Contains the necessary attributes to support oidc configuration hosting under Red Hat or registering a Customer's byo oidc config.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
href | str | HREF for the oidc config, filled in response. | [optional] |
id | str | ID for the oidc config, filled in response. | [optional] |
creation_timestamp | datetime | Creation timestamp, filled in response. | [optional] |
installer_role_arn | str | ARN of the AWS role to assume when installing the cluster as to reveal the secret, supplied in request. It is only to be used in Unmanaged Oidc Config. | [optional] |
issuer_url | str | Issuer URL, filled in response when Managed and supplied in Unmanaged. | [optional] |
last_update_timestamp | datetime | Last update timestamp, filled when patching a valid attribute of this oidc config. | [optional] |
last_used_timestamp | datetime | Last used timestamp, filled by the latest cluster that used this oidc config. | [optional] |
managed | bool | Indicates whether it is Managed or Unmanaged (Customer hosted). | [optional] |
organization_id | str | Organization ID, filled in response respecting token provided. | [optional] |
reusable | bool | Indicates whether the Oidc Config can be reused. | [optional] |
secret_arn | str | Secrets Manager ARN for the OIDC private key, supplied in request. It is only to be used in Unmanaged Oidc Config. | [optional] |