In this lab we see how to work with environment variables in pipelines.
Enironment Variable are generally in pipelines available under the env
namespace, like env.BUILD_ID
Create a new branch named lab-6.1 from branch lab-3.1 and change the contents of the Jenkinsfile to:
pipeline {
agent any
options {
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '5'))
timeout(time: 10, unit: 'MINUTES')
timestamps() // Requires the "Timestamper Plugin"
environment {
GREETINGS_TO = 'Jenkins Techlab'
stages {
stage('Greeting') {
steps {
echo "Hello, ${env.GREETINGS_TO} !"
// also available as env variable to a process:
sh 'echo "Hello, $GREETINGS_TO !"'
To add values to the path there is a special syntax
environment {
PATH+MAVEN = '/path/to/maven'
syntax specifies
that the given value should be prepended to the PATH
environment variable, where <IDENTIFIER>
is an arbitrary unique identifier, used to make the left hand side of the assignment unique.
Jenkins provides a list of predefined environment variables under the path /pipeline-syntax/globals#env
. Visit the corresponding link for the techlab environment and study the list:
Please note that the list may vary depending on Jenkins version and installed plugins.
Additional Lab: Update the pipelines from Lab 6 so that the output looks something like this:
Hello Jenkins Techlab [current build ID]
Use the string interpolation functionality you've learnt in a previous Lab.
Verify your scripts with the solution.
End of Lab 6