xplr allows you to define lua functions using the xplr.fn.custom
Lua API.
These functions can be called using messages like CallLua
, CallLuaSilently
When called the function receives a special argument that contains some useful information. The function can optionally return a list of messages which will be handled by xplr.
-- Define the function
xplr.fn.custom.ask_name_and_greet = function(app)
print("What's your name?")
local name = io.read()
local greeting = "Hello " .. name .. "!"
local message = greeting .. " You are inside " .. app.pwd
return {
{ LogSuccess = message },
-- Map the function to a key (space)
xplr.config.modes.builtin.default.key_bindings.on_key.space = {
help = "ask name and greet",
messages = {
{ CallLua = "custom.ask_name_and_greet" }
-- Now, when you press "space" in default mode, you will be prompted for your
-- name. Enter your name to receive a nice greeting and to know your location.
Visit the xplr.util API docs for some useful utility / helper functions that you can use in your Lua function calls.
This is a special argument passed to the lua functions when called using the
, CallLuaSilently
It contains the following information:
- version
- pwd
- initial_pwd
- vroot
- focused_node
- directory_buffer
- selection
- mode
- layout
- input_buffer
- pid
- session_path
- explorer_config
- history
- last_modes
Type: string
xplr version. Can be used to test compatibility.
Type: string
The present working directory.
Type: string
The initial working directory when xplr started.
Type: nullable string
The current virtual root.
Type: nullable Node
The node under focus.
Type: nullable Directory Buffer
The directory buffer being rendered.
Type: list of selected Nodes
The selected nodes.
Type: Mode
Current mode.
Type: Layout
Current layout.
Type: nullable string
The input buffer.
Type: integer
The xplr session PID.
Type: string
The session path.
Type: Explorer Config
The configuration for exploring paths.
Type: History
Type: list of Mode
Last modes, not popped yet.
A node contains the following fields:
- parent
- relative_path
- absolute_path
- extension
- is_symlink
- is_broken
- is_dir
- is_file
- is_readonly
- mime_essence
- size
- human_size
- permissions
- created
- last_modified
- uid
- gid
- canonical
- symlink
Type: string
The parent path of the node.
Type: string
The path relative to the parent, i.e. the file/directory name with extension.
Type: string
The absolute path (without resolving symlinks) of the node.
Type: string
The extension of the node.
Type: boolean
if the node is a symlink.
Type: boolean
if the node is a broken symlink.
Type: boolean
if the node is a directory.
Type: boolean
if the node is a file.
Type: boolean
if the node is real-only.
Type: string
The mime type of the node. For e.g. text/csv
, image/jpeg
Type: integer
The size of the exact node. The size of a directory won't be calculated recursively.
Type: string
Like size but in human readable format.
Type: Permission
The permissions applied to the node.
Type: nullable integer
Creation time in nanosecond since UNIX epoch.
Type: nullable integer
Last modification time in nanosecond since UNIX epoch.
Type: integer
User ID of the file owner.
Type: integer
Group ID of the file owner.
Type: nullable Resolved Node Metadata
If the node is a symlink, it will hold information about the symlink resolved node. Else, it will hold information the actual node. It the symlink is broken, it will be null.
Type: nullable Resolved Node Metadata
If the node is a symlink and is not broken, it will hold information about the symlink resolved node. However, it will never hold information about the actual node. It will instead be null.
Directory buffer contains the following fields:
Type: string
The parent path of the node.
Type: list of Nodes
A list of visible nodes.
Type: int
The count of nodes being rendered.
Type: int
The index of the node under focus. It can be 0
even when there's no node to
focus on.
History contains the following fields:
Type: int
Location of the current path in history.
Type: list of string
Visited paths.
Explorer config contains the following fields:
List of filters to apply.
Type: list of Node Filter Applicable
Add list or sorters to the pipeline.
Type: list of Node Sorter Applicable
The searcher to use (if any).
Type: nullable Node Searcher Applicable