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Releases: sdss/lvmgort

GORT 0.2.2

23 Jul 17:56
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🚀 New

  • Added the testcal calibration sequence.

✨ Improved

  • Updated the calibrations section in the documentation.
  • Prevent multiple devices reconnecting to RabbitMQ at the same time.
  • Set the OBJECT header keyword in spectrograph exposures.
  • Telescopes keep track of whether they have been homed.
  • Telescopes will move to park automatically when trying to open or close the dome.

🔧 Fixed

  • Fixed an issue that would cause object exposures to be taken as biases.
  • Fixed progress bar being affected by stdout and logs by setting the same rich Console object for logs and progress bars.
  • Fixed accessing the configuration from an Exposure object.

GORT 0.2.1

19 Jul 21:01
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✨ Improved

  • SpectrographSet.expose() now accepts a count parameters to expose multiple frames.
  • The parameter flavour for SpectrographSet.expose() is not explicitely exposed and documented.
  • SpectrographSet.calibrate() accepts a slew_telescopes parameters. Whether the telescopes are slewed is also determined by the type of calibrations to take.
  • Various improvements to the calibration schema. flavour, warmup, and the fibsel parameters now have defaults in the configuration file to which the calibration routine will revert to. If fibsel: true, a default mask iteration will be performed. Both darks and lamps now accept exposure_time which can be a float or a list of floats.

🏷️ Changed

  • SpectrographSet.calibrate() does not park the telescope by default.

⚙️ Engineering

  • Progress bars are now transient.

GORT 0.2.0

18 Jul 21:35
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🚀 New

  • Added support for spectrograph IEBs.
  • Added SpectrographSet.get_calibration_sequence().`
  • Added initialise`` (init) and abort`` methods for the spectrographs.

✨ Improved

  • #4 Use the rich library for status bars. It provides better style and works better with stdout and logger outputs.
  • Expose various parameters in Gort.observe_tile().
  • Various fixes and additional routes for the websockets server.
  • Allow to pass a calibration sequence as a dictionary, and validate against JSON schema.
  • Avoid having all MoTan devices moving at once by introducing a delay.

⚙️ Engineering

  • Update `unclick`` to 0.1.0b5.
  • Use the rich library logger but customise it to look like the usual console formatter.
  • Allow to define the configuration file to use as $GORT_CONFIG_FILE.

GORT 0.1.1

14 Jul 22:08
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✨ Improved

  • Made the ScienceCoordinates.set_mf_pixel() method public.
  • Allow to set master frame pixel in ScienceCoordinates with xz tuple.
  • Added fibre_to_master_frame() transformation function.
  • Improve __repr__ for Tile and GortObserver.
  • Complete documentation for tiles, observing, and offsets.

GORT 0.1.0

14 Jul 16:56
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🚀 New

  • Initial versions. Bugs are likely but most features are functional.
  • DeviceSet classes for telescopes, AGs, guiders, enclosure, spectrographs, and NPS.
  • Tile, GortObserver classes to perform observations.
  • Kubernetes class to interact with the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Various tools and transformation functions.
  • Very preliminary websocket server.