diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/da_dk.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/da_dk.json index 7ecebc22cd..c8ca9bc3be 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/da_dk.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/da_dk.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "Ingen prægenerering kører i øjeblikket. Kør `/neoforge generate help` for at se kommandoer til at starte generering.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sADVARSEL: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mod Update", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SKIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/de_de.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/de_de.json index 447e6361aa..5aaea96874 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/de_de.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/de_de.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Status der Generierung! %1$s von %2$s Chunks generiert. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "Keine Vorabgenerierung läuft derzeit. Führe '/neoforge generate help' aus, um Befehle für den Start der Generierung anzuzeigen.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generiert ein Quadrat um die angegebene Position, das auf jeder Seite chunkRadius * 2 groß ist.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stoppt die aktuelle Generierung und zeigt den Fortschritt an, den sie abgeschlossen hatte.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Zeigt den abgeschlossenen Fortschritt der gerade laufenden Generierung an.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Zeigt diese Nachricht an.\nAllgemeine Tipps: Wenn du von der Serverkonsole ausführst, kannst du die Generierung in verschiedenen Dimensionen mit '/execute in neoforge generate...' durchführen.", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Die Zeit in %s vergeht %sx so schnell wie üblich (%s Minuten pro Tag).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Die Zeit in %s vergeht normal (20 Minuten pro Tag).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Die Zeit in %s vergeht jetzt %sx so schnell wie üblich (%s Minuten pro Tag).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Die Zeit in %s vergeht jetzt normal (20 Minuten pro Tag).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Konfiguration für %s vom Typ %s gefunden bei %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Konfiguration für %s vom Typ %s nicht gefunden", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNUNG: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Es könnten gravierende Probleme auftreten, bitte überprüfe diese, bevor du sie meldest.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "Neue NeoForge-Version verfügbar: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mod Update", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Ändere dies zu 'true', um alle Entitäten mit Fehlern in ihrer Update-Methode zu entfernen, anstatt den Server zu schließen und einen Absturzbericht zu erstellen. SEI GEWARNT: DIES KANN ALLES BESCHÄDIGEN, MIT BEDACHT ZU VERWENDEN, WIR SIND NICHT FÜR SCHÄDEN VERANTWORTLICH.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Fehlerhafte Entitäten entfernen", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Ändere dies zu 'true', um alle Block-Entitäten mit Fehlern in ihrer Update-Methode zu entfernen, anstatt den Server zu schließen und einen Absturzbericht zu erstellen. SEI GEWARNT: DIES KANN ALLES BESCHÄDIGEN, MIT BEDACHT ZU VERWENDEN, WIR SIND NICHT FÜR SCHÄDEN VERANTWORTLICH.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Fehlerhafte Block-Entitäten entfernen", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Ändere dies zu 'true', um den gesamten Kollisionsbereich einer Entität, anstatt nur den Block, in dem sie sich befindet, auf Leitern zu überprüfen. Verursacht merkliche Unterschiede in der Spielmechanik, daher ist die Standardeinstellung die Vanilla-Funktionsweise. Standardwert: 'false'.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Leitern im gesamten Kollisionsbereich", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Zeichnet kaskadierende Chunkgenerierungsprobleme während der Weltbefüllung im Log auf.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Kaskadierende Weltgenerierung aufzeichnen", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Behebt Vanilla-Probleme, die kaskadierende Weltgenerierung verursachen. Dies VERÄNDERT die Vanilla-Weltgenerierung, also melde KEINE Fehler, die mit anders generierten Welten zu tun haben, wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Vanilla-Kaskadieren beheben", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "Die Zeit in Ticks, die der Server wartet, wenn eine Dimension eingereiht wurde, nicht mehr geladen zu werden. Dies kann nützlich sein, wenn man Dimensionen schnell lädt und nicht mehr lädt, indem man z.B. Items mehrmals pro Sekunde durch ein Netherportal wirft.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Verzögerung beim Beenden des Dimension-Ladens", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Kontrolliert den Grenzwert, an dem Packet51 Packet52 vorgezogen wird, Standardwert und Minimum 64, Maximum 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Paket-Bündelungs-Grenzwert", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla behandelt leere Tags in Handwerksrezepten als Luft und erlaubt es dir, das Rezept ohne einen Gegenstand in diesem Slot zu vervollständigen. Diese Einstellung ändert dies, sodass leere Tags BARRIEREN als Item benötigen, um zu vermeiden, dass man mit Luft Gegenstände herstellt.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Leere Tags als Luft behandeln", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Überspringt die Überprüfung, ob eine Handwerkszutat leer ist, während der Deserialisierung von formlosen Rezepten, um zu vermeiden, dass komplexe Zutaten Tags zu früh speichern.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Überprüfung von leeren Handwerkszutaten während Deserialisierung von formlosen Rezepten überspringen", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Erzwingt die Nutzung von System.nanoTime anstelle von glfwGetTime als Haupt-Zeitquelle des Clients.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "System.nanoTime erzwingen", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Deaktiviere dies, damit fehlender Model-Text im GUI in den Slot passt.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Fehlenden Model-Text im GUI vergrößern", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Aktiviert das Hochladen von Wolken-Geometrie zur GPU für schnelleres Rendering.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "NeoForge Wolken-Renderer verwenden", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Deaktiviert das Abschneiden von versteckten Blockseiten neben Treppen und Stufen. Führt zu mehr Rendering, kann aber manche Ressourcenpakete reparieren, die diese Vanilla-Mechanik ausnutzen.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Treppen-/Stufen-Culling deaktivieren", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Erlaubt es NeoForge, alles Chunk-Updates im Chunk-Update-Thread einzureihen.\nKann FPS erheblich verbessern, aber auch ungewöhnlichen Rendering-Lag verursachen.\nNicht empfohlen für Computer ohne eine hohe Anzahl an verfügbaren Kernen.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Chunkrendering in Thread erzwingen", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Aktiviert die NeoForge Block-Darstellungs-Pipeline - korrigiert die Beleuchtung von benutzerdefinierten Modellen.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Einstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Clienteinstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Servereinstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Gemeinsame Einstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Starteinstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Clienteinstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Servereinstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Gemeinsame Einstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Starteinstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Diese Einstellungen werden vom Server übernommen und können nicht geändert werden während Du online bist.", + "color": "rot" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Diese Einstellungen können nicht geändert werden während Du Dein Spiel für andere geöffnet hast. Bitte kehre ins Hauptmenü zurück und lade den Spielstand erneut.", + "color": "rot" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Diese Einstellungen sind nur verfügbar während ein Spiel läuft.", + "color": "rot" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "Diese Einstellungen können nicht in der Benutzeroberfläche bearbeitet werden. Kontaktiere die/den Autor:Innen des/der Mod(s) und bitte ihn/sie ein angepasstes Bedienelement zu implementieren.", + "color": "rot" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Bearbeiten", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "Gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 0 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Rückgängig", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Änderungen werden nur auf diesem Bildschirm rückgängig gemacht.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Zurücksetzen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Alles auf diesem Bildschirm auf den Standardwert zurücksetzen.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nWertebereich: ", + "color": "grau" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "grau" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "Datei: \"", + "color": "grau" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "grau" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "grau" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Gemeinsame Einstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Clienteinstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Servereinstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Starteinstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft muss neu gestartet werden", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "Eine oder mehrere der geänderten Einstellungen beeinflussen wie das Spiel startet.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "Spielstand muss neu geladen werden", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "Eine oder mehrere der geänderten Einstellungen beeinflussen wie ein Spielstand geladen wird.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Noch nicht...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge-Konfiguration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client-Einstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client-Einstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Gemeinsame Einstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Gemeinsame Einstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server-Einstellungen", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server-Einstellungen", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Dedizierten Server im LAN anzeigen", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Aktiviere diese Option, um den dedizierten Server zu lokalen LAN-Clients zu senden, sodass er automatisch in deren Mehrspieler-Bildschirmen angezeigt wird.", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "Neoforge Licht-Pipeline aktivieren", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "Wenn aktiviert, werden bestimmte Neulade-Aufgaben wie das Ändern der Sprache schneller ausgeführt.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Selektives Laden von Ressourcen aktivieren", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Wenn aktiviert, zeigt NeoForge alle Warnungen an, die beim Laden aufgetreten sind.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Aktiviert die NeoForge Block-Darstellungs-Pipeline - korrigiert die Beleuchtung von benutzerdefinierten Modellen.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Leitern im gesamten Kollisionsbereich", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Ändere dies zu 'true', um den gesamten Kollisionsbereich einer Entität, anstatt nur den Block, in dem sie sich befindet, auf Leitern zu überprüfen. Verursacht merkliche Unterschiede in der Spielmechanik, daher ist die Standardeinstellung die Vanilla-Funktionsweise. Standardwert: 'false'.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Veraltete Tags melden", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "Eine Konfiguration, die hauptsächlich für Entwickler gedacht ist. Meldet Tags von Mods im Log, die den 'forge'-Namensraum verwenden, wenn man der integrierte Server verwendet. Standard ist DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Unübersetzte Konfigurationstexte melden", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "Eine Konfiguration, die hauptsächlich für Entwickler gedacht ist. Meldet Konfigurationswerte im Log, die keine Übersetzung haben, wenn man den Client in einer Entwicklungsumgebung verwendet.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Unübersetzte Item-Tags melden", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "Eine Konfiguration, die hauptsächlich für Entwickler gedacht ist. Meldet Item-Tags von Mods im Log, die keine Übersetzungen haben, wenn man den integrierten Server verwendet. Das gewünschte Format ist tag.item.. für den Übersetzungsschlüssel. Standard ist SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Berechtigungsverwalter", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "Der vom Server verwendete Berechtigungsverwalter. Standard ist neoforge:default_handler, wenn kein Handler mit diesem Namen registriert wurde.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Fehlerhafte Block-Entitäten entfernen", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Aktiviere diese Option, um alle Entitäten mit Fehlern in ihrer Update-Methode zu entfernen, anstatt den Server zu schließen und einen Absturzbericht zu erstellen.\n\n", + { + "text": "SEI GEWARNT: DIES KANN ALLES BESCHÄDIGEN. SPARSAM VERWENDEN. WIR SIND NICHT FÜR SCHÄDEN VERANTWORTLICH.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Fehlerhafte Entitäten entfernen", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Aktiviere diese Option, um alle Block-Entitäten mit Fehlern in ihrer Update-Methode zu entfernen, anstatt den Server zu schließen und einen Absturzbericht zu erstellen.\n\n", + { + "text": "SEI GEWARNT: DIES KANN ALLES BESCHÄDIGEN. SPARSAM VERWENDEN. WIR SIND NICHT FÜR SCHÄDEN VERANTWORTLICH.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Ladewarnungen anzeigen", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Ändere dies zu 'true', um die NeoForge-Versionsüberprüfungsprozesse zu deaktivieren. NeoForge fragt eine kleine Json-Datei auf unserem Server nach Versionsinformationen ab. Für mehr Details siehe die ForgeVersion-Klasse in unserem GitHub.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "NeoForge-Versionsüberprüfung deaktivieren", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Ändere dies zu 'true', um Ressourcenlisten in Ressourcen- und Datenpaketen zwischenzuspeichern", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Packzugriff zwischenspeichern", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Ändere dies zu 'true', um Vanilla-Ressourcen- und -Datenpakete im Thread zu indizieren", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Vanilla-Ressourcenpakete im Thread indizieren", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Ändere dies zu 'true', um Mod-Ressourcen- und -Datenpakete im Thread zu indizieren", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Mod-Ressourcenpakete im Thread indizieren", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Wenn aktiviert, zeigt NeoForge alle Warnungen an, die beim Laden aufgetreten sind.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Kombinierten DEPTH_STENCIL-Aufsatz verwenden", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Aktiviere diese Option, um einen kombinierten DEPTH_STENCIL-Aufsatz zu verwenden anstelle von zwei einzelnen.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "STRG + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Fehler beim Verarbeiten von Hilfslichtdaten für den Chunk %s:%s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Die Synchronisierung der Registrierungsdatenkarte für das Register konnte nicht verarbeitet werden %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Kann keine Verbindung zum Server herstellen, da auf dem Server obligatorische Registrierungsdatenkarten fehlen, die auf dem Client vorhanden sind: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Kann keine Verbindung zum Server herstellen, da obligatorische Registrierungsdatenkarten auf dem Server vorhanden sind, die auf dem Client fehlen: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Kann keine Verbindung zum Server herstellen, da obligatorische Registrierungsdatenkarten auf dem Server vorhanden sind, die auf dem Client fehlen: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/en_gb.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/en_gb.json index d4194e878d..0d0a574384 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/en_gb.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/en_gb.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pre-generation currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mod Update", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behaviour. Default: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behaviour. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class on our GitHub.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/eo_uy.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/eo_uy.json index c07159eef2..66209bd8d6 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/eo_uy.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/eo_uy.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mod Update", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json index 6fed2c8c11..b960b1bcae 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/es_es.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No hay pregeneración en ejecución. Ejecuta `/neoforge generate help` para ver los comandos para iniciar la generación.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Genera un cuadrado centrado en la posición dada que es chunkRadius * 2 en cada lado.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Detiene la generación actual y muestra el progreso que ha completado.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Muestra el progreso completado de la generación en curso.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Muestra este mensaje.\nConsejos generales: Si se ejecuta desde una consola de servidor, puede ejecutar generate en diferentes dimensiones utilizando /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Configuración para %s de tipo %s encontrada en %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Configuración para %s de tipo %s no encontrada", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sADVERTENCIA: %sVersión Beta de NeoForge", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Pueden surgir problemas importantes, verifica antes de informar.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "Nueva versión de NeoForge disponible: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Actualización de mod", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Establece esto en true para eliminar cualquier entidad que lance un error en su método de actualización en lugar de cerrar el servidor y reportar un registro de fallos. TEN CUIDADO, ESTO PUEDE ARRUIBAR TODO, ÚSALO CON MODERACIÓN, NO NOS HACEMOS RESPONSABLES DE LOS DAÑOS.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Eliminar entidades con errores", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Establece esto en true para eliminar cualquier entidad de bloque que lance un error en su método de actualización en lugar de cerrar el servidor y reportar un registro de fallos. TEN CUIDADO, ESTO PUEDE ARRUIBAR TODO, ÚSALO CON MODERACIÓN, NO NOS HACEMOS RESPONSABLES DE LOS DAÑOS.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Eliminar entidades de bloque con errores", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Establece esto en true para verificar toda la caja de colisión de la entidad en busca de escaleras en lugar de solo el bloque en el que se encuentra. Causa diferencias notables en la mecánica, así que el valor predeterminado es el comportamiento vanilla. Por defecto: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Escaleras de caja de colisión completa", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Registrar problemas de generación de cascada de fragmentos durante la población del terreno.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Registrar generación en cascada del mundo", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Corregir problemas vanilla que causan la generación en cascada del mundo. ESTO cambia la generación vanilla, así que NO informes errores relacionados con diferencias en el mundo si esta bandera está activada.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Corregir generación en cascada vanilla", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "El tiempo en ticks que el servidor esperará cuando se haya encolado una dimensión para desactivarla. Esto puede ser útil al cargar y descargar rápidamente dimensiones, como lanzar elementos a través de un portal del Nether varias veces por segundo.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Retraso al descargar la dimensión", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controla el umbral de cantidad en el cual se prefiere Packet51 en lugar de Packet52, predeterminado y mínimo 64, máximo 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Umbral de agrupamiento de paquetes", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla tratará las recetas de crafteo que usan etiquetas vacías como aire y permitirá craftear con nada en ese espacio. Esto cambia las etiquetas vacías para que usen BARRIER como elemento. Para evitar craftear con aire.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Tratar las etiquetas vacías como aire", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Omitir la verificación de si un ingrediente está vacío durante la deserialización de recetas sin forma para evitar que los ingredientes complejos almacenen etiquetas demasiado pronto.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Omitir verificación de ingredientes vacíos en deserialización de recetas sin forma", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Forzar el uso de System.nanoTime en lugar de glfwGetTime como proveedor principal de tiempo del cliente.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Forzar System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Desactivar para que el texto de modelos faltantes en la interfaz gráfica de usuario se ajuste dentro del espacio.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Acercar el texto de modelos faltantes en la GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Habilitar la carga de geometría de nubes en la GPU para una representación más rápida.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Usar el renderizador de nubes de NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Desactivar la eliminación de caras ocultas al lado de escaleras y losas. Causa renderización adicional, pero puede solucionar algunos paquetes de recursos que aprovechan esta mecánica vanilla.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Desactivar eliminación de caras de escaleras/losas", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Permitir a NeoForge encolar todas las actualizaciones de fragmentos en el hilo de actualización de fragmentos. Puede aumentar significativamente los FPS, pero también puede causar un extraño lag de renderizado. No recomendado para computadoras sin un número significativo de núcleos disponibles.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Forzar renderizado de fragmentos en un hilo separado", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Habilitar el pipeline de renderizado de bloques de NeoForge: corrige la iluminación de modelos personalizados.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "Habilitar el pipeline de luz de NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "Cuando está habilitado, hace que ciertas tareas de recarga, como cambiar el idioma, se ejecuten más rápidamente.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Habilitar recarga selectiva de recursos", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Cuando está habilitado, NeoForge mostrará cualquier advertencia que haya ocurrido durante la carga.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Escaleras de caja de colisión completa", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Establece esto en true para verificar toda la caja de colisión de la entidad en busca de escaleras en lugar de solo el bloque en el que se encuentra. Causa diferencias notables en la mecánica, así que el valor predeterminado es el comportamiento vanilla. Por defecto: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Eliminar entidades de bloque con errores", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Eliminar entidades con errores", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Mostrar advertencias de carga", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Establecer en true para desactivar la mecánica de verificación de versión de NeoForge. NeoForge consulta un pequeño archivo json en nuestro servidor para obtener información sobre la versión. Para más detalles, consulta la clase ForgeVersion en nuestro github.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Desactivar verificación de versión de NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Establecer en true para almacenar en caché las listas de recursos en paquetes de recursos y de datos.", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Almacenar en caché el acceso a paquetes", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Establecer en true para indexar paquetes de recursos y de datos vanilla en un hilo.", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Indexar paquetes vanilla en un hilo", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Establecer en true para indexar paquetes de recursos y de datos de mods en un hilo.", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Indexar paquetes de mods en un hilo", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Cuando está habilitado, NeoForge mostrará cualquier advertencia que haya ocurrido durante la carga.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "MAYÚS + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Error al manejar datos de carga ligera auxiliares para el chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Error al sincronizar el mapa de datos de registro para el registro %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "No se puede conectar al servidor ya que al servidor le faltan mapas de datos de registro obligatorios que están presentes en el cliente: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "No es posible conectarse al servidor ya que el servidor tiene mapas de datos de registro obligatorios que no están presentes en el cliente: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "No es posible conectarse al servidor ya que el servidor tiene mapas de datos de registro obligatorios que no están presentes en el cliente: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/et_ee.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/et_ee.json index 412a7c91c3..19db9230f3 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/et_ee.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/et_ee.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "Eel-generatsioon ei ole hetkel käimas. Generatsiooni käivitamise käskluste vaatamiseks käivita \"/neoforge generate help\".", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressiRiba] §r§f- Genereerib antud positsiooni keskpunktis oleva ruudu, mille mõlemad küljed on kamakaRaadius * 2.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Peatab käimasoleva genereerimise ja kuvab lõpule viidud progressi.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Kuvab hetkel käimasoleva genereerimise progressi.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Kuvab seda sõnumit\nÜldine nõuanne: Serverikonsoolis sisestades saad genereerimist käivitada erinevates dimensioonides, kasutades /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Seadistus %s jaoks tüübiga %s leiti asukohast %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Seadistust %s jaoks tüübiga %s ei leitud", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sHOIATUS: %sNeoForge beeta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Võivad esineda tõsised vead, veendu enne teatamist.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "Uus NeoForge versioon on saadaval: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Modiuuendus", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Sea see väärtuseks \"true\", et eemaldada mistahes olem, mis tagastab veateate selle uuendusmeetodis, selle asemel, et sulgeda server ja teatada krahhilogisse. JÄTA MEELDE, ET SEE VÕIB KÕIK ÄRA RIKKUDA. KASUTA MÕÕDUKALT - ME EI VASTUTA KAHJU EEST.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Eemalda vigu põhjustavad olemid", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Sea see väärtuseks \"true\", et eemaldada mistahes plokiolem, mis tagastab veateate selle uuendusmeetodis, selle asemel, et sulgeda server ja teatada krahhilogisse. JÄTA MEELDE, ET SEE VÕIB KÕIK ÄRA RIKKUDA. KASUTA MÕÕDUKALT - ME EI VASTUTA KAHJU EEST.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Eemalda vigu põhjustavad plokiolemid", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Sea see väärtuseks \"true\", et kontrollida redelite puhul olemi terve piirdekasti läbistavust, selle asemel, et kontrollida ainult, mis plokis nad on. Põhjustab nähtavaid erinevusi mehaanikas, seega vaikeväärtus on vanilli käitumine. Vaikimisi: \"false\".", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Täieliku piirdekastiga redelid", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Logi maastiku loomisel kaskaadiva kamakageneratsiooni vead.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Logi kaskaadiv maailmageneratsioon", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Paranda vanilli vead, mis põhjustavad maailmageneratsiooni kaskaadimist. See MUUDAB vanilli maailmageneratsiooni, seega ÄRA teata maailma erinevustega seotud vigadest, kui see valik on sisselülitatud.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Paranda vanilli kaskaadimine", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "Aeg tiksudena, mida server ootab, kui dimensioon lisati mittelaadimise järjekorda. See võib kasulikuks osutuda korduval dimensioonide laadimisel ja mittelaadimisel, näiteks visates esemeid läbi Netheri portaali paar korda sekundi jooksul.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Dimensiooni mittelaadimise viivitus", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Juhib ülempiiri arvu, millega Packet51-te eelistatakse Packet52-le; vaikimisi ja minimaalne on 64, maksimaalne 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Paketi koondumise ülempiir", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanill käsitleb meisterdusretsepte, mis kasutavad tühje silte, õhuna ning võimaldab meisterdada nii, et antud lahtris pole midagi. See muudab tühjade siltide esemeks äärisploki, vältimaks õhuga meisterdamist.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Käsitle tühje silte õhuna", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Jäta vormita retsepti deserialiseerimise ajal kontrollimata, kas koostisosa on tühi, vältimaks keerukate koostisosade puhul liiga vara siltide vahemällu salvestamist.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Jäta kontroll tühjade koostisosade puhul vahele vormita retseptide serialiseerimise puhul", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Sunnib põhilise Time-pakkujana System.nanoTime kasutamist glfwGetTime asemel.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Sunnitud System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Lülita välja, et sobitada puuduva mudeli tekst liidese lahtrisse.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Suurenda liideses puuduva mudeli teksti", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Luba pilvegeomeetria üleslaadimine graafikaprotsessorisse, et renderdamine kiiremaks muuta.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Kasuta NeoForge'i pilverenderdajat", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Keelab treppide ja plaatide kõrval olevate peidetud külgede eralduse. Põhjustab lisarenderdust, kuid võib parandada teatud ressursipakke, mis kasutavad seda vanilli mehaanikat ära.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Keela treppide ja plaatide eraldus", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Luba NeoForgel lisada kõik kamakauuendused kamakauuenduste lõime järjekorda.\nVõib märgatavalt kaadrisagedust tõsta, aga samas ka põhjustada imelikku renderduslatentsust.\nPole soovitatav arvutitele, millel pole piisaval arvul tuumasid.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Sunni kamakate renderdamist lõimedes", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Luba Forge'i plokirenderduse ootejärjekord - parandab kohandatud mudelite valgustust.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge'i valgusjärjekord", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "Lubamisel muudab teatud taaslaadimise tegevused, näiteks keelte vahetuse, kiiremaks.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Valikuline ressursilaadimine", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Lubamisel kuvab NeoForge mistahes hoiatusi, mis esinesid laadimise käigus.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Täieliku piirdekastiga redelid", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Sea see väärtuseks \"true\", et kontrollida redelite puhul olemi terve piirdekasti läbistavust, selle asemel, et kontrollida ainult, mis plokis nad on. Põhjustab nähtavaid erinevusi mehaanikas, seega vaikeväärtus on vanilli käitumine. Vaikimisi: \"false\".", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Eemalda vigu põhjustavad plokiolemid", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Eemalda vigu põhjustavad olemid", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Kuva laadimishoiatused", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Määra väärtuseks \"true\", et keelata NeoForge'i versioonikontroll. NeoForge pärib versiooniinfo saamiseks meie serveris väikest JSON-faili. Rohkema teabe saamiseks vaata meie GitHubis klassi ForgeVersion.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Keela NeoForge'i versioonikontroll", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Määra väärtuseks \"true\", et hoida ressursi- ja andmepakkide ressursiloendeid vahemälus", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Hoia pakkide juurdepääs vahemälus", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Määra väärtuseks \"true\", et indekseerida vanilli ressursi- ja andmepakke lõimes", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Indekseeri vanilli ressursipakke lõimes", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Määra väärtuseks \"true\", et indekseerida modide ressursi- ja andmepakke lõimes", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Indekseeri modide ressursipakke lõimes", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Lubamisel kuvab NeoForge mistahes hoiatusi, mis esinesid laadimise käigus.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "Shift + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "Ctrl + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "Cmd + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/fr_fr.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/fr_fr.json index 1dae12bee1..df28ff9183 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/fr_fr.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/fr_fr.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "Aucune prégénération en cours d'exécution. Exécutez `/neoforge generate help` afin de voir les commandes pour démarrer la génération.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Génère un carré centré sur la position donnée qui est chunkRadius * 2 de chaque côté.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Arrête la génération actuelle et affiche la progression qu'elle avait effectuée.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r - Affiche la progression effectuée pour la génération en cours.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Affiche ce message.\nConseils généraux : Si vous exécutez à partir d'une console basée sur le serveur, vous pouvez exécuter generate dans différentes dimensions en utilisant /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Configuration pour %s de type %s trouvée dans %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "La configuration pour %s du type %s est introuvable", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sATTENTION: %sNeoForge Bêta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Des problèmes majeurs peuvent survenir, vérifier avant de signaler.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "Nouvelle version de NeoForge disponible : %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mise à jour du mod", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Réglez cette valeur sur true pour supprimer toute entité qui rencontre une erreur dans sa méthode update au lieu de fermer le serveur et de rapporter un log de crash. SOYEZ AVERTI CECI PEUT TOUT GÂCHER À UTILISER AVEC PARCIMONIE NOUS NE SOMMES PAS RESPONSABLES DES DOMMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Supprimer les entités erronées", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Réglez cette valeur sur true pour supprimer toute BlockEntity qui rencontre une erreur dans sa méthode update au lieu de fermer le serveur et de rapporter un log de crash. SOYEZ AVERTI CECI PEUT TOUT GÂCHER À UTILISER AVEC PARCIMONIE NOUS NE SOMMES PAS RESPONSABLES DES DOMMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Supprimer les Block Entities en erreur", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Mettez ceci à true pour vérifier la bounding box de collision entière de l'entité pour les échelles au lieu du seul bloc dans lequel elles se trouvent. Cela cause des différences notables dans les mécaniques, donc la valeur par défaut est le comportement vanilla. Par défaut: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Pleine Boîte de Collisions des Barrières", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Journalise les problèmes de générations de chunks en cascade pendant la population du terrain.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Journaliser la Génération du Monde en Cascade", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Corrige les problèmes vanilla responsables de la worldgen en cascade. Cela CHANGE la génération vanilla, donc NE REPPORTEZ PAS de bugs liés aux différences de monde si ce flag est activé.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Corriger le cascading vanilla", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "La durée en ticks que le serveur attendra quand une dimension a été mise en file d'attente pour décharger. Cela peut être utile lorsque vous chargez et déchargez rapidement des dimensions, exemple : lancer des objets à travers un portail du Nether plusieurs fois par seconde.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Délai lors du déchargement d'une dimension", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Contrôle le palier de nombre à partir duquel Packet51 est préféré à Packet52, par défaut et au minimum 64, maximum 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Seuil d'Agglomération des Packets", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Minecraft vanilla traitera les recettes de fabrication en utilisant de l'air à la place des tags vides, et vous permettra de fabriquer sans rien dans cet emplacement. Cela change les tags vides pour utiliser BARRIER comme item. Pour éviter de fabriquer avec de l'air.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Traité les tags vides en tant qu'air", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Ne pas vérifier si un ingrédient est vide lors de la désérialisation des recettes sans forme afin d'empêcher les ingrédients complexes de mettre en cache des étiquettes trop tôt.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Ne pas vérifier les ingrédients vides pendant la désérialisation des recettes sans forme", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force l'utilisation de System.nanoTime au lieu de glfwGetTime en tant que principal fournisseur de temps du client.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Désactivez pour permettre au texte de modèle manquant de rentrer à l'intérieur du slot.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom sur le texte manquant du modèle dans le GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Activer le téléchargement de la géométrie des nuages vers le GPU pour un rendu plus rapide.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Utiliser le moteur de rendu de nuage de NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Désactiver la suppression des faces cachées à côté des escaliers et des dalles. Permet un rendu supplémentaire, mais peut réparer certains packs de ressources qui exploitent cette mécanique vanilla.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Désactiver le Stair/Slab Culling", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Permet à NeoForge de placer en file d'attente les mises à jour de chunk dans le thread de mise à jour des chunks.\nCela pourra augmenter significativement les FPS, mais pourra par contre causer des ralentissements étranges de rendu.\nNon recommandé pour les ordinateurs avec trop peu de cœurs CPU disponibles.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Forcer le rendu isolé des chunks par threads", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Active la pipeline de rendu des blocs de NeoForge - corrige l'éclairage des modèles personnalisés.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "Pipeline de Lumière de NeoForge Activée", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "Lorsque cette option est activée, rend les tâches de rechargement spécifiques telles que le changement de langue plus rapide à s'exécuter.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Activer le Chargement Sélectif des Ressources", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Lorsque cette option est activée, NeoForge affichera tous les avertissements qui se sont produits pendant le chargement.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Pleine Boîte de Collisions des Barrières", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Mettez ceci à true pour vérifier la bounding box de collision entière de l'entité pour les échelles au lieu du seul bloc dans lequel elles se trouvent. Cela cause des différences notables dans les mécaniques, donc la valeur par défaut est le comportement vanilla. Par défaut: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Supprimer les Block Entities en erreur", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Supprimer les entités erronées", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Afficher les avertissements lors du chargement", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Définir à \"vrai\" pour désactiver les mécaniques de vérification de version de NeoForge. NeoForge interroge un petit fichier JSON sur notre serveur afin de récupérer des informations sur les versions. Pour plus de détails, voir la classe ForgeVersion sur notre GitHub.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Désactiver la vérification de la version de NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Définir à \"true\" pour mettre en cache la liste des ressources des packs de ressources et données", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Accès au Cache de Pack", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Définir à \"true\" pour indexer les ressources vanilla et des packs de données dans un thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Indexer les pack de ressources vanilla dans un thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Définir à \"true\" pour indexer les ressources des mods et des packs de données dans un thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Indexer les packs de ressources des mods dans un thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Lorsque cette option est activée, NeoForge affichera tous les avertissements qui se sont produits pendant le chargement.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Échec de la gestion des données de lumière auxiliaire pour le chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Impossible de gérer la synchronisation du mappage des données pour le registre %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Impossible de se connecter au serveur car il manque sur le client des mappages de données de registre : %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Impossible de se connecter au serveur car il a des mappages de données de registre obligatoires qui ne sont pas présents sur le client : %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Impossible de se connecter au serveur car il a des mappages de données de registre obligatoires qui ne sont pas présents sur le client : %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/hu_hu.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/hu_hu.json index 1b99fc3eeb..730440a27a 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/hu_hu.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/hu_hu.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mod Update", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/it_it.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/it_it.json index 5678ddb4af..2f5825a060 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/it_it.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/it_it.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "Nessuna pregenerazione attualmente in esecuzione. Esegui `/neoforge genera help` per vedere i comandi per iniziare la generazione.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Genera un quadrato centrato sulla posizione data di chunkRadius * 2 su ogni lato.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Ferma la generazione corrente e mostra i progressi che aveva completato.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Visualizza i progressi completati per la generazione corrente.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Visualizza questo messaggio.\nSuggerimenti generali: Se eseguito da una console server, è possibile eseguire la generazione in diverse dimensioni utilizzando /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Configurazione per %s di tipo %s trovata in %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Configurazione per %s di tipo %s non trovata", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sATTENZIONE: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Potrebbero verificarsi problemi importanti, verificare prima di segnalare.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "Nuova versione di NeoForge disponibile: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Aggiornamento mod", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Imposta a VERO per rimuovere qualsiasi entità che lancia un errore nel suo metodo di update invece di chiudere il server e segnalare un crash log. ATTENZIONE: QUESTO POTREBBE ROMPERE QUALUNQUE COSA, UTILIZZARE CON PARSIMONIA, NON SIAMO REPSPONSABILI DEI DANNI.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Rimuovi Entità in Errore", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Imposta a VERO per rimuovere qualsiasi entità blocco che lancia un errore nel suo metodo di update invece di chiudere il server e segnalare un crash log. ATTENZIONE: QUESTO POTREBBE ROMPERE QUALUNQUE COSA, UTILIZZARE CON PARSIMONIA, NON SIAMO REPSPONSABILI DEI DANNI.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Rimuovi Entità Blocco in Errore", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Impostare a Vero per controllare la casella di delimitazione della collisione di tutta l'entità per le scale anziché solo il blocco in cui si trovano. Causa differenze evidenti nella meccanica quindi il comportamento predefinito è quello della vanilla. Predefinito: falso.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Scale Tutta la Bounding Box", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Scrivi nei log problemi di generazione a cascata durante la popolazione del terreno.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Generazione del Mondo a Cascata", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Risolvi i problemi vanilla che causano generazione del mondo a cascata. Questo CAMBIA la generazione del mondo vanilla quindi NON segnalare bug relativi alle differenze del mondo se questo flag è attivo.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Risolvi Vanilla a Cascata", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "Il tempo in tick il quale il server attenderà quando una dimensione è stata impostata per essere liberata. Questo può essere utile quando si caricano e liberano rapidamente dimensioni, come ad esempio gettando oggetti attraverso un portale del nether svariate volte al secondo.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Ritardo durante la liberazione delle dimensione", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controlla la soglia numerica alla quale il Packet51 è preferito rispetto a Packet52, predefinito e minimo 64, massimo 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Soglia Di Clumping Pacchetti", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "La vanilla permette la creazione di ricette usando tag vuoti come aria, permettendo di creare con niente in quel slot. Questo cambia i tag vuoti per usare BARRIER come oggetto, per evitare di creare con l'aria.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Tratta i tag vuoti come aria", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Salta il controllo se un ingrediente è vuoto durante la deserializzazione delle ricette senza forma per evitare che ingredienti complessi memorizzino i tag troppo presto.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Salta il controllo degli ingredienti vuoti nella deserializzazione delle ricette senza forma", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Forza l'uso di System.nanoTime invece di glfwGetTime come fornitore principale di tempo al client.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Forza System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Disattiva per rendere il testo del modello mancante nella gui adatto all'interno dello slot.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom nel testo del modello mancante nella GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Abilita il caricamento della geometria delle nuvole nella GPU per un rendering più veloce.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Usa il renderer delle nuvole di NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disabilita l'abbattimento delle facce nascoste accanto alle scale e alle lastre. Causa rendering aggiuntivo, ma potrebbe risolvere alcuni pacchetti di risorse che sfruttano questa meccanica in vanilla.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disabilita l'abbattimento delle scala/lastra", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Permetti a NeoForge di mettere in coda tutti gli aggiornamenti dei chunk nel thread di aggiornamento chunk.\nPuò aumentare significativamente il FPS ma può anche causare uno strano lag nel rendering.\nNon consigliato per i computer senza un numero significativo di core disponibili.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Forza il rendering dei chunk nel thread", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Abilita la pipeline di rendering dei blocchi NeoForge - risolve l'illuminazione dei modelli personalizzati.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "Abilita Pipeline di illuminazione NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "Se abilitata, rende più rapide specifiche attività di ricarica come il cambio di lingua.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Abilita Caricamento Selettivo Delle Risorse", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Se abilitata, NeoForge mostrerà tutti gli avvisi che si sono verificati durante il caricamento.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Scale Tutta la Bounding Box", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Impostare a Vero per controllare la casella di delimitazione della collisione di tutta l'entità per le scale anziché solo il blocco in cui si trovano. Causa differenze evidenti nella meccanica quindi il comportamento predefinito è quello della vanilla. Predefinito: falso.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Rimuovi Entità Blocco in Errore", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Rimuovi Entità in Errore", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Mostra Avvisi del Caricamento", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Impostare a Vero per disabilitare la meccanica di controllo della versione di NeoForge. NeoForge chiede un piccolo file json sul nostro server per informazioni sulla versione. Per maggiori dettagli vedere la classe ForgeVersion sul nostro github.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disabilita Controllo Versione NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Impostare a Vero per memorizzare gli elenchi delle risorse in pacchetti di risorse e dati", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Accesso Pacchetto Cache", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Impostare a Vero per indicizzare le risorse e i pacchetti di dati vanilla sul thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Indicizza pacchetti di risorse vanilla sul thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Impostare a Vero per indicizzare le risorse e i pacchetti di dati delle mod sul thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Indicizza pacchetti di risorse mod sul thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Se abilitata, NeoForge mostrerà tutti gli avvisi che si sono verificati durante il caricamento.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Errore durante la gestione dei dati della luce per il chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Gestione della sincronizzazione del registro della mappa dati fallita per il registro %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Impossibile connettersi al server in quanto manca un registro della mappa dati obbligatorio presente nel client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Impossibile connettersi al server in quanto presenta un registro della mappa dati obbligatorio assente nel client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Impossibile connettersi al server in quanto presenta un registro della mappa dati obbligatorio assente nel client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ja_jp.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ja_jp.json index 8c799b902b..f6acf96a94 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ja_jp.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ja_jp.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "事前生成は実行されていません。生成を開始するためのコマンドを確認するには「/neoforge generate help」を実行してください", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- 指定の位置を中心として、各辺がchunkRadius * 2の正方形で生成します。\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- 現在の生成を停止し、完了した進行状況を表示します。\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- 現在実行中の生成に対する完了した進行状況を表示します。\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- このメッセージを表示します。\nヒント:サーバーコンソールから実行する場合は、/execute in neoforge generate...を使用することで、異なるディメンションで生成を実行できます。", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "%s(種類:%s)の設定が%sで見つかりました", "commands.config.noconfig": "%s(種類:%s)の設定が見つかりません", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%s警告:%sNeoForge ベータ版", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "予期せぬ不具合が発生する可能性があります。報告する前に、このことをご留意ください。", "neoforge.update.newversion": "新しいバージョンのNeoForgeがリリースされています:%s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Modの更新", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "これをtrueに設定すると、クラッシュ時にサーバーを閉じてクラッシュログを報告する代わりに、更新メソッドでエラーを発したエンティティを削除します。これを使用したことにより問題が発生しても、NeoForgeは一切の責任を負いかねます。", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "エラーを発するエンティティの除去", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "これをtrueに設定すると、クラッシュ時にサーバーを閉じてクラッシュログを報告する代わりに、更新メソッドでエラーを発したブロックエンティティを削除します。これを使用したことにより問題が発生しても、NeoForgeは一切の責任を負いかねます。", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "エラーを発するブロックエンティティの除去", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "これをtrueに設定すると、はしごに対するエンティティの当たり判定挙動が変更されます。通常、はしごはその1ブロック内にエンティティの中心位置がないと機能しませんが、当たり判定が一部でもあれば機能するようになります。そのため、バニラの挙動とは異なるものになります。初期値はfalseです。", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "はしごの動作条件の変更", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "地形データの集計中に起きたカスケードチャンク生成時の問題を記録します。", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "ワールド生成情報の記録", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "ワールドが必要以上に生成されるバニラの問題を修正します。この設定はワールドの生成方式を変更するため、これを有効にしたことによると思われる問題は報告しないでください。", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "バニラのカスケード処理の修正", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "ディメンションがアンロード対象となった際に、サーバーがアンロードを行うまでの待機時間(ティック)。これは、ネザーポータルへ1秒間に数回アイテムを投げ入れるなど、ディメンションのロードとアンロードを素早く行うときに有用です。", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "ディメンションをアンロードした際の遅延", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Packet51がPacket52よりも優先される数のしきい値。初期値および最小値は64、最大値は1024です。", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "パケットクランピングのしきい値", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "バニラにおいて、空のタグを使用するクラフトレシピを空気として扱い、そのスロットに何も入れずにクラフトできるようにします。これにより、空のタグはバリアブロックをアイテムとして使用するように変更され、空気を用いたクラフトが不可能になります。", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "空のタグを空気として扱う", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "不定形レシピのデシリアライズ化時の材料が空であるかの確認処理を省略し、複雑な材料がタグをすぐキャッシュするのを防止します。", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "不定形レシピのデシリアライズ化における空の材料の確認処理の省略", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "メインクライアントのTimeプロバイダーとして、glfwGetTimeの代わりにSystem.nanoTimeを強制的に使用するようにします。", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "System.nanoTimeの強制使用", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "この設定をオフにすることで、GUI内の存在しないモデルテキストをスロット内に収めて表示します。", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "GUIでの存在しないモデルテキストの拡大表示", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "GPUに雲のジオメトリデータをアップロードすることで、描画を高速化します。", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "NeoForge仕様の雲の描画の使用", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "階段およびハーフブロックの表示されていない側面のカリングを無効にします。描画回数は増えますが、これによってリソースパックを用いた悪用の問題を一部修正できる可能性があります。", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "階段およびハーフブロックのカリングの無効化", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "すべてのチャンク更新をChunk Updateスレッドにキューイングするようにします。\nfps値を大幅に向上させる可能性がありますが、描画にラグが生じるかもしれません。\nCPUのコア数が少ないコンピュータでは、この設定は推奨されません。", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "チャンク描画の強制スレッド化", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "NeoForgeのブロックレンダリングパイプラインを有効にします。この機能は、カスタムモデルの光の修正を行います。", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "ブロックのレンダリングパイプラインの有効化", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "有効にすると、言語変更などの特定の再読み込み動作がすばやく実行されるようになります。", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "選択的なリソース読み込みの有効化", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "有効にすると、読み込み中に発生した警告が表示されるようになります。", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "はしごの動作条件の変更", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "これをtrueに設定すると、はしごに対するエンティティの当たり判定挙動が変更されます。通常、はしごはその1ブロック内にエンティティの中心位置がないと機能しませんが、当たり判定が一部でもあれば機能するようになります。そのため、バニラの挙動とは異なるものになります。初期値はfalseです。", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "エラーを発するブロックエンティティの除去", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "エラーを発するエンティティの除去", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "読み込み時の警告の表示", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "これをtrueに設定すると、NeoForgeのバージョンチェック機能が無効になります。NeoForgeは、サーバー上にある小さなjsonファイルを参照してバージョン情報を取得します。詳細については、GitHubのForgeVersionクラスをご覧ください。", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "NeoForgeのバージョンチェックの無効化", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "これをtrueに設定すると、リソースパックおよびデータパックのリソース一覧をキャッシュするようにします", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "パックへのアクセスのキャッシュ", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "これをtrueに設定すると、スレッド上にあるバニラのリソースパックおよびデータパックをインデックス化します", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "スレッド上のバニラリソースパックのインデックス化", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "これをtrueに設定すると、スレッド上にあるModのリソースパックおよびデータパックをインデックス化します", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "スレッド上のModリソースパックのインデックス化", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "有効にすると、読み込み中に発生した警告が表示されるようになります。", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "Shift + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "Ctrl + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "Cmd + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "チャンク%sの補助光データの処理に失敗しました:%s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "レジストリ%sのデータマップ同期の処理に失敗しました:%s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "クライアントに存在する必須の登録データマップがサーバーにないため、サーバーに接続できませんでした:%s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "クライアントに存在しない必須のレジストリデータマップがサーバーにあるため、サーバーに接続できませんでした:%s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "クライアントに存在しない必須のレジストリデータマップがサーバーにあるため、サーバーに接続できませんでした:%s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ko_kr.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ko_kr.json index d47e40b0a5..183e4b279a 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ko_kr.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ko_kr.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "현재 청크를 생성하고 있지 않습니다. `/neoforge generate help`를 참고하여 청크 사전 생성 명령어 사용 방법을 확인하세요.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start <범위> [진행률 표시] §r§f- 주어진 위치를 중심으로 범위 * 2 길이의 정사각형 구역 내 청크를 생성합니다.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- 진행 중인 청크 사전 생성을 중단하고 진행률을 표시합니다.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- 이미 진행 중인 청크 생성 작업의 진행률을 표시합니다.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- 이 도움말을 표시합니다.\n팁: 다른 차원의 청크를 사전 생성할 땐 '/execute in <차원> neoforge generate...' 식으로 다른 차원에서 명령을 실행하세요.", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "모드 %s의 설정 %s이(가) %s에서 발견됨", "commands.config.noconfig": "모드 %s의 설정 %s을(를) 찾을 수 없음", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%s경고: %s 네오 포지 베타 버전입니다", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "아직 불안정하니, 오류 발생 시 확인 후 신고해 주세요.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "새로운 네오 포지 버전으로 업데이트할 수 있습니다: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "모드 업데이트", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "엔티티 업데이트 중 오류 발생 시, 서버를 종료하고 오류 보고를 하는 대신, 해당 엔티티를 가차 없이 제거합니다. 주의: *이로 인해 서버가 고장날 수 있으니, 조심스럽게 소규모로만 사용하세요.*", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "오류가 나는 엔티티 제거", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "블록 엔티티 업데이트 중 오류 발생 시, 서버를 종료하고 오류 보고를 하는 대신, 해당 블록 엔티티를 가차없이 제거합니다. 주의: *이로 인해 서버가 고장날 수 있으니, 조심스럽게 소규모로만 사용하세요.*", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "오류가 발생한 블록 엔티티 제거", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "엔티티의 위치만 확인하는 것이 아니라, 엔티티의 히트박스 전체를 사다리와 비교합니다. 게임 플레이에 지장을 주는 설정이라 기본적으로 비활성화되어 있습니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "사다리 히트박스 전체 검사", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "지형을 꾸미다 발생하는 폭발적 월드 생성 문제를 로그에 출력합니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "폭발적 세계 생성시 로그에 출력하기", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "폭발적으로 세계를 생성하는 바닐라 마인크래프트의 문제를 해결합니다. 활성화 시 생성되는 월드가 바뀌니 주의하세요.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "폭발적 월드 생성 문제 해결", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "서버가 차원을 해제하기 전 기다릴 시간을 정합니다. 단위는 틱입니다. 차원을 짧은 간격으로 자주 불러오는 것을 막아줍니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "차원 해제 전 대기 시간", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "변경된 블록 엔티티가 많을 경우 패킷을 각각 보내는 대신 청크 전체를 한 번에 전송하는 임계값을 설정합니다. 기본값: 64, 최댓값: 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "청크 전체 전송 임계값", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "바닐라는 제작법의 빈 태그를 공기로 치부해, 해당 슬롯이 비어 있더라도 제작할 수 있도록 합니다. 활성화 시 공기 대신 방벽을 사용해 공기로 조합하는 것을 방지합니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "공기 조합법 방지", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "무형 조합법을 불러올 때 재료가 비어있는지 검사하는 것을 건너뛰어 복잡한 재료가 태그를 너무 빨리 캐싱하는 걸 방지합니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "무형 조합법을 불러올 때, 비어있는 재료를 확인하지 않습니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "클라이언트에서 시스템 시간을 가져올 때 glfwGetTime 말고 System.nanoTime을 대신 사용하도록 강제합니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "System.nanoTime 강제", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "모델을 찾을 수 없다는 문구를 확대합니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "모델 누락 시 오류 메세지 확대", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "구름의 모양을 GPU로 전송해 더 빨리 그립니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "네오 포지 구름 렌더러 사용", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "계단, 또는 반 블록의 보이지 않는 면을 자르지 않고 냅둡니다. 보이지 않는 부분을 그려 성능 저하가 발생하나 일부 리소스팩의 호환성 문제를 해결할 수도 있습니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "계단/반 블록 컬링 해제", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "네오 포지가 청크 업데이트 스레드에 모든 청크 업데이트들을 요청하도록 합니다.\nFPS가 눈에 띄게 증가할 수도 있지만, 그래픽 랙을 유발할 수도 있습니다.\n사용 가능한 코어가 많이 없는 컴퓨터에게는 추천하지 않습니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "강제로 청크 렌더링을 같이 진행", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "네오 포지의 블록 렌더링 파이프라인을 사용해 모델의 조명 문제를 해결합니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "네오 포지 조명 파이프라인 사용", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "언어 변경처럼 특정 리소스만 다시 불러와도 되는 작업을 더욱 빠르게 수행합니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "선택적으로 리소스 불러오기", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "네오 포지가 게임을 불러오며 발생한 모든 경고 메세지들을 표시합니다.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "사다리 히트박스 전체 검사", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "엔티티의 위치만 확인하는 것이 아니라, 엔티티의 히트박스 전체를 사다리와 비교합니다. 게임 플레이에 지장을 주는 설정이라 기본적으로 비활성화되어 있습니다.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "오류가 발생한 블록 엔티티 제거", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "오류가 나는 엔티티 제거", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "게임을 불러오는 중 발생한 경고 표시", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "네오 포지 자동 업데이트 확인을 끌 수 있습니다. 네오 포지는 버전 json 파일을 저희 서버에 요청하여 버전 정보를 받아옵니다. 자세한 정보는 저희 깃헙 리포지토리의 ForgeVersion 클래스에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "네오 포지 자동 업데이트 확인 비활성화", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "리소스팩 및 데이터팩의 자원 목록을 캐시에 저장합니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "리소스팩/데이터팩 접근시 캐시 이용", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "바닐라 리소스팩과 데이터팩을 여러 코어를 사용해 색인합니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "바닐라 마인크래프트 리소스팩 색인 시 다중 코어 사용", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "모드의 리소스팩과 데이터팩을 여러 코어를 사용해 색인합니다.", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "모드 리소스팩 색인 시 다중 코어 사용", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "네오 포지가 게임을 불러오며 발생한 모든 경고 메세지들을 표시합니다.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "청크 %s의 추가 조명 데이터를 처리하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "%s 레지스트리 동기화 중 오류가 발생했습니다: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "클라이언트에 필요한 데이터 맵들이 서버에 없어 접속할 수 없습니다: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "서버 접속에 필요한 데이터 맵들이 클라이언트에 없어 접속할 수 없습니다: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "서버 접속에 필요한 데이터 맵들이 클라이언트에 없어 접속할 수 없습니다: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/nl_nl.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/nl_nl.json index d2338365d6..588385aead 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/nl_nl.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/nl_nl.json @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ "fml.menu.mods.config": "Configuratie", "fml.menu.mods.openmodsfolder": "Open mods map", "fml.menu.modoptions": "Mod Opties...", - "fml.menu.mods.info.version": "Version: %1$s", - "fml.menu.mods.info.idstate": "ModID: %1$s State: {1,lower}", + "fml.menu.mods.info.version": "Versie: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.idstate": "ModID: %1$s Status: {1,lower}", "fml.menu.mods.info.credits": "Credits: %1$s", "fml.menu.mods.info.authors": "Authors: %1$s", "fml.menu.mods.info.displayurl": "Homepage: %1$s", @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "Geen pregeneratie is op dit moment bezig. Run `/neoforge generate help` om commandos te zijn om generatie te starten.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Genereerd een vierkant gecentreerd om de gegeven positie heen die chunkRadius * 2 om elke kant groot is \n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stopt de huidige generatie en laat de voortgang zien die het al heeft voltooid.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Laat de huidige voortgang zien voor de generatie die op dit moment plaatsvindt. \n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Laat dit bericht zien\nAlgemene tips: Als je het van een server console, kan je het ook in verschillende dimensie runnen door '/execute in neoforge generate...' te gebruiken", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Configuratie voor %s van type %s gevonden bij %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Configuratie voor %s van type %s niet gevonden", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWAARSCHUWING: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Grote problemen kunnen opduiken, controleer voordat u het rapporteert.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "Nieuwe versie van NeoForge beschikbaar: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mod Update", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Zet dit op 'true' om elke entiteit te verwijderen die een fout rapporteert in de updatemethode in plaats van de server te sluiten en een crash te rapporteren. WEES GEWAARSCHUWD DAT DIT ALLES KAPOT KAN MAKEN GEBRUIK DIT VOORZICHTIG EN WIJ ZIJN NIET VERANTWOORDELIJK VOOR SCHADE.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Verwijder foutveroorzakende entiteiten", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Zet dit op 'true' om elke blokentiteit te verwijderen die een fout rapporteert in de updatemethode in plaats van de server te sluiten en een crash te rapporteren. WEES GEWAARSCHUWD DAT DIT ALLES KAPOT KAN MAKEN GEBRUIK DIT VOORZICHTIG EN WIJ ZIJN NIET VERANTWOORDELIJK VOOR SCHADE.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Verwijder foutveroorzakende blokentiteiten", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Zet dit op 'true' om de gehele entiteitsbotsingsdoos voor ladders te controleren, in plaats van alleen het blok waarin ze zich bevinden. Veroorzaakt merkbare verschillen in mechanismen, dus standaard is vanilla gedrag. Standaard: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Volledig Omgrensde Doos Ladders", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Les trapsgewijze chunkgeneratieproblemen tijdens het genereren van het terrein vast.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Les Trapsgewijze Wereldgeneratie Vast", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Los vanilla problemen op die trapsgewijze wereldgeneratie veroorzaken. Dit ZAL vanilla wereldgeneratie veranderen, dus MELD GEEN bugs met betrekking tot wereldverschillen wanneer deze optie ingeschakeld is.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Repareer Trapsgewijs Vanilla", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "De tijd in ticks die de server zal wachten wanneer een dimensie in de wachtrij is gezet om te ontladen. Dit kan handig zijn bij het snel laden en ontladen van dimensies, zoals bijvoorbeeld items een paar keer per seconde door een nether portal heen gooien.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Vertraging bij het ontladen van dimensie", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Bepaalt de drempel waarbij Packet51 de voorkeur heeft over Packet52, standaard en minimum 64, maximaal 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Drempel Klonteren van Pakketen", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla behandelt crafting recepten die lege labels gebruiken als lucht, en laat je toe om iets te maken met niets in dat vak. Dit wijzigt lege labels om BARRIER te gebruiken als het item. Om te voorkomen iets te maken met lucht.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Behandel lege tags als lucht", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Stop controleren of een ingrediënt leeg is tijdens deserialisatie voor vormloze recepten om te voorkomen dat complexe ingrediënten te vroeg tags cachen.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Sla het controleren op lege ingrediënten in vormloze recepten over", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Forceer het gebruik van System.nanoTime in plaats van glfwGetTime als de hoofd client tijdprovider.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Forceer System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Schakel uit om ontbrekende modeltekst in de gui binnen het vakje te passen.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in bij ontbrekende modeltekst in de GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Activeer het uploaden van wolkengeometrie naar de GPU voor snellere rendering.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Gebruik de NeoForge wolkenrenderer", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Schakel het doden van verborgen gezichten naast trappen en platen uit. Veroorzaakt extra rendering, maar kan sommige resource packs repareren die deze vanilla functie exploiteren.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Trap/plaat ruimen uitschakelen", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Activeer NeoForge om alle chunk updates in de wachtrij te zetten voor de chunk update.\nKan FPS aanzienlijk verhogen, maar kan ook een vreemde rendering lag veroorzaken.\nNiet aanbevolen voor computers waar niet veel kernen beschikbaar zijn.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Forceer chunk rendering op thread", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Schakel de NeoForge blok rendering pijplijn in - fixt verlichting bij aangepaste modellen.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Licht Pijplijn ingeschakeld", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "Wanneer ingeschakeld, zorgt dit ervoor dat taken als het laden van sommige taken zoals taalverandering sneller kunnen worden uitgevoerd.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Selectief Bronnen laden inschakelen", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal NeoForge elke waarschuwing laten zien die optreed tijdens het laden.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Volledig Omgrensde Doos Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Zet dit op 'true' om de gehele entiteitsbotsingsdoos voor ladders te controleren, in plaats van alleen het blok waarin ze zich bevinden. Veroorzaakt merkbare verschillen in mechanismen, dus standaard is vanilla gedrag. Standaard: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Verwijder foutveroorzakende blokentiteiten", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Verwijder foutveroorzakende entiteiten", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Toon Laad Waarschuwingen", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Zet dit op 'true' om de versiecontrole van NeoForge uit te schakelen. NeoForge vraagt een klein json bestand op vanuit onze server voor versie-informatie. Voor meer details, zie de NeoForgeVersion class in onze github.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Schakel NeoForge versiecontrole uit", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Zet dit op 'true' om resource listings te cachen in resource en data packs", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cachepakket toegang", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Zet dit op 'true' om vanilla resource en datapacks te indexeren op thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Indexeer vanilla bronpakketten op thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Zet dit op 'true' om mod resource en datapacks te indexeren op thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Indexeer mod resourcepakketten op thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal NeoForge elke waarschuwing laten zien die optreed tijdens het laden.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Fout bij verwerking van hulplichtgegevens voor chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Fout bij het verwerken van registry data map sync voor registry %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Kan geen verbinding maken met de server omdat het verplichte registry data maps mist die aanwezig zijn op de client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Kan geen verbinding maken met de server omdat het verplichte registry data maps bevat die niet aanwezig zijn op de client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Kan geen verbinding maken met de server omdat het verplichte registry data maps bevat die niet aanwezig zijn op de client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pl_pl.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pl_pl.json index 87c1985661..b4570ef4f1 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pl_pl.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pl_pl.json @@ -8,43 +8,43 @@ "fml.menu.mods.config": "Konfiguracja", "fml.menu.mods.openmodsfolder": "Otwórz folder modyfikacji", "fml.menu.modoptions": "Opcje modyfikacji...", - "fml.menu.mods.info.version": "Version: %1$s", - "fml.menu.mods.info.idstate": "ModID: %1$s State: {1,lower}", - "fml.menu.mods.info.credits": "Credits: %1$s", - "fml.menu.mods.info.authors": "Authors: %1$s", - "fml.menu.mods.info.displayurl": "Homepage: %1$s", - "fml.menu.mods.info.license": "License: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.version": "Wersja: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.idstate": "ID modyfikacji: %1$s Stan: {1,lower}", + "fml.menu.mods.info.credits": "Podziękowania: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.authors": "Autorzy: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.displayurl": "Strona główna: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.license": "Licencja: %1$s", "fml.menu.mods.info.securejardisabled": "Bezpieczne funkcje modów są wyłączone, zaktualizuj JDK", - "fml.menu.mods.info.signature": "Signature: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.signature": "Podpis: %1$s", "fml.menu.mods.info.signature.unsigned": "NIEPODPISANE", - "fml.menu.mods.info.trust": "Trust: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.trust": "Zaufanie: %1$s", "fml.menu.mods.info.trust.noauthority": "Brak", "fml.menu.mods.info.nochildmods": "Nie znaleziono modyfikacji podrzędnych", - "fml.menu.mods.info.childmods": "Child mods: %1$s", - "fml.menu.mods.info.updateavailable": "Update available: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.childmods": "Modyfikacje potomne: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.updateavailable": "Dostępna aktualizacja: %1$s", "fml.menu.mods.info.changelogheader": "Lista zmian:", - "fml.menu.multiplayer.compatible": "Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<%1$s mods} present", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.compatible": "Kompatybilny zmodyfikowany serwer FML\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<%1$s mods} obecnych", "fml.menu.multiplayer.incompatible": "Niekompatybilny zmodyfikowany serwer FML", - "fml.menu.multiplayer.incompatible.extra": "Incompatible FML modded server\n%1$s", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.incompatible.extra": "Niekompatybilny zmodyfikowany serwer FML %1$s", "fml.menu.multiplayer.truncated": "Dane mogą być niedokładne ze względu na ograniczenia wielkości protokołu.", "fml.menu.multiplayer.vanilla": "Serwer Vanilla", "fml.menu.multiplayer.vanilla.incompatible": "Niekompatybilny serwer Vanilla", - "fml.menu.multiplayer.unknown": "Unknown server %1$s", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.unknown": "Nieznany serwer %1$s", "fml.menu.multiplayer.serveroutdated": "Wersja sieci serwera NeoForge jest nieaktualna", "fml.menu.multiplayer.clientoutdated": "Wersja sieci klienta NeoForge jest nieaktualna", "fml.menu.multiplayer.extraservermods": "Serwer posiada dodatkowe modyfikacje, które mogą być potrzebne w kliencie", "fml.menu.multiplayer.modsincompatible": "Lista modyfikacji serwera nie jest kompatybilna", "fml.menu.multiplayer.networkincompatible": "Lista wiadomości sieciowych serwera nie jest kompatybilna", - "fml.menu.multiplayer.missingdatapackregistries": "Missing required datapack registries: %1$s", - "fml.menu.branding": "%s (%s mods)", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.missingdatapackregistries": "Brakujące wymagane rejestry pakietu danych: %1$s", + "fml.menu.branding": "%s (mody%s)", "fml.menu.notification.title": "Powiadomienie startowe", "fml.menu.accessdenied.title": "Odmowa dostępu do serwera", - "fml.menu.accessdenied.message": "Fancy Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server %1$s has forbidden modded access", + "fml.menu.accessdenied.message": "Fml nie może połączyć się do tego serwera\nSerwer %1$s ma zabroniony dostęp na zmodyfikowanej wersji gry", "fml.menu.backupfailed.title": "Kopia zapasowa nie powiodła się", - "fml.menu.backupfailed.message": "There was an error saving the archive %1$s\nPlease fix the problem and try again", - "fml.button.open.file": "Open %1$s", - "fml.button.open.log": "Open log file", - "fml.button.open.crashreport": "Open crash report", + "fml.menu.backupfailed.message": "Wystąpił błąd podczas zapisywania archiwum %1$s\nProszę rozwiązać problem i spróbować ponownie", + "fml.button.open.file": "Otwórz %1$s", + "fml.button.open.log": "Otwórz plik dziennika", + "fml.button.open.crashreport": "Otwórz raport o awarii", "fml.button.open.mods.folder": "Otwórz folder modyfikacji", "fml.button.continue.launch": "Przejdź do menu głównego", "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "W Twoim kliencie brakuje następujących modyfikacji, zainstaluj te modyfikacje, aby dołączyć do tego serwera:", @@ -54,14 +54,14 @@ "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youneed": "Potrzebujesz", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youhave": "Posiadasz", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.serverhas": "Serwer posiada", - "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[%1$s additional, see latest.log for the full list]", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[%1$s dodatkowo, zobacz latest.log, aby uzyskać pełną listę]", "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "Kliknij, aby przejść na stronę główną modyfikacji", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.reason": "Powód", "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.visit.mod_page": "Przejdź na stronę modyfikacji %s", - "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Simplified view", - "fml.resources.modresources": "Resources for %1$s mod files", - "fml.resources.moddata": "Data for %1$s mod files", - "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "This build of NeoForge was created by a community member and is thus §c§lUNSUPPORTED§r", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Widok uproszczony", + "fml.resources.modresources": "Zasoby dla plików modyfikacji %1$s", + "fml.resources.moddata": "Dane dla %1$s plików modyfikacji", + "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "Ta kompilacja NeoForge została stworzona przez członka społeczności i jest §c§lNIEWSPIERANA§r", "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "Enum constant must be one of %1$s, found %2$s", "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "Currently registered dimensions by type:", "commands.neoforge.dump.success": "New file created with %s registry's contents is at %s", @@ -101,64 +101,159 @@ "commands.neoforge.tags.element": "%s : %s", "commands.neoforge.tags.page_info": "%s ", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generowanie chunków...", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating %1$s chunks - ", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generowanie %1$s chunków - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s błędów!)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generacja jest już uruchomiona. Najpierw wykonaj polecenie ''/neoforge generate stop', a następnie możesz rozpocząć nową generację.", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating %1$s chunks, in an area of %2$sx%3$s chunks (%4$sx%5$s blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generowanie %1$s chunków, w obszarze %2$sx%3$s chunki (%4$sx%5$s bloków).", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generowanie zakończone!", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced %1$s errors! Check the log for more information.", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", - "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generowanie napotkało błędy %1$s! Sprawdź log, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generacja zatrzymana %1$s z %2$s chunków wygenerowanych. (%3$s%%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Status generacji! %1$s z %2$s chunków wygenerowanych. (%3$s%%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "Aktualnie brak uruchomionych pregeneracji. Uruchom `/neoforge generate help` aby zobaczyć polecenia do rozpoczęcia generacji.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Aktualizacja modifikacji", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Włącz proces renderowania bloków NeoForge - poprawia oświetlenie modeli niestandardowych.", "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Wymuś System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Wyłącz, aby tekst brakującego modelu w gui pasował do slotu.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Pokaż Ostrzeżenia Ładowania", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Wyłącz sprawdzanie wersji NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Kiedy włączone, NeoForge wyświetli wszelkie ostrzeżenia, które wystąpiły podczas ładowania.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -199,6 +294,9 @@ "neoforge.network.registries.sync.failed": "Failed to sync registries from the server: %s", "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Nie można połączyć się z serwerem, ponieważ brakuje obowiązkowych map danych rejestru znajdujących się w kliencie: %s", + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Nie można połączyć się z serwerem, ponieważ brakuje obowiązkowych map danych rejestru znajdujących się w kliencie: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_br.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_br.json index 7795be6123..51608e647f 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_br.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_br.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mod Update", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Falhou ao tratar registros de sincronização de data map para o registro %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Impossível conectar com o servidor que falta registros de data maps obrigatórios presentes no client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Impossível conectar com o servidor que tem registros de data maps não presentes no client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Impossível conectar com o servidor que tem registros de data maps não presentes no client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_pt.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_pt.json index b9f823b33f..3a4f682f2b 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_pt.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/pt_pt.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mod Update", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ro_ro.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ro_ro.json index b1152b2071..325bf1baf8 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ro_ro.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ro_ro.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mod Update", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ru_ru.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ru_ru.json index fa661425c0..488729a63e 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ru_ru.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/ru_ru.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "Предварительная генерация не запущена. Выполните команду `/neoforge generate help`, чтобы увидеть команды для запуска генерации.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [шкалапрогресса] §r§f- создаёт квадрат, центрированный на указанной точке, с длиной сторон, равной chunkRadius * 2.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- останавливает текущую генерацию и отображает завершённый прогресс.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- отображает прогресс текущей генерации.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- отображает данное сообщение.\nСовет: Если вы запускаете команды из консоли сервера, вы можете выполнять генерацию в разных измерениях с помощью /execute in neoforge generate…", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Конфиг для %s типа %s обнаружен в %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Конфиг для %s типа %s не найден", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sВНИМАНИЕ: %sNeoForge Бета", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Возможны серьезные проблемы, проверьте их, прежде чем сообщать.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "Доступна новая версия NeoForge: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Обновление мода", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Установите значение true, чтобы удалять любые сущности, которые вызывают ошибку в методе обновления, вместо завершения работы сервера и создания отчёта об ошибке. БУДЬТЕ ОСТОРОЖНЫ, ЭТО МОЖЕТ ПРИВЕСТИ К НЕИСПРАВНОСТЯМ; ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ С ОСТОРОЖНОСТЬЮ, МЫ НЕ НЕСЁМ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТИ ЗА УЩЕРБ.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Удалять сущности, вызывающие ошибки", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Установите значение true, чтобы удалять любые BlockEntity, которые вызывают ошибку в методе обновления, вместо завершения работы сервера и создания отчёта об ошибке. БУДЬТЕ ОСТОРОЖНЫ, ЭТО МОЖЕТ ПРИВЕСТИ К НЕИСПРАВНОСТЯМ; ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ С ОСТОРОЖНОСТЬЮ, МЫ НЕ НЕСЁМ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТИ ЗА УЩЕРБ.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Удалять блочные сущности, вызывающие ошибки", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Установите значение true, чтобы проверять всю коробку столкновений сущности на соприкосновение с лестницами, а не только блоками, в котором они находятся. Это вызывает заметные изменения в механике, поэтому по умолчанию используется ванильное поведение. По умолчанию: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Полная область коллизии для лестниц", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Логирует проблемы при каскадной генерации чанков во время формирования местности.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Логирование каскадной генерации", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Исправляет проблемы ванили, приводящие к каскадной генерации мира. Эта настройка ИЗМЕНЯЕТ ванильную генерацию мира, поэтому НЕ сообщайте о том, что ваш мир сгенерировался как-то иначе, если включена эта опция.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Исправление ванильных каскадов", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "Время в тактах, которое сервер будет ожидать, пока измерение помещено в очередь на выгрузку. Может быть полезно при быстрых загрузках и выгрузках измерений, например, при многочисленных бросках предметов в портал в Незер несколько раз в секунду.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Задержка при выгрузке измерения", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Управляет пороговым значением, при котором Packet51 является предпочтительнее Packet52. По умолчанию минимальное значение - 64, максимум - 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Порог объединения пакетов", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "В ванили в рецептах создания в качестве пустых тегов используется воздух, что позволяет создавать предметы с пустыми слотами. Эта настройка позволяет сменить воздух на БАРЬЕР, чтобы предотвратить создание предметов из воздуха.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Использование воздуха для пустых тегов", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Пропускать проверку на наличие пустых ингредиентов во время десериализации бесформенных рецептов, чтобы предотвратить слишком раннее кеширование тегов комплексных ингредиентов.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Пропуск проверки на пустые ингредиенты при десериализации бесформенных рецептов", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Принудительно использовать System.nanoTime вместо glfwGetTime как основного Поставщика времени клиента.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Принудить System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Отключите, чтобы текст отсутствующей модели в GUI помещался в слот.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Увеличение текста отсутствующей модели в GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Включает загрузку геометрии облаков в GPU для ускорения рендеринга.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Использование рендера облаков NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Отключает отсечение скрытых сторон ступенек и плит. Приводит к дополнительной отрисовке, но может исправить некоторые наборы ресурсов, которые используют эту ванильную механику.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Отключить отбраковку ступенек/плит", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Активирует возможность NeoForge для постановки всех обновлений чанков в очередь потока обновления чанков.\nЭто может значительно увеличить количество кадров в секунду, но также может вызывать странные задержки при отрисовке.\nНе рекомендуется для компьютеров с небольшим количеством ядер.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Принудительный многопоточный рендеринг чанков", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Активирует конвейер NeoForge для рендеринга блоков - исправляет освещение кастомных моделей.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "Включить конвейер света NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "При включении ускоряет выполнение определенных задач перезагрузки, таких как смена языка.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Включить выборочную загрузку ресурсов", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Если эта функция включена, NeoForge покажет все предупреждения, возникшие во время загрузки.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Полная область коллизии для лестниц", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Установите значение true, чтобы проверять всю коробку столкновений сущности на соприкосновение с лестницами, а не только блоками, в котором они находятся. Это вызывает заметные изменения в механике, поэтому по умолчанию используется ванильное поведение. По умолчанию: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Удалять блочные сущности, вызывающие ошибки", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Удалять сущности, вызывающие ошибки", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Показывать предупреждения при загрузке", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Установите значение true, чтобы отключить проверку версии NeoForge. NeoForge запрашивает небольшой JSON-файл с нашего сервера для получения информации о версиях. Для получения более подробной информации смотрите класс ForgeVersion на нашем GitHub.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Отключить проверку версии NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Установите значение true, чтобы кешировать списки ресурсов в наборах ресурсов и данных", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Кеш для доступа к пакам", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Установите значение true, чтобы индексировать ванильные наборы ресурсов и данных в потоке", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Индексировать ванильные наборы ресурсов в потоке", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Установите значение true, чтобы индексировать наборы ресурсов и данных модов в потоке", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Индексировать наборы ресурсов модов в потоке", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Если эта функция включена, NeoForge покажет все предупреждения, возникшие во время загрузки.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Не удалось обработать вспомогательные данные освещения для чанка %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Не удалось обработать синхронизацию данных реестра %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Не удается подключиться к серверу, так как там отсутствуют обязательные данные реестра, имеющиеся на клиенте: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Не удается подключиться к серверу, так как присутствуют обязательные данные реестра, отсутствующие на клиенте: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Не удается подключиться к серверу, так как присутствуют обязательные данные реестра, отсутствующие на клиенте: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/sk_sk.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/sk_sk.json index 585810315a..f636c181bd 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/sk_sk.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/sk_sk.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "Žiadne pregenerovnie chunkov nie je spustené. Spustite `/neoforge generate help` pre zobrazenie príkazov na začatie generovania.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Vygeneruje štvorcovo centrovane od danej pozície ktoreá je chunkRadius * 2 na každej strane\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Zastavý aktuálne generovanie a zobrazí sa docielený progres.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Zobrazí docielený progres aktuálne bežiacej generácie.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Zobrazí túto správu.\nVšeobecné rady: Pokiaľ je generovanie spúštané z konzoly serveru, môžete spustiť generovanie v iných dimenziách použitím /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Konfigurácia pre %s typu %s nájdená v %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Konfigurácia pre %s typu %s nenájdená", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sVAROVANIE: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Môžu sa vyskytnúť závažné problémy, overte ich pred nahlásením.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "K dispozícii je nová verzia NeoForge: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Aktualizácia módu", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Nastavte toto na hodnotu true, pre odstránenie akejkoľvek entity ktorá spôsobí error vo svojej obnovovacej metóde namiesto zatvorenia servera a nahlásenia spadnutia hry (crash log). UPOZORŇUJEME, ŽE TOTO MÔŽE POŠKODIŤ VŠETKO, POUŽÍVAJTE ZRIEDKAVO, NEZODPOVEDÁME ZA ŠKODY.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Odstrániť entity spôsobujúce error", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Nastavte toto na hodnotu true, pre odstránenie akejkoľvek blokovej entity ktorá spôsobí error vo svojej obnovovacej metóde namiesto zatvorenia servera a nahlásenia spadnutia hry (crash log). UPOZORŇUJEME, ŽE TOTO MÔŽE POŠKODIŤ VŠETKO, POUŽÍVAJTE ZRIEDKAVO, NEZODPOVEDÁME ZA ŠKODY.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Odstrániť blokové entity spôsobujúce error", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Nastavte toto na hodnotu true, aby ste skontrolovali ohraničujúci rámček kolízie celej entity pre rebríky namiesto len bloku, v ktorom sa nachádzajú. Spôsobuje viditeľné zmeny v mechanike hry, takže predvolené je základné správanie. Predvolená hodnota: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Úplné vymedzovanie boxov rebríkov", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Problémy s generovaním kaskádových chunkov pri populovaní terénu.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Kaskádovania World Genu", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Opraviť vanilla problémy ktoré spôsobujú kaskádovanie generácie sveta. Toto NEMENÍ vanilla generáciu svetu, takže NENAHLASUJTE chyby spojené zo svetovými rozdielmi keď je toto nastavenie zapnuté.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Opraviť Vanilla Kaskádovanie", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "Časové tiky serveru počkajú keď bude dimenzia v poradí pre odčítanie. Toto môže byť užitočné pri načítavaní a odčítavaní dimenzií, ako napríklad pri hádzaní vecí cez nether portál niekoľko krát za sekundu.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Opozdenie pri odčítavaní dimenzie", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Riadi číselný prah, pri ktorom je Packet51 preferovaný pred Packet52, predvolené a minimálne je 64, maximálne 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Prah Zhlukovania Paketov", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Základná hra bude zaobchádzať s výrobnými receptami pomocou prázdnych štítkov ako so vzduchom, a umožní vám vyrábať bez ničoho v tomto políčku. Toto zmení prázdne štítky tak, aby sa ako položka použila BARIÉRA. Pre prevenciu výroby so vzduchom.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Považovať prázdne označenia za vzduch", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Preskočte kontrolu, pokiaľ je ingrediencia prázdna počas deserializácie beztvarého receptu, pre predídenie tomu, aby sa zložité ingrediencie uložili do vyrovnávacej pamäte príliš skoro.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Preskočte kontrolu pre prázdne ingrediencie v deserializácii beztvarého receptu", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Prinútiť použite systému System.nanoTime namiesto glfwGetTime ako hlavného poskytovateľa času pre klienta.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Prinútiť použitie systému System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Vypnúť aby sa chýbajúce texty modelov v gui zmestili do políčok.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Priblížennie v chýbajúcom texte modelu v GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Povoliť nahrávanie cloudovej geometrie do grafickej karty pre rýchlejšie vykresľovanie.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Použiť cloudové vykresľovanie od NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Zakázať vyraďovanie skrytých tvárí vedľa schodov a slabov. Spôsobuje extra vykresľovanie, ale môže opraviť niektoré balíčky zdrojov, ktoré využívajú túto základnú mechaniku.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Zakázať Schodové/Slabové vyraďovanie", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Povoľte aby NeoForge zaradil všetky aktualizácie chunkov do vlákna aktualizácie chunkov. Môže výrazne zvýšiť FPS, ale môže tiež spôsobiť zvláštne sekanie vykresľovania. Neodporúča sa pre počítače bez veľkého počtu dostupných jadier.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Prikázať vláknové vykresľovanie chunkov", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Povoliť kanál vykresľovania blokov NeoForge – opravuje osvetlenie vlastných modelov.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Povolený", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "Keď je toto povolené, tvorí určité obnovovacie úlohy, ako zmenu jazyka rýchlejšie pre spustenie.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Povoliť Selektívne Načítavanie Zdrojov", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Keď je toto povolené, NeoForge zobrazí všetky varovania, ktoré nastali počas načítavania.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Úplné vymedzovanie boxov rebríkov", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Nastavte toto na hodnotu true, aby ste skontrolovali ohraničujúci rámček kolízie celej entity pre rebríky namiesto len bloku, v ktorom sa nachádzajú. Spôsobuje viditeľné zmeny v mechanike hry, takže predvolené je základné správanie. Predvolená hodnota: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Odstrániť blokové entity spôsobujúce error", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Odstrániť entity spôsobujúce error", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Zobraziť Varovania Načítavania", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Nastavením na hodnotu „true“ vypnete mechaniku kontroly verzie NeoForge. NeoForge požiada o informácie o verzii malý súbor „JSON“ na našom serveri. Ďalšie podrobnosti nájdete v triede „ForgeVersion“ na našom „GitHube“.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Zakázať Kontrolu Verzie NeoForgu", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Nastavte túto možnosť na hodnotu „true“, ak chcete, aby sa do vyrovnávacej pamäte ukladali zoznamy zdrojov a dátových balíkov", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Prístup k balíku vyrovnávacej pamäte", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Ak chcete indexovať základný zdroj a dátové balíky vo vlákne, nastavte toto na hodnotu „true“", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Indexovanie základných balíkov zdrojov vo vlákne", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Ak chcete indexovať módový zdroj a dátové balíky vo vlákne, nastavte toto na hodnotu „true“", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Indexovanie módových balíkov zdrojov vo vlákne", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Keď je toto povolené, NeoForge zobrazí všetky varovania, ktoré nastali počas načítavania.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Zlyhali spracovanie údajov pomocných dát svetla pre chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Zlyhalo spracovanie synchronizácie mapy údajov databázy Registry pre databázy Registry %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Nemožno pripojiť sa na server, nakoľko chýbajú povinné registratúrne dátové mapy prítomné na klientovi: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Nemožno pripojiť sa na server, nakoľko obsahuje povinné registratúrne dátové mapy neprítomné na klientovi: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Nemožno pripojiť sa na server, nakoľko obsahuje povinné registratúrne dátové mapy neprítomné na klientovi: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/tr_tr.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/tr_tr.json index 089f875f49..36c779ebd4 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/tr_tr.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/tr_tr.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mod Update", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/tt_ru.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/tt_ru.json index 7b697507e9..1d94b7c579 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/tt_ru.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/tt_ru.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mod Update", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Log cascading chunk generation issues during terrain population.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Log Cascading World Gen", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Fix vanilla issues that cause worldgen cascading. This DOES change vanilla worldgen so DO NOT report bugs related to world differences if this flag is on.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Fix Vanilla Cascading", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "The time in ticks the server will wait when a dimension was queued to unload. This can be useful when rapidly loading and unloading dimensions, like e.g. throwing items through a nether portal a few time per second.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Delay when unloading dimension", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Controls the number threshold at which Packet51 is preferred over Packet52, default and minimum 64, maximum 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Packet Clumping Threshold", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Vanilla will treat crafting recipes using empty tags as air, and allow you to craft with nothing in that slot. This changes empty tags to use BARRIER as the item. To prevent crafting with air.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Treat empty tags as air", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Skip checking if an ingredient is empty during shapeless recipe deserialization to prevent complex ingredients from caching tags too early.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Skip checking for empty ingredients in Shapeless Recipe Deserialization", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Force the use of System.nanoTime instead of glfwGetTime as the main client Time provider.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Force System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Toggle off to make missing model text in the gui fit inside the slot.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Zoom in Missing model text in the GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Enable uploading cloud geometry to the GPU for faster rendering.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Use NeoForge cloud renderer", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Disable culling of hidden faces next to stairs and slabs. Causes extra rendering, but may fix some resource packs that exploit this vanilla mechanic.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Disable Stair/Slab culling", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Enable NeoForge to queue all chunk updates to the Chunk Update thread.\nMay increase FPS significantly, but may also cause weird rendering lag.\nNot recommended for computers without a significant number of cores available.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Force threaded chunk rendering", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline Enabled", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "When enabled, makes specific reload tasks such as language changing quicker to run.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Enable Selective Resource Loading", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Set to true to disable NeoForge version check mechanics. NeoForge queries a small json file on our server for version information. For more details see the ForgeVersion class in our github.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Disable NeoForge Version Check", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Set this to true to cache resource listings in resource and data packs", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Cache Pack Access", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index vanilla resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Index vanilla resource packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Set this to true to index mod resource and data packs on thread", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Index mod resource packs on thread", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/uk_ua.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/uk_ua.json index f206fa8da7..311685fba9 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/uk_ua.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/uk_ua.json @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ "fml.menu.backupfailed.title": "Збій резервного копіювання", "fml.menu.backupfailed.message": "Помилка при збереженні архіву %1$s\nБудь ласка, виправте проблему і спробуйте знову", "fml.button.open.file": "Відкрити %1$s", - "fml.button.open.log": "Відкрити лог файл", + "fml.button.open.log": "Відкрити файл журналу", "fml.button.open.crashreport": "Відкрити звіт про помилку", "fml.button.open.mods.folder": "Відкрити теку модів", "fml.button.continue.launch": "Повернутись до головного меню", @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Статус генерації! %1$s з %2$s чанків згенеровано. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "Жодна прегенерація наразі не виконується. Запустіть `/neoforge generate help`, щоб побачити команди для початку генерації.", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Генерує квадратну область з центром в наданих координатах і довжиною сторін chunkRadius * 2.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Зупиняє поточну генерацію і відображає досягнутий прогрес.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Відображає поточний прогрес активної генерації.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Відображає це повідомлення.\nЗагальні рекомендації: Якщо команди виконуються з серверної консолі, ви зможете запустити генерацію для різних вимірів, використовуючи /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Час в %s тече зі швидкістю %sx (%s хвилин на день).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Час в %s тече нормально (20 хвилин на день).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Встановіть час в %s до %sx (%s хвилин на день).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Встановіть потік часу в %s за замовчуванням (20 хвилин на день).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "Конфіг для %s типу %s знайдена в %s", "commands.config.noconfig": "Конфіг для %s типу %s не знайдено", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sПОПЕРЕДЖЕННЯ: %sNeoForge Beta", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Можуть виникнути серйозні проблеми, перевірте їх перед надсиланням звіту.", "neoforge.update.newversion": "Нова версія NeoForge доступна: %s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Оновлення моду", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\", для видалення будь-якої сутності, яка спричиняє помилки в методі оновлення замість повної зупинки серверу і створення краш-логу. БУДЬТЕ УВАЖНІ, ЦЕ МОЖЕ ВСЕ ЗРУЙНУВАТИ, ВИКОРИСТОВУЙТЕ З ОБЕРЕЖНІСТЮ, МИ НЕ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІ ЗА ШКОДУ.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Видалити сутності, які викликають помилки", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\", для видалення будь-якої блок-сутності, яка спричиняє помилки в методі оновлення замість повної зупинки серверу і створення краш-логу. БУДЬТЕ УВАЖНІ, ЦЕ МОЖЕ ВСЕ ЗРУЙНУВАТИ, ВИКОРИСТОВУЙТЕ З ОБЕРЕЖНІСТЮ, МИ НЕ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІ ЗА ШКОДУ.", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Видалити блок-сутності, які викликають помилки", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\", для повної перевірки колізії сутностей з драбинами, замість просто блоку, в якому вони знаходяться. Спричиняє помітні відмінності в механіці, тому за замовчуванням використовується ванільна поведінка. За замовчуванням: false.", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Повні області колізії з драбиною", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "Логує проблеми каскадної генерації чанків при формуванні місцевості.", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "Записувати каскадне генерування світу", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "Виправити ванільні помилки, що призводять до каскадної генерації світу. Це ТОЧНО змінює ванільну генерацію, так що НЕ повідомляйте про помилки, пов'язані з різницями світів, коли цей прапор увімкнено.", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "Виправити ванільне каскадування", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "Час в тіках, при якому сервер буде чекати, поки вимір в черзі на відвантаження. Це може бути корисним при швидкому завантаженні та вивантаженні вимірів, як, наприклад, кидання предметів через портал в незер кілька разів на секунду.", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "Затримка при відвантаженні виміру", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "Керує порогом, при якому надається перевага Packet51 перед Packet52, за замовчуванням 64, максимально 1024.", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "Поріг об'єднання пакетів", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "Ваніла буде розглядати рецепти крафту, використовуючи пусті теги як повітря, і дозволить вам крафтити, не маючи нічого в цьому слоті. Це змінює порожні теги використання бар'єру як предмет, щоб запобігти крафту з повітрям.", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "Вважати порожні теги як повітря", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "Пропустити перевірку на наявність порожніх рецептів під час десеріалізації безформних рецептів, щоб запобігти занадто раннє кешування тегів складних інгредієнтів.", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "Пропуск перевірки порожніх інгредієнтів під час десереалізації безформних рецептів", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "Примусово використовувати System.nanoTime замість glfwGetTime як основного провайдера клієнтського часу.", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "Примусити System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "Вимкніть, щоб текст відсутньої моделі в GUI поміщався в слот.", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "Збільшити текст відсутньої моделі в GUI", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "Вмикає завантаження геометрії хмар в GPU для прискорення рендерингу.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "Використовувати рендерер хмар NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "Вимкнути вибракування прихованих сторін сходів і планів. Призводить до додаткового рендерингу, але може виправити деякі пакети ресурсів, які використовують цю ванільну механіку.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "Вимкнути вибракування сходів/плиток", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "Активує можливість NeoForge для додавання всіх оновлень чанків в чергу потоку оновлення чанків.\nЦе може значно підвищити FPS, але також може викликати дивні затримки при рендерингу.\nНе рекомендується для комп'ютерів з невеликою кількістю доступних ядер.", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "Примушувати багатопотоковий рендеринг чанків", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "Конфігурація %s", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Клієнтські налаштування", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Серверні налаштування", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Загальні налаштування", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Запускові налаштування", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "Клієнтська конфігурація %s", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "Серверна конфігурація %s", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "Загальна конфігурація %s", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "Запускова конфігурація %s", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Налаштування тут визначаються сервером і не можуть бути змінені доки ви в мережі.", + "color": "червоний" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Налаштування тут не можуть бути відредаговані, поки ваша гра відкрита для локальної мережі. Будь ласка, поверніться до головного меню і завантажте світ ще раз.", + "color": "червоний" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Налаштування тут доступні після завантаження світу.", + "color": "червоний" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "Це значення не можна редагувати в інтерфейсі. Будь ласка, зв'яжіться з автором мода про надання користувацького інтерфейсу для нього.", + "color": "червоний" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Змінити", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "золотий", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Скасувати", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Повертає зміни тільки на цьому екрані.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Скинути", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Повертає все на цьому екрані до значень за замовчуванням.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nДіапазон: ", + "color": "сірий" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "сірий" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "Файл: \"", + "color": "сірий" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "сірий" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "сірий" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Загальні параметри", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Клієнтські параметри", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Серверні параметри", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Запускові параметри", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft повинен бути перезавантаженим", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "Один чи кілька варіантів конфігурації, які були змінені, набудуть чинності лише після запуску гри.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "Світ має бути перезавантажений", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "Один чи кілька варіантів конфігурації, які були змінені, набудуть чинності лише після запуску чи завантаження світу.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Поки ні...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "Конфігурація NeoForge", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Клієнтські налаштування", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Клієнтські налаштування", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Загальні налаштування", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Загальні налаштування", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Серверні налаштування", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Серверні налаштування", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Показати виділений сервер для локальної мережі", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\", для показування виділених серверів місцевим клієнтам локальної мережі, щоб це автоматично з'являлося на екрані багатокористувацького режиму.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "Конвеєр світла NeoForge", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Активує конвеєр NeoForge для рендерингу блоків — виправляє освітлення користувацьких моделей.", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "Конвеєр світла NeoForge увімкнено", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "Коли ввімкнено, пришвидшує деякі завдання перезавантаження, такі як зміна мови.", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "Увімкнути вибіркове завантаження ресурсів", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Коли увімкнено, NeoForge покаже всі попередження, що сталися під час завантаження.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Повні області колізії з драбиною", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\", для повної перевірки колізії сутностей з драбинами, замість просто блоку, в якому вони знаходяться. Спричиняє помітні відмінності в механіці, тому за замовчуванням використовується ванільна поведінка. За замовчуванням: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Записувати старі мітки", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "Параметр конфігурації в основному для розробників. Виводить модифіковані теги, що використовують простір імен 'forge' при запуску на інтегрованому сервері. За замовчуванням DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Записувати неперекладені ключі конфігурації", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "Параметр конфігурації в основному для розробників. Виводить значення конфігурації, що не мають перекладу, під час запуску клієнта в середовищі розробки.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Записувати неперекладені теги предметів", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "Налаштування в основному для розробників. Виводить модифіковані теґи об'єктів, що не мають перекладів, під час запуску на інтегрованому сервері. Формат бажаного — tag.item.. для ключа перекладу. За замовчуванням — SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Менеджер дозволів", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "Менеджер дозволів, що використовує сервер. За замовчуванням neoforge:default_handler, коли такого обробника не зареєстровано з таким іменем.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Видалити блок-сутності, які викликають помилки", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Встановіть значення \"true\", для видалення будь-якого об'єкта, що спричиняє помилки в методі оновлення, замість закриття сервера та створення журналу про аварію.\n\n", + { + "text": "УВАГА: ЦЕ МОЖЕ ПОШКОДИТИ ВСЕ.\nВИКОРИСТОВУЙТЕ ОБЕРЕЖНО.\nМИ НЕ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІ ЗА ПОШКОДЖЕННЯ.", + "color": "червоний", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Видалити сутності, які викликають помилки", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Встановіть значення \"true\", для видалення будь-якого блок-сутності, що спричиняє помилки в методі оновлення, замість закриття сервера та створення журналу про аварію.\n\n", + { + "text": "УВАГА: ЦЕ МОЖЕ ПОШКОДИТИ ВСЕ.\nВИКОРИСТОВУЙТЕ ОБЕРЕЖНО.\nМИ НЕ ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНІ ЗА ПОШКОДЖЕННЯ.", + "color": "червоний", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Показувати попередження при завантаженні", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\", щоб вимкнути механіку перевірки версій NeoForge. NeoForge запитує маленький json файл на нашому сервері для отримання інформації про версії. Для більш детальної інформації дивіться клас ForgeVersion у нашому GitHub.", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "Вимкнути перевірку версій NeoForge", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\" для кешування списки ресурсів в наборах ресурсів та даних", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "Кешувати доступ до пакетів", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\" для індексування ванільних пакетів ресурсів та даних в потоці", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "Індексувати ванільні пакети ресурсів в потоці", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\" для індексування наборів ресурсів і пакетів даних у потоці", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "Індексувати пакет ресурсів модів у потоці", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "Коли увімкнено, NeoForge покаже всі попередження, що сталися під час завантаження.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Використовувати комбінований атрибут DEPTH_STENCIL", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Встановіть значення \"true\", щоб використовувати комбінований атрибут DEPTH_STENCIL замість двох окремих.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Не вдалося опрацювати допоміжні дані для освітлення чанку %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Не вдалося опрацювати синхронізацію реєстрових мап даних для реєстру %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Не вдається приєднатися до сервера, оскільки на клієнті відсутні обов'язкові мапи даних реєстру: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Не вдається приєднатися до сервера, оскільки присутні обов'язкові мапи даних реєстру, що відсутні на клієнті: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Не вдається приєднатися до сервера, оскільки присутні обов'язкові мапи даних реєстру, що відсутні на клієнті: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "Цей клієнт не підтримує ванільні сервери, тому що він має розширені значення enum, що використовуються у роботі з серверами", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "Набір значень розширюваних enum, на клієнті й сервері не збігаються. Переконайтеся, що ви використовуєте однакові версії NeoForge", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "Набір значень, що додаються до розширюваних enum, на клієнті й сервері не збігаються. Переконайтеся, що ви використовуєте однакові версії моду і NeoForge. Дивіться журнал для додаткової інформації" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/vi_vn.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/vi_vn.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a4f682f2b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/vi_vn.json @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ +{ + "fml.menu.mods": "Mods", + "fml.menu.mods.title": "Mods", + "fml.menu.mods.normal": "Off", + "fml.menu.mods.search": "Search", + "fml.menu.mods.a_to_z": "A-Z", + "fml.menu.mods.z_to_a": "Z-A", + "fml.menu.mods.config": "Config", + "fml.menu.mods.openmodsfolder": "Open mods folder", + "fml.menu.modoptions": "Mod Options...", + "fml.menu.mods.info.version": "Version: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.idstate": "ModID: %1$s State: {1,lower}", + "fml.menu.mods.info.credits": "Credits: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.authors": "Authors: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.displayurl": "Homepage: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.license": "License: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.securejardisabled": "Secure mod features disabled, update JDK", + "fml.menu.mods.info.signature": "Signature: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.signature.unsigned": "UNSIGNED", + "fml.menu.mods.info.trust": "Trust: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.trust.noauthority": "None", + "fml.menu.mods.info.nochildmods": "No child mods found", + "fml.menu.mods.info.childmods": "Child mods: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.updateavailable": "Update available: %1$s", + "fml.menu.mods.info.changelogheader": "Changelog:", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.compatible": "Compatible FML modded server\n{0,choice,1#1 mod|1<%1$s mods} present", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.incompatible": "Incompatible FML modded server", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.incompatible.extra": "Incompatible FML modded server\n%1$s", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.truncated": "Data may be inaccurate due to protocol size limits.", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.vanilla": "Vanilla server", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.vanilla.incompatible": "Incompatible Vanilla server", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.unknown": "Unknown server %1$s", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.serveroutdated": "NeoForge server network version is outdated", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.clientoutdated": "NeoForge client network version is outdated", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.extraservermods": "Server has additional mods that may be needed on the client", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.modsincompatible": "Server mod list is not compatible", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.networkincompatible": "Server network message list is not compatible", + "fml.menu.multiplayer.missingdatapackregistries": "Missing required datapack registries: %1$s", + "fml.menu.branding": "%s (%s mods)", + "fml.menu.notification.title": "Startup Notification", + "fml.menu.accessdenied.title": "Server Access Denied", + "fml.menu.accessdenied.message": "Fancy Mod Loader could not connect to this server\nThe server %1$s has forbidden modded access", + "fml.menu.backupfailed.title": "Backup Failed", + "fml.menu.backupfailed.message": "There was an error saving the archive %1$s\nPlease fix the problem and try again", + "fml.button.open.file": "Open %1$s", + "fml.button.open.log": "Open log file", + "fml.button.open.crashreport": "Open crash report", + "fml.button.open.mods.folder": "Open Mods Folder", + "fml.button.continue.launch": "Proceed to main menu", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.client": "Your client is missing the following mods, install these mods to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.missingmods.server": "The server is missing the following mods, remove these mods from your client to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.mismatchedmods": "The following mod versions do not match, install the same version of these mods that the server has to join this server:", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.channelname": "Channel name", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youneed": "You need", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.youhave": "You have", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.serverhas": "Server has", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.additional": "[%1$s additional, see latest.log for the full list]", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.homepage": "Click to get to the homepage of this mod", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.reason": "Reason", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.table.visit.mod_page": "Open the mod page of the mod that registers the channel: %s", + "fml.modmismatchscreen.simplifiedview": "Simplified view", + "fml.resources.modresources": "Resources for %1$s mod files", + "fml.resources.moddata": "Data for %1$s mod files", + "loadwarning.neoforge.prbuild": "This build of NeoForge was created by a community member and is thus §c§lUNSUPPORTED§r", + "commands.neoforge.arguments.enum.invalid": "Enum constant must be one of %1$s, found %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.dimensions.list": "Currently registered dimensions by type:", + "commands.neoforge.dump.success": "New file created with %s registry's contents is at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.failure": "Failed to create new file with %s registry's contents at %s", + "commands.neoforge.dump.error.unknown_registry": "Unknown registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalid": "Invalid filter, does not match any entities. Use /neoforge entity list for a proper list", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.invalidworld": "Could not load world for dimension %1$s. Please select a valid dimension.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.none": "No entities found.", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.single.header": "Entity: %1$s Total: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.entity.list.multiple.header": "Total: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.entity": "The entity selected (%1$s) is not valid.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.dim": "The dimension ID specified (%1$s) is not valid.", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.invalid.nochange": "The entity selected (%1$s) is already in the dimension specified (%2$s).", + "commands.neoforge.setdim.deprecated": "This command is deprecated for removal in 1.17, use %s instead.", + "commands.neoforge.tps.invalid": "Invalid dimension %1$s Possible values: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.all": "Overall: Mean tick time: %1$s ms. Mean TPS: %2$s", + "commands.neoforge.mods.list": "Mod List: %1$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.basic": "Dim %1$s: Mean tick time: %2$s ms. Mean TPS: %3$s", + "commands.neoforge.tps.summary.named": "Dim %1$s (%2$s): Mean tick time: %3$s ms. Mean TPS: %4$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.enabled": "Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.entity.reset": "Entity timings data has been cleared!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.invalid": "Invalid tracking data.", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.be.enabled": "Block Entity tracking enabled for %d seconds.", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.be.reset": "Block entity timings data has been cleared!", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.timing_entry": "%1$s - %2$s [%3$s, %4$s, %5$s]: %6$s", + "commands.neoforge.tracking.no_data": "No data has been recorded yet.", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_registry": "Unknown registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_tag": "Unknown tag '%s' in registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.error.unknown_element": "Unknown element '%s' in registry '%s'", + "commands.neoforge.tags.registry_key": "%s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_count": "Tags: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_tag_names": "Click to copy all tag names to clipboard", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element_count": "Elements: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.copy_element_names": "Click to copy all element names to clipboard", + "commands.neoforge.tags.tag_key": "%s / %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.containing_tag_count": "Containing tags: %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.element": "%s : %s", + "commands.neoforge.tags.page_info": "%s ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_title": "Generating chunks...", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_progress": "Generating %1$s chunks - ", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.progress_bar_errors": "(%1$s errors!)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.already_running": "Generation already running. Please execute '/neoforge generate stop' first and then you can start a new generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.started": "Generating %1$s chunks, in an area of %2$sx%3$s chunks (%4$sx%5$s blocks).", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.success": "Generation Done!", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.error": "Generation experienced %1$s errors! Check the log for more information.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.stopped": "Generation stopped! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "No pregeneration currently running. Run `/neoforge generate help` to see commands for starting generation.", + "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- Generates a square centered on the given position that is chunkRadius * 2 on each side.\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- Stops the current generation and displays progress that it had completed.\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- Displays the progress completed for the currently running generation.\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- Displays this message.\nGeneral tips: If running from a server console, you can run generate in different dimensions by using /execute in neoforge generate...", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.config.getwithtype": "Config for %s of type %s found at %s", + "commands.config.noconfig": "Config for %s of type %s not found", + "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%sWARNING: %sNeoForge Beta", + "neoforge.update.beta.2": "Major issues may arise, verify before reporting.", + "neoforge.update.newversion": "New NeoForge version available: %s", + "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "Mod Update", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "Enable the NeoForge block rendering pipeline - fixes the lighting of custom models.", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "Full Bounding Box Ladders", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "Set this to true to check the entire entity's collision bounding box for ladders instead of just the block they are in. Causes noticeable differences in mechanics so default is vanilla behavior. Default: false.", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "Remove Erroring Block Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "Remove Erroring Entities", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "Show Load Warnings", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "When enabled, NeoForge will show any warnings that occurred during loading.", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", + "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", + "neoforge.controlsgui.alt": "ALT + %s", + "neoforge.container.enchant.limitedEnchantability": "Limited Enchantability", + "neoforge.swim_speed": "Swim Speed", + "neoforge.name_tag_distance": "Nametag Render Distance", + "neoforge.creative_flight": "Creative Flight", + "fluid_type.minecraft.milk": "Milk", + "fluid_type.minecraft.flowing_milk": "Milk", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.title": "NeoForge snapshots notice", + "neoforge.froge.warningScreen.text": "Froge is not officially supported. Bugs and instability are expected.", + "neoforge.froge.supportWarning": "WARNING: Froge is not supported by NeoForge", + "neoforge.gui.exit": "Exit", + "neoforge.experimentalsettings.tooltip": "This world uses experimental settings, which could stop working at any time.", + "neoforge.selectWorld.backupWarning.experimental.additional": "This message will not show again for this world.", + "neoforge.chatType.system": "%1$s", + "pack.neoforge.description": "NeoForge data/resource pack", + "pack.neoforge.source.child": "child", + "neoforge.network.negotiation.failure.mod": "Channel of mod \"%1$s\" failed to connect: %2$s", + "neoforge.network.negotiation.failure.missing.client.server": "This channel is missing on the server side, but required on the client!", + "neoforge.network.negotiation.failure.missing.server.client": "This channel is missing on the client side, but required on the server!", + "neoforge.network.negotiation.failure.flow.client.missing": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server does not support it!", + "neoforge.network.negotiation.failure.flow.server.missing": "The server wants the payload to flow: %s, but the client does not support it!", + "neoforge.network.negotiation.failure.flow.client.mismatch": "The client wants the payload to flow: %s, but the server wants it to flow: %s!", + "neoforge.network.negotiation.failure.flow.server.mismatch": "The server wants the payload to flow: %s, but the client wants it to flow: %s!", + "neoforge.network.negotiation.failure.version.client.missing": "The client wants the payload to be version: %s, but the server does not support it!", + "neoforge.network.negotiation.failure.version.server.missing": "The server wants the payload to be version: %s, but the client does not support it!", + "neoforge.network.negotiation.failure.version.mismatch": "The client wants the payload to be version: %s, but the server wants it to be version: %s!", + "neoforge.network.invalid_flow": "Failed to process a payload that was send with an invalid flow: %s", + "neoforge.network.negotiation.failure.vanilla.client.not_supported": "You are trying to connect to a server that is running NeoForge, but you are not. Please install NeoForge Version: %s to connect to this server.", + "neoforge.network.negotiation.failure.vanilla.server.not_supported": "You are trying to connect to a server that is not running NeoForge, but you have mods that require it. A connection could not be established.", + "neoforge.network.packet_splitter.unknown": "Tried to split a packet without packet splitter!", + "neoforge.network.advanced_add_entity.failed": "Failed to process advanced entity spawn data: %s", + "neoforge.network.advanced_open_screen.failed": "Failed to open a screen with advanced data: %s", + "neoforge.network.registries.sync.missing": "Not all expected registries were received from the server! (missing: %s)", + "neoforge.network.registries.sync.server-with-unknown-keys": "The server send registries with unknown keys: %s", + "neoforge.network.registries.sync.failed": "Failed to sync registries from the server: %s", + "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "Failed to handle auxiliary light data for chunk %s: %s", + "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "Failed to handle registry data map sync for registry %s: %s", + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "Cannot connect to server as it is missing mandatory registry data maps present on the client: %s", + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "Cannot connect to server as it has mandatory registry data maps not present on the client: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_cn.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_cn.json index bf7eb6cee7..cc42f35da3 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_cn.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_cn.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "无进行中的预生成。运行 `/neoforge generate help` 以查看开始生成的命令。", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- 生成一个以给定坐标为中心的、边长为 chunkRadius * 2 的正方形。\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- 停止当前生成,显示完成进度。\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- 显示当前生成的完成进度。\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- 显示此消息\n通用提示:如果从服务器控制台执行,可以通过 '/execute in neoforge generate...' 在特定维度执行。", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "%s 类型 %s 的配置在 %s 发现", "commands.config.noconfig": "未发现 %s(类型为 %s)的配置", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%s警告:%s NeoForge 为测试版", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "可能会出现重大问题,请在报告之前进行核实。", "neoforge.update.newversion": "新版本 NeoForge 可用:%s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "模组更新", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "将此项设置为 true,以删除任何在其 update 方法中抛出异常的实体,而不是关闭服务器和报告崩溃日志。 警告:这可能损坏一切,请谨慎使用,我们不对可能造成的损失负任何责任。", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "删除错误实体", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "将此项设置为 true,以删除任何在其 update 方法中抛出异常的方块实体,而不是关闭服务器和报告崩溃日志。 警告:这可能损坏一切,请谨慎使用,我们不对可能造成的损失负任何责任。", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "删除错误方块实体", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "将此项设置为true,以使梯子检查整个实体的碰撞箱,而不仅仅是它们所处的方块。这将导致明显的机制差异,因此默认使用原版行为。默认:false。", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "梯子使用完整实体碰撞箱", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "记录地形生成中的连锁生成问题。", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "记录连锁世界生成", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "修复原版中导致连锁世界生成的问题。这将改变原版世界生成,因此启用此项时请不要报告与世界差异相关的错误。", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "修复原版连锁生成", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "服务器等待某维度排队卸载时的延迟,以游戏刻为单位。 当快速加载和卸载维度时,这可能是有用的,例如每秒通过下界传送门扔物品。", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "卸载维度时的延迟", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "控制 Packet51 优先于 Packet52 的阈值,默认和最小为 64,最大为 1024。", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "数据包克隆阈值", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "原版将把合成配方中的空标签视为空气,并允许您在合成时在对应的栏位中不使用任何物品。 此项会更改空标签对应的物品为屏障,以防止在合成中使用空气。", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "将空标签视为空气", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "在无序配方反序列化过程中跳过检查原材料是否为空,以防止复杂的原材料过早缓存标签。", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "跳过无须配方反序列化中的空成分检查", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "强制使用 System.nanoTime 而不是 glfwGetTime 为主要客户端提供时间。", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "强制使用 System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "切换关闭以使界面中缺失的模型文本适合于格子内。", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "放大图形界面中缺少的模型文本", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "启用上传云几何图形到 GPU 以便更快渲染。", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "使用 NeoForge 云渲染器", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "禁用剔除楼梯和台阶旁边的隐藏面。这会造成额外的渲染,但可能会修复一些会导致原版机制出错的资源包。", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "禁用楼梯/台阶剔除", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "启用以让 NeoForge 将所有区块更新移动到专门的线程。\n可能显著提升 FPS,但同时也可能导致奇怪的渲染延迟。\n只推荐在处理器核心足够的电脑上启用。", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "强制线程化区块渲染", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "启用 NeoForge 方块渲染管线 - 修复自定义模型的光照问题。", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge 光照渲染管线启用", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "启用时,会进行特定的重新加载任务,例如更快地更改语言。", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "启用选择性资源加载", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "如果启用,NeoForge 将显示加载过程中出现的任何警告。", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "梯子使用完整实体碰撞箱", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "将此项设置为true,以使梯子检查整个实体的碰撞箱,而不仅仅是它们所处的方块。这将导致明显的机制差异,因此默认使用原版行为。默认:false。", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "删除错误方块实体", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "删除错误实体", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "显示加载警告", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "设置为 true 以禁用 NeoForge 版本检查机制。NeoForge 在我们的服务器上查询一个小 json 文件以获取版本信息。欲了解更多详情,请参阅我们 GitHub 中的 ForgeVersion 类。", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "禁用 NeoForge 版本检查", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "设置为 true 以缓存资源包和数据包中的资源列表", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "缓存包访问", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "设置为 true 以在线程上索引原版资源包和数据包", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "在线程上索引原版资源包", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "设置为 true 以在线程上索引模组资源包和数据包", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "在线程上索引模组资源包", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "如果启用,NeoForge 将显示加载过程中出现的任何警告。", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "无法处理区块 %s 的辅助光线数据:%s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "处理注册表数据映射同步失败 %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "无法连接至服务器,因为客户端缺少必要的注册表数据映射:%s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "无法连接至服务器,因为客户端上不存在必要的注册表数据映射:%s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "无法连接至服务器,因为客户端上不存在必要的注册表数据映射:%s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json index f7589145c0..665a99db37 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/neoforge/lang/zh_hk.json @@ -111,54 +111,149 @@ "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.status": "Generation status! %1$s out of %2$s chunks generated. (%3$s%%)", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.not_running": "沒有正在進行的預生成。執行 `/neoforge generate help` 以查看開始生成的指令。", "commands.neoforge.chunkgen.help_line": "§2/neoforge generate start [progressBar] §r§f- 生成一個以指定座標為中心、邊長為 chunkRadius * 2 的正方形。\n§2/neoforge generate stop §r§f- 停止目前生成,並顯示已完成的進度。\n§2/neoforge generate status §r- 顯示目前生成的完成進度。\n§2/neoforge generate help §r- 顯示這則訊息\n一般提示: 如果從伺服器控制台執行,可以使用 /execute in neoforge generate... 在不同維度進行生成。", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query": "Time in %s flows at a rate of %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.query.default": "Time in %s flows normally (20 minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set": "Set flow of time in %s to %sx (%s minutes per day).", + "commands.neoforge.timespeed.set.default": "Set flow of time in %s to default (20 minutes per day).", "commands.config.getwithtype": "%s 類型 %s 的配置在 %s 發現", "commands.config.noconfig": "%s 類型 %s 的配置未發現", "neoforge.update.beta.1": "%s警告:%s NeoForge 為測試版", "neoforge.update.beta.2": "可能會出現重大問題,請在回報問題之前進行核實。", "neoforge.update.newversion": "最新 NeoForge 版本可用:%s", "neoforge.menu.updatescreen.title": "模組更新", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": "將此設為 true,以刪除任何在「update」方法中發生錯誤的實體,而不是關閉伺服器和回報崩潰報告。 請謹慎使用,這可能會導致一些問題。使用時應謹慎,我們不對任何損害負責。", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "移除錯誤實體", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": "將此設定為 true,以刪除任何在「update」方法中出現錯誤的方塊實體,而不是關閉伺服器和回報崩潰報告。請謹慎使用,這可能會導致一些問題。使用時應謹慎,我們不對任何損害負責。", - "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "移除錯誤方塊實體", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "將此設為 true 可以檢查整個實體的碰撞邊界框以尋找梯子,而不僅僅是它們所在的方塊。這會導致遊戲機制有明顯的不同,因此預設值是遵循原版的遊戲行為。預設值:false。", - "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "全邊界框梯子", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration.tooltip": "記錄地形填充過程中的連鎖區塊生成問題。", - "neoforge.configgui.logCascadingWorldGeneration": "記錄連鎖世界生成", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading.tooltip": "修復導致世界重複生成的原版問題。這會改變原版世界生成。若啟用,請不要回報與世界差異相關的錯誤。", - "neoforge.configgui.fixVanillaCascading": "修複原版連鎖生成", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay.tooltip": "伺服器在維度排隊卸載時的等待時間,以刻為單位。當快速載入和卸載維度時,例如每秒使用地獄傳送門丟出物品,這可能會很有用。", - "neoforge.configgui.dimensionUnloadQueueDelay": "卸載維度時的延遲", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold.tooltip": "控制 Packet51 優先於 Packet52,預設值和最小值為 64,最多為 1024。", - "neoforge.configgui.clumpingThreshold": "封包聚合閾值", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir.tooltip": "原版會將使用空標籤的製作配方視為空氣,允許你在此欄位不放置任何物品進行製作。這會將空標籤變更為使用屏障作為物品,以防止使用空氣進行製作。", - "neoforge.configgui.treatEmptyTagsAsAir": "將空標籤視為空氣", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck.tooltip": "在無序配方反序列化過程中跳過檢查成分是否為空,以防止複雜成分過早快取標籤。", - "neoforge.configgui.skipEmptyShapelessCheck": "跳過無須配方反序列化中的空成分檢查", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime.tooltip": "強制使用 System.nanoTime 而非 glfwGetTime 作為主要用戶端提供時間。", - "neoforge.configgui.forceSystemNanoTime": "強制使用 System.nanoTime", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui.tooltip": "關閉使介面中遺失的模型文字適應於欄位中。", - "neoforge.configgui.zoomInMissingModelTextInGui": "放大介面中缺少的模型文字", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled.tooltip": "啟用將雲幾何圖形上傳到 GPU 以加快繪製速度。", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeCloudsEnabled": "使用 NeoForge 雲渲染器", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling.tooltip": "停用剔除階梯和半磚旁邊的隱藏面。造成額外的繪製,但可能會修復一些會導致原版機制出錯的資源包。", - "neoforge.configgui.disableStairSlabCulling": "停用階梯/半磚剔除", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread.tooltip": "啟用 NeoForge 以將所有方塊更新排入方塊更新執行緒。\n這可能會大幅提高 FPS,但也可能導致奇怪的繪製延遲。\n不建議在核心數量不足的電腦上使用。", - "neoforge.configgui.alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread": "強制使用執行緒區塊繪製", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title": "%s Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.client": "Client Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.server": "Server Settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.common": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.type.startup": "Startup settings", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.client": "%s Client Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.server": "%s Server Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.common": "%s Common Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.title.startup": "%s Startup Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notonline": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are determined by the server and cannot be changed while online.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notlan": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here cannot be editied while your game is open to LAN. Please return to the main menu and load the world again.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.notloaded": [ + { + "text": "Settings in here are are ony available while a world is loaded.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.unsupportedelement": [ + { + "text": "This value cannot be edited in the UI. Please contact the mod author about providing a custom UI for it.", + "color": "red" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.section": "%s...", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.sectiontext": "Edit", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.breadcrumb": [ + { + "index": 0 + }, + { + "text": " > ", + "color": "gold", + "bold": true + }, + { + "index": 1 + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelement": "%s:", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo": "Undo", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.undo.tooltip": "Reverts changes on this screen only.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset": "Reset", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.reset.tooltip": "Reverts everything on this screen to its default value.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.newlistelement": "+", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementup": "⏶", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementdown": "⏷", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.listelementremove": "❌", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.rangetooltip": [ + { + "text": "\n\nRange: ", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.filenametooltip": [ + { + "text": "File: \"", + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "index": 0, + "color": "gray" + }, + { + "text": "\"", + "color": "gray" + } + ], + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.common": "Common Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.client": "Client Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.server": "Server Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.startup": "Startup Options", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.title": "Minecraft needs to be restarted", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.game.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when the game is started.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.title": "World needs to be reloaded", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.server.text": "One or more of the configuration option that were changed only take effect when a world is started or loaded.", + "neoforge.configuration.uitext.restart.return": "Not yet...", + "neoforge.configuration.title": "NeoForge Configuration", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.client.toml.title": "Client settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.common.toml.title": "Common settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configuration.section.neoforge.server.toml.title": "Server settings", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan": "Advertise Dedicated Server To LAN", + "neoforge.configgui.advertiseDedicatedServerToLan.tooltip": "Set this to true to enable advertising the dedicated server to local LAN clients so that it shows up in the Multiplayer screen automatically.", + "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge Light Pipeline", "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled.tooltip": "啟用 NeoForge 方塊繪製管線 - 修復自訂模型的光照問題。", - "neoforge.configgui.forgeLightPipelineEnabled": "NeoForge 光照繪製管線已啟用", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled.tooltip": "若啟用,會進行特定的重新載入任務,例如更快地變更語言。", - "neoforge.configgui.selectiveResourceReloadEnabled": "啟用選擇性資源載入", - "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "若啟用,NeoForge 將顯示在載入過程中發生的任何警告。", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders": "全邊界框梯子", + "neoforge.configgui.fullBoundingBoxLadders.tooltip": "將此設為 true 可以檢查整個實體的碰撞邊界框以尋找梯子,而不僅僅是它們所在的方塊。這會導致遊戲機制有明顯的不同,因此預設值是遵循原版的遊戲行為。預設值:false。", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings": "Log Legacy Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logLegacyTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded tags that are using the 'forge' namespace when running on integrated server. Defaults to DEV_SHORT.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings": "Log Untranslated Configuration Keys", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedConfigurationWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out configuration values that do not have translations when running a client in a development environment.", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings": "Log Untranslated Item Tags", + "neoforge.configgui.logUntranslatedItemTagWarnings.tooltip": "A config option mainly for developers. Logs out modded item tags that do not have translations when running on integrated server. Format desired is tag.item.. for the translation key. Defaults to SILENCED.", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler": "Permission Handler", + "neoforge.configgui.permissionHandler.tooltip": "The permission handler used by the server. Defaults to neoforge:default_handler if no such handler with that name is registered.", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities": "移除錯誤方塊實體", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringBlockEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any Entity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities": "移除錯誤實體", + "neoforge.configgui.removeErroringEntities.tooltip": [ + "Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log.\n\n", + { + "text": "BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING.\nUSE SPARINGLY.\nWE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.", + "color": "red", + "bold": true + } + ], "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings": "顯示加載警告", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck.tooltip": "設為 true 以停用 NeoForge 版本檢查機制。NeoForge 會向我們伺服器查詢一個小型 JSON 檔案以取得版本資訊。詳細內容請參閱我們 GitHub 上的 ForgeVersion 類別。", - "neoforge.configgui.disableVersionCheck": "停用 NeoForge 版本檢查", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess.tooltip": "設為 true 以快取資源包和資料包中的資源清單", - "neoforge.configgui.cachePackAccess": "快取資源或資料包存取", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "設為 true 以在執行緒上索引原版資源和資料包。", - "neoforge.configgui.indexVanillaPackCachesOnThread": "在執行緒上索引原版資源包", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread.tooltip": "設為 true 以使用執行緒上索引模組資源包和資料包", - "neoforge.configgui.indexModPackCachesOnThread": "在執行緒上索引模組資源包", + "neoforge.configgui.showLoadWarnings.tooltip": "若啟用,NeoForge 將顯示在載入過程中發生的任何警告。", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment": "Use combined DEPTH_STENCIL Attachment", + "neoforge.configgui.useCombinedDepthStencilAttachment.tooltip": "Set to true to use a combined DEPTH_STENCIL attachment instead of two separate ones.", "neoforge.controlsgui.shift": "SHIFT + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control": "CTRL + %s", "neoforge.controlsgui.control.mac": "CMD + %s", @@ -200,5 +295,8 @@ "neoforge.network.aux_light_data.failed": "無法處理區塊 %s 的輔助光線資料:%s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.failed": "註冊表數據映射同步處理失敗 %s: %s", "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_our": "無法連接服務器,因為缺少用戶端上存在的強制註冊表數據映射: %s", - "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "無法連接服務器,因為服務器上有用戶端不存在的強制註冊表數據映射: %s" + "neoforge.network.data_maps.missing_their": "無法連接服務器,因為服務器上有用戶端不存在的強制註冊表數據映射: %s", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.no_vanilla_server": "This client does not support vanilla servers as it has extended enums used in serverbound networking", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_set_mismatch": "The set of extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same NeoForge version as the server", + "neoforge.network.extensible_enums.enum_entry_mismatch": "The set of values added to extensible enums on the client and server do not match. Make sure you are using the same mod and NeoForge versions as the server. See the log for more details" }