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In this article we will do a walk through of how to use Redis Cache from a .NET Core Serverless HTTP function. Redis is a very powerful caching engine and offers features beyond simple key-value pair caching. In this article, I will restrict my focus to the following topics:

  • Installing Redis locally and on Azure
  • Using the command line tools of Redis
  • Scripting the installation of Azure Redis via PowerShell and ARM templates
  • Writing some sample C# code to demonstrate the key-value pair caching aspect of Redis using a sample Azure HTTP trigger function
  • Benchmarking the latency and throughput of Redis using simple C# client code

What is a distributed cache?

to be done. Talk about the needs for a cache Scalability Database bottle necks Repeated read and round trips

<<a picture would be good, show some web servers, a DB, a memory cache>> Look at Wikipedia for definitions

What is not a distributed cache?

to be done

Talk about earliest versions of caching (ASP.NET)

Example application scenarios where a distributed cache helps

Scenarios where caching is not always helpful

to be done , repetitive access of the same data items.

A bief history of caching in the Microsoft world

to be done

  • ASP.NET Cache
  • Session state server
  • Microsoft Appfabric
  • Third party products like NCache, Memcached and Redis

ASP.NET Framework Cache

to be done (talk about serialization, page caching, session state caching)


to be done

Microsoft AppFabric

to be done


to be done

Using Redis for local development

to be done

Installing Redis locally on Windows

  • Where to install Windows binaries? Redis server sets up a TCP/IP server. The Redis server can be run as follows
  • Open a CMD prompt
  • Navigate to the folder where the redis-server.exe was extracted
  • You should see a file redis.conf in this folder
  • The port number is specified in this (Usually 6379)
  • Launch redis server with the following command

The log messages on the console will help affirming the actual port number

[36388] 31 May 22:07:17 * The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379

Redis command line client

How to launch?

redis-cli.exe -h localhost -p 6379

List all keys

 redis localhost:6379> keys * 

39) "foo:rand:000000000016"
40) "foo:rand:000000000017"
41) "foo:rand:000000000018"
42) "foo:rand:000000000019"
43) "mykey-f9d21bca-48f6-4cf8-b68d-1652b9533633"
44) "mykey-43d5b08a-5b60-4c72-8820-dcb6f6372b4b"

Delete a specific key

redis localhost:6379> del mykey-0001 

Delete all keys

redis localhost:6379> flushall

C# client application - Programming with StackExchange general purpose client

Install-Package StackExchange.Redis

C# client application - Programming with IDistributedCache

Dependency injection

Is it compulsory to intall Redis server locally?

Getting started with Redis on Azure

Creating a Redis cache using the Portal

Creating a Redis cache using PowerShell

Redis ARM templates on Github

Connection string

Benchmarking Redis performance

TODO Talk about redis-benchmark.exe tool

Further reading


Advanced features of Redis not discussed here

to be done. A short bulleted list


Managing Redis using PowerShell Caveat about Premium edition

How to reboot Redis? Reset-AzRedisCache

How to flush the cache using CI/CD Azure Devops?

You are releasing a new build and you want to clear any items that are held in the cache. See Redis Cache Utils Task on Azure Devops

Redis port on Microsoft Windows Look for the Releases section

Notes to myself

Command line

redis-cli.exe -h -p 6379 -a "nXz4LEnKPzlYZsIJpmThr29Yzg6J5L6pfih+q4XlDSg=" redis-benchmark.exe -h -p 6379 -a "nXz4LEnKPzlYZsIJpmThr29Yzg6J5L6pfih+q4XlDSg=" -d 2000 -c 5 -n 5000

Challenges with Redis ARM deployment

Azure/azure-quickstart-templates#7608 Azure/azure-quickstart-templates#7609