diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8078821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Dependency
+# Settings
+# Build artifacts
+# Platform specified files
diff --git a/IOSEVKA-Custom-NF/nerdfont.bat b/IOSEVKA-Custom-NF/nerdfont.bat
index 8f1cec3..83c9701 100644
--- a/IOSEVKA-Custom-NF/nerdfont.bat
+++ b/IOSEVKA-Custom-NF/nerdfont.bat
@@ -1,26 +1,35 @@
+:: Copyright
+:: Saumyajyoti Mukherjee
+:: 2024
 @echo off
 ::  prerequisites in comments
 :: tested in Windows11 setup
-:: install nodejs, ttfautohint, fontforge python 3 as mentioned in 
+:: install nodejs, fontforge python 3 as mentioned in 
 :: - https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka/blob/main/doc/custom-build.md#building
-:: - https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/download/v3.2.1/FontPatcher.zip
-SET IOSEVKA_PATH="D:\SOURCE\github\Iosevka"
-SET "PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\FontForgeBuilds\bin;%PATH%"
+SET IOSEVKA_PATH="%temp%\Iosevka"
+SET "PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\FontForgeBuilds\bin;%~dp0\..\bin;%PATH%"
 SET FFPYTHON_EXE="C:\Program Files (x86)\FontForgeBuilds\bin\ffpython.exe"
-:: SET NERDFONT_PATCHER_PATH [ download from path above]
-SET NERDFONT_PATCHER_PATH="D:\SETUP.tmp\nerdfont\font-patcher"
+SET NERDFONT_PATCHER_PATH="%~dp0\..\bin\nerdfont\font-patcher"
 echo =======================================================
-echo Sync Iosevka
-rmdir /S /Q "%IOSEVKA_PATH%\dist"
-git pull --depth=1
+if exist %IOSEVKA_PATH%\ (
+  echo Sync Iosevka 
+  cd /d %IOSEVKA_PATH%
+  rmdir /S /Q "%IOSEVKA_PATH%\dist"
+  git pull --depth=1
+) else (
+  echo Clone Iosevka
+  git clone https://github.com/be5invis/Iosevka.git %IOSEVKA_PATH% --depth=1
+  cd /d %IOSEVKA_PATH%
 call npm install
 echo =======================================================
@@ -47,11 +56,21 @@ echo patch fonts
 %FFPYTHON_EXE% %NERDFONT_PATCHER_PATH% -c "%IOSEVKA_PATH%\dist\riosevka\ttf\riosevka-boldItalic.ttf"
 echo =======================================================
 echo Copy Files
-copy /Y %~dp0\..\license.* %OUTPATH%
+copy /Y %~dp0\..\*license.* %OUTPATH%
 copy /Y "%IOSEVKA_PATH%\dist\miosevka\ttf\*.ttf" %OUTPATH%
 copy /Y "%IOSEVKA_PATH%\dist\riosevka\ttf\*.ttf" %OUTPATH%
 cd ..
 echo create %FONTVER%.zip 
 tar.exe -a -c -f "%FONTVER%.zip" %OUTPATH%
+REM SET /P INSTALL=Install Fonts (yes/[no])?
+REM echo installing fonts
+REM cd /d %OUTPATH%
+REM start FontReg.exe /copy
+REM cd ..
 explorer .
diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/IOSEVKA-LICENSE.md
similarity index 100%
rename from LICENSE.md
rename to IOSEVKA-LICENSE.md
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/NERDFONT-LICENSE.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from LICENSE.txt
rename to NERDFONT-LICENSE.txt
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c63c061..daa3f0d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -16,5 +16,7 @@ Added
 ![Sample Miosevka](Miosevka-Sample.png)
 ## License
-- Nerdfont License : See License.txt
-- Iosevka License : See License.md
+- Nerdfont License : See NERDFONT-License.txt
+- Iosevka License : See IOSEVKA-License.md
+- TTF Autohint License: See TTFAH-LICENSE.txt
diff --git a/TTFAH-LICENSE.txt b/TTFAH-LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..226ab96
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+The ttfautohint library contains a copy of FreeType's ā€˜autofitā€™ module, reformatted and using a different function prefix, and with slight extensions for hooks into hinting actions. It therefore inherits the same dual-licensing as FreeType; you can choose between the GNU Public License (GPL) Version 2 and the FreeType License (FTL).
+v 1.8.4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/FontReg.exe b/bin/FontReg.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f466f6f
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/FontReg.exe differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/bin/scripts/name_parser/FontnameParser.py b/bin/nerdfont/bin/scripts/name_parser/FontnameParser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc279fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/bin/scripts/name_parser/FontnameParser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding=utf8
+import re
+from FontnameTools import FontnameTools
+class FontnameParser:
+    """Parse a font name and generate all kinds of names"""
+    def __init__(self, fontname, logger):
+        """Parse a fontname and store the results"""
+        self.parse_ok = False
+        self.use_short_families = (False, False, False) # ( camelcase name, short styles, aggressive )
+        self.keep_regular_in_family = None # None = auto, True, False
+        self.suppress_preferred_if_identical = True
+        self.family_suff = ''
+        self.ps_fontname_suff = ''
+        self.short_family_suff = ''
+        self.name_subst = []
+        [ self.parse_ok, self._basename, self.weight_token, self.style_token, self.other_token, self._rest ] = FontnameTools.parse_font_name(fontname)
+        self.basename = self._basename
+        self.rest = self._rest
+        self.add_name_substitution_table(FontnameTools.SIL_TABLE)
+        self.rename_oblique = True
+        self.logger = logger
+    def _make_ps_name(self, n, is_family):
+        """Helper to limit font name length in PS names"""
+        fam = 'family ' if is_family else ''
+        limit = 31 if is_family else 63
+        if len(n) <= limit:
+            return n
+        r = re.search('(.*)(-.*)', n)
+        if not r:
+            new_n = n[:limit]
+        else:
+            q = limit - len(r.groups()[1])
+            if q < 1:
+                q = 1
+                self.logger.error('====-< Shortening too long PS {}name: Garbage warning'. format(fam))
+            new_n = r.groups()[0][:q] + r.groups()[1]
+        if new_n != n:
+            self.logger.error('====-< Shortening too long PS {}name: {} -> {}'.format(fam, n, new_n))
+        return new_n
+    def _shortened_name(self):
+        """Return a blank free basename-rest combination"""
+        if not self.use_short_families[0]:
+            return (self.basename, self.rest)
+        else:
+            return (FontnameTools.concat(self.basename, self.rest).replace(' ', ''), '')
+    def set_keep_regular_in_family(self, keep):
+        """Familyname may contain 'Regular' where it should normally be suppressed"""
+        self.keep_regular_in_family = keep
+    def set_expect_no_italic(self, noitalic):
+        """Prevents rewriting Oblique as family name part"""
+        # To prevent naming clashes usually Oblique is moved out in the family name
+        # because some fonts have Italic and Oblique, and we want to generate pure
+        # RIBBI families in ID1/2.
+        # But some fonts have Oblique instead of Italic, here the prevential movement
+        # is not needed, or rather contraproductive. This can not be detected on a
+        # font file level but needs to be specified per family from the outside.
+        # Returns true if setting was successful.
+        if 'Italic' in self.style_token:
+            self.rename_oblique = True
+            return not noitalic
+        self.rename_oblique = not noitalic
+        return True
+    def set_suppress_preferred(self, suppress):
+        """Suppress ID16/17 if it is identical to ID1/2 (True is default)"""
+        self.suppress_preferred_if_identical = suppress
+    def inject_suffix(self, family, ps_fontname, short_family):
+        """Add a custom additonal string that shows up in the resulting names"""
+        self.family_suff = family.strip()
+        self.ps_fontname_suff = ps_fontname.replace(' ', '')
+        self.short_family_suff = short_family.strip()
+        return self
+    def enable_short_families(self, camelcase_name, prefix, aggressive):
+        """Enable short styles in Family when (original) font name starts with prefix; enable CamelCase basename in (Typog.) Family"""
+        # camelcase_name is boolean
+        # prefix is either a string or False/True
+        if isinstance(prefix, str):
+            prefix = self._basename.startswith(prefix)
+        self.use_short_families = ( camelcase_name, prefix, aggressive )
+        return self
+    def add_name_substitution_table(self, table):
+        """Have some fonts renamed, takes list of tuples (regex, replacement)"""
+        # The regex will be anchored to name begin and used case insensitive
+        # Replacement can have regex matches, mind to catch the correct source case
+        self.name_subst = table
+        self.basename = self._basename
+        self.rest = self._rest
+        for regex, replacement in self.name_subst:
+            base_and_rest = self.basename + (' ' + self.rest if len(self.rest) else '')
+            m = re.match(regex, base_and_rest, re.IGNORECASE)
+            if not m:
+                continue
+            i = len(self.basename) - len(m.group(0))
+            if i < 0:
+                self.basename = m.expand(replacement).rstrip()
+                self.rest = self.rest[-(i+1):].lstrip()
+            else:
+                self.basename = m.expand(replacement) + self.basename[len(m.group(0)):]
+        return self
+    def drop_for_powerline(self):
+        """Remove 'for Powerline' from all names (can not be undone)"""
+        if 'Powerline' in self.other_token:
+            idx = self.other_token.index('Powerline')
+            self.other_token.pop(idx)
+            if idx > 0 and self.other_token[idx - 1] == 'For':
+                self.other_token.pop(idx - 1)
+        self._basename = re.sub(r'(\b|for\s?)?powerline\b', '', self._basename, 1, re.IGNORECASE).strip()
+        self.add_name_substitution_table(self.name_subst) # re-evaluate
+        return self
+    ### Following the creation of the name parts:
+    #
+    # Relevant websites
+    # https://www.fonttutorials.com/how-to-name-font-family/
+    # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/name#name-ids
+    # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/os2#fss
+    # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/head#macstyle
+    # Example (mind that they group 'semibold' as classic-group-of-4 Bold, while we will always only take bold as Bold):
+    # Adobe Caslon Pro Regular            ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro         ID2: Regular
+    # Adobe Caslon Pro Italic             ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro         ID2: Italic
+    # Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold           ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro         ID2: Bold           ID16: Adobe Caslon Pro    ID17: Semibold
+    # Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold Italic    ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro         ID2: Bold Italic    ID16: Adobe Caslon Pro    ID17: Semibold Italic
+    # Adobe Caslon Pro Bold               ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro Bold    ID2: Regular        ID16: Adobe Caslon Pro    ID17: Bold
+    # Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Italic        ID1: Adobe Caslon Pro Bold    ID2: Italic         ID16: Adobe Caslon Pro    ID17: Bold Italic
+    # fontname === preferred_family + preferred_styles
+    # fontname === family + subfamily
+    #
+    # familybase = basename + rest + other (+ suffix)
+    # ID 1/2 just have self.style in the subfamily, all the rest ends up in the family
+    # ID 16/17 have self.style and self.weight in the subfamily, the rest ends up in the family
+    def fullname(self):
+        """Get the SFNT Fullname (ID 4)"""
+        styles = self.style_token
+        weights = self.weight_token
+        if self.keep_regular_in_family == None:
+            keep_regular = FontnameTools.is_keep_regular(self._basename + ' ' + self._rest)
+        else:
+            keep_regular = self.keep_regular_in_family
+        if ('Regular' in styles
+                and (not keep_regular
+                    or FontnameTools.check_contains_weight(self.weight_token))): # This is actually a malformed font name
+            styles = list(self.style_token)
+            styles.remove('Regular')
+        # For naming purposes we want Oblique to be part of the styles
+        (weights, styles) = FontnameTools.make_oblique_style(weights, styles)
+        (name, rest) = self._shortened_name()
+        if self.use_short_families[1]:
+            [ weights, styles ] = FontnameTools.short_styles([ weights, styles ], self.use_short_families[2])
+        return FontnameTools.concat(name, rest, self.other_token, self.short_family_suff, weights, styles)
+    def psname(self):
+        """Get the SFNT PostScriptName (ID 6)"""
+        # This is almost self.family() + '-' + self.subfamily()
+        (name, rest) = self._shortened_name()
+        styles = self.style_token
+        weights = self.weight_token
+        if self.use_short_families[1]:
+            styles = FontnameTools.short_styles(styles, self.use_short_families[2])
+            weights = FontnameTools.short_styles(weights, self.use_short_families[2])
+        fam = FontnameTools.camel_casify(FontnameTools.concat(name, rest, self.other_token, self.ps_fontname_suff))
+        sub = FontnameTools.camel_casify(FontnameTools.concat(weights, styles))
+        if len(sub) > 0:
+            sub = '-' + sub
+        fam = FontnameTools.postscript_char_filter(fam)
+        sub = FontnameTools.postscript_char_filter(sub)
+        return self._make_ps_name(fam + sub, False)
+    def preferred_family(self, short_alternative = False):
+        """Get the SFNT Preferred Familyname (ID 16)"""
+        # When short_alternative we get the short named alternative needed for some Windows applications
+        (name, rest) = self._shortened_name()
+        if short_alternative:
+            # Try to come up with a shortened family name
+            # This is in principle the code from family() but without including weights
+            # because weights shall still end up in ID 17
+            other = self.other_token
+            if self.use_short_families[1]:
+                [ other ] = FontnameTools.short_styles([ other ], self.use_short_families[2])
+            pfn = FontnameTools.concat(name, rest, other, self.short_family_suff)
+            # Only return something if it is different to our standard behavior
+            if pfn == self.preferred_family(False):
+                return ''
+            return pfn
+        pfn = FontnameTools.concat(name, rest, self.other_token, self.family_suff)
+        if self.suppress_preferred_if_identical and pfn == self.family():
+            # Do not set if identical to ID 1
+            return ''
+        return pfn
+    def preferred_styles(self, _ = False):
+        """Get the SFNT Preferred Styles (ID 17)"""
+        styles = self.style_token
+        weights = self.weight_token
+        # For naming purposes we want Oblique to be part of the styles
+        (weights, styles) = FontnameTools.make_oblique_style(weights, styles)
+        pfs = FontnameTools.concat(weights, styles)
+        if self.suppress_preferred_if_identical and pfs == self.subfamily():
+            # Do not set if identical to ID 2
+            return ''
+        return pfs
+    def family(self):
+        """Get the SFNT Familyname (ID 1)"""
+        # We use the short form of the styles to save on number of chars
+        (name, rest) = self._shortened_name()
+        other = self.other_token
+        weights = self.weight_token
+        aggressive = self.use_short_families[2]
+        if not self.rename_oblique:
+            (weights, styles) = FontnameTools.make_oblique_style(weights, [])
+        if self.use_short_families[1]:
+            [ other, weights ] = FontnameTools.short_styles([ other, weights ], aggressive)
+        weights = [ w if w != 'Oblique' else 'Obl' for w in weights ]
+        return FontnameTools.concat(name, rest, other, self.short_family_suff, weights)
+    def subfamily(self):
+        """Get the SFNT SubFamily (ID 2)"""
+        styles = self.style_token
+        weights = self.weight_token
+        if not self.rename_oblique:
+            (weights, styles) = FontnameTools.make_oblique_style(weights, styles)
+        if len(styles) == 0:
+            if 'Oblique' in weights:
+                return FontnameTools.concat(styles, 'Italic')
+            return 'Regular'
+        if 'Oblique' in weights and not 'Italic' in styles:
+                return FontnameTools.concat(styles, 'Italic')
+        return FontnameTools.concat(styles)
+    def ps_familyname(self):
+        """Get the PS Familyname"""
+        fam = self.preferred_family(False)
+        if len(fam) < 1:
+            fam = self.family()
+        return self._make_ps_name(fam, True)
+    def macstyle(self, style):
+        """Modify a given macStyle value for current name, just bits 0 and 1 touched"""
+        b = style & (~3)
+        b |= 1 if 'Bold' in self.style_token else 0
+        b |= 2 if 'Italic' in self.style_token else 0
+        return b
+    def fs_selection(self, fs):
+        """Modify a given fsSelection value for current name, bits 0, 5, 6, 8, 9 touched"""
+        ITALIC = 1 << 0; BOLD = 1 << 5; REGULAR = 1 << 6; WWS = 1 << 8; OBLIQUE = 1 << 9
+        b = fs & (~(ITALIC | BOLD | REGULAR | WWS | OBLIQUE))
+        if 'Bold' in self.style_token:
+            b |= BOLD
+        # Ignore Italic if we have Oblique
+        if 'Oblique' in self.weight_token:
+            b |= OBLIQUE
+            if not self.rename_oblique:
+                # If we have no dedicated italic, than oblique = italic
+                b |= ITALIC
+        elif 'Italic' in self.style_token:
+            b |= ITALIC
+        # Regular is just the basic weight
+        if len(self.weight_token) == 0 and not b & (ITALIC | BOLD | OBLIQUE):
+            b |= REGULAR
+        b |= WWS # We assert this by our naming process
+        return b
+    def checklen(self, max_len, entry_id, name):
+        """Check the length of a name string and report violations"""
+        if len(name) <= max_len:
+            self.logger.debug('=====> {:18} ok       ({:2} <={:2}): {}'.format(entry_id, len(name), max_len, name))
+        else:
+            self.logger.error('====-< {:18} too long ({:2} > {:2}): {}'.format(entry_id, len(name), max_len, name))
+        return name
+    def check_weights(self, font):
+        """ Check weight metadata for consistency """
+        # Some weights are hidden in styles
+        ignore_token = list(FontnameTools.known_widths) + list(FontnameTools.known_slopes)
+        ignore_token += [ m + s
+                        for s in list(FontnameTools.known_widths)
+                        for m in list(FontnameTools.known_modifiers) ]
+        restored_weight_token = [ w for w in self.style_token + self.weight_token if w not in ignore_token ]
+        weight = ''.join(restored_weight_token)
+        os2_weight = font.os2_weight
+        ps_weight = FontnameTools.weight_string_to_number(font.weight)
+        name_weight = FontnameTools.weight_string_to_number(weight)
+        weightproblem = False
+        if ps_weight is None:
+            self.logger.warn('Can not parse PS-weight: {}'.format(font.weight))
+            weightproblem = True
+        if name_weight is None:
+            self.logger.warn('Can not parse name for weight: {}'.format(weight))
+            weightproblem = True
+        if weightproblem or abs(os2_weight - ps_weight) > 50 or abs(os2_weight - name_weight) > 50:
+            self.logger.warning('Possible problem with the weight metadata detected, check with --debug')
+        self.logger.debug('Weight approximations: OS2/PS/Name: {}/{}/{} (from {}/\'{}\'/\'{}\')'.format(
+            os2_weight, ps_weight, name_weight,
+            font.os2_weight, font.weight, weight))
+    def pfam_to_sfnt(self, name_function, entry, message, maxnum = 2):
+        """Prepare SFNT entries for short and long form as two different languages"""
+        languages = [ 'English (US)', 'English (British)' ]
+        names = [ name_function(False), name_function(True) ]
+        ret = [ ]
+        for i in range(maxnum):
+            if len(names[i]):
+                ret += [( languages[i], entry, self.checklen(31, message, names[i]) )]
+            else:
+                break
+        return ret
+    def rename_font(self, font):
+        """Rename the font to include all information we found (font is fontforge font object)"""
+        font.fondname = None
+        font.fontname = self.psname()
+        font.fullname = self.fullname()
+        font.familyname = self.ps_familyname()
+        self.check_weights(font)
+        # We have to work around several issues in fontforge:
+        #
+        # a. Remove some entries from SFNT table; fontforge has no API function for that
+        #
+        # b. Fontforge does not allow to set SubFamily (and other) to any value:
+        #
+        #    Fontforge lets you set any value, unless it is the default value. If it
+        #    is the default value it does not set anything. It also does not remove
+        #    a previously existing non-default value. Why it is done this way is
+        #    unclear:
+        #      fontforge/python.c SetSFNTName() line 11431
+        #        return( 1 ); /* If they set it to the default, there's nothing to do */
+        #
+        #    Then is the question: What is the default? It is taken from the
+        #    currently set fontname (??!). The fontname is parsed and everything
+        #    behind the dash is the default SubFamily:
+        #      fontforge/tottf.c DefaultTTFEnglishNames()
+        #      fontforge/splinefont.c _GetModifiers()
+        #
+        #    To fix this without touching Fontforge we need to set the SubFamily
+        #    directly in the SFNT table:
+        #
+        # c. Fontforge has the bug that it allows to write empty-string to a SFNT field
+        #    and it is actually embedded as empty string, but empty strings are not
+        #    shown if you query the sfnt_names *rolleyes*
+        version_tag = ''
+        sfnt_list = []
+        TO_DEL = ['Family', 'SubFamily', 'Fullname', 'PostScriptName', 'Preferred Family',
+                'Preferred Styles', 'Compatible Full', 'WWS Family', 'WWS Subfamily',
+                'UniqueID', 'CID findfont Name']
+        # Remove these entries in all languages and add (at least the vital ones) some
+        # back, but only as 'English (US)'. This makes sure we do not leave contradicting
+        # names over different languages.
+        for l, k, v in list(font.sfnt_names):
+            if not k in TO_DEL and l == 'English (US)':
+                sfnt_list += [( l, k, v )]
+                if k == 'Version':
+                    version_tag = ' ' + v.split()[-1]
+        sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'Family', self.checklen(31, 'Family (ID 1)', self.family()) )] # 1
+        sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'SubFamily', self.checklen(31, 'SubFamily (ID 2)', self.subfamily()) )] # 2
+        sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'UniqueID', self.fullname() + version_tag )] # 3
+        sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'Fullname', self.checklen(63, 'Fullname (ID 4)', self.fullname()) )] # 4
+        sfnt_list += [( 'English (US)', 'PostScriptName', self.checklen(63, 'PSN (ID 6)', self.psname()) )] # 6
+        sfnt_plus  = self.pfam_to_sfnt(self.preferred_family, 'Preferred Family', 'PrefFamily (ID 16)') # 16
+        sfnt_plus += self.pfam_to_sfnt(self.preferred_styles, 'Preferred Styles', 'PrefStyles (ID 17)', len(sfnt_plus)) # 17
+        sfnt_list += sfnt_plus
+        font.sfnt_names = tuple(sfnt_list)
+        font.macstyle = self.macstyle(0)
+        font.os2_stylemap = self.fs_selection(0)
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/bin/scripts/name_parser/FontnameTools.py b/bin/nerdfont/bin/scripts/name_parser/FontnameTools.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5537bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/bin/scripts/name_parser/FontnameTools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding=utf8
+import re
+import sys
+class FontnameTools:
+    """Deconstruct a fontname to get standardized name parts"""
+    @staticmethod
+    def front_upper(word):
+        """Capitalize a string (but keep case of subsequent chars)"""
+        return word[:1].upper() + word[1:]
+    @staticmethod
+    def camel_casify(word):
+        """Remove blanks and use CamelCase for the new word"""
+        return ''.join(map(FontnameTools.front_upper, word.split(' ')))
+    @staticmethod
+    def camel_explode(word):
+        """Explode CamelCase -> Camel Case"""
+        # But do not explode "JetBrains" etc at string start...
+        excludes = [
+                'JetBrains',
+                'DejaVu',
+                'OpenDyslexicAlta',
+                'OpenDyslexicMono',
+                'OpenDyslexic',
+                'DaddyTimeMono',
+                'InconsolataGo',
+                'ProFontWindows',
+                'ProFont',
+                'ProggyClean',
+                ]
+        m = re.match('(' + '|'.join(excludes) + ')(.*)', word)
+        (prefix, word) = m.group(1,2) if m != None else ('', word)
+        if len(word) == 0:
+            return prefix
+        parts = re.split('(?<=[a-z0-9])(?=[A-Z])', word)
+        if len(prefix):
+            parts.insert(0, prefix)
+        return ' '.join(parts)
+    @staticmethod
+    def drop_empty(l):
+        """Remove empty strings from list of strings"""
+        return [x for x in l if len(x) > 0]
+    @staticmethod
+    def concat(*all_things):
+        """Flatten list of (strings or lists of strings) to a blank-separated string"""
+        all = []
+        for thing in all_things:
+            if type(thing) is not list:
+                all.append(thing)
+            else:
+                all += thing
+        return ' '.join(FontnameTools.drop_empty(all))
+    @staticmethod
+    def unify_style_names(style_name):
+        """Substitude some known token with standard wording"""
+        known_names = {
+            # Source of the table is the current sourcefonts
+            # Left side needs to be lower case
+            'book':         '',
+            'ce':           'CE',
+            'normal':       'Regular',
+        }
+        return known_names.get(style_name.lower(), style_name)
+    @staticmethod
+    def find_in_dicts(key, dicts):
+        """Find an entry in a list of dicts, return entry and in which list it was"""
+        for i, d in enumerate(dicts):
+            if key in d:
+                return ( d[key], i )
+        return (None, 0)
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_shorten_form_idx(aggressive, prefix, form_if_prefixed):
+        """Get the tuple index of known_* data tables"""
+        if aggressive:
+            return 0
+        if len(prefix):
+            return form_if_prefixed
+        return 1
+    @staticmethod
+    def shorten_style_name(name, aggressive):
+        """Substitude some known styles to short form"""
+        # If aggressive is False create the mild short form
+        # aggressive == True: Always use first form of everything
+        # aggressive == False:
+        #               - has no modifier: use the second form
+        #               - has modifier: use second form of mod plus first form of weights2
+        #               - has modifier: use second form of mod plus second form of widths
+        name_rest = name
+        name_pre = ''
+        form = FontnameTools.get_shorten_form_idx(aggressive, '', 0)
+        for mod in FontnameTools.known_modifiers:
+            if name.startswith(mod) and len(name) > len(mod): # Second condition specifically for 'Demi'
+                name_pre = FontnameTools.known_modifiers[mod][form]
+                name_rest = name[len(mod):]
+                break
+        subst, i = FontnameTools.find_in_dicts(name_rest, [ FontnameTools.known_weights2, FontnameTools.known_widths ])
+        form = FontnameTools.get_shorten_form_idx(aggressive, name_pre, i)
+        if isinstance(subst, tuple):
+            return name_pre + subst[form]
+        if not len(name_pre):
+            # The following sets do not allow modifiers
+            subst, _ = FontnameTools.find_in_dicts(name_rest, [ FontnameTools.known_weights1, FontnameTools.known_slopes ])
+            if isinstance(subst, tuple):
+                return subst[form]
+        return name
+    @staticmethod
+    def short_styles(lists, aggressive):
+        """Shorten all style names in a list or a list of lists"""
+        if not len(lists) or not isinstance(lists[0], list):
+            return list(map(lambda x: FontnameTools.shorten_style_name(x, aggressive), lists))
+        return [ list(map(lambda x: FontnameTools.shorten_style_name(x, aggressive), styles)) for styles in lists ]
+    @staticmethod
+    def make_oblique_style(weights, styles):
+        """Move "Oblique" from weights to styles for font naming purposes"""
+        if 'Oblique' in weights:
+            weights = list(weights)
+            weights.remove('Oblique')
+            styles = list(styles)
+            styles.append('Oblique')
+        return (weights, styles)
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_name_token(name, tokens):
+        """Try to find any case insensitive token from tokens in the name, return tuple with found token-list and rest"""
+        # The default mode (allow_regex_token = False) will try to find any verbatim string in the
+        # tokens list (case insensitive matching) and give that tokens list item back with
+        # unchanged case (i.e. [ 'Bold' ] will match "bold" and return it as [ 'Bold', ]
+        # In the regex mode (allow_regex_token = True) it will use the tokens elements as
+        # regexes and return the original (i.e. from name) case.
+        #
+        # Token are always used in a regex and may not capture, use non capturing
+        # grouping if needed (?: ... )
+        lower_tokens = [ t.lower() for t in tokens ]
+        not_matched = ""
+        all_tokens = []
+        j = 1
+        token_regex = '|'.join(tokens)
+        # Allow a dash between CamelCase token word parts, i.e. Camel-Case
+        # This allows for styles like Extra-Bold
+        token_regex = re.sub(r'(?<=[a-z])(?=[A-Z])', '-?', token_regex)
+        regex = re.compile('(.*?)(' + token_regex + ')(.*)', re.IGNORECASE)
+        while j:
+            j = regex.match(name)
+            if not j:
+                break
+            if len(j.groups()) != 3:
+                sys.exit('Malformed regex in FontnameTools.get_name_token()')
+            not_matched += ' ' + j.groups()[0] # Blanc prevents unwanted concatenation of unmatched substrings
+            tok = j.groups()[1].lower()
+            tok = tok.replace('-', '') # Remove dashes between CamelCase token words
+            if tok in lower_tokens:
+                tok = tokens[lower_tokens.index(tok)]
+            tok = FontnameTools.unify_style_names(tok)
+            if len(tok):
+                all_tokens.append(tok)
+            name = j.groups()[2] # Recurse rest
+        not_matched += ' ' + name
+        return ( not_matched.strip(), all_tokens )
+    @staticmethod
+    def postscript_char_filter(name):
+        """Filter out characters that are not allowed in Postscript names"""
+        # The name string must be restricted to the printable ASCII subset, codes 33 to 126,
+        # except for the 10 characters '[', ']', '(', ')', '{', '}', '<', '>', '/', '%'
+        out = ''
+        for c in name:
+            if c in '[](){}<>/%' or ord(c) < 33 or ord(c) > 126:
+                continue
+            out += c
+        return out
+    SIL_TABLE = [
+        ( '(a)nka/(c)oder',             r'\1na\2onder' ),
+        ( '(a)nonymous',                r'\1nonymice' ),
+        ( '(b)itstream( ?)(v)era( ?sans ?mono)?', r'\1itstrom\2Wera' ),
+        ( '(c)ascadia( ?)(c)ode',       r'\1askaydia\2\3ove' ),
+        ( '(c)ascadia( ?)(m)ono',       r'\1askaydia\2\3ono' ),
+        ( 'Gohufont',                   r'GohuFont'), # Correct to CamelCase
+        ( '(h)ermit',                   r'\1urmit' ),
+        ( '(h)asklig',                  r'\1asklug' ),
+        ( 'iA([- ]?)writer',            r'iM\1Writing' ),
+        ( 'IBM[- ]?plex',               r'Blex' ), # We do not keep the case here
+        ( '(i)ntel( ?)(o)ne',           r'\1ntone' ),
+        ( '(l)iberation',               r'\1iteration' ),
+        ( '(m)onaspace',                r'\1onaspice' ),
+        ( '(m)( ?)plus',                r'\1+'), # Added this, because they use a plus symbol :->
+        ( '(s)hare',                    r'\1hure' ),
+        ( '(s)ource',                   r'\1auce' ),
+        ( '(t)erminus',                 r'\1erminess' ),
+        # Noone cares that font names starting with a digit are forbidden:
+        ( 'IBM 3270',                   r'3270'), # for historical reasons and 'IBM' is a TM or something
+        # Some name parts that are too long for us
+        ( '^(?!ubuntu)(.*sans ?m)ono',  r'\1'), # Various SomenameSansMono fonts
+        ( '(.*code ?lat)in',            r'\1'), # for 'M PLUS Code Latin'
+        ( '(b)ig( ?)(b)lue( ?)(t)erminal', r'\1ig\3lue\5erm'), # Shorten BigBlueTerminal
+        ( '(.*)437TT',                  r'\g<1>437'), # Shorten BigBlueTerminal 437 TT even further
+        ( '(.*dyslexic ?alt)a',         r'\1'), # Open Dyslexic Alta -> Open Dyslexic Alt
+        ( '(.*dyslexic ?m)ono',         r'\1'), # Open Dyslexic Mono -> Open Dyslexic M
+        ( '(overpass ?m)ono',           r'\1'), # Overpass Mono -> Overpass M
+        ( '(proggyclean) ?tt',          r'\1'), # Remove TT from ProggyClean
+        ( '(terminess) ?\(ttf\)',       r'\1'), # Remove TTF from Terminus (after renamed to Terminess)
+        ( '(.*ne)on',                   r'\1'), # Monaspace shorten face name
+        ( '(.*ar)gon',                  r'\1'), # Monaspace shorten face name
+        ( '(.*kr)ypton',                r'\1'), # Monaspace shorten face name
+        ( '(.*xe)non',                  r'\1'), # Monaspace shorten face name
+        ( '(.*r)adon',                  r'\1n'), # Monaspace shorten face name
+        ( '(im ?writing ?q)uattro',     r'\1uat'), # Rename iM Writing Quattro to Quat
+        ( '(im ?writing ?(mono|duo|quat)) ?s', r'\1'), # Remove S from all iM Writing styles
+        ( '(r)ec( ?)(m)ono( ?)(s)emicasual', r'\1ec\3ono\5mCasual'), # Shorten RecMonoSemicausal
+    ]
+    # From https://adobe-type-tools.github.io/font-tech-notes/pdfs/5088.FontNames.pdf
+    # The first short variant is from the linked table.
+    # The second (longer) short variant is from diverse fonts like Noto.
+    # We can
+    # - use the long form
+    # - use the very short form (first)
+    # - use mild short form:
+    #   - has no modifier: use the second form
+    #   - has modifier: use second form of mod plus first form of weights2
+    #   - has modifier: use second form of mod plus second form of widths
+    # This is encoded in get_shorten_form_idx()
+    known_weights1 = { # can not take modifiers
+        'Medium': ('Md', 'Med'),
+        'Nord': ('Nd', 'Nord'),
+        'Book': ('Bk', 'Book'),
+        'Text': ('Txt', 'Text'),
+        'Poster': ('Po', 'Poster'),
+        'Demi': ('Dm', 'Demi'), # Demi is sometimes used as a weight, sometimes as a modifier
+        'Regular': ('Rg', 'Reg'),
+        'Display': ('DS', 'Disp'),
+        'Super': ('Su', 'Sup'),
+        'Retina': ('Rt', 'Ret'),
+    }
+    known_weights2 = { # can take modifiers
+        'Black': ('Blk', 'Black'),
+        'Bold': ('Bd', 'Bold'),
+        'Heavy': ('Hv', 'Heavy'),
+        'Thin': ('Th', 'Thin'),
+        'Thick': ('Tk', 'Thck'),
+        'Light': ('Lt', 'Light'),
+    }
+    known_styles = [ # Keywords that end up as style (i.e. a RIBBI set)
+        'Bold', 'Italic', 'Regular', 'Normal'
+    ]
+    known_widths = { # can take modifiers
+        'Compressed': ('Cm', 'Comp'),
+        'Extended': ('Ex', 'Extd'),
+        'Condensed': ('Cn', 'Cond'),
+        'Narrow': ('Nr', 'Narrow'),
+        'Compact': ('Ct', 'Compact'),
+    }
+    known_slopes = { # can not take modifiers
+        'Inclined': ('Ic', 'Incl'),
+        'Oblique': ('Obl', 'Obl'),
+        'Italic': ('It', 'Italic'),
+        'Upright': ('Up', 'Uprght'),
+        'Kursiv': ('Ks', 'Kurs'),
+        'Sloped': ('Sl', 'Slop'),
+    }
+    known_modifiers = {
+        'Demi': ('Dm', 'Dem'),
+        'Ultra': ('Ult', 'Ult'),
+        'Semi': ('Sm', 'Sem'),
+        'Extra': ('X', 'Ext'),
+    }
+    equivalent_weights = {
+        100: ('thin', 'hairline'),
+        200: ('extralight', 'ultralight'),
+        300: ('light', ),
+        350: ('semilight', ),
+        400: ('regular', 'normal', 'book', 'text', 'nord', 'retina'),
+        500: ('medium', ),
+        600: ('semibold', 'demibold', 'demi'),
+        700: ('bold', ),
+        800: ('extrabold', 'ultrabold'),
+        900: ('black', 'heavy', 'poster', 'extrablack', 'ultrablack'),
+    }
+    @staticmethod
+    def weight_permutations():
+        """ All the weight modifiers we know """
+        return [ m + s
+                for s in list(FontnameTools.known_weights2)
+                for m in list(FontnameTools.known_modifiers) + [''] if m != s
+            ] + list(FontnameTools.known_weights1)
+    @staticmethod
+    def check_contains_weight(token):
+        """ Check if a token set contains a Weight specifier or just Widths or Slopes """
+        weights = FontnameTools.weight_permutations()
+        for t in token:
+            if t in weights:
+                return True
+        return False
+    @staticmethod
+    def weight_string_to_number(w):
+        """ Convert a common string approximation to a PS/2 weight value """
+        if not isinstance(w, str) or len(w) < 1:
+            return 400
+        w = w.lower().replace('-', '').replace(' ', '')
+        for num, strs in FontnameTools.equivalent_weights.items():
+            if w in strs:
+                return num
+        return None
+    @staticmethod
+    def weight_to_string(w):
+        """ Convert a PS/2 weight value to the common string approximation """
+        if w < 150:
+            str = 'Thin'
+        elif w < 250:
+            str = 'Extra-Light'
+        elif w < 350:
+            str = 'Light'
+        elif w < 450:
+            str = 'Regular'
+        elif w < 550:
+            str = 'Medium'
+        elif w < 650:
+            str = 'Semi-Bold'
+        elif w < 750:
+            str = 'Bold'
+        elif w < 850:
+            str = 'Extra-Bold'
+        else:
+            str = 'Black'
+        return str
+    @staticmethod
+    def is_keep_regular(basename):
+        """This has been decided by the font designers, we need to mimic that (for comparison purposes)"""
+        KEEP_REGULAR = [
+            'Agave',
+            'Arimo',
+            'Aurulent',
+            'Cascadia',
+            'Cousine',
+            'Fantasque',
+            'Fira',
+            'Overpass',
+            'Lilex',
+            'Inconsolata$', # not InconsolataGo
+            'IAWriter',
+            'Meslo',
+            'Monoid',
+            'Mononoki',
+            'Hack',
+            'JetBrains Mono',
+            'Noto Sans',
+            'Noto Serif',
+            'Victor',
+        ]
+        for kr in KEEP_REGULAR:
+            if (basename.rstrip() + '$').startswith(kr): return True
+        return False
+    @staticmethod
+    def _parse_simple_font_name(name):
+        """Parse a fontname that does not follow the 'FontFamilyName-FontStyle' pattern"""
+        # This is the usual case, because the font-patcher usually uses the fullname and
+        # not the PS name
+        if ' ' in name:
+            return FontnameTools.parse_font_name(name.replace(' ', '-'))
+        # Do we have a number-name boundary?
+        p = re.split('(?<=[0-9])(?=[a-zA-Z])', name)
+        if len(p) > 1:
+            return FontnameTools.parse_font_name('-'.join(p))
+        # Or do we have CamelCase?
+        n = FontnameTools.camel_explode(name)
+        if n != name:
+            return FontnameTools.parse_font_name(n.replace(' ', '-'))
+        return (False, FontnameTools.camel_casify(name), [], [], [], '')
+    @staticmethod
+    def parse_font_name(name):
+        """Expects a fontname following the 'FontFamilyName-FontStyle' pattern and returns ... parts"""
+        # This could parse filenames in the beginning but that was never used in production; code removed with this commit
+        for special in [
+                ('ExtLt', 'ExtraLight'), # IBM-Plex
+                ('Medm', 'Medium'), # IBM-Plex
+                ('Semi-Condensed', 'SemiCondensed'), # 3270
+                ('SmBld', 'SemiBold'), # IBM-Plex
+                ('Bold-Italic', 'BoldItalic'), # Terminus
+            ]:
+            name = re.sub(r'\b' + special[0] + r'\b', special[1], name, 1, re.IGNORECASE)
+        name = re.sub('[_\s]+', ' ', name)
+        matches = re.match(r'([^-]+)(?:-(.*))?', name)
+        familyname = FontnameTools.camel_casify(matches.group(1))
+        style = matches.group(2)
+        if not style:
+            return FontnameTools._parse_simple_font_name(name)
+        # These are the FontStyle keywords we know, in three categories
+        # Weights end up as Typographic Family parts ('after the dash')
+        # Styles end up as Family parts (for classic grouping of four)
+        # Others also end up in Typographic Family ('before the dash')
+        widths = [ m + s
+                for s in list(FontnameTools.known_widths)
+                for m in list(FontnameTools.known_modifiers) + ['']
+            ]
+        weights = FontnameTools.weight_permutations() + list(FontnameTools.known_slopes)
+        weights = [ w for w in weights if w not in FontnameTools.known_styles ]
+        # Some font specialities:
+        other = [
+            '-', 'Book', 'For', 'Powerline',
+            'IIx',              # Profont IIx
+            'LGC',              # Inconsolata LGC
+            r'\bCE\b',          # ProggycleanTT CE
+            r'[12][cmp]n?',     # MPlus
+            r'(?:uni-)?1[14]',  # GohuFont uni
+        ]
+        ( style, width_token ) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(style, widths)
+        ( style, weight_token ) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(style, weights)
+        ( style, style_token ) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(style, FontnameTools.known_styles)
+        ( style, other_token ) = FontnameTools.get_name_token(style, other)
+        weight_token = width_token + weight_token
+        while 'Regular' in style_token and len(style_token) > 1:
+            # Correct situation where "Regular" and something else is given
+            style_token.remove('Regular')
+        # Recurse to see if unmatched stuff between dashes can belong to familyname
+        matches2 = re.match(r'(\w+)-(.*)', style)
+        if matches2:
+            return FontnameTools.parse_font_name(familyname + matches2.group(1) + '-' + matches2.group(2))
+        style = re.sub(r'(^|\s)\d+(\.\d+)+(\s|$)', r'\1\3', style) # Remove (free standing) version numbers
+        style_parts = FontnameTools.drop_empty(style.split(' '))
+        style = ' '.join(map(FontnameTools.front_upper, style_parts))
+        familyname = FontnameTools.camel_explode(familyname)
+        return (True, familyname, weight_token, style_token, other_token, style)
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/font-patcher b/bin/nerdfont/font-patcher
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2535a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/font-patcher
@@ -0,0 +1,2114 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding=utf8
+# Nerd Fonts Version: 3.2.1
+# Script version is further down
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+# Change the script version when you edit this script:
+script_version = "4.13.1"
+version = "3.2.1"
+projectName = "Nerd Fonts"
+projectNameAbbreviation = "NF"
+projectNameSingular = projectName[:-1]
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+import argparse
+from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter
+import errno
+import subprocess
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+import logging
+    import configparser
+except ImportError:
+    sys.exit(projectName + ": configparser module is probably not installed. Try `pip install configparser` or equivalent")
+    import psMat
+    import fontforge
+except ImportError:
+    sys.exit(
+        projectName + (
+            ": FontForge module could not be loaded. Try installing fontforge python bindings "
+            "[e.g. on Linux Debian or Ubuntu: `sudo apt install fontforge python3-fontforge`]"
+        )
+    )
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '/bin/scripts/name_parser/')
+    from FontnameParser import FontnameParser
+    from FontnameTools import FontnameTools
+    FontnameParserOK = True
+except ImportError:
+    FontnameParserOK = False
+class TableHEADWriter:
+    """ Access to the HEAD table without external dependencies """
+    def getlong(self, pos = None):
+        """ Get four bytes from the font file as integer number """
+        if pos:
+            self.goto(pos)
+        return (ord(self.f.read(1)) << 24) + (ord(self.f.read(1)) << 16) + (ord(self.f.read(1)) << 8) + ord(self.f.read(1))
+    def getshort(self, pos = None):
+        """ Get two bytes from the font file as integer number """
+        if pos:
+            self.goto(pos)
+        return (ord(self.f.read(1)) << 8) + ord(self.f.read(1))
+    def putlong(self, num, pos = None):
+        """ Put number as four bytes into font file """
+        if pos:
+            self.goto(pos)
+        self.f.write(bytearray([(num >> 24) & 0xFF, (num >> 16) & 0xFF ,(num >> 8) & 0xFF, num & 0xFF]))
+        self.modified = True
+    def putshort(self, num, pos = None):
+        """ Put number as two bytes into font file """
+        if pos:
+            self.goto(pos)
+        self.f.write(bytearray([(num >> 8) & 0xFF, num & 0xFF]))
+        self.modified = True
+    def calc_checksum(self, start, end, checksum = 0):
+        """ Calculate a font table checksum, optionally ignoring another embedded checksum value (for table 'head') """
+        self.f.seek(start)
+        for i in range(start, end - 4, 4):
+            checksum += self.getlong()
+            checksum &= 0xFFFFFFFF
+        i += 4
+        extra = 0
+        for j in range(4):
+            extra = extra << 8
+            if i + j <= end:
+                extra += ord(self.f.read(1))
+        checksum = (checksum + extra) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+        return checksum
+    def find_table(self, tablenames, idx):
+        """ Search all tables for one of the tables in tablenames and store its metadata """
+        # Use font with index idx if this is a font collection file
+        self.f.seek(0, 0)
+        tag = self.f.read(4)
+        if tag == b'ttcf':
+            self.f.seek(2*2, 1)
+            self.num_fonts = self.getlong()
+            if (idx >= self.num_fonts):
+                raise Exception('Trying to access subfont index {} but have only {} fonts'.format(idx, num_fonts))
+            for _ in range(idx + 1):
+                offset = self.getlong()
+            self.f.seek(offset, 0)
+        elif idx != 0:
+            raise Exception('Trying to access subfont but file is no collection')
+        else:
+            self.f.seek(0, 0)
+            self.num_fonts = 1
+        self.f.seek(4, 1)
+        numtables = self.getshort()
+        self.f.seek(3*2, 1)
+        for i in range(numtables):
+            tab_name = self.f.read(4)
+            self.tab_check_offset = self.f.tell()
+            self.tab_check = self.getlong()
+            self.tab_offset = self.getlong()
+            self.tab_length = self.getlong()
+            if tab_name in tablenames:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def find_head_table(self, idx):
+        """ Search all tables for the HEAD table and store its metadata """
+        # Use font with index idx if this is a font collection file
+        found = self.find_table([ b'head' ], idx)
+        if not found:
+            raise Exception('No HEAD table found in font idx {}'.format(idx))
+    def goto(self, where):
+        """ Go to a named location in the file or to the specified index """
+        if isinstance(where, str):
+            positions = {'checksumAdjustment': 2+2+4,
+                         'flags': 2+2+4+4+4,
+                         'lowestRecPPEM': 2+2+4+4+4+2+2+8+8+2+2+2+2+2,
+                         'avgWidth': 2,
+                }
+            where = self.tab_offset + positions[where]
+        self.f.seek(where)
+    def calc_full_checksum(self, check = False):
+        """ Calculate the whole file's checksum """
+        self.f.seek(0, 2)
+        self.end = self.f.tell()
+        full_check = self.calc_checksum(0, self.end, (-self.checksum_adj) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
+        if check and (0xB1B0AFBA - full_check) & 0xFFFFFFFF != self.checksum_adj:
+            sys.exit("Checksum of whole font is bad")
+        return full_check
+    def calc_table_checksum(self, check = False):
+        tab_check_new = self.calc_checksum(self.tab_offset, self.tab_offset + self.tab_length - 1, (-self.checksum_adj) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
+        if check and tab_check_new != self.tab_check:
+            sys.exit("Checksum of 'head' in font is bad")
+        return tab_check_new
+    def reset_table_checksum(self):
+        new_check = self.calc_table_checksum()
+        self.putlong(new_check, self.tab_check_offset)
+    def reset_full_checksum(self):
+        new_adj = (0xB1B0AFBA - self.calc_full_checksum()) & 0xFFFFFFFF
+        self.putlong(new_adj, 'checksumAdjustment')
+    def close(self):
+        self.f.close()
+    def __init__(self, filename):
+        self.modified = False
+        self.f = open(filename, 'r+b')
+        self.find_head_table(0)
+        self.flags = self.getshort('flags')
+        self.lowppem = self.getshort('lowestRecPPEM')
+        self.checksum_adj = self.getlong('checksumAdjustment')
+def check_panose_monospaced(font):
+    """ Check if the font's Panose flags say it is monospaced """
+    # https://forum.high-logic.com/postedfiles/Panose.pdf
+    panose = list(font.os2_panose)
+    if panose[0] < 2 or panose[0] > 5:
+        return -1 # invalid Panose info
+    panose_mono = ((panose[0] == 2 and panose[3] == 9) or
+                   (panose[0] == 3 and panose[3] == 3))
+    return 1 if panose_mono else 0
+def panose_check_to_text(value, panose = False):
+    """ Convert value from check_panose_monospaced() to human readable string """
+    if value == 0:
+        return "Panose says \"not monospaced\""
+    if value == 1:
+        return "Panose says \"monospaced\""
+    return "Panose is invalid" + (" ({})".format(list(panose)) if panose else "")
+def panose_proportion_to_text(value):
+    """ Interpret a Panose proportion value (4th value) for family 2 (latin text) """
+    proportion = {
+            0: "Any", 1: "No Fit", 2: "Old Style", 3: "Modern", 4: "Even Width",
+            5: "Extended", 6: "Condensed", 7: "Very Extended", 8: "Very Condensed",
+            9: "Monospaced" }
+    return proportion.get(value, "??? {}".format(value))
+def is_monospaced(font):
+    """ Check if a font is probably monospaced """
+    # Some fonts lie (or have not any Panose flag set), spot check monospaced:
+    width = -1
+    width_mono = True
+    for glyph in [ 0x49, 0x4D, 0x57, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x2E ]: # wide and slim glyphs 'I', 'M', 'W', 'a', 'i', 'm', '.'
+        if not glyph in font:
+            # A 'strange' font, believe Panose
+            return (check_panose_monospaced(font) == 1, None)
+        # print(" -> {} {}".format(glyph, font[glyph].width))
+        if width < 0:
+            width = font[glyph].width
+            continue
+        if font[glyph].width != width:
+            # Exception for fonts like Code New Roman Regular or Hermit Light/Bold:
+            # Allow small 'i' and dot to be smaller than normal
+            # I believe the source fonts are buggy
+            if glyph in [ 0x69, 0x2E ]:
+                if width > font[glyph].width:
+                    continue
+                (xmin, _, xmax, _) = font[glyph].boundingBox()
+                if width > xmax - xmin:
+                    continue
+            width_mono = False
+            break
+    # We believe our own check more then Panose ;-D
+    return (width_mono, None if width_mono else glyph)
+def force_panose_monospaced(font):
+    """ Forces the Panose flag to monospaced if they are unset or halfway ok already """
+    # For some Windows applications (e.g. 'cmd'), they seem to honour the Panose table
+    # https://forum.high-logic.com/postedfiles/Panose.pdf
+    panose = list(font.os2_panose)
+    if panose[0] == 0: # 0 (1st value) = family kind; 0 = any (default)
+        panose[0] = 2 # make kind latin text and display
+        logger.info("Setting Panose 'Family Kind' to 'Latin Text and Display' (was 'Any')")
+        font.os2_panose = tuple(panose)
+    if panose[0] == 2 and panose[3] != 9:
+        logger.info("Setting Panose 'Proportion' to 'Monospaced' (was '%s')", panose_proportion_to_text(panose[3]))
+        panose[3] = 9 # 3 (4th value) = proportion; 9 = monospaced
+        font.os2_panose = tuple(panose)
+def get_advance_width(font, extended, minimum):
+    """ Get the maximum/minimum advance width in the extended(?) range """
+    width = 0
+    if not extended:
+        r = range(0x021, 0x07e)
+    else:
+        r = range(0x07f, 0x17f)
+    for glyph in r:
+        if not glyph in font:
+            continue
+        if glyph in range(0x7F, 0xBF):
+            continue # ignore special characters like '1/4' etc
+        if width == 0:
+            width = font[glyph].width
+            continue
+        if not minimum and width < font[glyph].width:
+            width = font[glyph].width
+        elif minimum and width > font[glyph].width:
+            width = font[glyph].width
+    return width
+def report_advance_widths(font):
+    return "Advance widths (base/extended): {} - {} / {} - {}".format(
+        get_advance_width(font, False, True), get_advance_width(font, False, False),
+        get_advance_width(font, True, True), get_advance_width(font, True, False))
+def get_btb_metrics(font):
+    """ Get the baseline to baseline distance for all three metrics """
+    hhea_height = font.hhea_ascent - font.hhea_descent
+    typo_height = font.os2_typoascent - font.os2_typodescent
+    win_height = font.os2_winascent + font.os2_windescent
+    win_gap = max(0, font.hhea_linegap - win_height + hhea_height)
+    hhea_btb = hhea_height + font.hhea_linegap
+    typo_btb = typo_height + font.os2_typolinegap
+    win_btb = win_height + win_gap
+    return (hhea_btb, typo_btb, win_btb, win_gap)
+def get_metrics_names():
+    """ Helper to get the line metrics names consistent """
+    return ['HHEA','TYPO','WIN']
+def get_old_average_x_width(font):
+    """ Determine xAvgCharWidth of the OS/2 table """
+    # Fontforge can not create fonts with old (i.e. prior to OS/2 version 3)
+    # table values, but some very old applications do need them sometimes
+    # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/os2#xavgcharwidth
+    s = 0
+    weights = {
+        'a': 64, 'b': 14, 'c': 27, 'd': 35, 'e': 100, 'f': 20, 'g': 14, 'h': 42, 'i': 63,
+        'j': 3, 'k': 6, 'l': 35, 'm': 20, 'n': 56, 'o': 56, 'p': 17, 'q': 4, 'r': 49,
+        's': 56, 't': 71, 'u': 31, 'v': 10, 'w': 18, 'x': 3, 'y': 18, 'z': 2, 32: 166,
+    }
+    for g in weights:
+        if g not in font:
+            logger.critical("Can not determine ancient style xAvgCharWidth")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        s += font[g].width * weights[g]
+    return int(s / 1000)
+def create_filename(fonts):
+    """ Determine filename from font object(s) """
+    # Only consider the standard (i.e. English-US) names
+    sfnt = { k: v for l, k, v in fonts[0].sfnt_names if l == 'English (US)' }
+    sfnt_pfam = sfnt.get('Preferred Family', sfnt['Family'])
+    sfnt_psubfam = sfnt.get('Preferred Styles', sfnt['SubFamily'])
+    if len(fonts) > 1:
+        return sfnt_pfam
+    if len(sfnt_psubfam) > 0:
+        sfnt_psubfam = '-' + sfnt_psubfam
+    return (sfnt_pfam + sfnt_psubfam).replace(' ', '')
+class font_patcher:
+    def __init__(self, args):
+        self.args = args  # class 'argparse.Namespace'
+        self.sym_font_args = []
+        self.config = None  # class 'configparser.ConfigParser'
+        self.sourceFont = None  # class 'fontforge.font'
+        self.patch_set = None  # class 'list'
+        self.font_dim = None  # class 'dict'
+        self.font_extrawide = False
+        self.source_monospaced = None # Later True or False
+        self.symbolsonly = False # Are we generating the SymbolsOnly font?
+        self.onlybitmaps = 0
+        self.essential = set()
+        self.config = configparser.ConfigParser(empty_lines_in_values=False, allow_no_value=True)
+        self.xavgwidth = [] # list of ints
+    def patch(self, font):
+        self.sourceFont = font
+        self.setup_version()
+        self.assert_monospace()
+        self.remove_ligatures()
+        self.get_essential_references()
+        self.get_sourcefont_dimensions()
+        self.setup_patch_set()
+        self.improve_line_dimensions()
+        self.sourceFont.encoding = 'UnicodeFull'  # Update the font encoding to ensure that the Unicode glyphs are available
+        self.onlybitmaps = self.sourceFont.onlybitmaps  # Fetch this property before adding outlines. NOTE self.onlybitmaps initialized and never used
+        if self.args.single:
+            # Force width to be equal on all glyphs to ensure the font is considered monospaced on Windows.
+            # This needs to be done on all characters, as some information seems to be lost from the original font file.
+            self.set_sourcefont_glyph_widths()
+        # For very wide (almost square or wider) fonts we do not want to generate 2 cell wide Powerline glyphs
+        if self.font_dim['height'] * 1.8 < self.font_dim['width'] * 2:
+            logger.warning("Very wide and short font, disabling 2 cell Powerline glyphs")
+            self.font_extrawide = True
+        # Prevent opening and closing the fontforge font. Makes things faster when patching
+        # multiple ranges using the same symbol font.
+        PreviousSymbolFilename = ""
+        symfont = None
+        if not os.path.isdir(self.args.glyphdir):
+            logger.critical("Can not find symbol glyph directory %s "
+                "(probably you need to download the src/glyphs/ directory?)", self.args.glyphdir)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        if self.args.dry_run:
+            return
+        for patch in self.patch_set:
+            if patch['Enabled']:
+                if PreviousSymbolFilename != patch['Filename']:
+                    # We have a new symbol font, so close the previous one if it exists
+                    if symfont:
+                        symfont.close()
+                        symfont = None
+                    symfont_file = os.path.join(self.args.glyphdir, patch['Filename'])
+                    if not os.path.isfile(symfont_file):
+                        logger.critical("Can not find symbol source for '%s' (i.e. %s)",
+                            patch['Name'], symfont_file)
+                        sys.exit(1)
+                    if not os.access(symfont_file, os.R_OK):
+                        logger.critical("Can not open symbol source for '%s' (i.e. %s)",
+                            patch['Name'], symfont_file)
+                        sys.exit(1)
+                    symfont = fontforge.open(symfont_file)
+                    symfont.encoding = 'UnicodeFull'
+                    # Match the symbol font size to the source font size
+                    symfont.em = self.sourceFont.em
+                    PreviousSymbolFilename = patch['Filename']
+                # If patch table doesn't include a source start, re-use the symbol font values
+                SrcStart = patch['SrcStart']
+                if not SrcStart:
+                    SrcStart = patch['SymStart']
+                self.copy_glyphs(SrcStart, symfont, patch['SymStart'], patch['SymEnd'], patch['Exact'], patch['ScaleRules'], patch['Name'], patch['Attributes'])
+        if symfont:
+            symfont.close()
+        # The grave accent and fontforge:
+        # If the type is 'auto' fontforge changes it to 'mark' on export.
+        # We can not prevent this. So set it to 'baseglyph' instead, as
+        # that resembles the most common expectations.
+        # This is not needed with fontforge March 2022 Release anymore.
+        if "grave" in self.sourceFont:
+            self.sourceFont["grave"].glyphclass="baseglyph"
+    def generate(self, sourceFonts):
+        sourceFont = sourceFonts[0]
+        # the `PfEd-comments` flag is required for Fontforge to save '.comment' and '.fontlog'.
+        if int(fontforge.version()) >= 20201107:
+            gen_flags = (str('opentype'), str('PfEd-comments'), str('no-FFTM-table'))
+        else:
+            gen_flags = (str('opentype'), str('PfEd-comments'))
+        if len(sourceFonts) > 1:
+            layer = None
+            # use first non-background layer
+            for l in sourceFont.layers:
+                if not sourceFont.layers[l].is_background:
+                    layer = l
+                    break
+            outfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(
+                sanitize_filename(self.args.outputdir, True),
+                sanitize_filename(create_filename(sourceFonts)) + ".ttc"))
+            sourceFonts[0].generateTtc(outfile, sourceFonts[1:], flags=gen_flags, layer=layer)
+            message = "   Generated {} fonts\n   \===> '{}'".format(len(sourceFonts), outfile)
+        else:
+            fontname = create_filename(sourceFonts)
+            if not fontname:
+                fontname = sourceFont.cidfontname
+            outfile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(
+                sanitize_filename(self.args.outputdir, True),
+                sanitize_filename(fontname) + self.args.extension))
+            bitmaps = str()
+            if len(sourceFont.bitmapSizes):
+                logger.debug("Preserving bitmaps %s", repr(sourceFont.bitmapSizes))
+                bitmaps = str('otf') # otf/ttf, both is bf_ttf
+            if self.args.dry_run:
+                logger.debug("=====> Filename '%s'", outfile)
+                return
+            sourceFont.generate(outfile, bitmap_type=bitmaps, flags=gen_flags)
+            message = "   {}\n   \===> '{}'".format(sourceFont.fullname, outfile)
+        # Adjust flags that can not be changed via fontforge
+        if re.search('\\.[ot]tf$', self.args.font, re.IGNORECASE) and re.search('\\.[ot]tf$', outfile, re.IGNORECASE):
+            if not os.path.isfile(outfile) or os.path.getsize(outfile) < 1:
+                logger.critical("Something went wrong and Fontforge did not generate the new font - look for messages above")
+                sys.exit(1)
+            try:
+                source_font = TableHEADWriter(self.args.font)
+                dest_font = TableHEADWriter(outfile)
+                for idx in range(source_font.num_fonts):
+                    logger.debug("Tweaking %d/%d", idx + 1, source_font.num_fonts)
+                    xwidth_s = ''
+                    xwidth = self.xavgwidth[idx] if len(self.xavgwidth) > idx else None
+                    if isinstance(xwidth, int):
+                        if isinstance(xwidth, bool) and xwidth:
+                            source_font.find_table([b'OS/2'], idx)
+                            xwidth = source_font.getshort('avgWidth')
+                            xwidth_s = ' (copied from source)'
+                        dest_font.find_table([b'OS/2'], idx)
+                        d_xwidth = dest_font.getshort('avgWidth')
+                        if d_xwidth != xwidth:
+                            logger.debug("Changing xAvgCharWidth from %d to %d%s", d_xwidth, xwidth, xwidth_s)
+                            dest_font.putshort(xwidth, 'avgWidth')
+                            dest_font.reset_table_checksum()
+                    source_font.find_head_table(idx)
+                    dest_font.find_head_table(idx)
+                    if source_font.flags & 0x08 == 0 and dest_font.flags & 0x08 != 0:
+                        logger.debug("Changing flags from 0x%X to 0x%X", dest_font.flags, dest_font.flags & ~0x08)
+                        dest_font.putshort(dest_font.flags & ~0x08, 'flags') # clear 'ppem_to_int'
+                    if source_font.lowppem != dest_font.lowppem:
+                        logger.debug("Changing lowestRecPPEM from %d to %d", dest_font.lowppem, source_font.lowppem)
+                        dest_font.putshort(source_font.lowppem, 'lowestRecPPEM')
+                    if dest_font.modified:
+                        dest_font.reset_table_checksum()
+                if dest_font.modified:
+                    dest_font.reset_full_checksum()
+            except Exception as error:
+                logger.error("Can not handle font flags (%s)", repr(error))
+            finally:
+                try:
+                    source_font.close()
+                    dest_font.close()
+                except:
+                    pass
+        if self.args.is_variable:
+            logger.critical("Source font is a variable open type font (VF) and the patch results will most likely not be what you want")
+        print(message)
+        if self.args.postprocess:
+            subprocess.call([self.args.postprocess, outfile])
+            print("\n")
+            logger.info("Post Processed: %s", outfile)
+    def setup_name_backup(self, font):
+        """ Store the original font names to be able to rename the font multiple times """
+        font.persistent = {
+            "fontname": font.fontname,
+            "fullname": font.fullname,
+            "familyname": font.familyname,
+        }
+    def setup_font_names(self, font):
+        font.fontname = font.persistent["fontname"]
+        if isinstance(font.persistent["fullname"], str):
+            font.fullname = font.persistent["fullname"]
+        if isinstance(font.persistent["familyname"], str):
+            font.familyname = font.persistent["familyname"]
+        verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix = ""
+        additionalFontNameSuffix = ""
+        if not self.args.complete:
+            # NOTE not all symbol fonts have appended their suffix here
+            if self.args.fontawesome:
+                additionalFontNameSuffix += " A"
+                verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Font Awesome"
+            if self.args.fontawesomeextension:
+                additionalFontNameSuffix += " AE"
+                verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Font Awesome Extension"
+            if self.args.octicons:
+                additionalFontNameSuffix += " O"
+                verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Octicons"
+            if self.args.powersymbols:
+                additionalFontNameSuffix += " PS"
+                verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Power Symbols"
+            if self.args.codicons:
+                additionalFontNameSuffix += " C"
+                verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Codicons"
+            if self.args.pomicons:
+                additionalFontNameSuffix += " P"
+                verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Pomicons"
+            if self.args.fontlogos:
+                additionalFontNameSuffix += " L"
+                verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Font Logos"
+            if self.args.material:
+                additionalFontNameSuffix += " MDI"
+                verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Material Design Icons"
+            if self.args.weather:
+                additionalFontNameSuffix += " WEA"
+                verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix += " Plus Weather Icons"
+        # add mono signifier to beginning of name suffix
+        if self.args.single:
+            variant_abbrev = "M"
+            variant_full = " Mono"
+        elif self.args.nonmono and not self.symbolsonly:
+            variant_abbrev = "P"
+            variant_full = " Propo"
+        else:
+            variant_abbrev = ""
+            variant_full = ""
+        ps_suffix = projectNameAbbreviation + variant_abbrev + additionalFontNameSuffix
+        # add 'Nerd Font' to beginning of name suffix
+        verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular + variant_full + verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix
+        additionalFontNameSuffix = " " + projectNameSingular + variant_full + additionalFontNameSuffix
+        if FontnameParserOK and self.args.makegroups > 0:
+            user_supplied_name = False # User supplied names are kept unchanged
+            if not isinstance(self.args.force_name, str):
+                use_fullname = isinstance(font.fullname, str) # Usually the fullname is better to parse
+                # Use fullname if it is 'equal' to the fontname
+                if font.fullname:
+                    use_fullname |= font.fontname.lower() == FontnameTools.postscript_char_filter(font.fullname).lower()
+                # Use fullname for any of these source fonts (that are impossible to disentangle from the fontname, we need the blanks)
+                for hit in [ 'Meslo' ]:
+                    use_fullname |= font.fontname.lower().startswith(hit.lower())
+                parser_name = font.fullname if use_fullname else font.fontname
+                # Gohu fontnames hide the weight, but the file names are ok...
+                if parser_name.startswith('Gohu'):
+                    parser_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.args.font))[0]
+            else:
+                if self.args.force_name == 'full':
+                    parser_name = font.fullname
+                elif self.args.force_name == 'postscript':
+                    parser_name = font.fontname
+                elif self.args.force_name == 'filename':
+                    parser_name = os.path.basename(font.path).split('.')[0]
+                else:
+                    parser_name = self.args.force_name
+                    user_supplied_name = True
+                if not isinstance(parser_name, str) or len(parser_name) < 1:
+                    logger.critical("Specified --name not usable because the name will be empty")
+                    sys.exit(2)
+            n = FontnameParser(parser_name, logger)
+            if not n.parse_ok:
+                logger.warning("Have only minimal naming information, check resulting name. Maybe specify --makegroups 0")
+            n.drop_for_powerline()
+            n.enable_short_families(not user_supplied_name, self.args.makegroups in [ 2, 3, 5, 6, ], self.args.makegroups in [ 3, 6, ])
+            if not n.set_expect_no_italic(self.args.noitalic):
+                logger.critical("Detected 'Italic' slant but --has-no-italic specified")
+                sys.exit(1)
+            # All the following stuff is ignored in makegroups-mode
+        # basically split the font name around the dash "-" to get the fontname and the style (e.g. Bold)
+        # this does not seem very reliable so only use the style here as a fallback if the font does not
+        # have an internal style defined (in sfnt_names)
+        # using '([^-]*?)' to get the item before the first dash "-"
+        # using '([^-]*(?!.*-))' to get the item after the last dash "-"
+        fontname, fallbackStyle = re.match("^([^-]*).*?([^-]*(?!.*-))$", font.fontname).groups()
+        # dont trust 'font.familyname'
+        familyname = fontname
+        # fullname (filename) can always use long/verbose font name, even in windows
+        if font.fullname != None:
+            fullname = font.fullname + verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix
+        else:
+            fullname = font.cidfontname + verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix
+        fontname = fontname + additionalFontNameSuffix.replace(" ", "")
+        # let us try to get the 'style' from the font info in sfnt_names and fallback to the
+        # parse fontname if it fails:
+        try:
+            # search tuple:
+            subFamilyTupleIndex = [x[1] for x in font.sfnt_names].index("SubFamily")
+            # String ID is at the second index in the Tuple lists
+            sfntNamesStringIDIndex = 2
+            # now we have the correct item:
+            subFamily = font.sfnt_names[subFamilyTupleIndex][sfntNamesStringIDIndex]
+        except IndexError:
+            sys.stderr.write("{}: Could not find 'SubFamily' for given font, falling back to parsed fontname\n".format(projectName))
+            subFamily = fallbackStyle
+        # some fonts have inaccurate 'SubFamily', if it is Regular let us trust the filename more:
+        if subFamily == "Regular" and len(fallbackStyle):
+            subFamily = fallbackStyle
+        # This is meant to cover the case where the SubFamily is "Italic" and the filename is *-BoldItalic.
+        if  len(subFamily) < len(fallbackStyle):
+            subFamily = fallbackStyle
+        if len(subFamily) == 0:
+            subFamily = "Regular"
+        familyname += " " + projectNameSingular + variant_full
+        # Don't truncate the subfamily to keep fontname unique.  MacOS treats fonts with
+        # the same name as the same font, even if subFamily is different. Make sure to
+        # keep the resulting fontname (PostScript name) valid by removing spaces.
+        fontname += '-' + subFamily.replace(' ', '')
+        # rename font
+        #
+        # comply with SIL Open Font License (OFL)
+        reservedFontNameReplacements = {
+            'source'         : 'sauce',
+            'Source'         : 'Sauce',
+            'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono' : 'Bitstrom Wera',
+            'BitstreamVeraSansMono' : 'BitstromWera',
+            'bitstream vera sans mono' : 'bitstrom wera',
+            'bitstreamverasansmono' : 'bitstromwera',
+            'hermit'         : 'hurmit',
+            'Hermit'         : 'Hurmit',
+            'hasklig'        : 'hasklug',
+            'Hasklig'        : 'Hasklug',
+            'Share'          : 'Shure',
+            'share'          : 'shure',
+            'IBMPlex'        : 'Blex',
+            'ibmplex'        : 'blex',
+            'IBM-Plex'       : 'Blex',
+            'IBM Plex'       : 'Blex',
+            'terminus'       : 'terminess',
+            'Terminus'       : 'Terminess',
+            'liberation'     : 'literation',
+            'Liberation'     : 'Literation',
+            'iAWriter'       : 'iMWriting',
+            'iA Writer'      : 'iM Writing',
+            'iA-Writer'      : 'iM-Writing',
+            'Anka/Coder'     : 'AnaConder',
+            'anka/coder'     : 'anaconder',
+            'Cascadia Code'  : 'Caskaydia Cove',
+            'cascadia code'  : 'caskaydia cove',
+            'CascadiaCode'   : 'CaskaydiaCove',
+            'cascadiacode'   : 'caskaydiacove',
+            'Cascadia Mono'  : 'Caskaydia Mono',
+            'cascadia mono'  : 'caskaydia mono',
+            'CascadiaMono'   : 'CaskaydiaMono',
+            'cascadiamono'   : 'caskaydiamono',
+            'Fira Mono'      : 'Fura Mono',
+            'Fira Sans'      : 'Fura Sans',
+            'FiraMono'       : 'FuraMono',
+            'FiraSans'       : 'FuraSans',
+            'fira mono'      : 'fura mono',
+            'fira sans'      : 'fura sans',
+            'firamono'       : 'furamono',
+            'firasans'       : 'furasans',
+            'IntelOneMono'   : 'IntoneMono',
+            'IntelOne Mono'  : 'Intone Mono',
+            'Intel One Mono' : 'Intone Mono',
+        }
+        # remove overly verbose font names
+        # particularly regarding Powerline sourced Fonts (https://github.com/powerline/fonts)
+        additionalFontNameReplacements = {
+            'for Powerline': '',
+            'ForPowerline': ''
+        }
+        additionalFontNameReplacements2 = {
+            'Powerline': ''
+        }
+        projectInfo = (
+            "Patched with '" + projectName + " Patcher' (https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts)\n\n"
+            "* Website: https://www.nerdfonts.com\n"
+            "* Version: " + version + "\n"
+            "* Development Website: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts\n"
+            "* Changelog: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/-/changelog.md"
+        )
+        familyname = replace_font_name(familyname, reservedFontNameReplacements)
+        fullname   = replace_font_name(fullname,   reservedFontNameReplacements)
+        fontname   = replace_font_name(fontname,   reservedFontNameReplacements)
+        familyname = replace_font_name(familyname, additionalFontNameReplacements)
+        fullname   = replace_font_name(fullname,   additionalFontNameReplacements)
+        fontname   = replace_font_name(fontname,   additionalFontNameReplacements)
+        familyname = replace_font_name(familyname, additionalFontNameReplacements2)
+        fullname   = replace_font_name(fullname,   additionalFontNameReplacements2)
+        fontname   = replace_font_name(fontname,   additionalFontNameReplacements2)
+        if self.args.makegroups < 0:
+            logger.warning("Renaming disabled! Make sure to comply with font license, esp RFN clause!")
+        elif not (FontnameParserOK and self.args.makegroups > 0):
+            # replace any extra whitespace characters:
+            font.familyname = " ".join(familyname.split())
+            font.fullname   = " ".join(fullname.split())
+            font.fontname   = " ".join(fontname.split())
+            font.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Preferred Family'), font.familyname)
+            font.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Family'), font.familyname)
+            font.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Compatible Full'), font.fullname)
+            font.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('SubFamily'), subFamily)
+        else:
+            # Add Nerd Font suffix unless user specifically asked for some excplicit name via --name
+            if not user_supplied_name:
+                short_family = projectNameAbbreviation + variant_abbrev if self.args.makegroups >= 4 else projectNameSingular + variant_full
+                # inject_suffix(family, ps_fontname, short_family)
+                n.inject_suffix(verboseAdditionalFontNameSuffix, ps_suffix, short_family)
+            n.rename_font(font)
+        font.comment = projectInfo
+        font.fontlog = projectInfo
+    def setup_version(self):
+        """ Add the Nerd Font version to the original version """
+        # print("Version was {}".format(sourceFont.version))
+        if self.sourceFont.version != None:
+            self.sourceFont.version += ";" + projectName + " " + version
+        else:
+            self.sourceFont.version = str(self.sourceFont.cidversion) + ";" + projectName + " " + version
+        self.sourceFont.sfntRevision = None # Auto-set (refreshed) by fontforge
+        self.sourceFont.appendSFNTName(str('English (US)'), str('Version'), "Version " + self.sourceFont.version)
+        # The Version SFNT name is later reused by the NameParser for UniqueID
+        # print("Version now is {}".format(sourceFont.version))
+    def remove_ligatures(self):
+        # let's deal with ligatures (mostly for monospaced fonts)
+        # Usually removes 'fi' ligs that end up being only one cell wide, and 'ldot'
+        if self.args.configfile and self.config.read(self.args.configfile):
+            if self.args.removeligatures:
+                logger.info("Removing ligatures from configfile `Subtables` section")
+                ligature_subtables = json.loads(self.config.get("Subtables", "ligatures"))
+                for subtable in ligature_subtables:
+                    logger.debug("Removing subtable: %s", subtable)
+                    try:
+                        self.sourceFont.removeLookupSubtable(subtable)
+                        logger.debug("Successfully removed subtable: %s", subtable)
+                    except Exception:
+                        logger.error("Failed to remove subtable: %s", subtable)
+        elif self.args.removeligatures:
+            logger.error("Unable to read configfile, unable to remove ligatures")
+    def assert_monospace(self):
+        # Check if the sourcefont is monospaced
+        width_mono, offending_char = is_monospaced(self.sourceFont)
+        self.source_monospaced = width_mono
+        if self.args.nonmono:
+            return
+        panose_mono = check_panose_monospaced(self.sourceFont)
+        logger.debug("Monospace check: %s; glyph-width-mono %s",
+            panose_check_to_text(panose_mono, self.sourceFont.os2_panose), repr(width_mono))
+        # The following is in fact "width_mono != panose_mono", but only if panose_mono is not 'unknown'
+        if (width_mono and panose_mono == 0) or (not width_mono and panose_mono == 1):
+            logger.warning("Monospaced check: Panose assumed to be wrong")
+            logger.warning("Monospaced check: %s and %s",
+                report_advance_widths(self.sourceFont),
+                panose_check_to_text(panose_mono, self.sourceFont.os2_panose))
+        if self.args.single and not width_mono:
+            logger.warning("Sourcefont is not monospaced - forcing to monospace not advisable, "
+                "results might be useless%s",
+                " - offending char: {:X}".format(offending_char) if offending_char is not None else "")
+            if self.args.single <= 1:
+                logger.critical("Font will not be patched! Give --mono (or -s, or --use-single-width-glyphs) twice to force patching")
+                sys.exit(1)
+        if width_mono:
+            force_panose_monospaced(self.sourceFont)
+    def setup_patch_set(self):
+        """ Creates list of dicts to with instructions on copying glyphs from each symbol font into self.sourceFont """
+        box_enabled = self.source_monospaced and not self.symbolsonly # Box glyph only for monospaced and not for Symbols Only
+        box_keep = False
+        if box_enabled or self.args.forcebox:
+            self.sourceFont.selection.select(("ranges",), 0x2500, 0x259f)
+            box_glyphs_target = len(list(self.sourceFont.selection))
+            box_glyphs_current = len(list(self.sourceFont.selection.byGlyphs))
+            if box_glyphs_target > box_glyphs_current or self.args.forcebox:
+                # Sourcefont does not have all of these glyphs, do not mix sets (overwrite existing)
+                if box_glyphs_current > 0:
+                    logger.debug("%d/%d box drawing glyphs will be replaced",
+                        box_glyphs_current, box_glyphs_target)
+                box_enabled = True
+            else:
+                # Sourcefont does have all of these glyphs
+                # box_keep = True # just scale do not copy (need to scale to fit new cell size)
+                box_enabled = False # Cowardly not scaling existing glyphs, although the code would allow this
+        # Stretch 'xz' or 'pa' (preserve aspect ratio)
+        # Supported params: overlap | careful | xy-ratio | dont_copy | ypadding
+        # Overlap value is used horizontally but vertically limited to 0.01
+        # Careful does not overwrite/modify existing glyphs
+        # The xy-ratio limits the x-scale for a given y-scale to make the ratio <= this value (to prevent over-wide glyphs)
+        # '1' means occupu 1 cell (default for 'xy')
+        # '2' means occupy 2 cells (default for 'pa')
+        # '!' means do the 'pa' scaling even with non mono fonts (else it just scales down, never up)
+        # '^' means that scaling shall fill the whole cell and not only the icon-cap-height (for mono fonts, other always use the whole cell)
+        # Dont_copy does not overwrite existing glyphs but rescales the preexisting ones
+        #
+        # Be careful, stretch may not change within a ScaleRule!
+        SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT = {
+            'default': {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'pa', 'params': {}}
+        }
+            'default': {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^pa', 'params': {}},
+            # Arrow tips
+            0xe0b0: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.06, 'xy-ratio': 0.7}},
+            0xe0b1: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'xy-ratio': 0.7}},
+            0xe0b2: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.06, 'xy-ratio': 0.7}},
+            0xe0b3: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'xy-ratio': 0.7}},
+            # Inverse arrow tips
+            0xe0d6: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.05, 'xy-ratio': 0.7}},
+            0xe0d7: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.05, 'xy-ratio': 0.7}},
+            # Rounded arcs
+            0xe0b4: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.06, 'xy-ratio': 0.59}},
+            0xe0b5: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'xy-ratio': 0.5}},
+            0xe0b6: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.06, 'xy-ratio': 0.59}},
+            0xe0b7: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'xy-ratio': 0.5}},
+            # Bottom Triangles
+            0xe0b8: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
+            0xe0b9: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {}},
+            0xe0ba: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
+            0xe0bb: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {}},
+            # Top Triangles
+            0xe0bc: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
+            0xe0bd: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {}},
+            0xe0be: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02}},
+            0xe0bf: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {}},
+            # Flames
+            0xe0c0: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy2', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
+            0xe0c1: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy2', 'params': {}},
+            0xe0c2: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy2', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
+            0xe0c3: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy2', 'params': {}},
+            # Small squares
+            0xe0c4: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy2', 'params': {'overlap': -0.03, 'xy-ratio': 0.86}},
+            0xe0c5: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy2', 'params': {'overlap': -0.03, 'xy-ratio': 0.86}},
+            # Bigger squares
+            0xe0c6: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy2', 'params': {'overlap': -0.03, 'xy-ratio': 0.78}},
+            0xe0c7: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy2', 'params': {'overlap': -0.03, 'xy-ratio': 0.78}},
+            # Waveform
+            0xe0c8: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy2', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
+            0xe0ca: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy2', 'params': {'overlap': 0.01}},
+            # Hexagons
+            0xe0cc: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy2', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02, 'xy-ratio': 0.85}},
+            0xe0cd: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy2', 'params': {'xy-ratio': 0.865}},
+            # Legos
+            0xe0ce: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^pa', 'params': {}},
+            0xe0cf: {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^pa', 'params': {}},
+            0xe0d0: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^pa', 'params': {}},
+            0xe0d1: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^pa', 'params': {}},
+            # Top and bottom trapezoid
+            0xe0d2: {'align': 'l', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02, 'xy-ratio': 0.7}},
+            0xe0d4: {'align': 'r', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02, 'xy-ratio': 0.7}}
+        }
+        SYM_ATTR_TRIGRAPH = {
+            'default': {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'pa1!', 'params': {'overlap': -0.10, 'careful': True}}
+        }
+        SYM_ATTR_FONTA = {
+            # 'pa' == preserve aspect ratio
+            'default': {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'pa', 'params': {}},
+            # Don't center these arrows vertically
+            0xf0dc: {'align': 'c', 'valign': '', 'stretch': 'pa', 'params': {}},
+            0xf0dd: {'align': 'c', 'valign': '', 'stretch': 'pa', 'params': {}},
+            0xf0de: {'align': 'c', 'valign': '', 'stretch': 'pa', 'params': {}}
+        }
+            'default': {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'pa1!', 'params': {'ypadding': 0.3, 'careful': True}}
+        }
+        SYM_ATTR_BOX = {
+            'default': {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': '^xy', 'params': {'overlap': 0.02, 'dont_copy': box_keep}},
+            # No overlap with checkered greys (commented out because that raises problems on rescaling clients)
+            # 0x2591: {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'dont_copy': box_keep}},
+            # 0x2592: {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'dont_copy': box_keep}},
+            # 0x2593: {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'xy', 'params': {'dont_copy': box_keep}},
+        }
+        CUSTOM_ATTR = {
+            # previous custom scaling => do not touch the icons
+            # 'default': {'align': 'c', 'valign': '', 'stretch': '', 'params': {}}
+            'default': {'align': 'c', 'valign': 'c', 'stretch': 'pa', 'params': {'careful': self.args.careful}}
+        }
+        # Most glyphs we want to maximize (individually) during the scale
+        # However, there are some that need to be small or stay relative in
+        # size to each other.
+        # The glyph-specific behavior can be given as ScaleRules in the patch-set.
+        #
+        # ScaleRules can contain two different kind of rules (possibly in parallel):
+        #   - ScaleGlyph:
+        #       Here one specific glyph is used as 'scale blueprint'. Other glyphs are
+        #       scaled by the same factor as this glyph. This is useful if you have one
+        #       'biggest' glyph and all others should stay relatively in size.
+        #       Shifting in addition to scaling can be selected too (see below).
+        #   - ScaleGroups:
+        #       Here you specify a group of glyphs that should be handled together
+        #       with the same scaling and shifting. The basis for it is a 'combined
+        #       bounding box' of all glyphs in that group. All glyphs are handled as
+        #       if they fill that combined bounding box.
+        #  (- ScaleGroupsVert: Removed with this commit)
+        #
+        # The ScaleGlyph method: You set 'ScaleGlyph' to the unicode of the reference glyph.
+        # Note that there can be only one per patch-set.
+        # Additionally you set 'GlyphsToScale' that contains all the glyphs that shall be
+        # handled (scaled) like the reference glyph.
+        # It is a List of: ((glyph code) or (tuple of two glyph codes that form a closed range))
+        #    'GlyphsToScale': [
+        #        0x0100, 0x0300, 0x0400,  # The single glyphs 0x0100, 0x0300, and 0x0400
+        #        (0x0200, 0x0210),        # All glyphs 0x0200 to 0x0210 including both 0x0200 and 0x0210
+        #    ]}
+        # If you want to not only scale but also shift as the refenerce glyph you give the
+        # data as 'GlyphsToScale+'. Note that only one set is used and the plus version is preferred.
+        #
+        # For the ScaleGroup method you define any number groups of glyphs and each group is
+        # handled separately. The combined bounding box of all glyphs in the group is determined
+        # and based on that the scale and shift for all the glyphs in the group.
+        # You define the groups as value of 'ScaleGroups'.
+        # It is a List of: ((lists of glyph codes) or (ranges of glyph codes))
+        #    'ScaleGroups': [
+        #        [0x0100, 0x0300, 0x0400],  # One group consists of glyphs 0x0100, 0x0300, and 0x0400
+        #        range(0x0200, 0x0210 + 1), # Another group contains glyphs 0x0200 to 0x0210 incl.
+        #
+        # Note the subtle differences: tuple vs. range; closed vs open range; etc
+        # See prepareScaleRules() for some more details.
+        # For historic reasons ScaleGroups is sometimes called 'new method' and ScaleGlyph 'old'.
+        # The codepoints mentioned here are symbol-font-codepoints.
+        BOX_SCALE_LIST = {'ScaleGroups': [
+            [*range(0x2500, 0x2570 + 1), *range(0x2574, 0x257f + 1)], # box drawing
+            range(0x2571, 0x2573 + 1), # diagonals
+            [*range(0x2580, 0x2590 + 1), 0x2594, 0x2595], # blocks
+            range(0x2591, 0x2593 + 1), # greys
+            range(0x2594, 0x259f + 1), # quards (Note: quard 2597 in Hack is wrong, scales like block!)
+        ]}
+        CODI_SCALE_LIST = {'ScaleGroups': [
+            [0xea61, 0xeb13], # lightbulb
+            range(0xeab4, 0xeab7 + 1), # chevrons
+            [0xea7d, *range(0xea99, 0xeaa1 + 1), 0xebcb], # arrows
+            [0xeaa2, 0xeb9a, 0xec08, 0xec09], # bells
+            range(0xead4, 0xead6 + 1), # dot and arrow
+            [0xeb43, 0xec0b, 0xec0c], # (pull) request changes
+            range(0xeb6e, 0xeb71 + 1), # triangles
+            [*range(0xeb89, 0xeb8b + 1), 0xec07], # smallish dots
+            range(0xebd5, 0xebd7 + 1), # compasses
+        ]}
+        DEVI_SCALE_LIST = {'ScaleGlyph': 0xE60E, # Android logo
+            'GlyphsToScale': [
+                (0xe6bd, 0xe6c3) # very small things
+        ]}
+        FONTA_SCALE_LIST = {'ScaleGroups': [
+            [0xf005, 0xf006, 0xf089], # star, star empty, half star
+            range(0xf026, 0xf028 + 1), # volume off, down, up
+            range(0xf02b, 0xf02c + 1), # tag, tags
+            range(0xf031, 0xf035 + 1), # font et al
+            range(0xf044, 0xf046 + 1), # edit, share, check (boxes)
+            range(0xf048, 0xf052 + 1), # multimedia buttons
+            range(0xf060, 0xf063 + 1), # arrows
+            [0xf053, 0xf054, 0xf077, 0xf078], # chevron all directions
+            range(0xf07d, 0xf07e + 1), # resize
+            range(0xf0a4, 0xf0a7 + 1), # pointing hands
+            [0xf0d7, 0xf0d8, 0xf0d9, 0xf0da, 0xf0dc, 0xf0dd, 0xf0de], # caret all directions and same looking sort
+            range(0xf100, 0xf107 + 1), # angle
+            range(0xf130, 0xf131 + 1), # mic
+            range(0xf141, 0xf142 + 1), # ellipsis
+            range(0xf153, 0xf15a + 1), # currencies
+            range(0xf175, 0xf178 + 1), # long arrows
+            range(0xf182, 0xf183 + 1), # male and female
+            range(0xf221, 0xf22d + 1), # gender or so
+            range(0xf255, 0xf25b + 1), # hand symbols
+        ]}
+        HEAVY_SCALE_LIST = {'ScaleGlyph': 0x2771, # widest bracket, horizontally
+            'GlyphsToScale': [
+                (0x276c, 0x2771) # all
+        ]}
+        OCTI_SCALE_LIST = {'ScaleGroups': [
+                [*range(0xf03d, 0xf040 + 1), 0xf019, 0xf030, 0xf04a, 0xf051,  0xf071, 0xf08c ], # arrows
+                [0xF0E7, # Smily and ...
+                    0xf044, 0xf05a, 0xf05b, 0xf0aa, # triangles
+                    0xf052, 0xf053, 0xf296, 0xf2f0, # small stuff
+                    0xf078, 0xf0a2, 0xf0a3, 0xf0a4, # chevrons
+                    0xf0ca, 0xf081, 0xf092, # dash, X, github-text
+                ],
+                [0xf09c, 0xf09f, 0xf0de], # bells
+                range(0xf2c2, 0xf2c5 + 1), # move to
+                [0xf07b, 0xf0a1, 0xf0d6, 0xf306], # bookmarks
+        ]}
+        WEATH_SCALE_LIST = {'ScaleGroups': [
+            [0xf03c, 0xf042, 0xf045 ], # degree signs
+            [0xf043, 0xf044, 0xf048, 0xf04b, 0xf04c, 0xf04d, 0xf057, 0xf058, 0xf087, 0xf088], # arrows
+            range(0xf053, 0xf055 + 1), # thermometers
+            [*range(0xf059, 0xf061 + 1), 0xf0b1], # wind directions
+            range(0xf089, 0xf094 + 1), # clocks
+            range(0xf095, 0xf0b0 + 1), # moon phases
+            range(0xf0b7, 0xf0c3 + 1), # wind strengths
+            [0xf06e, 0xf070 ], # solar/lunar eclipse
+            # Note: Codepoints listed before that are also in the following range
+            # will take the scaling of the previous group (the ScaleGroups are
+            # searched through in definition order).
+            # But be careful, the combined bounding box for the following group
+            # _will_ include all glyphs in its definition: Make sure the exempt
+            # glyphs from above are smaller (do not extend) the combined bounding
+            # box of this range:
+            range(0xf000, 0xf0cb + 1), # lots of clouds and other (Please read note above!)
+        ]}
+        MDI_SCALE_LIST = None # Maybe later add some selected ScaleGroups
+        # Define the character ranges
+        # Symbol font ranges
+        self.patch_set = [
+            {'Enabled': True,                           'Name': "Seti-UI + Custom",        'Filename': "original-source.otf",                            'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xE4FA, 'SymEnd': 0xE5FF, 'SrcStart': 0xE5FA, 'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
+            {'Enabled': True,                           'Name': "Heavy Angle Brackets",    'Filename': "extraglyphs.sfd",                                'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0x276C, 'SymEnd': 0x2771, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': HEAVY_SCALE_LIST, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_HEAVYBRACKETS},
+            {'Enabled': box_enabled,                    'Name': "Box Drawing",             'Filename': "extraglyphs.sfd",                                'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0x2500, 'SymEnd': 0x259F, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': BOX_SCALE_LIST,   'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_BOX},
+            {'Enabled': True,                           'Name': "Devicons",                'Filename': "devicons/devicons.ttf",                          'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xE600, 'SymEnd': 0xE6C5, 'SrcStart': 0xE700, 'ScaleRules': DEVI_SCALE_LIST,  'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.powerline,            'Name': "Powerline Symbols",       'Filename': "powerline-symbols/PowerlineSymbols.otf",         'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0xE0A0, 'SymEnd': 0xE0A2, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_POWERLINE},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.powerline,            'Name': "Powerline Symbols",       'Filename': "powerline-symbols/PowerlineSymbols.otf",         'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0xE0B0, 'SymEnd': 0xE0B3, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_POWERLINE},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.powerlineextra,       'Name': "Powerline Extra Symbols", 'Filename': "powerline-extra/PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf",      'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0xE0A3, 'SymEnd': 0xE0A3, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_POWERLINE},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.powerlineextra,       'Name': "Powerline Extra Symbols", 'Filename': "powerline-extra/PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf",      'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0xE0B4, 'SymEnd': 0xE0C8, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_POWERLINE},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.powerlineextra,       'Name': "Powerline Extra Symbols", 'Filename': "powerline-extra/PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf",      'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0xE0CA, 'SymEnd': 0xE0CA, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_POWERLINE},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.powerlineextra,       'Name': "Powerline Extra Symbols", 'Filename': "powerline-extra/PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf",      'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0xE0CC, 'SymEnd': 0xE0D7, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_POWERLINE},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.powerlineextra,       'Name': "Powerline Extra Symbols", 'Filename': "powerline-extra/PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf",      'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0x2630, 'SymEnd': 0x2630, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_TRIGRAPH},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.pomicons,             'Name': "Pomicons",                'Filename': "pomicons/Pomicons.otf",                          'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0xE000, 'SymEnd': 0xE00A, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.fontawesome,          'Name': "Font Awesome",            'Filename': "font-awesome/FontAwesome.otf",                   'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0xED00, 'SymEnd': 0xF2FF, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': FONTA_SCALE_LIST, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_FONTA},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.fontawesomeextension, 'Name': "Font Awesome Extension",  'Filename': "font-awesome-extension.ttf",                     'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xE000, 'SymEnd': 0xE0A9, 'SrcStart': 0xE200, 'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},  # Maximize
+            {'Enabled': self.args.powersymbols,         'Name': "Power Symbols",           'Filename': "Unicode_IEC_symbol_font.otf",                    'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0x23FB, 'SymEnd': 0x23FE, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},  # Power, Power On/Off, Power On, Sleep
+            {'Enabled': self.args.powersymbols,         'Name': "Power Symbols",           'Filename': "Unicode_IEC_symbol_font.otf",                    'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0x2B58, 'SymEnd': 0x2B58, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},  # Heavy Circle (aka Power Off)
+            {'Enabled': False             ,             'Name': "Material legacy",         'Filename': "materialdesign/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf", 'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xF001, 'SymEnd': 0xF847, 'SrcStart': 0xF500, 'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.material,             'Name': "Material",                'Filename': "materialdesign/MaterialDesignIconsDesktop.ttf",  'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0xF0001,'SymEnd': 0xF1AF0,'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': MDI_SCALE_LIST,   'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.weather,              'Name': "Weather Icons",           'Filename': "weather-icons/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf", 'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xF000, 'SymEnd': 0xF0EB, 'SrcStart': 0xE300, 'ScaleRules': WEATH_SCALE_LIST, 'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.fontlogos,            'Name': "Font Logos",              'Filename': "font-logos.ttf",                                 'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0xF300, 'SymEnd': 0xF375, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.octicons,             'Name': "Octicons",                'Filename': "octicons/octicons.ttf",                          'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xF000, 'SymEnd': 0xF105, 'SrcStart': 0xF400, 'ScaleRules': OCTI_SCALE_LIST,  'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},  # Magnifying glass
+            {'Enabled': self.args.octicons,             'Name': "Octicons",                'Filename': "octicons/octicons.ttf",                          'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0x2665, 'SymEnd': 0x2665, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': OCTI_SCALE_LIST,  'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},  # Heart
+            {'Enabled': self.args.octicons,             'Name': "Octicons",                'Filename': "octicons/octicons.ttf",                          'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0X26A1, 'SymEnd': 0X26A1, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': OCTI_SCALE_LIST,  'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},  # Zap
+            {'Enabled': self.args.octicons,             'Name': "Octicons",                'Filename': "octicons/octicons.ttf",                          'Exact': False, 'SymStart': 0xF27C, 'SymEnd': 0xF306, 'SrcStart': 0xF4A9, 'ScaleRules': OCTI_SCALE_LIST,  'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.codicons,             'Name': "Codicons",                'Filename': "codicons/codicon.ttf",                           'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0xEA60, 'SymEnd': 0xEC1E, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': CODI_SCALE_LIST,  'Attributes': SYM_ATTR_DEFAULT},
+            {'Enabled': self.args.custom,               'Name': "Custom",                  'Filename': self.args.custom,                                 'Exact': True,  'SymStart': 0x0000, 'SymEnd': 0x0000, 'SrcStart': None,   'ScaleRules': None,             'Attributes': CUSTOM_ATTR}
+        ]
+    def improve_line_dimensions(self):
+        # Make the total line size even.  This seems to make the powerline separators
+        # center more evenly.
+        if self.args.adjustLineHeight:
+            if (self.sourceFont.os2_winascent + self.sourceFont.os2_windescent) % 2 != 0:
+                # All three are equal before due to get_sourcefont_dimensions()
+                self.sourceFont.hhea_ascent += 1
+                self.sourceFont.os2_typoascent += 1
+                self.sourceFont.os2_winascent += 1
+    def add_glyphrefs_to_essential(self, unicode):
+        self.essential.add(unicode)
+        # According to fontforge spec, altuni is either None or a tuple of tuples
+        # Those tuples contained in altuni are of the following "format":
+        # (unicode-value, variation-selector, reserved-field)
+        altuni = self.sourceFont[unicode].altuni
+        if altuni is not None:
+            for altcode in [ v for v, s, r in altuni if v >= 0 ]:
+                # If alternate unicode already exists in self.essential,
+                # that means it has gone through this function before.
+                # Therefore we skip it to avoid infinite loop.
+                # A unicode value of -1 basically means unused and is also worth skipping.
+                if altcode not in self.essential:
+                    self.add_glyphrefs_to_essential(altcode)
+        # From fontforge documentation:
+        # glyph.references return a tuple of tuples containing, for each reference in foreground,
+        # a glyph name, a transformation matrix, and (depending on ff version) whether the
+        # reference is currently selected.
+        references = self.sourceFont[unicode].references
+        for refcode in [ self.sourceFont[n].unicode for n, *_ in references ]: # tuple of 2 or 3 depending on ff version
+            if refcode not in self.essential and refcode >= 0:
+                self.add_glyphrefs_to_essential(refcode)
+    def get_essential_references(self):
+        """Find glyphs that are needed for the basic glyphs"""
+        # Sometimes basic glyphs are constructed from multiple other glyphs.
+        # Find out which other glyphs are also needed to keep the basic
+        # glyphs intact.
+        # 0x0000-0x017f is the Latin Extended-A range
+        # 0xfb00-0xfb06 are 'fi' and other ligatures
+        basic_glyphs = { c for c in range(0x21, 0x17f + 1) if c in self.sourceFont }
+        # Collect substitution destinations
+        for glyph in list(basic_glyphs) + [*range(0xfb00, 0xfb06 + 1)]:
+            if not glyph in self.sourceFont:
+                continue
+            for possub in self.sourceFont[glyph].getPosSub('*'):
+                if possub[1] == 'Substitution' or possub[1] == 'Ligature':
+                    basic_glyphs.add(glyph)
+                    basic_glyphs.add(self.sourceFont[possub[2]].unicode)
+        basic_glyphs.discard(-1) # the .notdef glyph
+        for glyph in basic_glyphs:
+            self.add_glyphrefs_to_essential(glyph)
+    def get_sourcefont_dimensions(self):
+        """ This gets the font dimensions (cell width and height), and makes them equal on all platforms """
+        # Step 1
+        # There are three ways to discribe the baseline to baseline distance
+        # (a.k.a. line spacing) of a font. That is all a kuddelmuddel
+        # and we try to sort this out here
+        # See also https://glyphsapp.com/learn/vertical-metrics
+        # See also https://github.com/source-foundry/font-line
+        (hhea_btb, typo_btb, win_btb, win_gap) = get_btb_metrics(self.sourceFont)
+        use_typo = self.sourceFont.os2_use_typo_metrics != 0
+        Metric = Enum('Metric', get_metrics_names())
+        if not self.args.metrics:
+            # We use either TYPO (1) or WIN (2) and compare with HHEA
+            # and use HHEA (0) if the fonts seems broken - no WIN, see #1056
+            our_btb = typo_btb if use_typo else win_btb
+            if our_btb == hhea_btb:
+                metrics = Metric.TYPO if use_typo else Metric.WIN # conforming font
+            elif abs(our_btb - hhea_btb) / our_btb < 0.03:
+                logger.info("Font vertical metrics slightly off (%.1f%%)", (our_btb - hhea_btb) / our_btb * 100.0)
+                metrics = Metric.TYPO if use_typo else Metric.WIN
+            else:
+                # Try the other metric
+                our_btb = typo_btb if not use_typo else win_btb
+                if our_btb == hhea_btb:
+                    use_typo = not use_typo
+                    logger.warning("Font vertical metrics probably wrong USE TYPO METRICS, assume opposite (i.e. %s)", repr(use_typo))
+                    self.sourceFont.os2_use_typo_metrics = 1 if use_typo else 0
+                    metrics = Metric.TYPO if use_typo else Metric.WIN
+                else:
+                    # We trust the WIN metric more, see experiments in #1056
+                    logger.warning("Font vertical metrics inconsistent (HHEA %d / TYPO %d / WIN %d), using WIN", hhea_btb, typo_btb, win_btb)
+                    our_btb = win_btb
+                    metrics = Metric.WIN
+        else:
+            metrics = Metric[self.args.metrics]
+            logger.debug("Metrics in the font: HHEA %d / TYPO %d / WIN %d", hhea_btb, typo_btb, win_btb)
+            if metrics == Metric.HHEA:
+                our_btb = hhea_btb
+            elif metrics == Metric.TYPO:
+                our_btb = typo_btb
+            else:
+                our_btb = win_btb
+            logger.info("Manually selected metrics: %s (%d)", self.args.metrics, our_btb)
+        # print("FINI hhea {} typo {} win {} use {}     {}      {}".format(hhea_btb, typo_btb, win_btb, use_typo, our_btb != hhea_btb, self.sourceFont.fontname))
+        self.font_dim = {'xmin': 0, 'ymin': 0, 'xmax': 0, 'ymax': 0, 'width' : 0, 'height': 0, 'iconheight': 0, 'ypadding': 0}
+        if metrics == Metric.HHEA:
+            self.font_dim['ymin'] = self.sourceFont.hhea_descent - half_gap(self.sourceFont.hhea_linegap, False)
+            self.font_dim['ymax'] = self.sourceFont.hhea_ascent + half_gap(self.sourceFont.hhea_linegap, True)
+        elif metrics == Metric.TYPO:
+            self.font_dim['ymin'] = self.sourceFont.os2_typodescent - half_gap(self.sourceFont.os2_typolinegap, False)
+            self.font_dim['ymax'] = self.sourceFont.os2_typoascent + half_gap(self.sourceFont.os2_typolinegap, True)
+        elif metrics == Metric.WIN:
+            self.font_dim['ymin'] = -self.sourceFont.os2_windescent - half_gap(win_gap, False)
+            self.font_dim['ymax'] = self.sourceFont.os2_winascent + half_gap(win_gap, True)
+        else:
+            logger.debug("Metrics is strange")
+            pass # Will fail the metrics check some line later
+        # Calculate font height
+        self.font_dim['height'] = -self.font_dim['ymin'] + self.font_dim['ymax']
+        if self.font_dim['height'] == 0:
+            # This can only happen if the input font is empty
+            # Assume we are using our prepared templates
+            self.symbolsonly = True
+            self.font_dim = {
+                'xmin'      : 0,
+                'ymin'      : -self.sourceFont.descent,
+                'xmax'      : self.sourceFont.em,
+                'ymax'      : self.sourceFont.ascent,
+                'width'     : self.sourceFont.em,
+                'height'    : self.sourceFont.descent + self.sourceFont.ascent,
+                'iconheight': self.sourceFont.descent + self.sourceFont.ascent,
+                'ypadding'  : 0,
+            }
+            our_btb = self.sourceFont.descent + self.sourceFont.ascent
+        if self.font_dim['height'] <= 0:
+            logger.critical("Can not detect sane font height")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        self.font_dim['iconheight'] = self.font_dim['height']
+        if self.args.single and self.sourceFont.capHeight > 0:
+            # Limit the icon height on monospaced fonts because very slender and tall icons render
+            # excessivly tall otherwise. We ignore that effect for the other variants because it
+            # does not look so much out of place there.
+            # Icons can be bigger than the letter capitals, but not the whole cell:
+            self.font_dim['iconheight'] = (self.sourceFont.capHeight * 2 + self.font_dim['height']) / 3
+        # Make all metrics equal
+        self.sourceFont.os2_typolinegap = 0
+        self.sourceFont.os2_typoascent = self.font_dim['ymax']
+        self.sourceFont.os2_typodescent = self.font_dim['ymin']
+        self.sourceFont.os2_winascent = self.sourceFont.os2_typoascent
+        self.sourceFont.os2_windescent = -self.sourceFont.os2_typodescent
+        self.sourceFont.hhea_ascent = self.sourceFont.os2_typoascent
+        self.sourceFont.hhea_descent = self.sourceFont.os2_typodescent
+        self.sourceFont.hhea_linegap = self.sourceFont.os2_typolinegap
+        self.sourceFont.os2_use_typo_metrics = 1
+        (check_hhea_btb, check_typo_btb, check_win_btb, _) = get_btb_metrics(self.sourceFont)
+        if check_hhea_btb != check_typo_btb or check_typo_btb != check_win_btb or check_win_btb != our_btb:
+            logger.critical("Error in baseline to baseline code detected")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        # Step 2
+        # Find the biggest char width and advance width
+        # 0x00-0x17f is the Latin Extended-A range
+        warned1 = self.args.nonmono # Do not warn if proportional target
+        warned2 = warned1
+        for glyph in range(0x21, 0x17f):
+            if glyph in range(0x7F, 0xBF) or glyph in [
+                    0x132, 0x133, # IJ, ij (in Overpass Mono)
+                    0x022, 0x027, 0x060, # Single and double quotes in Inconsolata LGC
+                    0x0D0, 0x10F, 0x110, 0x111, 0x127, 0x13E, 0x140, 0x165, # Eth and others with stroke or caron in RobotoMono
+                    0x149, # napostrophe in DaddyTimeMono
+                    0x02D, # hyphen for Monofur
+                    ]:
+                continue # ignore special characters like '1/4' etc and some specifics
+            try:
+                (_, _, xmax, _) = self.sourceFont[glyph].boundingBox()
+            except TypeError:
+                continue
+            # print("WIDTH {:X} {} ({} {})".format(glyph, self.sourceFont[glyph].width, self.font_dim['width'], xmax))
+            if self.font_dim['width'] < self.sourceFont[glyph].width:
+                self.font_dim['width'] = self.sourceFont[glyph].width
+                if not warned1 and glyph > 0x7a: # NOT 'basic' glyph, which includes a-zA-Z
+                    logger.debug("Extended glyphs wider than basic glyphs, results might be useless")
+                    logger.debug("%s", report_advance_widths(self.sourceFont))
+                    warned1 = True
+                # print("New MAXWIDTH-A {:X} {} -> {} {}".format(glyph, self.sourceFont[glyph].width, self.font_dim['width'], xmax))
+            if xmax > self.font_dim['xmax']:
+                self.font_dim['xmax'] = xmax
+                if not warned2 and glyph > 0x7a: # NOT 'basic' glyph, which includes a-zA-Z
+                    logger.debug("Extended glyphs wider bounding box than basic glyphs")
+                    warned2 = True
+                # print("New MAXWIDTH-B {:X} {} -> {} {}".format(glyph, self.sourceFont[glyph].width, self.font_dim['width'], xmax))
+        if self.font_dim['width'] < self.font_dim['xmax']:
+            logger.debug("Font has negative right side bearing in extended glyphs")
+            self.font_dim['xmax'] = self.font_dim['width'] # In fact 'xmax' is never used
+        if self.font_dim['width'] <= 0:
+            logger.critical("Can not detect sane font width")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        logger.debug("Final font cell dimensions %d w x %d h%s",
+            self.font_dim['width'], self.font_dim['height'],
+            ' (with icon cell {} h)'.format(int(self.font_dim['iconheight'])) if self.font_dim['iconheight'] != self.font_dim['height'] else '')
+        self.xavgwidth.append(self.args.xavgwidth)
+        if isinstance(self.xavgwidth[-1], int) and self.xavgwidth[-1] == 0:
+            self.xavgwidth[-1] = get_old_average_x_width(self.sourceFont)
+    def get_target_width(self, stretch):
+        """ Get the target width (1 or 2 'cell') for a given stretch parameter """
+        # For monospaced fonts all chars need to be maximum 'one' space wide
+        # other fonts allows double width glyphs for 'pa' or if requested with '2'
+        if self.args.single or ('pa' not in stretch and '2' not in stretch) or '1' in stretch:
+            return 1
+        return 2
+    def get_scale_factors(self, sym_dim, stretch):
+        """ Get scale in x and y as tuple """
+        # It is possible to have empty glyphs, so we need to skip those.
+        if not sym_dim['width'] or not sym_dim['height']:
+            return (1.0, 1.0)
+        target_width = self.font_dim['width'] * self.get_target_width(stretch)
+        scale_ratio_x = target_width / sym_dim['width']
+        # font_dim['height'] represents total line height, keep our symbols sized based upon font's em
+        # Use the font_dim['height'] only for explicit 'y' scaling (not 'pa')
+        target_height = self.font_dim['height'] if '^' in stretch else self.font_dim['iconheight']
+        target_height *= 1.0 - self.font_dim['ypadding']
+        scale_ratio_y = target_height / sym_dim['height']
+        if 'pa' in stretch:
+            # We want to preserve x/y aspect ratio, so find biggest scale factor that allows symbol to fit
+            scale_ratio_x = min(scale_ratio_x, scale_ratio_y)
+            if not self.args.single and not '!' in stretch:
+                # non monospaced fonts just scale down on 'pa', not up
+                scale_ratio_x = min(scale_ratio_x, 1.0)
+            scale_ratio_y = scale_ratio_x
+        else:
+            # Keep the not-stretched direction
+            if not 'x' in stretch:
+                scale_ratio_x = 1.0
+            if not 'y' in stretch:
+                scale_ratio_y = 1.0
+        return (scale_ratio_x, scale_ratio_y)
+    def copy_glyphs(self, sourceFontStart, symbolFont, symbolFontStart, symbolFontEnd, exactEncoding, scaleRules, setName, attributes):
+        """ Copies symbol glyphs into self.sourceFont """
+        progressText = ''
+        careful = False
+        sourceFontCounter = 0
+        if self.args.careful:
+            careful = True
+        # Create glyphs from symbol font
+        #
+        # If we are going to copy all Glyphs, then assume we want to be careful
+        # and only copy those that are not already contained in the source font
+        if symbolFontStart == 0:
+            symbolFont.selection.all()
+            careful = True
+        else:
+            symbolFont.selection.select((str("ranges"), str("unicode")), symbolFontStart, symbolFontEnd)
+        # Get number of selected non-empty glyphs with codes >=0 (i.e. not -1 == notdef)
+        symbolFontSelection = [ x for x in symbolFont.selection.byGlyphs if x.unicode >= 0 ]
+        glyphSetLength = len(symbolFontSelection)
+        if not self.args.quiet:
+            modify = attributes['default']['params'].get('dont_copy')
+            sys.stdout.write("{} {} Glyphs from {} Set\n".format(
+                "Adding" if not modify else "Rescaling", glyphSetLength, setName))
+        currentSourceFontGlyph = -1 # initialize for the exactEncoding case
+        width_warning = False
+        for index, sym_glyph in enumerate(symbolFontSelection):
+            sym_attr = attributes.get(sym_glyph.unicode)
+            if sym_attr is None:
+                sym_attr = attributes['default']
+            if self.font_extrawide:
+                # Do not allow 'xy2' scaling
+                sym_attr['stretch'] = sym_attr['stretch'].replace('2', '')
+            if exactEncoding:
+                # Use the exact same hex values for the source font as for the symbol font.
+                # Problem is we do not know the codepoint of the sym_glyph and because it
+                # came from a selection.byGlyphs there might be skipped over glyphs.
+                # The iteration is still in the order of the selection by codepoint,
+                # so we take the next allowed codepoint of the current glyph
+                possible_codes = [ ]
+                if sym_glyph.unicode > currentSourceFontGlyph:
+                    possible_codes += [ sym_glyph.unicode ]
+                if sym_glyph.altuni:
+                    possible_codes += [ v for v, s, r in sym_glyph.altuni if v > currentSourceFontGlyph ]
+                if len(possible_codes) == 0:
+                    logger.warning("Can not determine codepoint of %X. Skipping...", sym_glyph.unicode)
+                    continue
+                currentSourceFontGlyph = min(possible_codes)
+            else:
+                # use source font defined hex values based on passed in start (fills gaps; symbols are packed)
+                currentSourceFontGlyph = sourceFontStart + sourceFontCounter
+                sourceFontCounter += 1
+            # For debugging process only limited glyphs
+            # if currentSourceFontGlyph != 0xe7bd:
+            #     continue
+            ypadding = sym_attr['params'].get('ypadding')
+            self.font_dim['ypadding'] = ypadding or 0.0
+            if not self.args.quiet:
+                if self.args.progressbars:
+                    update_progress(round(float(index + 1) / glyphSetLength, 2))
+                else:
+                    progressText = "\nUpdating glyph: {} {} putting at: {:X}".format(sym_glyph, sym_glyph.glyphname, currentSourceFontGlyph)
+                    sys.stdout.write(progressText)
+                    sys.stdout.flush()
+            # check if a glyph already exists in this location
+            do_careful = sym_attr['params'].get('careful', careful) # params take precedence
+            if do_careful or currentSourceFontGlyph in self.essential:
+                if currentSourceFontGlyph in self.sourceFont:
+                    careful_type = 'essential' if currentSourceFontGlyph in self.essential else 'existing'
+                    logger.debug("Found %s Glyph at %X. Skipping...", careful_type, currentSourceFontGlyph)
+                    # We don't want to touch anything so move to next Glyph
+                    continue
+            else:
+                # If we overwrite an existing glyph all subtable entries regarding it will be wrong
+                # (Probably; at least if we add a symbol and do not substitude a ligature or such)
+                if currentSourceFontGlyph in self.sourceFont:
+                    self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].removePosSub("*")
+            stretch = sym_attr['stretch']
+            dont_copy = sym_attr['params'].get('dont_copy')
+            if dont_copy:
+                # Just prepare scaling of existing glyphs
+                glyph_scale_data = self.get_glyph_scale(sym_glyph.encoding, scaleRules, stretch, self.sourceFont, currentSourceFontGlyph) if scaleRules is not None else None
+            else:
+                # Break apart multiple unicodes linking to one glyph
+                if currentSourceFontGlyph in self.sourceFont:
+                    altuni = self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].altuni
+                    if altuni:
+                        codes = { v for v, s, r in altuni if v >= 0 }
+                        codes.add(self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].unicode)
+                        codes.remove(currentSourceFontGlyph)
+                        codes = [ "{:04X}".format(c) for c in sorted(list(codes)) ]
+                        logger.debug("Removing alternate unicode on %X (%s)", currentSourceFontGlyph, ' '.join(codes));
+                        self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].altuni = None
+                        self.sourceFont.encoding = 'UnicodeFull' # Rebuild encoding table (needed after altuni changes)
+                # This will destroy any content currently in currentSourceFontGlyph, so do it first
+                glyph_scale_data = self.get_glyph_scale(sym_glyph.encoding, scaleRules, stretch, symbolFont, currentSourceFontGlyph) if scaleRules is not None else None
+                # Select and copy symbol from its encoding point
+                # We need to do this select after the careful check, this way we don't
+                # reset our selection before starting the next loop
+                symbolFont.selection.select(sym_glyph.encoding)
+                symbolFont.copy()
+                # Paste it
+                self.sourceFont.selection.select(currentSourceFontGlyph)
+                self.sourceFont.paste()
+                self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].glyphname = sym_glyph.glyphname
+                self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].manualHints = True # No autohints for symbols
+            # Prepare symbol glyph dimensions
+            sym_dim = get_glyph_dimensions(self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph])
+            if glyph_scale_data is not None:
+                if glyph_scale_data[1] is not None:
+                    sym_dim = glyph_scale_data[1] # Use combined bounding box
+                    (scale_ratio_x, scale_ratio_y) = self.get_scale_factors(sym_dim, stretch)
+                else:
+                    # This is roughly alike get_scale_factors(glyph_scale_data[1], 'pa')
+                    # Except we do not have glyph_scale_data[1] always...
+                    (scale_ratio_x, scale_ratio_y) = (glyph_scale_data[0], glyph_scale_data[0])
+            else:
+                (scale_ratio_x, scale_ratio_y) = self.get_scale_factors(sym_dim, stretch)
+            overlap = sym_attr['params'].get('overlap')
+            if overlap and ypadding:
+                logger.critical("Conflicting params: overlap and ypadding")
+                sys.exit(1)
+            if overlap:
+                scale_ratio_x *= 1.0 + (self.font_dim['width'] / (sym_dim['width'] * scale_ratio_x)) * overlap
+                y_overlap = min(0.01, overlap) # never aggressive vertical overlap
+                scale_ratio_y *= 1.0 + (self.font_dim['height'] / (sym_dim['height'] * scale_ratio_y)) * y_overlap
+            # Size in x to size in y ratio limit (to prevent over-wide glyphs)
+            xy_ratio_max = sym_attr['params'].get('xy-ratio')
+            if (xy_ratio_max):
+                xy_ratio = sym_dim['width'] * scale_ratio_x / (sym_dim['height'] * scale_ratio_y)
+                if xy_ratio > xy_ratio_max:
+                    scale_ratio_x = scale_ratio_x * xy_ratio_max / xy_ratio
+            if scale_ratio_x != 1.0 or scale_ratio_y != 1.0:
+                self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].transform(psMat.scale(scale_ratio_x, scale_ratio_y))
+            # We pasted and scaled now we want to align/move
+            # Use the dimensions from the newly pasted and stretched glyph to avoid any rounding errors
+            sym_dim = get_glyph_dimensions(self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph])
+            # Use combined bounding box?
+            if glyph_scale_data is not None and glyph_scale_data[1] is not None:
+                scaleglyph_dim = scale_bounding_box(glyph_scale_data[1], scale_ratio_x, scale_ratio_y)
+                if scaleglyph_dim['advance'] is None:
+                    # On monospaced symbol collections use their advance with, otherwise align horizontally individually
+                    scaleglyph_dim['xmin'] = sym_dim['xmin']
+                    scaleglyph_dim['xmax'] = sym_dim['xmax']
+                    scaleglyph_dim['width'] = sym_dim['width']
+                sym_dim = scaleglyph_dim
+            y_align_distance = 0
+            if sym_attr['valign'] == 'c':
+                # Center the symbol vertically by matching the center of the line height and center of symbol
+                sym_ycenter = sym_dim['ymax'] - (sym_dim['height'] / 2)
+                font_ycenter = self.font_dim['ymax'] - (self.font_dim['height'] / 2)
+                y_align_distance = font_ycenter - sym_ycenter
+            # Handle glyph l/r/c alignment
+            x_align_distance = 0
+            if self.args.nonmono and sym_dim['advance'] is None:
+                # Remove left side bearing
+                # (i.e. do not remove left side bearing when combined BB is in use)
+                x_align_distance = -self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].left_side_bearing
+            elif sym_attr['align']:
+                # First find the baseline x-alignment (left alignment amount)
+                x_align_distance = self.font_dim['xmin'] - sym_dim['xmin']
+                if sym_attr['align'] == 'c':
+                    # Center align
+                    x_align_distance += (self.font_dim['width'] / 2) - (sym_dim['width'] / 2)
+                elif sym_attr['align'] == 'r':
+                    # Right align
+                    x_align_distance += self.font_dim['width'] * self.get_target_width(stretch) - sym_dim['width']
+                # If symbol glyph is wider than target font cell, just left-align
+                x_align_distance = max(self.font_dim['xmin'] - sym_dim['xmin'], x_align_distance)
+            if overlap:
+                overlap_width = self.font_dim['width'] * overlap
+                if sym_attr['align'] == 'l':
+                    x_align_distance -= overlap_width
+                elif sym_attr['align'] == 'c':
+                    if overlap_width > 0:
+                        x_align_distance -= overlap_width / 2
+                elif sym_attr['align'] == 'r':
+                    # Check and correct overlap; it can go wrong if we have a xy-ratio limit
+                    target_xmax = (self.font_dim['xmin'] + self.font_dim['width']) * self.get_target_width(stretch)
+                    target_xmax += overlap_width
+                    glyph_xmax = sym_dim['xmax'] + x_align_distance
+                    correction = target_xmax - glyph_xmax
+                    x_align_distance += correction
+            align_matrix = psMat.translate(x_align_distance, y_align_distance)
+            self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].transform(align_matrix)
+            # Ensure after horizontal adjustments and centering that the glyph
+            # does not overlap the bearings (edges)
+            if not overlap:
+                self.remove_glyph_neg_bearings(self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph])
+            # Needed for setting 'advance width' on each glyph so they do not overlap,
+            # also ensures the font is considered monospaced on Windows by setting the
+            # same width for all character glyphs. This needs to be done for all glyphs,
+            # even the ones that are empty and didn't go through the scaling operations.
+            # It should come after setting the glyph bearings
+            if not self.args.nonmono:
+                self.set_glyph_width_mono(self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph])
+            else:
+                # Target font with variable advance width get the icons with their native widths
+                # and keeping possible (right and/or negative) bearings in effect
+                if sym_dim['advance'] is not None:
+                    # 'Width' from monospaced scale group
+                    width = sym_dim['advance']
+                else:
+                    width = sym_dim['width']
+                # If we have overlap we need to subtract that to keep/get negative bearings
+                if overlap and (sym_attr['align'] == 'l' or sym_attr['align'] == 'r'):
+                    width -= overlap_width
+                # Fontforge handles the width change like this:
+                # - Keep existing left_side_bearing
+                # - Set width
+                # - Calculate and set new right_side_bearing
+                self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].width = int(width)
+            # Check if the inserted glyph is scaled correctly for monospace
+            if self.args.single:
+                (xmin, _, xmax, _) = self.sourceFont[currentSourceFontGlyph].boundingBox()
+                if int(xmax - xmin) > self.font_dim['width'] * (1 + (overlap or 0)):
+                    logger.warning("Scaled glyph %X wider than one monospace width (%d / %d (overlap %s))",
+                        currentSourceFontGlyph, int(xmax - xmin), self.font_dim['width'], repr(overlap))
+        # end for
+        if not self.args.quiet:
+            sys.stdout.write("\n")
+    def set_sourcefont_glyph_widths(self):
+        """ Makes self.sourceFont monospace compliant """
+        for glyph in self.sourceFont.glyphs():
+            if (glyph.width == self.font_dim['width']):
+                # Don't touch the (negative) bearings if the width is ok
+                # Ligartures will have these.
+                continue
+            if (glyph.width != 0):
+                # If the width is zero this glyph is intened to be printed on top of another one.
+                # In this case we need to keep the negative bearings to shift it 'left'.
+                # Things like &Auml; have these: composed of U+0041 'A' and U+0308 'double dot above'
+                #
+                # If width is not zero, correct the bearings such that they are within the width:
+                self.remove_glyph_neg_bearings(glyph)
+            self.set_glyph_width_mono(glyph)
+    def remove_glyph_neg_bearings(self, glyph):
+        """ Sets passed glyph's bearings 0 if they are negative. """
+        try:
+            if glyph.left_side_bearing < 0:
+                glyph.left_side_bearing = 0
+            if glyph.right_side_bearing < 0:
+                glyph.right_side_bearing = 0
+        except:
+            pass
+    def set_glyph_width_mono(self, glyph):
+        """ Sets passed glyph.width to self.font_dim.width.
+        self.font_dim.width is set with self.get_sourcefont_dimensions().
+        """
+        try:
+            # Fontforge handles the width change like this:
+            # - Keep existing left_side_bearing
+            # - Set width
+            # - Calculate and set new right_side_bearing
+            glyph.width = self.font_dim['width']
+        except:
+            pass
+    def prepareScaleRules(self, scaleRules, stretch, symbolFont, destGlyph):
+        """ Prepare raw ScaleRules data for use """
+        # The scaleRules is/will be a dict with these (possible) entries:
+        # 'ScaleGroups': List of ((lists of glyph codes) or (ranges of glyph codes)) that shall be scaled
+        # 'scales': List of associated scale factors, one for each entry in 'ScaleGroups' (generated by this function)
+        # 'bbdims': List of associated sym_dim dicts, one for each entry in 'ScaleGroups' (generated by this function)
+        #           Each dim_dict describes the combined bounding box of all glyphs in one ScaleGroups group
+        # Example:
+        # { 'ScaleGroups': [ range(1, 3), [ 7, 10 ], ],
+        #   'scales':      [ 1.23,        1.33,      ],
+        #   'bbdims':      [ dim_dict1,   dim_dict2, ] }
+        #
+        # Each item in 'ScaleGroups' (a range or an explicit list) forms a group of glyphs that shall be
+        # as rescaled all with the same and maximum possible (for the included glyphs) 'pa' factor.
+        # If the 'bbdims' is present they all shall be shifted in the same way.
+        #
+        # Previously this structure has been used:
+        #   'ScaleGlyph' Lead glyph, which scaling factor is taken
+        #   'GlyphsToScale': List of ((glyph code) or (tuple of two glyph codes that form a closed range)) that shall be scaled
+        #   Note that this allows only one group for the whle symbol font, and that the scaling factor is defined by
+        #   a specific character, which needs to be manually selected (on each symbol font update).
+        #   Previous entries are automatically rewritten to the new style.
+        #
+        # Note that scaleRules is overwritten with the added data.
+        if 'scales' in scaleRules:
+            # Already prepared... must not happen, ignore call
+            return
+        scaleRules['scales'] = []
+        scaleRules['bbdims'] = []
+        if 'ScaleGroups' not in scaleRules:
+            scaleRules['ScaleGroups'] = []
+        for group in scaleRules['ScaleGroups']:
+            sym_dim = get_multiglyph_boundingBox([ symbolFont[g] if g in symbolFont else None for g in group ], destGlyph)
+            scale = self.get_scale_factors(sym_dim, stretch)[0]
+            scaleRules['scales'].append(scale)
+            scaleRules['bbdims'].append(sym_dim)
+        if 'ScaleGlyph' in scaleRules:
+            # Rewrite to equivalent ScaleGroup
+            group_list = []
+            if 'GlyphsToScale+' in scaleRules:
+                key = 'GlyphsToScale+'
+                plus = True
+            else:
+                key = 'GlyphsToScale'
+                plus = False
+            for i in scaleRules[key]:
+                if isinstance(i, tuple):
+                    group_list.append(range(i[0], i[1] + 1))
+                else:
+                    group_list.append(i)
+            sym_dim = get_glyph_dimensions(symbolFont[scaleRules['ScaleGlyph']])
+            scale = self.get_scale_factors(sym_dim, stretch)[0]
+            scaleRules['ScaleGroups'].append(group_list)
+            scaleRules['scales'].append(scale)
+            if plus:
+                scaleRules['bbdims'].append(sym_dim)
+            else:
+                scaleRules['bbdims'].append(None) # The 'old' style keeps just the scale, not the positioning
+    def get_glyph_scale(self, symbol_unicode, scaleRules, stretch, symbolFont, dest_unicode):
+        """ Determines whether or not to use scaled glyphs for glyph in passed symbol_unicode """
+        # Potentially destorys the contents of self.sourceFont[dest_unicode]
+        if not 'scales' in scaleRules:
+            if not dest_unicode in self.sourceFont:
+                self.sourceFont.createChar(dest_unicode)
+            self.prepareScaleRules(scaleRules, stretch, symbolFont, self.sourceFont[dest_unicode])
+        for glyph_list, scale, box in zip(scaleRules['ScaleGroups'], scaleRules['scales'], scaleRules['bbdims']):
+            for e in glyph_list:
+                if isinstance(e, range):
+                    if symbol_unicode in e:
+                        return (scale, box)
+                elif symbol_unicode == e:
+                    return (scale, box)
+        return None
+def half_gap(gap, top):
+    """ Divides integer value into two new integers """
+    # Line gap add extra space on the bottom of the line which
+    # doesn't allow the powerline glyphs to fill the entire line.
+    # Put half of the gap into the 'cell', each top and bottom
+    if gap <= 0:
+        return 0
+    gap_top = int(gap / 2)
+    gap_bottom = gap - gap_top
+    if top:
+        logger.info("Redistributing line gap of %d (%d top and %d bottom)", gap, gap_top, gap_bottom)
+        return gap_top
+    return gap_bottom
+def replace_font_name(font_name, replacement_dict):
+    """ Replaces all keys with vals from replacement_dict in font_name. """
+    for key, val in replacement_dict.items():
+        font_name = font_name.replace(key, val)
+    return font_name
+def make_sure_path_exists(path):
+    """ Verifies path passed to it exists. """
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(path)
+    except OSError as exception:
+        if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+            raise
+def sanitize_filename(filename, allow_dirs = False):
+    """ Enforces to not use forbitten characters in a filename/path. """
+    if filename == '.' and not allow_dirs:
+        return '_'
+    trans = filename.maketrans('<>:"|?*', '_______')
+    for i in range(0x00, 0x20):
+        trans[i] = ord('_')
+    if not allow_dirs:
+        trans[ord('/')] = ord('_')
+        trans[ord('\\')] = ord('_')
+    else:
+        trans[ord('\\')] = ord('/') # We use posix paths
+    return filename.translate(trans)
+def get_multiglyph_boundingBox(glyphs, destGlyph = None):
+    """ Returns dict of the dimensions of multiple glyphs combined(, as if they are copied into destGlyph) """
+    # If destGlyph is given the glyph(s) are first copied over into that
+    # glyph and measured in that font (to avoid rounding errors)
+    # Leaves the destGlyph in unknown state!
+    bbox = [ None, None, None, None, None ]
+    for glyph in glyphs:
+        if glyph is None:
+            # Glyph has been in defining range but is not in the actual font
+            continue
+        if destGlyph and glyph.font != destGlyph.font:
+            glyph.font.selection.select(glyph)
+            glyph.font.copy()
+            destGlyph.font.selection.select(destGlyph)
+            destGlyph.font.paste()
+            glyph = destGlyph
+        gbb = glyph.boundingBox()
+        gadvance = glyph.width
+        if len(glyphs) > 1 and gbb[0] == gbb[2] and gbb[1] == gbb[3]:
+            # Ignore empty glyphs if we examine more than one glyph
+            continue
+        bbox[0] = gbb[0] if bbox[0] is None or bbox[0] > gbb[0] else bbox[0]
+        bbox[1] = gbb[1] if bbox[1] is None or bbox[1] > gbb[1] else bbox[1]
+        bbox[2] = gbb[2] if bbox[2] is None or bbox[2] < gbb[2] else bbox[2]
+        bbox[3] = gbb[3] if bbox[3] is None or bbox[3] < gbb[3] else bbox[3]
+        if not bbox[4]:
+            bbox[4] = -gadvance # Negative for one/first glyph
+        else:
+            if abs(bbox[4]) != gadvance:
+                bbox[4] = -1 # Marker for not-monospaced
+            else:
+                bbox[4] = gadvance # Positive for 2 or more glyphs
+    if bbox[4] and bbox[4] < 0:
+        # Not monospaced when only one glyph is used or multiple glyphs with different advance widths
+        bbox[4] = None
+    return {
+        'xmin'   : bbox[0],
+        'ymin'   : bbox[1],
+        'xmax'   : bbox[2],
+        'ymax'   : bbox[3],
+        'width'  : bbox[2] + (-bbox[0]),
+        'height' : bbox[3] + (-bbox[1]),
+        'advance': bbox[4], # advance width if monospaced
+    }
+def get_glyph_dimensions(glyph):
+    """ Returns dict of the dimesions of the glyph passed to it. """
+    return get_multiglyph_boundingBox([ glyph ])
+def scale_bounding_box(bbox, scale_x, scale_y):
+    """ Return a scaled version of a glyph dimensions dict """
+    # Simulate scaling on combined bounding box, round values for better simulation
+    new_dim = {
+        'xmin'   : int(bbox['xmin'] * scale_x),
+        'ymin'   : int(bbox['ymin'] * scale_y),
+        'xmax'   : int(bbox['xmax'] * scale_x),
+        'ymax'   : int(bbox['ymax'] * scale_y),
+        'advance': int(bbox['advance'] * scale_x) if bbox['advance'] is not None else None,
+        }
+    new_dim['width'] = new_dim['xmax'] + (-new_dim['xmin'])
+    new_dim['height'] = new_dim['ymax'] + (-new_dim['ymin'])
+    return new_dim
+def update_progress(progress):
+    """ Updates progress bar length.
+    Accepts a float between 0.0 and 1.0. Any int will be converted to a float.
+    A value at 1 or bigger represents 100%
+    modified from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3160699/python-progress-bar
+    """
+    barLength = 40  # Modify this to change the length of the progress bar
+    if isinstance(progress, int):
+        progress = float(progress)
+    if progress >= 1:
+        progress = 1
+        status = "Done...\r\n"  # NOTE: status initialized and never used
+    block = int(round(barLength * progress))
+    text = "\r╢{0}╟ {1}%".format("█" * block + "░" * (barLength - block), int(progress * 100))
+    sys.stdout.write(text)
+    sys.stdout.flush()
+def check_fontforge_min_version():
+    """ Verifies installed FontForge version meets minimum requirement. """
+    minimumVersion = 20141231
+    actualVersion = int(fontforge.version())
+    # un-comment following line for testing invalid version error handling
+    # actualVersion = 20120731
+    # versions tested: 20150612, 20150824
+    if actualVersion < minimumVersion:
+        logger.critical("You seem to be using an unsupported (old) version of fontforge: %d", actualVersion)
+        logger.critical("Please use at least version: %d", minimumVersion)
+        sys.exit(1)
+def check_version_with_git(version):
+    """ Upgraded the version to the current git tag version (starting with 'v') """
+    git = subprocess.run("git describe --tags",
+            cwd=os.path.dirname(__file__),
+            shell=True,
+            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL
+        ).stdout.decode('utf-8')
+    if len(git) == 0:
+        return False
+    tag = git.strip()
+    if len(tag) == 0 or not tag.startswith('v'):
+        return False
+    tag = tag[1:]
+    r = re.search('(.*?)(-[0-9]+)-g[0-9a-fA-F]+$', tag)
+    if r:
+        tag = r.group(1)
+        patchlevel = r.group(2)
+    else:
+        patchlevel = ""
+    # Inspired by Phaxmohdem's versiontuple https://stackoverflow.com/a/28568003
+    versiontuple = lambda v: tuple( p.zfill(8) for p in v.split(".") )
+    if versiontuple(tag) > versiontuple(version):
+        return tag + patchlevel
+    if versiontuple(tag) == versiontuple(version) and len(patchlevel) > 0:
+        return tag + patchlevel
+    return False
+def setup_arguments():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description=(
+            'Nerd Fonts Font Patcher: patches a given font with programming and development related glyphs\n\n'
+            '* Website: https://www.nerdfonts.com\n'
+            '* Version: ' + version + '\n'
+            '* Development Website: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts\n'
+            '* Changelog: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/-/changelog.md'),
+        formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter
+    )
+    # optional arguments
+    parser.add_argument('font',                                      help='The path to the font to patch (e.g., Inconsolata.otf)')
+    parser.add_argument('-v', '--version',                           action='version',        version=projectName + ": %(prog)s (" + version + ")")
+    parser.add_argument('-s', '--mono', '--use-single-width-glyphs', dest='single',           default=False, action='count',      help='Whether to generate the glyphs as single-width not double-width (default is double-width) (Nerd Font Mono)')
+    parser.add_argument('--variable-width-glyphs',                   dest='nonmono',          default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not adjust advance width (no "overhang") (Nerd Font Propo)')
+    parser.add_argument('--debug',                                   dest='debugmode',        default=0,     type=int, nargs='?', help='Verbose mode (optional: 1=just to file; 2*=just to terminal; 3=display and file)', const=2, choices=range(0, 3 + 1))
+    parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet',                             dest='quiet',            default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not generate verbose output')
+    parser.add_argument('--careful',                                 dest='careful',          default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not overwrite existing glyphs if detected')
+    parser.add_argument('-ext', '--extension',                       dest='extension',        default="",    type=str,            help='Change font file type to create (e.g., ttf, otf)')
+    parser.add_argument('-out', '--outputdir',                       dest='outputdir',        default=".",   type=str,            help='The directory to output the patched font file to')
+    parser.add_argument('--makegroups',                              dest='makegroups',       default=1,     type=int, nargs='?', help='Use alternative method to name patched fonts (default=1)', const=1, choices=range(-1, 6 + 1))
+    # --makegroup has an additional undocumented numeric specifier. '--makegroup' is in fact '--makegroup 1'.
+    # Original font name: Hugo Sans Mono ExtraCondensed Light Italic
+    #                                                              NF  Fam agg.
+    # -1  no renaming at all (keep old names and versions etc)     --- --- ---
+    #  0  turned off, use old naming scheme                        [-] [-] [-]
+    #  1  HugoSansMono Nerd Font ExtraCondensed Light Italic       [ ] [ ] [ ]
+    #  2  HugoSansMono Nerd Font ExtCn Light Italic                [ ] [X] [ ]
+    #  3  HugoSansMono Nerd Font XCn Lt It                         [ ] [X] [X]
+    #  4  HugoSansMono NF ExtraCondensed Light Italic              [X] [ ] [ ]
+    #  5  HugoSansMono NF ExtCn Light Italic                       [X] [X] [ ]
+    #  6  HugoSansMono NF XCn Lt It                                [X] [X] [X]
+    sym_font_group = parser.add_argument_group('Symbol Fonts')
+    sym_font_group.add_argument('-c', '--complete',                             dest='complete',             default=False, action='store_true', help='Add all available Glyphs')
+    sym_font_group.add_argument('--codicons',                                   dest='codicons',             default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Codicons Glyphs (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons)')
+    sym_font_group.add_argument('--fontawesome',                                dest='fontawesome',          default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Font Awesome Glyphs (http://fontawesome.io/)')
+    sym_font_group.add_argument('--fontawesomeext',                             dest='fontawesomeextension', default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Font Awesome Extension Glyphs (https://andrelzgava.github.io/font-awesome-extension/)')
+    sym_font_group.add_argument('--fontlogos',                                  dest='fontlogos',            default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Font Logos Glyphs (https://github.com/Lukas-W/font-logos)')
+    sym_font_group.add_argument('--material', '--mdi',                          dest='material',             default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Material Design Icons (https://github.com/templarian/MaterialDesign)')
+    sym_font_group.add_argument('--octicons',                                   dest='octicons',             default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Octicons Glyphs (https://octicons.github.com)')
+    sym_font_group.add_argument('--powersymbols',                               dest='powersymbols',         default=False, action='store_true', help='Add IEC Power Symbols (https://unicodepowersymbol.com/)')
+    sym_font_group.add_argument('--pomicons',                                   dest='pomicons',             default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Pomicon Glyphs (https://github.com/gabrielelana/pomicons)')
+    sym_font_group.add_argument('--powerline',                                  dest='powerline',            default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Powerline Glyphs')
+    sym_font_group.add_argument('--powerlineextra',                             dest='powerlineextra',       default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Powerline Extra Glyphs (https://github.com/ryanoasis/powerline-extra-symbols)')
+    sym_font_group.add_argument('--weather',                                    dest='weather',              default=False, action='store_true', help='Add Weather Icons (https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons)')
+    expert_group = parser.add_argument_group('Expert Options')
+    expert_group.add_argument('--boxdrawing',                              dest='forcebox',         default=False, action='store_true', help='Force patching in (over existing) box drawing glyphs')
+    expert_group.add_argument('--configfile',                              dest='configfile',       default=False, type=str,            help='Specify a file path for JSON configuration file (see sample: src/config.sample.json)')
+    expert_group.add_argument('--custom',                                  dest='custom',           default=False, type=str,            help='Specify a custom symbol font, all glyphs will be copied; absolute path suggested')
+    expert_group.add_argument('--dry',                                     dest='dry_run',          default=False, action='store_true', help='Do neither patch nor store the font, to check naming')
+    expert_group.add_argument('--glyphdir',                                dest='glyphdir',         default=__dir__ + "/src/glyphs/", type=str, help='Path to glyphs to be used for patching')
+    expert_group.add_argument('--has-no-italic',                           dest='noitalic',         default=False, action='store_true', help='Font family does not have Italic (but Oblique), to help create correct RIBBI set')
+    expert_group.add_argument('-l', '--adjust-line-height',                dest='adjustLineHeight', default=False, action='store_true', help='Whether to adjust line heights (attempt to center powerline separators more evenly)')
+    expert_group.add_argument('--metrics',                                 dest='metrics',          default=None, choices=get_metrics_names(), help='Select vertical metrics source (for problematic cases)')
+    expert_group.add_argument('--name',                                    dest='force_name',       default=None, type=str,             help='Specify naming source (\'full\', \'postscript\', \'filename\', or concrete free name-string)')
+    expert_group.add_argument('--postprocess',                             dest='postprocess',      default=False, type=str,            help='Specify a Script for Post Processing')
+    progressbars_group_parser = expert_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
+    expert_group.add_argument('--removeligs', '--removeligatures',         dest='removeligatures',  default=False, action='store_true', help='Removes ligatures specificed in JSON configuration file (needs --configfile)')
+    expert_group.add_argument('--xavgcharwidth',                           dest='xavgwidth',        default=None,  type=int, nargs='?', help='Adjust xAvgCharWidth (optional: concrete value)', const=True)
+    # --xavgcharwidth for compatibility with old applications like notepad and non-latin fonts
+    # Possible values with examples:
+    # <none>  - copy from sourcefont (default)
+    # 0       - calculate from font according to OS/2-version-2
+    # 500     - set to 500
+    # progress bar arguments - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15008758/parsing-boolean-values-with-argparse
+    progressbars_group_parser.add_argument('--progressbars',         dest='progressbars',     action='store_true',                help='Show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set (default)')
+    progressbars_group_parser.add_argument('--no-progressbars',      dest='progressbars',     action='store_false',               help='Don\'t show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set')
+    expert_group.set_defaults(progressbars=True)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.makegroups > 0 and not FontnameParserOK:
+        logger.critical("FontnameParser module missing (bin/scripts/name_parser/Fontname*), specify --makegroups 0")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # if you add a new font, set it to True here inside the if condition
+    if args.complete:
+        args.fontawesome = True
+        args.fontawesomeextension = True
+        args.fontlogos = True
+        args.octicons = True
+        args.codicons = True
+        args.powersymbols = True
+        args.pomicons = True
+        args.powerline = True
+        args.powerlineextra = True
+        args.material = True
+        args.weather = True
+    if not args.complete:
+        sym_font_args = []
+        # add the list of arguments for each symbol font to the list sym_font_args
+        for action in sym_font_group._group_actions:
+            sym_font_args.append(action.__dict__['option_strings'])
+        # determine whether or not all symbol fonts are to be used
+        font_complete = True
+        for sym_font_arg_aliases in sym_font_args:
+            found = False
+            for alias in sym_font_arg_aliases:
+                if alias in sys.argv:
+                    found = True
+            if not found:
+                font_complete = False
+        args.complete = font_complete
+    if args.nonmono and args.single:
+        logger.warning("Specified contradicting --variable-width-glyphs and --use-single-width-glyph. Ignoring --variable-width-glyphs.")
+        args.nonmono = False
+    make_sure_path_exists(args.outputdir)
+    if not os.path.isfile(args.font):
+        logger.critical("Font file does not exist: %s", args.font)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if not os.access(args.font, os.R_OK):
+        logger.critical("Can not open font file for reading: %s", args.font)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    is_ttc = len(fontforge.fontsInFile(args.font)) > 1
+    try:
+        source_font_test = TableHEADWriter(args.font)
+        args.is_variable = source_font_test.find_table([b'avar', b'cvar', b'fvar', b'gvarb', b'HVAR', b'MVAR', b'VVAR'], 0)
+        if args.is_variable:
+            logger.warning("Source font is a variable open type font (VF), opening might fail...")
+    except:
+        args.is_variable = False
+    finally:
+        try:
+            source_font_test.close()
+        except:
+            pass
+    if args.extension == "":
+        args.extension = os.path.splitext(args.font)[1]
+    else:
+        args.extension = '.' + args.extension
+    if re.match("\.ttc$", args.extension, re.IGNORECASE):
+        if not is_ttc:
+            logger.critical("Can not create True Type Collections from single font files")
+            sys.exit(1)
+    else:
+        if is_ttc:
+            logger.critical("Can not create single font files from True Type Collections")
+            sys.exit(1)
+    if isinstance(args.xavgwidth, int) and not isinstance(args.xavgwidth, bool):
+        if args.xavgwidth < 0:
+            logger.critical("--xavgcharwidth takes no negative numbers")
+            sys.exit(2)
+        if args.xavgwidth > 16384:
+            logger.critical("--xavgcharwidth takes only numbers up to 16384")
+            sys.exit(2)
+    return args
+def main():
+    global logger
+    logger = logging.getLogger("start") # Use start logger until we can set up something sane
+    s_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
+    s_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
+    logger.addHandler(s_handler)
+    global version
+    git_version = check_version_with_git(version)
+    allversions = "Patcher v{} ({}) (ff {})".format(
+        git_version if git_version else version, script_version, fontforge.version())
+    print("{} {}".format(projectName, allversions))
+    if git_version:
+        version = git_version
+    check_fontforge_min_version()
+    args = setup_arguments()
+    logger = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(args.font))
+    logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+    log_to_file = (args.debugmode & 1 == 1)
+    if log_to_file:
+        try:
+            f_handler = logging.FileHandler('font-patcher-log.txt')
+            f_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(name)s %(message)s'))
+            logger.addHandler(f_handler)
+        except:
+            log_to_file = False
+        logger.debug(allversions)
+        logger.debug("Options %s", repr(sys.argv[1:]))
+    c_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
+    c_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
+    if not (args.debugmode & 2 == 2):
+        c_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO)
+    logger.addHandler(c_handler)
+    if (args.debugmode & 1 == 1) and not log_to_file:
+        logger.info("Can not write logfile, disabling")
+    logger.debug("Naming mode %d", args.makegroups)
+    patcher = font_patcher(args)
+    sourceFonts = []
+    all_fonts = fontforge.fontsInFile(args.font)
+    for i, subfont in enumerate(all_fonts):
+        if len(all_fonts) > 1:
+          print("\n")
+          logger.info("Processing %s (%d/%d)", subfont, i + 1, len(all_fonts))
+        try:
+            sourceFonts.append(fontforge.open("{}({})".format(args.font, subfont), 1)) # 1 = ("fstypepermitted",))
+        except Exception:
+            logger.critical("Can not open font '%s', try to open with fontforge interactively to get more information",
+                subfont)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        patcher.setup_name_backup(sourceFonts[-1])
+        patcher.patch(sourceFonts[-1])
+    print("Done with Patch Sets, generating font...")
+    for f in sourceFonts:
+        patcher.setup_font_names(f)
+    patcher.generate(sourceFonts)
+    for f in sourceFonts:
+        f.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    __dir__ = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+    main()
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/readme.md b/bin/nerdfont/readme.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e782333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Nerd Fonts
+This is font-patcher python script (and required source files) from a Nerd Fonts release.
+## Running
+* To execute run: `fontforge --script ./font-patcher --complete <YOUR FONT FILE>`
+* For more CLI options and help: `fontforge --script ./font-patcher --help`
+## Further info
+For more information see:
+* https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/
+* https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/latest/
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/README.md b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34801ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+### Contents
+This directory contains all the glyphs (glyph sets) that the `font-patcher` puts into the fonts.
+If a icon font here is updated, do not forget to update the database file in `bin/script/libs`.
+The 'Seti and Original' icons (in `original-source.otf`) is automatically generated from the glyphs in `src/svgs`.
+Do not edit and commit changes to that font directly.
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/Unicode_IEC_symbol_font.otf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/Unicode_IEC_symbol_font.otf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b84f61
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/Unicode_IEC_symbol_font.otf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/codicons/LICENSE.txt b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/codicons/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2c95fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/codicons/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
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+its public licenses to material it publishes and in those instances
+will be considered the “Licensor.” The text of the Creative Commons
+public licenses is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 Public
+Domain Dedication. Except for the limited purpose of indicating that
+material is shared under a Creative Commons public license or as
+otherwise permitted by the Creative Commons policies published at
+creativecommons.org/policies, Creative Commons does not authorize the
+use of the trademark "Creative Commons" or any other trademark or logo
+of Creative Commons without its prior written consent including,
+without limitation, in connection with any unauthorized modifications
+to any of its public licenses or any other arrangements,
+understandings, or agreements concerning use of licensed material. For
+the avoidance of doubt, this paragraph does not form part of the
+public licenses.
+Creative Commons may be contacted at creativecommons.org.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/codicons/README.md b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/codicons/README.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/codicons/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Codicons
+For more information have a look at the upstream website: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons
+## Source bugs fixed
+Glyph 0xEB40 and 0xEB41 are defective in the original font. We fixed that manually.
+Version: 0.0.35
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/codicons/codicon.ttf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/codicons/codicon.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c32cd9d
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/codicons/codicon.ttf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/codicons/codicon_orig.ttf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/codicons/codicon_orig.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0694339
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/codicons/codicon_orig.ttf differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d0f3ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/devicons/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Devicons
+For more information have a look at the upstream website: https://github.com/vorillaz/devicons
+This is taken directly from the repository default branch, which is ahead of release 1.8.0.
+We call it 1.8.1 here, but there is no such release.
+## Source bugs fixed
+Glyph 0xE6B6 is defective in the original font. We hand optimized and fixed that.
+Version: 1.8.1
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/devicons/devicons.ttf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/devicons/devicons.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e882ad5
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/devicons/devicons.ttf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/devicons/devicons_orig.ttf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/devicons/devicons_orig.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4980db
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/devicons/devicons_orig.ttf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/extraglyphs.sfd b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/extraglyphs.sfd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc5d252
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/extraglyphs.sfd differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome-extension.ttf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome-extension.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5128ce4
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome-extension.ttf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/FontAwesome.otf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/FontAwesome.otf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25a4328
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/FontAwesome.otf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/LICENSE.txt b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc557ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+Fonticons, Inc. (https://fontawesome.com)
+Font Awesome Free License
+Font Awesome Free is free, open source, and GPL friendly. You can use it for
+commercial projects, open source projects, or really almost whatever you want.
+Full Font Awesome Free license: https://fontawesome.com/license/free.
+# Icons: CC BY 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+The Font Awesome Free download is licensed under a Creative Commons
+Attribution 4.0 International License and applies to all icons packaged
+as SVG and JS file types.
+# Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1 License
+In the Font Awesome Free download, the SIL OFL license applies to all icons
+packaged as web and desktop font files.
+Copyright (c) 2022 Fonticons, Inc. (https://fontawesome.com)
+with Reserved Font Name: "Font Awesome".
+This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
+This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
+Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007
+The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide
+development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation
+efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and
+open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership
+with others.
+The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and
+redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The
+fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded,
+redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved
+names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives,
+however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The
+requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply
+to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.
+"Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright
+Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may
+include source files, build scripts and documentation.
+"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the
+copyright statement(s).
+"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as
+distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).
+"Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting,
+or substituting — in part or in whole — any of the components of the
+Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a
+new environment.
+"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical
+writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify,
+redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font
+Software, subject to the following conditions:
+1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components,
+in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.
+2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled,
+redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy
+contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be
+included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or
+in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or
+binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user.
+3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font
+Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding
+Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as
+presented to the users.
+4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font
+Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any
+Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the
+Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written
+5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole,
+must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be
+distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to
+remain under this license does not apply to any document created
+using the Font Software.
+This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are
+not met.
+# Code: MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
+In the Font Awesome Free download, the MIT license applies to all non-font and
+non-icon files.
+Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the
+Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
+following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# Attribution
+Attribution is required by MIT, SIL OFL, and CC BY licenses. Downloaded Font
+Awesome Free files already contain embedded comments with sufficient
+attribution, so you shouldn't need to do anything additional when using these
+files normally.
+We've kept attribution comments terse, so we ask that you do not actively work
+to remove them from files, especially code. They're a great way for folks to
+learn about Font Awesome.
+# Brand Icons
+All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these
+trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font
+Awesome, nor vice versa. **Please do not use brand logos for any purpose except
+to represent the company, product, or service to which they refer.**
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/README.md b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/README.md
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index 0000000..72cff52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Font Awesome
+For more information have a look at the upstream website: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome
+## Custom created font file
+The `FontAwesome.otf` here is custom created from the Font Awesome release svgs.
+It does NOT contain all icons from 6.5.1!
+The helper scripts need to be called in this order (note the individual prerequisites):
+* `remix`
+* `analyze`
+* `generate`
+Version: 6.5.1.custom
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/analyze b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/analyze
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f48073f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/analyze
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# coding=utf8
+# Create the final mapping file by combining the information from
+# the remix_mapping (which holds already the codepoints and file names
+# and that relation will not be changed) and the names of the
+# current (previous) Font Awesome Nerd Font mapping (from the
+# glyphnames.json file).
+# In pinciple this script just adds more names to the remix_mapping.
+# PREREQUISITES: Have remix_mapping file (generated with script remix)
+# $ ./analyze > mapping
+import re, sys
+from subprocess import run
+def collect_jq_names_for_one_codepoint(point, exclude, excludes):
+    global jq_names
+    ret = []
+    for n in jq_names:
+        if int(point, 16) in jq_names[n]:
+            ret.append(n)
+    if exclude in ret:
+        ret.remove(exclude)
+    for x in excludes:
+        if x in ret:
+            ret.remove(x)
+    return ret
+# print('Reading previous name-to-codepoint table (slow slow)')
+jq_names = {}
+for point in range(0xF000, 0xF300):
+    result = run([ 'jq', '-r',
+                'to_entries[] | select(.value.code == "{:04x}") | .key'.format(point),
+                '../../../glyphnames.json' ],
+            capture_output=True)
+    if result.returncode != 0:
+        sys.exit('Error fetching old names')
+    lines = result.stdout.decode("utf-8").split()
+    for n in lines:
+        if not n.startswith('fa-'):
+            print('WRONG START:', n)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        n = n[3:]
+        if n not in jq_names:
+            jq_names[n] = set([point])
+        else:
+            jq_names[n].add(point)
+            print('DOUBLE ENTRY:', n)
+            sys.exit(1)
+# print('Reading remix_mapping file')
+remix_mapping = []
+with open('remix_mapping', 'r') as f:
+    for line in f.readlines():
+        if line.startswith('#'):
+            continue
+        remix_mapping.append(tuple(re.split(' +', line.strip())))
+notes = ''
+unique_names = set()
+clashed_names = set()
+for orig_point, dest_point, filename, name in remix_mapping:
+    if name in jq_names:
+        codepointstring = '{:04X}'.format(list(jq_names[name])[0])
+        if codepointstring != dest_point:
+            for _, p, fn, nn in remix_mapping:
+                if codepointstring == p:
+                    notes += '# Name clash: name: {}, old: {}, new: {} ({}), name at old pos: {}\n'.format(
+                        name, codepointstring, dest_point, orig_point, nn)
+                    clashed_names.add(name)
+                    break
+print('# Font Awesome mapping file')
+print('# FA-code NF-code filename name...')
+remix_mapping.sort(key=(lambda x: x[1]))
+for orig_point, dest_point, filename, name in remix_mapping:
+    all_names = [ name ] + list(set(collect_jq_names_for_one_codepoint(dest_point, name, clashed_names)))
+    for n in all_names:
+        if n not in unique_names:
+            unique_names.add(n)
+            continue
+        print("ERROR name duplicate found: ", n)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    print("{} {} {} {}".format(orig_point, dest_point, filename, ' '.join(all_names)))
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/generate b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/generate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6957a48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/generate
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# coding=utf8
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import fontforge
+# Double-quotes required here, for version-bump.sh:
+# version-bump.sh is not working here, need to adjust manually!
+version = "3.2.0"
+fa_version = '6.5.1'
+archive = 'fontawesome-free-{}-desktop.zip'.format(fa_version)
+vectorsdir = 'svgs'
+fontdir = '.'
+fontfile = 'FontAwesome.otf'
+glyphsetfile = 'i_fa.sh'
+glyphsetsdir = '../../../bin/scripts/lib'
+def addIcon(codepoint, name, filename):
+    """ Add one outline file and rescale/move """
+    filename = os.path.join(vectorsdir, filename)
+    glyph = font.createChar(codepoint, name)
+    glyph.importOutlines(filename)
+    xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = glyph.boundingBox()
+    glyph.width = int(xmax + xmin) # make left and right bearings equal
+    glyph.manualHints = True
+def createGlyphInfo(icon_datasets, filepathname, into):
+    """ Write the glyphinfo file """
+    with open(filepathname, 'w', encoding = 'utf8') as f:
+        f.write(u'#!/usr/bin/env bash\n')
+        f.write(intro)
+        f.write(u'# Script Version: (autogenerated)\n')
+        f.write(u'test -n "$__i_fa_loaded" && return || __i_fa_loaded=1\n')
+        for _, codepoint, _, *name in icon_datasets:
+            codepoint = int(codepoint, 16)
+            f.write(u"i='{}' i_fa_{}=$i\n".format(chr(codepoint), name[0]))
+            for more_names in name[1:]:
+                f.write(u"      i_fa_{}=$i\n".format(more_names))
+        f.write(u'unset i\n')
+print('\nReading mapping file')
+mapping = []
+with open('mapping', 'r') as f:
+    for line in f.readlines():
+        line = line.strip()
+        if line.startswith('#') or len(line) < 1:
+            continue
+        mapping.append(tuple(re.split(' +', line.strip())))
+print('Found {} entries'.format(len(mapping)))
+mapping.sort(key=(lambda x: x[1]))
+print('Fetching Font Awesome archive "{}"\n'.format(archive))
+if subprocess.call('curl -OL https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/releases/download/' + fa_version + '/' + archive, shell=True):
+    sys.exit('Error fetching Font Awesome archive')
+print('\nUnpacking Font Awesome archive')
+if subprocess.call('rm -rf svgs fontawesome-free-*-desktop && unzip -q *.zip && mv fontawesome-free-*-desktop/svgs . && rm -rf fontawesome-free-*-desktop.zip', shell=True):
+    sys.exit('Error unpacking archive')
+svg_dirs = os.listdir(vectorsdir)
+svgs = []
+for d in svg_dirs:
+    svgs += os.listdir(vectorsdir + '/' + d)
+print('Found {} svgs'.format(len(svgs)))
+font = fontforge.font()
+font.fontname = 'FA-NerdFont-Regular'
+font.fullname = 'FA Nerd Font Regular'
+font.familyname = 'FA Nerd Font'
+font.ascent = 1000
+font.descent = 200
+font.encoding = 'UnicodeFull'
+# Add valid space glyph to avoid "unknown character" box on IE11
+glyph = font.createChar(32)
+glyph.width = 200
+font.sfntRevision = None # Auto-set (refreshed) by fontforge
+font.version = version
+font.copyright = 'Fonticons, Inc'
+font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Version', archive + '; ' + version)
+font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Vendor URL', 'https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts')
+font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Copyright', 'Fonticons, Inc')
+for _, codepoint, file, *names in mapping:
+    codepoint = int(codepoint, 16)
+    addIcon(codepoint, names[0], file)
+num_icons = len(mapping)
+print('Generating {} with {} glyphs'.format(fontfile, num_icons))
+font.ascent = 1000
+font.descent = 200
+font.generate(os.path.join(fontdir, fontfile), flags=("no-FFTM-table",))
+codepoints = [ int(p, 16) for _, p, *_ in mapping ]
+aliases = [ len(n) - 1 for _, _, _, *n in mapping ]
+intro  = u'# Font Awesome (version {}, {} icons, {} aliases)\n'.format(fa_version, num_icons, sum(aliases))
+intro += u'# Does not include all icons of the release\n'
+intro += u'# Codepoints: {:X}-{:X} with gaps\n'.format(min(codepoints), max(codepoints))
+intro += u'# Nerd Fonts Version: {}\n'.format(version)
+print('Generating GlyphInfo {}'.format(glyphsetfile))
+createGlyphInfo(mapping, os.path.join(glyphsetsdir, glyphsetfile), intro)
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/mapping b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/mapping
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5ba9e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/mapping
@@ -0,0 +1,1489 @@
+# Font Awesome mapping file
+# FA-code NF-code filename name...
+F3C5 ED00 solid/location-dot.svg location_dot
+F3C6 ED01 brands/medapps.svg medapps
+F3C8 ED02 brands/medrt.svg medrt
+F3C9 ED03 solid/microphone-lines.svg microphone_lines
+F3CA ED04 brands/microsoft.svg microsoft
+F3CB ED05 brands/mix.svg mix
+F3CC ED06 brands/mizuni.svg mizuni
+F10B ED07 solid/mobile-button.svg mobile_button
+F3CE ED08 solid/mobile.svg mobile
+F3CF ED09 solid/mobile-screen.svg mobile_screen
+F3D0 ED0A brands/monero.svg monero
+F3D1 ED0B regular/money-bill-1.svg money_bill_1
+F3D2 ED0C brands/napster.svg napster
+F3D3 ED0D brands/node-js.svg node_js
+F3D4 ED0E brands/npm.svg npm
+F3D5 ED0F brands/ns8.svg ns8
+F3D6 ED10 brands/nutritionix.svg nutritionix
+F3D7 ED11 brands/page4.svg page4
+F3D8 ED12 brands/palfed.svg palfed
+F3D9 ED13 brands/patreon.svg patreon
+F3DA ED14 brands/periscope.svg periscope
+F3DB ED15 brands/phabricator.svg phabricator
+F3DC ED16 brands/phoenix-framework.svg phoenix_framework
+F3DD ED17 solid/phone-slash.svg phone_slash
+F3DF ED18 brands/playstation.svg playstation
+F3E0 ED19 solid/image-portrait.svg image_portrait
+F3E1 ED1A brands/pushed.svg pushed
+F3E2 ED1B brands/python.svg python
+F3E3 ED1C brands/red-river.svg red_river
+F3E4 ED1D brands/wpressr.svg wpressr
+F3E6 ED1E brands/replyd.svg replyd
+F3E7 ED1F brands/resolving.svg resolving
+F3E8 ED20 brands/rocketchat.svg rocketchat
+F3E9 ED21 brands/rockrms.svg rockrms
+F3EA ED22 brands/schlix.svg schlix
+F3EB ED23 brands/searchengin.svg searchengin
+F3EC ED24 brands/servicestack.svg servicestack
+F3ED ED25 solid/shield-halved.svg shield_halved
+F3EE ED26 brands/sistrix.svg sistrix
+F3F3 ED27 brands/speakap.svg speakap
+F3F5 ED28 brands/staylinked.svg staylinked
+F3F6 ED29 brands/steam-symbol.svg steam_symbol
+F3F7 ED2A brands/sticker-mule.svg sticker_mule
+F3F8 ED2B brands/studiovinari.svg studiovinari
+F3F9 ED2C brands/supple.svg supple
+F10A ED2D solid/tablet-button.svg tablet_button
+F3FB ED2E solid/tablet.svg tablet
+F3FD ED2F solid/gauge-high.svg gauge_high
+F3FF ED30 solid/ticket-simple.svg ticket_simple
+F402 ED31 brands/uber.svg uber
+F403 ED32 brands/uikit.svg uikit
+F404 ED33 brands/uniregistry.svg uniregistry
+F405 ED34 brands/untappd.svg untappd
+F406 ED35 solid/user-large.svg user_large
+F407 ED36 brands/ussunnah.svg ussunnah
+F408 ED37 brands/vaadin.svg vaadin
+F409 ED38 brands/viber.svg viber
+F40A ED39 brands/vimeo.svg vimeo
+F40B ED3A brands/vnv.svg vnv
+F40C ED3B brands/square-whatsapp.svg square_whatsapp
+F40D ED3C brands/whmcs.svg whmcs
+F411 ED3D brands/wordpress-simple.svg wordpress_simple
+F412 ED3E brands/xbox.svg xbox
+F413 ED3F brands/yandex.svg yandex
+F414 ED40 brands/yandex-international.svg yandex_international
+F415 ED41 brands/apple-pay.svg apple_pay
+F416 ED42 brands/cc-apple-pay.svg cc_apple_pay
+F417 ED43 brands/fly.svg fly
+F419 ED44 brands/node.svg node
+F41A ED45 brands/osi.svg osi
+F41B ED46 brands/react.svg react
+F41C ED47 brands/autoprefixer.svg autoprefixer
+F41D ED48 brands/less.svg less
+F41E ED49 brands/sass.svg sass
+F41F ED4A brands/vuejs.svg vuejs
+F420 ED4B brands/angular.svg angular
+F421 ED4C brands/aviato.svg aviato
+F422 ED4D solid/down-left-and-up-right-to-center.svg down_left_and_up_right_to_center
+F423 ED4E brands/ember.svg ember
+F424 ED4F solid/up-right-and-down-left-from-center.svg up_right_and_down_left_from_center
+F426 ED50 brands/gitter.svg gitter
+F427 ED51 brands/hooli.svg hooli
+F428 ED52 brands/strava.svg strava
+F429 ED53 brands/stripe.svg stripe
+F42A ED54 brands/stripe-s.svg stripe_s
+F42B ED55 brands/typo3.svg typo3
+F42C ED56 brands/amazon-pay.svg amazon_pay
+F42D ED57 brands/cc-amazon-pay.svg cc_amazon_pay
+F42E ED58 brands/ethereum.svg ethereum
+F42F ED59 brands/korvue.svg korvue
+F430 ED5A brands/elementor.svg elementor
+F432 ED5B solid/baseball-bat-ball.svg baseball_bat_ball
+F433 ED5C solid/baseball.svg baseball
+F434 ED5D solid/basketball.svg basketball
+F436 ED5E solid/bowling-ball.svg bowling_ball
+F439 ED5F solid/chess.svg chess
+F43A ED60 regular/chess-bishop.svg chess_bishop
+F43C ED61 solid/chess-board.svg chess_board
+F43F ED62 regular/chess-king.svg chess_king
+F441 ED63 regular/chess-knight.svg chess_knight
+F443 ED64 regular/chess-pawn.svg chess_pawn
+F445 ED65 regular/chess-queen.svg chess_queen
+F447 ED66 regular/chess-rook.svg chess_rook
+F44B ED67 solid/dumbbell.svg dumbbell
+F44D ED68 brands/flipboard.svg flipboard
+F44E ED69 solid/football.svg football
+F450 ED6A solid/golf-ball-tee.svg golf_ball_tee
+F452 ED6B brands/hips.svg hips
+F453 ED6C solid/hockey-puck.svg hockey_puck
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+F28B F28B solid/circle-pause.svg circle_pause pause_circle
+F28C F28C regular/circle-pause.svg pause_circle_o
+F28D F28D solid/circle-stop.svg circle_stop stop_circle
+F28E F28E regular/circle-stop.svg stop_circle_o
+F3A4 F28F brands/freebsd.svg freebsd
+F290 F290 solid/bag-shopping.svg bag_shopping shopping_bag
+F291 F291 solid/basket-shopping.svg basket_shopping shopping_basket
+F292 F292 solid/hashtag.svg hashtag
+F293 F293 brands/bluetooth.svg bluetooth
+F294 F294 brands/bluetooth-b.svg bluetooth_b
+F295 F295 solid/percent.svg percent
+F296 F296 brands/gitlab.svg gitlab
+F297 F297 brands/wpbeginner.svg wpbeginner
+F298 F298 brands/wpforms.svg wpforms
+F299 F299 brands/envira.svg envira
+F29A F29A solid/universal-access.svg universal_access
+F29B F29B brands/accessible-icon.svg accessible_icon wheelchair_alt
+F29C F29C regular/circle-question.svg question_circle_o
+F29D F29D solid/person-walking-with-cane.svg person_walking_with_cane blind
+F29E F29E solid/audio-description.svg audio_description
+F219 F29F solid/diamond.svg diamond
+F2A0 F2A0 solid/phone-volume.svg phone_volume volume_control_phone
+F2A1 F2A1 solid/braille.svg braille
+F2A2 F2A2 solid/ear-listen.svg ear_listen assistive_listening_systems
+F2A3 F2A3 solid/hands-asl-interpreting.svg hands_asl_interpreting american_sign_language_interpreting asl_interpreting
+F2A4 F2A4 solid/ear-deaf.svg ear_deaf deaf deafness hard_of_hearing
+F2A5 F2A5 brands/glide.svg glide
+F2A6 F2A6 brands/glide-g.svg glide_g
+F2A7 F2A7 solid/hands.svg hands signing sign_language
+F2A8 F2A8 solid/eye-low-vision.svg eye_low_vision low_vision
+F2A9 F2A9 brands/viadeo.svg viadeo
+F2AA F2AA brands/square-viadeo.svg square_viadeo viadeo_square
+F2AB F2AB brands/snapchat.svg snapchat
+F3A6 F2AC brands/gitkraken.svg gitkraken snapchat_ghost
+F2AD F2AD brands/square-snapchat.svg square_snapchat snapchat_square
+F2AE F2AE brands/pied-piper.svg pied_piper
+F3A7 F2AF brands/gofore.svg gofore
+F2B0 F2B0 brands/first-order.svg first_order
+F2B1 F2B1 brands/yoast.svg yoast
+F2B2 F2B2 brands/themeisle.svg themeisle
+F2B3 F2B3 brands/google-plus.svg google_plus_circle google_plus_official
+F2B4 F2B4 solid/font-awesome.svg font_awesome fa
+F2B5 F2B5 regular/handshake.svg handshake handshake_o
+F2B6 F2B6 solid/envelope-open.svg envelope_open
+F2B7 F2B7 regular/envelope-open.svg envelope_open_o
+F2B8 F2B8 brands/linode.svg linode
+F2B9 F2B9 solid/address-book.svg address_book
+F2BA F2BA regular/address-book.svg address_book_o
+F2BB F2BB solid/address-card.svg address_card vcard
+F2BC F2BC regular/address-card.svg address_card_o vcard_o
+F2BD F2BD solid/circle-user.svg circle_user user_circle
+F2BE F2BE regular/circle-user.svg user_circle_o
+F3A8 F2BF brands/goodreads.svg goodreads
+F2C0 F2C0 regular/user.svg user_o
+F2C1 F2C1 regular/id-badge.svg id_badge
+F2C2 F2C2 solid/id-card.svg id_card drivers_license
+F2C3 F2C3 regular/id-card.svg id_card_o drivers_license_o
+F2C4 F2C4 brands/quora.svg quora
+F2C5 F2C5 brands/free-code-camp.svg free_code_camp
+F2C6 F2C6 brands/telegram.svg telegram
+F2C7 F2C7 solid/temperature-full.svg temperature_full thermometer_4 thermometer thermometer_full
+F2C8 F2C8 solid/temperature-three-quarters.svg temperature_three_quarters thermometer_3 thermometer_three_quarters
+F2C9 F2C9 solid/temperature-half.svg temperature_half thermometer_2 thermometer_half
+F2CA F2CA solid/temperature-quarter.svg temperature_quarter thermometer_1 thermometer_quarter
+F2CB F2CB solid/temperature-empty.svg temperature_empty thermometer_empty thermometer_0
+F2CC F2CC solid/shower.svg shower
+F2CD F2CD solid/bath.svg bath bathtub s15
+F2CE F2CE solid/podcast.svg podcast
+F3A9 F2CF brands/goodreads-g.svg goodreads_g
+F2D0 F2D0 regular/window-maximize.svg window_maximize
+F2D1 F2D1 regular/window-minimize.svg window_minimize
+F2D2 F2D2 regular/window-restore.svg window_restore
+F2D3 F2D3 solid/square-xmark.svg square_xmark times_rectangle window_close
+F2D4 F2D4 regular/rectangle-xmark.svg rectangle_xmark window_close_o times_rectangle_o
+F2D5 F2D5 brands/bandcamp.svg bandcamp
+F2D6 F2D6 brands/grav.svg grav
+F2D7 F2D7 brands/etsy.svg etsy
+F2D8 F2D8 brands/imdb.svg imdb
+F2D9 F2D9 brands/ravelry.svg ravelry
+F2DA F2DA brands/sellcast.svg sellcast eercast
+F2DB F2DB solid/microchip.svg microchip
+F2DC F2DC regular/snowflake.svg snowflake snowflake_o
+F2DD F2DD brands/superpowers.svg superpowers
+F2DE F2DE brands/wpexplorer.svg wpexplorer
+F3AA F2DF brands/google-drive.svg google_drive
+F2E0 F2E0 brands/meetup.svg meetup
+F3AB F2E1 brands/google-play.svg google_play
+F3AC F2E2 brands/gripfire.svg gripfire
+F3AD F2E3 brands/grunt.svg grunt
+F3AE F2E4 brands/gulp.svg gulp
+F3AF F2E5 brands/square-hacker-news.svg square_hacker_news
+F3B0 F2E6 brands/hire-a-helper.svg hire_a_helper
+F3B1 F2E7 brands/hotjar.svg hotjar
+F3B2 F2E8 brands/hubspot.svg hubspot
+F3B4 F2E9 brands/itunes.svg itunes
+F2EA F2EA solid/rotate-left.svg rotate_left
+F3B5 F2EB brands/itunes-note.svg itunes_note
+F3B6 F2EC brands/jenkins.svg jenkins
+F3B7 F2ED brands/joget.svg joget
+F3B8 F2EE brands/js.svg js
+F3B9 F2EF brands/square-js.svg square_js
+F3BA F2F0 brands/keycdn.svg keycdn
+F2F1 F2F1 solid/rotate.svg rotate
+F2F2 F2F2 solid/stopwatch.svg stopwatch
+F3BB F2F3 brands/kickstarter.svg kickstarter
+F3BC F2F4 brands/kickstarter-k.svg kickstarter_k
+F2F5 F2F5 solid/right-from-bracket.svg right_from_bracket
+F2F6 F2F6 solid/right-to-bracket.svg right_to_bracket
+F3BD F2F7 brands/laravel.svg laravel
+F3BE F2F8 solid/turn-down.svg turn_down
+F2F9 F2F9 solid/rotate-right.svg rotate_right
+F3BF F2FA solid/turn-up.svg turn_up
+F3C0 F2FB brands/line.svg line
+F3C1 F2FC solid/lock-open.svg lock_open
+F3C3 F2FD brands/lyft.svg lyft
+F2FE F2FE solid/poo.svg poo
+F3C4 F2FF brands/magento.svg magento
+# Name clash: name: youtube, old: F167, new: F16A (F167), name at old pos: cloudsmith
+# Name clash: name: rotate_left, old: F0E2, new: F2EA (F2EA), name at old pos: arrow_rotate_left
+# Name clash: name: rotate_right, old: F01E, new: F2F9 (F2F9), name at old pos: arrow_rotate_right
+# Name clash: name: bitcoin, old: F15A, new: F10F (F379), name at old pos: btc
+# Name clash: name: facebook_f, old: F09A, new: F24F (F39E), name at old pos: facebook
+# Name clash: name: diamond, old: F219, new: F29F (F219), name at old pos: gem
+# Name clash: name: mobile, old: F10B, new: ED08 (F3CE), name at old pos: mobile_screen_button
+# Name clash: name: tablet, old: F10A, new: ED2E (F3FB), name at old pos: tablet_screen_button
+# Name clash: name: vimeo, old: F27D, new: ED39 (F40A), name at old pos: vimeo_v
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/remix b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/remix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..675d17b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/remix
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# coding=utf8
+# Create a mapping file by combining the three free Font Awesome release
+# fonts and tries to keep the codepoints for old version 4.2 icons.
+# Newer icons are used to fill gaps and afterwards fill the new
+# range in Nerd Fonts of ED00-EFFF.
+# Range A is F000 - F2FF, the 'original' codepoint range of FA in Nerd Fonts
+# Range B is F300 - F8FF, icons added to FA after 4.2
+# Range C is E000 - EFFF, more icons added to FA after 4.2
+# PREREQUISITES: Download Font Awesome release
+# $ curl -OL https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/releases/download/6.5.1/fontawesome-free-6.5.1-desktop.zip
+# $ unzip fontawesome-free-6.5.1-desktop.zip
+# $ cd fontawesome-free-6.5.1-desktop/otfs
+# $ fontforge ../../remix > ../../remix_mapping
+# We do not use the font file generated by this script
+import fontforge, os, sys
+def find_destination(codepoint, font):
+    global swap_codes
+    for change in swap_codes:
+        if codepoint not in change:
+            continue
+        if codepoint == change[0]:
+            codepoint = change[1]
+        else:
+            codepoint = change[0]
+        break
+    if codepoint >= 0xF000 and codepoint < 0xF300:
+        # Keep codepoints in legacy region 'Region A'
+        return codepoint
+    if codepoint < 0xF000:
+        # Do not include any from 'Region C'
+        return None
+    # Fill gaps with the remaing icons (i.e. 'Region B')
+    # That will target first the original FA codepoint range in NF (F000-F2FF)
+    # and if that is full use the additional range ED00-EFFF
+    # The subrange 0xEE00 - 0xEE0B is reserved for Fira Code progress icons
+    for point in [ *range(0xF000, 0xF300), *range(0xED00, 0xEE00), *range(0xEE0C, 0xF000) ]:
+        if point not in font:
+            return point
+    print("No space found - abort")
+    sys.exit(1)
+class Sources:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.regul = fontforge.open('Font Awesome 6 Free-Regular-400.otf')
+        self.solid = fontforge.open('Font Awesome 6 Free-Solid-900.otf')
+        self.brand = fontforge.open('Font Awesome 6 Brands-Regular-400.otf')
+        self.regul.encoding = 'UnicodeFull'
+        self.solid.encoding = 'UnicodeFull'
+        self.brand.encoding = 'UnicodeFull'
+sources = Sources()
+compo = fontforge.font()
+compo.encoding = 'UnicodeFull'
+names = {}
+count0 = 0
+count1 = 0
+count2 = 0
+count3 = 0
+count4 = 0
+# To solve some new names and keep old naming intact
+renames = {
+    0xF003: 'envelope_o',
+    0xF006: 'star_o',
+    0xF046: 'check_square_o',
+    0xF057: 'remove_sign',
+    0xF058: 'ok_sign',
+    0xF087: 'thumbs_o_up',
+    0xF088: 'thumbs_o_down',
+    0xF016: 'file_o',
+    0xF01D: 'play_circle_o',
+    0xF045: 'share_square_o',
+    0xF087: 'thumbs_o_up',
+    0xF088: 'thumbs_o_down',
+    0xF08A: 'heard_o',
+    0xF08C: 'linkedin_square',
+    0xF096: 'square_o',
+    0xF097: 'bookmark_o',
+    0xF0A2: 'bell_o',
+    0xF0D5: 'google_plus',
+    0xF0E5: 'comment_o',
+    0xF0E6: 'comments_o',
+    0xF0F6: 'file_text_o',
+    0xF0F7: 'building_o',
+    0xF10C: 'circle_o',
+    0xF114: 'folder_o',
+    0xF115: 'folder_open_o',
+    0xF11D: 'flag_o',
+    0xF123: 'star_half_o',
+    0xF133: 'calendar_o',
+    0xF147: 'minus_square_o',
+    0xF196: 'plus_square_o',
+    0xF1D9: 'paper_plane_o',
+    0xF1DB: 'circle_thin',
+    0xF1F7: 'bell_slash_o',
+    0xF224: 'transgender',
+    0xF225: 'transgender_alt',
+    0xF24A: 'sticky_note_o',
+    0xF250: 'hourglass_o',
+    0xF278: 'map_o',
+    0xF283: 'credit_card_alt',
+    0xF28C: 'pause_circle_o',
+    0xF28E: 'stop_circle_o',
+    0xF29C: 'question_circle_o',
+    0xF2B3: 'google_plus_circle',
+    0xF2B7: 'envelope_open_o',
+    0xF2BA: 'address_book_o',
+    0xF2BC: 'address_card_o',
+    0xF2BE: 'user_circle_o',
+    0xF2C0: 'user_o',
+    0xF2C3: 'id_card_o',
+    0xf328: 'clipboard_alt',
+    0xF363: 'repeat_alt',
+    0xF491: 'thermometer_alt',
+    0xF594: 'hotel_building',
+# If Regular and Solid have a specific icon we prefer Regular, except for these:
+prefer_solid = {
+    0xF004, 0xF007, 0xF005, 0xF024, 0xF02E,
+    0xF057, 0xF058, 0xF059, 0xF075, 0xF07B,
+    0xF07C, 0xF086, 0xF089, 0xF0C8, 0xF0EA,
+    0xF0FE, 0xF146, 0xF14C, 0xF1D8, 0xF1F6,
+    0xF249, 0xF27A, 0xF28B, 0xF28D, 0xF2B4,
+    0xF2B6, 0xF2B9, 0xF2BB, 0xF2BD, 0xF2C2,
+# Special handling of some few icons, see PR #1596
+move_or_drop = { 0xF30B: False, 0xF30C: False, 0xF374: True,
+                 0xF536: True, 0xF537: True, 0xF538: True, 0xF539: True, 0xF53A: True, 0xF53B: True, # move for progress icons
+                 0xF53C: True, 0xF53D: True, 0xF53E: True, 0xF53F: True, 0xF540: True, 0xF542: True, # move for progress icons
+                 0xF219: 0xF3A5, 0xF10A: 0xF3FA, 0xF10B: 0xF3CD, }
+swap_codes = [ (0xF167, 0xF16A), (0xF219, 0xF3A5), (0xF10A, 0xF3FA), (0xF10B, 0xF3CD), ]
+block_regular = set()
+print('# Intermediate mapping file')
+print('# FA-code NF-code filename FA-name')
+# Reorder processing to accomodate for glyph shifts introduced
+all_points = [ *range(0xF000, 0xF900), *range(0xE000, 0xF000) ]
+for code, move in move_or_drop.items():
+    if not isinstance(move, bool):
+        i1 = all_points.index(code)
+        i2 = all_points.index(move)
+        all_points[i1] = move
+        all_points[i2] = code
+        continue
+    all_points.remove(code)
+    if move:
+        all_points.append(code)
+for point in all_points:
+    source = None
+    subset = 'none'
+    if point in sources.regul and point not in block_regular and point not in prefer_solid:
+        source = sources.regul
+        subset = 'regular'
+        # Dont add the same icon multiple times
+        altuni = source[point].altuni
+        if altuni:
+            for i, _, _ in altuni:
+                if i != 0xf1db: # Allow circle to be used twice
+                    block_regular.add(i)
+    elif point in sources.solid:
+        source = sources.solid
+        subset = 'solid'
+    elif point in sources.brand:
+        source = sources.brand
+        subset = 'brands'
+    else:
+        continue
+    glyphname = source[point].glyphname.replace('-', '_')
+    if point in renames:
+        old_glyphname = glyphname
+        glyphname = renames[point]
+        print('# RENAME {} to {}'.format(old_glyphname, glyphname))
+    if glyphname in names:
+        # Assume same glyphname means same icon
+        # print('{:04X} {} dropped, (already in {:0X})'.format(point, glyphname, names[glyphname]))
+        count0 += 1
+        continue
+    names[glyphname] = point
+    source.selection.select(point)
+    destpoint = find_destination(point, compo)
+    if destpoint is None:
+        destpoint = 0
+        count1 += 1
+    else:
+        compo.selection.select(destpoint)
+        source.copy()
+        compo.paste()
+        compo[destpoint].glyphname = glyphname
+        compo[destpoint].manualHints = True
+    if not os.path.exists('../svgs/'  + subset + '/' + source[point].glyphname + '.svg'):
+        if os.path.exists('../svgs/'  + 'solid' + '/' + source[point].glyphname + '.svg'):
+            # Some glyphs originate from Solid but are also in Regular
+            subset = 'solid'
+        else:
+            print('Missing SVG "{}" - abort'.format(source[point].glyphname))
+            sys.exit(1)
+    print('{}{:04X} {:04X} {}/{}.svg {}'.format('' if destpoint != 0 else '# ', point, destpoint, subset, source[point].glyphname, glyphname))
+    if destpoint != 0:
+        if point < 0xF000:
+            count4 += 1
+        elif point < 0xF300:
+            count2 += 1
+        else:
+            count3 += 1
+print('# Summary')
+print('# - Duplicates {}'.format(count0))
+print('# - Dropped {}'.format(count1))
+print('# - From original range {} (0x{:X})'.format(count2, count2))
+print('# - From extended F0 range {} (0x{:X})'.format(count3, count3))
+print('# - From E0 range {} (0x{:X})'.format(count4, count4))
+# print('\nGenerating...')
+# compo.generate('FontAwesomeNew.otf')
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/remix_mapping b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/remix_mapping
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eda5a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-awesome/remix_mapping
@@ -0,0 +1,1937 @@
+# Intermediate mapping file
+# FA-code NF-code filename FA-name
+F000 F000 solid/martini-glass-empty.svg martini_glass_empty
+F001 F001 solid/music.svg music
+F002 F002 solid/magnifying-glass.svg magnifying_glass
+# RENAME envelope to envelope_o
+F003 F003 regular/envelope.svg envelope_o
+F004 F004 solid/heart.svg heart
+F005 F005 solid/star.svg star
+# RENAME star to star_o
+F006 F006 regular/star.svg star_o
+F007 F007 solid/user.svg user
+F008 F008 solid/film.svg film
+F009 F009 solid/table-cells-large.svg table_cells_large
+F00A F00A solid/table-cells.svg table_cells
+F00B F00B solid/table-list.svg table_list
+F00C F00C solid/check.svg check
+F00D F00D solid/xmark.svg xmark
+F00E F00E solid/magnifying-glass-plus.svg magnifying_glass_plus
+F010 F010 solid/magnifying-glass-minus.svg magnifying_glass_minus
+F011 F011 solid/power-off.svg power_off
+F012 F012 solid/signal.svg signal
+F013 F013 solid/gear.svg gear
+F014 F014 regular/trash-can.svg trash_can
+F015 F015 solid/house.svg house
+# RENAME file to file_o
+F016 F016 regular/file.svg file_o
+F017 F017 regular/clock.svg clock
+F018 F018 solid/road.svg road
+F019 F019 solid/download.svg download
+F01A F01A regular/circle-down.svg circle_down
+F01B F01B regular/circle-up.svg circle_up
+F01C F01C solid/inbox.svg inbox
+# RENAME circle_play to play_circle_o
+F01D F01D regular/circle-play.svg play_circle_o
+F01E F01E solid/arrow-rotate-right.svg arrow_rotate_right
+F021 F021 solid/arrows-rotate.svg arrows_rotate
+F022 F022 regular/rectangle-list.svg rectangle_list
+F023 F023 solid/lock.svg lock
+F024 F024 solid/flag.svg flag
+F025 F025 solid/headphones.svg headphones
+F026 F026 solid/volume-off.svg volume_off
+F027 F027 solid/volume-low.svg volume_low
+F028 F028 solid/volume-high.svg volume_high
+F029 F029 solid/qrcode.svg qrcode
+F02A F02A solid/barcode.svg barcode
+F02B F02B solid/tag.svg tag
+F02C F02C solid/tags.svg tags
+F02D F02D solid/book.svg book
+F02E F02E solid/bookmark.svg bookmark
+F02F F02F solid/print.svg print
+F030 F030 solid/camera.svg camera
+F031 F031 solid/font.svg font
+F032 F032 solid/bold.svg bold
+F033 F033 solid/italic.svg italic
+F034 F034 solid/text-height.svg text_height
+F035 F035 solid/text-width.svg text_width
+F036 F036 solid/align-left.svg align_left
+F037 F037 solid/align-center.svg align_center
+F038 F038 solid/align-right.svg align_right
+F039 F039 solid/align-justify.svg align_justify
+F03A F03A solid/list.svg list
+F03B F03B solid/outdent.svg outdent
+F03C F03C solid/indent.svg indent
+F03D F03D solid/video.svg video
+F03E F03E regular/image.svg image
+F040 F040 solid/pencil.svg pencil
+F041 F041 solid/location-pin.svg location_pin
+F042 F042 solid/circle-half-stroke.svg circle_half_stroke
+F043 F043 solid/droplet.svg droplet
+F044 F044 regular/pen-to-square.svg pen_to_square
+# RENAME share_from_square to share_square_o
+F045 F045 regular/share-from-square.svg share_square_o
+# RENAME square_check to check_square_o
+F046 F046 regular/square-check.svg check_square_o
+F047 F047 solid/arrows-up-down-left-right.svg arrows_up_down_left_right
+F048 F048 solid/backward-step.svg backward_step
+F049 F049 solid/backward-fast.svg backward_fast
+F04A F04A solid/backward.svg backward
+F04B F04B solid/play.svg play
+F04C F04C solid/pause.svg pause
+F04D F04D solid/stop.svg stop
+F04E F04E solid/forward.svg forward
+F050 F050 solid/forward-fast.svg forward_fast
+F051 F051 solid/forward-step.svg forward_step
+F052 F052 solid/eject.svg eject
+F053 F053 solid/chevron-left.svg chevron_left
+F054 F054 solid/chevron-right.svg chevron_right
+F055 F055 solid/circle-plus.svg circle_plus
+F056 F056 solid/circle-minus.svg circle_minus
+# RENAME circle_xmark to remove_sign
+F057 F057 solid/circle-xmark.svg remove_sign
+# RENAME circle_check to ok_sign
+F058 F058 solid/circle-check.svg ok_sign
+F059 F059 solid/circle-question.svg circle_question
+F05A F05A solid/circle-info.svg circle_info
+F05B F05B solid/crosshairs.svg crosshairs
+F05C F05C regular/circle-xmark.svg circle_xmark
+F05D F05D regular/circle-check.svg circle_check
+F05E F05E solid/ban.svg ban
+F060 F060 solid/arrow-left.svg arrow_left
+F061 F061 solid/arrow-right.svg arrow_right
+F062 F062 solid/arrow-up.svg arrow_up
+F063 F063 solid/arrow-down.svg arrow_down
+F064 F064 solid/share.svg share
+F065 F065 solid/expand.svg expand
+F066 F066 solid/compress.svg compress
+F067 F067 solid/plus.svg plus
+F068 F068 solid/minus.svg minus
+F069 F069 solid/asterisk.svg asterisk
+F06A F06A solid/circle-exclamation.svg circle_exclamation
+F06B F06B solid/gift.svg gift
+F06C F06C solid/leaf.svg leaf
+F06D F06D solid/fire.svg fire
+F06E F06E regular/eye.svg eye
+F070 F070 regular/eye-slash.svg eye_slash
+F071 F071 solid/triangle-exclamation.svg triangle_exclamation
+F072 F072 solid/plane.svg plane
+F073 F073 regular/calendar-days.svg calendar_days
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+# RENAME hotel to hotel_building
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+# E556 0000 solid/plane-circle-exclamation.svg plane_circle_exclamation
+# E557 0000 solid/plane-circle-xmark.svg plane_circle_xmark
+# E558 0000 solid/plane-lock.svg plane_lock
+# E55A 0000 solid/plate-wheat.svg plate_wheat
+# E55B 0000 solid/plug-circle-bolt.svg plug_circle_bolt
+# E55C 0000 solid/plug-circle-check.svg plug_circle_check
+# E55D 0000 solid/plug-circle-exclamation.svg plug_circle_exclamation
+# E55E 0000 solid/plug-circle-minus.svg plug_circle_minus
+# E55F 0000 solid/plug-circle-plus.svg plug_circle_plus
+# E560 0000 solid/plug-circle-xmark.svg plug_circle_xmark
+# E561 0000 solid/ranking-star.svg ranking_star
+# E562 0000 solid/road-barrier.svg road_barrier
+# E563 0000 solid/road-bridge.svg road_bridge
+# E564 0000 solid/road-circle-check.svg road_circle_check
+# E565 0000 solid/road-circle-exclamation.svg road_circle_exclamation
+# E566 0000 solid/road-circle-xmark.svg road_circle_xmark
+# E567 0000 solid/road-lock.svg road_lock
+# E568 0000 solid/road-spikes.svg road_spikes
+# E569 0000 solid/rug.svg rug
+# E56A 0000 solid/sack-xmark.svg sack_xmark
+# E56B 0000 solid/school-circle-check.svg school_circle_check
+# E56C 0000 solid/school-circle-exclamation.svg school_circle_exclamation
+# E56D 0000 solid/school-circle-xmark.svg school_circle_xmark
+# E56E 0000 solid/school-flag.svg school_flag
+# E56F 0000 solid/school-lock.svg school_lock
+# E570 0000 brands/screenpal.svg screenpal
+# E571 0000 solid/sheet-plastic.svg sheet_plastic
+# E572 0000 solid/shield-cat.svg shield_cat
+# E573 0000 solid/shield-dog.svg shield_dog
+# E574 0000 solid/shield-heart.svg shield_heart
+# E576 0000 solid/square-nfi.svg square_nfi
+# E577 0000 solid/square-person-confined.svg square_person_confined
+# E578 0000 solid/square-virus.svg square_virus
+# E579 0000 solid/staff-snake.svg staff_snake
+# E57A 0000 solid/sun-plant-wilt.svg sun_plant_wilt
+# E57B 0000 solid/tarp.svg tarp
+# E57C 0000 solid/tarp-droplet.svg tarp_droplet
+# E57D 0000 solid/tent.svg tent
+# E57E 0000 solid/tent-arrow-down-to-line.svg tent_arrow_down_to_line
+# E57F 0000 solid/tent-arrow-left-right.svg tent_arrow_left_right
+# E580 0000 solid/tent-arrow-turn-left.svg tent_arrow_turn_left
+# E581 0000 solid/tent-arrows-down.svg tent_arrows_down
+# E582 0000 solid/tents.svg tents
+# E583 0000 solid/toilet-portable.svg toilet_portable
+# E584 0000 solid/toilets-portable.svg toilets_portable
+# E585 0000 solid/tower-cell.svg tower_cell
+# E586 0000 solid/tower-observation.svg tower_observation
+# E587 0000 solid/tree-city.svg tree_city
+# E589 0000 solid/trowel.svg trowel
+# E58A 0000 solid/trowel-bricks.svg trowel_bricks
+# E58B 0000 solid/truck-arrow-right.svg truck_arrow_right
+# E58C 0000 solid/truck-droplet.svg truck_droplet
+# E58D 0000 solid/truck-field.svg truck_field
+# E58E 0000 solid/truck-field-un.svg truck_field_un
+# E58F 0000 solid/truck-plane.svg truck_plane
+# E591 0000 solid/users-between-lines.svg users_between_lines
+# E592 0000 solid/users-line.svg users_line
+# E593 0000 solid/users-rays.svg users_rays
+# E594 0000 solid/users-rectangle.svg users_rectangle
+# E595 0000 solid/users-viewfinder.svg users_viewfinder
+# E596 0000 solid/vial-circle-check.svg vial_circle_check
+# E597 0000 solid/vial-virus.svg vial_virus
+# E598 0000 solid/wheat-awn-circle-exclamation.svg wheat_awn_circle_exclamation
+# E599 0000 solid/worm.svg worm
+# E59A 0000 solid/xmarks-lines.svg xmarks_lines
+# E59C 0000 solid/child-dress.svg child_dress
+# E59D 0000 solid/child-reaching.svg child_reaching
+# E5A0 0000 solid/file-circle-check.svg file_circle_check
+# E5A1 0000 solid/file-circle-xmark.svg file_circle_xmark
+# E5A9 0000 solid/person-through-window.svg person_through_window
+# E5AA 0000 solid/plant-wilt.svg plant_wilt
+# E5AC 0000 brands/space-awesome.svg space_awesome
+# E5AD 0000 brands/square-font-awesome.svg square_font_awesome
+# E5AE 0000 brands/square-gitlab.svg square_gitlab
+# E5AF 0000 solid/stapler.svg stapler
+# E5B4 0000 solid/train-tram.svg train_tram
+# E5C6 0000 brands/odysee.svg odysee
+# E5C7 0000 brands/stubber.svg stubber
+# E60B 0000 brands/debian.svg debian
+# E60C 0000 brands/shoelace.svg shoelace
+# E618 0000 brands/threads.svg threads
+# E619 0000 brands/square-threads.svg square_threads
+# E61A 0000 brands/square-x-twitter.svg square_x_twitter
+# E61B 0000 brands/x-twitter.svg x_twitter
+# E62B 0000 brands/opensuse.svg opensuse
+# E62D 0000 brands/letterboxd.svg letterboxd
+# E62E 0000 brands/square-letterboxd.svg square_letterboxd
+# E62F 0000 brands/mintbit.svg mintbit
+# E63B 0000 brands/google-scholar.svg google_scholar
+# E63C 0000 brands/brave.svg brave
+# E63D 0000 brands/brave-reverse.svg brave_reverse
+# E640 0000 brands/pixiv.svg pixiv
+# E641 0000 brands/upwork.svg upwork
+# E65C 0000 brands/webflow.svg webflow
+# E663 0000 brands/signal-messenger.svg signal_messenger
+F374 EFC2 brands/avianex.svg avianex
+F536 EFC3 solid/less-than.svg less_than
+F537 EFC4 solid/less-than-equal.svg less_than_equal
+F538 EFC5 solid/memory.svg memory
+F539 EFC6 solid/microphone-lines-slash.svg microphone_lines_slash
+F53A EFC7 solid/money-bill-wave.svg money_bill_wave
+F53B EFC8 solid/money-bill-1-wave.svg money_bill_1_wave
+F53C EFC9 solid/money-check.svg money_check
+F53D EFCA solid/money-check-dollar.svg money_check_dollar
+F53E EFCB solid/not-equal.svg not_equal
+F53F EFCC solid/palette.svg palette
+F540 EFCD solid/square-parking.svg square_parking
+F542 EFCE solid/diagram-project.svg diagram_project
+# Summary
+# - Duplicates 37
+# - Dropped 401
+# - From original range 676 (0x2A4)
+# - From extended F0 range 799 (0x31F)
+# - From E0 range 0 (0x0)
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-logos.ttf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-logos.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e2e8d7
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/font-logos.ttf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/LICENSE b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..382f8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Pictogrammers Free License
+This icon collection is released as free, open source, and GPL friendly by
+the [Pictogrammers](http://pictogrammers.com/) icon group. You may use it
+for commercial projects, open source projects, or anything really.
+# Icons: Apache 2.0 (https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
+Some of the icons are redistributed under the Apache 2.0 license. All other
+icons are either redistributed under their respective licenses or are
+distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.
+# Fonts: Apache 2.0 (https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
+All web and desktop fonts are distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. Web
+and desktop fonts contain some icons that are redistributed under the Apache
+2.0 license. All other icons are either redistributed under their respective
+licenses or are distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.
+# Code: MIT (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
+The MIT license applies to all non-font and non-icon files.
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/MaterialDesignIconsDesktop.ttf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/MaterialDesignIconsDesktop.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..456bf81
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/MaterialDesignIconsDesktop.ttf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/MaterialDesignIconsDesktop_orig.ttf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/MaterialDesignIconsDesktop_orig.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33dac16
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/MaterialDesignIconsDesktop_orig.ttf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/README.md b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd38219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+## Contents
+This folder contains the source for the (current) Material Design Icons.
+Source is https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign-Font
+Last fetch date is Oct 6, 2022.
+After fetching a new file one needs to correct our cheat-sheet by updating `bin/scripts/lib/i_md.sh`.
+Use the tool:
+cd bin/scripts
+mv lib/i_md.sh lib/i_md.sh_
+python3 generate-glyph-info-from-set.py --start f0001 -end f1af0 -font ../../src/glyphs/materialdesign/MaterialDesignIconsDesktop.ttf -offset 0 -prefix md > lib/i_md.sh
+Open old and new definitions shell script and copy the header from the old file to the autogenerated file. Adapt the values in the new file's header. Remove the last line in the new file (it contains the number of glyphs that is needed for the updated header). Yes, that is some manual labor.
+## Source bugs fixed
+Glyph 0xF1522 is broken in the original font. We fixed that one glyph manually.
+See https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign-Font/issues/9
+## Old version
+Also contained is the old (pre Nerd Fonts v3.0.0) Material Design Icons:
+That is not used, but can be activated by users of the font-patcher by enabling the font in the sourcecode.
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9a3a30
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/materialdesign/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/LICENSE b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..163074d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2023 GitHub Inc.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/analyze_octicons b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/analyze_octicons
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35fa961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/analyze_octicons
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# coding=utf8
+# This extracts the names and source and destination codepoints
+# of the old octicons font file to keep their codepoints stable
+# You do not need to redo it, the result is in the repo
+# Usage:
+# fontforge analyze_octicons > mapping
+import fontforge
+octi_orig = "octicons.ttf"
+current_cp = 0xF400
+print('# Examining {}'.format(octi_orig))
+font = fontforge.open(octi_orig)
+for glyph in font.glyphs('encoding'):
+    point = glyph.unicode
+    if point < 0:
+        continue
+    desti = glyph.unicode
+    if point < 0xF000:
+        desti = point
+    else:
+        desti = current_cp
+        current_cp += 1
+    print("{:X} {:X} {}".format(point, desti, glyph.glyphname))
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/file-symlink-directory-16.svg b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/file-symlink-directory-16.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af5dbe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/file-symlink-directory-16.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg width="16" height="16" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m1.75 1c-0.966 0-1.75 0.784-1.75 1.75v1.75c0 1 1.5 1 1.5 0v-1.75c0-0.138 0.112-0.25 0.25-0.25h3.25c0.0783 1.53e-4 0.152 0.037 0.199 0.0996l0.9 1.2c0.33 0.44 0.85 0.699 1.4 0.699h6.75c0.138 0 0.25 0.112 0.25 0.25v8.5c0 0.138-0.112 0.25-0.25 0.25h-9c-1 0-1 1.5 0 1.5h9c0.966 0 1.75-0.784 1.75-1.75v-8.5c0-0.966-0.784-1.75-1.75-1.75h-6.75c-0.0783-1.53e-4 -0.152-0.037-0.199-0.0996l-0.9-1.2c-0.33-0.44-0.85-0.699-1.4-0.699zm2.49 5.32c-0.135 0.00422-0.242 0.115-0.242 0.25v1.92h-0.23c-2.08-0.0119-3.77 1.67-3.77 3.75v1.01c1.63e-4 1 1.5 1 1.5 0v-1.01c-1.69e-5 -1.25 1.01-2.26 2.26-2.25l0.238 0.00195v1.94c0.0015 0.217 0.261 0.329 0.42 0.182l2.88-2.68c0.107-0.099 0.107-0.268 0-0.367l-2.88-2.68c-0.0482-0.0446-0.112-0.0685-0.178-0.0664z"/></svg>
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/file-symlink-directory-24.svg b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/file-symlink-directory-24.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb48984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/file-symlink-directory-24.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg width="24" height="24" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m3.75 3c-0.966 0-1.75 0.784-1.75 1.75v4.74c0 1 1.5 1 1.5 0v-4.74c0-0.138 0.112-0.25 0.25-0.25h4.97c0.0828 2.38e-4 0.16 0.0411 0.207 0.109l1.4 2.06c0.326 0.479 0.868 0.766 1.45 0.766h8.47c0.138 0 0.25 0.112 0.25 0.25v11.6c0 0.138-0.112 0.25-0.25 0.25h-13.5c-1 0-1 1.5 0 1.5h13.5c0.966 0 1.75-0.784 1.75-1.75v-11.6c0-0.967-0.784-1.75-1.75-1.75h-8.47c-0.083 0-0.161-0.0404-0.207-0.109l-1.4-2.06c-0.327-0.479-0.867-0.766-1.45-0.766zm5.95 5.99c-0.0441 0.00229-0.0877 0.00751-0.131 0.0176-0.569 0.132-0.775 0.835-0.369 1.25l2.11 2.24h-5.22c-2.26 8.6e-5 -4.09 1.83-4.09 4.09v3.16c0 1 1.5 1 1.5 0v-3.16c8.6e-5 -1.43 1.16-2.59 2.59-2.59h5.22l-2.11 2.24c-0.188 0.194-0.258 0.475-0.182 0.734 0.164 0.564 0.882 0.729 1.28 0.293l3.29-3.5c0.271-0.289 0.271-0.739 0-1.03l-3.29-3.5c-0.12-0.133-0.284-0.218-0.461-0.24-0.044-0.00555-0.0887-0.00619-0.133-0.00391z"/></svg>
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/generate b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/generate
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31970b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/generate
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# coding=utf8
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import fontforge
+# Double-quotes required here, for version-bump.sh:
+# version-bump.sh is not working here, need to adjust manually!
+version = "3.0.0"
+archive = 'v18.3.0.tar.gz'
+vectorsdir = 'icons'
+fontdir = '.'
+fontfile = 'octicons.ttf'
+glyphsetfile = 'i_oct.sh'
+glyphsetsdir = '../../../bin/scripts/lib'
+subset = '-16' # use 16 px subset if possible
+subset_other = '-24' # use 24 px subset otherwise
+def renamer(old_name):
+    """ Return new equivalent icon name """
+    return {
+            'trashcan' : 'trash',
+            'cloud-download' : 'download',
+            'cloud-upload' : 'upload',
+            'clippy' : 'paste',
+            'mail-read' : 'read',
+            'primitive-dot' : 'dot-fill',
+            'primitive-square' : 'square-fill',
+            'settings' : 'sliders',
+            'dashboard' : 'meter',
+            'paintcan' : 'paintbrush',
+        }.get(old_name, old_name)
+def addIcon(codepoint, name, filename):
+    """ Add one outline file and rescale/move """
+    dBB = [120, 0, 1000-120, 900] # just some nice sizes
+    filename = os.path.join(vectorsdir, filename)
+    glyph = font.createChar(codepoint, name)
+    glyph.importOutlines(filename)
+    glyph.manualHints = True
+def createGlyphInfo(icon_datasets, filepathname, into):
+    """ Write the glyphinfo file """
+    with open(filepathname, 'w', encoding = 'utf8') as f:
+        f.write(u'#!/usr/bin/env bash\n')
+        f.write(intro)
+        f.write(u'# Script Version: (autogenerated)\n')
+        f.write(u'test -n "$__i_oct_loaded" && return || __i_oct_loaded=1\n')
+        for _, codepoint, name in icon_datasets:
+            codepoint = int(codepoint, 16)
+            f.write(u"i='{}' i_oct_{}=$i\n".format(chr(codepoint), name.replace('-', '_')))
+        f.write(u'unset i\n')
+print('\nReading mapping file')
+old_mapping = []
+with open('mapping', 'r') as f:
+    for line in f.readlines():
+        if line.startswith('#'):
+            continue
+        old_mapping.append(tuple(re.split(' +', line.strip())))
+print('Found {} entries'.format(len(old_mapping)))
+old_mapping.sort(key=(lambda x: x[0]))
+print('Fetching octicons archive "{}"\n'.format(archive))
+if subprocess.call('curl -OL https://github.com/primer/octicons/archive/' + archive, shell=True):
+    sys.exit('Error fetching octicons archive')
+print('\nUnpacking octicons archive')
+if subprocess.call('rm -rf icons octicons-* && tar zxf *.gz && mv octicons-*/icons . && rm -rf octicons-* && cp file-symlink-directory-*.svg icons', shell=True):
+    sys.exit('Error unpacking archive')
+svgs = os.listdir(vectorsdir)
+print('Found {} svgs'.format(len(svgs)))
+names = { s[0:-len('-xx.svg')] for s in svgs if s.endswith(subset + '.svg') or s.endswith(subset_other + '.svg') }
+print('Found {} icons after de-duplicating\n'.format(len(names)))
+num_found = 0
+num_missing = 0
+misslist = ''
+renamelist = ''
+freeslots = []
+new_mapping = []
+for i, j, old_n in old_mapping:
+    if old_n in names:
+        names.remove(old_n)
+        new_mapping.append((i, j, old_n))
+        num_found += 1
+        continue
+    new_n = renamer(old_n)
+    if new_n in names:
+        renamelist += 'Renamed {} -> {}\n'.format(old_n, new_n)
+        names.remove(new_n)
+        new_mapping.append((i, j, new_n))
+        num_found += 1
+        continue
+    misslist += 'Missing {}\n'.format(old_n)
+    freeslots.append((i, j))
+    num_missing += 1
+print('Found {} (of {}, missing {}) and new {}'.format(num_found, len(old_mapping), num_missing, len(names)))
+names = list(names)
+for n in list(names):
+    if len(freeslots) == 0:
+        break
+    i, j = freeslots[0]
+    new_mapping.append((i, j, n))
+    names.remove(n)
+    freeslots = freeslots[1:]
+print('Filled in missing, remaining new {}'.format(len(names)))
+i_max = 0
+j_max = 0
+for i, j, _ in new_mapping:
+    i = int(i, 16)
+    j = int(j, 16)
+    if i > i_max:
+        i_max = i
+    if j > j_max:
+        j_max = j
+for n in names:
+    i_max += 1
+    j_max += 1
+    new_mapping.append(('{:X}'.format(i_max), '{:X}'.format(j_max), n))
+print('Appended remaining new, total new mapping {}'.format(len(new_mapping)))
+new_mapping.sort(key=(lambda x: x[0]))
+with open('mapping', 'w') as f:
+    for i, j, n in new_mapping:
+        f.write('{} {} {}\n'.format(i, j, n))
+font = fontforge.font()
+font.fontname = 'OcticonsNerdFont-Regular'
+font.fullname = 'Octicons Nerd Font Regular'
+font.familyname = 'Octicons Nerd Font'
+font.em = 2048
+font.encoding = 'UnicodeFull'
+# Add valid space glyph to avoid "unknown character" box on IE11
+glyph = font.createChar(32)
+glyph.width = 200
+font.sfntRevision = None # Auto-set (refreshed) by fontforge
+font.version = version
+font.copyright = 'GitHub Inc.'
+font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Version', archive + '; ' + version)
+font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Vendor URL', 'https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts')
+font.appendSFNTName('English (US)', 'Copyright', 'GitHub Inc.')
+for codepoint, _, name in new_mapping:
+    codepoint = int(codepoint, 16)
+    filename = name + subset + '.svg'
+    if filename not in svgs:
+        filename = name + subset_other + '.svg'
+    addIcon(codepoint, name, filename)
+num_icons = len(new_mapping)
+print('Generating {} with {} glyphs'.format(fontfile, num_icons))
+font.generate(os.path.join(fontdir, fontfile), flags=("no-FFTM-table",))
+codepoints = [ int(p, 16) for _, p, _ in new_mapping ]
+intro  = u'# Octicons ({} icons)\n'.format(num_icons)
+intro += u'# Codepoints: {:X}-{:X} with gaps\n'.format(min(codepoints), max(codepoints))
+intro += u'# Nerd Fonts Version: {}\n'.format(version)
+print('Generating GlyphInfo {}'.format(glyphsetfile))
+createGlyphInfo(new_mapping, os.path.join(glyphsetsdir, glyphsetfile), intro)
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/mapping b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/mapping
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..580becc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/mapping
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+2665 2665 heart
+26A1 26A1 zap
+F000 F400 light-bulb
+F001 F401 repo
+F002 F402 repo-forked
+F005 F403 repo-push
+F006 F404 repo-pull
+F007 F405 book
+F008 F406 accessibility
+F009 F407 git-pull-request
+F00A F408 mark-github
+F00B F409 download
+F00C F40A upload
+F00D F40B accessibility-inset
+F00E F40C alert-fill
+F010 F40D file-code
+F011 F40E apps
+F012 F40F file-media
+F013 F410 file-zip
+F014 F411 archive
+F015 F412 tag
+F016 F413 file-directory
+F017 F414 file-submodule
+F018 F415 person
+F019 F416 arrow-both
+F01F F417 git-commit
+F020 F418 git-branch
+F023 F419 git-merge
+F024 F41A mirror
+F026 F41B issue-opened
+F027 F41C issue-reopened
+F028 F41D issue-closed
+F02A F41E star
+F02B F41F comment
+F02C F420 question
+F02D F421 alert
+F02E F422 search
+F02F F423 gear
+F030 F424 arrow-down-left
+F031 F425 tools
+F032 F426 sign-out
+F033 F427 rocket
+F034 F428 rss
+F035 F429 paste
+F036 F42A sign-in
+F037 F42B organization
+F038 F42C device-mobile
+F039 F42D unfold
+F03A F42E check
+F03B F42F mail
+F03C F430 read
+F03D F431 arrow-up
+F03E F432 arrow-right
+F03F F433 arrow-down
+F040 F434 arrow-left
+F041 F435 pin
+F042 F436 gift
+F043 F437 graph
+F044 F438 triangle-left
+F045 F439 credit-card
+F046 F43A clock
+F047 F43B ruby
+F048 F43C broadcast
+F049 F43D key
+F04A F43E arrow-down-right
+F04C F43F repo-clone
+F04D F440 diff
+F04E F441 eye
+F04F F442 comment-discussion
+F051 F443 arrow-switch
+F052 F444 dot-fill
+F053 F445 square-fill
+F056 F446 device-camera
+F057 F447 device-camera-video
+F058 F448 pencil
+F059 F449 info
+F05A F44A triangle-right
+F05B F44B triangle-down
+F05C F44C link
+F05D F44D plus
+F05E F44E three-bars
+F05F F44F code
+F060 F450 location
+F061 F451 list-unordered
+F062 F452 list-ordered
+F063 F453 quote
+F064 F454 versions
+F068 F455 calendar
+F06A F456 lock
+F06B F457 diff-added
+F06C F458 diff-removed
+F06D F459 diff-modified
+F06E F45A diff-renamed
+F070 F45B horizontal-rule
+F071 F45C arrow-up-left
+F075 F45D milestone
+F076 F45E checklist
+F077 F45F megaphone
+F078 F460 chevron-right
+F07B F461 bookmark
+F07C F462 sliders
+F07D F463 meter
+F07E F464 history
+F07F F465 link-external
+F080 F466 mute
+F081 F467 x
+F084 F468 circle-slash
+F085 F469 pulse
+F087 F46A sync
+F088 F46B telescope
+F08C F46C arrow-up-right
+F08D F46D home
+F08F F46E stop
+F091 F46F bug
+F092 F470 logo-github
+F094 F471 file-binary
+F096 F472 database
+F097 F473 server
+F099 F474 diff-ignored
+F09A F475 ellipsis
+F09C F476 bell-fill
+F09D F477 hubot
+F09F F478 bell-slash
+F0A0 F479 blocked
+F0A1 F47A bookmark-fill
+F0A2 F47B chevron-up
+F0A3 F47C chevron-down
+F0A4 F47D chevron-left
+F0AA F47E triangle-up
+F0AC F47F git-compare
+F0AD F480 logo-gist
+F0B0 F481 file-symlink-file
+F0B1 F482 file-symlink-directory
+F0B2 F483 squirrel
+F0B6 F484 globe
+F0BA F485 unmute
+F0BE F486 mention
+F0C4 F487 package
+F0C5 F488 browser
+F0C8 F489 terminal
+F0C9 F48A markdown
+F0CA F48B dash
+F0CC F48C fold
+F0CF F48D inbox
+F0D0 F48E trash
+F0D1 F48F paintbrush
+F0D2 F490 flame
+F0D3 F491 briefcase
+F0D4 F492 plug
+F0D6 F493 bookmark-slash-fill
+F0D7 F494 mortar-board
+F0D8 F495 law
+F0DA F496 thumbsup
+F0DB F497 thumbsdown
+F0DC F498 desktop-download
+F0DD F499 beaker
+F0DE F49A bell
+F0E0 F49B cache
+F0E1 F49C shield
+F0E2 F49D bold
+F0E3 F49E check-circle
+F0E4 F49F italic
+F0E5 F4A0 tasklist
+F0E6 F4A1 verified
+F0E7 F4A2 smiley
+F0E8 F4A3 unverified
+F101 F4A4 check-circle-fill
+F102 F4A5 file
+F103 F4A6 grabber
+F104 F4A7 checkbox
+F105 F4A8 reply
+F27C F4A9 device-desktop
+F27D F4AA circle
+F27E F4AB clock-fill
+F27F F4AC cloud
+F280 F4AD cloud-offline
+F281 F4AE code-of-conduct
+F282 F4AF code-review
+F283 F4B0 code-square
+F284 F4B1 codescan
+F285 F4B2 codescan-checkmark
+F286 F4B3 codespaces
+F287 F4B4 columns
+F288 F4B5 command-palette
+F289 F4B6 commit
+F28A F4B7 container
+F28B F4B8 copilot
+F28C F4B9 copilot-error
+F28D F4BA copilot-warning
+F28E F4BB copy
+F28F F4BC cpu
+F290 F4BD cross-reference
+F291 F4BE dependabot
+F292 F4BF diamond
+F293 F4C0 discussion-closed
+F294 F4C1 discussion-duplicate
+F295 F4C2 discussion-outdated
+F296 F4C3 dot
+F297 F4C4 duplicate
+F298 F4C5 eye-closed
+F299 F4C6 feed-discussion
+F29A F4C7 feed-forked
+F29B F4C8 feed-heart
+F29C F4C9 feed-merged
+F29D F4CA feed-person
+F29E F4CB feed-repo
+F29F F4CC feed-rocket
+F2A0 F4CD feed-star
+F2A1 F4CE feed-tag
+F2A2 F4CF feed-trophy
+F2A3 F4D0 file-added
+F2A4 F4D1 file-badge
+F2A5 F4D2 file-diff
+F2A6 F4D3 file-directory-fill
+F2A7 F4D4 file-directory-open-fill
+F2A8 F4D5 file-moved
+F2A9 F4D6 file-removed
+F2AA F4D7 filter
+F2AB F4D8 fiscal-host
+F2AC F4D9 fold-down
+F2AD F4DA fold-up
+F2AE F4DB git-merge-queue
+F2AF F4DC git-pull-request-closed
+F2B0 F4DD git-pull-request-draft
+F2B1 F4DE goal
+F2B2 F4DF hash
+F2B3 F4E0 heading
+F2B4 F4E1 heart-fill
+F2B5 F4E2 home-fill
+F2B6 F4E3 hourglass
+F2B7 F4E4 id-badge
+F2B8 F4E5 image
+F2B9 F4E6 infinity
+F2BA F4E7 issue-draft
+F2BB F4E8 issue-tracked-by
+F2BC F4E9 issue-tracks
+F2BD F4EA iterations
+F2BE F4EB kebab-horizontal
+F2BF F4EC key-asterisk
+F2C0 F4ED log
+F2C1 F4EE moon
+F2C2 F4EF move-to-bottom
+F2C3 F4F0 move-to-end
+F2C4 F4F1 move-to-start
+F2C5 F4F2 move-to-top
+F2C6 F4F3 multi-select
+F2C7 F4F4 no-entry
+F2C8 F4F5 north-star
+F2C9 F4F6 note
+F2CA F4F7 number
+F2CB F4F8 package-dependencies
+F2CC F4F9 package-dependents
+F2CD F4FA paper-airplane
+F2CE F4FB paperclip
+F2CF F4FC passkey-fill
+F2D0 F4FD people
+F2D1 F4FE person-add
+F2D2 F4FF person-fill
+F2D3 F500 play
+F2D4 F501 plus-circle
+F2D5 F502 project
+F2D6 F503 project-roadmap
+F2D7 F504 project-symlink
+F2D8 F505 project-template
+F2D9 F506 rel-file-path
+F2DA F507 repo-deleted
+F2DB F508 repo-locked
+F2DC F509 repo-template
+F2DD F50A report
+F2DE F50B rows
+F2DF F50C screen-full
+F2E0 F50D screen-normal
+F2E1 F50E share
+F2E2 F50F share-android
+F2E3 F510 shield-check
+F2E4 F511 shield-lock
+F2E5 F512 shield-slash
+F2E6 F513 shield-x
+F2E7 F514 sidebar-collapse
+F2E8 F515 sidebar-expand
+F2E9 F516 single-select
+F2EA F517 skip
+F2EB F518 skip-fill
+F2EC F519 sort-asc
+F2ED F51A sort-desc
+F2EE F51B sparkle-fill
+F2EF F51C sponsor-tiers
+F2F0 F51D square
+F2F1 F51E stack
+F2F2 F51F star-fill
+F2F3 F520 stopwatch
+F2F4 F521 strikethrough
+F2F5 F522 sun
+F2F6 F523 tab
+F2F7 F524 tab-external
+F2F8 F525 table
+F2F9 F526 telescope-fill
+F2FA F527 trophy
+F2FB F528 typography
+F2FC F529 unlink
+F2FD F52A unlock
+F2FE F52B unread
+F2FF F52C video
+F300 F52D webhook
+F301 F52E workflow
+F302 F52F x-circle
+F303 F530 x-circle-fill
+F304 F531 zoom-in
+F305 F532 zoom-out
+F306 F533 bookmark-slash
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/octicons.ttf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/octicons.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ed38ae
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/octicons/octicons.ttf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/original-source.otf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/original-source.otf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2838fa9
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/original-source.otf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/pomicons/LICENSE b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/pomicons/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dd70fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/pomicons/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+Copyright (c) 2021, Gabriele Lana gabriele.lana@gmail.com
+with Reserved Font Name Pomicons.
+This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
+This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
+SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007
+The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide
+development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation
+efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and
+open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership
+with others.
+The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and
+redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The
+fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded, 
+redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved
+names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives,
+however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The
+requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply
+to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.
+"Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright
+Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may
+include source files, build scripts and documentation.
+"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the
+copyright statement(s).
+"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as
+distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).
+"Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting,
+or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the components of the
+Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a
+new environment.
+"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical
+writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify,
+redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font
+Software, subject to the following conditions:
+1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components,
+in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.
+2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled,
+redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy
+contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be
+included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or
+in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or
+binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user.
+3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font
+Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding
+Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as
+presented to the users.
+4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font
+Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any
+Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the
+Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written
+5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole,
+must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be
+distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to
+remain under this license does not apply to any document created
+using the Font Software.
+This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are
+not met.
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/pomicons/Pomicons.otf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/pomicons/Pomicons.otf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c19a396
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/pomicons/Pomicons.otf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/pomicons/README.md b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/pomicons/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c59ef20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/pomicons/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Pomicons
+For more information have a look at the upstream website: https://github.com/gabrielelana/pomicons
+Version: 1.001
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-extra/LICENSE b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-extra/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c71d827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-extra/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2016 Ryan L McIntyre
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-extra/PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-extra/PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1477fe
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-extra/PowerlineExtraSymbols.otf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-extra/README.md b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-extra/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a50b03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-extra/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Powerline Extra
+For more information have a look at the upstream website: https://github.com/ryanoasis/powerline-extra-symbols
+Version: 1.000 (from about 2016)
+## Source modified
+* Add missing Ice Waveform Mirrored glyph (0xE0CA)
+* Add Trigraph Heaven glyph (0x2630)
+* Simplify Waveform glyphs (0xE0C8, 0xE0CA)
+* Glyph 0xE0B4 and 0xE0B6 got an additional 7% strip on their straight side.
+* Add inverse triangular glyphs at 0xE0D6 and 0xE0D7
+* Change version of font to 1.100
+Version: 1.100 (our version)
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-symbols/LICENSE.txt b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-symbols/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23b2ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-symbols/LICENSE.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Copyright 2013 Kim Silkebækken and other contributors
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining 
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including 
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, 
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to 
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to 
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be 
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-symbols/PowerlineSymbols.otf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-symbols/PowerlineSymbols.otf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdc6934
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-symbols/PowerlineSymbols.otf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-symbols/README.md b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-symbols/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..858e124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/powerline-symbols/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Powerline Symbols
+For more information have a look at the upstream website: https://github.com/powerline/powerline
+## Source modified
+* Glyph 0xE0B0 and 0xE0B2 got an additional 7% strip on their straight side.
+Version: 1.000 (from about 2013)
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/weather-icons/OFL-FAQ.txt b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/weather-icons/OFL-FAQ.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..526fba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/weather-icons/OFL-FAQ.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+OFL FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about the SIL Open Font License (OFL)
+Version 1.1-update6 - December 2020
+The OFL FAQ is copyright (c) 2005-2020 SIL International.
+Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+(See http://scripts.sil.org/OFL for updates)
+1.1  Can I use the fonts for a book or other print publication, to create logos or other graphics or even to manufacture objects based on their outlines?
+Yes. You are very welcome to do so. Authors of fonts released under the OFL allow you to use their font software as such for any kind of design work. No additional license or permission is required, unlike with some other licenses. Some examples of these uses are: logos, posters, business cards, stationery, video titling, signage, t-shirts, personalised fabric, 3D-printed/laser-cut shapes, sculptures, rubber stamps, cookie cutters and lead type.
+1.1.1  Does that restrict the license or distribution of that artwork?
+No. You remain the author and copyright holder of that newly derived graphic or object. You are simply using an open font in the design process. It is only when you redistribute, bundle or modify the font itself that other conditions of the license have to be respected (see below for more details).
+1.1.2  Is any kind of acknowledgement required?
+No. Font authors may appreciate being mentioned in your artwork's acknowledgements alongside the name of the font, possibly with a link to their website, but that is not required.
+1.2  Can the fonts be included with Free/Libre and Open Source Software collections such as GNU/Linux and BSD distributions and repositories?
+Yes! Fonts licensed under the OFL can be freely included alongside other software under FLOSS (Free/Libre and Open Source Software) licenses. Since fonts are typically aggregated with, not merged into, existing software, there is little need to be concerned about incompatibility with existing software licenses. You may also repackage the fonts and the accompanying components in a .rpm or .deb package (or other similar package formats or installers) and include them in distribution CD/DVDs and online repositories. (Also see section 5.9 about rebuilding from source.)
+1.3  I want to distribute the fonts with my program. Does this mean my program also has to be Free/Libre and Open Source Software?
+No. Only the portions based on the Font Software are required to be released under the OFL. The intent of the license is to allow aggregation or bundling with software under restricted licensing as well.
+1.4  Can I sell a software package that includes these fonts?
+Yes, you can do this with both the Original Version and a Modified Version of the fonts. Examples of bundling made possible by the OFL would include: word processors, design and publishing applications, training and educational software, games and entertainment software, mobile device applications, etc.
+1.5  Can I include the fonts on a CD of freeware or commercial fonts?
+Yes, as long some other font or software is also on the disk, so the OFL font is not sold by itself.
+1.6  Why won't the OFL let me sell the fonts alone?
+The intent is to keep people from making money by simply redistributing the fonts. The only people who ought to profit directly from the fonts should be the original authors, and those authors have kindly given up potential direct income to distribute their fonts under the OFL. Please honour and respect their contribution!
+1.7  What about sharing OFL fonts with friends on a CD, DVD or USB stick?
+You are very welcome to share open fonts with friends, family and colleagues through removable media. Just remember to include the full font package, including any copyright notices and licensing information as available in OFL.txt. In the case where you sell the font, it has to come bundled with software.
+1.8  Can I host the fonts on a web site for others to use?
+Yes, as long as you make the full font package available. In most cases it may be best to point users to the main site that distributes the Original Version so they always get the most recent stable and complete version. See also discussion of web fonts in Section 2.
+1.9  Can I host the fonts on a server for use over our internal network?
+Yes. If the fonts are transferred from the server to the client computer by means that allow them to be used even if the computer is no longer attached to the network, the full package (copyright notices, licensing information, etc.) should be included.
+1.10  Does the full OFL license text always need to accompany the font?
+The only situation in which an OFL font can be distributed without the text of the OFL (either in a separate file or in font metadata), is when a font is embedded in a document or bundled within a program. In the case of metadata included within a font, it is legally sufficient to include only a link to the text of the OFL on http://scripts.sil.org/OFL, but we strongly recommend against this. Most modern font formats include metadata fields that will accept the full OFL text, and full inclusion increases the likelihood that users will understand and properly apply the license.
+1.11  What do you mean by 'embedding'? How does that differ from other means of distribution?
+By 'embedding' we mean inclusion of the font in a document or file in a way that makes extraction (and redistribution) difficult or clearly discouraged. In many cases the names of embedded fonts might also not be obvious to those reading the document, the font data format might be altered, and only a subset of the font - only the glyphs required for the text - might be included. Any other means of delivering a font to another person is considered 'distribution', and needs to be accompanied by any copyright notices and licensing information available in OFL.txt.
+1.12  So can I embed OFL fonts in my document?
+Yes, either in full or a subset. The restrictions regarding font modification and redistribution do not apply, as the font is not intended for use outside the document.
+1.13  Does embedding alter the license of the document itself?
+No. Referencing or embedding an OFL font in any document does not change the license of the document itself. The requirement for fonts to remain under the OFL does not apply to any document created using the fonts and their derivatives. Similarly, creating any kind of graphic using a font under OFL does not make the resulting artwork subject to the OFL.
+1.14  If OFL fonts are extracted from a document in which they are embedded (such as a PDF file), what can be done with them? Is this a risk to author(s)?
+The few utilities that can extract fonts embedded in a PDF will typically output limited amounts of outlines - not a complete font. To create a working font from this method is much more difficult and time consuming than finding the source of the original OFL font. So there is little chance that an OFL font would be extracted and redistributed inappropriately through this method. Even so, copyright laws address any misrepresentation of authorship. All Font Software released under the OFL and marked as such by the author(s) is intended to remain under this license regardless of the distribution method, and cannot be redistributed under any other license. We strongly discourage any font extraction - we recommend directly using the font sources instead - but if you extract font outlines from a document, please be considerate: respect the work of the author(s) and the licensing model.
+1.15  What about distributing fonts with a document? Within a compressed folder structure? Is it distribution, bundling or embedding?
+Certain document formats may allow the inclusion of an unmodified font within their file structure which may consist of a compressed folder containing the various resources forming the document (such as pictures and thumbnails). Including fonts within such a structure is understood as being different from embedding but rather similar to bundling (or mere aggregation) which the license explicitly allows. In this case the font is conveyed unchanged whereas embedding a font usually transforms it from the original format. The OFL does not allow anyone to extract the font from such a structure to then redistribute it under another license. The explicit permission to redistribute and embed does not cancel the requirement for the Font Software to remain under the license chosen by its author(s). Even if the font travels inside the document as one of its assets, it should not lose its authorship information and licensing.
+1.16  What about ebooks shipping with open fonts?
+The requirements differ depending on whether the fonts are linked, embedded or distributed (bundled or aggregated). Some ebook formats use web technologies to do font linking via @font-face, others are designed for font embedding, some use fonts distributed with the document or reading software, and a few rely solely on the fonts already present on the target system. The license requirements depend on the type of inclusion as discussed in 1.15.
+1.17  Can Font Software released under the OFL be subject to URL-based access restrictions methods or DRM (Digital Rights Management) mechanisms?
+Yes, but these issues are out-of-scope for the OFL. The license itself neither encourages their use nor prohibits them since such mechanisms are not implemented in the components of the Font Software but through external software. Such restrictions are put in place for many different purposes corresponding to various usage scenarios. One common example is to limit potentially dangerous cross-site scripting attacks. However, in the spirit of libre/open fonts and unrestricted writing systems, we strongly encourage open sharing and reuse of OFL fonts, and the establishment of an environment where such restrictions are unnecessary. Note that whether you wish to use such mechanisms or you prefer not to, you must still abide by the rules set forth by the OFL when using fonts released by their authors under this license. Derivative fonts must be licensed under the OFL, even if they are part of a service for which you charge fees and/or for which access to source code is restricted. You may not sell the fonts on their own - they must be part of a larger software package, bundle or subscription plan. For example, even if the OFL font is distributed in a software package or via an online service using a DRM mechanism, the user would still have the right to extract that font, use, study, modify and redistribute it under the OFL.
+1.18  I've come across a font released under the OFL. How can I easily get more information about the Original Version? How can I know where it stands compared to the Original Version or other Modified Versions?
+Consult the copyright statement(s) in the license for ways to contact the original authors. Consult the FONTLOG (see section 6 for more details and examples) for information on how the font differs from the Original Version, and get in touch with the various contributors via the information in the acknowledgement section. Please consider using the Original Versions of the fonts whenever possible.
+1.19  What do you mean in condition 4 of the OFL's permissions and conditions? Can you provide examples of abusive promotion / endorsement / advertisement vs. normal acknowledgement?
+The intent is that the goodwill and reputation of the author(s) should not be used in a way that makes it sound like the original author(s) endorse or approve of a specific Modified Version or software bundle. For example, it would not be right to advertise a word processor by naming the author(s) in a listing of software features, or to promote a Modified Version on a web site by saying "designed by ...". However, it would be appropriate to acknowledge the author(s) if your software package has a list of people who deserve thanks. We realize that this can seem to be a grey area, but the standard used to judge an acknowledgement is that if the acknowledgement benefits the author(s) it is allowed, but if it primarily benefits other parties, or could reflect poorly on the author(s), then it is not.
+1.20 I'm writing a small app for mobile platforms, do I need to include the whole package? 
+If you bundle a font under the OFL with your mobile app you must comply with the terms of the license. At a minimum you must include the copyright statement, the license notice and the license text. A mention of this information in your About box or Changelog, with a link to where the font package is from, is good practice, and the extra space needed to carry these items is very small. You do not, however, need to include the full contents of the font package - only the fonts you use and the copyright and license that apply to them. For example, if you only use the regular weight in your app, you do not need to include the italic and bold versions.
+1.21 What about including OFL fonts by default in my firmware or dedicated operating system? 
+Many such systems are restricted and turned into appliances so that users cannot study or modify them. Using open fonts to increase quality and language coverage is a great idea, but you need to be aware that if there is a way for users to extract fonts you cannot legally prevent them from doing that. The fonts themselves, including any changes you make to them, must be distributed under the OFL even if your firmware has a more restrictive license. If you do transform the fonts and change their formats when you include them in your firmware you must respect any names reserved by the font authors via the RFN mechanism and pick your own font name. Alternatively if you directly add a font under the OFL to the font folder of your firmware without modifying or optimizing it you are simply bundling the font like with any other software collection, and do not need to make any further changes.
+1.22  Can I make and publish CMS themes or templates that use OFL fonts?  Can I include the fonts themselves in the themes or templates? Can I sell the whole package?
+Yes, you are very welcome to integrate open fonts into themes and templates for your preferred CMS and make them more widely available. Remember that you can only sell the fonts and your CMS add-on as part of a software bundle. (See 1.4 for details and examples about selling bundles).
+1.23  Can OFL fonts be included in services that deliver fonts to the desktop from remote repositories? Even if they contain both OFL and non-OFL fonts?
+Yes. Some foundries have set up services to deliver fonts to subscribers directly to desktops from their online repositories; similarly, plugins are available to preview and use fonts directly in your design tool or publishing suite. These services may mix open and restricted fonts in the same channel, however they should make a clear distinction between them to users. These services should also not hinder users (such as through DRM or obfuscation mechanisms) from extracting and using the OFL fonts in other environments, or continuing to use OFL fonts after subscription terms have ended, as those uses are specifically allowed by the OFL.
+1.24  Can services that provide or distribute OFL fonts restrict my use of them?
+No. The terms of use of such services cannot replace or restrict the terms of the OFL, as that would be the same as distributing the fonts under a different license, which is not allowed. You are still entitled to use, modify and redistribute them as the original authors have intended outside of the sole control of that particular distribution channel. Note, however, that the fonts provided by these services may differ from the Original Versions.
+NOTE: This section often refers to a separate paper on 'Web Fonts & RFNs'. This is available at http://scripts.sil.org/OFL_web_fonts_and_RFNs
+2.1  Can I make webpages using these fonts?
+Yes! Go ahead! Using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is recommended. Your three best options are: 
+- referring directly in your stylesheet to open fonts which may be available on the user's system
+- providing links to download the full package of the font - either from your own website or from elsewhere - so users can install it themselves
+- using @font-face to distribute the font directly to browsers. This is recommended and explicitly allowed by the licensing model because it is distribution. The font file itself is distributed with other components of the webpage. It is not embedded in the webpage but referenced through a web address which will cause the browser to retrieve and use the corresponding font to render the webpage (see 1.11 and 1.15 for details related to embedding fonts into documents). As you take advantage of the @font-face cross-platform standard, be aware that web fonts are often tuned for a web environment and not intended for installation and use outside a browser. The reasons in favour of using web fonts are to allow design of dynamic text elements instead of static graphics, to make it easier for content to be localized and translated, indexed and searched, and all this with cross-platform open standards without depending on restricted extensions or plugins. You should check the CSS cascade (the order in which fonts are being called or delivered to your users) when testing.
+2.2  Can I make and use WOFF (Web Open Font Format) versions of OFL fonts?
+Yes, but you need to be careful. A change in font format normally is considered modification, and Reserved Font Names (RFNs) cannot be used. Because of the design of the WOFF format, however, it is possible to create a WOFF version that is not considered modification, and so would not require a name change. You are allowed to create, use and distribute a WOFF version of an OFL font without changing the font name, but only if:
+- the original font data remains unchanged except for WOFF compression, and
+- WOFF-specific metadata is either omitted altogether or present and includes, unaltered, the contents of all equivalent metadata in the original font.
+If the original font data or metadata is changed, or the WOFF-specific metadata is incomplete, the font must be considered a Modified Version, the OFL restrictions would apply and the name of the font must be changed: any RFNs cannot be used and copyright notices and licensing information must be included and cannot be deleted or modified. You must come up with a unique name - we recommend one corresponding to your domain or your particular web application. Be aware that only the original author(s) can use RFNs. This is to prevent collisions between a derivative tuned to your audience and the original upstream version and so to reduce confusion.
+Please note that most WOFF conversion tools and online services do not meet the two requirements listed above, and so their output must be considered a Modified Version. So be very careful and check to be sure that the tool or service you're using is compressing unchanged data and completely and accurately reflecting the original font metadata.
+2.3  What about other web font formats such as EOT/EOTLite/CWT/etc.?
+In most cases these formats alter the original font data more than WOFF, and do not completely support appropriate metadata, so their use must be considered modification and RFNs may not be used. However, there may be certain formats or usage scenarios that may allow the use of RFNs. See http://scripts.sil.org/OFL_web_fonts_and_RFNs 
+2.4  Can I make OFL fonts available through web font online services?
+Yes, you are welcome to include OFL fonts in online web font services as long as you properly meet all the conditions of the license. The origin and open status of the font should be clear among the other fonts you are hosting. Authorship, copyright notices and license information must be sufficiently visible to your users or subscribers so they know where the font comes from and the rights granted by the author(s). Make sure the font file contains the needed copyright notice(s) and licensing information in its metadata. Please double-check the accuracy of every field to prevent contradictory information. Other font formats, including EOT/EOTLite/CWT and superior alternatives like WOFF, already provide fields for this information. Remember that if you modify the font within your library or convert it to another format for any reason the OFL restrictions apply and you need to change the names accordingly. Please respect the author's wishes as expressed in the OFL and do not misrepresent original designers and their work. Don't lump quality open fonts together with dubious freeware or public domain fonts. Consider how you can best work with the original designers and foundries, support their efforts and generate goodwill that will benefit your service. (See 1.17 for details related to URL-based access restrictions methods or DRM mechanisms).
+2.5  Some web font formats and services provide ways of "optimizing" the font for a particular website or web application; is that allowed? 
+Yes, it is permitted, but remember that these optimized versions are Modified Versions and so must follow OFL requirements like appropriate renaming. Also you need to bear in mind the other important parameters beyond compression, speed and responsiveness: you need to consider the audience of your particular website or web application, as choosing some optimization parameters may turn out to be less than ideal for them. Subsetting by removing certain glyphs or features may seriously limit functionality of the font in various languages that your users expect. It may also introduce degradation of quality in the rendering or specific bugs on the various target platforms compared to the original font from upstream. In other words, remember that one person's optimized font may be another person's missing feature. Various advanced typographic features (OpenType, Graphite or AAT) are also available through CSS and may provide the desired effects without the need to modify the font.
+2.6  Is subsetting a web font considered modification?
+Yes. Removing any parts of the font when delivering a web font to a browser, including unused glyphs and smart font code, is considered modification. This is permitted by the OFL but would not normally allow the use of RFNs. Some newer subsetting technologies may be able to subset in a way that allows users to effectively have access to the complete font, including smart font behaviour. See 2.8 and http://scripts.sil.org/OFL_web_fonts_and_RFNs
+2.7  Are there any situations in which a modified web font could use RFNs?
+Yes. If a web font is optimized only in ways that preserve Functional Equivalence (see 2.8), then it may use RFNs, as it reasonably represents the Original Version and respects the intentions of the author(s) and the main purposes of the RFN mechanism (avoids collisions, protects authors, minimizes support, encourages derivatives). However this is technically very difficult and often impractical, so a much better scenario is for the web font service or provider to sign a separate agreement with the author(s) that allows the use of RFNs for Modified Versions.
+2.8  How do you know if an optimization to a web font preserves Functional Equivalence?
+Functional Equivalence is described in full in the 'Web fonts and RFNs' paper at http://scripts.sil.org/OFL_web_fonts_and_RFNs, in general, an optimized font is deemed to be Functionally Equivalent (FE) to the Original Version if it:
+- Supports the same full character inventory. If a character can be properly displayed using the Original Version, then that same character, encoded correctly on a web page, will display properly. 
+- Provides the same smart font behavior. Any dynamic shaping behavior that works with the Original Version should work when optimized, unless the browser or environment does not support it. There does not need to be guaranteed support in the client, but there should be no forced degradation of smart font or shaping behavior, such as the removal or obfuscation of OpenType, Graphite or AAT tables.
+- Presents text with no obvious degradation in visual quality. The lettershapes should be equally (or more) readable, within limits of the rendering platform.
+- Preserves original author, project and license metadata. At a minimum, this should include: Copyright and authorship; The license as stated in the Original Version, whether that is the full text of the OFL or a link to the web version; Any RFN declarations; Information already present in the font or documentation that points back to the Original Version, such as a link to the project or the author's website.
+If an optimized font meets these requirements, and so is considered to be FE, then it's very likely that the original author would feel that the optimized font is a good and reasonable equivalent. If it falls short of any of these requirements, the optimized font does not reasonably represent the Original Version, and so should be considered to be a Modified Version. Like other Modified Versions, it would not be allowed to use any RFNs and you simply need to pick your own font name.
+2.9  Isn't use of web fonts another form of embedding?
+No. Unlike embedded fonts in a PDF, web fonts are not an integrated part of the document itself. They are not specific to a single document and are often applied to thousands of documents around the world. The font data is not stored alongside the document data and often originates from a different location. The ease by which the web fonts used by a document may be identified and downloaded for desktop use demonstrates that they are philosophically and technically separate from the web pages that specify them. See http://scripts.sil.org/OFL_web_fonts_and_RFNs
+2.10  So would it be better to not use RFNs at all if you want your font to be distributed by a web fonts service?
+No. Although the OFL does not require authors to use RFNs, the RFN mechanism is an important part of the OFL model and completely compatible with web font services. If that web font service modifies the fonts, then the best solution is to sign a separate agreement for the use of any RFNs. It is perfectly valid for an author to not declare any RFNs, but before they do so they need to fully understand the benefits they are giving up, and the overall negative effect of allowing many different versions bearing the same name to be widely distributed. As a result, we don't generally recommend it.
+2.11  What should an agreement for the use of RFNs say? Are there any examples?
+There is no prescribed format for this agreement, as legal systems vary, and no recommended examples. Authors may wish to add specific clauses to further restrict use, require author review of Modified Versions, establish user support mechanisms or provide terms for ending the agreement. Such agreements are usually not public, and apply only to the main parties. However, it would be very beneficial for web font services to clearly state when they have established such agreements, so that the public understands clearly that their service is operating appropriately.
+See the separate paper on 'Web Fonts & RFNs' for in-depth discussion of issues related to the use of RFNs for web fonts. This is available at http://scripts.sil.org/OFL_web_fonts_and_RFNs
+3.1  Can I change the fonts? Are there any limitations to what things I can and cannot change?
+You are allowed to change anything, as long as such changes do not violate the terms of the license. In other words, you are not allowed to remove the copyright statement(s) from the font, but you could put additional information into it that covers your contribution. See the placeholders in the OFL header template for recommendations on where to add your own statements. (Remember that, when authors have reserved names via the RFN mechanism, you need to change the internal names of the font to your own font name when making your modified version even if it is just a small change.)
+3.2  I have a font that needs a few extra glyphs - can I take them from an OFL licensed font and copy them into mine?
+Yes, but if you distribute that font to others it must be under the OFL, and include the information mentioned in condition 2 of the license.
+3.3  Can I charge people for my additional work? In other words, if I add a bunch of special glyphs or OpenType/Graphite/AAT code, can I sell the enhanced font?
+Not by itself. Derivative fonts must be released under the OFL and cannot be sold by themselves. It is permitted, however, to include them in a larger software package (such as text editors, office suites or operating systems), even if the larger package is sold. In that case, you are strongly encouraged, but not required, to also make that derived font easily and freely available outside of the larger package.
+3.4  Can I pay someone to enhance the fonts for my use and distribution?
+Yes. This is a good way to fund the further development of the fonts. Keep in mind, however, that if the font is distributed to others it must be under the OFL. You won't be able to recover your investment by exclusively selling the font, but you will be making a valuable contribution to the community. Please remember how you have benefited from the contributions of others.
+3.5  I need to make substantial revisions to the font to make it work with my program. It will be a lot of work, and a big investment, and I want to be sure that it can only be distributed with my program. Can I restrict its use?
+No. If you redistribute a Modified Version of the font it must be under the OFL. You may not restrict it in any way beyond what the OFL permits and requires. This is intended to ensure that all released improvements to the fonts become available to everyone. But you will likely get an edge over competitors by being the first to distribute a bundle with the enhancements. Again, please remember how you have benefited from the contributions of others.
+3.6  Do I have to make any derivative fonts (including extended source files, build scripts, documentation, etc.) publicly available?
+No, but please consider sharing your improvements with others. You may find that you receive in return more than what you gave.
+3.7  If a trademark is claimed in the OFL font, does that trademark need to remain in modified fonts?
+Yes. Any trademark notices must remain in any derivative fonts to respect trademark laws, but you may add any additional trademarks you claim, officially registered or not. For example if an OFL font called "Foo" contains a notice that "Foo is a trademark of Acme", then if you rename the font to "Bar" when creating a Modified Version, the new trademark notice could say "Foo is a trademark of Acme Inc. - Bar is a trademark of Roadrunner Technologies Ltd.". Trademarks work alongside the OFL and are not subject to the terms of the licensing agreement. The OFL does not grant any rights under trademark law. Bear in mind that trademark law varies from country to country and that there are no international trademark conventions as there are for copyright. You may need to significantly invest in registering and defending a trademark for it to remain valid in the countries you are interested in. This may be costly for an individual independent designer.
+3.8 If I commit changes to a font (or publish a branch in a DVCS) as part of a public open source software project, do I have to change the internal font names? 
+Only if there are declared RFNs. Making a public commit or publishing a public branch is effectively redistributing your modifications, so any change to the font will require that you do not use the RFNs. Even if there are no RFNs, it may be useful to change the name or add a suffix indicating that a particular version of the font is still in development and not released yet. This will clearly indicate to users and fellow designers that this particular font is not ready for release yet. See section 5 for more details.
+4.1  Can I use the SIL OFL for my own fonts?
+Yes! We heartily encourage everyone to use the OFL to distribute their own original fonts. It is a carefully constructed license that allows great freedom along with enough artistic integrity protection for the work of the authors as well as clear rules for other contributors and those who redistribute the fonts. The licensing model is used successfully by various organisations, both for-profit and not-for-profit, to release fonts of varying levels of scope and complexity.
+4.2  What do I have to do to apply the OFL to my font?
+If you want to release your fonts under the OFL, we recommend you do the following:
+4.2.1  Put your copyright and Reserved Font Names information at the beginning of the main OFL.txt file in place of the dedicated placeholders (marked with the <> characters). Include this file in your release package.
+4.2.2  Put your copyright and the OFL text with your chosen Reserved Font Name(s) into your font files (the copyright and license fields). A link to the OFL text on the OFL web site is an acceptable (but not recommended) alternative. Also add this information to any other components (build scripts, glyph databases, documentation, test files, etc). Accurate metadata in your font files is beneficial to you as an increasing number of applications are exposing this information to the user. For example, clickable links can bring users back to your website and let them know about other work you have done or services you provide. Depending on the format of your fonts and sources, you can use template human-readable headers or machine-readable metadata. You should also double-check that there is no conflicting metadata in the font itself contradicting the license, such as the fstype bits in the os2 table or fields in the name table.
+4.2.3  Write an initial FONTLOG.txt for your font and include it in the release package (see Section 6 and Appendix A for details including a template).
+4.2.4  Include the relevant practical documentation on the license by adding the current OFL-FAQ.txt file in your package.
+4.2.5  If you wish you can use the OFL graphics (http://scripts.sil.org/OFL_logo) on your website. 
+4.3  Will you make my font OFL for me?
+We won't do the work for you. We can, however, try to answer your questions, unfortunately we do not have the resources to review and check your font packages for correct use of the OFL. We recommend you turn to designers, foundries or consulting companies with experience in doing open font design to provide this service to you. 
+4.4  Will you distribute my OFL font for me?
+No, although if the font is of sufficient quality and general interest we may include a link to it on our partial list of OFL fonts on the OFL web site. You may wish to consider other open font catalogs or hosting services, such as the Unifont Font Guide (http://unifont.org/fontguide), The League of Movable Type (http://theleagueofmovabletype.com) or the Open Font Library (http://openfontlibrary.org/), which despite the name has no direct relationship to the OFL or SIL. We do not endorse any particular catalog or hosting service - it is your responsibility to determine if the service is right for you and if it treats authors with fairness. 
+4.5  Why should I use the OFL for my fonts?
+- to meet needs for fonts that can be modified to support lesser-known languages
+- to provide a legal and clear way for people to respect your work but still use it (and reduce piracy)
+- to involve others in your font project
+- to enable your fonts to be expanded with new weights and improved writing system/language support
+- to allow more technical font developers to add features to your design (such as OpenType, Graphite or AAT support)
+- to renew the life of an old font lying on your hard drive with no business model
+- to allow your font to be included in Libre Software operating systems like Ubuntu
+- to give your font world status and wide, unrestricted distribution
+- to educate students about quality typeface and font design
+- to expand your test base and get more useful feedback 
+- to extend your reach to new markets when users see your metadata and go to your website
+- to get your font more easily into one of the web font online services
+- to attract attention for your commercial fonts
+- to make money through web font services
+- to make money by bundling fonts with applications
+- to make money adjusting and extending existing open fonts
+- to get a better chance that foundations/NGOs/charities/companies who commission fonts will pick you 
+- to be part of a sharing design and development community 
+- to give back and contribute to a growing body of font sources
+5.1  What are Reserved Font Names?
+These are font names, or portions of font names, that the author has chosen to reserve for use only with the Original Version of the font, or for Modified Version(s) created by the original author.
+5.2  Why can't I use the Reserved Font Names in my derivative font names? I'd like people to know where the design came from.
+The best way to acknowledge the source of the design is to thank the original authors and any other contributors in the files that are distributed with your revised font (although no acknowledgement is required). The FONTLOG is a natural place to do this. Reserved Font Names ensure that the only fonts that have the original names are the unmodified Original Versions. This allows designers to maintain artistic integrity while allowing collaboration to happen. It eliminates potential confusion and name conflicts. When choosing a name, be creative and avoid names that reuse almost all the same letters in the same order or sound like the original. It will help everyone if Original Versions and Modified Versions can easily be distinguished from one another and from other derivatives. Any substitution and matching mechanism is outside the scope of the license.
+5.3  What do you mean by "primary name as presented to the user"? Are you referring to the font menu name?
+Yes, this applies to the font menu name and other mechanisms that specify a font in a document. It would be fine, however, to keep a text reference to the original fonts in the description field, in your modified source file or in documentation provided alongside your derivative as long as no one could be confused that your modified source is the original. But you cannot use the Reserved Font Names in any way to identify the font to the user (unless the Copyright Holder(s) allow(s) it through a separate agreement). Users who install derivatives (Modified Versions) on their systems should not see any of the original Reserved Font Names in their font menus, for example. Again, this is to ensure that users are not confused and do not mistake one font for another and so expect features only another derivative or the Original Version can actually offer. 
+5.4  Am I not allowed to use any part of the Reserved Font Names?
+You may not use individual words from the Reserved Font Names, but you would be allowed to use parts of words, as long as you do not use any word from the Reserved Font Names entirely. We do not recommend using parts of words because of potential confusion, but it is allowed. For example, if "Foobar" was a Reserved Font Name, you would be allowed to use "Foo" or "bar", although we would not recommend it. Such an unfortunate choice would confuse the users of your fonts as well as make it harder for other designers to contribute.
+5.5  So what should I, as an author, identify as Reserved Font Names?
+Original authors are encouraged to name their fonts using clear, distinct names, and only declare the unique parts of the name as Reserved Font Names. For example, the author of a font called "Foobar Sans" would declare "Foobar" as a Reserved Font Name, but not "Sans", as that is a common typographical term, and may be a useful word to use in a derivative font name. Reserved Font Names should also be single words for simplicity and legibility. A font called "Flowing River" should have Reserved Font Names "Flowing" and "River", not "Flowing River". You also need to be very careful about reserving font names which are already linked to trademarks (whether registered or not) which you do not own.
+5.6  Do I, as an author, have to identify any Reserved Font Names?
+No. RFNs are optional and not required, but we encourage you to use them. This is primarily to avoid confusion between your work and Modified Versions. As an author you can release a font under the OFL and not declare any Reserved Font Names. There may be situations where you find that using no RFNs and letting your font be changed and modified - including any kind of modification - without having to change the original name is desirable. However you need to be fully aware of the consequences. There will be no direct way for end-users and other designers to distinguish your Original Version from many Modified Versions that may be created. You have to trust whoever is making the changes and the optimizations to not introduce problematic changes. The RFNs you choose for your own creation have value to you as an author because they allow you to maintain artistic integrity and keep some control over the distribution channel to your end-users. For discussion of RFNs and web fonts see section 2.
+5.7  Are any names (such as the main font name) reserved by default?
+No. That is a change to the license as of version 1.1. If you want any names to be Reserved Font Names, they must be specified after the copyright statement(s).
+5.8  Is there any situation in which I can use Reserved Font Names for a Modified Version?
+The Copyright Holder(s) can give certain trusted parties the right to use any of the Reserved Font Names through separate written agreements. For example, even if "Foobar" is a RFN, you could write up an agreement to give company "XYZ" the right to distribute a modified version with a name that includes "Foobar". This allows for freedom without confusion. The existence of such an agreement should be made as clear as possible to downstream users and designers in the distribution package and the relevant documentation. They need to know if they are a party to the agreement or not and what they are practically allowed to do or not even if all the details of the agreement are not public.
+5.9  Do font rebuilds require a name change? Do I have to change the name of the font when my packaging workflow includes a full rebuild from source?
+Yes, all rebuilds which change the font data and the smart code are Modified Versions and the requirements of the OFL apply: you need to respect what the Author(s) have chosen in terms of Reserved Font Names. However if a package (or installer) is simply a wrapper or a compressed structure around the final font - leaving them intact on the inside - then no name change is required. Please get in touch with the author(s) and copyright holder(s) to inquire about the presence of font sources beyond the final font file(s) and the recommended build path. That build path may very well be non-trivial and hard to reproduce accurately by the maintainer. If a full font build path is made available by the upstream author(s) please be aware that any regressions and changes you may introduce when doing a rebuild for packaging purposes is your own responsibility as a package maintainer since you are effectively creating a separate branch. You should make it very clear to your users that your rebuilt version is not the canonical one from upstream.
+5.10  Can I add other Reserved Font Names when making a derivative font?
+Yes. List your additional Reserved Font Names after your additional copyright statement, as indicated with example placeholders at the top of the OFL.txt file. Be sure you do not remove any existing RFNs but only add your own. RFN statements should be placed next to the copyright statement of the relevant author as indicated in the OFL.txt template to make them visible to designers wishing to make their separate version.
+6.1  What is this FONTLOG thing exactly?
+It has three purposes: 1) to provide basic information on the font to users and other designers and developers, 2) to document changes that have been made to the font or accompanying files, either by the original authors or others, and 3) to provide a place to acknowledge authors and other contributors. Please use it!
+6.2  Is the FONTLOG required?
+It is not a requirement of the license, but we strongly recommend you have one.
+6.3  Am I required to update the FONTLOG when making Modified Versions?
+No, but users, designers and other developers might get very frustrated with you if you don't. People need to know how derivative fonts differ from the original, and how to take advantage of the changes, or build on them. There are utilities that can help create and maintain a FONTLOG, such as the FONTLOG support in FontForge.
+6.4  What should the FONTLOG look like?
+It is typically a separate text file (FONTLOG.txt), but can take other formats. It commonly includes these four sections:
+- brief header describing the FONTLOG itself and name of the font family
+- Basic Font Information - description of the font family, purpose and breadth
+- ChangeLog - chronological listing of changes
+- Acknowledgements - list of authors and contributors with contact information
+It could also include other sections, such as: where to find documentation, how to make contributions, information on contributing organizations, source code details, and a short design guide. See Appendix A for an example FONTLOG.
+7.1  Can I contribute work to OFL projects?
+In many cases, yes. It is common for OFL fonts to be developed by a team of people who welcome contributions from the wider community. Contact the original authors for specific information on how to participate in their projects.
+7.2  Why should I contribute my changes back to the original authors?
+It would benefit many people if you contributed back in response to what you've received. Your contributions and improvements to the fonts and other components could be a tremendous help and would encourage others to contribute as well and 'give back'. You will then benefit from other people's contributions as well. Sometimes maintaining your own separate version takes more effort than merging back with the original. Be aware that any contributions, however, must be either your own original creation or work that you own, and you may be asked to affirm that clearly when you contribute.
+7.3  I've made some very nice improvements to the font. Will you consider adopting them and putting them into future Original Versions?
+Most authors would be very happy to receive such contributions. Keep in mind that it is unlikely that they would want to incorporate major changes that would require additional work on their end. Any contributions would likely need to be made for all the fonts in a family and match the overall design and style. Authors are encouraged to include a guide to the design with the fonts. It would also help to have contributions submitted as patches or clearly marked changes - the use of smart source revision control systems like subversion, mercurial, git or bzr is a good idea. Please follow the recommendations given by the author(s) in terms of preferred source formats and configuration parameters for sending contributions. If this is not indicated in a FONTLOG or other documentation of the font, consider asking them directly. Examples of useful contributions are bug fixes, additional glyphs, stylistic alternates (and the smart font code to access them) or improved hinting. Keep in mind that some kinds of changes (esp. hinting) may be technically difficult to integrate.
+7.4  How can I financially support the development of OFL fonts?
+It is likely that most authors of OFL fonts would accept financial contributions - contact them for instructions on how to do this. Such contributions would support future development. You can also pay for others to enhance the fonts and contribute the results back to the original authors for inclusion in the Original Version.
+8.1  I see that this is version 1.1 of the license. Will there be later changes?
+Version 1.1 is the first minor revision of the OFL. We are confident that version 1.1 will meet most needs, but are open to future improvements. Any revisions would be for future font releases, and previously existing licenses would remain in effect. No retroactive changes are possible, although the Copyright Holder(s) can re-release the font under a revised OFL. All versions will be available on our web site: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL.
+8.2  Does this license restrict the rights of the Copyright Holder(s)?
+No. The Copyright Holder(s) still retain(s) all the rights to their creation; they are only releasing a portion of it for use in a specific way. For example, the Copyright Holder(s) may choose to release a 'basic' version of their font under the OFL, but sell a restricted 'enhanced' version under a different license. They may also choose to release the same font under both the OFL and some other license. Only the Copyright Holder(s) can do this, and doing so does not change the terms of the OFL as it applies to that font.
+8.3  Is the OFL a contract or a license?
+The OFL is a worldwide license based on international copyright agreements and conventions. It is not a contract and so does not require you to sign it to have legal validity. By using, modifying and redistributing components under the OFL you indicate that you accept the license.
+8.4  I really like the terms of the OFL, but want to change it a little. Am I allowed to take ideas and actual wording from the OFL and put them into my own custom license for distributing my fonts?
+We strongly recommend against creating your very own unique open licensing model. Using a modified or derivative license will likely cut you off - along with the font(s) under that license - from the community of designers using the OFL, potentially expose you and your users to legal liabilities, and possibly put your work and rights at risk. The OFL went though a community and legal review process that took years of effort, and that review is only applicable to an unmodified OFL. The text of the OFL has been written by SIL (with review and consultation from the community) and is copyright (c) 2005-2017 SIL International. You may re-use the ideas and wording (in part, not in whole) in another non-proprietary license provided that you call your license by another unambiguous name, that you do not use the preamble, that you do not mention SIL and that you clearly present your license as different from the OFL so as not to cause confusion by being too similar to the original. If you feel the OFL does not meet your needs for an open license, please contact us.
+8.5  Can I quote from the OFL FAQ?
+Yes, SIL gives permission to quote from the OFL FAQ (OFL-FAQ.txt), in whole or in part, provided that the quoted text is:
+- unmodified,
+- used to help explain the intent of the OFL, rather than cause misunderstanding, and
+- accompanied with the following attribution: "From the OFL FAQ (OFL-FAQ.txt), copyright (c) 2005-2020 SIL International. Used by permission. http://scripts.sil.org/OFL-FAQ_web".
+8.6  Can I translate the license and the FAQ into other languages?
+SIL certainly recognises the need for people who are not familiar with English to be able to understand the OFL and its use. Making the license very clear and readable has been a key goal for the OFL, but we know that people understand their own language best.
+If you are an experienced translator, you are very welcome to translate the OFL and OFL-FAQ so that designers and users in your language community can understand the license better. But only the original English version of the license has legal value and has been approved by the community. Translations do not count as legal substitutes and should only serve as a way to explain the original license. SIL - as the author and steward of the license for the community at large - does not approve any translation of the OFL as legally valid because even small translation ambiguities could be abused and create problems.
+SIL gives permission to publish unofficial translations into other languages provided that they comply with the following guidelines:
+- Put the following disclaimer in both English and the target language stating clearly that the translation is unofficial:
+"This is an unofficial translation of the SIL Open Font License into <language_name>. It was not published by SIL International, and does not legally state the distribution terms for fonts that use the OFL. A release under the OFL is only valid when using the original English text. However, we recognize that this unofficial translation will help users and designers not familiar with English to better understand and use the OFL. We encourage designers who consider releasing their creation under the OFL to read the OFL-FAQ in their own language if it is available. Please go to http://scripts.sil.org/OFL for the official version of the license and the accompanying OFL-FAQ."
+- Keep your unofficial translation current and update it at our request if needed, for example if there is any ambiguity which could lead to confusion.  
+If you start such a unofficial translation effort of the OFL and OFL-FAQ please let us know.
+8.7 Does the OFL have an explicit expiration term?
+No, the implicit intent of the OFL is that the permissions granted are perpetual and irrevocable. 
+9.1  Who is SIL International and what do they do?
+SIL serves language communities worldwide, building their capacity for sustainable language development, by means of research, translation, training and materials development. SIL makes its services available to all without regard to religious belief, political ideology, gender, race, or ethnic background. SIL's members and volunteers share a Christian commitment.
+9.2  What does this have to do with font licensing?
+The ability to read, write, type and publish in one's own language is one of the most critical needs for millions of people around the world. This requires fonts that are widely available and support lesser-known languages. SIL develops - and encourages others to develop - a complete stack of writing systems implementation components available under open licenses. This open stack includes input methods, smart fonts, smart rendering libraries and smart applications. There has been a need for a common open license that is specifically applicable to fonts and related software (a crucial component of this stack), so SIL developed the SIL Open Font License with the help of the Free/Libre and Open Source Software community.
+9.3  How can I contact SIL?
+Our main web site is: http://www.sil.org/
+Our site about complex scripts is: http://scripts.sil.org/
+Information about this license (and contact information) is at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL
+Here is an example of the recommended format for a FONTLOG, although other formats are allowed.
+FONTLOG for the GlobalFontFamily fonts
+This file provides detailed information on the GlobalFontFamily Font Software. This information should be distributed along with the GlobalFontFamily fonts and any derivative works.
+Basic Font Information
+GlobalFontFamily is a Unicode typeface family that supports all languages that use the Latin script and its variants, and could be expanded to support other scripts.
+NewWorldFontFamily is based on the GlobalFontFamily and also supports Greek, Hebrew, Cyrillic and Armenian.
+More specifically, this release supports the following Unicode ranges...
+This release contains...
+Documentation can be found at...
+To contribute to the project...
+10 December 2010 (Fred Foobar) GlobalFontFamily-devel version 1.4
+- fix new build and testing system (bug #123456)
+1 August 2008 (Tom Parker) GlobalFontFamily version 1.2.1
+- Tweaked the smart font code (Branch merged with trunk version)
+- Provided improved build and debugging environment for smart behaviours
+7 February 2007 (Pat Johnson) NewWorldFontFamily Version 1.3
+- Added Greek and Cyrillic glyphs
+7 March 2006 (Fred Foobar) NewWorldFontFamily Version 1.2
+- Tweaked contextual behaviours
+1 Feb 2005 (Jane Doe) NewWorldFontFamily Version 1.1
+- Improved build script performance and verbosity
+- Extended the smart code documentation
+- Corrected minor typos in the documentation
+- Fixed position of combining inverted breve below (U+032F)
+- Added OpenType/Graphite smart code for Armenian
+- Added Armenian glyphs (U+0531 -> U+0587) 
+- Released as "NewWorldFontFamily"
+1 Jan 2005 (Joe Smith) GlobalFontFamily Version 1.0
+- Initial release
+If you make modifications be sure to add your name (N), email (E), web-address (if you have one) (W) and description (D). This list is in alphabetical order.
+N: Jane Doe
+E: jane@university.edu
+W: http://art.university.edu/projects/fonts
+D: Contributor - Armenian glyphs and code
+N: Fred Foobar
+E: fred@foobar.org
+W: http://foobar.org
+D: Contributor - misc Graphite fixes
+N: Pat Johnson
+E: pat@fontstudio.org
+W: http://pat.fontstudio.org
+D: Designer - Greek & Cyrillic glyphs based on Roman design
+N: Tom Parker
+E: tom@company.com
+W: http://www.company.com/tom/projects/fonts
+D: Engineer - original smart font code
+N: Joe Smith
+E: joe@fontstudio.org
+W: http://joe.fontstudio.org
+D: Designer - original Roman glyphs
+Fontstudio.org is an not-for-profit design group whose purpose is...
+Foobar.org is a distributed community of developers...
+Company.com is a small business who likes to support community designers...
+University.edu is a renowned educational institution with a strong design department...
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/weather-icons/OFL.txt b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/weather-icons/OFL.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..730c93a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/weather-icons/OFL.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+Copyright (c) <dates>, <Erik Flowers> (<URL|email>),
+with Reserved Font Name <Reserved Font Name>.
+Copyright (c) <dates>, <additional Copyright Holder> (<URL|email>),
+with Reserved Font Name <additional Reserved Font Name>.
+Copyright (c) <dates>, <additional Copyright Holder> (<URL|email>).
+This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
+This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
+SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007
+The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide
+development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation
+efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and
+open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership
+with others.
+The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and
+redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves. The
+fonts, including any derivative works, can be bundled, embedded, 
+redistributed and/or sold with any software provided that any reserved
+names are not used by derivative works. The fonts and derivatives,
+however, cannot be released under any other type of license. The
+requirement for fonts to remain under this license does not apply
+to any document created using the fonts or their derivatives.
+"Font Software" refers to the set of files released by the Copyright
+Holder(s) under this license and clearly marked as such. This may
+include source files, build scripts and documentation.
+"Reserved Font Name" refers to any names specified as such after the
+copyright statement(s).
+"Original Version" refers to the collection of Font Software components as
+distributed by the Copyright Holder(s).
+"Modified Version" refers to any derivative made by adding to, deleting,
+or substituting -- in part or in whole -- any of the components of the
+Original Version, by changing formats or by porting the Font Software to a
+new environment.
+"Author" refers to any designer, engineer, programmer, technical
+writer or other person who contributed to the Font Software.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of the Font Software, to use, study, copy, merge, embed, modify,
+redistribute, and sell modified and unmodified copies of the Font
+Software, subject to the following conditions:
+1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components,
+in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.
+2) Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled,
+redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy
+contains the above copyright notice and this license. These can be
+included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or
+in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or
+binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user.
+3) No Modified Version of the Font Software may use the Reserved Font
+Name(s) unless explicit written permission is granted by the corresponding
+Copyright Holder. This restriction only applies to the primary font name as
+presented to the users.
+4) The name(s) of the Copyright Holder(s) or the Author(s) of the Font
+Software shall not be used to promote, endorse or advertise any
+Modified Version, except to acknowledge the contribution(s) of the
+Copyright Holder(s) and the Author(s) or with their explicit written
+5) The Font Software, modified or unmodified, in part or in whole,
+must be distributed entirely under this license, and must not be
+distributed under any other license. The requirement for fonts to
+remain under this license does not apply to any document created
+using the Font Software.
+This license becomes null and void if any of the above conditions are
+not met.
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/weather-icons/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/weather-icons/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..948f0a5
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/nerdfont/src/glyphs/weather-icons/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf differ
diff --git a/bin/nerdfont/version.txt b/bin/nerdfont/version.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f2ecd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/nerdfont/version.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.2.1 nf fp
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/ttfautohint.exe b/bin/ttfautohint.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ee816d
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/ttfautohint.exe differ
diff --git a/bin/ttfautohintGUI.exe b/bin/ttfautohintGUI.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59ff677
Binary files /dev/null and b/bin/ttfautohintGUI.exe differ