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Deploy this project to production 🚀

This project is deployed to production using:

Additionally, we use Sentry for error tracking and monitoring.

The choice of those services is based on the following criteria:

  • Easy to setup and deploy
  • Easy to use
  • Free tier


Sign up for a free Sentry account and create a new organization.

Setup for Nestjs server

  1. Create a new project with the type Express.

  2. Copy the DSN value from the Client Keys (DSN) and save it for later. It will be used to set the SENTRY_DSN environment variable in Railway. It will report any error that occurs in the Nestjs server.

Setup for Nextjs web app

  1. Create a new project with the type Next.js.

  2. Copy the DSN value from the Client Keys (DSN) and save it for later. It will ve used to set an environment variable called NEXT_PUBLIC_SENTRY_DSN and SENTRY_DSN in your vercel project in order to track issues on the client side, serverless functions and SSR.

Deploy your web app to Vercel

Click on the button below to deploy the web app to Vercel. This will create a new Vercel project and deploy the web app to it.

Deploy with Vercel

  1. Give the name of your project and click on the Create button. It will create a copy of the repository on your Github account.

  2. Go to your newly created github repository, clone it locally and execute the command npx nx@latest init on the root folder to initialize the workspace. Just press enter when this question is asked: ? Which of the following scripts are cacheable? (Produce the same output given the same input, e.g. build, test and lint usually are, serve and start are not). Select Yes for the Enable distributed caching to make your CI faster. This will update the nx.json file with your own accessToken.

  3. It's advised to add the following in your nx.json:

  "cacheableOperations": [
  1. Make sure that the defaultProject is set to web in the nx.json file.

  2. Update your packages with the command pnpm update.

  3. You can now push the changes to your remote github repository. If you get an error from husky about conflicting packages, check the logs for a solution.

  4. Head back to the Vercel project page. You will need to provide the following environment variables on the Configure Project card:

# Get this on the sentry dashboard from your Next.js project in${your-account}/projects/${your-project}/keys/
# Set temporally to an empty string
# Generate a RSA key pair and set the private key as the value of this env variable.
# You can use this command to generate your keys `ssh-keygen -t rsa -P "" -b 4096 -m PEM -f jwtRS256.key`
# Next use this command to extract your public key `ssh-keygen -e -m PEM -f jwtRS256.key >`
# You can then copy the content of the jwtRS256.key file and set it as the value of the NEXTAUTH_SECRET env variable

# Get those on the google developer console or skip by setting to an empty string

# Get those on the github developer console or skip by setting to an empty string
# Set to how many seconds you want the session to last
  1. Click on the Deploy button. It should deploy the web app to Vercel successfully and assign you a default domain. You can then go to the dashboard.

dashboard after creation

You should now be able to access your web app at the default domain provided by Vercel, here the default production domain is

Deploy Nestjs server + Postgres & Redis to

Click on the button below to deploy the Nestjs server app to Railway. This will create a new project and deploy the Nestjs Server app to it with Postgres database and a Redis database connected to it. You will need to provide the following environment variables:

Deploy on Railway

# Set temporally to an empty string. It will be updated later with the value from DATABASE_URL of the PostgresSQL database deployed on
# Get those on the alchemy dashboard for the respective networks (ethereum, polygon, arbitrum)
# Get this on the sentry dashboard from your Next.js project in${your-account}/projects/${your-project}/keys/
# Used to set CORS and only accept requests from your hasura endpoint. Set temporally to a dummy url. You will be able to get this on the hasura dashboard later
# Dockerfile used to deploy the Nestjs server app to
# Page number to get the crypto prices from the coingecko api for each platform (ethereum, polygon, arbitrum). If you want to get more tokens, you can increase this value but it's advised to set an API token for the coingecko sdk.

Your project should be deployed and look like this:

Your project should be deployed and look like this

  1. Head over to the settings and click on the cross to delete the Source Repo and confirm by clicking on the Disconnect button.
  2. You can delete the created repository on your Github account.
  3. Click on the Connect Repo button and select the repository created in the previous step.
  4. You can update the Watch Paths to:

This will avoid triggering a new deployment when you doesn't update code related to the nestjs-server.

  1. Go to the Variables tab and update the PRISMA_DATABASE_URL with the value of the DATABASE_URL environment variable of the Postgres database created in the previous step.
  2. This should trigger a new deployment of the Nestjs server app to You can check the logs by clicking on the View Logs button of the running deployment. Hopefully you should have a successful deployment in a few minutes 🎉.

Deploy your Hasura instance on Hasura Cloud and setup your databases

  1. Create a new project in Hasura Cloud
  2. Connect it to your repository on the Git Deploy tab with the following settings: Connect it to your repository on the 'Git Deploy' tab with the following settings
  3. Click on the Launch console button to open the Hasura console. Go to the Data tab and Create new Database tab. Create a new database with the neon service by clicking on the button Connect Neon Database. This will create a new Neon database and connect it to your Hasura project.
  4. Click on the Edit button next to the newly created database, rename it to default and update the Environment Variable field with HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL. Finalize by clicking on the Update connection button.
  5. Create an other connection to the Postgres database hosted in with the name prisma_nestjs_server and PRISMA_DATABASE_URL_HASURA as an Environment Variable. Finalize by clicking on the Connect Database button.
  6. You should now have 2 databases connected to your Hasura project. Don't worry about the 'Inconsistent state' warning. It's normal until you haven't fully setup the project. This should go away once all the migrations has been applied on both databases and you have correctly set the database URLs. You should have now have 2 databases connected to your Hasura project

Finalize the setup

At this point, you should have your web app deployed on Vercel, your Nestjs server app deployed on and your Hasura project deployed on Hasura Cloud but you need to connect them together.

Vercel integrations

  1. Install the Hasura integration and give it access to your Vercel project.

  2. Click on Configure, Select your hasura project and your vercel project

Select your hasura project and your vercel project

This will add those env variables to your vercel project with the right values:

  1. Install the Sentry integration and give it access to your Vercel project.

  2. Click on Configure, Select your sentry project and your vercel project

 Select your sentry project and your vercel project

This will add those env variables to your vercel project with the right values:


Configure your DNS

Because we are using Next Auth and there is no secure way to send the authentication cookies from the client to Hasura on a different domain (besides of configuring CORS) it's advised to use the same domain for both the web app and the Hasura project.

The easiest way to do this is to buy a domain in vercel to point to your project.

Once you have done that you will need to configure the DNS on your domain. In our case we are using as the domain we bought in vercel.

Warning ! You will need to adapt the DNS settings and subsequent URLs linking to the services with the domain of your choice.

Head over to the configuration page of your domain in the dns dashboard and add the following records:

  1. Setup the certificates for your domain
### Those are needed by Hasura to resolve the custom domain
CAA 0 issue ""
CAA 0 issue ""
  1. Go to Settings of your Hasura cloud project in the Domains tab and click on the New Custom Domain button.

  2. Type the subdomain you want to use for your Hasura project and click on the Add button. In our case we are using Keep the tab open as you will need to copy the Default Hasura Domain value as CNAME and check if the custom domain worked.

  3. Go back to the DNS configuration page of your domain and add the following records:

### This will create a subdomain for the hasura cloud instance, in our case it's that we link to the default domain provided by hasura
hasura CNAME

As a result, your Custom domain should be validated after a few minutes on the Domains tab of your Hasura Cloud project.

As a result, your Custom domain should be validated after a few minutes on the `Domains` tab of your Hasura Cloud project

  1. Go to the Railway dashboard, select your project, next your app and click on the Settings tab. Then click on the Custom Domain button. Type the subdomain you want to use for your Nestjs server app and click on the Add button. In our case we are using Keep the tab open as you will need to copy the default domain value as CNAME and check if the custom domain worked.

  2. Go back to the DNS configuration page of your domain and add the following records:

### This will create a subdomain for the nestjs server instance, in our case it's that we link to the default domain provided by Railway
nestjs-server CNAME

The result on Railway should look like this:

The result on Railway should look like this

Congrats ! You have now setup your DNS to point to your Hasura and Nestjs server instances as subdomains of your client app running in production.

Update your env variables on Railway, Hasura and Vercel

  1. Go to the Settings tab of your Railway app and update the HASURA_PROJECT_ENDPOINT env variable with the value corresponding to your hasura endpoint. In our case This will setup CORS on the nestjs-server to allow communication coming only from your hasura cloud server.

  2. Go to the Settings of your Hasura cloud project in the Env vars tab and enter/edit the following env variables:

### This is the CORS policy to accept connection only with the URL of the server app running on Railway and your client app running on Vercel + the Hasura cloud instance

### This is the JWT settings for Hasura to validate the JWT token sent by the client app. You will need to copy the public key from the rsa key pair you have generated in the previous step. Use this command to format correctly the "key" and paste it as a value surrounded with "" : `awk -v ORS='\\n' '1' | pbcopy`

    "key": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAlE9g9dr5yaq89gr4lnZ1\nyRb2DKisPhrVmAvVPTcXkFrOzQzJvuIVdnyojTxLOTokqP1tdijb72wPUWQaxuBu\nimIoQAQ2l1z/ovNLgzPQh/c2g8rC3Sq3O4sVgdZSErGGtKviHc++a3V/ZHJ45qJg\nrWposj05q8SHQufP6L6N+xu1wwi8CP9LxJh1gp/RnabPggPMRj09wV6unqcMuK/o\nhL6ycfgeTmVGlcCvULN/tncHw34sGnOBE3kQfghR0KRFGR2PwO4GnIknBebul0W7\n+hrUtlyi2fzP5WUn6n88BLu/2cd99sxOkbG9Gk8TMKb30vOb45ut7CWvt7oFfHow\n7wIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n",
    "header": {
        "name": "__Secure-next-auth.session-token",
        "type": "Cookie"
    "claims_map": {
        "x-hasura-username": {
            "path": "$.name",
            "default": ""
        "x-hasura-client-id": {
            "path": "$.clientId",
            "default": ""
        "x-hasura-role": {
            "path": "$.role",
            "default": ""
        "x-hasura-allowed-roles": [
        "x-hasura-default-role": "user",
        "x-hasura-user-id": {
            "path": "$",
            "default": ""
    "type": "RS256"

# This is the URL of the Nestjs server app running on Railway

# This is the postgresql url of your neon hosted database, you can find it in the neon dashboard or in the env already linked to your Hasura cloud project, NEON_DATABASE_URL

# This is the postgresql url of your database hosted in railway, you can find it in the railway dashboard in the env variables of your app

After this, Hasura should deploy with the updated variables and you shouldn't have issues of inconsistencies with metadata. If you do, you can try to reset the metadata by clicking on the Reload button in the Data tab of your Hasura cloud project console or try to redeploy.

  1. Go to the Settings tab of your Vercel project and update the following env variables
# This is the URL of your Hasura cloud graphql api, In our case it's
# be sure to set it to the subdomain of your client app running in production, otherwise your requests will not contain the session cookie containing the JWT token and you will not be able to get request from Hasura

# This is the URL of your client app running in production, In our case it's Set this variable only for production to avoid issues on other environments. The VERCEL_URL variable is automatically set by Vercel but it's safer to set it manually for production.

## OAuth providers you can use optionally to login to your app. Once set you will see the login buttons on the sign in page.
  1. Go to the Deployments tab of your Vercel project and redeploy your app.

Once done you should be able to access your app in production and login successfully !

You can check if everything is working by going to the Me page to receive your profile information from Hasura if you have signed up with Google/Github or with an email + password.

Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 11 08 44

The connection with a wallet should also work but no information is kept in the database.

To be sure the Nestjs server is working correctly, you can go to the Wallet page and enter a blockchain wallet address to query the balance. This will also create a websocket subscription to showcase the subscription channel feature of Hasura.

Screenshot 2022-12-16 at 11 07 46 (2)

Congrats 🎉🎉🎉 ! You have now setup your app in production with Hasura cloud, Railway and Vercel.