Feel free to use the one you prefer: JAVA is IDE agnostic after all :)
This doc will be based on IntelliJ feel free to adapt for your IDE.
Required plugins:
- lombok
This project follow google java style guide: https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html
To ensure the code style is applied, mvn will automatically format the files at each execution.
You can if desired install the auto formatter in your IDE: https://github.com/google/google-java-format/blob/master/README.md#using-the-formatter
A few useful command lines to run before opening a PR (otherwise the CI will fail):
mvn com.spotify.fmt:fmt-maven-plugin:format
- Autofix java files so that they follow google code style
mvn license:format
- Autofix missing headers in files
If you want to run the project in pure CLI there is a Makefile
You can run:
make codestyle
make jar
make test
These are a convenient way to invoke some maven commands and bash scripts. But if you are familiar maven already, feel free to jump directly to maven general commands ;)