diff --git a/bin/run_PyXCSAO.py b/bin/run_PyXCSAO.py
index a46a5b16..c8a43d6a 100755
--- a/bin/run_PyXCSAO.py
+++ b/bin/run_PyXCSAO.py
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ def get_fiber(flux, PlugMap, hdr, i):
+ if 'FIBERID_LIST' in PlugMap.colnames:
+ meta['FIBERID_LIST']=PlugMap['FIBERID_LIST'][i]
diff --git a/pro/rm/rm_spcoadd_v5.pro b/pro/rm/rm_spcoadd_v5.pro
index c73c7b03..a95504ed 100644
--- a/pro/rm/rm_spcoadd_v5.pro
+++ b/pro/rm/rm_spcoadd_v5.pro
@@ -256,6 +256,13 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
cameras = strtrim(sxpar(hdr, 'CAMERAS'),2)
expstr = string(sxpar(hdr, 'EXPOSURE'), format='(i8.8)')
+ thisdesign = sxpar(hdr,'DESIGNID')
+ thisconfig = sxpar(hdr,'CONFID')
+ if (NOT keyword_set(designlist)) then designlist = thisdesign $
+ else designlist = [designlist, thisdesign]
+ if (NOT keyword_set(configlist)) then configlist = thisconfig $
+ else configlist = [configlist, thisconfig]
; Solve for wavelength and lambda-dispersion at each pixel in the image
@@ -580,6 +587,8 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
finalplugmap_rm = replicate(plugmap[0], nfiber, nexp_tmp)
finalra_rm = fltarr(nfiber, nexp_tmp)
finaldec_rm = fltarr(nfiber, nexp_tmp)
+; final_FIBERID = strarr(nfiber)
+ fiberid_rm = lonarr(nfiber,nexp_tmp)
mjds_rm = lonarr(nfiber, nexp_tmp)
config_rm = lonarr(nfiber, nexp_tmp)
tai_rm = fltarr(nfiber, nexp_tmp)
@@ -646,7 +655,11 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
- tai_rm[ifiber,iexp]=rm_plugmap[iexp].tai+rm_plugmap[iexp].exptime/2.0
+ ;print, plugmap[indx[0]].fiberid, indx
+ ;print, fiberid_rm[ifiber, iexp], ifiber, iexp
+ fiberid_rm[ifiber, iexp] = plugmap[indx[0]].fiberid
+ ;print, fiberid_rm[ifiber, iexp]
+ tai_rm[ifiber,iexp]=rm_plugmap[iexp].tai+double(rm_plugmap[iexp].exptime/2.0)
; use expuse number instad of configuration number for legacy
endif else begin
@@ -756,6 +769,8 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
moon_target = strarr(ntarget)
moon_phasef = strarr(ntarget)
tai_target = strarr(ntarget)
+ fiber_target = strarr(ntarget)
+ fiber_target_s=replicate(create_struct('FIBERID_LIST',' '),ntarget)
@@ -776,7 +791,8 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
plugmap[indx[0]].mag, format = '(a, i5.4, a, a, f6.2, 5f6.2)'
finalplugmap[itarget] = plugmap[indx[0]]
- ;mjd_final[itarget]
+ ;mjd_finaldd[itarget]
+ ; final_FIBERID[itarget]=strtrim(strcompress(string(plugmap[indx].FIBERID,format='(999a)')),2)
; ;Check this part, this will no longer the case for the BHM
@@ -827,6 +843,8 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
;print, indx_tar[nt[0]+1:nt[1]-1]/nfiber mod nexp_tmp
+ ; fiber_target_s.FIBERID_LIST=final_FIBERID
+ ;finalplugmap=struct_addtags(finalplugmap,fiber_target_s)
@@ -951,7 +969,8 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
if (indx[0] NE -1) then begin
- tai_target[itarget]=strtrim(strcompress(string(tai_rm[indx[0]],format='(999a)')),2)
+ fiber_target[itarget]=strtrim(strcompress(string(fiberid_rm[indx[0]],format='(999a)')),2)
+ tai_target[itarget]=strtrim(strcompress(string(string(tai_rm[indx[0]],format='(i15)'),format='(999a)')),2)
@@ -960,7 +979,8 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
moon_target[itarget]=moon_target[itarget]+' '+moon_target_rm[indx[iexp]]
moon_phasef[itarget]=moon_phasef[itarget]+' '+moon_phasef_rm[indx[iexp]]
- tai_target[itarget]=tai_target[itarget]+' '+strtrim(strcompress(string(tai_rm[indx[iexp]],format='(999a)')),2)
+ fiber_target[itarget]=fiber_target[itarget]+' '+strtrim(strcompress(string(fiberid_rm[indx[iexp]],format='(999a)')),2)
+ tai_target[itarget]=tai_target[itarget]+' '+strtrim(strcompress(string(string(tai_rm[indx[iexp]],format='(i15)'),format='(999a)')),2)
snr2G_target[itarget]=snr2G_target[itarget]+' '+snr2listG[indx[iexp]];strtrim(strcompress(string(snr2listG[iexp],format='(999a)')),2)
snr2R_target[itarget]=snr2R_target[itarget]+' '+snr2listR[indx[iexp]];strtrim(strcompress(string(snr2listR[iexp],format='(999a)')),2)
snr2I_target[itarget]=snr2I_target[itarget]+' '+snr2listI[indx[iexp]];strtrim(strcompress(string(snr2listI[iexp],format='(999a)')),2)
@@ -1029,6 +1049,8 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
+ fiber_target_s.fiberid_list=fiber_target
+ finalplugmap=struct_addtags(finalplugmap,fiber_target_s)
@@ -1145,6 +1167,8 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
for i=2, ncoeff-1 do sxdelpar, bighdr, 'COEFF'+strtrim(string(i),2)
sxdelpar, bighdr, ['SPA', 'IPA', 'IPARATE']
+ sxdelpar, bighdr, 'CONFID'
+ sxdelpar, bighdr, 'DESIGNID'
sxdelpar, bighdr, 'EXPOSURE'
sxdelpar, bighdr, 'REQTIME'
sxdelpar, bighdr, 'QUALITY'
@@ -1171,7 +1195,7 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
; Average together some of the fields from the individual headers. fieldid
- cardname = [ 'AZ', 'ALT', 'TAI', 'WTIME', 'AIRTEMP', 'DEWPOINT', $
+ cardname = [ 'AZ', 'ALT', 'AIRMASS', 'TAI', 'WTIME', 'AIRTEMP', 'DEWPOINT', $
'TEMP03', 'TEMP04', 'HELIO_RV', 'SEEING20', 'SEEING50', 'SEEING80', $
@@ -1221,8 +1245,19 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
; Get the list of MJD's used for these reductions, then convert to a string
mjdlist = mjdlist[uniq(mjdlist, sort(mjdlist))]
- mjdlist = strtrim(strcompress(string(mjdlist,format='(99a)')),2)
- sxaddpar, bighdr, 'MJDLIST', mjdlist, after='MJD'
+ mjdlist = strtrim(strcompress(string(mjdlist,format='(999a)')),2)
+ sxaddpar, bighdr, 'MJDLIST', mjdlist, ' MJDs coadded for epoch', after='MJD'
+ ; Get the list of Designs used for these reductions, then convert to a string
+ designlist = designlist[uniq(designlist, sort(designlist))]
+ designlist = strtrim(strcompress(string(designlist,format='(999a)')),2)
+ sxaddpar, bighdr, 'DESIGNS',designlist, ' DesignIDs coadded', after='MJDLIST'
+ ; Get the list of configurations used for these reductions, then convert to a string
+ configlist = configlist[uniq(configlist, sort(configlist))]
+ configlist = strtrim(strcompress(string(configlist,format='(999a)')),2)
+ sxaddpar, bighdr, 'CONFIGS', configlist, ' FPS ConfigIDs coadded', after='DESIGNS'
if keyword_set(tai_flag) then begin
indtai=uniq(tailist, sort(tailist))
tailist = tailist[indtai]
@@ -1233,10 +1268,10 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
snr2listG = strtrim(strcompress(string(snr2listG,format='(999a)')),2)
snr2listR = strtrim(strcompress(string(snr2listR,format='(999a)')),2)
snr2listI = strtrim(strcompress(string(snr2listI,format='(999a)')),2)
- sxaddpar, bighdr, 'TAILIST', tailist, after='MJDLIST'
- sxaddpar, bighdr, 'SN2GLIST', snr2listG, after='TAILIST'
- sxaddpar, bighdr, 'SN2RLIST', snr2listR, after='SN2GLIST'
- sxaddpar, bighdr, 'SN2ILIST', snr2listI, after='SN2RLIST'
+ sxaddpar, bighdr, 'TAILIST', tailist,' TAIs of individual exposures in Coadd', after='CONFIGS'
+ sxaddpar, bighdr, 'SN2GLIST', snr2listG,' SN2 in g of individual exposures in Coadd', after='TAILIST'
+ sxaddpar, bighdr, 'SN2RLIST', snr2listR,' SN2 in r of individual exposures in Coadd', after='SN2GLIST'
+ sxaddpar, bighdr, 'SN2ILIST', snr2listI,' SN2 in i of individual exposures in Coadd', after='SN2RLIST'
; Add new header cards
@@ -1314,6 +1349,15 @@ pro rm_spcoadd_v5, spframes, outputname, $
sxaddpar, bighdr_rm, 'NAXIS3', nexp_tmp, ''
+ ;----------
+ ; Clean plugmap
+ tags_to_delete= ['POSITIONERID','HOLEID', 'XWOK', 'YWOK', 'ZWOK', $
+ foreach tag, tags_to_delete do begin
+ if tag_exist(finalplugmap,tag) then $
+ finalplugmap = struct_trimtags(finalplugmap,except_tags=[tag])
+ endforeach
; Add keywords for IRAF-compatability
diff --git a/pro/rm/rm_spflux_v5.pro b/pro/rm/rm_spflux_v5.pro
index 09eacb9b..e280152a 100644
--- a/pro/rm/rm_spflux_v5.pro
+++ b/pro/rm/rm_spflux_v5.pro
@@ -801,8 +801,8 @@ pro rm_spflux_v5, objname, adderr=adderr, combinedir=combinedir, $
if strmatch(programname, '*MWM*', /fold_case) eq 1 then MWMPlate=1
if strmatch(programname, '*OFFSET*', /fold_case) eq 1 then MWMPlate=1
endif else begin
- racen = sxpar(objhdr, 'RACEN')
- deccen = sxpar(objhdr, 'DECCEN')
+ racen = sxpar(hdr, 'RACEN')
+ deccen = sxpar(hdr, 'DECCEN')
euler, racen, deccen, ll, bb, 1
if abs(bb) lt 15. then MWMPlate=1
diff --git a/pro/rm/spreduce1d_empca.pro b/pro/rm/spreduce1d_empca.pro
index 388fc626..0761ae7e 100644
--- a/pro/rm/spreduce1d_empca.pro
+++ b/pro/rm/spreduce1d_empca.pro
@@ -549,6 +549,7 @@ flambda2fnu = 0 ; Free memory
tile: long(sxpar(hdr, 'TILEID')), $
mjd: long(sxpar(hdr, 'MJD')), $
fiberid: 0L , $
+ fiberid_List: '', $
run2d: strtrim(sxpar(hdr, 'RUN2D'),2), $
run1d: run1d, $
;objid: lindgen(5), $
@@ -560,6 +561,7 @@ flambda2fnu = 0 ; Free memory
for iobj=0, nobj-1 do begin
res_all[*,iobj].fiberid = fiberid[iobj]
+ res_all[*,iobj].fiberid_list = plugmap[iobj].fiberid_list
;res_all[*,iobj].objid = plugmap[iobj].objid
res_all[*,iobj].objtype = plugmap[iobj].objtype
res_all[*,iobj].plug_ra = plugmap[iobj].ra
@@ -900,7 +902,7 @@ endif
; Add the cas-styled specobjid to output
- zans = struct_addtags(zans, replicate({specobjid:0LL},n_elements(zans)))
+ zans = struct_addtags(zans, replicate({specobjid:0ULL},n_elements(zans)))
words= STREGEX(STRTRIM(zans.run2d,2),'^v([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)_([0-9]+)', /SUB, /EXTRACT)
; did it parse as vXX_YY_ZZ?
if words[0] ne '' then begin
diff --git a/pro/spec1d/conflist.pro b/pro/spec1d/conflist.pro
index 4a269a41..aba716d0 100644
--- a/pro/spec1d/conflist.pro
+++ b/pro/spec1d/conflist.pro
@@ -612,8 +612,10 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
endif else begin
plist = create_struct( $
'field' , 0L, $
- 'tileid' , 0L, $
- 'designid' , 0L, $
+; 'tileid' , 0L, $
+; 'designid' , 0L, $
+ 'DESIGNS' , '', $
+ 'CONFIGS' , '', $
'mjd' , 0L, $
'run2d' , '', $
'run1d' , '', $
@@ -629,14 +631,14 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
'mapname' , ' ', $
'survey' , ' ', $
'programname' , ' ', $
- 'chunk' , ' ', $
- 'chunkhtml' , ' ', $
+ ;'chunk' , ' ', $
+ ;'chunkhtml' , ' ', $
'plotsn' , ' ', $
'data' , ' ', $
'plots' , ' ', $
'fieldquality' , ' ', $
'fieldsn2' , 0.0, $
- 'deredsn2' , 0.0, $
+ ;'deredsn2' , 0.0, $
'qsurvey' , 0L, $
'mjdlist' , ' ', $
'tailist' , ' ', $
@@ -655,9 +657,9 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
;'sn2_g2' , 0.0, $
;'sn2_r2' , 0.0, $
;'sn2_i2' , 0.0, $
- 'dered_sn2_g1' , 0.0, $
- 'dered_sn2_r1' , 0.0, $
- 'dered_sn2_i1' , 0.0, $
+ ;'dered_sn2_g1' , 0.0, $
+ ;'dered_sn2_r1' , 0.0, $
+ ;'dered_sn2_i1' , 0.0, $
;'dered_sn2_g2' , 0.0, $
;'dered_sn2_r2' , 0.0, $
;'dered_sn2_i2' , 0.0, $
@@ -729,7 +731,7 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
'moon_frac' , 0.0 )
+ if (not keyword_set(legacy)) and (not keyword_set(plates)) then rawsn2 = 1
if keyword_set(rawsn2) then begin
if keyword_set(legacy) then sn2tag = 'platesn2' else sn2tag = 'fieldsn2'
dereddened_sn2 = 0
@@ -809,7 +811,7 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
['moon_frac' , 'f5.1'], $
['survey' , 'a'], $
['programname' , 'a'], $
- ['chunkhtml' , 'a'], $
+; ['chunkhtml' , 'a'], $
['designid' , 'i'], $
['public' , 'a'] ]
;; For platequality
@@ -841,7 +843,7 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
endif else begin
;; For platelist
trimtags1 = [ $
- ['field' , 'i6'], $
+ ['field' , 'i7'], $
['mjd' , 'i5'], $
['plots' , 'a'], $
['racen' , 'f6.2'], $
@@ -860,13 +862,14 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
['moon_frac' , 'f5.1'], $
['survey' , 'a'], $
['programname' , 'a'], $
- ['chunkhtml' , 'a'], $
+ ;['chunkhtml' , 'a'], $
;['tileid' , 'i'], $
- ['designid' , 'i'], $
+ ;['designid' , 'i'], $
+ ['designs' , 'a'], $
['public' , 'a'] ]
;; For platequality
trimtags2 = [ $
- ['field' , 'i6'], $
+ ['field' , 'i7'], $
['mjd' , 'i5'], $
['plots' , 'a'], $
['run2d' , 'a'], $
@@ -905,9 +908,6 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
root_dir=getenv('SDSSCORE_DIR'), subdirectory='opfiles')
publicdata = yanny_readone(publicfile, 'SPCONFLIST')
- ;print,publicfile
- ;print,getenv('SDSSCORE')
- ;print,publicdata
;if (NOT keyword_set(publicdata)) then $
; message, 'Missing spConfList.par file'
@@ -935,9 +935,7 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
then begin
combparfile[ifile] = fullfile[ifile]
- ;print,fullfile[ifile]
yanny_read, fullfile[ifile], hdr=hdrp,/anonymous
- ;print,plate_to_string(yanny_par(hdrp,'plateid'))
if keyword_set(legacy) or keyword_set(plates) then begin
platefile[ifile] = $
@@ -1075,6 +1073,8 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
; plist[ifile].mjd = sxpar(hdr1, 'MJD')
plist[ifile].mjdlist = sxpar(hdr1, 'MJDLIST')
plist[ifile].tailist = sxpar(hdr1, 'TAILIST')
+ plist[ifile].designs = sxpar(hdr1, 'DESIGNS')
+ plist[ifile].configs = sxpar(hdr1, 'CONFIGS')
; thisrun2d = sxpar(hdr1, 'RUN2D', count=ct)
; plist[ifile].run2d = (ct GT 0) ? thisrun2d : ''
; plist[ifile].tileid = sxpar(hdr1, 'TILEID') ; Get from platePlans
@@ -1097,9 +1097,9 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
plist[ifile].sn2_r1 = sxpar(hdr1, 'SPEC1_R')
plist[ifile].sn2_i1 = sxpar(hdr1, 'SPEC1_I')
; If these keywords don't exist, these will just get 0
- plist[ifile].dered_sn2_g1 = sxpar(hdr1, 'SN2EXT1G')
- plist[ifile].dered_sn2_r1 = sxpar(hdr1, 'SN2EXT1R')
- plist[ifile].dered_sn2_i1 = sxpar(hdr1, 'SN2EXT1I')
+ if tag_exist(plist, 'dered_sn2_g1') then plist[ifile].dered_sn2_g1 = sxpar(hdr1, 'SN2EXT1G')
+ if tag_exist(plist, 'dered_sn2_r1') then plist[ifile].dered_sn2_r1 = sxpar(hdr1, 'SN2EXT1R')
+ if tag_exist(plist, 'dered_sn2_i1') then plist[ifile].dered_sn2_i1 = sxpar(hdr1, 'SN2EXT1I')
if keyword_set(legacy) then begin
plist[ifile].nexp_b2 = sxpar(hdr1, 'NEXP_B2')
plist[ifile].nexp_r2 = sxpar(hdr1, 'NEXP_R2')
@@ -1212,11 +1212,11 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
; Determine the chunk name and the version of target used
if keyword_set(plates) or keyword_set(legacy) then begin
- plist[ifile].field = long( strmid(fi, p1+1, p2-p1-1) )
- cinfo = chunkinfo(plist[ifile].field,plates=plates,legacy=legacy)
- endif else begin
plist[ifile].field = long( strmid(fi, p1+1, p2-p1-1) )
cinfo = chunkinfo(plist[ifile].field,plates=plates,legacy=legacy)
+ endif else begin
+ plist[ifile].field = long( strmid(fi, p1+1, p2-p1-1) )
+ ;cinfo = chunkinfo(plist[ifile].field,plates=plates,legacy=legacy)
if keyword_set(cinfo) then begin
plist[ifile].survey = cinfo.survey
@@ -1232,13 +1232,14 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
if keyword_set(plates) or keyword_set(legacy) then begin
splog, 'Empty or missing platePlans.par file'
endif else begin
- splog, 'Empty or missing configPlans.par file'
+ ;splog, 'Empty or missing configPlans.par file'
fibermap=djs_filepath(fibermap, root_dir=topdir + '/' + run2d, subdir=field_to_string(yanny_par(hdrp,'fieldid')))
if FILE_TEST(fibermap) then begin
plist[ifile].racen = sxpar(plughead,'RACEN')
plist[ifile].deccen = sxpar(plughead,'DECCEN')
+; plist[ifile].DESIGNID = sxpar(plughead,'DESIGN_ID')
;if strtrim(sxpar(plughead,'OBS'),2) EQ 'APO'
endif else splog, 'Empty or missing fibermap: '+fibermap
@@ -1346,14 +1347,14 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
qualstring = ['bad', 'marginal', 'good']
for ifile=0L, nfile-1L do begin
if (strtrim(plist[ifile].statuscombine,2) EQ 'Done') then begin
- if keyword_set(plates) or keyword_set(legacy) then begin
+ if keyword_set(legacy) then begin
endif else begin
- strplt=strtrim(string(plist[ifile].field),2)
+ strplt=field_to_string(plist[ifile].field) ; strtrim(string(plist[ifile].field),2)
- plist[ifile].plotsn='SNPLOT'
+ plist[ifile].plotsn='SNPLOT'
if keyword_set(legacy) then begin
nexp_min = min( $
[plist[ifile].nexp_b1, plist[ifile].nexp_r1, $
@@ -1376,7 +1377,7 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
[plist[ifile].nexp_b1, plist[ifile].nexp_r1], max=nexp_max)
plist[ifile].fieldsn2 = min( $
[plist[ifile].sn2_g1, plist[ifile].sn2_i1])
- plist[ifile].deredsn2 = min( $
+ if tag_exist(plist, 'deredsn2') then plist[ifile].deredsn2 = min( $
[plist[ifile].dered_sn2_g1, plist[ifile].dered_sn2_i1])
if keyword_set(rawsn2) then begin
min_sn2_b = plist[ifile].sn2_g1
@@ -1427,9 +1428,11 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
; Also insist that PROGNAME='main'.
; First get the unique list of TILE
- isort = sort(plist.tileid)
- isort = isort[ uniq(plist[isort].tileid) ]
- tilelist = plist[isort].tileid
+ if tag_exist(plist, 'tileid') then begin
+ isort = sort(plist.tileid)
+ isort = isort[ uniq(plist[isort].tileid) ]
+ tilelist = plist[isort].tileid
if keyword_set(legacy) then begin
for itile=0L, n_elements(tilelist)-1L do begin
@@ -1475,6 +1478,7 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
+ endif
; Read the Spectro-1D files
@@ -1501,14 +1505,14 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
if (size(hdr2, /tname) EQ 'STRING') then begin
- if keyword_set(plates) or keyword_set(legacy) then begin
+ if keyword_set(legacy) then begin
endif else begin
- strplt=strtrim(string(plist[ifile].field),2)
+ strplt=field_to_string(plist[ifile].field); strtrim(string(plist[ifile].field),2)
- plist[ifile].data='DATA'
+ plist[ifile].data='DATA'
zans = mrdfits((*zbestfile[i])[j], 1, /silent)
plug = mrdfits(platefile[i], 5, /silent)
@@ -1629,7 +1633,7 @@ pro conflist, plist=plist, create=create, $
; Find the state of the 1D reductions -- spZbest file is missing
- print, run1d, ' ', (*zlogfile[i])[j]
+ ; print, run1d, ' ', (*zlogfile[i])[j]
if (file_search((*zlogfile[i])[j])) then begin
;;; spawn, 'tail -1 '+(*zlogfile[i])[j], lastline
diff --git a/pro/spec1d/fieldmerge.pro b/pro/spec1d/fieldmerge.pro
index 5b76e406..eb93824a 100644
--- a/pro/spec1d/fieldmerge.pro
+++ b/pro/spec1d/fieldmerge.pro
@@ -230,15 +230,16 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
pstuff = create_struct( $
'programname' , ' ', $
- 'chunk' , ' ', $
+; 'chunk' , ' ', $
'survey' , ' ', $
; 'platequality', ' ', $
'fieldquality', ' ', $
; 'platesn2' , 0.0, $
'fieldsn2' , 0.0, $
- 'deredsn2' , 0.0, $
- 'primtarget' , 0L, $
- 'sectarget' , 0L, $
+; 'deredsn2' , 0.0, $
+; 'primtarget' , 0L, $
+; 'sectarget' , 0L, $
+ 'fiberid_list' , ' ', $
'lambda_eff' , 0.0, $
'bluefiber' , 0L, $
'zoffset' , 0.0, $
@@ -254,10 +255,10 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
; 'eboss_target2', 0LL, $
; 'eboss_target_id', 0LL, $
; 'thing_id_targeting', 0LL, $
- 'specprimary' , 0B, $
- 'specboss' , 0B, $
- 'boss_specobj_id' , 0L, $
- 'nspecobs' , 0, $
+; 'specprimary' , 0B, $
+; 'specboss' , 0B, $
+; 'boss_specobj_id' , 0L, $
+; 'nspecobs' , 0, $
;;- SB Oct 2012: remove QSO VAC inputs for DR10
;; 'z_person' , 0.0, $
;; 'class_person', 0L, $
@@ -272,10 +273,14 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
'firstcarton', ' ', $
; 'sdssv_boss_target0', ulong64(0), $
; 'catalogid' , ulong64(0), $
- 'mag' , fltarr(5), $
+ 'FIBER2MAG', fltarr(5), $
+ 'PSFMAG', fltarr(5), $
+; 'mag' , fltarr(5), $
; 'plate', 0, $
'field', 0, $
- 'designid', 0, $
+ 'designs', '', $
+ 'configs', '', $
+; 'designid', 0, $
'nexp', 0, $
'exptime', 0, $
'airmass', 0.0, $
@@ -301,6 +306,11 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
'gaia_pmra', 0.0, $
'gaia_pmdec', 0.0,$
'SPEC_FILE', ' ')
+ if keyword_set(legacy) then $
+ pstuff = struct_addtags(pstuff, {chunk:'',DEREDSN2:'',primtarget:0L,sectarget:0L,$
+ specprimary:0B,specboss:0B,boss_specobj_id:0L,$
+ nspecobs:0})
if keyword_set(XCSAO) then $
pstuff = struct_addtags(pstuff, {XCSAO_rv: !values.f_nan, XCSAO_erv: !values.f_nan,$
@@ -325,7 +335,7 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
zans=zans, objhdr=objhdr, $ ;; zmanual=zmanual,
plugmap=plugmap, legacy=legacy, plates=plates, /silent, unsigned=(ifile EQ 0)
- zans = struct_selecttags(zans, except_tags='OBJID')
+ zans = struct_selecttags(zans, except_tags=['OBJID','TILE'])
if not keyword_set(legacy) then begin
zans = struct_selecttags(zans, except_tags='SPEC2_G')
zans = struct_selecttags(zans, except_tags='SPEC2_R')
@@ -416,7 +426,7 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
pstuff = struct_addtags(pstuff, $
struct_selecttags(plugmap[0], select_tags=htags))
;pstuff = create_struct(pstuff, plutt[0])
- outdat1 = create_struct(pstuff, struct_selecttags(zans[0], except_tags=['field']))
+ outdat1 = create_struct(pstuff, struct_selecttags(zans[0], except_tags=['field','fiberid_list']))
struct_assign, {junk:0}, outdat1 ; Zero-out all elements
if keyword_set(xcsao) then begin
@@ -442,15 +452,18 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
outdat[indx] = tmpdat
; Fill in the first columns of this output structure
- outdat[indx].programname = plist[ifile].programname
- outdat[indx].chunk = plist[ifile].chunk
+ if keyword_set(legacy) then begin
+ outdat[indx].programname = plist[ifile].programname
+ endif else outdat[indx].programname=plugmap.program
+ if (tag_exist(outdat,'CHUNK')) then $
+ outdat[indx].chunk = plist[ifile].chunk
if (tag_exist(plist,'PLATEQUALITY')) then $
outdat[indx].fieldquality = plist[ifile].platequality $
- else outdat[indx].fieldquality = plist[ifile].fieldquality
+ else outdat[indx].fieldquality = plist[ifile].fieldquality
if (tag_exist(plist,'PLATESN2')) then $
outdat[indx].fieldsn2 = plist[ifile].platesn2 $
else outdat[indx].fieldsn2 = plist[ifile].fieldsn2
- if has_deredsn2 then $
+ if (has_deredsn2 AND tag_exist(outdat,'deredsn2')) then $
outdat[indx].deredsn2 = plist[ifile].deredsn2
if (tag_exist(plist,'EXPTIME')) then $
outdat[indx].exptime = plist[ifile].exptime
@@ -458,8 +471,15 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
outdat[indx].airmass = plist[ifile].airmass
if (tag_exist(plist,'DESIGNID')) then $
outdat[indx].designid = plist[ifile].designid
+ if (tag_exist(plist,'DESIGNS')) then $
+ outdat[indx].designs = plist[ifile].designs
+ if (tag_exist(plist,'CONFIGS')) then $
+ outdat[indx].configs = plist[ifile].configs
if (tag_exist(plist,'SURVEY')) then $
outdat[indx].survey = plist[ifile].survey
+ if (not keyword_set(legacy)) and (not keyword_set(plates)) then $
+ if (tag_exist(plugmap,'survey') AND tag_exist(outdat,'survey')) then $
+ outdat[indx].survey = plugmap.survey
if (tag_exist(plist,'MJDLIST')) then $
outdat[indx].mjd_list = plist[ifile].mjdlist
if (tag_exist(plist,'TAILIST')) then $
@@ -476,9 +496,9 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
; Get PRIMTARGET+SECTARGET with those values from
; the plug-map structure in spfield file.
; HJIM decoment the next three lines for the final version
- if (tag_exist(plugmap,'primtarget')) then $
+ if (tag_exist(plugmap,'primtarget') AND tag_exist(outdat,'primtarget')) then $
outdat[indx].primtarget = plugmap.primtarget
- if (tag_exist(plugmap,'sectarget')) then $
+ if (tag_exist(plugmap,'sectarget') AND tag_exist(outdat,'sectarget')) then $
outdat[indx].sectarget = plugmap.sectarget
if (tag_exist(plugmap,'lambda_eff')) then $
outdat[indx].lambda_eff = plugmap.lambda_eff
@@ -528,8 +548,14 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
outdat[indx].firstcarton = plugmap.firstcarton
if (tag_exist(plugmap,'CATALOGID')) then $
outdat[indx].catalogid = plugmap.catalogid
- if (tag_exist(plugmap,'MAG')) then $
- outdat[indx].mag = plugmap.mag
+ if (tag_exist(plugmap,'FIBER2MAG')) then begin
+ outdat[indx].FIBER2MAG = plugmap.FIBER2mag
+ endif else if (tag_exist(plugmap,'MAG')) then $
+ outdat[indx].mag = plugmap.mag
+ if (tag_exist(plugmap,'PSFMAG')) then $
+ outdat[indx].PSFmag = plugmap.PSFmag
+; if (tag_exist(plugmap,'MAG')) then $
+; outdat[indx].mag = plugmap.mag
if (tag_exist(plugmap,'NEXP')) then $
outdat[indx].nexp = plugmap.nexp
if (tag_exist(zans,'PLATE')) then begin
@@ -701,27 +727,27 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
multgroup=multgroup, firstgroup=firstgroup, nextgroup=nextgroup)
; Set the unique object IDs
- outdat.boss_specobj_id = ingroup + 1L
+ if tag_exist(outdat, 'boss_specobj_id') then outdat.boss_specobj_id = ingroup + 1L
for j=0L, n_elements(firstgroup)-1L do begin
if (firstgroup[j] NE -1) then begin
if (multgroup[j] EQ 1) then begin
- outdat[firstgroup[j]].specprimary = 1
- outdat[firstgroup[j]].nspecobs = 1
+ if tag_exist(outdat, 'specprimary') then outdat[firstgroup[j]].specprimary = 1
+ if tag_exist(outdat, 'nspecobs') then outdat[firstgroup[j]].nspecobs = 1
endif else begin
indx = lonarr(multgroup[j])
indx[0] = firstgroup[j]
for k=0L, multgroup[j]-2L do indx[k+1] = nextgroup[indx[k]]
foo = max(score[indx], ibest)
- outdat[indx[ibest]].specprimary = 1
- outdat[indx].nspecobs = multgroup[j]
+ if tag_exist(outdat, 'specprimary') then outdat[indx[ibest]].specprimary = 1
+ if tag_exist(outdat, 'nspecobs') then outdat[indx].nspecobs = multgroup[j]
; ASB: Copy specprimary into specboss
; (Thinking is that specprimary can be superseded downstream.)
- outdat.specboss = outdat.specprimary
+ if tag_exist(outdat, 'specboss') then outdat.specboss = outdat.specprimary
splog, 'Time to assign primaries = ', systime(1)-t2, ' sec'
@@ -815,10 +841,10 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
'plug_ra' , 0.0d, $
'plug_dec' , 0.0d, $
'specprimary', 0L, $
- 'chunk' , '', $
+; 'chunk' , '', $
; 'platesn2' , 0.0, $
'fieldsn2' , 0.0, $
- 'deredsn2' , 0.0, $
+; 'deredsn2' , 0.0, $
'objtype' , '', $
; 'boss_target1', 0LL, $
; 'ancillary_target1', 0LL, $
@@ -835,6 +861,11 @@ pro fieldmerge1, field=field, mjd=mjd, except_tags1=except_tags1, $
;; 'class_person', 0L, $
;; 'z_conf_person', 0L )
+ if keyword_set(legacy) then $
+ adat1 = struct_addtags(adat1, {chunk:'',DEREDSN2:'',$
+ specprimary:0B,specboss:0B,boss_specobj_id:0L,$
+ nspecobs:0})
tag_alias = [['SPECPRIMARY','PRIMARY'], $
['FIBERID','FIBER']];, $
; ['BOSS_TARGET1','BOSS1'], $
diff --git a/pro/spec1d/reformat_spec.pro b/pro/spec1d/reformat_spec.pro
index 3350463b..7c895932 100644
--- a/pro/spec1d/reformat_spec.pro
+++ b/pro/spec1d/reformat_spec.pro
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ CPU, TPOOL_NTHREADS = 1
splog,'Writing the final output files'
- print, zallfile
+ ;print, zallfile
plugmap = mrdfits(platefile,5,/silent)
zall = mrdfits(zallfile,1,/silent)
zbest = mrdfits(zbestfile,1,/silent)
@@ -451,7 +451,8 @@ CPU, TPOOL_NTHREADS = 1
; single_file=single_basefile+plug_target.targetid+'.fits'
- ;print,single_file
+ print,single_file
+ print,plug_target.catalogid
junk = mrdfits(single_file,0,hdr0,/silent)
coadd = mrdfits(single_file,1,/silent)
@@ -464,7 +465,7 @@ CPU, TPOOL_NTHREADS = 1
if keyword_set(legacy) then begin
- fin_plug=struct_addtags(plug_target,struct_selecttags(zbest_target, except_tags='field'))
+ fin_plug=struct_addtags(plug_target,struct_selecttags(zbest_target, except_tags=['field','fiberid_list']))
if keyword_set(XCSAO) then fin_plug=struct_addtags(fin_plug,XCSAO_targ)
if keyword_set(plates) or keyword_set(legacy) then begin
diff --git a/pro/spec1d/sdss_spec_image.pro b/pro/spec1d/sdss_spec_image.pro
index a94e6c5a..c502a076 100644
--- a/pro/spec1d/sdss_spec_image.pro
+++ b/pro/spec1d/sdss_spec_image.pro
@@ -53,8 +53,9 @@ pro sdss_spec_image, outbase, plate, fiber, mjd=mjd, run2d=run2d, $
common com_sdss_spec_image, plans
if(n_tags(plans) eq 0) then $
- plans= yanny_readone(getenv('PLATELIST_DIR')+'/platePlans.par')
+ ;if keyword_set(legacy) or keyword_set(plates) then begin
+ plans= yanny_readone(getenv('PLATELIST_DIR')+'/platePlans.par')
+ ; endif else
if(NOT keyword_set(xsize)) then xsize= 10.5*sscale
if(NOT keyword_set(ysize)) then ysize= 7.5*sscale
@@ -80,7 +81,6 @@ readspec, plate, fiber, mjd=mjd, zans=zans, flux=flux, wave=wave, $
silent=silent, legacy=legacy, plates=plates
ipl= where(plate eq plans.plateid, npl)
igd= where(invvar gt 0, ngd)
if(ngd gt 0) then begin
ist= min(igd)
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ if(npl gt 0) then begin
title0= 'Survey: !8'+strtrim(plans[ipl].survey,2)+ $
'!6 Program: !8'+strtrim(plans[ipl].programname,2)
+ targ_title='Target'
if(plans[ipl].survey eq 'sdss') then $
targets= strtrim(strjoin(sdss_flagname('TARGET', plug.primtarget),' '),2)
if(plans[ipl].survey eq 'segue1') then $
@@ -156,18 +157,35 @@ if(npl gt 0) then begin
if(plans[ipl].survey eq 'boss') then $
targets= strtrim(strjoin(sdss_flagname('BOSS_TARGET1', plug.boss_target1),' '),2)+ $
' '+strtrim(strjoin(sdss_flagname('ANCILLARY_TARGET1', plug.ancillary_target1),' '),2)
- if(plans[ipl].survey eq 'bhm-mwm') then $
+ if(plans[ipl].survey eq 'bhm-mwm') then begin
+ targ_title='Firstcarton'
targets= plug.firstcarton
- if(plans[ipl].survey eq 'bhm') then $
+ endif
+ if(plans[ipl].survey eq 'bhm') then begin
+ targ_title='Firstcarton'
targets= plug.firstcarton
- if(plans[ipl].survey eq 'mwm') then $
+ endif
+ if(plans[ipl].survey eq 'mwm') then begin
+ targ_title='Firstcarton'
targets= plug.firstcarton
- if(plans[ipl].survey eq 'mwm-bhm') then $
+ endif
+ if(plans[ipl].survey eq 'mwm-bhm') then begin
+ targ_title='Firstcarton'
targets= plug.firstcarton
- if (strtrim(targets,2) eq 'NA') then $
+ endif
+ if (strtrim(targets,2) eq 'NA') then begin
+ targ_title='Firstcarton'
- title0= title0+' !6Target: !8'+targets+'!6'
+ endif
+ title0= title0+' !6'+targ_title+': !8'+targets+'!6'
+endif else begin
+ prog=strtrim(plug.program,2)
+ if strlen(prog) eq 0 then prog='NA'
+ fcart=strtrim(plug.firstcarton,2)
+ if strlen(fcart) eq 0 then fcart='NA'
+ title0= 'Program: !8'+prog+'!6,'+$
+ ' Firstcarton: !8'+fcart+'!6'
if keyword_set(plates) or keyword_set(legacy) then begin
@@ -180,10 +198,13 @@ title1= 'RA='+strtrim(string(f='(f40.5)', zans.plug_ra),2)+', '+ $
lab_temp+strtrim(string(zans.field),2)+', '+ $
'Fiber='+strtrim(string(zans.fiberid),2)+', '+ $
-if (not keyword_set(legacy)) then begin
+if (keyword_set(plates)) then begin
title1=title1+', '+'CatID='+strtrim(string(plug.catalogid),2)
+endif else if (not keyword_set(legacy)) then begin
+ title0=title0+', '+'CatID='+strtrim(string(plug.catalogid),2)
if(zans.z lt 1000./299792.) then $
zstr= '!8cz='+strtrim(string(long(zans.z*299792.)),2)+'+/-'+ $
strtrim(string(long(zans.z_err*299792.)),2)+'!6 km/s' $
@@ -193,7 +214,7 @@ else $
title2= zstr+', Class='+strtrim(zans.class)+' '+strtrim(zans.subclass)
-title2=title2+', mag!8_i='+strtrim(string(f='(f40.2)',m_i),2)+'!6'
+title2=title2+', mag!8_{i,fib2}='+strtrim(string(f='(f40.2)',m_i),2)+'!6'
warnings= strtrim(strjoin(sdss_flagname('ZWARNING', zans.zwarning),' '),2)
;;; print, zans.zwarning
if(keyword_set(warnings) gt 0) then $
diff --git a/pro/spec2d/prerun_readplugmap.pro b/pro/spec2d/prerun_readplugmap.pro
index 45bb9dc3..c2489f77 100644
--- a/pro/spec2d/prerun_readplugmap.pro
+++ b/pro/spec2d/prerun_readplugmap.pro
@@ -165,8 +165,10 @@ function psf2Fiber_mag, fibermap
fibermap = struct_addtags(fibermap, replicate(create_struct('CatDB_mag', fltarr(5)), n_elements(fibermap)))
fibermap = struct_addtags(fibermap, replicate(create_struct('Fiber2mag', fltarr(5)), n_elements(fibermap)))
+ fibermap = struct_addtags(fibermap, replicate(create_struct('PSFmag', fltarr(5)), n_elements(fibermap)))
fibermap.CatDB_mag = fibermap.mag
fibermap.Fiber2mag = fibermap.mag
+ fibermap.PSFmag = fibermap.mag
mags=fibermap[where(strmatch(fibermap.OPTICAL_PROV, "*psf*"))].mag
pratio = [2.085, 2.085, 2.116, 2.134, 2.135]
for ifilt=0, 4 do mags[ifilt,*]=mags[ifilt,*]+2.5*alog10(pratio[ifilt])
@@ -174,12 +176,48 @@ function psf2Fiber_mag, fibermap
fibermap[where(strmatch(fibermap.OPTICAL_PROV, "*psf*"))].mag=mags
fibermap[where(strmatch(fibermap.OPTICAL_PROV, "*psf*"))].Fiber2mag=mags
+ mags=fibermap[where(not strmatch(fibermap.OPTICAL_PROV, "*psf*"))].mag
+ for ifilt=0, 4 do mags[ifilt,*]=mags[ifilt,*]-2.5*alog10(pratio[ifilt])
+ mags[where(mags lt -99)]=-999
+ fibermap[where(not strmatch(fibermap.OPTICAL_PROV, "*psf*"))].PSFmag=mags
fibermap[where(strmatch(fibermap.OPTICAL_PROV, "*undefined*"))].Fiber2mag=make_array(5,/float, value=-999)
fibermap[where(strmatch(fibermap.OPTICAL_PROV, "*other*"))].Fiber2mag=make_array(5,/float, value=-999)
fibermap[where(strmatch(fibermap.OPTICAL_PROV, ""))].Fiber2mag=make_array(5,/float, value=-999)
+ fibermap[where(strmatch(fibermap.OPTICAL_PROV, "*undefined*"))].PSFmag=make_array(5,/float, value=-999)
+ fibermap[where(strmatch(fibermap.OPTICAL_PROV, "*other*"))].PSFmag=make_array(5,/float, value=-999)
+ fibermap[where(strmatch(fibermap.OPTICAL_PROV, ""))].PSFmag=make_array(5,/float, value=-999)
return, fibermap
+function get_survey, plugmap
+ plugmap = struct_addtags(plugmap, $
+ replicate(create_struct('SURVEY', ''), n_elements(plugmap)))
+ MWM_fibers = where(strmatch(plugmap.program, '*MWM*', /FOLD_CASE) EQ 1, ctMWM)
+ if ctMWM gt 0 then plugmap[MWM_fibers].survey = 'MWM'
+ BHM_fibers = where(strmatch(plugmap.program, '*BHM*', /FOLD_CASE) EQ 1, ctBHM)
+ if ctBHM gt 0 then plugmap[BHM_fibers].survey = 'BHM'
+ COM_fibers = where(strmatch(plugmap.program, '*commissioning*', /FOLD_CASE) EQ 1, ctCOM)
+ if ctCOM gt 0 then plugmap[COM_fibers].survey = 'COMMISSIONING'
+ OPS_fibers = where(strmatch(plugmap.program, '*ops*', /FOLD_CASE) EQ 1, ctCOM)
+ if ctCOM gt 0 then plugmap[OPS_fibers].survey = 'COMMISSIONING'
+ OPEN_fibers = where(strmatch(plugmap.program, '*open_fiber*', /FOLD_CASE) EQ 1, ctOPEN)
+ if ctOPEN gt 0 then plugmap[OPEN_fibers].survey = 'open_fiber'
+ return, plugmap
function calibrobj, plugfile, fibermap, fieldid, rafield, decfield, programname=programname,$
@@ -485,7 +523,8 @@ function NoAssignRobomap, robomap
sign[where(robomap.DEC lt 0)] = '-'
radec, robomap.RA, robomap.DEC, ihr, imin, xsec, ideg, imn, xsc
+ ideg = abs(ideg)
+ imn = abs(imn)
xsc = abs(xsc)
; xsc_str[where(xsc lt 10)]='0'+string(xsc_str[where(xsc lt 10)],format='(f3.1)')
@@ -591,7 +630,7 @@ function readFPSobsSummary, plugfile, robomap, stnames, mjd, hdr=hdr, $
if (keyword_set(apotags)) then begin
addtags = { configuration_id : long((yanny_par(hdr, 'configuration_id'))[0]), $
- targeting_vers : long((yanny_par(hdr, 'robostrategy_run'))[0]), $
+ targeting_vers : (yanny_par(hdr, 'robostrategy_run'))[0], $
observation_id : long((yanny_par(hdr, 'observation_id'))[0]), $
fieldid : long((yanny_par(hdr, 'field_id'))[0]), $
MJD : long((yanny_par(hdr, 'MJD'))[0]), $
@@ -627,6 +666,9 @@ function readFPSobsSummary, plugfile, robomap, stnames, mjd, hdr=hdr, $
robomap[where(strtrim(robomap.objtype,2) EQ 'sky_boss')].objtype = 'SKY'
robomap[where(strtrim(robomap.program,2) EQ 'ops_std')].objtype = 'SPECTROPHOTO_STD'
+ robomap = get_survey(robomap)
return, robomap
diff --git a/pro/spec2d/readplugmap.pro b/pro/spec2d/readplugmap.pro
index 892d20e5..29c077df 100644
--- a/pro/spec2d/readplugmap.pro
+++ b/pro/spec2d/readplugmap.pro
@@ -143,16 +143,16 @@ function readplugmap, plugfile, spectrographid, plugdir=plugdir, savdir=savdir,
fibermask = [-100]
foreach pf, plugfile do begin
fits_fibermap = FILE_TEST(mapfits_name)
+ create=0
if (not fits_fibermap) then begin
splog, 'No fits fiber map exists: '+mapfits_name
endif else begin
fits_info, mapfits_name, EXTNAME=fibermaps_names, /SILENT
- map_ext = where(fibermaps_names EQ pf)
- if map_ext ne -1 then begin
+ map_ext = where(fibermaps_names EQ file_basename(pf), ct)
+ if ct NE 0 then begin
splog, 'Reading fits fiber map extension for '+pf+' from '+mapfits_name
- fibermap = mrdfits(mapfits_name, pf, hdr1,/silent)
+ fibermap = mrdfits(mapfits_name, file_basename(pf), hdr1,/silent)
plugmap = [plugmap, fibermap]
hdr = [hdr, fits_to_yanny_hdr(hdr1),'cut']
fibermask = [fibermask, fibermap.fibermask, -100]
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ function readplugmap, plugfile, spectrographid, plugdir=plugdir, savdir=savdir,
endif else begin
- euler, ra_field, dec_field, ll_field, bb_field, 1
+ euler, ra_field[0], dec_field[0], ll_field, bb_field, 1
if abs(bb_field) lt 15 then gaiaext = 1
diff --git a/pro/spec2d/spplan1d.pro b/pro/spec2d/spplan1d.pro
index 79f7701d..7fbe021b 100644
--- a/pro/spec2d/spplan1d.pro
+++ b/pro/spec2d/spplan1d.pro
@@ -383,6 +383,7 @@ pro spplan1d, topdir=topdir1, run2d=run2d1, $
indx = where((allexp.flavor EQ 'science' OR allexp.flavor EQ 'smear'))
if (indx[0] NE -1) then begin
spexp = allexp[indx]
+ planlist = planlist[indx]
endif else begin
spexp = 0
@@ -402,9 +403,11 @@ pro spplan1d, topdir=topdir1, run2d=run2d1, $
junk = where(RM_fields eq fld ,ct)
- epc=1000;this number force to coadd during all the pluggin mapname
+ ;epc=10000;this number force to coadd during all the pluggin mapname
+ epc=1 ; only coadd single night
if ct gt 0 then epc=3
+ planlist_org=planlist
while stop_loop eq 0 do begin
indx_ep = where(spexp.mjd lt min(spexp.mjd)+epc)
@@ -416,7 +419,8 @@ RM_fields=[]
; Determine the 2D plan files that are relevant
- planlist1 = planlist[indx]
+ ; planlist1 = planlist[indx]
+ planlist1 = planlist[indx_ep]
;planlist1 = planlist1[qmjd]
;print, planlist1u
@@ -426,11 +430,14 @@ RM_fields=[]
foreach runmjd, mjd do begin
- nind=where(spexp.mjd EQ mjd)
- runspexp=[runspexp,spexp[nind]]
- planlist1f=[planlist1f,planlist1[nind]]
+ nind=where(spexp.mjd EQ mjd,ct)
+ if ct ne 0 then begin
+ runspexp=[runspexp,spexp[nind]]
+ planlist1f=[planlist1f,planlist1[nind]]
+ endif
- planlist1=planlist1f[0]
+ if n_elements(planlist1f) eq 0 then goto, NoMatch
+ planlist1=planlist1f[0]
if (keyword_set(mjstart) AND keyword_set(mjend) AND qmjd) then begin
nind=where((spexp.mjd LE mjend) and (spexp.mjd GE mjstart))
@@ -464,7 +471,7 @@ RM_fields=[]
mjdstr = string(thismjd, format='(i05.5)')
outdir = concat_dir(topdir, fielddir)
planfile = 'spPlancomb-' + fieldstr + '-' + mjdstr + '.par'
- print, planfile
+ ;print, planfile
; Create keyword pairs for plan file
hdr = ''
@@ -489,6 +496,7 @@ RM_fields=[]
; Write output file
spawn, 'mkdir -p ' + outdir
+ ; struct_print, spexp
fullplanfile = djs_filepath(planfile, root_dir=outdir)
qexist = keyword_set(findfile(fullplanfile))
if (qexist) then begin
@@ -501,13 +509,17 @@ RM_fields=[]
splog, 'Writing plan file ', fullplanfile
yanny_write, fullplanfile, ptr_new(spexp), hdr=hdr, stnames='SPEXP'
+ NoMatch:
if max(spexp_org.mjd) eq max(spexp.mjd) then begin
endif else begin
indx_ep = where(spexp_org.mjd gt max(spexp.mjd))
- if (indx_ep[0] NE -1) then spexp = spexp_org[indx_ep]
+ if (indx_ep[0] NE -1) then begin
+ spexp = spexp_org[indx_ep]
+ planlist=planlist_org[indx_ep]
+ endif
diff --git a/pro/spec2d/uubatchpbs.pro b/pro/spec2d/uubatchpbs.pro
index ff7c2e30..53fb1c17 100644
--- a/pro/spec2d/uubatchpbs.pro
+++ b/pro/spec2d/uubatchpbs.pro
@@ -414,7 +414,6 @@ pro uubatchpbs, platenums1, topdir=topdir1, run2d=run2d1, run1d=run1d1, $
nplate = n_elements(planlist)
if (nplate EQ 0) then begin
splog, 'No plan files found'
@@ -547,8 +546,15 @@ pro uubatchpbs, platenums1, topdir=topdir1, run2d=run2d1, run1d=run1d1, $
platefile = 'spField-'+platemjd+'.fits'
; Track the beginning and ending MJD going into this plate
- mjd_beg[iplate] = min(strmid(planfile2d,14,5))
- mjd_end[iplate] = max(strmid(planfile2d,14,5))
+ plan2dfile = file_basename(planfile2d,'.par')
+ if n_elements(planfile2d) gt 1 then begin
+ mjd_beg[iplate]=min(((strsplit(plan2dfile,'-',/extract)).ToArray())[*,2])
+ mjd_end[iplate]=max(((strsplit(plan2dfile,'-',/extract)).ToArray())[*,2])
+ endif else begin
+ mjd_beg[iplate] = min(((strsplit(plan2dfile,'-',/extract)))[2])
+ mjd_end[iplate] = max(((strsplit(plan2dfile,'-',/extract)))[2])
+ endelse
; Split the combine plan file name into a directory and file name
planfilecomb = fileandpath(planlist[iplate], path=pathcomb)
@@ -678,11 +684,17 @@ pro uubatchpbs, platenums1, topdir=topdir1, run2d=run2d1, run1d=run1d1, $
endif else begin
spreduce2d_keys = spreduce2d_keys +' /plates,'
rm_combine_keys = rm_combine_keys +' /plates,'
- if keyword_set(MWM_fluxer) then $
+ if keyword_set(MWM_fluxer) then begin
spreduce2d_keys = spreduce2d_keys +' /MWM_fluxer,'
rm_combine_keys = rm_combine_keys +' /MWM_fluxer,'
+ endif
- endif
+ endif else begin
+ if keyword_set(MWM_fluxer) then begin
+ spreduce2d_keys = spreduce2d_keys +' /MWM_fluxer,'
+ rm_combine_keys = rm_combine_keys +' /MWM_fluxer,'
+ endif
+ endelse
for i=0, n_elements(planfile2d)-1 do begin