Name | Type | Description | Notes |
aws_account_id | str | The AWS Account Id for the STS Account Roles | [optional] |
items | list[AWSSTSAccountRole] | Retrieved list of STS Account Roles | [optional] |
page | int | Index of the returned page, where one corresponds to the first page. As this collection doesn't support paging the result will always be `1`. | [optional] |
size | int | Number of items that will be contained in the returned page. As this collection doesn't support paging or searching the result will always be the total number of be the total number of STS account roles. | [optional] |
total | int | Total number of items of the collection that match the search criteria, regardless of the size of the page. As this collection doesn't support paging or searching the result will always be the total number of STS account roles | [optional] |