This project is part of my master's thesis to extend the static analysis framework Soot with .NET CIL support. Soot is mainly developed for Java and Java-like languages, such that we need three projects for the realization.
The main project for Soot is maintained on GitHub:
The whole work consists of three parts: The original Soot project (Java), a bridge project which hosts a custom .NET Core runtime (C++) and a managed library which uses APIs of the Open Source decompiler ILSpy (C# on .NET Core). The Protobuf files are stored under Soot.Dotnet.Decompiler.Resources.
The C++ bridge was developed with Jetbrains CLion and the C# library with Jetbrains Rider. Compile the C++ bridge with CMake and the managed C# library with .NET (Core) and have a look at XXX.
Edit the CMakeLists.txt for the right paths of .NET.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.