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File metadata and controls

328 lines (246 loc) · 8.37 KB

R Wishlist

Things I wish base R could have

Table of Contents

New Functions


  • := = deconstruction operator
  • {var} <- obj = alternative deconstruction syntax
    • Should probably include global option deconstruction.overload with values "recycle", "start", and "end" to determine how unequal number of rhs/lhs elements should be treated.
{a} <- c(1)
{a, b} <- c(1, 2)

# default recycle
{a, b, x} <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# [1] 1 4
# [1] 2 5
  • <-> = compound assignment
# := is a valid but undefined infix operator.
# This implementation does not use a base R solution!

`:=` <- zeallot::`%<-%`

# I have only heard rumors of _'s validity,
# but have yet to see this applied.
# So, there is no way to implement a compound
# assignment operator with _.

# I chose <-> becuase I currently like it
# but thought mentioning _ was good.


These functions apply to (just about) any vector.

  • n_duplicated() = the number of duplicated elements (elements which are duplicates of some other element)
n_duplicated <- function (x, na.rm = FALSE, incomparables = FALSE, ...) {
    x <- if (na.rm) c(na.omit(x)) else x
    sum(duplicated(x, incomparables = incomparables, ...))


  • rep_each() = the each argument in rep() is not obvious from the docs; we already have rep_len(); see also rep() in new behavior
# Possible implementations

rep_each <- function (x, each) rep(x, each = each)

# Faster, from:
rep_each <- function(x, each) {
  if(each) {
    res <- matrix(x, nrow=each, ncol=length(x), byrow=TRUE)
    dim(res) <- NULL
  } else x[0]
  • rm_na() = remove NA placeholders in a vector; na.omit() returns a new class and attribute that is undesired in some context (i.e. printing).
# Possible implementation

rm_na <- function(x) c(na.omit(object = x))
  • index() -- index or normalize a vector (either to the min and max, or to the start
index <- function (x, method = "min-max") 
    x <- switch(method,
      `min-max` = {
        min_x <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE)
        max_x <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
        vapply(X = x,
               FUN = function(i) (i - min_x)/(max_x - min_x),
               FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))},
      start = {
        first_x <- x[1]  # assume first is start
        vapply(X = x,
               FUN = function(i) (i - first_x)/first_x, 
               FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
  • cumpct() -- cumulative percent (ascending - from smallest to largest)
cumpct <- function (x) {
  i <- order(x)
  j <- order(i)
  xi <- x[i]
  res <- cumsum(xi) / sum(xi)

d <- c(25, 10, 50, 15)
# [1] 0.50 0.10 1.00 0.25
  • nmax()/nmin() -- min/max with offset; can take first max, second max, etc
x <- c(2, 4, 3, 5)

nmax(x) # default 0 offset
# [1] 5
nmax(x, offset = 1)
# [2] 4


  • notNA() = compliment to
  • allNA() = are all elements NA?
  • noneNA() = compliment to allNA()
# Possible implementations

notNA  <- function (x) !
allNA  <- function (x) all( == TRUE)
noneNA <- function (x) all( == FALSE)
  • none() = compliment to all()
  • allFALSE() = opposite of all()
  • nor() = neither are TRUE; binary case of !all()/none()
# Possible implementations

none <- function(...) all(... != TRUE)
allFALSE <- function(...) all(... == FALSE)
nor <- function (x, y) all(x != TRUE, y != TRUE)

Dates And Time

  • is.POSIXct() = datetime equivalent to is.Date()
  • is.POSIXlt() = ...
  • is.POSIXt() = ...
# Possible implementations

is.POSIXct <- function (x) inherits(x, "POSIXct")
is.POSIXlt <- function (x) inherits(x, "POSIXlt")
is.POSIXt <- function (x) inherits(x, "POSIXt")


  • list_collapse(x, index) -- collapse a list's components by an index vector
# Possible implementations

l <- rep(list(1:3, 4:5), 2)

# -- Using split + lapply -- #
list_collapse <- function (x, index) {
    lapply(split(x, index), function (j) Reduce(append, j))

collapse_index1 <- rep(1:2, times = 2)
collapse_index2 <- rep(1:2, each = 2)

list_collapse(l, collapse_index1)
list_collapse(l, collapse_index2)

# -- Using tapply -- #

list_collapse2 <- function (x, index) tapply(x, index, function (j) Reduce(append, j))

list_collapse2(l, collapse_index1)
list_collapse2(l, collapse_index2)

# -- Inner function -- #
# The function function (j) Reduce(append, j) 
# is the real workhorse. Can test against using
# c in place of append. Also test list_collapse
# against list_collapse2.
# However, I have discovered that these are 
# merely curious re-discoveries of unlist().

list_collapse3 <- function (x, index) tapply(x, index, unlist)

list_collapse3(l, collapse_index1)
list_collapse3(l, collapse_index2)

# Alternatively, could allow conditional input
# rather than an index vector.


  • find_files(files, steps = 1L, path = ".") = find a vector of file names; would be useful when looking for an .Rproj file to call home
# Possible implementations

# This function takes no file names as input
# but it behaves similar to how find_files()
# would behave.
# Need to add a stop for the number of iterations.
find_rproj <- function(wd = getwd(), it = 1L) {
    found <- length(list.files(wd, pattern = "\\.Rproj")) == 1
    if (found) {  # Found it.
    } else if (wd == "." | grepl("\\:/", wd)) { # Stop if nothing found.
        warning("Could not find Rproj file.")
    } else if (it > 5L ) {  # Stop before things get out of control.
        warning("Could not find Rproj file.")
    } else {
        it <- it + 1L
        find_rproj(wd <- dirname(wd)) # Keep going
  • file_setdiff(x, y) = path distance between two file paths
    • possible spin-offs
      • file_intersect(x, y) = path in common between two file paths (hmmm)
      • file_union(x, y) = combined distinct file path (hmmm)
# Expected behavior

file_setdiff("some/file/path/here", "some/file")
#> [1] "path/here"

file_setdiff("some/file/path", "another/file/path")
#> [1] character(0)


  • lock() = lock object in current environment (taken from here)
lock <- function(x){
    env = parent.frame()

plop <- 12
plop <- 13

New Behavior

  • json.lock/.Gemfile for package version control (when needed).
  • An R launcher similar to Python's Windows launcher.
  • rep(x, ..., sort = FALSE) = sort the repitions; who can remember each?
  • dirname(path, steps = 1) = how many steps to go back?
    • steps should default to 1 (because that is the current behavior) and be limited by new option max.steps (default = 15)
  • list.files(path, recursive, direction = Inf) = control the depth and direction of recursion
    • allow files to be listed in both recursively forwards and backwards
    • control depth of recursion (default would be Inf)
  • setdiff(x = "some/file/path/here", y = "some/file") = allow setdiffing on file paths
    • would help determine path distance between two file paths
    • would be difficult to implement -- prefer file_setdiff() instead

Argument Order

New argument order of existing functions

  1. x should ALWAYS come first
  • Filter(x, f)
  • Reduce(x, f, init, accumulate = FALSE, right = FALSE)
  1. pattern should follow x; and fixed are more relevant than perl; also, see # 1
  • grep(x, pattern, = FALSE, value = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, invert = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE, perl = FALSE)
  • grepl(x, pattern, = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE, perl = FALSE)
  • gsub(x, pattern, replacement, = FALSE, fixed = FALSE, useBytes = FALSE, perl = FALSE)


Remove a function from base R

  • --OR-- as.symbol() = they are the exact same thing (identical(, as.symbol) # [1] TRUE); we only need one