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GCE&AWS: Custom Instance Type

Amos Kong edited this page Sep 24, 2017 · 1 revision

GCE and AWS provides many predefined instance types,it's satisfied for most of case. But we have request to use custom vcpu and memory.

AWS custom instance type

It seems AWS doesn't support custom instance type.

GCE custom instance type description

We assign predefined instance type in configure file (eg: gce_instance_type_db: 'n1-highmem-16').

We can also directly assign the custom instance type string in configure file (eg: gce_instance_type_db: 'custom-1-8000-ext'):

  • custom-NUMBER_OF_CPUS-AMOUNT_OF_MEMORY (eg: custom-1-1024)
    • Memory should be a multiple of 256M
    • Memory size for a 1 vCPU instance must be between 1024MiB and 6656MiB
  • custom-NUMBER_OF_CPUS-AMOUNT_OF_MEMORY-ext (eg: custom-1-8000-ext)
    • it uses extended cpu/memory, so less limitation

Idea of add interface/parameters: (not implemented)

Current parameters: 
gce_instance_type_db: 'n1-highmem-16'
gce_instance_type_loader: 'n1-standard-2'
gce_instance_type_monitor: 'n1-standard-1'

Current parameters: 
gce_instance_type_db: 'custom-8-100000-ext'
gce_instance_type_loader: 'n1-standard-2'
gce_instance_type_monitor: 'n1-standard-1'

New parameters: (support db, loader, monitor)
gce_instance_type_cpu_db: '8'
gce_instance_type_mem_db: '100000'
gce_instance_type_cpu_loader: '2'
gce_instance_type_mem_loader: '20000'
gce_instance_type_cpu_monitor: '1'
gce_instance_type_mem_monitor: '4096'

New simple parameters: (only support db nodes)
gce_instance_type_cpu_db: '8'
gce_instance_type_mem_db: '100000'
gce_instance_type_loader: 'n1-standard-2'
gce_instance_type_monitor: 'n1-standard-1'

Reference docs: