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An archetype, for ClojureScript projects, that requires only Maven.

Current 0.21-RELEASE



Why another ClojureScript build tool?

  • This isn't another build tool. It's a Maven archetype designed to put you in control.
    • Maven archetypes are just project stereotypes that make it easy for developers to create a new projects, patterned for a specific purpose.
    • So no plugins or proprietary command line tools required.
  • Java shops are notoriously rigid when asked to introduce new build mechanisms into their existing DevOps pipeline systems.
    • This archetype introduces no new tools. It's just a maven pom that fits neatly within a current Maven DevOps pipeline system.
  • Maven is an extremely mature, maintained, and tested dependency management ecosystem.
    • Maven already has dozens of dependency, build, packaging, and deployment management features. Why would you reinvent the wheel?

Goals for this Project

  • Just use Maven...ONLY Maven.
  • No plugins.
    • Plugins are sometimes not maintained or they don't do exacly what you want.
  • Avoid custom or proprietary command line tools if possible.
    • The Cognitect clj command line tool is great, but the Windows version has a lower priority than the versions for Mac and Linux.
    • There are a large number of consulting Java shops where Windows is the primary OS.
  • Avoid 'magic' jars, e.g. jars that are built and shared for download outside a standard maven build process.
    • You might be wondering why we don't use the Windows 'magic' jar on the ClojureScript site.
    • This jar was designed to allow developers to try out ClojureScript. It's not suitable for enterpise level development where dependencies need to be tracked and validated for security and licensing.

Open Source Software

  • God bless all open source contributors and projects.
  • I will NEVER criticize or complain about any open-source project...EVER!
    • Do you have any idea how expensive it is to create software?
  • The ClojureScript maintainers (@swannodette, @mfikes and the others) are nothing short of AWESOME!
  • I'm pretty sure most people don't know how good ClojureScript is.

Maven Uses XML for Configuration 😒

  • Okay - can we stop kicking XML around? Please?
  • XML gives you autocomplete in most development editors! 😲
  • Using XML is consistent with all the Maven documentation and will help you avoid configuration problems.
  • Creating a pom.edn feature is a non-goal for now but I might consider adding it in the future.
    • You can create a solution for yourself. It's certainly possible using the exec-maven-plugin.

Getting Started - Prerequisites

Getting Started - Using the Archetype

  • Navigate to your Maven based Java projects directory.
    • You should really designate a single directory on your computer that holds maven projects. I recommend C:/Users/<you>/Documents/Development/Java/projects (Windows 11). If on Mac or Linux, determine the equivalent for your OS.
  • Just run the following multi-line command at your OS command prompt (Wondows 11, adjust for your OS).
mvn archetype:generate ^
-DarchetypeGroupId=cloud.seltzer1717.clojure ^
-DarchetypeArtifactId=just-maven-clojurescript-archetype ^

The output looks something like this (it's interactive). If you say N at the <--- FINAL PROMPT --->, you can specify all the property values, including values for dependency versions as seen below:

C:\Users\blah\projects>mvn archetype:generate ^
More? -DarchetypeCatalog=local,remote ^
More? -DarchetypeGroupId=cloud.seltzer1717.clojure ^
More? -DarchetypeArtifactId=just-maven-clojurescript-archetype ^
More? -DarchetypeVersion=0.2-RELEASE
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------< org.apache.maven:standalone-pom >-------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]---------------------------------
[INFO] >>> maven-archetype-plugin:3.0.1:generate (default-cli) > generate-sources @ standalone-pom >>>
[INFO] <<< maven-archetype-plugin:3.0.1:generate (default-cli) < generate-sources @ standalone-pom <<<
[INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:3.0.1:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
[INFO] Generating project in Interactive mode
[INFO] Archetype repository not defined. Using the one from [cloud.seltzer1717.clojure:just-maven-clojurescript-archetype:0.2-RELEASE] found in catalog local
Define value for property 'groupId': com.example.fwap
Define value for property 'artifactId': cranberry-fizzy-juice
Define value for property 'version' 1.0-SNAPSHOT: : 
Define value for property 'package' com.example.fwap: : 
[INFO] Using property: clojure-version = 1.10.2
[INFO] Using property: clojurescript-version = 1.10.914
[INFO] Using property: commons-codec-version = 1.15
[INFO] Using property: core-async-version = 1.5.640
[INFO] Using property: maven-compiler-source = 17
[INFO] Using property: maven-compiler-target = 17
Confirm properties configuration:
groupId: com.example.fwap
artifactId: cranberry-fizzy-juice
version: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
package: com.example.fwap
clojure-version: 1.10.2
clojurescript-version: 1.10.914
commons-codec-version: 1.15
core-async-version: 1.5.640
maven-compiler-source: 17
maven-compiler-target: 17
<--- FINAL PROMPT --->
 Y: : Y
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Using following parameters for creating project from Archetype: just-maven-clojurescript-archetype:0.2-RELEASE
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: com.example.fwap
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: cranberry-fizzy-juice
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value: com.example.fwap
[INFO] Parameter: packageInPathFormat, Value: com/example/fwap
[INFO] Parameter: clojure-version, Value: 1.10.2
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value: com.example.fwap
[INFO] Parameter: core-async-version, Value: 1.5.640
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value: com.example.fwap
[INFO] Parameter: maven-compiler-target, Value: 17
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: cranberry-fizzy-juice
[INFO] Parameter: clojurescript-version, Value: 1.10.914
[INFO] Parameter: commons-codec-version, Value: 1.15
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] Parameter: maven-compiler-source, Value: 17
[INFO] Project created from Archetype in dir: C:\blah\projects\cranberry-fizzy-juice
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  04:12 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2021-12-16T16:18:29-08:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following directory structure is created for you cranberry-fizzy-juice (the artifactId you specified) project:

|   clj.bat
|   cljs.bat
|   cljs_help.txt
|   pom.xml
|   +---opts
|   |       compile_opts.edn
|   |       compile_test_opts.edn
|   |       compile_repl_opts.edn
|   |       repl_opts.edn
|   |
|   \---scripts
|           cljs.clj
|           compile.clj
    |   +---clojurescript
    |   |   \---com
    |   |       \---example
    |   |           \---fwap
    |   |                   core.cljs
    |   |
    |   \---resources
    |           required_for_test.txt
        |   \---com
        |       \---example
        |           \---fwap
        |                   core_test.cljs
        |                   test_suite.cljs

Compiling, Testing, and Running ClojureScript

Maven is initiated with the mvn CLI command. Navigate to your artifactId folder (e.g. cranberry-fizzy-juice)

Starting a Clojure REPL

  • mvn exec:java@clj

Starting a ClojureScript REPL

  • mvn exec:java@cljs-repl

Compiling ClojureScript source main

  • mvn exec:java@cljs-compile

Compiling ClojureScript source tests

  • mvn exec:java@cljs-test-compile

Running ClojureScript tests

  • mvn exec:java@cljs-test

Running ClojureScript from node

  • node (run mvn clean install first)
Welcome to Node.js v16.13.1.
Type ".help" for more information.
  • .help
> .help
.break    Sometimes you get stuck, this gets you out
.clear    Alias for .break
.editor   Enter editor mode
.exit     Exit the REPL
.help     Print this help message
.load     Load JS from a file into the REPL session
.save     Save all evaluated commands in this REPL session to a file

Press Ctrl+C to abort current expression, Ctrl+D to exit the REPL
  • .load target/js/index.js
> .load target/js/index.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
if(typeof Math.imul == "undefined" || (Math.imul(0xffffffff,5) == 0)) {
    Math.imul = function (a, b) {
            var ah  = (a >>> 16) & 0xffff;
                    var al = a & 0xffff;
                            var bh  = (b >>> 16) & 0xffff;
                                    var bl = b & 0xffff;
                                            // the shift by 0 fixes the sign on the high part
                                                    // the final |0 converts the unsigned value into a signed value
                                                            return ((al * bl) + (((ah * bl + al * bh) << 16) >>> 0)|0);

                                                                var path = require("path");
                                                                try {
                                                                    } catch(err) {
                                                           = {"cljs.core._STAR_target_STAR_":"nodejs"};

> com.example.fwap.core.reverso("halb");

Maven Can Be Verbose - Running Maven in 'quiet' Mode

  • mvn -q exec:java@clj
  • mvn -q exec:java@cljs-repl
  • mvn -q exec:java@cljs-compile
  • mvn -q exec:java@cljs-test-compile
  • mvn -q exec:java@cljs-test

Execution as Part of Maven Lifecycle

  • mvn clean install
    • Cleans (removes target folder)
    • Compiles source main code
    • Compiles source test code
    • Runs tests
    • installs (does nothing - see AWS Lambda archetype (coming soon) for creating output artifacts)
    • Can also run 'quietly' mvn -q clean install

Too Many Key Strokes

  • Create shell scripts
  • clj.bat starts a Clojure REPL
  • cljs.bat runs cljs.main with any arguments you provide
  • Create your own.

How it Works - Project Directory Structure, Config, Scripts, and pom.xml

Exec Maven Plugin

  • ClojureScript compilation is Google Closure compilation which is a Java process.
  • The ClojureScript dependency jar doesn't compile cljs.main and other cljs namespaces to classes.
    • We'll leverage Clojure to run ClojureScript instead.
  • The exec-maven-plugin let's you run java code in the same thread as the regular Maven JVM process (mvn ...).
  • This means we can use Clojure to compile ClojureScript.
  • The archetype uses the standard Maven ClojureScript dependency so the process is still pure Maven dependency management.

The .clojure Directory

  • opts directory
    • The opts directory holds the EDN options files that the ClojureScript cljs.main namespace will use.
    • There are 4 EDN config files, compile_opts.edn (compile regular source), compile_test_opts.edn (compile tests), compile_repl_opts.edn (REPL compile), and repl_opts.edn (REPL specific config that is not compiler specific config).
  • scripts directory
    • The scripts directory holds the Clojure scripts which are used to execute the ClojureScript cljs.main function, the entry point for all ClojureScript compilation, testing, and REPL initiation.
    • There are 2 scripts initially. The first (cljs.clj) is a generic script useful for any cljs.main initiation including REPLs. The second (compile.clj) is specific to compilation.
    • You can create your own as needed although you'll find it's better just to use these and create exec:java executions in the pom.xml.
      • There are occaisions when you'll want to create your own script.

Let's Look at compile_opts.edn

{:main          "com.example.fwap.core"
 :output-dir    "target/js"
 :output-to     "target/js/index.js"
 :optimizations :none
 :target        :nodejs}
  • Options used in the compile_opts.edn file initially set by the archetype.
    • :main defines the entry point namespace for node execution.
    • :output-dir defines where generated js files will be written.
    • :output-to defines the name of the js file which is the load target for noad and, in turn, loads cljs, goog, and others.
      • Regular node moduless will be written to the root node_modules folder.
    • :optimizations defines the level of optimizations the Google Closure compile will execute.
      • For node applications , it's best just to leave this as :none
    • :target defines which ecosystem Google Closure will target during compilation.
  • See for details on both compiler and REPL options.

Let's Look at the cljs.clj Script

  • Notice that this is Clojure, not ClojureScript.
  • ClojureScript compilation is executed through Clojure.
;; Require cljs.main
(require '(cljs [main :as m]))

;; Call main.
(apply m/-main *command-line-args*)

;; When ClojureScript REPL ends, exit Clojure
(if (= "--REPL"
    (last *command-line-args*))
    (System/exit 0))

  • This Clojure script file is designed to be generic and, as such, includes the last section which just executes Clojure after executing the ClojureScript REPL if cljs.main was called with the main option of --repl .
  • The compile.clj script file is exactly the same as the cljs.clj file except that it doesn't check for REPL exection.

Let's Look at the pom.xml File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">



        <!-- Excluding Clojure dependency and updating version below. -->
        <!-- Vulnerability in current Clojurescript with commons-codec version. Excluding and adding higher version below -->
    <!-- Adding to support core.async node processing. -->

            <?m2e ignore?>
            <?m2e ignore?>
            <?m2e ignore?>


  • This is just a standard Maven project.
  • We have the standard Maven coordinates.
    • groupId
    • artifactId
    • version
  • Notice the packaging is pom and not jar. A ClojureScript project does not fall neatly into standard packaging like jar. Clojure, on the other hand, does. pom packaging allows us to create ClojureScript packaging during the Maven project lifecycle.
  • Almost everything is defined as a property in the properties section. This makes it easier to change versions, paths, main namespaces in one place, rather than having to search the entire pom.xml file to make an update.
  • The dependencies start with ClojureScript.
    • Note that the Clojure sub-dependency is excluded. This is to include the most recent version of Clojure.
    • We also exclude commons-codec. The existing version used by ClojureScript has a known vulnerability so I load a more recent version to avoid the vulnerability.
      • Isn't Maven great? You can correct vulnerabilities yourself.
  • Next we have the Clojure dependency which replaces the one ClojureScript pulls in.
  • Then commons-codec with a new verion which fixes the vulnerability.
  • Then core.async to support asynchronous JavaScript.

The Maven build Section

  • pluginManagement is generally only needed if you'll use the pom.xml file as a parent pom for another project or plugins section of current pom.
    • It defines the coordinates for the build plugins that will be used, including the versions, but does not have the specific build configurations that we'll discuss below.
    • Note we have the exec-maven-plugin that makes the archetype possible. More below.
  • The plugins section appears, initially, to be a copy of what is in the pluginManagement section but it's not. In the plugins section we'll provide more detail for builds, tests, and packaging.

The exec-maven-plugin Plugin

  • It allows projects to leverage their own compile, test, packaging, and deployment actions (or phases). Phases are how Maven defines project activities. See for more about the Maven Build Lifecycle.
  • The plugin defines a set of executions which can be called directly or associated to a Maven build phase.
  • An execution can have an id which names the execution for the Maven's command line or a phase can be added which is triggered by the Maven lifecycle.
  • The configuration sections configure the execution including classpath, system properties, command line arguments and more.
  • The exec-maven-plugin has two possible goals, java or exec. We use the jova goal only in this project. It allows us to execute our own Java code as part of the Maven build process. The exec plugin let's you execute any arbitrary program in a separate process.
  • You can review the details of the exec-maven-plugin here

The clj Execution

  • This execution is purely for initiating Clojure. In fact, if executed directly, will start a Clojure, REPL as that's the default for clojure.main.
    • clojure.main is the code that runs for all the executions.
  • In this case we're just adding the ClojureScript source directory to the classpath.
    • The exec-maven-plugin will automatically add the source main, source test, source main output, and source test output folders to the classpath. For ClojureScript, compilation folders are defined separately in the EDN compile files so we don't define them in to pom.xml file.
      • This avoids issues with the ClojureScript compiler when compiling main vs. test code.
  • The commandlineArgs element allows this execution to use clojure.main with arguments from the maven command line, perhaps passed in a batch (shell) script. See below.

The cljs-repl Execution

  • This execution starts the cljs REPL.
  • As above, just adds the ClojureScript source to the classpath just like the clj execution.
  • The arguments section is where we start leveraging the CLJS compiler:
    • --compile-opts sets the edn file holding the compiler options for the cljs REPL.
    • --repl-opts sets the edn file holding the REPL options.
    • --repl-env sets the target environment for the REPL. In this case, node.
    • --repl which is the single main option which starts the cljs REPL.n
  • The compile option is needed because using the REPL will need compilation as well. It also makes sure that compiled files for regular compilation, test compilation, and REPL compilation are kept separate.
  • There are no --repl-opts defined by default. You can review the set of possible options here and a more complete set of options here

The cljs-compile Execution

  • The cljs-compile execution compiles your ClojureScript source. This archetype is specifically for node development. Node execution is generally not focused on the size of the build artifacts as they are not pushed to clients, just to servers.
    • --compile-opts sets compiler options just as above.
    • --target sets runtime target
    • --compile is tha main option - compilation
    • The last argument tells the ClojureScript compiler to use a specific namespace as the entry point namespace.
    • Notice the <?m2e ignore?> tag. This is added to prevent a eclipse-m2e warning when it sees the phase tag.
      • This is the recommendation from Eclipse.

The cljs-test-compile Execution

  • This execution is almost identical to the cljs-compile execution except that it is focused on compiling tests rather than the regular source code.
  • compile-opts keep test generated JavaScript in it's own folder.
  • This execution is also associated to the compile phase.
    • This make sense. When a Java maven project is built, the source and test code are compiled during the compile phase.

The cljs-test Execution

  • This execution is designed to run the ClojureScript tests.
  • It uses the initial options of --compile-opts and --target. And it uses the --main main option.
  • This --main option passes a cljs namespace to execute. In this case the test suite namespace.

General Archetype for node Projects

  • This archetype is for plain node projects.
  • There are other cloud.seltzer1717 archetypes you might find useful:
    • just-maven-clojure-archetype for Clojure projects
  • The idea is for YOU to customize your own pom.xml file in a way that best suites your needs.