Description of a region of a cloud provider.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
kind | str | Indicates the type of this object. Will be 'CloudRegion' if this is a complete object or 'CloudRegionLink' if it is just a link. | [optional] |
id | str | Unique identifier of the object. | [optional] |
href | str | Self link. | [optional] |
ccs_only | bool | 'true' if the region is supported only for CCS clusters, 'false' otherwise. | [optional] |
kms_location_id | str | (GCP only) Comma-separated list of KMS location IDs that can be used with this region. E.g. "global,nam4,us". Order is not guaranteed. | [optional] |
kms_location_name | str | (GCP only) Comma-separated list of display names corresponding to KMSLocationID. E.g. "Global,nam4 (Iowa, South Carolina, and Oklahoma),US". Order is not guaranteed but will match KMSLocationID. Unfortunately, this API doesn't allow robust splitting - Contact [email protected] if you want to rely on this. | [optional] |
cloud_provider | CloudProvider | [optional] | |
display_name | str | Name of the region for display purposes, for example `N. Virginia`. | [optional] |
enabled | bool | Whether the region is enabled for deploying a managed cluster. | [optional] |
govcloud | bool | Whether the region is an AWS GovCloud region. | [optional] |
name | str | Human friendly identifier of the region, for example `us-east-1`. NOTE: Currently for all cloud providers and all regions `id` and `name` have exactly the same values. | [optional] |
supports_hypershift | bool | 'true' if the region is supported for Hypershift deployments, 'false' otherwise. | [optional] |
supports_multi_az | bool | Whether the region supports multiple availability zones. | [optional] |