anta/H—prajYa ¦ mfn. internally wise, knowing one's self. +29379 new antaH—prajYa ¦ mfn. internally wise, knowing one's self. +;----------------- +29381 old 802443,1antaHpratizWAnaanta/H—pratizWAna3 +29381 new 802443,1antaHpratizWAnaantaH—pratizWAna3 +;----------------- +29382 old anta/H—pratizWAna ¦ n. residence in the interior. +29382 new antaH—pratizWAna ¦ n. residence in the interior. +;----------------- +29384 old 802543,1antaHpratizWitaanta/H—pratizWita3 +29384 new 802543,1antaHpratizWitaantaH—pratizWita3 +;----------------- +29385 old anta/H—pratizWita ¦ mfn. residing inside. +29385 new antaH—pratizWita ¦ mfn. residing inside. +;----------------- +29399 old 802643,1antaHSaraanta/H—Sara/3 +29399 new 802643,1antaHSaraantaH—Sara/3 +;----------------- +29400 old anta/H—Sara/ ¦ m. interior reed or cane, TS. +29400 new antaH—Sara/ ¦ m. interior reed or cane, TS. +;----------------- +29402 old 802743,1antaHSaraanta/H—Sara/3A +29402 new 802743,1antaHSaraantaH—Sara/3A +;----------------- +29405 old 802843,1antaHSarIraanta/H—SarIra3 +29405 new 802843,1antaHSarIraantaH—SarIra3 +;----------------- +29406 old anta/H—SarIra ¦ n. the internal and spiritual part of man. +29406 new antaH—SarIra ¦ n. the internal and spiritual part of man. +;----------------- +29408 old 802943,2antaHSalyaanta/H—Salya3 +29408 new 802943,1antaHSalyaanta/H—Salya3 +;----------------- +29409 old anta/H—Salya ¦ (anta/H-) mfn. having a pin or extraneous body sticking inside, ŚBr. +29409 new anta/H—Salya ¦ (anta/H-), mfn. having a pin or extraneous body sticking inside, ŚBr. +;----------------- +29417 old 803043,2antaHSilAanta/H—SilA3 +29417 new 803043,2antaHSilAantaH—SilA3 +;----------------- +29418 old anta/H—SilA ¦ f. = antra-SilA. +29418 new antaH—SilA ¦ f. = antra-SilA. +;----------------- +29430 old antaH—Sleza/ [MaitrS.; VS.], m. or anta/H—Sle/zaRa [ŚBr.; AitBr.], n. ¦ internal support. +29430 new antaH—Sleza/ [MaitrS.; VS.], m. or antaH—Sle/zaRa [ŚBr.; AitBr.], n. ¦ internal support. +;----------------- +29433 old anta/H—Sleza/ [MaitrS.; VS.], m. or antaH—Sle/zaRa [ŚBr.; AitBr.], n. ¦ internal support. +29433 new antaH—Sleza/ [MaitrS.; VS.], m. or antaH—Sle/zaRa [ŚBr.; AitBr.], n. ¦ internal support. +;----------------- +29435 old 803343,2antaHsaMjYaanta/H—saMjYa3 +29435 new 803343,2antaHsaMjYaantaH—saMjYa3 +;----------------- +29436 old anta/H—saMjYa ¦ mfn. internally conscious, Mn. i, 49, &c. +29436 new antaH—saMjYa ¦ mfn. internally conscious, Mn. i, 49, &c. +;----------------- +29441 old 803443,2antaHsattvAanta/H—sattvA3 +29441 new 803443,2antaHsattvAantaH—sattvA3 +;----------------- +29442 old anta/H—sattvA ¦ f. a pregnant woman +29442 new antaH—sattvA ¦ f. a pregnant woman +;----------------- +29444 old 803543,2antaHsattvAanta/H—sattvA3A +29444 new 803543,2antaHsattvAantaH—sattvA3A +;----------------- +29474 old 803743,2antaHsAraanta/H—sAra3 +29474 new 803743,2antaHsAraantaH—sAra3 +;----------------- +29475 old anta/H—sAra ¦ mfn. having internal essence +29475 new antaH—sAra ¦ mfn. having internal essence +;----------------- +29477 old 803843,2antaHsAraanta/H—sAra3B +29477 new 803843,2antaHsAraantaH—sAra3B +;----------------- +29478 old anta/H—sAra ¦ m. internal treasure, inner store or contents. +29478 new antaH—sAra ¦ m. internal treasure, inner store or contents. +;----------------- +29480 old 803943,2antaHsuKaanta/H—suKa3 +29480 new 803943,2antaHsuKaantaH—suKa3 +;----------------- +29481 old anta/H—suKa ¦ mfn. internally happy. +29481 new antaH—suKa ¦ mfn. internally happy. +;----------------- +29486 old 8039.143,2antaHsenamanta/H—senam3 +29486 new 8039.143,2antaHsenamantaH—senam3 +;----------------- +29487 old anta/H—senam ¦ ind. into the midst of the armies. +29487 new antaH—senam ¦ ind. into the midst of the armies. +;----------------- +29495 old 804043,2antaHsTaanta/H—sTa/3 +29495 new 804043,2antaHsTaantaH—sTa/3 +;----------------- +29496 old anta/H—sTa/ ¦ mfn. (generally written antasTa/) being in the midst or between, ŚBr. &c. +29496 new antaH—sTa/ ¦ mfn. (generally written antasTa/) being in the midst or between, ŚBr. &c. +;----------------- +29498 old 8040.143,2antaHsTaanta/H—sTa/3B +29498 new 8040.143,2antaHsTaantaH—sTa3B +;----------------- +29499 old anta/H—sTa/ ¦ mf. a term applied to the semivowels, as standing between the consonants and vowels, Prāt. &c. +29499 new antaH—sTa ¦ (as, A), mf. a term applied to the semivowels, as standing between the consonants and vowels, Prāt. &c. +;----------------- +29501 old 8040.243,2antaHsTAanta/H—sTA/a3B +29501 new 8040.243,2antaHsTAantaH—sTAa3B +;----------------- +29502 old anta/H—sTA/ a ¦ f. interim, meantime, PBr. +29502 new antaH—sTA a ¦ (A), f. interim, meantime, PBr. +;----------------- +29504 old 804143,2antaHsTamudgaraanta/H—sTa-mudgara3 +29504 new 804143,2antaHsTamudgaraantaH—sTa-mudgara3 +;----------------- +29505 old anta/H—sTa-mudgara ¦ m. (in anatomy) the malleus of the ear. +29505 new antaH—sTa-mudgara ¦ m. (in anatomy) the malleus of the ear. +;----------------- +29507 old 804243,2antaHsTACandasanta/H—sTA-Candas3 +29507 new 804243,2antaHsTACandasantaH—sTA-Candas3 +;----------------- +29508 old anta/H—sTA-Candas ¦ n. N. of a class of metres. +29508 new antaH—sTA-Candas ¦ n. N. of a class of metres. +;----------------- +29525 old 804343,2antaHsvedaanta/H—sveda3 +29525 new 804343,2antaHsvedaantaH—sveda3 +;----------------- +29526 old anta/H—sveda ¦ m. ‘sweating internally’, an elephant, L. +29526 new antaH—sveda ¦ m. ‘sweating internally’, an elephant, L. +;----------------- +29538 old a/ntama a ¦ and antamA See s.v. a/nta. +29538 new a/ntama a and antama/. ¦ See s.v. a/nta. +;----------------- +29540 old 8047.143,2antamAantamA1 +29540 new +;----------------- +29541 old a/ntama a ¦ and antamA See s.v. a/nta. +29541 new +;----------------- +29542 old +29542 new +;----------------- +29604 old anta/r—ADAna ¦ (anta/r-) mfn. ‘having a bit inside’, bridled, TBr. +29604 new anta/r—ADAna ¦ (anta/r-), mfn. ‘having a bit inside’, bridled, TBr. +;----------------- +29681 old 808643,2antargozWaantar—gozWa3 +29681 new 808643,2antargozWaanta/r—gozWa3 +;----------------- +29682 old antar—gozWa ¦ mfn. (anta/r-) being inside of the stable, MaitrS. +29682 new anta/r—gozWa ¦ mfn. (anta/r-) being inside of the stable, MaitrS. +;----------------- +29684 old 8086.143,2antargozWaantar—gozWa3B +29684 new 8086.143,2antargozWaanta/r—gozWa3B +;----------------- +29685 old antar—gozWa ¦ m. inside of a stable, MānGṛ. +29685 new anta/r—gozWa ¦ m. inside of a stable, MānGṛ. +;----------------- +29742 old anta/r—jyotis ¦ (anta/r-) mfn. having the soul enlightened, illuminated, ŚBr. xiv; Bhag. +29742 new anta/r—jyotis ¦ (anta/r-), mfn. having the soul enlightened, illuminated, ŚBr. xiv; Bhag. +;----------------- +29933 old 814343,3antarlomaantar—loma3 +29933 new 814343,3antarlomaanta/r—loma3 +;----------------- +29934 old antar—loma ¦ mfn. (anta/r-) (said of anything) the hairy side of which is turned inwards, MaitrS. +29934 new anta/r—loma ¦ (anta/r-), mfn. (said of anything) the hairy side of which is turned inwards, MaitrS. +;----------------- +29936 old 8143.143,3antarlomaantar—loma3A +29936 new 8143.143,3antarlomaanta/r—loma3A +;----------------- +29954 old 814843,3antarvatantar—vat3 +29954 new 814843,3antarvatanta/r—vat3 +;----------------- +29955 old antar—vat ¦ (anta/r-) mf(vatI [RV.] or vatnI)n. pregnant, RV. &c. +29955 new anta/r—vat ¦ (anta/r-), mf(vatI [RV.] or vatnI)n. pregnant, RV. &c. +;----------------- +30008 old 8162.143,3antarvedIantar—vedI/3B +30008 new 8162.143,3antarvedIantar—vedI3B +;----------------- +30009 old antar—vedI/ ¦ f. the Doab or district between the Gaṅgā and Yamunā rivers +30009 new antar—vedI ¦ (I), f. the Doab or district between the Gaṅgā and Yamunā rivers +;----------------- +30012 old antar—vedi/ ¦ m. pl. (ayas) N. of the people living there, R. +30012 new antar—vedi/ ¦ (ayas), m. pl. N. of the people living there, R. +;----------------- +30143 old 819843,3antaracakraa/ntara—cakra3 +30143 new 819843,3antaracakraantara—cakra3 +;----------------- +30144 old a/ntara—cakra ¦ n. the whole of the thirty-two intermediate regions of the compass, VarBṛS. +30144 new antara—cakra ¦ n. the whole of the thirty-two intermediate regions of the compass, VarBṛS. +;----------------- +30146 old 819943,3antaracakraa/ntara—cakra3A +30146 new 819943,3antaracakraantara—cakra3A +;----------------- +30149 old 820043,3antarajYaa/ntara—jYa3 +30149 new 820043,3antarajYaantara—jYa3 +;----------------- +30150 old a/ntara—jYa ¦ mfn. knowing the interior, prudent, provident, foreseeing. +30150 new antara—jYa ¦ mfn. knowing the interior, prudent, provident, foreseeing. +;----------------- +30152 old 820143,3antaratamaa/ntara—tama3 +30152 new 820143,3antaratamaantara—tama3 +;----------------- +30153 old a/ntara—tama ¦ mfn. nearest +30153 new antara—tama ¦ mfn. nearest +;----------------- +30155 old 820243,3antaratamaa/ntara—tama3A +30155 new 820243,3antaratamaantara—tama3A +;----------------- +30158 old 820343,3antaratamaa/ntara—tama3A +30158 new 820343,3antaratamaantara—tama3A +;----------------- +30161 old 820443,3antaratamaa/ntara—tama3B +30161 new 820443,3antaratamaantara—tama3B +;----------------- +30162 old a/ntara—tama ¦ m. a congenial letter, one of the same class. +30162 new antara—tama ¦ m. a congenial letter, one of the same class. +;----------------- +30188 old 820844,1antarapUruzaa/ntara—pUruza3 +30188 new 820843,3antarapUruzaa/ntara—pUruza3 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0044.txt (72) +; ******************************************************* +30191 old 820944,1antarapraBavaa/ntara—praBava3 +30191 new 820944,1antarapraBavaantara—praBava3 +;----------------- +30192 old a/ntara—praBava ¦ mfn. of mixed origin or caste, Mn. i, 2. +30192 new antara—praBava ¦ mfn. of mixed origin or caste, Mn. i, 2. +;----------------- +30194 old 821044,1antarapraSnaa/ntara—praSna3 +30194 new 821044,1antarapraSnaantara—praSna3 +;----------------- +30195 old a/ntara—praSna ¦ m. an inner question +30195 new antara—praSna ¦ m. an inner question +;----------------- +30197 old 821144,1antarapraSnaa/ntara—praSna3A +30197 new 821144,1antarapraSnaantara—praSna3A +;----------------- +30209 old 821244,1antarasTaa/ntara—sTa/3 +30209 new 821244,1antarasTaantara—sTa/3 +;----------------- +30210 old a/ntara—sTa/ ¦ mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward +30210 new antara—sTa/ ¦ mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward +;----------------- +30212 old 821344,1antarasTaa/ntara—sTa/3A +30212 new 821344,1antarasTaantara—sTa/3A +;----------------- +30215 old 821444,1antarasTAyina/ntara—sTAyin3 +30215 new 821444,1antarasTAyinantara—sTAyin3 +;----------------- +30216 old a/ntara—sTAyin ¦ mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward +30216 new antara—sTAyin ¦ mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward +;----------------- +30218 old 821544,1antarasTAyina/ntara—sTAyin3A +30218 new 821544,1antarasTAyinantara—sTAyin3A +;----------------- +30221 old 821644,1antarasTitaa/ntara—sTita3 +30221 new 821644,1antarasTitaantara—sTita3 +;----------------- +30222 old a/ntara—sTita ¦ mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward +30222 new antara—sTita ¦ mfn. interposed, internal, situated inside, inward +;----------------- +30224 old 821744,1antarasTitaa/ntara—sTita3A +30224 new 821744,1antarasTitaantara—sTita3A +;----------------- +30389 old 825744,1antarikzakzitanta/rikza—kzit3 +30389 new 825744,1antarikzakzitantarikza—kzit3 +;----------------- +30390 old anta/rikza—kzit ¦ mfn. dwelling in the atmosphere, ChUp. +30390 new antarikza—kzit ¦ mfn. dwelling in the atmosphere, ChUp. +;----------------- +30392 old 825844,1antarikzagaanta/rikza—ga3 +30392 new 825844,1antarikzagaantarikza—ga3 +;----------------- +30393 old anta/rikza—ga or anta/rikza—cara, ¦ mfn. passing through the atmosphere +30393 new antarikza—ga or antarikza—cara, ¦ mfn. passing through the atmosphere +;----------------- +30395 old 825944,1antarikzagaanta/rikza—ga3B +30395 new 825944,1antarikzagaantarikza—ga3B +;----------------- +30396 old anta/rikza—ga ¦ m. a bird. +30396 new antarikza—ga ¦ m. a bird. +;----------------- +30398 old 826044,1antarikzacaraanta/rikza—cara3 +30398 new 826044,1antarikzacaraantarikza—cara3 +;----------------- +30399 old anta/rikza—ga or anta/rikza—cara, ¦ mfn. passing through the atmosphere +30399 new antarikza—ga or antarikza—cara, ¦ mfn. passing through the atmosphere +;----------------- +30401 old 826144,1antarikzacaraanta/rikza—cara3B +30401 new 826144,1antarikzacaraantarikza—cara3B +;----------------- +30402 old anta/rikza—cara ¦ m. a bird. +30402 new antarikza—cara ¦ m. a bird. +;----------------- +30413 old 826444,1antarikzayAnIanta/rikza—yA/nI3 +30413 new 826444,1antarikzayAnIantarikza—yA/nI3 +;----------------- +30414 old anta/rikza—yA/nI ¦ f. N. of a brick, TS. +30414 new antarikza—yA/nI ¦ f. N. of a brick, TS. +;----------------- +30526 old antar-Di/ ¦ m. concealment, covering, AV. +30526 new antar-Di/ ¦ (is), m. concealment, covering, AV. +;----------------- +30593 old 831544,2antasanta/s1 +30593 new 831544,2antasantas1 +;----------------- +30594 old anta/s ¦ for anta/r See p. 43, col. 2. +30594 new antas ¦ for anta/r, see p. 43, col. 2. +;----------------- +30596 old 831644,2antastaptaanta/s—tapta3 +30596 new 831644,2antastaptaantas—tapta3 +;----------------- +30597 old anta/s—tapta ¦ mfn. internally heated or harassed. +30597 new antas—tapta ¦ mfn. internally heated or harassed. +;----------------- +30599 old 831744,2antastApaanta/s—tApa3 +30599 new 831744,2antastApaantas—tApa3 +;----------------- +30600 old anta/s—tApa ¦ m. inward heat, Śāk.; Mālatīm. +30600 new antas—tApa ¦ m. inward heat, Śāk.; Mālatīm. +;----------------- +30602 old 831844,2antastuzAraanta/s—tuzAra3 +30602 new 831844,2antastuzAraantas—tuzAra3 +;----------------- +30603 old anta/s—tuzAra ¦ mfn. having dew in the interior. +30603 new antas—tuzAra ¦ mfn. having dew in the interior. +;----------------- +30605 old 831944,2antastoyaanta/s—toya3 +30605 new 831944,2antastoyaantas—toya3 +;----------------- +30606 old anta/s—toya ¦ mfn. containing water inside, Megh. +30606 new antas—toya ¦ mfn. containing water inside, Megh. +;----------------- +30624 old a/nti—gfha ¦ (a/nti.) m. neighbour, RV. x, 95, 4. +30624 new a/nti—gfha ¦ (a/nti-), m. neighbour, RV. x, 95, 4. +;----------------- +30629 old 832444,2antitamaa/nti—tama3 +30629 new 832444,2antitamaanti—tama3 +;----------------- +30630 old a/nti—tama ¦ mfn. very near, Pāṇ. Comm. +30630 new anti—tama ¦ mfn. very near, Pāṇ. Comm. +;----------------- +30633 old a/nti—tas ¦ (a/nti-) ind. from near, RV. +30633 new a/nti—tas ¦ (a/nti-), ind. from near, RV. +;----------------- +30636 old a/nti—deva ¦ (a/nti-) mfn. being in the presence of the gods, near the gods, RV. i, 180, 7. +30636 new a/nti—deva ¦ (a/nti-), mfn. being in the presence of the gods, near the gods, RV. i, 180, 7. +;----------------- +30642 old a/nti—mitra ¦ (a/nti-) mfn. having friends near one's self, VS. +30642 new a/nti—mitra ¦ (a/nti-), mfn. having friends near one's self, VS. +;----------------- +30647 old 832944,2antizada/nti—zad3 +30647 new 832944,2antizadanti—zad3 +;----------------- +30648 old a/nti—zad ¦ mfn. sitting near, Pat. +30648 new anti—zad ¦ mfn. sitting near, Pat. +;----------------- +30651 old a/nti—sumna ¦ (a/nti-) mfn. at hand with kindness, AV. +30651 new a/nti—sumna ¦ (a/nti-), mfn. at hand with kindness, AV. +;----------------- +30671 old 833644,2antikaantika2B +30671 new 833644,2antikaantikA/t2B +;----------------- +30672 old antika ¦ n. near, close by +30672 new ¦ near, close by +;----------------- +30674 old 833744,2antikaantika2B +30674 new 833744,2antikaantikA/t2B +;----------------- +30686 old 834144,3antikatAantika—tA3 +30686 new 834144,2antikatAantika—tA3 +;----------------- +30918 old anDa/ ¦ n. darkness +30918 new anDa/ ¦ (am), n. darkness +;----------------- +30924 old anDa/ ¦ m. pl. N. of a people. +30924 new anDa/ ¦ (As), m. pl. N. of a people. +;----------------- +30926 old 841744,3anDakAraanDa/—kAra3 +30926 new 841744,3anDakAraanDa—kAra3 +;----------------- +30927 old anDa/—kAra ¦ m. n. darkness. +30927 new anDa—kAra ¦ m. n. darkness. +;----------------- +30929 old 841844,3anDakAramayaanDa/—kAra-maya3 +30929 new 841844,3anDakAramayaanDa—kAra-maya3 +;----------------- +30930 old anDa/—kAra-maya ¦ mfn. dark. +30930 new anDa—kAra-maya ¦ mfn. dark. +;----------------- +30932 old 841944,3anDakArasaMcayaanDa/—kAra-saMcaya3 +30932 new 841944,3anDakArasaMcayaanDa—kAra-saMcaya3 +;----------------- +30933 old anDa/—kAra-saMcaya ¦ m. intensity of darkness. +30933 new anDa—kAra-saMcaya ¦ m. intensity of darkness. +;----------------- +30944 old 842144,3anDakUpaanDa/—kUpa3 +30944 new 842144,3anDakUpaanDa—kUpa3 +;----------------- +30945 old anDa/—kUpa ¦ m. a well of which the mouth is hidden +30945 new anDa—kUpa ¦ m. a well of which the mouth is hidden +;----------------- +30947 old 842244,3anDakUpaanDa/—kUpa3A +30947 new 842244,3anDakUpaanDa—kUpa3A +;----------------- +30950 old 842344,3anDakUpaanDa/—kUpa3A +30950 new 842344,3anDakUpaanDa—kUpa3A +;----------------- +30953 old 842444,3anDaMkaraRaanDa/—M-karaRa3 +30953 new 842444,3anDaMkaraRaanDa—M-karaRa3 +;----------------- +30954 old anDa/—M-karaRa ¦ (anDaM-) mf(I)n. making blind. +30954 new anDa—M-karaRa ¦ (anDaM-) mf(I)n. making blind. +;----------------- +30962 old 842644,3anDatAanDa/—tA3 +30962 new 842644,3anDatAanDa—tA3 +;----------------- +30963 old anDa/—tA, f. or anDa/—tva, n. ¦ blindness. +30963 new anDa—tA, f. or anDa—tva, n. ¦ blindness. +;----------------- +30965 old 842744,3anDatvaanDa/—tva3 +30965 new 842744,3anDatvaanDa—tva3 +;----------------- +30966 old anDa/—tA, f. or anDa/—tva, n. ¦ blindness. +30966 new anDa—tA, f. or anDa—tva, n. ¦ blindness. +;----------------- +30968 old 842845,1anDatAmasaanDa/—tAmasa3 +30968 new 842844,3anDatAmasaanDa—tAmasa3 +;----------------- +30969 old anDa/—tAmasa ¦ n. = -tamasa, L. +30969 new anDa—tAmasa ¦ n. = -tamasa, L. +;----------------- +30971 old 842945,1anDatAmisraanDa/—tAmisraa3 +30971 new 842944,3anDatAmisraanDa—tAmisraa3 +;----------------- +30972 old anDa/—tAmisra a ¦ m. complete darkness of the soul +30972 new anDa—tAmisra a ¦ m. complete darkness of the soul +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0045.txt (146) +; ******************************************************* +30974 old 843045,1anDatAmisraanDa/—tAmisra3B +30974 new 843045,1anDatAmisraanDa—tAmisra3B +;----------------- +30975 old anDa/—tAmisra ¦ n. the second or eighteenth of the twenty-one hells, Mn. &c. +30975 new anDa—tAmisra ¦ n. the second or eighteenth of the twenty-one hells, Mn. &c. +;----------------- +30977 old 843145,1anDatAmisraanDa/—tAmisra3B +30977 new 843145,1anDatAmisraanDa—tAmisra3B +;----------------- +30983 old 843245,1anDaDIanDa/—DI3 +30983 new 843245,1anDaDIanDa—DI3 +;----------------- +30984 old anDa/—DI ¦ mfn. mentally blind. +30984 new anDa—DI ¦ mfn. mentally blind. +;----------------- +30989 old 843345,1anDapUtanAanDa/—pUtanA3 +30989 new 843345,1anDapUtanAanDa—pUtanA3 +;----------------- +30990 old anDa/—pUtanA ¦ f. a female demon causing diseases in children, Suśr. +30990 new anDa—pUtanA ¦ f. a female demon causing diseases in children, Suśr. +;----------------- +30992 old 843445,1anDamUzAanDa/—mUzA3 +30992 new 843445,1anDamUzAanDa—mUzA3 +;----------------- +30993 old anDa/—mUzA ¦ f. a small covered crucible with a hole in the side. +30993 new anDa—mUzA ¦ f. a small covered crucible with a hole in the side. +;----------------- +30995 old 843545,1anDamUzikAanDa/—mUzikA3 +30995 new 843545,1anDamUzikAanDa—mUzikA3 +;----------------- +30996 old anDa/—mUzikA ¦ f. the grass Lepeocercis Serrata. +30996 new anDa—mUzikA ¦ f. the grass Lepeocercis Serrata. +;----------------- +31004 old 843645,1anDamBavizRuanDa/—m-BavizRu3 +31004 new 843645,1anDamBavizRuanDa—m-BavizRu3 +;----------------- +31005 old anDa/—m-BavizRu ¦ (anDam-) mfn. becoming blind, Pāṇ. iii, 2, 57. +31005 new anDa—m-BavizRu ¦ (anDam-) mfn. becoming blind, Pāṇ. iii, 2, 57. +;----------------- +31007 old 843745,1anDamBAvukaanDa/—m-BAvuka3 +31007 new 843745,1anDamBAvukaanDa—m-BAvuka3 +;----------------- +31008 old anDa/—m-BAvuka ¦ (anDam-) mfn. id., ib.; Kauś. +31008 new anDa—m-BAvuka ¦ (anDam-) mfn. id., ib.; Kauś. +;----------------- +31010 old 843845,1anDarAtrIanDa/—rAtrI3 +31010 new 843845,1anDarAtrIanDa—rAtrI3 +;----------------- +31011 old anDa/—rAtrI ¦ f. dark night (?), AV. +31011 new anDa—rAtrI ¦ f. dark night (?), AV. +;----------------- +31149 old a/nna ¦ n. food or victuals, especially boiled rice +31149 new a/nna ¦ (a/nnam), n. food or victuals, especially boiled rice +;----------------- +31250 old 850945,1annapatyaanna—patya3 +31250 new 850945,1annapatyaa/nna—patya3 +;----------------- +31251 old anna—patya ¦ (a/nna-) n. the lordship over food, MaitrS. +31251 new a/nna—patya ¦ (a/nna-) n. the lordship over food, MaitrS. +;----------------- +31302 old anna—Buj ¦ m. (k) a N. of Śiva, MBh. xii, 10382. +31302 new anna—Buj ¦ (k), m. a N. of Śiva, MBh. xii, 10382. +;----------------- +31307 old 852545,2annamayaanna—maya3 +31307 new 852545,1annamayaanna—maya3 +;----------------- +31334 old 853345,2annavatanna—vat3 +31334 new 853345,2annavata/nna—vat3 +;----------------- +31335 old anna—vat ¦ (a/nna-) mfn. Ved. possessed of food, RV. x, 117, 2, &c. +31335 new a/nna—vat ¦ (a/nna-) mfn. Ved. possessed of food, RV. x, 117, 2, &c. +;----------------- +31475 old 856845,2anyakAmaanya/—kAma3 +31475 new 856845,2anyakAmaanya—kAma3 +;----------------- +31476 old anya/—kAma ¦ mfn. loving another. +31476 new anya—kAma ¦ mfn. loving another. +;----------------- +31481 old 856945,2anyakArukAanya/—kArukA3 +31481 new 856945,2anyakArukAanya—kArukA3 +;----------------- +31482 old anya/—kArukA ¦ f. a worm bred in excrement, L. +31482 new anya—kArukA ¦ f. a worm bred in excrement, L. +;----------------- +31485 old anya/—kfta ¦ (anya/-) mfn. done by another, RV. +31485 new anya/—kfta ¦ (anya/-), mfn. done by another, RV. +;----------------- +31493 old 857245,2anyagaanya/—ga3 +31493 new 857245,2anyagaanya—ga3 +;----------------- +31494 old anya/—ga or anya/—gAmin, ¦ mfn. going to another, adulterous. +31494 new anya—ga or anya—gAmin, ¦ mfn. going to another, adulterous. +;----------------- +31496 old 857345,2anyagAminanya/—gAmin3 +31496 new 857345,2anyagAminanya—gAmin3 +;----------------- +31497 old anya/—ga or anya/—gAmin, ¦ mfn. going to another, adulterous. +31497 new anya—ga or anya—gAmin, ¦ mfn. going to another, adulterous. +;----------------- +31499 old 857445,2anyagotraanya/—gotra3 +31499 new 857445,2anyagotraanya—gotra3 +;----------------- +31500 old anya/—gotra ¦ mfn. of a different family. +31500 new anya—gotra ¦ mfn. of a different family. +;----------------- +31502 old 857545,2anyacittaanya/—citta3 +31502 new 857545,2anyacittaanya—citta3 +;----------------- +31503 old anya/—citta ¦ mf(A)n. whose mind is fixed on some one or something else. +31503 new anya—citta ¦ mf(A)n. whose mind is fixed on some one or something else. +;----------------- +31505 old 857645,2anyacoditaanya/—codita3 +31505 new 857645,2anyacoditaanya—codita3 +;----------------- +31506 old anya/—codita ¦ mfn. moved by another. +31506 new anya—codita ¦ mfn. moved by another. +;----------------- +31512 old anya/—ja (anya/-) or anya/—jAta ¦ [RV.],mfn. born of another (family, &c.), of a different origin. +31512 new anya/—ja or anya/—jAta ¦ (anya/-) [RV.], mfn. born of another (family, &c.), of a different origin. +;----------------- +31518 old anya/—ja (anya/-) or anya/—jAta ¦ [RV.], mfn. born of another (family, &c.), of a different origin. +31518 new anya/—ja or anya/—jAta ¦ (anya/-) [RV.], mfn. born of another (family, &c.), of a different origin. +;----------------- +31520 old 857945,2anyajanmananya/—janman3 +31520 new 857945,2anyajanmananya—janman3 +;----------------- +31521 old anya/—janman ¦ n. another birth, being born again. +31521 new anya—janman ¦ n. another birth, being born again. +;----------------- +31523 old 858045,2anyatasanya/—tasa3 +31523 new 858045,2anyatasanya—tasa3 +;----------------- +31524 old anya/—tas a ¦ See s.v. +31524 new anya—tas a ¦ See s.v. +;----------------- +31526 old 858145,2anyatAanya/—tA3 +31526 new 858145,2anyatAanya—tA3 +;----------------- +31527 old anya/—tA ¦ f. difference. +31527 new anya—tA ¦ f. difference. +;----------------- +31541 old 858245,2anyadurvahaanya/—durvaha3 +31541 new 858245,2anyadurvahaanya—durvaha3 +;----------------- +31542 old anya/—durvaha ¦ mfn. difficult to be borne by another. +31542 new anya—durvaha ¦ mfn. difficult to be borne by another. +;----------------- +31544 old 858345,2anyadevataanya/—devata3 +31544 new 858345,2anyadevataanya—devata3 +;----------------- +31545 old anya/—devata or anya/—devatya^ [MaitrS.; ŚBr.] or anya/—dEvata, ¦ mfn. having another divinity i.e. addressed to another divinity. +31545 new anya—devata or anya—devatya^ [MaitrS.; ŚBr.] or anya—dEvata, ¦ mfn. having another divinity i.e. addressed to another divinity. +;----------------- +31547 old 858445,2anyadevatyaanya/—devatya/3 +31547 new 858445,2anyadevatyaanya—devatya/3 +;----------------- +31548 old anya/—devata or anya/—devatya^ [MaitrS.; ŚBr.] or anya/—dEvata, ¦ mfn. having another divinity i.e. addressed to another divinity. +31548 new anya—devata or anya—devatya^ [MaitrS.; ŚBr.] or anya—dEvata, ¦ mfn. having another divinity i.e. addressed to another divinity. +;----------------- +31550 old 858545,2anyadEvataanya/—dEvata3 +31550 new 858545,2anyadEvataanya—dEvata3 +;----------------- +31551 old anya/—devata or anya/—devatya^ [MaitrS.; ŚBr.] or anya/—dEvata, ¦ mfn. having another divinity i.e. addressed to another divinity. +31551 new anya—devata or anya—devatya^ [MaitrS.; ŚBr.] or anya—dEvata, ¦ mfn. having another divinity i.e. addressed to another divinity. +;----------------- +31553 old 858645,2anyaDarmaanya/—Darma3 +31553 new 858645,2anyaDarmaanya—Darma3 +;----------------- +31554 old anya/—Darma ¦ m. different characteristic +31554 new anya—Darma ¦ m. different characteristic +;----------------- +31556 old 858745,2anyaDarmaanya/—Darma3A +31556 new 858745,2anyaDarmaanya—Darma3A +;----------------- +31559 old 858845,2anyaDarmaanya/—Darma3B +31559 new 858845,2anyaDarmaanya—Darma3B +;----------------- +31560 old anya/—Darma ¦ mfn. having different characteristics. +31560 new anya—Darma ¦ mfn. having different characteristics. +;----------------- +31562 old 858945,2anyaDIanya/—DI3 +31562 new 858945,2anyaDIanya—DI3 +;----------------- +31563 old anya/—DI ¦ mfn. one whose mind is alienated, L. +31563 new anya—DI ¦ mfn. one whose mind is alienated, L. +;----------------- +31566 old anya/—nABi ¦ (anya/-) mfn. of another family, AV. i, 29, 1. +31566 new anya/—nABi ¦ (anya/-), mfn. of another family, AV. i, 29, 1. +;----------------- +31571 old 859145,2anyaparaanya/—para3 +31571 new 859145,2anyaparaanya—para3 +;----------------- +31572 old anya/—para ¦ mfn. devoted to something else, zealous in something else. +31572 new anya—para ¦ mfn. devoted to something else, zealous in something else. +;----------------- +31577 old 859245,2anyapuzwaanya/—puzwa3 +31577 new 859245,2anyapuzwaanya—puzwa3 +;----------------- +31578 old anya/—puzwa ¦ mf(A) [Kum. i, 46] ‘reared by another’, the kokila or Indian cuckoo (supposed to be reared by the crow). +31578 new anya—puzwa ¦ mf(A) [Kum. i, 46] ‘reared by another’, the kokila or Indian cuckoo (supposed to be reared by the crow). +;----------------- +31580 old 859345,2anyapUrvAanya/—pUrvA3 +31580 new 859345,2anyapUrvAanya—pUrvA3 +;----------------- +31581 old anya/—pUrvA ¦ f. a woman previously betrothed to one and married to another. +31581 new anya—pUrvA ¦ f. a woman previously betrothed to one and married to another. +;----------------- +31586 old 859445,2anyabIjajaanya/—bIja-ja3 +31586 new 859445,2anyabIjajaanya—bIja-ja3 +;----------------- +31587 old anya/—bIja-ja or anya/—bIja-samudBava or anya/—bIjotpanna, ¦ m. ‘born from the seed of another’, an adopted son. +31587 new anya—bIja-ja or anya—bIja-samudBava or anya—bIjotpanna, ¦ m. ‘born from the seed of another’, an adopted son. +;----------------- +31589 old 859545,2anyabIjasamudBavaanya/—bIja-samudBava3 +31589 new 859545,2anyabIjasamudBavaanya—bIja-samudBava3 +;----------------- +31590 old anya/—bIja-ja or anya/—bIja-samudBava or anya/—bIjotpanna, ¦ m. ‘born from the seed of another’, an adopted son. +31590 new anya—bIja-ja or anya—bIja-samudBava or anya—bIjotpanna, ¦ m. ‘born from the seed of another’, an adopted son. +;----------------- +31592 old 859645,2anyabIjotpannaanya/—bIjotpanna3 +31592 new 859645,2anyabIjotpannaanya—bIjotpanna3 +;----------------- +31593 old anya/—bIja-ja or anya/—bIja-samudBava or anya/—bIjotpanna, ¦ m. ‘born from the seed of another’, an adopted son. +31593 new anya—bIja-ja or anya—bIja-samudBava or anya—bIjotpanna, ¦ m. ‘born from the seed of another’, an adopted son. +;----------------- +31598 old 859745,2anyaBftanya/—Bft3 +31598 new 859745,2anyaBftanya—Bft3 +;----------------- +31599 old anya/—Bft ¦ m. ‘nourishing another’, a crow (supposed to sit upon the eggs of the kokila). +31599 new anya—Bft ¦ m. ‘nourishing another’, a crow (supposed to sit upon the eggs of the kokila). +;----------------- +31601 old 859845,2anyaBftaanya/—Bfta3 +31601 new 859845,2anyaBftaanya—Bfta3 +;----------------- +31602 old anya/—Bfta ¦ mf(A) [Ragh. viii, 58] = -puzwA above. +31602 new anya—Bfta ¦ mf(A) [Ragh. viii, 58] = -puzwA above. +;----------------- +31604 old 859945,2anyamanasanya/—manas3 +31604 new 859945,2anyamanasanya—manas3 +;----------------- +31605 old anya/—manas or anya/—manaska, ¦ mfn. whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, versatile +31605 new anya—manas or anya—manaska, ¦ mfn. whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, versatile +;----------------- +31607 old 860045,2anyamanasanya/—manas3A +31607 new 860045,2anyamanasanya—manas3A +;----------------- +31610 old 860145,2anyamanaskaanya/—manaska3 +31610 new 860145,2anyamanaskaanya—manaska3 +;----------------- +31611 old anya/—manas or anya/—manaska, ¦ mfn. whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, versatile +31611 new anya—manas or anya—manaska, ¦ mfn. whose mind is fixed on something else, absent, versatile +;----------------- +31613 old 860245,2anyamanaskaanya/—manaska3A +31613 new 860245,2anyamanaskaanya—manaska3A +;----------------- +31619 old 860345,2anyamAtfjaanya/—mAtf-ja3 +31619 new 860345,2anyamAtfjaanya—mAtf-ja3 +;----------------- +31620 old anya/—mAtf-ja ¦ m. a half-brother (who has the same father but another mother), Yājñ. +31620 new anya—mAtf-ja ¦ m. a half-brother (who has the same father but another mother), Yājñ. +;----------------- +31628 old 860445,2anyarAjananya/—rAjan3 +31628 new 860445,2anyarAjananya—rAjan3 +;----------------- +31629 old anya/—rAjan ¦ mfn. having another for king, subject to another, ChUp. +31629 new anya—rAjan ¦ mfn. having another for king, subject to another, ChUp. +;----------------- +31637 old 860645,2anyarUpaanya/—rUpa3 +31637 new 860645,2anyarUpaanya—rUpa3 +;----------------- +31638 old anya/—rUpa ¦ n. another form +31638 new anya—rUpa ¦ n. another form +;----------------- +31640 old 860745,2anyarUpaanya/—rUpa3A +31640 new 860745,2anyarUpaanya—rUpa3A +;----------------- +31646 old 860945,2anyarUpinanya/—rUpin3 +31646 new 860945,2anyarUpinanya—rUpin3 +;----------------- +31647 old anya/—rUpin ¦ mfn. having another shape. +31647 new anya—rUpin ¦ mfn. having another shape. +;----------------- +31655 old 861045,2anyaliNgaanya/—liNga3 +31655 new 861045,2anyaliNgaanya—liNga3 +;----------------- +31656 old anya/—liNga or anya/—liNgaka, ¦ mfn. having the gender of another (word, viz. of the substantive), an adjective. +31656 new anya—liNga or anya—liNgaka, ¦ mfn. having the gender of another (word, viz. of the substantive), an adjective. +;----------------- +31658 old 861145,2anyaliNgakaanya/—liNgaka3 +31658 new 861145,2anyaliNgakaanya—liNgaka3 +;----------------- +31659 old anya/—liNga or anya/—liNgaka, ¦ mfn. having the gender of another (word, viz. of the substantive), an adjective. +31659 new anya—liNga or anya—liNgaka, ¦ mfn. having the gender of another (word, viz. of the substantive), an adjective. +;----------------- +31662 old anya/—varRa ¦ (anya/-) mf(A)n. having another colour. +31662 new anya/—varRa ¦ (anya/-), mf(A)n. having another colour. +;----------------- +31673 old 861545,2anyaSAKakaanya/—SAKaka3 +31673 new 861545,2anyaSAKakaanya—SAKaka3 +;----------------- +31674 old anya/—SAKaka ¦ m. a Brāhman who has left his school, L. +31674 new anya—SAKaka ¦ m. a Brāhman who has left his school, L. +;----------------- +31676 old 861645,2anyaSAKakaanya/—SAKaka3A +31676 new 861645,2anyaSAKakaanya—SAKaka3A +;----------------- +31685 old 861745,3anyasaMgamaanya/—saMgama3 +31685 new 861745,2anyasaMgamaanya—saMgama3 +;----------------- +31686 old anya/—saMgama ¦ m. intercourse with another, adulterous intercourse. +31686 new anya—saMgama ¦ m. intercourse with another, adulterous intercourse. +;----------------- +31688 old 861845,3anyasADAraRaanya/—sADAraRa3 +31688 new 861845,3anyasADAraRaanya—sADAraRa3 +;----------------- +31689 old anya/—sADAraRa ¦ mfn. common to others. +31689 new anya—sADAraRa ¦ mfn. common to others. +;----------------- +31691 old 861945,3anyastrIgaanya/—strI-ga3 +31691 new 861945,3anyastrIgaanya—strI-ga3 +;----------------- +31692 old anya/—strI-ga ¦ m. going to another's wife, an adulterer, Mn. +31692 new anya—strI-ga ¦ m. going to another's wife, an adulterer, Mn. +;----------------- +31908 old anya/-tra—manas ¦ (anya/tra-) mfn. having the mind directed to something else, inattentive, ŚBr. xiv. +31908 new anya/-tra—manas ¦ (anya/tra-), mfn. having the mind directed to something else, inattentive, ŚBr. xiv. +;----------------- +31928 old 865845,3anyaTAkAraanya/-TA—kAra3 +31928 new 865845,3anyaTAkAraanya-TA—kAra3 +;----------------- +31929 old anya/-TA—kAra ¦ m. doing otherwise changing +31929 new anya-TA—kAra ¦ m. doing otherwise changing +;----------------- +31931 old 865945,3anyaTAkAramanya/-TA—kAram3C +31931 new 865945,3anyaTAkAramanya-TA—kAram3C +;----------------- +31932 old anya/-TA—kAram ¦ ind. otherwise, in a different manner, Pāṇ. iii, 4, 27. +31932 new anya-TA—kAram ¦ ind. otherwise, in a different manner, Pāṇ. iii, 4, 27. +;----------------- +31934 old 866045,3anyaTAkfanya/-TA—kf3 +31934 new 866045,3anyaTAkfanya-TA—kf3 +;----------------- +31935 old anya/-TA—√ kf ¦ to act otherwise, alter, violate (a law), destroy (a hope), &c. +31935 new anya-TA—√ kf ¦ to act otherwise, alter, violate (a law), destroy (a hope), &c. +;----------------- +31937 old 866145,3anyaTAkftaanya/-TA—kfta3 +31937 new 866145,3anyaTAkftaanya-TA—kfta3 +;----------------- +31938 old anya/-TA—kfta ¦ mfn. changed. +31938 new anya-TA—kfta ¦ mfn. changed. +;----------------- +31946 old 866245,3anyaTAKyAtianya/-TA—KyAti3 +31946 new 866245,3anyaTAKyAtianya-TA—KyAti3 +;----------------- +31947 old anya/-TA—KyAti ¦ f. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) the assertion that something is not really what it appears to be according to sensual perception +31947 new anya-TA—KyAti ¦ f. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) the assertion that something is not really what it appears to be according to sensual perception +;----------------- +31949 old 866345,3anyaTAKyAtianya/-TA—KyAti3A +31949 new 866345,3anyaTAKyAtianya-TA—KyAti3A +;----------------- +31952 old 866445,3anyaTAtvaanya/-TA—tva3 +31952 new 866445,3anyaTAtvaanya-TA—tva3 +;----------------- +31953 old anya/-TA—tva ¦ n. an opposite state of the case, difference. +31953 new anya-TA—tva ¦ n. an opposite state of the case, difference. +;----------------- +31958 old 866545,3anyaTABAvaanya/-TA—BAva3 +31958 new 866545,3anyaTABAvaanya-TA—BAva3 +;----------------- +31959 old anya/-TA—BAva ¦ m. alteration, difference. +31959 new anya-TA—BAva ¦ m. alteration, difference. +;----------------- +31961 old 866645,3anyaTABUtaanya/-TA—BUta3 +31961 new 866645,3anyaTABUtaanya-TA—BUta3 +;----------------- +31962 old anya/-TA—BUta ¦ mfn. changed. +31962 new anya-TA—BUta ¦ mfn. changed. +;----------------- +31964 old 866745,3anyaTAvAdinanya/-TA—vAdin3 +31964 new 866745,3anyaTAvAdinanya-TA—vAdin3 +;----------------- +31965 old anya/-TA—vAdin ¦ mfn. (or anya-vAdin) speaking differently +31965 new anya-TA—vAdin ¦ mfn. (or anya-vAdin) speaking differently +;----------------- +31967 old 8667.145,3anyaTAvAdinanya/-TA—vAdin3B +31967 new 8667.145,3anyaTAvAdinanya-TA—vAdin3B +;----------------- +31968 old anya/-TA—vAdin ¦ m. (I) speaking inconsistently +31968 new anya-TA—vAdin ¦ m. (I) speaking inconsistently +;----------------- +31970 old 8667.245,3anyaTAvAdinanya/-TA—vAdin3B +31970 new 8667.245,3anyaTAvAdinanya-TA—vAdin3B +;----------------- +31973 old 866845,3anyaTAvfttianya/-TA—vftti3 +31973 new 866845,3anyaTAvfttianya-TA—vftti3 +;----------------- +31974 old anya/-TA—vftti ¦ mfn. altered, disturbed by strong emotion. +31974 new anya-TA—vftti ¦ mfn. altered, disturbed by strong emotion. +;----------------- +31982 old 866945,3anyaTAsidDaanya/-TA—sidDa3 +31982 new 866945,3anyaTAsidDaanya-TA—sidDa3 +;----------------- +31983 old anya/-TA—sidDa ¦ mfn. wrongly defined, wrongly proved or established +31983 new anya-TA—sidDa ¦ mfn. wrongly defined, wrongly proved or established +;----------------- +31985 old 867045,3anyaTAsidDaanya/-TA—sidDa3A +31985 new 867045,3anyaTAsidDaanya-TA—sidDa3A +;----------------- +31988 old 867145,3anyaTAsidDatvaanya/-TA—sidDa-tva3 +31988 new 867145,3anyaTAsidDatvaanya-TA—sidDa-tva3 +;----------------- +31989 old anya/-TA—sidDa-tva, n. or anya/-TA—sidDi, f. ¦ wrong arguing, wrong demonstration +31989 new anya-TA—sidDa-tva, n. or anya-TA—sidDi, f. ¦ wrong arguing, wrong demonstration +;----------------- +31991 old 867245,3anyaTAsidDatvaanya/-TA—sidDa-tva3A +31991 new 867245,3anyaTAsidDatvaanya-TA—sidDa-tva3A +;----------------- +31994 old 867345,3anyaTAsidDianya/-TA—sidDi3 +31994 new 867345,3anyaTAsidDianya-TA—sidDi3 +;----------------- +31995 old anya/-TA—sidDa-tva, n. or anya/-TA—sidDi, f. ¦ wrong arguing, wrong demonstration +31995 new anya-TA—sidDa-tva, n. or anya-TA—sidDi, f. ¦ wrong arguing, wrong demonstration +;----------------- +31997 old 867445,3anyaTAsidDianya/-TA—sidDi3A +31997 new 867445,3anyaTAsidDianya-TA—sidDi3A +;----------------- +32000 old 867545,3anyaTAstotraanya/-TA—stotra3 +32000 new 867545,3anyaTAstotraanya-TA—stotra3 +;----------------- +32001 old anya/-TA—stotra ¦ n. irony, Yājñ. ii, 204. +32001 new anya-TA—stotra ¦ n. irony, Yājñ. ii, 204. +;----------------- +32048 old 868346,1anyedyusanye-dyu/s2 +32048 new 868345,3anyedyusanye-dyu/s2 +;----------------- +32051 old 8683.146,1anyedyusanye-dyu/s2A +32051 new 8683.145,3anyedyusanye-dyu/s2A +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0046.txt (4) +; ******************************************************* +32333 old 874146,2anvayaanv-ayaa1 +32333 new 874146,1anvayaanv-ayaa1 +;----------------- +32493 old 879246,3anvavasruanv-ava-sru1 +32493 new 879246,2anvavasruanv-ava-sru1 +;----------------- +32581 old ¦ a minute account or statement, Pat. +32581 new ¦ a minute account or statement, Pat. +;----------------- +32621 old 882947,1anvAdAanv-A-dA1 +32621 new 882946,3anvAdAanv-A-dA1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0047.txt (10) +; ******************************************************* +32750 old 886847,2anvAlocanv-A-loc1 +32750 new 886847,1anvAlocanv-A-loc1 +;----------------- +32943 old anv-IkzaRa, am, ¦ n. or anv-IkzA, f. examining, inquiry Comm. on Nyāyad. +32943 new anv-IkzaRa, am, n. or anv-IkzA, f. ¦ examining, inquiry Comm. on Nyāyad. +;----------------- +32948 old 891847,3anvIkzAanv-IkzA2 +32948 new 891847,2anvIkzAanv-IkzA2 +;----------------- +32949 old anv-IkzaRa, am, ¦ n. or anv-IkzA, f. examining, inquiry Comm. on Nyāyad. +32949 new anv-IkzaRa, am, n. or anv-IkzA, f. ¦ examining, inquiry Comm. on Nyāyad. +;----------------- +33089 old 895747,3apsavyaapsavya/a2 +33089 new 895747,3apsavyaapsavya^a2 +;----------------- +33090 old apsavya/ a ¦ See s.v. +33090 new apsavya^ a ¦ See s.v. +;----------------- +33116 old 8962.247,3apatarama/pa—tara/m3 +33116 new 8962.247,3apataramapa—tara/m3 +;----------------- +33117 old a/pa—tara/m ¦ ind. farther off, MaitrS. +33117 new /pa—tara/m ¦ ind. farther off, MaitrS. +;----------------- +33152 old 897048,1apakAmamapa-kAma/m1C +33152 new 897047,3apakAmamapa-kAma/m1C +;----------------- +33153 old apa-kAma/m ¦ ind. against one's liking, unwillingly, AV. +33153 new apa-kAma/m ¦ (a/m), ind. against one's liking, unwillingly, AV. +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0048.txt (11) +; ******************************************************* +33417 old 904448,2apakrIapa-krI1 +33417 new 904448,1apakrIapa-krI1 +;----------------- +33438 old 905148,2apakzatAa-pakza/—tA3 +33438 new 905148,2apakzatAa-pakza—tA3 +;----------------- +33439 old a-pakza/—tA ¦ f. opposition, hostility. +33439 new a-pakza—tA ¦ f. opposition, hostility. +;----------------- +33441 old 905248,2apakzapAtaa-pakza/—pAta3 +33441 new 905248,2apakzapAtaa-pakza—pAta3 +;----------------- +33442 old a-pakza/—pAta ¦ m. impartiality. +33442 new a-pakza—pAta ¦ m. impartiality. +;----------------- +33447 old 905348,2apakzapucCaa-pakza/—pucCa/3 +33447 new 905348,2apakzapucCaa-pakza—pucCa/3 +;----------------- +33448 old a-pakza/—pucCa/ ¦ mfn. without wings and tail, ŚBr. &c. +33448 new a-pakza—pucCa/ ¦ mfn. without wings and tail, ŚBr. &c. +;----------------- +33637 old 910348,3apacArinapa-cArin2A +33637 new 910348,2apacArinapa-cArin2A +;----------------- +33671 old 911348,3apacitimatapa-citi—mat3 +33671 new 911348,3apacitimata/pa-citi—mat3 +;----------------- +33672 old apa-citi—mat ¦ (a/paciti-) mfn. honoured, TS.; ŚBr.; KātyŚr. +33672 new a/pa-citi—mat ¦ (a/paciti-), mfn. honoured, TS.; ŚBr.; KātyŚr. +;----------------- +33812 old 915149,1apaYcIkftaa-paYcI-kfta1 +33812 new 915148,3apaYcIkftaa-paYcI-kfta1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0049.txt (43) +; ******************************************************* +33896 old 917349,1apatitAa/-pati—tA3 +33896 new 917349,1apatitAa-pati—tA3 +;----------------- +33897 old a/-pati—tA ¦ f. state of being without a husband. +33897 new a-pati—tA ¦ f. state of being without a husband. +;----------------- +33899 old 917449,1apatiputrAa/-pati—putrA3 +33899 new 917449,1apatiputrAa-pati—putrA3 +;----------------- +33900 old a/-pati—putrA ¦ f. without a husband and children. +33900 new a-pati—putrA ¦ f. without a husband and children. +;----------------- +33902 old 917549,1apativratAa/-pati—vratA3 +33902 new 917549,1apativratAa-pati—vratA3 +;----------------- +33903 old a/-pati—vratA ¦ f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife. +33903 new a-pati—vratA ¦ f. an unfaithful or unchaste wife. +;----------------- +33956 old 918749,1apatyakAmaa/patya—kAma3 +33956 new 918749,1apatyakAmaapatya—kAma3 +;----------------- +33957 old a/patya—kAma ¦ mfn. desirous of offspring. +33957 new apatya—kAma ¦ mfn. desirous of offspring. +;----------------- +33959 old 918849,1apatyajIvaa/patya—jIva3 +33959 new 918849,1apatyajIvaapatya—jIva3 +;----------------- +33960 old a/patya—jIva ¦ m. N. of a plant. +33960 new apatya—jIva ¦ m. N. of a plant. +;----------------- +33962 old 918949,1apatyatAa/patya—tA3 +33962 new 918949,1apatyatAapatya—tA3 +;----------------- +33963 old a/patya—tA ¦ f. state of childhood, Mn. iii, 16. +33963 new apatya—tA ¦ f. state of childhood, Mn. iii, 16. +;----------------- +33965 old 919049,1apatyadaa/patya—da3 +33965 new 919049,1apatyadaapatya—da3 +;----------------- +33966 old a/patya—da ¦ mfn. giving offspring +33966 new apatya—da ¦ mfn. giving offspring +;----------------- +33968 old 919149,1apatyadAa/patya—dA3B +33968 new 919149,1apatyadAapatya—dA3B +;----------------- +33969 old a/patya—dA ¦ f. N. of various plants. +33969 new apatya—dA ¦ f. N. of various plants. +;----------------- +33974 old 919249,1apatyapaTaa/patya—paTa3 +33974 new 919249,1apatyapaTaapatya—paTa3 +;----------------- +33975 old a/patya—paTa ¦ m. ‘path of offspring’, the vulva, Suśr. +33975 new apatya—paTa ¦ m. ‘path of offspring’, the vulva, Suśr. +;----------------- +33977 old 919349,1apatyapratyayaa/patya—pratyaya3 +33977 new 919349,1apatyapratyayaapatya—pratyaya3 +;----------------- +33978 old a/patya—pratyaya ¦ m. a patronymical affix, Sāh. +33978 new apatya—pratyaya ¦ m. a patronymical affix, Sāh. +;----------------- +33981 old a/patya—vat ¦ (a/patya-) mfn. possessed of offspring, AV. xii, 4, 1. +33981 new a/patya—vat ¦ (a/patya-), mfn. possessed of offspring, AV. xii, 4, 1. +;----------------- +33983 old 919549,1apatyavikrayina/patya—vikrayin3 +33983 new 919549,1apatyavikrayinapatya—vikrayin3 +;----------------- +33984 old a/patya—vikrayin ¦ m. ‘seller of his offspring’, a father who receives a gratuity from his son-in-law. +33984 new apatya—vikrayin ¦ m. ‘seller of his offspring’, a father who receives a gratuity from his son-in-law. +;----------------- +33986 old 919649,1apatyaSatrua/patya—Satru3 +33986 new 919649,1apatyaSatruapatya—Satru3 +;----------------- +33987 old a/patya—Satru ¦ m. ‘having his descendants for enemies’, a crab (said to perish in producing young). +33987 new apatya—Satru ¦ m. ‘having his descendants for enemies’, a crab (said to perish in producing young). +;----------------- +33989 old 919749,1apatyasaca/patya—sa/c3 +33989 new 919749,1apatyasacapatya—sa/c3 +;----------------- +33990 old a/patya—sa/c ¦ m. (acc. sg. -sA/cam) f. n. accompanied with offspring, RV. +33990 new apatya—sa/c ¦ m. (acc. sg. -sA/cam) f. n. accompanied with offspring, RV. +;----------------- +34028 old 920949,1apaTagAmina/-paTa—gAmin3 +34028 new 920949,1apaTagAmina-paTa—gAmin3 +;----------------- +34029 old a/-paTa—gAmin ¦ mfn. going by a wrong road, pursuing bad practices, heretical. +34029 new a-paTa—gAmin ¦ mfn. going by a wrong road, pursuing bad practices, heretical. +;----------------- +34034 old 921049,1apaTaprapannaa/-paTa—prapanna3 +34034 new 921049,1apaTaprapannaa-paTa—prapanna3 +;----------------- +34035 old a/-paTa—prapanna ¦ mfn. out of place, in the wrong place, misapplied. +34035 new a-paTa—prapanna ¦ mfn. out of place, in the wrong place, misapplied. +;----------------- +34058 old 921749,2apaTyaBuja-paTya—Buj3 +34058 new 921749,1apaTyaBuja-paTya—Buj3 +;----------------- +34073 old 922249,2apadaruhAa/-pada—ruhA3 +34073 new 922249,2apadaruhAa-pada—ruhA3 +;----------------- +34074 old a/-pada—ruhA or a/-pada—rohiRi, ¦ f. the parasitical plant Epidendron Tesselloides. +34074 new a-pada—ruhA or a-pada—rohiRi, ¦ f. the parasitical plant Epidendron Tesselloides. +;----------------- +34076 old 922349,2apadarohiRia/-pada—rohiRi3 +34076 new 922349,2apadarohiRia-pada—rohiRi3 +;----------------- +34077 old a/-pada—ruhA or a/-pada—rohiRi, ¦ f. the parasitical plant Epidendron Tesselloides. +34077 new a-pada—ruhA or a-pada—rohiRi, ¦ f. the parasitical plant Epidendron Tesselloides. +;----------------- +34079 old 922449,2apadasTaa/-pada—sTa3 +34079 new 922449,2apadasTaa-pada—sTa3 +;----------------- +34080 old a/-pada—sTa ¦ mfn. not being in its place +34080 new a-pada—sTa ¦ mfn. not being in its place +;----------------- +34082 old 922549,2apadasTaa/-pada—sTa3A +34082 new 922549,2apadasTaa-pada—sTa3A +;----------------- +34233 old 926749,3apaDyEapa-DyE1 +34233 new 926749,2apaDyEapa-DyE1 +;----------------- +34252 old 927349,3apaDvaMsajaapa-DvaMsa/—ja3 +34252 new 927349,3apaDvaMsajaapa-DvaMsa—ja3 +;----------------- +34253 old apa-DvaMsa/—ja ¦ mfn. ‘born from it’, a child of a mixed or impure caste (whose father belongs to a lower [Mn. x, 41, 46] or higher [MBh. xiii, 2617] caste than its mother's). +34253 new apa-DvaMsa—ja ¦ mfn. ‘born from it’, a child of a mixed or impure caste (whose father belongs to a lower [Mn. x, 41, 46] or higher [MBh. xiii, 2617] caste than its mother's). +;----------------- +34435 old 932150,1apannadata/-panna-dat2 +34435 new 932149,3apannadata/-panna-dat2 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0050.txt (73) +; ******************************************************* +34611 old 936350,2apamakzetraapama/—kzetra3 +34611 new 936350,2apamakzetraapama—kzetra3 +;----------------- +34612 old apama/—kzetra ¦ See krAnti-kzetra. +34612 new apama—kzetra ¦ See krAnti-kzetra. +;----------------- +34614 old 936450,2apamajyAapama/—jyA3 +34614 new 936450,2apamajyAapama—jyA3 +;----------------- +34615 old apama/—jyA ¦ f. the sine of the declination. +34615 new apama—jyA ¦ f. the sine of the declination. +;----------------- +34617 old 936550,2apamamaRqalaapama/—maRqala3 +34617 new 936550,2apamamaRqalaapama—maRqala3 +;----------------- +34618 old apama/—maRqala (or apa-maRqala) or -vftta, ¦ n. the ecliptic. +34618 new apama—maRqala (or apa-maRqala) or -vftta, ¦ n. the ecliptic. +;----------------- +34621 old apama/—maRqala (or apa-maRqala) or -vftta, ¦ n. the ecliptic. +34621 new apama—maRqala (or apa-maRqala) or -vftta, ¦ n. the ecliptic. +;----------------- +34623 old 936650,2apamavfttaapama/—vftta3 +34623 new 936650,2apamavfttaapama—vftta3 +;----------------- +34624 old apama/—maRqala (or apa-maRqala) or -vftta, ¦ n. the ecliptic. +34624 new apama—maRqala (or apa-maRqala) or -vftta, ¦ n. the ecliptic. +;----------------- +34704 old 938650,2apamfzwaapa-mfzwa2 +34704 new 938650,2apamfzwaa/pa-mfzwa2 +;----------------- +34705 old apa-mfzwa ¦ mfn. wiped off, cleansed, VS. &c. +34705 new a/pa-mfzwa ¦ mfn. wiped off, cleansed, VS. &c. +;----------------- +34725 old 939350,2apamyakza/pa-myakz1 +34725 new 939350,2apamyakzapa-myakz1 +;----------------- +34726 old a/pa-√ myakz ¦ (Imper. 2. sg. -myakza) to keep off from (abl.), RV. ii, 28, 6. +34726 new apa-√ myakz ¦ (Imper. 2. sg. -myakza) to keep off from (abl.), RV. ii, 28, 6. +;----------------- +34790 old 940950,3aparArDyaa-parArDya3 +34790 new 940950,2aparArDyaa-parArDya3 +;----------------- +34827 old a/para ¦ m. the hind foot of an elephant, Śiś. +34827 new a/para ¦ (as), m. the hind foot of an elephant, Śiś. +;----------------- +34838 old 942250,3aparIa/parI1B +34838 new 942250,3aparIaparI/1B +;----------------- +34839 old a/parI ¦ f. (used in the pl.) the future, RV.; ŚBr. +34839 new aparI/ ¦ f. (used in the pl.) the future, RV.; ŚBr. +;----------------- +34842 old apara/ ¦ (a/m) [RV. vi, 33, 5], n. the future, RV.; ŚBr. +34842 new apara/ ¦ (a/m)/ [RV. vi, 33, 5], n. the future, RV.; ŚBr. +;----------------- +34865 old 942750,3aparakAnyakubjaa/para—kAnyakubja3 +34865 new 942750,3aparakAnyakubjaapara—kAnyakubja3 +;----------------- +34866 old a/para—kAnyakubja ¦ m. N. of a village in the western part of Kānyakubja, Pāṇ. vii, 3, 14, Sch. +34866 new apara—kAnyakubja ¦ m. N. of a village in the western part of Kānyakubja, Pāṇ. vii, 3, 14, Sch. +;----------------- +34868 old 942850,3aparakAyaa/para—kAya3 +34868 new 942850,3aparakAyaapara—kAya3 +;----------------- +34869 old a/para—kAya ¦ m. the hind part of the body. +34869 new apara—kAya ¦ m. the hind part of the body. +;----------------- +34871 old 942950,3aparakAlaa/para—kAla3 +34871 new 942950,3aparakAlaapara—kAla3 +;----------------- +34872 old a/para—kAla ¦ m. a later period, KātyŚr. +34872 new apara—kAla ¦ m. a later period, KātyŚr. +;----------------- +34877 old 943050,3aparagodAnaa/para—godAna3 +34877 new 943050,3aparagodAnaapara—godAna3 +;----------------- +34878 old a/para—godAna ¦ n. (in Buddhist cosmogony) a country west of the Mahā-meru. +34878 new apara—godAna ¦ n. (in Buddhist cosmogony) a country west of the Mahā-meru. +;----------------- +34886 old 943250,3aparajanaa/para—jana3 +34886 new 943250,3aparajanaapara—jana3 +;----------------- +34887 old a/para—jana ¦ sg. or pl. m. inhabitants of the west, GopBr.; KātyŚr. +34887 new apara—jana ¦ sg. or pl. m. inhabitants of the west, GopBr.; KātyŚr. +;----------------- +34895 old 943350,3aparatAa/para—tA3 +34895 new 943350,3aparatAapara—tA3 +;----------------- +34896 old a/para—tA ¦ f. distance +34896 new apara—tA ¦ f. distance +;----------------- +34898 old 943450,3aparatAa/para—tA3A +34898 new 943450,3aparatAapara—tA3A +;----------------- +34901 old 943550,3aparatAa/para—tA3A +34901 new 943550,3aparatAapara—tA3A +;----------------- +34904 old 943650,3aparatAa/para—tA3A +34904 new 943650,3aparatAapara—tA3A +;----------------- +34907 old 943750,3aparatraa/para—tra3 +34907 new 943750,3aparatraapara—tra3 +;----------------- +34908 old a/para—tra ¦ ind. in another place +34908 new apara—tra ¦ ind. in another place +;----------------- +34910 old 9437.150,3aparatraa/para—tra3A +34910 new 9437.150,3aparatraapara—tra3A +;----------------- +34913 old 943850,3aparatvaa/para—tva3 +34913 new 943850,3aparatvaapara—tva3 +;----------------- +34914 old a/para—tva ¦ n. = -tA, q.v. +34914 new apara—tva ¦ n. = -tA, q.v. +;----------------- +34916 old 943950,3aparadakziRama/para—dakziRam3 +34916 new 943950,3aparadakziRamapara—dakziRam3 +;----------------- +34917 old a/para—dakziRam ¦ ind. south-west, (g. tizWadgv-Adi, q.v.) +34917 new apara—dakziRam ¦ ind. south-west, (g. tizWadgv-Adi, q.v.) +;----------------- +34922 old 944050,3aparanidAGaa/para—nidAGa3 +34922 new 944050,3aparanidAGaapara—nidAGa3 +;----------------- +34923 old a/para—nidAGa ¦ m. the latter part of the summer. +34923 new apara—nidAGa ¦ m. the latter part of the summer. +;----------------- +34937 old 944550,3aparaparaa/para—para3 +34937 new 944550,3aparaparaapara—para3 +;----------------- +34938 old a/para—para ¦ m. (As or e) fn. pl. one and the other, various, Pāṇ. vi, 1, 144, Sch. +34938 new apara—para ¦ m. (As or e) fn. pl. one and the other, various, Pāṇ. vi, 1, 144, Sch. +;----------------- +34940 old 944650,3aparapuruzaa/para—puruza/3 +34940 new 944650,3aparapuruzaapara—puruza/3 +;----------------- +34941 old a/para—puruza/ ¦ m. a descendant, ŚBr. x. +34941 new apara—puruza/ ¦ m. a descendant, ŚBr. x. +;----------------- +34943 old 944750,3aparapraReyaa/para—praReya3 +34943 new 944750,3aparapraReyaapara—praReya3 +;----------------- +34944 old a/para—praReya ¦ mfn. easily led by others, tractable. +34944 new apara—praReya ¦ mfn. easily led by others, tractable. +;----------------- +34946 old 944850,3aparaBAvaa/para—BAva3 +34946 new 944850,3aparaBAvaapara—BAva3 +;----------------- +34947 old a/para—BAva ¦ m. after-existence, succession, continuation, Nir. +34947 new apara—BAva ¦ m. after-existence, succession, continuation, Nir. +;----------------- +34955 old 945050,3aparalokaa/para—loka3 +34955 new 945050,3aparalokaapara—loka3 +;----------------- +34956 old a/para—loka ¦ m. another world, paradise. +34956 new apara—loka ¦ m. another world, paradise. +;----------------- +34958 old 945150,3aparavaktrAa/para—vaktrA3 +34958 new 945150,3aparavaktrAapara—vaktrA3 +;----------------- +34959 old a/para—vaktrA ¦ f. a kind of metre of four lines (having every two lines the same). +34959 new apara—vaktrA ¦ f. a kind of metre of four lines (having every two lines the same). +;----------------- +34961 old 945250,3aparavata/para—vatb3 +34961 new 945250,3aparavatapara—vatb3 +;----------------- +34962 old a/para—vat b ¦ See 1. a-para. +34962 new apara—vat b ¦ See 1. a-para. +;----------------- +34964 old 945350,3aparavarzAa/para—varzA3 +34964 new 945350,3aparavarzAapara—varzA3 +;----------------- +34965 old a/para—varzA ¦ f. pl. the latter part of the rains. +34965 new apara—varzA ¦ f. pl. the latter part of the rains. +;----------------- +34967 old 945450,3aparaSarada/para—Sarad3 +34967 new 945450,3aparaSaradapara—Sarad3 +;----------------- +34968 old a/para—Sarad ¦ f. the latter part of the autumn. +34968 new apara—Sarad ¦ f. the latter part of the autumn. +;----------------- +34976 old 945550,3aparaSvasa/para—Svasa3 +34976 new 945550,3aparaSvasapara—Svasa3 +;----------------- +34977 old a/para—Svas a ¦ ind. the day after to-morrow, Gobh. +34977 new apara—Svas a ¦ ind. the day after to-morrow, Gobh. +;----------------- +34982 old 945750,3aparasada/para—sad3 +34982 new 945750,3aparasadapara—sad3 +;----------------- +34983 old a/para—sad ¦ mfn. being seated behind, PBr. +34983 new apara—sad ¦ mfn. being seated behind, PBr. +;----------------- +34985 old 945850,3aparasparaa/para—s-para23 +34985 new 945850,3aparasparaapara—s-para23 +;----------------- +34986 old 2. a/para—s-para ¦ mfn. pl. one after the other, Pāṇ. vi, 1, 144. +34986 new 2. apara—s-para ¦ mfn. pl. one after the other, Pāṇ. vi, 1, 144. +;----------------- +34991 old 945950,3aparasvastikaa/para—svastika3 +34991 new 945950,3aparasvastikaapara—svastika3 +;----------------- +34992 old a/para—svastika ¦ n. the western point in the horizon. +34992 new apara—svastika ¦ n. the western point in the horizon. +;----------------- +34997 old 946050,3aparahemantaa/para—hemanta3 +34997 new 946050,3aparahemantaapara—hemanta3 +;----------------- +34998 old a/para—hemanta ¦ m. n. the latter part of winter. +34998 new apara—hemanta ¦ m. n. the latter part of winter. +;----------------- +35000 old 946150,3aparahEmanaa/para—hEmana3 +35000 new 946150,3aparahEmanaapara—hEmana3 +;----------------- +35001 old a/para—hEmana ¦ mfn. belonging to the latter half of the winter season, Pāṇ. vii, 3, 11, Sch. +35001 new apara—hEmana ¦ mfn. belonging to the latter half of the winter season, Pāṇ. vii, 3, 11, Sch. +;----------------- +35111 old 949151,1aparasparaaparas-para2a2 +35111 new 949150,2aparasparaaparas-para2a2 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0051.txt (12) +; ******************************************************* +35335 old 955651,2aparicCedaa-paricCeda2A +35335 new 955651,1aparicCedaa-paricCeda2A +;----------------- +35336 old ¦ want of discrimination, Śāk., want of judgement, continuance. +35336 new ¦ want of discrimination, Śāk.; want of judgement; continuance. +;----------------- +35413 old 957151,2aparimitaguRagaRaa/-parimita—guRa-gaRa3 +35413 new 957151,2aparimitaguRagaRaa-parimita—guRa-gaRa3 +;----------------- +35414 old a/-parimita—guRa-gaRa ¦ mfn. of unbounded excellences. +35414 new a-parimita—guRa-gaRa ¦ mfn. of unbounded excellences. +;----------------- +35416 old 957251,2aparimitaDAa/-parimita—DA3 +35416 new 957251,2aparimitaDAa-parimita—DA3 +;----------------- +35417 old a/-parimita—DA ¦ ind. into an unlimited number of pieces or parts, MaitrUp. +35417 new a-parimita—DA ¦ ind. into an unlimited number of pieces or parts, MaitrUp. +;----------------- +35420 old a/-parimita—viDa ¦ (a/parimita-) mfn. indefinitely multiplied, ŚBr. +35420 new a/-parimita—viDa ¦ (a/parimita-), mfn. indefinitely multiplied, ŚBr. +;----------------- +35533 old 960051,3aparihvftaa/-parihvfta1 +35533 new 960051,2aparihvftaa/-parihvfta1 +;----------------- +35549 old a/-parIta ¦ m. N. of a people (v.l.) +35549 new a/-parIta ¦ (as), m. N. of a people (v.l.) +;----------------- +35629 old apa-rtu/ ¦ m. not the right time, not the season, Gaut.; Āp. +35629 new apa-rtu/ ¦ (us), m. not the right time, not the season, Gaut.; Āp. +;----------------- +35632 old apa-rtu/ ¦ ind. not in correspondence with the season, Gaut. +35632 new apa-rtu/ ¦ (u), ind. not in correspondence with the season, Gaut. +;----------------- +35761 old 965152,1apalAzinapa-lAzin2 +35761 new 965151,3apalAzinapa-lAzin2 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0052.txt (6) +; ******************************************************* +35887 old apa-vAsa/ ¦ m. extinction, disappearance, AV. iii, 7, 7, N. of a plant, L. +35887 new apa-vAsa/ ¦ m. extinction, disappearance, AV. iii, 7, 7; N. of a plant, L. +;----------------- +35954 old 970152,2apavidDaapa-vidDaa1 +35954 new 970152,1apavidDaapa-vidDaa1 +;----------------- +36078 old 9732.1455,2apavarjitatElapUraapavarjita—tEla/—pUra3 +36078 new 9732.1455,2apavarjitatElapUraapavarjita—tEla—pUra3 +;----------------- +36079 old apavarjita—tEla/—pUra ¦ mfn., [Bhaktām. 15] (a lamp) that wants no oil-filling. +36079 new apavarjita—tEla—pUra ¦ mfn., [Bhaktām. 15] (a lamp) that wants no oil-filling. +;----------------- +36157 old 975252,3apavezwapa-vezw1 +36157 new 975252,2apavezwapa-vezw1 +;----------------- +36369 old 980453,1apaSvasapa-Svas1 +36369 new 980452,3apaSvasapa-Svas1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0053.txt (7) +; ******************************************************* +36412 old apa/s ¦ f. pl. (a/sas) N. of the hands and fingers (when employed in kindling the sacred fire and in performing the sacrifices), RV. +36412 new apa/s ¦ (a/sas), f. pl. N. of the hands and fingers (when employed in kindling the sacred fire and in performing the sacrifices), RV. +;----------------- +36426 old 982253,1apaspatiapa/s—patia3 +36426 new 982253,1apaspatiapas—patia3 +;----------------- +36427 old apa/s—pati a ¦ m. N. of a son of Uttānapāda, VP. +36427 new apas—pati a ¦ m. N. of a son of Uttānapāda, VP. +;----------------- +36528 old 985253,2apasAraRaapa-sAraRa2A +36528 new 985253,1apasAraRaapa-sAraRa2A +;----------------- +36557 old apa-skamBa/ ¦ m. fastening, making firm, AV. iv, 6, 4. +36557 new apa-skamBa/ ¦ as, m. fastening, making firm, AV. iv, 6, 4. +;----------------- +36711 old 990353,3apahAsyaapa-hAsya2 +36711 new 990353,2apahAsyaapa-hAsya2 +;----------------- +36929 old 995454,1apAkaraRaapA-karaRa2A +36929 new 995453,3apAkaraRaapA-karaRa2A +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0054.txt (29) +; ******************************************************* +37020 old 998154,1apAktasa/pAk—ta/s3 +37020 new 998154,1apAktasapAk—ta/s3 +;----------------- +37021 old a/pAk—ta/s [AV. viii, 4, 19; cf. RV. vii, 104, 19] or a/pAk—tAt [RV. vii, 104, 19], ¦ ind. from behind. +37021 new apAk—ta/s [AV. viii, 4, 19; cf. RV. vii, 104, 19] or a/pAk—tAt [RV. vii, 104, 19], ¦ ind. from behind. +;----------------- +37024 old a/pAk—ta/s [AV. viii, 4, 19; cf. RV. vii, 104, 19] or a/pAk—tAt [RV. vii, 104, 19], ¦ ind. from behind. +37024 new apAk—ta/s [AV. viii, 4, 19; cf. RV. vii, 104, 19] or a/pAk—tAt [RV. vii, 104, 19], ¦ ind. from behind. +;----------------- +37134 old 1001054,2apAdyaa/-pAdyaa2 +37134 new 1001054,1apAdyaa/-pAdyaa2 +;----------------- +37183 old 1002454,2apAnadfhapAna/—df/h3 +37183 new 1002454,2apAnadfhapAna—df/h3 +;----------------- +37184 old apAna/—df/h ¦ m(nom. -Df/k)fn. strengthening the vital air Apāna, TS. +37184 new apAna—df/h ¦ m(nom. -Df/k)fn. strengthening the vital air Apāna, TS. +;----------------- +37186 old 1002554,2apAnadvAraapAna/—dvAra3 +37186 new 1002554,2apAnadvAraapAna—dvAra3 +;----------------- +37187 old apAna/—dvAra ¦ n. the anus. +37187 new apAna—dvAra ¦ n. the anus. +;----------------- +37189 old 1002654,2apAnapavanaapAna/—pavana3 +37189 new 1002654,2apAnapavanaapAna—pavana3 +;----------------- +37190 old apAna/—pavana ¦ m. the vital air Apāna, L. +37190 new apAna—pavana ¦ m. the vital air Apāna, L. +;----------------- +37198 old 1002954,2apAnavAyuapAna/—vAyu3 +37198 new 1002954,2apAnavAyuapAna—vAyu3 +;----------------- +37199 old apAna/—vAyu ¦ m. the air Apāna, L. +37199 new apAna—vAyu ¦ m. the air Apāna, L. +;----------------- +37232 old a/-pApa—kASin ¦ (a/-pApa-) mfn. not ill-looking, VS. +37232 new a/-pApa—kASin ¦ (a/-pApa-), mfn. not ill-looking, VS. +;----------------- +37235 old a/-pApa—kft ¦ (a/-pApa-) mfn. not committing sin, ŚBr. +37235 new a/-pApa—kft ¦ (a/-pApa-), mfn. not committing sin, ŚBr. +;----------------- +37244 old a/-pApa—vasyasa ¦ (a/-pApa-) n. not a wrong order, no disorder, ŚBr. (cf. pApa-vasyasa/.) +37244 new a/-pApa—vasyasa ¦ (a/-pApa-), n. not a wrong order, no disorder, ŚBr. (cf. pApa-vasyasa/.) +;----------------- +37247 old a/-pApa—vidDa ¦ (a/-pApa-) mfn. not afflicted with evil, VS. xl, 8. +37247 new a/-pApa—vidDa ¦ (a/-pApa-), mfn. not afflicted with evil, VS. xl, 8. +;----------------- +37292 old a-pAra/ ¦ m. ‘not the opposite bank’, the bank on this side (of a river), MBh. viii, 2381 +37292 new a-pAra/ ¦ (as), m. ‘not the opposite bank’, the bank on this side (of a river), MBh. viii, 2381 +;----------------- +37295 old a-pAra/ ¦ n. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) ‘a bad shore’, ‘the reverse of pAra’, a kind of mental indifference or acquiescence +37295 new a-pAra/ ¦ (am), n. (in Sāṅkhya phil.) ‘a bad shore’, ‘the reverse of pAra’, a kind of mental indifference or acquiescence +;----------------- +37303 old 1005754,2apArapAraa-pAra/—pAra3 +37303 new 1005754,2apArapAraa-pAra—pAra3 +;----------------- +37304 old a-pAra/—pAra ¦ mfn. carrying over the boundless sea (of life), VP. +37304 new a-pAra—pAra ¦ mfn. carrying over the boundless sea (of life), VP. +;----------------- +37309 old 1005854,2apArapAraa-pAra/—pAra3B +37309 new 1005854,2apArapAraa-pAra—pAra3B +;----------------- +37310 old a-pAra/—pAra ¦ n. non-acquiescence, L. +37310 new a-pAra—pAra ¦ n. non-acquiescence, L. +;----------------- +37327 old 1006354,3apArCapArC1 +37327 new 1006354,2apArCapArC1 +;----------------- +37399 old 1008554,3apAvfktaapA-vfkta1 +37399 new 1008554,3apAvfktaapA/-vfkta1 +;----------------- +37400 old apA-vfkta ¦ (√ vfj), removed, avoided, RV. viii, 80, 8. +37400 new apA/-vfkta ¦ (√ vfj), removed, avoided, RV. viii, 80, 8. +;----------------- +37469 old apAzWa/—vat ¦ (apAzWa/-) mfn. having barbs, RV. x, 85, 34. +37469 new apAzWa/—vat ¦ (apAzWa/-), mfn. having barbs, RV. x, 85, 34. +;----------------- +37512 old 1011955,1apAsyaapAsya2 +37512 new 1011954,3apAsyaapAsya2 +;----------------- +37515 old 10119.155,1apAsyaapAsya2A +37515 new 10119.154,3apAsyaapAsya2A +;----------------- +37518 old 10119.255,1apAsyaapAsya2A +37518 new 10119.254,3apAsyaapAsya2A +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0055.txt (25) +; ******************************************************* +37584 old 1013355,1apiapi1A +37584 new 1013355,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37585 old ¦ is often used to express emphasis, in the sense of even, also, very +37585 new ¦ api is often used to express emphasis, in the sense of even, also, very +;----------------- +37587 old 10133.155,1apiapi1A +37587 new 10133.155,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37590 old 10133.255,1apiapi1A +37590 new 10133.255,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37593 old 10133.355,1apiapi1A +37593 new 10133.355,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37596 old 10133.455,1apiapi1A +37596 new 10133.455,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37599 old 10133.555,1apiapi1A +37599 new 10133.555,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37602 old 10133.655,1apiapi1A +37602 new 10133.655,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37605 old 1013455,1apiapi1A +37605 new 1013455,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37606 old ¦ may be affixed to an interrogative to make it indefinite, e.g. ko 'pi, any one +37606 new ¦ api may be affixed to an interrogative to make it indefinite, e.g. ko 'pi, any one +;----------------- +37608 old 10134.155,1apiapi1A +37608 new 10134.155,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37611 old 1013555,1apiapi1A +37611 new 1013555,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37612 old ¦ imparts to numerals the notion of totality, e.g. caturRAm api varRAnAm, of all the four castes. +37612 new ¦ api imparts to numerals the notion of totality, e.g. caturRAm api varRAnAm, of all the four castes. +;----------------- +37614 old 1013655,1apiapi1A +37614 new 1013655,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37615 old ¦ may be interrogative at the beginning of a sentence. +37615 new ¦ api may be interrogative at the beginning of a sentence. +;----------------- +37617 old 1013755,1apiapi1A +37617 new 1013755,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37618 old ¦ may strengthen the original force of the Potential, or may soften the Imperative, like the English ‘be pleased to’ +37618 new ¦ api may strengthen the original force of the Potential, or may soften the Imperative, like the English ‘be pleased to’; +;----------------- +37620 old 10137.155,1apiapi1A +37620 new 10137.155,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37623 old 1013855,1apiapi1A +37623 new 1013855,1apia/pi1A +;----------------- +37684 old 1015755,2apigrAhyaapi-grAhya2 +37684 new 1015755,1apigrAhyaapi-grAhya2 +;----------------- +37707 old a/-pitf ¦ m. not a father, ŚBr. xiv. +37707 new a/-pitf ¦ tA, m. not a father, ŚBr. xiv. +;----------------- +37784 old api-netf/ ¦ m. one who leads towards (gen.), ŚBr. +37784 new api-netf/ ¦ tA, m. one who leads towards (gen.), ŚBr. +;----------------- +37877 old api-Sarvara/ ¦ n. the time early in the morning, RV. +37877 new api-Sarvara/ ¦ (a/m), n. the time early in the morning, RV. +;----------------- +37963 old 1024156,1apyayaapy-aya2A +37963 new 1024155,3apyayaapy-aya2A +;----------------- +37964 old ¦ pouring out (of a river), PBr., entering into, vanishing (the contrary of praBava or utpatti), Up. &c. (cf. svApyaya/.) +37964 new ¦ pouring out (of a river), PBr.; entering into, vanishing (the contrary of praBava or utpatti), Up. &c. (cf. svApyaya/.) +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0056.txt (40) +; ******************************************************* +38041 old 1026556,1aputratAa/-putra—tA3 +38041 new 1026556,1aputratAa-putra/—tA3 +;----------------- +38042 old a/-putra—tA ¦ (aputra/-) f. sonlessness, ŚBr. +38042 new a-putra/—tA ¦ (aputra/-) f. sonlessness, ŚBr. +;----------------- +38059 old 1027056,1apunaranvayaa-puna/r—anvaya3 +38059 new 1027056,1apunaranvayaa-punar—anvaya3 +;----------------- +38060 old a-puna/r—anvaya ¦ mfn. not returning, dead. +38060 new a-punar—anvaya ¦ mfn. not returning, dead. +;----------------- +38065 old 1027156,1apunarAvartanaa-puna/r—Avartana3 +38065 new 1027156,1apunarAvartanaa-punar—Avartana3 +;----------------- +38066 old a-puna/r—Avartana, n. or a-puna/r—Avftti, f. ¦ final exemption from life or transmigration, Jain.; Up. +38066 new a-punar—Avartana, n. or a-punar—Avftti, f. ¦ final exemption from life or transmigration, Jain.; Up. +;----------------- +38068 old 1027256,1apunarAvfttia-puna/r—Avftti3 +38068 new 1027256,1apunarAvfttia-punar—Avftti3 +;----------------- +38069 old a-puna/r—Avartana, n. or a-puna/r—Avftti, f. ¦ final exemption from life or transmigration, Jain.; Up. +38069 new a-punar—Avartana, n. or a-punar—Avftti, f. ¦ final exemption from life or transmigration, Jain.; Up. +;----------------- +38071 old 1027356,1apunaruktaa-puna/r—ukta3 +38071 new 1027356,1apunaruktaa-punar—ukta3 +;----------------- +38072 old a-puna/r—ukta, n. or a-puna/r—ukti, f. ¦ no (superfluous) repetition. +38072 new a-punar—ukta, n. or a-punar—ukti, f. ¦ no (superfluous) repetition. +;----------------- +38074 old 1027456,1apunaruktia-puna/r—ukti3 +38074 new 1027456,1apunaruktia-punar—ukti3 +;----------------- +38075 old a-puna/r—ukta, n. or a-puna/r—ukti, f. ¦ no (superfluous) repetition. +38075 new a-punar—ukta, n. or a-punar—ukti, f. ¦ no (superfluous) repetition. +;----------------- +38080 old 1027656,1apunarBavaa-puna/r—Bava3 +38080 new 1027656,1apunarBavaa-punar—Bava3 +;----------------- +38081 old a-puna/r—Bava ¦ m. not occurring again, Car. +38081 new a-punar—Bava ¦ m. not occurring again, Car. +;----------------- +38083 old 1027756,1apunarBavaa-puna/r—Bava3A +38083 new 1027756,1apunarBavaa-punar—Bava3A +;----------------- +38086 old 1027856,1apunarBAvaa-puna/r—BAva3 +38086 new 1027856,1apunarBAvaa-punar—BAva3 +;----------------- +38087 old a-puna/r—BAva ¦ m. id. +38087 new a-punar—BAva ¦ m. id. +;----------------- +38092 old 1027956,1apunarBUa-puna/r—BU3 +38092 new 1027956,1apunarBUa-punar—BU3 +;----------------- +38093 old a-puna/r—√ BU ¦ not to recover consciousness, ŚBr. +38093 new a-punar—√ BU ¦ not to recover consciousness, ŚBr. +;----------------- +38132 old a/-purohita ¦ m. not a Purohita, ŚBr. +38132 new a/-purohita ¦ as, m. not a Purohita, ŚBr. +;----------------- +38162 old a-puzpa/ ¦ m. the glomerous fig tree. +38162 new a-puzpa/ ¦ (as), m. the glomerous fig tree. +;----------------- +38164 old 1029656,1apuzpaPalaa-puzpa/—Pala3 +38164 new 1029656,1apuzpaPalaa-puzpa—Pala3 +;----------------- +38165 old a-puzpa/—Pala or a-puzpa/—Pala-da, ¦ m. ‘bearing fruits without flowering’, ‘having neither flowers nor fruits’, the jack tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia, the glomerous fig tree. +38165 new a-puzpa—Pala or a-puzpa—Pala-da, ¦ m. ‘bearing fruits without flowering’, ‘having neither flowers nor fruits’, the jack tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia, the glomerous fig tree. +;----------------- +38167 old 1029756,1apuzpaPaladaa-puzpa/—Pala-da3 +38167 new 1029756,1apuzpaPaladaa-puzpa—Pala-da3 +;----------------- +38168 old a-puzpa/—Pala or a-puzpa/—Pala-da, ¦ m. ‘bearing fruits without flowering’, ‘having neither flowers nor fruits’, the jack tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia, the glomerous fig tree. +38168 new a-puzpa—Pala or a-puzpa—Pala-da, ¦ m. ‘bearing fruits without flowering’, ‘having neither flowers nor fruits’, the jack tree, Artocarpus Integrifolia, the glomerous fig tree. +;----------------- +38188 old 1030456,2apUtaa/-pUta1A +38188 new 1030456,1apUtaa/-pUta1A +;----------------- +38255 old a/-pUruza—Gna ¦ (a/-pUruza-) mfn. not killing men, RV. i, 133, 6. +38255 new a/-pUruza—Gna ¦ (a/-pUruza-), mfn. not killing men, RV. i, 133, 6. +;----------------- +38300 old a-pUrva/ ¦ m. N. of a sacrifice (offered to Prajāpati), PBr.; Vait. +38300 new a-pUrva/ ¦ (as), m. N. of a sacrifice (offered to Prajāpati), PBr.; Vait. +;----------------- +38306 old a-pUrva/ ¦ n. the remote or unforeseen consequence of an act (as heaven of religious rites), Nyāyam. +38306 new a-pUrva/ ¦ (am), n. the remote or unforeseen consequence of an act (as heaven of religious rites), Nyāyam. +;----------------- +38317 old 1033856,2apUrvakarmana-pUrva/—karman3 +38317 new 1033856,2apUrvakarmana-pUrva—karman3 +;----------------- +38318 old a-pUrva/—karman ¦ n. a religious rite or sacrifice (the power of which on the future is not before seen). +38318 new a-pUrva—karman ¦ n. a religious rite or sacrifice (the power of which on the future is not before seen). +;----------------- +38320 old 1033956,2apUrvatAa-pUrva/—tA3 +38320 new 1033956,2apUrvatAa-pUrva—tA3 +;----------------- +38321 old a-pUrva/—tA, f. or a-pUrva/—tva, n. ¦ the being unpreceded, the not having existed before, incomparableness, &c. +38321 new a-pUrva—tA, f. or a-pUrva—tva, n. ¦ the being unpreceded, the not having existed before, incomparableness, &c. +;----------------- +38323 old 1034056,2apUrvatvaa-pUrva/—tva3 +38323 new 1034056,2apUrvatvaa-pUrva—tva3 +;----------------- +38324 old a-pUrva/—tA, f. or a-pUrva/—tva, n. ¦ the being unpreceded, the not having existed before, incomparableness, &c. +38324 new a-pUrva—tA, f. or a-pUrva—tva, n. ¦ the being unpreceded, the not having existed before, incomparableness, &c. +;----------------- +38329 old 1034156,2apUrvapatia-pUrva/—pati3 +38329 new 1034156,2apUrvapatia-pUrva—pati3 +;----------------- +38330 old a-pUrva/—pati ¦ f. one who has had no husband before, Pat. +38330 new a-pUrva—pati ¦ f. one who has had no husband before, Pat. +;----------------- +38335 old 1034256,2apUrvavata-pUrva/—vat3 +38335 new 1034256,2apUrvavata-pUrva—vat3 +;----------------- +38336 old a-pUrva/—vat ¦ ind. singularly, unlike anything else. +38336 new a-pUrva—vat ¦ ind. singularly, unlike anything else. +;----------------- +38639 old 1042757,1apOruzaa-pOruza1B +38639 new 1042756,3apOruzaa-pOruza1B +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0057.txt (19) +; ******************************************************* +38688 old a/pnas—vat ¦ (a/pnas-) mfn. giving property, profitable, RV. +38688 new a/pnas—vat ¦ (a/pnas-), mfn. giving property, profitable, RV. +;----------------- +38699 old 1044457,1aptumataptu/—ma/t3 +38699 new 1044457,1aptumataptu—ma/t3 +;----------------- +38700 old aptu/—ma/t ¦ mfn. containing the word aptu/, MaitrS. +38700 new aptu—ma/t ¦ mfn. containing the word aptu/, MaitrS. +;----------------- +38717 old 1045057,1apnavAnavata/pnavAna—va/t3 +38717 new 1045057,1apnavAnavatapnavAna—va/t3 +;----------------- +38718 old a/pnavAna—va/t ¦ ind. like Apnavāna, RV. viii, 102, 4. +38718 new apnavAna—va/t ¦ ind. like Apnavāna, RV. viii, 102, 4. +;----------------- +38822 old 1048157,2aprakxptatAa-prakxpta—tA3 +38822 new 1048157,1aprakxptatAa-prakxpta—tA3 +;----------------- +38954 old 1051857,2aprajajYia-prajajYi12 +38954 new 1051857,2aprajajYia/-prajajYi12 +;----------------- +38955 old 1. a-prajajYi ¦ mfn. not generative, having no power of begetting, ŚBr. +38955 new 1. a/-prajajYi ¦ mfn. not generative, having no power of begetting, ŚBr. +;----------------- +38993 old 1053057,2apraRASaa-praRASa1 +38993 new 1053057,2apraRASaa/-praRASa1 +;----------------- +38994 old a-praRASa ¦ m. not perishing, ŚBr.; PBr. +38994 new a/-praRASa ¦ m. not perishing, ŚBr.; PBr. +;----------------- +39014 old 1053557,3apratarkyaa-pratarkya1A +39014 new 1053557,2apratarkyaa-pratarkya1A +;----------------- +39030 old a-prati/ ¦ n. irresistibly, RV. vii, 83, 4 and 99, 5; AV. +39030 new a-prati/ ¦ (i/), n. irresistibly, RV. vii, 83, 4 and 99, 5; AV. +;----------------- +39038 old 1054357,3apratirUpakaTAa-prati/—rUpa-kaTA3 +39038 new 1054357,3apratirUpakaTAa-prati—rUpa-kaTA3 +;----------------- +39039 old a-prati/—rUpa-kaTA ¦ f. incomparable or unanswerable discourse, L. +39039 new a-prati—rUpa-kaTA ¦ f. incomparable or unanswerable discourse, L. +;----------------- +39041 old 1054457,3aprativIryaa-prati/—vIryaa3 +39041 new 1054457,3aprativIryaa-prati—vIryaa3 +;----------------- +39042 old a-prati/—vIrya a ¦ mfn. of irresistible power, R. iv, 35, 4 and 38, 13. +39042 new a-prati—vIrya a ¦ mfn. of irresistible power, R. iv, 35, 4 and 38, 13. +;----------------- +39098 old 1056257,3apratiDfzwaSavasa/-pratiDfzwa—Savas3 +39098 new 1056257,3apratiDfzwaSavasa-pratiDfzwa—Savas3 +;----------------- +39099 old a/-pratiDfzwa—Savas ¦ mfn. of irresistible power, RV. i, 84, 2. +39099 new a-pratiDfzwa—Savas ¦ mfn. of irresistible power, RV. i, 84, 2. +;----------------- +39173 old 1058558,1apratimanyUyamAnaa/-pratimanyUyamAna1 +39173 new 1058557,3apratimanyUyamAnaa/-pratimanyUyamAna1 +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0058.txt (14) +; ******************************************************* +39332 old 1063158,2apratItaa/-pratIta1A +39332 new 1063158,1apratItaa/-pratIta1A +;----------------- +39410 old 1065458,2apratyAlaBamAnaa-pratyAlaBamAna1 +39410 new 1065458,2apratyAlaBamAnaa/-pratyAlaBamAna1 +;----------------- +39411 old a-pratyAlaBamAna ¦ mfn. not offering resistance, ŚBr. +39411 new a/-pratyAlaBamAna ¦ mfn. not offering resistance, ŚBr. +;----------------- +39482 old 1067658,2apraButvaa/-praBu—tva3 +39482 new 1067658,2apraButvaa-praBu—tva3 +;----------------- +39483 old a/-praBu—tva ¦ n. want of power, insufficiency, MBh. &c. +39483 new a-praBu—tva ¦ n. want of power, insufficiency, MBh. &c. +;----------------- +39497 old 1068158,2apramattavata/-pramatta—vat3 +39497 new 1068158,2apramattavata-pramatta—vat3 +;----------------- +39498 old a/-pramatta—vat ¦ mfn. id., MBh. xii, 8889. +39498 new a-pramatta—vat ¦ mfn. id., MBh. xii, 8889. +;----------------- +39518 old 1068758,3apramadaa-pramada1 +39518 new 1068758,2apramadaa-pramada1 +;----------------- +39644 old 1072958,3aprayuktatAa/-prayukta—tA3 +39644 new 1072958,3aprayuktatAa-prayukta—tA3 +;----------------- +39645 old a/-prayukta—tA, f. or a/-prayukta—tva, n. ¦ unusualness (of expressions), Sāh. +39645 new a-prayukta—tA, f. or a-prayukta—tva, n. ¦ unusualness (of expressions), Sāh. +;----------------- +39647 old 1073058,3aprayuktatvaa/-prayukta—tva3 +39647 new 1073058,3aprayuktatvaa-prayukta—tva3 +;----------------- +39648 old a/-prayukta—tA, f. or a/-prayukta—tva, n. ¦ unusualness (of expressions), Sāh. +39648 new a-prayukta—tA, f. or a-prayukta—tva, n. ¦ unusualness (of expressions), Sāh. +;----------------- +39705 old ¦ abstaining from action, inertion, non-excitement +39705 new ¦ abstaining from action, inertion; non-excitement; +;----------------- +39710 old 1074659,1apravfttia-pravftti2A +39710 new 1074658,3apravfttia-pravftti2A +;----------------- +; ******************************************************* +; temp_change_page_0059.txt (71) +; ******************************************************* +39824 old 1078159,1aprastutaa/-prastuta1 +39824 new 1078159,1aprastutaa-prastuta1 +;----------------- +39825 old a/-prastuta ¦ mfn. unconnected with, irrelevant, unsuitable to the time or subject +39825 new a-prastuta ¦ mfn. unconnected with, irrelevant, unsuitable to the time or subject +;----------------- +39827 old 1078259,1aprastutaa/-prastuta1A +39827 new 1078259,1aprastutaa-prastuta1A +;----------------- +39830 old 1078359,1aprastutaa/-prastuta1A +39830 new 1078359,1aprastutaa-prastuta1A +;----------------- +39833 old 1078459,1aprastutaa/-prastuta1A +39833 new 1078459,1aprastutaa-prastuta1A +;----------------- +39836 old 1078559,1aprastutapraSaMsAa/-prastuta—praSaMsA3 +39836 new 1078559,1aprastutapraSaMsAa-prastuta—praSaMsA3 +;----------------- +39837 old a/-prastuta—praSaMsA or a/-prastuta—stuti, ¦ f. ‘conveying the subject-matter by that which is not the subject-matter’, (in rhetoric) implied or indirect expression. +39837 new a-prastuta—praSaMsA or a-prastuta—stuti, ¦ f. ‘conveying the subject-matter by that which is not the subject-matter’, (in rhetoric) implied or indirect expression. +;----------------- +39839 old 1078659,1aprastutastutia/-prastuta—stuti3 +39839 new 1078659,1aprastutastutia-prastuta—stuti3 +;----------------- +39840 old a/-prastuta—praSaMsA or a/-prastuta—stuti, ¦ f. ‘conveying the subject-matter by that which is not the subject-matter’, (in rhetoric) implied or indirect expression. +39840 new a-prastuta—praSaMsA or a-prastuta—stuti, ¦ f. ‘conveying the subject-matter by that which is not the subject-matter’, (in rhetoric) implied or indirect expression. +;----------------- +39893 old 1080359,2aprAcInaa-prAcIna1A +39893 new 1080359,1aprAcInaa-prAcIna1A +;----------------- +39938 old 1081759,2aprAptakAlaa/-prApta—kAla3 +39938 new 1081759,2aprAptakAlaa-prApta—kAla3 +;----------------- +39939 old a/-prApta—kAla ¦ mfn. out of season, inopportune, ill-timed +39939 new a-prApta—kAla ¦ mfn. out of season, inopportune, ill-timed +;----------------- +39941 old 1081859,2aprAptakAlaa/-prApta—kAla3A +39941 new 1081859,2aprAptakAlaa-prApta—kAla3A +;----------------- +39944 old 1081959,2aprAptakAlaa/-prApta—kAla3B +39944 new 1081959,2aprAptakAlaa-prApta—kAla3B +;----------------- +39945 old a/-prApta—kAla ¦ n. an irregular debate, Nyāyad. +39945 new a-prApta—kAla ¦ n. an irregular debate, Nyāyad. +;----------------- +39947 old 1082059,2aprAptayOvanaa/-prApta—yOvana3 +39947 new 1082059,2aprAptayOvanaa-prApta—yOvana3 +;----------------- +39948 old a/-prApta—yOvana ¦ mfn. not arrived at puberty. +39948 new a-prApta—yOvana ¦ mfn. not arrived at puberty. +;----------------- +39950 old 1082159,2aprAptavikalpaa/-prApta—vikalpa3 +39950 new 1082159,2aprAptavikalpaa-prApta—vikalpa3 +;----------------- +39951 old a/-prApta—vikalpa [Pāṇ. i, 3, 53 Comm.], m. or a/-prApta—viBAzA [Pāṇ. i, 3, 43, Sch.], f. ¦ the optional permission of an operation which without such permission would not take place at all. +39951 new a-prApta—vikalpa [Pāṇ. i, 3, 53 Comm.], m. or a-prApta—viBAzA [Pāṇ. i, 3, 43, Sch.], f. ¦ the optional permission of an operation which without such permission would not take place at all. +;----------------- +39953 old 1082259,2aprAptaviBAzAa/-prApta—viBAzA3 +39953 new 1082259,2aprAptaviBAzAa-prApta—viBAzA3 +;----------------- +39954 old a/-prApta—vikalpa [Pāṇ. i, 3, 53 Comm.], m. or a/-prApta—viBAzA [Pāṇ. i, 3, 43, Sch.], f. ¦ the optional permission of an operation which without such permission would not take place at all. +39954 new a-prApta—vikalpa [Pāṇ. i, 3, 53 Comm.], m. or a-prApta—viBAzA [Pāṇ. i, 3, 43, Sch.], f. ¦ the optional permission of an operation which without such permission would not take place at all. +;----------------- +39956 old 1082359,2aprAptavyavahAraa/-prApta—vyavahAra3 +39956 new 1082359,2aprAptavyavahAraa-prApta—vyavahAra3 +;----------------- +39957 old a/-prApta—vyavahAra ¦ mfn. a minor in law +39957 new a-prApta—vyavahAra ¦ mfn. a minor in law +;----------------- +40008 old a/-prAyu ¦ ind. assiduously, RV. v, 80, 3. +40008 new a/-prAyu ¦ (u), ind. assiduously, RV. v, 80, 3. +;----------------- +40046 old 1085159,2apriyamvadaa/-priya—m-vada3 +40046 new 1085159,2apriyamvadaa-priya—m-vada3 +;----------------- +40047 old a/-priya—m-vada ¦ See apriya-vAdin. +40047 new a-priya—m-vada ¦ See apriya-vAdin. +;----------------- +40049 old 1085259,2apriyakaraa/-priya—kara3 +40049 new 1085259,2apriyakaraa-priya—kara3 +;----------------- +40050 old a/-priya—kara ¦ mfn. ‘not giving pleasure’, disagreeable, Mn. vii, 204. +40050 new a-priya—kara ¦ mfn. ‘not giving pleasure’, disagreeable, Mn. vii, 204. +;----------------- +40052 old 1085359,2apriyaBAgina/-priya—BAgin3 +40052 new 1085359,2apriyaBAgina-priya—BAgin3 +;----------------- +40053 old a/-priya—BAgin ¦ mfn. unfortunate. +40053 new a-priya—BAgin ¦ mfn. unfortunate. +;----------------- +40055 old 1085459,2apriyavAdina/-priya—vAdin3 +40055 new 1085459,2apriyavAdina/priya—vAdin3 +;----------------- +40056 old a/-priya—vAdin [Mn. ix, 81], mfn. or apriyaM-vada, [Yājñ. i, 73], mf(A)n. ¦ speaking unkindly or harshly. +40056 new a-priya—vAdin [Mn. ix, 81], mfn. or apriyaM-vada, [Yājñ. i, 73], mf(A)n. ¦ speaking unkindly or harshly. +;----------------- +40059 old a/-priya—vAdin [Mn. ix, 81], mfn. or apriyaM-vada, [Yājñ. i, 73], mf(A)n. ¦ speaking unkindly or harshly. +40059 new a-priya—vAdin [Mn. ix, 81], mfn. or apriyaM-vada, [Yājñ. i, 73], mf(A)n. ¦ speaking unkindly or harshly. +;----------------- +40088 old 1086459,2apretarAkzasIa/-preta—rAkzasI3 +40088 new 1086459,2apretarAkzasIa-preta—rAkzasI3 +;----------------- +40089 old a/-preta—rAkzasI ¦ f. a plant (also called preta-rAkzasI, or apeta-rAkzasI, q.v.) +40089 new a-preta—rAkzasI ¦ f. a plant (also called preta-rAkzasI, or apeta-rAkzasI, q.v.) +;----------------- +40100 old 1086859,3aprozitaa-prozita1 +40100 new 1086859,2aprozitaa-prozita1 +;----------------- +40124 old 1087659,3aplavavata/-plava-vat3 +40124 new 1087659,3aplavavata-plava-vat3 +;----------------- +40125 old a/-plava-vat ¦ mfn. without a ship, MBh. +40125 new a-plava-vat ¦ mfn. without a ship, MBh. +;----------------- +40172 old 1088759,3apsavyaapsavya/b2 +40172 new 1088759,3apsavyaapsavya^b2 +;----------------- +40173 old apsavya/ b ¦ mfn. (fr. 2. apsu/, q.v.), being in the water (Varuṇa), MaitrS.; Kāṭh. +40173 new apsavya^ b ¦ mfn. (fr. 2. apsu/, q.v.), being in the water (Varuṇa), MaitrS.; Kāṭh. +;----------------- +40175 old 1088859,3apsavyaapsavya/2A +40175 new 1088859,3apsavyaapsavya^2A +;----------------- +40196 old 1089559,3apsucaraapsu/—cara3 +40196 new 1089559,3apsucaraapsu—cara3 +;----------------- +40197 old apsu/—cara ¦ mfn. (Ved.) going in the waters, Pāṇ. vi, 3, 1 Comm. +40197 new apsu—cara ¦ mfn. (Ved.) going in the waters, Pāṇ. vi, 3, 1 Comm. +;----------------- +40200 old apsu—ja/ [TS.] or apsu/—jA/ [RV. viii, 43, 28, &c.], ¦ mfn. born in the waters. +40200 new apsu—ja/ [TS.] or apsu—jA/ [RV. viii, 43, 28, &c.], ¦ mfn. born in the waters. +;----------------- +40203 old apsu/—ja/ [TS.] or apsu—jA/ [RV. viii, 43, 28, &c.], ¦ mfn. born in the waters. +40203 new apsu—ja/ [TS.] or apsu—jA/ [RV. viii, 43, 28, &c.], ¦ mfn. born in the waters. +;----------------- +40208 old 1089959,3apsudIkzAapsu/—dIkzA3 +40208 new 1089959,3apsudIkzAapsu—dIkzA3 +;----------------- +40209 old apsu/—dIkzA ¦ f. consecration in water. +40209 new apsu—dIkzA ¦ f. consecration in water. +;----------------- +40211 old 1090059,3apsumatapsu/—ma/t3 +40211 new 1090059,3apsumatapsu—ma/t3 +;----------------- +40212 old apsu/—ma/t ¦ mfn. possessed of or shining in the waters (e.g. the lightning which does not lose its brilliant nature in the clouds), MaitrS. &c. +40212 new apsu—ma/t ¦ mfn. possessed of or shining in the waters (e.g. the lightning which does not lose its brilliant nature in the clouds), MaitrS. &c. +;----------------- +40217 old 1090159,3apsumatapsu/—ma/t3A +40217 new 1090159,3apsumatapsu—ma/t3A +;----------------- +40220 old 1090259,3apsumatapsu/—ma/t3A +40220 new 1090259,3apsumatapsu—ma/t3A +;----------------- +40229 old 1090559,3apsuvahapsu/—va/h3 +40229 new 1090559,3apsuvahapsu—va/h3 +;----------------- +40230 old apsu/—va/h ¦ m(nom. pl. -vA/has)fn. driving in water, SV. +40230 new apsu—va/h ¦ m(nom. pl. -vA/has)fn. driving in water, SV. +;----------------- +40235 old 1090759,3apsuzadasapsu/—za/das3 +40235 new 1090759,3apsuzadasapsu—za/das3 +;----------------- +40236 old apsu/—za/das ¦ n. dwelling in the waters, MaitrS. +40236 new apsu—za/das ¦ n. dwelling in the waters, MaitrS. +;----------------- +40244 old 1091059,3apsuhomyaapsu/—homya3 +40244 new 1091059,3apsuhomyaapsu—homya3 +;----------------- +40245 old apsu/—homya ¦ m. N. of a man, MBh. ii, 107. +40245 new apsu—homya ¦ m. N. of a man, MBh. ii, 107. +;----------------- +40265 old 1091759,3aPalakANkzina-Pala/—kANkzin3 +40265 new 1091759,3aPalakANkzina-Pala—kANkzin3 +;----------------- +40266 old a-Pala/—kANkzin ¦ mfn. disinterested, not looking to beneficial consequences. +40266 new a-Pala—kANkzin ¦ mfn. disinterested, not looking to beneficial consequences. +;----------------- +40268 old 1091859,3aPalatAa-Pala/—tA3 +40268 new 1091859,3aPalatAa-Pala—tA3 +;----------------- +40269 old a-Pala/—tA, f. or a-Pala/—tva, n. ¦ barrenness, unprofitableness. +40269 new a-Pala—tA, f. or a-Pala—tva, n. ¦ barrenness, unprofitableness. +;----------------- +40271 old 1091959,3aPalatvaa-Pala/—tva3 +40271 new 1091959,3aPalatvaa-Pala—tva3 +;----------------- +40272 old a-Pala/—tA, f. or a-Pala/—tva, n. ¦ barrenness, unprofitableness. +40272 new a-Pala—tA, f. or a-Pala—tva, n. ¦ barrenness, unprofitableness. +;----------------- +40274 old 1092059,3aPalaprepsua-Pala/—prepsu3 +40274 new 1092059,3aPalaprepsua-Pala—prepsu3 +;----------------- +40275 old a-Pala/—prepsu ¦ mfn. one who desires no recompense, Bhag. +40275 new a-Pala—prepsu ¦ mfn. one who desires no recompense, Bhag. +;----------------- +40307 old 1092959,3abadDamuKaa/-badDa—muKa3 +40307 new 1092959,3abadDamuKaa-badDa—muKa3 +;----------------- +40308 old a/-badDa—muKa ¦ mfn. foul-mouthed, scurrilous, L. +40308 new a-badDa—muKa ¦ mfn. foul-mouthed, scurrilous, L. +;----------------- +40310 old 1093059,3abadDamUlaa/-badDa—mUla3 +40310 new 1093059,3abadDamUlaa-badDa—mUla3 +;----------------- +40311 old a/-badDa—mUla ¦ mfn. whose root does not hold fast, is not firm. +40311 new a-badDa—mUla ¦ mfn. whose root does not hold fast, is not firm. +;----------------- +40313 old 1093160,1abadDavata/-badDa—vat3 +40313 new 1093159,3abadDavata-badDa—vat3 +;----------------- +40314 old a/-badDa—vat ¦ mfn. unmeaning, ungrammatical, BhP. +40314 new a-badDa—vat ¦ mfn. unmeaning, ungrammatical, BhP. +;----------------- diff --git a/mwsissues/issue141/diff_to_changes.py b/mwsissues/issue141/diff_to_changes.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6c812d --- /dev/null +++ b/mwsissues/issue141/diff_to_changes.py @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +# coding=utf-8 +""" diff_to_changes.py + Generate change transactions from an 'old' and 'new' file + The two files should have same number of lines + python diff_to_changes.py old.txt new.txt changes.txt + Now: + python updateByLine.py old.txt changes.txt new1.txt + then new1.txt is same as new.txt. +""" +from __future__ import print_function +import sys, re,codecs + +def read_lines(filein): + with codecs.open(filein,encoding='utf-8',mode='r') as f: + lines = [x.rstrip('\r\n') for x in f] + return lines + +class Change(object): + def __init__(self,iline,line1,line2): + self.iline = iline + self.line1 = line1 + self.line2 = line2 + self.lnum = iline+1 + a = [] + a.append('%s old %s' %(self.lnum,self.line1)) + a.append('%s new %s' %(self.lnum,self.line2)) + a.append(';-----------------') + self.changeout = a + +def write_changes(fileout,changes): + outarr = [] + # title + n = len(changes); + outarr.append('; *******************************************************') + outarr.append('; %s (%s)' % (fileout,n)) + outarr.append('; *******************************************************') + for change in changes: + for x in change.changeout: + outarr.append(x) + with codecs.open(fileout,"w","utf-8") as f: + for out in outarr: + f.write(out+'\n') + print(len(changes),"changes written to",fileout) + +if __name__=="__main__": + filein1 = sys.argv[1] # old.txt + filein2 = sys.argv[2] # new.txt + fileout = sys.argv[3] # changes.txt + lines1 = read_lines(filein1) + lines2 = read_lines(filein2) + n = len(lines1) + if n != len(lines2): + print('ERROR: files have different number of lines') + exit(1) + changes = [] + for iline,line1 in enumerate(lines1): + line2 = lines2[iline] + if line1 == line2: + continue + changes.append(Change(iline,line1,line2)) + # + write_changes(fileout,changes) + diff --git a/mwsissues/issue141/readme.txt b/mwsissues/issue141/readme.txt index 5355579..6717a18 100644 --- a/mwsissues/issue141/readme.txt +++ b/mwsissues/issue141/readme.txt @@ -729,9 +729,66 @@ cd /c/xampp/htdocs/sanskrit-lexicon/MWS/mwsissues/issue141 # commit to csl-orig: 70b7392b59bad245492e6a06696e3b504dd2b0b6 # commit to mws repository: +********************************************************************* +PHASE 4. MW MULTIPLE ACCENTS +********************************************************************* +cp temp_mw_5.txt temp_mw_6.txt +touch change_mw_6.txt +[\/^][^ ]*[\/^] +----------------------------------------------------------------- +Manual comparison of mw.txt with scan, page by page. +Focus on metaline and headline only. +First, +cp temp_mw_6.txt temp_mw_6a.txt +# Now do the following 'loop' for each page +# 1. manually change temp_mw_6a.txt for accents on page pppp +# 2. find differences between temp_mw_6.txt and temp_mw_6a.txt +python diff_to_changes.py temp_mw_5.txt temp_mw_6.txt temp_change_page_pppp.txt +# 3. insert temp_change_page_pppp.txt into change_mw_6.txt +# 4. install further changes into temp_mw_6.txt +python updateByLine.py temp_mw_5.txt change_mw_6.txt temp_mw_6.txt +# 5. now, temp_mw_6.txt == temp_mw_6a.txt +diff temp_mw_6.txt temp_mw_6a.txt # no difference! + +Increment page number pppp and go back to step 1. + +Repeat this update loop until done (pppp = 1308). + +Through page 0059. +Install temp_mw_6.txt into csl-orig. + +----------------------------------------------------------------- +install temp_mw_6.txt to check xml +cp temp_mw_6.txt /c/xampp/htdocs/cologne/csl-orig/v02/mw/mw.txt +cd /c/xampp/htdocs/cologne/csl-pywork/v02 +grep 'mw ' redo_xampp_all.sh +sh generate_dict.sh mw ../../mw +sh xmlchk_xampp.sh mw +# correct errors +# rerun until + #prints 'ok' +cd /c/xampp/htdocs/sanskrit-lexicon/MWS/mwsissues/issue141 +# commit csl-orig +cd /c/xampp/htdocs/cologne/csl-orig +git pull # in case some other work has been done +git add v02/mw/mw.txt +git commit -m "MW accent update pages 0001-0059. + Ref: https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/MWS/issues/141" +git push +# commit mws +cd /c/xampp/htdocs/sanskrit-lexicon/MWS/mwsissues/issue141 +git add . +git commit -m "MW accent update pages 0001-0059. + Ref: https://github.com/sanskrit-lexicon/MWS/issues/141" +git push + +# pull csl-orig at cologne and csl-pywork/v02 redo mw. + +------------------------------------------------------------ +# continue this work for pages 0060-1308 in issue141a ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ +[^<]*[\/^] ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -773,7 +830,13 @@ NEW or entries for L=5164 5164.1, 5164.2, 5164.3 example: 961,2aMsadaGnaa/Msa—daGna/3 126347636,3puruDapuru—Da/3 headline 126348636,3puruDApuru/—DA/3 headline + +479924,2anakzasaNgam missing or and anakzastamBam +516426,1anaBiSasta missing or and entries +541227,2anasTaan-asTa/1 + ----------------------------------------------------------------- +(), ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------