All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Types of changes:
for new features.Changed
for changes in existing functionality.Deprecated
for soon-to-be removed features.Removed
for now removed features.Fixed
for any bug fixes.Security
in case of vulnerabilities.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
If we have some "Breaking changes" we can mark it in message by
preffix, like:
- **BREAKING**: Some message
Todo list for future
- ...
- fix: old image url after editing by Image editor post upload
- feat: add possibility to display/hide Delete button
- fix: closeOnEdit prop bug
- fix: add check for closeOnEdit and closeOnSave props in config
- fix: add check for closeOnEdit and closeOnSave props in config
- refactor: remove react-focus-lock lib
- fix: bug with empty tags list on upload images via Gallery tab for M1_EDGY version
- chore: update dependencies
- fix: show confirm modal on click 'back' btn only in case of changes
- Clean imageSealing extra configs (everything must be configurated in user configs).
- Sealing container.
- ImageEditor config filerobot.imageSealing issue.
- Updating filerobot-image-editor package for having latest version of image editor.
- feat: Modify URL add sealing support
- refactor: show description field regardless of EDGY version
- fix: searching bug
- Updating filerobot-image-editor package for having latest version of image editor.
- fix: empty field with tags
- fix: bug with visibility 'generate tags' button
- feat: process tagging according token metadata version
- feat: add 'closeOnSave' property
- fix: tags input disabling
- fix: fix field styles
- fix: fix tags updating logic
- feat: add "description" property in config. Allows hide/show description field
- Fix config preparing
- change updating logic for description and tags fields. Process them depends on filerobot metadata version (M1_EDGY)
- update dependencies
- add classes for wrappers
- update dependencies
- add confirm popup on click "Go back" and "Delete" buttons
- add possibility to hide 'Modify URL' button
- add confirm modal on click delete image
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- show alert modal on click 'go back' button after generating tags
- bug if customFiled is undefined
- delete warning in console
- save data of uploaded image on switch tabs
- remove warning about invalid upload key
- sorting
- version of filerobot-image-editor
- problem with conflicting two versions for camanjs
- implement modify URL option
- reset selected items on outside click in my gallery
- add preprocess logic to my gallery tab
- tip position for multi select checkbox;
- bug with scroll to top on click checkbox
- delay for the controls tips
- modal on go back
- add tag autocomplete/suggestions
- possibility to auto tag multiply images
- possibility to select/delete/tag multiply images
- 'deselect all' button
- tips on hover for image controls
- alert if changes not saved
- problems with cdn links
- do not run auto tagging if file type is not image
- problem with icons in My icons tab
- design: update item controls structure
- config: rename predefinedTags to suggestionList
- config: move suggestionList into tagging
- add possibility to delete image
- add possibility to limit files according to the extension on upload
- bread crumbs in my gallery tab
- configurable default sort params check the doc
- limit root folder on server check the doc
- folderBrowser bool to object check the doc. Now we can set two params: show bool (as previously folderBrowser param was used) - show folder manager, rootFolder string - limit access to some root folder on server
- after upload stay in the same directory
- on cancel search stay in the same directory
- sort by name, type, modified date, uploaded date in gallery tab
- show more images on scroll