+import os
+import subprocess
+from datetime import timedelta
+from pathlib import Path
+from munch import Munch
+APP_NAME = 'timew_status_indicator'
+CFG = {
+ # time strings are HH:MM (no seconds)
+ "day_max": "08:00",
+ "day_snooze": "01:00",
+ "seat_max": "01:30",
+ "seat_snooze": "00:40",
+ "seat_reset_on_stop": False,
+ "use_last_tag": False,
+ "use_symbolic_icons": False,
+ "extension_script": "onelineday",
+ "default_jtag_str": "vct-sw,implement skeleton timew indicator",
+ "jtag_separator": ",",
+ "loop_idle_seconds": 20,
+ "show_state_label": False,
+ "terminal_emulator": "gnome-terminal",
def get_config(file_encoding='utf-8'):
Load configuration file and munchify the data. If local file is not
found in config directory, the default will be loaded. Return a
Munch cfg obj and corresponding Path obj.
:param file_encoding: file encoding of config file
:type file_encoding: str
:return: tuple of Munch and Path objs
cfgdir = get_userdirs()
cfgfile = cfgdir.joinpath('config.yaml')
if not cfgfile.exists():
cfgfile.write_text(Munch.toYAML(CFG), encoding=file_encoding)
cfgobj = Munch.fromYAML(cfgfile.read_text(encoding=file_encoding))
return cfgobj, cfgfile
def get_delta_limits():
Return config max/snooze limits as timedeltas. Everything comes from
static config values and gets padded with seconds.
:return: tuple of 4 timedeltas
day_sum = [CFG["day_max"] + ':00', CFG["day_snooze"] + ':00']
seat_sum = [CFG["seat_max"] + ':00', CFG["seat_snooze"] + ':00']
day_limit = sum(map(to_td, day_sum), timedelta()) # noqa:
seat_limit = sum(map(to_td, seat_sum), timedelta()) # noqa:
day_max = to_td(CFG["day_max"] + ':00')
seat_max = to_td(CFG["seat_max"] + ':00')
return day_max, day_limit, seat_max, seat_limit
def get_state_icon(state):
Look up the state msg and return the icon name. Use builtin symbolic
icons as fallback.
:param state: name of state key
:type state: str
:return: matching icon name (str)
install_path = '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps'
icon_name = 'timew.svg'
fallback_dict = {
'APP': 'dialog-information-symbolic',
'INACTIVE': 'dialog-question-symbolic',
'ACTIVE': 'dialog-information-symbolic',
'WARNING': 'dialog-warning-symbolic',
'ERROR': 'dialog-error-symbolic',
timew_dict = {
'APP': 'timew',
'INACTIVE': 'timew_inactive',
'ACTIVE': 'timew_info',
'WARNING': 'timew_warning',
'ERROR': 'timew_error',
state_dict = timew_dict
app_icon = Path(install_path).joinpath(icon_name)
if CFG["use_symbolic_icons"] or not app_icon.exists():
state_dict = fallback_dict
return state_dict.get(state, state_dict['INACTIVE'])
def get_state_str(cmproc, count):
Return timew state message and tracking state, ie, the key for dict
with icons.
:param cmproc: completed timew process obj
:type cmproc: CompletedProcess
:param count: seat time counter value
:type count: timedelta
:return: tuple of state msg and state string
DAY_MAX, DAY_LIMIT, SEAT_MAX, SEAT_LIMIT = get_delta_limits()
state = 'INACTIVE' if cmproc.returncode == 1 else 'ACTIVE'
msg = cmproc.stdout.decode('utf8')
lines = msg.splitlines()
day_total = '00:00:00'
for x in [x for x in lines if x.split(';')[0] == 'total']:
day_total = x.split(';')[1]
if DAY_MAX < to_td(day_total) < DAY_LIMIT:
state = 'WARNING'
msg = f'WARNING: day max of {DAY_MAX} has been exceeded\n' + msg
if to_td(day_total) > DAY_LIMIT:
state = 'ERROR'
msg = f'ERROR: day limit of {DAY_LIMIT} has been exceeded\n' + msg
if SEAT_MAX < count < SEAT_LIMIT:
state = 'WARNING'
msg = f'WARNING: seat max of {SEAT_MAX} has been exceeded\n' + msg
if count > SEAT_LIMIT:
state = 'ERROR'
msg = f'ERROR: seat limit of {SEAT_LIMIT} has been exceeded\n' + msg
return msg, state
def get_status():
Return timew tracking status (output of ``timew`` with no arguments).
:param None:
:return: timew output str or None
return subprocess.run(["timew"], capture_output=True)
except FileNotFoundError as exc:
print(f'Timew status error: {exc}')
+def get_userdirs():
+ """
+ Get XDG user configuration path defined as ``XDG_CONFIG_HOME`` plus
+ application name. This may grow if needed.
+ :param None:
+ :return: XDG Path obj
+ """
+ xdg_path = os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME')
+ config_home = Path(xdg_path) if xdg_path else Path.home().joinpath('.config')
+ configdir = config_home.joinpath(APP_NAME)
+ configdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ return configdir
+def parse_for_tag(text):
+ """
+ Parse the output of timew start/stop commands for the tag string.
+ :param text: start or stop output from ``timew`` (via run_cmd)
+ :return: timew tag string
+ """
+ for line in text.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith(("Tracking", "Recorded")):
+ return line.split('"')[1]
def run_cmd(action='status', tag=None):
Run timew command subject to the given action.
:param action: one of <start|stop|status>
:return: completed proc obj and result msg
actions = ['start', 'stop', 'status']
svc_list = ['timew']
sts_list = [CFG["extension_script"], "today"]
cmd = svc_list
act_list = [action]
if action not in actions:
print(f'Invalid action: {action}')
if action == 'start' and tag:
if action != 'status':
cmd = svc_list + act_list
cmd = cmd + sts_list
print(f'Running {cmd}')
result = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True)
if action == 'stop':
tag = parse_for_tag(result.stdout.decode())
print(f'run_cmd {action} result tag: {tag}')
return result, tag
print(f'run_cmd {action} return code: {result.returncode}')
print(f'run_cmd {action} result msg: {result.stdout.decode().strip()}')
return result, result.stdout.decode()
except Exception as exc:
print(f'run_cmd exception: {exc}')
def to_td(hms):
Convert a time string in HH:MM:SS format to a timedelta object.
:param hms: time string
:return: timedelta obj
hrs, mins, secs = hms.split(':')
return timedelta(hours=int(hrs), minutes=int(mins), seconds=int(secs))
+DEBUG = os.getenv('DEBUG', default=None)