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Partially automatic generation of tests for the Scala collections library. The goal is to have a quasi-comprehensive set of collections tests that will catch regressions in basic functionality in any collection.

These tests are expressed as a series of "laws": one-liners (mostly) that express relationships that should be true of some or all collections.

These laws are written into a series of collection-specific tests by a code generator (so that implicit resolution and the like is also tested) which can be run with a method call so the results can be inspected, or can be run from the command-line with results printed out, or can be invoked by JUnit as a standard test.

Warning--this is a complete rewrite from earlier versions!

Earlier versions of scala-collection-laws had several weird text-based DSLs. This has been abandoned in favor of plain Scala code with the sourcecode plugin helping to produce meaningful automatic reports.

Quick start

Clone the repository, update build.sbt with the scalaVersion you want to test and a compatible sourcecode, and run


on a Unix-based machine. It should produce output that includes stuff like

[info] Running laws.GenerateAll
Generated code for 88 collection/element combinations
  88 updated since last run

This is the code generator and law framework in the laws folder generating source files in tests. The tests are then compiled, and the output continues with

[info] Compiling 87 Scala sources to /.../laws/tests/target/scala-2.12/classes...
[info] Compiling 1 Scala source to /.../laws/tests/target/scala-2.12/test-classes...
Untested methods in ImmInt_BitSet:
  ^                  andThen            apply              compare            
  compose            empty              firstKey           from               

and finally ends with

Untested methods in Root_Iterator:
  hasDefiniteSize    isTraversableAgain sliding$default$2  
3 laws never used
  #980   val x0 = x; x0.`reduceToSize`(n); x0.`size` == n
  #1018  { val x0 = x; x0.`trimEnd`(n); x0 sameAs x.`dropRight`(n) }
  #1020  { val x0 = x; x0.`trimStart`(n); x0 sameAs x.`drop`(n) }
[info] Passed: Total 86, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 86

Congratuations! Your collections were quasi-comprehensively tested.

Local testing quick start

If you want to test changes to the compiler or standard library, you will presumably want to do something like the following.

  1. Fork the Scala compiler somewhere on your machine. (You've probably done that already.)
  2. Publish the build locally by running sbt publishLocal and note what it's called (e.g. 2.13.0-pre-SNAPSHOT)
  3. Fork sourcecode
  4. Alter sourcecode's build.sbt in the following ways: a. In baseSettings, change scalaVersion to the locally built compiler b. In baseSettings, you may also wish to change version to a custom name for your local build (e.g. I would change "0.1.5-SNAPSHOT" to "0.1.5-local-SNAPSHOT") c. Remove NativePlatform and maybe JSPlatform from lazy val sourcecode = crossProject(...) d. Remove the .nativeSettings and maybe .jsSettings from the end of the definition of lazy val sourcecode e. Remove lazy val native and maybe lazy val js from the end of the file f. Run sbt, enter project sourcecodeJVM and then publishLocal, noting what it's called
  5. Alter scala-collection-laws's build.sbt to request the local versions of the compiler and sourcecode

Now you can run bash to commence testing. (Note--this only tests the JVM build.)

Each time you change the library or compiler, you'll need to publish both the compiler and sourcecode locally before running collections-laws again.

Common tasks

Catching a regression

Catching a regression typically does not require deep knowledge of the workings of scala-collection-laws. Simply change the target version of Scala in the build.sbt file and use again.

Regression class 1: expected relationship fails.

The test files contain methods that try different combinations of inputs to laws that require the same inputs. If a single assertion fails in one of these methods, the testing in that method terminates.

For example, suppose we expected Iterator to obey

x.`hasNext` == x.`drop`(1).hasNext

(the backquotes indicate that the collection must have that method for the test to run).

In addition to the normal report, at the end we would see something like

1 laws never succeeded on line
  #1054 failed 2 times      x.`hasNext` == x.`drop`(1).hasNext
********** Failures in line 1054
****** Test_Root_Iterator_Int ******
Fail(x.`hasNext` == x.`drop`(1).hasNext
// @ Laws.scala, line 1054
,Failed(Test_Root_Iterator_Int @ Test_Root_Iterator_Int.scala, line 6
  Numbers: 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
  Provider: singleton 0 with
    Iterator(0) ; len 1
    Iterator() ; len 0
    plusOne   @ Ops.scala, line 136
    bit33     @ Ops.scala, line 146
    summation @ Ops.scala, line 156
    mod3      @ Ops.scala, line 166
    halfEven  @ Ops.scala, line 178

****** Test_Root_Iterator_Str ******
(very similar information repeats regarding `String` element type)
************** 2 errors
[error] Test laws.Test_Everything_With_JUnit failed: assertion failed
[error] Failed: Total 87, Failed 1, Errors 0, Passed 86
[error] Failed tests:
[error] 	laws.Test_Everything_With_JUnit
[error] (test:test) sbt.TestsFailedException: Tests unsuccessful

Every time the law fails--for every collection that runs it, for every element type that is used for it--it will appear in the output list. Consequently, the list can be very long if something major has gone wrong.

In this case, there is only a single failure and the information provided allows us to replicate it in the REPL easily. In this case, we can see by inspection that the law is silly and go to Laws.scala line 1054 to fix it.

In the case of errors that are more mysterious, the test prints out enough information to manually reconstruct the test case, albeit with a little effort. In this case, one can manually create the Numbers, Ops, and Instance values like so:

tests$ sbt -J-Xmx6G -J-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=4G
[info] Loading global plugins from /.../.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Set current project to collections-laws-tests (in build file:/.../laws/tests/)
> console
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
Welcome to Scala 2.12.4 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.8.0_151).
Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.

scala> import laws._
import laws._

scala> val num = Numbers(0, 0, -1, 0, 0)
num: laws.Numbers = Numbers: 0, 0, -1, 0, 0

scala> val ops = Int
Int            IntTest   Integer2int   InternalError          
IntGenerator   Integer   Integral      InterruptedException   

scala> val ops = Str
StrGenerator       StrictMath           StringContext                     
StrLongGenerator   String               StringFormat                      
StrLongTest        StringBuffer         StringIndexOutOfBoundsException   
StrTest            StringBuilder                                          
Stream             StringCanBuildFrom                                     

scala> val ops = Ops(Ops.IntFns.plusOne, Ops.IntToLongs.bit33, Ops.IntOpFns.summation, Ops.IntPreds.mod3, Ops.IntParts.halfEven)
ops: laws.Ops[Int,Long] =
  plusOne   @ Ops.scala, line 136
  bit33     @ Ops.scala, line 146
  summation @ Ops.scala, line 156
  mod3      @ Ops.scala, line 166
  halfEven  @ Ops.scala, line 178

scala> val inst = InstantiatorsOfInt.Root.iterator().apply(0, Array(0), Array.empty[Int])
inst: laws.Instance[Int,Iterator[Int]] =
Provider: singleton 0 with
  Iterator(0) ; len 1
  Iterator() ; len 0

and used in a custom source file in the tests directory; or the variables used can be manually filled in and the test pasted in inline (not very interesting in this case; it's just def x = Iterator(0)--make sure to use def for collections with state!).

In principle one ought to be able to create a new test instance with e.g. val test = new Test_Root_Iterator_Int(num, ops, inst, 1054) inside SBT, but I've hit classloader issues before, so don't count on this working.

Regression class 2: runtime exception

The test framework tries to catch runtime exceptions. Generally, as long as the collection can be built without error, the information will be similar to the relationship failure class. For instance, if we decide arrays should obey

"xsize > 0 implies x(xsize-1) == x(-1)".law(ARR)

(which it would if we had negative indices running from the end of the array), we get the following:

********** Failures in line 1054
****** Test_Mut_Array_Str ******
Fail(xsize > 0 implies x(xsize-1) == x(-1)
// # ARRAY
// @ Laws.scala, line 1054
, Threw(Test_Mut_Array_Str @ Test_Mut_Array_Str.scala, line 6
  Numbers: 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
  Provider: singleton  with
    Array(0) ; len 1
    Array() ; len 0
    upper      @ Ops.scala, line 141
    natural    @ Ops.scala, line 151
    concat     @ Ops.scala, line 161
    increasing @ Ops.scala, line 172
    oddMirror  @ Ops.scala, line 184
, java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
), (), Some(...), Some(...)}

The test, array and element type, and exception thrown are all visible from inspection, and replicating the error can be done as in the previous case.

If, however, there is an exception during creation of the collection, the error reporting is less complete. For instance, if we change iterator creation from

val iterator = C(a => (new IteratorKnowsSize[A](a)): Iterator[A])


val iterator = C(a => {
    if (a.length < 10) new IteratorKnowsSize[A](a)
    else (for (i <- 0 until a.length*2) yield a(i)).iterator

we get the following error:

********** Failures in line 184
****** Test_Root_Iterator_Int ******
Fail(x sameType x.`map`(f)
// @ Laws.scala, line 184
, Error(java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 12
), (), None, Some(...)}

plus similar errors for every other test that Iterator has. This situation could be improved (by better capturing context), but presently, this is all you have to go on.

Regression class 3: compilation error

The presumption is that compilation errors will be rare. If a change has caused a compilation error, you will have to work through SBT's error reporting facilities and look at the generated code to figure out what went wrong. Since each method is named after the line that the law came from, you can generally quickly get back to the offending law.

In some cases, the code generation itself may be inappropriate. In this case, the code generation routines in Generator#code and/or GenerateAll (both in Generator.scala) should be examined.

Dealing with collections bugs

The collections tests will not pass successfully if even a single error is found. This requires the entire test-suite to avoid any existing bugs in the source code.

The convention for bugs is to create a new flag (in Flag.scala) with the issue number, e.g.

val ISSUE_1234 = T

Then, you decorate each affected collection with the bug, e.g. by changing the collection instantiator in InstantiatorsOf[A]#Imm from

val seq         = C([collection.immutable.Seq], SEQ)


val seq         = C([collection.immutable.Seq], SEQ, ISSUE_1234)

Finally, you can create positive and negative versions of each test, as necessary.

For instance, if the functionality is simply broken, you would write a law like

"x.`foo` sameAs x".law(ISSUE_1234.!)

On the other hand, if you want to verify the undesired behavior, you can write an alternate test for the buggy case:

"x.`foo` sameAs x".law(ISSUE_1234.!)

"x.`foo` sameAs x.`reverse`".law(ISSUE_1234)

When the bug is fixed, it should be removed from the test sources. Presently there is no ability to have a single set of laws that handles multiple versions of Scala with different sets of bugs, but git branches can be used to maintain slightly different versions of the source for each Scala version.

Adding or altering laws

Laws are all specified in Laws.scala inside strings which are marked for code generation by appending .law, possibly with arguments.

Laws should only be run on collections that actually have the appropriate methods. In order to mark which methods in the code need to be tested, write them inside backticks, i.e.

"x.`tail` == x.`drop`(1)".law

(Note that the above is not a valid law, as tail and drop(1) have different behavior on empty collections.)

Available variables and types

Within the code of the law you have access to sixteen variables whose values will be varied if use is detected, and three or five types:

Type Name Meaning
A The type of element stored in the collection under test
B The type that A is mapped to via the function g
CC The type of the collection (not parametric!)
K Maps only: the type of the keys
V Maps only: the type of the values

Note that CC is the fully applied type, e.g. Iterator[Int]; this is necessary in case CC has no type parameters or has multiple parameters, e.g. BitSet or Map[String, Long].

Note that A is identically (K, V) for maps.

Variable Name Expected Values Meaning
a an element Some single instance of the collection's element type
b an element Some single instance of the type that A is mapped to via g
x a collection May be empty or have one or more elements
xsize x.size Contains the pre-computed size of x
y another collection In general is not the same as x (but can be)
ysize y.size Precomputed size of y
n 0 until x.length An index into the x collection
f A => A Transformation that does not alter element type
g A => B Transformation that does alter element type
op (A, A) => A An operator that collapses elements
p A => Boolean A predicate that tests the elements
pf partial function A transformation defined on only some elements; does not alter element type
n in 0 until xsize An integer value that could be used as a valid index into x
nn non-negative An integer value that is a valid index, but maybe not for x
m in 0 until ysize An integer value that could be used as a valid index into y
mm non-negative An integer value that is a valid index, but maybe not for y; in general is different than nn
r integer An integer value that could be anything

You can find the range of variation for these variables in Numbers.scala for n, nn, m, mm, and r; in Ops.scala for f, g, op, p, and pf; and in Instantiator.scala for a, x, and y (xsize and ysize are determined by x and y). In the last case, look for possible_a, possible_x, and possible_y.

Compilation errors

If you write a law that doesn't compile, e.g.

"x.`tail` = x.`head`".law

You will get compile errors after the code generation phase:

[info] Compiling 87 Scala sources to /.../laws/tests/target/scala-2.12/classes...
[error] /.../laws/tests/Test_ImmInt_BitSet_Int.scala:619: value tail_= is not a member of scala.collection.immutable.BitSet
[error]     x.tail = x.head
[error]       ^
[error] /.../laws/tests/Test_ImmKV_HashMap_Long_String.scala:571: value tail_= is not a member of scala.collection.immutable.HashMap[Long,String]
[error]     x.tail = x.head
[error]       ^

Usually this is enough to see the problem, but as the source line is also given, one can inspect the full generated code if the error message is inadequate on its own.

Restricting the collections to which the law applies

The primary way to restrict the applicability of laws is to use the flags in Flag.scala. SEQ, SET, and MAP are particularly useful flags, as these collections have rather different behavior from each other.

Collections are marked with a subset of flags; in order to run only collections that are marked, name the flag in the parameters of the law method:

"x.`reverseIterator` sameAs x.`reverse`".law(SEQ)

In contrast, if you want to only consider collections that do not have the flag, append .! to the flag name:


Only those collections that have all the positive flags and are missing all the negative flags will have a test generated for that law. Note that if the conditions are so restrictive that no collections are tested, the law will be listed as untested in the output.

Additional testing is available at runtime. The best way to achieve this is to use the Filt helper object which allows you to query the values of the parameters before the test is actually run. For instance,

"x.`permutations`.size == x.`permutations`.toSet.size".law(Filt.xsize(_ <= 8))

demands that all permutations are distinct, but would take impractically long for large collections, so it only runs when xsize is no more than 8.

Adding or altering collections

Step one: specify how to build the collection

Collections are specified in Instantiators.scala. There are objects for each concrete element type, and within that objects for each namespace that contain builders for the collections. These specify how to build the relevant collection from an array of the appropriate elements.

There is a fair bit of code duplication, as the type signatures get very hairy if generalized; this is not clearly the right strategy, however.

In any case, if you're using an existing namespace, you can simply add the collection to the appropriate place. For instance, if there were a new Rope collection in collection.immutable, one would add to InstantiatorsOf[A], inside the Imm object, the following line:

val rope        = C([collection.immutable.Rope], SEQ)

If it is a map, add to InstantiatorsOfKV[K, V] instead. If the element type must be restricted, add to the element-specific objects, e.g. InstantiatorsOfInt.

If the namespace is different, e.g. collection.concurrent, a new inner object should be created much like Imm. Cutting and pasting should be sufficient; use Mut as a template if the collection has state that can alter (in which case, code that references x and y will get freshly generated copies each time they are named), or Imm if not (in which case the collection is created once and cached).

For instance, for collection.concurrent we would have

object Conc extends Instance.PackagePath {
  def nickname = Conc"
  def fullyQualified = "scala.collection.concurrent"
  def C[CC: TypeTag: Sizable](ccf: Array[A] => CC, flags: Flag*)(implicit nm: sourcecode.Name): Deployed[A, CC] = {
    val gen = inst.makeWith(ccf, flags: _*)(nm, implicitly[TypeTag[CC]], implicitly[Sizable[CC]])
    val ans = new Deployed[A, CC]{
      val secretly = gen
      var accesses: Int = 0
      val name = nm.value.toString
      def group = typeTagA.tpe.toString + " in " + nickname
      def apply(): Instance.FromArray[A, CC] = { accesses += 1; secretly }
    registry += ans

  val imaginarySkipList = C([collection.concurrent.ImaginarySkipList], SEQ)

Note that the val name must be the collection name with the first letter lower-cased. The generator uses this val name to generate the type signature of the class.

Finally, you must find the val force lines for each fully specified instantiator object and add :: Conc to them (to actually add imaginarySkipList to the list of collections for which to generate tests).

Step two: create the test code generator for the collection

Once the collection has been created, a parallel structure needs to be created in Generators.scala to actually generate code for the class. In the future, perhaps it would be better to combine these two so one cannot specify an instantiator without a corresponding generator.

In any case, simply add the collection to the element-type-specific generator objects, in the appropriate place that mirrors the path to the instantiator (this is mostly just convention, but it makes it easier to avoid mistakes). For instance, ropes would be added to both AllIntGenerators and AllStrGenerators inside Imm as

val rope = register(io.Imm)(_.rope())

while for Conc one would create a new object Conc inside AllIntGenerators and AllStrGenerators that looked like

object Conc {
  val imagnarySkipList = register(io.Conc)(_.imaginarySkipList())  

and then :: Conc would be added to val force in both All___Generators objects.

Creating a new element type

Follow the examples of BitSet and/or LongMap; between them they illustrate most or all of the issues one must address to get a specific collection type working.

You will also need to add the new element-type-generator to the write method in GenerateAll.


Thanks for reading! Good luck!